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Divine Remedies

Healing with Natures Gift: Cell Salts

(Treatment at Home with Bio-chemic Medicines)

Dr Bankey Bihari Mishra

M. A., L. T., D.M.B.S., M. D. (Bio), Gold Medalist

Dedicated to
Of The

The author seeks HIS GRACE & BLESSINGS to all, with
this invocatory prayer, to understand own selves.
Let you, yourself, be the source of true health and happiness.
Let the book fill your heart with JOY.

Let you be happy & healthy every moment.

The information and advice published or made available through this book is not intended to replace
the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information in this
book is provided for knowledge, insight & informational purposes only and is not a substitute for
professional medical advice. Readers should consult appropriately health professionals on any matter
relating to their health and well being and should undergo all investigations & diagnostic tests as may
be advised particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention .
Any action on the readers part in response to the information provided in this book is at his / her
discretion only.
The author makes no warranties with respect to any information provided through this book regarding
treatment or action of medication and is not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage
resulting from use of this book.

Brief History
Bio-chemic Therapy versus Homoeopathy
Potency, Doses & Frequency
Some Hints for Medical Check-ups
Golden Rules
The Twelve Tissue Remedies:
1) Calcarea Fluorica
2) Calcarea Phosphorica
3) Calcarea Sulphurica
4) Ferrum Phosphoricum
5) Kali Muriaticum
6) Kali Phosphoricum
7) Kali Sulphuricum
8) Magnesia Phosphorica
9) Natrum Muriaticum
10) Natrum Phosphoricum

11) Natrum Sulphuricum

12) Silicea
Additional Tissue Remedies:
1) Acid Carbolicum
2) Acid Mur
3) Acid Nitricum
4) Acid Phos
5) Alumina
6) Aluminum Chloridum
7) Alumina Phosphorica
8) Alumina Silicata
9) Ammonium Bromatum
10) Ammonium Carbonicum
11) Ammonium Causticum
12) Ammonium Jodatum
13) Ammonium Muriaticum
14) Ammonium Phosphoricum
15) Ammonium Valerianicum
16) Amylenum Nitrosum
17) Antimonium Arsenicosum
18) Antimonium Chloridum
19) Antimonium Crudum
20) Antimonium Jodat
21) Antimonium Tartaricum
22) Argentum Metallicum
23) Argentum Nitricum
24) Arsenic Alb
25) Ars Bromatum
26) Arsenic Iod
27) Ars Metallicum
28) Ars Sulf Flav

29) Aurum Ars

30) Aurum Iodatum
31) Aurum Met
32) Aurum Mur
33) Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum
34) Aurum Sulphuricum
35) Baryta Carb
36) Baryta Iodata
37) Baryta Muriatica
38) Benzoic Acid
39) Bismuth
40) Borax
41) Bromium
42) Calcarea Ars
43) Calcarea Brom
44) Calcrea Calcinata
45) Calcarea Carbonica
46) Calcarea Hypophos
47) Calcarea Iod
48) Calcarea Mur
49) Calcarea Silicata
50) Carbo Veg
51) Causticum
52) Cholesterinum
53) Cobaltum
54) Cuprum Aceticum
55) Cuprum Ars
56) Cuprum Metallicum
57) Ferrum Ars
58) Ferrum Iod
59) Ferrum Metallicum

60) Fluoric Acid

61) Graphites
62) Hepar Sulph
63) Iodum
64) Iridium
65) Kali Ars
66) Kali Bichromicum
67) Kali Bromatum
68) Kali Carbonicum
69) Kali Chloricum
70) Kali Cyanatum
71) Kali Hyd
72) Kalium Jodatum Nitricum
73) Kali Nitricum
74) Kali Permanganicum
75) Kali Silicatum
76) Lapis Albus
77) Lithium Bromatum
78) Lithium Carbonicum
79) Lithium Chloratum
80) Lithium Lacticum
81) Magnesia Carbonica
82) Magnesia Muriatica
83) Manganum Sulphuricum
84) Mercurius
85) Mercurius Corrosives
86) Mercurius Cyanatus
87) Mercurius Dulcis
88) Natrum Ars
89) Natrum Bicarbonicum
90) Natrum Carb

91) Natrum Chloratum

92) Natrum Iod
93) Natrum Nitricum
94) Natrum Salicylicum
95) Platina
96) Plumbum Iod
97) Plumbum Met
98) Phosphorus
99) Phosphorus Iod
100) Radium Brom
101) Selenium
102) Stannum
103) Stannum Iod
104) Sulphur
105) Sulphur Iodatus
106) Tellurium
107) Vanadium
108) Zinc Bromatum
109) Zincum Chloratum
110) Zincum Metallicum
111) Zinc Mur
112) Zinc Phos
Diseases with remedies thereof:
1) Abscess
2) Acidity
3) Acne
4) Addisons disease
6) Albuminuria
7) Allergy/Aversion

8) Alopecia
9) Alzheimers disease
10) Anemia
11) Aneurism
12) Angina Pectoris & other heart Affections
13) Animal bites
14) Anorexia
15) Anosmia
16) Aphthae
17) Appendicitis
18) Arthritis
19) Asthma
20) Backache
21) B. Coli
22) Bad Breath
23) Bedsores
24) Bed-wetting
25) Bleeding
26) Blepharitis
27) Boils
28) Brain-fag
29) Bronchiectasis
30) Bronchitis
31) Burns & Scalds
32) Cancer
33) Carbuncle
34) Cataract
35) Cervical spondylitis
36) Chicken-pox
37) Chikungunya
38) Cholera

39) Cholesterol
40) Chorea
41) Cirrhosis of liver
42) Colic
43) Conjunctivitis
44) Constipation
45) Corns
46) Coryza
47) Cough
48) Cramps
49) Dengue
50) Diabetes Mellitus
51) Diarrhoea
52) Dysentery
53) Dropsy
54) Earache
55) Eczema
56) Elephantiasis
57) Emphysema
58) Eosinophilia
59) Epilepsy
60) Epistaxis
61) Erysipelas
62) Fissures in Anus
63) Fistula in Ano
64) Food poisoning
65) Fractures
66) Gall Stones
67) Gangrene
68) Goiter
69) Gonorrhea

70) Gums
71) Headache
72) Heel Pains
73) Height
74) Hernia
75) Herpes Zoster
76) Hiccup
77) Hip-Joint Disease
78) Hirsutism
79) Hydrocele
80) Hydrocephalus
81) Hypertension
82) Hypotension
83) Hyperthyroidism
84) Hypothyroidism
85) Hysteria
86) Impotency
87) Influenza
88) Injury
89) Insanity
90) Insomnia
91) Irritable Bowel Syndrome
92) Itching
93) Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura
94) Jaundice
95) Kidney Affections
96) Leprosy
97) Leucoderma
98) Leucorrhoea
99) Leukemia
100) Lice affections

101) Lichen Planus

102) Lockjaw
103) Locomotor Ataxia
104) Lupus
105) Malaria
106) Measles
107) Meningitis
108) Menstruation-ailments thereof
109) Migraine
110) Miscarriage
111) Morphine Habit
112) Mumps
113) Nail Affections
114) Obesity
115) Osteoarthritis
116) Osteomalacia
117) Osteomylitis
118) Osteophyte
119) Osteoporosis
120) Ovarian Cyst/Tumor
121) Pancreatic Troubles
122) Paralysis
123) Parkinsonism
124) Peptic Ulcer
125) Phimosis
126) Piles
127) Pleurisy
128) Pneumonia
129) Poliomyelitis
130) Polypi
131) Pregnancy Ailments & Precaution

132) Prophylactis
133) Prostate Gland Disorders
134) Psoriasis
135) Renal Calculi
136) Rickets
137) Ringworm
138) Sciatica
139) Septicaemia
140) Sinusitis
141) Spleen Ailments
142) Sprains
143) Squinting
144) Stammering
145) Sterility
146) Stye
147) Suicidal Tendency
148) Sunstroke
149) Sweat Affections
150) Syphilis
151) Testicle Ailments
152) Tetanus
153) Thalassemia
154) Throat Troubles
155) Tonic
156) Tonsillitis
157) Toothache
158) Torticollis
159) Tuberculosis
160) Tumors
161) Typhoid
162) Ulcers & Ulcerative Colitis

163) Urinary Tract Infection

164) Uraemia
165) Urticaria
166) Varicose Veins
167) Vertigo
168) Voice Loss
169) Vomiting
170) Warts
171) Whitlow
172) Whooping Cough
173) Worms
Specific Triturated Waters:
a) Levico
b) Sanicula

Life was first born in sea water. Each salt that exists in sea exists in the
human body.
As Nature fulfils vacant spaces with atoms and other vital elements,
Tissue Remedies of the Bio-chemic Therapeutics fulfill deficiency of
the cell-salts and activate organic substances to achieve proper
metabolism. Disturbed molecular motion of cell-salts is rectified
directly by these Tissue Remedies (inorganic constituents) with
homogeneous substances whereas Homoeopathy does it indirectly with
heterogeneous substances.
Nature is God. So the cell-salts (inorganic substances) which derive

pure energy from Nature are divine by birth. Their celestial value has
been established constantly for about 150 years on human beings by
eminent doctors from the very inception in different environments.
Biology acknowledges that Biochemistry is scientific. It is the
wonderful outcome of the doctrines of the three essential sciences Biology, Physiology, and Chemistry. It deals with the chemistry of living
organism. It deals with the human body which obeys chemical,
physiological, biological laws. It is therefore sacred. It offers the
Springs of Wisdom and serenity naturally. It is the need of the soul and
the body.
Blood contains organic and inorganic substances. Sugar, fats and
albumin are organic constituents of the blood. The inorganic
constituents are water and minerals called cell-salts, namely calcium,
potash, lime, silica, iron, magnesium, sodium, chloride etc. The Biochemic Therapy consists of three Calcium minerals, three Potassium
minerals, three Sodium minerals, one Iron mineral, one Magnesium
mineral and Silica mineral. In so far as distribution of cell-salts is taken
into consideration, it has been recognized that Dr Schusslers Biochemic Theory integrates the knowledge of the human cellular structure
with proper use of the mineral salts (cell-salts) as a therapeutical method
to fortify as well as energize the cells of the body. These salts are vital
nutritional elements for the cells/tissues. Even creation of new cells in
the body depends on the presence of these salts which are in ionic form
i.e. digestible easily.
An intake of more cell salts will do us no harm and be excreted from
the system. This is not like an herb, drug or nutritional supplement
where the body has to expend energy to rid the body of the excess.

The cell-salts are essential as they form the basic foundation for enzyme
activity in the body and serve as catalysts in energy cycles. The cell-salts
take care of water balance, digestion, cell-elasticity, oxygenation,
nutrition, sodium/potassium balance and remove toxins.
The angelic cell-salts are the workers-the builders of the body. Every
disease which afflicts the human body is purely due to deficiency of one
or more of these inorganic builders. Equilibrium of the inorganic
substances is essential to human living organism as much as it is for
fertile soil and plant life. Soil is an ecosystem. It is vibrant with life.
Fertility of the soil is attributive to the unique invisible amazing world
of biodiversity. In a pinch of fertile soil, we shall find millions of living
organisms for wellbeing and sustainability of life on earth. No wonder
the soil was sacred to ancient Hindu Sages.
Bio-chemic remedies are chemically pure salts, which are homogeneous
to cell-minerals in our body, and suit self-treatment to the T. No
apprehension of unpleasant side-effects. If the cause/emotion has been
identified, process of self-healing commences. The tissue salts assist the
metabolism, until the body can do it on its own.
The Bio-chemic Therapy uses Mineral kingdom. It triturates the mineral
salts. It impregnates the cells with pulverized minerals. It is the
scientific key to normal health of the human body. It is divine, as the
basic principle is founded on the Law of Nature.
Salts are absorbed by the cells in the form of ions (electrically charged
atoms formed by electrons). The bio-chemic remedy restores the ion
gradient essential for the normal functioning of the cells.
The concept of minimal doses to achieve cure is reflected in the nutritive

value and metabolic history of the salt-minerals enunciated by Dr

A disturbance of the molecular motion of one of inorganic
materials in a tissue causes a sickness, for the cure of which it
suffices that a minimal dose of the same inorganic substance
be furnished, since the molecules of the material thus used as
a remedy fill the breach in the chain of molecules of the cellsalts or tissue-salts under consideration.
Rabindranath Tagore who was the voice of Indias spiritual heritage and
won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913, used to cure people suffering
from various diseases by these remedies and declared that the Biochemic Therapy is very simple but very effective. Such an encouraging
practical opinion from the genius and highly revered personality led to
the steady development and growth of the twelve tissue remedies of the
Bio-chemic Therapy in India and has culminated in establishment of
several educational institutions in West Bengal and other Indian States
with blessings from Honorable High Courts in one or two cases, it is
In India, the popularity and therapeutic success of the Tissue Remedies
are discernible from the salient features which are being elucidated
hereinafter:The simple scientific logic of the Theory and Principles of the
Bio-chemic Therapy, which differs in concept from other medical
systems of the world, and the remarkable success which has been
achieved in its practical application to the problems of treatment
of the sick and suffering people from time to time, particularly in
rural India, has impressed the people immeasurably.

In the domain of the therapeutics, the Indian medical professional

has availed of personal experience liberally with adequate
knowledge of these tissue remedies, after examining the published
data in available foreign and Indian books thoroughly.
The skill of the Bio-chemic physician lies in tracing a given case
of illness to its deficient salt; when it is done, the remedy selected
cures. The cellular therapy of Dr Schussler is equipped with 12
Tissue Remedies only. So the selection is not difficult. The
knowledge of mineral elements, vital to human body, has not
remained stationary. It has progressed. According to Hoeber,
Openheimer and Stocklasa, the noted scientists, Aluminum,
Arsenic, Borax, Bromine, Copper, Iodine, Lithium, Manganese,
Plumbum, Radium, Selenium, Vanadium and Zinc also take part
in the build-up of the human body. It is therefore evident that with
the enlarged sphere of tissue remedies, limitation of effectiveness,
if any, vanishes, even in incurable diseases.
So, besides the Traditional Concept of the Medical System
enunciated by Dr Schussler, Modern Concept has also emerged
which encompasses any medicinal substance (bio-component)
used as Bio-chemic Medicine in conformity with the basic
principles and theory of the Tissue Therapy, suitable to the Biochemic human body.
Direct intake of calcium, iron, vitamins etc, may be harmful to the
human body, but it is safe absolutely if the Tissue Remedies which
contain these and other vital elements are taken almost regularly
for healthy maintenance of the body. Tissue Remedies are the
equivalent of vitamin tablets. Dr Mukesh Batra.
India lacks in care of pregnant women and infants, but with proper
administration of the Bio-chemic nutrient remedies, complete care
of the period of pregnancy, and children is possible.
When these tiny tablets are consumed as remedies for various

diseases, a required food substance is being taken in a simpler

form than the meals, and does not need any breakdown of the
substances to achieve proper metabolism. Editors of B. Jain have
clarified this phenomenon in their book entitled How to use the
Twelve Tissue Salts.
Regular and timely use of these Tissue Salts is likely to prevent
several diseases including cancer, diabetes, malaria etc. For
instance as Natrum Sulph eliminates water, which is a breeding
ground for mosquitoes, from the living organism, it works as a
remedy for malaria and leukemia.
With the aid of these mineral-salts, therapeutic possibilities exist and
multiply in India and elsewhere wonderfully.

In the matter of trituration, it would be quite interesting to know the

categorical views of Dr N. Kodanda Ramaiah in his book 40 Tissue
Remedies:We have today a subdivision of the atom, the electron. Atom
contains electrons and nucleus. Each atom can be compared to
that of the solar system. All the electrons revolve around the
nucleus like planets, by attraction power of the nucleus with a
speed of nearly 20000 miles per second. Experiments proved
that they are purely electric in nature. Nucleus contains
protons and neutrons. While dividing nucleus into protons
and neutrons there arises energy. This is called the Matter
Energy Transformation. Hindu sages found this many
decades ago and told that a matter can be transformed into
energy by trituration (Mardanam gunavardhanam).
Hahnemann and Schussler adopted this rule.

Dr Schussler had a peculiar genius for languages. He was a master of

Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish and English. He also had good
knowledge of Sanskrit, so he might have read about Mardanam
Gunavardhanam and adopted it gracefully. Sanskrit fascinated Germans
considerably. Some words in German language are very similar to the
investigation/confirmation in line with the factual statement of Albert
Einstein, worlds greatest scientist:
We owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count, without
which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
In case upon proper investigation it is discovered that the above views of
Dr Kodanda Ramaiah on trituration are true and the conclusion so
arrived at is acknowledged universally, it would inculcate in us a feeling
of elation, pleasure, and pride, as from the aforesaid pious declaration
from Einstein.
The divinity of the remedies transforms them into prophylactics
(preventive medicines), for instance Natrum Sulph 3x acts as a
preventive in the case of dengue, leukemia and malaria; Kali Mur 3x for
jaundice, measles and chicken pox; Calcarea Fluor 12x for cataract.
We shall have to awaken our inner Shakti to avail of true chemical
The cures obviously are being brought about by virtue of the
operation of chemical affinity in the domain of histology, a branch
of Biology concerned with the microscopic study of the structure of
the tissues. It is based on the fact that it is in harmony with the

well-known laws in physiological chemistry and allied sciences.


The German Dr Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler (born on August 21, 1821

at Oldenburg) based his Bio-chemic therapeutics on the activity of cells,
using the most important inorganic salts of which the human body is
composed. He discovered that the salts which remain after combustion
form an integral part of each cell, although existing in extremely small
quantities and any alteration in their quantitative relation disturbs
normal function of the cells and causes disease.
In search of excellence in his scientific theory, he was inspired by Dr
Moleshott, professor of physiology in the University of Rome:
The structure and vitality of organs are dependent upon
necessary amounts of inorganic constituents.
Dr Schussler was led by the above to a study of physiologico-chemical
action of the inorganic constituents of the human organism and
developed Biochemical Therapy based on the chemistry of the tissues.
Dr Schussler was also equally inspired by Dr Rudolf Virchow, father of
Cellular Pathology:
Nature works everywhere with an infinite number of small
magnitudes, which, whether in homogeneous or
heterogeneous aggregations, can only be perceived by
relatively obtuse organs of sense when in finite masses. The
smallest picture which our eyes perceive proceeds from
millions of waves of light. A granule of salt that we are

hardly able to taste contains milliards of groups of atoms

which no sentient eye will ever view.
William H. Howell, Ph. D., M.D., Sc.D., LL. D., who was Professor of
Physiology, in The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore has drawn up a
specific feature of the inorganic substances in a Text-Book of
The body contains in its tissues and liquids a considerable amount of
inorganic material. When any organ is incinerated this material remains
as ash. If we include the bones, which are rich in mineral matter, the
average amount of ash in the body amounts to about 4.3 to 4.4 per cent
of its weight. The bones, however, in the adult contain most of the ash
(five-sixths). In the soft tissues, like the muscle, the ash constitutes
about 0.6 to 0.8 per cent of the moist weight. The ash consists of
chlorides, phosphates, sulphates, carbonates, fluorides, or silicates of
potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iron; iodine occurs also,
especially in the thyroid tissues.
For facilitating proper assimilation and diffusion into the cells of the
human body, mineral salts are attenuated by using successive steps of
trituration (decimal system), and formed into tablets. The then existing
pharmaceutical company (The Luyties Pharmacal Company) gathered
this vital information in detail for preparation of Tissue Salts from Dr
Schussler himself and employed it at their laboratories in Saint Louis,
On his return in the United States, Dr Luyties, assisted by Drs Hering,
Goodman, and Mathison, translated the first edition of Dr Schusslers
book on the bio-chemic system of medicine from the original German
into English. Its success among American physicians was immediate,

and the twelve Schussler remedies since then have been prescribed in
constantly increasing quantities.
Consequential to the popularity and therapeutic success of the Biochemic Therapy, the original work Abridged Biochemic Therapy was
published fifty-six times with additions and extensions made by Dr
Schussler from time to time.
Dr Schussler laid a strong foundation of medical education for this
system by establishing The Institute of Bio-chemic Medicines which
now has numerous branches throughout the countries of European
Union, South Africa and Australia.
In 1908 at 100 State Street, Chicago, U.S.A., about three decades after
the birth of Dr Schusslers Tissue Remedies (Bio-chemic Therapy) in
Germany, a monthly Journal of Direct Therapeutics, namely
Ellingwoods Therapeutics (Editor Finley Ellingwood, M.D.) was
published regularly, in each issue of which some leading articles on The
Tissue Remedies were presented by eminent doctors. The author is
pleased to cite gist of certain potential clinical cases of cure by specific
Tissue Remedies as appeared on pages 3 to 7 of Volume 2 issue 3 of
March 15, 1908 of the Journal, emanating from the pen of Dr W. E.
Kinnett, M. D., Peoria, Illinois, hereinafter:
1) A one year old baby had a severe diarrhea, some vomiting, and every
few moments, it would have severe cramping pains and had to draw up
its legs and arms in a spasmodic condition, which had no connection
with the bowel movements which were thin & green in color. The baby
suffered from 104 degree fever; the tongue was coated white. It got
cured in 24 hours by administration of Ferrum Phos for fever and Kali
Mur with Magnesia Phos for spasmodic condition.

2) In the case of a severe attack of sciatica with violent pains even on

least movement, a lady was cured by administration of Mag Phos and
Kali Phos in 10 grain doses of the 3x trituration in hot water every half
hour. The doses were given in the evening. Next day in the morning she
was better and by the evening she was entirely free from pain.
3) A case of delirium tremens with a slimy, frothy appearance of the
tongue with watery secretions was relieved in a short time by five grain
doses of Natrum Muriate 3x.
Before I conclude the brief history, I am inclined to quote below a
statement of Dr N. M. Jaisoorya, M.D., Member of Parliament, from
The Homoeopathic Bulletin, Sep. 52, page 107, as it appears in 40
Tissue Remedies by N. Kodanda Ramaiah:I have seen it done in one district where a dozen relatively trained
men armed with tissue remedies are working miracles and, as a
result, Government allopathic dispensaries running empty of
The incidence occurred when the cellular therapy of Dr Schussler was
equipped with 12 Tissue Remedies only. The knowledge of mineral
elements, vital to human body, has developed tremendously. According
to Hoeber, Openheimer and Stocklasa, the well-known scientists, the
hereinafter mentioned elements also are vital workers in the build-up of
the human body:(Aluminum, Arsenic, Borax, Bromine, Copper, Iodine, Lithium,
Manganese, Plumbum, Radium, Selenium, Vanadium and Zinc)

To cite an illustration, when a minute amount of the trace element

arsenic is added to a prescription of Kali Phos, it acts as a synergist, a
co-ordinating element, and corrects metabolism in chronic asthma
patients whose phosphorus metabolism requires its assistance for the
Apart from the above, the essential constituents, although only in trace
amounts, as the above, comprise of cobalt, boron, and nickel also.
It is therefore evident that with the enlarged sphere of tissue remedies,
limitation of effectiveness, if any, vanishes, even in incurable diseases.
Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der Goltz makes applicable the term
SEMIOTIK for indication of the pathological symptoms of the Biochemic remedies.


Homoeopathy deals in Similars; it chooses a medicine which excites
an affection similar to the disease against which it is employed;
Cocculus produces bouts of dizziness, so it is prescribed to treat
dizziness; Thallium is depilatory, so assists against loss of hair.
The Bio-chemic Remedies are chemically pure salts, homogeneous to
the cell-minerals in human body. Disturbed molecular motion in the
cells is rectified by administration of these mineral salts.
Pure pathology is that branch of biology which defines the particular
perturbation of cell-life. (Huxley)
Bio-chemic Therapy acts, says Dr Schussler, by means of homogeneous
substances, while Homoeopathy attains its curative ends in an indirect
way, by means of heterogeneous substances.
Dr Schussler has also written categorically that his healing method is
not a homoeopathic one because it is not based on the simile principle
but on the physiological-chemical processes which take place in the
human organism.
We are, by birth, Spiritual Beings and acquire human experiences, as we
advance in age. A human body has about 75 trillion cells. Each cell does
about six trillion actions per second, and is gifted with data equivalent

to input in about 85000 computers, it has been acknowledged. This

Spiritualism is reflected in physiological-chemical functions of the Biochemic remedies.
Life was first born in sea water. Each salt, which exists in sea, graces
human cells.
The basic principle of the Bio-chemic Medical System is founded on
law of Nature. As Nature fulfils vacant spaces with atoms etc, Biochemic System of Therapeutics covers deficiency of inorganic
substances in the human tissues and activates organic substances, to
achieve proper metabolism.
Upon thorough scrutiny of the two medical systems, we firmly believe
that, besides the above basic differences, the facts and figures
enumerated below, also lead us to this factual conclusion:1) Founder-Father
A son cannot have two fathers; pathy also no exception. Dr Schussler
has been recognized as Founder-father of Bio-chemic Therapeutics; Dr
Hahnemann that of Homoeopathy.
2) Recognition in the Country of Origin
Both Homoeopathy and Bio-chemic System of treatment have
originated from Germany, and both have been recognized by the
Government of Germany as independent medical systems. In India,
ICMR has observed that Bio-chemic system is contemporary to
homoeopathy or modern medicine.

3) Text-Books
Both medical systems have several text-books written by foreign
as well as Indian authors. Dr Schusslers Abridged Biochemic
Therapy was published several times during his life-time. So
great was his popularity and therapeutic success.
4) Single / several doses
Homoeopathy generally advocates application of a single dose to
cure a patient based on specific constitution of an individual and
his/her totality of symptoms. No such restriction is imposed in the
case of Bio-chemic remedies. For prevention of seasonal illnesses
during Winter and Fall Months, one dose of Ferrum Phos in the
morning, & one dose of Kali Mur in the evening; in the Spring,
Ferrum Phos in the morning & Calcarea Phos in the evening, and
during the Summer Kali Mur in the morning & Natrum Phos in
the evening can be taken regularly based on the advice of Dr J. B.
Chapman in his Dr Schusslers Biochemistry.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
5) Preparation
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from plants, live substances,
body impurities, chemicals, synthetics, minerals etc. Bio-chemic uses
Minerals, and is prepared according to the decimal scale in Trituration
or dilution. Besides decimal, Homoeopathy resorts to Centesimal and
Fifty Millesimal scales and Mother Tinctures also.
6) Like complements like:

In the case of Tissue Remedies, Like complements Like or we

may say Like serves Like inasmuch as bio-salts remove the
deficiency of cell-salts and restore health whereas in
Homoeopathy, the medicine owns symptoms which are more
powerful than the symptoms of the disease, and therefore
medicine can create ailments, in the words of Dr K.P.S. Dhama
& Dr (Mrs) Suman Dhama.
7) If a Homeopathic medicine is administered continuously for a
long period, it may give birth to symptoms of the disease in the body.
No such apprehension when Tissue Remedies are taken, as they are
nutritious and simpler than normal meals. The analysis of the blood and
tissues of a healthy human being reveals the presence of the twelve
inorganic salts and some trace elements.
Being constituents of cell life and intercellular processes, these
mineral elements are important factors in effective elimination of
waste and worn-out cell products and in the dispersal of
congestions harmful to the health of the body. (Editors of B.


The usual dose for adults is 5 tablets of the indicated remedy, three
or four times a day. Each tablet measures one grain. For children, it
should not be more than three grains, twice / thrice per day, and for
infants, half or one grain twice per day. When two or more medicines
are required, they should be given preferably in alternation, every two
hours. If the pains are severe, give it in hot water, until desired relief
is achieved.
In acute cases, a dose every half hour or one or two hours as may be
needed; in severe/emergency situation, every ten minutes 5 times but
one day only, thereafter from next day usual daily doses of three or
four per day; in chronic cases, two / three doses daily.
The best method is to put the tablets below the tongue. For babies
and infants, the tablets are crushed and carefully administered in a
powder form or dissolved in a teaspoonful of water and given from
the spoon, but not through the bottle feed.
The Bio-chemic Remedies are prepared in the form of triturations, in
powder form or in tablet forms. The tablets are the most convenient
forms, as administration in such forms ensures proper & correct
A diet of fruit and vegetable juices is good for bio-chemic medicines.
In any case, strong spices, stimulants such as coffee, tea, tobacco,

and wines should be avoided at the time of taking bio-chemic

remedies. It is desirable that no medicine is given within an hour
before or after a meal.
Frequency should be reduced after amelioration.
Schussler preferred 12th trituration for Calcarea Fluor, Ferrum Phos,
and Silicea, but 3x or 6x is also quite good for each and every Biochemic medicine.
1x or 2x trituration of the Tissue Remedies can be applied externally,
when required, as a lotion of 10 to 15 grains in 1 oz, or as an ointment
in two parts of vaseline, or as a dusting powder.
Some Hints for Medical Check-ups
A stitch in time saves nine.
Simple urine, stool, blood tests once-a-year for persons above 35 years
from one of the reliable diagnostic laboratories are desirable as a
preventive measure and to bring down cost of healthcare. Early
pathological detection leads to easy safe treatment. Any delay in proper
investigation increases the risk of getting affected with fatal diseases
without any inkling thereof generally. Such preventive health check-ups
are essential particularly for persons with high stress levels
consequential to long working hours, short deadlines and even short
temper. Routine blood examination, for example, helps in detecting
bronchial asthma, cholera, filariasis, malaria, pleurisy, pneumonia,
rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorder, tuberculosis etc, besides any
other test which may be necessary to be conducted for a disease under
investigation. So it is quite vital.

Similarly urine culture is essential for detecting hypertension, filariasis,

meningitis; stool culture for cholera; blood culture for beriberi,
meningitis, pneumonia, ricket, tuberculosis; sputum culture for
bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis; X-Ray (P A view) for
cardiac failure,
Although primarily Bio-chemic therapy takes care of diseases based on
deficiency of cell-salts, we list below briefly certain specific diseasewise tests for preliminary information:1) Free T3, Free T4 and TSH estimations, the upgraded versions
of thyroid tests.
2) E.C.G. for ventricular hypertrophy and hypertension; Eco
Cardiogram, Tread Mill Stress Test, Angiography (conventional),
C. T. Angiography (imaging).
3) Serological test to detect malarial parasite.
4) Cerebro-spinal fluid test in the case of meningitis, and may be
C.T. Scan.
5) Pleural fluid examination (Glucose, Chloride, AFB Smear,
Gram Staining Smear) in the case of pleurisy.
6) Synovial fluid test for rheumatoid arthritis.
7) Liver Function Test (LFT) for liver related disorders.
8) Lipid Profile: to ascertain Cholesterol level-HDL, LDL,
VLDL. Triglycerides.
9) Blood tests for glucose level: fasting, PP, and random- for

Blood Creatinine, Uric Acid etc: for Kidney functions.

Ultra Sonography of abdomen (Lower/upper/full): Stone
in gall bladder, kidneys, liver related problems, pancreas
functioning etc., pregnancy, infertility etc.

X rays and Scans: Need based to study inner of the body.


Widal Test : for Typhoid


Bone Marrow Test for blood cancer.

Pre Operative Tests: CBC, ABO Grouping & Rh Typing,
Glucose, HIV 1 & 2 ABS, HBsAg, BUN, VDRL, Urinalysis
(Urea, Creatinine).

To every ailment under the sun,
There is a remedy or there is none.

If there is one try and find it,

If there is none, never mind it
1) Never delay treatment of any disease or ailment. Promptness
2) Consultation with a qualified experienced physician from time
to time is a must.
3) Always remember and follow the principle to cure in a mild,
prompt, safe and durable manner.
4) Never take any medicine longer than needed. Adhere to this
golden maxim on all occasions. Remember, it is the patient who
has to cure himselfthe drug is only the stimulus that starts the
vital reactionSo long the patient is improving, let him be, and
never meddle till he begins to slip back: that is the first possible
moment to repeat, or to reconsider the case. It is safer to be a little
late than a little too soon. You must go fast slowly, there is no
other way. (J. T. Kent).
5) Develop your knowledge and insight by studying disease-wise
remedies carefully.
6) Direct thought to the cause of disease and select the remedy
from the indicated medicines. Dr Hering has advised to take notice
of at least three prominent symptoms for successful use of the
medicine. If you do so, you will not falter at all. One can sit on
three legged stool comfortably, he has asserted.
7) One spark is good enough to burn a big pile of grass; two words
are sufficient to alter thought process of human beings. Likewise
minimal doses serve the purpose wonderfully.
8) Bio-chemic remedies are administered two or three times daily, as

the condition demands. Health is maintained so long as the body

receives these cell-workers. There is nothing miraculous about it. It is
a natural law. Chronic diseases which have come up by excessive use
of quinine, mercury etc are curable by minute doses of these cellminerals, which destroy breeding place for fungi, germs, or bacilli.
9) Always use 3x, 6x, or 12x potency of Bio-chemic medicines,
preferably 3x.
10) Investigation, where necessary, must be carried out before
arriving at any decision for treatment.
11) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In Winter,
and in Fall months, take five celloids of Ferrum Phos in the morning,
and five celloids of Kali Mur in the evening; in Spring, take Ferrum
Phos in the morning, Calcarea Phos in the evening; during Summer,
take Kali Mur in the morning, Natrum Phos in the evening; this is the
advice of Dr J. B. Chapman for prevention of illnesses. Such intakes,
we state, may be on alternate days or weekly, as may suit an
12) In acute cases, when the patient gets better, the higher potencies
are given till the disease is entirely cured and its recurrence
prevented; and in chronic cases when the patient feels better, the
lower ones may be given to hasten the process of recovery. DR B. N.





(Calcarea Fluoride)
It occurs in Nature in the mineral fluorspar. It contains 58.21 parts of
It is a constituent of:
a) The surface of the bones.
b) The enamel of the teeth.
c) The epidermic cells.
d) The elastic tissues.
It favors easy confinement.

A loss of its power to unite with organic substances leads to dilatation

or relaxed condition of the fibers, causing varicose veins, hemorrhoids,
relaxation of the abdominal walls hence hanging belly, displacement
of the uterus, enlargement of heart, hard tumors especially in breast. The
skeleton acquires a tendency to form exostoses. Glandular indurations
and styes may occur. It is known as a Gland Remedy.
When a fibrinous exudation is not dissolved by suppuration, but has
hardened, Calc Fluor must be given. (Schussler)
Calc Fluor has proved curative in:
1) Hard swellings on the bones
2) Hemorrhoids; may be alternated with Ferrum Phos, if need be, also
applied locally.
3) Hard tumors in breast; may be alternated with Silicea, if need be.
4) Weak ligaments of the uterus, with tendency to prolapse;
displacement of the uterus.
5) Lumbago on movement; cracking sound in joints during movement.
6) Whitlow
7) Cataract of the eyes; blurred vision, with pain; ulceration of cornea if
the edges are hard.
8) Styes (Silicea also)
9) Varicose or enlarged Veins, chief remedy
10) Early aging of the skin
11) Cracked lips
12) Teeth loose in their sockets; rapid decay of teeth; toothache when
any food touches teeth; ugly tooth.
13) Chronic swelling of the tongue, with cracked appearance
14) Elongation of the uvula
15) Inability to expel the feces due to a relaxed condition of the rectum.

16) Dropsy of the testicles; indurated and nodular testes; hydrocele.

17) Excessive menses.
18) Enlargement of the heart
19) Telangietasis (localized dilation of small blood vessels)
20) Arteriosclerosis (hardening & thickening of artery walls)
21) Cephalhaematoma (collection of blood in scalp of newborn infant);
blood tumor in scalp of new born baby.
22) Groundless fears of financial ruin.
23) True croup (inflammation of larynx & trachea, characterized by
suffocative breathing), chief remedy
24) Obesity in alternation with Calc Phos.
25) Severely painful and swollen cheeks, in alternation with Silicea.
26) Mitral stenosis along with osteoarthritis (it is a guiding symptom).
27) Patient cannot complete micturition as the residual remains in
urinary bladder.
28) Osseous growths.
29) Phalanges are easily dislocated.
30) Uterine fibroids.
Modalities: Worse in damp weather and rest; better by cold fomentation,
rubbing and heat.

(Calcium Phosphate)
It is a constituent of:
a) Productive soils
b) All the cells of the body
c) Body fluids
1. It builds and strengthens the body.
2. It helps in formation of proteins.
3. It supplies new blood cells.
4. It acts as a true tonic.
5. It unites with albumen and gives solidity to the bones.
6. It aids the union of fractured bones.
7. It offers restorative power after acute diseases.
8. It aids digestion.
9. It promotes proper growth & nutrition in children.
It is a remedy for
1) Anaemia & Chlorosis (let it be alternated with Ferrum Phos).
2) Brights disease, secretion of albumen in urine; albuminuria.
3) Chronic cold; frequent recurrence of cold.
4) Pimples, especially of girls.

5) Polyp (nasal, rectal or uterine).

6) Enlarged tonsils.
7) Involuntary sighing.
8) Fistula in ano alternating with chest pains.
9) Rheumatism with cold or numb feeling.
10) Rickets; lack of vitamin D.
11) Leukemia; Excess of white corpuscles.
12) Chronic Hydrocephalus.
13) Freckles (small patches of sun-burn).
14) Delayed dentition; toothache worse at night; chief remedy in all
teething disorders; If the gums be pale this remedy is especially
indicated. (Schussler); slow in learning to walk; delayed steps of
15) Obesity in alternation with Calc Fluor.
16) Cancer.
17) Oophoritis (inflammation of ovary).
18) Orchitis (inflammation of testis).
19) Vertigo in alternation with Ferrum Phos.
20) Dropsy of the brain.
21) Squinting.
22) Blisters on tip of tongue.
23) Goitre (chronic enlargement of thyroid gland); chief remedy.
24) Poor digestion; vomiting after cold drinks.
25) Infant cries when nurses.
26) Leucorrhoea as a constitutional tonic.
27) Injuries of the coccyx.
28) Weak and friable bones.
29) Itching of vagina; burning in vagina.
30) Tuberculosis in alternation with Ferrum Phos
31) Excessive perspiration in alternation with Silicea.
32) Flatulence in alternation with Mag Phos.

33) Herpes with itching.

34) Barking cough.
35) Crawling and creeping sensation in the limbs.
36) Slow comprehension.
37) Milk aggravates all symptoms.
38) Persistent sexual thought; nymphomania worse before menses.
39) Sensation as if parts were asleep.
40) Coldness all over the body; cold sweat on forehead.
41) Infertility owing stiffness of cervix.
42) Uterine displacement with rheumatic pains.
Worse at night, change of weather, getting wet; better warm weather, and
lying down & rest.
It is known as a Bone Remedy.

(Calcium Sulphate, Plaster of Paris)
The bile contains it. It destroys worn-out red blood corpuscles in the
liver by eliminating their water, and excreting the remnants through
biliary action. Hence the blood does not contain useless cells. It cures
purulent excretions from the mucous membranes. It removes purulent
exudations from serous sacs. It cures tuberculous ulcers of the

intestines, also ulceration or deep seated abscess of the cornea. It is

known as an Ulcer Remedy. The presence of pus with a vent is the
general indication (Boricke & Dewey). It is a constituent of all
connective tissues. It increases blood coagulation. It stimulates
It controls yellow colored suppuration, which may be tinged with blood.
While Silicea hastens the process of suppuration in a normal manner,
Calc Sulph closes up the process at the proper time. George W. Carey.
If the face is covered with pimples and pustules, which continue to
suppurate, it is the remedy, and may be alternated with Silicea.
In kidney ailments, it is beneficial after Natrum Sulph has been
It is a remedy for:
1) Abscess, boils, carbuncles, even third stage.
2) Gum-boils (an almost absolute specific).
3) Suppurating tonsillitis/bronchial catarrh.
4) Chronic foul smelling cold (maxillary sinus).
5) Fistula; Silicea may be alternated.
6) Chronic rheumatism.
7) Insomnia; sleepy during the day, wakeful at night.
8) Ear discharge tinged with blood.
9) Herpetic eruptions, especially on face.
10) Cystitis & nephritis in alternation with Silicea.
11) Gonorrhoea.
12) Suppurating syphilis.
13) Headache after other remedies have failed; sensation of nail in the

14) Chronic neglected diseases.

15) Burning & itching of soles & feet.
16) Third stage of pneumonia when there is rattling in the chest.
17) Obstinate hoarseness.
18) Weeping eczemas.
19) Sudden loss of memory.
20) Vertigo with deadly nausea.
21) Injury to the eye from a splinter.
22) Abscess of the prostate.
23) Prolapsus ani, in alternation with Calc Fluor.
24) Empyema, pus forming in the lungs/pleural cavities.
25) Hip-joint disease with discharge of pus in alternation with Ferrum
26) Evening fever with chilliness.
27) Last stage of consumption when the expectoration is purulent.
28) Yellow mucus with streaks of senile blood.
29) Sanious dysentery.
30) Suppuration burns.
31) It possesses magical action on Anal Fistula.
Modalities: Worse from getting wet & walking fast; warm dry climate
aids the action of the remedy.


