MG214 Assignment Final

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SEMESTER 1, 2016

DECLARATION STATEMENT..................................................................................... 3
1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 4
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................... 5
3.0 METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................. 6
4.0 FINDINGS: DISCUSSIONS AND ANALYSIS.......................................................7
4.1 PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM THAT TOOK PLACE..............................................8
4.2 WHEN REFORM STARTED............................................................................8
4.3 WHEN REFORM TOOK PLACE......................................................................8
4.4 WHY FBC NEEDED REFORM AND CURRENT STATUS...................................8
4.5 ACTIVITES FBC ENGAGES IN.....................................................................10
CHANGES.......................................................................................................... 11
ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES.........................................................................11
CONCLUSION....................................................................................................... 14
Recommendation................................................................................................. 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................... 16

We verify that this group project is primarily our own work. If we have used other sources,
we have used them appropriately and provided clear attribution and complete citations to the
resources. We have not borrowed anyone elses words, phrases, or ideas without giving clear
credit to that person. We understand that the penalty of plagiarism includes any or all of the
following: failure of project with no opportunity to revise, failure in the course with
opportunity to retake the course in a later semester, expulsion/termination from the university.
This is to verify that we have checked our work, and it contains no plagiarism.

Hannah Reha Hassan



Shabreen Begum
Rahil Chand
Rahul Narayan


Krishan Raj




The Fiji Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) is one of the most successfully radio and television
broadcaster in Fiji which is located at 69 Gladstone Road, Suva. The organization started its
operations in 1935 with name of ZJV which was their broadcasting station name, where later
on in 1952 they managed to officially open their operations by having the Broadcasting
Commission Bill passed by the Legislative Council (Conduit, 2016). January 1998 marks the
period where Fiji Broadcasting Commission became a state organization as a result of
public sector reform and retitled themselves to Island Network Corporation Limited.
However, year 1999 brought changes to the name again as the new government formed in
June wanted a change of name to Fiji Broadcasting Corporation Limited which is also the
current name used (Conduit, 2016). It is solely owned by the government and has its
shareholders appoint four board members for the organization. It has 6 radio stations which
manoeuvres 2 radio stations in the three main languages which are i-Taukei (Fijian),
Hindustani (Indian) and English. Radio stations it has are 2Day FM & Gold FM (English),
Mirchi FM & Radio Fiji Two (Hindustani) and also Bula FM and Radio Fiji One (iTaukei). The 2 stations Radio Fiji One and Radio Fiji Two are categorized stations
broadcasted for the public service with an agreement among FBC and government. Where the
government can purchase airtime of these two stations to assist with their operations, whereas
the remaining four radio stations are under commercial operations (Conduit, 2016).
Additionally, in the July 2006 a bill was passed by the government to allow Fiji Broadcasting
Corporation to provide public television broadcasting in the country which later resulted to
the launch of FBC TV in November 2011 (, 2011) which is a television service
available free for the public and has TV programmes dedicated towards the problems people
of Fiji face on everyday basis. As the nation-wide broadcaster, FBC TV conveys enormous
communal TV shows and similarly has a great feature of programmes made locally for
instance life story, societal shows and other various sorts of programmes to amuse the general
public (Conduit, 2016). Thus it does not simply enlighten & educated the commonalities,
however it tries to mould youngsters for the upcoming days. Hence this assignment will look
at one of public sector reform that took place at Fiji Broadcasting Corporation and will also
look at what is the current status of the reform, why there was a need, the impact it had on
FBC as well as potential conflicts that arouse with the reform and how they were solved.
Vision of FBC
In the direction of becoming Fiji most leading broadcaster.
Mission of FBC
Educate and amuse through the best radio and TV and become the greatest liable & selfmotivated broadcaster through providing good contents to its viewers and listeners for free.
Values that FBC has
Apprehend their viewers as their interest is the main part for them.

Endeavour successes through growing and presenting their programs.

We are answerable, humble, truthful and accountable towards each other and all
Our motivating powers and accomplishment factors are our specialized and devoted
workforce combined by mutual morals and a strong business culture.



