SA Steel Reinforcement Booklet

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B.S. BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6 PROJECT MANAGERS 48 Burton toe Dooertonern Shanmesburg 2094 0. Boe 18083 Doorsonien 2028, ‘eephone 402-1770 Telew'8 2221654 Telegram" Etlvent — } RECEENYE™ om NK/ mm ey 1985-04-10 TO ALL BRANCH OFFICES HANDRONK = REINFORCEMENT SECTION This new section dated 1984, is completely self contained and replaces Section 2 ‘Concrete Reinforcement Standards’ of our Drawing Office Manual’ dated 1980. Changes made to the Shape Codes (SABS 82-AM. 1984) and inclusion of new tables, as well as the new format of the R C Handbook prompted this edition. Please circulate this handbook and let me have your feedback or comment for future updates. Yours faithfully, BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC. NS A2p— NS _KNOTZER Encl. & BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS ING CONSULTING ENGINEERS [U) NAME ..-- + i 2 Curtailment of bottom bars siven by simplified | 2| drawing office handbook - reinforcement INDEX : DRAWING OFFICE HANDBOOK : REINFORCEMENT GUIDES FOR THE DETAILING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE GUIDES FOR THE DETAILING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE GUIDES FOR THE SCHEDULING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SHAPE CODE TO SABS 82 CUTTING LENGTH ~ PREFERRED SHAPES SYMBOLS TO SABS 0144 BAR DIA, MASS, AREA, PERIMETER BOND LENGTH TO SABS 0100 LAP LENGTH TO SABS 0100 FABRIC SHAPE CODE FABRIC DIA, MASS, AREA; BOND, LAP BEAMS : SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS SLABS : SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS SLABS : SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS. SLABS : SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS ANCHORAGE LENGTHS AT SUPPORTS. COVER STOOLS & CONTINUOUS HIGH CHAIRS MISCELLANEOUS: REINFORCEMENT 1: BAR TYPES REINFORCEMENT 11°: BAR STRENGTHS: REINFORCEMENT III : BAR DIAMETRES AND PREFERRED USES CODES OF PRACTICE USED IN THIS BOOK : SABS. ABS ABS. SABS 920 : STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 82 : BENDING DIMENSIONS OF BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 0144 : DETAILING OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE 0100 : THE STRUCTURAL USE OF CONCRETE GUIDES FOR THE DETAILING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE CALLING UP_OF BARS The sequence of description should be : number of bars, type of steel, diameter, mark, spacing, and comment on location. Thus the full description of @ group of bars might be : 20 ROB 63-150 T which means 20 round mild steel bars, nm diameter, bar mark 63, ‘Spaced at 150 nm centres In the top face of the concrete. This full description should appear once only, either in plan or In elevation. Elsewhere bars should be defined by bar mark only. BAR MARKS Bar marks should not have more than three digits, and are nurbered from 01 to 999. EXAMPLE : Y12 03, Y25 17, Y20 245. Identify bars of Liw sane mark but with varying length with Tethers within brackets thus : YL6 04 (A-D)-200 T. Avoid lower case letters as they may be confused with nutbers, also avold I end 0. The bar marks should Indicate the likely sequence of fixing, e-9- Luttun steel first, than etools, then tan steal etc. SPACING OF BARS Distances from 50 to 200 mm in 25 mm increments from 200 upwards_in. i nts. e.g. 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 350 etc. SECTIONS Sections through slabs should be taken looking to the left or towards the top of the drawing sheet. Sections through beams should be.taken looking left. Sections through colums should be taken looking down. Only bar marks are indicated on sections. THICKNESS OF LINES Thin Vines €0,25mm) should be used for dimension Tines and centre lines. = Medium lines (0,35nm) should be used for concrete outlines and secondary reinforcement. ~ Thick lines (0,5nm) should be used for main reinforcement. 