Symptoms comprise of flushed face, fever, quick full pulse, hot dry
skin, thirst, pain, redness of the parts, flaccid muscle fibers, blue
veins, florid complexion.
Salient features:
1) It colors the blood corpuscles red.
2) It improves the quality of blood to fight illness adequately.
3) It carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
4) It gives strength to the arteries.
5) It toughens the circular walls of the blood.
6) It supplies iron which nourishes cells. Iron attracts oxygen from
the air we breathe.

7) It regulates the bowels. So deficiency causes diarrhea or

8) It is a remedy for all diseases which appear suddenly.
9) Its deficiency causes inflammatory conditions, colds, cough etc.
10) It cures hemorrhages caused by hyperemesis.
11) It takes care of fresh wounds caused by mechanical injuries.
12) Pains worse motion, excitement, warmth; better from cold and
Other features:
Mind: Loss of courage and hope; trifles seem like mountains;
cunningness; puerperal mania.
Head: Hammering pain, worse right side; head sore to the touch; cold
applications relieve pain; headache when moving/stooping.
Eyes: There may be acute conjunctivitis; retinitis; Sensation as if
grains of sand under eyelids.
Ears: First stage of otitis; noises in the ear, roaring like running
Nose: Predisposition to cold; Epistaxis (bleeding from nose); in the
case of coryza, one tablet every 15 minutes may be taken three times.
Tongue: Clean and red with headache.
Teeth: Toothache, worse with hot, better with cold liquids/food.
Throat: Dry, red, inflamed, ulcerated with fever; first stage of

diphtheria; loss of voice after speaking or singing; barking cough.

Stomach: Thirst for cold water; burning, sore pain in pit of stomach;
first stage of gastritis; vomiting of undigested food or bright red
blood; pain after taking the smallest quantity of food, relieved by
cold drinks.
Abdomen: Inflammation of liver; incarcerated hernia; watery stools;
diarrhea caused by a chill; constipation.
Urinary Organs: Frequent desire to urinate or incontinence of urine.
Respiratory organs: The first remedy for coughs & colds; congestion
of the lungs, acute or chronic.
Febrile conditions: All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; rheumatic,
gastric, enteric, typhoid and intermittent fevers; simple cases of
scarlet fevers.

a) It is the first remedy in every itis. So it is a remedy in
bronchitis, conjunctivitis, endocarditis (inflammation of
membrane, lining interior of the heart), gastritis, laryngitis,
mastitis (inflammation of mammary gland), meningitis,
(inflammation of ovary) pericarditis (inflammation of outer
serous covering of the heart), periostitis, phlebitis
(inflammation of veins) pleuritis, retinitis, tonsillitis,
vaginitis etc.

b) It is the first remedy for inflammation, colds, influenza,

fevers, scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles, pleurisy,
rheumatism, neuritis, mechanical injury, haemorrhages,
leukemia, hyperemia etc.
c) It is also the first remedy for abscesses, carbuncles, boils,
felons etc.
d) In anemia & chlorosis, follow or precede Calc Phos; in
hemorrhoids, alternate with Calc Fluor; in diabetes, use
Natrum Sulph alternately; in headaches, let it be followed by
Natrum Phos; in inflammation of the prostate gland, and fever
Kali Mur follows well.
e) Strains and sprains require this remedy in the first place, so
does lumbago & stiff neck.
f) It acts brilliantly in old people.
g) It exists in all cells, is related to several enzymatic
processes, and plays a significant role in fighting infections.
Valuable Comments:
Every family should have Ferrum Phosphoricum.
(H. G. Jaedicke)
The red corpuscles in the blood have their cycle of life, comprising
from two to six weeks, and on their disintegration the iron from them is
stored in the liver until it is used again. Healthy kidneys hold back much
of the iron that would be otherwise lost in the urine, though some part
of the bodys iron content is lost in the process of sloughing of skin,
perspiration and through feces. (Editors of B. Jain)
A hyperaemia resulting from mechanical injury will be removed by this
remedy, and under its use fresh wounds, not yet suppurating, quickly

heal Several farmers have, upon my advice, given with constant

success Ferrum Phosphoricum to sows which had become possessed
with the mania of eating their young. This disorder, mania transitoria, is
dependent upon hyperaemia of the brain. (Dr Schussler)

(Potassium Chloride, a muscle salt)
Like Ferrum Phos, it is a constituent of every cell. It unites with
hydrogen and forms hydrochloric acid, hence dissolves fibrinexudations, and excretes redundant cell-substances. So it is a remedy for
smallpox, chickenpox, scarlet fever and measles.
It assists in the formation of protein and in carbohydrate utilization. It
stimulates metabolism. It is therefore an indispensable constituent of the
living organism. The principal characteristic symptoms are a white or
gray coating at the base of the tongue, white or gray exudations,
glandular swellings, discharges or expectorations of a thick, white
fibrinous slime or phlegm. (Boericke & Dewey); it is therefore a
remedy for catarrh of mucous membranes.
It almost always follows Ferrum Phos.

It has proved curative in:1) Dysentery in 6x potency in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x.
2) Diphtheria, can gargle with it also.
3) Laryngeal croup.
4) Croupy cough; croupous pneumonia and pleurisy.
5) Inflammation of the skin with or without erysipelas.
6) Cutaneous eruptions from bad vaccine.
7) Chronic cystitis with discharge of thick white mucus.
8) Eczema, if the skin blisters and excretes.
9) It is used with Kali Phos in typhoid, enteric and typhus fevers.
10) The 3x potency as a lotion controls blistering in burns & scalds;
simultaneously 6x potency 5grain doses should be taken internally,
every two hours.
11) Closed Eustachian tubes; snapping and noises in the ear.
12) Mumps, swelling of the parotid glands.
13) Obstinate constipation; Jaundice.
14) Want of appetite; dyspepsia and indigestion.
15) Diarrhea after fatty food.
16) Principal remedy in gonorrhea and orchitis (inflammation of testis).
17) Bubo with soft swellings of glands (use 3x potency) especially if it
is in armpit or groin.
18) Amenorrhea.
19) Leucorrhea.
20) Aphthae (whitish gray).
21) Cheeks swollen and painful, alternate with Ferrum Phos.
22) Sore, cutting, stitching, shifting pains relieved by cold and hot and
aggravated by hard pressure (Kodanda Ramaiah).
23) Rheumatic pains felt only during motion or at night (Dr Kamal
24) It is recommended for diseases of children such as whooping cough,

pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, renal inflammation, chronic cystitis, ear

25) Ulceration of the os & cervix uteri; hypertrophy of any organ or
26) Epilepsy after suppression of eczema; eczema after vaccination;
patient imagines he must starve.
27) Arthritis, bursitis, pustules and vesicles (Dr P. N. Verma);
inflammation of bursa (synovial sacs)
Modalities: Worse after taking any rich or spicy food; pains increase by
movement and towards morning; warmth alleviates the symptoms.


Bio-chemic treatment is the outcome of the doctrines of Biochemistry.
Brain is the principal centre of sensation, thought, volition, feelings,
and consciousness. THE GRAY MATTER of the brain is controlled
entirely by the inorganic cell-salt, potassium phosphate (George W.
Carey, M. D.), which is a constituent of the brain, the nerves, the
muscles, and the blood-corpuscles. It is an indispensable constituent of
the fluids and tissues of the human body and significantly forms the
structures of gray matter in the brain and nerves. It unites with albumin,
and by the addition of oxygen creates nerve fluid and cells of the brain.
The function of the brain, nerve cells, muscles, blood-cells, bloodplasma and tissue fluid depends on Kali Phos. It is the most significant
salt of the cells for nerve fertilization.
As potassium phosphate is the chemical property of Kali Phos, nerves
retain their vital properties in the human organism.
Kali Phosphorus is an omniscient remedy. It is an elixir of life. It has
won greatest laurels in ailments enumerated hereinafter:1) Mental derangements arising from want of nerve or brain power; the
patient is haunted by visions of the past, looks on the dark side of
everything, indulges in gloomy predictions, suffers from illusions of
senses, loss of memory, sleeplessness, sudden hysteria, somnambulism,
nervous dread, grasps at imaginary objects, dreams of fire, robbers,

ghosts or of falling. The patient laughs or cries suddenly. In a nutshell, it

is one of the most wonderful curative remedy for overworked
businessmen, weary females, nervous children.
2) Neuralgic headache, oversensitive to noise, with vertigo or giddiness
on rising, ameliorated by cheerful excitement, gentle motion, and while
3) Squinting, weakness of sight, drooping of eyelids, light aggravates
symptoms; sensation of sand in the eyes; black spots before eyes; weak
vision after coitus.
4) Itching in ears, with offensive discharge, and supersensitive hearing.
5) Sneezing from the slightest exposure, with thick yellow discharge.
6) Offensive breath, stomatitis, ashy-gray ulcers in mouth.
7) Excessively dry tongue in the morning; very thirsty; mustard-like
coating on the tongue, also smelly.
8) Paralysis of the vocal cords; Gangrenous sore throat.
9) Constant pain at epigastrium in a small spot; putrid gaseous
eructation, nausea soon after eating; drowsiness; these are excellent
indications for this remedy.
10) Cholera with profuse rice-watery stools; painless watery diarrhea;
dysentery when stools consist of pure blood with foul odor.
11) Bronchial asthma, shortness of breath (It was cured with 2x potency

by Dr O. H. Hall, it has been reported.)

12) It acts as a cardiac tonic. It invigorates, revives, strengthens,
soothes, and prevents vital energy from drying up.
13) Amenorrhea with constant dull headache, drowsiness, fidgety feet,
chest difficulties, and depression of spirits. (It was cured with 3x
potency by Dr Royal)
14) Kali Phos is an anti-septic and hinders the decay of tissues
(Boericke & Dewey). Debility and avoidance of decay and putrefaction
are the characteristic features of the remedy.
15) Paralysis of any part of the body and of all varieties, preferably in
alternation with Mag Phos. It is the chief remedy in paralysis.
16) Debilitating high fever with brown, dry tongue and profuse
perspiration, (not to be given in tuberculosis)
17) Morphine Habit; extreme offensiveness.
18) Sciatica in left leg, worse slightest motion. (Extract of a case study
by Dr Martin: A small powder of K.P. 6x was put in half glass of water,
a teaspoonful was given every 10 minutes for an hour, the lady patient
slept well but pain returned next day, gave K.P. 12x every 2 hours, a
small dry powder for a week and thereafter four times a day for a month,
a year passed without returning of the trouble.)
19) It will greatly facilitate labor, if given steadily for one month
previous to the birth. (Chapman)

20) Scorbutic (affected wih deficiency of vitamin C) gangrene (deathly

deterioration of any part of the body caused by interference with blood
supply); septic hemorrhages; septicemia (blood poisoning); phagedenic
chancre (rapidly spreading destructive ulceration).
21) Impotence; the patient may suffer from frequent urging to urinate.
22) Tympanitis in alternation with Mag Phos and Natrum Sulph.
23) Chief remedy in Typhoid, typhus, gastric and enteric fevers with
brown dry tongue, sleeplessness, delirium, foetid odor, excessive
24) Cold air aggravates all pains.
25) Brain-fag from overwork
26) Cerebral anemia
27) Indicated in appendicitis with putrefactive bowels.
Let it be a boon to the weary depressed spirits for instantaneous selfhelp to overcome the ailments as and when they arise.


Kali Sulph is found in the cells and in the intercellular fluids, muscles,
nerves, epithelium and in the blood corpuscles. Its deficiency causes a
yellow slimy deposit on the tongue, and yellow or greenish secretion
with watery matter from the mucous surfaces.
1) It carries oxygen to all tissues of the human body, as does Ferrum
Phos. It also carries organic substances to the cells of the skin.
2) It deals with cells forming the lining of the skin, also deals with the
internal mucous lining of all the organs of the living body.
3) It furnishes vitality to the epithelium (layers of cells covering
cutaneous, mucous and serous surfaces). It is a constituent of scalp.
4) Ferrum Phos cures the first stage of inflammation (dry swelling
without secretion), Kali Mur deals with the second stage (viscous
secretions) adequately, Kali Sulph is curative in the third stage of
inflammatory conditions of bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough,
chronic suppurating mucous membrane catarrh (nose, ear, throat,
bronchial tubes, conjunctiva etc), catarrh of the stomach & bowels,
hepatitis (liver inflammation) and nephritis (kidney inflammation) as
well as rheumatic pains of joints and for all processes of excretion &
elimination of toxic matter, when the exudations are yellowish, sticky,
slimy, as it has an affinity for oil.
5) It is needed in degeneration of the surface cells of the mouth, tongue,
lips, nose as in psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, epithelial cancer of the lips,
cancer of the face and nose.

6) It is the function remedy of the epidermis and epithelium. It aids

desquamation in eruptive diseases, and assists in the formation of new
skin. Skin scales freely on a sticky base, and is dry hot and burning
with lack of perspiration.
7) It is the chief remedy for skin diseases with formation of scales.
8) It is a remedy for psoriasis; excessive desquamation of the epidermis.
Skin peels off with or without sticky secretions.
9) It cures eczema with watery, yellow and foul matter.
10) In case of all diseases which have not been cured properly, Kali
Sulph cures (H. G. Jaedicke).
11) It is also a remedy for:
a) Epithelioma (cancer of the skin); thin purulent discharge may exist.
b) Smallpox when rash suppressed.
c) Recurring eruption of fine red pimples.
d) Tinia Capitis (Ringworm of the scalp)
e) Diseased condition of the nails (in alternation with Silicea)
f) Dandruff with yellowish or white scales. (A dose of 6x potency three
times a day works, besides an external application of a lotion of 3x
potency in half a cup of warm water would also be effective.)

g) Violent itching of anus.

12) It cures rheumatic pains of a shifting nature, worse in the evening, at
night, from sunset to sunrise, in a heated room, better in the cool air.
13) The patient lacks thirst; he/she is dread of hot drinks generally.
14) A sensation of weariness and heaviness, with chilliness, headache,
pains in the limbs or vertigo, is one of the guiding symptoms.
15) It activates destruction of worn-out cells.
16) For severe headache, indigestion, neuralgia, alternate shivering and
suffocation & difficult menses, Kali Sulph in 3x potency should be
availed of frequently till required.
17) Hypertrophy of prostate gland.
18) There is no remedy so competent for rattling in the chest when that
state has followed an acute attack of inflammation. When a child has
passed through broncho-pneumonia and seems to have recovered and
after every change in the weather to cold the child coughs and rattles in
the chest, then it is that this remedy cures. (Kent)
Significant indication for the selection of Kali Sulph:
a) The patient is sad and fearful of falling; mental exertion aggravates;
he or she is always in a hurry.
b) Condition of the patient worsens in the evening and in warm room.
c) He/she gets relief from ailments in cool fresh air.
d) Rise of temperature in the evening until midnight and then falls.

e) Copious scaling of the scalp.

f) Discharges may be tinged with blood.

(Magnesium Phosphoricum)
Molecules of phosphate of magnesia exist in the white fibers of the
nerves and muscles of the human body primarily, and are controlled by
the molecular motion of this mineral-salt. When a deficiency of this
mineral-salt occurs, the white fibers contract and cause violent spasms,
cramps, convulsions, colic & contractions in muscles. It corresponds to
pains of all kinds except burning pains. The pains are invariably

spasmodic in character, lightning-like & shooting, accompanied by a

constrictive sensation, often shifting, and are relieved by warm
application, heat, bending double and firm pressure, worse from cold
air/cold water, generally on the right side. Great prostration and
sometimes profuse sweat accompanies the attack.
Mag Phos is purely anti-spasmodic & analgesic. It induces functional
activity of the motor nerves. For quick relief in the case of cramps or
colic, seven grains of Mag Phos in 6x potency is dissolved in half glass
of hot water, stirred often and a sip is taken every 3 minutes, seven
times. It cures.
It suits lean, thin, emaciated, nervous and restless persons, susceptible
to migraines. It lowers the cholesterol level in the blood. Its main
targets are the central nervous system, the peripheral nerves, the muscles
and hollow organs. Mag Phos patient often changes position of
Mag Phos is the curative remedy for:
1) Spasms, may be of glottis (vocal apparatus of larynx), cramps in the
calf muscles, tetanus, tonic spasms, chorea (St.Vituss dance, disease of
nervous system which causes spasmodic involuntary movements of face
or other limbs), spasmodic retention of urine. Every muscle of the body
twitches from the eyes to the toes.
Farmers give, with prompt results, Magnesia Phosphorica for cramp
colic and flatulent colic of horses, and for acute flatulent distension
(meteorism) of cattle. (Schussler)
2) Flatulent colic of children and new-born.

3) Paroxysmal cough in children and watery diarrhea with body-ache.

4) Whooping cough (best in 200x potency)
5) Membranous dysmenorrhea, flow dark, clotted, intermittent.
6) Yawning and shivering, involuntary motion of hands, if spasmodic.
7) Lock-Jaw; should also be rubbed into the gums frequently.
8) Goiter; chronic enlargement of thyroid gland.
9) Obstinate gastralgia; 2x potency preferable
10) Loss of sense of smell, or perversion of the sense of smell under
certain conditions, not connected with cold; a course of this remedy
helps. (Schussler)
11) Spasmodic squinting, double vision, drooping of the eyelids.
12) Spasmodic stammering.
13) True spasmodic cough.
14) Paralysis in alternation with Kali Phos.
15) Obstinate singultus (hiccup)
16) Cancer (one of the chief remedies, rather high potencies, single
doses, then low and repeated ones.) (Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der
Goltz); let it be alternated with Calcarea Phos.

17) Colic around umbilical region; it stops the desire for chocolates.
18) Toothache, sharp, shooting, spasmodic, when heat relieves, cold
aggravates; cannot brush with cold water.
19) Asthma when flatulence troubles.
20) Angina Pectoris, spasmodic palpitation of the heart; apex beat
visible from the clothing; constriction in chest
21) Hypertrophy of the prostate gland.
(Sodium Chloride)
Human body is composed of about 70% water which will be useless if
there is deficiency of Natrum Mur.
It is a constituent of fluids and solids of the body. It regulates moisture
within the cells. It is a carrier of moisture to each and every cell of the
body. It attracts the water for distribution in the organism and to build
up and carry on the functions of life whereas Natrum Sulph attracts the
water which is in excess to eliminate it from the organism. Dryness of
some mucous membranes and copious watery discharge from others are
consequential to deficiency of sodium chloride (Natrum Mur).
Besides, Natrum Mur regulates the osmotic pressure, and keeps acid
base balance. It assists in formation of new cells. It stimulates the
formation of red blood corpuscles. Sodium unites with carbonic acid

and enters the blood as sodium carbonate. The dissolved chlorine

becomes Hydrochloric acid and helps in curing dyspepsia.
The tongue has clean and shiny appearance with bubbles of saliva.
There may be violent thirst for large quantities of water and a longing
for salty food and aversion to bread.
Natrum Mur is also useful in:1) It is the chief remedy for sunstroke; 12x potency to be used.
2) Muscular asthenopia (weak/ painful vision); no better remedy.
3) Hammering headache worse morning; hemicrania.
4) Roaring in ears, cracking when chewing.
5) Loss of smell and taste with coryza.
6) Toothache with involuntary flow of tears or salivation.
7) Mumps with salivation, and frequent coughing of salty mucus.
8) Delirium Tremens.
9) Menses with terrible sadness.
10) Dry short cough, day and night.
11) Backache relieved by lying on something hard; uterine troubles
relieved by lying on back on a pillow; spinal irritation with rigidity of

12) The patient dreams of robbers in the house.
13) Effects of insect-bites. (Moisten the spot and apply thereto Natrum
Mur in 6x potency, rubbing it in, pain ceases. This external application
cures rapidly.)
14) Anemia & chlorosis, after Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos have
been given.
15) Aphthae with flow of saliva, alternate with Kali Mur.
16) Indigestion with watery vomiting.
17) Diarrhea alternating with constipation.
18) Neuralgic nerve pains.
19) Hay fever
20) Eczema with white scales; eczema on eyebrows.
21) Herpetic eruptions especially in bends of knee and elbow, or around
anus; miliary eruptions.
22) Dropsy in any part of the body.
23) Falling out of hair (1x solution externally)
24) Cracked fingertips.

25) Leucoderma; white scales on the scalp, skin blisters between thigh
and scrotum with acrid discharge.
26) Intermittent fever after the abuse of quinine and by living in damp
region; thirst before and during the chill.
27) Sterility.
28) Leukemia (blood cancer); in the opinion of Dr Willmar Schwabe It
has favorable effect on deficient blood composition. Dr E. P. Anshutz
has written that It has proved curative in Leukemia.
29) Chronic facial eczema.
30) Pleurisy with watery exudations.
31) If the patient consumes salt and alcohol excessively, he requires it
for reducing this craving considerably.
32) Painful constriction of hamstrings with emaciated limbs.
33) Abundant leucorrhoea with unnatural dryness of vagina.
The patient tires easily, and loses weight. He/she is chilly and often
suffers from cold, and the breath is foetid. Fatigue, exhaustion,
readiness to shed tears, weak memory and increased salivation are
typical signs of a patient of Natrum Mur. Complaints develop slowly.
The patient is better in open air, evening, by fasting or sitting; worse
sea-shore, morning, heat of the sun; consolation also aggravates.

Natrum Phos creates water and removes acid condition of the blood and
cures diseases which are caused by acidity.
It is anti-acid. It cures sour belching, sour vomiting, sour sweats, and
sour stools.
It splits up lactic acid into carbonic acid and water, and eliminates
carbonic acid through lungs. It is therefore the remedy for ailments
arising from excess of lactic acid. It prevents inspissation of the bile
and mucus with crystallization of cholesterin in the gall duct and will
thus remove the cause of many cases of jaundice, hepatic colic, bilious
headache and imperfect assimilation of fats from lack of bile. It is useful
in podagra, gout, as well as in acute and chronic articular rheumatism,
being thus a remedy for the so-called acid diathesis (Boericke &
Dewey). For Jaundice 1x trituration may be used.
It eliminates excess sugar from the blood. So it helps in curing diabetes

in alternation with Natrum Sulph.

It does oxidation of uric acid into urea for elimination by the kidneys. It
eliminates metabolic end products.
The patient may imagine on waking at night that pieces of furniture are
persons, may get annoyed on trivial matters, may fall asleep while
sitting, may sees sparks before eyes, may suffer from roaring in ears,
grinding of teeth due to intestinal worms, itching all over the body like
insect bites.
It is the chief remedy in cystitis (inflammation of urinary bladder).
It is the principal remedy in scrofulous glands & tuberculosis.
Besides, it also cures:
1) Sterility if it is associated with acid secretions.
2) Gastric troubles which cause flatulence, headache and giddiness.
3) Morphine habit.
4) Acute rheumatism/gout/arthritis when associated with uric acid
5) Habitual constipation if associated with occasional diarrhea.
6) Morning sickness of pregnancy.
7) Symptoms worse evening and during thunderstorm.

8) Eye inflammation of infants.

9) Fiery sparks before eyes.
10) Violent eye pains caused by rheumatism.
11) Aphthae when of yellow color.
12) Vomiting of sour cheesy masses.
13) Gout resulting from alcoholism.
14) Low fevers/bilious fevers/fevers with acid symptoms.
15) First stage of gonorrhea.
16) Loss of appetite.
17) Nausea/Vomiting with sour risings.
18) Seminal emissions without dreams.
19) Travelling sickness.
20) Goiter
21) Squinting caused by irritation from worms.
22) Gastric derangements during teething.

23) Worms of all kinds with symptoms of picking the nose, itching at
the anus, acidity of the stomach, restless sleep etc.
24) Eczema with acid creamy yellow secretions.
25) Fever with vomiting of sour fluids and sour-smelling sweat.
26) Dyspepsia traceable to fats; it emulsifies fatty acids.
27) Spinal anemia
28) It stimulates metabolism to excrete excessive acids through kidneys.
29) It reduces the desire for fatty foods, ice-cream, pastries, sweets,
pickled foods, vinegar.
30) It treats nephritis very well, also tonsillitis, pharyngitis and
Moist creamy coating or golden yellow coating at the back part of the
tongue is the keynote of Natrum Phos.
The symptoms get aggravated by motion, greasy food, bath, and moistcold weather, also between 1 & 3 p. m.; the patient feels better while
sitting and during rest.

(Sodium Sulphate)
Natrum Sulph appears in the intercellular fluids. It eliminates the
superfluous water formed during the retrogressive metamorphosis of the
cells; it removes metabolic wastes, de-toxicates the organism, and
stimulates the bile flow as it has good effect on the cells and the nerves
of bile ducts, intestines and pancreas. It increases the secretion of
pancreatic fluid, so if diabetes mellitus is caused by a lessened secretion
of pancreatic juice, it is the remedy.
People with deficiency of this salt are liable to malarial affections as
they are not able to remove excess water from the blood. It is therefore
the chief remedy for malarial, intermittent, yellow fevers, dropsy,
edematous erysipelas, moist eczema, humid asthma, hydraemia, dengue,
spinal meningitis, uric acid diathesis.
Natrum Sulph takes away water from worn-out leucocytes, and thereby
accomplishes their disintegration. It is, therefore, the remedy for
leucaemia. (Boericke and Dewey) This cell-salt possesses natural
affinity for oxygen & water and so helps in acquiring true health.

The chief characteristic of Natrum Sulph is a dirty greenish-gray or

greenish-brown coating on the root of the tongue and aggravation from
lying on the left side.
The patients are worse from wet weather, dampness, moisture, and better
in dry and warm atmosphere.
Besides, Natrum Sulph has proved curative in:
1) Mental troubles from injury to the head. The patient may be of
wild nature with suicidal tendency. Music aggravates ailments.
2) Headache on top of the head with giddiness and hot feeling.
The patient strikes his head against any hard substance.
3) Burning of the edges of the eyelids worse in the morning and
near the fire.
4) Ringing in the ears as of bells.
5) Nosebleed before and during menses. Menses profusely acrid
and corrosive.
6) Toothache better by tobacco smoke and holding cold water in
the mouth although patients always feel chilly, and cannot get
warm even in bed at night.
7) Secretions are watery and yellowish-green or green.
8) Loose morning stools worse in cold wet weather.
9) Hydrocele; itching of genitals.
Hands and feet twitch during sleep.
Crops of soft warts. (6x potency. Lotions of 3x potency
to be applied, also for soft swellings of erysipelas.)
Tendency to warts around eyes, scalp, face, chest, anus
Erysipelas smooth, red, shiny, tingling.

Eczema, with watery exudations and biliousness.
All skin diseases, with exudation of yellowish water.
Pemphigus with watery vesicles all over the body, marked
by clusters of large flaccid blisters.
Cutting pains in the left chest and left hip.
Predisposition to gall bladder, liver diseases, and jaundice of
bilious type, frequent flatulent colic. Rheumatism with
biliousness. Pains around hips & knees.
Biliousness and flatulence.
Chorea (disease of nervous system causing spasmodic
involuntary movements of face or other limbs) with constipation.
Tape worms; prolonged use expels.
Lead Colic.
Ulcerated sore throat with green vomiting and constant
Low fevers.
Vomiting of pregnancy.
Kidney disorders; chronic gonorrhoea and sycosis; sandy
deposits in urine; urine with excessive uric acid; sugar in urine.
It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
27) It stimulates the excretion of inflammatory substances.
28) It reduces craving for bitter foods.
29) It saves us from bacterial and flu-viral attacks.
30) It acts as a gentle cleansing remedy for all cells and helps us to
defy the burden of winter.
31) For prolonged ulceration, even after use of antibiotics, it has
given very good results.
32) Syphilitic condylomata.
33) Sciatica when getting up from sitting or turning in bed, no relief
in any position.

Before concluding the article, if I narrate below a clinical report in

asthma from exertion, it may be of interest to the readers:
Mr C. has for years had an attack of asthmatic breathing, so marked as
to herald his approach at some distance, and coming on after any
unusual exercise. He is a tall, strong man, with no history of long
trouble, albeit rather narrow-chested. Examination of the lungs during a
period of remission disclosed no lesion or abnormal sounds, except
coarse rales along the larger bronchi. An especially severe attack,
brought on by severe physical exertion, the worst spell he has ever
had, was promptly relieved by Natr. Sulph., and occasional doses since
have caused the attacks to disappear almost entirely for the first time in
many summers (Wm. E. Leonard, M.D.).

(Silicic Acid)
The epidermis of wheat and other cereals contain Silicea. Eating whole
grain products provides the normal need for this mineral-salt.
Silicea suits the person whose connective tissues are weak to react to
infections, and whose skin does not heal easily. It is a constitutional
remedy. It enhances the power of resistance. It assists in assimilation of
calcium from the food. It does calcium metabolism. It stimulates the
phagocytes to fight infections. It helps in the formation of proteins in
the bones. It lowers the uric acid in the blood.
A deficiency of Silicea causes a deficiency of an essential nutrient of the
brain and nerves, evidencing poor memory, difficult thinking process,
Urate of soda deposited in arthritic joints is dissolved by Silicea.
Silicea is a remedy if skin heals with difficulty and suppurates easily. It
cures septic and fistulous infections. It ripens abscesses since it
promotes suppuration. Calcarea Sulph heals suppurating wounds as it
restrains suppuration. It follows Silicea well in suppurating processes.

Silicea is known as SURGICAL TISSUE REMEDY. It is a remedy for

suppurating, rattling, loose, copious expectoration of thick, yellowgreen pus with hectic fever, profuse night sweat and great debility;
suppurating stage of pneumonia.
Silicea cures chronic gouty rheumatic affections by means of its
stimulating effects of the involved connective tissue cells, compelling
these to throw off the accumulated urates through the lymphatics
(Boericke & Dewey).
In addition to the above, Silicea has proved curative in:
1) Menses with icy cold feeling all over.
2) Headache from the occiput towards eyes, better from wrapping up
3) Sweating on the hairy parts of the head, and on the feet; the sweat is
cold, sour and smelly.
4) Frequent meteorism (swelling of the abdomen owing presence of gas)
5) Obstipation (severe constipation); stools comprising of hard balls
almost impossible to expel; stools recede after having partially expelled.
6) Alopecia
7) Spinal irritation, nausea, spasmodic acrid leucorrhea, ameliorated by
8) Asthma of stone workers.

9) Chronic cystitis.
10) Stony hard tumors in abdomen.
11) Hydrocele
12) For Cancer, after Kali Sulph & Natrum Mur have been
13) Hip-joint disease.
14) Anal fistula, fissure in anus, boils, carbuncles, cataract, styes,
whitlows, and abscesses.
15) Varicose veins, piles; in alternation with Calcarea Fluor.
16) Diseases of the nails (brittle nails, ingrowing nails, ribbed nails) and
17) Ulceration and necrosis of bones.
18) Nipples crack and ulcerate; child refuses milk or vomits as soon as
19) Urine loaded with pus and mucus.
20) Toothache, very violent at night, when neither heat nor cold gives
21) Tonic spasm of the hand when writing; painful tonic spasm in the

feet and toes during a long walk.

22) It promotes cartilage regeneration.
23) It improves skin and de-acidifies the connective tissues.
24) Nodes on scrotum in tertiary syphilis.
Modalities: Ailments worse from cold, in the evening, at night, and from
noise or movement and during new/full moon, better from warmth and
wrapping up.



Before I deal with the subject, I am inclined to quote below a statement

of Dr N. M. Jaisoorya, M.D., Member of Parliament, from The
Homoeopathic Bulletin, Sep. 52, page 107, as it appears in 40 Tissue
Remedies by N. Kodanda Ramaiah:I have seen it done in one district where a dozen relatively trained
men armed with tissue remedies are working miracles and, as a
result, Government allopathic dispensaries running empty of
The incidence occurred when the cellular therapy of Dr Schussler was
equipped with 12 Tissue Remedies only. The knowledge of mineral
elements, vital to human body, has not remained stationary. It has
progressed. According to Hoeber, Openheimer and Stocklasa, the noted
scientists, the hereinafter mentioned elements also take part in the buildup of the human body:(Aluminum, Arsenic, Borax, Bromine, Copper, Iodine, Lithium,
Manganese, Plumbum, Radium, Selenium, Vanadium and Zinc)

It is therefore evident that with the enlarged sphere of tissue remedies,

limitation of effectiveness, if any, vanishes, even in incurable diseases.
Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der Goltz makes applicable the term
SEMIOTIK for indication of the pathological symptoms for the Biochemic remedies.
Now let us deal with the significant additional remedies.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Terrible pains come and disappear suddenly.
b) Frontal headache, with a sensation as if head compressed by a rubber
band tightly, better by drinking green tea.
c) Constipation with horribly offensive breath, and burning from mouth
to stomach.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Involuntary stools while passing urine; cannot urinate without
passing bowels simultaneously.
b) Aphthous mouth; fetid breath; deep malignant ulcers on the tongue
c) Pimples and freckles on the face; cannot bear sight of meat.
d) Intermits every third heart beat.
e) Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, sensitive & painful to touch.
f) Eczema on back of hands; fetid ulcers in genitals.
(Nitric Acid)
A tissue remedy of wide application, but with a particular affinity for
the skin and mucous membranes. T.F. Allen
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Pain in limbs as from splinters, better while riding in a carriage,
worse evening and night.
b) Fissures in rectum; violent pains after stool, lasting for hours; urine
smells like that of a horse.
c) Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue or genitals.
(Phosphoric acid)

Some Significant Clinical Indication:

a) Person debilitated by loss of vital fluids.
b) Frequent profuse emissions at night and at stool.
c) Hair falls out; gray early in life.
d) Painless, watery, involuntary diarrhea; aching in umbilical region.
e) Relieves pain of cancer.

(Oxide of Aluminum)
It exists in the human body in spinal marrow, nerves, skin and mucous
membranes on a very small scale.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Dryness of mucous membranes & skin.
b) Debility in prematurely old people.
c) Numbness of limbs.
d) Constrictive sensation in chest.
e) Craving for indigestible things.
f) Severe Constipation, even soft stool requires great straining,
worse winter.
g) Leucorrhoea, acrid and profuse, running down to the heels, relieved
by washing with cold water.
h) Cough soon after walking in the morning.
i) Spinal degeneration.
j) Unconquerable disposition to lie down T. F. Allen
k) Boenninghausen cured four cases of locomotor ataxia


a) It removes pains of loco-motor ataxia.
b) It removes jerking movements
c) It cures constipation & flatulence
a) It is a remedy for anemia & chlorosis
b) It cures painless paralysis of lower limbs; paralysis of one side of
c) It overcomes the chronic effects of grief.
d) It cures constipation when there is no desire for stools.
e) Symptoms are worse after eating and from physical exertion.


a) It is composed of aluminum 63 and silica 37 parts.
b) It is a deep and long acting remedy, and cures chronic complaints of
the brain, spinal cord, bowels and the nerves It has cured multiple
neuritis and locomotor ataxia. Dr J. T. KENT
c) The patient is timid & cowardly; the mind is in a constant state of
d) There may be burning pain in the genitals.


a) It is indicated in chronic laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh
b) It deals with dry, spasmodic cough at night
c) Whooping cough worse on lying down and at night


(Smelling Salt)
a) Hemmorrhagic Tendency; capacity to carry oxygen less
b) Ulceration tends to formation of gangrene
c) Obese person with weak heart
d) Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation
e) One of the best remedies in emphysema with much oppression in
breathing, worse ascending even a few steps, and entering warm room,
better lying on abdomen


a) It is good for treatment of burning sensation in oesophagus
b) It is also useful in syncope (fainting fits from sudden anemia of brain)
c) Muscular debility with rheumatism of shoulders


a) Catarrhal (illness causing inflammation of mucous membranes with

profuse discharge of mucus); Pneumonia
b) Oedema (fluid accumulation) of lungs
c) Menieres syndrome (Excess of fluid in ear causing dizziness, ringing
in ears, and even deafness)


a) It suits persons with large obese body, but legs too thin
b) Diarrhea, vomiting and bloody discharge from the bowels during
c) Acrid coryza with loss of smell
d) Cancer of stomach with thirst for lemonade
e) Piles after suppressed leucorrhea


a) Excessive running from nose with frequent sneezing
b) Cough with greenish expectoration
c) Rose-colored sediment passes with urine


It is a remedy for tachycardia (excessively rapid heart beat) with nervous
irritability, insomnia and headaches.


a) It is a remedy for palpitation of the heart and other discomforts at
b) It is a remedy for hiccough and yawning
c) Effeects of suppression of the menses, or after the cessation of


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Beneficial in emphysema (loss of elasticity of lung tissues) with
cough, great mucus secretion, excessive dyspnoea, worse after eating
and when lying down; Excessive dyspnoea in cases of emphysema (T.
F. Allen)
b) Influenza & pneumonia.
c) Cardiac weakness; inflammation of heart.
d) Pleurisy.
e) Edema of face.


It is a remedy for cancer in third trituration.


(Sulphide of Antimony)

It is a compound of Antimony and Sulphur. It is a very good polychrest

It is a general tissue remedy T. F. Allen
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) A thick milky-white coating on tongue with no thirst is the main
guiding symptom.
b) An absence of pain, where it is expected, is noticeable.
c) Headache with great loss of hair.
d) Large horny corns on soles of feet, very sensitive while walking,
better after warm bath.


a) It is a remedy for humid asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.
b) Loss of appetite
c) Loss of strength with sweaty yellowish skin.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Great rattling of mucus with little expectoration, much drowsiness,
debility, trembling of the whole body, worse evening and night, better
from sitting erect.
b) Cough & dyspnoea, better lying on right side; vomiting in any
position, except lying on right side.
c) Extraordinary craving for apples.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Loss of voice of singers.
b) Laughing excites cough; larynx feels sore, and expels profuse mucus.
c) Severe backache; must walk bent, worse noon, better open air.


(Silver Nitrate)
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Great desire for sweets.
b) Great apprehension, so diarrhea sets in before examination etc.
c) Peculiar mental impulses; acts in a hurry.
d) Flatulence; air rushes out with great violence without any relief
e) Impotence; erection fails when coition attempted.
(Arsenic Trioxide)
Arsenic is, abve all, a tissue drug, ranking with Phosphorus and
Antimony. T. F. Allen

It is present in traces throughout the living organism in blood, brain,

kidneys, thyroid gland, and skin. It supplies cell-deficits. Food contains
its traces. So we derive natural quota of Arsenic when we eat.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
1) It acts on every organ and tissue profoundly.
2) Great debility, exhaustion and restlessness, with aggravation after
midnight, are the main symptoms.
3) Affected parts burn like fire.
4) Angina pectoris with pain in neck and occiput.
5) Psoriasis
6) Septic fevers; gangrenous inflammations.
7) Great thirst for cold water, drinks often, but little at a time.
8) Ill effects of melons and watery fruits.
9) Cholera with excessive prostration and burning thirst.
10) Liver and spleen enlarged and painful.
11) Asthma worse midnight.
12) Fear of death, fears to be alone.
13) The pain and uneasiness return at regular hours.
14) It is adapted to a condition of profound prostration, rapid
exhaustion or even collapse.
It works on mucous membranes, skin and nerves.
It is very useful in herpetic eruptions, syphilitic excrescences, glandular
tumors, diabetes mellitus and insipidus (Dr N. Kodanda Ramaiah
advises use of 1x Tincture), loco-motor ataxia, obstinate intermittent
fevers, malaria.

It is also efficacious in acne and pimples which are worse in the spring
It is a true stimulant, hence quite beneficial in all atrophic
Arsen. Brom. is also a powerful remedy in diabetes mellitus and
insipidus, for I cured cases with it where the patient had already been
reduced from 138 pounds to 98let the patient take three drops thrice
daily in a glass of water, and after a week the insatiable burning thirst
will be quenched, and these doses must be continued till the quantity of
sugar in the urine is reduced, when the drug might be taken twice a day
and continued for a long time (Dr Clemens, as translated from the
German language by Dr Samuel Lilienthal).


(Iodide of Arsenic)
It exists throughout the body, especially in the blood and glands. It
supplies cell-deficit. It is a tissue builder.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
1) It is very effective in the early stages of tuberculosis, even if there is
an afternoon rise of temperature; pulmonary phthisis.
2) Chronic pneumonia with abscess of lungs.
3) Recurring fever, and sweats with profound prostration and tendency
to diarrhea.
4) Chronic follicular pharyngitis.

5) Exfoliation of skin in large scales.


a) Symptoms recur every two/three weeks.
b) Left-sided headache up to eyes and into ears.
c) Sore pain in liver goes through to shoulders and spine; pain in
spleen goes down to groin; pain in breast extends to hip and spleen.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Leucoderma (6x potency)
b) Asthma with difficult respiration.
c) Sciatica; pain around the knees.
d) Useful medicine in old cases of malaria.
e) Useful in eczema; pustules on scalp.
f) Fluent coryza; frequent sneezing.
g) Nausea after cold water; burning after cold drinks.
h) Ulceration of the navel.
i) Nodular urticaria; psoriasis.
Clinical Indication:
a) It increases appetite rapidly
b) Anemia & chlorosis

c) Inflammation of aorta
d) The patient is always in a hurry.
e) The lashes fall out.
f) It is a useful remedy in ozaena (fetid nasal ulceration)
g) It is a very useful remedy in cancer of the uterus It has cured
numerous liver conditions and complaints. It is a most useful remedy in
heart affections; Angina Pectoris. J. T. Kent


It is a most useful remedy in syphilisIt is a very useful remedy in a
variety of liver affections. J. T. Kent
(Metallic Gold)
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
1) Great desire to commit suicide.
2) Beneficial use of gold (Aurum Met) as an anti-venereal & antiscrofulous and anti-syphilitic remedy is quite ancient.
3) Horrible odor from nose and mouth.
4) Atrophy of testicles.
5) Nightly dyspnoea.


