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The type of leader God uses

By Rob

[seminar notes]
If you look at every growing church or ministry in the world today and look for
what sets them apart, you would find one thing. Strong Leadership!
Leadership that has learned to trust God and believe God.
Everything rises and falls on leadership!



Ephesians 3:20:

Now glory to God by his mighty power at work

within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more
that we could ever dare to ask or hope.

What would you attempt for God if you knew
you wouldnt fail?
Hebrews 11: 1:What is faith? It is the confident assurance that
what we hope for is going to happen. It is the
evidence of things we cannot yet see.
Five types of people in ministry.
1. Those with no dream.

What do I want from God?

The result of living without a dream.


2. Those who have a low dream.
3. Those with a wrong dream.
4. Those with a vague dream.
5. Those with Gods dream.
Eight steps on how to get Gods dream.

Step 1:

Open your mind to God.

Proverbs 28:26:
Trusting oneself is foolish! But those
who walk in wisdom are safe.
Proverbs 2:6: For the Lord grants wisdom! From his
mouth come knowledge and
Psalms 37:4:

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give

you your hearts desire. Commit everything
you do to the Lord, trust him and he will
help you.

Question: What is Gods will for my life.

Step 2:

Do some research.

Proverbs 13:16:

Wise people think before they act.

Question: What do I need to know first?

Step 3:

Ask for advice.

Proverbs 24:6: Dont go to war without wise guidance;

victory depends on having many
Proverbs 20:18:

Plans succeed through good counsel.

Question: Who else can help me.

Step 4:

Establish some priorities.

Proverbs 17:24:
Sensible people keep there eyes glued
on wisdom; but a fools eyes wander to the
ends of the earth.
Question: What is my target?
Step 5:

Evaluate the cost.

Proverbs 20:25:
It is dangerous to make rash promises
to God before counting the cost.

Question: What will this cost?

Step 6:

Plan for problems.

Proverbs 22:3: A prudent person foresees the danger

ahead and takes precautions; the
simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the
Question: What can go wrong with this dream or goal
and what will happen if it does?
Step 7:

Face your fears.

God uses leaders who are willing to take risk.

Matthew 25.
Question: Our you afraid to take risk?
Step 8:

Do it now and dont give up!

Luke 9:62:
Anyone who puts there hand to the plow
and then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of
Galatians 6:9: Dont get tired of doing what is good. Dont
get discouraged and give up, for we will
reap a harvest of blessing at the
appropriate time.
Never, never, never, never give up!



A. Devotion: A daily time of worship. Time spent
reading his Word.
B. Exercise: Keeping physically fit.
C. Positive attitude: 75% of our self-talk is negative.
Have enthusiasm!
D. Glorify God with your attitudeencourage others.
E. Pray: Know Gods voice and make sure he knows
F. Plan: plan your schedule daily or someone else will
gladly plan it for you. Dont let others plan your life.
G. Read: If you are reading, then you are leading. You
have something to share.

The type of leader God uses.

By Rob McWilliams

[seminar text]
If you look at every growing church or ministry in the world today and looked for
what sets them apart, you would find one thing.
Strong leadershipleadership that has learned to trust God and believe God.
Everything rises and falls on leadership!
1. God uses a leader who has a dream! A goal--an idea--a vision.
Do you know what Gods Dream is for you? His vision?
Its Gods direction for this season of your life. His target if you will.
IF you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.
How to dream big!
Ephesians 3:20 Now glory be to God by his mighty power at work within us,
he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we could ever
dare to ask or hope.
The ability to dream is a God given gift. Our ability to think to reason to be
to plan to imagine are all from God.
The word tells us that our imagination is very powerful and can be used for
good or evil.
Napoleon said Imagination rules the world.
Every great achievement that has ever been done in ministry or any other
area has been done because someone had a dream.
Nothing starts happening until someone starts dreaming.
Einstein said Imagination is more powerful and important than knowledge.
Every person needs a dream
If you dont have a dream or vision for your church or ministry your not a
One of the big problems we see today is when we first start out in ministry,
youre the Pastor even lay pastor small group leader children church
leader a worship leader even a business owner or student we start out
with such great ideas / great dreams than we often let our dream shrink

because problems arise or the situation changes and we are easily taken off
Have you ever found that to be true?
So periodically we need to be challenged / stretched to dream big again.
Thats what I am hoping to do today!
We need to learn to dream bigger!
When Ralph first came to Hawaii from California he knew God called him to
leave everything he loved and move to Hawaii
Great things come from small beginnings when God is in them.
The bible tells us its impossible to please God without faith!
Faith begins with stretching your imagination.
QUESTION? What would you attempt for God if you knew you wouldnt fail?
I have a saying on the wall of my office that reads: The only way to discover
the limits of the possibility is to go beyond them into the impossible.
Just because it looks impossible doesnt mean it cant happen. We need to
start visualizing the impossible.
Hebrews 11:1

What is Faith? It is the confident assurance that what we

hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we
cannot yet see.

