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After devouring this volume, stay tuned for the next, featuring brand new magical mojo

for your Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel roleplaying games, as well as the first in a
series of articles detailing a brand new setting.


Volume 2 of the ESP supplement series features:

Dead Ops, James Wilber's much anticipated AFMBE scenario.
The Apes that Time Forget, a Terra Primate Apeworld by Gerry Saracco.
Crossover rules from Jason Vey combining vampires from the cinematic
and classic Unisystem game lines.
Rules for expanding your vampires tales from Alessandro Gandini and
Peter Trueman.
New zombies to spread the love from Andrew Ferguson.
A Tommy Brownell article on vamps gone good for the Buffy the Vampire
Slayer and Angel roleplaying games.
Background on the cover-image Scepter of Penance by Charlie Von


Welcome to the second volume of Eden Studios Presents

(ESP). This issue focuses on the dead and loving them.
Vampires, vampyres, zombies, and apes forgotten by time can
be found between these covers! If you love the dead, this issue
is all for you.

ESP is an ideal showcase for both new and known authors, giving everyone the potential
to be a part of the Eden team! Eden realizes there are a great many quality unknowns
out there and wants to give them the opportunity to shine. Veteran writers are also welcome, providing solid groundwork for gamers to use, spindle, and mutilate. Whether you
are a up-and-comer, an oldtimer, or just a fan, you'll find new and interesting Unisystem
material in each book.

So, what are you waiting for?


ISBN 1-891153-66-8


Buffy the Vampire Slayer & 2005, ANGEL & 2005. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem Game System 2005 CJ Carella. The Unisystem is used under exclusive license.
2005 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.


$15.00 (U.S.)

After devouring this volume, stay tuned for the next, featuring brand new magical mojo
for your Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel roleplaying games, as well as the first in a
series of articles detailing a brand new setting.


Volume 2 of the ESP supplement series features:

Dead Ops, James Wilber's much anticipated AFMBE scenario.
The Apes that Time Forget, a Terra Primate Apeworld by Gerry Saracco.
Crossover rules from Jason Vey combining vampires from the cinematic
and classic Unisystem game lines.
Rules for expanding your vampires tales from Alessandro Gandini and
Peter Trueman.
New zombies to spread the love from Andrew Ferguson.
A Tommy Brownell article on vamps gone good for the Buffy the Vampire
Slayer and Angel roleplaying games.
Background on the cover-image Scepter of Penance by Charlie Von


Welcome to the second volume of Eden Studios Presents

(ESP). This issue focuses on the dead and loving them.
Vampires, vampyres, zombies, and apes forgotten by time can
be found between these covers! If you love the dead, this issue
is all for you.

ESP is an ideal showcase for both new and known authors, giving everyone the potential
to be a part of the Eden team! Eden realizes there are a great many quality unknowns
out there and wants to give them the opportunity to shine. Veteran writers are also welcome, providing solid groundwork for gamers to use, spindle, and mutilate. Whether you
are a up-and-comer, an oldtimer, or just a fan, you'll find new and interesting Unisystem
material in each book.

So, what are you waiting for?


ISBN 1-891153-66-8


Buffy the Vampire Slayer & 2005, ANGEL & 2005. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem Game System 2005 CJ Carella. The Unisystem is used under exclusive license.
2005 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.


$15.00 (U.S.)

Credits Table of Contents

Eden Studios

Volume 2

From the Editor

by Derek Stoelting

Cover Shot: The Sceptor of Penance

by Charlie Von Eschen

Cinematic Vampyres
by Jason Vey

Light Sleepers
by Alessandro Gandini

Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

by Peter Trueman


When Bad Vampires Go Good

by Tommy Brownell


The Apes that Time Forgot

by Gerry Saracco


Fresh Flesh
by Andrew Ferguson


Dead Ops
by James Wilber


Editing and Proofing

by Shari Hill, Daniel Holmes, M. Alexander Jurkat, Derek Stoelting, Jason Vey
Cover Art
by Carlos Samuel Araya

Interior Art
by Travis Ingram, Cary Polkavitz, James Powers, Gregory Price

Graphic Design and Art Direction

by George Vasilakos
Special Thanks
To Evin and Ray, for the last minute brain-fest. To Shari, for making sure Im right, when I try my
hardest to be wrong!
Produced and Published by Eden Studios
6 Dogwood Lane, Loudonville, NY 12211

Buffy the Vampire Slayer & 2005, ANGEL & 2005. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The Unisystem Game System 2005 CJ Carella. The Unisystem is used under exclusive license.
2005 Eden Studios. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for review purposes.
Any similarity to characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) is strictly fictional
or coincidental. This book uses settings, characters and themes of a supernatural nature. All elements, mystical and
supernatural, are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Comments and questions can be directed via the Internet at
via e-mail to or via letter with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
First Printing, January 2005
Stock EDN5501 ISBN 1-891153-66-8

Volume 2

Printed in USA

Letter from the Editor

A Brief Note from Derek Stoelting,

Editor of Eden Studios Presents
Most of us only get to experience the first two. Unlucky others get to have fun with the third. This second
volume of ESP introduces you to those who haunt the night, searching for love, blood, or brains.
This volume starts out with a Cover Shot by Charlie Von Eschen. He went to the depths of a soul (luckily not his) to bring you this item of power. Jason Vey picks up the brain and takes it through a piece covering the use of WitchCraft Vampyres with those found in more cinematic settings. Alessandro Gandini and
Peter Trueman keep the blood flowing with their furthering of vampiric powers, including a few life suckers you dont want to meet in a dark alley! Tommy Brownell follows them up with some vampires you may
want to delay dustingafter all, even old vampires can learn a new trick or two. We sneak in an Apeworld
from Gerry Saracco to put a stake in the vampire articles. Next, Ferg supplies all you zombie (masters)
with some Fresh Flesh, because Fresh Flesh is the Best Flesh. Finally, James Wilber shoots us in the brain
with his long awaited AFMBE scenario, Dead Ops. We had to trim Dead Ops down to fit in here! So, expect
to see web expansion material at to further your zombie survival.
For those not familiar with the, let me introduce you. Soon after I got my damned,
dirty paws on the first printing of AFMBE I started up a fan site for the game. Some of you may remember
it. I called it Spreading the Love. Some of my material appeared, but most of it belonged to other fans of
survival horror with zombies. Why not much from me? Honestly, I love working with authors. I love helping them develop their work.
A few years later, Alex Jurkat and George Vasilakos got in touch with me. They knew of Spreading the
Love. They also knew me from my helping them at major conventions. I would run demo games for Eden
and help at the booth when they needed breaks of sanity. Well, it turned out they were sitting on a load of
fan material that they didnt have time to handle. They wondered if I could take it off their hands and host
it online. I said, Sure, send me some loving and thus was born the Garden of Eden.
More recently, Ed Spade has taken over the official fan site for Eden games. Check out his work, and others, at All hail Ed!
Following up on the initial success of the Garden of Eden, Eden Studios decided to produce a journal of
fan supplied material. Once again, George Vasilakos and Alex Jurkat got in touch with me. They had previously asked me to head up the Book of Archetypes project for the AFMBE game line and were curious to see
if I could undertake a new project. That new project now rests in your hands at this very momentEden
Studios Presents.
Now, back to the subject matter.
Most companies wait until Halloween to publish a book on the undead. Not Eden Studios. (Ministry song:
Every Day Is Halloween?) Why wait to get to the good stuff? If you dont have a vampire, zombie, or ape
in your game, you must be doing something wrong!
Arent you?

Eden Studios Presents

Cover Shot: The Scepter of Penance

Cover Shot: The Scepter of Penance

The Scepter of Penance is all that remains
of Henri Solon. Henri was a Vampyre with
both the Magus and Wither abilities (Mystery
Codex, pp. 104-107). He had been a
Rosicrucian seeking ever-greater power and
delved into the forbidden paths of Sadicas.
After his covenant hunted him down and
took his life to stop the evil he had become,
he experienced the Unbirth of the Undead.
His magical talent was stripped away in the
Threshold while escaping the Grim Reapers,
but his taste for misery and his tainted ways
of gathering power were amplified.
Revenge against those who had spurned him
consumed him and his plans were rapidly set
in motion. Few sorcerers can stand up to the
unexpected assault of a Vampyre who knows
its victims every habit.
Whitmore Thomas was Henris last target,
the leader of the covenant. Away on business
the week after Henri was brought to justice,
the Vampyre satiated its desires with the
Thomas family, Maria and the three children.
He drained them of life so completely, they
appeared to be aged dolls of themselves.
Staging an elaborate scene to welcome
Whitmore home, Henri waited for his final
revenge. Unfortunately for Henri, Whitmore
Thomas was rather more than the
Rosicrucian he appeared to be, he was a
researcher of both Magic and the Sight and
had achieved enlightenment. In his grief and
rage, he discovered darker abilities that
would enable him to quench his thirst for
vengeance on Henri. He used these horrid
abilities to strip away every last shred of
Henri Solon, leaving only one tibia, filled
with feelings of terror and a re-stitched version of Henris abilities. Regaining his senses, Whitmore banished himself to the
Sephiroth of Chesed, to hunt fiends until his
rage was slaked. It is said that he still pursues
that goal. Those that know the story almost
feel pity for the fiends that cross Whitmore
Thomas path.

Volume 2

The Scepter of Penance

Classic: The scepter is a repository for the Magus and
Wither Vampyric powers from the Mystery Codex. They
may be initiated through a Simple Willpower Test. Failure
on the Test causes the holder of the scepter to feel a moment
of Henris dying terror and pain, losing D10 x 2(10)
Essence and Endurance points in addition to D10(5) Life
Points. Success means the wielder may use the active forms
of those powers, draining either the targets Essence
Channeling in Essence points or the wielders Willpower
score in Essence points, whichever is greater. If the wielder is attacked by an Invocation, a Difficult Willpower Test
allows him to absorb the Essence expended in the
Invocation without harm. If used as a weapon, the scepter
does damage as a Vampyres claws according the to
Manipulations of the Flesh chart in Mystery Codex. Use the
wielders Willpower score.
Cinematic: The scepter provides protection from others
sorcery and power. By winning a resisted Willpower (doubled) roll, the wielder absorbs the potential spell casting
from the target. The wielder gains additional Sorcery castings without penalties for that day for each spell absorbed.
The attackers Sorcery is affected as if she had just quick
cast a spell (next spell cast is at 2 per number of times
drained by the scepter). Used as a weapon, the scepter does
Willpower plus Sorcery level in damage. Using the Scepter
to power ones sorcery is likely to cause magic addiction
over time.

The Moroi

The Moroi
WitchCraft-Style Vampyres in a Cinematic World
by Jason Vey


The Strigoi and Moroi

A very interesting possibility for exploring noncanon ideas in a cinematic Unisystem game is the
combination of elements from Edens other supernatural games, WitchCraft, All Flesh Must Be Eaten,
and Armageddon. Inserting the creature types, varied organizations, and mythologies from these two
games can make for a fascinating, if unorthodox
campaign. Imagine a super-powered demon fighter
trapped in one of the Deadworlds from All Flesh
Must be Eaten. Better yet, how would the organizations in your cinematic world deal with the appearance of the Rosicrucians on the scene? Or the
Twilight Order? Or even better. . . the Iscariots?

While it is extremely rare, it is possible for a standard vampire to regain their human soultheir identity, conscience, and sense of self from their days as
a mortal. Gypsy curses and demonic quests are two
possibilities, but there are plenty more means to
accomplish this. However, what if there is another,
slightly more common means of vampires possessing souls? What if there are those who possess the
significant strength of will to hold on to their
humanity, or at least some spark of it, when they are
sired? These creatures could then go on to make
more like them, undead leeches who feed on the life
force of mortals just as standard demonic vampires,
but who still possess a sense of right and wrong, and
the free will to pursue one or the other? If these creatures exist, there are then two breeds of vampire
walking the earth: demonic (or dead) vampires,
the Strigoi; and living Vampyres, or Moroi.

Of course, this brings up unique logistical problems. Of particular interest are the integration of the
WitchCraft versions of certain supernatural creatures: demons, Vampyres, and ferals among them.
Zombies are described in existing cinematic
Unisystem sourcebooks and are really just another
kind of custom flesh-eater, easily compatible with
any All Flesh Must be Eaten or WitchCraft zombies
that might be used. Demons are not overly difficult:
these are far more powerful than your typical cinematic Unisystem demon. Ferals, too, are not much
different from those presented in the cinematic
Unisystem books, just more detailed and fleshed
out. Not much of an integration problem there.
Vampyres however, present a singular challenge.
Vampyres in WitchCraft are extremely different
from those in cinematic Unisystem products, and
are entirely reliant upon Essence for their special
abilities and very survival. Since Essence does not
exist in some Cinematic Unisystem games, how do
we convert these creatures to make them work?
Further, how do we justify their existence opposite
whatever vampires may already be in that particular
setting? Read on.

The Moroi are quite rare compared to Strigoi, as

they are far less likely to sire (they refer to the
process as embracing or bringing across) others
out of vengeance, spite, or for mere cannon fodder.
Moroi tend to sire out of very strong emotions, be
they the desire to hold someone very dear to them
close for all eternity or the drive to punish those they
hate with the curse of immortality. Strigoi sire for
these reasons as well, but also tend to sire at a whim
or out of sheer fascination with a subject. Thus,
Strigoi are a plague compared to Moroi, who tend to
stay low-key and pursue their ends privately.
The Moroi view the Strigoi as base and disgusting
creatures, little more than animals exhausting a food
supply with no thought to the eventual consequences. As such, Moroi sometimes use their unique
ability to enter the Death Realms to thwart the siring
process of a Strigoi, by dragging the departed soul of
a victim back, and forcing it to coexist with the
demon inside, or even driving out the demon. This
results in the creation of a new Moroi rather than a
demonic vampire. More often however, a Moroi
who is present at a demonic siring simply attempts

Eden Studios Presents

The Moroi

to kill the new vampire and its sire rather than risk
failure or the creation of a flawed Vampyre.
Strigoi view the Moroi as pompous pretenders
who refuse to simply accept what they are, and there
have been times where small armies of Strigoi were
sired to wipe out a few Moroi. The war between the
two species of vampire has lasted for millennia, with
each species claiming to be the first, original, and
true vampire. Unfortunately, the Moroi are on the
losing end of this eternal war. Their human souls
refuse to allow them to create the army of cannon
fodder that the remorseless Strigoi are willing to
expend, and the Moroi know this. As such, most
Moroi in the modern era are content to keep their
numbers low, their existence secret. Indeed, it has
been so long since a battle broke out between the
Strigoi and Moroi that most elder Strigoi have forgotten the existence of their soul-bound cousins.

Moroi Existence
Moroi are more communal in nature than Strigoi,
and where groups exist, they function smoothly.
This differs from Strigoi, who have a pack mentality whereby the strongest tends to lead, solely by
virtue of his ability to overpower his underlings.
Unfortunately, the comparative rarity of Moroi generally holds such groups to minimal numbers. The
most notable societies to include Moroi are the
Twilight Order, the House of Thanatos, and the
Iscariots (detailed in WitchCraft, Mystery Codex,
and Abomination Codex respectively). Moroi have
been members of many secret societies through the
ages, though most of the time these creatures keep
their true nature hidden for fear of being murdered
due to a lack of understanding by their human companions.
The life of a Moroi is a lonely and sad one. The
vast majority of Moroi spend years, decades, even
centuries of existence searching for the meaning of
what they are, the reason why they still walk the
Earth and havent passed on to some sort of
Afterlife. Even those Moroi who exist out of a voluntary decision to become what they are often regret
the decision as years turn into decades, and decades
into centuries, without any comfort or companionship to see them through.

Volume 2

The Moroi

Moroi relationships are often shallow and shortlived, as these immortal creatures find it increasingly difficult to watch mortals they come to care for
grow old and die while they never change. Those
who do learn to cope with their endless, unchanging
existence often become harsh and unfeeling. Still,
there are those Moroi who manage to maintain both
their humanity and passions, and cope with immortality at the same time. These are some of the most
powerful and potent champions of light in the world.
It cannot be stressed enough that Moroi are
extraordinarily rare among the vampire population.
Sheer numbers and brutality keep the Strigoi holding the upper hand in their eternal struggle, and the
Moroi prefer to live in peace with humankind generally. Moroi villains are cold, calculating, and
incredibly ruthless, often dominating packs of
Strigoi from behind the scenes, like a criminal mastermind dispersing his pawns, to the eternal detriment of the heroes. Such a monster would make an
extremely formidable Big Bad for a series, particularly if one of the players happens to be running a
Moroi Cast Member.

Moroi and Feeding

Lest you begin thinking that Moroi are the fluffy
puppy dogs of vampirism, be assured that they feed
off of the life essence of human beings just like
Strigoi do. In some ways, Moroi are worse, as they
cannot simply exist on the blood of animals.
However, while Moroi must feed on human beings
to survive, they need not kill their victims to do so.
Moroi must purchase a Power or Vulnerability that
represents their means of feeding (Blood Addiction
is the most common) and can only regain Life
Points through this feeding process. In many ways,
this makes the existence of a Moroi even more tragic, for they have a soul and thus, the means to feel
remorse over their parasitic nature. Yet they are
bound to it.
Vampyres regain one Life Point for every Life
Point they drains through methods that inflict physical harm, such as blood drinking or Withering.
Damage inflicted in Life Points is equal to the listed
Essence point damage in the book. These attacks
heal as any other normal damage heals (generally,
Constitution per day unless the victim has some sort
of regeneration ability).

Eden Studios Presents

Example the First: Drake, a Moroi with a

Constitution 6, is shot by a 9mm handgun. The
handgun normally deals 12 points of damage;
against a normal human, this damage would be
modified by Success Levels and then doubled, for a
minimum of 26 (12 + 1 for Success Levels, doubled
for damage Type). However, against Drake the
weapon deals only half the base (round down;
Success Levels still count). Therefore, he would suffer a minimum of seven points of damage (half of 12
is six, plus one for Success Levels). Worse, at the
end of the round he heals his Constitution level in
Life Points back from that damage. With his
Constitution 6, that handgun shot is barely going to
scratch him.

Playing a Moroi

Example the Second: After Drake sucks up the

shot from the handgun, a witch nails him with a
Soulfire blast that deals 15 points of damage. Drake
takes the full 15 points of damage, and can only
regenerate if he feeds. A few more blasts like that,
and Drake is only a threat to a vacuum cleaner.

Playing a Moroi is not much different from playing a Strigoi, or standard cinematic Unisystem
game vampire. Moroi is a Quality that gives players
access to a set of special abilities and powers beyond
those of normal humans. The details of this Quality
are as presented in Mystery Codex (see pp. 32, 97).
This article explores the differences and modifications that must occur to transport such creatures into
a setting where Essence does not exist.
In cinematic Unisystem, rather than keeping track
of Essence and Life Points, Moroi gain a particular
vulnerability to certain types of attacks, and a particular resistance to others. They also lose their standard regeneration against attacks to which they are
vulnerable. All attacks that harm supernatural creatures can kill a Moroi; if an attack deals Essence
damage in the classic Unisystem, it deals full Life
Point damage to Moroi in the cinematic. Life Points
lost to attacks that exploit the weaknesses of a Moroi
are only regained through feeding, described below.
Thus, magical attacks such as Soulfire (see
WitchCraft, p. 222) are particularly potent weapons
against Moroi. In addition, all standard weaknesses
of Vampyres as listed in the Mystery Codex deal Life
Point rather than Essence damage to Moroi in the
cinematic Unisystem. Slash/stab attacks deal only
half of their normal base damage (and do not double) against Moroi; further, the Moroi regenerates
damage from such attacks at the rate of one point per
Constitution level per turn.

