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erent ea: A German Cancer Therapy By Belly Gwyneth Morales toxic cancer therapy in ‘Germany draws the usual fire from orthodoxy. A British TV program featured five terminal cancer’ vie~ tims. One of the eancer vietins was Peter Newton-Fenbow whose predict- ed allotted time had run down to two months, maximum. He looked lke a living skeleton, had large blotches on his face and body, carried an inoperable tumor in his abdomen, and could barely walk on crutenes, Another of the terminal cancer vic- tims was Christina Skinner. She was dying of @ metastasised breast can- cer and had been told by her doc tor that her time had nearly run out_too, Dr. Josef Issell, a German doctor with a clinic in Ringberg, Germany. had been using a new cancer therapy since 1966, discovered by a Bulgar- ian biochemist, Prodan Christott, who had experimented successfully fon animals. Technically called F-16. the substance has been named CH: 28 by its discoverer. Through Neue Revue, a German pictorial review. Dr. Josef Issel learned of the five ins who had appeared an the 'V program as death candi- dates. Immediately he took the ne- “ssary steps to invite the cancer Etims to come to his clinic for CH-23 therapy, without charge. ‘Within four'months from the time ORGANIC Fruits @ Vegetables Honey Nuts Raw Cashew Pieces 5 Ib, $5.50 Unsulfered Jumbo Prunes 5 tb, 375 Organic Desert Dates .... 5 1b, 275 Figs Calimyrna 3b. 475 ‘Monuike Raisins sib 350 Unsulfored Apricots Sib. 735 Shelled Sunflower Seeds .. 3 1b. 4.0 Almonds, Walnuts, Filber(s, cor Braztls, shelled ...... 3 1b. 4.95 Pignolis 81, 655 Sesame Seed or Poppy eed 1 Ib. 1.50 Lib, 175 ‘Pumpkin Seeds, shelled Bvt ees et: 1B vas eet alee gare ean al DeMARTINI ORCHARD 665 San Antenls Road LOS ALTOS, CALIF, \Alfile west of El Camino Real) WHitecllFf 63738 that Peter and Christine started CH-23 therapy each was a “living testimonial, a living miracle." Peter, who had been in intense pain for over ten years, went skiing before returning to England, Christine Skinner has also return- ed to her family, but her husband, who was apparently healthy, soon died of a sudden heart attack, Now it is doubly important that Chris. Line's life was spared und the once killer cancer has instead apparently been killed by Dr. Issell's timely treatment with CH-23, Dr. Erich Berger of Klagenturth, Austria, had a patient 35 years old suffering with advanced cancer of the liver, metastasised to the Iyrph glands, Her name is Anna Schaefer, and she lives today, because her doctor agreed to try anything which might help to save her life, He sent for Prodan Christoff, the Bulgsrian biochemist who discovered and prov- ed CH28, to aid in administering the new ‘therapy. After just. three treatments, one ‘each week, Anna Schaefer's cancerous tumors shrank, and she was able to return home, This was in 1983 and today, after examination by three physicians, there is no sign or symptom of can: Jn 1964 a 58 year old woman trom italy came to Dr. Issell's clinic be- cause she was suffering from ine operable brain tumor, diagnosed by her physician as fatal. Within a few weeks after her first treatment with CH-2) the tumor could no longer be found, and she was discharged as well, to return home, She is living without having experienced any symptoms, although medical science will not consider her “cured” until alter five years without recurrence, which will be 1969, All of Dr. Issell's patients are also subjected to an intense detox: fication program in his clinic at Ringberg, Germany, They ure re- ly nutritious diet “reformed foods,” the German designation for the American equiva. lent of health foods. For these reas- ns, as well as for the “‘unorthodex"? CH-28, organized medicine” hae strenuously sopposed "Dr. Issell's work, in arrogant disrégard of his demonstrated successes with humar: ous cancer victims counted “expend- able" by these same orthodox practi- tioners, ie In spite of the professional pres. sures, ridicule and intimidation of other doctors showing interest in CH- 23, the clinics in Ringberg and Bad Relchenhall are filled to overflowing, The pilgrimage of once hopeless hu: man wrecks meets those departing, full of new life and renewed hope, and the waiting list grows. How long will the American pub- lic permit the sserifice of precious human lives, endure this needless suffering? One public official said, in an interview, that a cancer cure would ruin the US, economy! In Germany a “Committee