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BPP: MIT University had no accreditation for some faculties and led a
double record
The hearings that the police teams yesterday and today did in the MIT University
and other facilities, by order of the Basic Public Prosecutor Skopje, have been
implemented after to the State Education Inspectorate arrived complaints of twenty
students from Turkey about the studying at some universities for which the
university had accreditation or work permission, announced today the Public
prosecution. They say that about these circumstances, there were reactions from
the Turkish Embassy in Skopje. In the searches of the university and in the homes of
people employed in it, according to the prosecution, were seized computers,
computer data and other documentation that should be used in criminal
5 ,
5 bullets were found to a traveler, he did not know how they found in him
The Regional Center for Border Affairs - West brought criminal charges against M.A.
(59) of the Kicevo village Zajas because of grounds of suspicion of committed crime
for illegal possession of weapons or explosive materials. On July 16 around 18.35h
the reported in the PS for BC Airport - Ohrid registered at the exit of Macedonia with
Macedonian passport and Swiss document in order to travel with the plane on route
Skopje citizen wanted for arrest caught at the airport (
Ten minutes after midnight on the border crossing - "Alexander the Great" airport in
Skopje at entering in the country arrived the 45-year old A.A. from Skopje. During
checking it was established that the person is registered with the measure arrest
from the Basic Court Skopje 1 and upon request of MOI-Skopje-Department of
quests. A.A. was detained around 1:30 pm, with a certificate of surrending a person
was handed over to police for further action.
WiFi (
For those who constantly travel: Here you have all passwords for WiFi
from all airports in the world (
Today hardly anyone can imagine life without the Internet, not only for social
networks, but also for work. Those who travel know that sometimes an untimely
read email could mean a decline in career. But even it is not the work in question,
who does not want to have internet all the time? Therefore Anil Polat, a blogger who
constantly travels, presents us all passwords from the airports in the world.

A passenger plane converted into a private paradise (
For the first time in history, a passenger plane Boeing 787 Dreamliner was
converted into a private jet with the interior as a 5-star hotel. The price of the
aircraft is estimated at around 324 million dollars. The aircraft primarily intended for
traveling to 335 passengers, today's a private jet on which can fly 40 people.
Luxurious master suite, conference tables, restaurant, cinema, immense place for
living rooms and 16 beds for sleeping, are only part of the things offered by this
: ! (
Fire on a crowded plane: The passengers evacuated! (
Passengers on the Southwest Airlines flight were very scared when Galaxy Note 7
started smoking in the pocket of one of the passengers. Fortunately the plane was
still at the airport, so the passengers for a short time were evacuated when came to
fire. Although Samsung recently withdrew all phones for which they are found to be
made with combustible battery, the device that was used on the plane was one of
those for which was said to be "safe".
When you meet with Jennifer Aniston in a plane (
The big companies often tend to shoot commercials in which celebrities from the
show business are guests in order to influence the success of the campaign. For
such a move decided and "Fly Emirates" by engaging Jennifer Aniston for its
advertising. Besides her main character in the story is the little Cooper who playing
with his toy plane somehow manages to come to the area of first class.
Pilot error the cause of the collapse of the Italian plane (Telma)
The extremely complex weather and the erroneous assessment of the pilot are the
two reasons for the decline of the Italian plane at the village Kozle, Skopje a month
ago, Telma learns from sources of the investigation. According to the investigators,
the pilot was driving too fast and of greater height that brought the plane during
landing in a phase in which is easy to lose the control of it. Crucial to the
investigation were the testimonies of the two other pilots who at the same time and
with the same aircraft have run parallel with the crashed plane.
"Air Berlin" will transfer part of its fleet to a new group (
Germany's struggling Air Berlin says it will discuss transferring part of its fleet to a
new group that would be set up by tour operator TUI Group and Abu Dhabi-based
Etihad, a major shareholder. Air Berlin's announcement came after it said last week
that it plans to cut its 144-strong fleet nearly in half and eliminate some 1,200 jobs
as part of a restructuring to develop a leaner operation and focus on its most
profitable routes. The company said Wednesday that the discussions with TUI and

