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Centreville ❖ Clifton ❖ Little Rocky Run


JUNE 19-25, 2008 "Time Passages" 25 Cents Newsstand Price Volume XXII, NO. 25

Stone Sayonara,
Principal Class Ocho!
Centreville High
Retires School Seniors
wave goodbye
Ken Gaudreault to their old lives.
worked 36 years
in Fairfax County.
By Janet Weinstein
Centre View

rowds of friends and
By Bonnie Hobbs
family took their seats
Centre View
in the stands of the

GMU Patriot Center at
fter 36 years as an educator
9 a.m. on June 13 with ease and
in Fairfax County Public
excitement. “We travelled all the
Schools — 17 of them at way from
Stone Middle — Principal Ken
Gaudreault is retiring. Effective July
Va. to “Today decides
1, Stone seventh-grade Assistant Prin-
cipal Scott
watch our
niece [Jor-
tomorrow, and
Photo by Louise Krafft/Connection

“I always enjoyed will take
dan Page]
to me, your
coming to work.”
over the
today. She
is going to
tomorrow looks
— Ken Gaudreault, “I’ve al-
ways felt
college at pretty bright.”
principal, Stone I’d retire J a m e s
— Principal Michael
Middle School when the Madison
University Campbell
school is where I, her mother, and her
doing well, and I’m doing that,” said grandmother went, so we’re really
Gaudreault. “And it’s time for me to psyched,” said Allison Graves.
do something different.” Besides, he But, around back, where the
added, that daily commute from his pending graduates await to file in,
home in Fauquier County is “starting Senior Class Board Member Christopher Chorney greets class
members, faculty and special guests to the stage for the start of there was a different atmosphere.
to get more difficult.”
the ceremony. See Centreville, Page 5
See Gaudreault, Page 4

Al-Salahi Receives Five Years for Burglary, Larceny

Judge rejects defendant’s claim of that love me. I have a job waiting for me.”
Wooldridge told Al-Salahi, 22 of Fairfax,
Co-defendant Kosrat “Robert” Nuri, 21 of
Fair Ridge, pleaded guilty to the same two
innocence; sentences him to five years. that he did hear the trial and that the jury’s
verdict and recommended sentence of five
charges and testified against Al-Salahi at his
March trial.
years in prison was appropriate. Fairfax County police officers responded
By Ken Moore years in prison. He then sentenced Al-Salahi to two years to a report of a burglary in progress at a
And Bonnie Hobbs “There was no evidence linking me to the in prison for statutory burglary and three residence in Centre Ridge, according to
The Connection crime,” said Al-Salahi, during his sentenc- years for grand larceny and ordered six search warrants filed by Det. G.G. Broderick
ing hearing before Judge Robert W. months of post-release supervision after his of the Sully District Station, who was one

lthough a jury already convicted him Wooldridge Jr. last Friday, June 13 in Fairfax release. of the officers who responded to the call.
of burglary and grand larceny in County Circuit Court. Intruders gained entry to the house by
March, Ahmed Muslim Al-Salahi “I just hope by hearing the trial … you THE CO-DEFENDANTS and victim were shattering the rear, sliding-glass door with
maintains his innocence. A Fairfax judge will make the best decision,” Al-Salahi said. friends before the event, said defense at- a rock, according to the reports.
rejected his claim and sentenced him to five “I have a family that supports me and people torney Thomas Haddock. See Five Years, Page 12 Centre View South ❖ June 19-25, 2008 ❖ 1
News Atlantic home improvement
• Additions • Painting
• Basement • Siding
• Kitchen • Flooring
• Bathroom • Plumbing
Photos by Louise Krafft/Connection • Deck • Carpentry
• Doors • Windows

VA Class A Contractor
Marcus Hamilton,
Centerville High School
Class of 2002 and currently
a player with the Tampa
Michael Franks Bozek Bay Buccaneers, delivers
receives the 2008 Faculty Taylor Knight gives the the commencement ad-
Award. valedictorian address. dress.

