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Possible solutions:

Petty theft

1. To sep up drastic lows

Most of the time when a thief steals something, this person is realised
a copule of hours later. The reason? The value of the stolen object is
lower than the mnimum salary vital, so the robber donthave to go to
prison. We totally disagree with these inefficient lows that we have in
our country. Take, for example, everyday in the news we listen to
several cases about petty theft. Specially, people whose cellphones
have been stolen on the Street by robbers. One of the solutions to
reduce Petty theft is to set up drastic lows wich take thieves behind
bars no matter what is the Price of the stolen object. The robber will
think two times before he steals something.
2. To Rise children teaching them good behaviors
As far as I concern, values begin at home and those are very
important for children who represent the future. Several cases about
children who had had a childhood with a lot of problems, they became
famous robbers at the end hurting innocent people. For instance, In
hause when a child gets 0.20 cents from his moms purse, parents
think that it doesnt matter and that is such an inoffensive activity,
but the truth of the matter is that parents are raising a robber in
potencial. For this reason, another solution to reduce petty theft is
that Parents have to raise awareness their children about delinquency
and how it affects the society.

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