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Image and Text
Elaine Fantham
Helene Pee t Fole y
Natalie Boyme l Kampen
Sarah B . Pomeroy
H. A . Shapiro

New Yor k Oxfor d


We dedicate our book to those scholars who have

played an important role in our lives and careers
and offer them our thanks. Elaine Fantham's
dedication i s to Lily Ross Taylor, Helene Foley' s
to Helen Bacon, Natalie Kampen's to the memory of
Raissa Calza, Sarah Pomeroy's to Barbara M
Levick and Alan Shapiro's to Erika Simon.
Oxford Universit y Pres s
Oxford Ne w York
Athens Aucklan d Bangko k Bomba y
Calcutta Cap e Town Dare s Salaam Delh i
Florence Hon g Kong Istanbu l Karach i
Kuala Lumpur Madra s Madri d Melbourn e
Mexico City Nairob i Pari s Singapor e
Taipei Toky o Toront o
and associated companies i n
Berlin Ibada n

Copyright 1994 b y Elaine Fantham, Helene Peet Foley ,

Natalie Boyme l Kampen , Sarah B. Pomeroy, and H.A . Shapiro
First published in 199 4 by Oxford Universit y Press, Inc.
198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016-4314
First issued as an Oxford Universit y Press paperback, 199 5
Oxford i s a registered trademar k of Oxford Universit y Press
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced ,
stored i n a retrieval system, or transmitted, i n any form or by any means ,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording , o r otherwise ,
without the prior permission o f Oxford University Press.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Women in the classical world : image and text /
Elaine Fantham... et al.
p. cm .
Includes bibliographical reference s and index.
ISBN 978-0-19-506727-9; 978-0-19-509862-4 (pbk.)
1. WomenHistoryT o 500Sources.
2. WomenGreeceHistorySources .
3. WomenRomeHistorySources .
I. Fantham , Elaine.
HQ1127.W652 199 4 305.4'09dc2 0 92-4728 4

15 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20

Printed in the Unite d States of America


For permission t o reprint copyrighte d material , gratefu l acknowledgmen t

is made t o the followin g sources :
Bantam Books: From Th e Aeneid o f Virgil by Allen Mandelbaum . Trans lation copyright 197 1 by Allen Mandelbaum .
Cambridge University Press : From Th e Hellenistic Ag e from th e Battle o f
Ipsos t o th e Death o f Kleopatra VI I (1985) , edite d an d translate d b y
Stanley Burstein . Fro m Theocritus, vol . 1 (1965) , translate d b y A . S . F.
Gow. Fro m Herodas: The Mimes an d Fragments (1966) , edited by Walte r
Headlam an d A . D . Knox . Fro m Herophilus: Th e Ar t o f Medicine i n
Early Alexandria (1989) , edite d an d translate d b y Heinrich vo n Staden .
Cornell Universit y Press : Fro m Galen: O n th e Usefulness o f th e Parts of
the Body, vol . 2 , translate d fro m th e Gree k wit h a n introductio n an d
commentary b y Margaret Tallmadg e May . Copyrigh t 196 8 by Cornel l
Gerald Duckwort h an d Co. : Fro m Women's Life i n Greece an d Rome
(1982) b y M. R. Lefkowitz and M . B. Fant. Publishe d in the Unite d States
by Johns Hopkin s University Press .
HarperCollins Publishers : Fro m Th e Odyssey o f Homer, translate d b y
Richmond Lattimore . Copyrigh t 1965 , 196 7 by Richmond Lattimore .
Harvard Universit y Pres s an d th e Loe b Classica l Library : Fro m Xenophon, vol . 7 (1968) , translate d b y G . W . Bowersock . Fro m Athenaeus,
vol. 6 (1917 , 1955) , translate d b y C . B . Gulick. Fro m Select Papyri, vol .
1 (1932, 1970), vol. 2 (1934, 1963), translated by A. S. Hunt, and vol. 3
(1941, 1970) , translate d b y D . L . Page . Fro m Hippocrates, vol . 1 (1923,
1972), vol . 4 (1931 , 1967) , translate d b y W . H . S . Jones. Fro m Lysias
(1930, 1960) , translate d b y W . R . M . Lamb . From Aristotle: Generation
of Animals, vol . 1 3 (1942 , 1979) , translate d b y A . L . Peck . Fro m Plutarch's Lives, vol . 1 (1914, 1967), vol. 3 (1916 , 1967), vol. 9 (1920 , 1968),
translated b y B. Perrin.
Indiana Universit y Press : Fro m Th e Poems o f Propertius (1963) , trans lated b y Constance Carrier .
Johns Hopkin s University Press : Fro m Women's Life in Greece and Rome
(1982) b y M . R . Lefkowit z and M . B . Fant. Fro m Callimachus: Hymns,


Epigrams, Selected Fragments (1988) , translate d b y Stanle y Lombard o

and Dian e Rayor . Fro m Th e Poems o f Catullus (1990) , translate d b y
Charles Martin . Fro m Soranus' Gynecology (1956) , translated b y Owse i
Macmillan Publishin g Company: Fro m Th e Poems of Propertius, trans lated b y Joh n Warden . Copyrigh t 197 2 b y Macmilla n Publishin g
Penguin Books: From The Erotic Poems by Ovid (Pengui n Classics 1982),
translated b y Peter Green. Copyrigh t Peter Green, 1982 . From Th e Republic b y Plat o (Pengui n Classics , secon d revise d editio n 1987) , trans lated b y Desmon d Lee . Copyright H. D . P . Lee, 1953, 1974 , 1987. From
The Rise an d Fall o f th e Roman Empire b y Polybiu s (Pengui n Classic s
1979), translate d b y Ia n Scott-Kilvert . Copyrigh t Ia n Scott-Kilvert ,
1979. Fro m Th e Politics by Aristotle (Pengui n Classics 1962 , revised edi tion 1981) , translate d b y T . A . Sinclair , revise d b y Trevor J . Saunders .
1962 translation copyright the Estat e of T. A. Sinclair. Revise d transla tion copyrigh t Trevo r J . Saunders , 1981 . Fro m Th e Early History o f
Rome b y Liv y (Pengui n Classics 1960) , translate d b y Aubre y d e Selin court. Copyrigh t th e Estat e o f Aubre y de Selincourt . Fro m Plutarch
on Sparta (Pengui n Classic s 1988) , translate d b y Richar d J. A . Talbert.
Copyright Richard]. A . Talbert, 1988 .
Princeton Universit y Press : Fro m Th e Complete Work s o f Aristotl e
(1984), edited by Jonathan Barnes .
Ennis Rees : Fro m Th e Iliad o f Homer, translate d b y Enni s Rees . Copy right 1963 , 199 1 by Enni s Rees.
Routledge: Fro m Games o f Venus (1991) , translate d b y P . Bin g an d
R. Cohen .
Scholars Press : From Greek Historical Documents: Th e Hellenistic Period
(1981), translate d b y Roger S. Bagnall and Pete r Derow .
Southern Illinoi s Universit y Press : Fro m Th e Woma n an d th e Lyre:
Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome (1989) , translated b y Jane
Mclntosh Snyder .
University o f Californi a Press : Fro m Sappho's Lyre: Archaic Lyric an d
Women Poet s o f Ancient Greece, translated b y Dian e Rayor . Copyrigh t
199 1 by Dian e Rayor.
University o f Chicago Press : Fro m Greek Lyrics, translated b y Richmon d
Lattimore. Copyrigh t 1949 , 1960 by the Universit y of Chicago .
University o f North Carolina Press : From The Poems of Theocritus, trans lated an d edite d b y Ann a Rist . Copyrigh t Th e Universit y o f Nort h
Carolina Press , 1978 .
University o f Oklahoma Press : Fro m Th e Poems ofHesiod, translate d b y
R. M . Frazer. Copyrigh t 198 3 by the Universit y of Oklahoma Press .


The purpos e o f thi s boo k i s t o gathe r th e mos t importan t primar y

sources, bot h writte n an d visual , for the live s of ancient women , an d t o
present the m withi n thei r historica l an d cultura l context . Thi s i s th e
first sourcebook organize d i n a chronological framewor k tha t allow s th e
changing roles of women t o unfol d i n thei r proper historical sequence. I t
is als o th e firs t sourceboo k i n classica l studie s t o giv e equa l weigh t t o
artistic representation s an d to written texts , an d not t o use photograph s
as mer e illustration s o f what i s alread y know n fro m th e writte n texts .
This boo k i s no t intende d t o serv e a s a comprehensiv e introductio n t o
the subjec t o f women i n classica l antiquity , bu t shoul d b e use d i n con junction with a social histor y tex t such as Sarah B. Pomeroy's Goddesses,
Whores, Wives , an d Slaves: Women i n Classical Antiquity (Ne w York,
The arrangemen t of the boo k is both diachronic and synchronic . W e
have organize d th e chapter s t o provid e a sens e o f th e developmen t o f
ancient societie s an d th e changin g socia l condition s tha t relat e t o th e
roles, status , an d image s of women. Th e chapters follo w the usua l chro nological division s of ancient histor y (se e th e introduction s t o "Wome n
in th e Gree k World " an d "Wome n i n th e Roma n World") . Althoug h
much interestin g work is now bein g done o n religio n an d societ y i n th e
Minoan-Mycenaean Ag e (ca . 1500-120 0 B.C.E.) , w e have decided to begin
with th e historica l period i n Greece, in th e lat e eighth century B.C.E. , th e
first period fo r which both writte n text s and archaeologica l evidence ar e
available. Similarly , we hav e chose n t o en d wit h th e late r Roma n Empire an d no t t o dea l wit h th e Earl y Christia n period , whe n man y ne w
issues relatin g to th e rol e of women arose .
The excursuses ar e devised t o present specia l o r "deviant " aspect s of
women i n the ancien t world : for example, th e "deviant " aspects o f Spartan women , Amazons , an d Etruscans , products o f male fear an d fantas y
and distorte d perception s o f "th e other; " th e changin g views o f the fe male body presente d i n male-authore d gynecological treatises ; th e "ne w
woman" represente d b y the lov e poetry o f the lat e Republi c and Augus tan Age , emancipate d an d outsid e respectabl e society ; an d upper - an d
lower-class life i n Pompeii , everyday an d ordinary, but uniqu e in histori cal preservation .
Bits of information about wome n ar e scattere d throughou t th e frag -



mented mosai c o f ancien t history . Ou r intentio n wa s no t t o includ e a

welter o f unrelated, fragmentar y source s i n eac h chapte r an d excursus ,
but rathe r t o highligh t particula r themes suc h a s women' s creativity ,
sexuality, an d experienc e i n marriage , and t o select documents and images relevan t t o thes e themes . W e thought i t importan t t o includ e suc h
famous wome n a s Aspasia , Cleopatra VII , and Lucretia , who hav e captured th e imagination s of later audiences , bu t w e hav e decline d t o dis cuss goddesse s an d purel y mythica l females , excep t insofa r a s morta l
women wer e involve d i n thei r cult s o r wer e affecte d b y thei r imagery .
We have als o endeavored to discus s contradictions generated b y the pre sentation o f materia l fro m differen t genre s tha t wer e produce d ove r a
thousand-year period , an d th e historiographi c and methodologica l prob lems tha t th e variou s pieces o f evidenc e pose . W e hav e trie d t o creat e
an independen t narrativ e in whic h th e text s ar e allowe d t o spea k fo r
themselves, bu t withi n a settin g tha t guide s th e reade r an d frame s th e
most importan t issues .
The book was written in a collaborative mode; we thought tha t thi s
was th e bes t wa y t o approac h th e differen t type s o f evidence relatin g t o
women i n antiquity . Th e first draft o f each chapte r i n th e Gree k section
was writte n b y a t leas t tw o o f th e authors . Th e othe r author s com mented o n eac h draf t o f th e entir e manuscript . I n som e cases , a thir d
author too k responsibilit y fo r writing a subsequen t draft . Ala n Shapiro ,
Sarah B . Pomeroy, an d Helen e P. Foley were the principa l authors o f th e
chapters and excursuse s on Greek women; Natalie B. Kampen and Elaine
Fantham were responsibl e fo r most o f the Roma n material.
Historically, thi s boo k evolve d fro m a muc h large r collaborative effort. Fou r o f th e fiv e author s directe d o r participate d i n th e Nationa l
Endowment fo r the Humanitie s Summer Institute on "Wome n i n Classi cal Antiquity " a t Hunte r Colleg e i n 1983 . Togethe r wit h othe r partici pants, w e wrot e "Wome n i n Classica l Antiquity: Four Curricular Modules." W e distributed mor e tha n tw o thousan d copie s o f that pamphle t
to scholar s an d teacher s i n Nort h America , Australia , an d Europ e wh o
requested it . This document was , in large part, th e basis for the organiza tion an d conten t o f the presen t book , an d th e boo k respond s t o a nee d
expressed b y many reader s of the modules . W e would lik e t o than k th e
participants i n th e institut e an d th e reader s o f the curriculu m module s
for thei r help .
We ar e gratefu l t o Davi d Castriota an d Barbar a McManu s for their
comments o n th e manuscript , t o Lesle y Dean-Jone s for writin g th e ex cursus on Greek medicine, an d t o Larissa Bonfante for writing th e excur sus on Etrusca n women.
We than k ou r editor s a t Oxfor d Universit y Press , Rache l Too r wh o
initiated th e project , Angel a Blackburn and Robert Dilworth who kindl y
saw i t t o completion , an d Susa n Hannan , whos e hel p throughou t wa s
invaluable; Hedda Garza di d the inde x in good tim e and with admirabl e


We ar e als o gratefu l t o Ingri d Mua n of th e Departmen t o f Ar t History an d Archaeolog y a t Columbi a University , who checke d reference s
and credit s wit h a patienc e an d endurin g goo d humo r tha t boggle s th e
mind; she als o provide d some o f the photography .
To ou r ki n an d friends , a s always , w e ow e ou r thanks , an d t o on e
another fo r being wonderful t o wor k with . W e dedicate thi s boo k t o th e
fine women wh o pioneere d i n th e fields of ancient history , classics , ar t
history, an d archaeolog y withou t who m ou r work, and our participation
in thes e fields, would b e unlikely a t best !
New York E
Princeton H
January 1993 N

. F.
. P . F.
. B . K.

S. B . P .
H. A . S .

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by Lesle y Dean-Jones , 183




by Lariss a Bonfante , 24 3
CENTURY B.C.E. , 26 0

xii Content

INDEX, 41 1




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Mnesarete, daughte r o f Socrates.

This woman lef t a husband an d siblings, an d grief t o her mother ,
and a child and an ageless renown for great virtue (arete).
Here the chambe r o f Persephone hold s Mnesarete ,
who has arrived a t th e goa l o f all virtu e (arete).
Inscriptiones Graecae Will2
Ed. J. Kirchner , 1916-193 5 (Berlin ) = W . Peek,
Griechische Vers-Inschriften 196 2 (Berlin, 1955 )

This epigra m celebrate s th e lif e o f a n earl y fourth-centur y

B.C.E. Athenia n woman , Mnesarete , wh o ha s live d u p t o th e
promise of her name, which means "remembering (nines-) virtue
or excellence (arete)." The poem balances the sorrow that she
has lef t t o he r husband , sibling s (th e word adelphoi, whic h ordinarily mean s brothers, include s sisters i n som e cases), an d abov e
all t o he r mothe r agains t he r imperishabl e reputatio n fo r grea t
virtue. I n th e presenc e o f th e goddes s o f th e underworl d Perse phone, Mnesaret e wil l continu e t o receiv e divin e hono r i n th e
world o f death . Th e marbl e grav e stel e o n whic h thi s epigra m
appears (Fig . 1 ) show s th e dea d Mnesaret e seate d o n th e right ,
her hea d bowe d i n mournin g an d he r lef t ar m wrappe d i n he r
mantle. O n th e lef t sh e i s observed b y a standing (an d probably
still living ) youn g woma n dresse d i n a thi n chito n wit h lon g
sleeves. Th e identit y o f this secon d woma n i s uncertain; variou s
scholars hav e suggeste d tha t sh e is the daughter , younger sister ,
or less probabl y th e slav e of Mnesarete, wh o apparentl y contem plates an d absorb s thi s exampl e o f deathles s womanl y achieve ment. Bot h the poe m an d th e physica l beaut y o f the monument ,
with it s graceful curve d and vertical line s an d its moving composition, ai m t o creat e a permanent testimony t o th e excellenc e of
a woman who still link s her natal an d marital family i n grief and
This stel e i s one o f th e bes t preserve d o f its type : man y ar e
fragmentary, inscription s los t o r obliterated. I t preserves not onl y
the ful l epigram , bu t als o tw o name s neatl y carve d o n a ledg e
above th e epigram , tha t o f Mnesaret e hersel f an d o f he r father ,


Figure 1 . Marbl e stel e o f Mnesarete . Attic (Earl y 4t h centur y B.C.E.).

Socrates. Th e us e of the patronymic , lon g after Mnesarete' s marriage and th e deat h o f her father (h e i s not mentione d a s alive i n
the epigram) , suggests tha t a woma n wa s though t t o belon g t o
her natal family, an d especially to her father, throughout he r life .

Women in the Greek World

Socrates wa s a common nam e in Athens (Mnesarete' s father mus t
have bee n a clos e contemporar y o f the famou s philosopher) , an d
this ma n i s no t know n fro m othe r sources , bu t sometime s suc h
inscriptions hel p u s t o reconstruc t th e famil y tre e o f a woma n
who woul d otherwis e b e unknown t o us . Thi s wa s obviousl y a n
affluent family , judgin g fro m th e larg e siz e o f th e monumen t
(about fiv e fee t i n height ) an d th e hig h qualit y o f th e carving .
The stel e i s said t o hav e bee n foun d i n th e Atti c countryside , i n
an are a wher e several prominent Athenia n families are known t o
have owned property . Suc h rural cemeteries have yielded some of
the mos t impressiv e archai c an d classica l grav e monuments (se e
Chapter 1) .
Although thi s boo k aim s t o brin g togethe r visual , written ,
and archaeologica l evidenc e fo r the live s of ancient women , his tory rarel y provide s us , a s in thi s case, wit h al l thre e i n conjunction. Normall y w e ar e lef t wit h even les s substantia l fragments ,
mute unname d image s withou t precis e historica l provenance ,
tantalizing passing references in works that d o not mak e the live s
and concern s o f wome n thei r centra l are a o f investigation , o r
named wome n wh o pla y a role i n th e imaginar y creations o f artists and poets that ma y bear only a n oblique or distorted relatio n
to the live s of actual wome n i n Archaic , Classical, o r Hellenisti c
Greece. Eve n a relativel y undamage d grav e monumen t suc h a s
this on e ma y b e deceptiv e an d leav e u s wit h difficul t question s
that g o fa r beyon d th e identit y o f th e standin g woma n an d he r
function o n the monument .
To rea d i t properl y w e woul d nee d t o know , fo r example ,
what virtue s brought a woman renown in Classical Athens. Paradoxically, ou r othe r source s sugges t tha t th e virtue s fo r whic h
Mnesarete receive s eterna l publi c recognitio n i n deat h woul d i n
life hav e bee n know n only t o he r famil y an d probabl y t o som e
women friends , an d tha t he r nam e would no t hav e been publicl y
announced whil e she was alive . Ideally , every man i n th e Classical perio d spen t hi s lif e aimin g t o establis h a permanen t honor able reputatio n fo r himsel f an d hi s city . Bu t hi s relativel y se cluded wif e avoide d a publi c reputatio n an d turne d he r energie s
above al l t o familia l concerns , t o producin g children an d t o caring fo r he r household . Ye t th e sam e monument , i f it wer e date d
to another tim e or place in the Greek world, might hint at greater
public recognitio n o f a livin g wife's virtues . W e know tha t a gir l
who die d a virgi n was ofte n sai d t o becom e a symboli c "brid e of
Hades," lord o f the underworld , an d thus t o acquir e in death th e
marriage tha t woul d hav e give n ful l meanin g t o he r life . I t i s
more difficul t t o interpre t Persephone' s welcomin g receptio n o f
the virtuous , marrie d mothe r Mnesarete . Wa s Mnesaret e t o b e
recognized fo r her excellence b y Persephone, wh o i n one myt h a t
least, wa s said t o hav e sent th e nobl e quee n Alcesti s bac k to th e


upperworld i n admiratio n fo r he r courag e i n dyin g fo r he r hus band? Or was she, perhaps , guaranteed this reception throug h he r
initiation int o the Eleusinia n Mysteries, which promise d the ini tiate a bette r lif e i n th e worl d below ? The grie f tha t Mnesaret e
bequeathes to her mother in particular reflects the generic sorrow
felt b y parents who live to mourn a child an d perhaps in addition
the special role that Gree k women had in mourning the dead .
Women were often represented on grave monuments with th e
child (abov e all, th e mal e childhere th e wor d teknon doe s no t
allow us to specify th e child' s sex) wh o signified a fulfilled life ; if
the youn g woma n o n thi s monument , however , i s no t Mnesar ete's daughte r o r siste r o r a femal e slave , w e hav e n o wa y o f
knowing why she is there. Perhap s the famil y chos e a ready-made
design tha t doe s no t accuratel y reflec t thi s particula r woman' s
case (th e scheme of seated woman and standing attendant occur s
often o n gravestones [see Fig. 3.1], and this particular design reappears elsewhere). Nevertheless , i t seem s possible tha t imag e an d
epigram were designed to complement eac h other, an d that Mnesarete i s indeed mean t to serve as a model for a younger, unmar ried woma n (suc h a s a siste r o r daughter ) wh o ha s no t ye t
reached th e goa l of a woman's life .
The monument suggests how visual and written evidenc e ca n
reinforce eac h othe r (i f w e ha d foun d th e offering s an d grav e
goods i n he r tomb , or , a s i s les s likely , th e physica l remain s o f
Mnesarete herself , ye t anothe r piec e coul d hav e bee n adde d t o
the puzzle ) an d how carefully w e must use our nevertheless frag mentary knowledg e fro m othe r source s t o interpre t it s possibl e
meaning. By contextualizing as much as possible the visual, physical, an d writte n evidenc e fo r wome n i n th e Gree k world fro m
the eight h throug h th e firs t centurie s B.C.E. , an d b y considerin g
what problem s and questions our sources present, w e aim to provide the groundwor k for a study of women in this period. W e are
concerned a s much with th e poet's , pros e writer's, o r artist's image of women as with reconstructing "reality, " and we have tried
to present our material in the contex t of a narrative that stresse s
what we believe are the issues concerning women that are central
to each of three shorter periods within thi s larger time-span.
In Chapter 1 (the Archaic period, late eighth-early fifth centuries B.C.E.), for example, we have little more than poetry, sculpture, an d vas e painting scattered ove r th e whol e Gree k world t o
examine. Hence we chose to emphasize what sources throughout
the Gree k world aime d t o prais e o r blame in al l women , an d t o
examine ho w these text s an d monument s represented th e majo r
phases of a generic (an d above all aristocratic ) woman' s passag e
through life. Al l the Gree k excurses (Chapter s 2, 4, and 6) presen t
material fro m al l thre e o f our historica l periods . Chapte r 2 uses
evidence that begins in the Archaic period in order to offer a more

Women in the Greek World

detailed pictur e o f women i n th e changin g context o f a particular, importan t Greek city-state, Sparta, which differs considerably
from ou r nex t focus o f concern, Classica l Athens.
In th e Classica l perio d (earl y fifth-lat e fourt h centurie s
B.C.E.) w e hav e concentrated o n Athens , i n larg e part becaus e i t
is the city-stat e abou t whic h we know the most . Legislatio n that
began t o b e passed i n th e Archai c period an d continued int o th e
Classical perio d apparentl y aime d t o contro l famil y lif e an d th e
relation of public to private life in Athens far more precisely than
before. W e have organized our ofte n highl y tendentious an d con tradictory evidence on women's lives in the ligh t of the historica l
transition t o democrac y an d th e socia l an d ideologica l change s
that accompanie d it . Chapte r 4 explores th e way that representations of the mythica l Amazon s served i n par t t o defin e b y inversion th e prope r rol e o f Athenia n women . Wherea s Athenia n
women too k n o part i n wa r an d politic s an d serve d to reproduce
children o f thei r husbands ' lineage , Amazon s rejected marriag e
and domesticity , perpetuate d thei r lin e throug h female children ,
engaged i n war, an d rule d their own societies.
Chapter 5 concentrates abov e al l o n th e live s o f wome n i n
Hellenistic Egypt . From after th e deat h of Alexander the Grea t in
323 B.C.E. an d unti l th e defea t of th e Ptolemai c queen Cleopatr a
by Roma n force s unde r Octavian in 3 1 B.C.E. , Gree k cultur e wa s
imposed o n Egyp t (a s well a s on other parts of the Easter n Mediterranean) b y rulin g Macedonian kings. This internationa l con text contribute d t o change s i n th e rol e o f wome n i n al l socia l
classes. Th e preservatio n i n th e dr y climat e o f Egyp t o f writte n
documents on papyru s enables u s to stud y mor e closely th e live s
and transaction s o f ordinar y citizen s a s wel l a s queens ; th e ar t
and literatur e o f the perio d als o expresse s interes t i n th e experi ences o f a greate r rang e o f social classes . Chapte r 6 stresses th e
important gynecologica l discoverie s o f Herophilus , who , unde r
the patronag e of the Ptolemies , dissecte d huma n cadavers for the
first time, an d examines the ways that Greek medical and biological theorie s i n both th e Gree k an d Greco-Roma n worlds shape d
attitudes t o femal e biolog y an d t o childbirt h practice s (an d vice
versa). Thu s Chapters 5 and 6 also serve a s a bridg e to th e stud y
of women i n th e Roma n world.


Sources and Thei r Limitation s

From th e tim e o f the Homeri c poems in th e eight h centur y throug h th e
close o f th e sixt h centur y B.C.E. , aristocrati c wome n i n mos t part s o f
Greece seem t o hav e passed through a similar life cycle . Th e visua l art s
and poetry , which , alon g wit h fragmentar y archaeologica l remains ,
constitute ou r entir e contemporar y evidenc e fo r th e Archai c period ,
marked for public attention rite s of initiation an d marriage, wifely fidelity, an d death . Accordingly , this chapte r reflect s th e limitation s o f our
historical evidenc e in emphasizing the representatio n of important role s
and socia l transition s i n th e live s o f aristocrati c (an d wher e possibl e
middle- to upper-middle-class) women: in particular, the transition fro m
maidenhood t o marriage , conflictin g representation s o f th e wif e i n Ar chaic literature , an d finally , th e importan t rol e o f wome n i n deat h
Art an d poetr y i n th e Archai c period wer e largel y mad e b y an d fo r
the rulin g classes; t o th e degre e possible, however , w e include a discussion of the live s of slaves and lower-class women. Occasionally w e catch
glimpses o f historica l wome n in , fo r example , religiou s dedication s
(some o f which wer e mad e b y nonaristocrati c women) , o r i n Sappho' s
reference t o he r perio d o f exil e fro m Lesbo s during one o f th e frequen t
political struggle s amon g competing aristocrat s tha t punctuate d thi s often unsettle d period . Bu t Archaic art an d literatur e generall y aime d t o
immortalize th e prais e or blame of individuals and t o hol d u p behavio r
to b e imitate d o r avoide d i n a timeles s an d ahistorica l fashio n b y it s
audience. Ye t althoug h th e wive s an d maiden s o f th e Archai c perio d
are largel y fictiona l an d measure d accordin g t o receive d paradigm s of
deportment, th e importan t moment s o f thei r lif e cycl e an d th e con straints under which they live d in many ways remained characteristic of

Women i n Archaic Greece 1

Greek wome n i n th e Classica l an d late r period s a s well . Th e evidenc e

does no t permi t u s to contextualiz e th e live s of Archaic women, bu t w e
can offe r vivi d fragment s o f th e cultura l conception s tha t aimed ,
through prais e and blame, t o shape thei r experience .
In thi s chapter w e draw on evidence fro m Ioni a an d th e island s near
the coas t o f Asia Minor, the cultura l cente r o f the earl y Archai c period,
as wel l a s fro m th e Gree k mainland . T o th e degre e tha t w e ca n recon struct it , th e environmen t i n whic h a wor k o f art o r literatur e wa s created clearl y affect s th e visio n o f social role s represente d b y tha t work .
On th e on e hand , th e societie s tha t produce d th e epi c poem s attribute d
to Home r an d th e lyri c poetr y compose d b y Sapph o wer e aristocratic .
The wealt h o f th e rulin g aristocrat s wa s base d o n land , an d muc h o f
the labo r wa s performe d b y slaves. Th e exchang e o f women amon g th e
aristocrats wa s a n importan t par t o f foreig n polic y amon g Gree k city states, sinc e i t established , alon g wit h th e exchang e o f gifts , a panhel lenic network o f social obligation s and a complex grou p of kin relations .
In som e cases , wome n brough t dowrie s t o thei r marriages , bu t i t seem s
they rarel y owned propert y o r controlled inheritanc e (Doria n Crete and ,
possibly, Archai c Sparta, ar e exceptions) . Yet , as we shall see, the y per formed importan t function s i n th e household . O n th e othe r hand , Ar chaic poet s lik e Hesio d spea k fo r a lowe r stratu m o f societ y tha n th e
Homeric hero . Hesio d i n hi s Work s an d Days portray s himsel f a s a fre e
farmer wh o must struggle to farm wit h abundanc e and to retain his property. H e speak s o f havin g one femal e slav e t o d o th e work , an d a wif e
who perform s few i f an y function s i n th e househol d beyon d producin g
Reconstructing th e socia l lif e o f thi s perio d i s highl y problematic .
For example, th e Homeri c epics may reflec t a n actua l historica l context
at an y tim e fro m th e tent h t o eight h centurie s B.C.E. , possibl y eve n ear lier, o r a n imaginar y socia l world , a tapestr y tha t include s historica l
detail fro m a numbe r of different period s an d socia l context s wove n to gether over a period o f centuries b y an ora l poeti c tradition . To give just
one example, som e scholar s hav e argue d that th e Homeri c epics show a
puzzling mixture of practices involving the exchang e of gifts a t marriage
(see further , Lace y 1968 , Snodgras s 1974 , Donlan 1981-82 , Morri s 1986 ,
Leduc 1992) . A s th e city-stat e emerge d i n Greece , husband s n o longe r
offered gift s t o th e bride' s family a t marriage ; rather, dowries were ofte n
given wit h th e bride . This shift ma y hav e occurred becaus e husband s n o
longer acquire d th e sam e politica l an d socia l advantage s fro m aristo cratic marriages , and familie s wishe d t o maintai n their ow n interest s i n
the brid e and t o insure he r welfare. The largel y idealized picture of both
sexes i n th e Homeri c poem s an d muc h Archai c art an d lyri c ma y wel l
reflect th e demand s of a tradition tha t aime d t o praise an d blam e rathe r
than to reflect contemporar y attitude s at an y historical period. Certainl y
the epi c traditio n i s know n t o hav e suppresse d negativ e detail s i n it s
poetic inheritanc e i n orde r t o succee d i n thi s aim . Similarly , Sappho' s
poetry i s conditioned b y the nee d t o fulfil l th e demand s of her social rol e



as a n aristocrat , a s a n initiato r o f young women , an d a s a poe t wh o i s

operating withi n th e expectation s o f such a tradition . W e cannot eve n
be certai n whethe r o r whe n th e Archai c poet s wh o spea k i n th e firs t
person i n Archai c lyric ar e person s o r personae .
Factors relatin g to genr e (epic , lyric , o r iambi c poetry) ma y condi tion th e portrai t o f the socia l worl d represente d i n al l Archai c poetry a s
much a s the constraint s o f social an d economi c reality . Suc h differences
may hel p to explain the conflictin g view s of women presente d b y Homer
and som e o f th e lyri c poet s o n th e on e han d (wh o aime d largel y t o
praise) an d b y Hesiod, Semonides, and othe r poet s o f the Archai c perio d
on th e othe r (wh o aime d largel y t o blame) . Epi c poet s apparentl y ad dressed a broad panhelleni c audience , wherea s som e lyri c poets aimed a t
local audience s or a t a combinatio n o f more- an d less-restricte d groups .
The breadt h o f th e audienc e condition s th e degre e t o whic h th e view s
presented ma y hav e bee n familia r an d acceptabl e t o Greek s of th e Ar chaic perio d a s a whole . Finally , our literar y sources , especiall y i n th e
case o f the lyric s o f Sappho an d Alcma n that hav e bee n recovere d fro m
damaged papyri , ar e ful l o f gaps and distortin g errors i n transmission .
Like th e literar y record , th e corpu s o f Archaic Greek art i s fragmen tary, an d mos t object s ar e foun d remove d fro m thei r origina l contexts .
We d o no t know , fo r example, jus t ho w th e kora i (statue s o f maidens )
were displaye d i n publi c places , no r i s an y Archai c tom b buildin g pre served in its entirety. Man y important sites, lik e the Acropoli s of Athens,
were excavate d befor e th e er a o f scientific archaeology , an d muc h valu able informatio n ha s bee n lost . Finally , som e part s o f th e Gree k worl d
are muc h bette r represente d i n th e archaeologica l recor d tha n others ,
creating a skewe d pictur e fo r certain period s o r artisti c genres . Thu s w e
have virtuall y n o depiction s o f Sparta n wome n (se e Chapte r 2) , whil e
women fro m Athen s and Eas t Greece are especially well represented. For
depictions o f wome n mourners , ou r evidenc e i s almos t exclusivel y
Initiation int o Adulthood
Some fragmentar y seventh-centur y B.C.E . poem s o f th e poe t Sapph o o f
Lesbos an d th e closel y contemporar y Partheneia o r Maide n Song s of th e
Spartan poet Alcman constitute ou r mos t importan t source s fo r interpre ting th e socia l an d emotiona l significanc e o f Archai c rite s o f women's
initiation int o adulthood (w e have virtuall y n o evidence unti l th e Clas sical perio d for the natur e of these rites ; for more discussion , see Chapters 2 and 3) . I n thes e tw o Archai c societie s a t least , th e poet s show a
close associatio n betwee n youn g wome n o n th e verg e o f marriag e an d
more matur e wome n wh o serve d a s mentor s and , i t appears , ofte n a s
lovers to the initiates . I n this sense th e initiatory stag e for women resem -

Women i n Archaic Greece 1

bled t o som e exten t tha t o f young me n o f the period , althoug h th e goal s

were different ; whil e young me n wer e prepare d for war, leadership , an d
diplomacy, youn g wome n wer e prepare d throug h dancing , singing , an d
other religiou s events fo r marriage and motherhoo d (se e Chapter 2) . Aleman's Partheneia emphasiz e th e strikin g beaut y an d desirabilit y o f th e
women, an d especiall y th e attraction s o f th e chora l leader s (i n thi s
poem, Agid o and Hagesichora) :
Frag. 1.39-10 1
But I sing 4
the ligh t of Agido . I see
her like the sun, which
Agido asks to shin e
as our witness . Bu t I can't praise
or blame her. Our glorious leade r
won't le t us , who clearl y stand s ou t
herself, a s if you pu t
among the herd s a racehorse ,
sturdy, thundering , a champio n
from soarin g dreams. 5
Don't yo u see?That' s a
Venetic steed. Bu t the tresse s
Of m y cousi n
Hagesichora blosso m
like pure gold;
and he r silver y face
why d o I say what' s obvious?
There's Hagesichor a herself .
But th e gir l who's nex t t o Agid o in beaut y
shall rac e bu t a s a Kolaxeia n hors e behin d a n Ibenian : 6
for whil e we bear th e torc h t o the daw n
the Pleiades , rising like the dog-sta r
through th e ambrosia l night ,
strive agains t us .
For all th e purpl e dye we hav e
won't hel p a t all,
nor a dazzling serpen t
all o f gold, no r Lydia n cap, the prid e
of tender-glancin g girls, 7
nor even th e lock s of Nanno,
nor god-like Areta,
nor Thylakis, no r Kleesithera ,
and n o longer comin g t o Ainesimbrota' s hous e wil l you say:
"if only Astaphi s were mine ,
or Philyll a woul d loo k m y way,
or Demareta , o r lovel y Vianthemis
but Hagesichor a wear s me out wit h desire."



For Hagesichora o f the lovel y

ankles is not here : 8
she waits wit h Agido,
applauding our festival.
Hear thei r prayers ,
you gods ; t o gods belon g th e outcom e
and th e end . M y chorus leader ,
maiden a s I am, I sa y
I hav e onl y shrilled i n vai n fro m th e rafte r
like a n owl ; yet I too wis h t o pleas e
the Dawn ; she's th e one who
cures u s of our labors . 9
And thank s t o Hagesichora , maidens
find their wa y to lovel y peace .
For you hav e t o hee d
the trac e hors e an d
whoever's a t th e helm .
We (can't ) sin g bette r
than th e Sirens
they ar e goddesses, an d we'r e jus t a bunch
of childrenten, i n plac e of elevensinging,
our ton e like a swan's o n Xanthos * 10
streams. Bu t she, wit h he r gorgeous golde n hair

(Bingand Cohe n 1991 )

The nature o f this fragmentary papyrus , in which th e beginnin g an d

end of the poe m ar e lost, an d the res t is permeated with gap s and mutilations, make s i t particularl y difficult t o interpre t th e text . Th e relation ship between th e leader s and follower s in Alcman' s Partheneia i s uncertainwhether th e leader s ar e thos e abou t t o depar t th e circl e o f les s
mature maiden contemporaries (th e ten i n place of eleven) fo r marriage,
or whether they ar e simply young women of particularly high birth. 1 We
are not sur e whethe r th e maiden s i n th e choru s ar e competing wit h an other choru s o f girls or wit h Agid o and Hagesichor a (describe d a s star s
in a constellation, th e Pleiades) ; or whether th e choru s is about t o bring
a torc h (a n emendation : i n th e origina l tex t th e girl s mysteriously dedi cate a plough or perhaps a robe) t o the dawn goddess. Nevertheless, bot h
lines 73ff., an d th e fragmentar y Partheneion below particularly stress th e
erotic appea l o f the chora l leade r t o he r probabl y les s matur e followers .
In the first case the girl s imagine no longer going to the hous e of Anesimbrota, wh o i s probably a woman wh o ca n wor k magic spells to rewar d a
girl's unrequite d desire s wit h success , an d stres s th e powerfu l effect s o f
the desir e engendered b y their leade r Hagesichora . The secon d fragmen t
dwells on th e effect s o f being touched b y the beautifu l Astymeloisa :
. . . an d th e desir e tha t loose s th e limbs , bu t sh e look s glance s mor e meltin g
than sleep an d death; no r in vain she . . . sweet.
But Astymelois a make s m e n o answer ; bu t lik e a sta r tha t fall s throug h th e

Women i n Archaic Greece 1

radiant sky or a branch of gold or soft plume , holding the garlan d . . . she passed
on slende r feet; an d o n th e tresse s of the girl s sits th e lovely-haire d dewy grace
of Cinyras. Astymeloisa (moves ) among the gathering , an objec t o f care to th e
people . . . I f she shoul d com e nea r an d tak e m e b y th e sof t hand , a t onc e I
would becom e her suppliant.
But no w . .. a girl of deep [?] thought . . .
(Frag. 3.61-64, 79-82 Segal 1985)

Some poem s o f Sappho show group s of women involve d in religiou s

rites an d festival s o r engagin g in privat e relationship s wit h eac h other .
Alcman's chora l song s wer e compose d fo r girl s t o perfor m i n a public ,
festal contest . Sapph o als o wrot e suc h poetry , bu t mos t o f he r extan t
fragments apparentl y involv e wome n engagin g i n privat e o r smalle r
group experiences . Thes e poem s hav e i n a sens e tw o audiences , th e
women o f Sappho' s circl e an d th e wide r publi c wh o eventuall y mad e
Sappho the mos t famou s woman poet o f antiquity. Sappho's poems highlight not onl y th e desirabilit y of the wome n an d the pleasure s and erotic
sufferings o f the tim e spent i n thei r company, bu t th e pai n of separation
felt ove r th e departur e o f a membe r o f th e circle . Wh y wome n joine d
or departed fro m Sappho' s circle remains unknown. Late r commentators
imagined tha t Sapph o ra n a schoo l fo r girls, o r tha t sh e wa s a priestes s
of Aphrodit e who wa s joine d fo r a perio d o f tim e b y young acolyte s o r
initiates i n th e cul t o f th e goddess . Th e mos t likel y explanatio n i s that
the girl s wer e departin g fo r marriage . Sappho' s fragmentar y poem s 9 4
and 96 are notable for the eleganc e and beaut y of the consolatio n offere d
on o r afte r th e painfu l separatio n fro m th e circl e of women.

"Honestly, I wish I were dead! "
Weeping many tears she lef t me ,
Saying this a s well:
"Oh, wha t dreadfu l thing s have happened to us,
Sappho! I don't want t o leav e you! "
I answere d her:
"Go with m y blessings and remembe r me,
for you kno w how w e cherished you.
"But i f you hav e [forgotten], I want
to remind you . . .
of the beautifu l things that happened t o us:
"Close b y my side you pu t aroun d yourself
[many wreaths ] of violets and rose s an d saffro n .
"And man y woven garlands
made fro m flowers . . .
around your tende r neck,



"And . . . with costl y roya l

myrrh . . .
you anointe d . . .
"And o n a soft be d
. . . tender. . .
you satisfied your desire . . .
"Nor was there an y . . .
nor any holy . . .
from whic h w e were away ,
. . . nor grove . . ."

(Snyder 1989 )

. . . [Sardis?]
Often turnin g her mind her e . . .
[She honored you ]
like a n easil y recognize d goddess ,
she rejoiced especiall y i n your song .
But now she stands out amon g th e Lydia n wome n
as after sunse t
the rosy-fingere d moon
Surpasses al l the stars ; th e ligh t
spreads ove r th e salt y sea
equally a s over th e many-flowere d fields.
And th e de w grows beautifull y liquid
and rose s an d tende r chervi l
flourish, and th e flowery honey-lotus .
But she, roamin g abou t fa r an d wide ,
remembers gentl e Atti s with desire ;
her tende r hear t i s surely heav y [becaus e o f your fate ]
. . . to come . . .
(Snyder 1989 )

Sappho's poems are marked by sympathetic dialogue and by mutuality o f feeling betwee n olde r and younger women. Comparabl e erotic po etry by contemporary o r near-contemporary male poets seem s to emphasize instea d onl y th e desir e o f th e love r an d hi s prowes s i n th e sexua l
conquest of young men an d women . (Se e Stigers 1981. For a parallel contrast, se e the discussio n o f the elegia c poetry o f Sulpicia in Chapte r 11) .
Sappho develop s th e share d desir e o f lover an d belove d an d th e beaut y
of their experience i n an enchanted environmen t marked by the presenc e
of flowers , fruits , an d natura l image s lik e moon s an d stars . Aphrodit e
may b e invoked t o appea r as a participan t in thi s secure privat e world .
The equall y damage d papyru s fragments belo w stres s th e pleasure s in -

Women i n Archaic Greece 1

volved i n attendin g festal occasion s wit h othe r women , an d th e lovel y

dress an d othe r adornment s worn fo r the event .

Hither t o m e from Crete , t o this hol y

temple, wher e you r lovel y grov e
of appl e tree s is, and th e altar s
smoke wit h frankincense .
Herein col d wate r rushe s throug h
apple boughs , an d th e whol e place i s shaded
with roses , an d slee p come s dow n
from rustlin g leaves .
Herein a meado w wher e horse s graze
blooms wit h sprin g flowers, and th e wind s
blow gentl y . . .
Here, O Cyprian, takin g [garlands] ,
in golde n cup s gently pou r fort h
nectar mingle d togethe r wit h ou r
festivities . . .
(Snyder 1989 )

. . . for my mother [sai d that ]

in he r youth i t wa s indeed a great ornamen t i f someone had tresse s
wrapped i n a purpl e [band] .
But th e gir l who ha s hai r
brighter tha n a fier y torc h
should wea r [? ] wreaths
of bloomin g flowers .
Just no w a many-colore d
headband fro m Sardi s . . .
(Snyder 1989 )

Choruses o f dancing maidens ar e a favorit e subject o f vase painter s

in man y part s o f the Gree k world. A s early a s the tim e o f Homer, Geometric vases show rows of women i n dance formation, sometimes accom panied b y a mal e aulos-playe r (a n instrumen t simila r t o th e moder n
oboe). I n th e Archai c period, on e schoo l o f painters tha t especiall y fa vored thi s subjec t wa s a t Clazomenai , o n th e Aeolia n coast o f Asia Minor, no t fa r fro m Sappho' s island of Lesbos (Fig. 1.1). Th e young wome n
in thei r elegant , tight-fittin g patterne d chiton s an d delicat e whit e flesh
could b e th e kin d o f well-bred girls who constitute d a socia l milie u like
Sappho's. I n Athens , choruse s o f dancing maidens are les s common, bu t
one krate r o f abou t 46 0 portrays a grou p tha t migh t wel l resembl e th e
performers o f Alcman' s Partheneia (Fig . 1.2). Her e the stif f pose s o f Ar chaic ar t hav e give n wa y t o a mor e relaxe d classica l styl e tha t bette r
captures the rhythmi c an d gracefu l movement s of such a chorus.

Figure 1.1. Archai c vas e (ca . 550-540

B.c.E.) fro m Clazomena i showin g
young women dancing . The artis t use d
white fo r their skin to distinguis h the m
from men , whose re d ski n told o f their
outdoor lives / respectabl e women, th e
color suggests, staye d indoor s an d live d
out o f the publi c eye.

Figure 1.2 . Red-figur e Athenian vas e (ca . 460 B.C.E. ) with dancin g women i n the Classica l style . This
differs fro m th e Archai c i n it s closer observation o f human anatom y and th e gracefu l fal l o f drapery .


Women i n Archaic Greece 1

Korai: Archaic Statues of Greek Maidens

Life-size standin g marbl e statue s o f youn g women , ofte n elaboratel y
dressed i n gaily painted garments , wer e mad e in many parts of the Greek
world fro m th e mid-sevent h century t o th e earl y fifth . Toda y thes e figures ar e know n a s korai, althoug h no t al l ar e kora i i n th e litera l sens e
of unmarrie d maidens, nor doe s any of them represen t the goddes s Kore /
Persephone (o n korai , se e furthe r Richte r 196 8 an d Schneide r 1975) .
Some were dedications in the sanctuar y of a divinity, while others served
as funerary markers .
The earlies t extan t kor e i s th e dedicatio n b y Nicandre , a Naxia n
woman, t o Artemis , i n th e goddess' s sanctuar y on Delo s (cf . Fig. 1.10) .
She wears a tight-fitting belted peplos , givin g her body a planklike effect .
It ha s bee n suggeste d tha t th e hole s carve d i n eac h han d wer e fo r th e
attachment o f meta l attributes , a bo w an d arro w characterizin g her a s
Artemis. Bu t we cannot b e certain if she represents the goddes s or Nicandre herself . Th e dedicator y inscriptio n carve d o n he r garmen t (cf . Fig.
1.10C) describe s th e virgi n goddess Artemis as a kore , bu t Nicandr e was
a marrie d woman.
The larges t serie s o f survivin g korai ar e thos e dedicate d t o Athen a
on th e Acropoli s of Athen s fro m abou t 57 0 to 48 0 B.C.E. Al l stoo d i n th e
open ai r an d wer e damage d i n th e Persia n sac k o f the Acropoli s i n 480
and subsequentl y burie d o n th e slop e o f th e hill , t o b e rediscovere d i n
the excavation s o f the 1880s . Th e earliest kora i wear th e simple r Dorian
peplos ( a heavy woolen garment) , sometimes in combination wit h othe r
garments, such a s a shawl, while from abou t 53 0 they regularl y wear th e
thinner, mor e elaborate , an d brightl y painte d Ioni c chito n (usuall y
linen) an d himation . Ver y few of the Acropoli s korai preserve an inscription recordin g th e nam e o f the dedicato r o r the sculptor . On e that doe s
is th e larges t o f al l tha t survive , standin g ove r tw o meter s wit h th e
plinth. He r inscription ma y b e restored a s follows:
Nearchos the potte r dedicated thi s
Work a s first-fruits to Athena .
Antenor the so n of Eumares made the statue .
(Richter 1968 : 69-70)
One o f the lates t i n th e serie s (Fig . 1.3) , probabl y dedicate d i n th e
480s, bear s th e simpl e inscription : "Euthydiko s so n o f Thalarchos dedi cated [me]. " (Richte r 1968: 99-100) Whe n she was found , sh e was nicknamed "th e pouting girl" (l a boudeuse), becaus e the sculptor , i n tryin g
to suppres s th e "archai c smile " of earlier statues , turne d dow n th e cor ners of her mouth .
Of the funerar y kora i tha t hav e survived, one of the fines t i s Phrasicleia (Fig . 1.4) , found i n th e Atti c countrysid e i n 1972 . She must hav e
stood i n a n Archai c cemeter y a t Merend a (moder n Markopoulo) , fro m
which othe r find s (includin g a statu e o f a youth wh o coul d b e Phrasi -

Figure 1.3 . Kor e fro m th e Acropoli s i n Athens , dedicate d i n th e 480s , an d showin g th e growt h o f
interest i n naturalisti c treatment o f fac e an d bod y i n th e fift h century . The "Archai c smile " o f earlier
korai (e.g. , Fig . 1.4) i s now gone .