Against Tyranny in Medicine" has been formed, In the US. Mrs, Cecile P. Hoffman, herself a former termi« hal cancer victim, has lived (through Luetrile) and formed ‘Cancer View ims and Friends” (International), 5825 El Cajon Blvé., San Diego, Cale fornia. It is non-profit and education: al, $9.00 makes you a member, plus the monthly Caneer News Jourmal, Pleise give us 3 weeks notice of change of addreee, Give buth old and new addres NATURAL LIVING We are the largest lay organization devoted to teaching natural: ving its entirety through the books of Dr, Herbert ML Shelton and other Natural Hygiene pioneers. Membership open {o all. Chapters ‘nation wide. Your Inquiry is invited, The American Natural Hygiene Society, 205 W. Wacker Drive Chieage, Ml, 60608 Le eee | ee Dr. Alice Chase taxches how to core rect bodily health. Periods of treats ment from four days fo a month, Natural methods, scientifically. op. Correspondance guidance whey possible. Moderate. fees. i Six chapter booklet $1.00, Seve ghigter NUTRITION FoR HEAL j DR, ALICE CHASE, D.0,, Ph.b, 16 First Ave, Nyack, New Yor nnd NE Bolaoa Oaie, Gartte, Pat rat i 2 sary a Rinnenbine Per exmpiote i Sen for ‘Aay 153"postage th ra \ HAHN & HAHN HOMEOPATHIC PHARMAG? 324 W, Saratoge St, Baltimera,"4 Seinen Mower ant Buta SP Herald of Health No! oF BO in ¥ VIRUS si lantice of asgmmetric shapes (left Cheasmers) tan be di tr la removed frerm Lean be ven specific function. The absence of gene No. 21 induces the fort mal heads that apparently contain no DNA or only very small amounts of it. Gene No. 31 contributes a “sohubility factor,” without which the major pro- tein derived from gene No. 23 aggre- gutes into lumps instead of staying in Solution and is therefore not available for the assembly of the capsid. Two of my students have demonstrated the ac- tion of gene No. 31 both in the test tube and in living cells of the bacterium in- ‘Ts BACTERIOPHAGE fs shown ychematically thas been deduced from micrographs such as the one at the top of 36 «being folded from: hexagonal 1 sehich groups of sx ehapes ished (dork shopes). 1a 6l-degree ¥ ‘lattice, the edger can be rejoined wit fected by the T4 virus. If ene applies the ‘product of this gene to cisrupted cells ‘that contain Tomps of the major virus protein, the lumps disappear. This test- tube result & confirmed wih a particular motant virus in which the product of gene No, 81 is inactive when it is formed ata high temperature but is activated as the temperature is lowerel. When cells infested with this mutant are incubated at a high temperature, the Iumps are produced; as soon as the temperature is Towered the lumps disappear and the b icouahedron, It ye 38, 1h now serme ay if two pyramidal vertexes of an iconahe: sturbing the fi of the shapes: « cone is formed and w hexamer 4 replaced by a pentaner. This illustration is based on a pate tern devised by D, L. D. Caspar of the Childre earth Foundation and Aaron Klug ofthe University af Cambridge Cancer Re redissolved product of gone No. 23 be- comes available for virus assembly The fact that the same major sub- unit can be assembled into atleast three morphologically distinct particles—the normal head, the short head and the polyhead=shows that the subunit de- rived from gene No, 23 is not fully shape-spocifying, In an effort to under stand how the head genes work we have ‘concentrated on the polyhead, which ap- pears to bea very simple variant. Flist wwe undertook to find out what order of wt the head capsid ip a hind of pr ICOSAHEDRON, built from the hexagonal Jat hexamer is converted into a pent virus shell For this lati, » regular ieo morphopoiesis its assembly represents To do so we made double mutants siruses in which the fonctions of two head genes were blocked by mutations, In cach case one mutation was in gene N 20 (the polyhead gene) and tid beets one of the other known head genes [sev Dottom illustration ow nex? page). The results indicate that polyheads are not formed without the active products of at least three genes: No, 23, No. 66 and No. 31. Since No. 31 produces a solu- Dilty factor, it © unlikely to contribute ‘were separated by two 10aceted “equatorial bunds” insteud of by the usual one hand (four drawings at “b), polyhedron with 20 fares and 12 vertexes, is ‘top of eppoite page), If the result is the smallest morphopoietic information. The other two, however, are certainly morpho- poietic. We cai say, then, that the mor- phopoiesis of polyheads is probably of the second