7.3 Workbook Key

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Name Date Use with textbook pages 312-321. Radioactivity Vocabulary CANDU reactw~” neutron proton ~~ chain reaction A nuclear fissiow~, subatomic patiles 7 eneray/ nuclear fusion / sun induced niclear reaction” unstable 7 isotope/ Use the terms in the vocabulary box to fill in the blanks. You may use each term only once. 1, Nuclear Lissia. is the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei. 2. Heavy nuclei, ike those of uranium-238, tend to be unstable due to the repulsive forces between the many protons. 3. Nuclear fission is usually accompanied by a very large release of Cher 4 4 4 A_nucear ptactn occurs when an atom’s nucleus changes by gaining or releasing particles or energy. Atoms are changed from one _iSefepe- __ into another, producing different elements, 5. Ina nuclear reaction, Subatomic. particha , (e.g. protons, neutrons, and electrons) and gamma rays, can be emitted from the nucleus. 6. A nuclear reaction is_iAduced by bombarding a nucleus with alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. TA prota . te is the same thing as a hydrogen-1 nucleus. BA__neutven sin, has a charge of 0 and a mass number of 1 aA in reac blo, is an ongoing nuclear reaction in which some products go on to cause more nuclear reactions to occur 10. The Canadian deuterium uranium reactor, CAN DU reactr is used for nuclear power generation. It is one of the safest nuclear reactors in the world, 41, Nuclear busi is the process in which two smaller nuclei join together to make a bigger one. This process occurs at the core of the _Surt and other stars. 140 MHR+ Section 7.2 Nuclear Reactions (© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limites Name Date Comprehension Section 7.3 Use with textbook pages 312-321. Comparing nuclear fission and fusion 1, Complete the following table. Nuclear fission| ‘Nuclear fusion Give a description of the process. A mere-massive avelevs apis |2 smaller nuclei join te fae 2 of mse small nuclei | form ( larger nucleus What is produced as aresuttaf this [lets oF E neubons nuclear process? Padivachle 152 hopes, Lets of Energy eshons ‘Are the products radioactive? Yes Not usually ‘What is needed for this nuclear heavy, unsiable nucleus . + reaction to occur? a nevbon high kemp + pressuce ‘Where does this process occur? | Ie (abs, readers kha Sun Father stag Wweepans hyAregen bomb Give an example ofa nuclear it By atBy eee | ty 3y > me tly equation. on ag Uy ke Bian | we ate & E Identify the following diagrams as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Label the parent isotope(s), daughter isotope(s), neutron(s), and energy. fasion helusm AY © 7008 MeGrav-Hil Ryerson Limited Section7.3 Nuclear Reactions + MHR_ 141 Applying Knowledge Section 7.3 Name Date Use with textbook pages 312-321. Nuclear fission and fusion reactions Remember the following two rules when working with nuclear equations: I. The sum of the mass numbers does not change. Il, The sum of the charges in the nucleus does not change. Identify each nuclear equation (nuclear fission or nuclear fusion) and then complete the nuclear equation. Ltn + 73u 92 3 1 F1sslon 0 ‘ a + ia Fusion #0 3 W2vq Ge gl, FI95/0e 60 "33 0 a» 3 i von) 4. oie + Loom Fusl ns s tna U Rp + Bos asl, Fissi00 On 37 55 0 6 jue in Se + om. fusion Ad ce tn pm RL xe 4 aly F155108 0" * 100 e 54 0 2} 8 con 106, Fy gl, pissven) 39° Ss 0 oth 5,4 Me. Bot, FIssI0w 0 49" 43 0 @ co 10 tn Pye Tne 4 Mo a aly Fusslon) om 52 2 0 142 MHR+ Section 7.2 Nuclear Reactions (© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limites

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