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K to 12 Curriculums: An Advantage or a Disadvantage?

No country will move on with the tide of progress, a line from a poem Ive
read. This line left marks on my mind because it is definitely true. Progress is truly
the greatest achievement a country could ever have. Thats why leaders from
different countries with their respective colleagues are having hard time thinking
about strategies and techniques to be done in order to achieve progress.
In our country, there are already programs that have been started. And one
of which is the implementation of the K to 12 curriculums. The government gained
mixed reactions about it, but everybody has only one question, Will this be an
advantage for our country to achieve progress or another failed program just like
the Bridge Program?
K to 12 curriculums is the widely used curriculum across the globe. In this
curriculum, instead of having four years in high school, a two more years is added.
The four years is from Grades 7-10 will be known as Junior High school and the
next two years Grade 11-12 is the Senior High school. After completing the Junior
and Senior high school, the graduates can apply for a job right away. Unlike the
previous curriculum, they dont need to finish a college degree or wait for the time
for them to reach the legal age so that they can apply for a job. This curriculum
also has a new way of giving or imparting knowledge to the learners. K to 12
curriculums is tailored fit for the 21st century learners.
But despite of its positivity, many people are against and skeptical about its
efficiency and affectivity to the learners and to the parents as well. A Number of
people from the different walks in life protest for the suspension of this curriculum.
Some parents and some students are clamoring that six years is too long for them
to take. Parents added that even in the present curriculum, it has been hard for
them to make it in their everyday or daily needs especially with the fast price hike,
how much more with the additional two years in high school.
Teachers, on the other hand, who have big role in the implementation of the
curriculum, are quiet hesitant in the implementation of the curriculum because as
the front- liners of the academe, they are aware of the insufficiency of the teaching
materials, classrooms and even physical facilities that will cater the needs of the
of the 21st learners.
The implementation of K to 12 curriculum has brought a lot of changes to us
as individuals, and most especially, to our country. People have different reactions
upon this big academic change. And I am one of the many who are against in the
implementation of the K to 12. Not because I dont believe that it will not work, but

because I believe that if we will wait for many years just to finish, many things
could happen or might happen. Time is gold so, we must not waste our precious
time. We must always do everything that we could for the betterment of our
country. And as Filipinos, we must always think about whats best for our county no
matter what.

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