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Question: Can fitness improve depression?

Thesis: Fitness improves depression by causing the brain to release feel-good neurological
chemicals and provides an environment that prevents isolation.
1) Introduction:
a) Discuss depression in society.*
b) How many people have it?*
c) Methods in improving it*
2) Background
a) Discuss what depression is about.*
b) Explain symptoms*
c) Standard treatments and effectiveness.*
3) Physiological effects of exercise on depression
a) Release of endorphins and mood effects
b) Discuss the science behind it
c) Fitness leads to increase body temp which correlates to anxiety/stress
4) Emotional/social effects of exercise on depression
a) Discuss effects of isolation for the depressed
b) Discuss how exercising alleviates isolation
5) Conclusion
a) Fitness improves depression because it releases chemicals that makes a person feel better
and provides an environment to not isolate.
b) Review main points
c) Lasting sentence

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