My Discussion of Ex. 2

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Discussion: Mona Albawab U00038472

In this experiment our aim was to do calibration of a common type of pressure gauge which is Borden
tube pressure gauge, so first of all we have to know what is the meaning of calibration and why do
we need it, and then discuss the results obtained after conducting the experiment.
Calibration is the process of checking the accuracy of a measuring instrument by comparing
the results obtained from it with a standard. It may also include adjustment of the instrument
to bring it into alignment with the standard.
Why do we need calibration of instruments?
Because all measuring instruments and pressure gauge one of them have the tendency of wear over
time and they become less accurate because of long term usage ( or unusage), or sometimes
because of bad using .
For our results, we did the calibration one time by increasing the load on the piston of the
gauge, and other by decreasing the load gradually. By doing this we calculate the average
gauge reading and compare it with the actual pressure. The following results were observed :
We observe that the average error which is the difference between the average gauge
reading and the actual pressure was increasing as the mass added to the piston. This
error was ranges between 0.36 and about 10.7.
On the other hand, the error of full scale was ranges between 0.18% and 5.35%, which
gives an indication about the level of uncertainty of the gauge provided to us to
calibrate it on our lab.
The values of the relative error in the cases of increasing and decreasing the load were
deviate from each other slightly. In general, this error was less in the case of loading. It
ranges between around 6.9 % and 6.23%.
In general, we observe that the values obtained experimentally which is the average
gauge readings were close to an acceptable extends to the actual pressure, this gives us
an indication about the certainty of the gauge of our lab, and to which level it loses its
accuracy with time.
Sources of error in this experiment :
The error in measuring the diameter of the piston can affect the value of the
pressure 4 times the total mass since it multiplies by 4 in the mathematical
formula of the error.
The uncertainty in measuring the weight of the masses added to the piston.
The bubbles in the water in the gauge may affect somehow the reading, and also
the friction between the added loads.
In conclusion, our aims of this experiment which are calibration of a Bourdon Gauge type, and to
Investigate the encountered errors, and evaluation of the maximum degree of uncertainty had been
achieved successfully .From our results we can say that the readings taken from the pressure gauge
are relatively close to the actual values of the pressure and the gauge which we used didnt lose its
accuracy as that much, and also because the results obtained from both loading and unloading
stages were approximately equal.

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