Women i n Archaic Greece


Figure 1.4 . Phrasicleia , th e young

woman wh o die d before marryin g (ca.
530 B.C.E.) . The maiden' s rich polo s
and jewelr y signal th e prosperit y of he r
family a s well a s perhap s suggesting
what sh e woul d hav e looke d like if
she ha d live d to b e a bride.

cleia's brother ) hav e come . He r epigram (whic h was know n lon g before
the discover y of the statue ) reads :
The tom b of Phrasicleia . I shall always be called kore,
Having received thi s name a s my lot fro m th e gods ,
Instead o f marriage.
Aristion of Paros made [me].
(Jeffery 1962 : 138)

She wear s a n ornat e costume , an d th e cylindrica l polo s (conica l

headdressoften a n attribut e o f goddesses) , decorate d wit h buds , ma y
be intended t o portra y he r a s a bride , th e brid e she neve r live d t o be . A
similar polos i s worn b y the famou s Berlin kore (Richte r 1968: 39-40 an d
figs. 139-146), wh o i s als o sai d t o hav e bee n foun d i n Attic a an d wa s
probably also funerary. Yet another kor e from a n Atti c cemetery i s represented toda y onl y b y th e bas e an d a finel y carve d pai r o f sandal-sho d
feet (Richte r 1968: 58-59 and figs. 284-85). Th e dedication reads :
se t m e u p a s a monument , beautifu l t o behold , t o hi s daughter Phile . Phai dimos made me.
Another typ e o f Archai c tom b monument , mor e commo n tha n a
statue i n th e round , wa s th e stele , a tal l marbl e shaf t carve d i n relie f



and ofte n toppe d wit h a sphinx. On e of the bes t know n o f these include s
a fin e representatio n o f a young girl , alongside a youth wh o i s probably
her brothe r (Fig . 1.5) . A fragmentar y epigra m ma y b e restore d t o sa y
that thei r parent s set up the stele fo r the young siblings (Clairmon t 1970 :
13-15). I n th e Classica l period, a ne w typ e o f grav e stele wil l becom e
one o f our principa l sources fo r representations of Athenian women (cf .
Fig. 3.2).
Relatively fe w kora i hav e preserve d a n inscriptio n tellin g u s wh o
put the m u p and why. Bu t those tha t d o have an inscription, alon g wit h
the findspots of the others , indicat e that thes e statues served tw o principal functions , bot h characteristi c o f Archaic Greek religion. Eithe r the y
were dedications t o a goddess i n he r sanctuary or they wer e grave markers place d o n th e tomb s of wealthy women . I n bot h instances , w e ma y
wonder ho w closel y th e statu e approximate s th e actua l dres s an d ap pearance o f young wome n an d wha t qualitie s it wa s meant t o express.
A life-siz e marbl e statue was amon g the mos t expensiv e dedication s
made i n Gree k sanctuarie s (typica l dedication s b y poore r peopl e wer e
clay vase s o r plaques) . Thu s th e kora i themselves , i n thei r dress , coif fure, an d attributes , ma y b e an accurat e reflectio n o f the appearanc e o f
young women o f the aristocrati c class whose familie s mad e such dedications. I t ha s bee n suggeste d tha t th e statue s represen t thes e youn g
women i n a specific situation know n to us from Archai c literary sources,
their appearanc e i n religiou s sanctuaries on th e occasio n o f public festi vals (Schneide r 1975) . Thes e wer e virtuall y the onl y time s whe n a gir l
of marriageabl e ag e migh t appea r i n public , an d th e modes t behavio r
expected o f her i s echoed i n th e demur e downwar d gaz e of many korai .
Yet a t th e sam e time , paradoxically , she might call attentio n t o hersel f
with he r elegan t clothes , elaboratel y style d hair , expensiv e jewelry ,
makeup, an d eve n a gestur e o f pullin g her garmen t tight , emphasizin g
breasts, legs , an d buttocks . He r beauty make s her a n adornmen t t o he r
family, t o b e appraise d by prospective husbands; yet sh e should no t cal l
attention t o herself , les t sh e invite unwanted admirers.
The Transition to Marriage
Both Odyssey, book 6, composed in the late eighth century B.C.E., and
the Homeri c Hymn t o Demeter, probabl y compose d a t Eleusi s i n th e
later seventh or early sixth century B.C.E. , addres s the comple x transitio n
from maidenhoo d t o marriage . Yet whereas Homer' s Nausicaa faces th e
prospect o f marriage with a charmfn g sh y reserve mixed wit h eagerness,
the Homeric Hymn dwells through its divine myth on the difficulties a
young woma n face d i n leavin g her nata l hom e fo r a new , ofte n distan t
environment an d a n unknow n husban d chose n fo r her b y her father .
In the Odyssey, Homer's intelligent and lovely princess Nausicaa is
shy about speakin g of marriage to he r parents, bu t the y understan d tha t
her sudde n desir e t o was h th e famil y laundr y i n th e compan y o f he r
handmaidens an d friend s signals a readines s fo r a ne w life .

Figure 1.5 . Funerar y relief (540-53 0

B.CE.) fro m Attic a wit h a youn g ma n
and a smal l gir l i n th e Archai c style .
He i s nude, a s i s common fo r images
of youthfu l gods , athletes, an d heroes ,
and fo r young me n o f the Athenia n
ruling stratum / th e gir l is , predictably,
fully draped , fo r female nudity was a n
exception reserve d fo r prostitutes and
dancing girls .




"Daddy dear , wil l you no t hav e them harnes s me the wagon ,

the hig h one wit h th e goo d wheels , s o that I can tak e th e clothin g
to th e rive r an d was h it ? Now it i s lying about, al l dirty ,
and you yourself, whe n you si t amon g the first men in council
and share thei r counsels , ough t t o hav e nice clean clothing abou t you ;
and also , yo u hav e five dear sons wh o ar e grown in th e palace ,
two o f them married , and th e othe r thre e ar e sprightly bachelors,
and the y ar e forever wanting fresh clea n clothing , t o wear i t
when the y g o to dance, an d i t i s my duty t o thin k about al l this."
So she spoke, bu t sh e wa s ashame d to spea k of her joyfu l
marriage t o he r dear father, bu t h e understood al l an d answered :
"I d o not begrudg e you th e mules , child, nor anything
else. S o go, and th e servin g men wil l harnes s the wagon ,
the hig h one with th e goo d wheel s tha t ha s the carryin g basket.
(Odyssey 6.57-70 ; Lattimor e 1965)

Nausicaa look s fo r a husban d wh o wil l b e sympathetic t o herself

intelligent an d sociall y gracefulan d sh e mistakenl y hope s fo r a brie f
time that tha t husban d migh t b e the strange r Odysseus .
and h e went a little asid e and sa t b y himself on th e seashore ,
radiant i n grac e and goo d looks ; an d th e gir l admire d him.
It wa s t o he r attendant s wit h well-ordere d hai r tha t sh e no w
"Hear me , m y white-armed serving women; le t m e say something .
It i s not agains t th e wil l of all th e god s on Olympo s
that thi s man i s here t o be made known to the godlike Phaiakians.
A whil e ag o he seeme d a n unpromisin g man t o me . No w he eve n
resembles one of the gods , wh o hol d th e hig h heaven,
If onl y th e ma n t o b e called m y husband could b e like this one ,
a ma n livin g here, i f only thi s one were please d t o stay here."
The firs t scen e betwee n Odysseu s an d Nausica a display s th e prin cess's courage, beauty , an d sensitivity , a s well a s her concer n fo r how a
maiden's reputatio n ca n b e maintaine d i n th e eye s o f others. A young
woman's reputatio n ca n b e harmed , sh e says, b y encounters wit h men ,
including he r futur e husband , befor e marriage :
and i t i s their graceles s speech I shrink from, th e fea r on e ma y moc k u s
hereafter, sinc e there are insolen t me n in our community ,
and se e how on e o f the wors e sor t migh t say when h e me t us ,
"Who i s this large and handsom e stranger whom Nausicaa
has with her , an d wher e di d she find him? Surely h e is
to b e he r husband , bu t i s h e a stra y fro m som e shi p o f alie n me n sh e
found fo r herself, sinc e ther e ar e n o such hereabouts?
Or did some go d after muc h entreaty com e dow n i n answe r
to he r prayers , ou t o f the sky , and al l hi s days will have her?
Better so, i f she goes out hersel f an d finds her a husban d
from elsewhere , sinc e she pays no hee d t o he r own Phaiakian
neighbors, althoug h many o f these an d th e bes t one s cour t her. "

Women i n Archaic Greece 2

So they wil l speak, an d tha t woul d b e a scandal agains t me ,

and I myself woul d disapprov e of a gir l who acte d
so, that is , without th e goodwil l o f her dear fathe r
and mothe r makin g friends wit h a man, before being formally
married . . ..
Nausicaa's fear s fo r a maiden' s reputatio n ar e no t ill-founded . I n
Archaic Athens, th e young sister of Harmodius was first invited an d the n
declared t o b e unfi t t o carr y a basket a tas k fo r a virgini n a festa l
procession. He r brother's enem y Hipparchu s thus manage d t o cas t a slur
on her reputation fo r chastity (Thucydide s 6.56.1, Pseudo-Aristotle Athenaion Politeia, Th e Constitution o f Athens 18.2) . Th e Archai c poet Ar chilochus wrot e a serie s o f poem s defamin g the reputatio n o f hi s (ver y
likely imaginary) fiancee, Neoboule. He r father Lycambes unjustly brok e
the engagement . Archilochus' s poem s wer e s o bruta l tha t Lycambes '
daughters wer e sai d t o hav e committe d suicid e ou t o f humiliation . I n
the incomplet e papyru s fragmen t below, Archilochu s seduces a n unpro tected youn g woman , perhap s th e siste r o f Neoboule; i n th e proces s h e
castigates an d avenge s himself on th e les s virtuou s Neoboule. H e apparently promise s th e unname d gir l tha t h e wil l preserv e he r virtue b y no t
going "all th e way. " (Th e narrator's referenc e to "the divine thing" is a
euphemism fo r sexua l intercourse , an d th e cornices , gates , an d garde n
grass are als o sexual metaphors. ) Som e have argued (th e text of the final
lines is uncertain) tha t h e does no t kee p his promise.
". . . hold bac k completely ;
equally endur e . . .
but i f you urg e on an d passio n drive s you,
there's a woman i n our hous e
who no w deeply desire s . . .
a lovely , delicat e woman I thin k her
figure ha s n o flaw
you may make her . . ."
After sh e sai d that , I replied:
"Daughter o f Amphimedo,
who wa s a noble an d wis e
woman, no w buried i n th e dank earth ,
there ar e many delight s
of the goddes s fo r young me n
aside fro m th e divin e thing: on e will do.
But a t ou r leisur e
when i t grows dark . . .
you an d I will mak e our plans , god willing.
I shal l d o a s you say;
much . . .



but beneat h th e cornice an d gates . . .

Don't refus e m e dear
I'll hol d t o th e garde n grass,
you ca n coun t o n it . Le t another ma n
have Neoboule .
No, she is over-ripe . ..
her virgi n bloo m ha s flowed away
and he r former charm.
She couldn't ge t her fill
the mad woman showed he r measure of .. .
To hell with her !
May thi s not . . .
that I , keeping such a woman,
will b e the neighbor' s joke.
I'd muc h rather have you
because you ar e not faithles s or two-faced,
while sh e is much keene r
and make s many me n . . .
I fea r tha t urgin g on i n hast e I may bree d
blind an d untimel y things,
like the bitch' s litter."
I sai d suc h things , an d takin g the gir l
I lai d her down , wrappe d
in a sof t cloak , i n th e bloomin g
flowers, my arm s embracing her neck ;
she was [still ] with fea r
like a fawn . . .
and I gently too k he r breast s i n m y hands ,
. . . her fresh ski n showe d
the bloo m o f youth,
and caressin g all he r lovel y bod y
I release d m y [white ] force ,
just touchin g her golden hair.
(Cologne papyrus, Rayor 1991, modified)

The seventh-centur y Corinthia n tyran t Periander , o n th e othe r

hand, reportedl y fel l i n lov e wit h Meliss a whe n h e sa w he r i n a field
wearing a simpl e garment an d pourin g wine fo r workmen; h e late r mar ried her (Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 13, 589F).
To tur n bac k fro m Archilochus' s literatur e o f blam e t o tha t o f
praise, th e encounte r betwee n Odysseu s an d Nausica a discusse d abov e
also stresse s tha t th e idea l marriag e shoul d b e marke d b y a likenes s o f
mind betwee n spouse s an d a se t o f share d socia l goals ; abov e all , hus band an d wif e shoul d shar e i n benefitin g friends an d harmin g enemies :

Women i n Archaic Greece 2

"and the n ma y th e god s give you everythin g your hear t longs for;
may the y gran t you a husban d and a hous e an d swee t agreemen t
in al l things , for nothing is better tha n this , more steadfas t
than whe n tw o people , a ma n an d hi s wife, kee p a harmonious
household; a thing that bring s much distress to the peopl e wh o hat e the m
and pleasur e to their well wishers, an d fo r them th e bes t reputation. "

In th e Utopia n islan d o f Phaeaci a wher e Nausica a lives , me n an d

women marr y within thei r ow n society an d marriag e does no t radicall y
separate th e brid e from he r family. Nausicaa's mother, th e quee n Arete ,
had marrie d he r ow n uncle , an d i f Nausicaa ha d marrie d Odysseus , h e
would hav e live d with her , rathe r tha n takin g his bride t o hi s own resi dence, a s happen s i n mos t Homeri c marriage s (Helen , th e semi-divin e
daughter o f Zeus , i s anothe r significan t exception) . Th e like-minde d
marriage that Odysseu s idealize s i s embodied no t onl y i n his own excep tionally harmoniou s marriag e to Penelop e bu t als o i n th e unio n o f Nausicaa's parents . Othe r marriage s i n th e poe m ar e les s successfulbot h
Helen an d Clytemnestr a ar e adulterousan d Odysseu s seem s t o hol d u p
this ideal t o Nausica a more a s a hop e tha n a s a reflectio n of reality .
The Hymn t o Demeter, on th e othe r hand , highlight s the pai n tha t
the transitio n t o marriag e ca n caus e bot h mothe r an d daughter (se e further Richardso n 1974 , Arthu r 1977 , an d Fole y 1993) . A s seems ofte n t o
have bee n th e cas e i n th e huma n society o f Archaic Greece, th e divin e
father Zeu s exercise s hi s authorit y t o promis e hi s daughte r Persephon e
(alternatively called Kore or "maiden") i n marriage to his brother Hades
without th e permissio n (an d here eve n th e knowledge ) o f either mothe r
or daughter . I n thi s case , th e separatio n betwee n mothe r an d daughte r
occasioned b y marriag e i s heightene d b y th e violenc e o f Hades ' abduc tion an d th e sequesterin g o f Persephon e i n th e impenetrabl e worl d o f
Demeter I begin to sing , th e fair-tresse d awesome goddess ,
herself an d he r slim-ankled daughte r whom Aidoneu s
seized. Zeus , heavy-thundering and mighty-voiced , gave her,
without th e consen t of Demeter of the brigh t fruit an d golde n sword ,
as she played wit h th e deep-breaste d daughter s of Ocean, 5
plucking flowers in th e lus h meadowroses, crocus ,
and lovel y violets , irise s an d hyacinthan d th e narcissus ,
which Eart h grew as a snare for the flower-faced maiden
in orde r t o gratify b y Zeus's design the Host-to-Many,
a flowe r wondrou s an d bright , awesome fo r all t o see , 1
for th e immortal s above an d fo r mortals below .
From it s roo t a hundredfol d bloo m sprang up an d smelle d
so sweet tha t th e whol e vas t heaven above
and th e whol e eart h laughed , and the salt y swel l o f the sea .
The girl marveled an d stretche d ou t bot h hand s at onc e 1
to take th e lovel y toy . Th e earth wit h it s wide ways yawne d



over th e Nysia n plain; the lor d Host-to-Many rose up on he r

with hi s immortal horses, th e celebrate d so n of Cronus;
he snatched th e unwillin g maid int o hi s golden chario t
and le d he r of f lamenting. She screamed wit h a shrill voice, 2
calling on he r father , th e so n o f Cronus highest and best .
Not on e o f the immortal s or o f humankind
heard he r voice, no r the olive s bright with fruit ,
except th e daughte r of Persaius; tender of heart
she heard he r fro m he r cave , Hecat e of the delicat e vei l 2
And lor d Helios , brillian t son of Hyperion, hear d
the mai d calling her father th e So n of Cronus. But he sa t apar t
from th e gods , aloo f i n a templ e ringing with prayers,
and receive d choice offering s fro m humankind.
Against he r wil l Hades took he r b y the desig n of Zeus 3
with hi s immortal horsesher father's brother,
commander an d hos t t o many , the celebrate d so n of Cronus .
(trans. Helene P . Foley)

In thi s poem , th e marriag e o f th e daughte r become s temporaril y a

symbolic death , a s marriage does i n late r Gree k poetry a s well, an d Demeter lament s ove r an d respond s t o th e even t i n precisel y thi s fashion .
After Hades ' rap e o f he r daughte r Demete r disfigure s he r divin e for m b y
dressing a s a mournin g old woman ; bot h mothe r an d daughte r refus e t o
eat fo r a lon g time .
So long a s the goddes s gazed on earth an d starr y heaven,
on th e se a flowing stron g an d ful l o f fish,
and o n th e beam s of the sun , she still hope d 3
to se e her dear mothe r an d th e rac e of immortal gods .
For so long hop e charme d he r strong min d despite he r distress.
The mountain peak s and th e depth s of the se a echoe d
in respons e t o he r divine voice, an d he r goddess mother heard .
Sharp grief seized he r heart , an d sh e tore th e vei l 4
on her ambrosia l hair with he r own hands .
She cast a dark cloak o n her shoulder s
and spe d lik e a bird over dr y land an d sea,
searching. N o one was willing to tell he r the truth ,
not on e o f the god s or mortals ; 4
no bir d of omen cam e t o he r a s truthful messenger .
Then fo r nine days divine De o roamed ove r th e earth ,
holding torche s ablaze i n he r hands ;
in her grief she did not onc e tast e ambrosia
or necta r sweet-to-drink , nor bathe d he r skin. 5

The poe m show s ho w Demete r an d Persephon e firs t resis t an d the n

finally accept th e daughter' s marriage. Unabl e to reac h he r daughter i n
the underworld , Demete r descend s t o eart h i n disguise as an ol d woma n
at Eleusis . Here Demeter observe s th e advantage s that marriag e ca n bestow o n morta l women . Th e young daughter s of Celeus, who m sh e first
encounters a t th e Maide n Well in Eleusis , are represented wit h imager y
that emphasize s their readines s for marriage and fertility. The daughter s

Women in Archaic Greece 2

take pride in th e wa y tha t wive s preside over their household s an d mak e

important decision s concernin g th e fat e o f thei r families . Eve n olde r
women hav e a n honore d rol e a s nurses of children o r housekeepers , an d
they ar e care d fo r by their contemporaries .
Withdrawing fro m th e assembl y o f the god s and hig h Olympus
she went amon g the citie s an d fertil e fields of men,
disguising he r beaut y fo r a lon g time. N o one o f me n
nor low-gir t women recognize d he r when the y looked , 9
until sh e came t o th e hous e of skillful Celeus ,
the ma n the n rule r of fragrant Eleusis .
There sh e sat nea r th e road , grie f in he r heart,
where citizen s drew wate r fro m th e Maiden' s Well
in th e shadea n olive bush had grow n overhead 10
like a ver y old woma n cu t of f from childbearin g
and th e gift s o f garland-loving Aphrodite.
Such ar e th e nurse s to childre n of law-giving kings
and th e keeper s o f stores in thei r echoin g halls .
The daughter s of Celeus, so n o f Eleusis, saw he r 10
as they cam e t o fetch wate r easy-to-dra w an d brin g it
in bronz e vessels to thei r dear father's halls.
Like four goddesse s the y wer e i n th e flower of youth,
Callidike, Cleisidike , fair Dem o and Callithoe ,
who wa s th e eldes t o f them all . 11
They di d no t kno w hergod s ar e har d for mortals to see .
Standing near her , the y spok e winged words.
"Who ar e you, ol d woman , of those born lon g ago ?
From where ? Why have you lef t th e cit y an d d o no t
draw nea r it s homes ? Women ar e ther e i n th e shadow y halls , 11
of your ag e as well a s others bor n younger,
who woul d car e fo r you bot h in word an d in deed."
"And al l these have wive s t o manag e their households .
Of thes e no t on e a t first sight would scor n
your appearanc e an d tur n you awa y fro m thei r homes .
They wil l receive you, fo r you ar e indee d godlike.
But i f you wish , wai t here , unti l w e come t o th e hous e 16
of our fathe r an d tel l Metaneir a our deep-gir t mothe r
all thes e thing s straight through, in cas e sh e might bid
you com e t o our hous e an d no t searc h afte r others' .
For her onl y so n i s now nurse d i n ou r well-buil t hall,
a late-bor n child , muc h praye d fo r and cherished . 16
If you migh t raise hi m t o th e threshol d o f youth,
any woman wh o saw you woul d fee l env y a t once ,
such reward s for his rearing our mothe r wil l giv e you."
Thus the y spoke an d she nodded he r head. The girls
carried proudl y brigh t jars filled with wate r an d 17
swiftly the y reache d th e grea t hous e of their father .
At onc e to their mothe r the y tol d wha t the y sa w and heard .
She bade them g o quickly t o offe r a boundless wage .
Just a s hinds or heifer s i n th e seaso n o f spring



bound throug h the meado w sated wit h fodder , 17

so they, liftin g th e fold s o f their shimmering robes,
darted dow n the hollo w wagon-track , and their hair
danced on thei r shoulders like a crocus blossom.

In th e palac e a t Eleusis , the mai d lamb e cheer s Demete r wit h joke s

that almos t certainl y concer n femal e fertility as well. (I n other version s
of the sam e myth, a woman name d Baub o displays her genitals an d pregnant bell y t o th e goddess. ) Demete r trie s an d fail s t o immortaliz e th e
human chil d Demophon , who m sh e ha s agree d t o nurse . Sh e then win s
an ecstati c reunio n wit h he r daughte r throug h withdrawin g fertilit y
from th e earth . Zeu s agrees that Persephon e will spend two-third s o f th e
year wit h he r mothe r an d one-thir d wit h he r husban d i n th e worl d be low. Persephone' s suffering i s mitigated b y Hades' promise o f new honor s
to hersel f in he r rol e a s queen o f the underworld .
Mortals becom e beneficiarie s of th e divin e experienc e o f Demete r
and Persephone . The y ar e promise d i n perpetuit y a stabl e agricultura l
cycle tha t parallel s Persephone's annua l separations fro m an d return s t o
her mothe r an d th e worl d above . Throug h th e Eleusinia n Mysterie s established b y Demete r a t th e en d o f the poem , mortal s of both sexe s wil l
be promise d initiatio n int o rite s tha t wil l offe r the m a bette r lo t afte r
death throug h celebratin g the stor y o f the tw o goddesses .
At once she sent fort h frui t fro m th e fertil e fields
and th e whol e wide earth burgeone d with leaves
and flowers. She went t o th e king s who administe r law,
Triptolemus and Diocles , driver of horses, mighty
Eumolpus an d Celeus , leade r of the people , an d reveale d 47
the conduc t o f her rites and taugh t her mysterie s to al l of them,
holy rite s tha t ar e not t o b e transgressed, nor pried into ,
nor divulged . Fo r a great aw e o f the god s stops th e voice .
Blessed is the mortal on earth who has seen these rites, 480
but th e uninitiat e wh o ha s no share in them never
has the sam e lot once dea d in th e drear y darkness.
When th e grea t goddess had founde d all he r rites,
the goddesse s left fo r Olympus and th e assembl y of the othe r gods .
There the y dwel l b y Zeus delighting-in-thunder, inspirin g 48
awe an d reverence . Highl y blessed i s the morta l
on eart h who m the y graciousl y favor wit h love .
For soon the y wil l send t o th e heart h of his great hous e
Ploutus, th e go d giving abundance to mortals.


The sit e of Eleusis lies on th e coas t o f Attica some 1 8 km northwes t

of Athens . Startin g a t th e en d o f th e las t century , Gree k archaeologist s
have uncovered virtuall y the entir e sanctuary an d distinguished buildin g
phases from th e Bronz e Age to the Roma n period. Th e hypothetical loca tions of several place s mentione d i n th e Hymn t o Demeter, such a s th e
Callichoron Sprin g (272) , ar e indicate d o n th e pla n b y George Mylona s

Women i n Archaic Greece


Figure 1.6 . Pla n o f the sanctuar y at Eleusi s with th e Telesterio n or Hal l o f the Mysterie s of Demeter,
as wel l a s th e earlie r an d late r building s foun d o n th e site . K , th e Callichoron / QP , th e Qreate r
Propylaea/ LP , th e Lesse r Propylaea/ PN , th e Ploutonion / H11 , rock-cu t platfor m an d th e are a o f th e
"Mirthless Stone" / SW , th e Sacre d Way / F , th e "Templ e F" / P1 , th e Chape l o f Panaghitsa / L10 ,
Roman buildin g o n spur, - B20 , Prehistori c remains on th e Akropolis / T , Terrac e above the Telesterion /
R1, Norther n Stairway , R , Souther n Stairway/ M , th e Megaron / T2 , Terrac e in fron t o f main eastern
facade o f the Telesterion / Z12 , th e Callichoro n of the Homeri c hymn.

(Fig. 1.6) . Th e Telesterion , firs t buil t i n th e sixt h centur y an d enlarge d

in th e fifth , i s the grea t hal l wher e th e Mysterie s wer e performed.
We do not kno w exactl y wha t wen t o n in the Mysteries , sinc e initi ates were strictl y forbidde n to divulge anything abou t them ; bu t th e proceedings almos t certainl y include d a reenactmen t o f part s o f th e myt h
told above. Nevertheless, the Hymn to Demeter or the version it recounts
was wel l know n i n Athen s b y th e middl e o f th e sixt h centur y an d in spired severa l vas e paintings . A wate r ja r (hydria ) o f abou t 52 0 B.C.E .
(Fig. 1.7 ) shows Demete r (he r nam e inscribed ) i n he r chariot , afte r he r
reconciliation wit h th e othe r Olympia n gods , a s sh e prepare s t o rejoi n



Figure 1.7 . Black-figur e Atti c vase (ca . 520 B.C.E. ) showin g th e goddes s Demeter in he r chario t he r
daughter Persephon e returned t o he r fro m th e underworld.

them (cf . Hymn t o Demeter 470ff.) . Th e wa y i s led by Hermes, the mes senger god , wh o conduct s Persephone , free d fro m Hade s (Hymn t o De meter 360ff.) . Apollo , a s a representativ e o f th e Olympia n family , ac companies th e festiv e processio n o n th e kithar a ( a typ e o f lyre) ; th e
goddess facing hi m ma y b e his sister Artemis.
Cults o f Demete r an d o f Persephon e wer e particularl y stron g an d
widespread i n th e Gree k colonie s o f Sout h Ital y an d Sicily . Locr i
Epizephyrii was a Greek city i n Souther n Ital y (nea r modern Reggi o Calabria), founde d in th e earl y sevent h centur y B.C.E . I t ha d a n importan t
sanctuary o f Persephon e (Diodoru s 27.4.3) tha t flourishe d especiall y i n
the sixt h an d fift h centuries . I n th e sanctuar y wer e foun d hundred s of
clay plaque s dedicate d t o th e goddes s b y women . Man y o f thes e sho w
scenes relating to the weddin g of the dedicato r herself, such a s the brideto-be preparing her troussea u (cf . Chapter 7 , an d Fig . 7.10). Bu t severa l
other serie s o f pinake s (plaques ) depic t th e goddes s Persephone , he r
mother Demeter , an d occasionall y othe r gods , suc h a s Dionysu s o r
Hermes, th e messenger . On e group (Fig . 1.8) shows the abductio n o f Persephone b y Hades (Hymn t o Demeter 15-20) .
The story of Demeter and Persephon e also served as the paradig m for
many all-femal e fertilit y rituals throughou t Greece , th e mos t famou s of
which wa s calle d th e Thesmophori a (se e Chapte r 3) . Henc e w e ca n as -

Women in Arachaic Greece


Figure 1.8 . Fragmen t o f a fifth-centur y

B.C.E. relie f fro m th e sanctuar y o f Persephone at Locri / it s imag e o f the abduc tion o f Persephone by Hade s stresse s
the franti c gesture s of th e maide n
snatched away fro m he r helples s

sume tha t th e goddesses ' resistanc e t o an d fina l acceptanc e o f marriage

helped morta l wome n t o defin e an d accep t thei r majo r socia l role , tha t
of wife an d mothe r wh o brough t fertility t o he r society throug h her children an d use d he r power s i n ritual s to ensur e th e succes s o f the yearl y
The Archaic Ideal
As wife, the Homeric woman, at least as she appears in the Iliad's Andromache or the Odyssey's Penelope (see Chapter 2 for the different role
of Sparta n women) , wa s mean t no t onl y t o produc e an d rais e heir s bu t
also t o presid e ove r he r househol d b y weavin g an d watchin g ove r th e
domestic slave s an d goods . Thi s las t rol e wa s particularl y important ,
given the frequen t absenc e o f her husband on military or diplomatic missions. The Odyssey elaborates on the difficulties faced by Penelope during th e extende d absenc e o f Odysseus, especiall y sinc e hi s whereabout s
are uncertai n an d h e i s presumed b y man y t o b e dead . Penelop e want s
to preserv e marriage , household, an d kingdo m for Odysseus. Ye t her so n
Telemachus i s growing u p an d want s t o com e int o hi s inheritanc e an d
control hi s household ; suitor s ar e pressin g thei r courtshi p o n Penelope ,
perhaps in par t becaus e th e winne r want s t o us e the marriag e to secur e
the kingshi p of Ithaca; members of Odysseus's ow n household , includin g
some of Penelope's handmaidens , are betraying their master and th e suitors ar e consumin g th e wealt h o f th e household ; Odysseus' s fathe r i s
wasting awa y fo r lac k o f hi s son . I t take s al l th e heroine' s intelligenc e
and strateg y t o forestal l th e suitor s an d preserv e th e integrit y o f he r
household (se e further Fole y 1978 , Murnaghan 1987, and Kat z 1991) .



Of th e domestic task s assigne d t o th e prope r Homeri c wife , th e

poems cal l attentio n t o women' s weaving . As the Iliad's Hecto r say s t o
his wif e Andromach e abou t th e sexua l divisio n o f labo r betwee n hus band an d wife , "Bu t returnin g to th e house , atten d t o you r work , th e
loom an d th e distaff , an d bi d your handmaiden s to d o s o also ; bu t th e
men wil l have charge of the fighting , al l o f those fro m Ilium , but I more
than others." (Iliad 6.490-93). Helen in Iliad 3 (125-28) weaves in her
extraordinary we b the battle s fough t a t Tro y ove r herself i n th e manne r
of a poet. Penelope' s ruse with he r weaving delays the threa t o f her marriage to the suitor s for many years. I n the perio d after th e Troja n War in
which th e whereabout s of the wanderin g Odysseus are unknown , Penelope unravels each nigh t the shrou d fo r her father-in-law that sh e insist s
she must mak e before departure for marriage to one o f the suitors .
The epic wif e could influenc e in variou s ways the worl d outsid e he r
home. (Th e discussio n o f Classica l Athen s wil l emphasiz e th e dimin ished rol e tha t th e respectabl e wif e ha d withi n he r home , i f not i n th e
area o f religion). When her husband was i n residence , a wife coul d gree t
and convers e with guests , tell stories, an d eve n offer gift s o f her own . I n
the Odyssey's Utopian Phaeacia, the wise Arete is said to determine the
fate o f suppliant s t o he r heart h an d eve n adjudicate s quarrel s amon g
those sh e favor s (7.73-74) . Althoug h sh e wa s mean t t o spen d he r tim e
indoors, th e Archai c wife coul d also serve her society b y performing rites
for th e gods . Hecto r i n th e passag e quote d abov e tell s Andromach e t o
return t o he r prope r plac e withi n th e hous e an d leav e wa r t o th e me n
(on thi s scene , se e further Arthur 1981 . A scene on Achilles' shield, how ever, depict s women an d childre n defending their beseige d cit y fro m th e
ramparts [Iliad 18.514-15]; in another, wives watch a wedding from their
doorways [Iliad 18.495-95].). Yet in Iliad 6, the women of Troy are assigned t o leav e thei r home s t o propitiat e the goddes s Athena wit h gifts ,
and th e Troja n wome n ar e ofte n show n lookin g anxiouslyo r i n th e
case o f Helen , wit h magisteria l interesta t th e battle s fough t o n th e
plains belo w th e cit y wall .
The Troja n priestes s wh o receive s th e women' s gift s t o Athen a i s
named Theano. (Fo r further discussio n of Theano, a s well a s an illustra tion o f an Archai c priestess of Athena in Athens , see Chapter 3.) Amon g
the severa l figurine s o f priestesse s fro m th e archai c period , thi s ivor y
statuette (Fig . 1.9) fro m Ephesu s holds a distaf f t o he r breas t i n he r lef t
hand; a ball of wool i s impaled on th e rod , whil e a thread fall s fro m th e
distaff throug h he r lef t han d t o a spindle dangling against he r lowe r leg .
Her high headdress , jewelry, decorated tunic , larg e eyes, an d roun d fac e
may b e orientalizing features that characteriz e he r a s a priestess .
Religious Dedications b y Aristocratic Wome n
The missio n o f Hecub a an d he r Troja n wome n t o dedicat e gift s t o
Athena wa s mor e tha n a fictiona l practice . Wome n ar e know n t o hav e
made dedication s t o th e god s an d goddesse s i n sanctuarie s throughou t

Women in Archaic Greece


Figure 1.9 . A seventh-centur y B.c.E .

ivory statuett e of a priestes s fro m Ephe sus i n Asia Minor / th e combinatio n of
elaborate ornament s an d th e distaf f an d
spindle of domestic wor k occu r else where fo r images o f women an d sug gest tha t thes e are traditiona l attributes
of women an d femininit y i n th e Qree k

the Gree k world durin g the Archai c period . Recen t studie s o f dedicator y
inscriptions o f th e eight h t o fift h centurie s B.C.E . showe d tha t abou t
eighty ou t o f nearl y on e thousan d wer e mad e b y women. Wit h fe w exceptions, wome n mad e dedications t o female divinities, while me n mad e
dedications t o bot h femal e an d mal e divinities . Th e recipien t o f th e
largest numbe r o f dedications b y women wa s Athen a (especiall y o n th e



Acropolis o f Athens) ; other s wer e mad e t o goddesse s importan t i n th e

female lif e cycle : Artemis , Hera, Aphrodite, Nemesis, the birt h goddes s
Eileithyia, th e Nymphs , Demeter, and Persephone.
The earlies t an d perhap s best-known dedication i s a kor e offere d t o
Artemis o n th e islan d o f Delo s b y a woma n fro m neighborin g Naxo s
named Nicandr e (Fig. 1.10. Se e earlier under "Korai: Archai c Statues of
Greek Maidens " fo r discussio n o f thi s statue) . Th e dedicator y inscrip tion, carved along one side of her dress, gives details of Nicandre's family, whic h mus t hav e bee n on e o f th e wealthies t an d mos t prominen t
on Naxos:
Nicandre dedicated me to the far-darter , th e maide n who showers arrows, I, th e
daughter o f Deinodicu s of Naxos, distinguished among women, siste r o f Deinomenes an d wif e o f Phraxos .
(Lazzarini 1976 : no. 157 ; Richter 1968 : 26)

The statue, put u p in the middl e of the sevent h century B.C.E. , i s not onl y
the earlies t dedicatio n b y a Greek woman, but i s the earlies t exampl e of
Greek monumental ston e sculpture .
From th e evidenc e o f Nicandre's dedication an d on e a century late r
on th e islan d o f Paros , i t woul d see m tha t dedication s b y aristocrati c
women wer e mor e prevalen t in th e Cyclade s than elsewher e i n Greece .
The late r statu e i s lost, bu t th e marbl e column tha t supporte d i t bear s
this dedication :
Artemis, Telestodic e dedicate d thi s statue to you,
the mothe r of Asphalios and daughte r of Thersiles.
I [th e statue ] boast I am th e wor k of Critonides of Paros.
(Lazzarini 1976 : no. 726)

Telestodice define s hersel f a s daughter , wife , an d mothe r o f he r mal e

relatives. Sinc e Artemis was bor n o n Delo s (wit h her brothe r Apollo) , a
main cente r o f he r worshi p wa s i n th e Cyclades , an d dedication s lik e
Nicandre's sugges t tha t sh e wa s th e principa l deity worshipe d o n Delo s
in th e earl y Archai c period, befor e her brothe r too k over .
Of smaller-scal e object s dedicate d b y women , mirror s were consid ered specifically "female" becaus e of their associatio n wit h women' s toi lette an d cosmetics . Seve n bronz e mirror s fro m al l part s o f th e Gree k
world bea r dedication s b y wome n t o variou s goddesse s and , i n on e in stance, t o Zeus. One mirror, dedicated by Hippylla, is from Brauro n (Fig.
1.11), wher e w e kno w fro m inscription s tha t wome n dedicate d article s
of clothing t o Artemi s (probabl y in gratitud e for a successful childbirth,
an even t ove r whic h th e goddes s presided) , a s wel l a s t o th e heroin e
Iphigenia (Euripides , Iphigenia among th e Taurians 1463-67 ; sh e re ceived clothin g fro m wome n wh o die d i n childbirth) , thoug h non e survive (se e the discussio n o f girls' rituals at Brauro n in Chapte r 3) . I n th e
sanctuary o f Persephone a t Locr i i n Sout h Ital y (cf . Fig. 1.8) , Xenodok a
dedicated a mirror to th e goddess .
In th e sam e sanctuary a t Locri , a man an d woman, Capro n an d Pro-

Women in Archaic Greece



Figure 1.10. Nicandr e offere d thi s statue to the goddes s Artemis , as she tells the viewer i n an inscrip tion o n th e sid e o f he r dres s (C) . This earlies t remainin g monumenta l Qree k ston e statu e resemble s
Egyptian sculptur e in it s pose (A) , and it s flatness suggests it s early date (B ) (ca. 65 0 B.C.E.) .

xena (presumabl y husband and wife ) mad e a dedication t o Persephone ,

and o n Paros , the sam e Telestodice mentione d abov e dedicated a second
statue togethe r wit h he r husband Democydes.
The larges t bod y o f epigraphic evidence for such dedication s come s




Figure 1.11. Th e mirro r (ca . 480

B.C.E.) dedicate d by Hippyll a to Ar temis at Brauron / mirrors , lik e spindles
and jewelry , were traditionall y associated wit h women.

from th e Athenia n Acropolis . Ther e ar e fourtee n certai n dedication s b y

women, an d almos t al l belon g t o th e lat e Archai c period, ca . 525-48 0
B.C.E. I n most instances , th e objec t dedicate d i s lost an d w e do not kno w
what i t was . I n tw o case s th e inscriptio n i s on a marbl e basi n tha t i s
itself th e dedicatio n (perhap s used fo r holy water) , an d on e inscriptio n
is on th e pedesta l tha t supported suc h a basin.
The relativel y larg e numbe r o f dedication s b y Athenia n wome n
were probabl y inspired by the femal e divinity, Athena . The man y kora i
set u p o n th e Acropoli s may hav e bee n dedication s to Athen a to o (cf .
Figs. 1. 3 and 1.4) , bu t w e d o no t kno w ho w man y of these, i f any, wer e
set u p b y women. Thos e fe w whos e dedication s are preserve d wer e pu t
up by men, wh o clearly controlled the financia l resource s to commission
such expensiv e votives .
The lates t o f th e Acropoli s dedications b y a woma n wa s mad e ca .
470-450 B.C.E . Contemporaneou s with thi s is an unusua l inscription fro m
the sanctuar y of Demeter o n th e slopin g hill betwee n th e Acropoli s an d
the Agora . I t records , i n tw o elegia c couplets , a dedicatio n t o Demete r
and Persephon e by a priestes s of the goddesse s name d Lysistrat e (Prit chett 1940 : 96-97):
O Mistress Demeter, Lysistrate, the attendan t o f your secre t rite ,
And o f your daughter's , set u p thi s offering o f two wreath s
As an ornamen t of the forecourt . She is not sparin g of what sh e has,
But i s unstinting to th e god s within her power.