1016) CRANKING OF BARS 1 The slope of the Inclined portion of a cranked bar should generally be 1 in 10 (1 In 6 MIN). The overall offset of the crank should be 2 plus 10%. ranks are _néeded for beam botton bi nd less. (Cranking of bottom bars is generally unnecessary). No cranks are needed for colum bars § 12 and less. Colum bars should generally be cranked at the bottom. BENT-OUT STARTER BARS Bars bent out of concrete as starters should not generally exceed 12m diameter Cuse mild steel only). HOLES IN STRUCTURES Holes up to § 250 or # 200 need not be reinforced. Larger holes mist be trimmed by add: bars. VERIIUAL WALL REINFORCEMENT Walls should be detailed in lifts to suit construction (6m max.) Vertical bars should be at least Y10 for lifts up to 3,5m; and Y12 for cages exceeding 3.5m. - CLIPS Provide clips in walls at a maximm spacing of 1m in each direction, but should be multiple of bar spacing. Clips generally connect the inner layers of wall reinforcement. STIRRUPS Use closed stirrups (codes 60 and 74) in beams only where specifically 0 required by design considerations, otherwise use open stirrups with ips (shape codes 72 & 35). RANGE OF BARS AVAILABLE a) Round mild steel : 8am, 10nm, 12mm, 16nm, 20nm, 25am, 32mm. b) High tensile steel : 10nm, 12mm, 16nm, 20mm, 25nm, 32m Cand 40mm by special order). ©) Maximm Stock Length = 13m (18 m by special order,addit ional expense, and delays). d) Stock Lengths : 9m to 13m in Im increments. BAR SHAPE Every bar should be shown at least once in full shape. I GUIDES FOR THE SCHEDULING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE 3. eo 5. Ke 6. ye Te 8. 9%. ul. 12. 13. Bending dimensions to be multiples of 5am. Cutting lengths to be multiples of 50 mm. All bar dimensions are measured externally. Concrete cover is given to outside of steel ~ not necessarily to. main _reinforcement. The angle between portions of a bar is assumed to be a right angle unless shown otherwise by means of offsets (Indicate the smaller offset only!) Bars bent in two planes are shown Isometrically. Use straight bars as much as possible. c horage. Shape codes are divided into two groups : i) Preferred shapes (Codes 20 to 86) 11) Special shapes (Code 99A, 998 etc.) Bare less then Ifinm diameter are sclwduled to a maximum of 6m. Dimensioning of bars is to SABS 82. Critical dimensions should always be clearly shown. i and_f¢ uter input only. Under certain circumstances where high stresses might be Induced, the standard radius may be increased to 7,5d. This change should be indicated by adding the letter 'S' after the shape code umber Cbut shall not epply to anchorages denoted by th’ or 'n'). Radil of all bends are stendard unless 'R! given in bar schedule. Use_shape code 99 for all non-standard shapes (es. 994, 998, etc.) and add a dimensioned sketch to bar schedule. TI aq BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS me(0)] CONSULTING ENGINEERS a) SHAPE CODE TO SABS 82-1976 (AM. 1984) 52, ae A ~ oT] =a" [51 65 | A j ae — | drawing office handbook - reinforcement T BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS | 85 RERGMAN & PARTNERS INC 1984 CUTTING LENGTH - PREFERRED SHAPES | HIGH TENSILE STEEL__BARS SIZE OF BAR. mm o 10 2 16 | 20 25] 32 40 HOOK ALLOKANCE, h igo | 210] 240 | 280 | 340} $00 | 460 BEND ALLOWANCE, A 130 [| 130[ 150 [130 [ 190] 220 |250 OTTING TENET TOIT INS TENET SRP | toe rast sree. MUD sree BEND _ ANCHORAGE : 3d (HT) zo fa A "2g (MS) a2 | a wh a4 Atn ath \ 35 At2n At? 36 (AFCHE FD, S70 BD 3 Ad CAFCHE 0,57 (BD 314d a7 [are wed ge aver Ee Te ore-Ad _ , 30 [At0, S1p+0-! [0 Sv 5 Bl 4l AF+BEC ere Ae