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What is Admission Control?

Admission control is used to reduce soft congestion. Admission Control make decision on whether call
should be admitted or NOT. It could be new call or handover call. In case, if a cell is heavily a loaded
and enough resources in terms of power, codes or CEs are not available.
One of the following reasons to reject adm attempt:

OVSF code resource is low

Iub bandwidth resource is low
CPU resource is low
Call request is rejected by CAC module for DCH.
Parameter of Admission control:
Admission Control will be disabled in the RNC when ulHwAdm and dlHwAdm are set to 100.

Admission limit on RBS UL HW resource utilization applicable to non-handover guaranteed admission
requests. This parameter is also used together with beMarginUlHw for non-handover non-guaranteed
admission requests.
The UL HW admission policy : UlHwAdm >= beMarginUlHw
Admission limit on RBS DL HW resource utilization applicable to non-handover guaranteed admission
requests. This parameter is also used together with beMarginDlHw for non-handover non-guaranteed
admission requests.
DlHwAdm>= beMarginDlHw
Admission limit used for admission based on DL channelization code tree usage (percentage of the tree
in use).
The following expression MUST be true: dlCodeAdm >= beMarginDlCode * 5
Admission margin for DL code utilization in DL (non-handover, non-compressed mode RLs only).
The following expression MUST be true: beMarginDlCode * 5 <= dlCodeAdm
CompModeAdm: Absolute admission limit for the number of radio links in compressed mode in a cell.
Admission policy for admission on the number of Spreading Factor = 8 (traffic class=nonguaranteed, setup type=<all>) simultaneous connections in a cell in DL (SF histogram).
Default setting is to disable the admission policy.
Maximum number of radio links with Spreading Factor (SF) =16 in DL for which new
guaranteed admission requests will continue to be allowed. Reaching or exceeding this number of radio
links (any service class) using DL SF = 16 will block setup/adding any more guaranteed service class
radio links requiring additional DL SF=16 for this cell.
16 means that no blocking of DL SF=16 requests will occur

Admission limit for admission on DL cell carrier power.The following expressions MUST be true:pwrAdm
+ pwrAdmOffset + pwrOffset <= 100%
PwrAdm>= beMarginDlPwr
Relative admission limit on DL cell carrier power.The following expression MUST be true:
PwrAdm +pwrAdmOffset+pwrOffset <= 100%
Minimum rate for maximum power mapping.
Intermediate rate for maximum power mapping.
Maximum rate for maximum power mapping.

MinimumRate <= interRate <= maxRate

Admission limit for admission on ASE in UL.
The following expression MUST be true: aseUlAdm >= beMarginAseUl
Admission limit for admission on max capacity (ASE level) in DL.
The following expression MUST be true:aseDlAdm >= beMarginAseDl
Relative admission limit for admission on ASE for nonguaranteed bitrate calls (traffic
class 'background' or 'interactive') in DL.
The following expression MUST be true: beMarginAseDl <= aseDlAdm

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