Women i n Archaic Greece 3

Lysistrate ha d probabl y been awarde d these tw o wreath s fo r her service s

as priestess o f the cul t o f Demeter, whic h wa s a "branch " of the princi pal sanctuar y i n Eleusi s (se e Fig. 1.6) .
Archaic Misogyny
The Homeric poems an d early aristocrati c lyri c celebrate th e importanc e
of th e woman' s rol e a s wif e an d mother , an d prais e he r beauty , skill ,
and intelligence . Lik e men , thes e wome n ar e viewe d a s adult mora l be ings; thei r decision s ma y b e subject t o divin e interference , bu t the y ar e
equally rationa l an d ca n b e praised fo r their moral integrity . I n the Odyssey Penelop e win s individua l fame fo r her chastity , wherea s th e adul tery o f Clytemnestra , wif e o f Agamemno n an d daughte r o f Tyndareus ,
casts a slu r o n womankin d i n general . Thu s prais e fo r th e Homeri c
woman i s individual, whereas blam e is generalizable:
The sou l o f Agamemnon, son of Atreus, answere d him :
"O fortunate son of Laertes, Odysseus o f the man y devices ,
surely you hav e won yourself a wif e endowe d wit h grea t virtue .
How good wa s proved th e hear t tha t i s in blameles s Penelope ,
Ikarios' daughter, and ho w well sh e remembered Odysseus ,
her weddin g husband. Thereb y th e fam e o f her virtue shal l neve r
die away, bu t th e immortal s wil l mak e for the peopl e
of earth a thin g of grace i n th e son g fo r prudent Penelope .
Not s o did th e daughte r o f Tyndareos fashio n he r evi l
deeds, whe n sh e kille d her wedde d lord , an d a song of loathing
will b e hers amon g men , t o make evil th e reputatio n
of womankind, even fo r those whose act s are virtuous. "
(Odyssey 24.191-202 ; Lattimore 1965)

One stran d o f th e archai c traditio n develope d a t lengt h a consider ably mor e ambivalen t attitud e t o wives . Thes e view s ar e bes t repre sented i n th e stor y o f the creatio n o f the first woman i n Hesiod' s Theogony an d Work s an d Days an d Semonides ' poe m o n th e origi n o f th e
different tribe s o f womankind fro m differen t animals , earth , an d sea .
Hesiod's two poem s twic e represen t th e creatio n o f the firs t woma n
as a punishmen t t o a grou p of mortal me n (create d i n som e version s b y
the go d Prometheus) . Woman' s creatio n i s par t o f man' s fal l fro m a
Golden Ag e into a worl d marke d b y death, disease, labor , an d th e nee d
to produc e heir s fro m a creatur e whos e seductiv e beaut y conceal s he r
unreliability, he r greediness , an d he r uselessness . A wife ca n exhaus t a
man sexuall y an d ag e hi m prematurel y (Work s an d Days, 702-5) ; and ,
like a drone , sh e drain s hi s hard-wo n accumulatio n o f agricultura l
wealth. I n contrast t o othe r Archai c poetry, Hesio d mention s n o contri butions by wives to the econom y o f the household , no t eve n cooking an d
weaving. Ye t a wif e i s a necessar y evi l becaus e withou t he r a ma n can not hav e a so n t o inheri t hi s property . Suspiciou s of a wife' s virtue an d
fidelity, Hesiod recommend s a lat e marriage (thirty ) t o a young an d vir-



ginal woman , preferabl y th e daughte r o f a neighbo r an d therefor e a

known quantit y (Work s and Days, 699-701) .
In Hesiod' s creatio n myt h th e conflic t betwee n Zeu s an d th e Tita n
god Prometheus o r "Forethought 0 ultimatel y condemn s mankind (a s did
Jehovah i n Genesis ) t o thre e typicall y ambivalen t gift s fro m th e gods :
agriculture, marriag e an d procreation , an d sacrifice . Me n appea r t o ge t
the bes t part s o f th e sacrificia l animal , bu t i n fac t the y confir m thei r
mortality with thei r portion , fo r the foo d the y ea t require s labor to pro duce; b y contrast, th e portion s burned fo r the god s i n sacrific e giv e the m
only th e savo r fro m th e meat , whil e the y continu e t o subsis t o n food s
that ensur e thei r immortality : necta r an d ambrosia . Similarly , me n retain fire; yet i t i s not th e immorta l fir e o f the gods , bu t a fire that ma n
must labo r t o feed , jus t a s h e mus t als o wor k t o fee d th e useles s an d
dronelike woma n an d produc e childre n b y he r (se e Vernan t 1980b) . I n
the followin g passag e fro m th e Theogony, a poe m tha t i s largel y con cerned wit h explainin g th e origin s o f the divin e cosmos , th e first woman
resembles a bride . Althoug h useles s economically, a wif e can , lik e other
gifts o f the god s t o men , occasionall y b e good , eve n thoug h a man' s lif e
continually alternate s betwee n goo d an d bad . Th e Work s an d Days
stresses th e struggl e o f me n livin g i n a n Iro n Ag e to wor k an d recove r
something o f the los t Golde n Age , a struggl e t o whic h wome n mak e n o
contribution beyon d reproduction . I n keeping wit h thi s theme, Pandora ,
the firs t woman , i s a deceptiv e an d hollo w imitatio n o f th e goddesse s
she wa s mad e t o resembl e an d th e sourc e o f death an d diseas e amon g
humankind (Se e furthe r Pucc i 1977) .
Immediately h e [Zeus ] made in paymen t o f fire an evi l for men,
for th e famou s Lame-Legge d On e fashione d o f clay,
as Zeus decreed, a n imag e resembling a virgin demure.
And th e goddes s gray-eye d Athen a girdle d and dressed he r
in a silver-white gown an d ove r he r hea d dre w a veil,
one that wa s woven wit h wonderfu l skill, a marvel to loo k at ;
and ove r thi s a garland of spring flowers, bright in thei r freshness ,
Pallas Athena se t on he r hea d a lovel y adornment ;
and a gold crown, encirclin g the brow , sh e put i n it s place,
which ha d bee n mad e by the famou s Lame-Legged On e himself,
using the skil l of his hands, gladl y obliging Zeus Father.
On it wer e mad e many intricat e shapes , marvel s to loo k a t
resembling the terribl e monsters spawned by earth an d sea ;
many of these h e put ther e al l of them breathin g with charm ,
marvelous beings which seemed t o b e living and abl e to roar .
When h e had finished this beauty, thi s evil to balanc e a good ,
Hephaistos brought he r among the othe r god s and men ,
glorying in he r adornmen t b y the gray-eye d Daughter of Great Zeus.
Then th e god s and mortal me n were struck with amazemen t
when the y behel d thi s sheer inescapabl e snar e fo r men.
From he r descend th e rac e of women, th e feminin e sex;
from he r com e th e banefu l rac e an d type s of women.
Women, a great plague , make their abode s with morta l men,

Women i n Archaic Greece 4

being ill-suited to Poverty' s curse bu t suite d t o Plenty.
Compare how th e hone y bee s in th e protecte d cell s of the hive s
garner food fo r the drones , conspirer s i n evi l works
all da y lon g they ar e activ e unti l the su n goes down
busily workin g and storin g white hone y durin g the daylight
while the drone s kee p within th e protecte d cell s o f the hive s and
garner int o their stomach s the foo d tha t others hav e worked for.
Even s o Zeus the Thundere r o n Hig h created wome n
as an evi l for men an d conspirer s i n troublesom e works .
And i n exchang e fo r a good h e gave a balancing evil.
Whoever flees from marriag e and women' s mischievou s works,
being unwilling to wed , come s t o banefu l ol d age with
no one t o care for his needs, an d thoug h h e has plenty t o liv e on
while he is living, collateral heir s divide his possession s
when h e i s dead. A s for the ma n wh o i s fated t o marry,
if h e obtain s a virtuou s wife, on e endowe d wit h goo d sense ,
throughout hi s lif e evi l an d goo d alternat e endlessly .
But tha t ma n wh o obtain s a wif e wh o i s thoroughly bad
lives having deep i n hi s breast a pain which neve r subsides
fixed in hi s innermost heart , an d thi s i s an evi l incurable.
Thus to deceive Zeus' s mind is impossible or to get aroun d it ,
for no t eve n th e so n of lapetos, craft y Prometheus ,
avoided hi s deep wrath, bu t i n spit e o f his shrewednes s
suffers unde r compulsio n grea t inescapabl e bondage .
(Theogony 570-616 ; Fraze r 1983)
Then, stirre d t o anger , Zeu s of the Stor m Clou d addresse d hi m a s follows :
"Son o f lapetos, yo u wh o surpas s all others in planning,
you rejoic e i n your thef t o f my fire and i n havin g deceived me ,
being the caus e o f great pai n t o yourself an d me n i n th e future .
I shal l give them i n paymen t o f fire an evi l which al l shal l
take t o thei r heart s wit h delight , a n evi l t o love an d embrace."
Thus the Fathe r of Gods and Me n addressed him , an d laughed .
And h e commanded far-fame d Hephaisto s immediately t o make it
out o f water an d clay , an d giv e it th e voic e of a huma n an d
put i n i t strengt h an d caus e i t t o loo k lik e a goddess immortal,
having the lovely , desirabl e shape of a virgin . And then h e
ordered Athen a t o teac h he r the skil l of intricate weaving.
And Aphrodit e the Golde n h e ordered t o shed on he r charm an d
make her a n objec t o f painful lov e an d exhaustin g desire .
And h e ordered Herme s the Guide , the Slaye r of Argos,
to pu t i n he r min d a dog's shamelessnes s an d th e decei t of a thief .
Thus spoke thei r king, Zeus, son of Kronos, an d the y obeyed him .
Immediately th e famou s Lame-Legged On e moulde d o f clay
an imag e resembling a virgin demure, a s Zeus had decreed .
And th e goddes s gray-eyed Athen a girdled and dresse d her :
the Grace s divine along with ou r Lad y Persuasio n hung
golden necklace s o n her , an d th e lovel y Hora i
crowned he r hea d b y setting upo n i t a garland of spring flowers,
all o f which thing s Pallas Athena arrange d in goo d order .
And th e Guide , the Slaye r of Argos, enclose d i n he r breas t



lies and wheedlin g words an d th e treacherou s way s o f a thief ,

following Zeu s the Thunderer' s decree ; an d he , heaven' s herald ,
gave her a speaking voice an d announce d tha t he r name wa s Pandora,
"The Gif t o f All," because al l th e god s who dwel l on Olympo s
gave a gif t t o thi s plagu e for men wh o ar e eater s o f bread.
But whe n h e had complete d thi s sheer inescapabl e snare,
Zeus Fathe r ha d he r le d off as a gif t t o Epimetheu s
by th e famou s Slayer of Argos, heaven's swift herald .
And Epimetheu s took n o hee d o f Prometheus' advic e
not t o receiv e an y gif t th e Olympia n Zeus might send hi m
but t o rejec t i t les t some evi l shoould happe n t o mortals.
So he receive d i t an d learne d b y experience th e evi l he had.
For the tribe s o f men ha d previousl y lived on th e eart h
free an d apar t fro m evils , fre e fro m burdensom e labor
and fro m painfu l diseases , th e bringer s of death t o men.
In th e powe r o f these evil s men rapidl y pass into old age.
But the n woman , raisin g the jar' s great li d in he r hand s an d
scattering it s contents, devise d anguishing miseries for men.
Only Hop e was lef t within , securely imprisoned ,
caught ther e unde r the li p of the jar , unable to fly
out an d away , fo r before this could happe n she let th e li d drop,
as the Lor d of the Aegis , Zeu s of the Stor m Cloud , decreed .
But a s for those other , thos e numberles s miseries, the y wande r amon g men,
for th e eart h i s abounding in evil s and s o is the sea.
And disease s com e upo n me n b y day an d b y night,
everywhere movin g at will , bringing evil to mortal s
silently, fo r Zeus of the Counsel s ha s deprive d them o f voices .
Thus i n n o way ca n anyon e escap e th e purpos e of Zeus.
(Works an d Days, 53-105 ; Frazer 1983 )
Semonides' poe m o n wome n similarl y stresses thei r tendencie s t o la ziness, uncontrolle d appetite , slovenliness , gossip , an d adultery . Eac h
tribe o f wome n reflect s the characteristic s o f it s nonhuma n origi n (se e
further Lorau x 1978) . Mar e women ar e aristocratic a lovel y an d useles s
luxury; pi g women reflec t th e slovenl y environmen t i n whic h the y live ;
the donke y woman i s reluctant t o work but no t t o eat o r engage in adultery; like Pandora, the vixe n woma n i s unpredictably good or bad. Semonides hint s i n th e fina l line s o f the poe m tha t hi s one virtuou s woman ,
the industriou s and sexless bee woman, ma y well be the produc t o f imagination rathe r tha n realit y (represente d b y the ba d wives).
In th e beginnin g God made variou s kinds of women
with variou s minds . H e made one fro m th e hair y sow,
that one whose hous e i s smeared wit h mud , and al l withi n
lies in dishevelment an d rolls along th e ground ,
while th e pig-woma n in unlaundere d clothin g sit s
unwashed hersel f amon g th e dunghill s an d grow s fat.
God made anothe r woma n fro m th e mischievou s
vixen, whos e min d gets int o everything . N o act

Women i n Archaic Greece 4

of wickedness unknown to her ; no ac t o f good
either, becaus e th e thing s she says ar e often ba d
but sometime s good . He r temper changes al l the time .
One was a donkey, dust y gra y an d obstinate .
It's hard t o make her work. Yo u have to curs e an d tu g
to make he r do it, bu t i n the en d she gets it don e
quite well . Then sh e goes t o her corner-crib and eats .
She eats al l day, sh e eats al l night , an d b y the fire
she eats. Bu t when there' s a chance t o mak e love, she'l l tak e
the first one of her husband' s friends wh o come s along .
One was begotten fro m th e maned , fastidiou s mare.
She manages to avoi d al l housewor k an d th e chore s
of slaves. Sh e wouldn't touc h th e mill , or lif t a sieve,
or sweep th e dun g from th e hous e an d thro w i t ou t o f doors,
or kneel b y the fire . Afrai d th e soo t wil l mak e her dirty .
She makes her husban d boon-companion t o Har d Times .
She washes th e dir t off her bod y ever y da y
twice a t least , thre e times somes days, an d anoints hersel f
with perfume , an d foreve r wear s he r lon g hair combed
and shadowe d dee p with flowers. A woman suc h a s this
makes, t o b e sure, a lovel y wif e fo r someone els e
to look at , bu t he r husband finds her a n expens e
unless he i s some baro n o r a sceptered kin g
who ca n indulg e his taste fo r luxuries like her .
One from a bee. Th e ma n i s lucky wh o get s her .
She is the onl y on e n o blam e can settl e on.
A man' s lif e grow s an d blossom s underneat h he r touch .
She loves her husband , h e loves her , an d the y gro w old
together, whil e thei r gloriou s childre n rise t o fame .
Among the throng s of other wome n thi s one shine s
as an example . Heavenl y grace surrounds her. She
alone take s no delight i n sitting with th e res t
when th e conversation's abou t sex . . . .
Even th e wif e wh o appear s to b e the bes t behave d
turns out t o be the on e who lets hersel f g o wrong.
Her husband gawp s an d doesn't notice; neighbor s do ,
and smil e to see how anothe r ma n get s fooled .
Each ma n wil l pick faults i n someon e else' s wif e
and boast s o f his own eac h tim e h e speaks of her. An d yet
the sam e thin g happens t o us all. Bu t we don't see .
For women ar e th e bigges t single ba d thin g Zeus
has mad e for us; a bal l an d a chain ; we can' t ge t loose
since tha t tim e when th e fight about a wife bega n
the grea t War , and the y volunteered , an d went t o hell .
(Semonides 7.1-11, 43-49 , 57-70 , 83-91, 108-18 ; Lattimore



Scholars hav e speculated whethe r th e differen t attitud e tha t Hesio d

(or Semonides ) develop s towar d wome n i s th e produc t o f hi s bein g les s
than a n aristocrat , a farme r face d wit h difficul t economi c stresse s pose d
by intensiv e agricultur e on smal l holding s of lan d an d a les s tha n reli able social environment , i n whic h king s were no t abov e corruption an d
narrow self-interest ; i n whic h th e interest s o f a n individua l househol d
may b e a t odd s wit h tha t o f th e societ y a t larg e (Sussma n 1978) ; i n
which th e exogamou s marriag e and internationa l diplomac y o f epic ar e
counterproductive o r unimportant ; an d i n whic h publi c an d privat e
worlds have apparentl y diverge d far more radicall y than i n th e Homeri c
poems. The y hav e questione d t o wha t degre e Hesiod' s misogynisti c perspective i s th e produc t o f a poeti c traditio n tha t aim s t o persuad e it s
hearers to b e virtuous through negative as well a s positive exempla . Th e
nature o f the audienc e ma y als o affec t th e conten t o f the poems : whil e
the interna l audience s o f the Homeri c poems explicitly includ e women ,
for example , Hesiod' s work s ar e addresse d t o king s and/o r hi s brother .
Finally, th e large r theme s tha t th e poe t i s pursuin g i n th e poe m ma y
shape hi s representatio n o f women. Hesiod' s first woman i s a paw n i n a
larger gam e bein g playe d betwee n god s an d men . B y contrast, Homer' s
portrait o f Hele n i n th e tw o grea t epic s ma y b e influence d b y th e nee d
in th e Iliad t o avoi d makin g the Troja n Wa r appea r fough t for a worth less object, wherea s th e Odyssey's mor e ambivalen t portrait enhance s it s
favoring o f home, survival , and chast e wive s relative to Iliadi c militar y

Archaic art an d literatur e als o stress th e importan t publi c role of women
as mourners of the dead . Wome n not onl y lai d out th e bodie s of the dea d
for burial , bu t playe d th e majo r rol e i n lamentin g them . Wome n coul d
be so effective at traditiona l mournin g songs an d gestures , suc h a s tear ing hair , cheeks , an d clothin g an d beatin g th e breast , tha t the y wer e
often hire d t o participat e i n th e funera l lamentation s an d processions of
important aristocrat s an d warriors . I n th e Iliad, Achilles ' concubin e
Briseis play s a n importan t rol e i n mournin g th e hero Patroclu s
(19.282-303); i n Iliad 24 , the Troja n her o Hector' s mothe r Hecuba , hi s
wife Andromache , an d hi s sister-in-la w Hele n prais e th e her o an d la ment hi s loss t o famil y an d city:
By the gate s they met Pria m bringin g the corps e of his son.
Hector's dear wife an d roya l mother rushed up
To the wheel-spinnin g wagon, and touchin g the hea d of the dead
They wailed and tore at thei r hair, whil e the people crowded
Around the m and wept. And now al l day long till sunset
They would have stayed outside the gates , lamenting
And weepin g for Hector, had no t th e ol d King , still

Women i n Archaic Greece 4

In th e chariot , spoken thus t o hi s people:
"Make way
For the mule s to pas s through. Later , whe n I'v e brought him home ,
You ma y weep t o your heart' s content. "
He spoke, an d th e crow d
Opened up , makin g way for the wagon . Onc e at th e palac e
They lai d Hecto r out o n a corded be d and seate d
Beside him singers t o lea d i n th e dirge , an d the y chante d
The funeral son g with th e wome n respondin g in chorus .
Then white-arme d Andromach e led their lament , holdin g
The hea d o f man-killing Hector clos e i n he r arms ,
And wailing:
"My husband , early indee d you hav e lef t us ,
Me a widow i n your spacious halls , your son
Still a baby , th e so n we tw o s o unluckily had,
Who now , I think will neve r liv e to b e grown ,
Since long before tha t thi s city shal l topple i n ruins .
For you, m y husband, ar e dead, you tha t protected
The tow n an d kep t fro m har m its excellent wive s
And littl e children . These , I fear, shal l soo n
Be riding the hollo w ships , an d I among them
And you, m y child, mus t g o with m e to where you shal l toil
For some monstrou s master , o r have some Achaea n seize
Your small ar m an d hur l you dow n fro m th e wal l t o a miserabl e
Death, bein g bitter a t Hecto r fo r killing his brother,
Perhaps, o r his father, or else hi s son, sinc e many,
Many Achaean s have bitten th e dust y hug e earth
At th e hand s of brave Hector, fo r your fathe r wa s not a t al l gentl e
In horribl e warso now th e peopl e ar e mourning
For you, Hector , throughou t th e city , an d grie f beyon d word s
You hav e brough t on your parents , bu t I far more tha n al l other s
Have nothing lef t bu t miserabl e sorrow. Fo r you
As you die d neithe r stretche d ou t your arm s to m e from th e bed ,
Nor di d you sa y an y wor d o f sweet lov e that I
Might hav e kept i n m y hear t throug h lon g days an d night s of
Thus she spoke i n he r wailing, an d al l o f the wome n
Responded, moanin g and weeping . The n Hecub a took u p
The dirge and le d the vehemen t keening , crying:
"Hector, th e deares t b y far to m y hear t o f all
My children, you whe n aliv e were als o dear
To the gods , an d s o they hav e cared fo r you now , thoug h your fat e
Was to die as you did . Wheneve r swift-footed Achille s
Took othe r childre n of mine, h e sold the m a s slaves
Beyond th e barre n and unrestin g sea, int o Samos,
Imbros, an d Lemnos , lost i n th e haze . Bu t when
With hi s tapering bronze h e had take n your life , h e dragged you
Daily abou t hi s comrade Patroclus' s barrow
Patroclus, who m you, m y son, slewthoug h eve n thi s
Did no t resurrec t hi s friend. Bu t now you li e
Fresh a s the de w i n our palace , like one merel y sleeping ,



Or one who m silver-bowe d Phoebus Apollo has slain

With hi s gentle shafts. "
Even so she spoke i n he r wailing,
And rouse d th e passionat e keening . Then Hele n was thir d
To lead th e lament , crying: "O Hector, deares t
By far t o m y hear t o f all m y husband' s brothers,
My husband is Paris the godlike , who brough t m e to Troy
Would I had die d first! Now thi s is the twentiet h yea r
Since I left m y ow n country , bu t neve r once hav e I heard
From you a n evi l word o r a n ugly . I n fact ,
When th e other s reproache d m e here i n the palace , some brothe r
Of yours, a sister, o r a well-dressed sister-in-law ,
Or even your motheryou r fathe r wa s kind to m e always,
A fathe r to m e as wellat suc h time s you
Would tur n the m awa y an d restrai n them wit h your gentl e spiri t
And courteou s words . Henc e now I weep fo r yo u
And m y own luckles s self, grievin g at heart , fo r now
No longe r is anyone lef t i n wid e Troy tha t i s gentle
Or lovin g to me . Al l shudder whenever I pass/'
(Iliad 24.719-776 ; Ree s 1991 )

Women Mourner s in Archai c Funerary Iconography

The earlies t figure d scene s i n Gree k art, o f the mid-eight h centur y B.C.E. ,
show mourner s a t a funeral (Fig . 1.12), an d i n the centurie s tha t follow ,
representations of death an d it s rituals occup y a n importan t rol e in both
painting and sculptur e (se e further Boardman 1955 , Kurtz and Boardma n
1971, Haveloc k 1981 , Kurt z 1984 , Mommse n 1984 , Shapir o 1991) . Th e
Greek funeral is shown o n painted cla y vessel s an d other object s actuall y
used i n various aspects o f funerary ritual, and thes e highligh t the centra l
role of women a s mourners .
In th e tim e o f Homer , o n larg e amphora s (Fig . 1.12 ) tha t marke d
the tom b o f a wealth y Athenian , th e decease d i s shown lyin g i n stat e
upon hi s bie r (o n othe r vase s th e decease d i s a woman) . Th e mourner s
include bot h wome n an d men , th e wome n recognizabl e onl y b y thei r
long skirt s an d thei r position , kneelin g besid e th e bier . Bot h me n an d
women perfor m the ritua l gesture of tearing their hair .
In th e cours e of the sevent h century , th e rol e o f mourner mus t have
fallen increasingl y t o women , fo r at th e beginnin g of the sixt h century ,
Solon reportedly drafte d law s regulating the conduc t o f female mourner s
at funeral s (thes e law s ar e furthe r discusse d i n Chapte r 3 . Se e Alexio u
1974 and Humphrey s 1983) . This legislation wa s aimed i n part a t curbin g
the ostentatio n o f aristocratic funerals . One late r sourc e suggest s tha t a
major concer n o f th e legislatio n wa s t o regulat e women' s behavio r i n
He [Solon] also subjected th e publi c appearances of women, thei r mourning , an d
their festivals, to a law which did away with disorder and license. Whe n women
went out , the y wer e no t t o wea r mor e tha n thre e garments , the y wer e no t t o

Women in Archaic Greece


Figure 1.12 . Earl y Atti c funerar y vas e (76 0 B.C.E. ) showin g mourner s at a funeral / me n an d wome n
tear thei r hair as a sig n o f inconsolabl e sorrow. Th e wome n knee l under the bier , thei r legs covere d
by lon g skirts.

carry mor e tha n a n obol' s worth o f food an d drink , no r a pannie r mor e tha n a
cubit high , an d the y wer e no t t o trave l abou t b y nigh t unles s the y rod e i n a
wagon wit h a lam p to ligh t thei r way . Laceratio n of the flesh by mourners, th e
use of set lamentations , an d th e bewailin g of anyone a t th e funera l ceremonie s
of anothe r h e forbade . Th e sacrific e of a n o x a t th e grav e wa s no t permitted ,
nor th e buria l wit h th e dea d o f mor e tha n thre e change s o f raiment , no r th e
visiting o f othe r tomb s tha n thos e o f thei r ow n family , excep t a t th e tim e o f
interment. Mos t o f thes e practice s ar e als o forbidde n by ou r [Attic ] laws , bu t
ours contain th e additiona l provis o tha t suc h offender s shal l be punished b y th e
board o f censor s fo r women , becaus e the y indulg e i n unmanl y an d effeminat e
extravagances o f sorrow when the y mourn .
(Plutarch, Solon 21.4-5 ; Perri n 1982 , modified)

Women wer e als o forbidde n to mour n fo r someone wh o wa s no t a

blood relative , a secon d cousin o r closer , excep t fo r women ove r ag e 60
(Demosthenes Against Macartatus, 43.62.) . This was evidently meant t o
curb th e practic e o f hirin g paid mourners . I t i s difficul t t o gaug e fro m
vase representation s o f funeral s jus t ho w effectiv e o r strictl y enforce d
these law s were . Wome n do regularly tea r thei r hai r an d flesh , bu t thi s
is always a t th e prothesi s (wake) , whic h too k plac e in th e home , no t i n
public. Ther e ar e to o fe w depictions of the fekphora (funeral procession )
to ge t a sens e o f the women' s behavior . The limitin g of the prothesi s t o
family member s doe s see m t o hav e bee n adhere d to : th e numbe r o f



women surroundin g the bie r i s relativel y smal l o n pinake s an d loutro phoroi o f th e sixt h century , an d on e plaqu e (Fig . 1.13 ) names al l th e
relations (mother , father , sister , aunts) , a s i f t o prov e tha t al l wer e
within th e prescribe d limits. The figure s wh o com e closes t t o th e youn g
man lai d ou t o n hi s bier an d actuall y touc h hi m ar e al l femal e (including a littl e girl) , whil e th e me n an d boy s approac h n o close r tha n th e
foot o f th e couch . Wome n wer e though t t o b e les s threatene d b y th e
ritual pollutio n (miasma ) o f contac t wit h a corpse , especiall y wome n
who ha d give n birth an d ha d thu s alread y incurred pollution.
In abou t 54 0 B.C.E., th e black-figur e vas e painte r Exekia s was com missioned b y a wealth y patro n t o execut e a series of about fiftee n terra cotta plaque s to decorat e a woman' s tomb , formin g a continuou s friez e
around thre e side s o f th e structure . Thes e plaque s narrat e th e variou s
stages of the funeral , fro m th e lyin g in state an d preparatio n of the bod y
to the harnessin g of the chario t t o transpor t the bod y t o th e grave . Family member s of both sexe s mour n besid e he r bier , bu t th e mourner s ac companying the chario t ar e all women. On e panel in the serie s is unique
in showing a vignette that i s not strictl y par t of the funerar y ritua l (Fig.
1.14). Eigh t women hav e withdrawn into a roo m of the hous e t o mour n
privately an d t o car e fo r a small , no w motherles s child . I n th e fore ground, tw o wome n si t quietly opposit e eac h other , perhap s the mothe r
and a daughte r or siste r o f th e deceased . Unlik e th e ritualize d gesture s
of mournin g prevalen t i n Archai c art , thi s intimat e scen e convey s th e
grief o f family and friend s i n a les s formal fashion .
By the lat e sixth century, certain shapes of vases were clearly associFigure 1.13 . Funera l plaque (ca. 500 B.C.E. ) wit h ki n gathere d a t th e wak e o f th e deceased . Wome n
stand close r t o the dea d ma n tha n d o th e mournin g men, whose arms ar e raise d i n a kin d o f farewel l

Women i n Archai c Greece


Figure 1.14 . Funera l plaque (ca. 540-530 B.C.E. ) showin g wome n mournin g in private, - th e littl e bo y
held b y th e wome n a t th e uppe r right contributes to the sens e o f intimacy.

ated with funerar y us e and often decorate d wit h appropriate scenes. On e

such shap e i s th e phormiskos , a globula r ju g use d t o contai n oi l fo r
anointing th e corps e (Fig . 1.15). A dead woman named Myrrhine is surrounded b y femal e mourners , on e o f the m holdin g he r child . Thei r
streaming hair allude s to th e standar d gesture of mourning.
The favorit e funerary shap e i n bot h black-figur e an d re d i s the lou trophoros, a tall, slender two-handle d jug that hel d water to cleanse th e
corpse. On e exampl e show s tw o scene s fro m th e funera l (Fig . 1.16) . O n
the neck , a woman holds a loutrophoros while others around her mourn.
Below, a yout h lie s o n hi s bier , mourne d b y a grou p o f women . Even
when famil y member s of both sexe s mour n a t th e bier , i t i s always th e
women wh o stan d neares t th e decease d o r touc h hi s o r he r body .
Woman's role i n givin g birt h an d carin g for children seems t o come ful l
circle i n he r rol e o f primary care fo r the dead . Bot h activitie s (a t leas t
after th e Solonian legislation ) generally took place within the home, th e
domain of women, whil e the primar y activities of men, war an d politics ,
took plac e outside th e home .



Figure 1.15. O n thi s unguent vase

from th e en d o f the sixt h century
B.C.E., th e femal e mourner s gather
around th e dea d woma n name d
Myrrhine. One o f the mourner s i s a little girl , i n th e foreground.

Nonaristocratic Wome n

The Homeri c poem s stres s th e tragi c effect s wa r ha s o n th e live s o f

women an d children, wh o will be forced to become slave s to the victors.
When Achilles 1 concubin e Briseis , a captiv e i n war , lament s th e deat h
of Patroclus , sh e recalls hi s promise t o arrang e her marriag e t o Achille s
on thei r retur n t o hi s homelan d afte r th e wa r (Iliad 19.282-300) . No w
neither Patroclu s or Achille s will retur n hom e an d fulfil l he r hopes . I n
Iliad 6 , Hecto r imagine s th e piteou s an d humiliatin g lo t Andromach e
will fac e a s a slav e (450-65) . I n th e Hymn t o Demeter, th e disguise d
Demeter pretend s tha t sh e ha s escape d fro m bein g capture d b y pirate s
who intend t o sell he r into slavery (122-34) .
Yet epi c poems claim that a slave's or concubine's lot could b e mitigated b y a beneficen t master . I n th e aristocrati c household s o f Homer,
the childre n o f concubines an d slave s were ofte n treate d indistinguish ably fro m nobl e children . I n a lyin g Creta n tale , Odysseu s tell s th e

Figure 1.16. Th e loutrophoro s (ca . 490-480 B.C.E.) , holding water t o wash the body o f the deceased,
appears o n th e nec k o f thi s loutrophoros , while o n th e bod y o f th e vesse l th e dea d yout h i s show n
with mourners.




swineherd Eumaeu s tha t a s th e so n o f a concubin e h e wa s honore d

equally wit h th e father' s othe r sons , an d eventuall y wo n a ric h wif e
with hi s valo r (Odysse y 14.199-213) . Odysseus' s mothe r care d fo r th e
once nobl e slave Eumaeus as one o f her ow n childre n (Odysse y 15.365) ,
just a s Penelop e once treate d th e no w treacherou s maidservan t Melan tho a s her own chil d (Odysse y 18.321-25) .
In th e Odyssey , th e disguise d Odysseus test s th e loyalt y o f hi s fifty
female slaves , wh o assis t Penelop e in weaving , serving the suitor s a t ta ble, an d other househol d tasks . These female slaves are expected to con form t o th e standard s of virtue required of fre e women , an d thos e wh o
slept wit h th e suitor s ar e brutall y hange d b y Odysseus . O n th e othe r
hand, truste d servant s ca n b e treate d wit h respect . W e ar e tol d tha t
Laertes, Odysseus' s father , purchase d th e faithfu l slav e Euryclei a fo r
twenty oxen , honore d he r lik e a wife , ye t di d no t slee p with he r ou t o f
respect fo r hi s wif e (Odysse y 1.430-33 ; se e als o Iliad 9.449-50 , wher e
Achilles' tuto r Phoeni x say s tha t hi s fathe r dishonore d hi s mothe r b y
keeping a concubine) . Menelau s only sire d his bastard son Megapenthes
from a slav e woma n afte r i t wa s clea r tha t Hele n woul d bea r n o mor e
children (Odysse y 4.11-14).
Literary sources give us little substantial evidence about th e live s of
free workin g women . I n th e Hymn t o Demeter, t o giv e a n exampl e o f
the kin d of fragmentary evidenc e we have , Demeter , disguise d a s an ol d
and homeles s woman , suggest s tha t sh e might become a nurse or housekeeper in Celeus' s house (138-44) . She is then offere d a substantial wag e
to car e fo r th e onl y so n o f the household . Hesio d (Work s and Days 60203) recommend s hirin g a childles s (nursin g mothers caus e trouble ) fe male labore r fo r th e summer . A t Iliad 12.433-3 5 w e hea r o f a virtuou s
widow weighing wool i n scales in order to ear n a meagre support fo r her
children. Befor e th e Solonia n legislation , olde r women coul d ear n wage s
as mourners. Two unusual inscriptions fro m th e Athenia n Acropolis give
the women's occupations and show that in rare instances nonaristocrati c
women coul d als o affor d t o mak e religious dedications:
Phrygia th e bake r dedicated m e to Athena.

(Lazzarini 1976 : no. 46 )

Smycithe the washerwoma n dedicated [me ] as a tithe.

(Lazzarini 1976 : no. 666 ; Raubitschek 1949 : no. 380 )

Phrygia's dedicatio n i s a smal l bronz e shiel d decorate d wit h a gorgo neion, no t especiall y "female, " bu t appropriat e fo r th e recipient . Smi cythe dedicate d a marbl e basin , appropriat e t o he r ow n profession .
Phrygia's nam e ("th e Phrygian" ) suggest s she wa s probabl y a foreigner
living i n Athens . Th e "tithe " i n Smicythe' s dedications i s a substantia l
part o f he r earnings , an d othe r dedication s t o Athen a cal l themselve s
aparche (first-fruits) , implyin g tha t th e dedicatio n wa s somethin g o f
value, th e bes t th e dedicato r had t o offer .
Thus even th e sli m evidence that we have for the live s of nonaristo-

Women in Archaic Greece 53


cratic wome n suggest s tha t the y imitate d thei r riche r sister s i n dedica tions t o the god s and were imagine d in poetry a s conforming to the sam e
standards o f praise an d blam e tha t regulate d th e behavio r of free, legiti mate wives .

1. Griffith s 197 2 argues tha t th e poe m i s actually a n epithalamiu m or marriage song
for Agid o on th e mornin g afte r he r wedding . Se e Page 195 1 and Calam e 197 7 for further
2. Fo r a citatio n o f ancient source s o n thi s insolubl e question , se e Campbell 1982 .

Bing, Peter , an d Ri p Cohen. 1991 . Games of Venus. Ne w York.
Foley, Helen e P . 1993 . Th e Homeric Hymn t o Demeter. Princeton, N.J .
Frazer, R . M . 1983 . Th e Poems of Hesiod. Norman , Okla .
Lattimore, Richmond . 1960 . Greek Lyrics. Chicago .
. 1965 . Th e Odyssey o f Homer. Ne w York.
Perrin, Bernadotte . 1982 . Plutarch's Lives. Vo l 1 . Loe b Classica l Library . Cambridge ,
Mass. (Originall y published 1914)
Rayor, Diane . 1991 . Sappho's Lyre: Archaic Lyric an d Women Poets of Ancient Greece.
Berkeley an d Lo s Angeles.
Rees, Ennis . 1991 . Th e Iliad o f Homer. (Firs t published 1963 )
Segal, Charles . 1985 . "Archai c Chora l Lyric. " I n Th e Cambridge History o f Classical Literature, 1 : 165-85. Cambridge .
Snyder, Jane . 1989 . Th e Woman an d th e Lyre: Women Writer s i n Classical Greece and
Rome. Carbondale, 111 .

Ahlberg, G . 1970 . Prothesis and Ekphora i n Greek Geometric Art. Goteberg .
Alexiou, Margaret . 1974 . The Ritual Lament i n Greek Tradition. Cambridge .
Arthur, Maryli n B . 1973 . "Earl y Greece : Th e Origin s o f th e Wester n Attitud e Toward s
Women." Arethusa 6 : 7-58. [Als o published in Women i n th e Ancient World: Th e
Arethusa Papers, edite d b y John Peradott o an d J. P . Sullivan, 7-58. Albany , N.Y.,
. 1977 . "Politic s an d Pomegranates . A n Interpretatio n o f th e Homeri c Hymn t o
Demeter." Arethusa 10 : 7-48.
. 1981 . "Th e Divide d World o f Iliad VI. " I n Reflections o f Women i n Antiquity,
edited b y Helene P . Foley, 19-44 . Ne w York.
Boardman, John. 1955 . "Painte d Funerar y Plaques and Som e Remark s on Prothesis. " An nual o f th e British School o f Archaeology a t Athens 50: 51-66.
Calame, Claude . 1977 . Le s choeurs d e jeunes fille s e n Grece archa'ique. Vols . 1 and 2 .
Campbell, D . A . 1982 . Greek Lyric. Vol . 1 . Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass .
Clairmont, C . W . 1970 . Gravestone an d Epigram. Mainz .
Donlan, Walter . 1981-82 . "Reciprocitie s i n Homer. " Classical World 75 : 137-75 .
Foley, Helen e P . 1978 . "Revers e Simile s and Se x Role s i n th e Odyssey. " Arethusa 11 :



7-26. [Als o publishe d i n Women i n th e Ancient World: Th e Arethusa Papers, ed ited b y John Peradott o an d J. P . Sullivan, 59-78. Albany , N.Y., 1984.]
Griffiths, Alan . 1972 . "Alcman' s Partheneion : Th e Mornin g Afte r th e Nigh t Before. "
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 14 : 7-30 .
Havelock, Christine . 1981 . "Mourner s o n Gree k Vases : Remark s on th e Socia l Histor y o f
Women." In Th e Greek Vase, edited b y S. L. Hyatt, 103-18 . Latham , N.Y.
Jeffery, L . H. 1962 . "The Inscribe d Gravestones o f Archaic Attica." Annual o f th e British
School o f Archaeology a t Athens 57: 115-53.
Kurtz, D . C . 1984 . "Vase s fo r th e Dead , a n Atti c Selection , 750-40 0 B.C. " I n Ancient
Greek an d Related Pottery, edite d b y H. A . G. Brijder, 314-28 . Amsterdam .
, an d John Boardman . 1971 . Greek Burial Customs. London .
Lacey, W . K . 1968 . Th e Family i n Classical Greece. Ithaca , N.Y.
Lazzarini, M . L . 1976 . "L e formule delle dediche votiv e nell a Greci a arcaica. " Memorie
della R . Accademia dei Lincei, ser. 8 , 19 : 47-354.
Leduc, Claudine . 1992 . "Marriag e i n Ancien t Greece. " I n A History o f Women i n th e
West, edite d b y P . Schmitt Pantel, 1 : 233-94. Cambridge , Mass.
Loraux, Nicole . 1978 . "Sur l e rac e de s femmes et quelques-une s de ses tribus." Arethusa
Mommsen, Heide . 1984 . "De r Grabpina x de s Exekia s mi t de n trauernde n Frauen. " I n
Ancient Greek an d Related Pottery, edite d b y H . A . G . Brijder , 329-33 . Am sterdam.
Morris, Ian . 1986 . "Th e Us e and Abus e of Homer." Classical Antiquity 5 , no 1 : 81-138.
Page, D . L. 1951. Alcman, the Partheneion. Oxford .
Pritchett, W . Kendrick . 1940 . "Greek Inscriptions. " Hesperia 9 : 97-133.
Priickner, H . 1968 . Di e locrischen Tonreliefs. Mainz .
Raubitschek, A . E. 1949. Dedications o n th e Athenian Akropolis. Cambridge .
Richardson, N . J. 1974 . Th e Homeric Hymn t o Demeter. Oxford.
Richter, G . M . A . 1968 . Korai . London .
Ridgway, Brunild e S. 1987 . "Ancien t Gree k Wome n an d Art : Th e Materia l Evidence. "
American Journal o f Archaeology 91 : 399-409.
Schneider, Lamber t A . 1975 . Zu r sozialen Bedeutung de r archaischen Korenstatuen.
Hamburger Beitrage zur Archaologie, suppl. 2 . Hamburg.
Shapiro, H . A. 1991 . "The Iconograph y o f Mourning in Athenia n Art. " American Journal
of Archaeology 95 : 629-56.
Snodgrass, A . M . 1974 . "An Historica l Homeri c Society? " Journal o f Hellenic Studies 94 :
Sussman, Lind a S. 1978 . "Worker s an d Drones : Labor , Idleness an d Gende r Definitio n i n
Hesiod's Beehive. " Arethus a 11 : 27-42 . [Als o publishe d i n Women i n th e Ancient
World: Th e Arethusa Papers, edite d b y John Peradott o an d J . P . Sullivan, 79-94 .
Albany, N.Y. , 1984.]
Vernant, Jean-Pierre . 1980a . "Marriage. " I n hi s Myth an d Society i n Ancient Greece,
45-70. Atlanti c Highlands, N.J.
. 1980b . "Th e Myt h of Prometheus in Hesiod. " In his Myth an d Society i n Ancient
Greece, 161-85 . Atlantic Highlands , N.J.

Bergren, Ann . 1983 . "Languag e an d th e Femal e i n Earl y Greek Thought." Arethus a 16:
Burnett, Ann e Pippin. 1983 . Three Archaic Poets. Cambridge, Mass ,
du Bois , Page. 1978 . "Sappho an d Helen. " Arethusa 11 : 89-100. [Also published i n Women
in th e Ancient World: Th e Arethusa Papers, edite d b y John Peradott o an d J . P .
Sullivan, 95-106. Albany , N.Y., 1984.]

Women i n Archaic Greece 5

Humphreys, S . C. 1983 . Th e Family, Women an d Death: Comparative Studies. London.

Jenkyns, Richard . 1982 . Three Classical Poets. Cambridge, Mass .
Katz, Marily n A . 1991 . Penelope's Renown. Princeton, N.J .
Kerenyi, Karl . 1967 . Eleusis. New York.
Lefkowitz, Mary . 1981 . "Critical Stereotype s an d th e Poetr y o f Sappho." I n he r Heroines
and Hysterics, 59-68 . London .
Murnaghan, Sheila . 1987 . Disguise an d Recognition i n th e Odyssey. Princeton , N.J .
Pucci, Pietro . 1977 . Hesiod an d th e Language o f Poetry. Baltimore , Md. [chapter 4 , "Pan dora," 82-126]
Sourvinou-Inwood, Christiane . 1978 . "Persephon e an d Aphrodit e a t Locri : A Mode l fo r
Personality Definition s i n Gree k Religion . ''Journal o f Hellenic Studies 98 : 101-21.
Stigers, Eva . 1981 . "Sappho's Privat e World." I n Reflections o f Women i n Antiquity, ed ited b y Helene P . Foley, 45-62 . Ne w York.
Vermeule, Emily . 1979 . Aspects o f Death i n Early Greek Ar t an d Poetry. Berkele y an d
Los Angeles.
Winkler, Jack . 1981 . "Garden s o f Nymphs : Publi c an d Privat e i n Sappho' s Lyrics. " I n
Reflections o f Women i n Antiquity, edite d b y Helene P . Foley, 63-90 . Ne w York.


More tha n an y othe r Gree k women, Spartan s have bee n th e subjec t of

praise or blame from antiquit y to the present . Thi s excursus begin s with
a not e o f praise fro m a twentieth-centur y feminist , but th e las t quota tion i s a strongly worde d condemnation fro m a Greek philosopher.
Simone de Beauvoi r (1952 , p . 82) idealize d Sparta:
Since the oppressio n o f woman has its cause in the will to perpetuate th e family
and t o kee p the patrimon y intact , woma n escape s complet e dependenc y t o th e
degree i n whic h sh e escape s fro m th e family ; i f a societ y tha t forbid s privat e
property als o reject s th e family , th e lo t o f women i n i t i s found to b e consider ably ameliorated . I n Sparta the communa l regime was i n force , an d i t wa s th e
only Gree k city i n which woma n wa s treated almos t on a n equalit y with man .
The girl s wer e raise d lik e the boys ; th e wif e wa s no t confine d in he r husband' s
domicile: indeed , h e wa s allowe d t o visi t he r onl y furtively , by night; an d hi s
wife wa s s o little hi s property tha t o n eugeni c ground s anothe r ma n coul d de mand unio n wit h her . Th e ver y ide a o f adulter y disappeare d whe n th e patri mony disappeared; all children belonged in common to the cit y a s a whole, an d
women were no longer jealously enslaved to one master; or, inversely, one may
say that th e citizen , possessing neither private wealth nor specific ancestry , wa s
no longer in possession o f woman. Women underwent the servitude of maternity
as did me n th e servitud e of war; but beyon d th e fulfillin g o f this civi c duty, n o
restraint was put o n thei r freedom.
Archaic t o Hellenistic Sources

As we hav e seen i n Chapte r 1 , fragment s of early Archaic poetry ar e ou r

first important sources for Spartan women; hence we have chosen t o dis-

Spartan Women 5

cuss the m here . Late r texts an d brie f report s abou t Sparta n wome n ar e
also extant, bu t archaeologica l an d art historica l source s ar e few. Of our
sources onl y Alcman , wh o wa s probabl y bor n i n Lydi a bu t live d i n
Sparta a t th e en d o f th e sevent h centur y B.C.E. , i s a direc t witnes s fo r
women i n the Archaic period. Xenopho n lived in Sparta in the first quarter o f th e fourt h centur y B.C.E . Othe r author s wh o commen t o n Spart a
are late, bu t the y ofte n dre w thei r informatio n fro m earlie r (thoug h no t
necessarily trustworthy ) sources . Fo r example, Plutarch , wh o give s detailed informatio n abou t wome n base d o n researc h i n earlie r literature ,
lived approximatel y on e thousan d year s afte r th e so-calle d constitutio n
of th e legendar y Sparta n lawgive r Lycurgus , whic h h e describes . Thi s
excursus wil l surve y wha t i s reporte d abou t th e histor y o f Sparta n
women spannin g approximately a 500-year period .
Our sources refe r t o Sparta of the Archaic , Classical, an d Hellenisti c
periods, i n several case s without raisin g the possibility tha t lif e in Sparta
changed ove r time . Thi s telescopin g o f histor y i s on e reaso n wh y th e
texts contai n contradiction s tha t ar e difficul t t o explai n an d reconcil e
on th e natur e o f Spartan marriage , th e choic e o f spouses, an d women' s
relationship t o rea l property . W e have data abou t Sparta n wome n wh o
were upper-clas s and royal , no t abou t th e wome n o f the lowe r classes .
(The populatio n o f Sparta was distributed int o thre e groups : the Spartiates [or Spartans] were ful l citizens ; the perioko i were free, non-citizens ;
and th e helot s wer e unfre e workers. ) Bot h poeti c an d pros e text s giv e
information o n th e lif e cycl e fro m childhoo d throug h puberty , sexualit y
(including lesbianism), marriage , motherhood, an d death .
The Education of Spartan Women
Alcman wrote chora l lyric s tha t wer e performed b y unmarried girls, an d
some fragment s o f thes e Partheneia stil l remai n t o offe r glimpse s of a n
all-female aristocrati c world . (Fo r longe r excerpt s o f th e poem s fro m
which the phrase s below ar e quoted, se e Chapter 1. ) The beauty of Spartan wome n was legendary. Lik e the mythica l Helen, the girl s of Partheneion 1 are said t o have had golden hair : 'The tresses o f my cousin Hagesichora blosso m lik e pure gold . . . . She, wit h he r gorgeous golde n hair/ '
Cosmetics wer e banished , an d were, i n any case, no t needed , fo r exercis ing outdoor s mad e women' s complexion s glo w ("He r silver y face") .
These handsom e women , unsecluded , ar e name d an d thei r attractiv e
features an d accomplishment s praised . Th e anima l imager y use d fo r
them is complimentary: "Our glorious leader . . . who clearly stands out
herself, a s if you pu t amon g the herd s a racehorse, sturdy , thundering , a
champion. . . . The girl who's nex t t o Agido in beauty shal l rac e bu t as
a Kolaxeia n hors e behin d a n Ibenian. " Fin e horses connot e beaut y an d
wealth, but , lik e th e maiden s who wil l b e married, horse s mus t b e broken i n or yoked.
The girls mentioned i n Partheneion 1 seem t o belong to a t leas t tw o



different ag e group s (se e Chapte r 1) . Th e oldes t ar e Hagesichor a an d

Agido, who serve a s models for the othe r girls , who are younger an d wh o
vie fo r thei r leaders ' attention . Ther e i s plent y o f evidenc e fo r homo erotic friendship s betwee n me n i n man y place s an d i n al l period s o f
Greek history . Plutarc h describes th e relationshi p of younger wit h olde r
women i n Spart a a s sexua l an d educationa l an d parallel s i t wit h th e
better-known relationshi p o f boys with men :
Whether a boy's standing was good o r bad, hi s lover shared it . .. . Sexua l rela tionships o f thi s typ e wer e s o highl y valued that respectabl e wome n woul d i n
fact hav e love affair s wit h unmarrie d girls. Yet there was n o rivalry ; instead, i f
individual male s foun d tha t thei r affection s ha d th e sam e object , the y mad e
this th e foundatio n for mutual friendship, an d eagerl y pursue d joint effort s t o
perfect thei r loved one's character.
(Plutarch, Life ofLycurgus, 18 ; Talbert 1988 : 30-31)

Some o f Alcman' s language is explicitly erotic . Competen t transla tors conve y thes e sentiment s i n variou s ways . Th e followin g selectio n
provides an example of one of the majo r problems confronting the reade r
who mus t encounte r th e ancien t evidenc e throug h th e len s o f transla tion. Th e firs t quotatio n fro m Partheneion 1 is fro m th e translatio n b y
Bing an d Cohe n (1991) , whic h i s quoted i n ful l i n Chapte r 1:
and n o longer coming to Ainesimbrota' s house will you say :
"if onl y Astaphi s were mine,
if Philyll a would look m y way,
or Demareta , or lovely Vianthemis
but Hagesichor a wears me out wit h desire. "

In Charle s Segal' s (1985 : 174 ) version, th e girl s ar e mor e co y an d

Nor i f you g o to the hous e of Anesimbrota will you say , "Ma y Astaphis be mine;
may Philyll a cast he r glances at m e and Damaret a and the lovel y Vianthemis" ;
but rathe r you wil l say , "Hagesichor a wear s me down."

Richmond Lattimore' s (1970 ) translation s ar e usuall y clos e t o th e

Greek, bu t i n thi s passag e he adopts euphemisms :
. . . nor go to Ainesimbrota's
house an d say :
Let Astaphi s be on m y side;
let Philyll a look m y way;
give me Damareta, lovel y lanthemis .
. . . Maidens, we have come to the peace desired ,
all throug h Hagesichora' s grace.

The Greek text itsel f i s difficult t o establish. Davi d Campbell prefer s

an alternat e versio n o f the Gree k (readin g terei "guard" instead o f teirei
"wears out"). 1 Th e possibilit y tha t th e tex t refer s t o a n intimat e rela tionship betwee n Hagesichor a an d othe r wome n i s mentione d onl y i n
the commentary :

Spartan Women 5

. . . nor will you go to Aenesimbrota's and say, "I f only Astaphi s were mine, if
only Philyll a wer e t o loo k m y wa y an d Damaret a an d lovel y lanthemis" ; no ,
Hagesichora guard s me.
(Campbell 1988 : 367)

However, th e eroti c allusio n i s probably correct, fo r such language

is not confine d to Partheneion 1 , bu t appear s in other Partheneia:
A girl declares he r erotic feelings toward Astymelois a wh o may be the leade r of
a chorus : . . . and with desir e tha t looses the limbs, bu t she looks glance s mor e
melting than slee p an d death. . . . I f she should com e nea r an d take me by the
soft hand , a t onc e I would becom e he r suppliant .
(Partheneion 2 , frag. 3 ; Segal 1985 : 178 . See full quotatio n i n Chapte r 1)

Spartans were th e onl y Gree k girl s for whom th e stat e prescribe d a

public education. Thi s education include d a significant physical compo nent. I n Partheneion I girl s are praise d for swiftness in th e comparison s
with racehorses . Sparta n women wer e th e onl y Gree k women w e know
of who strippe d fo r athletics, a s Greek men did, and engaged in athletic s
on a regular basis. Some sources report tha t tota l nudity , eve n in public
in th e presenc e o f men, wa s no t unthinkabl e for Spartans, a s it wa s for
other respectabl e Gree k women. Thu s i n Plato' s Republic, th e proposa l
that wome n exercis e i n th e nud e i s considere d no t onl y radical , bu t
laughable. (Se e Chapter 3 "Ancient Critical Reactions to Women's Roles
in Classical Athens' 1.) Whe n Spartan women participated i n footraces at
Olympia in honor of Hera, goddess of marriage, they wore a short chito n
like those wor n b y the legendar y Amazons (see Chapter 4):
Every fourt h year th e Sixtee n Wome n weav e a rob e fo r Hera ; an d th e sam e
women also hold games called th e Heraea . The games consist o f a race between
virgins. Th e virgins are no t al l o f the sam e age ; bu t th e youngest ru n first , th e
next i n age run next , an d th e eldes t virgin s run las t o f all. The y run thus : thei r
hair hangs down, the y wea r a shirt tha t reache s to a little abov e the knee , th e
right shoulder i s bare to th e breast . Th e course assigne d t o the m fo r the contest
is th e Olympi c stadium ; bu t th e cours e i s shortene d b y abou t a sixt h o f th e
stadium. Th e winner s receiv e crown s o f olive an d a shar e o f the co w which i s
sacrificed t o Hera ; moreover the y ar e allowed t o dedicate statue s o f themselve s
with thei r name s engrave d o n them . Th e attendant s wh o hel p th e Sixtee n t o
run these games are women. A s with th e Olympi c festival they trac e bac k these
girls' game s to antiquity , declarin g tha t Hippodamei a in gratitud e to Her a for
her marriage to Pelops established th e Committee of Sixteen an d with thei r hel p
inaugurated the Heraea n festival.
(Pausanias 5.16.2; Frazer 1965: 1 : 260)

The imag e o f a young athleti c woma n show n i n seminudit y (Fig .