So here are some ideas on how to dream bigger!

This can be used in your ministry your family - your work place.
Story of Steve Dorsey. God uses ordinary people /
A quote he uses / attempt great things for God and expects great things from
Everyone needs a dream its a psychological necessity for life.
If you dont have a dream a goal a direction for your life youre dieing!
Dreams expand your horizons.
In fact our dreams define us.
I dont believe there are great people I believe they are ordinary people
committed to great dreams.
God created us with great imagination. The word tell us we are created in
Gods image and God was the creator of all this around us.
Therefore, every human being is creative.
There are five types of people in ministry.

Those with no dreams: For some people their only goal in life is to make it
through the day. When asked what are your dreams / blank look!
One time Jesus came across a man on the side of the road and asked him
what do you want me to do for you?
Have you ever asked yourself: what do I want God to do for me?
If he would give me my greatest hearts desire what would I ask for?
Remember Ephesians 3:20:
He is able to accomplish infinitely more
that we could even dare dream or ask.

Going through life without a dream is kind of like going to the store
without a list.
Playing football without a game plan!
Building a house without a set of plans!
There are three results when you dont have a dream.
1 Frustration
Frustration, if you dont set goals youre going to go through live from crises
to crises.
If you dont have a dream for you ministry you will be a reactor to every
Your bored because what is the sense of getting up every morning.
Those who fail to live without a dream as a compass for their lives, when it all
comes to an end, they look back and realize they will go to the grave with
unfulfilled dreams. Which sadly is the vast majority of the population? They
end up saying IF ONLY.
2. Those who have a low dream: They live life without taking any risks, a
safe environment is all they want.
3. Wrong dream: Is your dream worth while. Are you doing it for the right
To glorify God or you!
I see very talented people in the church chasing a dream that takes them
further and further from God. One day they will stand before God and he
will ask what did you do with your life.
We also spent a lot of time trying to empress others / complete waste of
You can be a hero then a zero really quick.
4. People have a vague dream: A lot of us are here. I want to live my life for
I want to make my life count but I am not sure exactly what to do. Ive
never really though thru the process of allowing my goals to direct my
And discover where I am going to put my energy.

When you look at Jesus life he was the most goal directed person who
ever lived. He had a dream. When he was 12 we told the people he must
be about his Fathers business. And at the end of his life he said it was
finished! Thats what I call a successful life. In John 17 he says I came and
accomplished everything you told me to do.
5. Those with Gods dream: They know where they are headed because they
have heard from God.
Let me give you eight steps on how to get Gods dream. Or to expand the
dream he has already given you. Most of the time God doesnt give us all of
the information all at one time, remember He wants us to live by faith. Very
few people have a hot line to God and know everything all at once. But he will
begin to unwrap his dream for your life. Sometimes knowing it all at once
would be too overwhelming for us.
Step I.

Open your mind to God. (Ask, seek and knock). You are
going to need to be quite! We race through life and fail to
ever really know Gods voice. God wants a relationship.
Schedule time of silence. We just need to shut up and listen.

Proverbs 28:26:
wisdom are safe
Proverbs 2:6:

Trusting oneself is foolish, but those who walk in

For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge
and understanding.

God wants to reveal His desire for our lives.

Be still and know I am GOD!
How many of us have depended on our intuition only to find out we were
The question you want to ask is: What is Gods will for my life?
Step II.

Do some research.

Proverbs 13:16:

Wise people think before they act.

After you pray, then you need to do your homework to get the facts. If you
feel lead to start a new business or a new ministry or start a new church
youll need information to move ahead.
Uneducated enthusiasm can get you in real trouble.
What do I need to know first?
Search the internet.
Step III.

Ask for advice.

Talk to people who have done it before. The principle of consultation.

Proverbs 24:6:

Dont go to war without wise guidance; victory depends

on having many counselors.

Ask people who have already taken the risk.

Proverbs 20:18:

Plans succeed through good counsel.

There is an old saying hang out with people smarter than you learn from
their experience.
Men are afraid to ask questions!
Proverbs 18:15:

Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact

they look for them.

Leaders are learners.

Question: Who else can help me?
Step IV. Establish some priorities.
Think through your dream in a logical order. Put together a step-by-step plan
if possible.
Proverbs 17:24:Sensible people keep there eyes glued on wisdom;
but a fools eyes wander to the ends of the earth.
You dont have time to do everything. Selection is the name of the game.
Question: What is my target?
Step V. Evaluate the cost.
Proverbs 20:25:It is dangerous to make rash promise to God before counting
the cost.
What will it cost?

