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Adobe Acrobat Pro

Student Guide

Adobe Acrobat Pro is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation.

Bentley Systems Inc. Academic Programs

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Getting Started............................................................................................................................................. 1
Essential Kit and Tips.............................................................................................................................. 1
Preparing for Setup.................................................................................................................................. 2
Login........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Key Features...............................................................................................................................................6
General meeting layout.............................................................................................................................6
Audio Settings.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Step 1 Commence Wizard........................................................................................................10
Step 1 Test Sound Output.........................................................................................................11
Step 2 Select a Microphone......................................................................................................12
Step 3 Test Microphone............................................................................................................13
Step 4 Test Silence...................................................................................................................14
Step 5 Audio Setup Complete...................................................................................................15
How to ask a question/converse on a call...............................................................................................16
Table of Figures.........................................................................................................................................17

Getting Started
Welcome aboard!

This guide is intended to help you get connected to the interactive online lectures and workshops that will
be available as part of your course. We will be using Adobe Connect Pro as our Academic Online
conferencing software sessions and there are a number of things that you will need in order to get started.

Essential Kit and Tips

The equipment needed to participate on the course is:

Laptop or PC.

Broadband connection as always faster is better but we have tested with < 1MB and it has
worked, although there may be occasional distortions in speech.
Webcam so we can get acquainted better! We have tested using a Logitech Webcam. We
recommend turning off the Webcam sound and microphone as it causes distortion and noise when
used with web conferencing.
Headset with boom microphone / Microphone Ensure that a noise cancelling

Microphone is used as it minimize the impact of background noise.

Apart from finding a comfortable chair in a quiet room, that is all the equipment that is needed.

If you are conducting your session in an auditorium, we would advise that you test the
room, connection, microphone etc. beforehand. The Academic team will do the test with
your college on prior notification.

Bentley Systems Inc. Academic Programs

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Preparing for Setup
There are a number of steps that need to be undertaken before you can engage with the other students and
lecturers online. These involve setting up your Webcam and audio.

For those of you with Webcams and headsets already connected to your computers for use with
something like Skype, you simply have to link them to Adobe Connect Pro as outlined below.

If you have purchased a Webcam and headset for the first time, follow the manufacturers instructions on
how to install and use your webcam and headset.

Switch of the microphone and speakers on your webcam and use a headset with boom micropho

Once you have installed your webcam and headset/microphone on your computer, you are now ready to
start setting them up to work with Adobe Connect Pro.

Bentley Systems Inc. Academic Programs

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

To enable you to get setup, we will send you an email with a link to an Adobe Connect Pro meeting
room. Click on the link in the email and it will bring you to a screen similar to the following.
This is the process for logging in. It applies to logging in for the first time the same as it applies to all
other times that you login.

Figure 1 - Guest Login

1. You will be entering the room as a Guest so make sure that the Guest radio button is active
and input your first name and surname.
2. Select Enter Room.
3. If you have been authorized to enter the room, you will connect through automatically.
Otherwise, you will have to wait until the host grants you permission to enter.

Bentley Systems Inc. Academic Programs

This screen will display briefly before launching a new window that displays the web conference.
However, this window should not be closed for the duration of the web conference.

Figure 2 - Adobe Acrobat Pro Launch Window

When you are logged in successfully, you will have to set up your microphone and camera as outlined

If a meeting is due to take place at a scheduled time, you will have to wait until the host logs in before
you will be able to join the meeting.

Figure 3 - Waiting to enter room

Key Features
Once logged in, you will be presented with a screen that looks similar to the following:

Figure 4 - Typical meeting room layout

Understanding the meeting layout

The main part of the screen (B) shows whatever the Host wishes to show. This can be a presentation; an
application running on the Hosts computer; the Hosts desktop; or a whiteboard.
The remaining sections of the screen are as follows:

A. Chat area. (Q&A Pod) You can send a message to everyone by simply typing in the message in
the box under the chat history and pressing Enter.
B. Sharing of presentation or Screen by Lecturer

Audio Settings

Figure 5 Audio Settings

A) Adjust the speaker volume on your Microphone by clicking on the option Adjust Speaker Volume..

Figure 6 Audio Set up Wizard

To view your audio and video preferences click on the Meeting Icon.