ateeCtn A+BeCtn Ad A+) REDE AFD BECFE 45 (| Mec -2.5 | stared 48 AY BEC 7 AYBRE 4 1a fare Ape 51__| A¥8-05R-d A+p- 05R-d | Fe standard radius s_[aeproto—F, 82° 4 arBr0+D-6a Re speciat radius (generally 75d 53 | avpectors ~' Sf ABFOFOFE- 8d St At ete AeBRC-4d 55 AFERCHO+E- Sa A+BHCHDFE Bd 60 TAFE DAtB Hn [ae mC es__[A k HOOK ANCHORAGE [ara 2TH fre 388 ate 1 [Ore Due BOA eS [23820 D400 é 7_| APBRAZDFE AvBeCr20eE h ler 8 3S A+R" Se d ! | wm | AaBeOrO ae? BeC+D- Bi 4g (HT) ta i 85 + BtO,S#0- 5. O52 AtB+O, 570-3, EFL ‘3d (MS) L wo | SM ce - s34 20 Ema - 01+ Bf h = HOOK ALLOWsNCE MILD STEEL BARS SIE OF BAR, ma a7 8 yi0 | i2 | 16 [20 | 25 [32 [ 40 | HOOK ACLOAANCE. Ar t | 100[ 14d] 190] 180] ZO] 240] 790 [360 | BEND ALLOWANCE, ma _ a Too} 100 | 100] 129] 130] 150] 180/200 | drawing office handbook - reinforcement 2 8s DERGMAN 4 PARTNERS INC. 1984 SBS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS SYMBOLS TO SABS 0144 & - do a0rr0M oo B auoyest oF vor waters 0 TT SECOND HIGHEST OF TOP LAYERS ___12 LOWEST OF BOTTOM LAYERS B1 SECOND LOWEST OF BOTTOM LAYERS _B2 AEN Ace eee ee eee fap ae PP facut EW “TOGETHER _ _TOG HORIZONTAL Z _ _HOR VERTICAL aoe VERT eee eee ee NTS Mom somrywuos wick twin CCH L drawing office handbook ~ reinforcement ay BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS me(J) < 85 BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC: 1984 drmoing office handbook - reinforcement BAR DIA, MASS, AREA, PERIMETER aia | ass | AREA IN om? FOR NUMBER OF BARS wy lm! ft? tote ts ts fs fe | oda Tira [posseaple opt) tor (eta «||eamye |) ei) | far) ©) asz/m [5 4525 | asa) | “us. io Joi | 73 | 197 | 235 | are | gaz | amr | sas | 628 | 706 | 785 iz | oes | via | ze | 33a | 452 | ses | 679 | 792 | 905 [oie | tia 16 ae 03 | aoe | 1605 | 1207 | 1408 | 1809 | reis | 201 20 2,47 a4 628. 943, | 1757 1571 | 1685} 2189 asia | 2828 | 3142 as | aces | ag: | gz | 47a | rg | 245 | 2945 |a4a6 | 927 | atte | 4909 a [sar | eve | vos | ners 317 4021 | 4820 | s6a0 | aaa | 7238 | 4a ao | oes | 1257 | 2513 | 3770 | 5026] 6289 | 540 | e796 10053 1308 [12566 so |is.40 | 1963 | 3927 | sooo | rese | gar7_ [river havea [rs708_ eiz 12624 | pia | AREAS IN mn? PER m WIOTH FOR SPACING IN mm 7 (ony | 75 | 100 | 125 i015. roo | 225 | 250 | ms | 300 8 bi sos | 402 us| 207 251 as | 201 183 | 162 wf 17 | 785 | Bae say | aaa gr | ogag | att 25 | 262 iz | iste} 131 | 905 15¢ | 646 ses | 502 | 452 | aut | 377 1s | 2581 | zor | t609 | 1340 | veg | tos | e93 | eoa | 731 | 70 ao | aes | 3142 | asia} 2094 | 1795 | tet | 1396 | 1257 | naz} 1087 2s | 545 | 409 | 3927 | 3273 | 2005 | zasa | 2132 | t96¢ | 1735 | (1836 ao froze | e043 | eae | sas2 | 4595 | 4ozt | a575 | 3217 | 2925 | 2680 uo {is7ss 12586 ross | e377 | 71g0 | 623 | s5a5 | 5026 | asses | 189 so fasi7s_|igsaa_|rszo7 | 13090 _{uizna_|9617_| e726 | re5a_|_ri4o_| ses aio] ag | 64a | 515 aaa | 368 gat | 26 | an ma | 218 woe ra} i27e | ase | 787 sas | 547 ame | 425 | 396 | 358 | 319 waa v6) 2005 | 1571 | v2s7 | 107 | 78 75 | 69¢ | 626 | si | 523 wee 20] seas | 2577 | 2051 | t7t7 ~] azz | 128 | ties | 1030 | 936 | a8 20 & 25) 5367 | 4025 | 3220 | 2680 | 2900 | 2012 | ita | reo | t438 | 1341 ns 832] e6os | 847s | sieo | aaie | 3700 | 3238 | 2a53 | 2590 | 2360 | 2158 32 & 40}13733 10305 | (8243 689 | 5888 sis2 | 4580 | 412 3147 | 3825 TABLE OF SIZES, AREA, PERIMETER AND MASS = viawerer on | 8 10 12 15 20 25 2 ARE an? | _50 18 13 201 314 431 804 | remimerer om | 25.1 aia | arr | 509 67.9 | 78.6 | 100.6 11 | mss ke’a 10.395 [oer [ose | 1.58 var | 3.05 | 6.31 2,86 * NORMAL STOCK ITEM IN ILO STEEL GRADE ONLY. + WOT A NORMAL STOCK ITEM" BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS BOND LENGTH TO SABS 0100 1984 = = sreeL fcowsere | unén nrovnen| MINIMUM BOND LENGTH, mm it ae” |ewotereesy | | ao Tae | ie {m0 | 8] 2 20 a“ aso | 440° | 530_| 700 eo | 1100} 1410 z Bs ao | 320 | 400 || 400 Cea, | a00 [1009] 1260 2 2 me 210 | eo [aio | sao | soo | eso| 100 . = a8 au 250_| aio | 370 | soo | 20 | 760] 1000 é 0 2 230_| 290 | 350 | as0_| seo | 730] 930 2 20 a0 | 270 | 00 | seo | ano | coo [ru] ow 8 zg a af a | ae faa | ao | sao | eae] 00 ~ | é spe fe ase fae [are [aso | oan] 0 5 - [os mf | vee | ace [a0 | oo | sso | re | “ 40 20 eo | 200 | 240 | 320 400 S00] b4u 3 2. 