Yayog - Fitness Assessment

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Fitness Assessment

by MLauren Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:26 am

Fitness Assessment
You Are Your Own Gyms fitness program is split into 4 ability groups- Basic (beginner), 1st Class
(intermediate), Master (advanced), and Chief (elite). Use the following fitness Minimums as a guide
to help you determine which of the books fitness level is most appropriate for you.
The 125 exercises in You Are Your Own Gym are split into four movement categories- Push, Pull,
Legs, and Core. Each of these movement categories, for this fitness assessment, will contain one
exercise with a prescribed number of repetitions that act as the recommended minimum for each of
the fitness levels. Ensure that you are using perfect technique in order to get an honest assessment
of where to begin.
Dont worry if you are not squarely centered in one fitness group. For example, you might be able to
meet the minimum standards for the Pull, Legs, and Core categories of the 1st Class minimums but
not for the Push category. Thats not a problem. You are free to change the recommended variation
of any exercise in this program, or to replace an exercise entirely in order to better suit your abilities
and situation. You can even interchange the exercises from the various programs. For example- you
could use the leg and core exercises from the 1st Class Program and the Push and Pull exercises
from the Basic Program.
Dont be afraid to experiment with the books 125 exercises and their variations. Use these
Minimums to help get you started in the right place and to make you aware of your strengths and
weaknesses in the 4 movement categories.
Basic Minimums
Anyone healthy enough for rigorous exercise. You should consult your physician before beginning
any physical training program. If you are unable to meet the 1st Class Minimums, start with the
Basic Program.
1st Class Minimums
10 Push-ups with 2-3 second pause at top and bottom of movement

10 Let-Me-Ups with legs only slightly bent and feet on the ground
15 Back Lunges, on each leg, with 3 second pause at bottom of movement
Static Push-Up position for 1 minute
Master Minimums
16 alternating 1-arm Push-ups with hands elevated on mid thigh height surface
5 Pull-ups with 2-3 second pause at top and bottom of movement
24 alternating 1-legged Squats off of a just below knee height platform without flopping onto the
surface. Thats 12 on each leg.
Static Push-up position for 3 minutes

Chief Minimums
16 alternating 1-arm Push-ups. 8 on each side.
12 Pull-ups with 1 second pause at top and bottom
24 alternating Pistols. 12 on each side.

Static Push-up position for 5 minutes

Advanced Progressions
by MLauren Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:38 pm
26. Pull-ups with 1 second pause
27. Pull-ups with 2 second pause
28. Close Grip Pull-ups
29. Close Grip Pull-ups with 1 second pause
30. Close Grip Pull-ups with 2 second pause
26. Pistols, jumping
27. Pistols, 1 second pause with jump
28. Pistols, 2 second pause with jump
29. Leg Switch Pistol
30. Leg Switch Pistol with jump
[b]In-line Pushing
26. Dive Bombers with 2 second pause on the way up
27. Half Dive Bombers, feet knee height
28. Half Dive Bombers, feet knee height with 1 second pause
29. Half Dive Bombers, feet knee height with 2 second pause
30. Military Presses, feet pressed against wall
Perpendicular Pushing
26. One-arm Push-ups with hand elevated knee height
27. One-arm Push-ups with hand elevated knee height and 1 second pause
28. One-arm Push-ups with hand elevated knee height and 2 second pause
29. One-arm Push-ups
30. One-arm Push-ups 1 second pause
26. Try standing on an unstable surface, such as a pillow, or closing your eyes

27. If you have something that's too heavy to hold overhead, do One-legged Romanian Deadlifts
with it.
28. Alternate training days doing variations of One-legged Hip Raisers and One-legged Warriors.
*For exercise videos and details see the You Are Your Own Gym app.

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