Some Clinical Symptoms:

a) Burning, yellow, acrid leucorrhea

b) Warts on genitals
c) Climacteric hemorrhages from the uterus
d) Cancer of the tongue which may be as hard as leather


(Sodium Chloroaurate)
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) More powerful than any other remedy in uterine tumors; ulceration in
womb & vagina.
b) Psoriasis.
c) Hepatic cirrhosis.
d) Uncommon swelling of the testicle; hydrocele
e) Chronic metritis and prolapsus uteri.
f) Sterility
g) Hysterical spasms, with unconsciousness for several hours,
beginning with coldness starting from abdomen, sometimes with
pulsation in occiput, with inflamed uterus filling the whole pelvis,
interfering with the action of the bowels and bladder, entirely cured. T.
F. Allen


a) Hysterical convulsions

b) Tearing pain in head, forehead, occiput, in sides of head, in temples.

c) Condylomata of the glans penis; chancres on penis; swelling of
testes; pain in testes; hydrocele.


(Carbonate of Baryta)
A profound tissue remedy, affecting glandular structures especially;
indicated in general degenerative changes. T. F. Allen
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) It suits the extremes of life, i.e. infants & old people.
b) It acts on nutrition, glands, throat, prostrate, blood vessels, and
c) Children dwarfish; mentally deficient, physically weak, take cold
easily, always have swollen tonsils.
d) Hypertrophied prostrate or indurated testes.
e) Sensation of smoke in nose.
f) Old people suffering from gout.
g) Cataracts
h) It is useful in paralysis of tongue in old people.
i) Tendency to sweat of the feet


(Iodide of Baryta)

Some Significant Clinical Indication:

a) Leucocytosis; excess of leucocytes in blood.
b) Quinsy.
c) Tumors.
(Barium of Chloride)
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) It acts on stiff and weak muscles & joints especially if it occurred
after walking a lot.
b) Arteriosclerosis when systolic pressure is high diastolic low
c) Bronchial affections of old people with cardiac dilatation.
d) Some remarkable cases of aneurism have been reported cured by this
drug; one particularly of the descending aorta, in which death seemed
inevitable, entirely cured in six months by the 1st dec.; there were
persistent palpitation, fullness and painfulness in the chest, swelling of
the thorax close to the sternum etc. T. F. Allen


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) It cures uric acid diathesis with very offensive dark brown urine, and
gout in a syphilitic patient.
b) Asthmatic cough with expectoration of green mucus, worse night and
lying on right side
c) Pain in great toe and tendo Achllis
Some Significant Symptoms:
a) It removes inflammation of the alimentary canal.
b) Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach, but solid food is
retained for some days.
c) The patient is incapable of bearing solitude; desires company.
(40) BORAX
(Borate of Soda)
It acts mainly on gastro-intestinal system. It is a tissue remedy, allied to
the Potashes and to Silicea.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) The patient is afraid of downward motion and thunder.
b) Mouth hot with white aphthae; painful gumboil.
c) Leucorrhoea like white of eggs, copious, unnaturally hot.
d) Sterility, favors easy conception.

Some Significant Symptoms:
a) It is a good medicine for asthma of sailors
b) Spasmodic suffocative cough with rattling of mucus in the larynx
c) Left-sided mumps with sharp burning sensation from tongue to


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Slightest exertion aggravates the ailments.
b) Epilepsy; aura felt in the region of heart, with rush of blood to the
c) Cancer of uterus; burning pain in uterus & vagina.
d) Hemoglobin and red corpuscles low.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Removes inflammation from uterus.

b) Eradicates nervousness and irritability of children.

c) Cures gastric trouble.


It is a remedy for warts in 3x trituration in 8 grain doses at


(Carbonate of Lime)
It contains almost all the minerals of the seas. An overweight person
generally suffers from mineral imbalance which is rectified miraculously
by this remedy in 6x potency. It is a constitutional remedy par
excellence. It is a general nutrition (tissue) remedy.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Disposed to grow fat, gets out of breath easily.
b) Much perspiration; wets the pillow.
c) Dreams of the dead.
d) Suffers from cold at every change of weather.
e) Feels better when constipated.
f) The patient indulges in anxiety before falling asleep and continues to
do so even after waking up, in consequence thereof gets cold sweat and
palpitation considerably.
g) It is frequently indicated in affections caused by working in water.
h) Umbilical hernia


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Loss of appetite, rapid debility, night sweats.
b) Mesenteric tuberculosis; bleeding from lungs.
c) Pain two hours after meals relieved by a cup of milk.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Thyroid enlargement
b) Uterine tumors
c) Chronic cough


Some Clinical observation:
a) Gastric pain with vomiting of food and drinks
b) Angioneurotic Oedema & Pleurisy
c) Eczema in infants


Clinical Observation:

a) A deep acting remedy

b) The patient is fearful, weak, and chilly
c) Psoric eruptions, skin itches, burning sensation, pimples
d) Flatulence with great thirst
e) Extreme constipation
f) It has been of great service in hip joint diseaseIt has cured wens
and other cystic growths. J. T. KENT


It is a tissue remedy. It acts as a tonic in conditions of great
prostration. T.F. Allen
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Weak digestion; simplest food disagrees; food putrefies before it
b) Desire to be constantly fanned; must have all the windows open.
c) Body becomes blue, icy-cold; loss of vital fluids.
d) Fear of ghosts.
e) Varicose ulcers, carbuncles.

Some Significant Clinical Observation:
a) It is a polychrest of the highest order
b) It is an excellent remedy for paralytic and arthritic affections

c) There may be progressive loss of muscular strength with characteristic

burning, rawness and soreness
d) Tendency to form warts especially on face
e) Left-sided sciatica with numbness; stiffness in hollow of knees
f) Symptoms worsen in fine weather, better in wet damp weather and

Some Clinical observation:
a) It cures Cancer of the liver; Ameke, Burnett, Yingling have
categorically stated
b) It is quite good to treat obstinate gallstones and jaundice in 3X
c) It is also good for vitreous opacities

Some clinical observation:
a) Neurasthenic spinal states
b) Constant dropping of blood from anus
c) Impotence; emission without erection
(Acetate of Copper)

Clinical Indication:
a) Acts as preventive to cholera
b) Chronic psoriasis
c) Head reels when in high-ceiled room.


(Arsenite of copper)
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Dizziness and headaches.
b) Brain oedema.
c) Kidney and intestinal affections.
d) Bronchial asthma with emphysema (Loss of elasticity of lungs).
e) Frequent attacks of anxiety.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Its deficiency causes spasms, cramps, convulsions, colic, coldness,
b) Epilepsy; aura commences at knees and ascends and thereafter
unconsciousness, foaming and falling.
c) Cholera with cramps in abdomen and calves of legs.
d) Persistent protrusion and retraction of the tongue as that of a snake.
e) Cough and vomiting better by drinking cold water.


Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Fever with enlarged liver and spleen and discharge of albumen in
urine, and chill in morning, noon, evening and night.
b) Anemia and chlorosis.
c) Eczema, psoriasis.
d) Inflammation and hemorrhage of lungs
e) The longer he lies the more restless he becomes; must get up and
walk about. J.T. Kent
Clinical Observation:
a) Crops of boils

b) Pain in the forehead, worse on the right side, in the evening, from
coughing, motion, pressure of hat, smoking, when reading, writing, in a
warm room, better in the open air.
c) Hearing impaired with humming, ringing, roaring noises in the ears.
d) Bleeding gums
e) No stool for a week
f) Cancer of right breast was greatly benefited. J. T. Kent
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Extreme paleness of the face & lips which become red on the least
b) Menses too early, too profuse, too long lasting with red face, flow
pale watery, debilitating.
c) Pain in teeth relieved by icy-cold water, worse while sweating.


(Hydrofluoric Acid)
Clinical Indication:
a) It is effective in bedsores, varicose veins and ulcers
b) Warm drinks produce diarrhea
c) Dropsy of limbs in an old person

(Amorphous Carbon)

It is a profound tissue remedy (like all the carbons), showing a

particular tendency to develop a cutaneous phase of internal disorders.
T.F. Allen
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Eruptions oozing out a sticky fluid.
b) Eruptions upon the ears, between fingers and toes.
c) Eczema; persistent dryness of portions of skin unaffected by eczema.
d) Menses too late, pale and scanty, with violent colic, and constipation
in obese women.
e) Nails brittle, crumbling, deformed, crippled.
f) Cancer of pylorus.
g) Erysipelas.


(Sulphuret of Lime)

A tissue drug of wide action. It stimulates Mercury in its action on

the glandular system, especially on the liver and kidneys, Sulphur in its
action on the skin and mucous membrane of the intestinal tract,
Calcarea in affecting the respiratory tract, and all of the foregoing in its
general action on connective tissue. T. F. Allen
Some Significant Clinical indication:
a) It opens the abscess and cures it.
b) Extremely sensitive to cold air; wants to be wrapped up warmly.
c) Cough croupy, choking, rattling, suffocative, very sensitive to touch.
d) Herpes, eczema, ulcers, gonorrhoea.
e) Quinsy; sensation of a plug or splinter in throat.

(63) IODUM
Clinical observation:
a) Gets thin despite voracious appetite; terrible weakness
b) Cervix cancerous.
c) Constipation better by drinking cold milk.
d) Thyroid enlarged.
e) Sudden impulse to do violence.
a) Intestinal putrefaction & Septicemia

b) Spinal paresis
c) Children weak limbed and grow fast
The patient is restless, nervous and anemic. He suffers from intolerable
itching which is worse from warmth, walking, change of weather and
Kali Ars cures Psoriasis which commences as a pin-sized papule, with a
silvery, scaly lining. Soon numerous scaly patches appear. The patches
merge after the patient indulges in scratching. When the scales fall off,
shiny dry red skin is revealed, and when the infection heals at one point,
it leaves a ring or rings which form a chain. It should be given in 6x
potency thrice a day and the administration should be stopped as soon
as improvement is observed.
It is also very effective in chronic eczema, skin cancer, epithelioma of
the lower lip, fissures in bends of arms and knees and numerous small
nodules under the skin. It cures nervous disturbances.

(66) Kali Bichromicum

(Potassium Bichromate)

A tissue drug, affecting the skin, papular and pustular eruptions as

well as ulcers of characteristic shape; producing general catarrh of
mucous membranes and frequently erosions or ulcerations (throat, nose,

stomach, rectum); causing inflammation of the periosteum and of the

ligamentous structures about the joints; causing also acute inflammation
of the kidney, with albuminuria, sympathetic disturbance of the liver
etc. T. F. Allen
Some Significant Guiding Symptoms:
a) Tenacious, ropy, greenish-yellow discharge of mucus which can be
drawn into long strings, with fetid smell; violent sneezing.
b) Pains migrate rapidly or felt in very small spots.
c) Rheumatism alternates with gastric symptoms.


In the human body, there is a very small amount of Bromine. It is found
in ductless and endocrine glands.
The sphere of action is on the brain, skin, genitals and mucosa. In all
diseases relating to mental functions, it is preferred. It removes nervous
restlessness and sensor disorders. It is highly suitable to a person who is
afraid of darkness. He/she also fears being alone and of losing mental
It is helpful in persistent hiccough, vomiting after each meal,
stammering, sleeplessness, epilepsy, diabetes, cystic tumors of the
ovaries, loss of memory, impotence, Night-terrors of children.
The patient feels better when active mentally or physically and worse

when inactive.
Consumption of salt should be reduced to the minimum when Kali
Brom is taken.
It takes care of ailments of obese persons. The patient is nervous,
restless, cannot sit still, moves about, and is often afflicted with feeling
of numbness in the head. He imagines being singled out as an object of
divine wrath.
It is a splendid remedy for various forms of acne.
Like Ars Brom, it is a true stimulant and so very useful in atrophic
It is more useful if salt is eliminated from the diet. Third trituration is


(Carbonate of Potassium)

Some Significant Clinical Indication:

a) Bag-like swelling between the upper eyelids and eyebrows (H.C.

b) Pains, sharp & darting, worse during rest, and early morning, better
c) Obese old people with dropsy & paralysis; aversion to loneliness,
irritable & despondent.
d) Toothache only when eating; much saliva in mouth.
e) Pain from hip to knee; lumbago with persistent swelling.


Clinical Observation:
a) Chronic nephritis.
b) Septicemia.
c) Gangrenous stomatitis.
d) Flatulence.
(Potassium Cyanide)
Significant Clinical Observation:
a) Cancer of Tongue; also ulcer of tongue.
b) Severe neuralgia in temporal region occurring daily at same hour.
c) Weak respiration.


(Iodide of Potassium)
Clinical observation:
a) Fibroid Tumors in young married women. (1x to be used)
b) Syphilis in all stages.
c) Purple spots on legs.
d) Violent cough in the morning.
e) Cold milk aggravates.


It helps in controlling high blood pressure. It is also a remedy for
atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis accompanied by deposits of
carbohydrates, fats etc along inner arterial walls).
(Nitrate of Potassium)
Clinical Observation:
a) Sudden swellings caused by dropsy over the whole body.
b) Intestinal inflammation with debility.
c) Asthma with excessive dyspnoea, nausea and burning in chest, worse
in morning, better with sips of water.


(Permanganate of Potassium)

Clinical Indication:
a) Bites of serpents and other animal poisons.
b) Septic conditions.
c) Effective antidote for morphine or opium poisons.
d) 2x diluted in water should be administered, at least 5 grains initially,
later quantity of medicine to be increased if need be and external
application also.


(Silicate of Potash)
Clinical Indication:
a) Desire to lie down all the time.
b) Timid and absent-minded.
c) Constipation with flatulence and pain in liver.


(Silico-fluoride of Calcium)
Clinical indication:
a) For scrofulous enlargement of the cervical glands, it is a specific
remedy when there is no stony hardness.
b) For goiter quite enlarged, it works miraculously.
c) It is also good for uterine carcinoma and fibroid tumors with intense
burning pains.


Clinical Observation:
a) Cerebral Congestion.
b) Epilepsy.
c) Insomnia.


(Carbonate of Lithium)
It is present in the blood in very small quantities. If it is present in urine,
the uric acid dissolves. So it is a remedy for lithiasis (excess of uric
It has a peculiar influence upon the metabolism within the cells by

neutralizing the damaging effect of many metal-ions (H. Deters).

Clinical Indication:
a) Rheumatism & Gout with heart lesions and uric acid diathesis, and
soreness of the whole body.
b) Nausea and headache cease while eating.
c) Violent Cough when lying down.
d) Pain in right kidney with sandy deposits in turbid urine.


Clinical Observation:
a) Maniac-depressive condition.
b) Symptoms of CINCHONISM (Dizzy head, ringing in ears, deafness,
blurring vision, headache, tremors, muscular & general weakness, sore
nose and toothache.)
c) Mental shock.
d) Fears of various kinds.


It is a remedy for rheumatism of shoulders and small joints which is
ameliorated by movements and aggravated by rest.


(Carbonate of Magnesia)
Clinical Indication:
a) Toothache during pregnancy, worse at night.
b) Stools green, watery, frothy like frog-ponds scum, with colicky pain.
c) Coryza before menses which are scanty, appear too late, flow in sleep
d) Tearing pain in shoulders as if dislocated, worse warmth of bed, cold
wind, every three week.


(Chloride of Magnesia)
Clinical Indication:
a) Constipation with tenderness and pain in liver, extending to spine,
and stomach, worse after food, especially suitable to ladies who suffer
from indigestion and uterine disease; liver enlarged with bloating of
b) Children who are not able to digest milk during dentition.
c) Unbearable toothache when food touches the teeth.
d) Cardiac pain while sitting, better moving about.


It functions as a catalyser; influences chemical reaction. It may be
administered side by side Ferrum Phos which supplies iron and oxygen
to the blood and the tissues. Improved chemical analyses have proved
the constant presence of Mangananum in the blood and in the different
organs, as the liver etc (DR Goltz). It is a powerful intestinal
stimulant Dr Boericke.
Some Significant clinical observation:
a) Cross-wise travelling of rheumatic pains.
b) Liver affections; excess of bile; constipation.
c) Anemia; bleedings.
d) Nervous debility.
e) Inflammation of the eyelids.
f) Inflammatory catarrhs of stomach and intestines.
g) Kidney and bladder complaints; troublesome sediment in urine.
h) It promotes cartilage regeneration as does Silicea.
Some Clinical Observation:
a) It is quite useful in secondary stage of syphilis with ulceration of
mouth and throat, rheumatoid pains and febrile anemia; 2x potency of
the remedy accomplishes cures miraculously.
b) Great thirst with moist mouth

c) Coryza with sneezing in sunshine

d) Quinsy; complete loss of voice
e) Crown of teeth decay, roots remain intact
f) Whooping cough
g) In boils and abscesses when suppuration sets in with pain at night not
relieved by either heat or cold, it is the remedy.


Some Clinical Observation:
a) Penis and testes enormously swollen; Gonorrhea, second stage
b) Bloody offensive dysentery with incessant tenesmus, not relieved by
c) Excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation with oedematous


Some Clinical Observation:
a) Malignant diphtheria with great prostration; uvula swollen,
swallowing very painful, rapidly spreding ulcers, burning pains
b) Suppression of urine; nephritis
c) Ulceration of mouth


It is an excellent remedy for Otitis Media; Closure of Eustachian tube;
catarrhal inflammation of middle ear; deafness.


Some Significant Clinical Observation:
a) It cures trachoma (Contagious conjunctivitis of viral origin).
b) Bronchitis of children over seven years of age.
c) A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, painful eyes, pain at root
of nose.


It supports de-acidification. It may be administered in the evening daily
for a few days.


A tissueremedy of very general action, simulating a general lithaemic
condition, with acid indigestion. T. F. Allen
Some Clinical Observation:
a) It stimulates cellular activity, increases oxidation and metabolism, and
removes debility caused by summer heat.

b) It helps in treatment of dislocation and spraining of weak ankles.

c) Averse to milk; very weak digestion; dyspepsia is relieved by soda
Clinical Observation:
a) Hands swollen every morning.
b) Swimming sensation, as if top of head would float off.
c) Uterus has tendency to prolapse.


Clinical Indication:
a) Chronic bronchitis
b) Tertiary syphilis
c) Hardening of artery walls
(Nitrate of Sodium)
Clinical Observation:
a) A remedy for inflammations.
b) Influenza with anemia & hydraemia.
c) Flatulence with sour risings and aversion to coffee.


Clinical Indication:
a) Menieres disease (excess fluid in inner ear causing dizziness, ringing
in ears, vertigo, even deafness), worse raising head.
b) One of the best remedies for debilitating after-effects of influenza.
c) Complete loss of voice.
d) Retinal hemorrhage.


a) A womans remedy
b) Creeping coldness and numbness in whole right side of face with
c) Flatulence with pain in umbilical region, worse evening, sitting &
standing, better walking
d) Nymphomania (abnormal sexual desire)


a) Sclerotic degeneration of spinal cord
b) Dermatitis with mental deficiency
c) Hardening and thickening of arteries
Some Significant Clinical Observation:
a) The blood, alimentary and nervous systems are the special seats of
b) Neuritis (inflammation of nerves)
c) Anemia; rapid reduction in number of red corpuscles.
d) Infantile paralysis (poliomyelitis)
e) Hardening of spinal cord with lightning-like pains; paralysis of lower
extremities or paralysis of single muscles; cannot lift anything with the
f) Obstinate constipation; stools hard & black; most severe colic.

A tissue drug of first rank (T.F. Allen)
Sulphur and Phosphorus are not real elements to our body. They form
themselves while the combustion process is going on of cells, nerves,

etc. (Dr N. Kodanda Ramaiah). They throw off Carbonic acid, destroy
foreign matter from the system and keep the function of the body
regular. This self-clearing function or in other sense resistance power is
named as INTERNAL DOCTOR. It is very useful in liver diseases,
kidney disorders, chronic diarrhea, constipation, Impotency, sterility,
pneumonia, hemorrhagic diathesis. Perspiration has the odor of
sulphur. It removes the bad effects of Iodine and excessive use of table
salt. Water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. Burning
is a great key-note of this remedy.


When the whole organism of a patient seems disorganized, it is used,
also when Phosphorus fails. It may be used in chronic cases only at very
long intervals.


Radium Bromide 6x or 12x: For chronic rheumatic arthritis and gout,

with severe pain in all the limbs and joints, especially in knee and
ankles, also in neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers and toes, Radium
Bromide has been found very effective. The pains are worse at night,
better moving about, hot bath and pressure.

It is a constituent of bones and teeth. It is good in dealing with genitourinary organs.

Clinical Observation:
a) Inflammation of prostate gland with sexual debility, worse heat;
prostatic fluid oozes out while sitting, during sleep, when walking or
while passing stools.
b) Constipation.
c) Hiccough after smoking.
d) Impotency; hydrocele; lascivious thoughts.

Clinical Observation:
a) Talking, laughing, singing cause weakness in throat and chest
b) Chronic pulmonary and bronchial debility
c) Smell of cooking causes vomiting; colic around navel, relieved by
hard pressure
d) Fingers jerk when holding pen


Clinical Indication:
a) Dryness of throat
b) Bronchial irritation of smokers
c) Persistent loud cough, ending with expectoration
d) Advanced phthisis

A tissue remedy of widest range. Since Sulphur is an integral part of
every form of protoplasm, it follows that all tissues become affected by
its abnormal exhibition, and no particular limit or character can be
assigned to it. Its action on the dermoid tissues is, however, very
pronounced. T. F. Allen
Sulphur and Phosphorus are not real elements to our body. They form
themselves while the combustion process is going on of cells, nerves,
etc. (Dr N. Kodanda Ramaiah). They throw off Carbonic acid, destroy
foreign matter from the system and keep the function of the body
regular. This self-clearing function or in other sense resistance power is
named as INTERNAL DOCTOR. The Sulphur patient has grubby
Some Symptoms:
a) It has great affinity for the skin. No other remedy has more positive
and persistent action upon the skin than Sulphur.
b) It is indicated in all sorts of skin eruptions; vesicular, pustular etc;
itching, severe burning, worse scratching and washing. Itching from
warmth often recurs in spring-time and in damp weather; burning in
soles and hands at night; sweat smells like garlic.

c) Constant heat on top of head

d) The patient likes sweets but not during fever.
e) When carefully-selected remedies fail, it works.


It works on glands, kidneys, uvula, skin and bladder. If other remedies
fail, it cures.
Clinical Observation:
a) Inflammation of uvula, tonsils, testicles
b) Chronic skin diseases
c) Weeping eczema

Clinical Observation:
a) Herpetic spots; circular patches of eczema; ringworm; offensive odors
b) Pain in chest, worse touch
c) Craving for apples
Coconut water contains vanadium.

It acts on brain, blood, liver and kidneys.

Like Ferrum Phos, it is an oxygen carrier. It is a catalyst. It increases
amount of hemoglobin, and removes anemia. It destroys virulence of
toxins. It anti-dotes the action of poison. It enhances phagocytes, and
stimulates them. It stops bloody urine. It acts as a tonic. It furthers
digestive function. It lowers tuberculosis, chronic rheumatism and
diabetes effects. It corrects tissue waste. It induces quiet, reposeful and
refreshing sleep. It diminishes hopelessness of the patient.

(108) Zinc Bromatum

Clinical Indication:
a) Chorea
b) Hydrocephalus
c) It also helps in dentition


Hormone Histamine (white crystalline substance in tissues in very small
amounts which have diverse effect on muscles, capillaries, gastric
secretions) is released from the mast cells, and may trigger allergic

reaction on the skin such as itching, redness, mucus formation and

swelling. Zinc and Calcium stabilize the mast cells and eliminate allergy
and neuro-dermatitis. It is the core element which helps in elimination
of toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury and regulates
acid secretion from the human body. It cures allergies and dermatitis. It
may be used in 6x potency.
It is an essential trace element for keeping the skeleton intact. It
activates bone formation through the osteoblasts (the bone forming cells
which control bone structure and favor mineralization. It also checks the
cells which cause damage to the bones. Besides Zinc, manganese and
copper fluorine are also required for a healthy bone metabolism.
Some Significant Clinical Indication:
a) Incessant and violent fidgetiness in feet and lower extremities; must
move them constantly; it is a great indication for this remedy.
b) Brain-fag, spinal affections; rolls head from side to side; great
intolerance of wine.
c) Sudden spasmodic bursting sensation about the heart; seems as if it
would burst through the chest.
d) Great relief from discharges.
e) Anemia with profound prostration.
f) Pain in one spot beneath navel.
g) Can only void urine when sitting bent backwards.

(111) ZINC MUR

Clinical Indication:
a) Sense of smell and taste perverted
b) Bluish- green tint of skin
c) Skin cold & sweaty


Some Clinical Indication:
a) Neuralgia of head & face.
b) Lightning-like pains in loco-motor ataxia.
c) Brain-fag, nervousness and vertigo.
d) Sleeplessness.
e) Sexual excitement.





(An acute infection which forms pus in a cavity of the body, and is surrounded by inflamed tissue;
considerable quantity of non-functional organic substance accumulates at one spot. Food containing
plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables should be given.)

A little eruption/inflammation appears on the body

It hurts
It grows
It reddens
It itches
It forms pus
A boil may become an abscess


1) Calcarea Sulph 3x or 6x:

For painful gumboil, it is an excellent remedy. It may be given in five grain doses, three
or four times a day for some days as may be requiired. The presence of pus with a vent is an
indication for its use. It is also quite good for abscess on the tonsils. While Silicea ripens the abscess,
Calcarea Sulph causes the wound to heal and cures the suppuration. It may be alternated with Silicea.

2) Natrum Sulph 12x:

Fistulous abscess of Years standing, discharging watery pus, surrounded by bluish
border, falls within its curable range. It is given thrice a day. It may be alternated with Calcarea Sulph
12x if the abscess does not heal for some days. In case, the discharge becomes putrid, frequent doses
of Kali Phos 3x should be administered.

3) Silicea 6x:
That it is an excellent remedy, has been proved in a case of an old person who
suffered from tendonitis of the second phalanges. His hand was full of thick, yellow
pus. He had been poulticed, lanced and morphined. But there was no relief. So the
allopathic physicians decided to remove the finger. A day before the finger was to be
amputated the patient consulted Dr A. P. Davis who cured the finger by giving
Silicea 6x, a dose every three hours, besides doing Eucalyptus dressing every day.
In four weeks the finger was restored to its natural size and shape. This case has
been narrated in detail in The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler by William
Boericke and Willis A. Dewey. It is also very effective in healing a boil which is of

an obstinate nature.

4) Hepar Sulph 3x thrice daily for some days:

The slightest injury causes suppuration. It opens the abscess and hastens the cure.
The patient is unreasonably anxious, extremely sensitive to cold air, and very
sensitive to slightest touch. There may be discharge of fetid pus from the ear. It is
also useful in abscess in lungs and near the ear.

(Hyperacidity and Gastralgia also)
(Abnormal acidity in stomach which causes contractive burning pain, belching, sour eructation,
constipation etc. A deficiency in phosphate of sodium causes acidity.)

Burning in the food pipe

Sour & bitter belching
Digestion of food slow
Flatulence in upper or middle or lower part of abdomen
Acidity in the stomach causes cramps, pains and burning sensation

1) Natrum Phos 4x or 6x:
Acidity, sour risings, gastric derangements causing flatulence, headache and giddiness, pain after
eating in one spot, loss of appetite, dyspepsia; stomachache when worms are present, accompanied
by abnormal acidity of the stomach; nausea & vomiting of acid fluids, aggravated during thunderstorm
or at night or in the morning. If need be, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x advantageously,
every two hours. Alone also suffices. It works slowly but steadily. One should avoid free indulgence
of potatoes, starchy food, puddings etc.
2) Calcarea Carbonica 6x:
Frequent sour eructation; sour vomiting; loud belching; Pit of stomach swollen like an inverted
saucer; the patient longs for cold drinks, feels better when constipated; complaints aggravate while

eating. It would suit obese persons highly. It may be taken thrice a day for some days.

3) Carbo Veg 6x or 12x:

Weak digestion; acidity after meals; food putrefies before it digests; desires to be constantly fanned;
excessive accumulation of gas in upper abdomen; belching gives temporary relief; sensation as if
stomach would burst, better passing wind. It may be given 4 hourly 4/5 days. It is a very good
medicine. It is also good for heart under such circumstances. An occasional dose of this remedy
preserves health.
4) Natrum Bicarbonicum 6x:
It supports de-acidification. It may be administered in the evening daily for a few days.

i) Do not lie down as soon as you have completed eating food.
ii) Give up smoking.
iii) Avoid rich and spicy food, alcohol and caffeine containing food.
iv) The patient should not be overweight.
v) Take reasonable amount of fruits & vegetables.

(Pimples also)
(It is an inflammatory, follicular, papular and pustular eruption on face, chest or back. Basically, it is
a hormonal problem. Rich food should be avoided. Proper attention to exercise and bowels is
essential. Wash face three times a day. Do not squeeze or pick pimples. Drink plenty of fluids.)

A crop of pus filled lesions appear on the face, chest or back

Soreness prevails
Itching, scratching or rubbing aggravates
It worsens after eating fatty food, sugar, coffee or meat

1) Calcarea Phos 6x:
Face full of pimples, especially in young girls with menstrual disorders and debility;
Freckles (sporadic sunburn); may be given three times a day for some days. After
substantial improvement, instead of 6x, one may take 12x once a day for a week and
thereafter 30x weekly, 3 doses.

2) Calcarea Sulph 3x:

If tender pimples under the beard or pustules on the face, it may be given thrice a day. In case, acne is
of gastric origin, Antim Crud in 6x potency should be given with this remedy.
3) Natrum Mur 30x:
Pustular eruption on forehead with an oily skin; it should be taken one dose in the morning
on alternate days, a few doses only.

4) Silicea 6x, 5 tablets twice a day:

For eradication of small lumps or nodules on the face and scalp, it is the remedy,
especially if the complexion of the face is pale and earthy. It is also useful to cure
Keratosis Pilaris which causes rough patches and small acne-like bumps on arms and
5) Ars Bromatum 6x:
It is efficacious in acne and pimples which are worse in the spring season. It is a true stimulant,
hence quite beneficial in all atrophic conditions.
6) Kali Brom 6x:
It is a splendid remedy for various forms of acne.
Like Ars Brom, it is a true stimulant and so very useful in atrophic conditions.
It is more useful if salt is eliminated from the diet. Third trituration is preferable, and may be taken
twice daily for some days.

It removes scars left after cure of acne.

Addisons disease
(Graves disease)
(Emaciation, blackish or coppery pigmentation (melanosis), hypotension, Gastro-intestinal
Asthenia (weakness), great falling of hair, hypoglycemia (unusually low concentration of glucose
in blood), giddiness, vertigo)
a) Sensation of thoracic constriction
b) Extreme weakness & debility
c) Skin acquires brownish-black or coppery patches
d) The patient suffers from sudden great loss of hair, low blood pressure & vertigo
e) Blood glucose decreases considerably

1) Vanadium 6x:
It is an oxygen carrier. It increases and stimulates phagocytes. It increases haemoglobin. It acts as a
tonic to digestive system. It arrests degenerative condition of liver and arteries. It enhances appetite.
It may be administered three times a day for several days.
2) Natrum Mur 6x:
The patient may have brown spots upon the back of hands, extreme mental and physical weakness,
trembling of legs, nausea, vomiting, constipation, giddiness, frequent yawning.. It may be given twice
a day for several days. It is the chief remedy for Addisions disease.
3) Natrum Sulph 6x:

It is also one of the chief remedies, in case the patient is afflicted with bronzed skin, anemia, feeble
heart and debility. Let it be given twice a day in such a case, with an occasional dose of Natrum Mur
as an inter-current remedy.

4) Arsenic Alb 30x:

Extreme weakness & debility with mental restlessness and dread of death; great thirst for cold water,
drinks often but little at a time; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; the affected limbs burn like fire.
Fear, fright and worry afflict the patient immensely. It may be administered in the morning once daily
for a few days with any of the above medicines, if need be for a few days.

(Acquired Immune Deficiency caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which destroys
natural defense system of the human body. Presently it is incurable. However, palliative
treatment in conformity with the symptoms may be given to give relief to the patient to the
extent possible, and some cure may be achieved.)

A few Symptoms:

Sexual debility attacks

Yellowish Cyst develops on the genitals
Loss of weight month after month
Continuous fever constitutes one of the prominent signs & symptoms
Even if fever vanishes consequential to very strong fever remedy, it returns vehemently
Patient suffers from diarrhoea, dysentery, T.B., Pneumonia etc frequently

1) Arsenicum Bromatum 6x in doses consisting of four drops in a full glass of water:
It is a great remedy. It should be given twice daily after meals. It is very useful in herpetic
eruptions, syphilitic excrescences, glandular tumors, diabetes mellitus and insipidus (Dr N. Kodanda
Ramaiah advises use of 1x Tincture), loco-motor ataxia, obstinate intermittent fevers, malaria. It
enhances vitality, the bowels move regularly and the appetite normalizes.
2) Aurum Met 6x, thrice a day:

The use of gold as an anti-venereal remedy is very old. This remedy is produced out of
metallic gold. So the disease which has been communicated by sexual intercourse falls within its
curative nature. Moreover such a patient develops great desire to commit suicide, increased
blood pressure afflicts him, and he may suffer from atrophy of testicles. Dosage may be applied
as the need be.
3) Kali Mur 3x or 6x:
Its deficiency causes excess of fibrin which finds an exit from the body through urethra. It is a
specific when swelling of any parts of the body exists. Five grains may be given every three hour,
preferably with Natrum Mur in 3x potency in case characteristic watery transparent discharges
are observed. Natrum Mur purifies the blood (Leibig). It is the principal remedy to throw off
poisonous substances and superfluous matter. It is one of the chief antidotes.
4) Carbo Veg 6x or 12x, thrice a day for some days:
The patient may have cold copious sweat, cold breath, cold tongue and loss of voice. He/she
appears to be in the last stage of life. It saves in such cases.

5) Silicea 6x, thrice a day:

It is useful in the cure of AIDS. It cures deep-seated diseases. It strengthens the defensive forces.

(Brights disease also)
(Presence of protein, mainly albumin in urine, which indicates inflammation or congestion of the
kidneys or contamination in lower urinary tract, is known as albuminuria or proteinuria.)



Frequent urging to urinate
Milky urine owing presence of albumen
Burning and drawing pain in urethra

1) Arsenic Alb 12x:
Urine albuminous, scanty, burning; after urinating, feeling of weakness; drinks much, but little at a
time; 4 hourly 3 doses daily for a few days.
2) Phosphoric Acid 1x, twice a day in water after meals for two/three months:
Debility produces nervous exhaustion; urine frequent, milky and burning at times; emissions at night
and while passing stools; testicles tender and swollen; swollen glans-penis.
3) Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x:
Three doses a day of each remedy with occasional dose of Kali Phos 6x achieved complete cure in
two weeks, in the case of a lady, aged 23 years. (Dr W. Whisler, Tingley, Iowa)

(Hypersensitiveness to certain Medicines, drinks, foods etc.)
Allergy/aversion to:

a) Beer: Kali Bichrome 6x: 4 hourly, 3 to 5 days

b) Bread: Natrum Mur 30x, 6 hourly, 3 days
c) Cold drinks: Arsenic Alb 12x, 4 hourly, 3 days
d) Cold milk: Kali Hyd 6x, thrice three days
e) Cod liver oil: Hepar Sulph 6x, thrice a day for 3 days
f) Lemonade: Selenium 6x, twice a day, total 3 days
g) Sugar: Natrum Phos 6x, thrice a day for a few days
h) Cabbage & Aspirin: Carbo Veg 6x, thrice a day, 3 days
i) Dampness: Natrum Sulph 12x, twice a day for a few days
j) Bananas & plums: Baryta Carb 12x, twice daily for a few days
k) Coffee & bathing: Calcarea Carb 30x, daily once for a week
l) Eggs: Ferrum Met 12x, twice per day for a few days
m) Fish, music & sweets: Graphites 30x one dose daily for 2/3 days
n) Meat: Kali Bichrom 30x one dose daily for 4/5 days
o) Ice-cream: Radium Brom 30x daily one dose for a few days
p) Mothers milk: Silicea 12x twice a day for some days
q) Work: Zinc Met 30x daily one dose in the morning for 5/7 days
r) Honey: Natrum Carb 30x daily one dose for 5/7 days

(Hair loss)
Dandruff also

Symptoms & Suggestions:

a) If dandruff exists, get rid if it first, then take care of hair. Use Kali Sulph 3x or 6x with
lime & water over the scalp. Dry it, thereafter wash it off. Dandruff disappears.
b) Stress & emotional imbalance take their toll on hair. So avoid tension and inculcate
mental calmness.
c) Rubbing of onion slices on bald head twice daily may remove baldness.

1) Natrum Mur 6x & Silicea 6x, 5 grains of each together may be taken 4 times
daily over a period of time to overcome alopecia. For falling of hair in spots,
Silicea 12x in the morning and Natrum Mur 12x in the evening have also proved
2) Kali Sulph 12x: It will take care of hair fall as well as severe dandruff. It may
be taken every third day, one dose consisting of 5 tablets, for three weeks.
3) Kali Phos 12x: The chief remedy is Kali-p in 12x or 3-200x potency, three
doses a day, with rest from nervous worry. (Editors of B. Jain)
4) Acid Phos 1x, twice a day one drop in water after meals: Hair thins out, falls
out, and turns gray early in life. It is the best remedy to restore hair loss, in case
debility dominates. The patient may suffer from diabetes and flatulence. It is also
very useful in relieving pain of cancer.
5) Antim Crudum 6x, three times a day for some days: Headache with great loss of
hair. There may be heaviness in forehead with vertigo and nausea.

Eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, dates, almonds, bananas. Soya is a natural inhibitor of DHT, a
hormone which is responsible for alopecia. So include it in your daily diet. Also clean hair and
scalp daily to rule out accumulation of dead cells.

Alzheimers disease
(Pre-senile dementia (feebleness of mind) caused by atrophy of pre-frontal areas of brain,
named after German physician Alois Alzheimer.)
Some Symptoms:
a) Sensorial depression
b) Profuse Muscular debility


Very weak memory; power of concentration diminishes drastically

Patient often gets afflicted with tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo etc
Puts things in wrong places
May wear warm clothes in summer and summer clothes in winter

1) Kali Phos 6x:
The grey matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cell-salt, potassium
phosphate. This salt unites with albumen, and by the addition of oxygen creates nervefluid, or the grey matter of the brain. So, let it be taken twice a day. Besides, one should
take Ferrum Phos 6x before 12 noon and Calcarea Phos 6x in the evening. The trio will
take care of grey matter, albumen and oxygen.

2) Kali Brom 6x, thrice daily for some days:

In all diseases relating to mental functions, it is preferred. It removes nervous restlessness and sensor
disorders. It is highly suitable to a person who is afraid of darkness. He/she also fears being alone
and of losing mental faculty.
The patient feels better when active mentally or physically and worse when inactive.
Consumption of salt should be reduced to the minimum when Kali Brom is taken.
It takes care of ailments of obese persons. The patient is nervous, restless, cannot sit still, moves
about, and is often afflicted with feeling of numbness in the head. He imagines being singled out as an
object of divine wrath.
3) LITHIUM CHLORATUM, 6x thrice a day for a week:
Manic-depressive condition; symptoms of CINCHONISM (Dizzy head, ringing in ears, deafness,
blurring vision, headache, tremors, muscular & general weakness, sore nose and toothache.); Mental
shock; fears of various kinds are within its range of treatment.
4) Argentum Nit in 6x or 12x potency thrice daily for some days:
The patient suffers from impulses to jump out of the window, brain fag, vertigo, fear of death,
sensation of strangulation in the throat, and extreme nervousness.

Cows milk is one of the best sources of vitamin B12, which reduces chances of neurological damage
to the brain considerably. So drinking about half liter of cows milk daily protects against declining

(Reduction in quantity or quality of blood or even both; an anaemic condition denotes deficiency of
calcium and iron phosphates & hemoglobin concentration in blood manifested by paleness of skin,
shortness of breath, palpitation of heart etc.)
a) Breathlessness on slightest exertion
b) Extreme prostration
c) Pallor occurs both in the skin and in the mucous membranes
d) Hemoglobin estimation determines the severity of anaemia
e) A mild or moderate degree of fever is common when anaemia is severe.
f) Deficiency of Calcium Phosphate resulting in non-creation of the red blood cells in bone
g) Lack of iron phosphate exhibits deficiency of hemoglobin

1) Ferrum Phos 3x & Calcarea Phos 3x: 4 grains of each together should be taken 3 times
daily for two weeks and thereafter at least twice per day for another two weeks or so. For
permanent cure the remedies may have to be taken for 6 weeks or more. Calcarea Phos
supplies new blood cells, removes excess of white corpuscles in the blood (helps in curing
leukemia). Ferrum Phos increases hemoglobin, helps in exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid
between lungs and the tissues.
2) Natrum Mur 12x is a great remedy for anaemia occurring after malaria. There may be
noticeable emaciation particularly in neck in spite of eating well. Consolation aggravates the
ailments of the patient. When the blood is thin, watery, not coagulating, and there is a feeling
of coldness in the back, it works wonders. It should be taken 4 hourly for a few days.
3) Vanadium 6x, thrice daily: It increases amount of hemoglobin. It also increases and
stimulates phagocytes. It destroys virulence of toxins. It softens brain. It removes degenerative

conditions of liver and arteries. It acts as a tonic to the digestive system.

