EPA and PPPP Syllabus

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End semester examination portions

Public Policy Paradigms and Practices:

1. Basic Concepts
2. Commodification
3. What is Public?
4. Political Community
5. Public Policy
6. Public Administration
7. Neo-Liberalism
8. New Public Management
9. Institutions
10. Modernization
11. Role of policy studies
12. Rowing vs. steering
13. Networked governance
14. Policy cycles
15. Social Policy
16. Taxonomy of groups Olson
17. What is welfare state?
18. Critically discuss neo-classical economics
19. The economics of John Maynard Keynes.
20. State and Democracy
21. Political Parties
22. Governance

Ethics of Public Action:


Limits to liberty
Freedom of Expression
Democracy and Disagreement
Democracy and Disobedience
5. Deprivation of Human Rights

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