order, with two independent functions carried out by the major pro tein of gene No, 23 and by the elongat- ing factor of gene No. 66, This compara- tiyely low order of morphopoiests of the ppolyheads meaas that we cast hope san to know in detail just what the factors do; then it should be possible to isolate snd purify them, learn their chemistry es the ieosahe: ron has three clases of teriophage capsid has oaly two clases: fivefold and twofold (c). hus 20 hexamers in wd Like the shell at has three ad woteld. lly attempt to assemble polyhesds inthe test tube, Itis already clear that the shape-speci- fing information cannot be very strin- gent. This is indicated by the wide va bility in the diameter of the polyheads and by the fact that various degrees of pitch can be imparted to the folded Iexagonal lattice of subunits that forms a polyhead cylinder, The piteh can be measured because the polyheads in a sample prepared for election micros. copy are flttened and two layers of rmanetry, however, the prolate bace 2 ‘ORF VIRUS, MUNVFS VIRU! 5! rate THe Wg . Lie ea pdt ee TLEVEN BACTERIOPHAGE HEROES ViRUS TVPULA IRIDESCENT VR INFLUENZA VIRUS & @ ng otek, sth imes, The Bve vl wry. The tobacco TIPULA raph hiridge and HERPES VIRUS. eters. The capsid a regular icosahedron containing £2 pentagonal RADIOLARIANS, jd be built up from 120 (or 240) small subunits. Ihave sheletons buil of POLYOMA VIRU Stoker umd 1A jected from through the center af each resent a second axis. Avid spokes pro. jected from the center through the mid point of each edge w axis, (There will be 12 comer spokes, 20 face spakes and 30 edge spokes.) If the icushedron is viewed along ‘the spoke at any comer, oe finds that the body ean be rotated in flew postions tout changing its appearance [we tup ilastretion on opposite of appearance. 1 is thus said arranged structural units resembling, tiny balls. Moreover, these balls are seen on the vertexes, faces. and edges of an icosahedron [see top illustration on this to consist of 12 cape arranged in ringlike strocty red from five sulsanite as ahown in d, Thiety such subunits w for n yields 252 us the mimber of mor. phological units composing the shell of the adenovirus partic For purposes of desertion (and to avoid the term “subunit,” swhich ean be applied to morphological, structural or chemical features) F shall adopt the re- 4 terminology saggested for the vari- ‘ous viral components [sve illustration at rude lejt on page 50). The morphalog- ‘eal units composing the shell have been i the name “capsomeres.” The shell itwif is the “capsid.” The region inside the capsil is the “core.” The outer m some viruses, is the “envelope.” One merit of the negative-staining technique is that the electron-dense max terial is capable of penetrating into ex- tremely small regions between, ard even within, the capsomeres. A stitking in- ‘of such penetration ean be seen in the electron micrograph of the herpes virus shown at the middle let on the p ceding page. (In man the herpes causes, among other things, “cold sores.”) Electron micrographs of the shadowed particle had indicated that it had the same external shape and sym- metry as the adenovirus, When the & viruses were negatively stained and stil further magnised., however, it eculd be seen on eluse examination that the eap- someres of the herpes virus, unlike those of the adenovirus, were elongated hollow prisms, some hexagonal in eross section and others pentagonal. In a number of particles the phosphotungstate pene- trated into the central region, or core, normally containing the nucleic acid. In these “empty” particles the elongated capsomeres stand out clearly in prodile at the periphery ofthe virus, and one cain see their hollow form and the precision Of their radial arrangement Fiom the micrographs the munber of omeres located on each edge was 1 total of 162 werpes virus, OF the 12 are pentigonal prisms and 150 are hexagonal prisms, To satisfy the packi igement in ae cardince with ieoxihedral symmetry, the 12 pentagonal prisms would have to be dat the comes and the 150 hexage ‘onal prisins located on the edges ot faces of the particle [see drawing at middle ht on preceding e need for lecper thar the symmetry. As early: geom: eters observed, there J 0 way to ar range a system of hexagons so that the will enclose space. But if pentagonal units ane ineluled with hexagons, 1 is possible 10 enclose space in an ahmost of 8 goes d to satisly

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