Geos Adult 2015

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USA Canada

Malta UK


>> I decided to go to GEOS because one of my friends recomended it to me. When I
started my course I was not confident with my English skills but step by step Im improving. Im very happy with my classmates and teachers. Also, the classes are funny and
we spend a lot of time practising speaking and listening. This is good for me because
speaking and listening are my weak points.I will spend 6 months at GEOS. I think at
the end of my studies I will be ready to use English at work, for my other studies, and
in social situations. I would recommend all people who are thinking about improving
their English to choose GEOS. Its a great experience and Im sure you will enjoy it.<<

Introduction | Course finder |


About GEOS
Programs | Course levels


Steps to success


Pathway program


Momentum program


Accommodation & activities


New York USA


Los Angeles USA


Boston USA


Ottawa Canada


Toronto Canada


Calgary Canada


Montreal Canada


Vancouver Canada


Victoria Canada


London GB


Brighton GB






Our courses in the U.S.A have been accredited by ACCET.

Our language programs in Canada have been approved
by Languages Canada. Our courses in the U.K have been
evaluated and accredited by the British Council. Our programs in Malta have been accepted by Feltom.

Travel. learn. SuCceed.






New York


Part-Time Course 10 lessons, English

Part-Time Course 10 lessons, French
Standard Course 20 lessons, English
Standard Course 20 lessons, French
Intensive Course 30 lessons, English
Intensive Course 30 lessons, French
Super-Intensive Course 40 lessons, English
Intensive TOEFL Exam Preparation
Intensive IELTS Exam Preparation
Cambridge Exam Preparation
Momentum Program
University/College Pathways Program
Study Tour/Group Program
Private Tutorials
Business English Course
Academic Writing Tutorial
Pronunciation Tutorial
English for Academic Purpose










09 LA Orange County

09 LA Torrance


Los Angeles
Orange county


Los angeles


We have a network of 30 schools worldwide

teaching 7 languages accredited by various
educational organizations.
We provide friendly, flexible service to each student, whether it be through academic counseling,
excursions, survival tips or day-to-day advice.
We give students every opportunity
to learn English in a lively, interactive way
while experiencing Western culture.

We provide friendly, flexible, expedient service to each

student, whether it be through counseling, excursions,
apartment hunting, internet access, or daily advice.

A structured pathway to
further education.

Guaranteed quality proven through our

accreditations all learning time is productive learning time.



Learner relevant syllabus structured to the

requirements of students.


Integration into local culture through

relevant extracurricular activities and
an active support network.


Part-time Program

Standard Program

Intensive English Program

10 lessons per week (7.5 hours)

20 lessons per week (15 hours)

30 lessons per week (20 hours)

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Length: 2 weeks +

Length: 1 week +

Length: 1 week +

Course suited to:

Anyone wanting to improve their language
skills while having free time to explore their

Course suited to:

Anyone wanting to improve their level of
general English.

Course suited to:

Anyone wishing to improve their language
skills quickly.

Detailed description:
This program provides students with the
flexibility to choose the course which best
suits their individual needs, and the ability
to select which time of day to study, leaving
plenty of time to explore their new city.

Detailed description:
This program provides students with insight
into the language and effective methods of
communication. Classes generally finish in the
early afternoon so students will still be able
to enjoy the majority of their day sightseeing
and discovering the city and local culture.

Detailed description:
This program is the perfect option for students who want to learn more intensively
with the aim of gaining greater fluency and
accuracy more quickly. Students will feel
more confident using English in real life situations and be able to communicate with ease.

Students take 2 lessons per day from Monday

through Friday by taking one of the courses
listed below:
Integrated Skills (2 lessons)
Active Listening (2 lessons)
Elective (2 lessons)

Students take 4 lessons per day from Monday

through Friday by taking two of the courses
listed below:
Integrated Skills (2 lessons)
Active Listening (2 lessons)
Elective (2 lessons)

Students take 6 lessons per day from Monday

through Friday by taking all three of the courses listed below:
Integrated Skills (2 lessons)
Active Listening (2 lessons)
Elective (2 lessons)


Exam Preparation Course

Momentum Program

Pathways Program

Students can choose between Intensive and

Super Intensive options (see course program
descriptions). Students work on vocabulary
building, critical listening and reading, essay
writing, and speaking, while focusing on building test-taking skills and strategies through
weekly tests and mock-exams. Examination
fees are not included in the course price.
English / French Courses Available.