4) Kali Mur 6x, thrice daily for some days, in case anemia is associated with skin eruptions.
5) Kali Phos 6x, thrice daily for some days, if blood poverty is due to mental strains. It cures
leukemia, cerebral & spinal anemia.
6) Natrum Phos 6x should be taken, if anemia is associated with acidic arising and worm
affections, every three hours for a fortnight or so.
7) Silicea 12x may be administered twice a day for a week, in case the lady suffers from
leucorrhea instead of menses.

(Localized dilatation of an artery)
1) Calcarea Fluor 6x: It is the chief remedy to establish normal circulation. It should be given in
alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x every two hours.
2) Plumbum Met 12x: It is very good for neuritis as well as neuralgic pains, and arteriosclerosis
(hardening and thickening of arterial walls), also for locomotor ataxia. If the patient cannot raise
or lift anything with the hand, it is the remedy. It may be given three times a day for a week.
3) Zincum Met 12x: Nerve power too weak; brain and spinal affections; cerebral depression;
great relief from discharges; anemia with profound weakness. The patient cannot tolerate the
smallest quantity of wine, and can void urine only while sitting bent backwards. He suffers from
pain in spot beneath the navel and moves the feet constantly. Let him take the medicine thrice a
day for seven days.

Angina Pectoris & other heart affections
(The patient may suffer from severe spasmodic constrictive pain in chest caused by inadequate
supply of blood and oxygen to the heart, often due to unhealthy lifestyle, hypertension, emotional

stress or exercise. Early diagnosis and treatment is of primary importance. People should never
neglect it by considering it as gastric pain, and must consult a doctor.)
Some symptoms:
a) Paroxysmal dyspnoea
b) Orthopnoea (Condition in which one can breathe only when upright)
c) Bumping, fluttering, pounding, throbbing or thumping palpitation
d) Strangling pain in the chest in midsternal or transternal, often spreading to one or both
arms, less to the neck and sometimes to the epigastrium or back.
e) The pain may radiate up to the elbow or the wrist even fingers and back, and above, up to
neck and upper jaw, but rarely to the abdomen.
f) Transient loss of consciousness
1) Arsenic Alb 12x: It is beneficial to irritable heart of smokers & tobacco-chewers, with
excessive thirst, fear of death, and pain in neck & occiput, worse midnight, better warm
drinks. It may be taken three times a day for some days.
2) Kali Phos 6x: For weak or intermittent action of heart, with imperceptible pulse &
functional complaints, due to effects of violent emotions, grief or nervousness, and fainting
from fright and fatigue, it is the best bio-chemic remedy and is quite safe and may be given in
alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x, frequency of doses as may be essential. In case necessary,
Mag Phos 6x, 5 grains in hot water, every 10 minutes, 4 or 5 doses, may be given to mitigate
the violence of the paroxysms of shooting & darting pains in the region of heart, and to
shorten the duration thereof.
3) For enlarged heart and enlarged blood vessels, Calcarea Fluor 6x is the chief remedy to
restore contractibility to the elastic fibres, and may be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos
6x twice a day.
4) For dropsical swellings, Natrum Mur and Kali Sulph both in 6x potency should be given in
alternation every two hours for a few days.
5) In the case of poor circulation of blood and oxygen due to gas formation, Calcarea Phos and
Natrum Phos both in 6x potency should be given in alternation every two hours in 5 grain doses
for a month or so, and if abscess leads to blood clots, Kali Mur and Ferrum Phos similarly.

Animal bites
(Specific medical treatment may also be given as required)
1) Snake or Scorpion or Spider Bites:
(Permanganate of Potassium)
In case administered immediately internally in 2x potency at least five grains duly diluted in
water every 2 to 3 minutes five to seven times, it may help remove the adverse effect of poison from
bites of snake/spider/scorpion. It should also be applied externally simultaneously. It helps in septic
conditions also. It is an effective anti-dote for morphine or opium poison.

2) Dog bite or bites of rabid animals:

Kali Phos 3x & Mag Phos 3x in alternation as may be required, may be every 10 minutes, a few

3) For stings of insects:

Moisten the painful spot and apply thereto Natrum Mur 6x, rubbing it in. Pain ceases. This
external application cures rapidly. It may be taken internally also.

(Loss of appetite)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) If temporary, little significance
b) If persistent, it may be caused by gastritis or anemia or carcinoma.

1) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is an excellent remedy to promote digestion and to increase
appetite, especially in anemic patients. It should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x
every two hours. It would improve the appetite in three days, but the remedies may
be continued for three weeks, may be twice a day only.

2) Carbo Veg in 6x or 12x potency, three times a day for a week:

Digestion very slow; food putrefies before it is digested; the simplest food distresses;
weak oxidation; desires to be fanned constantly.
3) Calcarea Hypophos, 6x three times a day for a week or so:
Loss of appetite, rapid debility, night sweats; pain two hours after meals relieved by a cup of milk.
4) Aurum Ars 12x thrice daily for some days: It enhances the appetite rapidly; the patient
may be affected with anemia & chlorosis.

(Loss of sense of smell)
1) Zinc Mur 6x, twice a day for 5 to 7 days: In case, sense of smell and taste is
perverted, it is the medicine. Skin may be cold and sweaty and there may be
disposition to pick the bed-clothes.
2) Natrum Mur 6x, twice daily: Coryza with clear, watery discharge or alternating
with dry coryza, and loss of smell and taste; excessive dryness of the nose and
rawness of the pharynx, with loss of smell and great craving for salt.
3) Mag Phos 6x thrice daily: Loss of sense of smell or perversion of smell under
certain conditions not connected with cold; a course of this remedy (Dr Schussler)

(Small whitish ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth)

1) Borax 6x or 12x: Aphthae, in mouth, on the tongue, or inside of cheek; easily
bleeding while eating or being touched; whitish blisters or fungus-like growths in the
mouth which are painful; the patient may suffer from fear of thunder or from motions
which have a downward direction; it may be given 3 hourly for three days.
2) Nitric Acid 6x: Blisters & ulcers in soft palate with splinter-like sharp pains;
tongue clean or red; saliva acrid and offensive; the patient may fear death or may be
vindictive; may take 4 hourly for two or three days.
Arsenic Alb 12x: Aphthae with burning pains, great prostration, mental
restlessness, unquenchable thirst for cold water, but drinks little at a time; two or
three doses daily for a week.
4) Natrum Mur 6x: Aphthae with profuse flow of saliva & continuous spitting of
frothy mucus; to be alternated 2 hourly with Kali Mur 6x.
5) Acid Mur 6x, four times a day for 4/5 days: It is a good remedy for aphthous
mouth with swollen gums; deep ulcers on the tongue; fetid breath; great debility;
malignant affections.
(Inflammation of vermiform appendix)
Signs, Symptoms & suggestion:
a) The infection generally occurs in the teeth, tonsils or naso-pharynx and is
transported to the appendix.
b) The patient experiences pain on the lower abdomen in the right side.
c) It occurs suddenly, and is quite severe.
d) The patient may vomit, even faint and suffer from continuous nausea.
e) The first attack may subside, but after some days he/she may have more and
more severe attacks.
f) If untreated, the appendix may burst which is usually fatal.
1) To overcome acute nature of pain, Mag Phos 6x, 5 tablets forming a dose, in
warm water, every 15 minutes, 4 to 7 times.
2) The chief remedy is Kali Mur. It should be given alternately, in half-hourly doses
in 6x potency with four doses of Mag Phos in 3x potency in lukewarm water during
the first day of attack. Also give Silicea 12x two doses during the day. During
subsequent days of the illness, administer Ferrum Phos & Kali Mur both in 12x

potency in two hourly doses, and repeat two doses of Silicea 12x, morning and
3) Apply hot fomentation using four doses of Ferrum Phos in 3x or 6x potency in a
small solution, as and when needed.
4) Natrum Sulph 6x, twice a day for a week: If the patient is afflicted with abscess
of the appendix and there are fever and inflammation also, it is the remedy.
Remarks: No food during pains of appendicitis; only tepid water to sip.

(Including Gout, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis)
(Inflammation, pain & stiffness of articular joints)
a) Pain and impaired movements comprise of chief symptoms.
b) Pain originates from bone or periosteum, the synovial of the joints, the tendons, ligaments
or muscles.
c) Bone pain is usually continuous and aching in character whereas that of joints etc is often
sharp, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness.
A loss in weight coupled with mental and physical debility constitutes the onset of
Rheumatoid Arthritis. There may be swelling of the finger joints, especially of the second
and third fingers.
e) The disease spreads from outwards within, from finger-joints to wrists, ankles, knees,
elbows, shoulders till it reaches spine.

1) Radium Bromide 6x or 12x: For chronic rheumatic arthritis and gout, with severe
pain in all the limbs and joints, especially in knee and ankles, also in neck, shoulders,
arms, hands, fingers and toes, Radium Bromide has been found very effective. The
pains are worse at night, better moving about, hot bath and pressure. It may be given 6
hourly for some days.
2) Calcarea Carb 6x or 12x: When the pain worsens in damp weather, but is better by
movement, 6 doses 6 hourly may be taken.
3) Natrum Phos 6x: Articular Rheumatism arises from an acid condition of the blood.
It is due to deficiency of sodium phosphate. It is therefore essential that Natrum Phos
6x is given in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x every 4 hour for some days, in 5 grain

doses, in case the patient suffers from acute and chronic gout/ rheumatism. Natrum
Sulph 6x is also very good and in fact is the chief remedy for chronic gout, which is
worse in rainy weather. It also can be alternated with Ferrum Phos safely. The Patient
should abstain from wines, liquors and rich food.
4) Bio-combination No. 19 comprising of Ferrum Phos, Mag Phos, Kali Sulph,
Natrum Sulph, 6 hourly, in doses of 5 tablets: The combination covers fever, lumbago,
sciatica, muscular rheumatism. There may be shooting and stabbing pains in the joints
of legs or arms, worse at night.
5) Argentum Nitricum 6x or 12x, daily thrice for a few days: Great desire for sweets
and intolerance of heat are very characteristic. Pains increase and decrease gradually.
Severe backache with sensitive spine and nocturnal pains occurs; posterior spinal
sclerosis; Impotence, erection fails when coition attempted.
6) Kali Bichromicum 6x or 12x, twice a day for 4/5 days: Pain in small spots; pains
fly rapidly from one limb to the other, worse cold.
7) Lithium Carbonicum 6x or 12x: It is effective if chronic rheumatism afflicts the
patient with heart lesions and asthenopia (weak/painful vision); gout and tophus with
uric acid diathesis; swelling and tenderness of small joints, fingers & toes, better hot
water. It may be given twice a day for a week.
8) Lithium Lacticum 6x or 12x twice or thrice a day for a week: It is curative in
rheumatism of shoulders and small joints, worse rest, better moving about.
9) Calcarea Phos 6x, twice a day for a month or two: It is effective in arthritis of the
neck and shoulders with weak and soft bones.

(Bronchial asthma also)
(Bronchial asthma is distinguished by almost constant breathing trouble, dyspnoea, dry cough.
There may be wheezing sound also. Inflammation of bronchial tube may be due to congestion
created by cough. It may also be due to an allergen or abnormal increase of eosinophils in blood.
It is a disease of respiration characterized by difficulty in breathing. It may be bronchial, cardiac,
catarrhal etc. When the elastic fiber in muscular tissue of the bronchial tube becomes deficient,
difficulty in breathing occurs.)


a) The patient has attacks in which he gasps for breath.

b) An attack commences with a cold or cough which lingers on and at times gets suppressed
due to wrong treatment.
c) The patient feels suffocated at night and sits up.
d) The wheezing increases despite medication. Bronchial asthma is characterized by attacks
of wheezing dyspnoea.
e) Allergy to certain foods, inhaled dust & pollens may be responsible.
1) Kali Phos 3x: Hay asthma from least food with expectoration thick, yellow, salty, foulsmelling, and depressed condition of nervous system, and shortness of breath when going
upstairs or on any exertion, worse cold air, noise, better heat and rest. It should be given in
frequent doses. It may be alternated every one or two hour with Kali Mur 3x when cardiac
asthma with gastric derangements and white coated tongue is present. A case-record in
Preface to Mitras Tissue Remedies is worth reading: The first experience was the
wonderful cure of asthma, which prevented sleep and made the patient sit up in bed the
whole night in great distress. A single dose of one of the Tissue Remedies (Kali Phos), given
to the attending Allopathic physician by a friend, brought instantaneous relief to all the
sugfferings as if by magic and the patient lay flat and slept without any trouble.
Bio-combination No. 2: Nervous asthma accompanied by cough, gasping, irregular
pulse. Asthma with troublesome flatulence or spasms, convulsive tickling cough. Bronchial
asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening and in warm rooms, better in cool air;
four tablets for adults, two for children, four times a day at intervals of three hours. In case
this combination suits the patient, it cures in a month or two entirely, it is observed. It
comprises of Kali Phos which introduces calming effect, Mag Phos which is an antispasmodic remedy, Natrum Mur which deals with symptoms resembling whooping cough,
and Natrum Sulph which cures humid asthma.
Arsenic Alb 12x: Fears suffocation, hence not able to lie down; great prostration,
mentally restless, physically too weak to move; dread of death when alone; burning pains
with great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time; worse cold drinks, and after
midnight, better heat, warm drinks. As it acts profoundly on every organ and tissue,
application of this remedy gives immediate relief to the patient. Let it be taken three times a
day for three days only. Thereafter, one may take any other medicine in conformity with the
then persisting symptoms.
4) Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x: It may be given 4 hourly for a certain period. Asthma better in
damp weather, worse in cold dry climate; craves sour things; sweats, yet pulls blanket
around him/her.
5) Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: Lungs throw off certain organic matter in case a
deficiency of albumin and fibrin occurs. Calcarea Phos, if given in alternation with Kali Mur
every two hours, creates fibrin by union with albumen and thus supply the want and cures
bronchial asthma.
6) Kali Nit 6x or 12x, twice or thrice a day for a week: It is valuable in asthma, cardiac asthma,
with excessive dysponea, nausea, dry hacking cough and burning in chest, worse in the morning,

better by sips of water. Chest feels constricted.

7) Antim Tart 6x or 12x, thrice a day for 4/5 days: Great rattling of mucus but expectoration
negligible; must sit up or lie on the right side for relief.
8) Carbo Veg 6x or 12x, three times daily for a week: Asthma of old/debilitated people;
spasmodic cough with vomiting of mucus; bluish face with offensive expectoration and marked
1) Calcarea Fluor 12x & Natrum Mur 12x: 5 tablets of each, every 4 hours for two weeks;
Severe Pain in small of back on rising up, somewhat relieved by lying on something hard;
neck may be stiff & emaciated; lumbago aggravates on beginning to move, but improves after
continuous movement; worse at seaside, in cold weather and in the morning, better rubbing
and heat.
2) Kali Phos 6x & Mag Phos 6x: For backache especially in women, 5 grains of each may
be given together in hot water, half hourly, during the first day, increasing the duration from
the next day drastically, even after improvement has taken place; shooting, shifting,
intermittent, neuralgic pains; the parts affected feel powerless, gentle motion lessens the pain
and stiffness, but too much exertion increases the ailment; cold air aggravates the pain, heat
relieves it.
3) Kali Mur 30x, Kali Phos 30x & Mag Phos 30x: Four Tablets of each medicine, if taken
twice a day with tea for a period of 15 days, cure backache, it is the experience of a few
patients, it has been reported.
4) Argentum Nitricum 6x, thrice a day for some days: Posterior spinal sclerosis; spine
sensitive with nocturnal pains. Intolerance of heat. Splinter-like pains; great desire for
sweets; sensation as if a limb was expanding; peculiar mental impulses; desires doing action
in a hurry; old-looking person.
5) Calcarea Fluor 12x, three times daily: Chronic backache in the lower portion aggravated
on movement, but ameliorated on continuous motion, worse resting, better by warm

B. Coli



Urine highly colored, especially dark brown

Very offensive urine and stools
Uric acid diathesis
Painful urethra

1) Arsenic Alb 30x: Some doses of this medicine may be required to be given 4 hourly for
three/four days to overcome this disease. Urine may be scanty or involuntary. It may be
loaded with pus or blood and cylindrical clots of fibrin. The patient may be affected with
burning pains. The affected parts may burn like fire.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x & Natrum Sulph 6x in alternation, every two hours for a few days, also
quite good. These remedies are indicated in all inflammatory conditions of the bladder and
urethra and the cough causes urine to spurt. Sandy deposits of urine, indicating gravel, also
require the administration of the remedies in alternation.
3) Kali Mur and Kali Phos both in 6x potency in 5 grain doses alternately every 2 hours
may be needed for a week or so if there is swelling and urine is dark colored and deposit of
uric acid is observed.

Bad breath

1) Carbolic Acid 6x or 12x: 4 hourly for one week: horribly offensive breath is associated
with constipation; fermentative dyspepsia with bad taste and fetid breath & unpleasant smell;
putrid discharges; vital force sinks rapidly. Pains come suddenly, disappear suddenly.
Aurum Met 6x or 12x 4 hourly for one week: Horrible odor from nose and mouth;
otorrhoea with excessively fetid discharge, pains worse at night; the patient talks of
committing suicide, although there is great fear of death. There may be foul breath in girls at
3) Kali Phos 6x: Ulcers of the mouth with very fetid offensive odor, profuse salty saliva,
and inflammation of soft tissues and mucous membranes. Twice per day sufficient, may be
given for two/three months continuously.

(A sore developed on any part of the body by lying in bed in one position for a very long
Fluoric Acid 6x or 12x: 4 hourly for 5/7 days; it is indicated in bedsores, ulcers,
varicose veins which are worse from warmth/warm drinks; the patient feels as if burning
vapor were emitted from pores. Silicea 12x follows well, in case bloody offensive pus
oozes out frequently.
2) Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x: When sores are very painful, even touch is intolerable, in such a case,
three doses of Hepar Sulph should be administered at an interval of 10 minutes.
3) Kali Phos 6x: Four times a day for a week; also dissolve a few tablets of 3x trituration, and
make a thin paste of it, and apply externally.
4) Arsenic Alb 12x: It acts on every organ and tissue. It cures bed-sores. It is also very useful in
septic infection, low vitality, and even gangrenous inflammation. It may be taken two hourly for
two days. It follows Hepar Sulph very well.

(Please ensure that he or she uses toilet before going to bed)
Calcarea Phos 6x: Five tablets three times a day for young children and old people.
If bed-wetting due to nervous debility, it should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x, otherwise
alternation may be with Ferrum Phos 6x. For nocturnal enuresis in women from weakness of
muscles when cough causes urine to spurt, Ferrum Phos is the remedy.

For wetting of the bed at night, Natrum Sulph 6x is also useful, provided urine is loaded with bile
and burning exists during micturition.

(Internal or external)
1) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is the chief bio-chemic remedy for hemorrhage in any part of the body
when there is rapidly coagulating bright red blood. Hemorrhage from lungs, nosebleed
(Epistaxis) in anemic persons; five grains three times a day sufficient; may be continued for
some days; even for varicose condition of veins and oedema of feet and legs, and also in
apoplectic state with cold extremities, clammy sweat on forehead and face. In the case of
external bleeding, magical cure is achieved by applying powder of Ferrum Phos on the
affected part.
Kali Phos 6x, 2 hourly for one or two days: It is used for Loss of blood if dark,
blackish, thin, like coffee-grounds, not coagulating.

(Inflammation of eyelids)

Signs & symptoms:

a) The ends of the lids become reddish & thicken
b) Whitish scales and crusts may form
c) Lashes fall out easily

d) Ulcers may be seen at the base of the eyelashes

1) Graphites 6x or 12x: Lids dry, red, swollen, margins covered with scales or crusts;
eczema of lids with moist or fissured eruptions, worse night, warmth, during and after
menstruation; may be taken thrice a day for three days.
2) Natrum Phos 6x: Blepharitis with acrid lachrymation; inflamed lids pain and burn; there
may be stricture of lachrymal ducts; worse at seaside, cold weather, morning; it can be given
two hourly for a week or so.
3) Silicea 6x: Besides Blepharitis, there may be boils and cystic tumors around eyes and
lids; may be taken thrice a day for a week or so.
4) Kali Carb 6x or 12x every three hour for three days: Swelling over upper lid, like little bags;
swelling of glabella between brows; Asthenia.

(Hard inflamed suppurating tumor)
a) Ferrum Phos 6x: It should be used, in the beginning for the inflammatory stage, one
or two doses hourly, for two/three days, to reduce heat, pain, blood-accumulation and
b) Kali Mur 3x: In the second stage for the swelling to disappear before pus forms;
should be administered in alternation with Ferrum Phos.
c) Calcarea Sulph 6x: It is needed two hourly for a certain period to reduce and control
suppurations. In true suppurations, it is always the chief remedy. Presence of pus with a
vent is the general indication. A warm dry atmosphere assists the action of this remedy
highly. Silicea 12x follows it admirably.
d) Silicea 12x twice daily for a few days: Tendency to boils in any part of the human
body requires this medicine, especially in the spring time, if the affection is deep seated
and the discharge contains yellow offensive pus. Skin heals slowly, suppurates easily.

(Highly nervous brain, mental exhaustion, cerebral depression)


Want of brain and nerve power

Nervous exhaustion
Defective vitality
Patient suffers from hallucinations and delirium


a) Kali Phos 3x, 4x, or 6x: It restores nerve-power, removes depression of spirits, enhances
memory, reduces sleeplessness; should be taken thrice a day for a month or two as it may suit
the patient. Dr Schussler has recommended persistent use of Kali Phos 6x, a dose in the
morning, and Silicea 12x, a dose at night.
b) Calcarea Phos 6x: Loss of vigor, numb sensation, depression of spirits with nervous
prostration & profuse night-sweats leads to selection of this remedy along with Kali Phos,
since brain-fag is either due to deficiency of potassium phosphate (Kali Phos) or due to loss
of albumen. Use of Ferrum Phos 6x occasionally is good for proper supply of iron &
c) Calcarea Sulph 6x: Usually Kali Phos is a good remedy to start with, it gets the mind in
good condition, and aided by Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos or Natrum Phos, dependent on
condition, soon begins the improvement. Then follow with Calcarea Sulph as soon as the
Phos has built up the nerve-cells, and the Sulph is needed to finish up the work which may
take from three months to two years or more. (F. D. Bittinger, M. D., Dayton, Ohio)
d) Zincum Metallicum 6x or 12x: The patient suffers from cerebral depression, defective vitality,
brain-fag with forehead cool but base of brain hot, may have convulsive twitching, fidgety feet,
trembling; may roll head from side to side; cannot withstand smallest quantity of wine; natural
discharges relieve all sufferings; may be given three times a day for two or three days or as may
suit the patient.


(Permanent dilatation of one or both bronchi due to infection)

Signs & symptoms:

a) Expectoration of large amount of purulent sputum
b) The sputum sometimes is offensive or stained with blood
Antimonium Ars 6x or 12x: Let it be taken thrice a day. It is useful in
bronchiectasis & emphysema (loss of elasticity of lungs with progressive difficulties
to exhale) with excessive dyspnoea and cough having much mucous secretion, worse
on eating and lying down. There may be pneumonia associated with influenza, leftsided pleurisy, myocarditis and oedema of face.
2) Silicea 12x: It is given 4 hourly for 15/30 days when there is abscess of lungs,
chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, phthisis and/or empyema (purulent exudate in pleural
cavity), profuse night-sweat & debility, inflammation of the respiratory tract and
copious expectoration of thick greenish yellow pus. Calcarea Sulph 6x follows it
well when expectoration is yellow or yellowish green or mixed with blood.

(Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes)

Signs & symptoms:

a) Acute bronchitis occurs in wet or cold weather
b) When nose is blocked, one breathes through mouth and inhales
impurities and cold
c) Chronic bronchitis is related to smoking or air-pollution
d) The principal symptom involves cough with mucoid sputum, worse in
the morning and during winter

2) Ferrum Phos 6x: In acute or chronic bronchitis, it is the remedy for inflammation
of the bronchi, short oppressed breathing, burning soreness, congestion, painful hard
cough, and should be alternated with Kali Mur 6x every two hours for a few days. It
can also be alternated with the remedy indicated by the type of expectoration. When
the expectoration is clear & watery, Natrum Mur; when distinctly yellow, Kali
Sulph; when albuminous, Calcarea Phos; when yellowish green, Calcarea Sulph.
Arsenic Alb 12x: Extremely restless, exhausted, chilly patient with
unquenchable thirst, nightly aggravation, dry cough after drinking, expectoration
scanty, pain through upper third of right lung, fear of death with cold sweat, let it be
given four hourly for two or three days.
Antim Tart 12x: Great rattling of mucus with little expectoration although
bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus; dyspnoea relieved by eructation and lying
on right side, tongue coated white with red edges; there may be dizziness and
drowsiness. Three doses may be given every 15 minutes.
Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x: In chronic and choking cough, which troubles
whenever the body gets cold or uncovered; the patient sweats, yet pulls blanket
around him/her; rattling cough worse in morning, better damp weather and bending
backwards. It should be taken twice a day for some days.

Burns & Scalds
(Biochemic remedies give miraculous results if treatment is commenced immediately in
mild to moderate severity of burns. Advanced cases need hospitalization.)
Kali Mur 3x: Burns and scalds of any degree; scalds from boiling water; moisten lint
with a strong solution of Kali Mur 3x and apply it frequently without removing the lint or
put the affected portion in water containing Kali Mur 3x, 30 grains, for some time, it
would relieve the pain of severe burns. In case, there is heat and redness, use Ferrum
Phos 2x as a powder to dust over the burns. Kali Mur 3x , 5 tablets, should be taken
internally also, every half hour 6 or 7 doses, thereafter duration should be increased
substantially as may be required, may be two hourly. When suppuration occurs, Calcarea
Sulph 6x should be given thrice a day.


(A malignant growth or tumor anywhere in the body, eats the affected part, tends to spread
indefinitely, returns after removal violently. Yoga and meditation provide relief. Bio-chemic
remedies provide resistance, pain relief and mental support. Cancer cells do not thrive in
oxygenated condition. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage and tomatoes are rich in vitamins A,
B, E, so act as anti-oxidants.)

Look out for a lump which grows in the breast or elsewhere in the body
An ulcer that does not heal quickly
Prolonged Bleeding
Persistent cough lasting more than two weeks
Changes in moles, warts, bowels

1) Kali Mur 3x: Tumors arise primarily from a Kali Mur deficiency which causes an excess
of fibrin in the organism and leads to a tumor. Recent cases of cancer of the breast with
prominent symptom of softness & tenderness are curable by use of Kali Mur 3x thrice a day
for several days.
2) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is an excellent alternating remedy for excessive pains in cancer.
Cancer of tongue has been greatly benefited by Ferrum Phos and Natrum Phos. So both
can be alternated in 3x or 6x trituration two hourly for days together.
3) Calcarea Fluor 3x: It should be given every three hours for a considerable period of time
for easy handling of Hard lumps, knots, kernels, shiny painful swellings in the female breast,
blood tumors on the heads of infants, ganglion, encysted tumors, hardened glands, tumors of
the eyelids, hard swelling on the jawbone. It is the constitutional mineral-salt for hard or firm
growths or for tough lumps.
Kali Phos 3x: It greatly ameliorates the pain in cancer with extremely offensive
discharge and dis-coloration of the tissues, and is quite useful where the malignant tumor has
been removed and is in the healing process. Let it be taken thrice a day for a month or two.
5) Kali Sulph 6x: It is given two times a day for several days to cure epithelial cancer (Skin
cancer), with thin yellow or greenish secretions or for those who are better in the cool or
cold open air.
6) Silicea 12x: It is a remedy in the cases of multiple keloid, tubercular tumors of the neck,
scirrhus induration of the upper lip and face, uterine cancer, suppurating lumps for those who
are generally chilly and seek the warmth. Two doses per diem for several days will be
7) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is good for cancer in scrofulous constitutions, goiter, house-maids knee,
nasal polyp, bursae, acute or chronic cysts when taken two times a day for some days. It is followed
by Calcarea Sulph 3x well.
8) Radium Bromide 6x or 12x: It is required for ulcers & cancers due to Radium burns or
consequential to any other cause. To reduce severe pain in any tissue or organ, which is worse at

night, better hot bath, it should be given thrice a day for ten days.
9) Eye Cancer: For bony tumors of the orbit, Kali Hyd 1x 2 drops in water should be taken 3 times a
day; if there is intense pain over eyes and root of nose, with facial neuralgia & profuse lachrymation,
worse warm room and at night; cold food and drink especially milk aggravates.
10) Cancer of tongue: Kali Cynatum 6x is quite beneficial in cancer and ulcers of the tongue. There
may be sudden sinking sensation, agonizing neuralgia and loss of power of speech. Symptoms may
worsen from 4 a. m. to 4 p. m. It may be taken thrice daily.
11) Cancer of throat: In case the patient takes cold easily, almost always suffers from swollen tonsils
with pain in pharynx or larynx, can only swallow liquids and befriends grief over trifles, Baryta Carb
12x three times a day will be beneficial. Nose, Larynx, Lungs may feel as if smoke inhaled. It is slow
in action, bears repetition well.
12) Cancer of Uterus: For cancer of uterus, if the patient also suffers from dropsy, offensive bloody
leucorrhoea with burning pain in uterus and vagina and deficiency of hemoglobin and red corpuscles,
Calcarea Ars 6x should be given 3 hourly and no harm in giving Calcarea Phos 6x simultaneously.
13) Cancer of Ovary, vagina, cervix, uterus: Aurum Mur Nat 3x has more power over uterine tumors
than any other remedy. Chronic metritis (inflammation of uterus), ossified uterus, ulceration of the
neck of womb and vagina with leucorrhoea, hardened cervix & ovaries, ovarian dropsy (morbid
accumulation of watery fluid in ovary), inadequate shrinkage of uterus after delivery, high blood
pressure, are some of the guiding symptoms. Let it be given thrice a day for some days.
14) Epithelial Cancer: Kali Ars in 6x potency cures epithelial cancer. It may be given three hourly for
some days. Kali Sulph and Kali Ars together are also very effective.
15) Cancer of testicles: Aurum Met 6x or 12x very useful in atrophy of testicles, chronic swelling and
pain thereof, if taken thrice a day for a few days.
16) Cancer of Pancreas: Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and insulin. Calcarea Ars 6x gives
relief in cancer of pancreas considerably if slightest exertion worsens the sufferings and liver and
spleen are enlarged. It may be taken three hourly for some days.
17) Cancer of Prostate: In prostate hypertrophy, Ars Iod and Calcarea Carb, both in 6x potency thrice
a day for a fortnight or so are of unquestioned value.
18) Cancer of pylorus and duodenum: Graphites 12x, twice daily for some days eradicates cancer of
pylorus if administered early. It is also very good for duodenal ulcers; breath smells like urine. The
patient has a tendency to obesity.
A special note on Cancer, AIDS & other fatal diseases:
Foremost is your own firm faith in you yourself, Blessings of God, and completely stress-free life.
The unlimited power of the intrinsic faith converts the medicine into an omniscient remedy, and cures
howsoever deadly the disease may be. Tension, worry, anxiety, on the other hand, convert a medicine
into crude drug and reduce its efficacy. Proper medical supervision is essential.



(It is an infective gangrene found in the skin and sub-cutaneous tissues, commonly at nape of the neck)
Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x: It opens the abscess and hastens the cure, in cases where suppuration seems
inevitable; the slightest injury may have caused the suppuration; the patient may be extremely
sensitive to cold air and to the slightest touch. Craving for sour things is very characteristic. He/ she
may be sweating but pulls blanket around him/her. Let it be taken four times a day for a week or more.
Carbo Veg 12x:, four times a day for a week: It is good for treatment of carbuncles/varicose ulcers,
and senile gangrene in toes with hot perspiration, and skin becoming blue or cold ecchymosed with
burning pains. Loss of vital fluids and deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin. The
patient suffers from weak digestion and desires to be constantly fanned.
Calcarea Fluor 12x & Silicea 12x, every two hours alternatively: When the suppurating process
affects the bone and there are hard callous edges to the affected part, this treatment is very effective.
Deep-seated carbuncles discharging thick yellow pus fall within its curative range. Kali Phos 6x or
12x follows well.

Note: A poultice prepared with the pulp of a fig may be applied on a carbuncle. It would have a
soothing and curative effect.

(CLOUDING OF EYE-LIDS; Loss of transparency of the lens of the eye)
a) Calcarea Fluor 6x: Dr R. S. Copeland prescribed it in the case of senile cataract and observed
great improvement in sight. In the Homoeopatische Monatsbatter 1882, page 95, a report on thirteen
cases of cataract appeared in which it was stated that eleven were cured with Calcarea Fluor and for
the remainder two cases administration of Kali Mur was also required. So let it be taken twice or

thrice a day for two/three months followed by Kali Mur 6x similarly.

b) Natrum Mur & Silicea both in 3x potency may be alternated subsequently for some days. It would
improve dimness of vision.
c) For cataract appearing with lupus, tuberculosis, gout or cancer, Calcarea Phos 6x will be needed

Cervical Spondylitis
1) Phosphoric Acid 1x, twice a day one drop in water after meals for a few
months: It suits best to persons who had strong constitution, but have become
very weak by loss of vital fluids; mental debility first, physical later. The
patient is apathetic, indifferent, and listless. It is the principal remedy for
cervical spondylitis; inflammation of vertebrae with tearing pains at night as if
joints/bones scraped with a knife. There may be paralytic weakness of spine
and boring pain between scapulae. Pains are better by warmth.
2)Calcarea Phos 6x and Mag Phos 6x, each 5 tablets twice a day in lukewarm
water alternately: This alternation will cover rheumatic pain and stiffness of
neck, cramp-like pain in neck and around shoulder blades, spinal curvature,
neuralgic pains with sensation in the limbs resembling electric shocks,
relieved by heat, aggravated by cold.
3) Calcarea Fluor & Kali Mur both in 12x potency four times daily for one
(Acute contagious disease occurring usually in children with fever accompanied by sparse eruption of
papules, which turn into vesicles and thereafter into pustules; incubation period being 14 to 18 days.)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) The rash usually appears within 24 hours of the onset.

b) In 38 to 48 hours it turns into pustules.

c) By the 4th day the pustules shrivel and form crusts.
d) Pains in the back, vomiting, pyrexia are milder than in small pox.

Remedies: (The same remedies are very good for Small-pox also. It has been eradicated. So we have
not dealt with it separately.)
2) Ferrum Phos 3x: The treatment may be commenced with Ferrum Phos, which alone may
serve the purpose. It may be alternated with Kali Mur 3x, 2 hourly, when vesicles open and if
white coated tongue is seen, as the basic cause of chicken-pox is a deficiency of the
inorganic salt Kali Mur. When the skin is dry, rough, hot or when desquamation sets in,
alternate Kali Sulph 6x with Ferrum Phos.
3) If the pustules become purulent Calcarea Sulphurica is indicated. Should symptoms of
adynamia and of decomposition of the blood arise, Kali Phosphoricum is to be given. When
the pustules are confluent Natrum Muriaticum is called for Dr Schussler.
Preventive of Chicken-pox, Small-pox:
Kali Mur 3x twice daily for a week.

(It is a relatively rare form of viral fever. The symptoms include headache, conjunctivial infection,
slight photophobia, high fever, a petechial or maculopapular rash and crippling pains affecting
multiple joints.)

Bio-combination No.28 of SBL or Schwabe, 4 hourly for a fortnight may be quite useful.
Remarks: Chikungunya is a dangerous disease. If condition does not improve despite
medication, hospitalization is a must.

(Highly infectious intestinal disease characterized by bilious vomiting, diarrhea, sudden loss of fluid,
scanty urine, weak pulse and drastic fall of blood pressure, abdominal pains and cramps. The
discharge from the bowels resembles rice-water. The patient should be urged to drink hot water as
much as possible conveniently. A half teaspoonful of salt should be added to each quart of water.)
2. Cuprum Met 6x or 12x: The tongue of the patient protrudes and retracts like that of a
snake. Nausea is greater than in any other remedy. Summer causes cholera with
cyanosis, severe colic, spasms and cramps in abdomen, also in calves, and soles.
Vomiting is relieved by drinking cold water. First few doses may be given half
3. Arsenic Alb 12x: It is a very good remedy for cholera, which is caused by
consumption of decayed food, spoiled meat. It may be due to injurious effects of
watery fruits. Intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst characterize cholera.
Mentally restless, physically too weak to move. Great thirst for cold water, drinks
often but little at a time; burning pains; the affected parts burn like coals of fire; body
cold as ice; craves milk, coffee, acids. Symptoms generally worse 1-2 p.m., 12-2
a.m. Three doses half hourly may be good enough.
4. Kali Phos 6x: It is a specific Biochemic medicine against cholera. Dr Schussler
himself has cited a case of an old person who was attacked by severe vomiting and
diarrhoea, accompanied by exceedingly painful cramps in calves, low pulse and
rice-water discharges. Kali Phos cured. Four or five doses consisting of 5 grains
may be given every 5/10 minute in hot water, as may be required.
5. Cholera Infantum frequently appears among teething children in summer, due to
deficiency of Calcarea Phos which may be given in 6th trituration, 2 tablets thrice a
day in hot water. If febrile symptoms appear, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos
6x. During attack the child should not have any milk; food also should be as less as
possible. As soon as it recovers, barley water with a little cream and warm water
are recommended.
6. Natrum Sulph 3x acts as a preventive of cholera as it regulates the water in the blood
and should be taken in hot water. A deficiency of sodium chloride leads to cholera.
So Natrum Mur 3x may also be needed.
7. Cuprum Acet 3x: In case any person in the family or nearby is already suffering from
cholera, the other members should take one dose in the morning, the other dose in the
evening daily for 5 days for prevention of the disease.
It helps in digestion of food. It helps in production of hormones and vitamin D. It occurs

in the body naturally. There are two forms basically: i) Low density lipoprotein (LDL),
ii) High density lipoprotein (HDL).
LDL forms fatty deposits which clog up the arteries, and form blood clot. So it is known
as bad cholesterol. For prevention of heart attack, the level of cholesterol must be
lowered. HDL is good as it reaches liver wherefrom it is eliminated. Oats reduce blood
cholesterol. Soya bean reduces bad cholesterol.
a) Ferrum Phos 3x thrice a day: It is needed to establish normal circulation of blood and
to remove complications arising from excessive action of heart. It is an excellent remedy
for children and old people in alternation with Calcarea Phos 6x and occasional dose of
Kali Sulph 12x.
b) Kali Mur 6x: For that condition of blood which leads to the formation of clots, let it
be alternated with Ferrum Phos to eliminate circulatory disturbances.

Chorea (St. Vitus dance)
(Involuntary twitching, contortions & movements of the muscles of face and other limbs; It usually
occurs in children, especially girls due to deficiency of the cell-salt, Mag Phos.)

Signs & Symptoms:


Involuntary movements cause the child to drop things and make faces.
Chorea often affects one side of the body.
Weakness of the affected side is extreme
A rapid protrusion and withdrawal of the tongue may occur.

1) Mag Phos: It is the chief remedy. For your precise appraisal, we cite
hereby three case records:

Face and upper part of body affected; lateral and

downward jerking of the mouth, snapping of eyelids, sudden forward

motion of head, and other irregular movements. Better during sleep,
aggravated at stool and by emotions, Ignatia failed. Mag Phos 6x, for
three months, produced gratifying results, but did not fully cure.
Acting on Dr Schusslers advice, Calcarea Phos. 6x was given
alternately with Magnesia Phos; the former once daily, the latter
twice. In one month the child was cured. (D.B. Whitter, M.D.)
The patient talking to herself constantly, or sitting still in
moody silence, or carrying things from one place to another and then
back again. Magnesia Phos 12x cured.
A girl of 6 years was admitted to the London Homoeopathic
Hospital she had suffered from well-marked chorea during the
preceding eight monthsOn admission she twitched all over during
her waking hours, but was quite during sleep. She walked fairly well
and could feed herself, but her speech was exceedingly defective
Magnesia Phos was prescribed-two grains of the sixth trituration,
three times daily. The improvement which followed was slow, but
abundantly manifest.
2) Cuprum Met 12x: It may be given three times daily for a week. It is
curative in jerking & twitching of muscles; cramps in palms, calves and soles;
tonic spasms. The pains increase by touch and movement, better by drinking
cold milk.

