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PART A FUNDAMENTALS Gas metal ac welding sing snant-eirculting tenster prooueess Ge. (a) excellent fusion ij a ca. (B) © deer penetration ‘ . Sot Ona (Cc). _ greater melt off rate em q (a) andi (B) above 23 ey a? none of the adove oe . STUDY THE. ILLUSTRATION BELOW + ® 7-8 pO LK oe EA i , what weiding symbo! above represents the following wold joint ? Si eae iB) 2 i a: fe — io, 4 : qne most extensively used viald inspection method 1S --~ Ww. UT + (8) 8 ‘ Ger qe Fs VT fe). et P what shade filter plate (or 67° protection) is needed when observing subme' ged arc welding at 4000 Amos 4 ‘ ta)’ No. 14 filter ® jo. 121 3 {c) _ No. 10 filter (D) ,~ No. 4 filter i Clear ‘safety goggles. of safely glasses i 40. STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOY +. 88 See coe An ultrasonic test of a plale shows a trace on-the CRT with peaks ag shown above. Ii the sweep Is fiom left to right, the peak al_2Lmdy indicate... (A). a Tlaw allthe suslace | a (c) a reflect ite back i : § (0) a flaw atl the back S ae : (E)- | there no flaw indicated on the trace * Which of the following are sometimes used. to control distortion in a 9 weldment? (A) peening (8) preheating : (C) __ fixtures and stress relief (0) backstép welding iy X@y~_ all of the above : : ‘An unbroken tensile specimen hes a thickness of .59'inch and a width of .73° inch" What is the cross sectional area in square inches? ‘ (A) 39 : - = 0.40 @) a eFAKiae $.470) (c) 41 ye Ser 43 2 E : {E) 44 41. Overéxposure to X-rays or gamma rays may cause damage to human... | (A) sexuakorgans shy ‘ s i (8) Bigod a> : : os (Cc) skip : pee Mp in st to) i organs . YOY aati seas ee ao Ti pate Neegt FOR QUESTIONS 42 THROUGH 45 WY mob al STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW: 3 e abet . ~@! fen ts) We + the wold in th butt joint above: No: 1 indicates the. (A) beads oY (8) ‘weld root We -(C), wold toe + y face Ie conan (E) weld face ‘ 3. No. 2 indicates the... (a) beads yy (B) weld root Ce. WS _-ield tee : e (0) _ fase reinforcpment weld face 44. No. 3 indicates’ the... (a) beads y (© weld root : weld toe fap lg —tage isnloreemieat (E) weld face 45. No. 4 indicates the,.. beads Zz oft te) weld root Ss (c)- weld toe (0) face reinforcement (E) weld face | 46. No. 5 indicates the.. (A) ___ beads + weld root ge ~¥ vic) weld toe ‘ SO) __ tece reinforcement (e) weld face \ STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW: Bes Seeanee Se The skeich above shows a test procedure for. (a) shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) (8) gas metal arc Welding (GMAW) (C) _ electrosiag welding (ESW) (DY, gas tungsten are welging (GTAW) GF - stud welging (SW) STUDY THE Desired Weld (a) @) 38 EG 0 wo % (©) & : When welds are going to be hidden or inaccessible for inspection in & finished weldment or structure, they should 5eéinspected. es (4). by borescopic methods to provide access to, the hidden yvelds. (8) aller postweld treatment of the completed weldmant of ‘s}ructure, (C)__ before the:start of the welding. oP during the :progress of the @nomnleled-) (e) after completion of the work. STUDY THE SYMBOL BELOW: | | | i The symbol above. shows the configuration of a... . (A) U-groove weld oe (B), _ bevel-groove. weld J-groove weld- (0) “Tiller weld (E)_ - flare-V-groove weld Hardness of the base metals can be affected by which o! the, following conditions? fateh . (A) heat treatment — (8B). cold working of the metal (©) composition of the base and weld metal. (D} fects of tha weiding process 5 bi OF th a) 5G2— all SI the abow 7 raze welding, lux may-be applied by which of the following methods? ysing filler fod pre-coated with flux + (C) brushing the flux on © ' (D) ali of the above : | Aor C above STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW: y Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 538. Ke ~ (€) Band G above 7 The welding inppector must verify thal... ae Pick the welding process best illustrated by the above, sketch. Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) - i (C) Gas Tungsten Are Welding (@TAW) (0) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW). (€) Plasma Arc Cutting(PAW). Which of the following may an-inspector use to perform visual inspection? (A) magnifier s (8) micrometer & fillet weld gage : ee oe all of the above : = t (A) all records are “completed by the time hardware Is sbipp even though j they may. not have been completed at the end of the operations records of qualification, certification, fabrication end testing are complete and that they meel appropriated code and/or specification requirements specified for the Job : (c) all the general points ‘afe covered In inspection leports, since detall is never allowed in such reports : S a (0) the hardwere was compieied, and that the shop pros e complete: the records before shipment : (E) that the quality manual meets the appropriate quality system national or international standard for welding such as ISO 9000 or GS $000 FOR QUESTIONS 56 THROUGH 59 CONSIDER THE ae -t) WELDING SYMBOLS BELOW: = oe : aie O\ere OLY ON: at OV O\ sn OX Aweld which éxtends all around the joint Is’ shown’ at rumber : 4A) 9 | : Ne (c) (0) (e) eons * Pose et peice Sa LY 67. An intermittent fillet weld Is shown at number 1 a (eB) 3 * oa KY © 4 (On oa ea 6 - ie weld indigating depth of fliLis shown al number aa Geni oh ny 7B) 3 : $ © 7 : yr 5 DS . fe) 228 > i ; 59. A groove weld! ith melt—through Is sttown at number. iA) 2 y é. = v7 4 FSO (0) 3 | se 1 | = FOR QUESTIUN 69 THROUGH! G2 STUEY THE HWLUSTRATION BELOW: Bi 60. The profile of the fillet weld above shows a flaw.ct 10. 1 known jas (A) a wagen track | fi Sell % (B) a toe crack OF (c) - underlen * Wey underout (E) — underbead eracking 61. The {illet weld above shows a flaw at No. 2 known ~~ overlap Biht (B) a toe crack (c) _ ovelill (D) — undercut ee ‘ % (e) toe lemination Xv 33, 66. 67. ‘The iiliet weld. above shows a defect at No.3 krlown as... ara (a). a macrofissure i 7 Yer incomplete fusion (C) piping porosity P (D) undercut} ae (E) an underbead crack E : A.CWI shall be familiar with and understand the fundamentals of., fA) SMAW 5 (8) FCAW n ee ‘ (©) GMAW , (0) | GTaw YO Al of the above : Cr Saag tee ieee : ok A single wire submerged arc wolding machine is operating at*600A, 23V-and'is traveling at 8 inches per minute. What Is the heat energy, input gf... isis ‘0 Feet input (joules per inch) = -mmpexselie re). Bex gs (A) 2,400 joules per inch SAE eee (8) 1,152,000 joules per ne 7 XCY 144,000 joules per inci (0) — 110,000 joules per inch «) 14,400 joules per inch 2 The rate of cooling in a weld'bead is slowed by... @) ‘decreasing the heat input, per inch of wotd. . preheating the (©) increasing the speed of travel. : (E) increasing the amperage and travel speed proportionally. The fillet weld break test is used to-evaluate the... EB cualty of the fractured weld Metal. - (8) _* compression strength of the weld joint. | : oe} {C) ductility of weld metal. ee oral (0) weld's resistance to lamellar tearing ” tats (e) impact strength of the: weld joint. * i Depending on the cause, slag ontrapment may, be coriected b: (A), changing the electrode or flux. ‘ VF thorough.slag removal between, passes. - aes (©) proper. positioning of the joint (0) all of the above. (E) 8 and C above. 