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EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY FORM F88 recon 45 2) @Meonswee G9 seaieesty REPUBLIC OF KENYA PASSENGER DECLARATION FORM ‘This form must be completed by passengers prior to arrival fram foreign (including those from East Arican Community Parner States) and presented tothe Kenya Revenue Authority Customs aficers at the point of ent into Kenya For turer guidence regarding te statutory requirements, please eter tothe explanatory noes on the bata this form, sunane eran natsnaey Papo. Fite ei ose Fone re eset ] Nonaesie’ [] Aes ine ea bax ote Bo coe (ey {am bringing into Kenya the fllowing (Please ek, whore applicable, in tho appropriate boxes) eee aunt bn og 6g cere SL 1 Seater vo xo 1 A saanrvomn “A 24 Fall details of artces/goods i ie passenger's possession shoud be provided in he spase ndcaled below, ogee xe TOR OFFICIAL USE ONT TRESS aT Reset Munbe,were appeal fees Signature ue ae wana: sn fee nao as Aran Caren Cust manana At 2004 includ foretr of sublet 2008, . ° EXPLANATORY NOTES Legal Provisions: Fifth Schedule Pare B Paragraph 5() of the East Aican Community Customs Management Act, 2004 and Eighth Schedule ParcB Paragraph 4(6 ofthe VAT Act, 2005 Persons making temporary visits to Kenyanot exceeding thro (3) months aresllowed t bringin with them thefllowing goods dy roe; 'Non-consumable goad or personal use during the vist which wile exported back with te passenger athe end ofthe sy ‘Consurable goods and non aleaolicbeveragesto be used ring thr stay inthe county ‘Thefollowing goods willbe allowed duy-ree ony inthe quantities speci and onl ifimportedasaccompariedbagsage FORpaeengers whohaveattaned thaage of eighteen (18) years: Spirits, ncluding liquors natexceeding onelire, or wine notexceeding woes + Perfumes and tolletres not exceeding in alone lire, of which the perfume should not be more than a quarter. + Garetes, cigars, cheroots, carlos, tobacco and snunot exceedingnall250ramsin weight “The non-consumable goods should be exported within Unty dys ora period not exceeding sity days from the dat he passenger leaves the county, others duty becomes payabe sd goods 1). Fase money and counterfeit currency notes and cois and any money notbeing ofthe established standard in weight or ‘nenes. 2) Pornographic materalsin ll kinds af med, indecent or obscene printed paintings, books, card, Ithographs ar other engravings, ndanyotherindecet or obscene are, 3) Matenesinehe anufactire ofwhich white phosphorous hasbeen employed 4) Anyarice made wthoutproper authorty with the Armorial Ensigs or Courtof Arms ofa partner state o having such Enagnsor Arms so lasely resemblng them as tobe calculated deceive 5) _Distled beverages containing essen ot or chemical products, which are injurious to heath, inctuding tone, star _rite, benzoic aldchyde, sey, exter, hyssop and absinthe Provided that nothing inthis paragraph contained shall {palyto “Anise an Arisots”iqerscontiing notre than@.| percentomf olla! anise and daistes rom ether pimpinelaansumorthestararsealicumverum, 8) Narcotiedrugsunder international contol 7) Hazardous wastesandtheldsposlas provided forunder the base conventions. 8) Alsoapsand coometic products contahing merciry 9). Usedtyrsforlght Commercial vhilesand passenger cars 10) Agrcuturalancindusrial Cnemicalsand counterfeit ofall kinds as per provisions of EACCMA2004, 11) Plsticartcs offs than 30mcronsfor conveyance or packing of goods, Restricted goods 1). Postal ranking machines except and in accordance withthe terms of written permit granted bya competent authority ofthe Parner Sree. 2) Tape capable of ling or capering any gare animal except and in accordance with the terms ofa welten permit ‘ranted by the Partner State 3) Unwraughtpredous metalsand precious stones. 44). Armand armurstion specified under Chapter 93 ofthe Customs Nomenclature, 5) Osseinand bones read ithaca {6} Other bones and horn - cores. unworked deface, simply prepared (out not cut to shape) degeltinzed, powder and waste of these products, ory. elephant unworked of sexply prepared but not ct to shape, Teeth hippopotamus, Unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape, Horn, rhinoceros, unworked or simpy prepared but ot cut to shape, Other woryunworkedorsimply preparedbutcuttoshape, horypowderand waste, Tortoise shel “whalebone and whalebone hal horns, anes, hooves, al claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared butnot cat 1 shape, powder and waste ofthese products, Cora and simar mater, unworked or ply prepared but not ‘otherwise worked shells of molasses, crustaceans or “echinoderms and cate bone

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