Fiji Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) has been one of the two radio and television media
through its growing popularity in Fiji and the Pacific. It aims to provide free television and
radio package and concentrates on the problems that are encountered by the public in the
nation on a day-to-day basis. This group assignment will look at the organizational reforms
that were implemented by the media industry.
Organisational reform is simply looking at the organizational changes that are or has taken
place within the organization. Some of the organizational reforms for Fiji Broadcasting
Corporation was brought in and implemented because of government intervention. The
reform that this group assignment is looking at is the change of Fiji Broadcasting
commission to Fiji Broadcasting Corporation. Fiji Broadcasting Corporation is now under the
government. Before it was partially commission owned and since the government intervened
it is now fully government owned.
Looking at the employers and employees relationship status of FBC, one can say that today
Fiji Broadcasting Corporation has made massive improvements over the past years. For
instance, with so many new policies being implemented in the organization, such as, open
door policy, and other related policies has now been an important aspect for the employer and
employee relationship. Decision making in the organization can be said to be a collaborative
ideas of the employers and the employees.
Looking at the organizational chart of Fiji broadcasting corporation, FBC has seven (7)
managers with different roles and responsibilities in the company, one of each departments.
These departments and managerial posts are The Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Director
Human Resources, Direct sales and marketing, Manager TV Operations, Manager for
programs, Director News (TV & Radio) and Director Technical Operation Manager. All these
7 managerial posts have different roles and they all deal with employees working under them.
There are also a few downsides of this reform but compared to the benefits it has brought in
for the company since it has become a government owned company, it is certainly true that
Fiji Broadcasting Corporation is one of the two major radio and TV broadcasters in Fiji and
the pacific. The reform itself brought in impacts on the companys organizational structure,
organizational culture and organizational changes. Looking at the organizational structure, it
expended the hierarchy of the organization since the inclusion of FBC TV department. With
that the organizational culture also got affected with the new policies that were implemented
in the company. Organizational change is vital for every organization mainly due to the
changing in technology and also because it is a necessity for organizational growth in future.
Furthermore, looking at the past statistics and financial performance of Fiji Broadcasting
corporation, it can be said that they have improved with the mistakes they were making in the
past in determining/examining the financial performance of the company. According to the

CEO of FBC Mr. Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, he stated that there was a grave mistake of
missing out vital points of FBCs losses in an audit report of 2010 to 2013 regarding the
corporations financial performance (Naleba, 2015).
Fiji Broadcasting Corporation has been there since decades, and it is one of the few
organizations who have shown its rapid growth over the years.
The objective of this research is to show that FBC is now a government owned corporation
since its intervention in year 1998 and it can be said that FBC falls under public sector. Also
renaming of Fiji Broadcasting Corporation over the years has been a factor whereby FBC is
now a successful company in terms of its profitability statistics and services it provides for
the public in Fiji and other pacific island countries. It will also look at the conflicts that were
present in the organization due to this reform and recommend how it was and could be
resolved. The vision and mission of the organization is what is driving the organization to
move forward and it can be projected that FBC is moving in the right direction for its future
growth and productivity.



The information gathered in this group project was carried out by the use of internet websites,
interviews and also from the written materials available on Moodle. Enough information was
gathered for this assignment from interviews rather than written materials. Hence, the
resources and materials used to collect the data for the project are mentioned.
Secondary sources:


Was used to gather information to back up our write-up as well as to answer queries in the
assignment through online resources.
Primary sources:


The Human Resource manager, Iowane Bolai, of Fiji Broadcasting Corporation was
interviewed by the group members.




The Fiji Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) is one of the two radio broadcasters in Fiji. In
January 1998 the Fiji Broadcasting Commission was corporatized under the Government's
public sector reform program and renamed Island Network Corporation Limited.


The change began when FBC had the need to grow their media organization yet there was an
absence of capital to complete this task as result, government intervention occurred to
effectively do this task .In June 1999, the change in the Government likewise prompted
another change in name. Fiji Broadcasting Commission was changed to Fiji Broadcasting
Corporation Limited.