With the momentum program, working holiday permit holders get to put their English
to the test and gain practical experience. Learn to work with confidence in your target
language and gain an essential professional
edge. Our unique combination of Language
training, alongside a hospitality job followed
by a capstone of a genuine co-op placement
can be a difference maker in your early career.

GEOS Languages PLUS offers students the

opportunity to improve their general and
academic English while preparing to transition into one of our 50 pathway partners.
Students take either our Intensive or Super
Intensive Course.

Super Intensive English


Business English Program

Study Tour

40 lessons per week (30 hours)

30 lessons per week (20 hours)

10 - 20 lessons per week (7.5-15 hours)

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Length: 1 week +

Length: 1 week +

Length: 1 week +

Course suited to:

Anyone wishing to improve their language
level in the shortest time possible.

Course suited to:

Anyone wanting to focus on learning the language needed to succeed in a professional

Detailed description:
This is the ideal program for students who
really want to challenge themselves academically in their language studies.
This course is particularly recommended for
any students wishing to enter a university in
North America, the United Kingdom or Malta.

Detailed description:
This is the perfect option for students who
want to focus on the development of key vocabulary, social language and practical functions
within a business context. Students will be
given opportunities to practice realistic tasks in
class and the tools they need to communicate
effectively in common professional situations

Course suited to:

Anyone with individual learning goals who
wants to focus on specific topics while having time to explore a new city and culture.

Detailed description:
We can create custom-made group programs. Students join our English or French
classes or participate in a course designed
based on their requirements. After class
students enjoy a variety of social and cultural activities. Accommodations include
homestay or selected student residences.

Students take 8 lessons per day Monday

through Friday by studying the courses listed
Integrated Skills (2 lessons)
Active Listening (2 lessons)
Two Electives (2 lessons each)

Students take 6 lessons per day Monday

through Friday by studying the courses listed
Business English (4 lessons)
Elective (2 lessons)



Students take between 2 and 4 lessons per

day Monday through Friday by studying
one or more of the courses listed below:
Integrated Skills (2 lessons)
Active Listening (2 lessons)
Small group tutorial (2 lessons each)

Geos English or French Course 6 levels

TOEIC: 325-425+
TOEFL iBT: 26-36+
IELTS: 2.2 3.3+
TOEIC: 425-626+
TOEFL iBT: 36-61+
IELTS: 3.4 4.8+

Level 1 (A0)
Level 2 (A1)
Level 3 (A2)
Level 4 (B1)

Level 5 (B2)
High Intermediate/
TOEIC: 626-876+
TOEFL iBT: 61-100+
Level 6 (C1)
IELTS: 4.9+


Express wants, preferences, needs and likes/dislikes. Fill out simple forms.
Describe people, objects, places, situations and events.
Give and respond to apologies, excuses, and permissions. Express and respond to worry,
disappointment and feelings. Request desired goods or services.
Engage in a general conversation and keep conversation going. Express and analyze opinions.
Extract meaning/general ideas from written texts.



Ask for recommendations and provide solutions to problems. Express hope, regret,
gratitude, and sympathy. Understand personal, general, or specialized prose.
Obtain, organize, and present information. Attract attention, express concern and seek
advice. Understand purpose and meaning of complex forms, letters, etc.
Give and follow instructions on technical and non-technical tasks. Express indifference, approval,
disapproval and intentions Understand complex formal instructions in various settings.








about your
1 Learn
program options.

long will you

2 How
need to study English?

the right
3 Pick
program and apply.

There are so many colleges and universities in the US and Canada many of
which have contracts and partnerships
with GEOS Languages PLUS. We can
help you determine which one meets
your expectations, goals, financial resources as well as suiting your life plans.

Different universities have different

entry requirements for language ability. GEOS Languages PLUS can give
you a test that will help you determine
approximately how long you will need
to study.

Now that you know your level and

your options, we can help you apply
to the program that youre looking for.

Will you do a bachelors degree?

Will you try to transfer credit?

We will then help you put that together with the application deadlines
for the program so that you can figure
out when to start your English study
with GEOS Languages PLUS.

Will you do a Masters degree or a

post-Graduate diploma?

Some Institutions will require you to

apply via the internet, some directly
to the international office.
If you are applying from some countries, you will have to apply to the college at the same time as applying to
GEOS Languages PLUS. We look forward to helping you with that.



Does the start date match your

Contact the GEOS Pathways department or help desk so that we can
provide you with options.