2.1) i s extraordinary in th e contex t o f Archaic Greece. Compare d wit h
the heavil y drape d kora i fro m othe r part s of the Gree k world, th e seminude woma n i n thi s statuett e seem s striking , bu t i t wa s meant neithe r
as "heroic, " nor , a s fa r a s w e ca n tell , erotic ; rathe r i t wa s a
straightforword representatio n o f the racin g costume mentione d i n th e
written texts . Thi s statuett e shoul d b e compare d wit h th e kora i dis -



Figure 2.1 . Statuett e of a youn g femal e

athlete shown i n a shor t sleeveless
dress, no t unlik e tha t o f an Amazon .
Such a n imag e is unusual in th e con text o f Archaic Qreece, where femal e
figures (othe r than prostitutes ) ar e normally shown i n layere d garment s that
cover th e whole body.

cussed i n Chapte r 1 . (Se e further discussio n of the femal e nude in Chapter 5.)
The namin g o f girls in th e Partheneia an d th e fac t tha t th e name s
of victor s i n th e footrace s wer e inscribe d o n statue s o f themselves indi cate tha t wome n wer e no t exclude d fro m th e publi c spher e an d sugges t
that some , a t least , wer e literate . Wome n wh o participate d i n choir s
that performe d choral lyri c certainl y kne w ho w t o sin g an d danc e an d
had memorize d th e myth s an d historica l event s narrate d i n th e poems ,
for exampl e thos e concernin g th e Pleiade s mentioned i n Partheneion 1.
Unlike Athens , Spart a produce d a t leas t tw o femal e poets: thei r name s
are known , bu t thei r work s ar e no t extant . Athenaeu s (13.600f. ) refer s
to a poet name d Megalostrat a wh o was Alcman's contemporary, an d Aristophanes (Lysistrata 1237 ) mentions a poe t calle d Cleitagora . lambli chus (D e Vita Pythagorica 189-94 , 267 , 269 ) name s severa l Sparta n
women wh o becam e Pythagorean s (Poralla , 1985 : 72 , 79 , 118) , whil e
Plato (Protagoras 342D) remarke d o n th e intellectua l cultur e o f Spartan
women: "ther e ar e no t onl y me n bu t wome n als o who prid e themselve s
on their education ; an d you ca n tel l tha t what I say is true an d that th e
Spartans have th e bes t educatio n i n philosophy. " I n view o f the notori ous lac k o f cultur e amon g Sparta n men , i t woul d appea r tha t Sparta n
women were , i n term s o f thei r superio r education , mor e lik e me n i n
other Gree k cities.
According t o th e referenc e t o th e "Sixtee n Women " i n th e passag e
from Pausanias , quote d earlier , Spartans , lik e other Gree k women, coul d
weave. Bu t Spartan s wer e forbidde n t o engag e i n banausic , o r money making occupations : the y gaine d thei r sustenanc e fro m th e wor k o f th e
lower classe s o n plot s o f land tha t wer e distribute d t o Spartan s a t birth ,

Spartan Women 6

but whic h reverte d t o th e communit y whe n the y died . W e do not kno w

whether publi c land wa s allocated t o female babies , or whether female s
were supporte d b y th e allocation s mad e t o me n i n thei r families . Al l
male Spartans were educated t o become warriors , an d the women's principal tas k wa s t o giv e birt h t o warriors . Xenopho n draw s attentio n t o
the eugeni c goal s o f Spartan marriag e an d t o element s i n th e educatio n
of Spartan women tha t wer e different fro m th e experience s o f Athenians:
For it wa s no t b y imitating othe r states , bu t b y devising a syste m utterl y
different fro m tha t o f mos t others , tha t h e [Lycurgus ] made hi s countr y pre eminently prosperous .
First, t o begi n a t th e beginning , I wil l tak e th e begettin g o f children . I n
other state s the girls who are destined t o become mothers an d are brought up in
the approve d fashion , liv e on th e ver y plainest fare , wit h a most meage r allowance o f delicacies. Win e i s eithe r withhel d altogether , or , i f allowe d them , i s
diluted with water. The rest of the Greeks expect their girls to imitate the sedentary lif e tha t i s typica l o f handicraftsment o kee p quie t an d d o wool-work .
How, then , i s i t t o b e expecte d tha t wome n s o brough t u p wil l bea r fin e
But Lycurgu s though t th e labo r of slave women sufficien t t o suppl y cloth ing. H e believe d motherhoo d t o b e th e mos t importan t functio n o f freebor n
women. Therefore , i n th e firs t place , h e insiste d o n physica l trainin g fo r th e
female n o less than fo r the mal e sex: moreover , h e instituted race s and trials of
strength fo r wome n competitor s a s for men, believin g that i f bot h parent s ar e
strong they produc e more vigorous offspring .
He noticed, too , that , durin g the tim e immediatel y succeeding marriage , it
was usua l elsewher e fo r th e husban d t o hav e unlimite d intercours e wit h hi s
wife. Th e rule that h e adopted wa s the opposite o f this: for he laid it down tha t
the husban d shoul d b e ashame d to b e seen enterin g hi s wife' s roo m or leaving
it. Wit h this restrictio n o n intercours e th e desir e o f the on e for the othe r mus t
necessarily b e increased, an d their offspring wa s bound to be more vigorous than
if the y wer e surfeite d wit h on e another . I n addition t o this , h e withdrew fro m
men th e righ t t o tak e a wif e wheneve r the y chose , an d insiste d o n thei r marrying in th e prim e of their manhood, believin g that thi s to o promoted th e pro duction o f fin e children . I t migh t happen , however , tha t a n ol d ma n ha d a
young wife; an d h e observed tha t ol d men keep a very jealous watc h ove r their
young wives . T o meet thes e case s h e institute d a n entirel y differen t syste m b y
requiring the elderly husband to introduce into his house some man whose physical an d mora l qualitie s h e admired , i n orde r t o bege t children . O n th e othe r
hand, i n cas e a ma n di d no t wan t t o cohabi t wit h hi s wif e an d nevertheles s
desired children of whom he could be proud, he made it lawful fo r him to choose
a woma n wh o wa s th e mothe r o f a fin e famil y an d o f hig h birth , an d i f h e
obtained he r husband' s consent, t o make her the mothe r of his children.
He gave his sanction t o many similar arrangements . Fo r the wive s want t o
take charge of two households , and the husband s want to get brothers for their
sons, brother s wh o ar e member s o f th e famil y an d shar e i n it s influence , bu t
claim n o part of the money .
Thus his regulations wit h regar d to th e begettin g of children wer e in shar p
contrast wit h thos e of other states .
(Constitution o f th e Lacedaemonians 1.2-10; Marchant 1984, 137-41 )



Plutarch doubtles s rea d Xenophon' s descriptio n o f Sparta n society .

His versio n agree s wit h Xenophon's : fo r example , bot h repor t wit h ap proval that girls were given a physical education and that newly married
couples di d no t slee p togethe r frequently . (Fo r th e educatio n o f girl s
at Athens , se e Chapte r 3 , excerp t fro m Xenophon , Oeconomicus. ) Bu t
Plutarch add s som e curiou s antiquaria n detail s abou t th e transvestis m
of bride s an d a communa l wa y o f lif e fo r me n tha t endure d afte r mar riage:
Aristotle claims wrongly that h e (tha t is , Lycurgus ) trie d t o disciplin e th e
women but gave up when he could not control th e considerable degree of license
and power attained b y women because of their husbands' frequent campaigning .
At thes e time s th e me n wer e force d t o leav e the m i n ful l charge , an d conse quently the y use d to dance attendance on them to an improper extent an d cal l
them thei r Ladyships . Lycurgus, rather , showe d al l possibl e concer n fo r the m
too. Firs t he toughened the girl s physically by making them run an d wrestle an d
throw th e discu s and javelin. Thereby thei r childre n in embry o would mak e a
strong start i n strong bodies an d would develo p better, whil e th e wome n them selves woul d als o bea r thei r pregnancie s wit h vigo r an d woul d mee t th e chal lenge o f childbirt h i n a successful , relaxe d way . H e di d awa y wit h prudery ,
sheltered upbringing , and effeminac y o f any kind . H e made young girl s no les s
than young men grow used to walking nude in processions, a s well as to dancing
and singin g at certai n festival s with th e young men present an d looking on. On
some occasion s th e girl s woul d mak e fun o f each o f the youn g men , helpfull y
criticizing thei r mistakes . O n othe r occasion s the y woul d rehears e i n son g th e
praises which the y ha d composed abou t those meritin g them, s o that they fille d
the youngsters wit h a great sense of ambition an d rivalry. . . .
There wa s nothin g disreputabl e abou t th e girls ' nudity . I t wa s altogethe r
modest, an d there wa s no hint of immorality. Instea d it encouraged simpl e habits an d a n enthusias m fo r physica l fitness , a s wel l a s givin g the femal e se x a
taste o f masculin e gallantry , sinc e i t to o wa s grante d equa l participatio n i n
both excellence an d ambition. As a result the women came to talk as well a s to
think i n th e wa y tha t Leonidas ' wif e Gorgo 2 is said t o hav e done . Fo r when
some woman, evidentl y a foreigner, said t o her: "Yo u Laconian women ar e th e
only one s wh o ca n rul e men, " sh e replied : "Tha t i s because w e ar e th e onl y
ones who give birth t o men."
There wer e the n als o thes e inducement s t o marry . I mean th e procession s
of girls , an d th e nudity , an d th e competition s whic h th e young me n watched ,
attracted b y a compulsio n no t o f a n intellectua l type , bu t (a s Plat o says ) a
sexual one. I n additio n Lycurgu s placed a certain civi l disability on thos e wh o
did no t marry , fo r the y wer e exclude d fro m th e spectacl e o f th e Gymno paediae. . . .3
The custom wa s to capture women for marriagenot when the y were sligh t
or immature, bu t whe n the y wer e i n thei r prim e an d rip e fo r it. Th e so-calle d
'bridesmaid' too k charg e o f the capture d girl . Sh e first shaved he r hai r t o th e
scalp, the n dresse d he r i n a man' s cloak an d sandals , an d lai d he r dow n alon e
on a mattres s i n th e dark . The bridegroomwh o wa s no t drun k an d thu s no t
impotent, bu t wa s sober a s alwaysfirst ha d dinne r i n th e messes , the n woul d
slip in , und o he r belt , lif t he r an d carr y her t o th e bed . Afte r spendin g only a
short tim e with her , h e would depart discreetly s o as to sleep whereve r h e usu-

Spartan Women 6

ally did along with th e othe r young men. An d this continued t o be his practice
thereafter: whil e spending th e day s with hi s contemporaries, an d going to slee p
with them , h e would warily visi t hi s bride in secret, ashame d an d apprehensiv e
in cas e someon e i n th e hous e migh t notic e him . Hi s bride a t th e sam e tim e
devised schemes an d helped t o plan how they might meet each other unobserved
at suitabl e moments . I t wa s no t just fo r a short perio d tha t young me n woul d
do this , bu t fo r lon g enoug h tha t som e migh t eve n hav e childre n befor e the y
saw thei r ow n wive s in daylight . Suc h intercourse wa s not onl y a n exercis e i n
self-control an d moderation , bu t als o mean t tha t partner s wer e fertil e physically, alway s fres h fo r love , an d read y fo r intercours e rathe r tha n bein g sated
and pal e fro m unrestricte d sexua l activity . Moreove r som e lingerin g glo w o f
desire an d affection wa s always lef t i n both. . . .
What was thus practiced i n the interest s o f breeding and of the state was at
that tim e s o fa r remove d fro m th e laxit y fo r which th e wome n late r becam e
notorious, tha t ther e was absolutely no notion o f adultery amon g them.
(Plutarch, Life o f Lycurgus, 14-15 ; Talbert 1988 : 24-26)

It i s important t o rea d such descriptions in th e ligh t of the authors '

desire to contrast Spart a with thei r own societies. I n Athenian thought,
Spartan wome n serve d a s th e "Other " vis-a-vi s Athenian women . Fo r
example, Sparta n women spen t thei r tim e out-of-door s and spok e freel y
to men; Athenians ideally stayed indoors and scarcely spoke to their husband. (Se e further, Chapte r 3.) Therefore , writers exaggerated the differ ences betwee n them . Lik e Amazons (se e Chapter 4), Spartan s were als o
exploited a s a mean s o f praising or blamin g the wome n i n a n author' s
own state or women i n general. Som e ancient commentator s considere d
that Sparta , when ordered by the Lycurga n constitution, ha d been a Utopia. Thu s some of the provision s in Plato' s ideal Republic resemble those
ascribed t o th e archai c constitutio n o f Lycurgus . (Se e Chapter 3 , "An cient Critica l Reaction s t o Women' s Rol e in Classica l Athens." ) Xeno phon an d Plutarc h praised an d criticize d th e treatmen t o f women an d
women's influence i n Spartan society.
Included in th e work s of Plutarch are a collection o f quotations purported t o b e the word s of Spartan women, mos t of whom are undatable .
They ar e consisten t wit h th e repor t i n th e Life o f Lycurgus an d othe r
sources quoted earlie r i n showin g that wi t (no t silence ) wa s attribute d
to women ; the y wer e no t "laconic. " Th e quotations als o indicat e tha t
some women, a t least , subscribe d to th e Sparta n ideal tha t encourage d
men to be brave in war. Cowardice, fo r example abandoning one's shield
and running from th e battle , wa s not tolerated. Unlik e most other Greek
women, Spartans refused t o lament over men who died in war (cf . Chapters 1 and 3) . Rather , they too k pride in th e braver y of their sons :
After hearin g tha t he r so n wa s a cowar d an d unworth y o f her , Damatri a
killed hi m when h e made his appearance. Thi s is the epigra m abou t her :
Damatrius who brok e the law s was killed by his mother ,
She a Spartan lady , h e a Spartan youth.
Another [Spartan ] woman , whe n he r son s fle d fro m a battl e an d reache d
her, said, "I n making your escape, vil e slaves, wher e is it you've come to? Or do



you pla n t o cree p bac k in her e wher e you emerge d from? " A t this sh e pulled u p
her clothes and expose d he r belly t o them .
A woman, whe n sh e saw her son approaching, aske d how their countr y wa s
doing. Whe n h e said : "All the me n ar e dead," sh e picked u p a tile , thre w i t a t
him an d killed him, saying: 'Then did they sen d you t o bring us the ba d news? "
As a woman wa s burying her son, a worthless old crone came u p to her and
said, "Yo u poor woman , wha t a misfortune! " "No , by the tw o gods , a piece of
good fortune, " sh e replied, "becaus e I bore hi m s o that h e migh t di e for Sparta ,
and tha t i s what ha s happened , a s I wished. "
When a n Ionia n woman was priding herself on one of the tapestrie s sh e had
made (whic h wa s indee d o f great value) , a Sparta n woman showe d of f her fou r
most dutifu l son s an d sai d the y wer e the kin d of thing a noble an d goo d woma n
ought t o produce an d should boas t o f them an d tak e prid e in them .
Another woman, a s she was handing her son his shield an d giving him som e
encouragement, said , "Son, either wit h thi s or on this."
(Plutarch, Sayings o f Spartan Women 240-41 ; Talbert 1988 : 159-61)

The Fourth Century and the Hellenisti c Period

"Spartan" i n Englis h connotes asceticis m an d self-denial . Accordin g t o
Plutarch, unde r the Lycurga n constitution , thi s definition applie d to th e
women a s well a s the men . But in th e fourt h centur y B.C . an d th e Hellenistic perio d som e Sparta n wome n wer e extremel y wealth y an d wer e
conspicuous consumers . Fo r example , Sparta n wome n wer e th e firs t
women t o ow n racehorse s tha t wer e victorious a t Panhelleni c festivals.
Like wealth y mal e owners , the y di d no t themselve s participate i n th e
race, bu t employe d charioteer s (fo r other women who owned racehorses
see Chapter 5).
Inscription recordin g one o f th e Olympi c victories (i n 39 6 and 39 2
B.C.E) o f the horse s of Cynisca:
My father an d brother s wer e king s of Sparta.
I, Cynisca , victoriou s wit h m y chariot o f flee t horses ,
erected thi s statue . I declare tha t I am th e onl y woma n
in al l o f Greece, wh o ha s won this crown .
(Jnscriptiones Graecae 5.1.1564a;
Moretti 1953 : p . 40, no. 17 )

Sparta's powe r decline d i n th e fourt h century , an d Aristotl e an d

other commentator s fel t tha t th e distributio n o f wealth amon g wome n
was a t leas t partl y responsible . A s we hav e seen, Plutarc h quote s Aris totle and agrees with him in pointing out that a man's continual absenc e
in militar y service , eatin g an d sleepin g i n th e barrack s with hi s fellow
soldiers, an d going away for lengthy campaigns, affected famil y relation ships and women's status. H e asserts tha t th e men of Sparta obeyed thei r
wives an d allowe d the m t o interven e i n publi c affair s mor e tha n the y

Spartan Women 6

intervened in private ones (Agis 7.3 ) But Plutarch, who was a Neoplatonist an d wh o wa s optimistic abou t women' s moral an d intellectua l potential, rejecte d Aristotle' s conclusio n tha t wome n wer e responsibl e in
large part for the declin e of Sparta. Aristotle viewed Sparta as a gynaikokratia (tha t is , a stat e rule d b y women), an d a s such, contrar y t o th e
natural hierarchy in which men were to rule women. (Se e excerpts fro m
Aristotle in Chapte r 3, "Ancient Critica l Reactions to Women's Roles in
Classical Athens.") I n Athens and some other Gree k states women were
not permitte d to own lan d or to manage substantial amounts of wealth.
Aristotle also criticized th e Spartan system of land-tenure, which permitted women to own land and t o manage their own property:
Again, the license of the Spartan women hinder s the attainment of the aim s
of th e constitutio n an d th e realizatio n o f the goo d o f the people . Fo r just a s a
husband and a wife ar e each a part of every family, so may the cit y be regarded
as abou t equall y divide d betwee n me n an d women ; consequentl y i n al l citie s
where the conditio n o f women i s bad, one hal f of the cit y mus t b e regarded as
not havin g prope r legislation . An d thi s i s exactl y wha t happene d i n Sparta .
There, th e lawgive r who ha d intende d t o mak e the entir e populatio n stron g in
character ha s accomplished hi s aims with regard to the men , bu t ha s neglected
the women , wh o indulg e in ever y kind of luxury and intemperance . A natural
consequence o f this lifestyle is that wealth i s highly valued, particularly i n societies where men come to be dominated by their wives, as is the cas e with many
military an d warlik e peoples, i f we except th e Celt s an d a few other race s wh o
openly approv e of male lovers . I n fact , ther e seem s t o b e some rationa l justifi cation fo r th e myt h o f th e unio n o f Are s wit h Aphrodite , sinc e al l militar y
peoples ar e prone t o sexual activitie s wit h eithe r me n or women. Thi s was evident amon g the Spartan s in th e day s of their supremacy , when muc h was managed b y women . Bu t wha t i s th e differenc e betwee n wome n ruling , o r ruler s
being ruled by women? The resul t is the same . Courag e is a quality of little use
in daily life , bu t necessar y i n war , an d yet eve n here th e influenc e o f the Spar tan wome n ha s been negative. This was revealed during the Theba n invasion of
Laconia4 whe n th e wome n o f Sparta, instead o f being of some us e lik e women
in other cities, cause d more confusion than the enemy . I t is not surprising, however, tha t th e licens e o f the wome n wa s characteristi c o f Spartan society fro m
the earlies t times , fo r the me n o f Sparta were awa y fro m hom e fo r long periods
of time a s they fough t firs t agains t th e Argive s and the n agains t th e Arcadians
and Messenians . Whe n the y returne d t o a peacefu l life , havin g grow n accus tomed t o obedienc e b y military discipline, whic h ha s its virtue, they wer e prepared t o submi t themselve s t o th e legislatio n o f Lycurgus . But when Lycurgus
attempted t o subject women t o hi s laws they resiste d an d h e gave up, a s tradition says. These, then , ar e the cause s of what happene d and thus it is clear tha t
the constitutiona l shortcomin g unde r discussion mus t be assigned t o them . Ou r
task, however , i s not t o praise or blame, but t o discover what i s right or wrong,
and the position of women i n Sparta, as we have already noted, not only contravenes th e spiri t o f the constitutio n bu t contribute s greatl y t o th e existin g avarice. Thi s proble m o f greed naturall y invite s a n attac k o n th e lac k o f equalit y
among th e Spartan s with regar d to th e ownershi p o f property, fo r we se e tha t
some of them hav e very small properties while others have very large ones, an d
that a s a resul t a fe w peopl e posses s mos t o f th e land . Her e agai n i s anothe r



shortcoming i n their constitution ; fo r although th e lawgive r rightly disapprove d

of th e sellin g an d buyin g o f estates , h e permitte d anyon e wh o s o desire d t o
transfer lan d throug h gift s o r bequests , wit h th e sam e result . An d nearl y two fifths of all the lan d i s in the possessio n o f women, du e to the fac t that heiresse s
are numerous th e customar y dowrie s ar e large. Th e regulation o f dowries by the
state woul d hav e bee n a bette r measure , abolishin g the m entirel y o r makin g
them, a t an y rate, smal l o r moderate .
(Aristotle, Politics 2.6.5-11 [1269b-1270a];
Spyridakis and Nystro m 1988 : 183-84 )

The Problem o f Sparta n Women

The difficultie s w e fac e i n evaluatin g the statu s of women i n antiquit y
are nowhere more compelling than in the cas e of Sparta. Objectivity ha s
eluded bot h ancien t an d moder n commentator s wh o hav e picke d
through th e conflictin g fragments o f ancien t evidenc e t o selec t "facts "
that corroborat e thei r views. Their opinions vary accordin g to their conceptions abou t "th e good life" within "the properly governed state." According t o legend s associate d wit h th e Lycurga n constitution , Sparta ,
like Plato' s Republic, wa s a totalitaria n state , wher e the totalit y o f lif e
was subjec t t o regulatio n and supervision : neither protectio n o f privat e
property no r freedo m o f the individua l were matters for concern. But , as
we hav e seen , Aristotle , wit h th e advantag e o f hindsight , criticize d
Sparta's failur e t o curtai l women' s freedo m an d t o regulat e women' s
ownership o f privat e property . I n contrast , a feminis t lik e Simon e d e
Beauvoir, focusin g o n traditions about communal property and th e amelioration o f women's lot , migh t prefer i t t o Classical Athens .
1. Malcol m Davie s (p . 26 , line 77 ) read s teirei.
2. Bor n in 50 6 B.C.E .
3. Th e festiva l o f the nake d boys , o r boy s withou t armor .
4. Unde r Epaminonda s in 36 9 B.C.E .

Bing, Peter , an d Ri p Cohen. 1991 . Games o f Venus. Ne w York.
Campbell, Davi d A . 1988 . Greek Lyric. Vol . 2 . Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass .
Davies, M . 1991 . Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragmenta. Vol . 1 Oxford.
Frazer, J . G . 1965 . Pausanias's Description o f Greece, Ne w Yor k (originall y publishe d
Lattimore, Richmond . 1970 . Greek Lyrics. Chicag o an d Londo n (originall y publishe d
Marchant, E . C. an d G . W. Bowersock, 1968 . Xenophon VII. Scripta Minora. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass , (originall y publishe d i n 192 5 without supplement) .
Moretti, L . 1953 . Iscrizioni Agonistische Greene. Rome .

Spartan Women 6

Segal, Charles. 1985 . "Archaic Choral Lyric: Alcman." In Th e Cambridge History o f Classical Literature, vol. 1 , Greek Literature, edited b y P . E . Easterlin g and B . M. W .
Knox, Cambridge , 168-85 .
Spyridakis, Styliano s V. , an d Bradle y P . Nystrom . 1988 . Ancient Greece: Documentary
Perspectives. Dubuque , Ind .
Talbert, Richard . 1988 . Plutarch o n Sparta. London.

Beauvoir, Simone de. 1952 . The Second Sex. Ne w York . (Originall y published a s Le Deu~
xieme Sexe, Paris, 1949)
Poralla, Paul . 1985 . A Prosopography of Lacedaemonians. 2 d edition b y Alfre d S . Brad ford. Chicago .

Calame, Claude . 1977 . Le s choeurs d e jeunes fille s e n Grece archa'ique. Vols . I an d II .
Kunstler, Barto n Lee. 1987 . "Famil y Dynamic s and Femal e Power in Ancien t Sparta. " In
Rescuing Creusa, edite d b y Marily n B . Skinner, 31-4 8 [Als o publishe d i n Helios,
n.s. 13 , no. 2 : 31-48.]
Mosse, Claude . 1991 . "Women i n th e Sparta n Revolution s of the Thir d Centur y B.C. " In
Women's History and Ancient History, edited by Sarah B. Pomeroy, 138-53 . Chape l
Hill, N.C.
Page, Deny s L . 1951. Alcman. The Partheneion. Oxford .
Scanlon, Thoma s F . 1988 . "Virgineu m Gymnasium . Sparta n Female s an d Earl y Gree k
Athletics." I n Th e Archaeology o f th e Olympics, edite d b y W. Raschke , 185-216 .
Madison, Wis.


The Tragic Wife: The Natur e and Limitatio n of the Sources

Corinthian women , I have come ou t o f the hous e
lest you criticiz e me for anything. For many people
I Kno w have become proud , some ou t o f the publi c eye ,
others openly. Privat e people, however,
get a ba d reputation for inactivity.
For there is no justice in morta l eyes
when someone sufferin g n o wrong hates a person
at first sight before h e has understood hi s temperament .
A foreigner abov e all mus t adap t t o the city , bu t
I woul d no t eve n approv e a person wh o offend s
his fellow citizen s out o f pride and insensitivity .
Yet on m e this disaster ha s fallen unexpectedl y
and broke n m y heart . I am don e for, my friends ,
and giving up al l joy i n life , I wish t o die .
My whole lif e was bound u p in him , a s he well knows ;
yet m y husband has proved to be the wors t of men.
Of al l being s who breath e an d hav e intelligence ,
we women ar e the mos t miserabl e creatures.
First we have to buy a husband at a steep price,
then tak e a master for our bodies .
This second evi l i s worse tha n the first , bu t
the greates t struggl e turns on whether we get a bad
husband or a good one. Divorc e is not respectabl e
for a woman and sh e cannot den y her husband .
Confronting ne w customs and rules ,
she needs to be a prophet, unles s she has learned
at hom e how best t o manage her bedmate .
If we work things out wel l an d th e husband
lives with u s without resistin g his yoke,
life i s enviable. Otherwise i t i s better t o die .
A man, when he i s tired of being with thos e insid e
goes out an d relieve s his heart of boredom,

Women in Classical Athens *>9

or turn s to some frien d o r contemporary .
But w e have t o loo k t o one person only .
They say w e hav e a lif e secur e fro m dange r
living at home , whil e the y wiel d thei r spear s i n battle .
They ar e mistaken ! I would rathe r stan d thre e
times besid e a shield tha n giv e birt h once.
(Euripides, Medea 214-51 . [43 1 B.C.E.];
trans. Helen e P. Foley)

Every respectable woman in classical Athens (ca. 480-323 B.C.E. ) became

a wif e i f sh e could ; no t t o marry , a s Mede a argues , provide d n o rea l
alternative. I n thi s passage , Euripides ' Mede a has com e ou t fro m seclu sion i n he r hous e t o expres s t o th e wome n o f Corinth her pai n over he r
husband Jason's betrayal. Mede a has maintained the modest y an d retirement appropriat e t o th e lif e o f a prope r Athenia n wife , wh o should , a t
least ideally , hav e spent mos t of her time indoors unless she were participating in religiou s events . Sh e also does not wan t othe r wome n t o thin k
her proud , whe n the y com e t o offe r thei r sympathy . For , a s th e tragi c
heroine Iphigenei a say s i n anothe r pla y b y Euripides , voicin g a vie w
about femal e solidarity standar d in drama (Euripides , Iphigeneia Among
the Taurians, 1061-62 , ca. 414-41 0 B.C.E.) :
We are women, a trib e sympatheti c t o each other
and mos t reliabl e i n preservin g ou r commo n interests .

Medea i s a foreigne r i n Corinth . Sh e helpe d Jaso n wi n th e Golde n

Fleece afte r sh e fell i n lov e with hi m in her native Colchi s an d fled with
him t o Greece. No w he is leaving her to marry the only chil d of the Kin g
of Corinth. Ye t her complaints abou t marriag e are not alie n to the Greek
chorus. A woman , Mede a complains , mus t bu y a n unknow n husban d
with a dowry ; every brid e lives the lif e o f a foreigne r i n he r ne w home ;
husbands ca n escap e fro m th e hous e i f th e marriag e goes badly , bu t
wives cannot . The y ar e dependen t o n on e person , fo r whose sak e the y
must undertak e the pain s and risk s of childbirth.
This passag e raise s centra l question s abou t th e live s o f wome n i n
Classical Athens . Ho w seclude d wa s th e prope r wife' s existence ? Ho w
much was she able to escape the confine s of her house for the supportiv e
companionship o f other women ? To what degre e could sh e expec t hel p
and lega l protectio n fro m he r societ y whe n mistreated ? Did Athenia n
wives fear o r resen t bein g married off young (earl y teens) t o a consider ably olde r husban d (lat e twentie s o r above ) who m the y (i n contrast t o
Medea) di d not choos e o r know before the wedding?
Drama i s a problematic sourc e for the live s of both wome n an d me n
in Classica l Athen s (se e furthe r Fole y 1981 , Zeitlin 1985 , Just 1989 , De s
Bouvrie 1990) . Classica l tragedie s an d comedie s generall y ar e base d o n
myths fro m th e remot e pas t o r (i n th e cas e o f comedy ) fantasti c in vented scenarios . The plays may simply represent wha t mal e poets (and ,
on stage, mal e actors) imagine d about women , o r used the m t o imagine .
Some have argued , for example, tha t Medea' s speech i s Euripides' clever



reply t o th e objection s contemporar y Sophist s mad e t o marriag e as a n

institution tha t curtaile d mal e freedom , no t a seriou s respons e t o
women's plight . W e are no t eve n certai n tha t wome n wer e present a t
the theate r festival s i n hono r o f the go d Dionysus to see these play s (al though ther e i s evidence o n bot h sides , i t seem s mor e likel y tha t som e
women did do so); an d n o female voice has survived to give us a hint of
a woman' s perspectiv e i n he r ow n words . A t th e sam e time , th e vivi d
portraits of women i n dramaofte n mor e assertive, articulate , o r rebellious than thos e w e have from source s tha t clai m to represen t historica l
reality mor e directlymay have reflected real social an d historical issue s
and tensions , eve n if in a somewhat indirec t fashion.
We know , fo r example , tha t Mede a exaggerate s somewha t i n thi s
speech. Althoug h divorce was easy t o obtain , Athenia n women a t leas t
(if no t th e foreigne r Medea) , wer e legall y an d financiall y protecte d i n
such cases . Thei r dowr y ha d t o b e returned wit h the m an d cour t case s
repeatedly cit e mal e responsibilit y fo r th e welfar e o f femal e relative s
(see Demosthenes [Dem. ] 30.21; the eponymou s archon oversaw th e wel fare o f orphans, widows , an d pregnan t widows) , eve n i f we kno w tha t
some guardians failed t o carr y out tha t responsibilit y (fo r example, th e
abuse o f Demosthenes ' mothe r b y he r guardia n [Dem . 2 7 an d 28] . Se e
also Isaeu s 8.36 , Aeschine s 1.95-99 , Andocide s 1.124-27 , an d Dem .
48.54-55). Amon g the upper classes at least , marriag e patterns i n Athens
became increasingl y endogamous , an d husband s ma y no t alway s hav e
been complet e stranger s to thei r wives, or the mov e to a new househol d
such a radica l transition . Citize n wive s visited wit h neighbor s an d participated frequentl y i n religiou s events , sometime s i n th e compan y o f
other women , an d sometime s at larg e civic festivals; thus , a wife's existence ma y no t hav e bee n s o restricted a s Medea suggests. Nevertheless ,
Medea i s no t th e onl y tragi c wif e t o criticiz e he r lot , an d passage s i n
other play s emphasiz e i n differen t way s th e difficultie s tha t bot h th e
transition t o marriag e an d a wife' s subsequen t isolatio n presente d fo r
Procne i n Sophocles ' Tereus assert s tha t th e transitio n t o marriag e
was a shock afte r th e girl' s carefree childhood:
Now outsid e [my father's house] I am nothing . Yet I have ofte n
observed woman's nature in this regard,
how we are nothing. When we are young in our father's house,
I thin k we liv e the sweetes t lif e of all humankind ;
for ignoranc e always brings children up delightfully .
But when we have reached maturit y an d can understand ,
we are thrust out an d sold
away fro m th e god s of our father s an d ou r parents ,
some to foreigners, som e to barbarians ,
some to joyless houses, some full o f reproach.
And finally , onc e a single night ha s unite d us,
we have to praise our lot and pretend that all is well.
(Frag. 524 N [583R] . [early 420s B.C.E.?]; trans. Helene P. Foley)

Women i n Classical Athens 7

Clytemnestra (a t Aeschylus ' Agamemnon 855ff. ) give s a length y

speech abou t th e torture s wome n experienc e whe n thei r husband s are at
war, an d i n Sophocles ' Women o f Trachis th e heroin e Dejaneir a ex presses anxiety ove r the frequen t absence s of her husband:
Chosen partne r fo r the be d of Heracles ,
I nurs e fea r afte r fear , alway s worryin g
over him . I have a constant rela y o f troubles ;
some eac h nigh t dispellseach nigh t brings others on .
We have had childre n now , who m h e sees at times ,
like a farmer working a n outlying field,
who sees i t onl y whe n h e sows an d when h e reaps .
This ha s been hi s life, tha t only bring s him hom e
to send hi m out again , to serve some ma n or other .
(Women o f Trachis, 27-35 [ca. 420 s B.C.E.] ;
Jameson 1959)

Such passages probably do not simpl y represent poeti c fantasies . Wome n

did reac t t o th e absenc e an d death o f their me n a t war ; a woman's husband wa s often absent . Th e historian Herodotu s report s tha t once , afte r
a disastrou s Athenia n rai d o n Aegina , th e ne w widow s too k ou t thei r
brooches and stabbed to death the one male survivor. Each woman asked
as sh e stabbe d wher e he r ow n husban d was . Th e Athenian s the n
changed th e styl e o f women's dres s so that i n th e futur e the y woul d no t
need brooche s (5.87) . Furthermore, agricultura l work and civic and military duties took husband s out o f the hous e fo r extended periods . Popula r
culture i n Athen s emphasized th e desirabilit y o f a man' s dedicatio n t o
the interest s o f the city-stat e an d t o work outside th e house . Xenophon ,
in th e Oeconomicus, a treatise o n household management , for example,
argues fo r a stric t divisio n of labor b y sex: th e husband' s role i s to tak e
care o f what i s outside th e hous e an d th e wife' s to car e fo r what i s inside; onc e h e ha s traine d hi s wif e t o perfor m he r job properly , h e ca n
leave her in charge of her own sphere (7.17ff. ; se e further unde r "Domes tic Activities" i n this chapter).
Euripides' Phaedra , who ha s had th e misfortun e to fal l i n lov e wit h
her stepson , Hippolytus , an d i s strugglin g t o resis t he r passion , als o
shows ho w difficul t a wife' s life migh t be. Surrounde d by suspicion (se e
also Euripides, Ion 398-400) , with too little opportunity fo r achievement
and to o much tim e t o broo d an d fantasize, th e wif e ma y find it difficul t
to adher e t o th e mora l principle s tha t sh e ha d bee n raise d t o accept .
Phaedra wishes t o preserve the reputatio n o f herself (and , she later adds ,
her children), bu t sh e finds it impossibl e to distract hersel f fro m he r sufferings. Eve n th e compan y o f other wome n onl y make s virtue more difficult to attai n (se e also Euripides , Andromache 943-53) .
Many a time i n night' s lon g empty space s
I hav e pondered o n th e cause s o f a life' s shipwreck .
I thin k tha t our live s are worse than th e mind' s qualit y
would warrant . Ther e ar e many who know virtue .



We know the good , w e apprehen d it clearly.

But we can't brin g it t o achievement . Some
are betraye d b y their own laziness , and other s
value some other pleasur e abov e virtue.
There ar e many pleasures in a woman's life
long gossiping talks and leisure , tha t sweet curse .
It woul d alway s be my choic e
to hav e my virtues known an d honored . So
when I do wrong I could not endur e to se e
a circl e of condemning witnesses.
I kno w what I have done: I know th e scandal :
and al l to o wel l I know that I am a woman,
object o f hate to all.
(Euripides, Hippolytus, 375-84 , 403-7 [428 B.C.E.];
Grene 1959)

And indeed , sh e seems to b e partially correct i n he r fears , fo r when Hippolytus hear s (agains t her will ) o f Phaedra' s passio n h e pour s ou t a ti rade agains t women: h e wishes that childre n could b e acquired i n othe r
ways, sinc e wome n ar e a n economi c drain , dangerou s whe n clever , an d
prone t o adulter y (616ff.) . Thi s speec h provoke s Phaedr a t o take action,
for sh e i s afrai d tha t Hippolytu s wil l infor m he r husban d Theseus . Sh e
commits suicide , leavin g behin d a table t tha t claim s tha t Hippolytu s
tried t o rap e her. I t is hard to tel l whethe r suc h plays confir m th e popu lar fear s abou t wome n an d th e nee d t o supervis e their behavio r closely ,
or whether the y attac k th e cultura l confinement of women a s dangerou s
in itself , o r both.
Although dram a generally represente d potentia l problem s an d crise s
in life , i t coul d als o reflec t o r eve n exaggerat e popula r ideolog y abou t
the norma l rol e of women. Legally , wive s in Athen s were no t permitte d
to make important socia l and financial decisions without th e supervisio n
of a guardian , an d Aristotl e argue s i n hi s Politics tha t th e virtu e o f a
wife consist s i n he r obeyin g he r morall y superio r husban d (se e espe cially, 1252a-b , 1254b) . Som e wive s o n th e Gree k stage, unlik e Medea ,
actually reve l i n subordinatin g themselve s t o thei r husband' s needs an d
wishes, a s popula r cultur e though t tha t the y should . Alcestis , wh o
agreed t o die in he r husband' s stead, wa s a mythical ideal . (Fo r the em barrassing consequence s thi s sacrific e coul d hav e fo r he r husban d Ad metus, se e Euripides' Alcestis. For representations o f Alcestis a s a marita l
ideal i n art , se e Fig. 3.15 and Chapte r 13) . I n the passag e below , Euripi des' Andromache , forme r wif e o f the dea d Troja n her o Hecto r an d no w
concubine t o Achilles ' so n Neoptolemus, trie s t o persuad e hi s wif e Hermione t o defer consistentl y t o her husband. The rich young Sparta n Hermione, th e spoile d darlin g of her parent s Menelau s and Helen , ha s bee n
trying t o manipulat e he r husban d an d t o ge t ri d o f hi s concubin e an d
her child , sinc e sh e is childless; sh e turn s t o he r fathe r wheneve r sh e is
in trouble .

Women i n Classical Athens 7

Your husban d doe s not despis e you o n accoun t o f my drugs,

but becaus e you ar e not fit to liv e with.
That's my magic charm. It is not beauty , m y good woman,
but virtue s that keep our husbands happy.
When you ge t annoyed at something , Sparta's the bi g deal
in your mind an d Skyro s counts for nothing.
You ar e a hav e among have nots. For you Menelao s
is greater than Achilles! This is why your husband hates you.
A woman mus t b e content, even whe n marrie d off
to a poor husband, an d no t fight over family resource s with him.
If you ha d a husban d wh o rule d i n snowbound Thrace ,
where one ma n share s his bed with man y women
in rotation, would you kil l them all? You'd be caught
tainting all women with your own incontinence.
How shameful! Thoug h admittedl y we've got a worse
case of this disease than men, even if we conceal it well.
Dearest Hector , fo r your sake I assisted in your love affair s
when Aphrodit e tripped you u p and man y times
I nurse d your bastards a t m y breast,
rather than betray some bitterness toward you.
With such virtuous conduct I won m y husband's
approval. Bu t you, you're even afraid t o le t
a dro p of rain fal l o n your husband.
(Euripides, Andromache 205-28 [ca. 419 B.C.E.];
trans. Helen e P. Foley)

The passag e suggest s tha t a wealth y wif e migh t us e he r famil y positio n

and he r dowr y a s leverage agains t her husband . Whe n Xenophon i n th e
Oeconomicus propose s tha t a coupl e woul d d o bes t t o trea t th e wife' s
dowry a s joint property (7.13) , h e also seems to hint tha t i t could, i n les s
ideal circumstances , becom e a bon e of contention. Furthermore , since a
Greek wif e wa s onl y "lent " i n marriag e t o he r husband' s family for th e
purpose o f producin g legitimat e heirs , tha t famil y continue d t o hav e
some stake in her future an d could potentially reappropriat e her to serv e
their own need s (se e late r unde r "Silence d Women" in this chapter).
It shoul d b e note d i n considerin g Andromache' s advic e tha t me n
could an d did have concubines i n Athens. If the women were not Athenians, thei r childre n wer e no t Athenia n citizens afte r Pericles ' citizenshi p
law o f 451-45 0 B.C.E . whic h define d a s legitimat e th e childre n o f tw o
Athenian citizens. Th e foreign Mede a in the passage quoted a t th e beginning of this chapter ha s been rejecte d i n favor of a Corinthia n wife, wh o
could giv e Jason a sociall y advantageou s marriage and children . The famous statesma n Pericles , however , divorce d hi s wif e an d too k u p wit h
the foreig n hetaira , Aspasia ; i n defianc e of his ow n law , h e eventuall y
had hi s chil d b y he r declare d legitimat e afte r th e deat h o f hi s childre n
by hi s firs t wife . Isaeu s 6 demonstrate s th e problem s tha t coul d aris e
when a husband allegedl y adopte d th e childre n o f his mistress, who m h e
preferred t o hi s wife, an d trie d t o mak e them hi s legitimate heirs .
Although, a s was said above, there are many cases where male poet s



invented fantastic female characters to argue out difficul t socia l conflicts

and creat e wome n wh o ac t i n ways no t permitte d to the m i n life , thes e
striking picture s o f th e comple x problem s of a wife' s existenc e see m t o
express genuin e contradictions i n he r role , i f only i n th e mal e imagination. A s w e shal l see , Classica l Athenia n source s consistentl y giv e u s
conflicting view s o n wome n (fo r a genera l discussion o f interpretiv e issues, see Pomeroy 1975, Gould 1980, Blok 1987 , and Just 1989) . And virtually al l o f those sources , wit h th e exclusio n o f archaeology, ar e tenden tious. Historians ' view s ar e constraine d b y thei r conceptio n o f wha t
events are worthy t o be recorded. Thucydide s rarely mentions women i n
his history o f the Peloponnesia n Wars, fo r he write s about politica l an d
military event s fro m whic h wome n wer e largel y excluded. Th e anthro pologically oriented Herodotus , on the other hand , considers both family
and publi c life worth y o f his investigations . The second-centur y C.E . his torian Plutarc h (whos e source s ar e ofte n early ) wa s particularl y interested i n th e statu s o f women i n th e variou s societies tha t h e discusses .
Rhetoricians an d oratorsw e rel y o n th e la w cour t speeche s o f Lysias,
Demosthenes, Isaeus , an d other s hereshap e thei r testimon y t o con vince a n audienc e o f thei r cause , an d philosopher s such a s Plato , Aris totle, an d Xenopho n generally argue for an d refin e socia l ideals , rathe r
than attemp t t o reflect th e statu s quo. The fine arts may idealize, fanta size, o r romanticize, an d it i s often hard to draw the lin e betwee n depic tions o f lif e an d representation s o f myth o r eve n between wives , slaves ,
and prostitute s i n Atti c vas e painting s (William s 1983) . Ye t i f w e tak e
all o f these sources together , Classica l Athens seems to hav e attempted ,
far mor e strictly tha n in Archaic Greece, to define bot h legall y and infor mally th e relatio n o f the famil y an d th e individua l to th e stat e an d of
private lif e t o publi c life . Thes e change s affected th e relation s betwee n
men an d wome n an d ma y wel l hav e create d th e kind s of tensions tha t
we hav e seen i n th e dramati c representations o f distressed wive s quote d
Women in Relatio n to the Polis
The Athenia n democrac y wa s a "men' s club " whos e activ e member s
were restricte d t o men descended fro m parent s who were bot h Athenia n
citizens. Afte r Pericles ' citizenshi p la w o f 451-450 B.C.E. , citize n wome n
were carefull y distinguishe d fro m thos e wh o wer e not , suc h a s slaves ,
and resident s o f foreign descent , fo r the purpos e of determining th e citi zenship of their children ; but femal e citizens di d not participat e i n governing the democracy . Indeed , before the Hellenisti c period wome n wer e
excluded fro m governmen t an d the militar y throughout Greece . Yet , unlike the law s attributed t o Lycurgus at Sparta , which prescribed a public
system o f education fo r women , th e law s attribute d t o Solo n i n sixth century Athen s wer e largel y restrictiv e an d ma y hav e aime d t o reduc e
outward manifestation s of inequalit y amon g men , as wel l as to

Women i n Classical Athens 7

strengthen th e individua l oiko s (family , household , o r estate ) an d t o

control famil y life . Unde r oligarchic , aristocratic , o r monarchic governments, som e wome n belonge d t o th e rulin g elite an d wielde d informa l
power suc h a s we sa w i n th e Homeri c poems of the Archai c age. Sinc e
most o f th e populatio n ha d n o politica l rights , th e possessio n o f suc h
rights di d no t pointedl y distinguis h men fro m women . Th e attemp t b y
democratic Athen s to buttress the equality of all its male citizens an d to
give the m substantia l responsibilitie s i n th e publi c spher e apparently ,
except i n the case of religion, increasingly relegated to the private sphere
all other fre e Athenians , whether women or resident aliens (fre e me n o r
women protecte d b y Athenian law bu t no t entitle d t o th e privilege s of
male citizens) . (Se e furthe r Jus t 1989 : 22-23. ) Solon' s law s affectin g
women see m t o hav e been designe d for a numbe r of purposes. On e im portant functio n wa s to ensure the preservation of individual households
and provid e them with legitimate heirs.
That law , too , seem s absur d an d ridiculous , whic h permit s a n heiress , i n
case th e ma n unde r whose powe r an d authorit y sh e is placed b y law i s himself
unable t o consor t wit h her , t o b e marrie d b y on e o f hi s nex t o f kin . Some ,
however, sa y tha t thi s wa s a wis e provisio n agains t thos e wh o ar e unabl e t o
perform th e dutie s o f a husband , an d yet , fo r th e sak e o f thei r propert y marr y
heiresses, an d s o under cove r o f law, d o violence t o nature . Fo r when the y se e
that th e heires s can consor t wit h whomeve r sh e pleases, the y wil l eithe r desist
from suc h a marriage , o r mak e i t t o thei r shame , an d b e punishe d fo r thei r
avarice and insolence. I t is a wise provision, too , tha t an heiress ma y not choose
her consor t a t large , bu t fro m th e kinsme n o f her husband , tha t he r offsprin g
may b e of his family and lineage .
(Solon 20.2)
Still further , n o man i s allowed t o sell a daughter or a sister, unles s h e finds
that sh e is no longe r a virgin.
(Solon 23.2 ; Perrin 1982 )
Law-court cases from th e fourt h centur y B.C.E . i n Athen s still reflec t ten sions ove r whic h relative s shoul d b e permitte d t o marr y a n heires s
(epikleros; see further unde r "Silence d Women" in thi s chapter).
Another purpose of Solon's legislation was to curb women's informa l
influence o n thei r husbands .
On the other hand, h e did not permi t al l manner of gifts withou t restrictio n
or restraint , bu t onl y thos e whic h wer e no t mad e unde r th e influenc e o f sick ness, o r drugs , o r imprisonment , o r whe n a ma n wa s th e victi m o f compulsion
or yielded t o th e persuasio n o f his wife. H e thought, ver y rightl y an d properly ,
that being persuade d int o wrong was no better than bein g forced into it, an d he
placed decei t an d compulsion , gratificatio n an d affliction , i n on e an d th e sam e
category, believin g tha t bot h wer e alik e able to pervert a man's reason .
(Solon 21.3 ; Perri n 1982)

Isaeus 6 is one o f a numbe r of court case s presentin g th e ide a tha t

the whol e politica l system i s threatened i f an individua l man's reason is
undermined b y a woman' s influence : "th e woma n wh o destroye d Euc-



temon's reaso n an d laid hold of so much property is so insolent, that . . .

she shows he r contempt no t onl y fo r the member s of Euctemon's family ,
but als o fo r th e whol e city " (6.48 ; se e also Demosthene s 46.14 , Isaeu s
Solon's law s wer e als o intende d t o contro l publi c appearance s o f
women, includin g their expressio n o f private emotion i n publi c (fo r Solon's law s curbin g such behavior , especiall y i n th e contex t o f funerals ,
see Chapter 1) .
In som e cases , i t seem s certain tha t Solon' s laws prevented wome n fro m
acting a s they ha d earlier . A s has alread y been show n i n Chapte r 1 , Solon's legislatio n o n funeral s prescribe d tha t onl y clos e ki n coul d mour n
for th e dead , thu s prohibitin g the ostentatiou s practic e amon g th e aris tocracy o f hiring women mourner s and denyin g older women a source of
income. Nevertheless , source s indicat e tha t funerar y legislatio n contin ued t o b e passed a t Athen s in th e thre e centurie s afte r Solon , an d ther e
is bot h archaeologica l (th e shiftin g degre e o f ostentatio n i n funerar y
monuments, discusse d furthe r below ) an d literar y evidence tha t the regulation o f women's rol e i n lamentin g the dea d an d o f funerary practice s
in general continued t o be a disputed issue (se e further, Humphrey s 1983,
Loraux 1986 , an d Fole y 1993) . Drama , for example, continue d t o repre sent wome n wh o resis t th e limite d rol e permitted to the m and/o r persis t
heroically i n carryin g ou t th e specia l responsibilitie s t o dea d ki n tha t
their culture assigne d to them. Th e mos t famou s cas e is Sophocles' Anti gone. Afte r th e battl e a t Thebe s fo r successio n betwee n he r brother s
Eteocles an d Polyneices , he r uncle Creo n pronounce s a n edic t tha t ban s
burial fo r th e traito r Polyneices , wh o attacke d hi s own city . Antigon e
defies th e edic t an d publicl y embarrasse s he r uncle . Particularl y cha grined t o be challenged b y a woman, Creo n moves quickly t o silence th e
voice o f hi s niece . I n th e end , Antigone' s championing o f th e right s o f
the dea d receive s divin e support . Th e prophe t Tiresia s tell s Creo n tha t
the god s are offende d b y the pollutio n fro m th e corpse . Creo n mus t bur y
Polyneices an d rescu e Antigon e fro m th e cav e i n whic h h e ha s impris oned he r t o die . To o late , Creo n find s Antigon e dead an d hi s so n Haimon, Antigone' s fiance , kill s himself over he r body . I n her first confrontation wit h Creon , Antigon e offer s th e followin g defens e o f he r
disobedience t o the edict :
For me it wa s not Zeu s who mad e this proclamation .
Nor did Justice dwelling with th e god s below
define suc h laws for humankind.
I di d no t thin k your order s had suc h power
that you, a mortal, could outrun
the gods ' unwritten an d unfailin g rules .
Not merel y of today o r yesterday, the y live
forever, an d n o one know s from wher e they came .

