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Tragedy of the Commons

Dear City Council Members,

While promenading around Jonquil Park I discovered discarded trash that without
being treated could potentially cause harm to both the community and the
surrounding environment. Tossed aside bubble wrap, paint cans, light bulbs, metal
pipes, and window glass pose a definite threat to the young children playing on the
playground at Jonquil Park. With no definite point source to the dumping problem
and with no obsolete materials to reduce, reuse, or recycle we still can prevent this
from occurring in polluted parks across the city. Putting tax payers money to good
use, we can hire an extra maintained person to collect the extremely dangerous
trash out of a Smyrna landmark design to keep kids safe. All types of trash
degradable resources like paper and food scraps, slowly degradable resources like a
diaper or water bottle, and non-degradable resources like CDs and DVDs will be
sorted more effectively. In our sister city of Atlanta last year, they add 25 extra
maintenance workers to patrol the streets and reduce city wide pollution by 30%.
Atlanta is a bigger city than Smyrna, but by adding even one extra maintenance
person you can produce equal to the same effects.
From a concerned citizen,
Alexis Williams

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