Program documentation deadlines

and entry level requirements are
important things to know.

GEOS Languages PLUS will help you

apply to the program.

to get the Eng4 Study

lish level you need.

the transition:
5 Make
College or University?

6 Study

During your time at GEOS Languages PLUS our counselors and staff will
help you learn more about your chosen program and institution. If the institution is in the same city, we will set
up a visit, a tour or a meeting with the
international counselor for you.

Just because youve left GEOS Languages PLUS doesnt mean weve
forgotten about you. Youre just beginning a new stage in your journey.


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of time

We will work with you to make sure

you are on schedule academically
to enter when you need to, that you
get your documents in and that if something goes wrong, you have another option ready.

Maybe youre interested in doing a

work term in Canada after your program to get more work experience?
We can help you with that.
Perhaps youre interested in staying
in Canada?
We can introduce you to our trusted
experts in the field.

How it works

Every institution has different English

language entry requirements. You
can enter most institutions if you study in our IELTS or TOEFL preparation
courses, but many institutions offer
GEOS Languages PLUS students
direct entry from our highest level
with no additional testing. No matter
if you need a standardized test to enter your program, GEOS Languages
PLUS will help you to raise your research, study and
over all English
language abiliGEOS AGES
ty to the level
you need to







Date issue



Improve your English with GEOS
Language Plus

GEOS Languages PLUS will keep you

on track.

GEOS Languages PLUS wants to see

you succeed in life, not only in class.

The Pathways Program.

Your Future.
International Degree.
Flawless English.
Cultural Awareness.

Your ticket to a world class career

Be a cut above the competition with a level of

English only gained through academic study
Understand and experience world cultures
and essential skills in international business

Expert Advice.

Choose between a wide range of partner universities

Our flexible start dates mean you only take the
courses you need
Enter many universities without the need for
From a qualified GEOS counsellor to select the
university course that matches your career goals

Our GEOS counsellors guide you through the entire

application process
Learn essential research, writing and presentation
skills before you even start university

Enter university with an advanced level of English,

no need for further courses
In British Columbia Canada, take your first year at a college
before transferring to a larger institution (other areas have
some transfer agreements)

Your Success.


With GEOS Pathways Program follow your

pathway to success!

Agents and various associates recruit potential students and/or students inquire to
GEOS Languages PLUS schools directly. Students currently at our schools may also
apply to this program during their studies.


Students/agents contact the pathways department regarding programs.

Educational assesment:
Pathways department gives student options dependent on previous education,
grades and experience.

Application to school:

The student applies to both GEOS Languages PLUS and the educational instituation by providing the GEOS Pathways department copies of their high school
transcripts and paying the application fees.

pathwayS program


4 Offer of admission:

The university will determine if the student is eligible and, if so, create an offer of

General prices:

Letter of conditional acceptance:

Stay on track:

Ongoing support:

The student will pay the required fees - usually between $ 1,000 and one semesters fees.

If available, the institution of higher education will issue a conditional letter stating that the student will attend on completion of their language studies at GEOS
Languages PLUS. The letter is used to acquire a study permit covering the entire
period- course commencement at a GEOS Languages PLUS school through to
completion of university or college studies.

During studies at GEOS Languages PLUS counselors will ensure that the student
is on-track to reach their English Languages goal-in-time for their university or
college start date.


GEOS Languages PLUS staff will work with the student to ensure that the university or college has all the required documentation needed for the student
to start their program.


Study and work

in Canada with our
Your Program.
3 Months Intensive Language Course with GEOS Languages PLUS
3 Months Paid work in Hospitality/Retail, while continuing to learn English
at GEOS Languages PLUS
6 Month Internship in your specialized area while continuing paid work in the
evenings in Hospitality/Retail


Choose from: Specialized Language Practicums and General Language Practicums in industries such as Service, Tourism, Marketing, Trade, Administration,
Design, Hospitality, and IT.
Minimum Program duration:
One year practica is unpaid.

Improve, build and fine tune

your English or French
Be a part of the North American
workplace and business culture

Build your professional skills alongside

your career perspectives
Professional work experience
and references for your CV
Reach essential industry relevant

Your Success.


With GEOS Languages PLUS

fast-track your career!

Agents and various associates recruit potential students and/or students inquire to
GEOS Languages PLUS schools directly. Students currently at our schools may also
apply to this program during their studies.