68. i? 71 TR. Inspection reports should be... (A) clearly written (6) contain all required information (6) readily accessible a all of the above (e) A and B above FOR QUESTIONS 69 THROUGH 71, STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW’ ee ees 1G “Ee f og) ; ; The weld in, Figure No. 1 above is said to be welded in the... (A) flat position ———> S woe iP \@x horizontal position 2 b> ! (CG). vertical position - xe (0) overhead position { {£) rene of the anova : i : The weld in Figure No. 2 is‘sald to be welded in the... i (a) flat position : {B) horizontal position \ey _vertical_position( 3.4) (D). overhead position (E) none of the above The weld in Figure No. 3 above’ Is sald to be.welded in the...” (8 flat position (VG) 4 (8) Worzontarposition | ‘ : (c) real ele oe . ria (D) overhead position é () none of the above Incomplete. joint penetcation can be gaused by... (A) insufficient root opening = (8) excessive travel speed eB excessive electrode diameter all of the above (E) Aand C above numba ay ee pay Rs rt thf pauttratom , olegred of Panu ai macre effete threat, weld Souvenelh, jueet eels rs »pic examination will foveal the microstructure of the... (A); base metal (B) heat-affecied zone. | (Q) fusion zone... —— * ! 2, all of the above 9 re di “ Se : See 4 B.and.C_ above 74, The upper limits of, prehedt_ and reine for quenched and tompered steols are specified for what reason(s)? i & eee aires fate to f minimum it-affected zone s Lea pies motal “tom: beroming too strong ime avoid : Tellers § ive D above : | ‘ 73. 75. Which of the a is NOT important or essential to good récord keeping? (A) clearly and concisely stated facts “oir 1 @ good lcompany policy manual a { (C) well organized reports presenting a total picture fet i (0) _I6gical Sequence to seporting | (E) all supporting forms, reports and data included -or ‘eferbnced- “76. In a welding procedufe qualification test, a reduced seciton tensile test as specimen measured % inch x 1-1/2 inches before testing and] failed at a ii load of 24,375 los. What was the tensile strength in pounds per square inch | of the specimen? eqn, 2G. 782 ae aa 2 | (73,125 2 z = i Yer 65,000 8 es | eg (©) $6,000 \ (0). 6,500 ‘ i » 91400 { le : i i acel ding of 16 gauge steel requires sosuptve, 16 Bictection of 2. | shade #4 of 5 (8) the same absorptive lens as required-for teubmorged er wolding- {% (©) _— shade #6 or 8 % (0) shade #10.0r 12; (€) . just sefely glasses, | eae 78. Liquid _penetrentiasnestion is used for detecting... (A) ~~ weld undercut : (B), excessive weld reinforcement a weld discontinuities ,apen to the surface 5 (D) short fillet weld leo size (E) ° depth of weld penstration 9. The symbol above requires... (A) Penetrant testing on the other side of part. MBF rool testing on the other side of the part (C) _ penetrant testing on the aiéw Side of the part (0) root testing on the arfow side of the part” (E) . penetrant and radiographic testing from the other side intended to... (A) change the mic ctu = ba g (8) _ increase the tensile strength of the weld MBF" reduce the residual weld stresss across the weld. (0) —_ingreasé the impact strenoth of the weld. (E) provide a method of oven heating for the removal of gas pockets trapped in the weld. * * The liquid applied to the, suttace of a'test- specimen. ~ (A) tlows inte: discontinuities upon eppiication of developer. B is absorbed by discontinuities aw is drawn into a giscontinutty by capiliary action. ~ (0) runs into; discontinuities by gravity. {E) penetrates the surface by chemical action. STUDY THE DESIRED WELD & SYMBOL BELOW: the desired weld, 5 x : Which of the following processes can be used to join au steels 7 (a) sMAW [i iB); SAW | ie GMAW | . ‘ All of the) above () _.