Centreville Grads Say Goodbye

From Page 1 Next, the 21 valedictorians, students with over a
“I woke up this morning wondering, ‘do I remem- 4.0 GPA, were announced and awarded medals by
ber how to tie a tie?’ Then, when I got over that, I the director of student services, Gail Reynolds.
was worried about being late. Now, my biggest fear Taylor Knight gave the valedictorian address. “To-
is tripping during the ceremony,” said Zack Ludwig. day marks the beginning of the marathon race.
Superstitions also arose. “I’m nervous for today Schooling was the training. So, here’s some advice:
because it’s Friday the 13th, so I’m trying not to trip run as a pack, but don’t be afraid to stray away. Keep
on stage!” said Michelle Kelly Ta. your head up.
When the ceremony began, and the 520 blue and You will hit the horizon. Pace yourself. It is our
black-cloaked students started to file into the center, race to run, so I charge you, graduates, and I’ll see
anxiety gradually eased. “It seemed surreal,” said you all at the finish line,” said Knight.
Ashley Kim. Guest speaker of the event, current Tampa Bay
Senior class administrator, Karla Hogan, began the Buccaneer and Centreville High School alumni of
event. “This class has raised over $3 million in schol- 2002, Marcus Hamilton, shared his wisdom with the
arships, grants and rewards to aid their future in class in a step-by-step guideline to following goals
education. We are proud of your success,” said and dreams. “When you write down your dreams,
Hogan. the dreams turn into goals. And when they fall
Principal Michael Campbell expressed pride for the though, go back to the writing board and start again.
class. “Class ocho! Thank you for your outstanding But, hold onto your dreams. Because then one day,
leadership in enabling us to be one of the top 100 you’ll wake up with someone you love, doing what
public high schools in Newsweek magazine this year. you love,” said Hamilton.
Thank you for enabling us to be one of the top 10 The initial anxiety of the event ceased entirely by
model high schools in the state of Virginia. Today the time it came to handing out diplomas. And to
decides tomorrow, and to me, your tomorrow looks the satisfaction of many, administrators were sta-
pretty bright,” said Campbell. tioned next to the stage stairs, so tripping would be
FOLLOWING THE PRINCIPAL’S comments was A strong sense of character became prevalent dur-
the presentation of the faculty award by Ben Nowak ing presentation: Cody Flynn picked Principal
to Westpoint-bound student, Mickey Bozek. “This Campbell off his feet when hugging on stage, Daniel
student has excelled with a 3.9 and with a quiet con- Kim high fived all the administrators on the stage,
fidence. He makes teachers proud to be in educa-
tion,” said Nowak. See 520 Receive Diplomas, Page 12

The Centreville High School Choral Department Megan Mohyla and Allison
sing “America the Beautiful.” Elliot sing “For Good” from
the musical “Wicked.” Centre View South ❖ June 19-25, 2008 ❖ 5
Meade Art Show Showcases Area’s Finest
ifteen years ago, Margaret Station Community Center. Aisles upon The annual show has been running for Photos by Janet Weinstein/The Connection
Meade was teaching art to wives aisles of near professional pieces were on the past 13 years, with a new variety of
of oil field workers in her home display, mostly by children under the age genres and artists each year.
of Venezuela. Today, she contin- of 18, and some being as young as 6.
ues to dedicate her life to guiding art “Meade is a local art icon. The talent she — Janet Weinstein
students, but from Meade’s Art Studio, extracts from her students is always great.
her home in Centreville. On June 7-8, She really takes the best out in each
Meade organized an art show to showcase individual,” said mother Janet Shalestik,
her current students’ work at the Sully whose son, Sam Maney, 14, is a pupil.

Abigal Butterfield, 13, Pastel Art.

Riverbend Middle School. “This
piece is based off an oil art piece I
found in a magazine earlier this
year,” said Butterfield.
Katie Gong, 16, Centreville High
School. Ink art. “I really like de-
tails, and it took a long time,
which is good because I love a
challenge,” said Gong.

Anne Culbertson, 14, Stone Middle

School. Pastel Art. “This piece took
Kristen Anderson, 16, Chantilly about 10 hours to make,” said
High School. Pastel art. “My dad is Culbertson.
in the military and sends me post
cards from wherever he is. This
image is based off a photo from Maura Perlow, 12, Flynn Hill Prep.
Bahrain,” said Anderson. Pastel art. “I like animals and I
wanted to do a landscape, so I did
this painting on otters,” said

Brandon Lawlor, 16, Westfield High

School. Pastel art. “I like to do
portraits, sometimes celebrities,”
said Lawlor. Terra Chapman, 18, Chantilly High
Leila Taweel, 13, Liberty Middle School. Watercolor art. “This is Brittney Fogg. Age 9. Willow
School. Pastel art. “All of my pieces based off a photo my parents took Springs Elementary. Pastel art. “I
are in pastel like this because I when we went to Italy. I loved the go to Maine every year and I al-
love bright colors and I’m best landscape and it was a chance for ways love the birds there, so I
with it,” said Taweel. me to paint more loosely,” said decided to make a painting of
Chapman. them,” said Fogg.

Josh Cudd, 31, Ritz Camera at

Dulles Mall. Charcoal art. “This
was my first charcoal piece. My
cousin had just had a newborn as
she was first being diagnosed with
Sara Chaparro, 17, Oakton High breast cancer. I wanted to make it While chatting, Maragert Meade
School. Black and White Art. “My to remind her how beautiful she Admiring the piece, Charles Snyder tells mother Kim Lawlor about her
favorite medium is black and white was and that she was still that bends to get a better look. “I am a weekly classes at her home and
because I like working with de- person, despite what the chemo- photographer and wanted to see her passion for art. “My father was
tails. I wanted to work on someone therapy did to her,” said Cudd. how others presented their art so I French, so I grew up in a very
with wrinkles, so I chose Dennis decided to take a look. It’s really European environment. It influ-
Leary, the actor,” said Chaparro. great!” said Snyder. ences my work,” said Meade. Centre View South ❖ June 19-25, 2008 ❖ 7

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