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Key Issue 1: Where Do Folk and Popular Culture Originate and Diffuse?

A. Origin of Folk and Popular Cultures

a. Folk customs often have anonymous or multiple hearths
1. Origin of Folk Music
a. Tells a story about daily activities (farming), life-cycle events (birth,
death, marriage), or mysterious events (storms)
b. According to a Chinese legend, music was invented in 2697 BC when the
Emperor Huang Ti sent Ling Lun to cut bamboo poles that would produce
a sound matching the call of the phoenix bird
2. Origin of Popular Music
a. Written to be sold
b. Originated around 1900
c. Music Hall in UK and Vaudeville in US
d. Tin Pan Alley made the music and tried to sell printed song sheets
e. The diffusion of American music stared during WWII
f. Hip-Hop is a local form of music
B. Diffusion of Folk and Popular Cultures
a. The spread of popular culture typically follows the process of hierarchical
diffusion from hearths or nodes of innovation (i.e. Hollywood, California)
b. Folk culture is transferred slowly by migration instead of electronic
communication (relocation diffusion)
1. The Amish: Relocation Diffusion of Folk Culture
a. The Amish have distinctive clothing, farming, religious practices and
other customs
b. In the 1600s, a Swiss Mennonite bishop named Jakob Ammann gathered a
group of followers
c. The Amish originated in Bern, Switzerland; Alsace in northeastern
France; and the Palatinate region of southwestern Germany
d. Settled in Pennsylvania in the early 1700s
e. Sell farm land in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and buy in Kentucky
2. Sports: Hierarchical Diffusion of Popular Culture
- Folk Culture Origin of Soccer
a. Worlds most popular sport
b. First documented in England in the eleventh century. After the
Danish invasion, workers excavating a building found a Danish soldiers
head and they began to kick it. It was then imitated by boys who
used an inflated cow bladder
c. Early football games involved two villages kicking the ball into the
center of the rival village. Because this disturbed village life, King

Henry II banned it from England and was later legalized in 1603 by


King James I.
Globalization of Soccer
a. Transformation to popular culture in the 1800s
b. Because of the increase in leisure time, people came to see sports so
clubs started hiring professional players.
c. When British football clubs organized an association in 1863 to make
rules, it marked the change from folk to popular culture.
d. The game was diffused to other countries through contact with

English players
Sports in Popular Culture
a. Cricket is popular in Britain
b. Ice Hockey is popular in Canada, Northern Europe, and Russia
c. Martial Arts is popular in China
d. Baseball is popular in Japan
e. Lacrosse came from the Iroquois Confederation of Six Nations
(Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Senecas, and Tuscaroras)
f. The common element in professional sports is the willingness of
people throughout the world to pay for the privilege of viewing, in
person or on TV, events played by professional athletes.

Key Issue 2: Why is Folk Culture Clustered?

A. Influence of the Physical Environment
1. Food Preservatives and the Environment
a. Bostans are small gardens in Istanbul, Turkey that supply the city with
b. Rice and soybeans are grown in Asia because of the dry climate
c. Quick-frying food in preferred in Italy because of fuel shortages

d. People refuse to eat particular plants or animals that are thought to

embody negative forces in the environment
e. Taboo - A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom
f. Hebrews were prohibited for eating animals
g. that do not chew their cud or that have cloven feet and fish lacking fins
or scales
h. Muslims do not eat pork because pigs would then compete with humans
for land and resources
i. Hindus have taboos against cows because they are used as plows on farms
j. Terroir - The contribution of a locations distinctive physical features to
the way food tastes
2. Folk Housing and the Environment
a. French geographer Jean Brunhes views the house as being an essential
fact of human geography.
b. American geographer Fred Kniffen says a house is a reflection of
cultural heritage, current fashion, functional needs, and the impact of
c. The materials used in folk homes are based on the available resources
d. Wood and brick are the most common
e. R. W. McColl compared house types in four villages situated in the dry
lands of northern and western China
f. Pitched roofs facilitate rain runoff, windows face South for heat, can be
smaller for not a much heat
B. Isolation Promotes Cultural Diversity
1. Himalayan Art
a. geographers P. Karan and Cotton Mather demonstrated that distinctive
views of the physical environment emerge among neighboring cultural
groups that are isolated
b. Through their choices of subjects of paintings, each group reveals how
their folk culture mirrors their religions and individual views of their
a. Northern
b. Paintings reflect bizarre and terrifying
c. Inhospitable environment
a. Southern
b. Everyday life
c. Regions extreme climatic conditions