(@) and {) above ‘enched: and tempered © i ts STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW l 3 ‘The figure above illustrates a(n) ... : P ‘ Ce specimen tensile specimen, (C) impact specimen (0) macro specimen i (E) drop weight specimen | STUDY THE UW LUSTRATION RFI OW: (0) 4 {E) 5 \\ 88. Mild stoe! (A96) steet Is nlore-weldable tha 4A) low carbon steel (A53) (8) medium carbon steel (SAE41 40) higli carbon steel(SAE1095) all of the above |~ B and C at. Z\ 84. Ait carbon aic cutting - i (A) _ requires an electrode holder 2 ae Sate 1 (B) requires an air supply u +}(C)_ may ve dong manually or mechanically a ; ae Le all of the above Dis a yl A and B above 85. | Prior to welding, a CWI should check. (A) if the welding procedure is qualified in accordance with the contract spec (8) if the welder is qualified for the process and position : (C) if the joigt desions’ and joint _Ptepafations meet the requirements of. ine, roceduré (D) fi requirements called li by the contrac! spec car all ofithe above 4 welder may be required to retest because. oS (A) he or! she fails their initial Welding test it. "(B) _ in case there is a change in an egsential.vasiable \ | 7 his_ot her ability t6 deposit sound weld metal is que: ioned ( or ail of|the above - (©) BandC above. + 5 \ : oe To lp recall and Verity ‘past decisioris, (B) used to verity the payment of wetk Invoices’. (C) to verify man-hour records for the - shop (0) for pecking sips for shipping (E) - all of the above | BB The factor which Is most impowant tothe reli “ot a test is! Wa) ease of conducting test ! (8) cost of required equipment aig 1 “— ABT —eprosucitility of test consiians | see \ . (D0) Speed pf testing g 7 (E) portability of equipment : | | ! 90, 91, 93. 34, 95. a ee | Outing electrosiag welding, clacks may bé avoided by smaintaining.. (a) proper electtode feed Tate (8) Rsoper euirent i Proper ispacing beiween electrodes ‘or Quide- tubes Ae allsofatip-aboyg Fs asaee oe (©) A and € above Magnetic partite inspection is most suitable forthe detection of. surface leracks Perpencicular to the magnetic lines of force (6) short fillet thuoat dimensions of fillet Welds {C) lamination in plate that are less thar X% inch below the surface {D) excessive weld reinforcement in butt joints done with SMAW (E) the fesidual magnetism of a weldment Hardness test method(s) jor metals Include(s)... A) Rockwell (8) Knoop i {C) Vickers (0) Brinelt : 3 GF All of the above The wald face refers du it : (A) surface of a toss section of the weld ~ (©) appearance of the heat-atiecied zone (Q) original groove face Sxosed surlace of the weld on the side from which welding was done.” TE) exposed surface of the weld on the side opposite from which welding sas done A welding inspector must be ethical primatily In ordar fo... (A) insure that the employer receives fair. value for iispection jess: (©) render imperial decisions dae (C) reject every weld the first time of inspection ¥ (2) ; safeguard the public's! ralth and well-being’ i A.welder. performing SMAW With too speed Gan (a) decrease * penetration ‘ (8) ~ cause undercutting at ‘the edges of thé’ weld (C) cause difticutty in slag removal 52), all of the above A sonas above F np oo that may be used for welding quali a AWS and ASME code books. The above siatement is. true ‘ false : ce i (C) ‘true only for city government owned weidments © 3 } (0) not to be verified by a CW | y (2) true, except for approved computer generated records: keeping systems, | lye 98. what should be lniown for proper.interarstation of iiguld penetrant indicatlons (A) previous .manufacturing processes performed. on tne pant. ¢ Sy) (B) technique used in applying and removing the: penetrant oF (C) method used to clean part prior to Inspections * all of the above! 