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Diffusion/active transport


Osmosis water transport

Passive (facilitated) transport carrier mediated with the use of
an integral (transmembrane protein) saturation kinetics
Rate increases with solute till all the carriers are saturated
When [glucose] is higher outside glucose diffuses outside the cell
High concentration low concentration (along concentration gradient)
Conformational change transmembrane protein changes shape to
transfer the solute

Active transport-
unidirectional (against concentration gradient)
uses ATP
i.e. 1/algal cells
2/ erythrocytes (RBC) sodium potassium (ATPase) pump->
sodium is concentrated lower within the cell (cell wants potassium)
potassium is 30x more concentrated inside the cell than outside
Na inside is 11x more conc. Than outside
sodium is pushed out

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (moves substances around) :
clathrin binds to proteins which serve as receptors for other molecules i.e.
ferritin binds to clathrin which contains the receptors for iron.--> Clathrin
come together and form pits. Microfilaments pull the pit into the cytoplasm
hence activating it and extending the cell membranes which then come in
contact and fuse forming a phagosome which can fuse with lysosome that
in turn break down compounds
Receptor mediated endocytosis (pulling substances in) :
Receptors on the cell for large organisms such as bacteria signals the
information received by the receptor into the cytoplasm (signal transduction)
whch activates the actin microfilaments ATP will bind to them in order to
contract the proteins cell membtane and cytoplasm are pushed out which
forms pseudopodia which come together and fused and thus the bacteria is
contained within the phagosome with fuses with a lysosome to break down
the bacteria./forms endosomes

Pinocytosis: solutes ruffle surface and substances enter using water

and form a vacuole/vesicles which pinches off when full. INVAGINATION.
ONLY absorbs WATER.

Biochemical activities that keep cells alive
Controlled acquisition and use of energy
Synthesis of molecules anabolism i.e. photosynthesis
Break up molecules catabolism i.e glucose breakdown (ATP)
2 TYPES OF ENERGY: 1/Kinetic 2/ Potential
Energy used for chemical reactions, mechanical reactions moving
organelles (cilia,flagella), elecytrochemical reactions moving ions through

Types of Organisms:
1/ Autotrophs: Make their own food ( get their own CO2 sources)
Get it from the sun photosynthetic autotroph i.e. plants
Use Chemicals chemosynthetic autotrophs i.e. bacteria
2/Heterotrophs: obtain food from other organisms ( preformed C
organic molecules)
Get it from the sun photoheterotrophic i.e. protozoa
Get it from chemicals chemoheterottrophs i.e. animals, and most
ATP is unstable and will break down into the stable ADP, and releases a
phosphate ion.
This ADP will then reform into ATP again using certain enzymes
ATP/ADP pathway
Enzymes are specific
Activation energy
Catalysts lower activation energy
Lock Key model: tertiary structure of enzymes active site/catalytic
site where chemical reactions occur
Induced-fit model: tertiary structure of enzymes active site/catalytic
site where chemical reactions occur/ 1) substrate moves closer together 2)
changes orientation, such that the reactants can form bonds easier and
quicker 3) active site changes charges on substrate causing them together
Stability: pH, temperature, ions
Control: influence synthesis of enzymes (long term control)

Immediate control allosteric site

Feedback inhibiton E. Coli bacteria that makes proteins
tryptophan made by tryptophan synthetase (protein synthesis
concentration of TRP is 0)
Tryptophan concentration increases Trp binds to allosteric site
light reaction: thylakoids/ heavily involves ATP
light independent reaction: occurs in stroma of chloroplast; involved
in the actual synthesis of CO2
Photosystems pigment- chlorophyll a/b / accessory pigment proteins
Photosystem I P700 chlorophyll a electron acceptor ETC
(ferridoxin) ATP formed electrons return to chlorphyll a

Clalvins cycle RuBP undergoes carbon fixation with the help of eh enzyme
RuBisco forming an unstable C6 molecule breaks down into 2 C3
molecules called phosphoglycerateusing 12 ATP forming 12 ADP AND 12
NADPH12 PGAL formed.
2 options 10 continue the pathway where 6ATP are used to give back 6
RuBP molecules . ii/ 2 left polymerize to form phosphoglucose (2 3C
becomes one 6C) can produce cellulose or react with fructose to produce
sucrose excess sucrose coverts into starch
NADH FADH2 ATP in the ETC (found in cristae of mitochondria)
First protein flavoprotein.
NADH reductase
Cytochrome iron binding protein
Electron energy converted to form ATP
1 molecule of glucose
2NADH per pyruvate molecule giving 6 ATP

36-38 ATP per glucose molecule during aerobic

2 ATP per glucose molecule during anaerobic
chemiosmotic hypothesis: Outer membrane
and inner membrane, with space in between
chromatid condenses into a chromosome\
** exam q: compare contrast mitosis meiosis

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