In January 1998


Reforms take place due to some factors that arise within an organization. Similarly reform
took place at Fiji Broadcasting Corporation due to the fact that, when the organization was
partly commission owned they were not able to perform well in the economy and there was
also some loop holes in the previous structure of the organization (Dakunimata, 2006).
Having said that the main reason which made Fiji Broadcasting Corporation become fully
government owned was that the firm had to be at the same level with other media companies
in Fiji and they were not able to be to the same level. Hence this made the organization
decide that if Fiji Broadcasting Corporation wanted to be in line with other media companies
in Fiji and to also improve their efficiency in the economy, they needed to have government
intervention. The Public sector reform took place in January 1998 where Fiji Broadcasting
Corporation became completely government owned under the Public Enterprise Act, the
reform lead to a change of name of the organization from Fiji Broadcasting Commission to
Islands Network Limited, However June of year 1999 had a new government formed which
lead to renaming of the organization again to Fiji Broadcasting Corporation which is still the
name of the organization till today. Thus Fiji broadcasting needed reform and become 100%
government owned to make their organization reach success, as they might have not
accomplished success if they had not reformed. Reform played a vital role for Fiji
Broadcasting Corporation with help government and their staffs to make FBC operate six
radio stations and a free to air television for the people of Fiji and make Fiji Broadcasting
Corporation one of the most successfully media company in Fiji.

Old FBC building source: Anon, (n.d.).

New FBC Building source: Anon, (n.d.).


Fiji Broadcasting Corporation engages in a few activities, one of which includes contracting
out. It means to agree to pay someone outside the organization by contract to perform a job
within a definite period of time. Contracting out is mostly used as a mechanism for reform of
any public sector and Fiji Broadcasting Corporation engaged in contracting out when the
reform from commission to fully government occurred. It was done to enable them to
perform their duty to the best of its ability and achieves company objectives.

Why Fiji Broadcasting Corporation

Contracts Out
1 To get work done

Further Explanation
More work is done because they are able
to observe the things that need to be
accomplished according to the schedule.
It reduces internal cost of hiring, training
and developing staff for both short and
long terms. Therefore it is cheaper for
them to acquire external companies who
are ready for projects.
Contractors have obligation to meet
targets, goals and results which
contractors meet as a part of the terms
and conditions.
FBC defines the scope of work, results,
deliverables, time frame, objectives,
contingencies and costs in the contract.
They have more control on a project
because there is assurance that work
will be fully accomplished by the
contracting out party under the legal
Helps build business partnerships with
contracted company and also linkages
that the contracted company has.
External expertise builds capacity in the
When some activities are contracted out
then Fiji Broadcasting Corporation can
focus on other core business activities
and provide good customer experience.

2 Save money

3 Results Achieved

4 Definition and Certainty

5 More control

6 Business Partnerships

7 Acquire expertise
8 Focus on core business



Fiji Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) has implemented various reforms since its presence.
Many of the reforms had an impact/effect on the managers and workers. Some of the impacts
of these reforms on organizational structure, culture and changes are:

When the government intervened and the reform took place; the first impact was due
to constantly changing of the companys name. It did not have much impact on the
employers and employees. The only impact due to renaming of this company twice
was that they had to deal with the updating and modifying of the previous
organisational forms and papers.

It also did inspire most workers/staff to work beneath the new name of FBC, workers
felt like they were working for an entirely new company as they adapted to the

There was an impact organizational structure; there were more people needed to fill in
managerial position as the media company expends. More employees were required to
fill in the job requirements.

Expansion of this media company (inclusion of FBC TV department) brought in more

workloads for the managers and employees. The present personnel of the radio
department had to share their working area (workspace) with the new staffs of the
television department. This also brought is some conflicts during that time and it was
soon resolved with the new policies that were implemented right after this major

Many workers also got the chance to get training and acquire new skills/technology
and get familiarised with the FBC television department as well as in other

Fiji Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) has encountered a lot of changes over the years
and it is considered to be a growing company in relations to the look and feel of the
enterprise (buildings) and its productivity and profitability measurements.

Fiji Broadcasting Corporation has recognized to be one of the most successful Radio
and Television Media Production Company and therefore, the reforms that took place
so far did not have many downfalls.