Cirrhosis of Liver
It is characterized by
a) Necrosis of hepatic cells
b) Fibrosis
c) Nodular regeneration
d) Abnormalities of the hepatic circulation
e) Alcohol accounts for most cases of cirrhosis of liver
f) Cirrhosis of liver may be in consequence of attacks of virus hepatitis


Arsenic Alb 12x: It should be given in alternation with Ferrum

Phos 6x every 3 hour for some days. It is likely to take care of the
cirrhosis of liver.
Manganum Sulph 6x or 12x three times daily for 7/10 days: It
functions as a catalyser. It plays a significant part in producing hematin.
It is very good for liver affections. It deals with excess of bile
adequately. It is a powerful intestinal stimulant.
Calcarea Fluor & Silicea both in 6x potency in alternation
every two hours for a month or so: this treatment is quite good to cure
abscess of liver and pain in right hypochondrium.

(Severe pain in abdomen caused by spasm of intestines)
Mag Phos 6x: It is good for colic of newborn infants, also for flatulent colic of children. Use one
tablet in two ounce of lukewarm water and give the child one teaspoonful every ten minutes. Relief
would come before the third dose. It gives relief from gas also. Pains are worse right side and from
cold, better warm application and bending double.
Calcarea Phos 6x thrice a day for some days: If Mag Phos, although indicated, fails to give relief, in
respect of colic of any kind, follow the treatment with Calcarea Phos. It is needed to promote
assimilation of food in case colic is caused by indigestion. It is also useful to teething children in
colic with greenish evacuation.
Natrum Sulph 6x daily three times for a week: The symptoms comprise of flatulent colic with
vomiting of bile, bitter taste in the mouth and brownish-green coating on root of the tongue. In lead
colic, give it frequently in the 1X or 2X trituration.
Ferrum Phos 6x: It is effective in menstrual colic with heat, fever, quickened pulse, and may be given
four times in a day for 7 to 10 days.



Irritation of the eyes

Eyeballs look fiery red
Sticky discharge, initially white or yellowish, later thick, brown and corrosive
Eyes water frequently

1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It reduces inflammation and redness of the eyes, burning sensation and
watering considerably. It deals with acute conjunctivitis adequately. It removes sensation as if
grains of sand were under the eyelids. A few doses should be taken hourly.
2) Kali Mur 6x every two hour for two days: It is good for all eye affections when discharging
thick white mucus. It should be alternated with Kali Sulph 6x if the discharge consists of yellow
or greenish matter.
3) Natrum Sulph 6x every two hour for two/three days: It helps in curing chronic conjunctivitis
with yellowness of the conjunctiva and large blister-like granulations on the lids.

Condition of delayed or difficult or deficient movements of the bowels is constipation.
Precaution, suggestion, also signs & symptoms:
a) It affects nearly everyone at some time or the other
b) One should inculcate daily habit of passing stools from childhood
c) If neglected, one suffers from constipation. So it is psychological
d) People lose the reflex action if they try to control Natures Call or avoid using toilet due
to insanitary conditions.
e) Irregular distribution of water in the digestive and intestinal tracts leads to constipation
f) Disturbance in the nervous mechanism
g) Intestinal/mechanical obstruction of the bowel

h) Insufficient exercise
i) Foods deficient in the natural mineral salts
j) Lack of sodium sulphate, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride
k) Lack of tone of the colon muscle and of the villi of the intestine
l) Rectal disturbance needing manual evacuation
m) Diet should include fresh fruits, green vegetables, dried fruits such as prunes, plenty of
fluids, raw fruit juices and water

1) Alumina 6x or 12x: For constipation of infants and old persons, it may be given twice a day
for utmost seven days. Even a soft stool is passed after great straining. There may be pain in
back, arm and fingers as if hot iron penetrated.
2) Silicea 6x or 12x: We cite a case-record of Dr I.P. Johnson: Mother of three children;
constipation since birth of last child, three months ago. Cathartics had failed. The stools were
hard and dry, were partially expelled with much straining, and then receded into the rectum.
Silicea cured in four doses, taken night and morning. Calcarea Fluor 6x or 12x may be taken
with Silicea. Inability to expel feces requires its administration.
3) Kali Mur 6x: In the case of torpid liver and deficiency of bile, Dr J. B. Chapman prescribed
a ten-grain dose each evening, next morning there was a natural evacuation. Satisfactory results
were obtained by continuity of this treatment.
4) Natrum Mur 3x every 2 hours for 4/5 days: Dryness of the mucous linings of the bowels, with
watery secretions from other tissues such as excess of saliva, tears from eyes etc and hard dry
black stools need use of this remedy persistently.
5) Carbolic Acid 6x, twice a day for 7/10 days: Constipation with very offensive odor; stools
black and putrid with great tenesmus, and fermentative dyspepsia. Terrible pains come and
vanish suddenly.
6) Carbo Veg 12x, thrice a day for a week: Much flatulence with colic; burning sensation, also
cough & coryza; food putrifies before it is digested.
Remarks: Purgatives and laxatives containing medicinal paraffin oil are detrimental to the bowel
and should not be used.

(Small hard growth on toe or foot, painful or painless)
1) Antimonium Crudum 6x or 12x: Inflamed large horny corns on soles of feet; pain in
heels; feet very tender; tongue coated thick white as if whitewashed; no thirst; headache with
great loss of hair; amelioration after warm bath; to be given four times daily for one month.
2) Calcarea Fluorica 12x: In case corns are very hard, and painful, let it be taken 4 hourly;
follows Antim Crudum very well.
3) Kali Mur 6x and Silicea 6x: For sore soft inflamed corns, which form repeatedly, both
remedies should be taken three times daily. In corns if the pain is stabbing, stinging,
lancinating, and there is itching also, Mag Phos 6x is needed in hot water thrice daily.

(Common cold with inflammation of mucous membrane)
a) To remove predisposition to take cold, Ferrum Phos 3x & Calcarea Phos 3x should be
taken in two hourly alternation for some days. A lack of ferrum molecules in the blood is the
cause of colds.
b) If the fibrinous exudation is thrown off through the nasal passages, it is called catarrh.
In the stage of acute nasal catarrh, dry coryza, stuffy cold, and burning dryness, Kali Mur 6x
has proved to be the most satisfactory remedy, when taken two hourly.
c) Natrum Mur 12x: We cite a case-record from a book by Dr George W. Carey, M.D.: A
lady of 48 years suffered from coryza which appeared twice a week, lasted one or two
daysalways worse from 10 to 12 a. m. The discharge was watery and so profuse that she
was compelled to use a towel instead of a handkerchief. Everything cool brought relief. Wet
weather, fog, wet feet, warmth and a warm room aggravated the condition. The attack was
accompanied by sneezing that could be heard throughout the house she received Natr. Mur,
five powders, one to be taken every third evening Subsequently the same remedy was
prescribed, a powder once a weekwith most satisfactory results.

d) Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: Thin watery excoriating discharge; sneezing without relief,
worse wet weather, better warm drinks; 3 hourly three days may be good enough.

(Cough indicates sudden and noisy expulsion of air from the lungs. Theoretically, it is not a
disease. It is an abnormal condition, which if not rectified timely, may cause serious

Kali Mur 6x: Loud noisy cough accompanied by wheezing rales with
expectoration of thick milky white tenacious phlegm and white or grayish white
coating of the tongue and persistent hoarseness. It should be given four hourly.
b) Ferrum Phos 6x: For acute short painful tickling cough without expectoration, it
is very useful, if given 2 hourly. One should abstain from giving it in the evening as
that is its aggravation period. In case, with every cough, there is emission of urine, it
cures speedily. If need be, it may be alternated with Kali Mur advantageously.
c) Magnesia Phos 6x, hourly five doses in lukewarm water: It is the remedy for true
spasmodic cough which occurs in paroxysms without expectoration. Hot drinks give
temporary relief. Tongue usually is clean. The condition is worse on lying down and
at night, better on sitting up and warm drinks.

d) Hepar Sulph 12x or 30x: The patient gets afflicted with hoarse croupy choking
cough whenever any part of the body is uncovered; loses voice and coughs when
exposed to dry cold wind while walking. It is worse in morning. Let it be taken 4
hourly for four/five days.
e) Antim Tart 12x: Great rattling of mucus, but little expectoration is a guiding
symptom. Drowsiness, debility, sweat and irresistible inclination to sleep accompany
the ailment. Cough and dyspnoea better lying on right side, eructation and sitting erect.
Three doses may be given half hourly.

Suggestion: Grapes tone up the lungs and act as expectorants. A cup of grape juice mixed with a

teaspoon of honey gives cough relief in a couple of days.

(Spasmodic involuntary painful contraction of muscles from sudden chill or strain)

1) Cuprum Met 6x or 12x: Spasms and cramps in abdomen, calves of legs, soles,
palms. Flexor types of cramps are usually noticed with great weariness of limbs.
Clonic spasms begin in fingers and toes. Three doses 4 hourly to be given.
2) Cuprum Ars 3: Cramps in calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved
by getting out of bed and standing. It may be given every four hour, one or two
3) Magnesia Phos 6x: It is excellent for spasms of every kind in any part of the
body. There may be a sensation in limbs like a shock of electricity. Cramps in calf
muscles. Writers cramp. It cures convulsion, twitching, contraction, cramps, fits,
etc., when frequent doses are given in hot water. For quick relief in the case of
cramps and spasms, half a teaspoon of Mag Phos is dissolved in a cup of hot water
(stirred often) and a sip is taken every 5 minute, seven times. Subsequently, Calcarea
Phos 6x should be alternated every 2 hour to prevent recurrence of spasms &
cramps. This alternation cures Lockjaw also.
4) Calcarea Phos 6x: We cite a very interesting case. Dr Fechtmann was called to
see a lady who had been suffering for nearly five weeks from fearful attacks of
convulsive spasms. During the last 24 hours she had had thirty attacks. The spasms
darted through her body like an electric shock, so that she fell to the ground. The
attack lasted a few minutes, after which she felt well enough, but rather exhausted
Knowing that Magnes. Phos and Calc. Phos are the two prescribed for allaying
spasms (cramp), I chose the latter, Calc. Phos., under the circumstances. Next day, to
the astonishment of those about her, I found the old lady walking about the room. She
met me with a smile, exclaiming: Ah, doctor, my spasms are cured! And so it was.
She has not had another attack.

(Infectious eruptive fever causing acute pains in joints and back with stiffness of patients neck &
shoulders, and biphasic febrile episode, severe headache, myalgia (muscular pains) and
morbilliform rash. Female mosquito aedes aegypti causes dengue which is also known as break
bone fever. First day flashes of heat on face, skin acquires red appearance. Sixth day the patient
suffers from morbilliform rash which resembles that of measles.)

1) Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: High temperature may be due to G. I. Tract infection.
Septic fevers. Great prostration with mental restlessness. Fear of death, thinks it is
useless to take medicine, afraid of loneliness, burning pains; affected parts burn like
coals of fire, drinks often but little at a time, complaints worse after midnight, upon lying
down, at seashore, better from heat & warm drinks. This remedy acts on every organ and
tissue profoundly. Excellent results are seen in the case of abuse of alcohol, injurious
effects of watery fruits, cold drinks, ice cream, spoiled meat, decayed food. It may be
given 3 hourly for 3/5 days.
2) Bio Combination No. 11: It is useful when taken 4 hourly. It consists of Ferrum Phos,
Kali Mur, Natrum Mur, Kali Sulph and Natrum Sulph in 3x potency. Ferrum Phos and
Natrum Sulph in alteration also work. Ars Alb may be given simultaneously.
All symptoms may not appear at a time. So the layman has to apply medicine based on a few
salient features only. No worry, even then.

The intake of these tiny atoms is safe against assault of disease force upon vital force of the
human body inasmuch as application thereof is indicated in viral or bacterial influenza,
intermittent, remittent, scarlet, gastric fevers, dengue, measles, smallpox, heart affections

including Angina Pectoris etc.


Diabetes Mellitus
(Steady accumulation of sugar in blood due to degeneration of the islands of Langerhans in the
pancreas causing insulin deficiency characterized by excessive glucose-charged urine, thirst, &
1) Natrum Sulph 6x: Diabetes Mellitus of nervous origin is cured by treatment with Natrum
Sulph and Mag Phos, both 6x, in alternation every two hour for a week (E. A. de Cailhol,
M.D.). It is the chief remedy. Deficiency of the pancreatic secretion may be the reason
according to Schussler. It eliminates excess water from the blood and the blood serum.
2) Bio combination No.7, four times a day: The combination comprises of Calcarea Phos,
Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, Natrum Phos, and Natrum Sulph. Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos
are required to cure inflammation of kidneys. Kali Phos restores nervous system and
facilitates normal functioning of the pancreas. Natrum Phos takes care of hepatic form of
diabetes. Natrum Sulph is an important remedy in all stages of diabetes. It secures
elimination of excess water from the blood and the blood serum. The bio-combination thus
supports patients state of health by assimilating the glucose.
3) Ars Brom 3x or 6x, thrice daily: It is a good remedy for diabetes:

Arsen. Brom. is also a powerful remedy in diabetes mellitus and

insipidus, for I cured cases with it where the patient had already been
reduced from 138 pounds to 98let the patient take three drops thrice
daily in a glass of water, and after a week the insatiable burning thirst
will be quenched, and these doses must be continued till the quantity of

sugar in the urine is reduced, when the drug might be taken twice a day
and continued for a long time. A diabetic patient needs fresh pure air if
he wishes to get well; confinement in a room or in the office prevents
the action of any treatment, for it needs ozone to reduce the sugar of the
blood into carbonic acid and water. (Dr Clemens, as translated from the
German language by Dr Samuel Lilienthal).

Diabetic patients should never overeat, not even once. Let the food be digested easily. One
should not keep the stomach empty either; better eat six times a day. The food should not be rich;
it should be nutritious.
Though Diabetes Mellitus is usually incurable, but controllable, we are pleased to cite an
example of cure hereby. Our family friend, Captain S.N. Dalmia of Indian Airlines, was once
grounded when he became diabetic, but he proceeded to Jaipur where he stayed in an Ashram for
six months, and by sheer determination and firm belief, doing Yoga regularly, and maintaining
proper diet always as was suggested by a Swamiji, got cured without any medication and could
pass stringent tests and procedures which were conducted repeatedly in conformity with rules
and regulations of the government of India. Consequently, orders for grounding were revoked and
he commenced flying the planes again as before. You can achieve your objective in case you are
endowed with such resoluteness.

(Excessive frequency and looseness of bowel movements; imperfect digestion and assimilation
of food generally causes it. It may be due to climatic conditions also.)

Chief causes:
1) Deficiency of sodium salts (Natrum Phos, Natrum Mur, & Natrum Sulph), which regulate
fluids of the body
2) Nervousness
3) Living in damp area a climatic condition

4) Frequent or excessive use of purgatives

5) Eating rotten fruits or decayed food or may be allergy to a drug or a food
6) Imperfect digestion and assimilation of food
7) Infection caused by bacteria or parasites
8) Ulcerative colitis
9) Toxic states arsenic poison or uraemia
10) Crohns disease of the small intestine or large intestine
11) Endocrine Causes hyperthyroidism or tumor of the pancreas
a) Frequent evacuation of liquid or semi-liquid stools, without discharge of mucus
or blood
b) The stools are paler than normal
c) When severe and persistent, the patient may suffer from physical exhaustion,
dehydration, potassium and protein deficiency
1. Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: Food poisoning after taking watery fruits, melons,
preserved foods; great restlessness, intense agony, prostration and burning thirst;
drinks much but little at a time. It may be taken 3 hourly for 5 to 7 days.
2. One of our most valuable remedies for diarrhoea of children during dentition is
Calcarea Phos 3x, every two or three hours for two/three days. Stool may be hot,
watery, profuse, offensive, and noisy. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x if the
child suffers from flatulent colic also.
3. Natrum Sulph 6x, a few doses hourly: It is one of the most indicated Bio-chemic
remedy in the case of chronic diarrhea with loose gushing morning greenish stools <
in damp weather.
4. Kali Phos 6x: Evacuations putrid, carrion-like odor, discharges resemble rice-water,
with depression and prostration, with or without pain; rectum sore and burns. It
should be taken two hourly for two days.
5. Kali Mur 6x 2 hourly 2 days: Stools after eating rich food with the characteristic
white coating of the tongue; bloody or slimy stools; pale yellow or clay colored.
6. Argentum Nitricum 12x or 30x, twice daily: It is good for watery and noisy diarrhea
caused by sudden good or bad news or sorrow or anger or emaciation, or
immediately after eating or drinking.
i) Boiled rice and yoghurt best food
ii) Drinking a glass of water every half hour
iii) After the attack is over, apple, ripe banana & brown rice are easily dgestible

(A painful intestinal inflammation characterized by semi-solid stools, mucous and bloody
a) Amoebic dysentery is characterized by periodic attacks of diarrhea with blood
and slime in the stools
b) In acute bacillary dysentery the onset is sudden with fever, colic and tenesmus
c) The stools are hot and contain blood with mucus together with pus cells and
epithelial debris
d) Constant urging to empty the bowels
e) Cramp like pains in the abdomen
1) Suddenly checked perspiration during or after warm weather
2) Living in damp area
3) Frequent use of purgatives
4) Suppression of piles
5) Deficiency of iron molecules

1. Kali Mur and Ferrum Phos, both 6x and in alternation, every two hours, are generally
sufficient to cure dysentery, if taken in time. The patient passes stool every few minutes
and tenesmus is always present; pale-yellow stools.
2. Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: Amoebic dysentery; drinks much but little at a time. Stools
small, dark, very offensive, bloody with great prostration. Let it be taken 3 hourly for
two days.
3. Kali Phos 6x 2 hourly 2 days: It is required if stools consist of pure blood, abdomen
swells, stools have offensive putrid odor, with great dryness of tongue and pain after
4. Mag Phos 6x: It should be taken every 15 minutes in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 doses, if the
patient suffers from crampy spasmodic pains, eased by bending double & warmth.
5 Natrum Sulph 6x every one hour 4/5 doses: If stools are bilious and due to living in damp

area, it is needed.
6) Calcarea Sulph 6x should be taken 2 hourly one or two days in case the stools are sanious
and mattery.

Anasarca, ascites, oedema also
(Morbid accumulation of watery fluid in any part of body; a deficiency of calcium phosphate
and sodium chloride in the blood and blood-serum)
1) Natrum Mur 6x, thrice a day: A little girl of 9 years recovered from diphtheria and
scarlatina rather easilySuddenly she began to swell without any apparent causeDropsy
was increasing rapidly; urine scanty; only very small quantities occasionallyNatrum Mur
alone cured in about a fortnight. (Dr Cohn). Natrum Sulph 6x, which is the chief remedy,
may be alternated, every 2 hours, to carry off the excess of water.
2) Kali Mur 6x: It is indicated in chronic persistent swelling of the feet and lower limbs,
when the swelling is soft at first, afterwards becoming hard to the touch, without pain or
rednessthe swelling becomes less perceptible in the morning than in the evening. (Dr
Goullon); there is generally a white coated tongue; dropsy arising from weakness of heart or
from obstruction of bile-ducts. It may be taken three times a day.
3) Kali Nit 6x, thrice a day for 7 days: It is quite good in the case of sudden dropsical swellings
over the whole body; nose, hands and fingers also appear swollen. The patient feels better while
taking sips of water frequently.
The diet should be good in protein, calories and vitamins. After cure the patient may resume
normal diet.

(Otitis Media = inflammation of the middle ear)

1. Earache due to boil in the ear with discharge of fetid pus: Hepar Sulph 12x or 30x, 3 doses at
interval of 15 minutes. If earache is due to an abscess in the ear, and exposure to cold dry winds, and
pain increases even on touching the affected ear, it may be taken thrice daily for 7 days.
2. Roaring and ringing in ear: Natrum Mur 12x, 3 hourly one week.
3. Inflammatory earache after exposure to cold or wet with burning throbbing pain, noticeable
pulsation: Ferrum Phos 6x hourly, 6 doses. For earache after exposure to cold or wet I have no
better remedy. (R.S. Copeland); Dr H.W. Chaplin says that no other medicine is needed with it in the
treatment of otitis media. Noticeable pulsation in the ear; every impulse of the heart is felt here,
beating in the ear and head; the pulse can be counted. (Houghton)
4. Kali Mur 6x, principal remedy for deafness from swelling of the glands & the external ear. There
may be cracking noises on blowing the nose; it may be taken thrice a day for some days. Its action is
greater upon the Eustachian tube of the right side than upon that of the left side.
5. Silicea 6x: For chronic suppurative otorrhoea, when discharge is thin, ichorous, offensive and
associated with destruction of bone, Silicea is the remedy. It is also good for Menieres syndrome
(excess fluid in inner ear causing dizziness, ringing in ears, even deafness) and Mastoid Periostitis,
especially in case there is relief from moist warmth. Calcarea Sulph 3x or 6x follows Silicea well in
suppurative processes when the discharge is mixed sometimes with blood and aggravation is from
working in water.
6. Natrum Salicylicum 3x or 6x thrice a day for a few days: It is very useful in Menieres disease
(excess fluid in inner ear causing dizziness, auditory vertigo, ringing in ears and even deafness);
tinnitus of a low tone; it is one of the best remedies for the prostrating after-effects of influenza; it
increases bile; all objects seem to move to the right side.

(A disorder in which the skin becomes inflamed, reddish, scaly, and very itchy with numerous small
papules turning into vesicles which mature, rupture and secrete serum; as the vesicle dries, it forms
dry scales/small crusts. Some forms of eczema are dry and some continuously ooze under the crusts.)

1) Kali Ars 6x: It should be taken twice a day till improvement is visible. As soon as
there is improvement, administration of this medicine must be stopped, failing which
there will be some aggravation. It is good for chronic eczema with intolerable itching,
worse warmth, walking, undressing. The patient is restless, nervous and anemic.
2) Graphites 6x or 12x or 30x: Eruptions ooze out a sticky exudation. There may be
persistent dryness of skin unaffected by eczema. It suits women who are inclined to
obesity and suffer from habitual constipation and despondency. There may be eczema of
lids, eruptions behind ears, and cracks or fissures at ends of fingers with crippled or
crumbling toe-nails. One may take 3 doses at interval of 4 hours. Ars allb 12x may
follow beneficially.
3) As for other bio-chemic remedies, we cite a case of rapid cure of eczema of long
Mr C, age 32, was subject to severe eruptive skin disease for ten years. Intolerable itching
with yellow dischargeThe biochemic remedies which were used were Ferrum Phos and
Natrum Phos, ten grains of each, one powder at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Silicea, ten grains at
noon and 6 p.m. Low protein and starch dietary was used. The treatment lasted from January
16 to February 16, after which the skin was almost cleared of all eruption. (Dr Ford Wilson,
4) Eczema in a child, on cheeks, chin and behind ears, skin swollen and inflamed and
underneath it indurations. Pustules developed early, cured in one week by Kali Mur 6x,
every four hours. (D.B. Whittier, M.D.)
Eczema on the eyebrows yielded quickly to Natrum Mur 3x internally and
externally. (Dr B. N. Mitra).
6) Antimonium Crud 12x or 30x thrice a day three days: It is effective in eczema of the
face, genitals, and anus with severe itching and gastric troubles, and burning sensation
worse at night.
7) Ars Iod 3x twice daily for a few days: It is good for eczema of the beard with oozing
of watery secretion; itching worse upon washing the affected parts; dry scaly itching

(A chronic disease of skin causing part affected to resemble elephants hide; it is caused by
obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, esp. by filarial worms.)
1) Ars Alb 12x or 30x: It acts on every organ and tissue profoundly and is beneficial in
septic infections and low vitality; a few 4 hourly doses for a week may be adequate.

2) Calcarea Fluor 12x: It is given twice a day for a few months. Its use enables the
body to resume its power of contractility and function properly. Exudations are thrown
off and absorbed by the lymphatics.
Silicea 12x: Let it be alternated with Calcarea Fluor twice a day. It promotes
expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues, sphincters etc. Its action is deep and lasting.
It has the power to reabsorb sero-albuminous exudation existing within the tissues by the
means of lymphatics. It also helps the connective tissue cells to throw off the
accumulated urates. It restores suppressed foot-sweats.

(Abnormal enlargement of alveoli or air vesicles of the lungs accompanied by loss of
elasticity in the tissues causing serious impairment in breathing)
d) Emphysema is seen most often in middle-aged persons who may have suffered
from chronic bronchitis
e) Breathlessness increases on slightest exertion particularly in winter
f) Expiration is prolonged and wheezing
g) Dyspnoea is worse on ascending even a few steps
h) Desire to lie on abdomen from which he/she gets relief

Antimonium Ars 6x or 12x: It is very useful in emphysema with excessive
dyspnoea, cough and much mucous secretion, worse on eating and lying down. There
may be oedema of face or left sided pleurisy. It should be given thrice a day for some
2) Calcarea Fluor 6x & Ferrum Phos 6x: To restore strength of muscles and elasticity
of connective fibers, one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets, should be given daily in the
morning, and one dose of Calcarea Fluor 6x similarly in the evening every day till
recovery. Intercurrently, Calcarea Phos 6x may be had one dose in a week. Calcarea
Fluor is the chief remedy in true croup (Inflammation of larynx and trachea,
characterized by suffocative breathing). Ferrum Phos is the chief remedy for dyspnoea.
For relaxation caused by emphysema of the muscles of chest, Ferrum Phos is an

excellent remedy. It can also be applied externally. One can also administer Kali Mur or
Natrum Mur if indicated by the color and the nature of the expectoration.

Worth Noting:
We consider it our moral obligation to acknowledge, by placing on record hereby, that
this book of welfare is the outcome of the inspiration we have derived from the
departed saintly soul of revered Shashikant Sheth, one of Gods chosen people, and our
family friend, who unfortunately died of emphysema some years ago.


(Abnormal increase of eosinophils in blood; it may be due to bronchial asthma, allergic hay
fever, pernicious anemia, skin diseases etc)
Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: It removes fear, fright, worry, debility, exhaustion,
restlessness and helps in curing urticaria, psoriasis or any other skin disease which is
worse cold and scratching and is caused by increase in number of eosinophils. It may be
taken twice daily for a few days.
2) Natrum Mur 12x & Natrum Sulph 12x may be taken alternately, 4 hourly. Both will
help in maintaining eosinophil count considerably.


(Chronic nervous disease in which patient falls to ground unconscious, with or without convulsions)
a) Suddenly the child gives a loud shriek and falls down unconscious.
b) His movements become violent.
c) The jaws are clenched.
d) Foam emanates from the mouth, often tinged with blood as the tongue gets bitten.
e) The eyes are fixed and staring, and roll about.

The hands are clenched over the thumbs.

g) The child seems bewildered upon waking after 2/3 minutes.

Cuprum Met 3x or 6x: Aura begins from knees and ascends to lower abdomen,
thereafter unconsciousness, foaming, falling may occur. During unconscious state, the tongue
protrudes and retracts like that of a snake; aggravation at night, during menses, new and full
moon; amelioration by drinking cold water and perspiration. There may be spasmodic
asthma, cramps in calves and soles, and worm affections. Let it be taken thrice a day for
some days.
2) Argentum Nitricum 6x or 12x: It is an excellent remedy for epilepsy caused by fright or
occurs at menstrual period. Very characteristic is the great desire for sweets. The patient
suffers from peculiar mental impulses such as jumping out of window. The symptoms are
worse from warmth in any form and after taking meals, better fresh air. It may be taken twice
a day for some days.
3) Kali Mur 6x: It is the chief remedy for epilepsy, especially when it occurs with or after
the suppression of skin eruptions. It relieves a fit. It prevents tissue metamorphosis. The
protoplasmic fibres are surely strengthened by Kali Murto preserve the brain integrity. It

should be given thrice a day.

4) A combination of Kali Mur 6x, Kali Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x is also quite effective if
given 4 hourly. Kali Phos takes care of shrunken countenance, coldness, palpitation. Mag
Phos takes care of epilepsy from vicious habits and also the spasms and contortions of
epilepsy. It should be given in hot water.
5) Silicea 6x: It is good for Nocturnal epilepsy, especially if it occurs about the time of
new moon, and at night.
6) Borax 3x, twice daily for some days: It is a valuable remedy for children, in case he/she
is afraid of downward movement and is very sensitive to noises.
Remarks: The hygiene of the patient must be taken care of. The diet should be vegetarian. No
overeating; regular meals; plenty of fresh air, exercise and sleep are imperative.

(Bleeding from nose)

Epistaxis is a Greek word meaning to drop. For getting quick relief, one should apply cold water on
the head, the neck and the nostrils.
1) Ferrum Phos 3x or 6x, hourly, 3 or 4 doses first day: Epistaxis, especially of children, of
bright red blood, face flushed. Subsequently, it may be given twice per day for a week or so
to prevent recurrence.
2) Kali Phos 6x, two hourly two/three days: Epistaxis of dark thin putrid blood in weak old
people; predisposition to bleeding.
3) Kali Mur 3x or 6x two hourly for two/three days: If the blood is dark and coagulating, it
is the remedy.
Natrum Mur 6x, 2 hourly two/three days, if the blood is thin and watery in anemic
persons and may have been caused by coughing or stooping.

Natrum Sulph 6x to be administered 2 hourly for 2/3 days if epistaxis occurs during

6) If one sided discharge from the nose, Calcarea Sulph 6x; if the bleeding is worse in the
evening or in a warm room, Kali Sulph 6x; if the epistaxis is associated with acidity and
worms, Natrum Phos 6x; application in such cases two hourly for 2/3 days.

(St Anthonys fire)
(Acute infectious disease caused by streptococcus and characterized by localized inflammation
and deep red color of skin, with fever, flushes of heat, chill, headache, vomiting and shooting
pains, worse from movement)

1) Graphites 6x or 12x or 30x: Phlegmonous erysipelas of face with
burning and stinging pain, worse warmth, at night, during and after
menstruation; Graphites eradicates tendency to erysipelas. It suits
patients who have tendency to obesity, skin affections and constipation.
Three doses may be sufficient if taken 3 hourly for 4/5 days.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x and Natrum Sulph 6x: Should be alternated every
hour first day, next day 2 hourly, third day 4 hourly; in bio-chemic system
of treatment Natrum Sulph is the chief remedy for erysipelas with or
without vomiting of bile. There may be smooth, red, shiny, tingling or
painful swelling of the skin. Ferrum Phos takes care of fever and
inflammation duly.
3) Kali Mur 6x every 3 hours for a week: Principal remedy for vesicular
blistering of erysipelas when there is a white or yellow watery secretion
from blisters and the limbs affected are swollen and of white color, it is
the remedy, and should be alternated 2 hourly with Ferrum Phos 6x in
case fever persists.

Fissures in Anus

(A long narrow deep crack or slit in mucous membranes of anus)


The patient complains of severe pain after passing stools

The pain lasts for a considerable period of time.
Out of fear he tends to suppress his stools
It creates constipation and worsens fissures.
Thus he is trapped in a vicious circle.

1) Graphites 6x or 12x or 30x: It may be given 4 hourly at least one week for anal
fissure advantageously, if it has been caused by severe constipation. It is also good for
varicose veins of rectum.
2) Nitric Acid 12x: 3 doses per day for 7 days, in case the patient is afflicted with pain
as from splinters, passes urine smelling like that of a horse, suffers from spasmodic
lancinating pains during stool in rectum, and the symptoms are better while riding in a
3) Silicea 12x: It should be taken 4 hourly. It is useful in cases where partly expelled
stools recede due to irritable sphincter ani and constipation occurs before and during
Calcarea Phos 6x, thrice daily: For fissures of anus in children, it is the best
biochemic remedy. It may be alternated with Calcarea Fluor 6x, 4 hourly.
5) Calcarea Fluor 6x: Tones the elastic fibers causing free movement of bowels. It
should be used internally as well as externally.
Fistula in Ano
(A pipe-like long passage with narrow opening into rectum near anus, usually from an
abscess or cavity)
Signs & symptoms:
a) A history of boils and abscesses around anus


Discharge of pus & faecal matter from the opening for several days
It may stop for months
It recurs again for several days
There may be fetid watery discharge
Patient suffers from intense hammering pain in the rectum occasionally
Burning and soreness afflict the patient at the rectum
There is sensation of weakness or paresis which results in obstinate constipation

1) Calcarea Phos 1x and Silicea 3x, a dose three times a day, alternated every week,
is the treatment recommended by Dr C.R. Fleury. In case there is fetid watery
discharge, Silicea 30x, 4 hourly, will be quite useful. When fistula has been operated
upon, Calcarea Phos 6x, will be required to eradicate recurring chances.
2) Calcarea Fluor 12x: It is a very good remedy. It should be administered thrice a day
for a month or so. It can be alternated with Silicea 12x every 3 hour if there are sharp
stitches in rectum while walking and the pains are relieved by warmth.

Food Poisoning

Drinking impure water

Eating preserved or spoiled food or over-ripped fruits/melon
Having non-veg meal while travelling
Does not tolerate smell or sight of food
Desires to be fanned constantly


1) Arsenic Alb 12x: The patient is mentally restless, physically too weak to move,
fears death, thinks it is useless to take medicine as it is sure that he would die. It is good
to remove bad effects of vegetable diet, watery fruits, over ripen fruits, preserved food,
decayed food or animal matter by inoculation, smelling or ingestion. Four or five doses
may be given at the interval of 10/15 minutes..
2) Carbo Veg 12x: Food putrefies before it is digested; pain and breathlessness is felt
half hour after eating spoiled food and the patient desires to be constantly fanned and
must have all the windows open. Its administration also takes care of bad effects from
loss of vital fluids. Four or five doses may be given every 10/15 minute period.
3) Kali Phos and Natrum Mur, both in 12x potency at frequent intervals: these remedies
should be used in the case of blood poisoning at least four times a day.

(Breakage of bone or a tear in cartilage or fine hair-line crack in bone)

Remedies after successful operation:

Calcarea Phos 6x: In respect of broken bones this salt is essential to facilitate
deposit of material necessary for their union. It promotes the formation of
callus after a fracture. It is given four times a day for a month or two and with
it Ferrum Phos 6x also may be given to deal with fractures of bones, to reduce
inflammation and to rectify the injuries sustained by the soft tissues. One
should apply Calcarea Phos 2x externally also. Besides, one dose of Calcarea
Fluor 30x may be given daily in the morning. If the healing of broken bone is
slow, Silicea 12x should be added to the above remedies.

Gall Stones

(Stones, a calcareous deposit, in gall bladder or bile ducts caused by a deficiency of sodium
sulphate molecules which thicken bile)

Signs & Symptoms:

a) If he/she takes a deep breath while the fingers of the examiner
are pressed firmly but gently over the right hypochondrium, there
will be momentary interruption in breathing
b) Fatty food may cause irregular dyspeptic symptoms
Pain in the right hypochondrium at the inferior angle of
scapula exists
In case, a stone lodges in the neck of the gallbladder or
passes into the common bile duct, attack of biliary colic results

Natrum Sulph 6x: Since a deficiency of sodium sulphate causes gall stone,
Natrum Sulph is needed to expel it. The patient cannot bear tight clothing
around waist. It should be given 4 hourly. To prevent re-formation of stones, it
should be given in alternation with Calcarea Phos 6x. In the case of excessive
pain and spasms from gall-stones, Mag Phos 6x should be also given suitably
in lukewarm water. The remedies should be continued for a very long time.
Natrum Sulph has cured several cases of gall-stone colic. Perverted viscid
bile forms gallstones. Natrum Sulph helps the liver to make healthy bile,
which is the natural solvent of gall-stones.

(Pathological necrosis of one or more body cells or of a portion of tissue or organ when
blood supply is obstructed by injury or any disease; it may be dry or wet.)
Signs & symptoms:

Gangrene causes blackness of the skin

g) Diabetic gangrene affects the toes

h) Vascular inflammation affects the fingers with scleroderma (atrophy of terminal
i) Effected parts emit foul discharge
j) The effected part becomes purple or blue owing blood poisoning

1) Arsenic Alb 30x: For dry gangrenous inflammations with mental restlessness, great
prostration after slightest exertion, unquenchable thirst, burning pains, fear fright &
worry, nightly aggravation, better warm application, it is a profoundly acting remedy, if
given 3 hourly for seven days. Carbo Veg follows well depending on the then prevailing
Carbo Veg 12x or 30x, 3 hourly, 7 days: It is used for wet senile gangrene
commencing from toes. There is tendency to gangrene of the margins. The perspiration is
hot. The discharges are offensive. Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of
skin. The patient feels ameliorated from being fanned constantly.
3) Kali Phos 12x: For gangrenous and malignant condition of throat, accompanied by
foul breath, it is very good and should be taken at frequent intervals. One may use Kali
Mur as a gargle in hot water twice a day. Besides, one may take Ferrum Phos, Kali
Sulph, and Silicea, all in 12x potency, if necessary a few doses at half hour intervals.

(Morbid enlargement of thyroid gland, often visible as a large pendulous swelling in the lower
part of the front of the neck, occurring commonly in people of mountainous origin; simple goiter
means iodine deficiency goiter; in exophthalmic goiter, there is bulging of eye balls.)
Signs & symptoms:


Toxic nodular goiter tends to affect elderly persons

It causes cardiovascular sign such as dysrhythmia (defective rhythm)
The goiter moves upward on swallowing
Large goiter with marked exophthalma gives an impression of terror to the face

1) Natrum Phos 3x: It is an important remedy in treatment of goiter, if the patient suffers
from acidity. It should be taken three times a day. In case, nodulated enlargement exists and
stony hardness of the gland is seen, Calcarea Fluor 5x should be given twice a day for a long
period, preferably in alternation with Calcarea Phos, which is the chief remedy for simple
goiter and glandular swellings.
2) Natrum Mur 6x: It is very good for exophthalmic goiter, in which case it is required to
be given three times a day for a long period. There may be much secretion of saliva.

Persistent use of the indicated remedy for several months brings satisfactory results.


(Infectious venereal disease marked by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the
genitourinary tract and a discharge of mucus and pus from urethra or vagina with terrible
burning while urinating; a deficiency of the cell-salt, Kali Mur, causes an excess of fibrin
which seeks exit from urethra and forms breeding ground for gonococcus.)
Precaution: Walking and other excercises should be avoided. Pressure to bring out pus should
also be avoided. Plenty of hot water application may be resorted to.
Signs & symptoms:

In acute stage, the urethra gets inflamed in males; in females vagina also
Pain, burning sensation and a purulent discharge persists
The disease may spread to adjacent organs of the body
In the chronic stage, the patient may have arthritis
Blood may come out instead of urine

1) A combination of Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Mur 6x, Natrum Phos 6x, and Silicea 30x, every
4 hour will be quite useful. The patient should not attempt to bring out pus by pressing the

area. Walking and other exercises may also have to be avoided.

2) Kali Mur 3x or 6x is the principal remedy. It is a specific for cases in which swelling
exists. If there is swelling, also apply on lint a lotion of 3x potency, 30 grains in two ounces
of water. If the swelling does not exist, Natrum Phos is the chief remedy.
3) Calcarea Sulph 6x if the secretion is bloody-purulent; if yellow mucus, Kali Sulph 6x. In
the case of long standing fetid discharge, the remedy is Silicea; if the discharge is clear,
watery, slimy, Natrum Mur 6x; if it is bloody, Kali Phos 3x or 6x. The medicines may be
taken 2/3 hourly for a month or so.

(Any ailment thereof)
1) Calcarea Sulph 3x: For gumboils, it is an excellent Bio-chemic remedy. It is given in 5
grain doses, three or four times a day for some days. It should be followed by Silicea 6x,
thrice a day.
2) Ferrum Phos 3x and Kali Mur 3x: For the inflammatory conditions, and swelling before
matter begins to form, let these medicines be alternated twice a day for some days. Local
application of Ferrum Phos also good.

1) Natrum Mur 30x, 3 hourly for two/three days: Headache in the morning on awakening, after
menstruation or from sunrise to sunset with a sensation as if a thousand little hammers were knocking
in or on the brain; it may be semi-lateral, may be consequential to frontal sinus, may cause nausea and
vomiting; worse seashore, music, warm room, consolation, better lying on right side, in open air.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x, two or three doses hourly: It relieves headache from cold or sun-heat, if it is
bruising, pressing or stitching type and gets aggravated on stooping and motion. The headache may be
congestive with red face and a throbbing sensation, worse right side; Cold applications and pressure

3) Kali Phos 6x, two hourly: For neuralgic headache with nervous symptoms, humming in ears, from
overstrain of mental faculties, followed by exhaustion; for hysterical or menstrual headaches, it is an
excellent remedy. The patient may be irritable and despondent and may have brownish yellow tongue
and sensation of a band around the head; headache may be better while having dinner.
4) Mag Phos 6x: Paroxysmal excruciating headache when cold aggravates, heat relieves. Mag Phos
should be taken in hot water in 5 grain doses every 15 minutes, total 3 or 4 doses. The headache may
be neuralgic or rheumatic and may change location. The patient may see sparks before the eyes.
5) Natrum Sulph 6x, two hourly: Sick headache with nausea, vomiting of bile, giddiness, periodical
vertigo; headache in the right side of the forehead.
6) Natrum Phos 6x, 2 hourly: Frontal or on top of head & in the morning.
7) Kali Sulph 6x 2 hourly: In case the pain is worse in the evening & in the warm room, but better in
cool air.
8) Carbolic Acid 6x, thrice daily for a few days: Orbital neuralgia over the right eye, better by taking
green tea and while smoking. Sensation as if the head is compressed by a rubber band. There may be
constipation with fetid breath. Pains arise and vanish suddenly.
9) Calcarea Phos 6x 2hourly, in case there is feeling of coldness & numbness and there is crawling
sensation and the headache is worse from heat or cold.

