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Intra- operative nursing is part of the perioperative nursing stage .
Activities undertaken at this stage are all sorts of activities carried out by
nurses in the operating room . Activity in the operating room by nurses
focused on patients undergoing a surgical procedure to repair , correct or
eliminate the physical problems that interfere with the patient . Certainly
when surgery would appear both physiological and psychological problems in
the patient . For the intra- operative nursing does not only focus on
physiological problems faced by patients during surgery , but also need to
focus on the psychological problems faced by patients . So in the end will
produce the outcome in the form of an integrated nursing care .
To produce the best results for the patient , of course, necessary that health
professionals are competent and synergistic cooperation between each
member of the team . In general, members of the team in surgical procedures ,
there are three major groups , covering first , anesthetists and nurse
anesthetist in charge of providing agents analgesic and lay the patient in the
proper position on the operating table , the surgeon and assistants who
perform scrub and surgery and the third is intra- operative nurse
Intra-operative care is performed by a surgical team, generally a few
things done are as follows.
1. The use of uniform operation, the use of uniform operating in the design
especiall hoping to prevent contamination from the outside, with all the
clothes outside principled should be replaced with sterile surgical scrubs or
all of the top must be inserted into the sterile trousers / have to cover the
waist to reduce discharge of bacteria, sterile clothing must cover the waist
area, then use headgear, masks, handscoon and sterile apron.
2. Wash hands before surgery
3. Receiving the patient in the operating area before entering the surgery the
patient will be accepted in the reception room prior to the operation room
by asking them to patients called operation mention what it would do and
then check the name, number, patient registration status, check back in a

variety of lab results and x-ray, blood preparations after cross-examination

and blood type, check the tool prostheses etc.
4. Delivery and setting position into the operating room, the recommended
position generally include supine, face down, terdelenburg, lithotomi
lateral etc.
5. Cleaning and skin preparation of this implementation aims to create an
area that will be dissected free of impurities fat, skin and reduce the
microbe. The ingredients used in skin cleansing should have spectrum
special quality or virtue, has a special quality or virtue or a good potential
and not be decreased if their alcohol, detergent or other organic materials.
6. Closing the sterile area, the closure area by using doek sterile so that the
area around the surgery remain sterile and prevent the passage of
microorganisms between the sterile area and not.
7. Implementation of anesthesia, anesthesia of implementation of this can be
done with such a wide variety of general anaesthasi, by inhalation or
intravenous, regional anaesthasi by way membok nerve, local anesthasi
8. Implementation of the surgery, after surgery Anesthesia then the team will
carry out in accordance with the provisions of surgery.
NURSING ACTIVITIES IN GENERAL nursing activities performed
during the intra -operative phase includes four things:
a. safety Management
b. Physiological monitoring
c. Psychological monitoring
d. Ruling and coordination of Nursing Care Safety Management.
This action is a form of security for the patient during the surgical
procedure. Measures taken to guarantee the security :
1. Setting the position of the patient
Setting the position of the patient aims to provide comfort to clients
and facilitate surgery. Perioperative nurses understand that the various
operating positions with regard to the physiological changes that occur
when the patient is placed in a certain position. The important factor
that must be considered when adjusting the position in the operating
room are:
a. area of operation
b. Age

c. The patient's weight

d. types of anesthesia
e. Pain : normally the pain experienced by patients with movement
disorders , such as arthritis .
Given position should not interfere with circulation,
respiration , do not perform excessive emphasis on the skin and do
not cover the area or theater of operations
2. Install the tool grounding to patients
3. Provide physical and psychological support on the client to calm the
patients during surgery so that the patient cooperative.
4. Ensure that all the necessary equipment has been prepared such as

intravenous fluid, oxygen , number spongs , needles and precise

instrument .
Physiological monitoring undertaken include :
1. Conducting fluid balance
Fluid balance calculation was done to meet the needs of the patient
fluid . Fulfillment of fluid balance is done by calculating the amount of
fluid entering and coming out ( check the urinary catheter bag ) and
then make corrections to the imbalance of fluid that occurs . For
example by administering intravenous fluids .
2. Monitor the condition cardiopulmonal
Cardio pulmonary condition monitoring should be carried out
continuously to see if the patient's condition is normal or not .
Monitoring was conducted on the functions of breathing, pulse and
blood pressure , oxygen saturation , bleeding etc .
3. The monitoring of changes in vital signs
Monitoring of vital signs is important to ensure the client's
condition is still within normal limits . If an interruption occurs should
be done as soon as possible intervention .
Psychological Support (before induction and if the patient is unconscious).
Psychological support that is done, among others :
1. Provide emotional support to patients
2. Standing by its clients and provide a touch during the induction

Assess the emotional status of the client


Communicate the emotional status of the client to the medical team

(if there is a change


Setting the position of the patient

Install the tool grounding to patients
Provide physical and psychological support on the client to calm the


patients during surgery so that the patient cooperative.

