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Brand Centre Case Study: Network Rail

Enforcing brand consistency for

1 billion passengers in the UK

The Challenge

Network Rail wanted to achieve better penetration, understanding and uptake for their

The Brand Centre

brand re-design. In conjunction with their brand agency, The Partners, they wanted to

enhanced efficiency

implement a solution that would be evident as part of their consumer brand strategy.

and transparency of our

Network Rail operates, owns and runs 18 main stations on the UKs railway infrastructure

communications delivering

and needed a consistent, well-conceived brand image, plus to nurture & support a positive

a one-stop shop.

perception of their operation.

User specific tone of voice and

There was a web-based system in place

branding guidelines that can

that was used to store and distribute

be edited and updated quickly

their brand identity and its supporting

aid consistency and help

assets, but it was not equal to the

output better communications

broader task the redesigned brand set

at an operational level.

itself. To grow value through consistent

brand utilisation across Network Rails

Our suppliers can download

properties, they turned to Adgistics to

logos and images and learn

develop a Brand Centre solution.

how to use them through

the guidelines. Our station
officers print on-brand posters

in minutes. Its genuinely

revolutionary tool.

Adgistics developed a secure on-line Brand Asset Management system to store and distribute
Network Rail brand materials.

Catherine Rowson
Marketing Services
Specialist Government &

The Network Rail Brand Centre spearheaded the expression of their new brand identity and

Corporate Affairs

tone of voice. Integrating simple administration and editing tools, it enabled any authorised
user to exercise complete editorial control over the brand assets on the site. To further
enhance implementation of their new brand image, the solution effectively communicated the
core thinking behind the Network Rail brand. Having a tailored system ensured Network Rail
maintains a consistent level of marketing and brand collateral. The Network Rail Brand Centre
enables users to adapt and produce customised station posters and other brand materials
directly. Authorised users can produce high quality posters and other collateral to meet specific
messaging requirements at a moments notice.

They saw an incremental ROI increase in cost efficiency, timeliness and accuracy. One of
the major benefits of the Network Rail Brand Centre was to reinforce the trust in the brand
relationship with their millions of passengers. They generated additional tangible cost savings
by activating and publishing marketing assets from the same site that stores them. The brand
relationship is being strengthened by the fact that station communications are consistent with
the brand image, achieving high levels of engagement.

For more detail, please contact our new business team at:

The home of intelligent brands

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