Women in Classical Athens 77

For their sak e I was no t abou t t o pa y a penalt y
to th e gods , fearin g the wil l o f any man .
I kne w tha t I would die ; ho w coul d I fail t o know ,
even i f you ha d no t decree d it ? If I di e
before m y time , I call thi s death a gain .
When someon e live s wit h man y sorrow s
as I do, ho w coul d dyin g b e unprofitable ?
For me t o mee t thi s fat e i s thus a trivia l grief .
But i f I had permitte d m y mother' s dead so n
to remai n a n unburie d corpse , I woul d
have grieve d a t that ; a t thi s I do not grieve .
Now i f I seem t o hav e playe d th e fool ,
perhaps i t i s a foo l wh o charge s m e with folly .
(Sophocles, Antigone 450-70 [ca. 442-4 1 B.C.E.] ;
trans. Helen e P . Foley)

Similarly, i n Euripides ' Suppliants, th e mother s of the seve n champions

who attacke d Thebe s com e t o Athen s fo r help . Thebe s ha s refuse d t o
allow their sons to be buried. The mothers expect t o acquire the righ t t o
mourn thei r sons extravagantly in public . Instead , Theseus appropriate s
the bodie s of the slai n fro m them . H e has Adrastus, the survivin g leader
of th e champions , pronounc e a publi c funeral oration , an d the n take s
the bodie s awa y fo r cremation . Th e mother s remai n t o th e en d o f th e
play eage r t o embrac e th e remain s of their sons ; bu t the y ar e no t eve n
permitted t o hol d th e urn s containin g thei r ashes . Theseu s excuse s hi s
actions i n a fashion that serve s t o justify Athens ' own contemporar y re striction o f women's public lamentation of the dead :
ADRASTUS: Sorrowfu l mothers ! Draw nea r your children !
THESEUS: Adrastus ! Tha t wa s no t wel l said .
ADRASTUS: Why ? Must parent s not touc h thei r children ?
THESEUS: T o see their state would b e morta l pain .
ADRASTUS: Yes , corps e wounds and bloo d ar e a bitte r sight .
THESEUS: The n wh y woul d yo u increas e th e women' s woe?
ADRASTUS: I yield.
(lines 941-47 [420s B.C.E.] ; Jones 1959 )

Such passage s rais e interestin g questions . Funera l orations an d fu nerary legislatio n recommende d o r require d curtailment o f public grief.
Tragedy an d othe r source s represen t contradictor y view s o n women' s
public expressio n o f emotion. I n Aeschylus' s Seven Against Thebes, fo r
example, th e her o Eteocle s first encounters th e choru s of young wome n
praying excitedl y t o statue s o f th e god s an d bringin g them offering s i n
the hop e of acquiring their protectio n fro m th e enem y encamped outsid e
Thebes' walls . Eteocle s view s thei r activitie s a s disastrous t o th e effor t
of th e Theba n warrior s t o defen d thei r city . Plutarc h even argue s tha t
women's mournin g for the go d Adonis, a religious rite discussed later i n
this chapter , threatene d th e wa r effor t durin g the Peloponnesia n Wars:
"the wome n wer e celebratin g . . . th e festiva l o f Adonis, an d i n man y
places throughou t th e cit y littl e image s o f th e go d wer e lai d ou t fo r



burial, an d funera l rite s wer e hel d abou t them , wit h wailin g crie s o f
women, s o tha t thos e wh o care d anythin g fo r suc h matter s wer e dis tressed, an d feare d les t al l tha t powerfu l armament , wit h al l th e splen dor and vigou r that wer e so manifest i n it , shoul d speedily withe r awa y
and com e t o naught " (Nicia s 13 , Perrin 1982) .
Similarly, Athenia n democracy celebrate d it s war dea d an d di d no t
wish grie f t o undermin e it s heroizin g of the dea d an d th e dedicatio n o f
its soldier s t o th e interest s o f the state . Plutarc h also tell s us that whe n
Pericles returned t o Athens after subduin g Samos and delivered a funera l
oration i n 44 0 B.C.E., man y o f th e wome n crowne d hi m wit h garlands .
But Elpinice , th e siste r o f Cimon , on e o f th e fe w wome n o f Athen s t o
have a (dubious ) reputatio n o f he r ow n (se e Plutarch , Cimo n 4.5-7) ,
reportedly cam e u p to him an d said,
"This was a noble action, Pericles , and you deserv e all these garlands for it. You
have thrown awa y the live s of these brav e citizens of ours, no t i n a war agains t
the Persian s or th e Phoenicians , such ha s m y brother Cimon fought, bu t i n destroying a Gree k city whic h is one o f our allies. " Pericle s listened t o he r word s
unmoved, s o it i s said, an d onl y smile d an d quote d t o he r Archilochus' s verse ,
"Why lavis h perfumes o n a head that's grey?"
(Plutarch, Pericle s 28. Scott-Kilvert 1960)

In a fashio n traditiona l t o Athens' s archai c past, th e aristocrati c Elpin ice wielded politica l influenc e for and throug h her brother Cimo n (eve n
long afte r hi s death , a s here) , fo r whom sh e twic e intercede d wit h Per icles; he r advance d ag e ma y als o explai n th e libertie s sh e feel s fre e t o
take here . Pericles , a s a representativ e o f th e ne w ideolog y o f Athens ,
dismisses her speech an d he r claims to authority .
Like th e word s o f th e elderl y Elpinice , women's lamentation s als o
potentially challenge d th e wa r effort , becaus e the y stresse d th e conse quences o f death fo r the survivors . Ye t when mal e characters i n traged y
imagine thei r ow n deaths , the y hop e fo r burial , car e afte r death , an d
lamentations fro m th e wome n o f thei r famil y (fo r example, Oreste s i n
Euripides' Iphigeneia Among th e Taurians, 700-705). And what i f a ma n
died i n a privat e contex t o r a whol e countr y becam e exhauste d b y wa r
and it s rhetoric , a s may hav e happened durin g the lon g (431-40 4 B.C.E. )
Peloponnesian War s betwee n Spart a an d Athens ? The familie s of suc h
men ma y hav e resente d th e absenc e o f a publi c opportunity t o displa y
grief over private deaths (th e reemergence of ostentation i n private grave
monuments durin g the las t quarter of the fifth century ma y also indicat e
resistance t o funerar y legislatio n curtailin g suc h display) . Th e overal l
dramatic context s i n whic h th e action s o f Antigon e o r Theseu s occu r
suggest (althoug h thi s cas e canno t b e made here) tha t poet s ma y b e expressing ambivalenc e abou t th e stat e contro l o f burial practic e an d th e
suppression o f women's lamentin g voice s i n th e publi c aren a o f Athens .
We kno w tha t wome n continue d t o hav e a n importan t informa l influ ence o n privat e funerals , fo r th e speake r o f Isaeu s 8.21-22 claim s that ,
although he had been planning to conduct hi s grandfather's funeral fro m

Women i n Classical Athens 7

his own house , h e acceded to the wishe s of his grandmother, who wished
to la y ou t an d dec k th e corpse , t o conduc t i t fro m th e hous e o f the de ceased.
Silenced Women
Advice t o th e parent s o f th e dea d wa s a traditiona l featur e o f public
funeral orations , an d Pericle s urge d thos e couple s wh o wer e physicall y
capable t o produc e mor e children . Exploitin g th e traditiona l vie w tha t
young wome n wh o lacke d mal e supervision and a mal e relative to con duct transaction s tha t require d meetin g me n wer e i n dange r o f losin g
their respectability , Pericle s offer s t o wa r widow s a warnin g unique i n
extant funera l orations :
If I also must say something about a wife's virtu e to thos e of you wh o wil l no w
be widows, I will state i t i n a brie f exhortation. You r reputatio n i s glorious if
you d o no t prov e inferio r to your ow n natur e an d i f there i s the leas t possibl e
talk about you amon g men, whether in praise or blame.
(Thucydides 2.45.2, 43 1 B.C.E. )

In contras t t o th e publi c praise and blam e of women i n the Archaic

period, poets , law-cour t speeches , an d philosopher s al l expres s th e vie w
that respectabl e wome n (wives , mothers , daughters , sisters , an d othe r
close femal e relative s o f th e speakers ) shoul d remai n silen t o r subdued
in public and avoi d bein g discussed b y men. Orator s avoi d naming living
respectable wome n unles s the y wis h t o cas t a slu r o n thei r name s
(Schaps 1977) . No t onl y women' s names , bu t wome n themselve s wer e
supposed t o kee p ou t o f publi c view , wit h th e importan t exceptio n of
their appearance s a t funeral s an d festival s as variou s cults an d ritual s
required. " A woma n wh o travel s outside th e hous e mus t b e of such a n
age, tha t onlooker s migh t ask , no t whos e wif e sh e is , bu t whos e
mother." (Hyperides , frag. 20 5 Jensen; Golde n 1990 : 122) . Thus i n vas e
painting, respectabl e women ar e rarely portrayed out-of-doors, except a t
festivals o r i n cemeterie s an d weddin g processions. 1 A t Lysia s 3.6 , th e
speaker claim s that hi s sister an d niece s ha d live d in th e women' s quarters with s o much concern fo r their modesty tha t they wer e embarrassed
even t o b e seen b y their mal e relatives (se e also Demosthenes 47, Isaeus
3.13-14, Lysia s 1.22-23):
Hearing tha t th e bo y was a t m y house , h e cam e ther e a t nigh t i n a drunke n
state, brok e dow n th e doors , an d entere d th e women' s rooms : within wer e m y
sister an d m y nieces , whos e live s hav e bee n s o well-ordere d tha t the y ar e
ashamed eve n to be seen b y their kinsmen. This man, then, carrie d insolence t o
such a pitc h tha t h e refuse d t o g o away unti l th e peopl e wh o appeare d o n th e
spot, an d thos e wh o accompanie d him , feelin g i t a monstrou s thin g tha t h e
should intrud e on young girls and orphans , drove him ou t b y force.
(first quarte r of the fourt h centur y B.C.E . ; Lamb 1960)

Lycurgus (Against Leocrates 40 ) tell s u s tha t afte r th e battl e o f

Chaeronea i n 33 8 B.C.E. fre e wome n stoo d i n thei r doorway s t o as k fro m



passersby new s of their relatives , thus behavin g in a fashio n "unworth y

of themselve s an d o f th e city. " Onl y courtesan s wen t t o partie s wit h
men, opene d th e fron t doo r themselves , o r spok e t o passersb y i n th e
street (se e Isaeu s 3.13-14 an d Theophrastus , Characters 28. ) Thi s ano nymity protecte d wome n fro m contac t wit h me n wh o wer e no t famil y
members, bu t i t als o make s it extremel y difficul t t o stud y th e histor y of
Athenian women . I n cour t cases , fo r example , speaker s ofte n foun d i t
hard t o documen t th e live s of respectabl e women . Law s governin g th e
inheritance o f property wer e no t strictl y agnati c (exclusiv e t o th e mal e
line), bu t male s precede d female s in th e righ t t o inheri t an d relation ships traced throug h male s took precedenc e ove r those throug h females .
Women wer e sufficientl y obscur e tha t i t wa s possible t o contest a rival' s
claim to a n inheritanc e b y arguing that hi s mother had not bee n a legitimate chil d o f he r fathe r o r tha t hi s mothe r ha d no t bee n a lawfu l wif e
of hi s fathe r bu t ha d bee n a hetair a o r concubine . I n th e followin g
speech o f 37 5 B.C.E . a grandso n claim s a larg e inheritanc e fro m hi s
mother's father, wh o was named Ciron. Endogamou s marriage was common amon g th e uppe r class . Ciron' s firs t wif e wa s hi s cousin ; sh e gave
birth t o on e daughte r wh o becam e th e speaker' s mother . Th e speake r
bases hi s clai m o n th e presumptio n tha t i f hi s mothe r ha d live d sh e
would hav e bee n a n epiklero s (heires s or, literally , "attache d t o th e estate" of her father ) whe n Ciro n died , sinc e ther e wa s n o so n to inheri t
the estate . I n familie s wher e th e survivin g children wer e female , th e
estate o f the fathe r passed through such daughters to their sons. (Se e the
laws o f Solo n quote d earlie r i n thi s chapter. ) Wealth y heiresse s wer e
likely t o b e claime d i n marriag e by thei r nex t o f kin (wh o woul d hav e
inherited th e propert y i f the heiresse s wer e no t alive) , eve n i f they wer e
already married . (Se e Isaeus 3.64-67.) Althoug h according t o law , chil dren were members of their father's family and remained with the m afte r
the death o f their fathe r just as they woul d hav e stayed wit h thei r fathe r
in cas e o f divorce, th e speake r argue s that hi s mothe r an d he r offsprin g
retained tie s t o Ciron :
As was natural , seeing that w e wer e th e son s o f his own daughter , h e [tha t is ,
Ciron] neve r performe d a sacrific e withou t us , bu t whethe r th e occasio n wa s
trivial o r important , w e wer e alway s a t hi s side , takin g part wit h hi m i n th e
ceremony. . . . The conduct o f our fathe r an d th e knowledg e that th e marrie d
women o f the distric t ha d o f our mothe r shows tha t sh e was Ciron' s legitimat e
daughter. Whe n he married her, our fathe r celebrated a marriage feast wit h hi s
relatives an d thre e friend s an d presente d th e marriag e sacrifice to th e member s
of hi s trib e i n accordanc e wit h thei r laws . Later , hi s wif e wa s selected , alon g
with th e wif e o f Diodes o f Pitthos , b y th e wome n o f the distric t t o presid e a t
the Thesmophori a an d t o carr y ou t th e customar y rite s wit h he r colleagues .
When w e wer e bor n h e introduce d u s to hi s tribe with th e usua l oat h tha t w e
were born o f an Athenia n woman legall y betrothed.
(Isaeus 8.15-19 [383-363 B.C.E.]; trans. Sara h B. Pomeroy)

Here the speakers find it necessary to prove that thei r mother wa s Ciron' s
legitimate daughter, an d they mak e their cas e not onl y b y citing Ciron' s
actions, bu t b y referring to th e activitie s of the wome n o f the district .

Women in Classical Athens


Named Women
Inscriptional evidence is exceptional i n namin g and eve n celebrating individual citizen women . A n inscription on a black-figure vas e of the fift h
century B.C.E . celebrate s th e victor y o f a gir l name d Melos a i n a girl' s
carding (wool-working ) contest (Attic , fifth-centur y B.C.E . Friedlande r /
Hofleit 1948 : p. 16 5 177m). Priestesse s (unlik e other respectable women )
are name d i n a numbe r of religious context s (se e below) , an d afte r sh e
died, a woman' s nam e migh t b e inscribed o n he r tombston e alon g wit h
the name s o f her closes t mal e relative s (se e Mnesarete' s stel e i n th e In troduction t o Par t I) . Th e genealog y o f some wome n ca n b e establishe d
in this way . Fo r example, he r mother an d fathe r set up the tombston e o f
a littl e gir l name d Aristyll a (Fig . 3.1), wh o die d abou t 430-42 5 B.C.E. ,
perhaps in the plagu e that ravaged Athens in the earl y years of the Pelo ponnesian War . A brief epigram gives the name s of her parents , Aristo n
and Rhodilla . Aristyll a stand s befor e he r mother , thei r hand s clasped .
The handshake is a common motif on Athenian gravestones, symbolizing
both th e leave-takin g of the dea d wh o mus t journey t o th e Underworld

Figure 3.1. Tombston e o f Aristylla (ca .

430-425 B.C.E. ) show s the dea d gir l
taking th e han d o f her mother. Th e
meditative character of the imag e is typical o f funerar y imager y of th e period, the wakes wit h mourner s tearing their
hair hav e largel y disappeared from th e
art o f th e fifth century.



and th e unio n o f famil y member s tha t continue s eve n i n death . Arys tilla's tende r ag e i s indicate d b y he r close-croppe d hai r an d th e smal l
bird sh e hold s i n he r lef t hand , a favorit e playthin g o f young girls . He r
mother Rhodill a i s characterize d a s a prope r Athenia n matro n b y he r
backed chai r wit h footstool , th e mantl e drape d ove r he r legs , an d th e
veil pulle d up over he r head .
The woma n commemorate d b y another graveston e wa s name d Pau simache (Fig . 3.2). Th e epigra m carved just abov e her hea d reads :

Figure 3.2. Tombstone o f Pausimache

(ca. 390-380 B.C.E.) , who hold s a mirror and whos e inscriptio n speaks of he r
goodness and goo d sense .

Women i n Classical Athens 8

It i s fated tha t al l wh o liv e must die ; an d you , Pausimache , left behin d pitifu l
grief a s a possessio n fo r your ancestors , you r mothe r Phainipp e and your fathe r
Pausanias. Her e stands a memoria l o f your goodness and goo d sens e for passers by t o see .
(Clairmont 1970 : No. 13 , p. 77 )

Pausimache probabl y die d unmarried , since n o husban d o r childre n ar e

mentioned. Sh e is shown gazin g into a mirror, no t a symbol of vanity a s
in Renaissanc e art , bu t o f th e beaut y an d grac e admire d i n Gree k
women. The mirror may als o have a more specific reference, to the wedding o f whic h Pausimach e ha s bee n deprive d b y he r earl y death , fo r
brides ar e ofte n show n holdin g a mirro r a s the y prepar e fo r th e cer emony.
Often, whe n th e inscriptio n o n th e tombston e i s metrica l th e
woman alon e i s named, bu t withou t th e additio n o f the name s of male
relatives sh e coul d no t b e identified , either b y stranger s wh o wer e he r
contemporaries o r b y late r historians . A n epigra m o n a relie f fro m th e
Athenian por t o f Piraeus from th e beginnin g of the fourt h centur y B.C.E .
is typical i n emphasizin g the dea d woman's decorum an d productivity :
The memor y o f your virtue, Theophile , wil l neve r di e
Self-controlled, good , an d industrious , possessin g every virtue .
(Peek 1955 : 1490)

Civic Religio n
Despite the attemp t t o regulat e women's publi c activity an d reputation ,
women i n classica l Athen s legitimatel y appeare d i n publi c context s
when the y engage d i n ritua l activities . Women' s participatio n i n civi c
cults an d thei r rol e a s religiou s official s ofte n represente d a significan t
opportunity t o contribute , a t leas t symbolically , t o th e welfar e o f th e
city-state a s a whole . Th e Athenia n state religion , wit h it s many cults ,
festivals, an d rituals , wa s a n integra l par t o f everyday life , an d wome n
participated as much as men. Wome n of all social positions, bot h nativ e
Athenians and foreigners, worshiped together, thoug h some cults and rituals wer e restricte d t o a mor e limite d group , suc h a s marrie d wome n
(possibly includin g concubines) a t th e Thesmophoria . Thes e ritual s apparently helpe d t o mark and facilitate a girl's transition t o marriage and
motherhood, t o celebrat e he r rol e a s weaver , an d t o harnes s women' s
reproductive powers to promote th e fertilit y of the entir e society .
From earl y childhood , girl s took par t i n religiou s rituals. Aristophanes mention s thre e activitie s i n whic h group s o f girl s o f th e sam e ag e
participated.2 Som e of these activitie s were probabl y similar to those of
Spartan girls . (Se e Chapte r 2 discussio n o f Alcman , Partheneia.) Girl s
wove, groun d grain , carrie d burdens , an d dance d i n ritua l context s
(choruses o f girl s dance d a t th e Greate r Panathenai a an d perhap s a t
other festivals) . I n thi s passage the gir l i s probably meant t o b e under-



stood a s grindin g grai n an d carryin g fig s ( a symbo l o f fertility ) fo r

Once I was seve n I became a n arrephoros .
Then a t te n I became a grain grinde r for the goddes s (lit . the
Archegetis or "first leader") .
After that , wearin g a saffro n robe , 1 was a bea r a t Brauron .
And a s a lovel y young girl I once served a s a basket bearer , wearin g
a strin g of figs.
(Aristophanes, Lysistrata 641-4 7 [412 B.C.E.] ; trans. Helene P. Foley)
Several monument s an d artifact s give additional evidenc e fo r these
activities. A section of the Partheno n friez e (ca . 440-432 B.C.E. , Fig . 3.3)
represents th e culminatio n o f th e Panathenai c procession i n hono r o f
Athena. A t th e right , th e Archo n Basileus , the chie f magistrat e o f th e
Athenian stat e religion , assiste d b y a smal l child, fold s th e ne w peplos ,
a rob e woven especiall y for the goddess . Behind th e Archon , the priestes s
of Athen a Polia s receives tw o girl s who brin g stools on thei r heads . Th e
girls are probably the Arrephoroi , who ha d helpe d in th e weavin g of th e
peplos, alon g wit h thei r othe r dutie s i n th e cul t o f Athena . Eac h year
two (o r four) girl s between seve n an d abou t te n wer e chose n a s Arrephoroi i n th e cul t o f Athena Polia s on th e Acropolis . They live d for a tim e
near th e Erechtheum , n o doub t unde r th e supervisio n o f the priestes s of
Athena, an d wer e presen t whe n th e weavin g of th e peplo s began . Th e
culmination o f thei r servic e wa s a secre t ritua l describe d b y Pausania s
(1.27.3): the y carrie d somethin g give n the m b y th e priestes s dow n a n
underground passag e on th e slop e of the Acropolis , deposited i t a t a special place , an d brough t somethin g els e bac k up. Tw o Loutride s or Plyn Figure 3.3 . A detai l o f the eas t friez e o f the Partheno n (ca . 440-432 B.C.E. ) i n Athens shows part of
the Panathenai c procession fo r Athena/ th e friez e wrappe d around th e outsid e o f th e cell a (th e inner
chamber housin g th e statu e o f th e goddess ) an d presente d th e idealize d citizenr y o f th e cit y a s handsome youn g me n wit h thei r horses, beautifu l youn g wome n with basket s and othe r gift s fo r Athena,
and th e mature men wh o governe d the city .

Women in Classical Athens


trides als o removed garments from th e statu e of Athena on th e Acropoli s

and washe d them .
Since ther e wer e onl y tw o (o r four ) Arrephoro i pe r year, i t wa s a
great hono r reserve d fo r girl s o f nobl e families . An y girl , b y contrast ,
could tak e part in the rite s of Artemis at Brauron , although sources diffe r
on wha t proportio n o f eligible girls may hav e participated. 3 Becaus e the
sanctuary wa s o n th e eas t coas t o f Attica , fa r fro m Athens , th e girl s
stayed a t leas t overnight , i n a sto a buil t fo r this purpose . Girl s of differ ent ages , bu t stil l befor e puberty , participate d i n race s i n hono r o f Artemis a t he r sanctuar y a t Brauro n (Fig . 3.4). Th e ritua l wa s know n a s
the Arktei a (playin g th e she-bear) , an d th e girl s wer e dubbe d "bears "
after th e anima l tha t wa s associate d wit h th e huntres s Artemis . Sometimes th e girl s ran nude , a s here, a t othe r time s i n a short garment , th e
chitoniskos (th e nudit y ma y indicat e th e girl' s wild , premarita l state).
These girls hold crown s o f leaves an d probabl y ra n aroun d a n alta r tha t
is no t preserved . Th e pal m tre e a t righ t stand s fo r Delos , th e sacre d is land wher e Artemi s and he r brothe r Apoll o wer e bor n (o n th e Arkteia ,
see further Kahi l 197 7 and Sourvinou-Inwoo d 1988b). Choruse s of young
Figure 3.4 . Vas e fragmen t (ca . 430 B.c.E. ) wit h racin g girls , probabl y at th e sanctuar y of Artemis a t
Brauron. This i s one o f th e rar e case s of femal e nudit y i n a n imag e unconnecte d with prostitution, - it s
outdoor settin g i s marked b y a tree.



girls participated i n a n all-nigh t vigil on th e Acropoli s during the Grea t

Panathenaia (Euripides , Heracleidae 777-83) , an d in spring maidens carried branche s o f sacred oliv e wrappe d i n woo l i n th e processio n t o th e
temple i n th e Delphinium , where the y supplicate d Apoll o an d Artemi s
(Plutarch, Theseu s 18.2) .
As a n adult , a woma n ha d th e opportunit y t o participat e i n man y
cults, som e alongsid e me n an d other s limite d t o women . I n th e Pana thenaic processio n i n hono r o f Athena , whil e me n rod e horsebac k an d
led th e sacrificia l oxen , wome n carrie d variou s object s fo r us e i n th e
sacrifice, includin g offerin g tray s (cf . Fig . 3.5 ) an d incense-burners .
Women ar e mos t numerou s o n th e eas t friez e o f the Parthenon , whic h
represents th e hea d o f the Panathenai c processio n an d th e final preparations fo r sacrifice. The tw o young women show n a t lef t i n Figur e 3.5 are
the kanephoroi, name d for the offerin g tray s (kanoun ) they carry . Thes e
marriageable young wome n wer e give n th e exceptiona l honor o f a shar e
in th e Panathenai c sacrifice . Eac h pair o f wome n i s me t b y on e o f th e
marshals wh o organiz e th e processio n an d kee p i t movin g according t o
plan. Th e marshal a t th e lef t hold s a kanoun tha t he has taken fro m on e
of th e women . Meti c girls (residen t aliens ) carrie d water-jars and stool s
and parasol s for aristocratic girls in th e procession .
Perhaps the mos t famou s festival restricted t o women wa s the Thes Figure 3.5 . Eas t friez e o f the Partheno n (ca . 440-432 B.C.E.) , wit h th e maiden s who carrie d trays a s
part o f the processio n in hono r of Athena. Th e woma n a t th e hea d of this grou p (left ) ha s hande d th e
tray t o the marsha l facin g her .

Women i n Classical Athens 8

mophoria, a fertilit y rit e fo r Demeter , travestie d b y Aristophane s i n hi s

Women a t th e Thesmophoria. Women , almos t exclusivel y marrie d citi zens (concubine s ma y hav e bee n included) , organized thei r ow n festi val, an d spen t thre e day s livin g i n Demeter' s hillto p sanctuar y nea r th e
Pnyx. Al l publi c business i n th e Agor a wa s suspende d fo r th e rite . W e
know ver y littl e o f th e well-kep t secret s o f thi s festival . A lat e sourc e
(scholion t o Lucian , Rab e 275-76; Winkler 1990) tell s us :
The Thesmophoria ar e a Greek festival containin g mysteries. . . . They ar e celebrated, accordin g to th e mor e mythica l account , becaus e whe n Kor e [th e god dess Persephone ] wa s seize d b y Plout o [go d o f Hades , th e Gree k underworld ]
while picking flowers, there wa s a swineherd named Eubouleu s tending his pigs
in tha t plac e an d the y wer e al l swallowe d u p i n th e chas m alon g wit h Kore .
Women know n a s Bailers , wh o hav e staye d pur e fo r thre e days , brin g u p th e
rotten remain s of objects tha t ha d bee n throw n dow n int o th e pits . Descendin g
into the secret chambers, they brin g the material back and place it on the altars .
They believ e that whoeve r take s some o f i t an d scatter s i t alon g with hi s see d
will hav e a goo d crop . The y als o sa y ther e ar e serpent s dow n i n th e chasms ,
who ea t mos t o f wha t i s throw n in : therefor e th e celebrant s cla p an d shou t
when th e wome n ar e bailin g an d when the y replac e thos e figuresto make the
serpents g o away , who m the y conside r t o b e th e guardian s o f th e secre t

The passage goes on to say that th e unspeakabl e objects throw n int o th e

pits wit h th e pig s ar e replica s o f snake s an d mal e genital s mad e fro m
dough; al l these , includin g th e pigs , whic h ar e associate d wit h femal e
genitalia, hel p t o promot e fertility . Elsewher e we lear n tha t durin g th e
Thesmophoria th e wome n campe d out o n th e hillside , imitatin g th e lif e
of humankin d before agriculture , faste d an d mimicke d th e mournin g of
Demeter fo r her los t daughter , an d finall y celebrate d a feas t i n hono r of
birth (kalligeneia) . (Se e further Brumfiel d 1981 : 70-103)
Dionysus was another importan t deit y i n the live s of women i n classical Athens . Wome n ma y hav e attende d th e theatrica l festival s in hi s
honor (se e earlier) , an d i f so , the y coul d hav e acquire d considerabl e
knowledge of contemporary literature . Althoug h the evidenc e fo r histori cal maenadis m (maenadi c ritual s performe d b y actua l wome n an d re corded i n inscriptions, rathe r than represented i n art an d literature) doe s
not begi n before th e fourt h centur y B.C.E. , wome n playe d importan t role s
in cult s suc h a s the Lenai a an d th e Anthesteria . Th e Lenai a wa s a festi val o f Dionysu s i n whic h wome n wer e especiall y prominent ; th e nam e
derived fro m lenai, a synony m fo r maenad, th e god' s female devotee . I n
Fig. 3.6 A th e focu s o f th e ritua l i s a mas k o f Dionysu s affixe d t o a col umn an d decorate d wit h leave s an d branches . Th e woma n a t th e lef t
ladles wine fro m a stamnos (th e same type of vessel a s this one), perhaps
into th e kantharo s carrie d b y th e middl e wome n o n th e revers e o f th e
vase. This i s the ritua l shap e of wine cup associated wit h th e go d Dionysus (cf . Fig . 3.6B) . Othe r offering s ar e th e mea t an d bread s heape d o n
the tabl e i n fron t o f him . Th e seate d woma n playin g th e flute s i s
crowned wit h th e god' s sacred ivy . On the groun d i n the cente r is a lon g



Figure 3.6 . A : Vas e (ca . 450 B.C.E.) : Cul t ritual s i n hono r o f the go d Dionysus, a favorit e o f women
in bot h Qree k an d Roma n culture.

object lik e a fla t basket , whic h wa s use d t o carr y the mas k of Dionysu s
to th e sanctuar y where it woul d b e set up for worship.
The Basilinna , the wif e o f the Archo n Basileus, played a key role i n
the celebratio n o f th e Anthesteria , a three-da y festiva l o f Dionysu s i n
late winter. Sh e made secret offering s o n behal f of the cit y a t Dionysus' s

Women in Classical Athens


Figure 3. 6 B : Vase (ca . 45 0 B.CE j a s i n A. Woma n wit h a ritua l wine cup , o r kantharos.

sanctuary, administere d a sacred oat h t o fourtee n women (th e Gerarai)

who performed rituals under her direction, an d became for one night th e
symbolic wif e o f th e god . Th e weddin g o f Dionysu s an d th e Basilinn a
took plac e a t th e Boukoleion , a buildin g tha t otherwis e serve d a s th e
headquarters of the Kin g Archon (Basileus) . In a red-figure vase of c. 440,



Figure 3.7. Vas e (ca. 440 B.C.E. ) show ing th e drunke n Dionysus coming to
visit hi s bride, th e Basilinna , wh o
waits within th e doorwa y o f the

the Basilinn a sits on the brida l bed that we glimpse through ope n doors ,
awaiting th e god . H e approaches unsteadily , afte r a generou s sampl e of
the ne w win e tha t wa s celebrated i n thi s festiva l (Fig . 3.7). Dionysu s i s
preceded b y a youn g saty r holdin g a win e pitche r calle d a chous (thi s
second da y o f the festiva l wa s called Choes, after th e shape) , an d a n ol d
satyr casuall y guard s th e doo r t o th e chambe r (se e furthe r Simo n 196 3
and 1983) .
Both vase paintings and literar y passages generally suggest tha t Dio nysiac rite s involve d releas e fro m ordinar y lif e an d it s cares . Dionysu s
was th e go d o f wine , an d hi s worshi p coul d includ e departur e fro m
household tasks , dancin g t o th e excite d rhythm s o f th e aulo s (ofte n
translated "flute, " bu t actuall y close r t o th e moder n oboe ) an d drums .
For thes e reasons , w e ca n understan d som e o f it s specia l appea l t o th e
relatively confine d an d seclude d wome n o f Athen s (Kraeme r 1979). I n
poetry an d vase s female worshiper s of Dionysus wear fawnskins, wreathe
their hai r wit h iv y an d snakes , an d carr y a thyrsus , a branc h toppe d
with iv y leave s (se e Fig . 3.8). Althoug h the actua l worship of Dionysu s
by Atti c wome n wa s mor e subdued , th e followin g passage fro m Euripi des' Bacchae, i n whic h th e choru s o f wome n tr y t o conver t Thebe s t o
Dionysus, ma y conve y somethin g of the spiri t of Dionysiac worship :
O Thebes, nurs e of Semele,
wreathe yourselve s wit h ivy !
Abound i n bryony , gree n
and brillian t wit h berries !
Make yourself a bacchan t wit h branche s
of oak an d pin e an d
fringe you r dapple d fawn skins
with tuft s o f white wool !
Treat you r violen t wand s

Women in Classical Athens


Figure 3.8 . Interio r o f an Atti c white-ground cup by th e Brygo s Painter , ca . 480 B.C.E. , A maenad , a
female followe r o f the win e go d Dionysus , appears wearing a n animal-ski n cape , a snak e in he r hair ,
and carryin g a thyrsu s an d panthe r i n he r hands / al l these testify t o th e maenad' s wildness.

with reverence . Th e whole earth wil l dance at once !

Bromius is he wh o lead s his bands
to the mountain , to the mountai n where
the crow d o f women waits
driven fro m thei r loom s an d shuttle s
by Dionysus!
Euripides, Bacchae 105-1 9 [ca. 40 6 B.C.E.];
trans. Helen e P. Foley)

In th e lat e fift h century , whe n Athen s ha d a larg e foreig n population, man y cult s fro m abroa d wer e introduced , suc h a s that o f the Asi atic vegetation go d Adonis (se e the passag e from Plutarc h quoted earlier ,
and th e discussio n o f Theocritu s 1 5 in Chapte r 5) , who m th e goddes s
Aphrodite loved an d lost. His worship seems to have been especiall y pop ular with nonaristocratic wome n an d hetairai . Th e rites for Adonis were
held a t nigh t durin g the ho t seaso n o f late July. Group s of women cele brated o n th e rooftops , lamentin g fo r the beautifu l youn g dea d go d Adonis. Specia l miniatur e "garden s fo r Adonis, " broke n terra-cott a pot s
with seeds , wer e mad e t o sprou t quickl y an d the n se t ou t t o withe r i n
the su n o n th e roof s o f houses . O n a red-figur e lekytho s (Fig . 3.9) ,



Figure 3.9 . Perfum e vas e (ca . 38 0

B.C.E.) showin g Aphrodit e climbin g a
ladder t o place a littl e "Adoni s garden" o n a rooftop , a s did th e wome n
of Athens wh o commemorate d th e
death o f the goddess' s youn g lover.

Aphrodite herself , assiste d b y Eros, carrie s th e littl e garden s up a ladde r

as mortal attendants , devotee s o f the divin e couple , loo k on (se e further
Weill 1966) .
The Haloa, a festival name d for the threshin g floor on which i t too k
place, wa s celebrate d fo r Demete r an d Dionysu s a t Eleusis . Again , w e
only hav e a glimps e o f women's role s i n thi s ritua l fro m a lat e ancien t
source, whic h expresse s embarrassmen t a t importan t fertilit y rite s tha t
would hav e mad e far more sens e t o thos e wh o performe d them:
On thi s da y ther e i s als o a women' s ceremon y conducte d a t Eleusis , a t whic h
much jokin g an d scoffin g take s place . Wome n proces s ther e alon e an d ar e a t
liberty t o sa y whateve r the y wan t to : an d i n fact , the y sa y th e mos t shamefu l
things to each other. Th e priestesses covertl y sidle up to the women an d whisper
into thei r eara s i f i t wer e a secretrecommendation s fo r adultery . Al l th e
women utte r shamefu l an d irreveren t things to each other . The y carr y indecen t
images o f mal e an d femal e genitals . Win e i s provide d i n abundanc e an d th e
tables ar e loade d wit h al l th e food s o f the eart h an d se a excep t thos e tha t ar e
forbidden i n th e mystica l account , tha t is , pomegranate, apple, domesti c birds ,

Women i n Classical Athens 9

eggs, an d o f sea creatures red mullet, eruthinos [a hermaphrodite fish], blacktail,

crayfish, an d dogfish . Th e archon s set u p th e table s an d leav e them insid e for
the wome n while they themselve s depart an d wai t outside, showin g to al l in habitants that th e type s of domestic nourishment were discovered by them [the
Eleusinians] an d wer e shared b y them with al l humanity . O n th e table s there
are als o genitals of both sexes made of dough.
(Rabe 279-81; Winkle r 1990)

Cults o f female divinities regularl y ha d priestesse s a s thei r chie f person nel, but , lik e their mal e counterparts, thes e wome n wer e no t chose n fo r
extraordinary piet y o r afte r specia l religiou s training . Generall y th e
priesthood wa s eithe r hereditar y withi n a famil y or wa s ''bought " b y a
wealthy famil y for one o f it s members , fo r a limite d ter m i n offic e (se e
further, Turne r 1984) . Althoug h the y wer e subjec t t o stat e audit s (Ae schines 3.18) , ther e i s littl e evidenc e tha t th e priestesse s profite d fro m
their offic e i n an y way , althoug h th e decre e fo r the buildin g of the Tem ple o f Athena Nik e o n th e Acropoli s specifies tha t th e priestes s shal l receive the skin s of sacrificial animals (Inscriptiones Graecae I 3 35; Meiggs
and Lewi s 1969 , no . 44 ) an d th e Priestes s o f Demete r a t Eleusi s appar ently received fee s fro m initiate s (se e th e Chapte r 13) .
Before th e fift h century , reference s t o priestesse s i n Athen s ar e fe w
and vague , e.g. , Herodotus' s mentio n tha t whe n th e Sparta n kin g
Cleomenes trie d t o ente r th e Acropoli s i n 508 , th e priestes s o f Athen a
told hi m i t wa s unlawfu l for a Sparta n (5.72) . Ye t by the middl e of th e
sixth century , i n the wak e of the reorganizatio n o f the Panathenai c festi val i n 566 , w e fin d numerou s depiction s i n vas e paintin g o f th e cul t o f
Athena, includin g a woma n wh o ma y b e identifie d a s he r priestes s o n
the Acropoli s (Fig . 3.10). Her e a sacrificial procession le d by the priestes s
approaches a statu e o f th e goddes s o n th e Acropolis . Tw o me n lea d a n
ox tha t wil l b e sacrificed at th e alta r tha t stand s betwee n priestes s an d
statue. Th e priestes s doe s no t wea r an y sacerdota l clothing , bu t i s
marked b y her proximit y t o alta r and statu e an d b y her gestur e of holding out purificator y branches toward th e goddes s sh e serves. Th e subjec t
is essentially th e sam e a s tha t depicte d muc h mor e grandl y on th e Parthenon friez e a century late r (cf . Figs. 3. 3 and 3.5) .
In th e fift h centur y an d later , man y priestesse s are know n b y nam e
from inscriptions . B y far the mos t famous , and th e subjec t of much schol arly controversy , i s Lysimache , wh o wa s priestes s o f Athen a fo r sixty four year s i n th e late r fift h an d earl y fourt h centurie s (Pliny , Natural
History 34.76) . She appears in an inscriptio n o n a statue base ; the statue ,
now lost , ma y wel l hav e depicted Lysimach e as priestess o f Athena. She
has bee n identifie d a s th e mode l fo r Lysistrata , i n Aristophanes ' play ,
and bot h names , Lysimach e an d Lysistrata , meanin g "disbande r o f ar mies," occur i n late r generation s o f the Eteobouta d famil y that hel d th e
hereditary priesthoo d o f Athena Polias (se e Lewi s 1955) .

Figure 3.10 . Black-figur e vas e (ca . 550-540 B.C.E. ) with th e cul t statue of Athena o n th e Acropolis/ a
priestess an d tw o me n wit h a n o x approac h th e alta r befor e th e statue . Th e mos t sacre d statu e o f
Athena wa s a smal l an d crud e woode n one . Thi s imag e ma y reflec t anothe r statu e o f Athena tha t
stood i n a secon d templ e on th e Acropolis o r in th e open .