Ensure that all the necessary equipment has been prepared such as
intravenous fluid, oxygen , number spongs , needles and precise

instrument (page 2)
1. What are the important factors that should be cared when adjusting the
position in the operating room ?
The important factor that must be considered when adjusting the position
in the operating room are:
a. area of operation
b. Age
c. The patient's weight
d. types of anesthesia
e. Pain : normally the pain experienced by patients with movement
disorders , such as arthritis
2. What is the physiological monitoring?
Answer :
a. Conducting fluid balance
b. Monitor the condition cardiopulmonal
c. The monitoring of changes in vital signs (page 3)
3. What is the goal of cardiopulmonal condition monitoring?
Cardio pulmonary condition monitoring should be carried out
continuously to see if the patient's condition is normal or not .

Monitoring was conducted on the functions of breathing, pulse and blood

pressure , oxygen saturation , bleeding etc .

What are the psychological supports?

Answer :
1. Provide emotional support to patients
2. Standing by its clients and provide a touch during the induction
3. Assess the emotional status of the client
4. Communicate the emotional status of the client to the medical team ( if
there is a change ) (page 4)



What is the duty of anesthesia and anesthesia nurse?

anesthetists and nurse anesthetist in charge of providing agents analgesic
and lay the patient in the proper position on the operating table (page 1)
What is your opinion about intra operation nursing?
Intra- operative nursing is part of the perioperative nursing stage .
Activities undertaken at this stage are all sorts of activities carried out by


nurses in the operating room(page1)

What should be rechecked when receive the patient in the operation room?
by asking them to patients called operation mention what it would do and
then check the name, number, patient registration status, check back in a
variety of lab results and x-ray, blood preparations after cross-


examination and blood type, check the tool prostheses etc (page 1)
What are the positions which are suggested in sending and setting to the
operation room?
Delivery and setting position into the operating room, the recommended
position generally include supine, face down, terdelenburg, lithotomi


lateral etc. (page 2)

What are the benefits of closing the sterile location?
Delivery and setting position into the operating room, the recommended
position generally include supine, face down, terdelenburg, lithotomi

lateral etc. (page 2)

10. What are the tools that have to be made sure they are present in the
operation room?
Ensure that all the necessary equipment has been prepared such as
intravenous fluid, oxygen , number spongs , needles and precise
instrument . `(page 3)

11. The example of liquid action balance is:

For example by administering intravenous fluids . (page 3)
12. How is the calculation of liquid balance?
Fluid balance calculation was done to meet the needs of the patient fluid .
Fulfillment of fluid balance is done by calculating the amount of fluid
entering and coming out (check the urinary catheter bag ) and then make
corrections to the imbalance of fluid that occurs . (page 3)
13. What is the goal of ttv monitoring?
Monitoring of vital signs is important to ensure the client's condition is
still within normal limits . If an interruption occurs should be done as
soon as possible intervention (page 4)
14. What is implementations of anesthesia ?
Implementation of anesthesia, anesthesia of implementation of this can
be done with such a wide variety of general anaesthasi, by inhalation or
intravenous, regional anaesthasi by way membok nerve, local anesthasi
etc. (page 2)
15. What is the activity focus of nurse in the operating room?
Activity in the operating room by nurses focused on patients undergoing a
surgical procedure to repair , correct or eliminate the physical problems that
interfere with the patientn (page 1)
16. What are the actions which are done for the patient during te surgical
This action is a form of security for the patient during the surgical
procedure. Measures taken to guarantee the security :
1. Setting the position of the patient
2. Install the tool grounding to patients
3. Provide physical and psychological support on the client to calm the
patients during surgery so that the patient cooperative.
4. Ensure that all the necessary equipment has been prepared such as
intravenous fluid, oxygen , number spongs , needles and precise
instrument (page 2)
17. What are the nurse activities that are done during the intra operation
a. safety Management

