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Divine Word University

Chapter 7-9 Review | Set 3

Ishmael Faru
Chapter 7 Transportation Layer
1. Describe the purpose of the transport layer in managing the transportation of data in endto-end communication. 2 marks
The transport layer provides a method of delivering data across the network in a way that
ensures the data can be properly put back together on the receiving end. This can be
achieved using two very different transport layer protocols:

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and

User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

2. The Transport protocol uses two protocols, TCP and UDP. List the properties of TCP and
UDP protocols. 2 marks
Connections-oriented- Creates a
session between the source and
Unreliable delivery
destination, i.e.; the source host
No ordered data reconstruction
send notification to the destination
Now Flow Control
host before transmission, then the
Stateless protocol
destination host send
acknowledgement to the source
after receiving data.
Reliable delivery Retransmits lost
or corrupt data if no
acknowledgement tracked.
Ordered data reconstruction
Reconstructs numbering and
sequencing of segments
Flow control Regulates the
amount of data transmitted
Stateful protocol Tracks the
3. Transport layer protocols have services that segment the application data into blocks of
data that are an appropriate size. Briefly describe the importance of segmenting? 2 marks
The data is segmented into an appropriate size in order to be transmitted over the
network. This enables multiple application streams or types of data like audio, video or
text to share a common medium by choosing their paths.
Also, each of these segments is given additional information needed for reliable
transmission and communication over the network. For example, segment headers can be
used to reassemble the data in order at the destination host.

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4. TCP is considered a reliable transport protocol. Briefly explain the three basic operations
of reliability of TCP. 3 marks
The three basic operations of reliability of TCP are:
a) Tracking transmitted data
b) Acknowledging received data
c) Retransmitting any unacknowledged data
This requires the processes of Transport layer of the source to keep track of all the data
pieces of each conversation and then retransmit any of the data that were not
acknowledged by the destination. The Transport layer of the receiving host must also
track the data as it is received and acknowledge the receipt of the data.
5. UDP is considered a best-effort transport protocol, described in RFC 768. List and
describe four main features of UDP. 2 marks
The four main features of UDP are:
Connectionless Does not create a session between the source and destination, i.e.;
the source host doesnt send notification to the destination host before transmission,
and then the destination host also doesnt send acknowledgement to the source after
receiving data.
Unreliable delivery does not retransmit lost or corrupt data if no acknowledgement
No ordered data reconstruction does not reconstruct numbering and sequencing
of segments on the destination host to the original data as intended by the source host.
Stateless protocol does not keep track of the sessions established.
6. Briefly describe the three different types of port numbers. 3 marks
Well Known Ports (Numbers 0 to 1023) - These numbers are reserved for services
and applications. They are commonly used for applications such as HTTP (web
server) POP3/SMTP (e-mail server) and Telnet. By defining these well-known ports
for server applications, client applications can be programmed to request a connection
to that specific port and its associated service.

Registered Ports (Numbers 1024 to 49151) - These port numbers are assigned to
user processes or applications. These processes are primarily individual applications
that a user has chosen to install rather than common applications that would receive a
Well Known Port. When not used for a server resource, these ports may also be used
dynamically selected by a client as its source port.

Dynamic or Private Ports (Numbers 49152 to 65535) - Also known as Ephemeral

Ports, these are usually assigned dynamically to client applications when initiating a
connection. It is not very common for a client to connect to a service using a
Dynamic or Private Port (although some peer-to-peer file sharing programs do).

7. What command shows you which active TCP connections are open and running on your
host? Show a screen capture of your active TCP connections shown in your command
prompt. 2 marks

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The command used to show my active TCP connections which are open and running is

8. What is Flow Control and how is it accomplished in TCP connections? 2 marks

Flow control refers to the method used to control data flow to avoid constrains in network
resources caused by congestion (overcrowding) of data transmission.
The Flow Control used in the TCP connections is the use of dynamic window sizes. The
destination host may send a window size to the source host so that the source knows the
amount of data the destination host is capable of receiving. This slows down the
transmission speed to avoid data loss and therefore establishing successful transmission.

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Chapter 8 IP Addressing
1. IP addresses allow devices to communicate in internetworking.
a) Describe the structure of an IPv4 address.
IPv4 addresses are 32 bits long. However, these 32 binary bits are divided into 4
groups of 8 bits called octets, separated with dots and converted into decimal
values, for easy understanding and representation. These decimal values in each
octet are the sum of every individual bit values in each particular octet.

The diagram clearly illustrated the steps used to convert IPv4 address.
b) Describe the structure of an IPv6 address.
IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long and can cater for 340 undecillion addresses. They
are represented by hexadecimal values. It is therefore larger than IPv4 addresses,
introduced to resolve the depletion of IPv4 addresses as the number of host
machines increased rapidly.
2 marks
2. What is the difference between a private IP and a public IP address in IPv4 addressing?
Private IP addresses are a block of usable host addresses used within a Local Area
Network to communicate. However, for security purpose, these Private addresses cannot
be used in an internetwork communication. Instead, the Default gateway router uses a
different address block called the public or shared address provided by the ISPs to route
packets outside of a particular LAN.

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Diagram showing private address block and shared address block.

