Present Simple Tense: Am, Is Are

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Present Simple Tense

A. Fill in the blanks with the present simple forms of the verb be am, is or are.
My name


John. I ________ English. I __________ 18 years old. My father

___________ an engineer. My mother ____________ a doctor. They _________ 46 years

old. I have a sister. Her name __________ Anna. She ________ 18 years old, too. We
________ twins.

B. Read the dialogue. Fill in the blanks using the verb be in the present simple tense.

John: I


cold, Anna. It _______ 5 oclock. It _______ time for tea.

Anna: It _______ warm in the cafe. Come on!

Anna: This _____ great. Now we _______ warm.

John: I ______ hot!
Anna: You _____ hot because your drink ______ hot.
John: Of course. It _____ better to be hot than to be cold.

C. Look at the pictures. Read the notes. Write sentences using be - present simple










Name: Her name is Carla. His name is Luigi.

Nationality: They are Italian.
Age: She is 15. He is 13.
Job: They are students.

Nationality: _____________________________
Age: __________________________________
Job: ___________________________________

Name: ___________________________
Nationality: _______________________
Age: ____________________________
Job: ____________________________

D. Kevins Morning Routine Every day, Kevin does these things. Complete the verbs
using s or es.
1. He gets__ up at 6:30.
2. He wash____ his face.
3. He brush___ his teeth.
4. He get____ dressed.
5. He make____ his bed.
6. He eat____ a healthy breakfast.
7. He drink____ a glass of orange juice.
8. He pack____ his schoolbag.
9. He catch____ the 7:30 bus.
10. He arrive___ at school at 8:15.

E. Change these sentences into questions using the present simple tense.
1. Emilia plays the guitar.

Does Emilia play the guitar?

2. Paul likes dogs.
3. Daniel and Jessica live in California.
4. Mike likes to go camping.
5. Katie bakes delicious cookies.
6. David Beckham comes from England.

A. Write what is

Present Continuous Tense

picture. Put the verbs in the present continuous form.

happening in each


He/eat/apple He is eating an apple.

The baby/cry ________________________________________________
It/run _____________________________________________________
She/smell/a rose _____________________________________________
She/play/piano _______________________________________________
He/listen/a bird ______________________________________________
They/eat/ice cream ___________________________________________
They/dance __________________________________________________

B. Complete this postcard using the verbs in brackets ( ) in the present continuous
Dear Melissa,
We are enjoying (enjoy) our holiday very much. George __________________ (learn) to
swim in the hotel pool. He did not begin very well, but he _____________ (get) better.
We ______________ (make) a lot of new friends here. George _________________
(chat) with a boy named Michael at the moment. He ________________ (not/speak)
English, so I think George ______________________ (practice) his Italian! We
_________________ (improve) our tennis skills and we are ____________ (love) every
minute of it!
Talk to you soon,

C. Lisa and Sue are on the phone. Complete the dialogue using the verbs in
brackets ( ) in the present continuous tense.

Lisa: Hi, Sue! What are you doing?

Sue: 1.___________________(I/do) my homework.
Lisa: 2.____________________ (you/do) the social studies homework at the
moment? 3.__________________ (I/have) trouble with it.
Sue: No, 4._______________ (I/not/do) social studies at the moment.
5._____________________ (I/finish) English right now.
Lisa: My English grades are very high, but I need to study for social studies.
Sue: Well, Im busy right now. Why dont you call Julia? I think ______________
(she/study) for social studies at the moment.
Lisa: Oh, ok. I see 8.___________________ (I/interrupt) you. Im sorry. I will talk
to you tomorrow.
Sue: Its ok. I dont want you to think 9. _________________ (you/interrupt) me,
but 10.__________________ (I/study) and I need to focus. Thanks for

D. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. you/ doing / at / the / moment ?

What are you doing at the moment?

2. at / school / or / you / are / studying / home / at ?
3. are / sitting / you / where?
4. pencil / a / writing / you / pen / with / are / a / or?
5. working / you / how / are?
6. are / you / grammar / practicising / what ?

E. Look at the picture and complete these sentences. Use the present continuous
forms of the words in brackets ( ).

1. She ______is doing

____ (do) her homework.
She _____________________ (watch) TV.
2. She _____________________ (talk) to Steven.
She _____________________ (talk) to her mother.
3. They ____________________ (speak) English.
They ____________________ (speak) Turkish.
4. She _____________________ (sit).
She _____________________ (stand).

A. Write

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

and superlative forms of the adjectives.

1. big bigger biggest
2. Small ____________________________
3. Fast ____________________________

the comparative

4. Slow ____________________________
5. Dry


6. Wet ____________________________
7. New ____________________________
8. Old


9. Sad ____________________________
10. Happy ___________________________
B. Write the missing words.
1. Interesting more interesting than the most interesting.
2. Famous - ____________________ - the most famous.
3. Dirty - ______________________ - the dirtiest.
4. ________________ - _________________________ - the most dangerous
5. ________________ - more beautiful than - _________________________
6. Expensive - ________________________ - ________________________

C. Read the dialogue. Choose the correct comparative or superlative adjectives

in brackets ( ).
Tom: Have you seen the __newest_____ (newer/newest) James Bond film?
Jerry: Yes, its the _____________ (better/best) film Ive ever seen!
Tom: Really? I think Casino Royale was ____________ (better/best) than this
new film.
Jerry: Well, I think Casino Royale is the ______________ (worse/worst) Bond

film theyve ever made.

Tom: Is Casino Royale ___________(older/oldest) than Goldfinger?
Jerry: No, it isnt. In fact, I think Goldfinger is the ___________( older/oldest)
Bond film.

D. Write true sentences using the words in brackets ( ) and the names of
people, places, and things.
1. (nice/friend/have)

Alex is the nicest friend I have ever had.

2. (bad/film/see)
3. (good/book/read)
4. (old/person/meet)
5. (cold/place/go (been)
6. (bad/thing/eat)
E. Fill in the blanks with comparative and superlative adjectives of your choice.
Megan: I think Miss Green is the __best_______teacher in the school.
Rachel: Well, I think Mrs. White is ______________. Shes more
_____________ than Miss Green.
Lauren: Thats true, but Miss Green is more _________________.
Rachel: Our science teacher is _______________. Hes the most
___________________ person I have ever met.

Lauren: You mean Mr. Black? Hes __________________ too.

Rachel: Mr. Redding is more _________________________ than Mr. Black.

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