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6 Important Things Nobody Tells You About Grad School | Cracked.


8/9/16, 10:12 PM

6 Important Things Nobody Tells You About Grad School

Summer! The courses are complete, the exams are over, and the students emerge from
educational cocoons to blink in the harsh light of the real world. Many dive straight back
under the downy duvet of postgraduate education, and every single one of them is
reading this, because screwing around on the Internet is what postgraduates do instead
of ever leaving the building.

John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

"Haha, I'm sitting quietly at my desk reading NON-work-related material! In your face, The
The Internet is full of postgraduate "advice" from bitter ex-students warning people to
stay out of graduate school, because they still haven't learned that whining and spending
all their time online was their problem in the first place. Some advice about advice, or
advice-squared: If someone tells you what they wish they would have done, listen. If they
only tell you things they wouldn't have done, ignore them, because they've confused
regret with wisdom. When someone fantasizes about having achieved less in life instead
of figuring out how to make things better, that's more of a review of the life than the
problem. Even when they're right about the problem, they're the wrong person to help you
solve it.
Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

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I love my two and a half postgraduate degrees in physics because, like all loving
relationships, they're still part of me, and it's the one I didn't finish that taught me the
most. Mathematically speaking, I have (2+i) postgrads: the last part made things complex
and didn't end up real, but it added to the magnitude of what I learned. It's also what sent
me off at an unreal angle into another career.
Luke McKinney
For example, my work on this system is why I'm not scared to write articles dissing
Now I'm paid to learn about science and apply that knowledge to light sabers, and I have
enough qualifications to be called "Master-Master," but not enough money to actually
make anyone do so. If you're considering or already in postgrad work ...

#6. Look for a Job

I don't care if you have a position researching the effects of your genitals on a willing
group of test subjects. Look for a job.
Mike Powell/Digital Vision/Getty
Actually, that would be multiple positions.
I'm not telling you to get a job instead of studying. Society only exists because brains can
learn, but academia is the only part of society that acts like it. Politics, business, and
warfare all just play with the toys learning gave them, because arguing, greed, and
violence are the childish parts of the species. Learning is how humanity grows up.
Extended education is an excellent way to pursue a passion for knowledge. Unfortunately,
some students use it as a bunker to hide from the current employment climate.
Patrick Ryan/Lifesize/Getty Images
It's like a zombie apocalypse, except this time the victims are the hordes of bodies
desperately chasing the few opportunities to feed themselves.
You don't search for jobs to escape from postgraduate school. You search for jobs so that
you don't feel like you have to. I've known dozens of students who felt trapped by their
programs, but had less knowledge of the outside world than a post-nuclear vault dweller.

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And you'll eventually hate a prison cell even when it has an unlimited Internet connection.
Knowing about the jobs you could take reminds you that learning for a living is a choice
you made, and why you made it.

#5. Remember That Research Is the Point of Everything

Academia is where the human race remembers what brains are actually for. Learning is
the only reason we're in charge of the planet instead of hiding from tigers, but it's been
corralled in universities and made to beg for funding, despite being responsible for all
wealth in the first place. Images
"Ha, I just remembered that I get paid more than the people who invented this globespanning technology!"
The human brain is designed to learn, always and forever. That's why baseball statistics is
a hobby instead of an emergency anesthetic. The whole point of humanity's extended
childhood is to learn and improve its abilities. With academia, that becomes
nanotechnology, the Mars missions, and cures for disease. Without education, it's people
who can recite the element matrices of all 649 Pokemon, as if being a human tape
recorder was a worthwhile thing to do with a life.
Wikimedia commons
They worked out how to record animals 40,000 years ago, and theirs would gore the shit
out of Bulbasaur.
It's why so many people overanalyze TV shows, us included. Deep down we know we
need to learn and think. But thanks to catastrophic flaws in modern society, every day
more people are taught about new brands of toothpaste than about scientific discoveries.
Christopher Robbins/Photodisc/Getty Images
"In fact, this ad contains five entirely made-up scientific-sounding words, to actively make
you dumber!"

#4. Care About the Subject

If you're doing a research degree in something you don't care about, what the hell are you

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doing. Notice how the sheer gravity of that question has compressed the question mark
into a period because there is no possible answer. Entering a postgraduate degree means
declaring that you will become the world authority on something. Only a tiny bit of a
specific section of a sub-discipline of something, but you will know that bit better than
everyone else who has ever lived. Because nobody knew it until you did. You're pledging
to permanently expand the sphere of human knowledge by choosing a direction, learning
right up to the bounds of understanding, then head-butting them further out with what's
in your skull.
This is not something you can clock into like a day job. If you're prepared to work 20-hour
days on something you hate, great! Go get paid for doing that! Universities will let you
sign up for a subject without passion because that's how they get highly skilled technical
laborers for sub-mininum wage. Ph.D. students work longer hours than submarine nuclear
reactors, and under greater pressure. You are dedicating at least half a decade of the
most capable part of your life to becoming the master of something. Act like it.
Ph.D.s are where education reveals its true form: not teaching people what we already
know, but learning how to learn what we don't. Research is taking on the previously
incomprehensible machinery of the universe with 1.4 kilograms of yougoo. It's a lot of
work. It's how we build the future. It's why the title of science fiction's most brilliant
person is "Doctor." Not "CEO," or "President," or "Major," but "Doctor," because he knows
to find and solve new problems by being intelligent at them.