2 a aaa | 4za_| 500 | 6a | eau | wuso] 1340 2 bes B 3m soo | 360 | #0 | 610 | 760 | 950] 1200 | Fo) Gee [pe af aoe faz | aso | sto] woo | 0 | 020 iS zis [os 3 70 | 300 | aco | «a0 | soo | 190] 800 = | 582 [a a | | a fad] aso | seo | ono 880 20 | a0 [aso | sao | v20 [soe | ice | 0 5 a [at | a00 | aao_| eo | oe | r000 | 1200 2 20 oe [200 | ae0- | aco | soo [ro | ooo] r1s0 a 35 32 260 | 320 | 380 | S10 540 00 | 1020 “0 ze | 0 [ase | 280 [a0 | soo |r| ae Fa sof za | ato | se0 | «a0 | ooo | rs0] seo 5 8 re 2 2 x | ase | 200 | 200 | aon | aan | emo] m0 & 35 ma | reo | 220 | 250 | ose | eo | sx0| ron @ af 10 | zoe | 240 | 220 | eon | soo] ceo _ fe. be as [a0 [co | seo [v0 | ooo | tra0| tee Z| S28 [Ts aa | ae [vee | ae0_| ao | oon | i000] r2e0 6 |) eee | as | 2s0 | se0 | «a0 | soo | 720 | so] uso 3 225 3% 3% zs0_[ 320 | a0 | 510 | cao | ovo] 1020 = | 582 [@ ze | x0 | a0 [350 [oan _| soo | 700] 200 £88 BERGMAN # PARTNERS INC dimoing office handbook - reinforcement 1984 ARTWERS INC c 9s Bencian 4 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS Inc CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAP LENGTH TO SABS 0100 = sreet | stress: eovcrere [sess MINIMUM LAP_LENGTH, mm See | ervcarim ouass Pomvimerses) | —g | to] a | te] 20] 8] wo [oso | oso [ooo | tio] 1300 a7e0 5 ‘a0 [soo {oo { soa-| sooo] 1as0| soo 2 aeo_| 40 | zo [eed {ooo | ros] 1300 S aso_| ao | aro | ceo | 10] sao! zie é se | ano [aso [sso | rae{ avo ne z san [aso | 390 | a0 | coo] roo] o00 = 5 io | asa | ago | 70 | sso] coo] o80 e 2 io | a0 | sao | 470 | soo] eso] 180 a 5 aia | 390 | 200 | 70 | sso] con] 7 aio | 360 | 200 | 470 san] fad] 790 aac waa [sao | am [wm | roca] rae0| 1000 Z 5n8- a0 | av | seo | 750 | 900 150 E| ore ear [oo | tf oe [am Ta & zee 30 | oa | «30 | soo | v40[ ooo] rie0 = nes so | aoa | aso | sso | cao | ean] 1080 a0 | aso | seo | reo | ooo] vise] 10 5 a0 | aoa | «ao | oxo | ooo] vovo| 1200 2 seo [ao [aso [seo | rao) sno] tse . aso | 400 | 450 | 550 sso | goo} 1020 © 2 a0 | 00 | os0 | oso | eso] mao | 980 20 2 x10 | aso | 300 | 40 | coo] rs0| 960 z FA ooo é gpa [ase Pee [ano oso |e [0 5 zs | 22 | ai | sso | seo | aro | sso] eso] a0 0 Fa aio | aso | ao0_| aro | sso] eso] 700 ,fe.tL 6 seo | aso | seo | 720 | ooo] a0] 100 B | Sgs | 0 aso | 400 | aso | e40 | ooo] ro00| 12so 2 | see [2s 36 aso | ato | aso | sao | reo] ooo] vise 2 eS 38 32 350 | ao0 | 450 | sso | sso] eo | 1020 | 7 nes ao 28 30 [ano | as0 | sso [sso] roo] oso drawing office handbook - reinforcement BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS FABRIC SHAPE CODE 34 41 b D shall be at least 24 I Ul Dy 38 48 {LU 5/% re IC |-“4 iN Range of Welded Steel Fabric Types which can be bent to code shapes: 1) All S.A.B.S. 1024/74 recommended fabric reference numbers 2) Any mesh spacing from 50 mm to 300 mm in multiples of 25 mm. 3) Any wire diameter from 4,0 mm to 10 mm dia. 4) In code shapes up to 7 m long. (Width of dimension to be bent ~ up to 2,4 m.) 4.05 BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC - 1984 drawing office handbook - reinforcement 7 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS . ISTANDARD FABRICS SABS 0144 table 24 l TOTAL piven oF Wines am DIA. OF wines an | ABSA OF BIRES: VguruaL ass ke/n?