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Temelyan 1

Temelyan, Edgar
Jennifer Rodrick
English 115
October 8, 2016
Negative Space
In the course of my life I have witnessed many different spaces such as, home, school,
work, friends houses, public, etc. The only incident that I can remember that my identity was
seen negatively by the space around me was when I visited Armenia. As I landed in the country I
quickly felt that I stood out in a crowd of people. I was born and raised in the United States,
which resulted in a difference in the way I dressed, spoke and communicated. During the next
couple of days on the trip when my parents forced me to go sight seeing I noticed how the
residents of this beautiful country saw me as a foreigner. I realized how the children my age were
laughing and gossiping about me just by the looks on their faces. This space made me feel as if I
was not accepted in their society. I noticed that this experience change me because throughout
the course of the summer trip I began to adapt to environment and so I began to, dress like the
residents of Armenia, speak in their verbal dialect, and behaved in a similar manner.

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