Etihad could result in Air Berlin's tour business comprising 35 aircraft, 14 of them
leased from TUI's airline TUIfly, being merged with TUIfly.
easyJet 2009-
EasyJet's annual profit decreases for the first time since 2009 (
The British low-cost company "easyJet" warned that its profit will be reduced by over
25% this year, after the problems related to the security in some countries have
limited the demand, and the lower fuel prices mean increased competition on the
European market over short distances, announces " Reuters ". The higher exposure
of "easyJet" to terrorist attacks on destinations in Egypt, Turkey and the French
cities of Paris and Nice means that the airline is worse in this year than its older rival
in the low-budget sector "Ryanair".
- ,
Panic in a German plane - declared a security alert, the passengers
returned to the airport (
The plane of the German company "Germany" on today's flight from Dusseldorf to
Tel Aviv declared a security alert on board and landed in Munich, reported the local
media. For now there it is not known the cause for the alarm on board.
Wizz Air A320
2017 (
Wizz Air launches a new base with one A320 plane and added two new
routes to Europe from March 2017 (
Wizz Air, the largest low-budget airline in Central and Eastern Europe, today
announced it will launch a new base at the airport in Chisinau with one A320 aircraft
and added two new routes to Europe from March 2017. Wizz Air will launch the new
services from Chisinau to Berlin and Barcelona twice a week. With these new
destinations, the network of Wizz Air from Moldova has seven routes to four states.
The prices start at EUR 29.99 *.

Reaction of NBRM for the accusation for audit of statistical data (
Audit of statistical data is a standard international statistical practice applied in all
countries, including the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, it is standard practice
that has always been applied in the audit were in a different direction, sometimes
upwards, sometimes downwards depending on the sources data. The National Bank
publishes clear information on the course and the nature of audits carried out,
within the methodological explanations, which are given despite all kinds of official
data that are published.

4,7 (Dnevnik)
GDP last year grew by 4.7 percent (Dnevnik)
The gross domestic product in 2014 amounted to 525,620 million MKD and
compared to 2013 nominally increased by 4.7 percent. The real growth rate of GDP,
compared to 2013 was 3.5 percent, according to the State Statistical Office. The
largest share of value added in the GDP structure in 2014 had wholesale and retail
trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage,
accommodation facilities and food service activities by 18.7 percent.
Ibraimovski: The budget looks like a decorated Christmas tree with empty
phrases (
The state is the biggest employer, the richest owner and businessman. The budget
is a law that must strongly contribute to the development of the country. It is the
largest commitment of the Government and the Parliament. Each year at any
expos of the budget for the next year it is said to be developing, but no
development in Macedonia. Instead of flying we are moving slowly, that it seems
like we are standing.

Chamber of energetics will be formed (
The energetics experts believe that in Macedonia is missing Chamber of energetics.
The meeting of the Association of energetics to monitor the situation in the energy
sector and addressing of the problems that arise, initiated the company "Green
Level Energy Institute" - GLEI, and the idea is also supported by the Swiss program
for increasing market employability (IME). The initiative for formalizing the idea of a
joint contribution to improving the operation of all stakeholders in the energy field
so far sometimes is initiated by GLEI.
- - (Porta3)
Eco-hotels - future of the Macedonian tourism (Porta3)
This vision is a strategic objective of the conference "Implementation of energy
efficiency measures in the hotel industry", organized under the auspices of the
Swiss program for market employability IME (Increasing Market Employability),
which in October will be held in Skopje. The main goal of the conference is the
owners and the management teams of the hotels to learn about how the energy
efficiency can become part of their success story, by increasing the level of hotel
services and leading to their profitability.
Vevcani got energy efficient kindergarten (
The funds for these two projects totaling about one million MKD are provided by the

Centre for Development of the Southwest Planning Region, through the programs of
Regional Development of the Ministry of Local Government and the Regional
Development Bureau. The kindergarten "Planinski cvet" from Vevcani got a new
facade and solar panels becoming energy efficient facility. The funds for realization
of these two projects totaling about one million are provided by the Centre for
Development of the Southwest Planning Region.