Volume 2

The Moroi

Use of other means of feeding, such as Muse or

sexual stimulation gives the Vampyre one Life Point
back for every two Life Points she inflicts upon her
victim. However, human vessels recover from
attacks that do not inflict physical harm at the rate of
one Life Point per Constitution Level per hour,
unless the attack kills the victim (reduces them to
10 Life Points or less). While less efficient, these
methods of feeding are far less lethal and some
Moroi prefer them as a result. In fact, the standard
method of feeding listed in the Mystery Codex (see
p. 99) that allows Vampyres to feed on strong emotions becomes a 12-point Quality in the cinematic
Unisystem (see p. 8).

This requires a bit of bookkeeping on the part of

the player and Director, but is the easiest solution to
the problem of Essence. Likewise, rather than
spending Essence to maintain their bodies, Moroi
must spend Life Points, which also do not replenish
without feeding. The cost to maintain ones existence costs the same in Life Points as the Essence
point costs in Mystery Codex (see p. 102). However,
on the up side, it does not cost Life Points for a
Vampire to use their Manipulations of the Flesh
abilities, or any special powers which they purchase
using Quality or Metaphysics points. Rather, these
powers function off the Morois Willpower and
Vampyric Focus roll.

Vampyre Powers
Moroi gain access to a number of special powers
that Strigoi do not have. These are the Powers and
Qualities, Drawbacks and Vulnerabilities listed in
the Mystery Codex (see p. 103). Many of these powers refer to the means of feeding by the Moroi. In
cinematic Unisystem games, every Moroi is
required to purchase a mode of feeding; no Moroi
can simply feed from any old strong emotion.
Others are special abilities that Moroi gain access to
because of their supernatural natures. Activating a

The Moroi

power requires rolling Willpower (doubled) against

the power level of the ability in Question.
Optionally, the Moroi may purchase a four point per
level Quality, Vampyric Focus. This Quality works
similarly to Sorcery or the Necromancy skill and
adds to the Willpower roll to activate Vampyric powers. Each ability is also a separate Quality, with the
costs as listed in Mystery Codex. The power level of
an ability is equal to the Essence cost required to
activate the ability.

New Qualities
Emotion Feeder
12-point Quality
Prerequisite: Moroi (Vampyre)
This Quality is the standard method of feeding for
Vampyres in the Mystery Codex. It allows a Moroi to
feed simply by eliciting strong emotions in a victim
(any will do, from fear to excitement to bliss) and
making a Willpower and Vampyric Focus roll; each
success level drains one Life Point from the victim
and restores one Life Point to the Vampyre. Victims
heal this damage the same as any other non-damaging Vampyre attack (one Life Point per Constitution
Level per hour).
Vampyric Focus
4-point per level Quality
Prerequisite: Moroi (Vampyre)
This Quality is available only to Moroi, or
WitchCraft-style Vampyres, and is required to activate any metaphysical power a Moroi has, from
Manipulations of the Flesh (see Mystery Codex, p.
102) to special Vampyric powers such as Greater
Shifting. It is not required for Invocations or Chi
Abilities, which function on their own systems not
detailed in this article. Vampyric Focus always
works with Willpower to determine success. Using
Manipulations of the Flesh requires only a basic success (nine or better) for the Vampyre to manifest
claws, fangs, or funky facial features. Moroi using
this ability can mimic a Strigois game face if they
so desire, but do not automatically manifest a game
face when they use their powers, as Strigoi do.
Moroi do not naturally (un-naturally?) possess a
game face as Strigoi do. Such an alteration of fea-

tures is a conscious act of will on the Morois part,

and most Moroi find the appearance of a game face
rather distasteful. They only manifest the features
when attempting to blend in among Strigoi (usually for survival purposes). Other Vampyric powers
need a base number of Success Levels equal to the
listed Essence cost to use the power.
Moroi and Metaphysics
In addition to normal Vampyre powers,
Moroi may purchase any Metaphysics except
for Divine Inspiration. Either they may be
built using the basic Hero Character Type, or
the Undead Character Type as presented in
the Mystery Codex. However, if using the
Undead Character Type, the pool of
Metaphysics points should be reduced by
five, and starting Drama Points must be purchased using Metaphysics, Quality, or
Drawback Points at a cost of two points per
Drama Point.

So, there you have it! Complete guidelines for
adding a new supernatural baddie to your existing
cinematic Unisystem game. The aspects of play that
the addition of these powers introduce can enhance
any game, and can include a great many surprises
that enterprising (and underhanded) Directors can
throw at their Cast, and what director doesnt love it
when their players go, What the hell!? Who!?
Youve got to be joking! and my personal favorite,
Oh, you just suck.

Eden Studios Presents

Light Sleepers

Light Sleepers
Additional Vampyre Rules
by Alessandro Gandini
This article presents additional material for
Vampyres. This new material provides Chroniclers
with various vampire-related source elements for
Vampyre characters.

Mind Control Bonuses

When supernatural powers affect free will, creatures forced to act against their nature resist strongly. For instance, attacking someone without reason
would grant a +3 bonus, suicidal orders a +6, and
complex orders involving abominable actions up to
a +7. Charisma modifiers usually apply to mind control rolls, unless otherwise stated, and Attractiveness
may apply as well. Finally, ancient creatures get to
add their Age levels to their rolls.

Resistance (Sunlight)
2-point/level Supernatural Quality
Prerequisite: as many levels of Resistance (Daily
Each level in this Quality reduces Essence loss by
direct sunlight, adding a grace period of one
minute per level: a Vampyre with Resistance
(Sunlight) 5 loses two Essence points every six minutes. Sunlight penalties still stand, and normal damage applies to incapacitated or otherwise unconscious Vampyres.

New Powers
Animal Affinity
5-point Power

New Qualities
Resistance (Daily Essence)
1-point/level Supernatural Quality
This Quality allows Vampyres that stay in the
shadows to be active during the day, losing only one
Essence Point every several minutes of activity, as
per the following:

Time (minutes)




Willpower rolls to wake up during the day gain a

bonus equal to the levels in this Quality.

Volume 2

Prerequisite: Greater Shifting

Using this Power, a Vampyre can force an animal
to obey his will. At a cost of two Essence per animal,
or five animals in a group of small ones, the
Vampyre can issue orders as complex as a smart dog
could follow, using a Resisted Simple Willpower
Test (applying Mind Control Bonuses above). When
the order is carried out, the Powers effect ends. For
long-lasting orders, maximum duration is one
minute per Success Level. To use this Power, the target must be of the same family of one of the forms
the Vampyre can assume: for instance, wolf shapeshifters can control dogs, coyotes, and other canines.
Blood Link
5-point Power
Prerequisite: Sire
Like Sire, but works on humans or semi-humans
(e.g. Ferals, Immortals, Inheritors, etc.). The cost is
five Essence points, and most humans have no way
of absorbing it save by drinking the Vampyres
blood. A mundane human, by herself, has no chance
of resisting the Vampyres commands or of breaking
the bond. Gifted and others resist using their powers,

Light Sleepers

or as children Vampyres. A Seer who establishes a

telepathic contact with a blood-linked Mundane can
resist on her behalf.
3-point Power
Prerequisite: Manipulate Emotions
Using this Power, a Vampyre can force a (mostly)
human (including Ferals, True Immortals, and other
Vampyres) to obey his will. Brief orders (one sentence) are issued with the same rules as per
Manipulate Emotions, applying Mind Control
Bonuses. When the victim carries out the order, the
control ends. Long-duration orders (such as dont
move until I tell you to) have maximum duration as
per Manipulate Emotions.
Manipulate Senses
4-point Power
Prerequsite: Manipulate Emotions
Vampyres with this power may swap the victims
perceptions. The ability to exchange pain with pleasure gave birth to legends about a vampires bite as a
unique source of ecstasy. This Power follows the
same activation rules as Manipulate Emotions
Attractiveness). It lasts one Turn per Success Level.
A Resisted Difficult Willpower Test is then applied
(although the Vampyre can use a Seduction Task
where applicable), with the victim having a penalty
equal to the number of Success Levels of the activation roll. If the victim wins the Power will still be
active, but only half the amount of Essence is
Using pain/ecstasy (inflicting one point of damage
per Turn or more), D10(5) Essence can be drained
every other Turnmaking the classic bite quite
effective. This Power can also be used to mask the
effects of Wither, until a victim is drained to zero
Essence or less, for one Essence point every other
Turn. Note that people killed by Essence loss cannot
come back as Vampyres, although those who die of
exsanguination during the kiss can.


Eden Studios Presents

10-point Power
Prerequisite: Greater Shifting
This Power allows the Vampyre to shape-shift into
a thin mist, allowing him to enter non-airtight places
and avoid damage from normal weapons. She
becomes extremely difficult to see: in a misty area
she cannot be detected visually; at night, Perception
rolls have a 7 penalty, reduced to 4 with decent
lighting and 1 in full daylight or equivalent. The
transformation costs five Essence points, and one
per Turn afterwards, happening instantaneously if
activated and deactivated in the same Turn (allowing
one dodge per Turn, or to flow around an obstacle). Otherwise one Turn is required to regain normal form. The Vampyre can carry objects up to his
normal capacity, with normal encumbrance penalties, and up to Willpower/2 willing (or unconscious)
creatures. Objects up to 30 pounds have no cost,
each 60 additional pounds require one Essence per
Turn. Creatures cost one point per Constitution level
per Turn. Powers requiring physical form are
unavailable while in Mist Shape.
Air currents may influence movement; use Speed
and Strength minus wind speed. If the Vampyres
total is below zero, he will be blown away (unless he
returns solid), and if the difference is lower than the
Vampyres Speed Attribute it will be the maximum
speed he can reach against the wind. It gives the
wind a bonus equal to its speed. The Vampyre will
also be able to move vertically at half his Speed
upwards, twice that value downwards (modifiers for
vertical air currents apply), and to avoid falling damage entirely, by transforming before landing (at least
at the beginning of the same Turn). Regaining physical shape after a fall requires one full Turn.

surface thoughts, as long as both are on the same

Sephiroth. Two-way telepathy and deep mind-reading (which uses the Mindsight Art table) require two
Essence points per Turn, and the latter can be resisted with a Willpower Test (Simple for the sire,
Difficult for the child); apply the Mind Control
Bonuses above. If the child manages to block the
probe, he becomes immune for one day per Success
Level. The sire can also sense the general location of
linked offspring; tracking them more precisely
requires the expenditure of one Essence Point per
Turn. The bond can be broken, willingly by the sire
or forcibly (with a Resisted Willpower Test as
above). Breaking the bond forcibly permanently
costs the child twice the Essence invested by the
sire, and a failed attempt costs half the total.

Light Sleepers

Mist Shape

After successfully severing the link to her sire, a

child cannot be remade into a child. However, a
child can be sired by another Vampyre.
Soul Union
6-point Power
Prerequisite: Blood-Bond
Soul Union functions as per Sire, except with any
kind of (willing) creature. Vampyres cost five points
of permanent Essence, other beings cost 15.
Inhumans and non-offspring Vampyres use Simple
(and not Difficult) Tests.
Authors Note: I wish to thank Peter Trueman for
his invaluable help in the development and streamlining of this text, as well as Jason Vey, whose comments gave me the initial idea.

4-point Power
Prerequisite: Manipulate Emotions
This power creates a bond with a willing child,
who must drain two permanent Essence points from
the sire. Blood drinking is the canonical method,
but any applicable way (including free donation)
will do, allowing the sire to sense her emotions and

Volume 2


Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Of Fear, Pain and Ecstasy

Three New Vampyre Styles
by Peter Trueman
This article outlines three subspecies or breeds of
Vampyres, designed for use in the WitchCraft and
Armageddon games. They are also quite suitable for
any other Unisystem game setting. Chroniclers
wishing to use these rules in a WitchCraft campaign
can either add one or more of these subspecies as
variations to the normal Vampyre presented in the
Mystery Codex, or they can replace the normal
Vampyre altogether with these breeds, ruling that
Vampyres in their game world have to be one of
these three variants.

These Vampyres each feed exclusively upon one
of the three emotions that nourish standard
Vampyres: fear for Lamias, pain for Draculs, and
ecstasy for Succubi. Fledglings of each subspecies
begin as blood-drinkers but with time may learn to
bypass the need for blood and feed directly upon
their victims Essence Pools.
Any person made into a Vampyre by a Succubus,
Lamia, or Dracul will be of the same type as their
creator. The process of creating a Vampyre is essentially the same as that described in the Mystery
Codex, but with one important exception. The creator Vampyre must personally kill the person she
intends to transform before following her spirit into
the Threshold.
Succubi commonly do this by draining the victims blood, bringing the victim to the point of death.
Lamia and Draculs can do likewise, but they will
just as likely do it by simply ripping their victim
apart. Any form of death dealing will also work
against all threeguns, knives, even ramming the
victim with a car.
In the world of WitchCraft, it is up to each
Chronicler to determine how these different subspecies interact with each other. They may clannishly stick together, engaging in power struggles or
even outright battles between the breeds, or they
may intermingle freely and without antipathy.


Succubi are generally the most benign of the
breeds. Beautiful, charming, and civilised in their
appearance, Succubi obviously appreciate the finer
things in life. Art, performance, magic, and sex have
special value to succubi. They seldom kill in the
process of feeding and their victims generally have
pleasant experiences. Some victims even choose to
voluntarily submit to Succubi, risking the danger
that the Vampyre might one day go too far, in
exchange for an ecstasy seldom experienced by mortals. An old, experienced Succubus may possess a
harem of such willing concubines.

Lamias are the stuff of nightmares. They derive
their sustenance from scaring their victims to near
death. Most Lamias who survive for any length of
time come to enjoy the experience of inflicting
sheer terror on people. Lamias care less for their
victims and, as such, are more likely to kill them.
Survivors of Lamia encounters are traumatised for
life. They are inflicted with recurring nightmares
and the appearance of phobias pertaining to the
dark, bats, or other memories that remind them of
their brush with death.

Draculs are the most depraved of the breeds.
Inflicting pain to exist, they end up existing to inflict
pain. Draculs seldom recruit people into their ranks
who are not cruel and callous. Compassionate people do not survive very long. Draculs victims seldom survive capture, with their deaths rarely quick.
Draculs take a cat-like joy in tormenting their captives, often playing with them, letting them think
they have escaped only to easily recapture them.
The differences in personality among these
Vampyre types may cause Chroniclers to restrict
Cast Members to playing Succubi. Creating the dramatic situation of a decent person struggling with
the monster she has become could be a good reason
to allow Lamia or Dracul Cast Members.

Eden Studios Presents

From Mystery Codex

From Mystery Codex

Metaphysics, Creatures of Flesh and Essence,*

Enter the Threshold, Essence Depletion,
Evolution, Invulnerability, Semblance of Life,
and Holy Burial.


*Note that Succubi, Lamias, and Draculs can

channel up to their Willpower in Essence every
Turn, but do not regain Essence normally. In addition, they cannot absorb ambient Essence the way
that standard Vampyres do.

Blood Link, Domination, Mind Link (per Sire

Power), Mist Shape, and Soul Fusion (per Soul
Union Power). See pp. 9-11.

Other Powers and

Bloodlust: When confronted with a large quantity
of blood or a bleeding person, these Vampyres must
make a Simple Willpower Test to avoid automatically trying to feed on that blood or person.
Debt to the Master: These Vampyres must make
a Difficult Willpower Test to resist obeying any
command given by their creator. The creator
Vampyre makes a Simple Willpower Test to succeed. The creator Vampyre can use Manipulate
Emotions to increase her chances of success.
Vulnerable Heart: A wooden stake driven
through the heart of one of these Vampyres will
immobilise and paralyse her until removed. While
thus immobilised, the Vampyre may not speak nor
use any of her supernatural abilities. She remains
conscious and aware of her surroundings, however.

Volume 2




From Light Sleepers

New Special Powers and

Command the Beasts
3-point Power for one species; 2 points per
additional species
Prerequisite: Manipulate Emotions
With this power, the Vampyre can control animals
of one species (selected by the player or the
Chronicler) and give them simple commands. The
power costs two Essence points per large animal, per
group of up to 10 small animals (like birds or rats),
or per group of up to 100 tiny animals (such as
insects or spiders) affected. The animals follow simple orders for up to one minute per level of the
Vampyres Willpower, or until the instructions are
carried out, whichever comes first. Dangerous commandsattacking people, for instancerequire a
Simple Willpower Test with a 3 penalty to successfully impose her will upon the beasts. Suicidal commands require such a Test with a 6 penalty.

Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Powers and Vulnerabilities Special Powers

Common to Succubi,
Accessible to Succubi,
Lamias, and Draculs
Lamias, and Draculs


Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy


mal, unless the attack is somehow charged with

Essence (e.g., holy or magical weapons).

5-point Power
With this power, the Vampyre can fly, bearing up
to her carrying capacity in additional weight, at her
base Speed. She can also levitate and hover. All of
these activities require the expenditure of two
Essence Points per minute.

Reduced Damage (Sunlight)

5-points/level Power
Prerequisite: Must possess at least as many levels
of Wake by Day
With every level of this power, the amount of
Essence loss due to exposure to sunlight is

1-point Power
With this power, wooden stakes have no special
effect upon the Vampyre outside of normal physical

Time Period

(Succubi, Draculs)



1 minute

1 Turn

10-point Power

2 minutes

1 minute

5 minutes

2 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

30 minutes

10 minutes

60 minutes

20 minutes

2 hours

30 minutes

6 hours

1 hours

12 hours

2 hours

24 hours

3 hours



4 hours

With this power, the Vampyre is able to become

invisible at will. This transformation takes a Turn of
concentration to effect. While invisible, the Vampyre
still produces noise, even if electronics and the
human eye cannot detect her. Normal rules apply for
attempting to attack an invisible opponent. The
Vampyre must spend two Essence points per minute
while invisible.
Reduced Damage (Fire)
1-, 5-, or 10-point Power
With this power, the physical damage that a
Vampyre takes from fire is reduced to either one
half (one point), one fifth (three points) or one tenth
(five points) of normalunless the flames are
somehow charged with Essence (e.g., holy or magical fire). Vampyres still take Essence damage equal
to the reduced physical damage.

At level 10, Succubi and Draculs are effectively

immune to daylight; sunlight does not feel painful or
even uncomfortable to them. Lamias cannot gain
such complete immunity.
Wake by Day
2-point/level Power

Reduced Damage (Weapons)

3-, 10- or 20-point Power
With this power, the physical damage that a
Vampyre takes from weaponry (bullets, blades,
shrapnel, piercing, or bludgeoning weapons) or natural attacks (i.e. fists, claws, fangs, falling or sudden
impacts) is reduced to either one half (five points),
one fifth (10 points) or one tenth (20 points) of nor-


With this power, the Vampyre takes reduced

Essence loss for activity during the day and the roll
needed for the Vampyre to wake up during daylight
hours gains a bonus equal to the level of this power.
The level also determines how frequently a
Vampyre loses an Essence Point for activity during
the daytime.