Women i n Classical Athens 9

One other priestes s of the fifth century whom we know by name was
Theano. Whe n Alcibiade s was condemne d i n absenti a i n 41 5 for parodying th e mysterie s o f Demeter , Thean o refuse d t o curs e hi m publicly ,
as ha d bee n require d o f al l priest s an d priestesse s (Plutarch , Alcibiade s
22.4) .4 The nam e Theano ca n hardl y be accidental, sinc e i n Home r thi s
is th e nam e o f th e priestes s o f Athen a a t Tro y (Iliad 6.297-300) . Thi s
suggests tha t som e priestesse s ma y hav e take n o n "professional " name s
during their ter m i n office. 5
We shoul d no t underestimat e th e importanc e o f women's religiou s
role i n Athens . (Se e th e sectio n o n religiou s dedication s b y wome n i n
Chapter 1 for a n exampl e o f a religiou s dedicatio n mad e b y a Classica l
woman.) Plutarc h tells u s tha t durin g a struggl e betwee n th e follower s
of Megacles and Cylo n i n th e sevent h century , thos e follower s of Cylon
who too k refug e a t altar s wer e slaughtered ; bu t thos e wh o supplicate d
the wive s of the archon s were spared. (Solo n 12.1 ) I n passages cited ear lier, women' s rol e a s lamenter s o f th e dea d wa s viewe d b y moralizin g
writers as potentially disruptive ; other writer s suggest that religio n could
lead wome n int o adultery . I n Lysia s 1 (see late r unde r "Adultery" ) th e
defendant's wif e wa s first seen b y her future love r at he r mother-in-law's
funeral. Plutarc h dismisse s allegation s tha t th e architec t Pheidia s ar ranged assignation s fo r Pericle s wit h freebor n Athenia n wome n wh o
came to the Acropoli s on the pretex t of looking at work s of art (Pericles
13.15). Ye t it i s less th e unreliabl e allegation tha n th e reporte d pretex t
for th e women' s presenc e tha t i s of interest her e (se e also th e interes t o f
the choru s o f women a t Euripides ' Ion 184ff . i n observin g th e religiou s
monuments a t Delphi) .
In dram a wome n ofte n cit e thei r importan t rol e i n religio n whe n
they protes t agains t thei r literar y reputatio n fo r adultery , drinking , or
irresponsibility. Sometime s the y recal l th e city' s interes t i n thei r reli gious upbringin g (Aristophanes , Lysistrata 641-47 , quote d earlier) . I n
the passag e below, Euripides ' Melanippe offers th e mos t powerfu l defens e
of he r se x fo r it s rol e i n religio n (wome n di d no t serv e a s prophet s i n
Athens, bu t the y di d at th e othe r place s in Greece mentioned here) :
Men's blame and abus e of women i s vain
the twangin g of an empt y bowstring .
Women ar e bette r tha n men an d I will prove it .
They manage the hous e and guard
within th e hom e goods from th e sea .
No house i s clean an d prosperou s without a wife .
And i n divin e affairs I thin k this of the first importance
we have the greates t part. For at th e oracle s of Phoebus
women expoun d Apollo's will. A t the hol y seat o f Dodona
by the sacre d oak th e femal e rac e conveys
the thought s of Zeus to all Greeks who desire it .
As for the hol y ritual s performed fo r the Fate s
and th e nameles s goddesses, thes e ar e not hol y



in men' s hands; but amon g women the y flourish ,

every on e of them. Thu s in hol y servic e woman
plays th e righteou s role . Ho w then i s it fai r for
the rac e of women t o b e abused? Will no t
the empt y censure of men cease; an d thos e wh o thin k
all wome n shoul d b e blamed alik e if one i s found
erring? Let me mak e further distinctions .
There i s nothing worse tha n a bad woman,
and nothin g bette r tha n a good one .
Only thei r nature s differ . . .
(The Captive Melanippe, frag . 13 ,
Page Greek Literary Papyri [420 s B.C.E.?];
trans. Helene P. Foley)

As additiona l defense s agains t thei r reputation , wome n cit e th e contri butions they mak e to the cit y i n the for m o f sons (Aristophanes , Women
at th e Thesmophoria), o r thei r thrift y managemen t o f th e household ,
which i s far les s corrupt an d mor e generous tha n th e action s o f men i n
the assembl y (Women a t th e Assembly). Sometime s they announc e tha t
if they ha d bee n allowe d a public voice in poetry , the y woul d have sung
an answe r t o th e othe r sex , wh o ar e jus t a s guilty o f adulter y an d betrayal a s women (Medea 410-30) .
Domestic Activities
Women also participated in religious rituals more closely associate d wit h
their role s i n th e family . Domesti c cult s require d dail y tending . Mar riages, funerals , an d the care of the dead at famil y tomb s may have bee n
less ostentatious an d les s assertivel y publi c than i n th e Archai c period,
but the y still offere d occasion s to mark women's contribution to the continuity o f individual oikoi, a continuity Athenia n law an d custom mad e
a poin t o f protecting.
Care of the Dead
We hav e alread y discusse d women's mor e subdue d role a s lamenter s of
the dead . Ye t th e car e o f th e dea d di d no t en d wit h th e funera l an d
burial. Th e grave had t o b e continually visite d an d provide d with offer ings, an d this responsibility fell primaril y to Athenian women. O n a typical funerar y vas e (Fig . 3.11), th e visito r arrive s with a larg e basket o f
offerings a t a particularl y elaborat e tomb , a tal l stel e standin g ato p a
stepped platfor m and crowne d b y a flora l acroterion . Th e offering s tha t
fill the step s ar e o f tw o types , wreath s an d smal l jugs of perfume d oil ,
the sam e shap e a s the vas e on which thi s scene i s painted. Anothe r lek ythos of this typ e floats in th e background . This shape, especiall y whe n
covered wit h a whit e slip , a s here , wa s mad e exclusivel y fo r funerar y
use. Th e visito r i s dressed onl y i n th e sleeveles s fin e line n chito n tha t

Women in Classical Athens


Figure 3.11. Funerar y vase, o r lekythos (ca. 44 0 B.C.E. ) i n the white-ground technique , which permit ted delicat e us e o f outlin e fo r depiction s o f scene s o f mourners . Th e yout h a t left , nearl y nud e an d
carrying a spear (A), is perhaps an apparitio n of the deceased, a male relative of the woman wh o visit s
his tom b (B and C) .

became fashionable in Athen s during the fifth century. Fro m the middl e
of th e century , i n bot h sculptur e (cf . Fig . 3.5 ) an d vase-painting , th e
sheer garmen t cling s to th e body , revealin g the form s underneath. Bu t
this should b e taken mor e a s a reflection of artistic tast e than a s a deliberate attemp t t o eroticize women's bodies , especiall y o n a solemn occa sion lik e this. W e should no t assum e tha t wome n actuall y wen t ou t i n
public dresse d i n transparen t clothing , an y mor e tha n th e nud e mal e
warriors in Gree k art reflec t actual battle practice .
On another vase of similar type (Fig . 3.12), a young woman, coming
to la y a n offerin g a t th e tom b o f a dea d relativ e (he r mother? ) i s confronted b y a n apparitio n o f th e deceased . Th e offerin g i s a kin d of sash
that wil l b e tie d aroun d th e stele , whic h alread y ha s tw o suc h orna ments. Suc h epiphanie s o f th e decease d a t thei r tombs ar e no t uncom mon on white lekythoi of the lat e fifth century. They are not t o be taken
literally, bu t simpl y offe r th e viewe r a "portrait " o f th e decease d tha t
often correspond s t o th e type s foun d o n contemporar y marbl e gravestones (cf . Fig . 3. 1 an d Mnesaret e i n th e Introductio n t o Par t I) . Her e
the woma n rest s he r chi n o n he r fis t i n a dejecte d pose , a s if broodin g
over her own death .



Figure 3.12 . White-groun d lekytho s (ca . 430 B.C.E. ) wit h a scen e of a beribbone d stel e to whic h a
woman come s bearing another sash. At lef t i s a seated woman, perhaps the deceased .

The centra l even t o f an Athenia n wedding was th e processio n i n a simple chario t fro m th e hom e o f th e brid e to tha t o f the groo m (Figs . 3.13
and 3.14) , an d cour t case s ofte n cit e thi s momen t a s proo f o f a wife' s
legitimacy. Th e processio n traditionall y too k plac e a t night ; henc e th e
presence o f figure s carryin g torche s t o ligh t th e way . Th e bride , stil l
veiled, stand s i n the ca r a s her husband mounts it i n preparation fo r the
journey. Other relative s follo w the chario t o n foot, bringin g gifts fo r th e
couple. This small cylindrical vase with lid is a pyxis, a box for women's
toiletries. Suc h a n objec t woul d hav e bee n a typica l gif t fo r th e bride .
On th e da y afte r he r wedding , a n Athenia n woman wa s visite d b y he r
female friend s an d relatives . I n Figure 3.15 the brid e stands a t th e right ,
in fron t o f the door s t o he r bedroom , receivin g her guests . Th e gift s in clude nuptia l vase s filled with greenery , an d on e woma n play s wit h a
pet bird . O n th e wal l behin d ar e hun g a mirror , attribut e o f the brid e
(cf. Fig . 3.2) and a wreath. Al l the wome n have been given mythological
names; th e brid e i s Alcestis , prototyp e o f th e virtuou s wif e becaus e o f
her loyalt y t o he r husban d an d willingnes s to die in hi s place. Thi s unFigure 3.13. Pyxi s (ca. 440-430 B.C.E. ) fo r cosmetics, ornamente d wit h a bridal scene. Th e attendan t
family an d friend s bea r gift s includin g a larg e ja r an d a box , perhap s containing jewelry, househol d
goods, o r the bride' s trousseau. The doo r t o the lef t i s a sign fo r the house .


Figure 3.14 . Pyxi s a s i n Figur e 3.13, her e showin g th e brid e carrie d i n a chario t t o he r ne w home .
The compositio n o f brid e an d chariotee r i s reminiscen t no t onl y o f othe r weddin g scene s bu t als o o f
the abductio n o f Persephone b y Hade s as i t appears i n Qree k ar t (cf . Fig. 1.8). Th e go d Herme s lead s
the coupl e to their new home .


Women in Classical Athens


'Figure 3.15 . Epinetro n (ca . 420 B.C.E. ) wit h scene s o f a brid e and he r guest s and gifts . Th e epinetro n
is a curve d piece o f ceramicware placed ove r the le g of a woman wh o the n cards the ra w woo l o n it .

usual object i s known a s an epinetron becaus e it was meant t o be placed

over a woman' s knee , th e roughene d uppe r surfac e use d fo r cardin g
In th e las t thir d o f th e fift h century , youn g bride s and groom s ar e
shown togethe r i n moment s o f quiet intimac y that conve y a new, mor e
romantic an d idealize d notio n of heterosexual lov e (se e Sutton 1981) . In
creating the imager y of the idea l couple, artist s take liberties with som e
of th e realitie s o f life . Th e groom , fo r example , i s regularly shown a s a
beardless ephebe , a young ma n o f approximately seventeen t o ninetee n
years of age, althoug h w e kno w that mos t Athenia n men di d not marr y
before thei r mid - to lat e twenties , whe n the y certainl y ha d a ful l beard .
The bride , o n th e othe r hand , ma y wel l see m mor e matur e tha n th e
fourteen- o r fifteen-year-ol d gir l sh e ofte n was . O n a loutrophoros , th e
vessel use d t o hol d wate r fo r the brida l bath (Fig . 3.16), th e groo m typically lead s his new brid e gently b y the han d towar d th e marriag e chamber. Th e littl e Erote s (Cupids ) tha t flutte r abou t th e brid e add a touc h
of romantic fantasy. Such scenes, decoratin g gifts for the ne w bride, were
no doub t mean t t o cal m he r fear s o f th e unknow n b y paintin g a ros y
picture o f he r weddin g da y an d o f th e handsom e strange r sh e ha d ye t
to meet .
Women in the Household
The lif e o f respectabl e wome n (th e wive s an d femal e relative s o f citi zens, an d ver y probably of resident alien s as well) withi n the househol d
was secluded , primaril y i n orde r t o protec t thei r rol e a s producers o f le-



Figure 3.16. Vas e for water fo r a bride's bath (loutrophoros) , probabl y a wedding gift / A . Th e groo m
leads the brid e toward the bedroom , B . indicated by the doorwa y (ca . 430 B.C.E.) .

gitimate heirs ; it wa s less secluded, however , tha n popula r ideals might

have allowed . Furthermore , as might be expected, wome n ha d informa l
opportunities t o influenc e th e me n i n thei r familie s an d sometime s vio lated the law s attempting to regulate their reproductiv e powers.
After marriage , a young woman assume d responsibility fo r the pros perity of her husband' s household an d fo r the well-bein g of its members .
The Oeconomicus of Xenophon, a Socrati c dialogu e writte n in the sec ond quarte r o f th e fourt h centur y B.C.E. , describe s th e managemen t o f
the oikoi of the wealthies t Athenians . Young wives, apparently with lit tle training for the job, sometimes manage d large households. Xenopho n
and hi s interlocutor Socrate s are critical o f the girl' s lack of domestic education:
Socrates said , "A s fo r a wifei f sh e manage s badl y althoug h sh e wa s taugh t
what i s righ t b y he r husband , perhap s i t woul d b e prope r t o blam e her . Bu t if
he doesn't teac h he r what i s right an d goo d an d the n discovers that she is igno rant o f these qualities , wouldn' t i t b e prope r t o blam e th e husband ? Anyhow ,

Women i n Classical Athens 10

Critobulus, you mus t tell u s the truth , fo r we ar e al l friend s here . I s there anyone to whom you entrus t a greater number of serious matters than to your wife ?
Critobulus replied, "No one. "
"Is there anyon e with whom you hav e fewer conversation s than wit h your
Critobulus answered, "No one, o r at leas t no t ver y many. "
"And you marrie d her whe n she was a very young child who ha d see n an d
heard virtually nothing of the world?"
(3.11-13; trans. Sarah B. Pomeroy)

Socrates tell s Critobulu s of the conversatio n Ischomachu s ha d onc e

had wit h hi s wife whe n the y wer e newly marrie d and h e was describing
her function in hi s household :
" 'Certainly , yo u wil l hav e t o sta y indoor s an d sen d fort h th e grou p of slaves
whose wor k is outdoors, an d personall y supervise those whos e wor k is indoors .
Moreover, yo u mus t receiv e wha t i s brough t insid e an d dispens e a s muc h a s
should b e spent. An d you mus t plan ahead and guard whatever must remain in
reserve, s o tha t th e provision s store d u p fo r a year ar e no t spen t i n a month .
And when wool i s brought in to you, you mus t see that clothes are produced for
those wh o nee d them . An d you mus t als o b e concerned tha t th e dr y grain is in
a goo d conditio n fo r eating . However , on e o f your prope r concerns , perhaps ,
may see m t o yo u rathe r thankless : you wil l certainl y hav e t o b e concerne d
about nursin g any of the slave s who becomes ill. "
(Oeconomicus 7.35-37. On nursing the sick , see also [Dem] 59.56)

Women ar e repeatedl y sai d t o inhabi t "women' s quarters " i n th e

most remote an d protecte d par t of the house . The wife, othe r freewomen
in th e household , an d femal e slave s normally lived and worke d in thes e
women's quarters . Plat o (Law s 781c ) capture s th e natur e o f these con fined spaces whe n h e describe s wome n a s a rac e "accustome d t o a submerged an d shadowy existence." Although these quarters are not alway s
easy t o locat e i n th e archaeologica l remains, some traces ca n b e seen i n
the pla n o f a hous e excavate d o n th e nort h slop e o f th e Areopagu s in
Athens (se e Fig. 3.17). The men's quarters on the nort h sid e of the hous e
and th e women' s quarter s o n th e sout h sid e eac h hav e thei r ow n en trance. Ther e i s n o acces s t o th e Andro n (men' s quarters ) fro m th e
women's quarters. 6 Eve n a househol d of modest mean s usually included
a femal e slave so that the wif e wa s not oblige d t o perform chores out-ofdoors wher e sh e might encounte r me n who were no t clos e kin an d wh o
therefore pose d potentia l threat s t o he r chastit y an d th e legitimac y of
the family' s heirs.
As migh t b e expected , scene s depictin g husban d an d wif e togethe r
after th e weddin g ar e rare , bu t portrayal s o f wome n togethe r i n th e
women's quarter s withou t an y me n presen t ar e common. Th e principa l
activity portraye d o n vas e painting s a s characteristi c o f respectabl e
Athenian wome n wh o staye d a t hom e wa s weavin g and th e makin g of
clothing fo r th e family . Thi s wa s a woman' s mos t importan t contribution t o th e econom y o f th e househol d and , fro m th e tim e o f Homer' s



Figure 3.17 . A . Pla n of a hous e (fift h century , B.C.E. ) o n th e nort h slope of the Areopagus i n Athens,
with indication s of the separatio n o f men's an d women' s quarter s and th e placemen t o f the latte r i n
an are a wit h n o direc t connection to the andron, th e roo m for men's gatherings. B. Women's quarters
are marke d b y -I - an d men' s are shaded.

Penelope, th e symbo l o f the virtuou s and industriou s wife. Socrate s ad vises a ma n wh o i s havin g troubl e supportin g a larg e grou p o f femal e
relatives to pu t the m t o wor k makin g wool; the y wil l contribut e t o th e
household an d b e happy to b e occupied (Xenophon , Memorabilia 2.7.214.) O n a red-figur e cu p (Fig . 3.18), a seate d woma n draw s strand s o f
wool fro m a baske t (kalathos) an d smoothe s the m ove r he r leg , a s a
friend watches .
Child care was of course a main preoccupation o f the women' s quarter o f an Athenia n house , thoug h th e subjec t i s not commonl y show n i n
vase painting. I n one unusual example (Fig . 3.19), the mothe r i s handed
her chil d b y a slave girl. The kalatho s i n th e middl e i s not i n use , bu t i s
simply a toke n o f th e respectabl e housewife . Th e babie s depicte d o n
Athenian vases are inevitably male , perhaps reflecting the concer n of all
Athenians to produc e a male heir .
Playing with dolls and nurturing pet animal s prepared a girl for marriage an d motherhood . Doll s wer e dresse d a s girl s of marriageabl e age .
Little girls are often distinguishable fro m grow n women i n Greek art only
by thei r smal l stature . Thei r chignon s an d long dresses ar e thos e o f mature women , an d Gree k artists o f the classica l perio d stil l ha d difficult y
in renderin g convincingly a child' s face . A girl on a gravestone , i n on e
example (Fig . 3.20) , wear s a fin e line n chiton , girde d hig h abov e th e
waist, a s wa s fashionabl e in thi s period , an d a fille t i n he r wav y hair .
But th e gir l is probably meant to be only five or six. He r name is Plangon
(Doll), an d th e dol l tha t sh e so prominently display s may b e a pla y o n
the name . Besid e the toy , sh e i s shown wit h he r favorit e pet , a goose .

Figure 3.18. Interio r of a cu p (ca . 47 0

B.C.E.), wit h a woma n watchin g a s an other work s woo l fro m a wool-basket .
The furniture , a klismo s chai r with it s
saber-curved leg s and a padde d stool ,
indicates i n abbreviate d for m th e deco ration o f the house .
Figure 3.19. Vas e (ca . 450 B.C.E.) , wit h a bab y brough t to his seate d mother . Th e swirlin g skirt of the
hurrying attendan t and th e outstretche d arm s o f mother and infan t giv e th e scen e a sens e o f emotional
immediacy a s attractiv e as th e composition , i n which th e chai r curve and th e fli p o f the servant' s he m
follow th e curve s o f the vase .




Figure 3.20 . Qrav e stele of Plangon, a

young gir l wit h a doll and a pe t goose
(325-320 B.C.E.) .

Hanging i n th e backgroun d ar e textile s tha t ma y includ e th e sakkos ,

worn loosely over the hair . Unlike boys of the sam e age, girls were rarely
portrayed nud e (th e vases found a t Brauro n discusse d abov e ar e a n ex ception, se e Fig. 3.4).
The evidenc e o f vase paintin g also suggests , however , tha t wome n
at hom e engage d i n mor e intellectua l activitie s than w e would suspec t
from writte n sources , especiall y reading and playing music. For example,
in Figur e 3.21 , th e seate d woma n hunche s over a n opene d bookroll . Sh e
is no doubt readin g aloud t o th e thre e women who accompan y her , on e
of the m holdin g a ches t tha t coul d contai n jewelr y or othe r valuables .
Scenes i n th e women' s quarter s seldo m includ e an y men , bu t the y d o
show that i t wa s common for small groups of women t o gather, whether
for wor k (weaving ) o r fo r relaxation.
Women's Work Outside th e Home
The complet e seclusio n o f wome n wa s onl y possibl e i n household s o f
some means, an d both vase paintings and literary texts suggest a variety
of exceptions. A large group of black-figure vase s shows women fetchin g
water a t a public fountain hous e (Fig . 3.22). I n most instance s th e vas e
itself i s a hydria, the three-handle d pitcher with broad belly an d narro w

Women i n Classical Athens


Figure 3.21. Vas e (ca . 450 B.C.E.) , with a woman seate d o n a klismo s and readin g fro m a scrol l amid
other women / th e grou p suggest s th e women' s quarter s and th e socia l environmen t o f respectabl e
married wome n fo r whom exposur e to men no t directl y relate d to them seems t o have bee n rare .

neck used for transporting water. Her e several women ar e ready to leave,
balancing th e ful l hydri a o n thei r heads . Tw o other s ar e waitin g thei r
turn, th e empt y vessel s sittin g sideway s o n thei r heads , a s yet anothe r
fills he r hydria . I t i s eviden t tha t thi s i s als o a socia l occasion , th e



Figure 3.22. Water-jar (ca . 520 B.C.E. ) fro m Athens , depicting women a t a fountai n house .

women chattin g animatedl y wit h on e another . Th e sudde n appearanc e

of these scenes in the years 520-500 ma y commemorate the buildin g of a
beautiful fountai n house i n th e Agor a by the tyran t Hippia s about 520 .
The scene lose s popularit y in th e fift h century . The fountain house wa s
known a s a dangerou s place , wher e me n migh t lurk . Thes e women ,

Women i n Classical Athens 10

though attractivel y dressed , coul d b e eithe r slave s o r fre e wome n to o

poor t o affor d a slav e (Hannesta d 1984) . Nevertheless , som e respectabl e
women apparentl y di d brave the difficultie s o f fetching water a t well s or
streams. I n Aristophanes ' Lysistrata (327ff.) , th e choru s o f olde r wive s
complain of the crowd s of slaves and rogues that they encounter fetching
water a t a spring on th e sid e of a hill ; Euripides ' Electra , lamenting her
domestic duties as wife of a peasant farmer, goe s to get water a t a stream
(Electra 140ff. )
In th e mor e rura l part s o f Attica , wome n mus t hav e als o partici pated i n agricultura l wor k o n th e famil y property . O n on e vas e (Fig .
3.23), a group of women i s shown pickin g fruit i n a n orchard . Th e work
does not loo k ver y strenuous , but in othe r suc h scene s the wome n are
shown actuall y climbin g the trees . One woman, dresse d i n black, carrie s
away a ful l basket , straining under the weigh t (se e Fracchia 1972) .
Women from poo r families sometimes had to work outside th e home .
(Aristotle remark s a t Politics 1300 a tha t i n democracie s i t i s impossibl e
to kee p poor wome n fro m goin g out whe n the y wis h to. ) Demosthene s
57.45 refers t o a period whe n citize n wome n wer e force d to becom e we t
nurses, wool-workers , o r grape-picker s "owing to th e misfortune s of th e
city i n thos e days/ ' I n the sam e speech, th e mothe r of Euxitheus is said
to have served as a nurse and sold ribbon s due to her poverty (57.31-34) .
A woma n sellin g brea d i n Aristophanes ' Wasp s (1396-98 ) i s clearl y o f
citizen status ; i n Aristophanes' Women a t th e Thesmophoria, a garlandseller complain s that th e poe t Euripides ' attacks o n traditiona l religio n
are ruinin g he r busines s (443-58) ; i n hi s Lysistrata th e heroine' s olde r
married allie s ar e designate d a t on e poin t a s vendors (447-48) . O n one
side of a red-figur e vas e (Fig . 3.24A), th e seate d woman i s the proprieto r
of a sho p sellin g perfume d oil . He r customer , a youn g woman , ha s
brought a smal l cylindrica l container , calle d a n alabastron, which ha s
been filled by the selle r from a large pelike (th e same shape as this vase)
on th e ground . Th e seller's humble status i s suggested b y her short, cap like hair . O n th e revers e (Fig . 3.24B), th e custome r ha s returne d hom e
and present s th e alabastro n t o he r mistress , wh o ha s sen t he r o n thi s
errand. Th e domesti c settin g i s indicated b y the mirro r hangin g on th e
wall an d th e kalathos , or wool-basket, at th e right.
Women, Law, and Politics
Women fro m differen t household s see m t o hav e ha d fa r mor e contac t
with one anothe r tha n Pericles ' funeral oratio n an d other source s migh t
lead u s t o suspect . Aristophanes ' play s assum e tha t wome n mi x wit h
each othe r no t onl y a t festivals , bu t t o borro w an d exchange househol d
goods, or to serve as midwives for each other (fo r example, Aristophanes
Women a t th e Assembly, esp . 446-48 , 460 , 52 8 and Theophrastus , Characters 10) . An d a s we se e i n a speec h o f the orato r Demosthenes , rura l
women wh o wer e neighbor s knew a goo d dea l abou t eac h others ' lives :
"Before they undertook thi s malicious action agains t me, my mother an d



Figure 3.23. Vas e showin g wome n pickin g fruit (ca . 460 B.C.E.) . The light-colore d clothin g an d erec t
poses o f the picker s seem mean t t o differentiat e the m fro m th e woma n carryin g the fruit , bu t whethe r
the dark-cla d on e i s a slav e an d th e other s are no t i s unclear.

theirs were intimat e friend s an d use d to visi t one another , a s was natural, sinc e the y bot h live d in th e countr y an d were neighbors, an d since ,
furthermore, thei r husbands had bee n friend s while the y lived . Well , my
mother wen t t o se e theirs, an d th e latte r tol d he r wit h weepin g wha t
had happened , an d showed he r th e effects " (Demosthene s 55.23-4; Mur-

Women in Classical Athens


Figure 3.24 . A . Vas e (ca . 460 B.c.E. ) wit h a woma n sellin g perfume s an d unguent s i n a shop . Such
commercial scene s are rar e i n Qree k vas e painting , a s ar e reference s t o th e wor k wome n di d outsid e
the home . B. Revers e of th e vas e i n Figur e 3.24.A . Th e domesti c environment , indicate d b y mirro r
and wool-basket , differ s fro m th e shop , wher e th e ja r hangin g o n th e wal l an d th e larg e ja r o n th e
floor use a typicall y abbreviated visual languag e t o depict a commercia l environment.

ray 1988) . I n Aristophanes' Lysistrata (700-02) , a mother speaks of inviting her daughter's friend, a neighbor, to share in a celebration o f Hecate.
Aristotle complain s tha t i n radica l democracie s wome n dominat e th e
house an d sprea d gossi p abou t thei r me n (Politics 1313b) . (Se e also Demosthenes 53. 4 an d 58.40 , Theophrastu s 10.13 , Lysia s 32.10 , Plat o
Theatetus 149 , Euripides , Electra 1130. ) O n rar e occasions , group s o f
women ma y eve n hav e spontaneousl y take n action . Herodotu s tell s u s
that durin g the Persia n Wars, afte r th e Athenia n men stone d a council lor t o deat h fo r advocatin g submissio n t o Persia , th e Athenia n wome n
ran t o hi s house i n order t o stone hi s wife an d childre n (Histories 9.5).
Although no t legall y competen t t o transac t serious business, citize n
women als o participated in an d were knowledgeable about economic ex changes amon g relative s an d abou t matter s o f inheritance ; the y wer e
also brough t int o cour t t o elici t sympath y fo r defendants . On e o f th e
orations o f Demosthene s (41 ) makes clear tha t bot h a mothe r an d tw o
daughters wer e familia r wit h famil y wills ; th e mothe r len t mone y an d
jewelry t o he r son-in-la w and kep t account s o f thes e loans . Aeschine s
(1.170) refer s t o wealthy young men whose father s were dead an d whos e
mothers wer e administerin g thei r property . I n Lysia s 32 , the childre n of
a wido w ha d bee n defraude d o f their inheritance by their guardian, Dio-

112 WOME


geiton, he r deceased husband's brother and her own father (sh e had married he r paterna l uncle. ) A t a famil y counci l sh e criticize d Diogeito n
over th e treatmen t o f her tw o sons : "An d whe n w e assemble d she asked
him wha t sor t o f man h e was to thin k i t righ t to ac t i n th e wa y h e had
acted toward s th e boys . . . . I f you hav e n o feelin g o f embarrassmen t
towards any man, you ought to have feared th e gods; you received , when
your brothe r se t sail, five talents fro m hi m o n deposit. An d in suppor t of
this I a m willin g t o pu t forwar d m y childre n . . . an d swea r o n oat h
upon thei r head s anywher e you car e t o name. " Afte r provin g he r point
with record s fro m a n accoun t book , sh e says : "An d the n yo u ha d th e
audacity t o claim, though you hav e all this money, tha t thei r fathe r lef t
two thousan d drachma e an d thirt y staters , th e su m whic h wa s be queathed t o me , an d I hande d ove r t o yo u whe n h e wa s dead. " Th e
speaker the n add s tha t "al l o f thos e presen t wer e s o affecte d b y wha t
this ma n ha d don e an d b y th e thing s which sh e said t o him , whe n w e
saw th e boy s an d th e injurie s inflicte d o n them , an d remembere d th e
deceased an d ho w unworth y a trustee h e had lef t fo r his possessions, an d
when we reflecte d o n ho w difficul t a thing it i s to find a man wh o coul d
be trusted wit h wha t h e ought t o b e trusted, none o f us who wer e ther e
could utte r a word , gentleme n of the jury , we coul d onl y wee p a s sadly
as th e victim s an d depar t i n silence. " (Lysia s 32.12ff . [ca . 40 0 B.C.E.] ;
Lacey 1968 : 160-61 . Se e Demosthenes 40.10 , Isaeu s 12.5 , Lysias 13.39-42,
and Demosthene s 36.1 4 fo r othe r example s of women's participatio n i n
issues relating t o inheritance.)
Women an d thei r prioritie s als o ha d informa l influenc e o n thei r
menfolk i n othe r context s a s well. Demosthene s 59.110 suggests that th e
jurymen wil l hav e t o justify thei r decisio n o n the infamou s Neaera (se e
below) t o thei r wife , daughter , o r mothe r (se e als o Lycurgus , Against
Leocrates 141) . Isaeu s 12.5 insists that women would not allo w their hus bands t o giv e fals e evidenc e abou t famil y matters . Isaeu s 7.14-15 (se e
also Demosthene s 40.1 0 an d 50 ) show s tha t me n consulte d respecte d
women i n a range of family matters : "so he came to my mother, hi s own
sister, fo r who m h e ha d a greate r regar d tha n fo r anyon e else , an d ex pressed a wis h t o adop t me , an d aske d he r permission , whic h wa s
granted" (Murra y 1988) . I n Isaeu s 2 a ma n name d Menecle s reportedl y
gave his wife back to her family for remarriage because he could no t giv e
her children : "Menecles , wit h man y expression s o f praise fo r our sister ,
approached us and said that he viewed wit h apprehensio n hi s increasing
age an d childlessness : sh e ough t not , h e said , t o b e rewarde d fo r he r
virtues b y having to grow old with hi m without bearin g children; i t wa s
enough tha t h e himsel f was unfortunate . He, therefore, begge d us to d o
him th e favo r o f marrying her to someone els e with hi s consent." (2.7-8 ;
Forster 1983 ) Indeed , a s Andromach e puts th e whol e issu e o f wifely in fluence i n Euripides ' Trojan Women:
I gav e

my lord's presence the tribut e of hushed lips, and eye s

Women i n Classical Athens 11

quietly downcast . I knew whe n m y will mus t hav e it s wa y

over his , kne w als o ho w to give way to him in turn.
(lines 653-56 [415 B.C.E.]; Lattimor e 1959)

Law-court cases on the subjec t o f adultery or concerning th e violatio n of
marriage law s give us a goo d ide a o f the mal e concerns ove r hono r an d
the legitimac y of their childre n that le d to women' s confinement in th e
oikos an d o f the comple x relation s tha t coul d develo p betwee n wome n
of different socia l statu s i n the household . I n the story tol d in the follow ing law-cour t speec h writte n b y the orato r Lysia s i n th e firs t quarte r of
the fourt h century , a young wife wa s seduced only afte r th e seduce r had
caught sight of her at he r mother-in-law's funeral. (A n older widow wh o
had a son could continu e t o live in the sam e house with him , even afte r
he married. ) Th e husband , Euphiletu? , murdere d hi s wife' s seducer , a
man name d Eratosthenes . Althoug h orations writte n fo r law court s ar e
usually tendentious, Euphiletu s expects that hi s household and activities
will appea r norma l t o th e member s of th e jur y wh o are , lik e himself,
Athenian me n o f moderate means . H e describes hi s hous e a s follows: "I
have a little two-stor y house , bot h storys ar e the same size, th e women' s
quarters are on the uppe r story an d the men' s on the groun d floor" (Lysias 1.9 ; trans . Sara h B . Pomeroy) . Th e husban d wa s fre e t o ente r th e
women's quarter s and t o hav e sexual relation s wit h hi s wife an d slaves
(see further, the house-plan , Fig . 3.17). Euphiletu s describes how he ha d
gradually com e t o lear n abou t hi s wife's affair . H e emphasizes that th e
adultery bega n afte r th e birt h o f his bab y an d h e neve r give s hi s wife' s
When I , Athenians, decide d t o marr y and brough t a wife int o m y house, fo r
some tim e I was disposed neithe r t o ve x he r no r t o leav e he r to o fre e t o do just
as she pleased . I kept a watc h o n he r a s fa r a s possible, wit h suc h observatio n
of her a s was reasonable . Bu t when a child wa s bor n t o me , thencefort h I began
to trus t he r an d place d al l m y affair s i n he r hands , presumin g w e wer e no w i n
perfect intimacy . (Lysia s 1.6; Lam b 1960)
One day , whe n I had com e hom e unexpectedl y fro m th e country , afte r din ner, th e bab y was crying an d colicky. Actuall y th e slav e girl was bothering hi m
on purpose t o make him behav e so , becauseas I found out laterthi s man wa s
in th e house . Well , I told m y wif e t o g o and nurs e th e baby , t o sto p hi s crying .
But a t first she refused, pretending tha t sh e was so glad to se e me back afte r m y
absence. A t las t I began t o ge t annoyed , an d I insisted on he r going .
"So tha t you ma y assaul t th e littl e slav e girl, " she exclaimed. "Whe n yo u
were drunk , i n the past , you grabbe d her."
(Lysias 1.11-12 ; trans. Sara h B . Pomeroy)

Doubtless because she spent s o much time with he r mistress and becaus e
her master was so violent, th e slav e girl attempte d to conceal the affair ,
even thoug h he r maste r threatene d he r with th e usua l punishments "t o

114 WOME


be whipped , t o b e throw n int o a mil l [tha t is , t o wor k a s a beas t o f

burden, turnin g th e millstone] , an d t o b e constantl y subjecte d t o suc h
punishments" (Lysia s 1.18) . Bu t when th e slave realized tha t Euphiletu s
knew th e detail s o f the affair , fo r he ha d bee n tol d b y "an ol d ha g wh o
had bee n sen t b y a womanEratosthenes ' previou s mistress " (Lysia s
1.15), sh e tol d al l an d helpe d hi m catc h th e seduce r nake d i n be d wit h
his wife . Th e murdere d man's relative s prosecuted Euphiletu s for homicide, bu t h e argue d before the cour t tha t th e la w not onl y justified , bu t
required hi m t o murde r his wife' s seduce r an d tha t seductio n i s a mor e
heinous crime than rape :
"If anyon e shames by force a free adul t or child, he is liable to a double penalty
[that is , double th e damage s owed fo r inflictin g simila r violence o n a slave] . If
he shame s by forc e a woma n i n on e o f th e case s wher e i t i s permitte d t o kil l
him, h e shall b e liable t o th e sam e penalty . . . . The lawgiver [Athenian law s
on homocid e wer e attribute d t o Draco , who ha d bee n appointe d t o writ e th e
first la w cod e i n 62 1 B.C.E. ] though t tha t thos e wh o us e violenc e deserv e a
smaller penalt y tha n thos e wh o us e persuasion . . . , thinkin g that thos e wh o
make their conquest b y violence are hated by the person s who ar e violated; bu t
those who use persuasion corrup t the soul s of their victims , makin g other men' s
wives more closely attache d t o themselves than to their own husbands, and get
control of the house , an d make it dubious who the father s of the childre n really
are, th e husband s or the adulterers. "
(Lysias 1.32-33 ; trans . Sarah B. Pomeroy)

The law require d the husban d to divorce an adulterou s wife an d th e

adulteress wa s forbidde n to wea r jewelr y an d t o participat e i n publi c
religious activities . (Dem . 59.86-87. Se e Cole 198 4 and Harri s 1990 ) Bu t
despite th e law , i t wa s difficul t t o forc e a husban d t o testif y i n cour t
that hi s wif e ha d ha d extramarita l sexua l relation s (Aeschine s 1.107) ,
for suc h relation s mad e th e parentag e an d citizenshi p of children dubious an d diminishe d th e hono r o f the cuckolde d husband . Similarly , w e
do not hea r of daughters who wer e sold into slavery in accordanc e wit h
the provision s of Solon's law , quoted above .
Like Lysias 1, othe r speeche s emphasize the specia l role s of the wif e
as producer o f legitimat e children an d guardia n of th e househol d prop erty, an d the danger s that ensu e if these role s ar e violated. I n this speec h
written aroun d 34 0 B.C. an d include d among th e speeche s o f Demosthe nes, th e prosecutio n allege s tha t Neaer a had bee n raise d a s a prostitute
in Corinth . Henc e neithe r sh e no r he r childre n wer e Athenia n citizens ,
although Stephanu s ha d give n Neaera' s daughte r i n marriag e t o a n
Athenian cul t officia l unde r th e pretex t tha t sh e wa s hi s legitimat e
daughter an d a n Athenia n citizen. I f the prosecutio n prove d thei r case ,
Neaera would b e sold into slavery , her children would lose thei r citizenship, an d Stephanu s would b e deprived of his political rights . The defen dant i s Neaera, bu t throug h attackin g her , th e prosecutor s Apollodoru s
and Theomnestu s inten d to inflic t dishono r and los s of civi c right s on
their politica l enemy , Neaera' s husban d Stephanus . Th e prosecutor s

Women i n Classical Athens 11

stress th e importanc e of maintaining the distinctio n between women of

different socia l status in Athens , a distinction that Neaer a ha s violated:
For this is what livin g with a woman in marriage is: for a man t o beget childre n
by her and t o present hi s sons to his fellow clansmen an d members of his district
and t o giv e daughters a s hi s own i n marriag e t o thei r husbands . Mistresse s w e
have fo r pleasure, concubine s fo r daily service t o ou r bodies , bu t wive s for th e
procreation o f legitimate children and t o be faithful guardian s of the household .
(Dem. 59 ; trans. Sarah B. Pomeroy)

The prosecution cast s doubt on Neara' s respectability b y naming her repeatedly in th e speech :
Nicarete, wh o wa s th e freedwoma n of Charisius of Elis and th e wif e of his coo k
Hippias, bough t seve n girl s when the y wer e smal l children . Sh e was a n astut e
judge o f natura l beaut y i n littl e girl s an d furthermor e sh e understoo d ho w t o
bring the m u p an d trai n the m skillfully , fo r she mad e thi s he r professio n an d
got he r livelihoo d fro m th e girls . Sh e use d t o addres s the m a s daughters , im plying tha t the y wer e fre e women , s o tha t sh e migh t extrac t th e larges t fee s
from thos e wh o wishe d t o ge t close t o them . Whe n she ha d reape d th e profi t of
the youthfu l prim e o f everyon e o f them , sh e sol d al l seve n o f them : Anteia ,
Stratola, Aristocleia , Metaneira, Phila, Isthmias , and thi s Neaera here.
In th e cours e o f m y speec h I wil l tel l yo u wh o bough t eac h o f the m an d
how they wer e set free b y those who purchased the m fro m Nicarete . . .. At the
moment I wish t o retur n t o th e defendan t Neaer a her e an d prov e tha t sh e belonged to Nicarete, and that she worked by letting ou t he r body for hire to those
who wished t o get close t o her .
The rhetoricia n Lysia s was th e love r o f Metaneira . I n additio n t o al l th e
other expense s h e ha d incurre d fo r her, h e wishe d t o hav e he r initiate d i n th e
Mysteries, fo r he thought that everythin g else h e had spent o n he r was taken by
the woma n wh o owne d her , bu t tha t fo r whatever h e spent o n he r for the festival an d the Mysterie s th e woma n hersel f would b e grateful. So he asked Nicarete
to come t o the Mysterie s bringin g Metaneira wit h he r so that she might be initiated, an d h e promise d tha t h e himsel f woul d initiat e her . Whe n the y arrived ,
Lysias di d no t brin g the m t o hi s ow n house , ou t o f respec t fo r hi s wife , th e
daughter o f Brachyllu s who wa s hi s ow n niece , an d fo r hi s mothe r wh o wa s
elderly an d live d in th e sam e house . Instea d he house d th e two , Metaneir a and
Nicarete, wit h Philostratu s of Colonus, wh o wa s hi s friend an d stil l a bachelor .
The defenden t Neaer a her e accompanie d them , fo r sh e wa s alread y workin g
with he r body , althoug h sh e wa s stil l ver y young, fo r she ha d no t yet reache d
(Dem. 59.18-22; )

Apparently relyin g on th e anonymit y of respectabl e wives, th e forme r
prostitute Neaer a temporaril y succeede d i n passin g her daughte r off a s
an Athenia n wife. Ye t most prostitutes could only imitate respectability
by engaging in respectable domestic practices like weaving and spinning,

116 WOME


as we see them doin g in man y vas e paintings. Ther e wer e man y type s of
prostitutes i n Athens . Hetairai , o r "femal e companions/ ' a t th e to p of
the socia l scal e o f thes e professiona l sexua l entertainers , wer e wel l
trained an d possesse d artisti c talents ; porna i wer e a t th e bottom . Som e
were fre e foreig n wome n o r residen t alien s o r metics , an d other s wer e
slaves. The y coul d entertai n me n a t symposi a o r drinking parties i n th e
men's quarter s o f a respectabl e house , i n house s rente d fo r the m b y pa trons, o r a t thei r ow n establishments . O f these women , onl y on e playe d
a significan t rol e i n Athenia n history : th e famou s hetair a an d late r
madam, Aspasia . Her e i s ho w Plutarc h describe d he r liaiso n wit h Per icles:
Sources clai m tha t Aspasi a was highl y valued b y Pericles because sh e wa s
clever an d politicall y astute . Afte r all , Socrate s sometimes visite d her , bringin g
along his pupils, and his close friends too k thei r wives to listen to heralthoug h
she ra n a n establishmen t tha t wa s neithe r orderl y no r respectable , seein g tha t
she educate d a grou p o f young femal e companions t o becom e courtesans . Aeschines say s tha t Lysicle s th e shee p dealer , a ma n lowl y bor n an d humbl e of
nature, becam e th e mos t importan t ma n o f Athens by living with Aspasi a afte r
the deat h o f Pericles . Consequentl y ther e i s a goo d dea l o f trut h containe d i n
the Menexenus o f Plato (eve n if the first part i s written tongu e i n cheek ) whe n
it state s tha t sh e ha d th e reputatio n o f associatin g wit h man y Athenian s a s a
teacher o f rhetoric . Nevertheless , it appear s as i f Pericles ' affectio n towar d As pasia wa s chiefl y eroti c i n nature . . . . Th e stor y goe s tha t h e woul d kis s he r
warmly bot h whe n h e lef t fo r th e marketplac e an d whe n h e returne d hom e
each day .
(Pericles 34.3-6 ; trans. Hallet t in Sarah B . Pomeroy,
Goddesses, Wives, Whores and Slaves, p. 89)

The live s o f Athenia n prostitutes , bot h a t wor k i n th e compan y o f

male client s an d a t hom e amon g themselves , ar e bes t documente d b y
hundreds o f red-figure vas e painting s fro m th e lat e sixt h centur y t o th e
late fifth . Thes e mak e i t clea r tha t mos t hetaira i wer e hire d fo r enter tainment, companionship , an d se x a t (o r after ) a symposium , o r men' s
drinking party. I n one typical scene (Fig . 3.25), thre e couple s ar e shown.
One hetair a ha s jus t undresse d an d i s abou t t o joi n he r partne r o n hi s
couch, whil e th e tw o othe r couple s ar e alread y reclinin g together . Th e
affectionate gesture s o f the coupl e i n th e middl e ar e somewhat unusua l
and ma y presen t a romanticize d view of a relationshi p that i s portraye d
with bruta l realis m o n man y othe r vase s (cf . Fig. 3.27). Th e hetair a a t
the righ t i s playin g kottabos , a favorit e Athenia n part y game , flickin g
the dreg s of the win e a t a target . Th e wreathe d wine-bow l (krater ) un der one handl e an d th e slav e bo y who serve s th e wine , unde r th e other ,
are standar d attribute s o f th e symposiu m setting . O n thes e occasions ,
drinkers use d cup s lik e thi s one , an d th e scene s decoratin g th e exterio r
would hav e provide d visua l entertainmen t an d perhap s helpfu l hint s t o
one's partner .
Drinking cup s als o offe r man y image s o f nake d hetaira i b y them selves, whic h mus t have functioned like pinups for male consumers. On e

Women in Classical Athens


Figure 3.25 . Symposiu m vas e (490-48 0 B.C.E.) , wit h me n an d thei r hire d femal e companions . Th e
popularity of these vases testifie s t o the commo n practice among citize n me n o f entertaining themselves
under circumstance s utterly separated from th e househol d and family .

pair faces eac h other , relaxe d on pillows , a s if having their own private,
all-girl symposium (Fig . 3.26), probabl y a male fantasy. Hetairai are als o
pictured i n all th e sam e domestic contexts i n which respectable (tha t is,
citizen) wome n ar e seen , thoug h sometime s thei r nudit y make s clea r
their status . Th e distinctio n betwee n hetaira i an d matron s i s fa r fro m
obvious i n man y scene s tha t sho w wome n performin g domesti c chore s
like spinning and weaving (cf . Fig. 3.18). Since hetairai like Neaera tried
to pas s themselve s of f a s Athenia n citizens , the y woul d hav e affecte d
the same manners and styles a s their reputable counterparts. A n unusual
epitaph of the lat e fifth century, apparentl y recording the devotio n of an
hetaira t o he r dea d friend , furthe r testifie s t o th e desir e o f hetaira i t o
emulate customs relating to respectabl e women. 7
Because o f your tru e an d swee t friendship , you r companio n (hetaira ) Euthyll a
placed thi s table t o n your grave , Biote , fo r she keep s your memor y wit h tears ,
and weep s fo r your los t youth.
(Peek H15/I G II 2 10954 ; trans. M . R . Lefkowitz ,
in Lefkowit z and Fant , 1982 , no. 25 , pp. 11-12 )

The hetaira i i n Figur e 3.2 6 displa y th e idea l o f youthfu l femal e

beauty tha t dominate s fifth-centur y Gree k art : sli m an d graceful , wit h
small an d firm breasts. Ofte n the proportion s ar e curiously masculine , a s



Figure 3.26 . Drinkin g cup (520-51 0 B.C.E.) , wit h a pai r o f hetaira i amusin g themselves a s i f a t a
symposium/ thei r nudity an d poses , a s well a s th e drinkin g vessel s they hold , mak e it clear that thes e
are no t what th e Athenians would conside r respectable women.

if th e artis t ha d use d a n ephebe' s bod y a s hi s mode l an d simpl y added ,

not alway s convincingly , th e breasts .
But young slende r hetaira i did no t sta y tha t wa y forever , and vasepainters see m t o enjo y th e ruthles s caricatur e o f th e fat , aging , an d
toothless prostitut e force d t o mak e u p fo r he r los t beaut y wit h othe r
skills (Fig . 3.27). Her e and i n other , mor e bruta l scenes, w e witnes s th e
degradation t o whic h prostitutes coul d b e subjected once th e nicetie s of
the symposiu m were over (se e Keuls 1983 b and 1985 , Peschl 1987) .
Ancient Critica l Reactions to Women's Roles in Classical Athen s
Classical Athen s wa s a plac e o f great intellectua l ferment . Bot h dram a
and philosoph y undertoo k t o questio n women' s roles and th e relatio n of
private t o publi c lif e tha t shape d th e relation s betwee n th e sexe s an d
organized thei r activities . Fo r example, i n Plato' s Republic, a Socrati c
dialogue written i n th e sam e period a s Xenophon's Oeconomicus, Socrates imagines th e institution s of the "Jus t Society/' in which eac h perso n
fulfills a functio n appropriat e t o hi s or he r aptitude . Th e inhabitant s o f
the Republi c ar e distributed int o three classes . Amon g the highes t class ,

Women i n Classical Athens


Figure 3.27. Detai l of a symposium vase (ca . 500 B.C.E.) , with a n olde r hetaira whose body and doubl <
chin plac e he r fa r from th e idealize d young women o f Fig. 3.26 . L/nlik e them, older prostitute s appea
on othe r symposiu m vases a s th e object s o f sexual penetratio n by two o r more me n a t once .

or Guardians , th e nuclea r famil y an d privat e propert y ar e eliminated .