a. Islamic
b. Beautiful plants and flowers
c. Not harsh conditions
a. Burma
b. Symbols and designs
c. From religion instead of environment
2. Beliefs and Folk House Forms
a. The distinctive form of folk houses may derive primarily from religious
values and other customary beliefs rather than from environmental
b. Some compass directions may be more important than other directions.
- Sacred Spaces
a. In Java, the front door faces South (direction of the Sea goddess)
b. In Fiji and China, the East wall is sacred
c. In Madagascar, the front door is facing West, the most important
direction. The NE corner is most important. The North wall in for
honoring ancestors, important guests enter from the North and are
seated against the North wall. The bed is placed against the East
wall facing North.
d. The Laos arrange their beds perpendicular to the center ridgepole.
People sleep with their heads and feet opposite of one another.
However, a child sleeps with his head towards the parents feet.
e. The Yuan and Shan (Thailand) sleep with heads towards the East,
which is the most auspicious direction. Staircases do not face West,

the least auspicious direction and the direction of the devil.

U.S. Folk Housing
a. Geographer Fred Kniffen identified three major hearths or nodes of
folk house forms in the United States: New England, Middle Atlantic,

and Lower Chesapeake

The Lower Chesapeake (Tidewater)
a. One story, steep roof, two chimneys, one room deep
b. Tidewater, Virginia, and Southeast coast
The Middle Atlantic (I-House)
a. Two stories high, gables to the sides, two rooms wide, one room
b. Ohio Valley and Appalachian trails, Eastern half of US
New England
a. Upper New England and Southern Great Lakes region, far west as

b. Various forms over time

Key Issue 3: Why Is Popular Culture Widely Distributed?

a. Popular culture varies more in time than in place
A. Diffusion of Popular Housing, Clothing, and Food
1. Popular Food Customs
a. People in MDCs are likely to have the income, time, and inclination to

facilitate greater adoption of popular culture.

Regional Variations
a. Bourbon consumption is higher in the Upper South, where it is
b. Tequila consumption is high on the border with Mexico
c. Canadian Whiskey is preferred in states contiguous to Canada
d. Southerners may prefer pork rinds because more hogs are raised
there, and northerners may prefer popcorn and potato chips because
more corn and potatoes are grown there.
e. The Southeast has a low rate of alcohol consumption because of

Baptists. Nevada has a high rate because of gambling

f. Texans prefer tortilla chips while Westerners prefer grain chips

a. The distinctive character of a wine derives from a unique combination

of soil, climate, and other physical characteristics at the place where
the grapes are grown.
b. Vineyards are best cultivated in temperate climates of moderately
cold, rainy winters and long, hot summers. On a hillside near a lake.
c. The distinctive character of each regions wine is especially
influenced by the unique combination of trace elements, such as
boron, manganese, and zinc, in the rock or soil.
d. Wines are identified by their place of growth, region, year, and type
of grapes
e. Wine consumption declined after the fall of Rome, and many
vineyards were destroyed.
2. Rapid Diffusion of Clothing Styles
a. In MDCs, clothing reflects occupation and wealth
- Jeans
a. Jeans became popular in the 1960s to show youthful independence
b. Communist governments could not make them because the factories
make tanks, not clothing
3. Popular Housing Styles
a. Changed in the 1940s
b. In the years immediately after World War II, which ended in 1945,
most U.S. houses were built in a modern style. Since the 1960s, styles

that architects call neo-eclectic have predominated.