Eden Studios Presents

Time Period

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

30 minutes

60 minutes

2 hours

6 hours

12 hours

24 hours

Attributes: +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con



Attribute Minimum: 3, Attribute Maximum: none

Once the Vampyre has reached level 10, staying

awake during the daytime is no more difficult than at
any other time and the Vampyre need not make a roll
to awake from sleeping. In fact, given that Vampyres
do not suffer from fatigue, those with 10 levels of
this power need never sleep at all, although it can
take a while to overcome the psychological habit of
doing so.
Wall Crawler
5-point Power
With this power, the Vampyre can cling to solid
surfaces, even vertical or upside-down ones, like a
spider. To dislodge the clinging Vampyre requires a
blow of equal strength as would knock her over if
she were standing upright.

New Vampyre
Racial Qualities
Use the Undead or the various Supernatural
Character Types for beginning costs. They then must
purchase the Succubi Quality. Cost: 3 points (15 for
being Undead 4 for Bloodthirst 3 for reduced
Attribute bonuses 1 for Vulnerable Heart 1 for
Bloodlust 1 for Debt to the Master 2 for reduced
Manipulations of the Flesh).

Secondary Attributes:
Endurance Points




Common Succubus Powers

and Vulnerabilities
Essence Vampirism: Without the special ability
Essence Mastery (Ecstasy), Succubi are only able to
absorb the Essence of humans by drinking their
blood (see Bloodthirst Vulnerability, Mystery Codex,
p. 103). It is not necessary to kill the victim to gain
Essence, but neither does feeding preclude death.
Victims fed upon by Succubi experience a state of
ecstasy as their blood drains. This experience is so
powerful that they seldom struggle once feeding has
begun (a Difficult Willpower Test is required, with a
penalty of 1 per positive level of Attractiveness
and/or Charisma possessed by the feeding
Vampyre). The Vampyre or others must halt the
feeding before death occurs.

Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy


Manipulations of the Flesh: As per Mystery

Codex (p. 100), except Succubi may only use this
ability to make their appearance more attractive and
life-like. Succubi do not possess the ability to sprout
claws or drastically reshape their faces or bodies.
Fangs about twice the length of human eyeteeth can
be grown, but these do a mere Strength damage
points. They can be very useful, however, for opening a major blood vessel in a potential victim, provided he is not struggling at the time.
Vulnerability to Daylight: As per Mystery Codex
(p. 102).

Volume 2


Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Special Succubus Powers

and Vulnerabilities
From Mystery Codex
Bard (Prerequisite: Essence Mastery (Ecstasy)),
Magus, and Muse.

New Succubus Powers and

Essence Mastery (Ecstasy)
4-point Power
Succubi with this power no longer need to feed on
blood, although they retain the ability to do so.
Instead, they can feed directly on the Essence
released by the experience of ecstasy. However, they
must be the cause of the ecstasy experience.
Typically, this requires them to become intimate
with those from which they wish to feed. A human
brought to ecstasy through any combination of sensations loses D10(5) Essence points.
Death is rarely a risk with this manner of feeding.
Most humans cease to be capable of feeling strong
pleasure once their Essence Pool lowers to zero.
Still, the need to become so intimate with their victims can be distasteful to some Succubi, who instead
strive to master one of the higher forms of feeding.

Use the Undead or the various Supernatural
Character Types for beginning costs. They then must
purchase the Lamia Quality. Cost: 4 points (15 4
for Bloodthirst 1 for Vulnerable Heart 1 for
Bloodlust 1 for Debt to the Master 1 for reduced
Manipulations of the Flesh 3 for increased
Vulnerability to Sunlight).
Attributes: +3 Str, +3 Dex, +3 Con
Attribute Minimum: 4, Attribute Maximum:
Secondary Attributes:
Endurance Points




Common Lamia Powers and

Essence Vampirism: Without the special ability,
Essence Mastery (Terror), Lamias are only able to


absorb the Essence of humans by drinking their

blood (see Bloodthirst Vulnerability, Mystery Codex,
p. 103). It is not necessary to kill the victim to gain
Essence, but neither does feeding preclude death.
Victims fed upon by Lamias experience a state of
sheer terror as their blood drains. They seldom struggle once feeding has begun (a Difficult Willpower
Test is required, with a penalty of 1 per negative
level of Attractiveness and/or Charisma possessed
by the feeding Vampyre). The Vampyre or others
must bring the feeding to a halt, as the victim cannot
fight back.
Manipulations of the Flesh: As per Mystery
Codex (p. 100), except Lamias may only use the
manipulations to make their appearance more horrific and deadly. Lamias do not possess the ability to
enhance their beauty or attractiveness. Fangs and
claws are available per Mystery Codex.
Vulnerability to Daylight: As per Mystery Codex
(p. 102) except Lamias are particularly vulnerable to
sunlight and lose one Essence Point per Turn
(instead of one per minute) while exposed to it.
Their flesh can be seen to blister and smoke under
such circumstances and they suffer considerable
pain, incurring a 3 penalty to all tasks.

Special Lamia Powers

and Vulnerabilities
From Mystery Codex

New Lamia Powers and

Essence Mastery (Terror)
4-point Power
Lamias with this power no longer need to feed on
blood, although they retain the ability to do so.
Instead, they can feed directly on the Essence
released by the experience of terror. However, they
must be the cause of the fear. Typically, this requires
them to terrify those from which they wish to feed.
Manipulations of the Flesh is the easiest way to do
this, but Manipulate Emotions works quite well too
and the two powers together can cause even the
stoutest of individuals to become a quivering wreck.

Eden Studios Presents

Use the Undead or the various Supernatural
Character Types for beginning costs. They must purchase the Dracul Quality. Cost: 4 points (15 4 for
Bloodthirst + 3 for increased Attribute bonuses 1
for Vulnerable Heart 1 for Bloodlust 1 for Debt
to the Master 1 for reduced Manipulations of the
Flesh 6 for Vulnerability to Fire).
Attributes: +4 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con
Attribute Minimum: 5, Attribute Maximum:
Secondary Attributes:
Endurance Points

+20 Essence, No

Common Dracul Powers

and Vulnerabilities
From Mystery Codex
Vulnerability to Daylight

New Common Dracul Powers

and Vulnerabilities
Essence Vampirism: Without Essence Mastery
(Pain), Draculs are only able to absorb the Essence
of humans by drinking their blood (see Bloodthirst
Vulnerability, Mystery Codex, p. 103). It is not necessary to kill the victim to gain Essence, but neither
does feeding preclude death. Victims fed upon by
Draculs experience a state of agonizing pain as their
blood drains. Victims will struggle violently to free
themselves from the Vampyres grip. Unfortunately
for them, Draculs are very strong.

Volume 2

Manipulations of the Flesh: As per Mystery

Codex (p. 100), except Draculs can only use this
power to make their appearance more horrific and
deadly. Draculs do not possess the ability to enhance
their beauty or attractiveness. Fangs and claws are
available, which are both functional and terrifying
Vulnerability to Fire: Draculs are incredibly
vulnerable to fire. Burning damage also inflicts an
Essence loss equal to the amount of physical damage received. Furthermore, any Dracul confronted
with a flame of torch size or larger must make a
Difficult Willpower Test to avoid at least recoiling
in terror (lose all actions that Turn) and a Simple
Willpower Test to avoid fleeing altogether.

Special Dracul Powers

and Vulnerabilities
From Mystery Codex

New Special Dracul Powers

and Vulnerabilities

Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Anyone who fails a Fear Test in the presence of a

Lamia unconsciously releases D6(3) Essence points
every Turn (ignore Essence losses detailed in the
Fear Table, if used). The Lamia absorbs these losses
automatically and all at once as long as she is within a yard. This process can be repeated until the
human is reduced to 30 Essence points, at which
point the human has the usual risk of dying. The terror experienced under such circumstances is such
that the victim does not pass out or cease to feel fear
once their Essence Pool drops to zero or lower.

Essence Mastery (Pain)

4-point Power
Draculs with this power no longer need to feed on
blood if they do not wish to, although they retain the
ability to do so. Instead, they can feed directly on the
Essence released by the experience of pain.
However, they must be the cause of the pain being
experienced by their victim, so typically this
requires them to injure or torture those from which
they wish to feed.
If a Dracul injures a person by slashing them with
claws, fangs, or some sort of blade, the injured
human releases Essence equal to one quarter of the
physical damage taken. Torture is a slightly more
effective means of gaining Essence. Each Turn a
Dracul tortures someone, the victim loses D8(4)
Essence points, which the Dracul fully absorbs.
This process can be repeated until the human is
reduced to 30 Essence Points, at which point she
runs the usual risk of dying. The agony experienced
under such circumstances is such that the victim
does not pass out or cease to feel pain once their
Essence Pool drops to zero or lower.


Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Development with
Not all of the special powers listed above are readily available to all Vampyres. Many take centuries to
master and newly created Vampyres have a much
smaller range of powers to choose from.
Six different age categories serve to group
Vampyres according to the number of years spent
active. Time spent in suspended animation (see
Mystery Codex, p. 102) does not count towards this
Fledgling: less than 10 years

Ancient: Reduced Damage (Sunlight) (max.

level 10), Wake by Day (max. level 10)
When creating a Vampyre character, the
Chronicler (or the player in conjunction with the
Chronicler, in the case of Cast Members) should
determine roughly how many years the Vampyre has
been actively undead. This may necessitate the purchase of one or more levels of the Age Quality. A
character that becomes a Vampyre during game play
starts as a Fledgling.

Young: 10 to less than 50 years

Weapons for the

Vampyre Hunter

Mature: 50 to less than 100 years

Master: 100 to less than 500 years
Elder: 500 to less than 1000 years

Destroying a Vampyre requires reducing their

Essence Pool to below zero. There are a number of
ways to accomplish this.

Ancient: 1000 years or more

As a Vampyre moves through these age categories, more special powers become available to her.
The following list is a guideline only. A Chronicler
should feel free to alter or adjust it, if he has some
strong reason to do so.
Each age category naturally has access to those
powers listed in the categories before it.
Command the Beasts, Greater
Shifting, Manipulate Emotions, Wake by Day (max.
level 1), Wall Crawler
Young: Domination, Flight, Mirage, Reduced
Damage (Fire) (one half), Reduced Damage
(Sunlight) (max. level 1), Wake by Day (max. level 3)
Mature: Essence Mastery (any), Invisibility,
Mind Link, Muse, Reduced Damage (Fire) (one
fifth), Reduced Damage (Sunlight) (max. level 3),
Reduced Damage (Weapons) (one half), Wake by
Day (max. level 5)
Master: Bard, Blood Link, Heartless, Mist
Shape, Nightmare, Reduced Damage (Fire) (one
tenth), Reduced Damage (Sunlight) (max. level 5),
Reduced Damage (Weapons) (one fifth), Wake by
Day (max. level 7), Wither (touch version)


Elder: Magus, Reduced Damage (Sunlight)

(max. level 7), Reduced Damage (Weapons) (one
tenth), Soul Fusion, Wake by Day (max. level 9),
Wither (ranged version)

Sunlight: This is a good weapon to use against

younger Vampyres, particularly Lamias. Many
older ones, however, have acquired some resistance
to this.
Fire: This is very effective in destroying Draculs,
even those who have hardened themselves against
its effects somewhat. If Essence fuels the fire (such
as the magical fire produced by the Elemental Fire
Invocation, or the Holy Fire of the divinely Inspired,
or even the Mindfire ability of Seers), the Vampyre
cannot block the attack.
Mindkill: This Seer ability directly attacks a
Vampyres Essence Pool.
Soulfire: No Vampyre-hunting magic-user should
be without this Invocation, which can quickly dispose of the undead.
Necromantic Bolts: Vampyres have reason to
fear a powerful necromancer. These bolts directly
attack the undeads Essence Pool, per Soulfire.
Orikalk Weapons: Melee weapons or projectiles
made from this mythical metal will inflict up to half
their damage directly to a Vampyres Essence Pool.

Eden Studios Presents

If a hunter is up against a Vampyre who has

acquired some resistance to weaponry, special
implements are in order.
Wooden Stakes: Assuming the Vampyre has not
outgrown this vulnerability, a successful strike
upon the critical organs of the torso usually immobilises him and allows the hunter to finish the
Vampyre at her leisure.
Magic Weapons: Melee weapons or projectiles
imbued with any sort of magical power, even those
simply consecrated as vessels in which to store
Essence, bypass any resistance the Vampyre has
acquired to weaponry.
Silver Holy Weapons: A blessed silver weapon
can be charged with Essence through prayer. If the
weapon is newly blessed (e.g. a bullet, a new knife,
etc.), then it holds at the most one Essence point. If
the weapon is a genuine holy artifact, it may hold
many more. When a Vampyre is struck by a weapon
charged with Essence in this manner, not only is his
resistance to weaponry negated, but the undead
takes further physical damage equal to D8(4) x
Essence released from the weapon.

Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Rituals: If none of the above are available,

hunters may need to knock the Vampyres unconscious physically, stake them, or bind them to keep
them from escaping, and perform the ritual of Holy
Burial over them. Older Vampyres may need to have
this ritual performed more than once before being
completely destroyed.

Holy Water: If a priest, minister, rabbi, or mulla

of faith properly blesses water, it assumes the ability to absorb Essence in a manner similar to silver.
No more than one Essence Point can be absorbed
per pint of water. Splashing such water over a
Vampyre causes physical damage equal to D8(4) x
Essence released.
Authors note: I wish to thank Alessandro
Gandini for his invaluable help and collaboration in
the development of this article, as well as Jason Vey,
for his comments and feedback on the Eden Studios
WitchCraft Discussion Board.

Volume 2


Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Young Lamia
Lesser Supernatual Age: 44 (undead 17 years)
Str 5
Dex 4
Con 6



LPS 63
EPS n/a Essence 74
Lamia (4)
Adversary (Sentinels) (3)
Charisma +1 (1)
Contacts (Underworld) (2)
Fear of Rejection (1)
Good Luck 3 (3)
Hard to Kill 3 (3)
Increased Essence
Pool +25 (5)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Resources (Poor)
Situational Awareness (2)

Brawling 2
Computers 1
Dodge 3
Driving (Cars) 1
Escapism 2
Hand Weapon (Club) 2
Hand Weapon (Knife) 1
Intimidation 3
Notice 2
Pick Pocket 2
Smooth Talking 1
Stealth 2
Streetwise 2
Swimming 1

So there I was, living on the streetsmy career,
my family, and my self-respect all gone. I kept company with beggars and winos, doing a little petty
theft to survive. I thought my life had hit rock bottom. How little I knew.
We found Johnno first. He was lying on
his back in an alleyway. And his face! To
say that he looked like hed seen a
ghost would be like calling Mt. Everest
a little hill.
Old Martha was next. And then
little Freddy. We knew then that
something was preying on us. I
organized those of us able to
fight and we went out looking
for it.
We found ita creature more
horrible than I imagined. After
it killed everyone else, it stood
over me and its features became
more human. It said, Kid, I like
your style and your guts. And then
it made me into one of its kind.
Im sleeping in sewers by day and
drinking blood by night. There are
religious maniacs with crosses and
water that burns that keep looking for
me. Ive learned a lot since that fateful
night. However, I know theres a lot
more I still have to learn.

Want to see something really scary?

Manipulate Emotions (2)
Greater Shifting (wolf, snake, giant spider) (9)
Command the Beasts (rats) (3)
Wall Crawler (5)
Flight (5)


Eden Studios Presents

Str 8
Dex 10
Con 9



LPS 78
EPS n/a Essence 135
Dracul (4)
Adversary (a Storm Dragon)*
Age (+100 years) (5)
Bad Luck 3 (3)
Contacts (Triad) (3)
Covetous (Ambition) (2)
Cruel (3)
Delusions (Prejudice: Hates police
and the military) (2)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Increased Essence +70 (14)
Minority (Asian) (1)
Natural Toughness (2)
Obligation (Major) (2)
Paranoia (2)
Resources (Well-off) (4)
Status +2 (1)&
*from Age Quality
& +1 from Resources Quality

Acrobatics 3
Climbing 2
Computers 1
Driving (Cars) 1
Escapism 2
First Aid 1
Guns (Handgun) 2
Hand Weapon (Sword) 3
Hand Weapon (Knife) 1
Hand Weapon (Nunchaku) 2
Intimidation 3
Language (Cantonese) 5
Language (English) 3
Martial Arts 4
Myth and Legend (Chinese) 2
Notice 3

Volume 2

Questioning 1
Stealth 2
Surveillance 1
Swimming 1

Essence Mastery (Pain) (4)
Chi Mastery 4 (8)
Heartless (1)
Invisibility (10)
Reduced Damage (halve Fire) (1)
Speed of the Tiger 3 (6)
Wake by Day 2 (4)

I was born in early 19th century
China, when the country was still
being carved up by imperialist
European powers. Ive seen a lot
of change since thenthe Boxer
Rebellion, the Long March, Tian
Anmen Square. But now Im in
America, taking advantage of the
corruption of capitalism to further
the ends of the Brotherhood and pursue my own pleasures.
Its not well known that there is a significant minority within the Triad who are
like me. My old master still stalks the
streets of Beijing and I have offspring in
other American cities. Our unique abilities make us very valuable. We are often
deployed to locations proving troublesome or sent to resolve particularly
intransigent problems.
I enjoy my work. I particularly like
it when I get to kill police or soldiers.
I feel like Im striking back for what
happened to my sister nearly two
centuries ago. The unlucky ones are
those that I manage to capture. I
have lots of fun with them.

Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Master Dracul
Supernatural Age: 192 (undead 160 years)

Huang, hand me my number
three branding iron.