Heel Pains
(Feet bear the weight of the entire body. An increase in weight tends to increase the pressure on
the heels. Faulty gait also leads to heel pains. One of the commonest locations for spurs is the
heel. If you suffer from a shooting pain, while placing the foot on the ground in the morning, be
sure it is due to spur.)


For sore pain and aching in the heel, Calcarea Phos 6x, 4 hourly for a few days; for caries of the
bones of the heel, Silicea 6x, three times a day for a few days; for piercing ulcerative pains in the
soles and heels, Natrum Sulph 6x, thrice a day for some days. Calcarea Sulph 6x removes
burning and itching of the soles of feet if taken similarly.
For fissures on the heels, Antim Crud 12x or 30x may be administered twice a day for a week.
For ulcers on the heels with burning pains, Ars Alb 12x or 30x may be taken twice a day for a
few days.
For cracks in heels, Graphites 12x or 30x may be given twice a day for a week.

Five Phos in 6x potency, dose comprising of 3 tablets:
In case the parents desire that the height of their child should be quite good, they should give it
twice a day initially, later once daily for several days right from the age of 5 years, even earlier,
if need be. It would impart good results.

(Abnormal protrusion of all or part of an organ, especially a part of the intestine, through a
tear or rupture in the wall of the surrounding structure; it may be abdominal, cerebral,
hiatus, inguinal, inguinosacral, labial, scrotal, umbilical, vaginal, strangulated; in case the
agony continues despite treatment, timely consultation with a surgeon is a must.)
1) Plumbum Met 6x or 12x: It is quite good in intussusception with colic around navel
region radiating to all parts of body and in strangulated hernia, femoral, inguinal, or
umbilical. There may be a sensation of abdominal wall being drawn by a string to the spine.
It may be taken 4 hourly for some days. The patient is worse at night and during movement.

2) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is useful in inflamed and incarcerated hernia. It should be taken 2
hourly. For abdominal hernia in anemic patients, Calcarea Phos 3x, which is quite good in
the case of hernia of the navel, should also be given as may suit with Ferrum Phos.
3) Calcarea Fluor 6x: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy to contract relaxed parts and to
enhance elasticity of connective fibers and muscles. It may be alternated with Silicea 6x, 4
hourly. Apply a cold compress over the swelling and preferably soaked first in a solution of
Calc-f. Keep the knees raised. ( Editors of B. Jain)
4) Aurum Met 6x or 12x twice daily for a few days: it is very effective to deal with hernia
of the scrotum.

Herpes Zoster
(A viral infection of certain sensory nerves, causing severe pain and an eruption of vesicles
along the course of the affected nerve; it is caused by herpes virus varicellae. The food
should be rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins B & C.)
Signs & Symptoms:

It affects the nerves

It is extremely painful
First there may be fever lasting 2/3 days
The site for the herpes to come burns and pains
A rash which is of red color appears and turns into vesicles filled with fluid
After about ten days they dry up and fall off

1) Kali Mur 6x and Natrum Mur 12x, 4 hourly, alternately: Vesicles encircling half of the
body like a belt, with white tongue, attract application of Kali Mur. Natrum Mur is the
second remedy when herpetic eruptions occur through the course of any disease. Natrum Mur
covers herpes zoster of chest, nape of neck, hands, arms, scrotum, thighs, bends of knee and
elbow, also about anus etc. One should take occasionally Calcarea Phos and Ferrum Phos,
both in 3x potency as a tonic.
2) Ars Brom 6x, three times a day for some days: For herpetic eruptions it has proven a
great remedy. It also deals with syphilitic excrescences, diabetes, loco-motor ataxia
3) Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x, 2 hourly 7 days: It is very good to deal with herpes circinatus.
The patient wants to be wrapped up warmly, craves for sour things.
4) Ars Alb 12x twice daily for a fortnight: It is very effective in the treatment of suppurating
herpes with violent burning pains; clusters are quite deep and dark.
5) Graphites 12x twice daily for a week or so: It helps considerably in cure of herpes on the

(Hiccough, singulatus)
(A sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that closes the glottis at the moment of
breathing, producing a sharp quick characteristic sound repeatedly)
Mag Phos 3x: Hiccup is wholly due to deficiency of the inorganic salt magnesia
phosphate in the muscular fibers of the affected tissue. It is the Principal Bio-chemic remedy
in obstinate hiccup, for the spasmodic and convulsive symptoms, causing long lasting
soreness. For quicker relief, half a teaspoonful is dissolved in a glass of hot water and
stirred often and a sip is taken after every 5 minutes five times.
2) Natrum Mur 6x: It is good for use after abuse of quinine or in consequence thereof. It may
be taken in such a case every one hour, 3 or 4 doses. It is also good for herpes about anus.
3) Calcarea Fluor 6x, every 2 hours for 2/3 days: It is useful in hiccough from hawking of
mucus, which weakens and recurs during the day.


Hip-Joint Diseases
(Tubercular inflammation in or around the hip joint, caused by an infection or imbalance of
mineral salts in the joint tissues; abscess formation may occur with swelling of the limbs and
some febrile disturbances. Complete rest, adequate nutrition, and sunshine exposure
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: For fever, pain, throbbing and inflammation, five tablets should be
given every hour for 2/3 days.
2) Kali Mur 6x: In the second stage, when there is swelling, but before pus forms, to be

given every two hours, and may be alternated with Ferrum Phos.
3) Calcarea Phos 6x: In the third stage, to prevent further destruction of bone and promote
new bone formation, five tablets to be given four times a day for a month or two..
4) Silicea 6x: It is needed to control suppuration, to prevent burning pains and to heal the
limbs. It may be given four times a day for some days.

(Growth of excessive facial hair in women; such hairy growth may be in female body or in
unusual places of the body of women.)
Silicea 12x: It may be used twice a day for three months. It increases the power of resistance and
mechanical strength of the tissues. It helps fight infections. It also cures diseases of nails.

(Orchitis also)
(Accumulation of serous fluid in tunica vaginalis of testis or in spermatic cord or in labium
1) If hardness dominates, Calcarea Fluorica 12x may be given twice a day for a month.
2) Aurum Met 6x or 12x, twice a day for a certain period: In the case of atrophy of testicles with
chronic painful induration and a feeling of worthlessness, it would help a lot. In the case of an
Aurum Met patient, the symptoms worsen in winter, from sunset to sunrise particularly.
3) Silicea 12x 2 doses daily: It is a good remedy for elephantiasis of scrotum, hydrocele, and
chronic gonorrhoea with fetid discharge. Sweat is offensive. The patient may fear pins. Burning

pain is worse new moon, lying on left side, better in summer. According to Dr Walker, Large
Sacro-hydrocele was reduced drastically by Silicea.
4) Calcarea Fluor 12x: To tone up and enhance the contractile power of all connective fibers of
both tunicas and to decrease the accumulation of fluid, it should be alternated with Natrum Mur
12x along with Natrum Sulph 12x every 4 hours for some days. One dose of Calcarea Phos in the
potency of 30x may be taken once a week intercurrently.
5) Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 3x (8 drops of 10 grain powder dissolved in pure water to be
taken twice daily half hour after meals for a month): Chloride of Gold and Sodium are the
common names of the remedy. Dr E. P. Anshutz in his book New, Old and Forgotten Remedies
has quoted Dr H. Goullon: Let us recall the region in which gold makes such brilliant cures and
we find it especially suitable in an uncommon swelling of the left testicle. In this case I do not
exaggerate when I say that the scrotum was as large as a gourd of moderate size and the tumor
was four or five times larger in circumference than the right testicle, which was also swollen.
The general condition also improves remarkably. The patient becomes cheerful and comfortable
and enjoys sound sleep.

(Abnormal accumulation of fluid inside the brain)

Signs & symptoms:


Great enlargement of head, making the face look disproportionately small

Patient cries with intense pain
There may be suppression of urine
Scalp sweats during sleep

Zincum Metallicum 6x or 12x, 6 hourly: Hydrocephalus with cerebral depression,
profound prostration, anemia, brain-fag, rolling of head from side to side; cannot keep feet
still; forehead cool, but base of brain hot; bores head into pillow and screams; worse after
dinner, and from wine; great relief from discharges and appearance of eruptions.
2) Calcarea Phos 2x: Hydrocephalus may be acute or chronic, it is the remedy; Head large
and unsteady. Ears and nose may be cold. Eyeballs may protrude; bones of skull may be thin
and friable. The patient screams and grasps the head with hands. There may be sensation of
ice water on upper part of occiput. Headache, if any, ameliorates after sudden sneezing.

Symptoms are worse from cold, motion, change of weather, better rest and lying down. It
should be given morning and evening. If hydrocephaloid conditions already developed,
Argentum Nit 6x may be alternated.

(High blood pressure)

Signs & Symptoms:

a) A family history may indicate it
b) The diagnosis is established if a persistent or recurrent elevation of systemic blood
pressure above 140mmHg systolic and 90mm diastolic even after rest is observed
c) Causes vary from person to person. So it is important to treat the individual
d) Alcohlism, chain smoking or continuous mental stress leads to hypertension
1) Calcarea Fluorica 12x, twice daily for several days: If high blood pressure is due to
arteriosclerosis, it is of great help.
2) Kali Phos 12x: If taken at night, induces sound sleep. It is a great nerve and brain remedy.
Five tablets comprise of a dose. It would be appropriate and better if Calcarea Fluor 12x is
taken daily in the morning, and Kali Phos is taken daily in the evening. My colleague, Dr
Samir Kumar Mukherjee, cured high blood pressure of 180/90 in a patient of 79 years by
administering these medicines for a period of six months continuously as stated herein. This
case appears on page 17 in Journal on Bio-Salts & Health of All Bengal Doctors Association
of Bio-chemic Medicines for the July-September 2013 quarter.
Note: Patients of High Blood Pressure should not drink Coffee as its use increases blood
pressure. They should also give up smoking and drinking alcohol. Raw onions & garlic keep the
pressure down, so does the moderate exercise.

(Low blood pressure)
Signs and Symptoms:

Loss of vital fluid

Excessive vomiting, diarrhoea, blood/semen/albumen loss
Pulse slow and weak
Irregular heart beat and palpitation
Simple food disagrees; weak digestion

1) Ferrum Phos 6x is quite useful, and should be taken 4 hourly for two/three months. .
2) Carbo Veg 12x: The patient desires fresh air, must have all the windows open, feels
better from fanning hard; may suffer from flatulence in upper part of abdomen; may be almost
lifeless due to low vitality from loss of fluids; food putrefies before it is digested. It should
be given 4 hourly for some days. Phosphoric Acid follows it well.
3) Phosphoric Acid 1x: It removes mental as well as physical debility, also effects of grief,
mental shock and sexual excesses. There may be complete apathy and stupor. It suits persons
who grow rapidly. One drop in water may be taken thrice a day after meals for a month or
4) Kali Jodatum 6x, thrice a day for a few days: It helps in controlling high blood pressure.
It is also a remedy for atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis accompanied by deposits of
carbohydrates, fats etc along inner arterial walls).
5) Radium Brom 12x, twice daily for some days: It is effective in low blood pressure due
to severe pains in different parts of the body, particularly on parts with skin affections when
there is increase in white blood cells having more than one nucleus.

(Over-activity of Thyroid Gland causing weight loss, nervousness, tremors, excessive sweating,
rapid heart-beat etc)

1) Iodum 6x: One may take 5 pills twice daily under competent medical supervision. The
patient may have voracious appetite and thirst but gets thin, loses flesh all the time; suffers
from constipation, with ineffectual urging, better by drinking cold milk; profound debility,
great emaciation; hypertrophy and induration of thyroid gland; symptoms worsen in warm
room, ameliorate while walking.
2) Natrum Mur 6x, twice daily for a few days: Hyperthyroidism with great weakness and
weariness; great emaciation, loses flesh while living well; drops things from nervousness;
weeping disposition, consolation aggravates her complaints; craves salt; tears stream down
the face whenever he/she coughs; worse noise, music, warm room, seashore, summer, better
lying on right side, cold bathing.
3) Mag Phos 200x: It has won greatest laurels in the treatment of nervous affections. It is
best adapted to lean, thin, emaciated persons. It is good for lightning-like, spasmodic pains
which are relieved by warmth and pressure. The patient is tired and exhausted, not able to sit
up. Goitre with soreness and stiffness & chilliness and pain, especially on right side. It
should be given once daily in the morning in hot water.

(The symptoms comprise of weight gain, swelling of the feet, body or face, oedema, irregular
cycles, dry skin, constipation, hair loss, mental derangements etc. Stress makes the thyroid falter.
There may be abnormal cholesterol and sugar levels. Yoga helps.)
1) Calcarea Phos 30x: It may be given once daily in the morning. It would serve as a tonic
and an important inter-current remedy.
2) Calcarea Carb 30x, one dose daily in the evening: Calcarea patient is disposed to grow
fat, sweats easily, wets the pillow, craves indigestible things, feels better when constipated,
wakes at night frequently, coughs while eating, and takes cold readily. It is excellent in
dysfunction of pituitary and thyroid glands. It is complementary to Cal Phos.

(Functional disturbance of nervous system characterized by mental, intellectual and moral
perversions, anesthesia, convulsive seizers etc)
Signs & Symptoms:

Hysteria is hereditary generally

It affects an unhappy person who endeavors to do things much more than his/her abilities
He/she may make scenes to gain love, sympathy etc
Spasms, loss of voice, stammering and frequent fits may resemble epileptic fits.
The patient normally does not hurt himself/herself

1) Kali Phos 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy in nervous attacks from sudden or
intense emotions or from passionate fury or unusual excitement or profound grief. Hysterical
yawning, hysterical fits of laughter and crying, hysterical spasms with unconsciousness and
low muttering delirium may be noticed. There may be a sensation of a ball rising in the
throat. Let 5 tablets be given every 2 hours for a few days. If need be, Kali Phos 3x may be
taken every 10 minutes, 3 or 4 doses comprising of 5 tablets.
2) Natrum Mur 6x: If hysteria associated with great sadness, moody spells, somnambulism,
fears, or irregular menstruation, let it be alternated with Kali Phos. Natrum Mur is the
remedy if the symptoms get relieved as soon as the patient perspires.

It appears hysteria takes root in the hystera (Uterus). It may be termed nervous disease of the uterus
inasmuch as uterus receives its nerves from the sympathetic system which governs nutrition,
circulation, respiration, gestation etc.

(Erectile dysfunction)
(We have indicated a few remedies. One has to select that which suits in accordance with ones

1) Selenium 6x, to be taken 4 hourly for some days: Impotency with lascivious thoughts,
extreme sadness, great debility, prostatitis, loss of sexual power, insufficient erections, too
rapid emission, sexual neurasthenia; hydrocele; involuntary dribbling of semen, prostatic
fluid, urine; coryza ends in diarrhoea; constipation troubles. Complaints worsen in summer.
Wine incompatible.
2) Phosphoric Acid 1x, one drop to be taken in spoonful of water three times a day after
meals for at least one month, may be for several days if it suits. Indifferent to the affairs of
life; frequent profuse emissions at night and at stool; sexual power deficient; testicles tender
and swollen; irresistible desire to masturbate; there may be eczema of scrotum or oedema of
prepuce. Selenium is complementary.
3) Argentum Nitricum 12x, to be taken thrice a day: Very characteristic is the great desire
for sweets. Erection fails when coition is attempted. Coition is painful. Genitals shrivel.
The patient suffers from peculiar mental impulses, wants to do things in a hurry, not able to
tolerate heat.
4) Kali Phos 30x, once daily: Impotence with painful emissions at night, without erection.
Sexual instinct entirely dormant much of the time. Utter prostration & depression, also weak
vision after coitus. Spermatorrhoea arising from excessive sexual excitement.
Cobaltum 6x, thrice a day for some days: Pain in right testicle; better, urinating.
Emission without erection. Impotence. Backache in lumbar region and weak legs. Lewd
dreams. Pain in end of urethra; greenish discharge; brown spots on genitals and abdomen
(Dr Boericke).

(La Grippe)
(An acute, contagious, infectious disorder with rapid prostration, severe catarrh, coryza, fever,
muscular pain, inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by virus or bacteria)

1) Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x, to be taken 4 hourly: High temperature worse wet weather, after
midnight, better warm application; mentally restless, physically weak, burning pains, great
thirst, drinks often, but little at a time, fears, of death, of being left alone, sneezing without
2) Natrum Sulph 6x, every two hours: It is the chief Bio-chemic remedy for influenza since
this disease is caused by an excess of water in the cellular tissues. It increases secretion of

urine and diminishes excess of intercellular fluid. Dark brown coating of the tongue is
indicative of this remedy. If required, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x, which is
used in the first stage with chills, followed by heat, fever, headache, quick pulse, anxiety,
dryness of throat, earache and vomiting of undigested food, and all inflammatory conditions.
When the tongue is coated white or gray, Kali Mur may be alternated with Ferrum Phos.


1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is the first Bio-chemic remedy in bruises, blows, falls, fresh wounds
and sprains. It prevents pain, reduces swelling, controls fever. It repairs the wounded parts.
It can also be used externally. However, to mitigate shock and bleeding, give it with Kali
Phos 6x, dissolved in half ounce water at ten minute intervals, a few doses.
2) Silicea 12x: Neglected cases of injuries, when suppuration threatens, it is used twice a
day, followed by Calcarea Sulph 6x when wounds discharge pus.
3) Calcarea Phos 6x, 2 hourly for at least 30 days: In the case of a broken bone, it is needed
to furnish bone material and with it Ferrum Phos to carry oxygen to the injured parts.
Natrum Sulph 12x, every two hours for a week: It is efficacious to remove mental
agonies arising from injuries to the head.
Young man, hurled from the truck in a fire department. He struck his head. Following this for
five or six months he had fits. He was very irritable; wanted to die. His fits drove him to
distraction. Never knew when they were coming on. They were epileptiform in character.
Had constant pain in his head; much photophobia. Natr. Sulph. was given, and the first dose
cured him. He has never had any pain about the head since; has had no more mental trouble,
and no more fits. (J. T. Kent)
If affected part is deep green, with swelling and there is blood clotting, ice should be put at the
parts repeatedly. For cuts, Ferrum Phos 1x powder may be used externally.

(Mania, Madness, Mental derangements)
1) Kali Phos 6x: When insanity is caused from masturbation, and the patient is not idiotic
in his actions, but is restless and morose and at times quarrelsomeit yields more readily to
Kali Phos than any other remedy we have used. (W. E. Taylor, Supt. Western Asylum for the
insane); Hallucinations, somnambulism, talks while asleep: inclination to look at the dark
side of everything; makes mountains out of mole-hills; dread of noise; brain-fag from
overwork; haunted by the visions of the past; grasping at imaginary objects; delirium tremens;
hysterical yawning; maniac with mental derangements. It is considered invaluable if taken
thrice a day for a month or so. Conditions improve as soon as the first dose is taken.
2) Natrum Sulph 6x: Mental troubles arising from injuries to the head; suicidal tendency due
to bilious derangements; music makes the person melancholic; symptoms worse in the
morning. It should be taken three times a day for a few days.
3) Natrum Phos 6x, thrice a day: Imagines on waking at night that pieces of furniture are
persons; that he hears footsteps in next room. Nervous, irritable, vexed at trifles. Forgetful.
Great mental prostration.
4) Aurum Met 12x or 30x thrice daily for some days: The patient entertains great inclination
to commit suicide, although afraid of death. He is low spirited, depressed and dejected; has
no guts; considers himself unfit to live in the world.
5) Baryta Mur 12x thrice daily for some days: Its application has cured many kinds of mania
in patients who suffer from excessive sexual tendency; which is highly maddening.


(Abnormal habitual sleeplessness)

Kali Phos 3x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy for sleeplessness from nervous disorders,
excitement, business troubles, and overexertion. It stimulates grey matter of the brain for healthy
sleep. It should be taken twice a day for a few days, thereafter one dose at every night only. If
insomnia from hyperaemic condition, Ferrum Phos 6x should be alternated.
Phosphoric Acid 1x, one drop in spoonful of water twice daily after meals: It cures
sleeplessness due to depressing events such as death of a friend or a relative.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Signs & Symptoms:
a) The pain varies from an unpleasant pressure and bloating to severe abdominal pain.
b) Localization of the pain is also highly variable, ranging from hypogastric to the left and
right or may be throughout the entire abdomen.
c) The patient suffers from an irritable colon.
d) The pain may be associated with diarrhea; constipation or both alternatively.

Silicea 12x: Stool comes down with great difficulty, and when partly expelled, recedes; colicky
pain with much rumbling of gas in abdomen. It is alternated with Calcarea Phos 12x three times a

1) Mag Phos 6x: For itching of the skin all over the body, 4 tablets in warm water hourly for
one or two days. It may be alternated with Natrum Phos 6x, in the case of hives, itching all
over body, like insect bites.
2) Calcarea Phos 12x: For geriatric itching relating to old age, and itching with burning as
from nettles, or biting mostly on parts affected years before, 5 tablets, 3 times daily.

3) Calcarea Fluor 12x with Ferrum Phos 12x: For itching of the anus, 5 tablets of each,
every 2 hour.
4) Natrum Mur 6x: For stinging, pricking itching after violent bodily exertion or effects of
insect-bites, 5 tablets every 2 hour.
5) Calcarea Sulph 6x: For itching on the soles, 5 tablets 4 times a day, for some days.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia Purpura
(A decrease in the number of platelets)
A decrease in the number of blood platelets (Thrombocytes) is termed thrombocytopenia. Purpura is
characterized by extravasation of blood due to increased capillary permeability resulting from a
deficiency in the number of platelets. Sudden bleeding from different parts of the body occurs in acute
attack of thrombocytopenia.
The author cites a case in the words of Dr R. N. Biswas, Ph.D., who suffered from the disease in
November 2006:
Blood test revealed platelet count of fifteen thousand only and hemoglobin level was 10.7. The
platelet count rapidly fell to five thousand and then to one thousand per micro-liter. At that time
hemoglobin count also came down to 8.1. In the Emergency phase during December 2006 and January
2007, intervention like blood and platelet transfusion and other life-supporting measures were
administered at this stage to be exact, in July 2007, A K. Sarkar, a Bio-chemic physician,
prescribed Bio-chemic medicines-Ferrum Phos 6x and Calcarea Phos 6x. I took the medicines three
times a day regularly and the levels of Hemoglobin and RBC started improving gradually within two
months. Some other bio-chemic remedies such as Natrum Mur, Calcarea Fluor, Kali Mur, BC-7 and
Kali Phos were also prescribed for specific complaints subsequently. After a year of persistent
medication, all the levels including platelet count rose to nearly normal. I have been taking these
medicines since then and I feel a significant difference.
The above article appeared in quarterly JOURNAL ON BIO-SALTS & HEALTH, Volume No. 01,
Issue No. 02 (April-June 2010) of All Bengal Doctors Association of Bio-chemic Medicines. A. K.
Sarkar, who cured Dr Biswas of the life-threatening disease, was the President of the Association

(Icterus; Hepatitis also)

(A condition in which the eyeballs, skin, and the urine become abnormally yellow in consequence of
bile pigments in the blood; blood test for Serum bilirubin is a must.)
Natrum Sulph 12x: Jaundice from congestion of the liver and gall bladder, with flatulence and
greenish stools, sallow skin, yellowish eyeballs; jaundice arising from vexation; vomiting of
bile, salty greenish water; cannot digest starchy food; constant nausea. 5 tablets twice daily
before meals should be taken. It should be alternated with Kali Mur 12x, the principal remedy,
when jaundice is caused by a chill, and is associated with bitter taste and obstinate constipation.
Its 5 tablets should be taken after meals twice daily.
If the disorder is associated with gastro-duodenal catarrh, Kali Mur should be alternated with
Natrum Mur, both may be in 6x potency.

Kidney Affections
(Nephritis, Brights disease etc)
(The excessive use of intoxicating liquors is frequently the cause of the diseases of kidneys. The
use of alcoholic drinks should therefore be strictly abstained.)

Precaution, Signs & Symptoms:

a) Routine examination of urine throws light on diseases of the kidneys
b) In cases of nephritis, the onset is insidious and silent. So the examination helps.
Treatment becomes easy.
c) Stones may be present in the kidneys without symptoms.
d) Pain commences suddenly in the back and radiates to the groin and testes.
e) Renal colic is severe generally.
Calcarea Phos 6x: It is useful in kidney disease with albumen in the urine. In such a situation, it
should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x every two hours. A case-record from E.A. de Cailhol,
M.D. is worth mentioning:

G.S., an old man of 77, consulted me for what he called a laziness of his kidneys. Urine
was, in fact, very scanty and loaded with albumen. The case seemed, at first sight, to be a
hopeless one; he was also forgetful and quite nervous. I gave him Calc. Phos., a dose every
two hours in alternation with Kali Phos. After six weeks treatment, urine was normal, his
memory was somewhat restored, and for six months he has not complained. As to diet, I only
recommended to him to eat as much asparagus as he could at his meals, and continue the use
of the afore-mentioned medicines. Calcarea Phos is also beneficial in violent pain at the
region of kidneys when lifting any object or when blowing the nose.
Calcarea Sulph 12x, twice a day: In the case of intense pain in the region of kidneys, followed by a
great discharge of pus in the urine, it affects rapid and permanent recovery. It may be alternated with
Silicea 12x.
Ars Alb 12x or 30x thrice daily for some days: Tubular nephritis (Very long inflammation of Kidneys)
with dropsy; urine containing albumin & other casts; there may be thirst for cold water at some
intervals in small quantities.


(A chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae affecting skin, flesh, nerves and
characterized by ulcers, white scaly scabs, deformities, and wasting of body parts)
Silicea 12x, thrice a day: It is good for treating lepra, leprosy, ulcers, malignant and gangrenous
inflammations, chronic syphilis, gonorrhoea etc. Kali Phos & Calcarea Phos, both in 6x potency may
follow advantageously. Kali Mur 12x also helps.

(Whitish discoloration of the skin)
1) Ars Sulf Flav 6x, 2 tablets thrice a day: It is the principal remedy for leucoderma. If
treatment is commenced as soon as the disease occurs, a few doses may be enough, but in
case it has become chronic, then long treatment is desired. For a child use of one tablet at a
time is recommended.
Natrum Mur 12x, twice daily: Craving for salt is characteristic symptom; great
emaciation while living well. It acts upon the blood, lymphatic system, the mucous lining of
the digestive tract and upon liver and spleen. It is the remedy for all skin diseases, where
there is a watery exudation or an excessive dryness of the skin, including white scales or
patches. Calcarea Phos 6x may be alternated, if need be.
3) Vanadium 6x, thrice daily: It is very good to remove irregular milk-white patches on the
skin with weight loss and low blood pressure. It is an oxygen carrier. It increases
hemoglobin and phagocytes. It eliminates degenerative condition of the liver. It is a tonic to
digestive system, so helps in gradual removal of white patches.
Note: It is usually caused by low levels of hydrochloric acid in stomach. The patient should avoid
milk products and citrus fruits.
(Abnormal mucous discharge from the vagina; it may be due to simple debility or an affection of the
womb of a more or less inflammatory nature)
Alumina 12x, 6 hourly for a few days: Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, profuse,
transparent, ropy, running down to the heels, with burning < daytime, after menses, at new
and full moon, > by washing with cold water.
2) Borax 3x, 4 hourly for a few days: Leucorrhoea profuse, albuminous, curd like or like
white of eggs, with sensation as if warm water flowing down; dread of downward motion;
fear of thunder; there may be sterility, nausea, aphthae, < warm weather, > cold climate. It

favors easy conception. Vinegar & wine are incompatible.

3) Graphites 12x or 30x twice daily for a few days: Leucorrhoea excoriating (removes part
of skin), white, occurring in gushes day & night, before and after menses, with great
weakness in back, obesity, constipation and aversion to coitus. Calcarea Phos 6x is a
valuable inter-current remedy, and may be given twice a day.
4) Kali Mur 6x, thrice a day: When the discharge consists of non-irritating milky white
mucus, it is quite useful.
5) Natrum Mur 12x, twice a day: Leucorrhoea with a watery, scalding, irritating discharge
and headache, colic and itching of vulva; if acrid and of nervous origin, and foul smelling, let
it be alternated with Kali Phos 6x.
6) Calcarea Phos 6x thrice daily: If leucorrhoea, which resembles the white of an egg, is
worse in the morning with backache and menses occurring every two weeks. If leucorrhoea
increases as the menses decrease, it is the remedy.

(Leucocythemia, Blood Cancer)
(Progressive proliferation of abnormal leucocytes in hemo tissues, other organs, and in the blood,
occurring due to acute infection, with severe anemia, hemorrhages, and enlargement of lymph nodes
or spleen; it constitutes replacement of bone marrow by malignant clones of granulocytes or
lymphocytes. If it is chronic, it is either myeloid or lymphocytic.)
Bio-chemic treatment:
If detected early, there is a good possibility of cure by combination of:
1) Calcarea Phos,
2) Ferrum Phos,
3) Kali Phos,
4) Natrum Mur,
5) Natrum Phos,
6) Natrum Sulph
Five tablets for adults and 3 tablets for children may be given four times a day at intervals of
three hours, preferably in the 3x or 6x potency.
Calcarea Phos deals with emaciation and anaemia, accompanying Leukemia, and excess of
white corpuscles, by promoting formation of RBC, and protein;
Ferrum Phos is an indispensable constituent of hemoglobin, colors the blood corpuscles red,

carries oxygen to all parts of body, plays an important role in fighting infections, removes
blood poverty, and is a useful remedy in leukemia; cancer cells generally do not thrive in
oxygenated environment;
Kali Phos is an anti-septic, hinders decay of tissues in leukemia, and lessens cancer pains;
Natrum Mur is also good to deal with leukemia. In the opinion of Dr Willmar Schwabe It has
favorable effect on deficient blood composition. Dr E. P. Anshutz has written that It has proved
curative in Leukemia.
Natrum Phos is also good in treating leukemia and leucocytosis;
Natrum Sulph takes away water from worn-out leucocytes, and thereby accomplishes their
disintegration. It is, therefore, the remedy for leukemia. (Dr Boericke & Dr Dewey); A patient
desires ice or ice-cold water. It is very effective in splenic and lymphatic leukemia with piercing
pains in extremeties. It also suits severe cases.
Vanadium 6x or 12x, twice or thrice a day: It also acts as an oxygen carrier. It increases amount
of hemoglobin, also combines its oxygen with toxins and destroys their virulence. Also increases
and stimulates phagocytes. It is a remedy in degenerative conditions of the liver and arteries. It
acts as a tonic to digestive system.
Arsenic Alb 30x, twice daily for a few days: It is a profoundly acting remedy on every organ
and tissue. The patient may drink much, but little at a time, may suffer from fear fright worry,
and burning pains like coals of fire. He feels better from heat and warm drinks, worse from
cold drinks, wet weather, after midnight. There may be great exhaustion, debility and
restlessness after the slightest exertion. It will combine well with Vanadium.
Ars Iod 12x or 30x three times per day: In the case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, this
treatment will be beneficial. The patient may have pulmonary tuberculosis, recurring fever and
sweats. It is also preferable to take Calcarea Carb 12x twice a day to augment beneficial
action of Ars Iod. Let the treatment be under supervision of a qualified doctor, if necessary.
Natrum Iod 6x, three times a day: Nat Iod has been used, with good results in anaemia of the
leucaemic form, not reacting on Kali Phos or Nat Sulph. Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der Goltz
Lice affections
Kali Mur 6x and Natrum Mur 6x, 5 tablets of each together, thrice a day for about 15 days:
This combination may be helpful, its external application also.

Lichen Planus
(Gray lacy pattern in buccal mucosal membranes)
Signs & symptoms:
a) It affects inside the forearm, wrist and on the inner thighs near the knees.
b) Sometimes the mucous membranes of the mouth are affected. White or grayish patches
appear on the tongue, palate and inner cheeks.
c) Infections may follow mental shock.
d) Intense itching eruptions, pink or lilac, are manifested

Kali Phos 6x: Ulcers of the mouth with very fetid offensive breath and bad taste; gangrenous
canker of the mouth. It may be alternated with Kali Mur 6x.

(Trismus; tetanic spasm of the muscles of mastication)
Mag Phos 3x: In case jaws remain rigidly closed, its administration every one hour in warm
water, 7 doses, will be greatly helpful. On the second day, it should be given every two hours,
five times. Besides, 7 tablets should be powdered and rubbed into the jaws for a minute or two
twice a day. Calcarea Phos in 3x potency shall prevent its recurrence and complete its action, so
should be had twice in a day. From the third day, both may be given twice or thrice a day for
some days. If lockjaw is associated with convulsions, Calcarea Fluor 3x should be taken along
with Mag Phos.
Locomotor Ataxia
(Tabes Dorsalis)

(Wasting disease of sensory column of spinal cord and sensory nerve roots; chronic staggering,
usually caused by syphilis and characterized by loss of reflexes and of muscular coordination)
1) Natrum Sulph 6x: The patient totters as from drunkenness, shakes as if about to fall, due
to deficiency in locomotive power. There may be cracking in joints. Hands and feet may
twitch during sleep. The whole body may tremble owing to great prostration. Let it be given
4 hourly for several days. Occasional dose of Ferrum Phos 6x in mornings will be helpful.
2) Zinc Phos 6x or 12x, three times per day: It removes lightning-like pains in locomotor
ataxia associated with nervousness, vertigo, sleeplessness.
Plumbum Met 6x or 12x, 3 times per day: It is of great help in locomotor ataxia
associated with spinal sclerosis, chronic nephritis, hypertension, arterio-sclerosis,
progressive muscular atrophy, mental depression, cramps in calves, and constipation, worse
motion, better rubbing.
4) Ferrum Picricum 6x, thrice per day, a few doses: It is excellent for completing useful
contribution of other remedies. Besides locomotor ataxia, the patient may be suffering from
senile hypertrophy of the prostate gland.
5) Argentum Nitricum 12x or 30x, 3 times a day: The patient walks and stands unsteadily,
especially when unobserved. Pains increase and decrease gradually. He demonstrates
peculiar mental impulses and errors of perception; wants to do things in a hurry. Very
characteristic is the great desire for sweetsintolerance of heat.

(Ulcerous skin, chronic tuberculosis of skin often affecting nose)
Radium Brom 12x or 30x, 4 hourly for a few days: It is good for erythema, epithelioma,
dermatitis with itching all over the body, burning of skin, as if afire, ulcers and cancers,
severe pains better moving about and by hot bath.
Ars Alb 12x or 30x, 6 hourly for a few days: It cures ulcers with offensive discharges,
epithelioma of the skin, with itching, burning, swellings, restlessness, and debility, worse cold
and scratching, better from heat and warm drinks.


(Intermittent fever, Marsh fever, Ague)

(An infectious disease caused by bite of mosquito, generally recurrent, and characterized by severe
chill and high fever; it does not get normal till it lasts; the basic cause of the disease is an excess of
water in the blood, which provides a suitable breeding ground for the plasmodium malaria.)
Some Signs & Symptoms:

Intrmittent fevers are best seen in relapses of malaria.

In tertian fevers the temperature rises every third day at approximately the same time.
In Quartan Fevers the temperature rises on the fourth day.
Malaria in children may be associated with diarrhoea.
At times Falciparum malaria may be symptomless or may present influenza like fever
There may be hepatosplenomegaly
Cerebral malaria is characterized by delirium, convulsions or coma. It is deadly.
Renal insufficiency malaria may develop oliguria & ultimately anuria.
Gastrointestinal malaria causes severe vomiting, diarrhoea and jaundice.
Algid (chilly) malaria produces a shock syndrome.
Malarial haemoglobinuria causes dehydration.

1) Ferrum Phos 3x & Natrum Sulph 3x, 5 celloids of each in alternation every two hours:
We understand Quinine contains Ferrum Phos and Natrum Sulph, besides other redundant
elements, which do not correct mineral salt deficiencies. Intermittent fever or malaria
requires in all stages Natrum Sulph to eliminate excess of water in the tissues, and to
overcome bilious stools, greenish coating of the tongue, bitter vomiting. Ferrum Phos attracts
oxygen which is essential for the cure of the disease. Ague patients must abstain from a rich
diet: Eggs, milk, buttermilk, fats and fish and during chill stage, should be wrapped in
blankets and given hot drinks. In case fever is associated with severe throbbing headache,
intense thirst, aching all over body, Natrum Mur 3x should be alternated with Natrum Sulph.
When the tongue has a thick white coating, Kali Mur 3x should be given in alternation with
Natrum Sulph.
2) Arsenic Alb 30x, thrice daily for a few days: It is very effective in high fevers, septic
fevers, malaria, with cold sweats, great thirst & restlessness. The patient drinks often but
little, and cannot bear the sight or smell of food. Fever worsens at night. Ferrum Phos 6x may
be alternated two hourly.
3) Ferrum Ars 3x thrice daily for a week: It suits later stages of malaria when the liver and
spleen are enlarged.
(Rubella also)

(An acute, infectious, communicable virus disease, characterized by small red spots on the skin, high
fever, nasal discharge, watering of eyes, sore throat, cough, chilly feeling, occurring most frequently
in childhood; pneumonia and bronchitis may occur if not managed properly.)
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is suited to the first stage of measles. It is the first remedy and should
be continued until the fever lasts. It is good for inflammatory conditions, fever, painful
congestion of chest, redness of eyes, flushed face. Five tablets should be given in lukewarm
water every two hours from 6 a. m. to 4 p.m. but the duration should be reduced as soon as
there is no fever.
2) Kali Mur 6x: It follows Ferrum Phos well. It is given two hourly for the hoarse cough,
glandular swellings, loose light colored stools, and white coated furred tongue. It is good for
the after-effects of measles. It may be alternated with Ferrum Phos if fever exists. Kali Mur
also acts as a preventive if taken twice a day for 7 days.
3) Kali Sulph 6x: When fever and rash have vanished, let it be given thrice a day to ensure
that no relapse occurs.
4) Natrum Sulph 6x: If at any time during the ailment catarrhal diarrhea occurs with green
offensive stools, give three doses at intervals of two hours.
Natrum Mur 6x: If there is wateriness of the nose and eyes, give it at two hourly
intervals. Blisters remaining in the mouth after measles are cured by its application.
The room should be well ventilated with shades drawn to lessen the light. The diet should be liquid
during fever. Plenty of water should be taken.

(Inflammation of the meninges, the three membranes enveloping Brain & Spinal Cord due to
trauma or viral/bacterial infection or lack of phosphate of iron and potassium chloride; the onset
is sudden; symptoms include intolerable headache, high fever, nausea, persistent vomiting, rigors,
delirium, rigidity of neck, dilation of pupils etc. The treatment should be timely. Hospitalization
is preferred.)
a) It may be caused by Meningococcus, tubercle bacillus, pneumococcus, micro organism such as
b) It may be caused by extension of sepsis from the skull bones.
c) It may be caused by an abscess in the ear.

Please note:
The headache ceases when delirium commences but in meningitis, it continues.
1) Ferrum Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: For congestion of brain with delirium, fever, rapid
pulse, hammering pain in head > cold applications, five tablets of Ferrum Phos should be
given every one hour and may be alternated with Kali Mur when effusion of serum occurs.
2) Natrum Sulph 3x, every two hours: For violent pains at base of brain, as if crushed in a
vise, particularly after injuries to the head, it is the remedy and may be alternated with
Ferrum Phos 3x and Kali Phos 3x together. Advice of Dr Kent is worth noting:
If all the remedies in the materia medica were taken away from me, and I were to have but
one with which to treat the disease, I would take Natr. Sulph, because it will modify the
attack and save life in the majority of cases.
It is a very good remedy for spinal meningitis particularly in case the patient is living in a
basement where dampness prevails. The patient does not like sounds; even ringing of a
telephone is unbearable to him.
Calcarea Phos 2x powder morning and evening: It is the chief remedy in
hydrocephalus, acute or chronic. It should be alternated with Argentum Nitricum 6x if there is
sensation of sudden pinch, intolerance of heat, characteristic splinter-like pains, peculiar
mental impulses, and great desire for sweets.
4) Cuprum Met 6x or 12x twice daily for a week: It is very useful when the patient suffers
from cramps & convulsions, and nausea/giddiness dominates; there may be constant
protrusion and retraction of the tongue resembling that of a snake; meningitis with sensation
as if water were poured over the head.
5) Zincum Met 6x or 12x twice daily for a week: He/ she rolls head from side to side, and
bores it into pillow; forehead cool, but base of the brain is hot; headache may be caused by
the smallest quantity of wine; brain-fag & meningitis with defective vitality, brain or nerve
power lacking; violent fidgety feeling in feet; can only void urine while sitting bent
backwards; great relief from discharges.