Step VI.

Plan for problems.

Expect the best, plan for the worst.

Never ignore a problem (Guy)
At hope we have tried more things that failed then worked. Were just not
afraid of failure.
Proverbs 22:3

A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes

precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the

Question: What can go wrong will this vision or goal? What will happen if it
Step VII.

Face our fears. God uses leaders who are will to take

This is where Satan will attack you. When God puts a dream in your heart
that will so affect the kingdom for eternity you can bet the enemy will be after
People will say to you, you cant do that! What are you thinking?
Satan will make you doubt the dream.
I have heard people say that God has never called me to be successful. He
has called me to be faithful.
I dont agree with that!!
The bible teaches very clearly that God wants both faithfulness and
Fruitfulness is a major theme of the New Testament. Fruitfulness is what
faithfulness is all about.
The story of three men, two of whom doubled their investment because they
were willing to take a risk and doubled their money. The Lord said well done,
good and faithful servant and he gave them more responsibility. The third
man buried his money because he was afraid. The Lord said that he was
wicked and lazy and he took it away from him.
Leadership takes courage, when God tells you to do some thing DO IT.
Courage is moving forward despite your fear.
You have never really trusted God until you have done something that in the
flesh was impossible. In other words God had to show up!
Dont be afraid to take risk.
Dont let the size of your God determine the size of your goals.

A friend describes hell as being a place where God shows you

everything you could have been and done if only you would have
trusted God a little more.
Step VIII. Do it now and dont give up!
LUKE 9:62

Anyone who puts there hand to the plow and then looks back
is not fit for the kingdom of God.

Galatians 6:9

Dont get tired of doing what is good. Dont get discouraged

and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the
appropriate time.

Jerry Fallwell a famous American pastor said: You do not determine a mans
greatness by his talents / his education / his wealth, but you determine a
mans greatness by what it takes to discourage him.
What does it take to discourage you. Remember we are in the people
business and sometimes people can be very mean. Everyone has an opinion.
Youre going to need to develop thick skin.
Put on the full armor every day. Eph. 6
Confrontation is an important tool to master. Dont be afraid to confront
someone. Just do it in love.
At the height of World War II Winston Churchill was invited to speak at
Heralds boy school. He was going to deliver a major wartime address. They
told the students to take notes. Churchill walked to the podium and said,
Never give up / never give up
Never, never, never, never, never give up.
Then turned and walked away. Some of you today are discouraged, dont
give up.
2. God uses leaders who have discipline.
A. Devotion. A daily time of worship. Time spent reading his Word.
B. Exercise. Keeping fit physically.
C. Positive attitude. 75% of our self-talk is negative. Have enthusiasm
Glorify God with your attitude. Encourage others.
D. Pray. Know Gods voice and make sure he knows yours.
E. Plan. Plan your schedule daily or someone else will gladly plan it for
Dont let others plan your life.
F. Read. If youre reading youre leading

Books on Leadership:

A Tale of Three Kings: a study of brokenness

by Gene Edwards. Christian Books, 1983.
A Work of Heart: understanding how God shapes spiritual leaders
by Reggie McNeal, San Francisco. Jossey-Bass, 2000.
Connecting: the mentoring relationships you need to succeed in life
by Paul D. Stanley and J. Robert Clinton. Navpress, 1992.
Every Life is a Plan of God: discovering His will for your life.
by Oswald J. Sanders. Discovery House Publishers, 1992.
If I Were Starting My Ministry Again: timeless instructions and life-changing
by John M. Drescher. Abigdon Press, 1995.
Repacking Your Bags Lighten Your Load for the Rest of Your Life:
by Richarfd J. Leider and David A. Shapiro. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1996.
Spiritual Leadership:
by J. Oswald Sanders.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: powerful lessons in personal change.
by Stephen R. Covey. Simon & Schuster, 1989.
The Hidden Price of Greatness: encouragement from the lives of well-known
Christians whose suffering produced spiritual growth.
by Ray Beeson and Ranelda Mack Hunsicker. Tyndale House, 1991.
The Making of a Leader: recognizing the lessons and stages of leadership
by Robert J. Clinton. Navpress, 1992.
The Making of a Man of God: studies in the life of David.
by Alan Redpath. Fleming H. Revell, 1962.
Todays Pastors: a revealing look at what pastors are saying about themselves
their peers, and the pressures they face.
by George Barna. Regal Books, 1993.
Understanding People: deep longings for relationship.
by Larry Crabb. Ministry Resources Library, 1987.
Why You Do What You Do: answers to your most puzzling emotional mysteries.
by Bobb Biehl. Thomas Nelson, 1993.

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