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The revised translation1

Ben asks a question

Dont pick your nose, Red Indian,says mother. She says this whenever he digs
treasure from his nose. Every single time Ben thinks that he has not read a single
story in which an American Indian picks his nose. Mother certainly doesnt know
about American Indians. When he thinks, sometimes he does it with his nose.
Mother knows about this too. Now she is confusing him.
Now I have forgotten what I was thinking, he grumbles
Its not that important then, says mother .
Anyway, one who is soon to turn ten, should not be picking his nose
I know even fifty years old doing this
Stop it
Uncle Gerhard!
Mother turns her face away from him and Ben knows that she is amused. But she
pretends to be strict again. Its so difficult for her that she knocks over the salt
cellar on the table.
You cannot assert that just like that , she says.
But thats true, Grete, Ben replies. He and Holger call mother Grete. Father calls
her Gretel.
You have to always argue, says mother. He shakes his head and continues ,You
said to Papa that Uncle Gerhard acts like a piglet sometimes. But piglets cant be
that old.
He got her. She sighs, puts away the tureen and adopts a different tone. She
behaves like this when she is serious.
Now dont you dawdle. And quickly do your homework. Holger should check it
when he returns
Holger is Bens thirteen year old brother. He is a brilliant student and doesnt have
to work hard for it. Ben is not that good and his mother feels that he is a slacker. He
is not always a slacker. Even when he works hard, it may all come to nothing.
Mother is in a rush. She has to report at the doctors Wenzel office. She works there
in the afternoon as doctors assistant.
1 The words and phrases in italics are changes made after discussion

Hurry up!, she shouts and rushes out of the door.

Ben lingers for a while, before starting. He blankly keeps looking at first. Then he
goes into his room and grabs the book on animals with lots of picture. Then he feeds
his guinea pig Trudi. Then he sits down at the table. Then he takes out his math
book and work book from his bag. Then he opens it. Then he keeps the pen next to
the pencil and the de-inker. Then he dozes off. Then he takes off his shoes and kicks
them under the cupboard. Then he picks is nose again. Then at last he begins to do
He finds the homework more difficult than usual. Probably because his mind is
occupied with other thoughts.
He cannot calculate because he is thinking about Anna. This irritates him. But he
cannot get Anna out of his head.
He doesnt want to think about Anna at all. He would rather concentrate on doing
math. And on nothing else.
When Holger returns, Ben is still stuck on the first question. Holger is super. He
readily helps him. It is now clear to Ben how to solve these sums .They are not that
difficult. Its just that when Anna and math gets mixed up in his head, it doesnt
When they have finished Ben asks him softly, Hey, Holger ,what its like having a
huge crush on someone?
Holger, who was about to go in his room, stands still, making it look dramatic. After
a while he says Are you off you head, you little squirt?
Holger calls him a squirt, whenever he gets a chance to play the older brother
Ben makes a face.
Holger realizes that he made a mistake and puts his hand on Bens shoulder.
I didnt mean it .You are really in love?, he asks.
Ben nods. He couldnt say anything. But Holger would only make fun of him.
Do I know her?,asks Holger
No!,Ben almost shouts.
See boy, says Holger , When you are madly in love you always dream about the
girl. And its feels like your stomach churns. Really.
Holger words were actually true. Ben feels his stomach or perhaps chest lurching.
Every part of his body is aching a little. Or he is just imaging things.

Ben pushes back the chair and catches Holger in the knee.
Ouch, Holger shrieks. You are an idiot. First you nearly bawl and now
Go away ! ,says Ben. He hastily collects his book, notebook and writing materials,
grabs his bag from the table and vanishes into his room. He increases the volume of
his tape recorder. He tries not to bawl.
He would rather go to Holger. But after this spat he cant. He takes Trudi out of her
cage and pets her. When Trudi feels excited she whistles. Now she is whistling.

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