| NOKINAL rm FABRIC ane _ MASS L nr.” | wan | cross | main | caoss | main | cross | main | cross | kein? 817 200 200 | 10.0 | 10.0 333 | 393 3.08 | 3,08 8.17 300 200 200 | 9,0 9,0 sie | 318 2.390 | 2,50 5,00 395 200 200 | 80 8,0 v1 | 251 ver | 1.87 3,95 : 31 200 200 1A 1A 137 197 155 | 1,55 an 4145 200 a) 8,3 158 | 156 122 | 1,22 2,45 ' +193, 200 200 5.6 | 5,6 123 123 0,96 | 0,95 1,83 [ +100 200 mo} 4,0 4,0 oss | 083 0,50 | 0,50 1,00 m 100 200 | 10,0 mW ran | 197 B17 | 198 1,22 855 100 a) 7 sas | 197 | 5,00 | 1, 517 100 20 | 8.0 83 30. | 158 395 | tz | 57 | ! n- 43 100 20 | 71 6.3 ae5 | 158 a | az 4,33 | 4341 wo | 200 | 8.3 5,6 a2 | 173 745 aR a4 ae a8 190 200 | 5.0 5,5 mp | 123 1,93 | 0.96 7.89 4278 oo | 300 | 63 4,0 312 042 2,45; 0,33 2,78 42% joo} 6300 | 5,6 4,0 245 | 042 1,93 | 0,33 1,26 4133 100 zoo | 4.0 4.0 126 | 042 100 | 0,33 1,33 NOTE: THE STANDARD SHEET SIZE OF ALL FABRICS 1S 6m x 2.4m | © SEE SaBs 1024 7 + THESE FABRICS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN STAND. ROLLS OF 60m x 2, 4n INIMUM BOND AND LAP LENGTH FOR MESH SABS 0144 table 26 BOND, in | LAP LENGTH, a. ain. | hase Rae LENGTH DIAOF MESH, 1m LENGTH DIA OF MESH, em cn omy eot.sle.af7i] 6 Te | 10] cin otyfeo]s.]e.3 fife To [10 | TENSION 20 se e20]z0 or0|ev0 ao |sz0|se0] 72 | s00| 004s jsta[oeo eso lr20 | : 2 14 hrea eso zao|si0 sso eo0lezo] 56 | 900|210[250/«00 450 [500 [580 [ g 40 30 [iso|zr0fpao{270[a00/s40 [seo] «7 [300] s00[s10|s20]300|s20/s70 ' | SHEAR 20 54 [220 {s00fo¢o|se0]430|es0|seo] 58 | 300] 300|430]480|540 [610/630 EY] (mesh in E] Form oF 30 a2 [iv0l2ao|2e0)300)320) 300] 420] 2 _ | soo! soo] aa0l 701 420] 470|s20 2] -sminrues) | ; - | : 40 36 _[140| 200200] 2] 220] sn] ao] 44 | a0 200] 10] a] 350 00] a40 3 drmving office handbook - reinforcement 8 BS BERGMAN & oARTHERS IWC 1984 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS BEAMS: SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS sass oro WO[g: SIMPLIFIED CUATAILMENT ONLY APLTES TF: mp Bf EMS CAREY MANLY UFO. DISTRIBUTED Los cr o ONTINUDUS SEAMS ARE OF EQUAL SPAN NHERE CHARACTERISTIC IMPOSED LOAD 1 ES NOT EXCEED CHARACTERISTIC DEAD LOAD. 0.25 L le . [Morey koran £0.68 cast as use “Tl peman } T . CRF REOD osast || ie ozawin) |L a - |esioner IF 1 TI BaR IS RECO £0,3 Ast 0,5 COMPR. LAP. ISL poten =I font rs L EXTERNAL COLUMN RESTRAINT Ci | ae | !0,5 as) AS) EO3 Ast ! | | 0.5 compr uae poet ort] | i L SIMPLY SUPPORTED END aN | __0,25L. As? 5 1 | ‘ 4 Tas: —[ Jos comer LAP “INTERNAL SPAN : © BUT NOT LESS THAN 450 drawing office handbook - reinforcement 9 BS OERGHaN & paRtnens INC 1984 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS SLABS: SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS sass o100 L SAS ~ 1) ce | 9, ry Vn osas 1 |e mcs ZA eset C ore (LA L es SIMPLY SUPPORTED * UNRESTRAINED * ONE- OR TWO-WAY SPANNING | Ont OAL va ¢ I. 5 bs 054s ie (7 450: [NO 126 REC'D HERE 4, | TENSION LWP | [osas = osas__|T i) 0.08 feet eee SIMPLY SUPPORTED » RESTRAINED » TWO-WAY SPANNING @ BUT NOT LESS THAN 45¢ draiving office handbook - reinforcement Jo CS araGMaN a paNENS ine 1984 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS SLABS : SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS sats oo % osase oft | ase re et ve tL : tT A AL oan an} osass_| a2 [os cone we 4 L tener | wh | (015L) (.0,25L) t L i CONTINUOUS » UNRESTRAINED © UNE- WAY SPANNING (TWO-WAY SPANNING ) oh Ast P| : 1 | Tos ass sx] osm | | |! (loscuaur | sv [TENSION Ae. | | | | ogt =; 110,25 U7 ee ey CONTINUOUS * RESTRAINED © ONE-WAY SPANNING (TWO-WAY SPANNING) © BUT NOT LESS THAN 45 @ drmving office handbook - reinforcement Ul BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS SLABS : SIMPLIFIED CURTAILMENT OF BARS 55 | either or — 5 cOMPR_LAP C_ — greaterof 24 | . or 300mm \ : bottom bars’ optional CANTILEVER SLAB (eg bridges or shop cantiees) BUT NOT LESS THAN O56 drawing office “handbook - reinforcement 12| 