Review of eligibility:

GEOS Languages PLUS determines if prerequisites for the program are met. We
ask that:
a. Students have at least an intermediate level of English. (If students do not meet
this language proficiency requirement, they will be expected to study at our
schools until the required English level is reached.)
b. Students have appropriate work experience and education for the work desired.
c. Students are holders of a valid working holiday visa for Canada.
d. Check to confirm which locations are able to provide the program

Level check (if requested):

Application to school:

Study and work


Our schools can send written evaluations or arrange telephone interviews to ensure the students linguistic abilities in English. This is a complimentary service.

Students or the agent representatives submit applications to the GEOS Languages PLUS schools of their choice. Students must register for a minimum of 3
months in the Intensive or Super-Intensive English or French Course.

4 Studies:

Students complete their language courses at our schools. In addition to their lessons, students are given job skill workshops during their studies to prepare them
for their future employment.

Communication and Follow-Up:

General prices:

GEOS Languages PLUS maintains communication with students and companies

to ensure a successful course and experience.


a. Placement fee for the practicum: 1000 CAD, includes assistance with paid
position and placement in unpaid co-op.
b. Fees for GEOS Languages PLUS: Course + Accommodation


Home abroad.
GEOS Languages PLUS understands how vital a role accommodations play in the students
study abroad experience. As such, our schools offer a variety of accommodation options so
that students will have the most memorable and enjoyable stays possible.



Students generally stay in single rooms but

double rooms may be available upon request.
Students also have the option of choosing
full-board (3 meals/day) or half-board (2 meals/day) stays. A GEOS Languages PLUS staff
member has personally visited the houses of
all our host families; and GEOS Languages
PLUS host families live in safe, comfortable
neighborhoods near the schools.

GEOS Languages PLUS schools in Europe offer single or double rooms in privately-owned
fully-equipped, fully-furnished apartments.
Students can choose between Standard and
Comfort Apartments, depending on their
budget and needs.

GEOS Languages PLUS works with residences that are conveniently located close to the
schools on foot or by public transportation.
Students can request single or double rooms
and share the common areas such as the
kitchen, the bathroom and the living room.
Our St Julians school offers beautiful on-site
school residences.

Private studios or apartments are perfect for
students or families that seek, or need more
privacy. GEOS Languages PLUS Malta provides on-site apartments while other GEOS
Languages PLUS schools can assist with
the booking of an apartment close to the
school. All apartments come fully furnished
with ensuite bathrooms and cooking facilities. Breakfast or other meals and cleaning
services are available at some locations for an
additional cost.

Standard Apartments
These apartments are ideal for the budget-orientated traveler. The apartments come
with fully-equipped kitchen and bathrooms,
and basic furniture. They are located either on
campus or just a few minutes from the school.
At some locations, students can book breakfast and meal plans for nominal fees.
Comfort Apartments
These apartments are generally larger with
better furnishing and equipment. There is also
more frequent cleaning service (usually twice
a week). These apartments are located on
campus or very close to the school. At some
locations, students can book breakfast and
meal plans for nominal fees.

AcComModation | Activities

Languages are not just learnt in the classroom! At GEOS Languages PLUS students
are encouraged to put their newly acquired
language skills to the test by taking advantage of our wide selection of after school social
activities. Whether it be walking or cycling
tours of the city, sampling the local cuisine or
playing sportsstudents soak in the local language and culture while socializing with like-minded individuals from around the world.
The types of activities available depend
largely on the season and location. GEOS
Languages PLUS releases an activity program once a month and students can expect
at least two activities per week. The majority
of activities are free of charge; however some
require a small contribution.


Recreation abroad.


New York

Location: New York

Founded: 1973
Number of students: 300
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
Specialized Programs:
Cambridge Preparation
Holiday Groups
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
Accredited by:

12 Classrooms
Computers & free WiFi
Student lounge
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

Home Stay
Student Residence
Private Apartment

Pathway Partners
University of Vermont
Long Island University - Brooklyn
Long Island University
Post James Madison University
Widener University


At GEOS Languages PLUS New York, we focus on classroom study combined with cultural
immersion as the two pillars of language instruction. Our students are thus able to apply the
material they learn in the classroom outside of our walls as they discover all that New York
City has to offer.
Our popular Pathways Program is perfect for students interested in pursuing a post-secondary education. We currently work with over 50 universities and colleges across the
USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Malta, including several in the Greater New York area.
GEOS Languages PLUS New York is located in Midtown Manhattan, close to a variety of celebrated attractions, amenities and neighborhoods. Visit the Empire State building with ease,
or stroll down to the lower east side, one of New Yorks most revered shopping areas. The city
that never sleeps welcomes nearly 40 million visitors each year, contributing to a superior
standard of living, a wealth of cultural and recreational opportunities as well as some of the
most beautifully diverse urban landscapes.

