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Natural Resources

Natural resources occur naturally within environments.

Natural resource is often characterized by amounts of biodiversity and geo diversity

existent in various ecosystems.

Human is a resource because developing his skill, he can develop other resource by
adding value to the physical material.

Is the sum total of all the physical, chemical, biological and social factors surrounding a
man may be termed as environment. Each element in the surroundings forms resources
on which the human beings depend, in order to develop economically and socially a
better life system.

Ever since the earth was inhabited, humans and other life forms have depended on things
that exist freely in nature to survive.

Thus a resource may be defined as any part of the environment which the human beings
utilize to promote their welfare. In other words, all means of satisfying human needs, at a
given time and place are called resources.



Fossil Fuels

Wildlife (Animals & Fish)

All these mentioned above are natural, and they exist in nature.

No human created them. We tap into their supply to survive and also to function properly.

Natural resources are all connected in a way. Therefore, if one is taken away, it will affect
the supply or quality of all others. For example, if water is eliminated from an area, the
vegetation, soils, animals and even the air in that area will be affected negatively.

Some resources are essential for the survival of all the living organisms like air, soil,
water, plants and animals while others are specially valued by man to satisfy his material
needs and desires such as minerals and fossil fuels. Thus, land, water, air, minerals,
forests, wildlife as well as human beings are resources.

According to F. Ramade (1984)

Professor of Ecology at the University Paris Sud

a form of energy and/or matter, which is essential for the fulfillment of physical, socioeconomic and cultural needs, both at the individual lands and that of the community

which is essential for the functioning of the organisms, populations and ecosystem.

Value of Natural Resources

Economic value- Production of things from natural resources
Legal value- Clean air, Fresh water, Healthy animal and human beings
Aesthetic value- Beauty of village, roads, ponds and their agricultural fields

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