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How water can be used

We use water to drink, to do the dishes, to take a shower, to flush the toilet, to cook
diner and for many other purposes. But water is not only used for domestic purposes,
humans also use water in the industries and in agriculture.
Domestic water use is water used for indoor and outdoor household purposes all the things
you do at home: drinking, preparing food, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, brushing your
teeth, watering the yard and garden, and even washing the dog. A domestic well in south
Georgia serves the water needs of one household.
How water can be recycled

Water recycling is reusing treated wastewater for beneficial purposes such as

agricultural and landscape irrigation, industrial processes, toilet flushing, and
replenishing a ground water basin (referred to as ground water recharge). Water
recycling offers resource and financial savings.
Reclaimed water or recycled water, is former wastewater (sewage) that is treated to
remove solids and impurities, and used in sustainable landscaping irrigation, to
recharge groundwater aquifers, to meet commercial and industrial waterneeds, and for
How water can be reduce

The average faucet releases two gallons of water per minute; you can save up to eight
gallons of water every day by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth if you
brush for the recommended two minutes, that is.

Water conservation encompasses the policies, strategies and

activities made to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource, to
protect the water environment, and to meet current and future human
demand. Population, household size, and growth and affluence all
affect how much water is used.

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