88 BERGMAN & paRTNERS IC - 1984 BS BERGMAN & PAR CONSULTING ENGINEERS TNERS INC ANCHORAGE LENGTHS SABS 0100 A. EQUIVALENT ANCHORAGE LENGTHS: STANDARD ser 22 a STANDARD HOOK (MS) jo oe ‘i i BENO (HS) | START OF 00k F sorrz0u, . eae eee tt stayoasa fF eae if STANDARD HOOK (HT) Fst oF woe UTLEY NENORIGE TENETA rar = 2d BH. ANCHORAGE METHODS: AT SIVELY SUPPORTED G40 OF A HEBER EACH TENSION BAR SHOULD fy OME OF THE FOLLOWING ETHODS WHICH ARE: i) RELATED 70 THE & EDUIVACENT ANGHORNGE VALUE) OF THE SUPPORT = 126 STANDARD 820.) = 126 EXTENDED BOO_ DS) T BEND (HT) Zam festa RTA ERASE TNETA ew = 26 8 ANcoRED a ee TOUVALENT ANCHORAGE WACDE §i) RELATED TO THE FACE 212¢ STANDARD 8240”) OF THE SUPPORT +426 EXTENDED BEDS) No SEND Of HOOK SHOULD STAAT BEFORE THE & OF THE SUPPORT HIVACENT INCHES LE > 240 STAOAAD XK) 2154 SHAD HOKU) TT Lyte TER OF a+ 0/2 KE eran 0/2 OR 4d Face oF S908 brace oF swvonr 4) e) 1s CON BE SEEN FROM THE ABOVE, OLY MILO STEEL BENOS NEED SPECIAL CONSIDERATION, ALL OTHER BENDS HOOKS CAN BE STANDARD. drawing office landbook - reinforcement 13) 5 GERCMAN & paRTWERS INC 1984 CONSULTING ENGINEERS BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC ia —~ COVER shutter—~} “sf r ground “GENERAL COVER TO FOUNDATIONS SABS 0144 table 19 (part 1) & table 1 (part 1) MINIMUM COVER FOR VARIOUS EXPOSURE CONDITIONS”) COVER, az, WIN EXPOSURE | CONDITIONS (3) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE | 20 | 25 | 30 | 40 | 50 Miu 20] 20] 15] 15] 15 MODERATE 40) 40 | 30 | 25 | 20 SEVERE 50 | ao | 40 | 35 VERY SEVERE 60 | 50 wD © HiLo: ouoneRA |e severe: eveRr Seven (2) THIS TABLE APPLIES TO BUILDINGS. FOR ERIDGES SEE RELEVENT SPECIFICATIONS OF NTC, TPA, SATS, ETC. INTERPRETATION. PLASTERED ANO UNPLASTERED INTERIOR WORK SHELTERED FROM SEVERE RAIN AND NOT SUBJECT TO FREEZING WHILE SATURATED BURIED IN NOK- AGGRESIVE SOIL CONTINUOUSLY UNCER WATER EXPOSED TO DRIVING RAIN, ALTERNATELY WET ANO ORY AND SUBJECT TO FREEZING WHEN NET. SUBJECT TO HEAVY CONDENSATION OR CORROSIVE FUMES. BURIED IN AGGRESSIVE SOILS EXPOSED TO SEA WATER OR OFF-SEA WINDS OR ABRASION. dravving office handbook - reinforcement 14 35 nencMan 4 pantuens Inc - 1994 CONSULTING ENGINEERS BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS me(P 5] STOOLS & CONTINUOUS HIGH CHAIRS SIZE OF STOOLS sas 0144 table 9 DIAMETER OF STOOLS, am 10 2 16 HEIGHT RANGE, nn voo-300 | a10-s00 | 570-1000 TOP LENGTH,mc, MAX 300 450 600 FEET nn yoo | 150 | 250 SHAPE CODE 85 BARS SUPPORTED 2 20R 3 2083 J “SPACING OF STOOLS & CHC SABS 0144 table 7 NOMINAL DIAMETERS aaa eee OF BARS, DIAMETERS. |" High YiELD STRESS cee a TEE wiLg STzce | a 500 400 0 aND 12 600 500 16 AND 20 1200 vo00 25 AND 32 1800 1300 SIZE OF CONTINUOUS HIGH CHAIR, (CHC) 10 10 SPACING OF LEGS. om 400 HEIGHT INCREMENT, es 10 LENGTH OF CHAIR, a 4 teo-z00 400 10 24 DIAMETER OF LEG, cm 8 | DIAMETER OF TOP BAR. mt 10 e HEIGHT RENCE co er=50 oR SABS 0144 table 10 draiving. office “handbook - reinforcement 15 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS MISCELLANEOUS a DEDUCTIONS FROM BAR DIMENSIONS Be eet DISTANCE BETWEEN TOLERANCES (am) DEDUCTIONS CONCRETE FACES TYPE OF = = ia) ans STEEL FORMWORK [~ TOTAL™* [RECOMNENDED, 0 - 1000 STIRRUPS & $s $6 10 10 1001 - 2000 OTHER BENT 45-10 a 10 15 OVER ©2000 BARS +5 - 25 210 15 20 STRAIGHT 225 210 a5 40 an LENT me "THESE DEDUCTIONS ARE DONE BY DETAILER. %* BASED On LOWER LIMIT OF EACH, PLUS TOLERANCE BARS BENT TO A_ RADIUS NOMINAL DLANETER OF BAR, am ORITICAL RADIUS 8 | 75 10 3 n a5 16 3 20 1 25 u x 4 NOTE ENSURE THAT THE BENDING SCHEDULE SHOWS THAT THE BARS ARE TO BE BE 2) BENT TO RADIUS, 1.£ SHAPE*CODE 65, OR b) STRAIGHT, 1.