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Zeta Omega Zest

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Texas State Organization
Zeta Omega Chapter #168 ~ Area 3 ~ Pasadena, Texas
Volume LIV, Issue 2 ~ October 2016

Key Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide

Meeting Schedule
October 17, 2016
4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. -OPDC
My Experience with Breast
Cancer - Amy Bigbee
November 14, 2016
Birthday Celebration/Initiation
Savannah Cafe, Webster Map
December 12, 2016
Merry Christmas Gathering
January 23, 2017
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - OPDC
Move It! - Pam Tevis
February 13, 2017
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - OPDC
The Language of Love

October 17, 2016 Meeting

There is a slight change in our program schedule due to
unexpected circumstances. Instead of the planned program
about Crucial Conversations, we will be having a program
related to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our speaker is
Amy Bigbee who, at the tender age of 41, learned that she had
breast cancer. You will benefit from her story.
Come and bring a friend to hear Amy share her experience and her
What: Bring toiletry product for distribution to homeless students soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc.
Where: Room 303 Orozco Professional Development Complex
When: Monday, October 17 at 4:30 p.m.
Hostesses: DiAnn Fernandez, Lauren Calderaro, Monique Jackson,

Mourning Our Loss

March 27, 2017

4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - OPDC
Women in History
May Founders Day - TBD
Zest Editor:
Diane Moose
Chapter Website:
State Website:
International Website:

Beverly Evonne Rich

July 13, 1939 - September 20, 2016
Bev was initiated into DKG September 24, 1973. She remained an active
member until her death on September 20 of this year. She was beloved by
all for her great good humor and her caring heart. Bev is greatly missed.
The Heart of the Society is Its Members

Zeta Omega News

Several Zeta Omega members were able to attend the recent Area Three Fall Workshop. During the closing
session, we celebrated Bobbie having been awarded a certificate for her 42 years of active membership.
Also, a certificate was awarded to Colleen Terrell for her 25 years of active membership. Dana cheerfully
accepted that award on her behalf. The awards were presented by Area Three Coordinator Pat Bumpus.
Left photo: Dana, Bobbie, Noelia; Center photo: Bobbie, Dana, Diane; Right photo: Bobbie and Pat Bumpus

At our August meeting, Stephanie Bailey, our chapter

treasurer, presented a check for $1000 to the Special
Programs department of Pasadena ISD. These funds,
given to us as a Project Grant from ASTEF, are to be
used to pay tablet insurance fees for students who
qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act (i.e. homeless
students). Pictured to the left are district
representatives Neitzy Retta, Migrant and Homeless
Coordinator for the district, and Ana Gonzalez,
McKinney-Vento/Migrant Counselor for the district. In
the center of the photo is Stephanie with a certificate of
appreciation from the district.

Members, please remember to pay your annual dues if you have not already done so. Checks should be
mailed to Stephanie Bailey before October 31. Those who do not remit their dues by that date are
automatically dropped from membershipand we would hate to lose you!
Active: $82.00 + (Optional Grant-in-Aid) $10.00 = $92.00
Reserve: $44.00 + (Optional Grant-in-Aid) = $54.00

The Heart of the Society is Its Members

A Message from Your President - Diane Moose

As you may have heard, the 2017 88th DKGTexas State Convention is going to be
right here in the Greater Houston Area. Specifically, it is to beheld at the Hyatt Regency
Hotel in downtown Houston. As expected, all Area Three and Area Eighteen chapters
are being called on to help. The specific duty of Zeta Omega chapter is to take care of
lining up the head table for the meal functions and the Business Meeting. This will not
require many members to accomplish. However, volunteers are needed for more
responsibilities. At the Birthday Luncheon and at the Founders and Presidents
Dinner, we need a volunteer table hostess for each table. The table hostess collects
the tickets and tries to enable the flow of conversation at the table.
At our meeting on October 17, I will have a list for hostess volunteers to sign. All
convention workers will need to register for the convention; however, you need not stay
at the hotel unless you just want to. Begin making your plans to participate now by
marking your calendarJune 22 - 24, 2017.

Zeta Omega Projects

We are continuing three of our projects from last year. We will continue collecting Boxtops4Education, will
collect toiletries for homeless students, and will find a way to raise $500 to give as a grant to a graduating
female high school senior who plans to study to become an educator. By participating in these projects, we
are able to make a positive difference in our community and in the lives of students.

One of the features of the Home page of our Texas State Organization website is the newsletter of the
International Communications and Publicity Committee, Get Connected. The current issue features the
DKG Communities. Communities is a section of the international website that allows all members of the
Society to discuss common issues. Some of the communities concern DKG issues whilst there are others
such as DKG Book Club Community and DKG Home Life Community. In order to become a part of
Communities, members must first sign in to the DKG website. Read the current Get Connected for
instructions on how to do this.

There are many useful features on There are at least two ways to access
the DKG Communities. One way is to visit MyDKG and then Communities. On the
Home page, there is also a direct link to DKG Communities. It is possible to
Subscribe to or Follow a specific community. At this time, the communities are
small, but, over time, they will growif members use this resource. It is a secure
place and a good thing.
Carolyn Pittman (pictured left) of Arkansas is our new International President. She
has a nice article in the current DKGNews which is also available on Title?
The Butterfly Effect and our vision. Check it out!

The Heart of the Society is Its Members

Recipe Roundup - Grilled Cheese Sandwich

As the cooler days draw in (hopefully), a great grilled cheese sandwich and a hot cup of cocoa seem to hit the
spot. Recently we enjoyed the following sandwich as part of a Blue Apron meal. This recipe makes two
Sourdough bread slices
3 ounces Fontina cheese
1 Leek
Knob of butter
Photo by Ali R CC License


Cut off the roots and green part of one leek. Slice the leek in half lengthwise, clean well, and then chop into
thin slices. Saut in a bit of olive oil. As the leek begins to soften, add about 1/2 cup of water and cook until
the water has evaporated and the leek is quite soft. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Set aside.
Thinly slice the cheese and layer onto two slices of the bread. Top the cheese with the cooked leek and the
other slices of bread. Melt some butter until hot (maybe about one tablespoon) in a skillet. Cook the
sandwiches on one side until the bread is golden brown. Add more butter and then flip the sandwiches to
cook the other side. Cut the sandwiches in half and enjoy with a crisp apple or some salad.

Treasurers Report Summary

August 2016
Balance, August 1, 2016

Treasurers Report Summary

September 2016


Balance, September 1, 2016




Total Available


Total Available






Balance, August 31, 2016


Balance, September 30, 2016


Savings, August 31, 2016


Savings, September 30, 2016


The Heart of the Society is Its Members

August 29, 2016
The regular meeting of the Zeta Omega chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was called to order by the
President, Diane Moose, on Monday, August 29, 2016, at 4:45 p.m. at OPDC.

Zootopia Ac*vi*y Ladies got to get to know each other- 3 things in common, 3things to share,
animal in common

Presented to ASTEF grant check to homeless program for PISD homeless program

Stephanie went over budget and dues. Dues are due by October 31,2016 and members may bring
dues to October 17 mee*ng

Called to vote to accept budget, Traci called in mo*on, __________ seconded the mo*on

Diane asked if members wanted to con*nue Boxtops

Diane and members discussed fundraiser ideas

Garage sale

GiS basket

%10 of sales from a business

Chapter dona*ons to homeless program- toiletries, feminine products,

The mee*ng was dismissed.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International and Zeta Omega Chapter, Alpha State, Texas of The Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International promote professional and personal growth of women educators and
excellence in education.

The Heart of the Society is Its Members

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