القصة 3 اعدادى ترم تانى مترجمة ومحلولة

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Journey to the centre of the earth

Chapter 6

Amazing discoveries

1-How was Axel awakened after he had


He was awakened by the noise of waves crashing on the

shore of beach.

2-How did the noise look like? What else did he

It looked like thunder or waves crashing on the seashore.
A noise that sounded like a human voice, he could hear
his name and lost

3- Where were they?

They were in a big hall where all passages lead into this

4-Why did the professor ask Axel to call to him


To calculate the distance between them. The voice took

about 20minutes to reach his uncle so they were 6 k.m
5-What happened to Axel when he was walking
down the passage?
The slope was very steep. He started to slide down the
passage; he went faster so he could stop, so his head hit
a sharp rock and he lost consciousness again.
6-Why did Axel fall down?
Because the slope was steep and he couldnt stop.
-What did the professor do when axel opened his
eyes? Why?
He gave a cry of joy because Axel was still alive.
7-What did Axel see when he awoke up?
He saw a strange light coming from somewhere .he could
hear a noise like the one that he had heard while he was
lost. He saw a big sea, sky with white clouds and a roof of
8- What was stranger about the light there?
It was cold and white unlike the sunlight or the moonlight.
9-What did the professor name the sea?
He named it the Lidenbrock
10-What did they see along the sea shore?

They saw towers of sharp rocks in the water, huge

mushrooms (looked like giant umbrellas), golden sand and
bones of extinct animals. They saw the tide rise and fall
11-How did they cross the sea? How did they
?make it
By raft, Hans cut down some trees and tied them together
to make it.
?12-How were the plants on the shore
They were taller and bigger than the plants on the earth .

Complete the following:

-Axel, Hans and Lidenbrock were.

.inside a cave.
- They saw the tide rise and fall, .
. Even here the sea
answers the call of the moon.



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Chapter 7
Crossing the Lidenbrock Sea
1-How long did they travel on the Lidenbrock
They travelled for 145 k.m on the Lidenbrock Sea.
2-How was Hans try fishing in the sea?
He tied a hook on to a rope, put some meat on it and
threw it into the sea. He felt a tug on the line. He pulled it
in and landed a fish on a deck.
3-How was the fish that Hans caught strange?
It had flat head with no eyes or tail.
4-What kind of fish is it?
It belongs to a family of fish which no longer lives on the
earth (extinct)
5-Why was Axel excited to hear the news of the
Because he thought that they had caught a fish which
only existed as a fossil on the earth. He wondered what
other creature they would meet.
6-What did Axel begin to dream of?
Axel dreamed of lizards or whales that lived on the earth
millions of years ago.
7-How did they know that the sea was very deep?
(Measure depth)?
He tied a pickaxe to the end of a rope and threw it into
the sea. It didnt touch the bottom

8-What did the professor find when he pulled up

the pickaxe?
Hans pointed to marks of a monsters teeth on it. A
monster had bitten into the iron of it.
9-Why was Axel awaken?
Because the raft had been lifted out of the water. a huge
monster had thrown them in the air.
10-What did they see in the Lidenbrock Sea?
They saw two huge sea monsters fighting for 3 hours and
one of them was killed. It twisted its neck as if it was in
great pain then it was dead.
11-What did they hear on the sea?
They heard a roaring noise. It was a huge fountain of
water rising from the sea that was a geyser.
12-What was the dark shape?
It was an island.
13-Why was the ground tremble under their feet?
Because the geyser was very hot.
14-What did the professor name the island?
It was named after Axel.
15-Why did the professor refuse to lower the
Because he wanted the storm to take them away.
16-How long were they under the mercy of the
For 3 days
17-Why did Axel faint during the storm?
Because a ball of fire in the sky burst as it hit the raft
.every thing was covered in blue flames and then axel
18-What did they find on the shore?
They found bones of extinct animals, ranges of hills and a
human skull.
The skull proved that the man had lived on that shore.
19-What was strange about the forest?
The forest was not green, but pale yellow, like the colour
of sand. The trees had no lower branches and could see
through the forest.
20-Why did Axel warn his uncle?

Because he could see mammoths which died out on the

surface of the earth and looked like elephants but they
were much bigger and they had longer tusks.
21-How did Axel recognize the mammoths?
From his science book.
22-How was the shepherd strange?
He was more than 3 m. tall with long hair that was looking
after the herd of mammoths.
23-Why did they run fast to their raft?
Because they were afraid of the giant shepherd.
24-What did Axel want to do when he saw the
huge fountain of water?
To sail as far as possible But his uncle refused and asked
Hans to go straight a head.

Complete the following

As the storm was strong,
suggested lowering the sail and taking down the mast.
Axels gun would probably
Useless against these creatures.
-we saw a dark shape in the sea .it was
It was as high as a mountain and at least 2 k.m long.