The Fiji broadcasting corporation believes in an open door policy this is whereby employees
have freedom to interact with any person with the organization whether it is the manager or
the CEO and also employees can go directly to the management and have a joke session. In
organizations they have a hierarchy to follow for instance, when making a complain there are

channels to follow but an open door policy is where you can go directly and see the managers
for any issue. The open door policies have a major impact on the organization objectives as it
helps employees or staffs to work together as a team makes work easier.
The Fiji broadcasting corporation also has a policy on business practices. The business
practice states that if an employer has the full authority to give out certain awards to their
employees or the stakeholders it should be awarded especially on merit and without
nepotism. The employees have to state a few given interests in writing to the CEO concerning
the business practices for instance no employee should take advantage and make personal
profits other than that endorsed by Fiji broadcasting corporation such as getting commission
from a supplier in return for sponsoring its product. These interests are merely to implement
employee trustworthiness and company confidentiality.
Fiji Broadcasting Corporation also has certain policy on the media contact. Here only
selected employees of the organization are approved to give out media statements and have
media contact regarding the companys operations. False media declaration or statements are
not acceptable at all.
The below diagram shows that the employees are satisfied with the organizational policy as
they are very happy with the organizational policies that are implemented in the organization.



Reforms are dealt with challenges when it takes place. The challenge faced by Fiji
Broadcasting Corporation was that when the organization became fully government owned
changes where being brought to the organization. Hence the current staffs had difficulties in
adjusting to the new system that was coming in. Since there was a change in the organization
structure it was challenging for the workers of FBC to work under a new body. Staffs became
government workers which made changes towards their job descriptions and the benefits
associated with it the job like the number of leave days changed and so on. Everything was
readjusted towards standard government structure and government policies.
To resolve this issue the government tried to provided training and held inductions to make
the staffs become more interested and accept the change being brought forward. Thus with
time the employees became aware of the fact that they had to adjust themselves towards these
changes in order to help FBC accomplish its future goals. Hence FBC was able to accomplish
that through their cooperative staffs and their commitments as they are now working in a
successful television and radio broadcaster company.


The open door policy has generated the freedom to interact with anybody or person with
higher authority within the organization. The change in the overall organization has shaped
the progress of the organization and it keeps on improving as years go by. Through the new
and sleek design of the new refurnished Fiji broadcasting corporation has won a lot of hearts
through years by providing a vast range of TV series programs that people enjoy watching
during day and night plus also people can watch live rugby matches just sitting at their homes
as it is all free nothing to pay for watching. All the news updates if finished by people can be
viewed online as well. Employees are also satisfied with the organizational change, culture
and structure of the organization as they have freedom to interact with their bosses even thou
there is a channel of hierarchy to follow, employees are also given the freedom to engage in
communications with CEOs or the respective managers directly. When employees are happy
with the organizations behaviour they tend to be useful assets in the organization by
completing all assigned tasks and achieving their organizations mission, goals and objectives.


Sharing television programs with other competitors such as Fiji One in Sports, for instance,
Rugby and Soccer coverage. The network coverage of the Fiji Broadcasting Corporation
Television has limitations on some parts of the interior in the city as well as the islands.
Another proposal that could likewise be actualized or enhanced is the Fiji Broadcasting
Corporations social medium in which their site could have a more successful draw on viewers
with current occasions. Case in point, in the exhibition segment, it could have had a more
expert general standpoint.
However, in general, Fiji Broadcasting Corporation is all around sorted out, very much
organized and representatives are given the chance to prepare and take in more abilities in
different fields. Therefore, the expansion in changes has empowered Fiji Broadcasting
Corporation to better than anyone might have expected.


BIBLIOGRAPHY (2011). FBC TV to launch next month. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 11 May 2016].
Anon, (n.d.). [image] Available at:
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Anon, (n.d.). [image] Available at:
[Accessed 12 May 2016]. (n.d.). What is organizational culture? definition and
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Dakunimata, R. (2006). CUTS international. [Online]
Available at:
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"Happy Employees - Google Search". Web. 12 May 2016.
Nabela, M. (2015). FBC Responds to Auditors Report, THE FIJI TIMES [Online]
Available at:


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