Thus interfamilial squabble s ove r legitimacy, inheritance, an d the chas tity o f women suc h a s those describe d i n speeche s fro m th e la w court s
quoted earlier , woul d not exist . Instead , men an d wome n o f procreative
age hav e intercours e a t interval s regulate d b y th e state ; childre n ar e
raised i n common in state-run nurseries. Plato , like Xenophon and othe r
followers o f Socrates, argue d tha t th e sou l ha s n o gender . Th e mind s of
men an d women hav e the sam e moral an d intellectual potential. There fore, i n th e Republic , me n an d wome n o f the Guardia n class ar e given
the sam e education . Som e o f th e provision s governing women an d th e
family ar e similar to those though t t o hav e existed i n th e idea l Spartan
society (se e Chapte r 2) . Thus, in the Republic women ar e even give n th e
athletic trainin g tha t conventiona l Athenia n though t deeme d appro priate only fo r males. Because there i s no private sphere, wome n perform
jobs i n th e publi c sphere , servin g i n th e militar y and th e governmen t
(see furthe r Oki n 1979) . The governmen t i s totalitarian , authoritarian ,
and hierarchical ; th e highes t officia l i n th e Republi c is a philosopher king, or , conceivably , a philosopher-queen . Althoug h Plat o wa s no t a
feminist i n the contemporar y sense of the word , some of the assumption s
about androgyn y an d th e provision s in th e Republi c resembl e thos e i n
twentieth-century Utopia n feminis t thought :

120 WOME


So if we ar e goin g t o us e me n an d wome n fo r the sam e purposes , w e mus t

teach the m th e sam e things.
We educated th e me n both physically an d mentally .
We shal l hav e t o trai n th e wome n also , then , i n bot h kind s o f skill , an d
train the m fo r war a s well, and trea t the m i n th e sam e way a s the men .
It seem s to follo w fro m wha t you said , h e agreed.
I dar e say, I rejoined, tha t thei r novelt y woul d make many of our proposal s
seem ridiculou s i f they were pu t int o practic e
There's n o doubt abou t that , h e said .
And won' t th e mos t ridiculou s thin g o f al l b e t o se e th e wome n takin g
exercise nake d wit h th e me n i n th e gymnasium ? I t won' t onl y b e th e youn g
women; ther e wil l b e elderly wome n too , jus t a s there ar e ol d me n wh o g o on
with thei r exercise s when the y ar e wrinkled an d ugly to loo k at .
Lord! he said, that' s going to b e a funny sigh t b y present standards .
Still, I said, no w we'v e launche d ou t o n th e subjec t w e mus t no t b e afrai d
of the cleve r jokes that ar e bound t o b e made about al l the change s that follo w
in th e physica l trainin g an d educatio n o f women , an d abov e al l abou t the m
being trained to carry arms and ride .
Well, let' s se e i f we ca n fin d a wa y out . W e admi t tha t differen t nature s
ought t o hav e differen t kind s o f occupation , an d tha t me n an d wome n hav e
different natures ; an d yet w e go on t o maintai n that thes e admittedl y differen t
natures ough t t o follo w th e sam e occupations . Tha t i s the charg e w e hav e t o
meet, isn' t it ?
That i s it.
We ar e stickin g obstinately t o th e verba l debating point tha t differen t nature s
should no t b e given the same occupations; but we haven't considered wha t kin d
of sameness or difference o f nature we mean, an d what our intentio n wa s whe n
we lai d dow n th e principl e tha t differen t nature s shoul d hav e differen t jobs ,
similar natures simila r jobs .
No, we've no t take n that int o consideration .
Yet w e migh t jus t a s well , o n thi s principle , as k ourselve s whethe r bal d
men and long-haired men are of the sam e or opposite nature s and, having agreed
that the y ar e opposite allo w bald men to be cobblers and forbid long-haire d men
to be, or vice versa .
That woul d b e absurd.
But th e reaso n wh y i t i s absurd , I pointe d out , i s simpl y tha t w e neve r
meant tha t nature s ar e th e sam e o r differen t i n a n unqualifie d sense , bu t onl y
with reference to the kin d of sameness or difference whic h is relevant to various
employments. Fo r instance, w e should regard a man an d a woman with medica l
ability as having the sam e nature . D o you agree ?
Yes. Bu t a doctor an d a carpente r we shoul d recko n a s having different na tures.
Yes, entirely .
Then i f men o r wome n a s a se x appea r to b e qualified fo r different skill s o r
occupations, I said, w e shal l assig n thes e t o eac h accordingly ; bu t i f th e onl y
difference apparen t betwee n the m i s that th e femal e bear s and th e mal e begets ,
we shal l no t admi t tha t thi s i s a differenc e relevan t fo r our purpose , bu t shal l

Women i n Classical Athens 12

still maintai n that ou r male and femal e Guardian s ought t o follow the same occupations.
And rightl y so , he agreed .
There i s n o administrativ e occupation whic h i s peculia r t o woma n a s woma n
or man a s man; natura l capacitie s ar e similarly distributed i n eac h sex , an d i t
is natural for women t o tak e par t i n al l occupation s a s well a s men, thoug h i n
all wome n wil l be the weake r partners .
Are we therefor e to confin e all occupations t o me n only?
How can we?
Obviously w e can't ; fo r we ar e agreed , I think, tha t on e woma n ma y hav e
a natura l ability fo r medicine o r music, anothe r not .
And on e ma y b e good a t athletics , anothe r hav e no tast e fo r them; on e b e
good a t soldiering , anothe r not .
I thin k so .
Then ma y a woma n no t b e philosophi c o r unphilosophic , high-spirite d or
She may.
Then ther e will als o b e some women fitte d to b e Guardians: for these natu ral qualities , yo u wil l remember , wer e thos e fo r whic h w e picke d ou r me n
Yes. the y were .
As law-giver, you hav e already picked your me n Guardians . You must now pick
women o f as nearly similar natural capacities a s possible t o go with them . The y
will liv e an d fee d together , an d hav e n o privat e hom e o r property . The y wil l
mix freel y i n thei r physica l exercise s an d th e res t o f thei r training , an d thei r
natural instinct s will necessarily lea d them t o hav e sexual intercourse .
We must , i f we ar e t o b e consistent, an d i f we're t o hav e a rea l pedigre e herd ,
mate th e bes t o f our me n wit h th e bes t o f our wome n a s often a s possible, an d
the inferio r me n wit h th e inferio r wome n a s seldo m a s possible , an d brin g u p
only th e offsprin g o f th e best . An d n o on e bu t th e Ruler s mus t kno w wha t i s
happening, i f we ar e t o avoi d dissension i n ou r Guardia n herd.
That i s very true .
(extracts from Plato , Republic 452 , 453e-456a, 458c-d , 459e; Lee 1987)

Poets as well as philosophers imagined women performing role s that

were no t permitte d t o the m i n contemporar y society. Th e comi c poe t
Aristophanes imagines women staging a sex strike for peace (Lysistrata),
convicting th e poe t Euripide s of misogyn y durin g th e Thesmophori a
(Women at the Thesmophoria), or taking over the government and creating a communist Utopia whe n the y have become disgusted with men' s
abuse o f stat e interest s (Women a t th e Assembly). Traged y imagine s
women wh o tak e revenge on thei r enemies (Medea, Hecuba), kil l thei r
husbands for sacrificing a child (Clytemnestra) , resis t marriage (Aeschy lus, Suppliants), argue against the views offered by men (Antigone,
Phoenician Women), and save members of their family (Iphigenia

122 WOME


Among th e Taurians, Helen). On e o f the mos t poignan t figure s i n trag edy i s th e maide n wh o voluntaril y sacrifice s hersel f for family , city , o r
nation. I n th e followin g passage, Iphigeni a agrees to sacrific e herself t o
the goddes s Artemis so that th e Gree k army can go to Troy. Sh e imagines
that sh e will wi n th e fam e fo r heroism denie d t o wome n i n th e rea l lif e
of classical Athens :
I hav e decided t o die . Bu t I want t o di e
gloriously, putting aside what i s ignoble.
Look here , mother , an d conside r with m e i f I calculate well.
All Greec e turns to m e no w i n he r greatness;
on m e depends the departur e of the flee t an d th e defea t o f Troy.
Because of me barbarians wil l n o longe r have the licens e
to abduc t women fro m th e blesse d lan d of Greece;
they wil l expiate the los s of Helen, whom Pari s stole .
By my deat h I will achieve all thes e things;
as liberator of Greece I shall win a gloriou s name.
Surely I should not lov e lif e to o much .
You bor e m e for all th e Greeks , not fo r yourself only .
Innumerable soldiers armed with shields
and plyin g oars dare to challeng e the enem y
and di e for their country when i t ha s been wronged.
Shall m y life , m y singl e life, hol d al l thi s back?
(Euripides, Iphigeneia in Aulis 1376-90 ; trans . Helen e P. Foley)

Despite such radical challenges to tradition, Plato's student Aristotl e

could b e sai d t o hav e th e las t wor d o n thes e issues , fo r hi s mor e tradi tional view s o n women' s role s retaine d greate r influencei n theor y i f
not necessaril y i n realityi n th e comin g eras . Aristotle' s idea s abou t
women an d gende r wer e consistent : the y appea r i n hi s writing o n poli tics, biology , an d theor y o f traged y (se e Chapter s 2 and 6) . I n hi s Politics, Aristotl e criticize d Socrates ' idea s o n gender . I n hi s view , Plato' s
Utopian Republi c i s unworkable ; patriarch y i s natura l an d i n th e bes t
interests o f al l wh o inhabite d a Gree k city-state. Wome n ar e suite d b y
nature for their privat e role in the househol d an d because the y ar e natu rally inferio r to men , the y shoul d b e trained t o moral obedience t o thei r
husbands and fathers :
We shall, I think, i n this as in other subjects , ge t the bes t view of the matte r
if w e loo k a t th e natura l growt h o f things from th e beginning . The first point is
that thos e whic h ar e incapabl e of existing withou t eac h othe r mus t b e unite d
as a pair . Fo r example, (a ) th e unio n o f male an d femal e is essential fo r reproduction an d thi s i s not a matter of choice, but i s due to the natural urge , whic h
exists i n th e othe r animal s too an d i n plants , t o propagat e one's kind . Equally
essential i s (b ) th e combinatio n o f the natura l rule r an d ruled , fo r the purpos e
of preservation. Fo r the elemen t tha t ca n us e its intelligence to loo k ahea d i s by
nature ruler an d b y nature master, whil e tha t whic h ha s the bodil y strengt h t o
do the actua l wor k i s by nature a slave, on e of those wh o ar e ruled. Thu s ther e
is a common interes t unitin g master an d slave .
Nature, then , ha s distinguishe d betwee n femal e an d slave : sh e recognize s

Women i n Classical Athens 12

different function s an d lavishl y provide s differen t tools , no t a n all-purpos e too l

like th e Delphi c knife ; fo r ever y instrumen t wil l b e mad e bes t i f i t serve s no t
many purpose s bu t one . Bu t non-Greeks assign t o femal e an d slav e exactly th e
same status. This is because the y hav e nothing which i s by nature fitted to rule ;
their associatio n consist s o f a mal e slav e an d a femal e slave . So , a s th e poet s
say, "I t i s prope r tha t Greek s should rul e non-Greeks, " th e implicatio n bein g
that non-Gree k and slave ar e by nature identical .
Thus i t wa s out o f the associatio n forme d b y men wit h thes e two , wome n
and slaves , tha t a househol d wa s firs t formed ; an d th e poe t Hesio d wa s righ t
when h e wrote , "Ge t firs t a hous e an d a wif e an d a n o x t o dra w th e plough, "
(The o x i s th e poo r man' s slave ) Thi s associatio n o f persons , establishe d ac cording t o natur e for the satisfactio n of daily need s is the household , th e members o f whic h Charonda s calle d "bread-fellows " an d Epimenide s th e Creta n
There are , a s we saw, thre e parts of household-management, on e being th e
rule o f a master , whic h ha s alread y bee n deal t with , nex t th e rul e of a father,
and a thir d whic h arise s ou t o f th e marriag e relationship. Thi s i s included because rul e i s exercise d ove r wif e an d childrenove r bot h o f the m a s fre e per sons, bu t i n othe r respect s differently : ove r a wife , rul e i s a s b y a statesman ;
over children, a s by a king . For the mal e is more fitte d t o rul e than the female ,
unless condition s ar e quite contrar y t o nature ; an d the elde r an d full y grow n i s
more fitte d tha n th e younge r an d undeveloped . I t i s true tha t i n mos t case s of
rule b y statesmen ther e i s an interchang e of the rol e o f ruler and ruled , which
aims t o preserv e natura l equalit y an d non-differentation ; nevertheless, s o long
as one i s ruling and th e othe r i s being ruled, the rule r seeks to mark distinctions
in outwar d dignity , i n styl e o f address , an d i n honour s paid . . . . A s betwee n
male and femal e this kind of relationship i s permanent.
Thus it become s clea r that bot h rule r and ruled must have a share in virtue,
but tha t ther e ar e difference s in virtu e i n eac h case , a s ther e ar e als o amon g
those wh o b y natur e rule . A n immediat e indicatio n o f thi s i s afforde d b y th e
soul, wher e w e find natural rule r and natura l subject, whos e virtue s we regard
as differenton e bein g tha t o f th e rationa l element , th e othe r o f th e non rational. I t i s therefor e clear tha t th e sam e featur e wil l b e foun d i n th e othe r
cases too , s o that mos t instance s of ruling an d bein g ruled ar e natural . For rule
of fre e ove r slave , mal e ove r female , ma n ove r boy , ar e al l different , because ,
while part s o f th e sou l ar e presen t i n eac h case , th e distributio n i s different .
Thus th e deliberativ e faculty i n th e sou l i s no t presen t a t al l i n a slave ; i n a
female i t i s present bu t ineffective , i n a child presen t bu t undeveloped .
We should therefor e take it tha t th e sam e conditions inevitabl y prevail
in regar d t o th e mora l virtue s also , namel y tha t al l mus t participat e i n the m
but no t al l i n th e sam e way , bu t a s ma y b e require d b y eac h fo r hi s prope r
function. Th e ruler then mus t hav e moral virtue in it s entirety; fo r his function
is i n it s fulles t sens e tha t o f a master-craftsman , an d reaso n i s a master craftsman. An d the othe r members mus t hav e suc h amoun t a s is appropriate t o
each. S o it i s evident tha t eac h o f the classe s spoken o f must hav e moral virtue,
and tha t restrain t i s not th e sam e i n a man a s in a woman, no r justice or courage either, a s Socrates thought ; th e on e i s the courag e o f a ruler , the othe r th e
courage of a servant, an d likewis e with th e othe r virtues .

124 WOME


For thes e relationship s are par t o f th e household , an d ever y househol d is

part o f a state; an d th e virtu e of the par t ought to b e examined in relatio n t o
the virtu e of th e whole . Thi s mean s that bot h childre n an d wome n mus t b e
educated wit h a n ey e to th e constitutiona t leas t i f it i s true that i t make s a
difference t o th e soundnes s of a state that it s children should be sound, an d it s
women too . An d it mus t make a difference; fo r women make up hal f th e adul t
free population , an d fro m childre n come those who will participate in th e con stitution.
(Aristotle, Politics 1252a24-bH, 1259a37-1259blO , 1260a3-24 ,
1260M2-25; Sinclair, rev. Saunders 1981 )
1. Fo r occasional outdoo r scene s depictin g fetching water, frui t picking , marke t sell ing, or swimming (no t shown) , see further unde r "Women' s Work Outside the Home. "
2. Golde n 1990 : 4 7 suggests tha t thi s passag e i s partially ironic , becaus e th e choru s
of women clai m th e benefit s of participating i n more rituals than one child coul d partici pate in .
3. I n general , i t appear s tha t wherea s al l citizen-boy s participate d i n civi c rituals ,
only a selec t numbe r o f girl s did so . A scholias t t o Aristophane s tell s u s tha t selecte d
maidens went to Brauron , but late r source s say that all girls participated (consideration s
of space mak e thi s les s likely) . I n a procession ever y fou r years t o Brauron , all thos e wh o
had serve d th e goddes s i n the intervenin g time marched .
4. Se e Sourvinou-Inwood 1988 a fo r the vie w tha t th e whol e episod e is a fiction .
5. Se e Nagy 197 9 for the alternativ e vie w that parents named their daughters Thean o
in hop e tha t the y woul d becom e priestesses .
6. Se e Walker 1983 . Fo r another perspectiv e o n domesti c spac e i n th e Gree k house ,
see Jameson 1990 a an d b .
7. Th e wor d hetaira her e coul d simpl y mea n femal e companion o r friend i n a mor e
neutral sense .
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In ancien t time s ther e wer e Amazons , daughters of Ares , dwellin g besid e th e

river Thermodon ; the y alon e of the peopl e aroun d them wer e arme d with iro n
and the y wer e the first of all to mount horses, wit h which, due to the inexperi ence of their foes , the y surprised them an d eithe r caugh t those wh o fled or outstripped thos e wh o pursued . They wer e considered me n fo r their hig h courage ,
rather tha n wome n fo r their sex ; fo r they seeme d t o outd o me n i n thei r spiri t
more tha n t o b e a t a disadvantag e i n thei r form . Rulin g ove r man y nations ,
they enslave d thos e aroun d them ; yet hearin g by report o f the grea t renow n o f
our country , the y mustere d th e mos t warlik e of the nation s an d marche d them
against thi s cit y fo r th e sak e o f grea t glor y an d throug h hig h ambition . Bu t
having met with valian t men they cam e to posses s spirits suitable to thei r own
nature; th e reputatio n the y wo n wa s th e revers e of their previou s one, an d by
their disasters rather than b y their bodies the y were deemed t o be women. The y
alone faile d t o lear n fro m thei r mistakes , an d thu s t o b e better advise d i n thei r
future actions . The y di d not retur n hom e an d repor t thei r ow n misfortun e an d
our ancestors ' courage ; fo r the y die d o n th e spo t an d wer e punishe d fo r thei r
folly, thu s makin g our city' s memor y imperishabl e for it s valor , whil e du e t o
their disaster in this region they mad e their own country nameless. And so those
women, b y their unjus t gree d for others' land , justly lost thei r own .
(Lysias 2.4-6, Funeral Oration [early fourth centur y B.C.E.] ;
Lamb 196 0 modified)
The mythical defea t o f the Amazon s became in th e rhetori c of Classical
Athenian funera l oration s on e o f th e grea t achievement s o f th e Atti c
past, whic h symbolize d th e rescu e o f th e Greek s fro m slaver y a t th e
hands o f foreig n conquerors . I n thes e funera l speeche s Amazon s wer e
imagined, throug h thei r gree d fo r fam e an d empire , t o hav e fallen : th e
very kind of enterprise in whic h Athen s itself engage d in th e secon d hal f
of the fift h century . Amazon s played a centra l rol e in th e ar t an d ideol ogy of Archaic an d Classica l Athens , bu t the y wer e continually reimag ined to serve a changing culture and politics. Amazon myths of a society

Amazon Women i n Control 12

rilled by women are a case study in understanding ways in which gende r

was use d t o conceptualiz e centra l cultura l issue s an d problem s i n th e
Classical perio d (fo r further discussion an d interpretation , se e Boardman
1982, d u Boi s 1982 , von Bothme r 1957 , Carlier-Detienne 1980-81 , Hardwick 1990 , Just 1989 , Lefkowit z 1986 , Merck 1978, Shapiro 1983, and Tyr rell 1984) .
Our earliest representation s o f Amazons appear i n Archai c epic an d
Attic vas e painting s o f th e sixt h centur y B.C . Epi c view s Amazon s as a
band of great female warriors. Th e tomb of the Amazo n queen Myrrhina
is a landmar k (lik e the tomb s o f other heroes who died young and glorious) a t Tro y (Iliad 2.814) . A t Iliad 3.184-89ff . Kin g Priam describes ho w
he battle d Amazon s in hi s youth. Som e of those Amazon s came t o fight
on the Trojan side in the war a t Troy , an d their queen , Penthesilea , me t
her deat h a t th e hand s of the grea t Gree k warrior Achilles, wh o fel l i n
love with hi s victim a s he kille d her . Battle s against th e Amazon s were
an important labo r for the heroe s Bellerophon and Heracles. I n his ninth
labor, Heracle s captured th e girdl e of the Amazo n queen an d brough t i t
back t o Greec e fo r th e daughte r o f Eurystheus . Beginnin g at abou t 57 5
B.C.E. Heracles ' battle s wit h th e Amazons , sometime s i n singl e combat ,
became a popula r subject i n Atti c black-figur e vas e painting . A n Atti c
black-figure hydria , fo r example , show s Heracle s an d Telamo n fightin g
Amazons dresse d a s hoplite s (Fig . 4.1), warrior s i n heav y armor , an d
differentiated b y their whit e flesh. Visually these Amazon s do not diffe r
from Gree k heroes ; the y wea r Gree k armor , carr y Gree k weapons , an d
engage in pursuit s typical o f male warriors. Althoug h their femininity is
not stressed , th e artis t ma y dwel l on th e momen t of defeat, a s the Amazons fal l t o th e groun d in submission, thei r head s bent back .
Yet Amazon s were soo n t o los e thei r statu s a s great , i f somewha t
exotic, warriors , a match for all bu t th e greates t of Greek heroes. Athens
repeatedly use d Amazon s to serv e it s own ideology . Firs t the Atti c her o
Theseus appropriate d some o f th e deed s of Heracles. At abou t 49 0 B.C.E.
on th e metope s o f th e Athenia n treasur y a t Delphi , bot h Theseus an d
Heracles ar e show n involve d i n a n expeditio n t o Amazo n country . I n
later Atti c version s o f th e stor y Theseus , hi s frien d Pirithous , an d hi s
charioteer Phorba s abduct an Amazo n by trickery (Fig . 4.2, Theseus an d
the Amazo n Antiope) . Th e Amazon s retaliat e b y invadin g Attica .
Tamed b y her love for Theseus, th e Amazo n intercedes i n th e battl e an d
arranges a treat y (Plutarch , Theseus 26-28) . Late r th e Amazon , abandoned b y Theseus , wa s sai d t o hav e interrupte d hi s marriag e with th e
Cretan Phaedr a and t o hav e been kille d by Heracles, who was one of the
guests. Ye t the stor y o f Theseus's engagemen t with th e Amazons , which
seems to have been promoted b y the Pisistrati d tyrants who ruled Athens
for muc h o f the sixt h century , pu t th e her o awkwardl y a t faul t a s th e
abductor o f a n innocen t Amazon . As we sa w i n Lysias' s oration a t th e
beginning of thi s excursus , however , the ambitiou s Amazon s soo n became responsibl e fo r their ow n fall .
Shortly afte r th e tw o Persian s wars between th e Greek s and th e Per-

Figure 4.1 . Vas e (ca , 520-500 B.C.E. ) i n th e black-figur e techniqu e wit h th e heroe s Heracle s an d
Telamon fightin g Amazons .

Figure 4.2 . Outsid e o f a cu p (ca . 510 B.C.E.) , o n whic h Theseu s abduct s the Amazo n Antiope, - sh e
wears th e exoti c garments of an easter n warrior to mark her differenc e fro m Qree k women .


Amazon Women i n Control 13

sians fro m 49 0 t o 48 0 B.C.E. , Athenia n ar t mad e a poin t o f suggestin g

analogies between th e easter n Amazon s and th e defeate d Persians. 1 Amazons, dresse d i n Easter n gar b an d carryin g bow s an d arrows , b y thei r
defeat hinte d a t th e feminize d natur e an d th e incapacit y fo r self-control
of th e Greeks ' barbaria n opponents. A red-figur e amphora , fo r example ,
shows a Gree k warrio r betwee n tw o Amazon s dresse d i n Persia n styl e
(Fig. 4.3) . Painting s made in th e 460 s B.C.E. i n th e Sto a Poikil e at Athen s
showed Amazon s before th e Acropolis , th e Greek s and Persian s at Mara thon, th e Gree k captur e o f Troy , an d Athen s fightin g th e Spartan s a t
Oinoe. Late r artisti c program s suc h a s th e metope s o f th e Partheno n
linked th e battl e agains t th e Amazon s with battle s betwee n Greek s and
centaurs, Greek s and Trojans (no w viewed a s eastern an d barbarian) , o r
Gods an d Giants . Centaur s wer e mythica l horsemen . Unabl e to contro l
the violenc e an d sexuality inheren t i n thei r half-bestia l nature , the y in vaded th e weddin g o f th e Lapith s and wer e prevente d fro m rapin g th e
Lapith wome n b y the interventio n o f Heracles. Jus t a s centaurs embod ied masculinit y ou t o f control , i n thes e artisti c program s th e violent ,
promiscuous, an d war-lovin g Amazon s becam e a n analogou s femal e
challenge t o th e orde r o f civilization. The centralit y o f the defea t of th e
Amazons in Athenia n propaganda i s confirmed by the fac t tha t th e bat tle agains t th e Amazon s appeare d o n th e outsid e o f th e shiel d hel d b y
the statue o f the city' s divin e protectress, Athen a Parthenos , i n her temple o n th e Acropoli s (Fig . 4. 4 show s a reconstructio n o f th e shiel d b y
E. B . Harrison).
In particular , Amazons were viewe d as hostile to men an d marriage.
The fifth-centur y historia n Hellanicus , i n a description tha t typifie d th e
views o f hi s contemporaries , calle d th e Amazon s " a golden-shielded ,
silver-axed, male-infant-killin g host." Th e unfeminin e Amazon s wer e
said t o cauteriz e thei r righ t breasts (th e wor d a-mazon mean s "without
breast") i n orde r to remov e an y impedimen t t o effectiv e fightin g (Frags .
16, 17 ; F. Jacoby Di e Fragmente der griechischen Historiker 3 B 45-46);
or the y allegedl y fe d their femal e infant s o n horse' s mil k to preven t th e
enlargement o f their breasts (Philostratus , Heroikos 330). Hence they denied th e socia l functio n o f Atti c wome n a s nurturer s o f thei r children .
The tragi c poe t Aeschylu s imagine d th e Amazons ' defea t t o hav e oc curred a t th e Areopagus , the sit e o f the firs t tria l b y jury fo r murder i n
Athens. I n hi s pla y th e Eumenides, th e her o Oreste s i s exonerated fro m
killing his mother Clytemnestra ( a rebel against marriage who kille d her
husband Agamemno n and turne d agains t he r ow n son) , an d he r female
advocates, th e Furie s o r Erinyes , divin e spirit s o f familia l vengeance ,
meet thei r defeat . Orestes ' victor y i s linke d wit h th e earlie r Gree k victory ove r th e Amazons . Th e go d Apollo argue s in Orestes ' defens e tha t
Clytemnestra's crime against marriage is more serious tha n Orestes ' kill ing of a woma n wh o i s not a tru e relative , since women simpl y serve t o
nurture th e see d o f their men . I n Atti c ar t an d literatur e th e tamin g of
the Amazon s by war or love, whic h returned thes e wome n t o their "natural" state (se e Lysia s above), came to represent a renewal o f the prope r



Figure 4.3. Attic vase (ca. 440-430

B.C.E.), with a Qreek warrior between
two Amazons, - thei r Persian garment s
provided the Qreek viewer during an d
after th e Persia n Wars with a n imag e
of th e non-Qree k that conflated foreign ness, femininity , an d mora l laxit y with

order of patriarchal civilization, in whic h women wer e subordinated t o

marriage to produc e offsprin g wh o wer e certainl y legitimate . I n this respect th e stor y o f the Amazons ' fall an d ultimate extermination throug h
their own error s was a "myth o f matriarchy" tha t serve d t o explain , b y

Amazon Women in Control


Figure 4.4 . Th e shiel d o f Athena Parthenos fro m th e gol d and ivor y statue
(mid-fifth centur y B.C.E. ) i n th e Parthenon i n Athens/ i n this reconstruc tion drawing , th e inevitabl e defea t o f
the Amazons is made clear by their
falling an d dea d figures.

positing a n earlier er a in which wome n coul d dominate or exclude men ,

the inevitabilit y and desirabilit y of the civilize d status quo.
Fifth-century an d late r Gree k writers develope d a n entir e ethnography fo r Amazons . Thes e ethnographie s sometime s represente d Amazo n
"culture" as systematically invertin g that of the Greeks , sometimes a s a
complex alternativ e t o it . I n th e fifth-centur y historia n Herodotus' s account o f a n encounte r betwee n Scythian s an d Amazons , th e Sycthia n
young men becom e enamore d o f the beautifu l warrior s with who m the y
engage i n battle . Whe n the y wis h t o marr y thei r sexua l partners , wit h
whom they hav e (typicall y of Amazons) mated a t rando m outdoors, th e
Amazons refuse t o become conventiona l wives : "W e could no t liv e with
your womenou r custom s ar e quit e differen t fro m theirs . T o draw th e
bow, t o hur l the javelin, t o rid e a horse , thes e ar e our arts . O f women's
work we kno w nothing. You r women, o n th e contrary , d o none of these
things, bu t sta y a t hom e i n thei r wagons , an d neve r go out t o hunt , o r
to d o anything . W e shoul d neve r ge t alon g together . Bu t i f you trul y
wish t o hav e u s a s your wive s an d wil l conduc t yourselves wit h stric t
justice toward s us , go home t o your parents , as k them t o giv e you you r
inheritance, an d the n com e bac k to us , an d le t u s live togethe r b y ourselves." (Histories 4.114 , Rawlinso n 1942, modified) Invertin g the usua l
practice of Greek marriage, the Scythian husbands bring their goods with
them (th e equivalen t of a woman' s dowry) an d mov e to a plac e where
the Amazons can continue t o exercise thei r military ways. The Amazons
are th e dominan t partner s i n thes e marriages , although the y los e thei r
language becaus e the y ar e quicke r t o lear n thei r partners ' tongu e tha n
the reverse . I n som e version s o f Amazo n ethnography , Amazon s live
without men , excep t fo r periodi c promiscuou s foray s t o becom e preg -

134 WOME


nant. The y kee p thei r gir l children, an d kill , emasculate , o r send awa y
for adoptio n thei r mal e children . I n Diodorus' s first-centur y B.C.E . ac count, o n th e othe r hand , Amazo n men i n Liby a liv e the live s of Greek
womenthey sta y a t home , weave , an d ten d th e children , deprive d o f
the righ t t o governwhil e th e wome n figh t an d demonstrate a remark able capacity fo r just an d orderly rule .
Amazons are often envisioned a s less civilized than th e Greeks . The y
practice a n orgiasti c religion , worshipin g Ares , th e Phrygia n Magn a
Mater, Cybele , an d the virginity-lovin g Artemis in a fashion that recall s
the dangerou s attractio n o f Gree k women t o th e worshi p o f Dionysus .
Although Strabo (Geography 11.5.1 ) ha s Amazons engage in agriculture ,
Diodorus makes them less civilized eaters of meat alone, an d Herodotus' s
Amazons hav e no t yet learne d ho w t o navigat e ships. Amazons ' weap ons, th e bow , th e ax , an d sometimes th e javeli n and th e spear , ten d t o
associate the m wit h light-arme d soldiers o r wit h those , lik e bowmen ,
who had les s military prestige than th e heavy-armore d hoplite. Amazo n
communities ar e typicall y locate d a t th e border s of the know n world
for example , i n th e Nort h East on the souther n shor e of the Blac k Sea on
the Thermodo n Rive r o r i n th e Sout h Wes t i n Libya . Geographers an d
medical writers tried to explain the Amazo n phenomenon b y the inferior
climate fro m whic h the y come : fo r example, saying that th e colde r cli mates of the Nort h West produced mor e virile women .
Insofar a s Amazon s ar e untamed , virginal , an d aggressive , the y
could serv e t o represen t a phase o f life fo r both young me n an d women :
the androgynou s state of life between childhoo d an d adulthood . Ye t Amazons serve a s important paradigm s precisely becaus e the y generall y fai l
to mak e th e transitio n t o "maturity. " Bot h eroti c an d virginal , heroi c
on the Greek model and yet les s civilized than their opponents, Amazon s
were a parodoxical mixtur e of youthful attractivenes s an d a danger that
must be surpressed.
Although man y late r Gree k writer s scoffe d a t th e unlikelihoo d o f
Amazon myth s (fo r example , Strabo , 11.5.3) , th e storie s o f Amazon s
were remarkabl y persistent. Alexande r the Grea t was said t o hav e bee n
chosen a s a mat e b y the Amazo n Queen Thalestris, who approache d hi s
camp with th e hop e of conceiving an heroic child. Amazon myths, whil e
largely imaginary , ma y hav e originate d i n Gree k encounters wit h th e
nomadic Scythian s i n th e are a nort h o f th e Blac k Sea . Archaeologica l
remains confirm that som e Scythian aristocrati c women , wh o wer e buried wit h hors e trapping s an d weapons , rod e horse s an d fough t i n war .
Indeed, Plat o use s th e exampl e o f thes e Scythia n wome n i n th e Law s
(805A an d 806B) , whe n h e wants t o giv e proof that women ar e capabl e
of fightin g fo r their country .
1. Amazon s ha d als o bee n depicte d i n easter n dres s o n black-figur e vases (se e Shapiro 1983) . Boardma n 198 2 suggests tha t th e equatio n betwee n Persian s an d Amazon s
began afte r th e Ionia n revol t i n th e earl y fifth century B.C.E .

Amazon Women i n Control 13

Lamb, W . R . M. 1960 . Lysias. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge , Mass. (Originall y published 1930 )
Rawlinson, George . 1942 . Herodotus: Th e Persian Wars. New York.

Bamberger, Joan. 1974 . "The Myt h o f Matriarchy: Wh y Men Rule in Primitiv e Society."
In Women, Culture and Society, edite d by M. Rosald o and L. Lamphere, 263-80 .
Boardman, John. 1982 . "Herakles , Theseu s and Amazons. " I n Th e Ey e o f Greece, edited
by D . Kurt z and B . Sparkes, 1-28 , Cambridge .
Bothmer, Dietric h von . 1957 . Amazons in Greek Art. Oxford .
Carlier-Detienne, Jeanne. 1980-81 . "Les Amazons font la guerre et I'amour." L'Ethnographie76: 11-33 .
du Bois , Page . 1982 . Centaurs an d Amazons: Women an d th e Pre-History o f th e Great
Chain o f Being. An n Arbor , Mich.
Hardwick, Lorna . 1990 . "Ancien t AmazonsHeroes , Outsider s o r Women? " Greece and
Rome 37 : 14-36.
Just, Roger . 1989 . Women i n Athenian Law and Life. London .
Lefkowitz, Mary . 1986 . Women i n Greek Myth. London .
Merck, Mandy . 1978 . "The City' s Achievements : Th e Patrioti c Amazonomach y an d An cient Athens. " I n Tearing th e Veil, edite d b y Susan Lipshitz, 95-115. London .
Shapiro, H. A. 1983 . "Amazons, Thracian s and Scythians." Greek, Roman, and Byzantine
Studies: 105-14 .
Tyrrell, W . Blake. 1984 . Amazons: A Study i n Athenian Myth-Making. Baltimore , Md .


The Hellenisti c i s the onl y perio d i n Gree k an d Roma n histor y define d

by the reig n of a woman. I t begins with th e death of Alexander the Grea t
on June 10 , 323 B.C.E. an d end s afte r th e Roma n conquest o f Egypt, with
the suicid e o f Cleopatr a VI I o n Augus t 12 , 30 B.C.E . an d th e subsequen t
eighteen-day reig n of her children . Th e lat e Sir Moses Finley opene d hi s
essay "Th e Silent Wome n of Rome" with th e observatio n tha t Cleopatr a
was th e mos t famou s woma n i n Roma n histor y (Finle y 1968 : 129) . Because of her fam e (an d infamy) sh e wil l b e discussed agai n i n Par t I I of
this boo k (se e Chapte r 10) . Plutarch' s descriptio n o f Cleopatr a suggest s
that he r powerfu l attractio n fo r great me n lik e Julius Caesar an d Mar k
Antony cam e no t s o muc h fro m conventiona l physica l beaut y a s fro m
her char m an d intelligence . Livin g i n Alexandri a an d travelin g widel y
in th e Mediterranean , sh e was at hom e i n severa l language s an d divers e
For he r beauty , a s we ar e told , wa s i n itsel f no t altogethe r incomparable , no r
such a s to strike thos e wh o saw her. Ther e wa s a sweetness als o i n th e tone s of
her voice; an d he r tongue, lik e an instrumen t of many strings, sh e could readil y
turn to whatever language she pleased, so that i n her interviews with barbarians
she very seldom had nee d of an interpreter , but mad e her replies to most of them
herself an d unassisted , whethe r the y wer e Ethiopians , Troglodytes , Hebrews ,
Arabians, Syrians , Mede s or Parthians . I t i s sai d tha t sh e kne w th e speec h o f
many othe r people s also , althoug h the king s o f Egyp t befor e he r ha d no t eve n
made a n effor t t o lear n th e nativ e language, and som e actuall y gav e u p thei r
Macedonian dialect.
(Plutarch, Antony 27.2 ; Perrin 196 8 modified)

Images of Cleopatra surviv e in larg e numbers and i n variou s media ,

from marbl e bust s (Fig . 5.1 ) t o bronz e coin s (Fig . 5.2) . Th e well preserved hea d i n Berli n (Fig . 5.1 ) wa s probabl y mad e i n Alexandri a
itself and is a good exampl e of the soft , gentl e qualit y tha t was the hall mark o f th e Alexandria n styl e i n sculpture . Cleopatr a share s th e so -

Figure 5.1. Marbl e bust of Cleopatra, perhap s fro m Alexandri a A. fron t vie w and B . profile. The ova l
face, wit h it s prominent nos e and shor t chin , ar e repeate d o n severa l image s o f the quee n t o conve y a
distinctly recognizabl e portrai t type beneat h th e overla y o f youthful idealization .

Figure 5.2 . Silve r tetradrach m o f Cleopatra, minte d a t Askelon (39-3 7

B.C.E.), which share s the sam e portrai t
type a s th e bus t show n i n Figur e 5.1.




called melo n coiffure , wit h a bu n a t th e back , wit h man y o f her Ptole maic ancestor s tw o centurie s earlier , a s well a s Roman women, an d he r
face conform s to th e Alexandria n ideal o f the youthful queen. Ye t ther e
is als o a stron g individualit y tha t make s he r unmistakable . Thi s i s evident i n a compariso n wit h a coi n sh e probabl y ha d minte d i n 3 9 or 38
B.C.E. tha t show s al l th e sam e feature s (Fig . 5.2). B y contrast, a slightl y
later coin , fro m th e tim e o f he r involvemen t wit h Mar k Anton y (Fig .
5.3), ha s bot h "Romanized " Cleopatr a an d "Orientalized " her , espe cially in th e exaggeratedl y large , hooked nose , i n order to portray he r as
a "client " (subjec t ally ) o f the Roman s (Smit h 1988 : 133-34) . Throug h
her involvemen t wit h Juliu s Caesar an d Mar k Antony , an d he r rivalr y
with Octavia n (th e futur e empero r Augustus) , sh e wa s indee d a s im portant i n shapin g th e cours e o f Roma n histor y a s tha t o f he r nativ e
Egypt. Lik e othe r Ptolemai c queens , Cleopatr a wa s als o portraye d i n
purely Egyptia n style (cf . the portrai t o f Arsinoe II , Fig . 5.10), i n sculp tures made for the nativ e Egyptian s (cf . Bieber 1961, fig. 371). She coul d
even b e show n a s th e Egyptia n (male ) Pharaoh , wit h bar e ches t an d
short kilt , takin g u p a traditio n tha t wen t bac k t o th e Ne w Kingdom
Queen Hatshepshut , ca . 150 0 B.C.E. (cf . Cleopatra's Egypt, cat . no . 78) .
Although Cleopatr a wa s hei r t o som e ancien t Egyptia n tradition s
(Fig. 5.4) , sh e was no t a n anomal y i n a long line of Greek queens (Pomeroy 1984 : 3-40) . Thus , i t i s no t a distortio n o f historyeve n histor y
defined i n th e traditiona l sens e a s political changet o pu t wome n lik e
Cleopatra a t the center of the inquiry, the n to look a t other elite wome n
for who m suc h queen s serve d a s models, an d finall y t o discus s ho w th e
lives o f lower-clas s an d anonymou s wome n differe d fro m thos e o f thei r
counterparts i n precedin g periods of Greek history.

Figure 5.3. Silve r tetradrachm o f Cleopatra minte d at Antioc h (3 7 B.C.E. )

with th e very large nose and enlarge d
jaw tha t was preferre d b y moneyers in
the perio d when th e queen was in volved with Mar k Antony .

Eurydice = Ptolem y I Soter = Berenik e I 1

Ptolemy "Keraunos " = Arsinoel l = Ptolem y I I Philadelphos = Arsino e I' 2 1
Berenike II ( > ) = Ptolem y III Euergetes I
Arsinoe III = Ptolem y IV Philopator
Ptolemy V Epiphanes = Cleopatr a I ( 4 )
Ptolemy VI Philometor = Cleopatr a I I = -,
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator Cleopatr
? = Ptolem y I X Sote r I I 5 =


a II I = - I

r Ptolem y VII I Euergete s I I

Cleopatr a I V

Cleopatra V = Ptolem y XII Auletes = ? Cleopatr a Berenike (III) = Ptolem y X Alexander I ? =

Cleopatra V I

Berenike I V Arsino e IV Ptolem y XII I Ptolem y XI V Ptolem

y X I Alexander II

Julius Caesar . . Cleopatra V I I. . Marc Antony

Ptolemy X V Caesar Alexande
(Caesarionj Helio

r Ptolem
s Philadelpho

(1) A Macedonia n Gree k noblewoma n

(2) Daughte r o f Kin g Lysimacho s o f Thrac e (Greece )
(3) Daughte r o f th e Gree k Kin g Magas I o f Cyrene , th e so n o f Berenik e I
(4) Daughte r o f th e Gree k Kin g Antiochu s II I o f Syri a
(5) I t i s possibl e tha t Ptolem y I X i s actuall y th e so n o f Ptolem y VII I an d Cleopatr a I I

Figure 5.4 . Th e Ptolemies : a n abbreviate d genealogy .

y Cleopatr
s Selen

a = Kingjubal l
e I o f Mauretani a

Ptolemy o f Mauretania Drusill a

140 WOME


The Cosmopolis: The Range of the Sources

Cleopatra VI I i s paradigmati c o f he r time . Informatio n abou t he r i s
found i n a wid e variety of sources, visua l and textual , an d i n languages
of th e western , eastern , an d souther n Mediterranea n world. Thu s i t i s
clear tha t th e extan t source s fo r th e histor y o f Hellenisti c wome n ar e
much more diverse than thos e for Greek women i n earlier historica l periods. Our evidence for the Classica l period was mainly for Athenians and
Spartans. I n th e wak e o f Alexander' s defeat o f Persia , Greeks began t o
settle i n area s suc h a s Egypt that ha d formerl y belonged t o th e Persia n
Empire, an d t o foun d ne w cities lik e Alexandria.
The Hellenisti c was a perio d o f migration for Greek women a s well
as for men. I n the Classica l period, respectable womenat leas t thos e of
Athenshad bee n abl e t o loo k forwar d t o onl y tw o journeys : th e firs t
from thei r father' s hous e t o thei r husband's , th e nex t fro m thei r hus band's house t o the grave . But in the Hellenisti c period both wome n an d
men migrate d t o th e newl y conquere d territorie s an d forge d ne w live s
for themselve s i n th e frontie r outposts of Hellenism. I n th e ne w cosmo politan cities , som e restrictiv e convention s o f th e ol d city-state s wer e
retained, bu t other s wer e altere d o r discarde d i n respons e t o changin g
societal an d individua l needs . Fo r example , i n Alexandri a nonroya l
Greek wome n stil l neede d t o conduc t thei r lega l and economi c transac tions through the intermediar y of a male guardian, but roya l women an d
women wh o use d th e Egyptia n or Jewis h lega l system s di d no t d o so .
Among th e Greeks , a dowr y wa s stil l a prerequisit e fo r marriage , bu t
respectable unmarried women who chos e t o work in the libera l arts an d
professions ar e note d wit h admiratio n i n th e historica l sources . Poeti c
sources, however , includin g Theocritu s an d th e poet s o f the Greek Anthology (Pato n 1968) , portray th e vicissitude s of women livin g independently an d outsid e th e stricture s an d protectio n o f th e Classica l oikos .
These women ar e th e predecessor s of the "Ne w Women " of the lat e Roman Republi c (see Chapter 10) . Our evidence for women's histor y a t thi s
period i s also ethnically diverse : thus i t i s possible to compar e th e lega l
status of Greek women livin g i n Egyp t with th e statu s o f Egyptian, Jewish, an d Roma n women wh o wer e thei r contemporaries . I t i s not, how ever, alway s possibl e t o determin e th e ethnicit y o f individua l women,
unless the y ar e Greek s at th e to p o f th e rulin g class. Furthermore , th e
documentary materia l fro m non-Gree k sources that coul d provid e infor mation abou t lower-clas s and nativ e wome n ha s no t ye t bee n full y ex ploited b y historians , becaus e ver y fe w ca n rea d th e demoti c scrip t i n
which th e Egyptia n language was written i n this period.
New type s o f primary historical source s appea r i n abundance . Th e
climate o f the Egyptia n countryside wa s conduciv e t o th e preservatio n
of papyri. Documents written on papyrus including those recordin g marriage contracts, divorces , wet-nursing contracts, an d private letters ar e a
rich sourc e fo r women' s histor y (Pomero y 1984) . A majo r proble m i n

The Hellenistic Period 14

dealing with thes e texts is that mos t often a woman i s known from onl y
one document. Thu s i t i s not clea r whethe r th e sourc e describe s a common phenomenon o r an idiosyncrati c situation . Papyri also often provid e
the onl y texts of literary works such a s Callimachus's "Victory of Berenice" an d "Loc k o f Berenice. " Thoug h som e scholar s wil l inevitabl y ask
whether evidenc e fro m Greco-Roma n Egyp t i s typica l o f tha t whic h
might hav e bee n foun d i n th e res t o f th e ancien t worl d i f th e climat e
had bee n favorabl e to th e preservatio n o f papyri, wit h th e exceptio n of
the Canopu s decre e an d th e depiction s o f Black s i n th e cul t o f Isi s
(which wil l b e discussed late r i n thi s chapter) , th e document s cite d i n
the presen t chapter do not seem exotic an d probably had their analogues
in th e res t of the Hellenisti c world.
In th e wak e o f Alexande r th e Great , workshop s o f Gree k artist s
throughout the Mediterranea n recorded th e rhythm s of urban lif e with a
new sophisticatio n an d realism . Terra-cott a figurine s fro m al l corner s of
the Gree k worl d giv e insight s int o women' s dail y live s an d testify , fo r
example, t o women' s literac y (Fig . 5.5: a gir l holdin g a boo k roll ; se e
below, "Educatio n an d Professions") . The y ofte n show ethereall y prett y
young women engage d in carefre e activitie s like dancing, playing games
(Fig. 5.6), 1 o r talkin g with on e another . Th e sam e spirit of intimacy between wome n i s depicte d b y Hellenisti c poets , suc h a s Herodas , who ,
writing for a largely male audience, imagine s two women havin g a fran k
discussion abou t sex :
METRO: Pleas e tel l m e th e truth , dea r Koritto , wh o stitche d yo u th e scarle t
baubon? 2
KORITTO: Wher e have you see n it , Metro?
METRO: Oh , i t wa s Nossis , Erinna's daughter, who ha d i t give n me a coupl e of
days agola! a prett y present! 3
KORITTO: Nossis ! From who m did sh e ge t it ?
METRO: Wil l you betra y m e i f I tell you?
KORITTO: B y these swee t eyes , Metr o dear, no t a sou l shal l hea r fro m Koritto' s
mouth anythin g you say .
METRO: I t wa s Eubule , wif e o f Bitsas , wh o gav e it t o her, an d tol d he r tha t n o
one was to know about it .
KORITTO: Women , women, thi s woman wil l b e th e deat h o f m e on e day . I ha d
pity on he r entreaties and gav e it t o her , Metro, before I used it myself,
and sh e snatche s it lik e some treasure-trov e and make s a presen t o f i t
to imprope r people; I bi d goodbye , dear , fo r eve r t o suc h a woma n a s
this; le t he r choos e som e othe r frien d instea d o f m e henceforward . I
shan't len d anythin g to Nossis , daughter of Medokesi f I speak more
strongly tha n a woma n should , may Nemesi s forgiv e meno t eve n a
rotten baubon , if I had nin e hundred and ninety-nin e besides.
(Herodas 6.12-36; Headlam and Knox , 1922, modified)

A scen e i n on e o f Theocritus' s Odes illustrate s ho w wome n wer e

free t o mov e abou t an d t o addres s mal e stranger s i n publi c i n a larg e
cosmopolitan city like Alexandria. (Contrast , i n Chapter 3, the situation
of respectable women whose name s could not eve n be mentioned outside



Figure 5.5. Terra-cott a figurin e fro m Benghaz i (330-30 0 B.C.E. ) o f a woman wit h a writing tablet.

the famil y circle. ) I n thi s passage , tw o friend s accompanie d b y thei r

slave wome n ar e o n thei r wa y t o th e palace , t o atten d a festiva l o f
Adonis sponsored b y Queen Arsino e II (o n th e patronag e of Arsinoe II ,
see Pomero y 1984: 17-20):
PRAXINOA: Heavens , what a crowd! How and when ar e we to get through thi s
plague? They're lik e antsthere's no numbering or counting them .

