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News & Notes

Please remember these in your prayers: David Bugg,

Carolyns Uncle CD Thomason, Donna Malnatis father, Midge
Naipers grandson Desmond Napier and Midges Aunt
Katherine Dempsey, Mariah, & Rose Mullins. If you have
anyone that you would like to add to the prayer list please do
so to Nathan in writing.

White Pine
No. 17


With God

Date of interest: October 31st is a Monday. Those who can

please help set up Porch or Treat around 4:15 on Monday. We
will start handing out treat bags at 5:00 till 8:00. We will be
putting together the 220 bags after services Sunday night the
30th. I will have the treats counted out in either 220 or 440
piles for ease of filling bags.

Sunday School

October Birthdays: 26- Carol Hall; 27- Noah Champion



Weekly: The Words of Life radio program. WJFC 1480 AM,

102.9 FM
Find us on the Web today. wpchurchofchrist.weebly.com.
Pray for each other and the 100+ Bible correspondence course
students we have.


all things are possible (Mt. 19:26).

And Enoch walked (Gen.5:22)

but how should man be just. (Job 9:2)


For nothing shall be impossible. (Lk.1:37)

Wed. Bible

The same was in the beginning (Jn.1:2


For we are labourers together . (I Cor. 3:9)

Spank a General?
Gods little Devotional Book for Couples tells the
story of a ten-year-old boy who lived in Abilene,
Kansas at the turn of the century. On Halloween, his
older brothers were heading out to go trick-ortreating, but he was not permitted to go. Youre too
young to go out, his father told him. The boy burst
into tears, ran into the yard, & began punching the
trunk of an apple tree.
Moments later, his dad had him by the collar &
he got a good tanning. Afterward, he was sent to bed.
As he lay sobbing in his room, his mother came in to
offer this advice from the Bible: He that ruleth his
spirit is better than he that taketh a city (Prov. 16:32).
Those words, coupled with the spanking, stuck
with the boy. Sixty-six years later, General &
President Dwight Eisenhower wrote of that childhood
talk with his mother, Ike said, I have always looked

back on that conversation as one of the most valuable

moments of life.

Think About It:

One thing scientists have discovered is that
often-praised children become more intelligent
than often-blamed ones.
A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that
give you roses.
He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.
He who never quotes is never quoted. Charles
Hear instruction, & be wise, & refuse it not.
Prov. 8:33

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