b . Physiological monitoring
c . Psychological monitoring
e. Ruling and coordination of Nursing Care Safety Management (page 2)
18. What is the goal of cleaning & skin preparing in the intra operation?
Cleaning and skin preparation of this implementation aims to create an area
that will be dissected free of impurities fat, skin and reduce the microbe
(page 2)
19. How is the principle of using surgery uniform?
with all the clothes outside principled should be replaced with sterile
surgical scrubs or all of the top must be inserted into the sterile trousers /
have to cover the waist to reduce discharge of bacteria, sterile clothing must
cover the waist area, then use headgear, masks, gloves and sterile clemek
(page 1)
20. What are the team members in the surgical procedure?
In general, members of the team in surgical procedures , there are three
major groups , covering first , anesthetists and nurse anesthetist in charge of
providing agents analgesic and lay the patient in the proper position on the
operating table , the surgeon and assistants who perform scrub and surgery
and the third is intra- operative nurse (page 1)


1. Certainly when surgery would appear both physiological and psychological,
biological problems in the patient (F) page 1
2. Wash hands before surgery is one of intra operative care (T) page 1
3. The ingredients used in skin cleansing should have spectrum special quality
or virtue, has a special quality or virtue or a good potential and not be
decreased if their alcohol, detergent or other organic materials. (T) page 2
4. Closing the sterile area, the closure area by using towel sterile (F) page 2

5. Given position should not interfere with circulation , respiration , do not

perform excessive emphasis on the skin and do not cover the area or theater
of operations (T) page 3
6. Condition cardiopulmonal monitoring was conducted on the functions of
breathing, pulse and blood pressure , oxygen saturation , urine input
bleeding etc . (F) page 3
7. The patient's weight is one of The important factor that must be considered
when adjusting the position in the operating room (T) page 2
8. For the intra- operative nursing does not only focus on physiological
problems faced by patients during surgery , but dont need to focus on the
psychological problems faced by patients .(F) Page 1
9. Recommended position Delivery and setting position into the operating
room generally include supine, face down, terdelenburg, lithotomi lateral
etc. (T) page 2
10. Cardio pulmonary condition monitoring should be carried out continuously
to see if the patient's condition is normal or not. (T) page 3
11. In general members of the team in surgical procedures , there are five
major groups. (F) page 1
12. Implementation of the surgery, before surgery Anesthesia then the team
will carry out in accordance with the provisions of surgery. (F) page 2
13. there are four important factors to consider when adjusting the position in
the operating room. (F) Page 3
14. Normally the pain experienced by patients with movement disorders ,
such as arthritis (T) page 3
15. In the Implementation of anesthesia to general anaesthasi by inhalation or
intravenous (T) page 2
16. Activities undertaken at this stage are all sorts of activities carried out by
nurses in the operating room. (T) page 1
17. To create an area that will be dissected free of impurities fat, skin and
reduce the microbe is the purpose of Receiving the patient in the operating
area before entering the surgery. (F) page 2
18. Nursing activities in general nursing activities performed during the
intraoperative phase includes eight case. (F) page 2
19. Standing by its clients and provide a touch during the induction procedure
one of Psychological support (T) page 4

20. Ensure that all the necessary equipment has been prepared such
as intravenous fluid, oxygen , number spongs , needles and
precise instrument (T) page 3

1. Synonim of dissection (surgery or surgical operation/ pocedur)
2. Painful vanished (analgetic )
3. Rontgent (x-ray)
4. Head potition is lower than pelvis (Tredelenburg)
5. Antonym of unsteril (steril)
6. synonym sharp (pain)
7. antonym of accident (safety)
8. To close the operating area (doek)
9. synonim of method (procedure)
10. synonim of lifespan (age)
11. antonym of sitting (standing)
12. Synonim liquid (fluid)
13. Synonim endoserment (support)
14. antonym receiver (delivery)
15. Synonim group (team)
16. who perform scrub and surgery (the surgeon and assistants)
17. To protect the hands of nasocomial infection (handscoon)
18. exposure (contamination)
19. The position of doing be born baby ( lithotomi)
20. Loss of feeling in certain areas you want (on a small area of the body)
( local anaestasi )

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