Strategic Execution and People

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0 Introduction

It has been the norm for decades that organizational strategic plans have been created by
upper levels of management. Annually, the best and brightest division heads come together to
brainstorm the company's strategic challenges and solutions, articulate the vision for strategic
growth, and formulate the plan for optimizing organizational resources. Yet with all the time and
money spent on strategic planning, often there is a lag in putting the plans into action, or the
execution fails to achieve the desired results. All managers know that execution is critical to the
success of the strategic plan, but making the plan work is an even bigger challenge than creating
the plan, in large part because execution requires a disciplined process or a logical set of
connected activities that enables the organization to successfully integrate the strategies into the
operation. Many factors inhibit the successful execution of the strategic plan, and all of them are
tied to the people of the organization.

2.0 Background of Apple Inc.

Apple is an American multinational company, was founded by Steven Paul Jobs and
Steve Wozniak in April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California, United States. Earlier called Apple
Computer Inc., Apple is a multinational corporation that creates personal computers, Apple TV,
commercial servers, computer software, consumer electronics and is a virtual distributor of
media content. The company also has Apple stores that are used to sell iPhone, iPad, and iPods.
The first apple iPhone was released on June 29th 2007 and the company also sells
applications through the iBooks store, App Store, and iTunes store.Apple is the worlds largest

technology company by revenue and the worlds largest technology company with all the
properties. And also worlds largest mobile phone development company by November 25, 2014.
Apple became the first U.S. company to be valued at over US$700 billion. Apple employs
115,000 permanent full-time employees as of July 2015.Apples worldwide annual sales was
total $233billion by September 2015. The company enjoys a high brand loyalty. Apple is a
reason for the birth of many mobile app development companies in Las Vegas that develop
mobile apps for iOS platform, especially iPhone app development companies in Las Vegas.
In 1984, Apple launched a Macintosh, which was the first personal computer to be sold
without a programming language.In 1985, a clash happened between Jobs and CEO John
Scullery. Scullery was told by Apple board of directors to restrict the power of Jobs that he
would use for launching costly forays into untested products. Rather than following Scullerys
direction, Jobs tried to organize a coup against Scullery. Consequently, Job was removed from
his managerial duties, which caused Job resigning from his designation at Apple.After Jobs'
departure, Macintosh product faced a series of challenges. In 1991, Apple replaced "luggable"
Macintosh with PowerBook, a laptop computer.
In 2015, Apples value as of the stock price was $728.35 billion, which made Apple the
most valuable company in the world.According to the Forbes, Apple is the most popular brand in
the world and more valuable than the Google and Microsoft. And, on various metrics, Apple is
the worlds most valuable brand considered by so many organisations.Apple reported its
quarterly revenue is $51.5 and quarterly net profit is $11.1 billion. Compared to other companies,
Apple is a big money maker in mobile phones.

Android companies are struggling by Apple .Though i Phones are selling at higher price,
its profit is more than the Android mobiles like HTC and Samsung. Customers most prefer the
apple smart phones now days because of the features of the iPhone.Apple has posed a big
challenge for China-born mobile companies. Today Apple is the most preferable smart phone in
China. It crosses the total turnover of China companies like Lenovo and Huawei.

3.0 Strategy Execution Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. had small number of strategies to follow like premium pricing, low cost,
product segregated strategy, less or but integrated products, low focus on market share, low
shareholder return policy and global cheaper marketing. Apple Inc., being among the most
successful brands of world and marked performance of implemented strategies, although, had
faced lots of critics on its strategies.
Apples widely criticized strategy as always and obvious is the strategy of premium
pricing (Nair 2014), the product market segment of Apple is higher, medium and upper class of
economy making it difficult for the average people to purchase. Moreover, major competitors are
consistently working of price minimization strategy, like Google plans to introduce less than
$100 smartphone in India and free android software availability to Samsung intensified
competition (Dutton 2014). Apple not really an inventory but a trend setter, following up their
differentiation strategy they try to bring something which is complete and if its not they retain it
rather to market, exposing Apple to giving up short term but critical market opportunities helping
Apple to maintain their share until new product offering (Farber 2013).