Menstruation- ailments thereof
A) Amenorrhoea (Abnormal absence or suppression of menstruation):
1) Kali Phos 3x: For non-appearance of menses due to depression of spirits, lassitude,
nervous debility, Kali Phos should be administered twice a day and may be alternated with
Calcarea Phos 3x in anaemic conditions.

2) Graphites 6x or 12x, 4 hourly for seven days: If the menses are too late, too scanty, with
constipation and violent colic, and leucorrhoea occurs in gushes day and night before and
after menses, it will be quite effective. There may be aversion to coitus. Calcarea Phos 6x
morning/evening will speed up the improvement.

B) Dysmenorrhoea (Painful menstruation):

Magnesia Phos 6x: For severe cramping neuralgic pains, worse by motion, radiating to the
ovarian region, commencing just before the flow and continuing as long as the flow lasts, it is
required. Warmth is soothing. Five celloids may be taken in hot water every 15 minutes, 5 to 7
times. Besides a small quantity should be dissolved in hot water and applied with cloth over the
uterus as may be tolerable. It may also be taken as a preventive, 6 days before the onset of the
periods hourly duly dissolved in hot water. Calcarea Fluor 6x may be alternated hourly.
However, if menstrual blood is dark and clotted, Kali Mur 6x instead of Calcarea Fluor may be
used. If the menstrual discharge becomes yellowish-brown, use Kali Sulph 12x three times one
day only.
C) Menorrhagia ( Excessive menstrual flow on regular basis):
Calcarea Fluor 3x, 4 hourly: It is the chief bio-chemic remedy to tone up the contractile power of
the uterus. It is useful in excessive flooding menstruation with bearing down pains in the region of
uterus. Ferrum Phos 3x two doses in morning at interval of two hours will also be helpful.
Calcarea Phos 6x also may be applied if required.
Niric Acid 12x, twice daily for 5/7 days: Uterine hemorrhages; Menses early, profuse, like
muddy water, with pain in back, hips and thighs. Menses appear too soon and return too soon,
with violent cramps and watery, offensive brown leucorrhea; urine smells like that of a horse.
Ferrum Met 12x, thrice daily for one week: Women who are weak, anemic, delicate, chlorotic,
oversensitive, suffer from menses which occur too early, are too profuse and last too long, worse
while sitting still or sweating with midnight aggravation, it suits considerably. It also may be
suitable in case menses remit a day or two and return afterwards; lumbago, better walking
slowly; vomiting immediately after eating.

D) Metrorrhagia (Haemorrhage between periods):


1) Silicea 12x, twice a day for a week: It is good for metrorrhagia from working in cold
water. Menses are associated with icy coldness over whole body and constipation and
foetid footsweat.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x twice a day for a week: In case, menses occur every three weeks, with
dry & hot vagina and pain on top of the head, it may be indicated.

E) Menopausal Syndrome (Climacteric Period)

Ferrum Phos 12x & Mag Phos 6x, 5 tablets of each in hot water 4 hourly: Menstrual colic with
flushing of the face, quickened pulse, and frequent urging to urinate; pain may precede flow, and
the discharge may be profuse, dark, stringy or fibrous; flow may be clotted and intermittent.
Note: Daily walk, plenty of fresh air, breathing exercises, freedom from anxiety and light food
containing an adequate intake of assimilating iron and vitamins are conducive to facing the period

(Severe headache, periodically returning, usually affecting one side of the head)
a) Disruption in the flow of blood causes migraine.
b) It may be associated with nausea and/or vomiting as well as
irritability with photophobia and phonophobia.
c) Common triggers for an attack are red wine, relaxation after stress,
menstruation, mild head injury.
d) Migraine is nearly always throbbing.
e) It often starts on waking up and continues for a number of hours.

1) Natrum Mur 6x, 4 times a day for a week or so, subsequently twice a day: Hammering
headache, mainly in forehead, & temples, and usually semi-lateral, with drowsiness,
constipation and un-refreshing sleep, worse generally in the morning, due to excessive

dryness of the tissues of the brain. A few doses of Ferrum Phos and Kali Phos 6x will also be
2) Silicea 6x or 12x twice daily for at least one week: It is suitable to migraine with very
strong desire to cover the head completely. Commencing from the back of the head, the pain
settles over one eye, and is relieved by pressure and urinating, and is worse in windy cold
3) Ferrum Phos 6x, thrice daily: For congestive headache with red face, throbbing from rush
of blood to the head, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and disorder of sight, relieved
by cold applications, increased by motion/stooping, it is the best remedy. The headaches of
children are quickly cured by its application.
4) Kali Phos 6x thrice daily: For purely nervous headaches resulting from overstraining of
the mental faculties, with the tongue coated brownish-yellow like stale mustard,
accompanied by irritability, sleeplessness and anger, better under cheerful excitement and
gentle motion, it is very effective and, if necessary, may be alternated with Ferrum Phos.

a) Maintain timings for going to bed, arising from the bed, and eating.
b) Avoid citrus fruits, caffeine, meats, beer and alcohol.
c) Whole grains help.
d) The patient should lie down in a well ventilated dark room when suffering from the disease.
(To suffer a miscarriage of a fetus)
Kali Phos 6x: It is very good for ruling out threatened miscarriage in weak and nervous subjects.
It may be administered twice a day along with Calcarea Fluor 6x. The latter favors easy
confinement, if given during pregnancy. One may add Calcarea Phos 6x to the above two
remedies advantageously. It will cover weakness caused by uterine displacements. Calcarea
Phos may not have the contracting power of Calcarea Fluor, by acting directly upon the muscles
and tissues involved, but it acts indirectly by building up the general health and aiding digestion,
thereby restoring the tissues to a healthy condition and promoting the deposit of Calcarea Fluor.
Kali Carb 6x or 12x twice daily for some days: For abortion every 2nd or 3rd month, if the blood
is dark red and clotted, it is the remedy.

Morphine Habit
1) Kali Phos 3x: Dr B. A. Sonders, M. D., Winterset, Ohio reports a case of a young lady,
aged 20, intelligent, handsome, nevertheless a confirmed morphine fiend. He administered
Kali Phos 3x, a dose every 15 minutes, total 6 doses. The change was wonderful. The sharp,
intense headache, sleeplessness, wild, staring eyes, brown, dry tongue, and that horrible
sinking, all gone sensation rapidly yielded to the cell-salt, and she made a good
2) Natrum Phos 6x: In case, moist, creamy or golden yellow coating at the back part of the
tongue is observed, Natrum Phos 3x or 6x should be given to diminish the morphine habit
progressively. Dr M.J. Luys cured a physician, who had been accustomed to take about seven
grains of morphine daily, in about two months.

(Epidemic Parotitis)
(An acute contagious disease caused by a virus and characterized by swelling of parotid &
salivary glands; the onset is marked by chill, fever, vomiting, and malaise. Warm application
relieves pain. Acid food aggravates the symptoms.)
Kali Mur 6x: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy for the exudation or glandular swelling. It
proves sufficient if alternated 2 hourly with Ferrum Phos 6x. However, with excessive secretion
of saliva or with swelling of the testicles occurring as a metastasis with mumps, Natrum Mur 6x
should also be used as an inter-current remedy.

Deficiency of molecules of potassium chloride (Kali Mur) leads to accumulation of the fibrin in the
parotid and salivary glands causing their inflammation, swelling and shooting pains. Generally it
affects children, not infants or old persons. It may be bilateral. Excess of fibrin is a medium for
bacterial growth.

Nail Affections
(Brittle nails, in-growing nails, fungus in nails, deformed nails)
1) Graphites 12x, thrice a day for 2 or 3 days: Nails deformed, brittle, crumbling, crippled,
painful, sore, as if ulcerated, thick, rough, may be black. Among the remedies which follow
well, is Silicea.
2) Silicea 12x, 6 hourly: It is also good in the case of crippled nails on fingers and toes.
There may be white spots on in-growing nails.
3) Antim Crudum 12x, twice daily for some days: If nails are brittle and become out of
shape, it is the remedy.
4) Calcarea Phos 6x, thrice a day: It is good for ulcerative pains in the roots of the finger
nails of the right hand. (S. F. Shannon, M.D.)
5) Natrum Mur 12x, twice a day: Hang-nail, a bit of torn skin hanging at the side or base of
a fingernail, with skin of hands especially about nails dry and cracked.

(Corpulence, fatness, bulkiness)
Please note:
a) Family history
b) Sudden or gradual onset
c) Obesity - generalized or localized
d) Habits of diet and exercise
e) Whether obesity associated with pain
f) Fat distribution in the body
g) Any problem relating to endocrine glands
a) Great increase in weight may be owing to family history, often occurring at the same age to

different members. It generally occurs in the middle age.

b) It may be aggravated by over-eating or lack of exercise.
c) It may be associated with disorder in lipid metabolism as in:
i) Diabetes
ii) Atheroma
iii) Gall stones
iv) Muscular deficiency hernia
v) Uterine prolapse
vi) Varicose veins
vii) Osteoarthritis
viii) It may aggravate dyspnoea
ix) There may be irregular distribution of fat lower parts obese, upper emaciated.
1) Graphites 30x twice daily for some days: It suits persons who have tendency to skin
affections, habitual constipation, and become fat for no rhyme and reason. Calcarea Carb
30x, one dose in the morning and the other dose in the evening will be beneficial for those
who have large abdomen, and are sensitive to cold. Use of Calcarea Carb alone for a month
or so may give good results.
2) Calcarea Phos 12x with Natrum Mur 6x: Over a period of time 5 celloids 3 times daily
may be taken to achieve weight loss.
a) Diet rich in calcium helps reduce fat; also take green vegetables and fruits.
b) Fasting and dieting are harmful, may lead to anorexia or bulimia. So should be discouraged.
c) Low calorie diet and regular physical activity help.
d) Choose whole grain products.
e) Walk at least one mile a day.
(Form of arthritis wherein cartilages of joints and adjacent bones are worn out, causing intense
Primary Sites:

Osteoarthritis affects the joints of the spine.

Severe degenerative changes of the cervical spine are seen.
Vertigo and tinnitus may occur.
Numbness of hands and arms are common.

1) Calcarea Carb 12x, thrice daily for some days: Swelling of joints, especially knees;
burning of soles of feet; feet feel cold and dead at night. Rheumatoid pains as if parts were
wrenched or sprained. The patient feels better in every way when constipated, craves
indigestible things. Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around. It is
a constitutional remedy par excellence.
2) Calcarea Fluorica 3x with Calcarea Phos 3x, twice a day: Inflammation of knee joint
with chronic synovitis, and cracking in the joints; pains in knees worse walking. Gouty pains
with cramp in calves. Numbness and coldness of the limbs.

(A bone disease characterized by gradual softening and bending of the bones, accompanied by severe
pains, from a deficiency in calcium salts and vitamin D)
1) Calcarea Phos 12x: When the bones are weak and soft due to want of phosohate of lime
molecules, Calcarea Phos provides them solidity. It is also good for ulceration of bone and
wasting of skull-bones; for rickets, spinal curvatures and bow-legs in children. It should be
given twice a day.
2) Silicea 12x: It is indicated in all bone diseases. It has cured more cases of caries and
necrosis than any other remedy. It is a deeply penetrating remedy. One dose of it may be
given at night daily. Calcarea Phos in 12x potency may be given every morning in such a
3) Phosphoric Acid 1x: It is useful in relieving pains pertaining to interstitial inflammation
of bones, periosteal inflammation, softening and bending of bones; tearing pains in joints,
bones and periosteum at night, as if scraped with a knife. Mental debility may be followed by
physical weakness. One drop of it should be given thrice a day in water after meals.
Calcarea Carb 12x: It is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Persons, who are
disposed to grow fat, sweat easily, take cold readily, feel better in every way when
constipated, and suffer from softening of bones, offer numerous opportunities for use of
Calcarea Carb. Swelling of joints, especially knees, with severe pains; feet feel cold and
dead at night. There may be arthritic nodosities, worse from mental or physical exertion. One
should take it thrice daily for a month.

(Infection of bone marrow and inflammation of bone including periosteum)

Calcarea Phos 12x, twice a day: It is a constituent of the bones, connective tissues, blood
corpuscles. It unites with organic substance albumen and gives solidity to the bones. It covers all
bone diseases, inherited or due to defective nutrition. It has been appropriately described as the
bone remedy. Pain in knees worse walking; pain in shin bones; ankle joint feels as if dislocated;
spinal curvature; backache in the lumbar region in the morning on awaking; swelling of the

(Abnormal bony outgrowth)
1) Calcarea Carb 30x, one dose on alternate mornings: Calcarea patient is fat, fair and
flabby, perspires profusely and suffers from exostoses.
Calcarea Fluor 200x, one dose per week: It deals with osseous growths and
enlargements of bones with or without caries. There may be exudation from surface of bones,
which harden and take a nodular form.

(A bone disease in which the bones become brittle because of a loss of calcium; degeneration or
thinning of bone tissues)
Signs & symptoms:

a) Episodic backache is a characteristic symptom of osteoporosis, the principal

signs of which are attributable to compression and collapse of the vertebrae
resulting in kyphosis and loss of weight.
b) It occurs generally in elderly women post-menopause.
1) Calcarea Phos 12x: When the bones are weak and soft due to want of phosohate of lime
molecules, Calcarea Phos provides them solidity. It is also good for ulceration of bone and
wasting of skull-bones; for rickets, spinal curvatures and bow-legs in children. It is a remedy
for thin and brittle cranial bones, and curvature of the upper part of the spine. It removes pain
and weakness in the back. Pain improves on lying on the painful side. It should be given
twice a day.
2) Silicea 12x: It is indicated in all bone diseases. It has cured more cases of caries and
necrosis than any other remedy. It is a deeply penetrating remedy. One dose of it may be
given at night daily. Calcarea Phos in 12X potency may be given every morning in such a
Calcarea Carb 30x: It is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Persons, who are
disposed to grow fat, sweat easily, take cold readily, feel better in every way when
constipated, and suffer from softening of bones, offer numerous opportunities for use of
Calcarea Carb. Swelling of joints, especially knees, with severe pains; feet feel cold and
dead at night. There may be arthritic nodosities, worse from mental or physical exertion. One
should take every morning one dose, total ten doses.

Ovarian Cyst/Tumor
(Overitis/oophoritis (inflammation of ovary)
Mag Phos 6x, 4 hourly: Ovarian neuralgia with sharp shooting darting pains in both ovaries and
small of back, and a sensation of contraction of womb. In acute case it is given in hot water.
Application of heat also relieves promptly. Calcarea Phos in 6x potency is closely allied to Mag
Phos in many respects and so is frequently given in alternation with it.
Calcarea Carb 30x: Polyp in ovaries; pain in uterus during menses; menses too early, too profuse,
last too long; there may be vertigo with icy cold feet. One dose may be given daily in the morning
for a fortnight.
Graphites 30x, one dose daily in the morning for a fortnight: It is good for swelling and
induration of the left ovary, uterus and mammae; there may be pain in the right ovary also with
scanty menses and constipation; symptoms worse warmth, at night, during and after menses.

Aurum Mur Natronatum 3x, thrice daily for some days: It is very good for treatment of indurated
ovaries, also for ovarian dropsy.
Pancreatic troubles
(Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and hormone insulin)
a) A leading symptom is severe continuous epigastric pain, which is felt in the right
epigastric region in biliary pancreatitis.
b) Belt-shaped radiation of the pain along the ribs and to the back is quite significant.

1) Iodum 12x, 4 hourly for some days: Voracious appetite, yet loses flesh all the time and
gets thin; great emaciation; slightest effort induces perspiration; sensation as if heart
squeezed with an iron hand; craves cold air; constipation alternates with diarrhea; offensive
odor from mouth; liver and spleen enlarged; pancreas contracted.
2) Natrum Sulph 6x, thrice daily: If a diabetes mellitus is caused by a lessened secretion of
pancreatic fluid, Natrum Sulph is the answer. It is also regarded as a significant constituent of
the endocrinic secretions of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. It keeps bile and pancreatic
juice at normal consistency, regulates supply of water in intercellular fluids and eliminates
excess of water from the blood. Although Natrum Sulph is the chief remedy, Kali Phos 6x is
also required occasionally as an additional tonic with good results.

(Complete or partial loss of motor or sensory function; also Paraplegia=Paralysis of the entire
lower half of the body)
1) Aurum Met 12x or 30x, thrice daily for one week: Paralysis due to high blood pressure;
patient talks of commiting suicide; horrible odor from mouth. Condition worsens in cold

2) Plumbum Met 12x or 30x, twice daily for 15 days: It is required in paralysis of a single
muscle. One cannot lift anything with hand. Paralysis from overexertion of the extensor
muscles in piano players. Paralysis of lower extremities; shooting pains, worse motion and
at night.
3) Kali Phos 6x, four hourly: It is the chief Bio-chemic remedy for all varieties of paralysis:
infantile, locomotor, atrophic (in which stools have a putrid odor), facial, creeping or
sudden. It is the first remedy for hemiplegia, paraplegia, and paralysis of vocal cords causing
loss of voice. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x.
Dr W. J. Grimes, East Liverpool, Ohio has reported that he was called to see Mrs R, age 36.
Paralysis of left side; Had been treated about one month by another M.D. I found her in bed,
unable to walk. I put her on Kali Phos, every four hours in alternation with Magnes. Phos. every
four hour. Her improvement was soon noted, and after two months treatment she was walking the
streets with almost complete use of the paralysed parts. No other remedies were used; have had
other similar cases with same results.
4) Causticum 30X daily once: Paralysis of single parts; vocal cords, muscles of degulation, of
tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Numbness; loss of sensation in hands; contracted
tendons; weak ankles; restless legs at night with stiffness in hollow of knees.

(Its symptoms comprise of poverty of movement, muscular rigidity and tremors)
a) It appears insidiously in elderly persons.
b) At first, he/she complains of tiredness, stiffness of the limbs with difficulty in
performing fine movements.
c) It is usually not recognized until some years after its onset.
d) Loss of memory relating to recent events is more common than loss of long-term
Kali Phos 6x and Mag Phos 6x, in 4 hourly alternation: Involuntary shaking and trembling of the
hands or of the head; disturbed or diseased condition of the efferent nerve fibres which convey
motor stimulus to the muscles. Calcarea Phos 6x should be used intercurrently.
Peptic Ulcer

(Ulcer of stomach or duodenum exposed to gastric secretions)

Signs & Symptoms:
a) The effect of the mind on the body is marked in the case of the peptic ulcer abundantly.
The abdomen is known as the sounding board of human emotions.
b) Peptic ulcer may arise in the stomach or duodenum.
c) Both gastric and duodenal ulcers are characterized by periodic attacks of epigastric pain.
d) The pain usually occurs one to three hours after meals and is relieved by milk and certain

1) Arsenic Alb 30x: Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus. Stomach
extremely irritable, seems raw, as if torn; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; abdomen
swollen; burning pains like coals of fire, ameliorated by heat; Patient mentally restless,
physically too weak to move. It should be given twice a day.
2) Natrum Phos 6x: Gastric ulceration, hyperacidity, sour arisings, indigestion, excess of
lactic acid; severe pain in stomach after eating or coming on two hours after eating. Creamy
golden-yellow coating is seen on the back part of tongue, tonsils and palate. It should be
given 4 hourly. If heart-burn (acrid or burning feeling in throat or chest caused by excessive
acidity in stomach), alternate it with Ferrum Phos 6x.
a) Do not consume caffeine and alcohol.
b) Avoid citrus juices, tomatoes and spicy foods.
c) Do not eat just before going to bed.

(Stenosis or constriction or narrowness or tightness of the opening of the prepuce (foreskin of
penis) causing retraction over glans penis almost impossible)
Hepar Sulph 12x, thrice a day for a few days: Ulcers on prepuce; itching of glans,
fraenum, scrotum; humid soreness on genitals; urine voided slowly, seems some always
remained; sweats day and night profusely; extremely sensitive to cold air.
2) Natrum Mur 6x, 4 hourly: Itching and stinging sensation on the glans penis and scrotum.

(Haemorrhoids; varicosity, enlarged swollen veins, around the anus)
Inflammation of anorectal veins, either internal or external due to constipation, which
increases weight of fecal mass as well as pressure of the gas created by it.
Nitric Acid 30x daily one dose in the morning: It should be administered, if
haemorrhoids bleed easily, pain as from splinters and urine smells like that of a horse. Dr J.
H. Clarke cured bleeding piles by giving one dose of Nitric Acid; the patient suffered from
piles and fissures at the same time with tremendous pain while passing stools and burning
sensation at anus after stools were evacuated.
2) Bio Combination No. 17 consisting of Calcarea fluor, Kali Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur,
4 times a day: It is useful against haemorrhoids, all types of piles; external piles with stinging
pains, bleeding piles with or without pain.
3) Ars Alb 12x, twice daily for 7 days: Hemorrhoids burn like fire; burning is relieved by
sitting in lukewarm water; skin around anus ulcerated.
4) Calcarea Fluor 12x with Silicea 12x, each 5 tablets 3 times daily: It is useful if internal
piles with backache and constipation, also bleeding piles, blind piles, itching piles,
protruding piles. You may use external application of Calcarea Fluor:
a) If much bleeding with bright red blood, alternate Calcarea Fluor with Ferrum Phos 12x.
b) If bleeding with thick dark clotted blood, alternate it with Kali Mur 6x.
c) If piles very painful, alternate with Mag Phos in 6x potency.
d) If there is much mucus, alternate with Natrum Mur in 6x potency.
e) If severe burning exists, alternate with Kali Phos in 6x potency.
f) If coating on the tongue is yellow and slimy, alternate with Kali Sulph 12x potency.
g) If the ailment is chronic, alternate with Calcarea Phos 12x.
h) If heat in the lower bowel & there is excess of bile, alternate with Natrum Sulph 12x.

It is said that if clear water is kept in a blue glass bottle from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. in sunlight and it
is applied on piles with the help of medical cotton three times a day and the patient drinks such
water 3 days, haemorrhoids get cured.

(It is an inflammation of the membranes which line the chest wall and cover the lungs usually
caused by chill and marked by fever & pain; in many cases the pleural cavity fills up with fluid
which has to be withdrawn and requires the expert services of a physician; the diet should be
light and nourishing, low in table salt; hot application essential)
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is quite good in the first stage of an acute attack of pleurisy with high
fever, severe pain, short cough, shivering, and oppressed breathing. Five celloids every hour;
as the symptoms become less acute, every two hours. Natrum Mur 6x may be alternated.
2) Kali Mur 6x, every two hours: It is required during the second stage when fluid has
accumulated in the pleural cavity and the tongue is coated white. It may be alternated with
Ferrum Phos.
3) Calcarea Sulph 6x, every two hours: When pus forms in the cavity of the pleurae or in the
lungs, it helps and cures.

Worth Noticing:
Dr Compton Burnett, an allopathic doctor of great repute, could not get rid of pleurisy by
allopathic treatment but was cured by a Homoeopath. Consequently, he took to homoeopathic
practice remarkably.

(Inflammation of the lungs caused by infection of a virulent virus; the onset is sudden, begins with
a sharp chill, followed by very high fever, headache, pain in chest, cough with rusty-colored
mucus, rapid breathing which rises to double or triple of the normal rate; well ventilated warm

room, light diet, hot drinks constitute essential requirements; after initial emergency treatment,
supervision of an experienced physician is a must.)
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: For inflammation of the lungs, high fever, pain, congestion, and short
hurried & oppressed breathing, it is the first and the chief remedy. It is of no use after
exudation has set in, nor in morbidly active cases. Expectoration of clear blood or rustcolored sputa is observed in cough of pneumonia. It should be given hourly, but less
frequently once the improvement commences. Dr G. W. Lawrence has affirmed that this
remedy and Veratrum Viride give me better success in the treatment of pneumonia than any
remedies I have ever tried. For pneumonia with faint feeling in stomach, early manifestation
of hepatization, and violent congestion, Veratrum Viride 6 should therefore be alternated with
Ferrum Phos 6x. It raises the opsonic index against the diploccus pneumonia, 70 to 109 per
cent. If free perspiration is not established by the use of Ferrum Phos, Kali Sulph 6x should
be alternated two hourly, especially if temperature rises from evening until midnight and then
falls, and the patient suffers from expectoration of loose, rattling, yellow phlegm or watery
2) Antim Tart 30x, 3 doses, every 10 minutes: In case there is great rattling of mucus with
little expectoration, and there is much drowsiness, debility and sweat, Antim Tart gives
ample relief. When the patient coughs there appears to be large collection of mucus in the
bronchi; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up. Kali Mur also
may be taken three times a day, if the mucus is thick and white.
3) Iodum 3x, one hourly for 3 to 4 days: Right-sided pneumonia with high temperature,
blood-streaked sputum, rapidly spreading hepatization, pleuritic effusion, croupy wheezy
cough, difficulty in breathing, gets thin despite good appetite, heart feels squeezed.
Ars Alb 12x or 30x, twice daily for a week: It is very effective if restlessness
accompanies pneumonia and the patient fears suffocation while lying down.

(Inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord, often resulting in muscular paralysis; infantile
A combination of Bio-chemic remedies comprising of Calcarea Phos 12x, Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali
Phos 6x, and Natrum Phos 6x, 2 tablets of each after meals twice daily on long term basis will be
efficacious. Calcarea Phos is essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body. It gives
solidity to the bones. It is a real tonic. Ferrum Phos removes blood-poverty and creates
oxygenated environment. It reduces inflammation. Kali Phos controls grey matter of the brain by
uniting with albumen and oxygen and creates grey matter. It is efficacious in cerebral & spinal
anaemia, and in idiopathic softening of the spinal cord and removes loss of power of movement.

Natrum Phos also removes paralytic weakness of lower extremities. It is needed in diseases of
children suffering from excess of lactic acid and acidity.

(Pedunculated tumors growing from mucous membranes; vitamin D intake should be adequate)
Calcarea Phos 6x, 4 hourly: It is excellent in the case of large pedunculated nasal polypi. The
nose may be swollen and ulcerated and tip of nose may be icy-cold. The sense of smell is
impaired considerably. Calcarea Phos dries the polypus and cures it. In case, polypi in both
nostrils is large, gray and bleeds easily, Calcarea Phos 30X should be given every morning for a
week. It would work.
Alumina 12x, twice daily for one week: It is useful in polypus of the left nostril of the nose. The
patient may be suffering from constipation and fluent coryza; even a soft stool is passed with
difficulty, worse in the morning on awakening.
Calcarea Carb 30x, one dose daily in the morning for a few days: It is a good remedy for polypus
of the nose, ear, bladder, uterus etc in the case of persons who suffer from cold at every change of

Pregnancy Ailments & Precaution

a) To aid normal development of a child, one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x daily in the morning,

one dose of calcarea Phos 6x daily in the afternoon and one dose of Kali Phos 6x daily in the
evening should be taken by the mother during entire course of pregnancy to ensure proper
intake of vital mineral salts. It would improve general health, eradicate nervousness and
promote normal excretion.
b) In respect of ineffectual labor-pains, Dr Rozas, in the Pop. Zeit., says: For three years I
have employed Kali Phos., in 10-grain doses, dry on the tongue, every ten or fifteen minutes,
as a remedy to excite labor-pains. It has never failed me, and I seldom have to give the third
dose. Dr Chapman affirms it when he says that From my own experience and the reports of
other physicians and midwives, I am led to believe the testimony of Dr Rozas is not
overdrawn. Dr E. H. Hollbrook, M.D., also endorses it saying that In labor, when the pains
are too weak and irregular, I have seen nothing act more promptly and effectually than Kali
Phos. However, it is experienced that if Kali Phos is taken for a month or two prior to the
expected time of delivery, it strenghthens the nervous and muscular system to such an extent
that delivery is accomplished with comparative ease and comfort usually. Kali Phos 6x also
helps considerably in threatened miscarriage, when given in hourly doses. If miscarriage has
already happened, a few doses of Ferrum Phos 6X are required, and also Calcarea Fluor 6x
or 12x to tone up the contractile power of the uterus. Subsequently Calcarea Phos 6x is given
as a constitutional tonic.
For spasmodic crampy labor-pains and eclampsia (convulsions occurring in late
pregnancy with rise in blood pressure and unconsciousness), Mag Phos 6x is a gem. It is
given in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 doses every 15 minutes.
d) After birth of an infant, if Ferrum Phos 6x is given two or three doses hourly in the
morning, it prevents mastitis (inflammation of mammary glands), metritis (inflammation of
uterus), lactation fever and gives tremendous relief in after-pains.
In the treatment of agalactia (failure or inadequate supply of milk after child birth)
Calcarea Fluor 6x will help a lot.
f) Kali Mur 6x, 2 hourly for two or three days: It is the chief remedy for Puerperal fever
which is related to child birth.
g) Silicea 12x, twice a day: It is needed if nipples crack and ulcerate, and child refuses
milk or vomits as soon as taken. It is also quite good in the case of suppuration of mammae,
hard lumps in breast, chronic fistulous openings.

(Preventive Medicines)


Anxiety & emotion= Argentum Nitricum 30x, one or two doses.

Cataract= Calcarea Fluor 12x, twice a day for a few days.
Chicken Pox & Small Pox= Kali Mur 3x twice a day for one week.
Cholera= Cuprum Ars 30x, one dose in morning on three consequtive days.

5) Conjunctivitis= Ferrum Phos 12x, twice a day, 3 days.

6) Dengue= Natrum Sulph 3x, twice daily for a few days.
7) Erysipelas= Graphites 30x, one dose.
8) Gastroenteritis= Arsenic Alb 30x, one dose in the morning for seven days
9) Hay fever= One dose of Arsenic Alb 30x in the morning for seven days
Jaundice= Kali Mur 3x, 4 hourly, 4 days.
Malaria= Natrum Sulph 3x, 3 times a day, 7 days.
Meningitis= Ferrum Phos 12x, 3 hourly, 4 or 5 days.
Quinsy= Baryta carb 30x, twice 2/3 days.

Prostate Gland Disorders
(Prostatic disorders such as enlargement of the prostate gland occur frequently in elderly men.
Symptoms include frequent need to urinate, difficulty in voiding the bladder, burning or painful
micturition, frequent bladder infections. PSA (prostate specific antigen) level is rendered high.
Prevention of constipation & colds, and drinking of plenty of pure water are desirable.)
1) Baryta Carb 30x: For benign hypertrophy or induration of prostate and testes in
old men with mental and physical weakness, one dose in a week, total 3 doses
should be given. There may be protrudation of haemorrhoids every time he urinates.
In senile hypertrophy of the prostate, Ferrum Picricum 6x should also be taken thrice
a day. It is a great remedy to complete curative action of other medicines.
2) Natrum Sulph 3x, thrice daily for a week: Enlarged prostate; pus & mucus with
urine. If no pain, only indurated, Silicea 12x twice daily for 4 or 5 days. Silicea is
also good for prostatitis with suppurating, thick, fetid pus from the urethra.
3) Calcarea Fluor 3x, thrice daily for a week: For chronic enlargement of prostate,
with dwindling of testes, and constant dribbling of seminal and prostatic fluid, it is
very effective.
4) Acid Phos 1x one drop in water twice daily after meals: It eliminates passing of
prostate fluid; Prostatorrhea even while passing a soft stool; emissions at night and
at stool; testicles swollen.

(Chronic recurrent silvery scaly reddish eruptions on skin, not infectious; the lesions occur preeminently on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk.)

Signs & Symptoms, also precaution:

a) Psoriasis commences as a pin-sized papule, with a silvery, scaly lining.
b) Soon numerous scaly patches appaear.
As the infection spreads, the patches merge after the patient indulges in
d) When the scales fall off, shiny, dry, red skin is revealed.
e) In case, the infection heals at one point, it leaves a ring or rings which form a
If the nails are affected, pin-head size pits are seen, and the nails crack if the
infection spreads.
g) Psoriasis forms a very thick crust upon the scalp, as the hair prevent the scales
from falling off.
h) It is related to incomplete protein digestion, alcohol intake, bowel imbalance,
liver dysfunction, too much animal fat consumption.
i) Non-veg food should be substituted with vegetarian foods.
j) It is believed that the disease is caused by eating a fish suffering from psoriasis.
k) It can be on any part of the body, rarely on face.
l) Actual cause is not known.
m) It is generally hereditary.
n) In case, the infection heals at one point, it leaves a ring or rings which form a

1) Arsenic Alb 30x 6 hourly: It is excellent for treatment of Psoriasis. The dry rough scaly
eruptions itch, burn like fire, worse after midnight, cold application and scratching, better
warm drinking. The patient is mentally restless, physically too weak to move. Complaints
may return annually.
2) Kali Ars 6x: The Kali Ars patient is restless, nervous, and anaemic. The intolerable
itching is worse from warmth, walking, undressing. It is good for skin cancer also. It should
be given three times a day until improvement is observed and should be stopped as soon as it
happens otherwise the disease may aggravate again.
Kali Sulph 3x: Great desquamation of the epidermis, dread of hot drinks;
evening/heated room aggravation are characteristic features. Psoriasis on left leg and
elbow, whitish scales, burned and itched little when scratched. Arsenicum and Arsenicum
iodatum were given without effect. Kali Sulph 3x, three times a day, cured patient in four
months completely. (Oscar Hansen, Copenhagen, 1898). In case psoriasis of extremities is
uncommonly hyperaemic and reddish in tint, Calcarea Fluor 12x should also be given once
4) Aurum Mur Nat 3x twice daily for some days: It is very effective in Psoriasis syphilitica.
5) Cuprum Met 6x twice daily for a few days: Chronic Psoriasis with itching bluish spots,

worse in the folds of joints.

6) Kali Brom 6x twice daily for some days: It is one of the leading remedies for itching
psoriasis which is worse on chest, shoulders and face.

Renal Calculi
(Kidney Stone)
Calcarea Phos 30x & Silicea 30x, each 4 tablets, twice daily: This combination
dissolves stones, prevents reformation of stones. There may be gravel, calculus, phosphatic
deposits with flocculent sediments and suppuration of kidneys.
2) A white stone about one tola in weight came out on third day after taking Calcarea Phos
3x six times a dayA black stone as large as a plum was passed after taking Calcarea Phos
30x and Natrum Sulph 30x for a fortnight. Dr B.N.Mitra
Milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables and nuts prevent formation of kidney stones, which are formed of
calcium oxalate. Drinking six glasses of water every day flushes out the stones usually.
(It is a disease of the spine and other bony structures due to deficiency of the phosphate of lime
and the albuminous substances. It mainly affects the children.)

Key Symptoms:


Delayed dentition
Perspiration on the head immediately after falling asleep
Curving of the bones
Head is flat and more square than usual
Appetite may be voracious
He/she is drowsy by day, restless at night
The chin is small and out of proportion to the forehead

1) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is the leading remedy in rachitis and other diseases of children.
Delicate, emaciated children with soft bones, open fontanelles, delayed dentition, curvature
of spine, inability to hold the head up, pigeon breast, frequent diarrhea, cold tremors, sallow
complexion. Three tablets should be given in water or milk 2 hourly for some days. It should
be alternated with Kali Phos 6x in case putrid diarrhea occurs often and there is nervous
depression with extreme debility and atrophy of the bones. Natrum Phos 6x is a useful
alternating remedy for poorly nourished children, having clay colored stools, and excessive
acidity. In cases where there is profuse head sweat, with dry body, Silicea 6x may be needed
in alternation.
Calcarea Carbonica 30x, weekly one dose: It is a constitutional remedy par
excellence. It is very useful in the case of scrofulous and rachitic conditions with a jaded
state, mental or physical. The child may have open fontanelles, sweats easily, wets pillow,
and takes cold readily. There may be curvature of dorsal vertebrae.
(Contagious skin disease caused by a fungus which produces ring-shaped patches which itch
1) Natrum Sulph 200x: four tablets once a week, 2 or three doses. Even one dose may be
sufficient sometimes.
2) Kali Sulph 12x twice daily for 15 days: It is very effective on ringworm of scalp or
beard with abundant scales. It assists in the formation of new skin, and aids desquamation in
eruptive diseases. It may affect the back, chest and abdomen. It may cause continuous
scratching which leads to burning sensation. Simultaneously, external application of Kali
Sulph 3x in powder form over the affected parts should be availed of.

(Throbbing pain radiating down back of thigh, caused by pressure on sciatic nerve; it is neuritis of the
sciatic nerve of the thighs and legs. Pain usually first near the hip, then extends down to the knee, at
times as far as the heel.)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) The sciatic nerve runs along the back of the thigh, leg and outer border of the foot
b) Sciatic pain shoots along the course of the nerve. So it is a neuralgic pain
c) The pain starts from the small of the back and travels down to the thighs
d) Pain is aggravated by stooping, coughing, turning sides in bed and so on
e) Rest improves the pain
f) Soon objective signs appear such as pain on stretching the nerve or tenderness over its
g) The flexion of the toes diminishes; numbness and tingling sets in.
1) Kali Phos 30x, Mag Phos 30x & Kali Mur 30x, each 4 tablets, twice a day in lukewarm
water or at the time of taking tea for a fortnight: This combination cures affection of the
sciatic nerve, which extends down the back of thigh to the knee with nervous exhaustion,
stiffness, dragging pain and great restlessness.
2) Kali Phos 6x: In the case of severe pain in left leg extending the whole length of the
sciatic nerve, ten grains of the remedy may be dissolved in half a glass of water and from it a
tea-spoonful medicated water is taken every 10 minutes for an hour. It would eliminate the
pain. If the pain returns, the remedy may be taken similarly the next day. It would cure the
ailment. However, its administration should be continued for a month or so, at least thrice a
3) Cause-wise remedies:
a) If due to exposure from cold, Ferrum Phos 3x four times daily.
b) If spasmodic lightning-like convulsive pain in the right leg > by heat, Mag Phos 3x 4 times
c) If obstinate, chronic cases, Silicea 12x thrice daily.
d) If pain in the hip in cold weather at night, Calcarea Phos 6x thrice daily.
e) If pain associated with rheumatism, Natrum Phos 3x 4 times daily.
f) If contraction of muscles is the cause, Natrum Mur 3x 4 times daily.
g) If the patient afflicted with gout also, alternation of Ferrum Phos with Natrum Sulph both
in 6x potency every 2 hour.

(Blood Poisoning)
Signs & Symptoms:

Enlargement of the spleen, rigors, sweating and petechiae are the main signs
After child birth infection spreads
Lacerated wounds, injuries, gangrene, carbuncle may cause septicaemia
Septicaemoa after surgical operations
Septic fevers which are usually high
Extreme debility

Kali phos 12x: It is an anti-septic, hinders the decay of tissues, prevents septic haeemorrhages of
putrid blood, reduces offensive odor. It cures blood poisoning. It may be given hourly. Once
improvement is observed, duration should be increased suitably. It may be alternated with
Natrum Mur 12x 2 hourly.
Ars Alb 30x, twice daily for some days: It is very effective in septic infections with low vitality,
debility, restlessness, burning pains, unquenchable thirst, great exhaustion after the slightest
exertion, and nightly aggravation; injurious effects of fruits; ill-effects of decayed food; septic


(Inflammation of para-nasal sinuses, acute or chronic, ethmoiditic or maxillary/frontal)
Signs & Symptoms:

A history of colds, blocked nose and sneezing

Headaches occur and recur periodically
Excessive sneezing which does not give any relief
Sinusitis after mastoid operation
Pain begins at the back of the head and settles over the eyes, worse under fan

1) Kali Bichromicum 30x: It is a very good medicine for sinusitis, acute or chronic, if the
secretion is tough, ropy, stringy, sticky, greenish yellow, with stinking smell. It should be
given three times a day.
2) Natrum Mur 30x, 4 hourly: Frontal sinus inflammation with tearing pain in head from
sunrise to sunset; pain extends from root of nose to forehead; stoppage of nose after fluent
coryza with loss of smell & taste.
3) Kali Mur 6x with silicea 12x: Five colloids of each in lukewarm water every 4 hour;
stuffy colds in the head; catarrh of head with characteristic discharge of thick, fetid, yellow
Ferrum Phos 3x & Natrum Mur 3x: In the case of acute sinusitis/hay fever, use in
alternation half hourly. Upon seeing some improvement, use one hourly and subsequently two
Spleen Ailments
Arsenic Alb 30x, 4 hourly: Liver & spleen enlarged and quite painful; ascites and
anasarca with extreme restlessness; great thirst for cold water, drinks often, but little at a
time; affected parts burn like fire; cannot bear the smell and sight of food; symptoms worsen
from cold drinks, after midnight, ameliorate from warm drinks.
2) Kali Phos 6x with Natrum Mur 6x: This combination is good for splenic troubles. It may
be taken in alternation 2 hourly. It would relieve pain in the region of liver and spleen.
Natrum Mur reduces size of enlarged spleen.