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6 Important Things Nobody Tells You About Grad School

#3. Take Command
You are a grown-up, and the very first part of being a grown-up is that nobody will tell
you. They shouldn't have to, you're a grown-up.

Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
The Internet can severely damage this process.
If you act like an obedient schoolchild, scrabbling every hour to complete every
assignment you're given to try to get the best marks, most professors will totally let you.
Turning grad students into Morlocks is how you get allegedly smart people to volunteer
for slave labor.
This is an imago of adulthood: mature enough to resolve fiendishly difficult research
problems, but doing it only because grown-ups told you to. Accepting that academic
research means years of inhuman hours at low pay is a parody of the idea of intelligence.
The whole point of defending a thesis is learning how to argue with more experienced
people about how right you are. You need to start that early. Pick a good project, only take
tasks that will help your work or situation, and stand your ground about taking the time to
have a life outside the lab. I've seen labs where the professor arrives at 9 a.m. on Saturday
morning just to check that everyone is there, then leaves to have his own day, while
ringing at random to make sure nobody learned from him. Fast food joints don't pull
nonsense like that. And pay almost as much.

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But that's because postgrads are all about learning. Lesson 1: You will have to put up with
precisely as much shit as you're prepared to. (This lesson applies to every subject, and
the real world, too.)

#2. Teach and Tutor

Some students resent the requirement to teach tutorials as part of their funding package,
because that's not a funding package, that's another way for the university to get cheap
workers. But just like the rest of your student life, it's actually training. You're learning how
to explain things to people who don't understand it. The only skill more vital for scientists
is the ability to look cool in a lab coat.

George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

"I don't even have a degree. I just walked in one day. That's why I'm looking at a packet of
We're overturning the stereotype of scientists as shy communication misfires, but it
became a stereotype for a reason. It's still true of some students. And they still need to
learn how to deal with people. It doesn't matter if you're studying artificial intelligence in
drone bodies: Until you get those researchobots finished, people who can communicate

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with others will still do better in every field. And when you do get them finished,
charismatic public speakers will become even more important, standing with one foot on a
burning drone to urge the human resistance to seize the time machine.
Research is all about communicating results to other people. More importantly, funding is
about communicating results to people who don't even care about them, or you, and
already have 20 labs who've made great cases for 10 labs' worth of money. Teaching is
also a great way to boost your student income immediately. Teaching assigned classes
only scrapes a few dollars, but pre-exam grinds are a seasonal harvest of pure cash.

#1. Strongly Consider Your Job

You know how you looked for a job at the start? Never stop doing that. Your CV should be
updated more often than your haircut. It's not just a parachute, it's a focus for your future.
It reminds you that you're actively choosing to learn instead of making money, so you'd
better learn as hard as you can. You're in an educational bonus level, a mind-expanding
environment unparalleled in all of history. There has never been a better time to fill your
mind, or more exciting projects to apply it to.
You'll have an urge to stop checking the job situation because the real world is scary. But
just hiding gives the real world time to go find a baseball bat. If you're not planning on
coming out of your Ph.D. with a newly invented Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, you'd
have been better off coming out swinging while it was still unarmed. Looking for work may
be a soul-corroding exercise in self-abasement, but hiding from it only gives the problem
time to drink water and store up barrels of that acidic piss called "lack of experience."
Going postgraduate because your degree can't find you a job is like diving because you
can't fix your submarine.
"Yes, Mom, my job plan is still 'find Atlantis.' How did you even get this number?"
If you spend four years doing the bare minimum, becoming the master of finding free
coffee and doughnuts in meetings, then those are exactly what you'll bring to the working
world. Coffee and doughnuts. To the people who got a job back when you went
Academia can be the greatest place in existence. You've swapped the real world for a

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chance to learn what you love, always, using your brain instead of beating it to death
against bar codes and spreadsheets and sales reports and all the other jobs that only
exist because robots aren't quite good or cheap enough yet. But if you don't take that
learning seriously, you've swapped the world for nothing.
The better option is to keep learning. A proper degree will help you get a job, but a Ph.D.
is how you say "No thanks, I love this stuff." There is no feeling like filling your mind with
intelligence you love. Most people don't get to do that. Most people have to train their
brain to endure the hours until they get to think about things they like, but they're so tired
that those things become Breaking Bad and unconsciousness. Research lets you turn
your soul into a fascination engine, consuming the output of human intelligence, living and
breathing the very pinnacle of human progress. Then reaching out to push it a little bit
Luke also looks at Even More Sexist Commenters, tumbles, and responds to every
single tweet.
For more college advice, check out 7 Tips for Not Screwing Up College, Should You

Go to College? and The 7 Dumbest Things Students Do When Cramming for Exams.

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