£. SHAPE CODE 20 BUT "SPRUNG IN POSITION" TRANSPORTATION: FOR CONVENIENCE IN TRANSPORTING BARS, DIMENSIONS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING 2.5m _ 28S BERGMAN § PARTNERS INC. 1984 BS BERGMAN & PARTNERS CONSULTING ENGINEERS ING REINFORCEMENT I TYPE A TYPE B CZ TA SSS (© THE LETTER (OR LACK OF 1T) IDENTIFIES THE wie (©THE WUMERALS IDENTIFY THE SIZE IN om, £.8. WO = Onn BIA, 25 = 25am DIAL (© THE DASHES INDICATE THE QUALITY = nO ousHes TPES A,B AND ONE DASE | TYPE C CLASS (WOT GENERALLY STOCKED) wo pASHES — TPE C class 2 BZeZ22 BZ KE lL art DerORC COW WORKING AFTER (OLD WORKING STEEL BARS FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT sass 820 TYPE A YIELD STRESS WOT ROLLED SSE UP T0 20mm =750 > ) GRADE 3 MILO STEEL BAR TYPE B HOF ROLLED DEFORMED MILO STEEL BAR DEFORMED HIGH YIELD BAR TYPE D COLD woRKED DEFORMED BAR over 2230 CLASS 4 Me, STRESS = 410 TYPE C Nien? WoT ROLLED —~_ CLASS 2 Niewm? 0,25% PROOF STRESS = 450 a) GRADE ‘STRESS = 4650 drawing office handbook - reinforcement 17 [ S BS con BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC 0) SULTING ENGINEERS REINFORCEMENT _ II COMPLETE THIST T 8 NOR MORE THAN 14 TIMES THE HOM BAR. MILD STEEL BARS WOMINAL SIZE] YIELD STRESS ULTIMATE TENSILE | ELONGATION | GAUGE vensra| TPE Dia. uy STRENGTH a wea MIN wpa MIN Mim an uP TO AKD TCLUDING + TPE A 10 250 430 n sd oT ROLLED | 1? - 20 280 430 26 sd 5 0 430 26 sd OVER 25 230 439 a sd HIGH ~YIELD STRESS DEFORMED BARS NOMINAL S1ZE| YIELD STRESS ULTIMATE Tenstte |eLowosTtoN | caUGE LENGT DIAM. tty) STRENGTH ee = wea MIN wpa MIN MI an TYPE o 15% HIGHER THAN THE 4 CLASS 2 10 - 40 450 ACTUAL YIELD OR THE) 1p 5,65 A HOT ROLLED 0,.25% PROOF STRESS AS RELEVANT TPE 0 10 HIGHER THAN THE “| 10-40 450 ACTUAL 0,25% PROOF | 12 5,65 & colo WORKED SHES “A = EQUIVALENT CROSS SECTIONAL AREA. TYPE D COLD THISTED BARS, THE PITCH OF ONE HROUGH 360° SHALL BE NOT LESS THE WAL SIZE OF THE cs oERGMAN 4 PARTNERS INC 1984 | dieing office Iandbook - reinforcement SBS BERGMAN & PARTNERS INC C) CONSULTING ENGINEERS LJ REINFORCEMENT III BAR DIAMETERS AND PREFERRED USE | BAR DIAMETER (am one 8 [io [a2 | is] 20 [as [ae | ao WAIN REINFORCEMENT: BASES : coLUMKs acans sinus WALLS-INT. WALLS-RETAINING STURRUPS: COLUAS BEAMS FRAING REINFORCEMENT SPACER BARS : DISTRIBUTION STEEL: SLABS & WALLS 0S Gencman 4 paniurns ie 1904 drmving office handbook - reinforcement 19 SABS 0144 : DETAILING OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE QUICK GUIDE FOR USEFUL TABLES AND DIAGRAMS ITEM PAGE TITLE BEAMS 45 GENERAL, 56 CROSS SECTIONAL AREA OF STIRRUPS AT VARIOUS SPACINGS. 37 TYPES OF STIRRUPS 59 BEAM OF VARYING DEPTH 62, 64 MINIMUM STIRRUP REQUIREMENTS — MILD STEEL 63, 65 uy uv "> HIGH TENSILE STEEL 67 BEAM/COLUMN INTERSECTIONS 83, 84 CORBELS 85 HALVING JOINTS SiABS 90, GENERAL, 102 SPACING OF BARS 104 OPENINGS 16 CANTILCVER 120 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT COLUMNS 122 ENERAL 124 NUMBER OF MAIN DARS 0 127 FIXING STIRRUPS 128 LARGE COLUMNS 130 CRANKS 156 COLUMN STARTER BARS WALLS 131 GENERAL, 137 TYPES OF WALL, 138 POCKETS 139 SPLICES 14h CANTILEVER WALLS 147 OPENING AND CLOSING CORNERS STAIR- 158 GENERAL, CASES 160,161 TYPICAL MAIN REINFORCEMENT FABRIC 162 GENERAL 163, 164 TABLES 166 DETAILING 173, 174 BOND & LAP LENGTH OF MESH ECS ee ee 2 cae Le eee aT BAT) Preparation of ee ete Ce Tee Leeaiel Isc Saaa Diagrams L~A+B-G4Q The shape and details of bars for reinforcement of o conerete ate usually shown in line form with bernds ancl hooks, ofits, slopes and curves dlagrameticaly illustrated, a Reinforcing bars are bent to shape around formers ‘or mandrells of specified minimum radi (2 x bar diameter for mild steel, 3 x bar diameter for high yield steel). In Practice exact size mandrelis are not always avafable, therefore final bent radii will vary from one machine te another. They will also vary according to qualty of the stee! bar. Dimentione The accepted practice is to