(An injury to a joint with or without rupture of a ligament or a tendon but without dislocation or
Ferrum Phos 6x: Any injury to the soft tissues, strains, sprains, cuts, blows, and bruises require
its application internally as well as externally. It reduces pain, inflammation, fever. It deals with
strains of ligaments and tendons, lameness and stiffness adequately. It may be alternated with
Calcarea Fluor 6x, as may be necessary.

(A disorder of the muscles of the eyes, as cross-eyed, in which both eyes cannot be focused on the
same point at the same time; the remedies may remove the tendency permanently, but in obstinate
cases surgery may be desirable.)
Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Phos 6x, 4 hourly alternately: As squinting is consequential to asthenic
conditions, the treatment though steady gets prolonged. If due to intestinal disturbances or worms,
a few doses of Natrum Phos 6x may also be given.
Zinc Met, 12x or 30x twice daily for some days: Squinting with blurring of one-half of vision and
soreness of lids; Pterygium (degeneration of conjunctiva encroaching cornea); Ptosis (drooping
of upper eyelid from paralysis); rolling of eyes; amaurosis (partial blindness), with severe

(Speaking, habitually or on occasion from embarrassment, excitement, mental conflict, with pauses
one cannot control, often with rapid repetitions of same syllable or initial sounds; if mechanical cause
like tongue tie is not taken into consideration, excellent cure for stammering is possible in emotional
or idiopathic causes.)
1) Causticum 6x, 4 hourly, 2/3 days: It is the principal remedy in case one pronounces
words wrongly, transposes syllables and letters, repeats words (which are rich in
consonants) and substitutes one of the sounds with the other. There may be paretic condition
of tongue and lips. Subsequently, Causticum 30x may be given once in a week, in case some
improvements are observed.
2) Mag Phos 30x, twice a day, in hot water: It is good for spasmodic stammering. The
patient speaks slowly and begins speaking with the teeth closed. If nervousness is the root
cause, Kali Phos 30x may be alternated twice a day. There may be twitchings of the mouth
and lips.
(Inability of the female to conceive)
1) Anema
2) Leucorrhea
3) Prolapsus of the uterus
4) Scanty menses
5) Premature and profuse menses
6) Frequent mental depression
7) Hardened cervix
8) Ulceration of the womb and Vagina
9) Inflammation of the membranes of the uterus
10) One or both fallopian tubes blocked
11) Vaginal wall defective
12) Non-production of ova

13) Polypus of the uterus

14) Enlarged ovaries
15) Married late with suppressed sexual desire, dislike for intercourse
16) If male is impotent or has defective sperms
1) Borax 30x, 4 hourly: It favors easy conception. The patient may suffer from profuse
menses, membranous dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea with sensation as if warm water flowing
from vagina; and itching of vulva. Three weekly doses of Calcarea Carb 30x may be given
after it has been administered duly, if the patient is fat and flabby.
2) Natrum Phos 6x: If sterility is caused by vaginal acid secretions, which prove fatal to
spermatozoa, it is the remedy. It would also be helpful in curing frontal headache, acid
leucorrhoea, and irregularity of monthly periods.
3) Silicea 12x, twice a day: It is needed for women who are so weak that no conception
takes place. It seems as if the organs were too feeble to perform their functions. It cures
ulceration of the womb also. Calcarea Phos 3x or 6x may be given intercurrently.
Aurum Mur Natronatum 3x one hour after each meal: The woman, who had been
married for three years and childless, became pregnant for the first time and has since borne
several children (Dr Tritschler as quoted by Dr E. P. Anshutz in his book New, Old and
Forgotten Remedies). This medicine helps in attaining the joy of motherhood inasmuch as it
tones up the uterine tissue and reduces the swelling of the ovaries, the cervix and the uterus.
5) Ova Tosta 3x, twice a day for a week, if sterility is due to non-production of ova.
1) Vitamin A helps the treatment
2) An easy hand held fertility monitor to assess fertility status - low, high or peak

(A small inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland on the rim of the eyelid; it may become a cyst.)
1) Ferrum Phos 12x: If stye on lower lid of right eye, it is the remedy. It may be given four
hourly. If there is much inflammation, it may be alternated with Silicea 12x. If stye first on
lower and thereafter on upper eyelid of left eye, the same treatment applies.
2) Calcarea Fluor 12x: For tumor on edge of the eyelid, it is excellent and may be given 4
hourly, preferably in alternation with Silicea 12x, even if it has converted into cystic tumor.

Suicidal Tendency
(Impulse to commit suicide)
1) A full history of the patient should be obtained from relatives or friends to elicit reasons for
2) One should enquire whether any attempt was made previously
3) Also try to know past psychiatric incidences (disorders of the mind including psychoses and
4) Also ascertain whether the patient genuinely intended to die. The objective may be to attract
attention to some serious emotional disturbance.
1) It may be due to very high level of stress, Human bodys main stress hormone is CORTISONE
2) Prolonged depression
3) Hypo or hyper tension

Aurum Met 12x, 4 hourly, a few doses: The patient seeks opportunity for selfdestruction. Feeling of utter worthlessness, hopelessness, and despondency overpowers him.
He constantly dwells on suicide, talks of suicide and entertains great desire to commit
suicide. He may complain of violent pain in head and may be afflicted with high blood
pressure, and horrible odor from nose and mouth.
Natrum Sulph 6x: Tendency to suicide, attended with wildness and irritability, from
excessive secretion of bile, sleeplessness and delirium. It may be consequential to mental
troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to the head. It may be given four times a day for
some days.
3) Kali Phos 6x: It is the chief remedy in all mental disorders, arising from a want of nerve
or brain power. It controls grey matter of the brain entirely. Kali Phos is one of the most

wonderful curative agents ever discovered by man, and the blessings it has already
conferred on the race are many. It may be given three or four times a day.
4) Silicea 6x, twice a day: If the patient wishes to drown herself during menses or while
Let the patient
1) Do things he enjoys and enjoy what he does
2) Pursue a hobby
3) Do gardening which is a soothing exercise
4) Go on vacation to see beauty of Nature
5) Laugh often. See a funny movie, funny TV show or read a funny book
6) Do regular exercise, walk whenever he gets time
7) Love people, help others
8) Eliminate self-pity
9) Do not suppress emotions. Express feelings
10) Avoid nicotine, alcohol, Caffeine
11) Adopt relaxation techniques Yoga etc.


(When the body accumulates heat, but sweat does not evaporate; the face at first becomes white, then
red, and the temperature rises abnormally, and the patient is suddenly unconscious, the symptoms
denote sunstroke/heatstroke. One must apply ice or cold water to the head; the patient should have
complete rest in bed for a few days.)
a) It may be caused by prolonged exposure to intensely hot sun.
b) It may be caused by exposure to great heat combined with humidity of the atmosphere. When the air
is hot and moist, sweat may remain in droplets upon the skin.
c) If there is no intake of water in spite of heated room.

a) Dizziness
b) Sudden unconsciousness
c) Face first appears white, then red
d) Fever abnormally high
e) Head and feet feel cold on touching
Natrum Mur 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy and should be given every hour in
alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x till the fever subsides. It would regulate distribution of moisture,
reduce inflammatory symptoms, and will help respiration. It would affect a speedy cure.
Subsequently, Kali Phos 6x should be given every two hours.

a) Place the person in a shade.
b) Remove some of the clothings.
c) Apply ice or cold water to the head, and also to the body.
d) Rub the skin vigorously.
e) Complete rest for some days should be given.

Sweat Affections
1) Silicea 12x, twice a day for one month: Copious night-sweats with prostration; offensive
sweat in armpits and on feet. If Silicea fails, Calcarea Phos 6x helps, in case cold clammy
sweats are on neck, chest, hands with coldness.
2) Calcarea Carb 30x, twice a day for 3 days: Head sweats profusely, wets pillow. The
patient is fat, fair, flabby and perspiring.

(It is a contagious disease usually spread by contact with infected people. Initially a papule
appears and soon breaks down into an ulcer with hard edges. Secondary eruptions last for weeks
or months. Then a period of apparent improvement follows. The tertiary stage of this virulent
disease is fatal. The best chance for recovery lies in prompt treatment of the disease in its early
stage under supervision of a competent physician.)
Arsenicum Bromatum 12x: It is a great anti-psoric and anti-syphilitic remedy. Four
tablets should be given in lukewarm water twice daily after meals. It removes syphilitic
excrescences, herpetic eruptions, diabetes etc.
2) Aurum Met 12x or 30x: The use of gold as an anti-venereal remedy is very old. This
remedy is produced out of metallic gold. So the disease which has been communicated by
sexual intercourse falls within its curative nature. Moreover such a patient develops great
desire to commit suicide; increased blood pressure afflicts him, and he may suffer from
atrophy of testicles. Dosage may be applied as the need be. It is frequently prescribed in
Secondary Syphilis, especially if syphilis is implanted on the scrofulous constitution.
3) Kali Hyd 1x, thrice a day for a week: It is indicated in all stages of syphilis: In acute
form with evening remitting fever, going off in nightly perspiration; second stage, mucous
membranes and skin ulcerations; tertiary symptoms; nodes.
4) Kali Mur 3x: Its deficiency causes excess of fibrin which finds an exit from the body
through urethra. It is a specific when swelling of any parts of the body exists. Five grains to
be given every three hour, preferably with Natrum Mur 3x, in case characteristic watery
transparent discharges are observed. The soft chancre requires Kali Mur; the phagedenic
chancre, Kali Phos; the hard chancre, Calcarea Fluor. These remedies should be applied

internally as well as externally.

Testicle Ailments
(Orchitis; inflammation of testis etc)
1) Aurum Met 30x, twice a day for few days: For chronic induration of testes with painful
swelling and atrophy, it is quite good. The patient may suffer from hydrocele, high blood
pressure, and suicidal tendency.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x, 4 hourly: For inflammation of the testicles, the first Bio-chemic remedy
is Ferrum Phos. When inflammation subsides, Kali Mur 6x is the chief remedy. Calcarea
Phos 6x may be given as an intercurrent remedy.
3) Calcarea Fluor 6x, 2 hourly: For induration and hardening & dropsy of testicles, it is
4) Silicea and Natrum Mur both in 6x potency mixed together, twice daily for some days: It
is very useful in curing orchitis (inflammation of testicles).

(An acute infectious disease, often fatal, caused by toxin of a bacillus which enters the body through
wound, characterized by spasmodic contractions and rigidity of muscles; if symptoms develop fully,
hospitalization a must.)
Natrum Mur 6x, 4 hourly: It should be applied internally as well as externally. Moisten the
painful spot and apply thereto Natrum Mur, 6th trituration, rubbing it in. Pain ceases at once. (Dr
Schussler); A few doses of the combination of Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Phos 6x, and Mag Phos 6x
will also be required. Intercurrently, Calcarea Phos in 6x potency is needed. To prevent gangrene
in puerperal tetanus, use of Kali Phos 6x in frequent doses is imperative. Natrum Sulph 6x
removes profuse perspiration of the left side.


(Inherited disorders of haemoglobin; decrease in net synthesis of a particular globin chain;
haematologic abnormality/fatal anaemia)
1) Vanadium 6x or 12x, twice a day: It acts as an oxygen carrier, increases quality and
quantity of haemoglobulin, destroys virulence of toxins. It acts as a tonic to digestive system.
It increases and stimulates phagocytes. It helps in degenerative condition of the liver and
arteries. It removes atheroma (lesions of atherosclerosis) of arteries of brain and liver. It
eliminates deposits of carbohydrates and fats etc.
2) Bio-combination number one, thrice daily: It comprises of Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos,
Kali Phos, and Natrum Mur. Calcarea Phos supplies new blood-cells, becoming the first
remedy in anaemia and chlorosis. (Dr Boericke & Dewey). It serves as a tonic for anaemic
subjects. Ferrum Phos colors the blood-cells red. (Dr Carey). It contains iron, attracts
oxygen, and as such is a useful remedy in diseases of blood corpuscles. Kali Phos is an
anti-septic and hinders the decay of tissues. It is a constituent of blood-cells. Natrum Mur
covers anaemic conditions, with thin watery blood. It regulates the osmosis of water from
the arterial blood to the several serous sacs. (Dr Boericke & Dewey).
Ars Alb 12x or 30x, twice daily for some days: It is quite good for anemia owing
degenerative changes in the blood and also to deal with abnormally large red cells.
4) Calcarea Ars 3x, twice daily for a few days: In case hemoglobin and red corpuscles are
quite low, it helps considerably in achieving increase thereof.
5) Ferrum Met 1x twice daily in water after meals: It is very effective in treatment of
thalassemia major, whether hereditary or genetically transmitted. It is the most harmful form
of thalassemia. It is also known as Cooleys anemia, named after Dr Cooley who discovered
it in 1925. The abnormalities are more troublesome in winter.
6) Plumbum Met 12x twice daily for some days: It is used if there is rapid reduction in
number of red blood cells causing pallor, icterus, anemia. The blood, alimentary and nervous
systems are the specific seats of the action of this remedy. There may be twitchings, and
cramps in the calves. The patient cannot raise or lift anything with the hands.

Throat troubles
(Quinsy Also)

1) Ferrum Phos 6x, 2 hourly: It is given when throat is dry, red, congested, and painful. It reduces
congestion, heat, fever, inflammation, pain. It is excellent for sore throat of singers. It removes
hoarseness. Kali Mur 6x may be alternated, in follicular pharyngitis, with tenacious secretion and
2) Argentum Nit 6x twice daily for some days: It is applicable if there is a sensation of a splinter
in throat on swallowing.
3) Ars Alb 30x twice daily for one week: It is needed in case there is dryness and burning in the
throat which may be swollen and wrinkled; great thirst, but drinks little at a time.
4) Hepar Sulph 30x twice daily for some days: It suits patients who sweat profusely but pull
blanket around, and suffer from sensation as if a plug or a splinter obstructs swallowing of drinks
or food; he/she may be afflicted with quinsy.

1) Five Phos 3x, or 6x, daily twice, 5 tablets per dose: It serves as a general tonic. It
removes debility and exhaustion. It helps in building up the system by supplying necessary
tissue nutrition. It lifts up depressed spirits. Let the overworked businessman, weary ladies,
and nervous children take it regularly at least once in a day, and remain good tempered.
2) Calcarea Phos 6x thrice a day: It serves as a tonic for weak children, also for women
during pregnancy. It is also very helpful after diseases. It may be taken continuously for 2/3
3) Carbo Veg 30x twice daily for a few days: It restores vital power rapidly. The patient
may be almost lifeless, faints easily and is worn out, must be fanned hard; the simplest food
4) Natrum Sulph 6x twice daily: It serves as a tonic for patients who suffer from rheumatism
and changes of weather, with pain from hip to toe and weakness of ankles and knees. He/she
may not be able to take off early in the morning the ring which was worn overnight due to
swelling in the finger.
5) Vanadium 6x or 12x, twice a day: It acts as an oxygen carrier, increases quality and
quantity of haemoglobulin, destroys virulence of toxins. It acts as a tonic to digestive system.
It increases and stimulates phagocytes. It helps in degenerative condition of the liver and
arteries. It removes atheroma (lesions of atherosclerosis) of arteries of brain and liver. It
eliminates deposits of carbohydrates and fats etc.

(Inflammation of tonsils)
1) Bio-combination No.10, comprising of Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos, and Kali Mur: It
would cover treatment of enlarged swollen tonsils, fever, pains, bad breath, absence of
appetite, a feeling of lassitude. For adulta 5 tablets, children 3 tablets at a time four times a
day at intervals of three hours. For suppurative stage of inflammation of the tonsils, Calcarea
Sulph 6x should also be given 4 hourly.
2) Baryta Carb 6x, twice a day, for some days: If tonsils suppurate from every cold, and
stinging pain afflicts, it is the remedy. It is a great remedy, both for children and old people,
if tonsils remain swollen always, cold affects easily, and pains occur while swallowing; one
can swallow liquids only.
3) Calcarea Fluor 6x twice daily: Burning pains ameliorate by hot drinks, aggravate by cold
drinks; pus forms upon inflamed tonsils; there may be hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsils.
4) Calcarea Sulph 6x twice daily to cure abscess on tonsils.
5) Hepar Sulph 30x twice daily for a few days: Ulcers on the tonsils are cured by this
remedy; sensation of a splinter or a plug while swallowing; quinsy with suppuration.
6) Acid Nit 12x twice daily for some days: The patient hawks mucus constantly; there are
white patches in the throat which is so painful that the patient is not able to swallow anything;
sensation of improvement while riding in a carriage; pains as from splinters appear and
disappear suddenly.

Tonsil is a lymphatic tissue; it acts as a filter for protection from bacteria; it helps in formation of
white cells. So it is imperative to maintain good health.


1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Toothache from inflammation of the gums or nerves, worse with hot,
better with cold drinks. Toothache after eating. Teeth feel elongated. Five celloids may be
taken half hourly five times. This should not be taken in the evening.
2) Mag Phos 6x: If hot liquids ease the pain, cold drinks increase it, Mag Phos suits the best
and may be had even every 10 minutes in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 times, in doses comprising
of 5 tablets. It reduces excruciating neuralgic pains; the pains may change location quickly;
there may be ulceration of the gums with swelling of the glands of face etc.
3) Silicea 12x, 4 hourly: If pains are very violent at night, and neither heat nor cold gives
any relief, it is the remedy. Such pains are often caused by sudden chilling of feet or when
abscess forms in the case of decayed teeth.
4) Calcarea Fluor 6x: Toothache if any food touches the teeth. There may be unnatural
looseness of teeth; swelling displays bony hardness which is characteristic of Calcarea
Fluor. One should take it three times a day; each time one should keep 5 to 7 tablets in mouth
for 2 or three minutes, thereafter swallow the liquid. It cleans the teeth in the process, and
whitens them.
5) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is the chief remedy for teething disorders. In too late or retarded
dentition, two celloids of Calcarea Phos should be dissolved in milk and given to the baby.
One of the vital requirements for the formation of healthy teeth is the presence of an adequate
quantity of Calcarea Phos. It should be given twice a day.

(Wry Neck)
1) Ferrum Phos 30x thrice a day: It is a remedy for torticollis and rheumatism of the neck,
especially if it is drawn over to one side. There may be stiffness of neck and pain in nape as
if dislocated. The patient may have tendency to sweat. Externally 30 grains of Ferrum Phos
3x in one ounce of Vaseline should be used for faster recovery.
2) Mag Phos 3x: It is useful in acute and chronic cases. A few doses comprising of 5 tablets
may be had in hot water and if required may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 3x every two

(Consumption: phthisis)
Arsenic Iod 30x, thrice a day for a few days: It is very effective in early stage of
tuberculosis. There may be rise of temperature in the afternoon. It is also good in bronchopneumonia, psoriasis, chronic follicular pharyngitis.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x: If the patient takes cold easily, becomes prostrated and has fever with a
blood-streaked sputum and bronchial or laryngeal haemorrhages, this remedy will lessen the
congestion & fever and will increase the percentage of haemoglobulin. It may be alternated
every hour with Natrum Mur 6x which is also useful in tuberculosis of the lungs. Calcarea
Phos makes new blood cells, overcomes the anaemia present, and improves the general
condition of the system. Should be given as an intercurrent remedy in all cases of
tuberculosis. (Dr Carey).
3) Stannum Met 3x twice daily for some days: Phthisis of pulmonary mucous membranes;
violent dry cough in the evening until midnight; copious green sweetish expectoration; since
chest weak, can hardly talk; cough increases by laughing, singing, talking; it is worse lying on
the right side, and by warm drinks; fever with night-sweats.

(Tumor arises primarily from a deficiency of Potassium Chloride, which causes an excess of fibrin in
the system. If tumor contains fibrin only, its cure difficult, as there is no blood vessel in it for the
remedy to reach it. However, in other cases where tumor is filled with fat or water or other liquids,
cure is feasible.)
1) Calcarea Fluor 3x, five tablets thrice a day: Blood-tumors on the head of an infant; knots,
kernels, hardened glands in the breast; ganglion, encysted tumors; tumors of the eyelids; hard
or firm shiny swelling in any part of the body. The cure may take two/three months. Calcarea
Fluor 30x also fulfils the criteria.
2) Kali Mur 3x, five celloids thrice a day: Tenderness is a prominent symptom of the tumor.
It is very good for treatment of soft and tender swellings in the female breast.
3) Silicea 12x, 5 tablets two times a day: It is the remedy if swellings, lumps, tumors
threaten to suppurate. It covers admirably uterine tumors, benign or malignant, also
scrofulous tumor of the neck. Multiple cheloid, which appeared, after the excision of a
tumor, in the scar. It was at St. Bartholomews Hospital, but rapidly returned and increased in
size, till the patient, a girl, was put on Silicea, night and morning. The gradual disappearance
of the growth under this treatment was one of the prettiest things I have ever seen in
medicine. (John H. Clarke)
4) Aurum Mur Nat 3x twice a day for some days: It is a very good remedy for uterine
tumors. It has more power over uterine tumors than any other remedy. (Burnett);
inflammation of uterus; ovarian dropsy; ulceration of the neck of the womb and the vagina;
hardening and thickening of artery walls; high blood pressure.
5) Kali Hyd 1x in water twice a day after meals: It is very good for cure of fibroid tumors
in the inflamed womb of young married women, and bony tumors of the orbit of the eyes.

(Typhus or jail fever)
(Infection of digestive system causing weakness, high fever, red rash on abdomen and chest, chill
and sweating)
1) Arsenic Alb 30x, 3 hourly, 3 days: In typhoid, after Kali Phos; high temperature with
fear fright worry, cold sweats, burning pains; great prostration, too weak to move; Great

thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a timecannot bear the sight or smell of
food. Symptoms worsen after midnight, better from heat.
2) Kali Phos 3x thrice daily: It is very effective in typhoid fever with malignant symptoms,
affecting the brain, causing stupor (dazed state) or putrid blood with weak action of the
heart, sleeplessness and offensive breath. It is an excellent remedy in extreme vitiation of
the blood, when the system seems full of typhoid poison and the disease is not located in any
single organ. (Boericke & Dewey); there may be hallucinations of the brain, and the tongue
coated like stale mustard, very dry, cleaves to roof of the mouth. If watery vomiting appears,
Natrum Mur 3x should be alternated otherwise Ferrum Phos 3x should be long
as inflammatory symptoms remain. In case, there is rise of temperature in the evening Kali
Sulph 6x is also indicated.
3) Bio-chemic remedies of interest from the pen of Dr A. P. Davis, of Dallas, Texas: It is
a conceded fact that the inflammation in the glands of Brunner and Peyer keep up the fever,
and the remedy that cures these glands cuts short the disease, and the remedies that I have
found to do this most certainly are Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur, given in alternation every
hour during fever, where there is a white or grayish coating on the tongue. The Ferrum is the
best fever remedy, and the Kali Mur, the best eliminator in such conditions. If the tongue
should becme brown, give Kali Phos, and especially in those cases where the patient is
delirious or nervous, and in the more malignant form of the disease. If the tongue assumes a
yellow, shiny coating, then resort to Magnesia Phos, and especially when there are pain in
the bowels and a sensation of pressure in the stomach. If the tongue has a golden-yellow
coating, creamy, moist, give Natrum Phos. Should the tongue have a dirty brownish-green
coating, give Natrum Sulph. These remedies are especially indicated in this condition of the
tongue. Last of all, when the patient begins to convalesce, finish up the treatment with
Calcarea Phos, as a connective tissue and blood-cell constituent is needed. In all cases
where these tissue remedies have been used by me they have proved abundantly sufficient,
and will cure, if given as indicated. They supply the inorganic elements that are disturbed or
lacking in all diseased states, and if a strict observance is had in their selection, the
physician will certainly cure any disease that can be cured at all. I usually give them the 4x
to 6x potency. If there is great stupor Natrum Mur is indicated as an intercurrent remedy,
according to Dr Schussler.

One should not resort to over-feeding during convalescence, when patient is inclined to be hungry.
Typhus, or jail fever is the same as typhoid, but in a more malignant form.
Ulcers & Ulcerative Colitis

1) Arsenic Alb 12x: Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus. Stomach
extremely irritable, seems raw, as if torn; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; abdomen
swollen; burning pains like coals of fire, ameliorated by heat; Patient mentally restless,
physically too weak to move. It should be given twice a day. Ulceration of heels; painful
burning ulcers with hard margins.
2) Natrum Phos 6x, 5 celloids every two hours: Ulcerative colitis with vomiting of sour
fluids or coffee-ground liquids; least amount of food causes pain; creamy yellow coating at
the base of the tongue.
3) Calcarea Phos 3x, thrice a day: It is quite good for ulceration in children. It may be on
surface or inside the nose.
4) Silicea 12x, three times a day: In case adults suffer from quite deep ulceration with
corroding discharge, let it be given for a week or so. Useful in ulcers of lung and breast.
5) Argentum Nitricum 12x twice daily for some days: It is good for gastric ulcers, belching
accompanies; ulcerative pains in left side under the ribs with flatulence; great craving for
6) Graphites 30x, twice daily for a few days: It is quite useful in dealing with duodenal
ulcers; sweets nauseate, hot drinks disagreeable; burning in stomach recurrent gastralgia
preceded by colic; flatulence, must loosen clothing.
7) Hepar Sulph 30x, twice daily for some days: It is a very good remedy to heal ulcers with
tendency to suppuration; sensitive burning bleeding ulcers.
8) Nitric Acid 12x, two times per day for 7 to 15 days: Ulcers which bleed when touched;
syphilitic ulcers; blisters & ulcers in mouth, tongue and genitals; longing for indigestible
things; loves fat and salt; urine smells like that of a horse.

Urinary tract infection
(U T I)
a) Nephritis, inflammation of the kidneys, causing decrease in the amount of urine, excess of urea and

other minerals, uraemia.

b) Prostatic enlargement causing difficulty in voiding the bladder.
c) Cystitis, inflammation of the bladder.
d) Shock
e) Exposure to dampness & cold.
f) Injudicious diet & overuse of alcohols etc.

Ferrum Phos 3x: For incontinence of urine, if from weakness of the sphincter muscle; cystitis,
first stage, with pain, heat or fever; involuntary spurting of urine with every cough, it may be
alternated 2 hourly with Kali Mur 3x, which is the principal remedy in chronic cystitis. Kali Phos
3x may be given as an intercurrent remedy, if retention of urine is due to nervous debility. In case
there are calcium oxalic acid and other oxalates in urine, Kali Sulph 6x will be needed at least
twice daily for a few days. Calcarea Sulph & Silicea both in 6x potency in alternation every two
hours when pus passes with urine. If sandy deposits, brick-dust like sediments, in urine, Natrum
Sulph 6x will be needed, and may be administered every two hours.
1) Use of alcoholic drinks should be avoided.
2) Careful selection of foods
3) Regulation of diet.

(Morbid condition of blood due to retention of urinary matter normally eliminated by kidneys)

Cuprum Ars 3x, three times a day: It covers various intestinal ailments due to deficient

kidney affections; uremic convulsions; brain oedema; uraemia with garlicky odor; diabetes;
bronchial asthma; emphysema; gangrene; very high level of urea; urine of high specific
2) Kali Mur 3x, 3 hourly, five tablets: It is the principal biochemic remedy in chronic
cystitis with dark-red urine from deposits of urates and uric acid crystals. There may be
inactivity of liver. If urine loaded with pus and thick mucus and there is red sandy deposit of
uric acid, one should follow it with Silicea 6x, 3 times a day.
3) Ferrum Phos 6x, every two hours in alternation with Natrum Phos 6x: In case, the patient
comes after having uraemia, it would remove complications and would establish flow of

(Nettle-rash, Hives)
(An allergic skin disease characterized by the appearance of intensely itching wheals, small raised
patches of skin, as from an insect bite)
1) Natrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets 3 times a day: Rose rash, hives, itching all over the body,
like insect bites, with sore patches on the skin, accompanied by the symptoms of acidity or
creamy yellow discharges. It may be alternated with Kali Phos 6x, if there is crawling
sensation with itching, which occurs inside of hands and feet where the skin is thickest.
2) Antimonium Crud 30x twice daily for some days: Urticaria, measles-like eruptions, with
loss of appetite, and desire for pickles; itching when warm in bed; thickly coated white
tongue as if whitewashed.
3) Ars Alb 30x, twice a day for a few days: Urticaria with burning and restlessness, worse
wet weather, better warm drinks. Intense itching, worse cold and scratching.
Ferrum Phos & Kali Mur both together in 6x potency thrice daily will help in
overcoming the disease.

Varicose Veins

(Enlarged and tortuous veins; veins are subject to inflammation, and to loss of elasticity leading
to weakening and dilation, a condition known as varicose veins; haemorrhoids are a form of
varicose veins. Regular exercise, controlling weight, avoiding tight clothes help the patients)
Calcarea Fluor 6x, twice a day for two/three months, or more: It is the chief Biochemic remedy
for varicose veins. It is also good in varicose ulcerations. The patient may not be in a position to
stand, on his/her feet. He/she may suffer from sharp piercing pains. There may be bluish
discoloration of tissues. It should be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x, which is a powerful vein
remedy, though its prime sphere of action is on the arteries. It is also good for pain in varicocele
of the testicles. A physician of Bogota, S.A., relates a case of varicose ulcers of some standing,
both on legs and arms. Calc. Fluor. 6x was given night and morning; Healed in fifteen days.
Young man, aet. 18, complained of daily pain in left testicle, incapacitating him for work.
Examination showed a varicocele, well developed, probably caused by constant heavy lifting.
After five weeks use of Ferrum phos, daily one dose, cured. (Dr Mayer, Stuttgart).
Fluoric Acid 6x, twice daily for some days: In case veins in legs tend to ulcerate, it is very
useful, especially in chronic cases. It mainly acts upon lower tissues afflicted with bedsores,
varicose veins and ulcers. The patient may be indifferent to those whom he/she loves the most;
warm drinks may produce diarrhea; feels as if burning vapor were emitted from pores. There
may be offensive perspiration and dropsy of limbs.

(Giddiness, Dizziness)
(A sensation or actual loss of equilibrium, frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, nystagmus

(abnormal oscillation of eyeballs); constipation should be corrected.

1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Vertigo or giddiness from rush of blood to the head, with flushed face
and throbbing or pressing headache, on rising from a stooping position; after eating or with
vomiting of undigested food, relieved by cold application. Kali Phos 6x should be alternated
every hour, a few doses, comprising of 5 tablets each. Kali Phos takes care of vertigo from
anaemia, also from cerebral or nervous causes and weakness/exhaustion, worse when rising
and looking upward.
2) Acid Phos 1x one drop in water twice daily after meals: Vertigo towards evening while
standing or walking, worse shaking or noise with crushing headache; hair thins out, turns gray
3) Borax 30x, one or two doses for vertigo while descending; Calcarea Carbonica 30x, one
or two doses for vertigo while ascending; Natrum Mur 12x, every two/three hours, for
vertigo when studying or giving examination.

Voice Loss
(Loss of voice usually follows overexertion in speaking or exposure to cold or due to injury to vocal
Ferrum Phos 6x: Aphonia of singers or public speakers, quite painful, caused by
overexertion of voice or cold and wet or accumulation of phlegm in the larynx, is cured by
application of Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur 6x in alternation 4 hourly. In obstinate cases
Calcarea Sulph 6x, thrice a day, follows well.
Kali Phos 6x: For loss of voice from paralysis of vocal cords or from nervous
exhaustion, it is excellent and may be taken three times a day.
3) Borax 1x: A piece of borax, the size of a pea, dissolved in the mouth, acts magically in
restoring the voice, in cases of sudden hoarseness brought on by cold, and frequently for an
hour or so, it renders the voice silvery and clear. Boericke.

(Evacuation of the contents of stomach through the oesophagus and the mouth)
a) Irritation of stomach.
b) Relaxation of any part of gastro-intestinal tract.
c) Nervousness.
Biochemic remedies: Vomiting of bile, Natrum Sulph; of clear, thready mucus, Natrum Mur; of
white mucus, Kali Mur; of red blood, Ferrum Phos: of dark blood, Kali Phos; sour, Natrum Phos;
of food soon after eating, Ferrum Phos; of children during teething, Calc fluor. (Dr E.P.
Anshutz). The medicines may be given in 6x potency, a few doses half hourly.
Remedies in accordance with kinds of vomitus:
a) Gravidarum (vomiting of pregnancy)
i) If watery - Natrum Mur 6x
ii) If acidic - Natrum Phos 6x
iii) If due to chilliness Silicea 6x
b) Marinus owing sea-sickness Natrum Mur 6x
c) Matutinal (early morning vomiting) Natrum Phos & Calcarea Phos both 6x in alternation
d) Niger (Black vomiting) Kali Mur 6x
e) Coffee-ground vomitus (oxidized blood vomiting) Kali Phos 6x (it indicates cancer)
f) Vomiting of bright red blood (due to ulcer) Ferrum Phos & Natrum Phos both 6x
g) Vomiting of undigested food Calcarea Fluor & Ferrum Phos both 6x in alternation.
h) Vomiting of bile with bitter taste Natrum Sulph 6x
i) Vomiting of watery transparent mucus Natrum Mur 6x
j) Persistent vomiting Mag Phos 6x in lukewarm water.

a) Withdrawal of all food
b) Placing ice bag over the stomach
c) Drinking warm water with a pinch of salt

(Small, usually hardish excrescences on skin, caused by abnormal growth of papillae)
1) Kali Mur 6x & Natrum Mur 6x, 5 tablets of each, thrice a day for some weeks: Dr
Schussler has recommended external use of Kali Mur also. A quantity of the trituration, the
size of a pea, is to be dissolved in a tablespoon of water, and with this solution the affected
part is to be moistened once a day. Natrum Mur takes care of warts in the palms of hands.
Natrum Sulph, 6x, is needed in the case of warts caused by long exposure to dampness. For
large, fleshy, suppurating warts Silicea 6x is sufficient, and may be alternated with Kali Mur.
2) Nitic Acid 6x, 4 hourly, in the case of large jagged pedunculated warts, which may bleed
on washing. There may be splinter-like pains.
3) Calcarea Calcinata 3x, in 8 grain doses, at bedtime: It is also a good remedy for all kinds
of warts.
A young lady, at school, in England, strong, and of good general health, but with a certain
degree of specific and sycotic heredity, had been very much troubled for a long time with
unsightly warts on the hands. I cannot say that any of the remedies I had prescribed had made
any real improvement. In June 1912, I prescribed Calc. Cal. 3x, eight grains at bedtime. At
once a change for the better took place. The warts broke up and within few weeks were
gone. (Dr E. P. Anshutz in New, Old and Forgotten Remedies)
4) Calcarea Carbonica 30x, daily once for warts on face and hands.


(Deep seated abscess at the end of a finger, often under the nail with pain and swelling)
1) Ferrum Phos 12x in water, every three hours: It should be given in the first stage to
remove fever, pain, congestion.
2) Kali Mur 12x, every 3 hours: It should be given in the second stage, when there is
swelling, but no pus formation yet. It may be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos to elicit
quick relief.
3) Silicea 6x: As soon as pus formation commences, it should follow Kali Mur. A dose
every two hours will usually cure the felon in twenty-four hours. (A.P.Davis, M.D.). A
whitlow, which had suppurated, had all the pus absorbed in the course of a night by only two
doses of Silicea 6x. (Dr B. N. Mitra).
Calcarea Sulph 12x, thrice a day: Silicea ripens abscesses, since it promotes
suppuration, while Calcarea Sulph restrains suppurative process, so causes the wound to

Whooping Cough
(An acute infectious disease characterized by paroxysmal cough, ending in noisy inspiration with
a whoop; coughing persists in most cases for several weeks; food should be given frequently, but
in small quantities, as a full stomach may cause vomiting.)
An accumulation of fibrin and other organic matter in bronchial tubes, and also in glottis (opening
from pharynx into larynx) is the main cause.
Signs & symptoms:
i) Paroxysmal cough with a loud sound
ii) Cough mild in the beginning
iii) The cough gradually increases in intensity with violent spasms of coughing
iv) Vomiting follows.
v) Fever may afflict the patient.

1) Mag Phos 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy in whooping cough, for the whoop,
paroxysms of coughing, difficult breathing. When the fits of coughing are very acute, dissolve
3 tablets in hot water and give it 4 hourly. For chronic whooping cough, it should be
alternated with Kali Mur 6x, every 4 hours for some days. Occasional doses of Ferrum Phos
6x in mornings may be necessary. When the cough has become spasmodic in character,
ending in the characteristic whoop, Mag Phos is the remedy par excellence. Calcarea Phos
6x is often used in winding up the treatment as a general restorative.
2) Hepar Sulph 12x or 30x twice or thrice for some days, if whooping cough worse in
morning and while walking; cough troublesome if the patient exposed to dry cold winds;
rattling cough with suffocative attacks, better while bending head backwards.
Kali Carb 30x, twice a day for a few days: It is good for dry painful cough with
hoarseness and loss of voice, about 3 a. m.; expectoration scanty and tenacious and may have
to be swallowed, better in warm climate and by leaning forward, worse in cold weather.
4) Kali Sulph 12x twice daily for some days: It is beneficial in the last stage of whooping
cough with blistered lips & mouth, black offensive stools, yellow slimy expectoration.
a) Keep the room well ventilated.
b) Cover the chest warmly.
c) Give food frequently, but in small quantities.
d) Use a light belt about the abdomen.

(Intestinal tract is often the site of worms. Intestinal worms are of three kinds: tape worms, round
worms, pin worms. Presence of worms is usually detected by irritation or itching of the anus.)
Natrum Phos 3x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy for all kinds of worms. It destroys excess
of lactic acid, which is helpful for the life of these worms. It is the enemy of intestinal, long,

round, or thread-worms, with associated symptoms of picking of the nose, itching of the anus,
acidity, restless sleep, pain in the abdomen, especially at night when warm in bed. It may be
given thrice a day. It expels tape worms also if taken for a long period. It is sufficient for
elimination of ascaris lumbricoides and oxyuris vermicularis. Natrum Phos may be alternated
with Natrum Mur 3x. If the tongue is white, let Kali Mur 6x be alternated.

Worms infesting the body are parasites which consume nutrients. Symptoms comprise of constipation
or diarrhea, flatulence, anemia, grinding of teeth, and extreme debility. The affected persons should
take garlic, onions, papaya seeds, promegranate.


Of all mineral waters those of Levico are distinguished, not only by their contents of
these mineral elements arsenic, iron and copper, but they are remarkable for the
state of combination in which they occur. Situated in South Tyrol on the confines of
Italy, Levico has for many years been a favourite sanatorium of the Italian medical
profession for their nervous and skin patients. Of late, Levico water has also been
increasingly recognized by the German and Australian faculty, among whom
Bamberger, Billroth, Hebra, Nussbaum and others testify to the extraordinary remedial
activity of the waters, favouring assimilation, increasing nutrition and in chronic and
dyscratic skin diseases functioning as antiseptic or astringent. (The Therapist, a
London Journal)
Dr Burnett has called the attention to this water in his books. Levico remedy is
prepared by dilutions made from the mineral water or triturations from the residue
obtained by evaporation of the water. It is a recognized member of the pharmacopeia
in many German and Australian hospitals and clinics. Professor Eulenberg of Berlin
has recommended it for treatment of Chorea minor in children, and at the age of
puberty, as well as for hysterical neuralgia and spasms.

(Mineral Spring Water)
The evaporated, triturated and potentized salt from Mineral Water of Sanicula Springs
of Ottawa was proved under the auspices of the American Doctor, Sherbina. It was
introduced by Dr J. G. Gundlach.
It is a useful remedy in enuresis, seasickness, constipation and Rickets. It cures
dandruff. It also cures nausea and vomiting caused from car-sickness. It is very

effective in treatment of constipation when the patient does not have any desire to
evacuate feces until he suffers from a very large accumulation thereof and is able to
expel the accumulated bowels partially after great straining. Very offensive odor of
stools remains even after bathing; no amount of washing make him/her get rid of the
odor. Head and neck sweat profusely; the pillow gets wet invariably; soles of feet
burn. It also suits a lady who suffers from leucorrhea with odor of fish-brine or that
of old cheese. The patient generally is of headstrong and obstinate nature.


1) Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory by W. Boericke
2) Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons by H. C. Allen
3) Text Book of Materia Medica by Dr S.K.Dubey
4) Kents Repertory of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica
5) The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler by W. Boericke & W.A. Dewey
6) Biochemic System of Medicine by G.W. Carey
7) Dr Schusslers Biochemistry by J.B. Chapman
8) A guide to the Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemic Therapy by E.P. Anshutz
9) The Biochemical Treatment of Disease by Dr Schussler
Tissue Remedies by B.N.Mitra
A complete Repertory of the Tissue Remedies of Schussler by Shannon
How to use the Twelve Tissue Salts by Editors of B. Jain
Biochemistry by Schwabe India
Manual and Clinical Repertory of a complete list of Tissue Remedies by DR
40 Tissue Remedies by N. Kodanda Ramaiah
Biochemic Medicines and Biocombination Tablets by P. N. VERMA
New, Old and Forgotten Remedies by E. P. ANSHUTZ
Chamberlains Symptoms and Signs in Clinical Medicine by Colin Ogilivie
20) Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics by T. F. Allen
21) Illustrated Guide to the Homeopathic Treatment by Dr H.S. Khaneja

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