3 | YA none of the above : 1 97. Which of the following is en advahiage of fluorescent psttiints over visible dye penetranis? mi ae JAE the Inspection can be carried out In a well-lighted area ef small indications as sily sear Saas ) iCcanjbe used web contect ‘with water is objectionable (0) it is less sensitive te contamination of discontinuities i i 4 (©) the dye requires no vehicle or solvent = « s ding gases used for GMAW include. (A) Gor (8) Orage iB) \ COs a ‘of the above (E) letters’ A ee S above BSEP- jeveise polaily is a Wee andar term for. (Ay direct current electrode negative A direct icurrent electrode positive (C) direct current siraigtit polarity (0) — direct jcurrént reverse polarity (€)* none of the above ot 100. Under most code tules, welders may be qualified by their émployers: provicing ipgy.nave... | - 5 “RUA passed a prescribed sel ioi tests (8) been’ Employed | fora imum of six months (C) qualified by at teast one’ previous employer {D) AandB above | (—) Aand 8 above 101. Destructive tests of welds ere designed to.. (A) determine the mechanical properties ‘(ie. tensile strength, ductility, toughness) (68) determine the Modulus of Elasticity of a weld metal~. (C) caleulate:the percent ‘of, feduction in tein metal specimen determing the soundness ot weld metal 2 - ) all of the above = 102. In comparison to surtace ciacks, the sensitivity of Gerieanelis paiticle inspection flaws Y%4—inch or more ‘below the surface of a thick f es generally much Tess : : : . approximately equal : oh (C)-... nearly equal if the. flaws. are fine nonmetallic tenes. (0) negdy. equal if the Internal ang external flaws have equal! wigtns (E) greater if the flaws are located near the. weld's exis and AC current is used 3 t 103. The. welding inspector should evaluate critical joint fit-ups before welding begins. Which of the following’ in; WOT an essential part of the evaluation? iA) tack welds QY root onsniia postheal temperature. ~~ (0) adae sisparation (€) dimensions and alignment 104. Toy brazing is accomplished by the use of 8 ZF a neutral exytuel gas flame n 5 ! (8) a Slightly reducing oxyf0et gas flame (Cc) an air—iuel gas flame (0) all6f the above, . dxts.oif fa snes (©) A and C ebove 1a ab +105. Which of the following defects does NOT ocaur when weld i is tnade- by the GTAW process? : . 5 TH paresity 2 slag inclusions (C).. cracks =~ (BD) incomplete fusion {E) overlap . STUDY THE SYMBOL BELOW: Ms a4 106. What is indicated by the welding symbol shown, aboye? (4) two 4— inch fillet walds on 4~inch centers : he four 2-inch, fillet welds 4~Inches long at 4-inch Spacing | intermittent %—inch fillet welds 2~inches fone an Aminch centers (b) “intermittent 14-inch: fillet welds 4-i (€) none of ae “407, 7 vettigaon covers the responsibility to. ify welding. procgdures C B) «compute allowable st esses ; (c) perforin radiogrephic (examinations conduet tests for analysis of base matenal ‘compostion (0) ae hone Of the above |~~ 108, When other welding variables are held constant, increasing the wel no {esient) ent ‘ during FCAW ‘will... (A) increase electrode deposition (ale {B). incigase penstretion | oe ely (C)_ produce cont weld peaus with poor eppeatance — -” meee way all of the ebove 4 YO A and B adove ft Gs 109. . ;Yigtd, strenoth may be determined by.. tension tests : (B) Charpy tests (C) hardness tests (D) . none of the above (e) A or Ci above ches long on, 2~inch centers i et 9 110. ‘Which of the’ following is/are used to perfoun_MIZ. ~ TW colored terro-magi y (p) AC and DC articulated Igo.yokes (c)_, DU colls me a S all ofjthe.above ) only A and © ebove STUDY THE SYMBOL BELOW: oe ee 4 142. The above nondestructive testing symbol refers to which ci the following? visual test and penetrant test made on belh sides 2f part ea ae visual test made on ther, ‘side Of part and penetrant test made on. aioe ee aa ue ar visual tept made in arrowisidel of part and penetrant test, mad 0 on* ather side of pant! : Ae (0) visual telt made on beck of part and paneifant lest 1 iade di-hront of pert = (E) none of the above = asin Any records that require the tenuani should Le prépared by. the inspector cg Soy

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