1 mark
3. How many host addresses are available for an IP address in each of class A, class B, and
class C? (Give answer in factor form e.g. 256 * 256).
No. of host
3 marks
4. Use the ANDing process to determine the Network Address (in binary and decimal
formats) of the following IP addresses and their subnet mask.
a. IP: S/M:
IP address
Subnet mask
Decimal Network address
b. IP: S/M:
IP address
Subnet mask
Decimal Network address


2 marks
5. Calculate the Network, Broadcast, First Usable Host Addresses for the address/prefix
numbers as given below.
2 marks

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a) /23
Address type
Last octet network prefix
Last octet (dec)
1 host
Last host

Full address (dec)

b) /28
Address type
1st host
Last host

Last octet network prefix
Last octet (dec)

Full address (dec)

6. The IETF has created various protocols and tools to help network administrators migrate
their networks to IPv6. The migration techniques can be divided into three categories, list
these categories and briefly explain each one.

Dual stack - Allows IPv4 and IPv6 to coexist on the same network. Devices run
both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks simultaneously.

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Diagram illustrating the Dual stack protocol


Tunneling - A method of transporting an IPv6 packet over an

IPv4 network. The IPv6 packet is encapsulated inside an IPv4

Diagram illustrating the Tunneling protocol


Translation - The Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64)

allows IPv6-enabled devices to communicate with IPv4-enabled

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devices using a translation technique similar to NAT for IPv4. An

IPv6 packet is translated to an IPv4 packet, and vice versa.

Diagram illustrating the Translation protocol

3 marks
7. Convert the IPv6 addresses into short and compressed forms.
a) 2001:0000:0DB8:1111:0000:0000:0000:0200
b) 2013:0000:0123:4567:89AB:CDEF:0000:0001
c) 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
3 marks
8. There are six types of IPv6 unicast addresses. List and briefly describe each.
1. Global Unicast
Similar to a public IPv4 address
Globally unique
Internet routable addresses
Can be configured statically or assigned dynamically
2. Link-local
Used to communicate with other devices on the same local link
Confined to a single link; not routable beyond the link
3. Loopback
Used by a host to send packet to itself and cannot be assigned to a physical
Ping an IPv6 loopback address to test the configuration of TCP/IP on the local
All -0s except for the last bit, represented as ::1/128 or just ::
4. Unspecified Address
All 0s address represented as ::/128 or just ::
Cannot be assigned to an interface and is only used as source address.

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An unspecified address is used as a source address when the device does not yet
have a permanent IPv6 address or when the source of the packet is irrelevant to
the destination.

5. Unique Local
Similar to private addresses for IPv4
Used for local addressing within a site or between a limited number of sites.
In the range of FC00::/7 to FDFF::/7
6. Embedded IPv4
Used to help transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
6 marks
Chapter 9 Subnetting Exercise
1. Given a Class B address of and a requirement to have 120 subnets ,
a) What is the subnet mask?
IP binary representation: 10100100.01110000.00000000.00000000
Class B subnet mask:
S/M Binary representation: 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000
27=128 subnets (7 bits borrowed)
New subnet mask = 11111111.11111111.11111110.00000000
New S/M decimal =
b) How many hosts per sub net will be possible?
Number of host per subnet = 2number of bits remained for host portion
= 29-2
=510 hosts per subnet.
c) What is the network address of sub net 67?
10100100.01110000.00000000.00000000 (First Sub network ID)
Network count = 2 x 67
=134 +
d) What is the host address of the lowest numbered host in subnet 54?
=108 +
Therefore, last host address = broadcast address-1
= - 1
e) What is the IP address range of hosts in subnet 30?
=60 +
= (network ID) (broadcast address)
Network range = to

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f) What is the subnet number and subnet address of the host whose IP address is
10100100.01110000.11011100.00000000 (subnet address)
220/2(network count)
= subnet 110
g) What is the broadcast address of subnet 120?
2x120 = 240
=240 +
h) If a broadcast message to the entire network (all sub nets) was sent, what would its
destination IP address be?
2. Given a Class C address of and a requirement to have 14 subnets,
a) What is the subnet mask?
S/M: (default class C).
24=16 (4 bits borrowed from host portion)
New subnet mask = 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000
b) How many hosts per subnet will be possible?
24- 2=14 host per subnet
c) What is the network address of subnet 9?
11000010.01110000.01011001.00000000 (ip)
11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000 (S/N)
11000010.01110000.01011001.00000000 (First network address)
Network increment number = 16x 9th subnet.
= 144 + first network address
=144 +
Therefore, the 9th sub network address is:
d) What is the host address of the lowest numbered host in subnet 4?
4x16 = 64
64 + =
Lowest address = broadcast address 1
= 1
Therefore, last host address is:
e) What is the IP address of host number 12 in subnet 3?
3x16 = 48
48+ =
Host 12 IP address is
f) What is the subnet number and host number of the host whose IP address is 194. 112.89.
11000010.01110000.01011001.01101111 (IP)
11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000 (S/N)
11000010.01110000.01011001.01100000 (sub network address) =194. 112.89. 96
96/16 =

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6th sub network

111 96 =
11215th host in the 6th sub network
g) What is the broadcast address of subnet 10?
160+ =
Broadcast = + 15
Broadcast address for 10th sub network is

If a broadcast message to the entire network (all subnets) was sent, what would its
destination IP address be?

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