Of Fear, Pain, and Ecstasy

Ancient Succubus
Greater Supernatural Age: 1057 (undead 1022 yeaars)







Succubus (3)
Adversary (Rosicrucians)*,
(Knights Templar)*, (Combine)*
Age (+1000 years) (50)
Artistic Talent (3)
Attractiveness +3 (3)
Charisma +3 (3)
Contacts (5)
Covetous (Lechery) (1)
Cowardly (1)
Emotional Problems (Fear of
Commitment) (1)
Hard to Kill 5 (5)
Honourable (1)
Increased Essence +50 (10)
Obsession (Illumination) (2)
Resources (Rich) (8)
Secret (2)
Showoff (2)
Status 2&
* from Age Quality
& from Resources Quality

Acrobatics 4
Acting 3
Beautician 2
Brawling 1
Computers 1
Dancing (ballroom) 3
Disguise 2
Driving (Cars) 1
Fine Arts (Painting) 3
First Aid 2
Guns (Handgun) 1
Hand Weapon (Sword) 3
Hand Weapon (Bow) 2
Instruction 2
Language (French) 5,
(German) 3, (Latin) 3,
(Greek) 2, (English) 4
Magic Theory 4
Magic Bolt 7
Myth and Legend (Germanic) 2
Notice 2
Occult Knowledge 7



Occult Knowledge (Alchemy) 9

Play Instrument (Harp) 3
Research/Investigation 5
Rituals (Rosicrucian) 3, (Templar) 2
Sciences (Chemistry) 3
Seduction 4
Singing 3
Sleight of Hand 4
Smooth Talking 3
Storytelling 2
Writing (Poetry) 2

Common Succubus Powers and
Bard (9)
Domination (3)
Essence Mastery (Ecstasy) (4)
Greater Shifting (raven, panther) (7)
Heartless (1)
Magus (15)
Manipulate Emotions (2)
Wake by Day 6 (12)
Reduced Damage (Sunlight) 5 (15)
Invocation: Elemental Fire 3 (6), Elemental
Air 3 (6), Elemental Earth 2 (4),
Shielding 3 (6)

They say the alchemists of old were looking
for a way to turn base metal to gold. Others
say they were looking for immortality. Well, I
have all the gold and immortality that you
could want and I can tell you, thats not what
they were looking for.
Why do you think they called it the
Philosophers Stone? Those ancient scholars were looking for illumination, for the
fusion of the left-brain and the right brain, for
total control over magic and essence. And
thats what Im looking for.
The Rosicrucians dont have the secret of
it. Neither do the Templars. Nevertheless, I
know there are those who dothe
Illuminati. If I can find them, I can wrest the
secret from them, Im sure of it.
From my birthplace in medieval France,
all over Europe, and now into the New
World, I have chased my dream, performing,
teaching, swindling, and seducing as I went.
Im close now, very close. I can feel it in my
unliving veins.

Its showtime!

Eden Studios Presents

Roleplaying Vampires in the Buffyverse

by Tommy Brownell
The Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Roleplaying Games allow vampires as Cast
Members, but outside of mentioning the canon
chipped or has a soul rationales, the game materials dont go into details on exactly how a vampire
could be good. This article addresses the subject
of good vampires. A selection of vampiric archetypes follows the article.

Soul Purpose
The first and most obvious manner of vampires
going good involves the acquisition of a soul.
Weve seen two vampires with souls in the
Buffyverse, Angel and Spike. Angel was cursed with
his soul after killing a gypsy girl, a curse which stipulated that should he ever achieve a moment of true
happiness, his soul would be lost, for a moment of
contentment would mean that Angel had moved
beyond the suffering he felt from the memories of
his reign of terror as Angelus. Spike traveled to a
demons lair in Africa and faced a series of tests
the first of which being a warrior with flaming fists
and a later test being an attackand bodily invasionby a swarm of insects. Upon surviving with
his desire intact, Spike had his soul returned to him.
What are some other ways that a vampire could
regain her soul? Episode 5.13 of Angel, Why We
Fight, reveals that Angel has sired one vampire
since regaining his soul, a Navy officer named Sam
Lawson. Lawson felt compelled to mete out death
and destruction, but found that it gave him no sense
of satisfaction and in fact, left the proverbial bad
taste in his mouth. While most run-of-the-mill vampires would have been happy with the slaughter of
innocents, Sams admission that he had no purpose
and found no joy in his mayhem could have been
caused by the presence of a soul. This may imply, as
mentioned in Monster Smackdown, that a souled
vampire could sire a new vampire that would, in
turn, retain their soul. Now then, if one souled vampire could sire another souled vampire, then a whole
line of souled vamps could emerge. Perhaps a heroic Order of Aurelis would emerge? Of course, com-

Volume 2

bine an order of good vampires with a world full of

Slayers and the Buffyverse becomes much grayer.
How about a vampire witch who winds up tapping
into the White Magic that Giles used to spike
Willows high in Season Six, the same power
Willow later channeled in Season Seven? A vampire
sorceress, lusting for power, winds up filled with a
profound desire to protect lifenot the same thing
as a true soul but the effects might be the same. And
talk about quandariestry feeling a profound connection with all living things while needing to drink
blood to survive.
Its worth mentioning that Darla felt Connors
soul while she was pregnant with him, especially in
the last couple of months. Though she seemed even
more conflicted than Spike or Angel did after regaining their souls, this was most likely due to it not
being hers. A pregnant vampire Cast Member probably isnt the best option for a game though, seeing
as how theyll likely have to die to give birth or, if
they somehow survive, would revert to evil after
birth. But hey, ambitious Directors and players can
do anything if they try.

When Bad Vampires Go Good

When Bad Vampires Go Good

Keep in mind that the presence of a soul doesnt

mean that a vampire automatically does good. After
all, its generally agreed that all humans (except
maybe that kid possessed by an Ethros Demon in
1.14 of Angel) have a soul, even Wolfram & Hart
employees! And yet, plenty of human evil abounds.
What a soul does is provide a counterpoint to the
demonic hunger, a conscience that says, Hey, its
not such a nice thing to drink virgin blood. Maybe
Ill drink some pigs blood instead. A vampire with
a soul, especially if shes a particularly angry or
unconscionable person before her siring, is every bit
as likely to wreak havoc as an unsouled vampire.
Moreover, doesnt that make her more evil?
However, playing a person so totally evil that even
having their soul stuck back in them isnt enough to
embark them on a path of good isnt a very good
option for a Cast Member. In the end, a soul is about
a choice. Well, mostly. Well get into unsouled
choices in a little bit.


When Bad Vampires Go Good

A vampire with a soul is a prime candidate for

emotional problems such as depression and guilt.
Obsession (Redemption) or perhaps Covetous
(Redemption) would not be out of line for a souled
vampire Cast Member, either.

Chips A-head
In Season Four of Buffy, were introduced to the
Initiative, a government agency tasked with seeking
out, capturing, studying, and controlling Hostile
Sub-Terrestrials (angry, underworld monsters like
demons and vampires). They did this by using
behavior modification chips placed in the brain. The
chips (at least the ones we saw on the show) discouraged violent tendencies towards humans by
sending searing pain into the brains of the chipped
HSTs. The chips were advanced enough to work on
intent, as Spike was zapped for pointing a gun at
humans with intent to shoot, not even actually
pulling the trigger.
Thus, playing a chipped vampire is a perfectly
valid choice. After all, a vampire with a behavior
modification chip in his head still has a demon
inside of him compelling him to maim, murder, and
kill. If a vampire cant crush people, why not crush
demons or other vamps? Now, vampires and demons
alike tend to think ill of traitorous vampires, so the
cast member will probably earn a free level or two of
Adversary before you even hit mid-season, but for
all the fun of characterization and roleplaying in
Buffy and Angel, theres rarely a shortage of combat.
Within the subset of chipped vampires, cast members still have options. Spike was an escaped HST
who used his knowledge of the Initiative to blackmail the Scooby Gang into not staking him at first,
and later went after the demon world with vim and
vigor when he discovered that he could take out his
anger and frustration on monsters.
What if the Initiative had succeeded? What if they
put together a Suicide Squad of chipped vampires sent into the underworld on missions, wiping
out demon cults, assassinating warlocks, overthrowing Middle Eastern dictators and more? The PCs
could all be vampire commandos or even a mix of
human commandos and chipped vampire soldiers.
The Military Monster Squad sourcebook can be used


to flesh out a Dirty Dozen with Fangs game considerably, including new chips like Slave Chips and
various Behavior Modification chips. As another
take on a similar campaign, what about a vampire
squad whose chips start failing one by one, leaving a
lone vampire commando under the thumb of the
government and having to track down and kill his
comrades. This is an excellent option if the group is
into the military thing but lacks players.
How about a rogue scientist who happened upon
some old Initiative files and began experimenting
with chipping on his own, perhaps because he
wants a force of vampire thugs, or perhaps someone he cares about is chained up in his basement
after being sired. Of course, chipping her because
she was sired doesnt mean shes gonna be happy
with the rogue scientist. The playable options could
be an experimental vamp or, for the roleplay heavy,
how about spending the first six episodes or so of
the game chained to the wall, as the relative in need
of saving?

By the Grace of God

Moving away from the canon rationales, how
about a truly religious vampire? Drusilla was about
to become a nun, but she was driven to the convent
at least in part because she thought she was evil, due
to her visions. In addition, while Angels old horrormate Penn was a Puritan, theres no solid evidence
that he was a truly pious man.
Wanna spend some points on Age? How about a
vampire that really was at the Crucifixion and was
driven by the sacrifice of Christ to be a do-gooder?
Alternately, maybe the vamp even drank of the
Christs blood. A Christian, regardless of age, truly
moved by God could find herself holding the demon
off and may even be able to shrug off the vampiric
vulnerabilities to Holy symbols and the like, by purchasing the corresponding Resistances. Most would
agree, though, that it would be far more befitting the
Buffyverse for a truly devout vamp to still find herself smoldering while holding a cross or touching
holy water.
Christianity is hardly the only belief system that
someone could have a devout interest in. A Taoist
strives towards immortality, and not of the meta-

Eden Studios Presents

There is still potential for perversion and abuse

among those with strict beliefs, especially if they
belong to a religion known to veer into extreme
practices such as Islam with its Jihads and
Christianity with its Crusades. In a cute bit of irony,
the people most likely to find themselves resisting
vampirism through their religious beliefs are the
same ones likely to pervert their belief: Zealots.
Humans with the Zealot drawback are driven by
more than hunger and a destructive desire, which
are the main aspects the vampiric demon seems to
bring to vampires.
This only applies to the truly devout among the
various religious bodies. Those who merely pay lip
service to God, who are more Wanna Blessed-Bes,
or who think being Zens gonna help em pick up
chicks are far more apt to forget their religious
leanings when consumed by the demon. Still, they
may find themselves snacking on their former spiritual brothers and sisters more so than other groups
of victims.

While we talked about one aspect of Angels
goodness, his soul, we didnt mention the other, the
curse. Most folks think of Angel, when they think
cursed vampire, but that doesnt have to be the
case. Even if gypsies were the only people (or
things) capable of cursing, theres nothing say they
have to curse someone with a soul.
Curses can take many forms:
A vampire could be cursed to guard a
Hellmouth. Variable conditions could be until
hes dust, until its opened, or until a certain
threat has passed.

Volume 2

A vampire who murders a parent could be saddled with the responsibility of defending the
child, either to adulthood, to the childs death or
until the child fulfills a certain role in the world.
The Chumasch Indians seem to have left some
curses in their California territory. What if they
were to curse a vampire to defend, say, a burial
ground? If the artifacts were stolen, the vamp
would be compelled to seek out the items for the
Indians. This notion could be applied to any culture and their burial grounds or artifacts.
However, allowing a PC to play a vampire
cursed to defend a stationary object, like a temple, could get problematic in adventure design.
A cursed ring (or other object) could compel a
vampire who has donned it to seek out and
destroy a major Adversary, such as a Hell-goddess, a major demon like The Judge, or even a
True Demon.

Soul(less) Survivors
What about those who have no soul, no chip, and
no religious leanings? Does that mean theres no
hope for a soulless vampire? Not even.

When Bad Vampires Go Good

physical, Living-in-the-Grace-of-the-Creator-in-theAfterlife kind, but true Walking-the-Earth immortality. Imagine their reaction to achieving immortality
and then finding that theyve become a monster in
the process! The demon would likely seek to abandon the meditative practices of the former self, but a
truly disciplined Taoist could somehow force the
demon to hold itself in check, when he realizes that
his new vampiric vulnerabilities and hunger make
his immortality an imperfect achievement.

Theres no law against vampires having honor, so

how about a duelist vampire who finds himself bested in combat by a Slayer or a Champion of Good?
Instead of running him through, the hero spares the
vampires life, leaving him honor-bound to defend
the hero until the debt is repaid.
A comic book geek may find himself thrilled
with his new superpowers, so he sets out in cape
and tights to defeat evildoers and defend the innocent. Unfortunately, hes liable to start taking his
beatings too far, and in a bloodlust, he might injure
the police who arrive on the scene or even the people hes protecting.
While Angel said that he wasnt capable of loving
Darla, that doesnt mean that soulless vampires
cant love. For all Drusillas insanity, she loved
Spike, just as he did her and later Buffy. A vampire
falling for the wrong girl (such as a Slayer) or
guy, can use that love as an impetus for fighting the
demon within.


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Harmony is a great example of a vampire without

a soul who has no specific evil tendencies. While she
does enjoy beating up on people and is perfectly
willing to torture a bad guy for the cause, this ditzy
vampire has no grand scheme or motivation to seek
out victims when shes off the clock. After all, evil
can be hard work, especially if youre not particularly competent. So much easier to just drink pigs
blood and play nice.

A vampire could find himself haunted, perhaps by

a loved one or, as suggested in Monster Smackdown,
by the soul that originally inhabited the body. A soul
basically haunting itself could make for a fun game,
with the Director using the soul as Supporting Cast
and the player playing the vampire as a Cast
Member. An interesting variant could feature a Cast
Member ghost with a vampire adversary running
around in his body.

And how about a hemophobic vampire? Picture a

vampire who is so squeamish and afraid of blood that
not only can he not kill his victims, he has to keep the
blood stored in a covered mug and he drinks through
a colored straw! Not to say hes incapable of evil, but
its a good start for a vamp to not be bad.

A third twist could involve a Revenant (see Angel

Corebook, p.62) leaping into a freshly killed body,
only to find that it had been sired, but not risen. That
leaves two beings in the body, neither of whom
should be in there! From a character creation standpoint, this becomes a logistical nightmare. One suggestion for dealing with a Revenant/Vampire would
be to take the better of the Attribute bonuses, leave
the vampiric vulnerabilities in, and keep the physical
ups and downs of each Quality for what would come
out to be about 22 points. The problem with making
a player pay 22 points for this Quality is that they
would lose the vampiric abilities and vulnerabilities
that alter the Qualitys cost when they when they die
and emerge in a fresh body, essentially becoming
just a Revenant after that. However, if your player
doesnt mind losing the points, who are we to say
not to do it?

A vampire whos helping the heroes just because

theyve lowered the vampire population in the area
works, too. After all, the drinking of blood is a survival instinct, which is why those being sired cant
resist even if they want to. So why not rat out vampire nests if it keeps the Slayer from staking you?
Sure, youre going to find yourself with some new
enemies, but that just keeps the game interesting.
Speaking of a sense of self-preservation, Spike
saved the world in Season Two because he rather
liked his undead existence. Makes sense, whats not
to like? You maim, kill, torture, and otherwise wreak
havoc, and your only real restrictions are no sunlight
(unless you have some necro-tempered glass lying
around) and no church. Of course, that doesnt stop
other demons, vampires, and even some humans
from trying to destroy the world. Your vampire
could decide to temporarily forego murder and mayhem for a while in order to look at the big picture.
With all the Hellmouths, apocalypse cults, and
branches of Wolfram & Hart in the world, theres no
shortage of global-scale peril to keep a vampire from
being able to mind his own business.

Twos a Crowd
Another option could be a true internal struggle
for control of the body. A Cast Member with multiple personalities could have a personality or two
who arent evil and are in fact quite heroic. The
Director could control the evil personality (or personalities), unless the group trusts the player to handle his evil character for short stretches.


The easiest way to get around the point totals is

simply for the player to create a Revenant, lay the
Vampire Quality over the top of it, and subject the
player to Willpower rolls to resist the demon as discussed below. After all, if the Revenant/Vampire
dies from anything other than fire (which would
include burning to death in sunlight), hell live on in
a new body.

Playing the Part

Some have debated the good Spike performed
before he won his soul back. He might have been
truly doing good, or he might have been trying to
accomplish something else and good just happened
to keep happening because of it. The answer, as far
as this article is concerned, is that it doesnt matter.
PCs can create a vampire who has, for whatever reason, an honest desire or compulsion to be heroic.
PCs can create a vampire who is just bored with
winning fights too easily, so hes stopped hunting the

Eden Studios Presents

There are a few ways this could be played, but

again, Director and Cast Member(s) should be on the
same page. A vampire who fights evil and still snacks
on people is one option. While this isnt highly recommended, it could be done, especially in a solo
game or at least as long as the vampire tries to cover
up her misdeeds so the other players dont dust them.
A vampire who is honestly struggling with her
inner demon is certainly a playable option as well. It
can also be difficult for a player to do, especially at
first. In nearly every case, even with souled vampires, the temptation to do evil is still there. If the
player is roleplaying the conflict just fine, then you
can leave dice out of it. In fact, a player doing an
exceptional job of handling this balance on their
own should probably net at least an extra Drama
Point or two from time to time.
That said, die rolls are sometimes the best way to
handle these things. When a vampire is faced with
the temptation of succumbing to her vampiric nature
and demonic tendencies, a Willpower (not doubled)
roll should be made (hey, no one said being good
was a cakewalk). If the vampire is wounded, starved,
or otherwise pushed to an extreme, penalties should
certainly come into playthe more morally ambiguous the act, especially for an unsouled vampire, the
harsher the penalty. An unsouled vampire trying to
not skewer a Wolfram & Hart lawyer that has been
dogging her for many Episodes could find herself
facing Heroic-level (6 to 9) penalties. Trying to
avoid feeding off of a wounded innocent should
likely require at least an unmodified roll, as even
Angel gets tempted from the smell (and especially
taste) of blood.

After all, if trying to hold back the evil within isnt

heroic, especially with the Hero and Champions
smaller amount of Drama Points, then what is?

Oooh . . . Bite Me
Think you wanna play a good vamp? Or, as a
Director, you need a good vampire Supporting Cast
Member for your Series? Following this article is a
series of vampire archetypes using some of the ideas
discussed. A mix of Hero and Champion character
types were used. Buffy rules were kept away from
Champions, Angel rules were excluded from Hero
characters. Enjoy!

When Bad Vampires Go Good

hunters and is instead hunting demons. The only

things that matter in the context of the Buffy the
Vampire Slayer and Angel Roleplaying Games are
the Directors approval of the character, and the
characters ability to interact with the other Cast
Members without eating them or being staked.

After the vampire crosses a certain point, say ten

or so consecutive moral dilemmas in which she
managed to take the high road, allow her to roll
Willpower (doubled) instead.
Of course, they can always spend a Drama Point
on a Heroic Feat when battling their inner demon,
whether theyre rolling Willpower doubled or not.

Volume 2


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Chipped Vampire


Character Type Hero

Life Points 70 Drama Points 10
Str 6
Dex 5
Con 6


Fast Reaction Time (2)

Hard to Kill 4 (2; 2 from Vampire Quality)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Situational Awareness (2)
Vampire (15)

Adversary (Former Vampire Soldiers) (4)
Cant Harm Humans (from Vampire Quality)
Obligation (Military) (3)
Reckless (2)

Acrobatics 2
Art 0
Computers 1
Crime 3
Doctor 0
Driving 2
Getting Medieval 5
Gun Fu 3
Influence 0
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2
Languages 0
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 2
Occultism 0
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Military Training) 3

Eden Studios Presents

I had it all worked out. Hittin frat parties and pickin off sorority girls . . . it was the life!
Then I got shot with a taser.
I woke up in a cell underneath one of the dormitories on campus! The government was hunting vampires
and studying us. They put a behavior modification chip in my head! Try to bite a human? Zap!
They put me and some other chipped guys to work, killing demons and vampires as a strike force. They
kept us stocked up on blood and goodies, so we had no incentive to run off. Why get chased down by G.I.
Joe when hes giving you all the blood you can drink?
Then the chips stopped working. One by one, the others found themselves able to hurt people, until they
were able to indulge in a full-fledged killing spree. One night, they turned on the commandoes we were supposed to help out against some demons. Of course, I knew better than to run. Those guys had no respect for
a vamp who couldnt kill his own food.
Luckily, the military does.
I returned, explained things, and got sent after my ex-comrades. In exchange? I get my chip shut off.

