The Sanctuary of Dan8 14-Shamaya Murray

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Northern Caribbean University

College of Natural and Applied Sciences Allied Health and Nursing

Department of Medical Technology


Assignment Presented for the
Partial Fulfillment of the Course
RELB201: Daniel (A)

Presented by
Shamaya Murray / ID #: 28120661
Presented to
Wayne Davidson

July 25, 2016

Daniel chapter 2 sets the stage for chapter 8, it continues the trend of chapter 2 and 7 but this
time it speaks about the cleansing of the sanctuary which is recorded on the 14th verse of Daniel
8. The dominant question of the topic is which sanctuary that the author was referring to.

The focal point of this paper is Daniel 8:14, And he said unto me, unto two thousand and three
hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. (Dan 8:14). Now this paper seek to identify
what is this sanctuary mentioned in the above text, Daniel 8:14, where it is and the 2300 days.
Now lets start with the biblical history of this chapter, it begins with Daniel having a vision of a
ram and a goat and a horn. The ram had two long horns; however the one that immerge last was
longer than the first. The ram that had two horns, the two horns were long, but one that came up
last was longer than the first and it went from westward, northward and southward no other beast
could stand, before him no one could save. In the interpretation given to Daniel, this represented
Medo-Perisa, and this nation would become great. The vision continues with a goat which came
from the west and he did not touch the ground and had an eye in his fore head. This is said to
represents Greece. And then the he goat in angry attack and defeat the ram goat, this represents
Greece overturn Medo-Perisa. then another little horn grew in power to the south and to the east
and towards the land and it excellence in everything that it did and his sanctuary was thrown
down , then Daniel heard a holy voice speaking to him and it said unto him It will take 2,300
evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be cleansed. (Dan 8:14). Firstly is this text
referring to a heavily sanctuary or a earthly sanctuary, the sanctuary referred to in Daniel 8:14 is
indeed the heavily sanctuary
The Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Dictionary,1960 little horn p in chapter at
the close of the specified period of time the sanctuary is cleansed of the transgression of
the desolation erected in it by the little horn. In chapter 9:26, 27 the same power enters
the glorious land. SDAs teach that the sanctuary cleansed in 8:14 is not the

Jerusalem sanctuary mentioned in 8:11; 9:17 or 9:26. However, the nearest, only,
previous time the word sanctuary appears prior to Daniel 8:13 is 8:11.Therefore
8:11sould be the logical context of the question of 8:13 and the answer to 8:14. Most
Christians teach that the sanctuary of 8:8-14 is the Jerusalem temple which had been
defiled by the little horn, Antiochus Epiphanies in 167 B.CSDAs change to teach
that the sanctuary of 8:14 is the one in heaven(Kelly 2005. pg32-33 )
It is important for one to think and analyze the key point of Daniel chapter 8 is actually verse 14
and one should not miss what Daniel was referring to. Clifford Goldstein makes a valid point
when he states, taken literally, 2300 days comes to six years, three months, and twenty days.
How could this time prophecy be literal and cover all these events, meaning the kingdoms given
in vision of Daniel, namely Media-Persia, Greece, and the Roman empire. He continues,
Therefore, it must be using the day-year principle, which covers over two millennia, enough to
span all the events. Without the day-year principle, the prophecy makes no sense. Also though
the prophecy starts out with nations that go back thousands of years, Daniel was told that the
vision was for the time of the end. Obviously, any time frame involved must cover much than
six years in order to bring the prophecy from thousands in the past into the time of the end.
Without the day-year principle, the prophecy could not extend that far. Here, too, the day-year
principle solves the problem. (Goldstein, 1988, Pg.77).

Should be a blocked reference

(more than four lines)

In the Leviticus account of the sanctuary, the processes and the events that were given to the
priests to follow were the exact procedures that were to follow on the heavenly sanctuary,
including the Day of Atonement. This was basically defines at the day when the sanctuary is to
be cleansed. Here, in the account, Daniel 8:14, Daniel was not referring to the earthly but the
heavenly sanctuary that that was shown to Moses in exodus 25:8-9 And let them make me a
sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the

tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. So the 2300
days prophecy, that began in 457 B.C. and ends in 1844 marks the starting of the cleansing of the
sanctuary or the beginning of judgment that Daniel 8:14 is talking about. The events of the 2300
days prophecy entails many events but some events that mostly stand out and lead us to
determine that the sanctuary mentioned in Daniel 8:14 is the heavenly sanctuary are the

Fact check!

crucifixion of Jesus which put a end to the traditionally sacrificial system, which there means
that the sanctuary upon earth was no longer this 2300 day prophecy ended when Stephen was
This chapter shows that we are currently living in the hour of judgment or the
great Day of Atonement in the Heavenly Sanctuary. At the close of chapter 8, Daniel did
not fully understand the vision, Daniel understood the cleansing of the sanctuary, [that
was connected with the day of Atonement], but he didnt understand the significance of
the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14. While Daniel was alive, there was no earthly sanctuary that
could be ceased, because Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed that place of worship in
Jerusalem. ( Fortsch 1957 pg. 234)
To further validate this idea that Daniel 8:14 dealing with a judgment we can look at the
comments of Adventist scholar Jacques B. Doukhan who states,
According to the parallelism between the two chapters, meaning chapters 7 and
8, the event described in chapter 8 as cleansing, (or reconsecration) of the sanctuary
would then correspond to the Day of Judgment in chapter 7. Significantly, the Septuagint
translate this term with the Greek word katharisai (to purify), a technical word used to
refer to Kippur. The great Jewish commentator Rashi also suggests that we should read
this passage in the context of the Day of Atonement (Doukhan, 1984 pg. 127).
In conclusion, Daniel 8:14 is one of the Bible texts that a lot of questions raise in the minds of
our 21st century researchers, but it can be concluded that the sanctuary mentioned in Daniel 8:14
is in heaven and not on earth, as the sanctuary on earth was destroyed long before Daniel was
given this vision. There many views that the different denominations embrace, but as for the
Seventh-day Adventist church, they believe that 1844 marks the beginning of an investigative

Fact check!

judgment that takes place. The evidence that vindicate the doctrine of the investigative judgment
which starts in 1844 is overwhelming. If one wants to be honest, has to admit that by matching
scripture upon scripture and line upon line none can escape the reality of the present judgment
taking place in heaven.

Decent paper, couple facts in

yellow needs your attention.


Anderson, J. (2003). Investigating the Judgement. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald
Publishing Association.
Clifford Goldstein, 1844 Made Simple, (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1988) 77
Fortsch, C. (2006). Daniel Understating the Dreams and Vision. Anahim, Canada: Prophecy
Jacques B. Doukhan, Secrets of Daniel, (Hagerstown: Review and Herald Publishing
Association, 1984), 127.
Kelly, R. E. (2005). Exposing Seventh-Day Adventism. Lincoln, New York: 32-33

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