New York

>> I took the GEOS High School Preparation Program in NYC. I learned a lot of
things and have been supported by a lot of people throughout my time there.
Needless to say, one of my biggest supporters was GEOS. For the first 5 months
I went to GEOS to prepare for studying at a local high school. I studied not only
English but also Math, Chemistry and so on. During that time, I met people with
different backgrounds. When I entered high school, I still kept studying with private lessons at GEOS. Thanks to my tutors I discovered the pleasure of studying.
They were very kind and taught me patiently and in detail. Thank you so much
GEOS. Id like to make good use of this experience for my university life. <<

Facilities USA



Los Angeles
Orange County


Location: Costa Mesa, Orange County

Founded: 1989
Number of students: 300
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
Super-intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
Specialized Programs:
Holiday Groups
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
Accredited by:

9 Classrooms
Computers and free WiFi
Student lounge
Outdoor patio
Fully-accessible building

Private Residence

Pathway Partners
Academy of Radio and TV Broadcasting
Glendale College
Laney College
Ivy Bridge College


GEOS Languages PLUS Orange County is dedicated to helping students succeed with
their English language goals. We offer part-time and full-time intensive English programs to
meet each individual students needs. We strive to promote an encouraging environment
for students to connect with one another through the use of effective communication.
Another important goal at GEOS Languages PLUS Orange County is to prepare students who
wish to pursue an education at an English speaking institution.
Through our competitive TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, and GMAT test preparation courses, and our university/college pathways program, we give students the opportunity to gain the skills they need
to continue their studies. We work with many resident universities and colleges, including the
Academy of Radio and Television Broadcasting and Ivy Bridge College, among others.
GEOS Languages PLUS Orange County, located in Costa Mesa, is just minutes away from
several of the most beautiful beaches in Southern California. The picturesque surroundings and
relaxed, laid back culture make it a great place for international students to live and study.


Location: Torrance, Los Angeles County

Founded: 1996
Number of students: 200
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
Specialized Programs:
Holiday Groups
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways

Los angeles

Los Angeles
Accredited by:

8 Classrooms
Computers and free WiFi
Student lounge
Outdoor patio
Fully-accessible building

Private Residence

Pathway Partners
Academy of Radio and TV Broadcasting
Glendale College
Laney College

Learning English at GEOS Languages PLUS Torrance gives students the unique
opportunity of experiencing the rich diversity associated with Southern California. Our
Intensive English programs range in intensity from 10 lessons a week to 40 lessons a
week. The 10-lesson a week and 20-lesson a week options are ideal for people who
want to have a unique study/travel experience. Whereas our 30-lesson a week and
40-lesson a week options are perfect for the serious student who plans to pursue a
university/college degree in the U.S.A.
Our Pathways program is designed to help students who are interested in continuing their education at an English post-secondary institution. GEOS Languages PLUS
Torrance currently works with over 50 universities and colleges from Canada, the U.S.,
the U.K. and Malta, including Laney College and Glendale College, both located in
Los Angeles.

Facilities USA


AT GEOS Languages PLUS Torrance, we welcome a large variety of students every

year. They come to learn English but they learn so much more than that they learn
about American culture and experience the diversity that the USA is famous for.



Founded: 1973
Number of students: 300
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
Specialized Programs:
Holiday Groups
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
Accredited by:

8 Classrooms
Computers & free WiFi
Student lounge
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

Private Residence

Welcome to GEOS Languages PLUS Boston! Come study English in the heart of one of
Americas most celebrated cities. We pride ourselves on our individualized attention to students and the close-knit community we foster on a daily basis. Students can prepare for the
TOEFL exam or can improve their functional English in a supportive and fun environment.

Pathway Partners

Our Pathways Program provides students the opportunity to continue their education at one
of many post-secondary institutions in the Boston area, including the School of Business at
University of Southern Maine, Bunker Hill Community College or Cambridge College.