Dont dust you? Dusting is half the battle! (stakes) Yo Joe!

Combat Maneuvers

Bonus Base Damage Notes

Big Knife
Big Pistol
Break Neck



(Through Heart)



Volume 2

Bash, Survival
Test or neck broken
Defense action
x5 vs vamps

When Bad Vampires Go Good

Background on the Chipped Vampire



Str 5
Dex 5
Con 6


Age 3 (6)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill 6 (4; 2 from Vampire Quality)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Vampire (15)

Adversary (Demons and Vampires) (5)
Adversary (Slayers and Watchers) (3)
Antisocial Impulses (Cruelty) (1)
Antisocial Impulses (Violence) (2)
Mental Problems (Deathwish)
(from Vampire Quality)
Mental Problems (Reckless) (2)

Acrobatics 4
Art 0
Computers 0
Crime 4
Doctor 0
Driving 2
Getting Medieval 6
Gun Fu 5
Influence 2
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 5
Languages 3
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 4
Occultism 5
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

Eden Studios Presents

When Bad Vampires Go Good

When Bad Vampires Go Good

Demon Hunter V
Character Type Champion
Life Points 72 Drama Points 10

Whoever said they wanted to live forever, didnt really. Ask me, Ill tell you.
When I got turned, I reveled in the power, the violence. I started with everyone I never liked in life, and
then went after everyone I never dared to. I learned to fight, honed my skills, became more than a killer
. . . I became a warrior.
Just when I was getting bored with people, I met a girl. She was fast, strong, hot. She came closer to kicking my tail than anyone else since Id risen. Blood tasted so sweet. She was my first Slayer, though she wasnt my last. Theyre a cocky lot, cockier than vamps, even. Makes em taste sweeter.
Funny thing set in about a hundred and a half ago, though. Found myself bored with pickin off people
and demon hunters. Started hunting vampires next. Made my blood boil, as it were. Then, I needed bigger
game. Demons. Trolls. Werewolves. You name it. Im tired of this life, but I never was a quitter. So, Ill keep
looking. Somethings gotta be big enough to kill me. God knows nothing human can, so Ill keep pickin
on demons . . . till Im dust.

So youre gonna kill me, eh? Dont say it if you dont mean it.

Combat Maneuvers

Bonus Base Damage Notes

Aiming (crossbow) 9
Aiming (gun)


Brain Shot (BAP)

Break Neck



Catch Weapon
Crossbow Shot
(Through Heart) 8


(Through Heart) 8
Whirling Sword



Volume 2

Adds SLs to shot

Adds SLs to shot
must grapple first
Damage x4
must grapple first
Defensive Action
x5 vs Vamps
Damage x5
Defense action
Add SLs to
next action
Impairs target
Defensive Action
x5 vs vamps
Attacks all in range

When Bad Vampires Go Good

Background on the Demon Hunter V


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Four Color Vampire


Character Type Hero

Life Points 55 Drama Points 10
Str 5
Dex 4
Con 4


Nerd (3)
Photographic Memory (2)
Vampire (15)

Impaired Senses
(Vision, corrected by glasses/contacts) (1)
Attractiveness 2 (2)
Mental Problems (Mild Cruelty) (1)
Misfit (2)
Showoff (2)
Teenager (2)

Acrobatics 0
Art 2
Computers 6 (+2 from Nerd)
Crime 3
Doctor 0
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 0
Gun Fu 0
Influence 0
Knowledge 3
Kung Fu 3
Languages 2
Mr. Fix-it 3
Notice 1
Occultism 1
Science 3
Sports 0
Wild Card (Comic Books) 5

Eden Studios Presents

So I wasnt bitten by a radioactive spider, and Im not really from another planet. And even though I was
certainly born different than everyone else, that didnt make me superhuman. I was brought low by a
fiendish nightstalker, who failed to keep me in my grave, for I clawed my way forth and realized that I had
been given a heavy burden. I, and I alone, have the power to protect the night from fiends and monsters that
would pluck hapless young virgins from their nightly rounds.
Vampires, demons, cultists, date-rapists, gangbangers. They all wilt before my might! And my unholy
bloodlust is hardly a problem! I simply drink upon the blood of the guilty! Its like killing two birds with
one stone! Heh, you should have seen the look on our local so-called jock hero when I crashed his date.
A broken femur or two and he thought better of drugging and assaulting another helpless damsel. And then
there was the paint can I busted into the face of the graffiti artist who messed up my favorite comic shop.
I dont see how the world got by without me before.

Stand back, citizen! I shall not rest until evil pays for its crimes . . . in blood!

Combat Maneuvers

Volume 2

Bonus Base Damage Notes



Must Grapple first


Defense action


Holds opponent




When Bad Vampires Go Good

Background on the Four Color Vampire


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Honorable Vampire


Character Type Champion

Life Points 69 Drama Points 10
Str 6
Dex 5
Con 5


Fast Reaction Time (2)

Hard to Kill 5 (3; 2 from Vampire Quality)
Vampire (15)

Adversary (Vampires and demons) (4)
Honorable (Rigid) (from Vampire Quality)
Humorless (1)
Obligation (Even score with Slayer) (2)

Acrobatics 3
Art 0
Computers 0
Crime 2
Doctor 0
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 8
Gun Fu 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 4
Languages 3
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 4
Occultism 2
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

Eden Studios Presents

I lived my life with a code of honor. As a duelist, I was among the best living. And therein lies the catch.
I met my better one eve, a bloke who was faster, stronger . . . just better. Moments after I admitted defeat,
his brow furrowed and he revealed himself to me. A vampire. My sword came back to my hand too late,
and his fangs sank into my throat.
I lived my death with a code of honor. A duelist, I was among the best ever seen. I fought, humiliated, and
killed every swordsman with potential. I hadnt had a challenge in years. I met my better one eve, a girl who
was faster, stronger . . . just better. Moments after I admitted defeat and prepared for my unlife to end, she
challenged me to do something harder than lose.
She wanted me to live.
My code of honor and my debt to the Slayer are all that separates me from the beasts. I swore I would
defend her until our score was even, but she has saved me many times since.
Lived by the sword, died by the fang, carried by honor, in debt to the Slayer.

You just dont get it, do you? Some things are more important than food.

Combat Maneuvers

Volume 2

Bonus Base Damage Notes



(Through Heart)8
Sweep Kick



x5 damage
Resisted by Parry
Defense action
Add SLs to
next action
Defense action
x5 vs vamps
Knocks target down

When Bad Vampires Go Good

Background on the Honorable Vampire


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Scared Straight Vamp


Character Type Hero

Life Points 56 Drama Points 10
Str 6
Dex 6
Con 4


Age 3 (6)
Contacts (Assorted underworld contacts) (3)
Occult Library (Impressive) (3)
Vampire (15)

Adversary (Assorted demons) (5)
Obsession (Ensuring that the world doesnt end)
(fromVampire Quality)
Paranoid (2)
Zealot (Destruction of demon cults) (3)

Acrobatics 0
Art 0
Computers 3
Crime 2
Doctor 2
Driving 1
Getting Medieval 3
Gun Fu 0
Influence 2
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 2
Languages 5
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 5
Occultism 6
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Demon Cults) 5

Eden Studios Presents

Between you and me, theres some truly scary things in the world! Sisters of Jhe, Vahrall demons, hellgoddesses, humans becoming demons, vampires summoning demons, its crazy! Im going about my business as a self-respecting bloodsucker when some depressed whackjob wants to summon Sarregoth, the Void
Beast of Suffering! Do you realize what that would do? Unleash an emptiness upon the world that would
kill most people and a lotta vamps, too!
Around the millenium, demon cults really stepped up their rituals, and I was out of allies, since most vampires are too scared to even cross an Arakos demon. Top of the food chain my ass. So I turned to Lunchables
for help. You know, humans. If they werent plannin to stake me all the time, I might have even been friends
with em. As it is, I did get a good meal outta them. Dont look at me like that! I gotta have that blood, see.
I cant really fight demons if Im starvin to death, can I? Oh, dont be so upset, Im gonna do more good
for the world than you would. Now hold still, itll only sting for a minute.

Wait . . . who said I was one of the good guys?

Combat Maneuvers

Volume 2

Bonus Base Damage Notes






x5 damage


Defense action



by spell


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Background on the Scared Straight Vamp


When Bad Vampires Go Good

Taoist Vampire


Character Type Champion

Life Points 56 Drama Points 10
Str 5
Dex 7
Con 5


Fast Reaction Time (2)

Iron Mind (3)
Situation Awareness (2)
Vampire (15)

Humorless (1)
Mental Problems (Mild ZealotTaoist) (from Vampire Quality)
Minority (1)
Outcast (3)
Resources (Destitute) (2; 1 from Vampire Quality)
Secret (Slaughtered his fellow priests) (3)

Acrobatics 5
Art 0
Computers 0
Crime 0
Doctor 2
Driving 0
Getting Medieval 3
Gun Fu 0
Influence 0
Knowledge 0
Kung Fu 6
Languages 2
Mr. Fix-it 0
Notice 3
Occultism 2
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card (Taoism) 6
Wild Card (Meditation) 5

Eden Studios Presents

The flow of the Tao throughout the universe had unanticipated side effects on my existence. A creature in
the darkness, a moment of extreme violence, and I was forever marked. My first impulse was to revel in the
realization of my immortality. My brethren saw what I had become . . . and tried to destroy me.
They were ill prepared for combat.
I partook of their blood. Feasted on their souls. I had achieved the end result of my lifes pursuit: true,
walking immortality. Imagine my surprise when I found the Tao refused to allow the demon to control me
completely. My pleasure replaced with horror, I cried as I tried unsuccessfully to revive my fallen brothers.
I cursed myself for my failings and threw myself to the horizon, awaiting my death. And then the demon
awoke. My very beliefs failed me! The demon sent us on a bloody course towards a village at the base of
the mountain from the monastery. I overtook it and slaked its thirst on mountain goats instead. I can hold it
in check most of the time. Except when I try to kill it. Someday, my discipline will overwhelm my innate
desire to live forever.

Be careful what you wish for. You just might live forever.

Combat Maneuvers

Volume 2

Bonus Base Damage Notes

Break Neck



must Grapple first

Catch Weapon

Defense action



Defense Action

Double Jump Kick 9


Hits two targets

(see Angel, p.121)


Adds SLs to
next action



Resisted by Dodge

Jump Kick



Bash, special
(see Angel, p. 122)







By move,





Spin Kick




Sweep Kick


Bash, knockdown



Bash, knockdown


Bash, knockdown,
must Grapple first

Wall Flip

+3 to defense
on this Turn

When Bad Vampires Go Good

Background on the Taoist Vamp

opponent out


The Apes That Time Forgot

The Apes That Time Forgot

A Terra Primate Apeworld
by Gerry Saracco

Stevens ran through the thick brush. He still couldnt believe it. They had come south to investigate the disappearance of the Martin & Lewis Expedition. What they found was much worse: A prehistoric rain forest hidden in the middle of the Antarctic. Filled with dinosaurs, even primitive
humans, this place held an even worse secret: intelligent apes that walked and talked! These apes had
a civilization and worshipped a volcano. Most of the Expedition had been sacrificed to this so-called
god the apes worshipped. Stevens group had been captured, but they organized a breakout, leading the Neanderthal-like humans in a revolt against their captors. Stevens had seen the rest of his
team killed by guards, but Martin and Lewis had fled with him into the jungle. Martin and Lewis,
along with the few Neanderthals who had escaped, were attempting to lead the apes after them, while
Stevens headed back to his base camp. He hoped to organize a larger rescue party. He just prayed
Martin and Lewis could hold out long enough for him to get his men armed and out to rescue them.
If his bearings were right, the base camp was only a days travel . . .

The Basics
Lost worlds are a classic. This one is a tropical,
prehistoric rainforest hidden in the frozen Antarctic.
Dinosaurs abound, ape-like Neanderthals eke out a
primitive existence, and an offshoot of gibbons has
achieved sentience, developing a civilization!
Protagonists are usually explorers, intrepid journalists covering said expedition, or ex-military types
who have signed on as guards in case of trouble. The
Big Game Hunter (see Terra Primate, p. 76) is
appropriate for this setting, though the Apeman (see
Terra Primate, p. 74) would work as well, being the
descendant of an earlier expedition to this hidden
realm. Sample archetypes at the end of this articleshold inspire ideas for characters.
Adversaries will typically be hungry dinosaurs,
Neanderthals, and the gibbons. The priests of the
Volcano God will be the fiercest adversaries from
the gibbons, wanting to sacrifice the protagonists to
their fiery deity!

The Apes
These intelligent apes are an offshoot of the gibbon. Their fur is more of a grayish tint than white.
They are intelligent and capable of speech. They
retain some of their animalistic origins. While they
walk upright, they are only partial bipeds. Like other
apes, they cannot swim, and avoid large bodies of
water whenever possible. They are rational, yet can
become atavistic at times.


Their civilization consists of one major city located at the base of a volcano. Parts of the city lay in the
side of the volcano. Smaller communities exist;
these outposts are walled encampments that have to
deal with the dinosaurs and Neanderthals more often
than the city must.
The gibbons possess the equivalent of Iron Age
technology. The nearby mountains are rich in the
ores needed to make iron, as well as heavily laden
with gold, silver, and precious gems. They tend to
use mud bricks in their buildings, though some stone
and wood is used. They use oil for lamps and such,
having a steady source nearby.
Soldiers wear leather-like armor, including leather
headgear. This armor is usually made from dinosaur
hides, and is thus green and scaly looking. Shields
made of wicker, with a bronze rim are also used.
Officers wear iron helmets. Common arms are
spears and clubs. Swords are a recent invention, and
more commonly carried by officers. Bows exist and
are used by special troops.
Homes tend to be spacious, with at least one room
having a tree in it that stretches outside the roof.
Otherwise, the architecture tends to mimic ancient
human cultures.
Their society is very humanistic, though retaining
simian customs of grooming and intimidation.
Monogamous relationships and family units are typical.

Eden Studios Presents

Neo-Gibbon Quality
4-point Quality
Attributes: Gibbons add +6 to Dexterity, +1 to
Constitution, and 1 to Intelligence. These modifiers
cost six points
Qualities and Drawbacks: Gibbons have
Atavism (1), Brachiation (+1), Delusions (Phobia
of Drowning) (2), Negative Buoyancy (1), and
Partial Biped (1)
Powers: Gibbons add +10 inches to their highjump, and +10 yards to their broad jumping ability.
This costs one point.
Natural Attacks: Gibbons have a natural bite
attack that does one point of stabbing damage per
level of Strength. This costs one point.

Gibbon Soldier
Supporting Cast/Adversaries
Constitution 3
Strength 3
Dexterity 6
Intelligence 3
Perception 2
Willpower 2
LPS 34
Spd 18
EPS 29
Essence 19
Qualities/Drawbacks: Delusion (Prejudice vs.
humans) (3), Military Rank (Private) (1),
Neo-Gibbon (4), Nerves of Steel (3)
Skills: Brawling 2, Climbing 3, Dodge 2, Hand
Weapon (Stone Club) 2, Hand Weapon (Stone
Spear) 2, Intimidation 2, Survival (Jungle) 2

Gibbon Priest
Strength 2
Constitution 2
Dexterity 6
Intelligence 3
Perception 3
Willpower 3
LPS 26
Spd 16
EPS 26
Essence 29
Qualities/Drawbacks: Delusion (Prejudice vs.
humans) (3), Increased Essence Pool +10 (2),
Neo-Gibbon (4), Status (Religious Leader) 2
(2), Zealot (3)
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, Climbing 3, Haggling 2,
Hand Weapon (Knife) 2, Myth & Legend
(Volcano God) 3, Notice 2, Questioning 2,
Smooth Talking 2
Equipment: Ceremonial (and Sacrificial)
Dagger, Necklace with Volcanic Rock
Medallion, Robes

The Apes That Time Forgot

Their religion posits that the volcano near their

city is a god. This god protects them, provides
warmth, and keeps the dinosaurs at bay (most
dinosaurs avoid the volcano, whether out of instinct
or fear). The priesthood is a powerful force in the
city, and every so often, they sacrifice captured
Neanderthals to the Volcano God. This, the priests
claim, keeps the god appeased and the city continues
to thrive.

The Humans
True humans are not native to this lost world. The
only human-like inhabitants are the Neanderthals.
These people have a more ape-like appearance, and
are less civilized than the Gibbons. They wear loincloths of animal skin, and carry weapons made of
stone, flint, or wood. They are a hunter-gatherer
society and eat their food raw.
The Neanderthals gather into small tribal units
more akin to a clan. An elder leads each tribe. The
men hunt, while the women gather vegetables, raise
the children, make more loincloths, or make replacement weapons for the men.
The tribes live in caves, though some have built
crude huts using wood and mud. Some even have a
small palisade made of wood and mud to prevent
dinosaurs from just charging into the encampment.

Equipment: Dinosaur Hide Leather Armor and

Helmet, Stone Club, Stone Spear

Volume 2


The Apes That Time Forgot

Neanderthal Quality
5-point Quality
Attributes: Neanderthals add +3 to Strength, and
+3 to Constitution. This costs six points.
Qualities and Drawbacks: Neanderthals have
Attractiveness 3 (3), Hard to Kill 5 (+5), Impaired
Speech (1), and Low Intellect (2)
Powers: Neanderthals have no special powers.
Natural Attacks: Neanderthals do not have any
natural attacks.

Neanderthal Tribesman
Supporting Cast
Strength 5
Constitution 5
Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2
Perception 3
Willpower 2
LPS 50
Spd 16
EPS 41
Essence 20
Qualities/Drawbacks: Neanderthal (5),
Resistance (Disease) 3 (3), Status (Neanderthal)
3 (3)
Skills: Brawling 2, Climbing 2, Dodge 1, Hand
Weapon (Stone Axe) 1, Hand Weapon (Stone
Spear) 2, Intimidation 2, Notice 2, Survival
(Jungle) 4
Equipment: Loincloth, Stone Axe, Stone Spear

Stone Age Weapons

Neanderthals use flint and/or stone weapons.
These weapons are not as durable or sharp as standard weapons. The Stone Age Weapons Table details
the statistics for these weapons.

Stone Age Weapons Table

Weapon Type





Axe, Stone*

D6(3) x (Strength 2)



Knife, Stone*

D4(2) x (Strength 2)



Spear, Stone*&

D6(3) x (Strength 1)



D6(3) x (Strength)



Spear Charge, Stone*&

* Slashing/stabbing weapon, except penetrating damage is not doubled.

