Howtheolympicsgotitsname 1

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How The Olympic Games Got Its Name

No one knows exactly how the Olympics was created, or when it was first held. What we do know
is how it got its name. The first Games were held in Olympia, Greece. So the name was adapted to
the Olympics. The Greeks wanted physical perfection and mental discipline. They believed that
excellence in those subjects honoured Zeus, the greatest of the Olympians. There is a legend about
why Olympia was chosen to host the ancient Olympics.
Zeus was battling Kronos for supremacy over the world. They were battling atop a mountain
overlooking a valley. After Zeus won, the people built a temple with a huge statue of him in the
valley. That valley was called Olympia. Soon, people began religious festivals there, to worship
Zeus, and to try and get their strength as close to his as they possibly could. It is believed that the
festivals eventually became the Olympic Games.
Some people also think that the Olympics Games are named after Mt Olympus, because they were
held in honour of all the Olympians, not just Zeus.

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