Bunker Hill Community College

Cambridge College
University of Southern Maine
University of Maine
Roosevelt University


GEOS Languages PLUS Boston is located right on the Freedom Trail a walking tour of the
historic sites of the city sites not only important locally but also to the American fight for
independence in the Revolutionary War. We encourage students to explore local attractions,
historic neighbourhoods and Bostonian museums. We would love to teach you about our
city, our country and our language join the GEOS Languages PLUS Boston family today.


Location: Ottawa
Founded: 1998
Number of students: 300
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
Super-intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
English for Academic Purposes
Business English
Specialized Programs:
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways

Boston | Ottawa

Accredited by:

Student Residence

Pathway Partners
Algonquin College
Confederation College
Sheridan College

Students at GEOS Languages PLUS Ottawa have the luxury of customizing their own
study plan from a wide variety of courses and programs a luxury many other language
schools do not offer. We like to think that this distinguishes us from our competitors, as
each of our students has his/her own goals, objectives, learning outcomes and personalized study plan.
Our intensive university/college Pathways Program is a popular choice for our younger
students who are looking to continue their post-secondary education in North America. We commonly send our students to schools in the Greater Ottawa Area, including
Algonquin College.

Facilities USA

10 Classrooms
Computers & WiFi
Large lunch area
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

Facilities CA


Ottawa is the beautiful Capital of Canada! Ottawa is medium in size, clean, safe and comfortable, but has all the vibrant and cultural excitement of a world-class capital. We like
to think of it as North Americas best kept secret. Our school is located right downtown,
just minutes from the beautiful Parliament Buildings and other tourist attractions. No
other language school in the city has a better location.



Location: Toronto
Founded: 1973
Number of students: 0200
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
English for Academic Purposes
Business English
Specialized Programs
Holiday Groups
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
Accredited by:

8 Classrooms
Computers & WiFi
Student lounge
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

Private Residence
Summer Residence
Student Residence

Pathway Partners
Confederation College
Sheridan College
Laurentian University
Liaison College Cooking School


Welcome to Toronto, where international students enjoy opportunity, equality, and a peaceful multicultural society! GEOS Languages PLUS Toronto has been referred to as the fine
dining restaurant of English Schools for its unique and interpersonal approach with a small,
close-knit school atmosphere. It is our goal to create a positive, successful and supportive
culture. All of our instructors have a minimum of 5 years experience, along with a Languages
Canada accredited and recognized teaching English as a second language certificate.
As a global city, Toronto is home to a number of renowned post-secondary educational institutions, many of which our students attend after they graduate. We are proudly partnered
with Sheridan College and Liaison College Cooking School, among many others.
Located in one of the citys most charming areas, Old Town Toronto, and known as Torontos
Birthplace, our school is in the vibrant soul of a modern city. Conveniently situated downtown, the surrounding area boasts a large variety of quality restaurants, pubs, and a wide
range of shopping centers, making it ideal for every type of student.

Placeholder Schoolbuilding



>> This is the first time I have ever said Wow! Im proud of myself. My graduation is
just ahead, and I am ready to transfer to a university. I now think back to the beginning of my English study at GEOS. I started from beginner class and finished in the advanced class. Through my English studies at GEOS, I learned that the most important
thing to do for your English is repetition. While I shared my daily experiences in class
every day, I suddenly noticed, I know a lot of vocabulary.
Also my favorite class acitvities were the presentations. Of course, everyone gets nervous the first time, but I realized it is actually fun. A lot of my experiences in GEOS gave
me confidence. Therefore, I wasnt worried about anything when I started studying at
Sheridan College. Although I have learned so many things there as well, GEOS is the
most special for me.<<

Facilities CA




Location: Calgary
Founded: 1998
Number of students: 250
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
Super-intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
Business English
English for Academic Purposes
Specialized Programs:
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
Evening Classes
Accredited by:

10 Classrooms
Computers & WiFi
Large kitchen
Study/recreation lounge
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

Student Residence

Pathway Partners
SAIT Polytechnic
University of Regina

Come study in Calgary, Canadas fourth largest metropolitan area. Experience a city that
continues to gain recognition as an educational destination due to a strong economy,
endless opportunities and a wide range of seasonal activities. At GEOS Languages
PLUS Calgary we offer part-time, standard and intensive English programs. All include
Active Listening and Integrated Skills as pillars of GEOS Languages PLUS Calgary instruction. We have special evening classes for students with full-time jobs or other commitments.
GEOS Languages PLUS Calgarys test preparation courses, IELTS and TOEFL are popular choices for students looking to continue their education at post-secondary institutions in English speaking countries. At GEOS Languages PLUS Calgary we help
students achieve their educational goals through our competitive university/college pathway program. One of many universities we have built a close relationship with
is SAIT Polytechnic. SAIT offers 77 certificate, diploma, and applied degree programs.
Located within the beautiful downtown core, we are closely situated to many convenient amenities. Stephen Ave, river walks, and much more are within walking distance.