& Weapon may be used two handed, raising the characters effective strength by one when calculating


Eden Studios Presents

Pre-Heroric Character
Str 2
Dex 3
Con 2



LPS 35
EPS 23
Essence 15
Addiction (Habitual Drinking) (1)
Good Luck 1 (1)
Hard to Kill 3 (3)
Situational Awareness (2)

Brawling 3
Dodge 3
Driving (Car) 2
Gambling 4
Guns (Handgun) 3
Guns (Rifle) 3
Notice 4
Piloting (Blimp) 6

Binoculars, Compass, Cold Weather
Gear, Flare Gun, .45 Hand Gun with
5 Magazines

I learned to fly blimps during the Great War. After
the war, the Professor was looking for a blimp pilot
for an expedition to the Antarctic, I applied for
the job. I had no idea what I was getting myself
The sea voyage down south was uneventful,
until the search plane found a tropical forest in
the middle of the Antarctic! The Professor was
ecstatic. We inflated the blimp and flew
in. I was awestruck at the sight of a jungle in the middle of that bleak wasteland.
Things went smoothly for the first
two days. Then, some sort of flying
creatures attacked the blimp. The
Professor said they were dinosaurs!
We discovered intelligent apes
living in the forest. They walked,
talked, and even built a city on the
side of a volcano! The downside
being they thought the volcano was a
god. The Professor and some of the others were captured by the apes.

The Apes That Time Forgot

Blimp Pilot

Were gonna go in and save the

Professor. If any of them apes get in our
way, well a .45 slug should put them down
just like any other creep.

I realize those flying lizards are getting
closer! No matter how much you complain,
I cant make this blimp go any faster . . .

Volume 2


The Apes That Time Forgot

Heroric Character
Str 3
Dex 3
Con 4



LPS 53
EPS 35
Essence 20
Adversary (Rival Explorer) (3)
Contact (South American Archeologist) (3)
Hard to Kill 5 (5)
Honorable (Mild) (1)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Photographic Memory (2)
Situational Awareness (2)

Brawling 2
Climbing 3
Dodge 2
Driving 2
Guns (Rifle) 3
Haggling 3
Humanities 4
Language (Spanish) 4
Myth & Legend (Inca) 3
Myth & Legend (Mayan) 3
Notice 3
Research/Investigation 4
Ride (Sled & Dog Team) 3

Backpack, Binoculars, Compass, Cold
Weather Gear, Flares (Box of 6),
Matches, Rations (2 Weeks Worth),
.30-06 Rifle with 200 rounds of


Id done a bit of exploring around South America,
with a few trips to the Antarctic. The Professor asked
me to join a search and rescue mission. We
sailed south as far as we could and then sent
out sled teams and an airplane to conduct
searches. It took about a week, but we
found the place.
The Professor was elated. I was
enthusiastic, until we saw the flying
reptiles. Gideon confirmed my
worst fears when he told the blimp
pilot that those were indeed
dinosaurs. It was a good thing we
brought Army veterans along for
security. We set the camp up
with no problems.
After we started our search of
the jungle, it started to get really
hectic. Our guards had to take
down a T-Rex on the third day. Three
men died before we put it down. Two
days later, primitive humans resembling Neanderthals attacked us.
We were in over our heads, and I
told the Professor that we needed to
go back to the ship to rethink our
plans. He wouldnt listen. The
damned fool pressed on in the middle
of the night without me. Now, hes
gone and been captured by intelligent apes!

Ive seen many ruins in my day.
This one, for all appearances, is not
Mayan. They didnt build their
homes around trees.

Eden Studios Presents

Pre-Heroric Character
Str 2
Dex 3
Con 3



LPS 39
EPS 26
Essence 5
Addiction (Habitual Smoking) (1)
Adversary (Rival Reporter) (1)
Contact (Information Broker) (2)
Hard to Kill 3 (3)
Photographic Memory (2)

Brawling 1
Bureaucracy 3
Dodge 2
Driving (Car) 2
Guns (Handgun) 1
Haggling 3
Notice 4
Questioning 3
Research/Investigation 4
Streetwise 3
Writing 4

Camera, Cigarettes, Cold
Weather Gear, Film, Flares (2),
Flash Bulbs, Matches, Notepad,
Pen, .32 Revolver with 30

I covered the Western Front during the Great War.
Being around danger like that gives you a buzz.
After the war, I covered all the hot spots, hoping for
more excitement.
None of that compares to this
assignment! The Professor was looking for a hidden jungle in the Antarctic.
I smelled a big story, so I approached the
Professor about joining his expedition. He
was reluctant at first. I showed him some of
my war correspondence and that changed
his mind real quick.
It took a long time to get close
enough to find this place. I couldnt
believe my eyes, a giant crater containing a tropical forest. We sent search
parties out to look for a base camp. A
T-Rex ambushed one of the parties. I
saw the carcass, and it was huge! I
took a picture of it before they carved
it up.

The Apes That Time Forgot

Intrepid Journalist

Things got worse a few days later.

Men in some kind of scaly armor
ambushed us. The men turned out
to be intelligent, bipedal apes!
Most of us were captured, the rest
Other explorers that the Professor
knows are here. They say the apes plan
to sacrifice us to their volcano god.

Dinosaurs? Intelligent apes? This is
the story of the century for sure. I guarantee it!

Volume 2


The Apes That Time Forgot

Soldier of Fortune
Heroric Character
Str 3
Dex 4
Con 4



LPS 53
EPS 40
Essence 20
Acute Sense (Vision) (2)
Charisma +3 (3)
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill 5 (5)
Honorable (Mild) (1)
Nerves of Steel (3)
Reckless (2)

Brawling 3
Climbing 2
Demolitions 2
Dodge 3
Driving (Car) 3
Guns (Handgun) 2
Guns (Rifle) 3
Guns (Submachine Gun) 4
Hand Weapon (Knife) 3
Intimidation 3
Language (French) 2
Language (German) 2
Language (Spanish) 1
Stealth 2
Survival (Forest) 3

Cold Weather Gear, Thompson SMG
with 5 Magazines, .45 Handgun with 5


During the Great War, I fought in the trenches and
hated every second of it. Work was hard to find after
the war. I became a mercenary with my old squad
mates. We fought in conflicts around the globe
and made some good money.
We got an offer from some professor needing muscle for an expedition. We all thought
this was someones bad idea of a joke. After
meeting the Professor, we knew it
wasnt. Turns out, there is a hidden
forest in the Antarctic. Since no one
knew what was living there, they
needed some hired guns just in
case. Good thing too, cause no
one expected what we found.
Dinosaurs. Living, breathing
dinosaurs. We bagged a T-Rex
when it tried to attack our
search party. Later, one of the
search parties was attacked by some
sort of intelligent ape! The apes killed
some on sight and stole away with others.
Now, the pilot wants to take the
blimp, fly to this ape city, and rescue
everyone. Were going to fly in, guns
blazing, and if need be, kill every
damn ape in that city. I just hope I
have enough bullets.

Ive fought petty warlords in
China, and two bit revolutionaries in
Mexico. You think these talking apes
are going to scare me?

Eden Studios Presents

by Andrew Ferguson

Note: All of these zombies include the basic zombie package (see AFMBE, p. 146).

The Living Dead at the

Manchester Morgue
Last week, the Ministry of Agriculture in
Manchester began testing a new method utilizing
radiation to terminate pests. The machine alters the
response of simple nervous systems, causing pests to
attack their closest neighbors. Thus far, it has been a
roaring success! In fact, the technicians are gearing
up to boost the machines energy so that it will work
up to a five mile radius.
They were unaware of the strange effects that
would soon begin within one mile of the testing
site. Newly born babies started exhibiting violent
responses to various stimuli. Drunks also began to
become more agitated. Their nervous systems were
may not be strong enough to fight off the effects of
the machine.
Of further concern is the blood of the living seems
to cause the dead to return from the grave.

The Living Dead at the

Manchester Morgue
Strength 4
Dexterity 2
Perception 2
DPS 15
EPS n/a
Skills: Brawling 2

Constitution 2
Intelligence 2
Willpower 2
Spd 4
Essence 14

Spreading the Love: Bury the Body [2] and

either Special (Blood of the Living) [+6] or
Special (Radiation from the Dept. of Agriculture
Machine) [2]
Power: 21/13

The Vad Velen

A most strange creature will come,
From the sea marsh of Rhianedd,
As a punishment of iniquity,
On Maelgwn Gwynedd;
His hair and his teeth,
And his eyes being as gold;
And this will bring destruction
On Maelgwn Gwynedd.
Shortly after Saint Teliavus received the pastoral
care of the Church of Llandaff, on account of a pestilence, which nearly destroyed the whole nation, he
was obliged to leave Wales. They named the disease
Yellow Pestilence, because it made everyone it
attacked yellow and bloodless. It appeared to men as
a column made from a watery cloud passing over the
whole region. Everything living that it touched with
its pestilential breath either died straightaway or
became sick unto death.

Sustenance: Daily [0], All Flesh Must Be Eaten


Seemingly this Yellow Pestilence appeared with

some frequency; a vaporous cloud that floated gently down the valleys, descending on St Davids
(although the tale is told of in Ireland as well as other
parts of Wales) and rained down upon the populace.
All who touched the cloud, or who breathed of it,
were struck down by the yellow plague. They
become lethargic, sick, and finally turned yellow
before succumbing to death.

Intelligence: Tool Use (Level 1) [+3], Long

Term Memory [+5]

However, what if there was more to it than that


Attack: Punch D4 x 4(4)

Weak Spot: Fire [5]
Getting Around: Life-Like [+3]
Strength: Strong Like Bull [+5]
Senses: Like the Living [+1]

Volume 2

Fresh Zombies

Fresh Flesh
New Zombies for AFMBE


Fresh Zombies

This is a time when buboes herald the coming of
death. Villages close their boundaries to all outsiders, turning away those travelers trapped between
settlements and raining arrows on messengers who
may carry the black death between towns. The
Yellow Pestilence strikes in the valleys of Wales.
The villagers sicken, turning bright yellow in hue,
and die, only to rise again as the Yellow Pestilence
feeds them.
Then it clings to them, carried by their dead steps
to another village. And another. And another.

The Vad Velen

Strength 2
Dexterity 1
Perception 2
DPS 25
EPS n/a
Skills: Brawling 2

Constitution 2
Intelligence 2
Willpower 2
Spd 4
Essence 7

Granny Greenteeth
Strength 7
Constitution 2
Dexterity 1
Intelligence 2
Perception 1
Willpower 2
DPS 15
Spd 2 (3 Underwater)
EPS n/a
Essence 6
Skills: Brawling 2, Swimming 2
Attack: Bite 6 per Turn
Weak Spot: Spine [+5]
Getting Around: The Lunge [+3], Aquatic [+2]
Strength: Monstrous Strength [+10], Teeth [+4]
Senses: Like the Dead [0]

Attack: Bite damage D4 x 2(4)

Sustenance: Occasionally [+2], Blood [2]

Weak Spot: All [0]

Intelligence: Dumb as Dead Wood [0]

Getting Around: Slow and Steady [0]

Spreading the Love: One Bite and Youre

Hooked [+2]

Strength: Dead Joe Average [0]

Power: 31

Senses: Like the Living [+1], Life Sense [+2]

Sustenance: Who Needs Food? (The Vad Velen
receive their sustenance from the Yellow
Pestilence cloud) [+8]
Intelligence: Dumb As Dead Wood [0]
Spreading the Love: Bury the Body (The air
and vapor of the cloud) [2]
Special: Diseased Corpse [+3]
Power: 17

Hey you! Hey kid! Get away from there!
Dont you know not to hang around derelict houses? Dont you watch movies?
I dont care what you heard. I dont care what you
thought you saw in that shack. You dont wanna be
hanging around here.
Why not? Why not? Ill tell you why not.

Granny Greenteeth
Lurking under layers of bilious pond scum and
floating serenely among the pondweed lays Granny
Greenteeth, a childrens folk tale made real. There is
never a stirring on the ponds surface and animals
long ago stopped drinking from the stagnant water.
Something keeps them away.


Sometimes in the summer, when the leaves on the

branches obscure the sickly green waters, the unwary
stray too near. A shadows movement draws the eye
of the pond witch. With a lightning lunge, an explosion of scum and water, the unwitting passer-by is
fighting for their life on the now-slick grass . . .

A kid died there, thats why. Not much older than

you. Thats why no one lives here. The family moved
away years ago, claiming the place is haunted.
Killed by his friends he was. Nobody knows why.
First anyone knew about it was when he finally
staggered out of that there shack.
According to folk around here he was bristling;
screwdrivers had been driven into his chest and back,

Eden Studios Presents

See, the story goes that boy, he still walks the

earth, looking for revenge or something. He comes
from that very shack at midnight looking for those
that have intruded on his peace and gives them a taste
of what he received. He takes the tools from his own
tortured body, the hammer and the screwdrivers, the
nails and shears and he goes to work on them.

Strength 2
Dexterity 1
Perception 1
DPS 15
EPS n/a
Skills: Brawling 2

Constitution 2
Intelligence 1
Willpower 2
Spd 2
Essence 6

Attack: Bite D4 x 2(4)

Weak Spot: Heart [+7]
Getting Around: Slow and Steady [0]
Strength: Dead Joe Average [0]
Senses: Like the Dead [0]
Sustenance: Occasionally [+2], All Flesh Must
Be Eaten [0]
Intelligence: Tool Use (Level 1) [+3]
Spreading the Love: Only the Dead [2]
Power: 17

In the tropical forests of Africa, the great rivers
wind their way under the blanketing darkness of the
canopy. It is easy for a traveler to become lost in the
menacing murk, pushing their way through stems,
roots, and leaves, disoriented by the constant shriek

Volume 2

and cry, rustle and snap of the hidden creatures that

surround them.
Ever alert, a traveler may well sigh with relief
when they arrive at a clearing or find themselves at
the bank of a river, a place of rest. Here the sun can
finally break through, affording an opportunity to
take bearings or set a course.
Yet, safety is an illusion in the realm of the jungle.
When all falls silent, when the jungle holds its
breath to await the fate of one of its own, it is time
to feel fear.
Real horror comes not from the large creatures
one runs to avoid, but at the sudden strike of the
unseen predator.

Fresh Zombies

his arms and legs, as had nails and screws of all

lengths and sizes. Saw blades were stuck in the meat
of his muscles and a claw hammer embedded in his
skull. There wasnt a bit of him that hadnt been tortured, not a bit of him that his friends had not tried to
kill. Wire had been wrapped around his face and skin
had been torn away with gardening tools or burned
with chemicals. He emerged out of the shack glittering with shards of metal and glass, trailing blood
behind him. The most he managed was a wet, rattling
gasp before he collapsed to the ground.

For the traveler is not alone. The Aigaumcha

Tiny monsters with eyes on their feet watch from
the branches. They watch from among the rotten vegetation carpeting the forest floor. The creatures of the
wild fear them not, for only one thing sates the
appetite of this unseen creature. Human flesh.

Strength 1
Dexterity 2
Perception 2
DPS 22

Constitution 2
Intelligence 0
Willpower 2
Spd 8
(3 underwater, 1 climbing)
EPS 18
Essence 9
Skills: Swimming 2, Climbing 2
Attack: Bite D4(2)
Weak Spot: All [0]
Getting Around: Life Like [+3], Leaping [+3],
Aquatic [+2], Climbing [+2]
Strength: Ninety Pound Weakling [3], Teeth
Senses: Like the Living [+1]
Sustenance: Occasionally [+2], All Flesh Must
Be Eaten [0]
Intelligence: Animal Cunning (Level 1) [+2]
Spreading the Love: n/a
Power: 17


Dead Ops

Dead Ops
A Scenario for AFMBE
by James Wilber

Dead Ops is an All Flesh Must Be Eaten adventure, ideal as either a one-shot convention demo or
as the basis for a longer All Flesh Must Be Eaten
campaign. Although the nature of the scenario does
call for advanced rules involving gunfights, the
Unisystem game mechanics make it easy for players
to quickly understand the rules.
This adventure is dedicated to Jeff, Dave, John,
Jim, Big Daddy Thwak, and all of the men and
women in the U.S. Armed Forces who have fought,
and often times died, defending their country.

Part One:
Adventure Overview
For decades, U.S. scientists have been developing
biological warfare projects for the military. One of
the scientists, Dr. Alfred Bergman, came from a
pharmaceutical company where he was working on
gene-therapy drugs to promote longevity. Dr.
Bergman was never able to keep human tissue from
deteriorating, but he did discover a method to revive
cells after they had died. As he worked, the idea
struck him to mix his two areas of research together,
creating a virus that thrived in a human corpse, reanimated the bodys cells, and restored basic brain
functions. These infected cadavers would then be
a drain on the resources of any enemy they encountered.
The Pentagon, realizing the power of this new
weapon, increased the programs funding. At the
same time, officials deemed that this project should
be carried out with the utmost secrecy. A press leak
about the disease would be a political nightmare. For
this reason, all testing would occur off U.S. soil.
Conveniently, the U.S. government had been providing funding and aid in the form of military advisors to the nation of Colombia. With all of the clandestine U.S. military operations in the region, it was
a simple thing to move the zombie project (or Dead
Ops, as it was now being called), to a U.S.-friendly
Colombian base.


A growing faction of communist guerillas in

Colombia, called Fuerez Armadas Revolucionarias de
Colombia, or FARC, has recently been stepping up its
attacks against the Colombian government. Using
money taken from Colombias notorious drug cartels,
they have acquired an impressive and deadly arsenalwhich they are now using to drive their offensive toward the research base used by the Americans.

Current Events
Ninety-six hours ago, during the final testing stage
for the biological agent, the Pentagon lost all contact
with the research base. The military believes that the
FARC has overrun the base and taken the scientists
captive. In reality, the scientists, rushing to finish the
testing of the disease before the FARC arrived, had
a major outbreak in one of the labs. They decided to
salvage what they could by immediately transporting it to the closest safe area.
Unfortunately, the nearest safe area was also the
home base of a particularly ruthless group of South
African mercenaries, hired by British Petroleum to
guard their oil-producing facilities. They were quite
surprised to see the U.S. scientists emerge from the
jungle. After learning of the scientists work, the
mercenaries quickly imprisoned them and forced
them to begin producing more of the virus. The
South Africans wanted this weapon for themselves.
In order to find out what has happened to the project, the U.S. Army has decided to send in a Ranger
team. Its mission is to enter the original base and
bring the U.S. personnel to a safe extraction point.

The Adventure
The Cast Members learn that the Army has lost
contact with a base in Columbia containing U.S.
military advisors. They jump into the jungle by helicopter, twelve miles from the base. After making
their way through the brush, they find the base
deserted and crawling with zombies.
While the Cast Members are trying to figure out
whats going on, a company of FARC rebels attacks
the base. After capturing the Cast Members and
learning about the zombie threat, they offer the Cast

Eden Studios Presents

During the raid, the Cast Members learn that the

South Africans have already created a zombie army,
which is now loose and spreading the disease across
the countryside.

What Kind of Zombies Are

The zombies are the result of an airborne disease
that alters the genetic pattern in the cells of human
cadavers, causing the cells to re-activate, and restoring rudimentary instinct and brain function. So far,
the virus in airborne form is not strong enough to
overcome the living human immune system.
Recently however, the scientists have learned that
after the virus has incubated within a host cadaver, it
mutates into a form that not only is communicable
through saliva, but also is strong enough to kill a
human being within hours.
The activated cadaver still needs its primary nervous system to function. Any physical damage that
destroys the brain or severs the brain from the rest of
the body destroys the zombie.