Apples integrative strategy of full package of hardware mobile and software iOS is the
most appreciated facilities with million applications from third party but is not cost effective, in
2013 out of every four smart phone sales iphone purchased is one (Meyer 2013). Alex Wilhelm
in his article published in 2014 criticized the lower cash return policy of Apple Inc. to its
shareholders while company has above $100 billion as there cash reserves. Weaker inorganic
growth strategy as compared to competitors also could be hazardous for company as Apple had
one acquisition per year for past 25years compared to Microsofts 45, Google 40 andCISCO 30
(Cheney 2010).
Apple also believed to be trend setter in cheapest strategy of marketing via patents wars.
In normal business they would have to spend millions and even billions to spend on high profile
shows and timing, but thanks to this strategy, they are everywhere every time every channel for
free. Although, now they won the law suites but not all of them, which costs at Apples image

4.0 People Management at Apple Inc.

In general, in running business, there will always be People challenges when youre not
enjoying running your company. You either have a partner issue, a customer with too large a
piece of your business, a supplier delaying your success, a key employee or two thats disrupting
the rest of the organizations effectiveness, or challenges at home. Or you might simply lack
enough employees to serve your customers, though I caution executives to avoid tossing
employees at problems.Until you settle these relationship issues, theyll continue to consume a
tremendous amount of emotional energy, making it difficult to focus on the other three main

decisions. Focus on getting the right people doing the right things with clear accountabilities and

4.1 Training and development program in Apple Inc.

Apple has a very well planned training and development program. Its employee are one of
its key advantages, especially in the research and development department and marketing
department. Effective training and development programs are an essential component of a
learning environment that can improve the Apple Inc.s ability to attract and retain employees
with the skills and competencies needed to achieve results for the benefit of the company.
Training and developing new and current staff to fill up new roles and work in dissimilar ways
will be a decisive part in the endeavors of the company to meet its transformation challenges.
Ways that employees learn and achieve results will also continue to transform how Apple Inc.
does business and engage or force the employees in further innovation and improvements in line
with its.
In addition to training the workers, they also train supervisors and managers on their
responsibilities to those workers. For example, they require management from suppliers in
Malaysia and Singapore to attend a two-day workshop that covers their Prevention of
Involuntary Labor standard along with best practices for labor agency monitoring, direct hire
processes, and onsite management of foreign workers (Apple, 2012) objectives.
Apple has also expanded professional development opportunities for workers through
Supplier Employee Education and Development (SEED) program. These programs educate
suppliers of health and safety, workers rights and injury prevention. The purpose of the training
is to Ensure that their suppliers are meeting Apples expectations of working conditions and more
importantly societal expectations.

4.2 Human Resource Practice in Apple Inc.


Cafeteria Reward System

The Apple Corporation has a number of benefits which employee could use. Namely, the
basic benefits one should expect upon its employment in this organization are: health and life
insurance, flexible spending accounts for health care and dependent day care, short or long term
disability coverage, long term care insurance, pension plans, employee stock purchase option,
educational seminars and tuition assistance, paid vacations and holidays, product discounts,
personal and family counseling, wellness programs, onsite fitness canter, commuter programs
and others (Apple,2014a). Therefore, these are the perks that won-t be used by everyone in
every occasion or example) one can deal with the stress on wor3 by seeking personal counseling,
while other would engage in fitness activities on site. Some of these benefits were made for
workers with children) while other for young people seeking further education and payment of
such expenses.

Performance Related Payment

Apple has the bonuses based on merits, performance bonuses, both for managerial staff and

other employees. According to Chaykowski (2012) company is offering to some employees in

retain raises up to 25% based on review on store operations earlier in the year. These raises are
usually done in the July and August and take effect on the employee salary ne5t month.
Chaykowski (2012) argues that the employee that receives the 20% raise would get about 1%
dollars per hour additional pay. Moreover, they are able to choose other perks, such as discounts
of 500 or 250 dollars on Mac computer or iPad.