Location: Montreal
Founded: 1998
Number of students: 320
Type of courses:
Part-time English/French
Standard English/French
Intensive English/French
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
English for Academic Purposes
Business English
Specialized Programs:
Japanese Communication
Holiday Groups
Private Tutorials
Univeristy/College Pathways

Calgary | MONTREAL


Accredited by:


At GEOS Languages PLUS Montreal, our English and French courses support the
notion that concentrated language instruction results in higher success rates for students. We emphasize the importance of classroom study combined with cultural immersion as the most effective way to learn a new language.


While we offer a wide-range of language courses, our university/college pathway program is designed to increase students success in pursuing a post-secondary education in an English speaking society. GEOS Languages PLUS is partnered with over 50
universities and colleges across Canada, the United States, United Kingdom and Malta
including several in the Greater Montreal area.

Pathway Partners

Our school is located in the beautiful downtown core, at the heart of Greater Montreals economic, social and cultural center. As one of North Americas most vibrant
cities, it pulsates with color, movement and activity throughout the calendar year. The
combination of low-cost living and cultural flare makes Montreal an ideal city for international students. In fact, in 2013 it was ranked as the top destination for study abroad

Private Residence

Herzing college
Concordia University
LaSalle College

Facilities CA

11 Classrooms
Computers & WiFi
Large lunch area
Patio deck
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building



Location: Vancouver
Founded: 1998
Number of students: 180
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
English for Academic Purposes
Business English
Specialized Programs:
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathwayss
Accredited by:

8 Classrooms
Computers & free WiFi
Student lounge
Fully-accessible building

Student Residemce

Pathway Partners
Selkirk College
Fraser International College
Art Institute of Vancouver
Vancouver Film School
Pacific Coast Community College
Acsenda School of Management
Gateway College


GEOS Languages PLUS Vancouver offers specially designed programs accommodating the
needs of all students. Whether speaking English for the first time, or preparing for a post-secondary course in Canada, GEOS Languages PLUS Vancouver has the perfect program. It
is our goal to emphasize the combination of classroom study and cultural immersion as the
pinnacle of language instruction.
We currently work with many universities and colleges across North America, including the
Art Institute of Vancouver and the Vancouver Film School. Every day we help students
discover the path theyve long been looking for.
It is the GEOS Languages PLUS Vancouver experience that stays with you long after you
graduate. Vancouver, British Columbias third largest city is an ideal location for ESL students
who want to study abroad in a large multicultural city. Located on the west coast of Canada,
Vancouver boasts a benevolent climate for those that are sensitive to extreme temperatures.


Location: Victoria
Founded: 1997
Number of students: 350
Type of courses:
Part-time English
Standard English
Intensive English
Super-intensive English
IELTS Preparation
TOEFL Preparation
English for Academic Purposes
Business English
Specialized Programs:
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
Accredited by:

Vancouver | Victoria



Student Residence

Pathway Partners
Royal Roads University
Fraser International College
Art Institute of Vancouver
Sprott Shaw College
Seattle Central Community College

We encourage our students to take a step beyond the everyday processes associated
with learning a new language by challenging them to take their newly acquired skills
outside the classroom walls. Victoria is the ideal place to learn and practice English while experiencing what it means to live in Canada.At GEOS Languages PLUS Victoria,
we are continually developing programs regularly to fit the needs and wants of every
OurPathways programis the perfect option for students looking to pursue an education
at a North American post-secondary institution. We often help students with the application process at Royal Roads University and Camosun College, both located in the
Great Victoria Area.

Facilities CA

12 Classrooms
Computers & free WiFi
Student lounge,
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

Alternately billed as the smartest city in Canada - due to the rapidly growing high-tech
sector - and the city of gardens- due to its abundance of green space, Victoria offers a
unique experience for language education and travel/tourism.