Dead Ops Zombie

Strength 2
Dexterity 1
Perception 1
DPS 26
EPS n/a
Skills: Brawling 2

Dead Ops

Members a deal. The FARC knows that in a nearby

base, the South African mercenaries have been
rounding up civilians from villages that are loyal to
the FARC. They also know that the South Africans
have imprisoned the U.S. scientists. If the Cast
Members agree, the FARC will lead a raid against
the base, distracting the bulk of the South African
forces, while the Cast Members rescue the scientists
and civilians.

Constitution 2
Intelligence 2
Willpower 2
Spd 2
Essence 6

Attack: Bite D4 x 2(4)

Weak Spot: Brain [+6]
Getting Around: Slow and Steady [0],
The Lunge [+3]
Strength: Dead Joe Average [0]
Senses: Like the Dead [0], Life Sense [1]
Sustenance: Who Needs Food? [+8], All Flesh
Must Be Eaten [0]
Intelligence: Dumb as Dead Wood [0]
Spreading the Love: One Bite and Youre
Hooked [+2]
Power: 20
To make things simple on the ZM, anyone
bitten by a Dead Ops zombie simply has
Constitution x 3 hours to live. Of course, do not
tell the player exactly how long their character
has. Simply describe the effect of the disease:
fever, uncontrollable twitching (feel free to
assign penalties to any Dexterity-related
actions), hunger pangs, and yet, the victim feels
stronger than they ever have before (no true
increase to Strength).

Volume 2


Dead Ops

Part Two:
Advice for Zombie Masters
Dead Ops is a militaristic thriller, in the tradition
of such great authors as Tom Clancy and Larry
Bond. Like other stories in the genre, it includes a
healthy dose of true-to-life politics, situations, and
military procedures, with a nice fictional twist. Even
though the zombie twist in Dead Ops is a bit more
science fiction than most, the conventions of the
genre remain the same.
One of those conventions is that the heroes in
these stories are often the consummate professionals, usually intelligence agents or military personnel.
Dead Ops was designed for all of the heroes to be
U.S. Army Rangers Cast Members, but unless the
players have had a good dose of high-level military
training, or have done a lot of research on the subject, the players will not act like real U.S. Rangers.
In this case, its up to the ZM to help the players with
information and procedures their characters would
know. Even if the ZM doesnt quite know the proper procedure himself, assume that the characters
know the best way to operate in these conditions.
Example: When opening the door to a building
filled with enemy soldiers, a Ranger would know the
proper procedureone man opens the door, one
covers, one throws a grenade. If the players do not
know this, they may get themselves into all sorts of
trouble, while in truth, their characters should know
what to do.
This is especially true when running this adventure
in a convention-demo setting. Not only are the players
unfamiliar with their roles, they are unfamiliar with the
game system. As any good ZM knows, the Unisystem
is particularly unforgiving when it comes to combat,
especially firefights. If the characters get involved in a
prolonged gunfight, chances are good they will all die.
Its only fair to warn them, loudly and repeatedly at the
start of the adventure, that this is the case.
With this in mind, be forewarned that Dead Ops is
designed to kill at least a couple of the characters.
Its the nature of the beastthere is simply no better way to instill a sense of horror than death. ZMs
will find, however, that most players do not mind if
their character dies, as long as the player knows it
was because of a mistake they made.


The worst mistake that the players can make in

this adventure comes at the point when the FARC
rebels attack the research base. The FARC company
outmans and outguns the characters. If they decide
to push an attack against the FARC, they will probably all die. It is up to the ZM to convey the hopelessness of the situation, and the wisdom of negotiating with the FARC. Most roleplayers are used to
heroic roleplaying, not survival roleplayingnegotiation is not a part of their vocabulary. Its up to the
ZM to discourage this tendency, but if they still
insist on pushing an attack, let the chips fall where
they may.

Part Three:
Cast Members
For those folks not overly keen on a strictly military approach, other ideas for Cast Member teams
CIA OperativesSpying is not all the CIA handles. The ZM may decide that this situation
needs the love and caring of a stealthy unit from
the Company.
Mercenary UnitThe U.S. government has
decided the situation is too hot to handle with
official troops. The players represent a unit of
mercenaries hired to tackle the situation.
Special Operations Command TeamNot only
do the U.S. Rangers have the ability to handle
this situation, but so would a combined unit of
U.S. Rangers, Delta Force, SEALs, and Marine
Recon Force members.
Player Handout One is useful as a player reference, no matter what kind of team the players are
Whether this becomes a game of military Joes,
spies, or mercs, the following personnel are recommended for a team: a radio/computer expert, a demolitions expert, a vehicle mechanic/driver, a medic,
and a heavy machine gunner. Teams should also
have members who are fluent in the local language.

Eden Studios Presents

New Qualities
If the characters are Rangers or other U.S. military
personnel, they should have some level of the
Military Rank Quality. This is simply a generic indicator of their rank within the Army or other armed
service, and is the same Military Rank Quality presented in other Unisystem books. Military Rank
ranges from 1 to +9 and costs one point per level.
Rank Level


Private Soldier, Seaman



Sergeant First Class




Lieutenant Colonel


Major General


A brand new Quality is Highly Skilled. It allows a

character to trade one point in Qualities for three
skill points. This Quality represents excess amounts
of training many people receive in school and the
military. Highly Skilled costs one point per level.

Concussion grenades stun opponents and are useful in areas where it is hard to distinguish friend
from foe. Anyone within one yard of the grenades
detonation must make a Difficult Constitution Test
with a 3 penalty to the roll. Those within two yards
of the grenade must make a Difficult Constitution
Test with a 1 penalty to the roll. Those within five
yards make a Simple Constitution Test with a +1
bonus to the roll. Failure to pass any of these tests
results in the character suffering a 2 (stunned) modifier to all actions for five Turns. In addition, the
character also takes Bashing damage (see p. 54).
Claymore mines are anti-personnel shrapnel
devices, designed to be detonated by remote control.
Typically, a soldier places the mine under light cover
and a wire connected to the detonation switch trails
back to a secure position. When an enemy approaches, the soldier detonates the mine.
Both rocket-propelled grenades and other light
anti-tank rocket launchers are shoulder-fired rockets.
Some rocket-propelled grenades may be reloaded,
although LAW rocket launchers may not. Both of
these weapons operate on a fire and forget basis.
You aim and shoot, hoping to hit. There is no wireguided, laser-guided, or heat-seeking equipment on
these weapons.

Part Four:
More Than Just a Job. . .
Whats Going On?

The skill Guns (Missile Launcher) covers the use

of shoulder-launched artillery such as the LAW or
the Stinger. Chroniclers are free to disallow other
Guns Type skills to be used as a default or to
increase the penalty for such alternative use.

The adventure starts quite suddenly for the Cast

Members. They are aboard an Army transport plane
that is re-routed to Ft. Sheridan in Panama. Once in
Panama, they are stripped of their dog tags and identifying insignias. The squad leader receives their
orders: enter a U.S. base in Colombia, find any survivors, and escort them to an extraction point. Not a
difficult or politically sensitive mission, so why treat
it as a black op?

New Weapons

Setting the Scene

Weapons used in Dead Ops include concussion

grenades, Claymore mines, rocket-propelled
grenades, and other light anti-tank weapons. More
weapon descriptions and stats are available in
Armageddon, Eden Studios RPG of myth and war.

The Cast Members are simply going to Ft. Hood in

Texas to help train the recon division stationed there.
They are aboard a typically uncomfortable Army
transport. Since the characters are all part of the same
unit, they know each other fairly well. Have everyone

New Skill

Volume 2

Dead Ops

New Rules


Dead Ops

New Weapons Table

Explosive Damage
Weapon Type

Ground Zero

General Effect

Claymore Mine

D8 x 10(40)

D8 x 6(24)

D8 x 2(8)

Concussion Grenade

D6 x 6(18)

D6 x 2(6)

D4 x 2(4)

D10 x 10(50)

D10 x 6(30)

D10 x 2(10)

General Effect

Maximum Range


Explosive Area of Effect

Explosive Type
Ground Zero
Claymore Mine

5 yards

12 yards

40 yards

Concussion Grenade

1 yards

2 yards

5 yards


1 yards

2 yards

5 yards

Explosive Weapon Table

Claymore Mine
Concussion Grenade








give a brief description of their character, with whatever details that they believe the others might know
about them. Give them a few minutes to roleplay
among themselves before starting the adventure.

The characters are free to question the pilots if

they wish. The pilots only know that they were
ordered to fly to Panama, allowing no one disembark
from the plane until they reach their destination.

Tell the Story

After the characters have had enough time to wonder about their predicament, read the following:

After everyone has gotten comfortable, read aloud

the following:
The plane finally comes to a halt on the runway. You start picking up your gear and stretching, glad to be on the ground again. You wait
impatiently for the pilot to open the hatch, wondering what is taking him so long. After a good
twenty minutes, the pilots voice comes over the
Sorry gentlemen, Im afraid youre not getting off here. He pauses, sounding puzzled. I
have been given orders to fly you directly to Ft.
Sheridan in Panama. The boys on the ground
are refueling us right now, so you might as well
relax, its going to be a long ride.


Maximum Range


The flight to Panama is torturous. Everyone
seems lost in thought, thinking about what may
lie ahead. The plane lands in the early morning
light, the touchdown jarring you back to your
senses. The door opens and standing behind it is
an impressive man in full dress uniform; perfectly pressed coat and pants, medals on his
chest in perfect rows. He takes three rigid steps
forward and puffs out his chest. You salute by
pure instinct. He salutes back, his grim expression never changing, his eyes undetectable
behind mirrored sunglasses. A secretary, a
sharply dressed corporal, follows him with a
clip board under his arm.
Good morning gentlemen, I am Colonel

Eden Studios Presents

First, he pauses and motions for his secretary

to step forward, I need you to surrender your dog
tags and any other identification you are carrying.
You try not to let your expression change as the
order sinks in: this is a black op, and you are now
officially in deep shit.
The secretary takes your dog tags with an
almost gleeful expression on his face.
There is a helicopter waiting for you outside,
gentlemen, with the gear you will need for this mission. The colonel looks at the Cast Member in
charge and says, Come with me. He motions for
the team leader to join him as the others disembark.
The colonel is only going to give the orders for the
mission to the team leader. The ZM should pull the
player aside and relate this information in private. It
is up to the player how much information he wants
to relate to the others.

surveillance. You will make your way to the

base and determine the situation there. In the
event that any of our personnel are still present,
you will escort them to the extraction point,
here. He points at a place about twelve miles
north of the base. You will radio for a pick up,
and we will take you out by helicopter.

Dead Ops

Jurkat. He pauses, studying your faces. We have a

little situation on our hands down in Colombia and
I think you boys can give us a hand with it.

Do you have any questions?

Let the team leader ask as many questions as he
likes, until it gets annoying. The colonel does not
know much more than he has already stated. He
warns that the FARC is well armed and well trained.
He suggests that the team should not engage the
FARC, if possiblehowever, they are authorized to
use any means necessary to defend themselves.
With the orders given, the characters don new jungle BDUs bearing no insignias, gather any gear
noted on their character sheets, and retrieve maps of
the locations they will need. Then, its time for
another long ride.

Part Five: Base One

Whats Going On?


The colonels commanding voice lowers.
This is our situation. As you know, the U.S.
Armed Forces have been supplying our friends
in Colombia with arms and military advisors, to
help them in their fight against the drug cartels
and a communist insurgent group known as the
He pulls out a map to help illustrate the conversation.
Twenty-four hours ago, we lost contact with
one of the bases we are using in Colombia to
help train their military. We are unsure what
happened to them, but we do know that FARC
has started a major offensive in the region. The
FARC may have overrun the base.
You are to drop by helicopter here, he
points at the map, approximately twelve miles
south of the base, in order to avoid enemy

Volume 2

The adventure becomes location-oriented as the

Cast Members explore the abandoned base. Contact
with the zombies is inevitable and there is a chance
that one or more of the characters will become
infected. When the ZM believes that the characters
have learned enough, the FARC attacks the base,
and captures the PCs.

Setting the Scene

The helicopter drops the Cast Members into the
jungle during the pre-dawn hours. After an uneventful trek, they arrive at their destination around noon.
Even from a distance, they can tell something is
wrong. A thorough search of the base will reveal what
is going on.
If at any time the Cast Members communicate via
radio with their command and mention the words
zombie or walking dead, command severs radio
contact. The Army will not risk a security leak of
any kind. If the characters do this, they are on their
own; no one will be coming to lift them out.


Dead Ops

Tell the Story

The ride in is always the hardest part. There
is a sense of helplessness. You can do nothing to
make sure that no one shoots your whirly-bird
out of the sky. As is customary, you sit on your
helmets for the entire trip. Not exactly comfortable, but no really believes that the armor plating on the underbelly of a helicopter is going to
stop anything.
The drop goes by the book, 90 feet down to the
jungle below. You account for your gear and
make your way through the dark jungle. Strange
sounds and uneven terrain keep you on your toes
for the entire trip. By lunchtime, you are standing
on a hill, overlooking the base. It looks like a
standard Army base: a tall chain link fence
topped with barbed wire surrounds several concrete block buildings. One birds nest guard
tower stands at each corner. A quick scan through
your binoculars tells you something is amiss.
Your first clue that the base is empty is that no
flag flies from the pool. No one is moving, and
no vehicles are present. Between two of the
buildings lies what appears to be a body,
dressed in a hospital gown.
Give the players their copy of the Base One map.
On the players map, certain buildings are unlabeled;
this is because their function is not immediately
apparent. The X marks the location of the corpse,
which is visible from their vantage point. The labs,
the test subject holding and the armory have no windows. The door to Lab Two is open, swinging in the
breeze. Approaching the base is easy. The gate is
locked, but the characters can easily cut a way
through the fence.
The first thing they probably do is check out the
corpse. The corpse is a zombie, escaped from Lab
Two. It has simply deactivated, due to the lack of
human presence, but it rises and attack as the characters approach. The zombie has been lying out in the
sun for some time now. Some of its internal organs
were removed for experimentation (not immediately
apparent under the gown). Be certain to describe the
zombies horrific appearance and stench as it attacks.


Check Point (a): This building monitors traffic to

and from the base. The only thing of interest is a
duty log containing an endless list of times and vehicle numbers. Most are supply trucks or vehicles carrying petty officers. The scientists were not permitted to go off-base.
Guard Towers (1): The towers are 20 feet tall,
and completely empty. Apply bonuses and penalties
as are appropriate if any of the characters end up
shooting from one of the towers.
Barracks (3): These are standard military barracks, capable of housing about 150 soldiers. The
second floor contains a mess hall and recreation
area. They are completely empty, except for a few
minor personal items left behind. The items left
behind indicate that the soldiers were probably
Lab One (4): The ZM should run the search of
this building room by room. The Cast Members
should be puzzled as to why this facility is here. The
locked doors are made of solid metal, but the characters may force them open with great effort. Two zombies have broken free of their restraints and are wandering the building. They cannot enter any of the
locked rooms unless someone opens the door.
Operating Rooms: Each of these small operating
theaters contain an operating table and basic equipment. Zombies are strapped to the tables marked
with an X. Buckets of visceral matter are in each of
the rooms.
Consulting Room: A basic meeting room, there
nothing of interest here.
Lab/Staff: A laboratory used to synthesize the
virus. Some notes are here. Characters with limited
medical knowledge could guess that a virus was in
development here. This is a Very Difficult Task (4),
using the Medicine Skill.
Break Room: This room contains vending
machines, a microwave, and chairs.
Storage: Various advanced medical supplies,
including canisters of the virus, kept in an electronic, refrigerated safe. Breaking into the safe is almost
impossible. It is a Heroic Task (8), using the
Computer Hacking or Electronics Skill. The use of
explosives to enter the safe would be much easier
but would also destroy (or release) the contents.

Eden Studios Presents

Transporting the discovered information could be

difficult. They could simply throw a few of the pertinent documents (but not the videos) onto floppy
disks. Floppy disks, being notoriously fragile, may
not survive the trip home. The players could also
take the hard drive from the main server. This is an
Average Task (+1), using the Computers Skill. This
allows them to keep more information, though the
medium is still likely to break under heavy stress
(such as combat).
Test Subject Holding (5): This simple building
contains a few jail cells and a duty station. Prisoners,
most of them detained FARC members, were sometimes held here and used for experimentation. A log
of prisoners used is present. Some twenty-five
people have been through the process. The remaining prisoners were moved during the evacuation.
Lab Two (6): This building should also be
searched room by room. The construction of this
building is the same as the first lab with one noticeable exception. It is plainly visible from the outside
that one of the rooms has a large refrigeration unit.
The vents for the unit are visible and audible, quietly humming on the south side of the building.
Computer Lab: There are five computers here.
Someone deleted all of the files on this system.
Lab/Drugs: Some medical supplies can be
scrounged here, nothing else of interest.

Volume 2

Exam Rooms: These rooms look almost like the

typical doctors office examination rooms, except all
have manacles installed on the walls. The exam
rooms marked with an X have zombies chained to
the wall.
Exam & Procedure: This room is like the other
exam rooms, just a bit larger. The three zombies in
this room have managed to escape their bonds. They
should not be too much of a challenge for our brave

Dead Ops

Computer Lab: This is where the characters can

find the most information. The scientists, not being
military men, were a bit lax in security and forgot to
destroy the computer files before the evacuation.
Getting into the system is a Difficult Task (2). A
thorough search of the system takes three hours. In
that time, the characters can find the entire history,
purpose and execution of project Dead Ops. These
files include military orders, scientific data, and video
footage of tests. The last video file on record shows
the zombie break out. The video shows a group of
three scientists performing an operation on a zombie
as it tries to break free from its bonds. The zombie
manages to slip through the restraints and bites two of
the scientists before someone shuts the camera off.
One of the memos on the computer (see Player
Handout Two) contains the order to evacuate the
base, but does not reveal their destination.

Observation Room: This room contains video

equipment and a two-way mirror on the wall that
adjoins the Zombie Storage room. The zombie room
illuminates when the light switches are turned to the
on position. The twenty zombies in storage will
rise from the ground and started beating on the walls
and the door. One might even start banging on the
mirror, though they cannot see through the glass on
their side, the zombies simply know that when the
light turns on, humans are near.
Zombie Storage: The door is reinforced. This
room is refrigerated and twenty zombies lay about
the room. Woe to the Ranger team that opens this
door before looking in the observation room. The
fight should not be too bad, as long as the characters
fall back and shoot from a distance. A few of the
zombies might not cooperate though, and the
Rangers will need to hunt them down at close range.
Long House (7): This spartan housing unit held the
U.S. scientists. It is mostly empty now, except for a
few personal belongings. In one of the rooms, there is
a laptop computer. They wiped the computers hard
drive, but forgot the floppy disk remaining in the
drive. This disk contains one small file, a daily journal
entry of one the scientists. See Player Handout Three.
Officers Quarters (8): These are small ranchstyle houses, split into two apartments each.
Personal items left behind indicate that the inhabitants were probably American.
Armory (9): The metal door to this small windowless building is reinforced. The Columbian soldiers were about as good at following orders as the
scientists. All of the rifles are gone, but two cases of
5.56 mm ball ammunition (2400 rounds) and a case
of offensive grenades (24) remain.