The Audio Set up Wizard will guide you through the audio setup process.

Figure 7- Start Audio Setup Wizard

Step 0 Commence Wizard

There are 5 steps needed to set up your headset and microphone.

Figure 8 - Audio Wizard

1. Select next-> on this screen.

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Step 1 Test Sound Output
This step in the wizard enables you to test the sound coming through your headset.

Figure 9 - Step 1: Test Sound Output

1. Select Play Sound.
This will play some audio which you should hear in your headphones. The progress bar will
show that there is sound playing.
2. If you dont hear anything, then you need to check that your headphone was installed according
to the manufacturers instructions. This is nothing to do with Adobe Acrobat Pro and is
something that needs to be done before launching Adobe Acrobat Pro. Click Cancel to exit
from the audio setup wizard and check that your headphone works with other applications.
3. Select Next->.

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Step 2 Select a Microphone
Your computer may have multiple microphones available. This step selects the one that will be used with
Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Figure 10 - Step 2: Select Microphone

1. Click on the drop-down to select the microphone that you wish to use with Adobe Acrobat Pro.
(If you select the wrong one you can always come back to this screen again. If you complete
setup and the microphone does not work, you can re-run the wizard to set up the appropriate
2. Select Next->.

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Step 3 Test Microphone
Having selected a microphone in the previous step, this stages tests the microphone to make sure that it is
working correctly.

Figure 11 - Step 3: Test Microphone


1. Click on the Record () button.

2. Speak clearly into the microphone.
The bar will show the strength of sound as you speak.

When finished, click on the Stop Playing () button and then select the Play Recording
() button to ensure that you can hear what was recorded. If you can hear what was
recorded, your microphone is working correctly.(If you cannot hear yourself, ensure that the
microphone is plugged in correctly; that you have not activate a mute button accidentally on the
microphone; and that a volume control is turned down so low that the microphone is not picking up
any sound.)

4. Select Next->.

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Step 4 Test Silence

This step attempts to establish the level of background noise so that the software can automatically
configure itself to minimize interference.

Figure 12 - Step 4: Test Silence

1. When ready select Record and remain quiet.
The progress bar will update as the system monitors the level of background noise.
2. When the test is complete, select Next->.
3. Click Test Silence to view results
4. Select Next->.

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Step 5 Audio Setup Complete

When all steps have completed successfully, the following confirmation will be displayed.

Figure 13 - Step 5: Audio

Setup Complete

1. Your audio setup is now complete. Select Finish to exit from the Audio Setup Wizard.

To minimize noise on the call, the Host can organize the meeting so that only one person at a time can
speak. If you wish to ask a question, you can use the Chat window to input your question and it will be
displayed to the Host (and optionally to all other participants) or you can raise a hand and ask a question.
To raise a hand, simply click on the icon of the raised hand (there are other emoticons that you can use in
the dropdown list that is available).

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

How to ask a question/converse on a call

Figure 15 - Raise a hand

1. If you want to speak, click on the Raise a Hand icon.
This will alert the Host that you wish to speak.
2. If the Host does not consent to allow you to speak, you will see a message to this affect appearing
on your screen.
3. If the Host does consent to allow you to speak, you will see a Talk icon appearing at the bottom
of your screen as outlined below.

Table of Figures
Figure 1 - Guest Login.................................................................................................................................3
Figure 2 - Adobe Acrobat Pro Launch Window...........................................................................................4
Figure 3 - Waiting to enter room..................................................................................................................5
Figure 4- Typical meeting room layout........................................................................................................6
Figure 5 Audio Settings.............................................................................................................................7
Figure 6 Audio Preferences.......................................................................................................................8
Figure 7 - Start Audio Setup Wizard............................................................................................................9
Figure 8 - Audio Wizard............................................................................................................................10
Figure 9 - Step 1: Test Sound Output.........................................................................................................11
Figure 10 - Step 2: Select Microphone.......................................................................................................12
Figure 11 - Step 3: Test Microphone..........................................................................................................13
Figure 12 - Step 4: Test Silence..................................................................................................................14
Figure 13 - Step 5: Audio Setup Complete.................................................................................................15
Figure 14 - Select Webcam........................................................................................................................16
Figure 15 - Raise a hand............................................................................................................................17

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

Adobe Acrobat Pro Student User Guide

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