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1. Complete works of Swami Vivekananda 2. Autobiography of a yogi 3.

Jonathan livingston seagull 4. The Prophet 5. Bhagwad Gita 6. Variety of

Spiritual experiences - William James 7. Many lives Many Masters - Richard
Bach 8. The road less travelled - Scott Peck 9. As a man thinketh 10. Journey
of the Soul 11. Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson 12. Aesop's fables 13. Sufism
14. King James version of the Bible 15. Koran 16. Old and New testaments
17. Upanishads in English 18. Vedas explained 19. Joseph Campell's lectures
20. O Henry's short stories
1. Complete works of Swami Vivekananda 2. Autobiography of a yogi 3.
Jonathan livingston seagull 4. The Prophet 5. Bhagwad Gita 6. Variety of
Spiritual experiences - William James 7. Many lives Many Masters - Richard
Bach 8. The road less travelled - Scott Peck 9. As a man thinketh 10. Journey
of the Soul 11. Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson 12. Aesop's fables 13. Sufism
14. King James version of the Bible 15. Koran 16. Old and New testaments
17. Upanishads in English 18. Vedas explained 19. Joseph Campell's lectures
20. O Henry's short stories

1. Complete works of Swami Vivekananda 2. Autobiography of a yogi 3. Jonathan

livingston seagull 4. The Prophet 5. Bhagwad Gita 6. Variety of Spiritual experiences
- William James 7. Many lives Many Masters - Richard Bach 8. The road less
travelled - Scott Peck 9. As a man thinketh 10. Journey of the Soul 11. Essays of
Ralph Waldo Emerson 12. Aesop's fables 13. Sufism 14. King James version of the
Bible 15. Koran 16. Old and New testaments 17. Upanishads in English 18. Vedas
explained 19. Joseph Campell's lectures 20. O Henry's short stories
1. Complete works of Swami Vivekananda 2. Autobiography of a yogi 3.
Jonathan livingston seagull 4. The Prophet 5. Bhagwad Gita 6. Variety of
Spiritual experiences - William James 7. Many lives Many Masters - Richard
Bach 8. The road less travelled - Scott Peck 9. As a man thinketh 10.
Journey of the Soul 11. Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson 12. Aesop's fables
13. Sufism 14. King James version of the Bible 15. Koran 16. Old and New
testaments 17. Upanishads in English 18. Vedas explained 19. Joseph
Campell's lectures 20. O Henry's short stories

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