Dead Ops

bly include hands on your head, get down on the

ground, in English and Spanish).

Part Six:
Enter, the FARC
Whats Going On?
The FARC rebels, sick of having a U.S. presence in
the region, attack the base that the characters are
exploring. They are unaware that the original inhabitants of the base have already left. As stated, this is a
critical point in the adventure. If the Rangers decide
on a head-on assault, they are most certainly doomed.

Average FARC Soldier

Setting the Scene

The beginning of this phase of the adventure is all
a matter of timing on the part of the ZM. It is suggested that the attack begin while the Cast Members
are searching one of the buildings, perhaps after they
have finished searching the computer system.
The FARC attacks with seventy-five soldiers.
Twenty-five of them are hiding in the tree line all
around the base to prevent a retreat. The attack
begins with the FARC mortar shelling the base
indiscriminately. They are aiming for the guard towers but they are not very accurate. A few of the shells
may hit the characters building. This will not hurt
them, but it should shake them up a little. After a
couple of minutes of shelling, the FARC realize that
no one is returning fire. The remaining fifty soldiers
drive through the front gate, using old military personnel carriers and surprisingly new American
SUVs. They search the entire base in groups of five.
One member of each group will have an RPG
launcher with three rockets.

Tell the Story

While the characters are wrapping up their search,
begin describing the FARC attack. Ranger characters understand quickly that they are not under direct
fire, but things could get ugly quickly. If the characters do not rush out to greet their guests, they have a
little extra time to determine their course of action.
Things should progress quickly though, do not give
them time to form complex plans. Make it clear that
running is not a good option, either.
The FARC accept any honorable surrender. This
means that a character must present himself without
a weapon, in a non-threatening manner, and follow
all instructions given by their captors (which proba-


If the characters decide to resist, the situation goes

from bad to worse. The Rangers are quite capable of
taking out a good number of the FARC, but they will
lose in the end. If the characters take a defensive position, the FARC go in after them. After losing more
than three soldiers, they simply sit back and blast the
Cast Members building with rockets and grenades.

Strength 2
Constitution 2
Dexterity 2
Intelligence 2
Perception 2
Willpower 2
LPS 26
Spd 8
EPS 23
Essence 12
Skills: Brawling 2, Demolitions 2, Dodge 2,
Driving (Truck) 1, First Aid 1, Guns (Assault
Rifle) 2, Guns (Missile Launcher) 2, Stealth 2,
Survival (Jungle) 2, Swimming 2, Throwing
(Grenade) 2
Gear: Assault Rifle with 3 Magazines, 3
Offensive Grenades. One in five FARC members will be carrying a rocket propelled grenade
launcher (RPG) with 3 rockets.

FARC Commander Christian Flores

Strength 2
Dexterity 4
Perception 4
LPS 60
EPS 32
Skills: B

Constitution 3
Intelligence 4
Willpower 4
Spd 14
Essence 21

Qualities: Charisma 2, Hard To Kill 5, Nerves

of Steel 2, Situational Awareness 2
Skills: Brawling 2, Demolitions 2, Dodge 4,
Driving (Truck) 1, First Aid 3, Guns (Assault
Rifle) 5, Guns (Handgun) 4, Guns (Missile
Launcher) 2, Intimidation 3, Stealth 2,
Surveillance 4, Survival (Jungle) 2, Swimming 2.
Gear: Assault Rifle with 3 Magazines,
Handgun with 3 Magazines

Eden Studios Presents

After things calm down Commander Flores has a

chat with the Rangers. He is perplexed that the base
is empty and is curious about what is going on there.
This will be a good roleplaying moment. The best
thing that the characters can do is show the FARC
proof of the zombies. This will make them angry at
first, especially since their own people are part of the
experiment. As long as the characters make it clear
that they find the zombie experiments reprehensible
themselves, the FARC commander does not threaten
to kill them. When the dead walk, strange bedfellows are made.
Commander Flores finds the Rangers predicament rather amusing and wants to use it for his own
gain. The rebels were about to attack another base
where they know more of their people are prisoner.
They also know that the next base is the home of
South African mercenaries: a very deadly crew who
are more than likely to give them a bit of trouble.
The FARC commanders plan is simple: the FARC
will shell the base, drawing out the mass of regular
Colombian Army troops that are stationed there. The
Rangers will go in, eliminate the South Africans, and
rescue the prisoners. As added incentive, the commander explains that the South Africans base is the
closest friendly shelter in the areaif the U.S. scientists went anywhere, it was probably there.
After this touching scene of camaraderie, start
quickly with the next phase of the adventure.

Part Seven: Base Two

Whats Going On?
The Rangers join with the FARC to stop the
spread of the zombies. The South African mercenaries are determined to keep the scientists and are forcing them to produce more of the zombie disease.
This is the final shoot-out. Of course, there will be a
few surprises, like lots and lots of zombies. This is
All Flesh Must Be Eaten, after all!

Volume 2

Setting the Scene

If the Rangers ran early and fast, and managed by
some miracle to escape the FARC, they are on their
own. That is okay; just drop some clues that lead
them to the second base. Things are a lot more difficult without the FARC. They have to contend with
all of the Colombian soldiers at the base and the
mercenaries. Players may attempt to negotiate with
the mercenaries, but this is a bad idea. The South
Africans consider anyone with knowledge of the scientists whereabouts a threat; they shoot to kill.

Dead Ops

Commander Flores sees himself as a modern-day

Robin Hood. He is self-sure and smooth. Educated
in the U.S., his English is flawless and only slightly
accented. He is in control of any situation and
always has a smile on his face.

If the characters are with the FARC, Commander

Flores invites them to watch an amusing show of
Colombian Army predictability. The FARC start firing mortars at the base, and sure enough, the
Colombian soldiers come out of the base to attack.
The FARC then lead them on a merry chase through
the jungle, giving the Rangers time to rescue the
FARC prisoners and the scientists.
Things are not all that easy: there are still twelve
well-trained South African mercenaries guarding the
base and a handful of Colombian soldiers. For the
Colombians, use the same stats as the Average
FARC soldier.

Average South African Mercenary

Strength 2
Constitution 3
Dexterity 3
Intelligence 2
Perception 3
Willpower 3
LPS 30
Spd 12
EPS 29
Essence 16
Skills: Brawling 3, Demolitions 2, Dodge 2,
Driving (Truck) 3, First Aid 1, Guns (Assault
Rifle) 3, Stealth 2, Surveillance 3,
Survival (Jungle) 2, Swimming 2, Throwing
(Grenade) 3.
Gear: Assault Rifle with 5 Magazines,
Handgun with 5 Magazines, 3 Offensive
Grenades. One in five mercenaries carries a
rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) with
3 rockets.


Dead Ops

Tell the Story

After all the roleplaying is through and the characters have decided on a course of action, read the
The FARC load you into one of their new
SUVs, bought with drug money no doubt (a
more expensive vehicle than you could ever
afford). Your driver is a small, skinny boy who
couldnt be older than sixteen, wearing a red
bandana, a dirty yellow t-shirt with a faded picture of Guy Cheguevara. He immediately cranks
up the AC and starts blasting AC/DCs
Highway to Hell on the stereo. He looks back
at you and gives you a huge shit-eating grin.
You fly down rutted jungle roads, bouncing
out of your seats the entire way. After a couple
of hours the FARC caravan comes to a quick
stop and the soldiers pile out. Commander
Flores walks up and salutes you.
The prisoners are being held at a facility a
half-mile north of here. There are some onehundred Colombian Army there, but do not
worry, my men and I will cause a little diversion. He smiles when he says this.
You should take up positions so that you can
watch the base. When they leave to give chase,
make your move. I trust you know what you are
doingyou are Rangers, after all. He flashes
his devilish grin again. Yes, I know you are
Rangers, I myself trained at your School of the
Americas, and made many friends there. He
pauses and takes a more serious tone, Good
luck. He salutes you again, and then starts giving orders to his men.
It is a short hike to the base, which is crawling with Colombian soldiers. You have no time
to assess the situation. As soon as you take your
position, the familiar whistle of mortar shells
catches your attention. Shells land randomly
around the base. Just like clockwork, the
Colombians scramble, loading into personnel
carriers and tearing off into the jungle.


You hear sporadic automatic fire coming from

the jungle behind you, as the Colombians chase
the FARC. Soon, everything goes quiet. You can
see that they left a skeleton crew, a few men in
the watchtowers, but that is about it.
The characters may now start their rescue attempt.
They can see that there are still two Colombian soldiers in each watchtower. These soldiers will see the
characters as soon as they break from the jungle
(about 50 feet from the base) and open fire. The
characters should make a coordinated effort to take
out the towers on at least one side of the base in a
surprise attack before entering.
The characters can also see a building near the
front gate that appears to hold the prisoners (6). A
fenced in yard is in front of the building, though
none of the prisoners are out in the yard. This is
where the mercs are keeping ten FARC members
and about thirty people from local villages loyal to
the FARC. The FARC members will not volunteer
their help once released, and if simply let free, they
quickly escape into the jungle with the others.
However, if they are given arms, the FARC will
fight with their rescuers.
Elsewhere in the base are twelve mercenaries. The
BP Oil company hired these mercenaries to help
train and support the local government, in order to
protect their oil-producing facilities. All of the South
Africans start out in the mess hall. Six will go out
and attempt to stop intruders from entering the base
as soon as they hear gunfire. They move in pairs,
hiding around corners and trying to pick off their targets one by one. The other six mercenaries stay in
the mess hall, guarding the scientists in the doctors
Check Point (a): This small booth is currently
Guard Towers (1): Same as the U.S. base, small
ten-foot square platforms. They offer cover to anyone in them. As stated, two Colombian soldiers man
each tower.
Barracks (2): Housing for the Colombian Army.
Once again, nothing to see here.

Eden Studios Presents

Garage (4): This is the fun part. Characters may

enter this building through the course of a regular
sweep through the base, or if they are looking for
transportation to get out.
The door on the east side of the building is welded
shut. The Cast Members must use explosives to open
it. The door on the south side is a large, metal, rolling
door that lifts up from the bottom. It is pad-locked.
The South Africans have not been idle. They are
already well on their way to building a zombie army.
Ever since they captured the scientists, they have been
rounding up villagers for recruits. This building no
longer holds any vehicles, for it now houses some five
hundred zombies. Thats right, five hundred.

The second ending is automatic if the Rangers

breached security. Any mention of zombies over the
radio and the government will consider the entire
operation a botch, leaving the Rangers out to dry.
The players may even decide that their faith in the
Army has been destroyed, so they might as well not
go home. In any case, if the Rangers stay, the FARC
invites them stop the rise of the walking dead.
ZMs can use one of the following narrations to
end the adventure, tailoring it to the actions of their

Ending One: Going Home

You call for your ride and head for the
extraction point with a bunch of dazed and
fatigued scientists in tow. All of the scientists
have guilty looks on their faces. Despite all you
have seen, there does not seem to be anything to
talk about. Everyone is still trying to digest
what has happened.
Amazingly, you fall asleep on the helicopter
and are led bleary-eyed off the runway to

If the Cast Members enter here, the first person

through the door does not stand much of a chance.
Everyone should start running very, very fast. The
zombies swarm anyone in sight and start moving out
into the countryside.

You are grilled for hours by a group of stonyfaced intelligence officers, none of them rank
lower than colonel. As expected, they instruct
you to never speak to anyoneincluding your
dogabout what you have seen.

Officers Quarters (5): The South Africans have

commandeered these apartments. Move along, nothing to see here.

Immediately following, you are placed on a

transport back to Ft. Benning. You undergo
more debriefing at Ft. Benning before they
finally release you.

Stockade (6): A gate allows access into the

fenced in yard. The door is locked. Prisoners are
described above.

Wrapping Things Up
The surviving Rangers now have all sorts of problems. Even if they do not release the zombies in the
garage, the airborne version of the virus is now
spreading from village to village. All of this is
beyond the scope of this adventure.
Two endings present themselves. First, the characters call for their ride, go to the extraction point and
go home. This is probably the best ending as far as
they are concerned, though there are complications.

Volume 2

Dead Ops

Office/Mess/Infirmary (3): This is a multi-purpose building, used for administration and an officers mess. Positions marked with an M, are
where the South Africans stand when the characters
enter. They fire at anyone coming through the door
and thus will probably get the drop on the characters.
The scientists are in the doctors office. They are
tired, confused, and not much help. They look to the
Rangers to get them out safely and have no information to give them.

As you file out of the debriefing room, its

barely noon, but you all silently agree to go to
the bar. On your way, you pass by a newspaper
stand. The civilian behind the counter stiffens as
you pass, as if given a sudden case of the chills.
You see The Weekly World News displayed on
the rack, screaming its bold headline: THE
No one says a word. You just keep walking
towards the bar.


Dead Ops

Part Eight:
Continuing the Adventure

Ending Two: Strange

You run, because it seems like the thing to do.
You are not sure where to go, or what youre
going to do when you get there, but you run anyway. It seems as though you are trying to run
away from everything you have seen.
Eventually, you collapse on the ground,
unable to run any further. As if they had been
waiting for you all along, the FARC appear,
silently, out of the jungle.
Commander Flores is with them, he smiles at
You have done me a great favor here today,
and I am grateful. For the first time since you
have met him, he stops smiling. The grave
expression on his face is enough to break you
from your stupor.
But I believe our problems are not over. Two
of my men were shot during the raid, casualties
are a fact of life, but the odd thing is, a few minutes after they were killed . . . they got up and
started to walk.
One of my men was bitten, he is sick even
now. He looks all of you straight in the eye; it
is easy to see why he inspires his men. It
appears that we are no longer fighting for ideology, but for survival. You may join us if you
At that moment, you all wish that you really
had something better to do.

Dead Ops makes a great beginning for an All

Flesh Must Be Eaten campaign. You have a group
of characters with all the skills necessary to handle
the problem, caught in the worst situation in the
A great way to continue is to have the zombie disease start spreading like wildfire. The nation of
Colombia is ill-prepared to deal with the menace,
both militarily and economically. This means that
the zombies have a good head start, giving them the
potential to be a true worldwide threat.
The FARC distrusts the government and the government distrusts the FARC. Each side takes this
opportunity to wipe out the other, leading to more
zombies. The characters can try to get the two sides
to cooperate and fight the real enemy.
The U.S. military is desperate to erase all proof of
its involvement. If they learn that the Rangers are
still alive and active in Colombia, they will send
assassins to dispose of them.
If the characters did make it out, they can still be
involved. Due to their experience, the Army may
make them into a zombie strike team, and send them
back to Colombia in order to kill the zombies and
cover up the whole thing. In that situation, a very
pissed off Colombian government and the FARC
will start gunning for them, blaming the U.S. for all
their problems.

About the Author

James Wilber resides in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He
is the event coordinator for Big Daddy Thwaks
Millennial Army, a club dedicated to running games
at conventions that do not suck (the games that is,
not the conventions).
He is also the proud owner of a 1976 Cadillac
Hearse, which he fondly calls Morticia.
Mr. Wilber has been an avid fan of George A.
Romero since childhood. Romero has taught him the
two most important things about zombie movies: no
happy ending and everyones gonna die!
This is his first published adventure for All Flesh
Must Be Eaten.


Eden Studios Presents

Dead Ops

Player Handout One

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards

of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige,
honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.
Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who
arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the
fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further,
faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.
Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally
alert, physically strong, and morally straight and I will shoulder
more than my share of the task whatever it may be,
one hundred percent and then some.
Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and
well-trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers,
neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set an
example for others to follow.
Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them
on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with
all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave
a fallen comrade to the hands of the enemy and under
no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.
Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight
on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission,
though I be the lone survivor.

Volume 2


Dead Ops

Player Handout Two

Base Memorandum
To: All base personnel
From: Cpt. Edward Cooper, commander
Subject: Evacuation
Date: 11 Jul 01
CC: Dr. Benjamin White, Chief of Research
An evacuation of all base personnel will commence at 13:00 hrs. All staff will report to the
barracks and be assigned a vehicle.
No weapons are to be left on base and all
classified documents should be destroyed.
Command personnel shall secure
before reporting for transport.



No personnel will be allowed to remain on base

after 14:00 hrs.


Eden Studios Presents

July 10, 2004

I will never again be annoyed by the smugness of those who have a degree
in psychology. This dumb-ass journal . . . okay, not so dumbass. It really
does help. Thank you, Stephen, you poor fucking bastard.

Dead Ops

Player Handout Three

Okay, Im working this out in my head.

Today, the aforementioned Dr. Stephen Richardsthe brave, smug, psychology degree-holding member of our research teamwas bitten by one
of those things. And Tracy too, dont forget him. Bastard still owes me a
round of drinks at his country club, if and when we get home. Well, if I get
home. Hes dead, too.
You never explained how Im supposed to keep focused while I do this,
Start Over.
Stephen and Tracy were bitten by one of the infected cadavers today. Not
too big a deal, we thought. Clean the wound, put a bandage on it, everythings fine. The virus cant affect the living. The dumb shits should have
tied the thing down better anyway.
Why are we so stupid?
Playing with things we dont understand. Thats what Julie would have
said. Just like Frankenstein.
We were wrong, so wrong. The virus mutated in ways we couldnt imagine. How could we? No one has ever seen anything like this. I need to stay
clinical, but fuck, this is really like a horror movie and it just keeps getting
worse and worse.
Apparently, after the virus has incubated inside a cadaver it mutates,
grows stronger. That, combined with the fact that it adapts to the blood of
its host, makes it lethal. And of course, those who die come back.
Stephen died in less than eight hours, six for Tracy. Thats just fucking
incredible. Nothing works that fast. If it wasnt all so damn horrific I might
actually be geeked about discovering the thing.
Oh shit, a bunch of G.I. Joes are knocking on the door. Cooper would go
ape-shit if he knew about this journal. Its a breach of security! he would
exclaim in that whiney-ass voice.
End Day.

Volume 2


Dead Ops

Base One: Zombie Master Map







Front Gate

1. Guard Tower
2. Parking Lot
3. Barracks
4. Lab One

5. Test Subject Holding

6. Lab Two
7. Long House
8. Officers Quarters

9. Armory
a. Check Point
b. Helicopter Pad
c. Gas Pumps

Base One: Player Map

Front Gate


Eden Studios Presents



Dead Ops

Base Two: Zombie Master Map


Front Gate

1. Guard Tower
2. Barracks
3. Office/Mess/Infirmary

4. Garage
5. Officers Quarters
6. Stockade

a. Check Point

Base Two: Player Map

Front Gate

Volume 2


Volume 2

Base One Lab One: Zombie Master Map


1. Computer Lab
2. Break Room
3. Consulting Room
4. Bathroom


5. Lab/Staff
6. Storage
7. Operating Rooms

Eden Studios Presents


Volume 2

Base One Lab Two: Zombie Master Map


1. Computer Lab
2. Exam Room
3. Exam and Procedure Room
4. Zombie Stortage

5. Lab/Drugs
6. Bathroom
7. Observation Room

Base Two Office/Mess/Infirmary: Zombie Master Map





1. Lounge
2. Office
3. Exam
4. Kitchen
5. Mess Hall

Volume 2

6. Doctors Office
7. Storage
8. Bathroom
9. Breakroom



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