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August 14, 2016

Mr. Lester Glenn Serrano
Anchor Bay Gastropub
Dear Mr. Serrano,
We appreciate the opportunity you have given us to be able to
discuss with you the nature of your business, its history and the
current setup for daily operations. We, as a team, will be able to
have a basis for understanding the current status of your business and
look into possible areas and think of ways wherein we can provide
assistance. The insights and ideas youve shared with us served as a
lead to where this engagement should start and where it should head
to. We are very certain that, through our combined efforts and ideas,
this engagement will provide positive results to your business.
We understand that you are looking for different ways to boost
the performance of your business, as is it is emphasized within our
conversation that it is currently underperforming compared to its
competitors. Thus, it is agreed between parties that the different
factors affecting the performance of the company will be considered
and studied accordingly. Currently implemented marketing strategies
include the use of special promos, social media and word-of-mouth
marketing. Aside from the marketing strategy, other factors will also
be considered in the process to help in developing the appropriate
recommendation for the engagement.
Our ample knowledge relating to accounting, marketing and
management will enable us to fulfill our duty and obligation of
providing assistance to your business. Previous experiences in dealing
with case studies that are related to strategic management will also
help us in establishing ideas, and pondering on possible solutions and
alternatives in case of setbacks within the process.
The engagement is estimated to last for 8 weeks, which is subject
to change upon the occurrence of new concerns and specific requests
for set of actions coming from your side or changes with the agreed
output of the engagement. It is expected that within the period of 8
weeks, there will be regular meetings which will be held for the
purpose of giving updates as to the status of the engagement and to
discuss other matters as they arise.
Our suggestion for the approach in addressing the concern of the
business will be divided into five (5) phases:
Phase I.

Conduct a survey and analyze financial records of the

Phase II.
Correlate the result of the survey and findings on the
financial records of the
Phase III. Develop a list of possible recommendations and alternatives
in solving the problem
Phase IV. Assist in selecting the appropriate solution to the problem.
Phase V. Follow-up meeting and assessment
We believe that with this approach we will be able to achieve our
goal of providing assistance for the benefit of your business. This
approach will enable our team to thoroughly study the current status
of your business and integrate other possible factors that affect the
effectiveness of your marketing strategy and operation.
With this kind of engagement we normally impose a P 30 000.00 fee
plus actual travel expenses, but we are willing to give it to you with
10% discount excluding the expenses. The fee should be payable 50%
upfront and 50% upon the accomplishment of the engagement. It is
assured that we will commit as much time necessary to fulfill our
objectives within the given time-frame.
Let us know if weve missed anything from our discussion. Please
dont hesitate to call us any time on our office number +63 927 452
0556 or just leave a message, whatever is more convenient for you.
Gonzales & Co.

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