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Integrated strategic change describes how planned change can make

a value-added contribution to strategic management. It argues that
business strategies and organizational systems must be changed together
in response to external and internal disruptions. A strategic change plan
helps members manage the transition between a current strategy and
organization design and the desired future strategic orientation whereas
Trans-organization development helps organizations enter into
alliances, partnerships, and joint ventures to perform tasks or solve
problems that are too complex for single organizations to resolve. It helps
organizations recognize the need for partnerships and develop appropriate
structures for implementing them. However, Merger and acquisition
integration describes how OD practitioners can assist two or more
organizations to form a new entity. Addressing key strategic, leadership,
and cultural issues prior to the legal and financial transaction helps to
smooth operational integration.
The similarities are that the three strategies provide assistance to organizations.
Strategic interventions link the internal functioning of the organization to the
larger environment and transform the organization to keep pace with changing
conditions. They are implemented organization wide and bring about a fit
between business strategy, structure, culture, and the larger environment. The
interventions derive from the disciplines of strategic management, organization
theory, economics, and anthropology.
The differences are; in Integrated strategic change, organizations need to focus
on managing change in business strategies and organizational systems in order
to deal with external and external disruptions while also helping them transition
between a current strategy and organization design and the desired future
strategic orientation; in Trans-organization development, organizations need to
recognize the need for partnerships and enter into alliances, partnerships, and
joint ventures to perform tasks or solve problems that are too complex for single
organizations to resolve; and lastly, in Merger and acquisition integration the
OD practitioners can assist two or more organizations in forming a new entity.

Proactive Response - Corporate response that anticipates problems and

changes the way things are done before problems become crises. It is one
of the four ways a management may choose to respond to environmental
and social problems its activities have caused. For the other three see
accommodating response, defensive response, and obstructive response.
Proactive change involves actively attempting to make alterations to the
work place and its practices. Companies that take a proactive approach to
change are often trying to avoid a potential future threat or to capitalize
on a potential future opportunity.

Proactive response - A corporate action that takes the necessary steps before the actual
occurrence of a problem. One of the four steps undertaken by companies in response to the
social and environmental problems posed by its activities
Collective structure - is a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one
common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective

Collective structure is where each individual questions obedience and conformity to

authority and power relationships while it also provides them with an opportunity to analyze
power and domination from shared experiences, and to develop new skills and behavior. This
structure mainly contains a framework for understanding how environments affect
organizations and, in turn, how organizations can affect environments. The framework is
based on the concept that organizations and their subunits are open systems existing in
environmental contexts.
The proactive response is involve a channel fear into action rather than inaction, it can
become more flexible and adaptive, it also enable to scan the environment to understand what
drives the new normal, it is employ both cost-cutting and growth strategies and increase
revenue and create competitive advantage.
Collective structure is Organizations can cope with problems of environmental dependence
and uncertainty through increased coordination with other organizations. Collective responses
help control inter-dependencies among organizations and include such methods as
bargaining; contracting; co-opting; and creating joint ventures, federations, strategic
alliances, and consortia.

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