Life - Work Balance

According to Nieto (2008) issues of life-work balance vary considerably according to

institutional sector, individual, organizational policies, and historical practices. However, because
of the heavy working hours in apple. Life-work Balance may be one of the weakest points in the
Apple human resource practices. Namely, according to Edwards (2013) some employees are
feeling under stress due to the long working hours. This is the most common complain of the
Apple employees, according to Reed (2014). The company hasnt been able to effectively
facilitate this balance in the employees life. It has incredibly high standards...ridiculously
inflexible with the hours it expects you to work (Reed, 2014).
4.3 Creating Loyal Customers
When shoppers sleep outside of stores just to be one of the first to buy an iPhone, it's
obvious that Apple Inc. is a company that enjoys fanatical brand loyalty. However, this brand
success is not a result of dumb luck or forces beyond Apple's control; it's part of a well-thoughtout plan to deliver strong products and to create an Apple culture. Find out more about these and
other strategies that Apple employs to achieve its tremendous customer loyalty.
A Store Just for Apple: Apple has historically been troubled by big-box sales staffers who
are ill-informed about its products, a problem that made it difficult for Apple to set its very
different products apart from the rest of the computing crowd. By creating a store strictly
devoted to Apple products, the company has not only eliminated this problem but has made an
excellent customer-loyalty move. Apple stores are a friendly place where Mac and PC users alike
are encouraged to play with and explore the technology that the company offers. This is a space
where Macheads can not only get service but also hang out with others who enjoy Apple

products just as much as they do. By creating this space, Apple encourages current and new
customers to get excited about what it has to offer.
Complete Solutions: Apple's products complement and complete each other. Buy an iPod,
and you can download music via iTunes. For the average user, most Mac programs are produced
by Apple. This sort of control over the entire user process, from hardware to software,
strengthens customer loyalty. Apple users generally don't have to stray to find products and
solutions they want.
Are You a Mac?: Let's face it, Apple is a hip brand. It pushes a strong identification with
everything young, up-to-the-minute and smart. Consider Apple's I'm a Mac campaign. The Mac
guy is smooth and confident, while PC appears uptight and old. Once you've become smooth,
would you want to go back to uptight?
Varied Products: Many consumers may not be ready to buy an Apple computer, but they're
willing to give gadgets like the iPod or iPhone a try. By selling products with lower entry costs, it
creates an opportunity for new users to be introduced to Apple. If these users enjoy their gadgets,
they're more likely to consider buying an Apple computer in the future.
Media Fodder: Media outlets, especially bloggers, love to write about Apple. Why?
Because Apple makes it so easy. With leaked rumors about new developments, its very own expo
and mysterious shutdowns of its online store, Apple gift wraps news stories that are just begging
for speculation and hype. By perpetuating this cycle of media frenzy, Apple keeps its customers
excited about buying new Apple products now and in the future.
Education Sales: By selling its products to schools and universities, Apple turns classrooms
into showrooms. If students go through school using Apple products, they become comfortable
with the interface and familiar with the superior performance the brand offers. By creating this
early exposure, Apple captures customers before they even know that they are customers.
Products That Deliver: Apple carefully considers what consumers are looking for, so its
products are a result of both extensive research and strong design. This meticulous planning is a

large contributor to Apple's high customer-satisfaction rates. It's plain and simple: Robust and
easy-to-use products not only make your customers happy, but also make them want to buy more
products from you in the future.
Outsourcing Unpleasantness: With Apple products, the average consumer's interaction
with the company is likely to be low. Unless something goes wrong, you don't have any reason to
speak with an Apple customer-service representative. Of course, the iPhone presented an
opportunity that could have made Apple much more involved, similar to administering iTunes
for the iPod. With a phone, interaction becomes multifaceted. You have to consider billing errors,
quality of wireless service, contracts and a number of other factors that often lead to customer
frustration. With the iPhone, Apple was wise to stick with building a good product and letting
AT&T handle the service.
Consistency: All of Apple's products have the same basic architecture. Because of this
consistency, customers who already own Apple products have a good idea of what they'll be
getting before they make a purchase. They know that it will be easy to adapt to new hardware,
and this makes them more open to making a repeat purchase.
New Innovations: Although the architecture of Apple products is consistent, its portfolio is
not. The company offers consumers a number of different ways to enjoy its products. By giving
customers an opportunity to employ Apple in their living rooms, pockets and offices, Apple
makes it easy to stay loyal to a brand they already like.
Attractiveness: From packaging to aesthetic design to user-interface experience, Apple
makes its products accessible and attractive. Bright colors, a smiling icon and slick-looking
hardware remind customers every time they use Apple products that what Apple offers is

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