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I _____________________________ student Matrix No._____________
and NRIC_______________________ hereby declare that in pursuing my
I will undergo FYP I and FYP II (Subject Code: BEKU 4972 and BEKU
4984) as prerequisite subject in my Bachelor Program.
(Please attach the Project Proposal Form FYP-E1.1)

I hereby agree with the University that:(i)

I shall perform all of my obligations under this accord at my own risk and
releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the University from all claims and
demands of every kind resulting from any accident, damage, injury or death arising from
the carrying out of the Project and the University shall have no responsibility or liability
whatsoever in relation to such accident, damage, injury or death;
I shall indemnify and keep indemnified the University from and against all
actions, suits, claim or demands, proceedings, losses, damages, compensation, costs
(including legal cost), charges and expenses whatsoever to which the University shall or
may be or become liable in respect of or arising from the negligent use, misuse or
abuse of the Project Results by any parties whosoever.
I shall further indemnify, protect and defend the University and its agents and servants from
and against all actions, claims and liabilities arising out of acts done in t he performance of
the Project, including the use or violation of any copyright works or literary property or
patented invention, article or appliances.
I fully agreed and understand that:-


The University shall claim or assert any worldwide right, interest, title or any IP created,
generated or exploited by the students, in certain circumstances as follows:

The IP creates, generates or exploits by a team established by the university and

the students is only one of a member in the created team.


The IP creation, generation or exploitation is used or supported by the universitys

employees, materials, facilities, funds or any kind of resources provided and
obtained by or through the university per see.


The IP creation, generation or exploitation has resulted, due to the use of pre
existing or current IP owned by the University.



Where the University owns IP created from activities involving students, the University
will ensure that such ownership does not interfere with the assessment of the Students
academic performance or grant or award. The University reserves the right to place such
restrictions or rules on the disclosure, dissemination or other dealings with respect to any
work containing such IP for such period as may be appropriate for the purposes of IP

I declare that all information stated in this declaration form is true and correct.
I understand that at any time the information or part thereof stated in this
declaration is found contrary to facts, the University has rights and the authority
to take the necessary action against me.

Declared by:

Student Matrix No:

Signed before me:

Supervisor Name:
Official Stamp of Designation:


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