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Q2 Q3 4 Q6 Time: 35 Min. M.M.: 39 CPP. No- 9. ‘A homogeneous chain of length /and massm hangs parily rom a table ands held in equilibrium by the force offiiction. Find the coefficient of static fiction iit is known that the greatest length ofthe chain that canbe hanging ftom the able without the whole chain slippingis /, BI ua ae En wy ORT o> OR Astudent is calculating the thickness ofa single sheet of paper. She measures the thickness ofa stack of 80 sheets with vernier calipers, and finds the thickness to be /= 1.27 em. To calculate the thickness of single sheet she divides the total thickness of sheets with number of sheets. Which of the following ‘answer has the correct nuinber of significant digits? BI (A)0.15875mm = (B)0.159mm ()0.16mm (D)02mm An aeroplane moves along horizontal line AB as shown in figure. Choose correct option about wind velocity BI B a (A) wind may not be moving at all (B) wind maybe moving ineast direction (C)windmaybe moving in north direction _(D) wind maybe moving in west direction Paragraph for question nos. 4 to 5 Once upona time in the Lush Green romantic village of the punjab, there were two lovers : Soni and Mahiwal. They were in deep love but the society was against them as they belonged to different communities. So they had to meet secretly. Soni and Mahiwal are living on the same side of river bank 3, kam apart. The river flows with a velocity of 2.5 km/hr and is 3 km wide. Both of them havea boat each, ‘which can travel with the velocity of 5 knvhr in still water. On the first day. both of them decide to meet ‘on the same bank as they live. They start at the same time, Soni travels upstream and Mahiwal travels downstream to meet each other, Ou the second day they decide to cross the river and meet on the other side of the bank. Mahiwal rows the boat at an angle of 90° toriver flow. ‘Mahal Soni Tim ‘Whats the time for which they row the boat till they meet on the first day BI (A) 18min. (30min. (225 min. (D)36min, On the second day, whats the angle at which Soni should row the boat (wrt river flow) to reach the same point as Mahiwal on the other bank. BI (ayisse (By127° jus () 120° ‘To give trance astronauts experience at fecling weightless, NASA has the insides of large planes re- moved. How cana plane be flown so thas an acceleration of 9.8 ms vertically down for some time? (A) vertically up with decreasing speed. 4] (B) ona parabolic path with a constant speed (C)onaparabotie path with increasing speed while moving upwards and decreasing speed when mov- ingdownwards (D) ona parabolic path with decreasing speed while moving upwards and increasing speed when mov- ing downwards PAGE

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