Location: London
Founded: 1990
Number of students: 145
Type of courses:
Standard English (Morning / Afternoon)
Intensive English
Cambridge Exam preparation
IELTS preparation
One to One lessons
Part-time English
Cambridge Exams Center
All levels from Elementary to Proficiency
Spoken English
U20 (Young Learners)
Private Tutorials
Accredited by:

9 Classrooms
4 Computers & Wifi
Small Library
Drinks machine
Lounge & small patio garden

Standard Apartment

Pathway Partners
Please enquire for our latest partners.


GEOS Languages PLUS London is a center for excellence in English language instruction.
With over 30 years experience in high level academic language provision, GEOS Languages
PLUS London is perfectly poised to guarantee you meet your personal and academic goals
in the time frame you require. Catering to every level of the learning spectrum, from beginner
through to proficiency, students will be thoroughly prepared to succeed when they sit their
Cambridge or IELTS exams with us at our registered test center before progressing to their
desired academic institution.
The school is in Ealing, west London just 20 minutes by train from Heathrow Airport and the
world-famous attractions of central London. There are also several bus and underground tube
stations. Ealing is an easily accessible area and a very pleasant place to stay and study. Throughout the year, students can participate in social activities organised by our leisure co-ordinator. In the summer months, many students spend their time in the beautiful local parks, such
as nearby Walpole Park. Students can enjoy nearby shopping centers, a public library, cinemas,
theater, international restaurants and internet cafes, while there are thousands of events in
London every week.


Location: Brighton
Founded: 1973
Number of students: 350
Type of courses:
Standard English (Morning / Afternoon)
Intensive English
IELTS Preparation
FCE/ CAE Preparation
Business English
English for Academic purposes
Specialized Programs:
English for Specific Purposes
Banking and Finance
U20 (Young Learners)
Private tutorials
University/ college pathwayss

London | Brighton

Accredited by:


Private Residence

Pathway Partners
Please enquire for our latest partners.

At GEOS Languages PLUS Brighton students achieve their results almost effortlessly
thanks to the effective application our unique teaching methodology. Communication is king in our classrooms and students benefit from full immersion into the English
language and culture.
We offer high-end exam preparation courses to ensure that you achieve the qualifications you need to go do the degree you want. Be it Cambridge or IELTS, our highly
experienced teachers have been helping students progress for three decades. We support you through your application process and have experts on hand to make your
transition into higher education in the UK as seamless as possible.

Facilities GB

12 Classrooms
Computers & WiFi
Student lounge
Study materials available
Fully-accessible building

The traditional British seaside resort of Brighton has long since been synonymous with
learning the English language. Students come here from around the globe to learn
English in an enjoyable and relaxed setting, and with GEOS Languages PLUS Brighton they are guaranteed results. The town plays host to two world class universities,
making Brighton the perfect destination to kick start your future.



Location: Malta
Founded: 1992
Number of students: 800
Type of courses:
Standard English
Intensive English
Business English
Private Tuition
Abitur Examination Preparation
Cambridge Preparation
Specialized Programs
Holiday Group
Private Tutorials
University/College Pathways
U20 (Young Learners)

Accredited by:


25 Classrooms
Computers & WiFi
Half-Olympic pool with large sun deck
Classes located around the pool
AV room
Beach volley court
24-hour reception
on-site accommodation.


Comfort apartment
Standard on-site self-catering apartments
Comfort on-site self-catering apartments
Studio apartments

Pathway Partner
London School of Commerce Malta


Our short-term courses are offered at 6 levels of proficiency throughout the year with starting
dates every Monday. Our exam prep courses are taught by dynamic, seasoned professionals
who know how to get results from their students, boasting world class pass rates year in year
GEOS Languages PLUS/Sprachcaffe Malta is a school like no other. Located in impressive
colonial-era buildings in Pembroke, just a 10-minute walk from the beach, GEOS Languages
PLUS/Sprachcaffe Malta offers everything one could want from either a long-term academic
course or a short-term language holiday.
In their free time, our students enjoy the schools premises which include our large pool and
sun deck, the bistro and the gardens where they get to know other students. At GEOS Languages PLUS/Sprachcaffe Malta students practice their English with fellow language learners
from around the world in a comfortable and natural environment. The results speak for themselves.


>> Studying in Malta was an enlightening experience and GEOS was the perfect
partner before I even set foot in the country. They supported me right from the start,
they helped me find the right university program and then after an assessment they
booked me on to just the right level of English course to make sure that I had the
required proficiency level to go to university. Everything went very smoothly, from my
initial enquiry through to my graduation in Malta. Thank you GEOS for all the support
throughout my time with you! <<




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