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Mara Anglica Idrobo

Grace and the Double Life

Name: Daniela Tupiza

Class: Second Specialization J Physics
Subject: English
Teacher: Lic. Anglica Yaranga
Academic Year: 2010-2012
Book Review
Tittle: Grace and the double life
Autor: Martyn Hobbs

Harriet (Grace's mom)
Tom (Grace's dad)
Stephen (Grace`s teacher)

Graces mum wants her daughter to study hard for her piano exam.
But Grace wants to spend all her free time practicing with her band The garage girls.
How long can she keep her secret from her mum? And what will her mum do if she finds out?

This book is a story about a high school girl. Her name is Grace.
Grace was a very smart and dedicated student; her daily routine was to go to school, go back home. In school she
was the best student of the class very clever and almost a genius.
When she was at home she did not just study the school lessons if not that she was taking piano lessons whit a
particular private teacher and she also was learning ballet.
Meanwhile at school some of her classmates were making a big plan. The plan was to create a pop-rock band.
These girls were practicing everyday at a garage and they had almost everything except for the vocalist, so they
decided to make an open audition. Many girls from their school gave it a try but all of them were so bad that the girls
started to think the band was not going to succeed. The one of the girls of the band aimed at Grace and said why
dont we ask her, she know about music.
Grace? One replied, but shes all in the classical mood and all that stuff, you think its worth it?
Lets see.
They asked Grace and she auditioned, the girls were completely shocked, Grace was not only the vocalist they
were looking for if not that she also knew how to play the guitar, it was amazing. After that the girls started practicing
everyday afterschool and started using the name of The Garage Girls because of the origin the band had. Grace
continued whit her routine but it started getting hard to keep the secret from their parents. The band kept gaining
experience until they decided to audition for a TV talent show.
So the kept practicing until one day Graces mom caught her red handed so she had to tell the truth to her
parents. They argued for a little but they accepted her daughter dreams and supported her. When the audition was
to take place Grace lost her voice because of a sore throat so she was unable to sing, so another girl of the band,
she knew all the lyrics but didnt have a good voice. The band did not pass the audition
But just a couple of days later one friend of the band called Grace and told her: check up on the internet, look for
the Garage Girls She did and found a website whit a video of a school performance the did, it was amazing, the
site was getting over 30 hits a day until a music producer found the website and called the girls to go to London.


Shapes: forms
Weird: strange
Crowd: large group of people
For ages: for a long time
Footage: film
Gig: concert

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