"Macedonian Telecom" won an award for the project "Smart City"
The award for the project "Smart City" of "Macedonian Telecom" was obtained in the
category Solution for sustainable growth. In this category were nominated solutions
that promote sustainable economic growth, which is defined as the ability to
improve the financial and the social situation in the country. The "Smart City"
project was nominated for the annual WITSA awards, as one of the five winning
solutions to local competition which was organized by the Macedonian ICT Chamber
: CareerLaunch Talks 7
IT event: CareerLaunch Talks - 7 talks that will make you start a new
career (
On October 13th, Thursday at Public Room, Summer Work and Travel Alumni
Macedonia in cooperation with Youth Info Club Skopje will organize the first
CareerLaunch fair for starting a career in the Macedonian most innovative tech
companies and startups. The event will last from 14:00 to 19:00 h and will be
attended by 15 companies, 7 guest speakers and 2 workshops organized by the
companies participating.
The Minister Arsovska - Tomovska met with representatives from the ICT
chamber of MCC (
The Minister of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska - Tomovska
held a working meeting with representatives from the ICT chamber at the
Macedonian Chambers of Commerce (MCC). The president of the ICT - chamber at
MCC, Sasa Ognenovski, according to MISA, welcomed the activities of the Ministry of
system approach to increase the volume of labor in the ICT industry. On the meeting
also focused on the current and future projects of the Ministry, including those
relating to the development of electronic services for citizens.
! (
Starts the first fair for jewelry in Skopje! (
Organized by Public Room and "KAPKA Jewelry", from 7 to 9 October in the Center

for Design and Innovation "Public Room" will be held the first edition of the Fair of
jewelry and fashion accessories, "NAKIT 2016". "NAKIT 2016" will be of purchasable
character and is intended for a wider audience, for experts of the fine jewelry,
fashion accessories lovers, for the consumers of the good atmosphere and fun. The
fair will be enriched with lectures, workshops, and certainly a lot of socializing and
- :
Protection and support of women - victims of violence - Remenski:
Criminal prosecution for the perpetrators (TV21)
The violence against women, including domestic violence, constitutes a violation of
human rights of victims and an obstacle to the realization of their fundamental
rights and freedoms. The Minister of Labour and Social Policy Frosina Remenski says
that the victims of domestic violence should not be ignored by the responsible
institutions. The Minister Remenski said that Macedonia still has not ratified the
Istanbul Convention to fight against violence of women, which Macedonia signed in
2011 and that it has not established sufficient standards and mechanisms of this
Cave beauty will bring tourists in Gostivar (Dnevnik)
Cave jewelry, several galleries, columns, ceilings, pond, waterfall, five springs ... are
just some of the beauties of the cave in Gostivar Gorna Gjonovica, which will soon
become more accessible to visitors. In this low-explored Beauty, as the speleologists
call, recently the team of researchers of the Speleological Society "Vrelo" went there
in order to reveal more details of its interior and this work of nature to become more
accessible for lovers of nature and natural rarities.
? (Utrinski vesnik)
Will Macedonia knock on the door of the IMF? (Utrinski vesnik)
Will the country soon be forced to seek agreement from the International Monetary
Fund, is the dilemma that now opens quietly among economic circles in the country,
as a kind of their assumptions about providing resources for the country, which
would be necessary for the coming years. The arrangements with the IMF provide
cheaper loans, but bring and stricter conditions for the countries that will accept
them, and they are far more serious fiscal consolidation, and making the necessary,
often painful and unpopular reforms.
: (TV Nova)
Investigation: The pilot and the bad weather are guilty (TV Nova)
Complex weather conditions, possible pilot error and mechanical tolerances, the
combination of these factors are likely reasons for the plane crash that took place
just a month ago in the area of the village Kozle. This exclusively reports TV Nova
from its sources in the investigation. To these initial findings has come after nearly a

month gathering evidence, expert evidence of the wreckage, and recording of the
: 2,2
IMF: This year 2.2 percent growth of the Macedonian economy (Republika)
The mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its final statement after a
visit to Macedonia projected GDP growth of 2.2 percent this year, which would
increase to 3.2 per year, assuming to hold the scheduled parliamentary elections in
December and follows period of stabilization. After strengthening in 2015, the real
GDP growth is projected to slow to 2.2 percent in 2016, reflecting the backlog of the
investments and moderate credit growth due to political uncertainty.

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