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Chapter 8
The great explosion
1-What did Axel find in the sand?
He saw something shining; it was a knife (which was steel
with a rough blade) and this proved that there were
people there.
2-Why was the blade rough?
Because someone (the owner) used it to crave his initials
in a rock.
3-Where did they find the letters of A.S.?
At the foot of a cliff they found an entrance to a dark
tunnel .there they saw two letters carved on the rock: A.S.
4-What did the two letters stand for?
They stood for Arne Saknussemm
5-How was Axel after finding the initials?
He forgot the danger of the journey .he wasnt worried
about how they could return; he was as excited as his
6-Why were the two letters carved?
To guide them
7-What happened when they entered the dark
They travelled for few metres then they came up against
a huge rock which blocked their path. There was no way
past it.
8-How did they break the rock?
They tried to break it with a pickaxe but it was too hard
then they used gunpowder to blow it up.
9-What did they do to blow it up?

Hans made a hole in the rock using a pickaxe, and then

they made a fuse out of cloth and filled the hole with
?10-What was the result of the explosion
A huge hole opened and the sea became one big wave .it
lifted them and threw them forward.
?11-Why did they hold to each other
To prevent them being thrown off the raft.
?12-What did they lose
Their tools, instruments, most of their food and water
because the waves had swept them away. They had some
biscuits and a small piece of meat.
13-Why wasnt Axel worried about losing these
He thought they would die. He decided not to tell his
uncle about that.

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Chapter 9
In the middle of the volcano
1-What were the explorers going over?
They were going over a big waterfall. There was a huge
splash as they landed.
2-What kind of change did they feel?
They felt that the water was driving them up very quickly.
The water was rising and taking them with it. They were
in a kind of chimney.
3-Where was the water driving them?
It was driving them up and they were in a kind of chimney.
4-When did Axel have to tell his uncle that they
lost their food?
When his uncle wanted to eat.
5-Did the professor feel worried about the loss of
No, he didnt. He said nothing.
6-What did Axel noticed?
He noticed that the rocks were burning and the water was
boiling .the rock walls seemed to be moved.
7-Why did the professor think that they were in
an active volcano?
a- The compass was moving in all directions (in a
crazy way).
b- The water was boiling under the raft.
c- The rocks were burning hot.
8-What happened to the compass?

The needle of the compass was moving from north to

south and from east to west.
9-What made Axel think that his uncle had gone
He thought so, because his uncle thought that the volcano
was the best thing that could happen to them. It was the
only chance to return to the surface of the earth.
10-What happened to Axel? Why?
He lost his consciousness and his eyes closed because the
heat was unbearable .he had no clear memory for what
happened next.
11-What could Axel remember?
He could remember explosions and falling rocks. The raft
was spinning in circles. There were waves of red hot lava.
Ashes rained down on them. There were flames
12-What was Hans doing at that time?
He was looking at Axel, holding him and his face was calm
as always.
13-Where was Axel lying? What did he realize at
He was lying on a steep mountain slope then he realizes
that they were back to the surface of the earth because
he could see the sky.

Complete the following

They held to each other and clung to
the raft.
Chapter 10
The home coming
1-Where did the active volcano of Stromboli
throw them?
On a volcanic island off the south coast of Italy.
2-Why was the ground around them shaking?
Because the volcano was still erupting.
3-What did Axel see when he looked down the
Tall trees and little gardens. He saw blue water of a sea or
Lake .there were small boats on the water.

4-Why was Hans sure that they werent in

Because the sun was very hot and the ground was dry.
5-What made Axel think that they had travelled
right across the world?
Bat first he thought that they had arrived in Asia, on the
coast of India or Malaysia.
6-Why did they descend the mountain carefully?
Because they didnt want to fall to their death after their
7-Where did they find food?
They came to afield full of fruit trees. They picked the fruit
and ate, it tasted wonderful.
8-How could the professor know their position?
He asked the boy in Italian about the name of the island.
9-Why was the journey exciting?
Because they had entered the earth through an extinct
volcano of sneffels in Iceland and returned to the surface
of the earth through an active volcano of Stromboli in Italy
.they had exchanged the cold of the north with the
warmth of the south.
10-How were the people of San Vicenzo kind and
helpful? Treated them?
They gave them food, drink and clothes.
11-How did they return to Hamburg?
They took a boat from san Vicenzo to Messina then they
took the ship to Marseille and they went to Hamburg by
train. On 9th Dec. they arrived
12-How did the professors return affect the people
Hamburg? Why?
His return caused a great excitement in Hamburg.
Although everyone knew of his plans, nobody believed
that the journey was possible .Hans changed the peoples
minds. There was news from Iceland about their journey.
The prof.became a great man and Axel shared a little of
his glory.
13-How did the city celebrate (honour) them?
The city held a celebration for them. The most important
people made speeches in their honour.
14-What did the other scientists do with the

They argued with him about what he had written about

the journey they didnt believe such things were possible.
15-Why were both Axel and the professor sad?
Because Hans decided to return home and refused to stay
with them. They liked him very much, as he was calm and
sensible and they would miss him.
16- Early on in the story, Axel had a dreadful
dream. How did that dream come true?
That dream came true when he was came tom the surface
of the earth through an active volcano.

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