Modern Housing Styles (1945-1960)
Minimal Traditional
a. Late 1940s-1950s
b. Similar to the Tudor-style house
c. One story, small and modest
d. For returning veterans from WWII
Ranch House
a. 1950s-1960s
b. Similar to minimal traditional houses
c. One story, long side parallel to street
d. Took more room
a. 1950s-1970s
b. Similar to the ranch house
c. Two stories
d. New family room on first floor, bedrooms on second floor

a. 1950s-1970s
b. Architect-designed, flat or low roofs
a. Late 1960s
b. High-pitched roofs
c. Geometric forms
Neo-Eclectic (Since 1960)
a. In the late 1960s, neo-eclectic styles became popular, and by the

1970s had surpassed modern styles in vogue:

a. First popular in 1960s to early 1970s
b. Two stories
a. 1970s
b. Steep-pitched front-facing gables
a. Popular in early 1980s
b. Most fashionable
c. Dormer windows, round tops, high-hipped roofs
a. Popular since 1950s
b. Similar to English colonial houses
c. Large central great room
B. Electronic Diffusion of Popular Culture
a. Television is important because it provides leisure time and spreads the
knowledge of popular culture, such as sports
1. Diffusion of Television
a. In the early years of broadcasting, the US was a monopoly
b. In 1954, the US had 86% of televisions
c. In 1970, the US had more televisions per capita except for Canada
d. By 2005, international differences in television ownership diminished
2. Diffusion of the Internet
a. Diffused like the television but more rapid
b. In 1995, the US has 25 million users
c. In 2000, internet usage in the US increased from 9% to 44%. The US %
share of the worlds internet declined from 62% to 31%
d. In 2008, 74% or the US population had internet. But, the US % of
worlds internet declined to 14%
3. Diffusion of Facebook
a. Founded in 2004 by Harvard University students
b. In 2009, it had over 200 million users

Key Issue 4: Why Does Globalization of Popular Culture Cause Problems?

a. Threatens survival of folk culture and may generate environmental impacts
A. Threat to Folk Culture
1. Loss of Traditional Values
a. Leaders of African and Asian countries traveled to MDCs and
experienced the social status attached to cloths. Back home, they may
wear Western business suits.
b. Wearing cloths typical of MDCs is controversial in some Middle Eastern
countries. Muslims oppose them.
c. Threatens the subservience of women to men that is embedded in some
folk customs
d. Prostitution has increased in some LDCs to serve men from MDCs
traveling on sex tours. (Japan, Northern Europe)
2. Threat of Foreign Media Imperialism
- Western Control of Media
a. Three MDCsthe United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan
dominate the television industry in LDCs. Japanese operate in South
and East Asia. US corporations provide for Latin America. British
companies invest in African countries.
b. Leaders of LCDs view the spread of television as MDCs controlling
the world. They are teaching the wrong message.
c. In many regions of the world, the only reliable and unbiased news
accounts come from the BBC World Service shortwave and satellite
radio newscasts.
d. The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters dominate the diffusion of

information to newspapers around the world.

a. George Orwells novel 1984, published in 1949 said that TVs would
play a major role in peoples everyday lives.

b. Satellite dishes enable people to choose from a wide variety of

programs produced in other countries, not just the local governmentcontrolled station.
c. Some countries banned the use of satellite dishes (Chinese,
Singapore, Saudi Arabia)

B. Environmental Impacts of Popular Culture

1. Modifying Nature
- Distribution of Golf
a. Golf courses, because of their size, provide a prominent example of
imposing popular culture on the environment.
b. Geographer John Rooney attributes the increase of golf courses to
increased income and leisure time.
c. The number of golf courses are higher in northern states
d. More limited in the south because of lack of land
2. Uniform Landscapes
a. The diffusion of fast-food restaurants is a good example of such
uniformity (McDonalds). People who travel or moves to another city
immediately recognize a familiar place.
3. Negative Environmental Impact
- Increased Demand For Natural Resources
a. Popular culture may demand a large supply of certain animals,
resulting in depletion or even extinction of some species.
b. Animal consumption is an inefficient way for people to acquire
calories90 percent less efficient than if people simply ate grain
directly. To produce 1 kilogram of beef sold in the supermarket,
nearly 10 kilograms of grain are consumed by the animal. For every
kilogram of chicken, nearly 3 kilograms of grain are consumed by the
fowl. This grain could be fed to people directly, bypassing the

inefficient meat step

a. Cans, bottles, old cars, paper, and plastics
b. Very high rates of soil erosion have been documented in Central
America from the practice of folk culture.

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