dimension bar she with a seiies of vera dh iiensions. The sum of meiwua COT Smo, dimensions plus alowaness for tundard end anchorsges”—/ Sp J {etelon) represent the O7A orcutlenath oftietar / 22 A per bend , : However, alowance maybe made inthe lenghtrea ulfference between sharp and actual curved bends. a SABS 82 gives this allowance az r f= | radius 4 bar diam, ie. (+ 4) for each 90° bend. 2 2 Band « , aowance Si A a Bend alowances for sandard anchorages are shown 8 in tables 3 & 4 of SABS 82. These must be adhered to _ hy efi ea eae te herd 5% Practical diffculies experienced in bending, TABLES OF BEND ALLOWANCES FOR HOOKS & BENDS Mid Steet Nominal size of bar, mm d ‘6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32, "40 ee ecrece es an 100 R160 0 a7 geo 290360 so once oan ere em OTE 100 100 1001 ae 129 EE aa ie 180___200 High Yiekt Steel Nominal size of bar,mm_d "6 = "8 10a, 0 se *40 Hock alowanee, mm hh 100 180180210240 a) ago 400480 Send n 100 1001301301807 199 220250 * Non preferred ses. IMIESA — MARCH 1989 a ‘Non Standard Bends Sloping elements and offsets Non standard bends with spectic radi fi excess of 100 Sree Roath calculated as distance between intersections ‘mm are generaly approximated by progressive kinking, of straight cane Ines (curve achisiment bigeye Shapes with sloping elements can be detaled in various ways, 1) Where overall dimensions only are teal /_#_/} SX} Stematively special formers wth radius 7,5 can be used : n powered benders for angle bands up Ww 45°. 2) Where both overall dimensions and slopa are ext Bending imitations _vy- fe VS SNE . ty yi. I fi? cored ieee hes pte The shapes above are difcut to bend accurately The shapes shown below are preferred, gfe . rm 4 minimum 124 a minimum 124 2 IMIESA — MARCH 1989 Bathe, examples shown above certain element dimensions are shown in brackets eg. (A) Set dimensions are used to determine total bar engine on Se.nat make alowance fr curve at intersoseeeat clments and the bender ull gve preference ht control dimensions or slopes, Multiple-bend bars ~ control dimensions shown below, on The above example is shown to ihistrate dimensional Soot, Generaly bars with more than 6 bends shoal! avoided, It's cbvious that a bar cannot be radiased right to the Sr of lenath and wil therefore end up as Kooaw ae Dat leaths atts ends of upto 300 mm. These rahe nats may be a problem when the bor Pred, Paes $0 on the inside of a crcular shuts. Provison Sl Be made therefore in determining the totd keh of bar to cut off the sraight end lengths, ater bentoe Three dimensional bars at shape 83 and pullout bars for satting in chases or rebotes are the only permissble shapes, SS pe BP GBMetOUs tolerances. In the case ot ‘SABS £35,1976: Amendment No 2:7 Mack 1984, the folowing table is included. Bending Tolerances 1 £3 4 5 6 7 Bending dimension PES 10812 16 & over Pus Minus Plus Minus Phas Minus Up © and ing tm 5 5 5 1 10 1 Ove Imupioinc 2m 5 10 19 Over 2m 10_20 m2 20 os Dimension for Concrete Cover There are generally two types of stipulated cover to reinforcement a) Cover for exposure 2) Cover for fire Ruinlorcing separately, the reinforcing drawings should lefining cover as follows: QOVER IS OVER ALL BARS INCLUD ‘STIRRUPS AND SECONDARY. REINFORCEMENT. {Gltances for bending of reinforcement (or above) and for form work, ay SABS 1200 6 Toso) Correct positioning of formwork Position of formwork at half mas, minus tolerance Position of relan. at half max, plus tolerance r Correct position of rete Roter to SABS g2 {or tolerance in bending Refer to SABS 12006 ‘or tolerance in formwork Deduction for cover = Min® cance cons +a reinforcement tokrance + 72 concrete lore, Transport Hmitations Due to platform width and length of transport O/A

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