Dsoe Case Best Practice Template: Primary School Teacher, M.Ed. Raija Veijola Finland

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DSoE Case Best Practice Template

Name of school

Primary School Teacher, M.Ed.

Raija Veijola

Contact details of school project

Title of project

Headmaster Marja Kallio

Description of school context ( number of

pupils, age of pupils, any special

290 students, 7 12, music class

Myllyoja School

Description of project
Goals: What is wanted for the children or
students to master given the students
individual strengths and aptitudes.
Methods: What are the instructional
decisions, approaches, procedures or
routines that teachers use to enhance
Materials: What are the tools used to
present learning content and the tools
the learner uses to demonstrate
Assessment: What is the process of
gathering information about a learners
performance using a variety of methods
and materials in order to determine
learners knowledge, skills, and
motivation for the purpose of making
informed educational decisions.

O365 cloud services

To improve pupils ICT skills.
Get pupils take part to their own
studies, goals and methods.
Pupils learn to take response their
own studies. They can also
research their own interests.
Methods: We start working at school and
continue working at home. At first we
discuss in the small groups. Quite often
we work as team. Everybody can learn
from each other. We also makes mind
maps to get better plans.
Then we make group for the pupils in
O365. There they can share ideas and
learn from each other. There they can
also get feedback from own work.

Website: digitalschoolseurope.eu

Dublin West Education Centre

O365 cloud service, iPads, document
cameras and projector.
Assesment: Pupils take part assessment
by giving feedback to each other. They
evaluate their own study goals.

How is ICT being used creatively ?

Pupils create mind maps and make

presnetation from their own plannings
to each others.
They also can commet each others
work online in O365.
Working by many different ways to
learn and get feedback.

What use is being made of eTwinning?

Pupil involvement and mobility
Parental/Community involvement

During whole work everybody can get

feedbad ja give feedback each other.
Parents can teke part to childrens
work, when pupils makes homework.
Pupils can also show rw

What makes this a successful project?

Website: digitalschoolseurope.eu

Dublin West Education Centre

Co-operation, pupils are were in active

role during whole project.

Quote from head teacher

Quotes from teachers

Quotes from pupils

It was very interesting to give more

resposibility to children. It was also
interesting share ideas each other and
see how children give and get
They were very excited to use new
tecnology and plan their own studies.

Website: digitalschoolseurope.eu

Dublin West Education Centre

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