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Thank You Letter

After Interview
(Learn how to send a thank you letter
after your interview)

Thank You Letter

After An

I think youll agree

with me when I say
that your job is only
half done once you
smashed that
interview. Thank you
letter is the other
remaining challenge

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First things first,

let me introduce

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Lets continue

Lets break it down

and let me show you
how an amazing
thank you letter
can be.

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my method is so amazing
that you will have a 100%
success rate to impress the
hiring managers if you put
in the time and effort

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!
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Good Read on

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!
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before I get there

however, would you
like me to mention
a bunch of no-nos?

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!
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Here they are;

Send that thank you letter as soon as you can.
You don't want to look like you have got better
things to do.
Make it specific. Make them feel that you wrote
that letter for them

Enough about you. You have already talked

about yourself, skillsets, experience. This is no
longer the time for it.

Ok, lets get to the good bits

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have you noticed a

common thread in your
application process so

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Let me tell you what that is;

Its you who is getting something from them

Its you who asks and them who gives.

Its you who wants the job.
Its you who needs this role.

its supposed to be a relationship. Like a

first date. It wouldnt be fun if your date is
the one who constantly asks for things,
would it?

Its about value exchange. So far in the

application process, what have you given
the interviewer that added value to his
life? Are they a better person now after
having met you? Did you open their eyes
to something? Did they know one more
thing now, having met you?

Yes, maybe they need a new team player

in their organization, but they dont need
someone who takes as much as gives.
These are all subconscious messages.

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so, this is what I


Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

I suggest you leverage 3 of the 6 influence

triggers from Robert Cialdini. In simple
terms, he says in order to get YES you
need: reciprocity, social proof,
commitment and consistency, liking,
authority, and scarcity.

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lets dive deep into


Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Reciprocity is when you give something to

someone for free, especially if its of high
value, then they want to reciprocate. They
feel like they want to do something back
for you. In simple terms, you add value to
that hiring managers life with - be it a
research paper, an event attendance,
gifting a book through Amazon, whatever
it is, and they feel like they need to

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this is a subconscious
process They dont go
about Jane gave me this
event attendance so let me
hire her No! But
subconsciously, they like
you now

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Now, you need to do

a bit of research to
establish reciprocity;
You need to go to
your best friend;
Google and research
a potential ethical
bribe that will add
value to the hiring
managers life.

You need to spend a lot of time

finding the ultimate ethical bribe
that is worthy enough to share.
What good is it going to give you
if you send out a link to a crappy
article? Its going to hurt your
chances more than it will help.

A couple of tips for your research;

Make sure its a reputable source. I suggest you can look for
articles from PwC, other big four, or major consulting companies.
Pretty much all consulting firms have thought leadership articles
in a particular topic. These articles are, to start with free, and
incredibly valuable. I know I have taken part in developing a
couple of thought leadership pieces with PwC and you cant
imagine the resources we commit to delivering these documents
for public use. They are immense
While searching, write the company name + topic + pdf. Most of
those thought leadership pieces are in pdf format. It will help you
generate more quality results very quickly.

Once you finish your initial research, I

need you to create something similar to
below and fill it out with at least 10

Once you finish your list, start

If I am on the receiving end of this content,
will it make me better educated, more
informed, more intellectual, smarter, or will
it yield more opportunities?

If you can answer Yes to any of these

questions, then you are on the right track.

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the next bit is the

easiest one
Craft that good ol thank
you letter

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Here is a good example you can use;

Hi Joe, (I prefer Hi, but you can use Dear if you wish to)
Thank you very much for your time to interview me today. I highly appreciate the opportunity to learn more about [the

I am definitely excited and looking forward to learning from the best while delivering to the best of my abilities. [its
always good to pamper their ego a bit]. This opportunity is exactly what I have been looking for; a fast-paced
multinational environment with highly intellectual [consultants]. Frankly, I have been day-dreaming about working for
[PwC] for quite some time. I hope I was able to show my enthusiasm and skillsets in the interview as well. [Dont try to
be cool. Be enthusiastic and show it. Who knows, maybe he is about to sign your 6 figure offer]
Once again, thank you for considering me for this wonderful opportunity. I am confident I will be very successful with
your leadership.
Having said that, I took the initiative to research more about [Ethical Bribe] and thought to share with you [The content].
I have gone through it and found it really informative when it comes to [This. Talk a bit more about that content here and
tell them why its great]. ***You may please find attached [the EB]
I am looking forward to hearing from you.


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dont copy the words

between [brackets]. That
would probably be the
end of your career with
that firm

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

Do you want to get a job with a multinational company? Then, join my exclusive 3-day FREE training!
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I have 1 more
awesomeness for
you today!

Deniz Sasal
PwC Consulting Manager

If you want to take your career to the next

level and find jobs with multinationals,
then you should definitely join my
advanced 3-day training program called
Landing Interviews Guaranteed .
O h , i t s f r e e !


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