The Hellenistic Period


Figure 5.6 . Terra-cotta figurin e fro m Tanagr a (ca . first half o f thir d century B.C.E. ) o f youn g wome n
playing a game resembling piggyback (ephedrismos). The lon g and elegan t figures, clearly beyond earl y
childhood, mix innocen t conduc t wit h a touc h o f sensuality.

You've done u s many a good turn , Ptolemy , since your fathe r wa s

in heaven . Nowaday s n o ruffia n slip s u p t o yo u i n th e stree t
Egyptian-fashion an d doe s you a mischiefth e trick s those packets o f rascalit y use d t o play , on e a s ba d a s anothe r wit h thei r
nasty tricks , a cursed lot .

144 WOME


Dear Gorgo! what will becom e of us? The king' s chargers! My

dear sir , don' t trea d o n me . Th e chestnut's reared; se e how wil d
he is . Kee p clear, Eunoa , you reckles s girl . He'l l g o for the ma n
that's leading him. It' s lucky I left th e bab y a t home .
GORGO: It' s al l right , Praxinoa ; we'v e go t behind the m now, an d they'v e
gone to their place .
PRAXINOA: An d no w I' m collectin g mysel f agai n too. A hors e an d th e col d
snake I'v e bee n afrai d o f mor e tha n anythin g els e eve r sinc e I
was a child. Let' s hurry; we're being swamped in thi s mob .
GORGO: Ar e you fro m th e palace , mother?
AN OLD WOMAN: I am , m y children .
GORGO: I s it eas y t o ge t in ?
OLD WOMAN: Th e Greek s go t int o Tro y b y trying , m y pretties ; everything' s
done b y trying.
GORGO: Th e ol d lad y ha s pronounce d he r oracle s an d gon e off.
PRAXINOA: Wome n kno w everythingeve n ho w Zeu s married Hera .
GORGO: Look , Praxinoa, what a crowd ther e i s round th e doors .
PRAXINOA: Terrific . Give m e you r hand , Gorgo , an d Euno a tak e Eutychis's ,
and min d yo u don' t ge t separate d fro m her . W e must al l g o i n
together. Eunoa , stick close t o us . Oh dear, o h dear, m y shawl i s
torn i n two already , Gorgo. For heaven's sake, sir, mind my wrap
as you hop e for happiness.
(Theocritus 15.44-71 ; Gow 1952)

Literary source s fo r this period , however , ar e relativel y meage r an d

fragmentary. W e do no t hav e th e drama s or oration s tha t w e kno w re flected th e view s of a large part of the populatio n of a city lik e Classical
Athens. No r d o w e hav e a historia n wh o command s th e respec t du e a
Thucydides an d give s a consisten t interpretatio n o f events. Instead , w e
quote, fo r example , fro m th e epitom e tha t Justi n (thir d century, C.E. )
made o f Pompeiu s Trogus' s moralizin g narrative . Althoug h Plutarc h
wrote biographie s of great me n rathe r tha n history , an d live d i n a late r
period, hi s work continue s t o provid e crucial evidenc e fo r the histor y of
women o f thi s period , a s i t di d fo r those o f preceding generations. Thu s
the histor y o f women , lik e th e followin g account, mus t b e piece d to gether fro m divers e sources, Greek and Latin , o f uneven worth .
Berenice II
Berenice I I (ca . 273-22 1 B.C.E.) o f Egyp t i s a good example of a Hellenistic quee n wh o exercise d rea l politica l powe r an d wh o lef t he r mar k on
poetry an d religion . Sh e had acces s t o a larg e fortune, which sh e spen t
as she chose o n perfum e mad e of roses and o n racehorse s that compete d
in Panhelleni c games on th e Gree k mainland.4 (Ownin g racehorses wa s
a traditiona l for m o f conspicuous consumption amon g men; cf . Chapte r
1, Semonide s o n th e mare-woman. ) Berenic e was sole hei r t o th e cit y of
Cyrene an d als o derive d som e o f he r incom e fro m shipping . Lik e som e

The Hellenistic Period 14

other elit e an d roya l women , Berenic e owne d ship s tha t transporte d

grain on th e Nil e (P . Rylands 4.576 ; see Hauben 1979) . He r life, lik e tha t
of he r famou s descendan t Cleopatr a VII , included intrigue , incestuou s
adultery, wit h mothe r an d daughte r vyin g for the sam e man , an d intra familial homicide : theme s formerl y foun d i n myt h an d traged y becam e
historical realit y i n the day s o f the Ptolemies .
Berenice was th e daughte r of Magas of Gyrene, an d Apame . The political fat e of Gyrene was linke d t o Berenice' s marriage an d decide d b y a
struggle betwee n Berenic e an d Apame . Berenice' s fathe r ha d betrothe d
her t o he r cousi n Ptolem y III a marriag e tha t woul d reunit e Gyren e
with Egypt .
After th e deat h o f Magas, his widow Apam e invited th e Macedonia n
Demetrius th e Fai r to Gyren e t o marr y he r daughte r i n orde r t o thwar t
the pla n t o reunif y th e tw o kingdoms . Th e mothe r compete d wit h he r
daughter for the sam e man .
Magas, kin g o f Gyrene , died . Befor e hi s illnes s h e ha d betrothe d Berenice , hi s
only daughter , t o th e so n o f Ptolem y I I afte r endin g a disput e wit h him . Bu t
after th e deat h o f the king , Arsino e [that is , Apame] the mothe r o f the unmarried girl , becaus e sh e wa s oppose d t o th e betrothal , ha d i t annulle d an d sen t
envoys t o fetc h Demetriu s (wh o was the brothe r of King Antigonus and himself
descended fro m a daughte r o f Ptolem y I) , s o tha t h e coul d marr y th e gir l an d
become kin g o f Gyrene. Demetriu s di d no t delay . Wit h th e hel p o f the winds ,
he came at onc e t o Gyrene, an d relyin g on his good look s he began to ingratiat e
himself wit h hi s mother-in-law . From th e ver y star t h e wa s prou d o f his roya l
descent, ha d n o powe r wit h th e army , an d shifte d hi s desire t o pleas e fro m th e
girl t o he r mother . Whe n th e liaiso n wa s discovered , firs t b y th e girl , the n b y
the populac e an d th e army , i t cause d disgust . Accordingly , whe n everyon e fa vored th e so n of Ptolemy, a plo t wa s prepare d agains t Demetrius . Whe n he ha d
retired i n hi s mother-in-law' s bed , assassin s wer e sen t in . Bu t whe n Arsino e
heard th e voic e o f her daughter standin g a t th e doo r an d warnin g th e assassin s
to spare her mother, she shielded the adulterer a little while with he r own body .
When h e wa s kille d an d Berenic e ha d piousl y avenge d th e adulter y o f he r
mother, i n he r subsequent marriag e she carried out he r father's plan .
(Justin [Pompeiu s Trogus] 26.3.2-8; trans . Sarah B. Pomeroy)

There ar e portrait s o f Berenic e II o n coin s (Fig . 5.7), i n ston e (Fig .

5.8), an d o n som e o f th e bes t preserve d faienc e oinochoai , smal l blu e
jugs use d i n th e rule r cul t a t Alexandri a (Fig . 5.9). Al l thes e portrait s
share certai n characteristics : th e full , flesh y face ; large , dream y eyes ,
and a simpl e coiffur e enhance d b y a meta l diade m (missin g fro m th e
marble bust, Fig . 5.8). The y ar e no t s o idealized, however, a s to concea l
signs o f middl e age , lik e th e saggin g fles h unde r th e chin , t o indicat e
that he r influenc e an d powe r continue d t o increas e wit h age . He r own
ample proportion s ech o th e materia l prosperit y o f Egyp t tha t i s inti mately linke d wit h her , i n th e cornucopi a tha t sh e carrie s o n th e oi nochoe (Fig . 5.9) an d tha t als o appear s on th e revers e of her coin s (Fig .
5.7B). Th e cornucopi a allude s to th e queen' s role a s preserver of fertility
and incarnatio n o f th e goddes s o f goo d fortune , Tyche . Th e tw o cap s



Figure 5.7 . A . Silve r tetradrach m minte d a t Alexandri a (246-22 1 B.c.E. ) o f Queen Berenic e II . Signs
of maturit y hel p t o conve y th e queen' s power . B . Revers e of th e sam e coin . The cornucopia , whic h
also appear s o n th e vas e i n Figur e 5.9 , connect s the quee n wit h th e goddes s of goo d fortune , Tyche ,
and wit h fertility .

beneath i t o n th e coi n ma y refe r t o Casto r an d Polydeuces , son s o f Zeus

and protector s o f seafaring (henc e t o Berenice' s own descen t fro m Zeu s
and he r associatio n wit h Aphrodit e and th e sea) . O n th e oinochoe , a n
inscription identifie s Berenice as queen an d invoke s good fortune , whil e
another associate s he r wit h th e "Benevolen t Gods/ ' Sh e stands nea r a n
altar an d pour s a libatio n fro m a phiale. Suc h vessels , perhap s con taining wine , woul d hav e been offere d b y worshipers fo r the well-bein g
of th e roya l hous e (Thompso n 1975 : 118). 5 Th e Egyptia n techniqu e o f
blue faienc e is combined wit h a purely Hellenizin g style tha t liken s th e
queen t o materna l goddesse s o f fertility such a s Demete r (cf . "Canopu s
Decree" [quote d late r this chapter ] and Pollit t 1986 : 273).
For he r courageou s deed s Gree k an d Roma n authors awarde d Bere nice th e mos t extravagan t prais e an y Gree k woman eve r enjoye d (see ,
for example , Callimachus , "Th e Loc k o f Berenice," below, line s 25-28) .
She was hersel f a n accomplishe d equestria n an d rod e horse s o n th e bat tlefield.6 Sh e also owne d racehorse s tha t compete d i n th e Nemea n an d
Olympian games . Callimachu s of Gyren e celebrate d th e victor y o f he r
quadriga a t Nemea . The "Victor y of Berenice" was, apparently , th e first
epinician (victor y ode ) writte n i n hono r o f a woma n owne r (fo r th e
fragments an d bibliograph y se e Lloyd-Jone s an d Parson s 1983 , nos .
254-269). Th e reconstructio n o f th e fragment s o f thi s poe m indicate s
that i t was a traditional epinicia n similar to those celebratin g men . Cal limachus related th e stor y o f Hercules who sle w the Nemea n lion an d of
the foundatio n of the Nemea n Games. The poe m i s now fragmentary ; it
probably bega n an d ende d wit h reference s t o Berenice' s victor y a t

Figure 5.8 . Portrai t bus t (provenanc e unknown ) (secon d hal f o f th e thir d centur y B.C.E. ) o f Quee n
Berenice I I showing th e typica l ful l fac e wit h larg e eye s an d simpl e hairstyle / th e diade m i s missin g
here bu t i s present o n th e coi n portrai t i n Figure 5.7 .




Figure 5.9. Faienc e jug fro m Alexan dria, foun d a t Xantho s (ca . 240 B.C.E.) ,
with a n imag e of Berenic e I I making
an offerin g a t a n altar . The cornucopi a
indicates th e prosperit y o f Egyp t unde r
the queen' s beneficen t rule, as do th e
inscriptions that connec t Berenic e II
with th e "Benevolen t Qods. "

Berenice governed Egypt when he r husban d went of f to campaign i n

the Thir d Syria n Wa r (246-24 1 B.C.E.). Sh e vowed t o dedicat e a loc k of
her hai r t o Arsino e 11-Aphrodit e a t Zephyriu m upo n hi s saf e return .
(Dedications o f hai r wer e norma l offering s t o Gree k divinities, an d Ar sinoe ha d b y thi s tim e bee n deifie d an d assimilate d t o Aphrodite ; se e
later unde r "Religion : Imperia l Cul t an d th e Goddes s Isis") . Berenic e
made th e dedication ^ bu t th e hai r disappeared. The winge d hors e o f Arsinoe 11-Aphrodit e had carrie d it off. Conon th e astronomer , gratefu l fo r
imperial patronage , flattere d th e quee n b y identifyin g he r loc k o f hai r
among th e constellation s an d Callimachu s narrate s th e vicissitude s of
the loc k in "Th e Loc k of Berenice." The poe t expect s Berenic e to understand th e erudit e allusion s t o astronomical , mythical , an d historica l
matters i n th e elegy , an d t o hav e s o cultivated a tast e fo r poetry tha t
she can appreciat e his work.

The Hellenistic Period 14

Callimachus's "Loc k o f Berenice " i s to o fragmentar y t o b e repro duced i n it s entiret y her e (Fragmen t 110 , Pfeiffer) . Instead , w e prin t a
translation o f excerpt s fro m th e Lati n versio n b y Catullus , wh o kne w
personally Roma n wome n wh o (lik e Berenice ) exercise d economi c
power, wer e involve d i n politics , an d coul d appreciat e erudit e poetr y
(see Chapte r 10) . Th e poe m i s not onl y arcan e but amusing , a s the loc k
of hai r comment s o n persona l an d historica l events . (Aphrodit e i s re ferred t o a s Venus in Catullus' s Lati n version) :
Conon th e astronomer , wh o ha s observed ever y star
in th e sky , determined thei r rising s and settings ,
is the expert o n solar eclipses , th e corona' s splendor,
the slo w precessio n o f the constellations ,
and int o what cav e on Latmo s the Moon-Goddes s descends
when love' s vibrations disturb he r orbit
this Conon ha s als o observed i n th e velve t nigh t sky
yours truly , a lock o f hair from Berenice' s head,
glowing serenely, whic h she dedicated t o Al l Goddesses,
stretching out he r slender arms in supplication,
what tim e the king , her newlywed husband , sate d an d proud ,
sallied fort h t o anne x Syri a t o hi s realm,
displaying, I might add, on hi s royal perso n th e mark s
of the previou s night' s struggl e for virgin spoils .
Query: is Aphrodite really distasteful to brides ? Are thos e
crocodile tear s they she d a t th e brida l chamber's threshold ,
blubbering away whil e their parents ar e weeping for joy?
Dissimulated groans, s o help me gods,
as I deduced fro m m y mistress' s pitifu l lamentation s
the da y he r new husban d went of f to war.
Oh, bu t you sa y you weren' t mournin g your desolat e bed
but th e poignan t departure of a cherished brother?
And yet th e sorrow consume d you dow n t o the marrow,
your boso m heave d wit h exquisit e anxiety ,
you wer e senseless wit h grief ! And this from a woman
I've known a s courageous from girlhoo d on .
Or have you forgotte n the nobl e crime by which you secure d
your roya l marriage ? Who else would hav e dared it?
What a fit of tristesse, wha t a maudlin send-off you gav e him!
Zeus! How many time s did your hank y dab your eyes?
A characte r change wrought b y some god? Or do lovers
simply resen t th e absenc e o f the bod y loved?
Anyway, you dedicate d m e t o Al l Goddesses (wit h a good deal
of bull's blood) towar d your husband' s return,
and retur n h e did, in fairl y shor t order , havin g annexed
half of Asia t o hi s eastern frontier .
For which exploit s and i n expiation o f which vo w
I hav e been enrolle d a s a membe r of this celestial club.
My sister strands, jus t recentl y parted , wer e bewailin g my fate ,
When Memnon' s brother, Arsinoe' s dainty mount, pumping

150 WOME


dappled wings , whiske d m e away throug h th e etherea l dar k

and deposited m e in Aphrodite' s chaste lap .
Zephyritis herself ha d comissione d thi s flight,
the Helleni c lad y who haunt s Egypt' s shores .
And Aphrodite , les t th e crow n fro m Ariadne' s temple s
be the onl y suc h fixtur e t o ligh t the nigh t sky,
arranged tha t I too, blond e consecrate d spoil s drippin g
with tears , shoul d illumin e the precinct s divine ,
installing me as a new constellation 'mids t th e old .
And now , Virgi n Nemesis , forgive m e
for th e outspoke n cando r o f what I feel I must say ,
And ma y the star s spare m e their scaldin g gossip :
I a m no t s o happy with thi s state of affairs tha t I don't
suffer terribl y a t th e permanen t separatio n
from m y mistress' s head , togethe r wit h who m I have imbibe d
perfumes galor e (thoug h we abstaine d whe n sh e was a virgin).
So this i s my plea: Yo u virgins blessed b y the brida l torch ,
before offerin g you r bodie s t o your arden t husbands ,
before you eve n pul l off your dress t o bar e your nipples ,
offer m e some ointmen t fro m you r ony x jar
but onl y i f you're devote d t o what a chaste be d allows .
If an y adulteres s should pou r a libation ,
may dr y dust soa k i t u p an d rende r i t void . I want
no propitiation fro m disreputabl e women .
My wish i s rather tha t conjuga l harmon y inhabi t
the home s o f all brides , an d constan t devotion .
And you, m y queen, whe n o n your wa y wit h festa l lamp s
to appeas e Aphrodit e you loo k u p at th e stars ,
do not allo w me , once yours, t o remain unperfumed,
but propitiat e m e from you r roya l largesse !
A prisone r of the stars !
If only I could b e on a queen's hea d again , Orio n
could shin e u p t o Aquariu s for all tha t I care.
(Catullus 66.1-39; 51-61; 79-93; Lombardo and Rayo r 1988)

Berenice I I an d Ptolem y H I ha d fou r children : Ptolemy IV , Arsinoe

III, Magas , an d Berenice . The younger Berenic e predeceased he r parent s
and wa s deifie d (se e the "Canopu s Decree " below) . Arsino e III eventually marrie d he r brothe r Ptolem y I V (on brother-sister marriage , se e th e
next section) . Afte r th e deat h o f Ptolem y II I i n 22 2 B.C.E. Berenic e at tempted t o gai n th e suppor t o f th e arm y fo r he r favorit e Maga s (Plu tarch, Cleomenes 33 ; Polybius 15.25). Bu t his brothe r ordered hi m t o b e
scalded t o death . Th e subsequen t murde r of Berenice by he r son' s command i s indicative of the politica l power she continued to wield:
At th e tim e whe n the y [Ptolem y I V and hi s advisers] were plottin g th e murde r
of Magas [Berenice's younger son ] an d Berenice , bein g in great fea r o f their proj ect failin g chiefl y owin g t o th e courag e o f Berenice , the y wer e compelle d t o
conciliate th e whol e court .
(Polybius 5.36; Pato n 1967 : 89)

The Hellenistic Period 15

Although Ptolem y I V wa s responsibl e fo r hi s mother' s murder , h e

created a priestesshoo d i n he r honor . Th e athlophoro s (prize-bearer ) of
Berenice th e Benefacto r wa s awarde d precedenc e ove r priestesse s o f al l
other queens . Th e titl e o f th e priestess , athlophoros , ma y refe r t o th e
victories o f Berenice' s horse s a t Neme a an d Olympia . Ptolem y I V also
built a templ e fo r Berenic e wit h th e epithe t "Savior " o n th e shor e a t
Alexandria (Frase r 1972 : 1: 238-39). Thus , followin g th e mode l o f mal e
heroes i n Gree k traditio n wh o underwen t multipl e trial s an d survive d
thanks t o thei r courag e an d cunning , Berenic e trul y earne d he r apo theosis.
Religion: Imperia l Cul t an d th e Goddess Isi s
'The Loc k o f Berenice " (line s 56-58 ) allude s t o th e deificatio n o f Arsinoe I I a s Aphrodite-Zephyritis , an d th e Canopu s Decre e refer s t o th e
deification o f Berenice , daughte r o f Ptolem y II I an d Berenic e II , an d o f
Berenice's daughter an d namesake . Portrait s of the queen s often indicat e
their divinit y throug h thei r clothin g an d th e attribute s the y hol d (cf .
Fig. 5.10).
The cult s of the queen s a s divine required the appointmen t o f priestesses. Th e priestesse s wer e usuall y young daughter s o f th e Alexandria n
aristocracy. Thei r principa l function , fro m whic h thei r title s derived ,
was carryin g item s suc h a s basket s i n processions . Thu s thei r religiou s
activities wer e simila r t o thos e of the girl s on th e Partheno n frieze , an d
probably wer e create d i n consciou s imitatio n o f their Classica l predeces sors (cf . Figs. 3.3 and 3.5) .
Unlike th e Athenians , however , th e name s o f the Alexandria n girls
were widel y known , fo r they appea r frequently in th e datin g formulas of
inscriptions an d documents written o n papyrus. For an example, w e tur n
now to the Canopus Decree, whic h indicates tha t th e Egyptian s accepted
the Ptolemies ' clai m t o divinit y a s descendant s o f th e Pharaoh s an d a s
incarnations o f both Gree k and nativ e Egyptia n gods. Berenic e herself is
linked t o Demete r throug h th e imager y of ears of grain. Not e th e man y
echoes o f earlier rituals, suc h a s the singin g of hymns b y choruses, fertil ity offering s t o th e goddess , an d th e referenc e t o th e kanephoro s o f Arsinoe (cf . th e kanephoro i o n th e Partheno n Friezefig . 3.5) , a s well a s
new Egyptia n elements i n th e cult .
Decree o f Egyptia n Priests in hono r o f
Ptolemy II I an d Berenic e II , Canopus , Marc h 4, 23 8 B.C.E.
In th e nint h yea r o f th e reig n o f Ptolemy , so n o f Ptolem y an d Arsino e th e
Brother-and-Sister Gods, th e pries t o f Alexander and th e Brother-and-Siste r Gods
and th e Benefacto r Gods being Apollonidas son of Moschion and th e kanephoro s
of Arsinoe Philadelpho s bein g Menecrateia daughte r o f Philammon, o n th e sev enth o f the mont h Apellaios , th e seventeent h o f the Egyptians ' (month ) Tybi :
decree: th e chief-priest s an d th e prophets 7 an d thos e wh o ente r th e shrin e fo r



Figure 5.10 . Portrai t (provenance unknown) (ca . 270-246 B.C.E. ) o f Ptolemaic queen Arsinoe I I in a traditionally Egyptia n (Pharaonic ) style.

the adorin g o f th e god s an d th e feather-bearer s and th e sacre d scribe s an d th e

other priest s wh o com e togethe r fro m th e temple s i n the countr y fo r the fifth of
(the month ) Dios , on whic h da y i s celebrated th e birthda y o f the king , an d fo r
the 25t h o f th e sam e month , o n whic h da y h e receive d th e kingdo m fro m hi s
father, (al l these) havin g assembled togethe r o n thi s da y i n th e templ e o f th e
benefactor God s i n Canopu s spoke : Wherea s Kin g Ptolemy , so n o f Ptolem y an d
Arsinoe th e brother-and-Siste r Gods , an d Quee n Berenice , hi s siste r an d wife ,
the Benefacto r Gods , continuall y besto w man y an d grea t benefaction s o n th e
temples in the countr y an d increas e ever more th e honor s o f the gods , an d i n al l
respects the y exercis e concern , wit h grea t expens e an d abundance , fo r Apis and
for Mnevis 8 an d fo r th e othe r renowne d sacre d beast s o f th e country ; an d th e
king marched ou t an d brough t back safe t o Egyp t the sacre d images , whic h ha d

The Hellenistic Period 15

been carrie d ou t fro m th e countr y b y th e Persians ; and returne d the m t o th e

temples whenc e eac h ha d originall y bee n take n away ; an d h e ha s maintaine d
the countr y i n a state of peace, fighting wars on its behalf against man y people s
and thos e wh o rul e among them; an d the y provide d law an d orde r for all thos e
in th e countr y an d fo r th e other s wh o ar e range d unde r thei r rule ; an d whe n
the rive r onc e overflowe d it s bank s insufficientl y an d al l thos e i n th e countr y
were terrifie d a t thi s happenin g an d wer e thinkin g upo n th e destructio n tha t
had take n plac e unde r some o f the forme r kings , in whos e reig n thos e dwelling
in th e countr y me t wit h droughts , exercisin g providen t car e ove r thos e i n th e
temples an d th e other s inhabitin g the country , b y exercising muc h forethought
and forgoing not a little of their revenue s for the sak e of the safet y of the people ,
and b y sendin g fo r grain fo r th e countr y fro m Syri a an d Phoenici a an d Cypru s
and man y other places at rathe r high prices they saved the inhabitant s of Egypt,
leaving behin d a n immorta l benefactio n and th e greates t recor d o f their virtue
both fo r contemporaries an d fo r future generations ; i n return fo r which th e god s
have granted the m thei r kingdo m peacefully established an d wil l give them al l
the other good things for all time ; with good fortune, b e it resolved by the priest s
of the country :
To increase th e alread y existin g honor s (paid ) in th e temple s t o Kin g Ptolemy and Queen Berenice , th e Benefacto r Gods, and to their parent s th e Brotherand-Sister Gods , an d to thei r grandparent s th e Savio r Gods; . .. b e it resolved :
To perfor m everlasting honors t o Berenice , th e princes s bor n o f th e Benefacto r
Gods, i n al l th e temple s i n th e country , and , sinc e sh e went t o th e god s in th e
month o f Tybi , th e ver y mont h i n whic h als o th e daughte r o f Helios , who m
her fathe r lovingl y calle d sometime s hi s crown an d sometime s hi s sight, i n th e
beginning departe d fro m life , an d (since ) the y hol d i n he r hono r a feas t an d a
boat-procession i n th e mont h o f Tybi i n al l th e temple s i n th e countr y for fou r
days fro m th e seventeenth , o n whic h da y th e boat-processio n an d th e conclu sion of the mournin g for her originally took place ; an d to fashion a sacred imag e
of her, o f gold an d preciou s stones , i n eac h of the first - an d second-ran k temples
and t o se t i t u p in th e hol y place ; the prophe t o r (one ) o f those wh o [enter th e
shrine] fo r th e adornin g of th e god s shall carr y i t i n hi s arms , wheneve r ther e
are procession s or festival s of the othe r gods , i n orde r that , bein g seen b y all i t
may b e honore d an d obeisanc e ma y t o don e t o it , bein g calle d (th e image ) o f
Berenice Mistres s of Maidens ; and fo r th e roya l crow n se t upo n he r image , a s
distinct fro m th e on e se t upo n th e image s o f he r mothe r Quee n Berenice , t o
consist o f tw o ear s o f grain , i n th e middl e o f whic h shal l b e th e asp-shape d
insignia an d behin d which a commensurate papyrus-shape d scepter, suc h a s th e
goddesses ar e won t t o hol d i n thei r hands , abou t whic h th e tai l o f th e (asp shaped) insigni a shal l b e wound , s o that th e nam e o f Berenice , in accordanc e
with th e symbo l of the sacre d script , wil l b e signified by the arrangemen t o f her
royal crown ; and , whe n th e Kikelli a are celebrate d i n th e mont h o f Choiac h
before th e boat-processio n o f Osiris , fo r th e maide n daughte r of th e priest s t o
fashion anothe r imag e o f Berenice , Mistres s o f Maidens , t o whic h the y shal l
likewise perfor m a sacrific e and th e othe r rite s performe d at thi s feast ; an d fo r
it t o b e permitted i n th e sam e wa y t o th e othe r maidens , wh o so wish, t o per form th e rite s t o th e goddess ; an d fo r he r t o b e hymne d b y th e chose n sacre d
maidens who ar e in th e servic e of the gods , whe n the y hav e put o n the individual roya l crowns of the goddesse s whose priestesses the y ar e accounted a s being;
and, whe n th e earl y sowin g i s at hand , fo r the sacre d maiden s t o carr y u p ear s
of grain to b e laid before the imag e of the goddess ; an d fo r the me n an d wome n

154 WOME


singers to sing to her each day , durin g the feast s and festivals of the othe r gods,
whatever hymn s th e sacre d scribe s writ e an d giv e t o th e teache r o f songs , o f
which als o copies shal l be entered i n th e sacre d books .
And wherea s provision s are given to th e priests fro m th e sacre d (revenues )
whenever the y ar e brough t t o th e grou p (o f priests o f eac h temple ) (b e i t re solved) fo r there t o b e given to th e daughter s of the priest s from th e da y of their
birth food fro m th e sacre d revenues , such a s shall be determined b y the council lor priests in each temple in proportion t o the sacred revenues; an d for the brea d
given t o th e wive s o f th e priest s t o hav e it s ow n particula r shap e an d t o b e
called th e brea d o f Berenice . An d le t th e appointe d superviso r an d chie f pries t
in eac h templ e an d th e scribe s o f the templ e inscrib e this decree o n a ston e or
bronze stele, i n sacred characters 9 an d i n Egyptia n (characters), 10 and i n Greek
(characters), an d le t the m se t i t u p i n th e mos t conspicuou s plac e i n th e firstand second - an d third-rat e temples, i n order that th e priests in the countr y ma y
be seen t o hono r th e Benefacto r God s and thei r children, as is just.
(Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae 56.
Bagnall an d Dero w 1981 : 222-26, no. 136 )

This syncretis m o f Gree k an d Egyptia n elements i s als o eviden t i n

royal iconography . A Ptolemai c quee n deifie d afte r he r death , suc h a s
Berenice I I or Arsino e II, coul d b e depicted i n purel y Egyptia n style. I n
the portrai t o f Arsino e (fig . 5.10) , th e corkscre w lock s o f hai r wer e
painted black, and the fac e would originally have been gilded. The facia l
featureslarge, wide-ope n eyes , arche d brows , an d full , curve d lips
all confor m to Egyptian , rather tha n Gree k conventions. A hieroglyphi c
inscription o n th e bac k pilla r indicate s tha t th e figur e wa s dedicate d
after th e deat h an d deificatio n of Arsinoe in 270 , but durin g the lifetim e
of he r husband/brothe r Ptolemy I I (d . 246) . Fro m th e beginnin g of th e
Ptolemaic dynasty, th e ol d Egyptia n gods and goddesse s were enthusiastically honore d b y th e Macedonia n rulers. According to th e mos t com plete accoun t o f Alexander's campaigns , that o f Arrian, writing i n th e
second centur y C.E. , Alexande r himself laid ou t th e pla n o f Alexandri a
in Egyp t in 33 0 B.C.E., designating temples for the Gree k gods and fo r "Isis
of Egypt " (3.1.5) . Under Ptolemy I an d II , th e museu m (a n associatio n
dedicated t o th e Muses , i.e., t o intellectua l an d artisti c pursuits ) spon sored scientific research unde r the patronag e of Isis. At least by the tim e
of Ptolemy III, Isis was established in th e rol e of divine protectress o f th e
king, a s she had bee n for the pharaoh s (Solmse n 1979 : 21-25).
In this period o f syncretism an d cosmopolitanism , th e Greek s identified Aphrodite with th e Egyptia n goddess Isis. However, as the followin g
inscription demonstrates , i n Egyptia n and Hellenisti c thought th e singl e
goddess Isi s embodie d force s an d exercise d power s tha t th e Greek s had
distributed amon g many divinities, bot h mal e and female:
Demetrius, th e so n of Artemidorus, wh o i s also (called ) Thraseas, a Magnesian
from (Magnesi a on the ) Maeander , a n offerin g i n fulfillmen t o f a vo w t o Isis .
He transcribe d th e followin g from th e stel e i n Memphi s which stand s b y th e
temple of Hephaestus :
I a m Isis , th e tyran t o f every land ; an d I was educate d b y Herme s an d to gether wit h Herme s I invented letters , bot h th e hieroglyphi c an d th e demotic ,

The Hellenistic Period 15

in orde r tha t th e sam e script shoul d no t b e used t o writ e everything . I imposed

laws o n men , an d th e law s whic h I lai d dow n n o on e ma y change . I a m th e
eldest daughte r o f Cronus . I a m th e wif e an d siste r o f Kin g Osiris. 11 I a m sh e
who discovere d (th e cultivatio n of ) grai n fo r men . I a m th e mothe r o f Kin g
Horos. I a m sh e wh o rise s in th e Do g Star.12 I am sh e wh o i s called goddes s by
women. B y m e th e cit y o f Bubasti s wa s built . I separate d eart h fro m sky . I
designated th e path s of th e stars . Th e sun' s an d th e moon' s cours e I laid out. I
invented navigation . I caused th e jus t t o b e strong. Woma n and ma n I brought
together. Fo r woman I determined tha t i n th e tent h mont h sh e shall delive r a
baby int o th e light . I ordained tha t parent s b e cherished b y their children . Fo r
parents wh o ar e cruell y treate d I impose d retribution . Togethe r wit h (my )
brother Osiri s I stoppe d cannibalism . I reveale d initiation s t o men . I taugh t
(men) t o hono r th e image s of the gods . I established precinct s for the gods . Th e
governments of tyrant s I suppressed. I stopped murders . I compelled wome n t o
be loved by men. I caused the jus t to be stronger than gold and silver . I ordained
that th e tru e b e considered beautiful . I invented marriag e contracts. Language s
I assigne d t o Greek s an d Barbarians . I caused th e honorabl e an d th e shamefu l
to be disguised b y Nature. I caused nothin g t o be more fearfu l tha n a n oath. He
who unjustly plotte d agains t other s I gave into the hands of his victim. On those
who commi t unjus t act s I impose d retribution . I ordaine d tha t suppliant s b e
pitied. I hono r thos e wh o justl y defen d themselves . Wit h me th e jus t prevails .
Of rivers and wind s and th e se a I am mistress . N o one become s famou s withou t
my knowledge . I a m th e mistres s o f war . O f th e thunderbol t I a m mistress . I
calm an d sti r u p th e sea . I a m i n th e ray s of the sun . I sit besid e th e cours e of
the sun . Whatever I decide, thi s also is accomplished. For me everything is right.
I fre e thos e who ar e i n bonds . I am th e mistres s o f sailing. Th e ftavigabl e I make
unnavigable whenever I choose. I established th e boundarie s o f cities. I am sh e
who i s called Thesmophoros . Th e islan d fro m th e depth s I brought u p int o th e
light. I conquer Fate . Fate heeds me. Hai l Egyp t who reare d me .
(Die Inschriften vo n Kyme 41 . White marble stele fro m th e templ e of Isis,
late firs t century B.C.E . o r firs t century C.E.; Burstei n 1985 : 146-48, no . 112)
Images o f Isi s i n Hellenisti c ar t sho w he r bot h i n Hellenizin g styl e
and wit h Egyptia n feature s (Figs . 5.1 1 an d 5.12) . O n a carve d marbl e
votive relie f (Fig . 5.11) , a goddes s i n purel y Gree k style , usuall y identi fied as Isis , lean s on a pillar beside an augus t seated god , a n amalga m of
Zeus an d Osiri s (Haveloc k 1970 : no . 168) . Th e morta l worshipers , o n a
much smaller scale, includ e a famil y wit h tw o children , a s well a s more
women an d childre n observing . Th e relie f wa s probably mad e in Athen s
and shows the sprea d o f the mor e popular Egyptia n divinities , especiall y
Isis, nort h fro m Egypt . A figur e tha t ma y sho w a Ptolemai c princes s
wears an outfi t characteristi c of Isis i n Egyptia n art , a sheer, tight-fittin g
dress wit h a kno t betwee n th e breast s (Fig . 5.12 ; se e Biebe r 1961 : 97) .
The syncretis m o f Isi s wit h Aphrodit e i s als o manifeste d i n th e mino r
arts (cf . Fig . 5.18) .
Women i n Publi c
Like th e Hellenisti c queen s an d priestesse s other wealthy , elite , wome n
were awarde d publi c honors , includin g magistracies. Som e of these hon -



Figure 5.11 . Marbl e votiv e relie f (lat e secon d century , B.C.E. ) fro m Athens , showin g Isi s an d a n en throned go d worshiped b y a famil y wit h wome n an d children .

ors were th e resul t o f their kinshi p with me n wh o enjoye d simila r hon ors; som e wer e probabl y granted a s a resul t o f the women' s generosity .
For example , Phil e wa s th e firs t woma n t o b e selecte d a s th e stepha nephoros, th e eponymou s magistrate 15 a t Priene.
Decree of Prien e in hono r o f Phile , firs t centur y B.C.E .
Phile daughter o f Apollonius and wif e o f Thessalus, th e so n o f Polydectes, hav ing held th e offic e o f stephanephoros, th e first woman (t o do so), constructed a t
her own expense the reservoi r for water an d th e cit y aqueduct .
(Die Inschriften vo n Priene 208; Burstein 1985: 59, no. 45 )

Gravestones attes t t o a ne w leve l of prosperity fo r nonroyal wome n

in th e Hellenisti c period. Larg e numbers of gravestones from al l ove r th e
Greek worl d giv e a sens e o f th e norm s an d value s expected o f women ,
especially i n th e urban , middle-clas s society typica l o f most Hellenisti c
centers. On e suc h cente r wa s Smyrn a (moder n Izmir ) i n Asi a Mino r
(Fig. 5.13 ; on thes e monuments , se e Pfuh l an d Mobiu s 1977) . Th e de ceased, seate d o n a large chair with footstool , demonstrate s her modest y
by wrappin g both arm s i n he r voluminou s garments. No t on e bu t tw o
small slav e girl s atten d her , on e displayin g the spindl e that allude s t o

The Hellenistic Period


Figure 5.12. Statu e in blac k granit e

(Ptolemaic period) of a woma n i n th e
costume o f Isis , th e dres s with th e so called Isis-kno t betwee n th e breasts .
She may represen t a woma n o f th e
Ptolemaic court.

the age-ol d conventio n o f th e nobl e wif e a s spinne r an d weaver . Th e

other display s a larg e chest wit h it s li d open , a s i f invitin g a glanc e a t
the mistress' s jewels . He r name an d he r father' s namePhile, daughte r
of Apollasar e inscribe d above , alon g wit h anothe r inscription , "th e
people," suggestin g that sh e o r he r famil y hel d a prominen t positio n i n
the city.
Independence o f actio n i n publi c i s envisione d fo r th e marrie d



Figure 5.13. Tombston e (secon d cen tury B.C.E. ) fro m Izmi r (ancien t
Smyrna) showin g a seate d woma n
with tw o slaves , on e holdin g a spindl e
to remin d th e viewe r o f the virtuou s
domestic lif e o f the decease d who, lik e
all othe r good wives , spu n an d wov e
the clot h fo r her family .

woman. Th e earlies t extan t Gree k marriag e contract give s detailed pro visions for self-help. Th e aggrieve d wif e wil l b e obliged t o hav e dealings
with me n wh o ar e no t he r clos e ki n whe n sh e seek s retributio n fro m
her husband:
In th e sevent h yea r o f the reig n of Alexander, so n of Alexander, th e fourteent h
year of Ptolemy's administratio n a s satrap, i n the mont h o f Dius.
Contract o f marriag e o f Heraclide s o f Temno s an d Demetria . Heraclide s
takes a s his lawfu l wif e Demetri a of Cos from he r father Leptines of Cos and he r
mother Philotis . He is free; sh e is free. Sh e brings with her to the marriag e clothing an d ornament s value d at 1,00 0 drachmas. Heraclides shall suppl y t o Demetria al l tha t i s suitable for a freebor n wife. W e shal l liv e together i n whateve r
place seems best t o Leptine s and Heraclides , deciding together.

The Hellenistic Period 15

If Demetri a i s caugh t i n fraudulen t machination s t o th e dishono r o f he r

husband Heraclides , she shall forfei t al l tha t sh e has brought with her . Bu t Heraclides shal l prov e whateve r h e charge s agains t Demetri a befor e thre e me n
whom the y bot h approve . I t shal l no t b e lawfu l fo r Heraclide s t o brin g hom e
another woma n fo r himself in suc h a way a s to inflic t contumel y o n Demetria ,
nor to bege t childre n b y another woman , no r to indulge in fraudulent machinations against Demetri a on an y pretext. I f Heraclides is caught doing any of these
things, an d Demetri a prove s i t befor e thre e me n who m the y bot h approve , le t
Heraclides retur n t o Demetri a th e dowr y of 1,00 0 drachmas which sh e brought ,
and forfei t 1,00 0 drachmas o f th e silver coinag e o f [Ptolemy bearin g a portrai t
head of ] Alexander. Demetria , an d thos e representing Demetria , shal l hav e th e
right t o exac t paymen t fro m Heraclide s and fro m hi s property o n both lan d an d
sea, a s if after a legal action.
This contrac t shal l b e decisiv e i n ever y respect , whereve r Heraclide s ma y
produce i t agains t Demetria , or Demetri a an d thos e helpin g Demetria t o exac t
payment ma y produc e it agains t Heraclides , as though th e agreemen t had bee n
made in tha t place .
Heraclides an d Demetri a shal l eac h hav e th e righ t t o keep a cop y o f th e
contract i n thei r own custody, an d t o produce it agains t one another .
Cleon of Gela, Anticrate s o f Temnos, Lysi s of Temnos .
Dionysius o f Temnos, Aristomachu s of Gyrene, Aristodicu s of Cos .
(P. Elephantine 1 [311-310 B.C.E.]; Pomero y 1984 : 86-87)

A ne w curren t o f autonomy an d assertivenes s ca n b e detected eve n

in th e letter s an d petition s o f ordinary women wh o ar e widowed o r wh o
seem t o liv e in household s without men . A request fro m a widow fo r th e
appointment o f a male guardia n which Gree k law required :
To King Ptolemy greetings from Nicae a daughter of Nicias, Persian. My husband
Pausanias died i n th e 23r d year, leavin g a wil l of the sam e year, o f the mont h
of Panemo s [in which] h e designate d . . . Naiu s hi s son a s my guardian . It ha s
now happene d tha t h e ha s died i n th e 4t h year, i n th e mont h o f Daisios which
is Hathyr of the Egyptians , an d I have n o relativ e wh o ca n b e registered a s my
[guardian. Therefore , s o that ] th e legac y t o m e fro m m y husban d ma y no t b e
dissipated fo r tha t reason , [sinc e I have ] n o guardia n wit h who m I ca n mak e
arrangements abou t thes e things , I as k you, O king , t o orde r Diophane s th e
strategus1* t o giv e m e a s guardian Demetrius th e Thracian , a 60-arour a holde r
of th e troo p of Ptolemaeu s so n o f Eteoneus o f the . . . t h hipparchy , t o who m
Pausanias married his sister, an d for the strategos to make written record s abou t
these things, s o that this may be in the officia l register ; an d since, bein g old and
getting infirm , I am no t abl e to mak e the tri p to Crocodilopolis, I have sent th e
aforesaid Demetriu s t o delive r th e petition , fo r Diophanes to writ e t o Dioscurides th e epistates, t o mak e a descriptio n o f me an d o f the guardia n whom I a m
requesting, an d t o sen d the m t o Diophanes . I f this i s done, I shall hav e bene fited, O king, from you r kindness . Farewell . (Response ) To Dioscurides . Taking
some o f the elder s o f the villag e go to Nicae a an d i f ,
thei r descriptions ,
and sen d m e a report . Yea r 4, Daisio s 27 , Hathyr 29 . (Docket ) Yea r 4, Daisio s
27, Hathy r 29 . Nicaea, daughter of Nicias, Persian, about a request .
(P. Enteuxis 22 [218 B.C.E.]; Bagnal l and Dero w 1981 : 200, no. 123)

160 WOME


A woma n wh o work s wit h he r hand s lodge s a complain t agains t a

male bat h attendan t concernin g bodil y injury :
To Kin g Ptolemy greeting from Philist a daughte r of Lysias resident i n Tricomia .
I a m wronge d b y Petechon . Fo r a s I wa s bathin g i n th e bath s o f th e aforesai d
village o n Tub i 7 of year 1 , and steppe d ou t t o soa p myself , h e bein g bathman
in th e women' s rotund a an d havin g brough t i n th e jug s of hot wate r emptie d
one (? ) over m e an d scalde d m y bell y an d m y lef t thig h dow n t o th e knee , s o
that m y life wa s i n danger. On findin g hi m I gave him into the custod y o f Nechthosiris th e chie f policema n o f th e villag e i n th e presenc e o f Simo n th e epis tates.15 I be g yo u therefore , O king , i f i t pleas e you , a s a supplian t wh o ha s
sought your protection , no t t o suffe r me , who a m a working woman, t o b e thus
lawlessly treated , bu t t o orde r Diophane s th e strategu s t o writ e t o Simo n th e
epistates and Nechthosiris th e policema n tha t they ar e to bring Petechon befor e
him i n orde r tha t Diophane s ma y inquir e int o th e case , hopin g tha t havin g
sought th e protectio n o f you, O king, th e commo n benefacto r o f all, I may ob tain justice . Farewell . (Docketed ) T o Simon . Send th e accused . Yea r 1 , Gorpiaeus 28 Tubi 12 . Philista against Petechon, bathman , about havin g been scalded .
(P. Enteuxis 82 [220 B.C.E.]; Hun t and Edga r 1968 : 235-37, no . 269 )

An abandone d wif e scold s her husband for using religion a s a pretext

to avoi d coming home :
Isias t o he r brothe r Hephaistio n [greeting] . I f you ar e well an d othe r thing s ar e
going right , i t woul d accor d wit h th e praye r whic h I make continuall y t o th e
gods. I myself an d th e chil d an d th e househol d ar e i n goo d healt h an d thin k of
you always . Whe n I receive d you r lette r fro m Horos , i n whic h yo u announc e
that you ar e i n katoche* 6 i n th e Serapaeu m at Memphis , for the new s tha t you
are wel l I straightwa y thanke d th e gods , bu t abou t you r no t comin g home ,
when al l th e other s wh o ha d bee n seclude d ther e hav e come, I a m ill-pleased ,
because afte r havin g piloted mysel f and your chil d through suc h ba d time s an d
been driven to ever y extremity owin g to th e pric e of wheat, I thought tha t no w
at least , wit h yo u a t home , I should enjo y som e respite , wherea s you hav e no t
even though t o f comin g hom e no r give n an y regar d t o ou r circumstances , re membering ho w I was i n wan t o f everything while you wer e stil l here , no t t o
mention thi s long laps e of time an d thes e critica l days , durin g which yo u hav e
sent u s nothing. As , moreover, Horo s who delivered the letter has brought new s
of your havin g been release d fro m detention , I am thoroughl y ill-pleased . Not withstanding, a s your mothe r als o i s annoyed, fo r her sak e a s well a s for min e
please retur n t o th e city , i f nothing mor e pressin g holds you back . Yo u will d o
me a favo r b y takin g care o f your bodil y health . Farewell . Yea r 2 , Epeip h 30.
(Address) T o Hephaistion.
(UPZ 1.5 9 [168 B.C.E.] - Select Papyri 97 ; Bagnall and
Derow 1981 : 235, no. 144 )

In 22 0 B.C.E . a fathe r complaine d tha t h e wa s abandone d b y hi s

To Kin g Ptolemy greetin g fro m Ctesicles . I am bein g wronged b y Dionysius an d
my daughter Nice. For though I had nurture d her, bein g my own daughter , an d
educated he r an d brough t he r u p t o womanhood , whe n I wa s stricke n wit h
bodily infirmit y an d m y eyesigh t enfeeble d she woul d no t furnis h m e with an y

The Hellenistic Period 16

of the necessitie s of life. An d whe n I wished t o obtai n justic e fro m he r i n Alexandria, sh e begge d m y pardo n an d i n yea r 1 8 she gav e m e i n th e templ e o f
Arsinoe Actia a written oat h b y the kin g that sh e would pa y m e twenty drach mae ever y mont h b y mean s o f he r ow n bodil y labor ; i f sh e faile d t o d o s o or
transgressed an y of the term s o f her bond, sh e was to forfeit t o me 500 drachmae
on pai n o f incurring the consequence s o f the oath . Now, however , corrupte d b y
Dionysius, wh o i s a comi c actor , sh e i s not keepin g an y o f her engagement s t o
me, in contemp t of my old age and my present infirmity . I beg you therefore , O
king, no t t o suffe r m e t o b e wronged b y my daughter an d Dionysiu s th e come dian wh o ha s corrupte d her , bu t t o orde r Diophane s th e strategu s t o summo n
them an d hea r ou r case ; an d i f my words ar e true , le t Diophane s deal wit h he r
corrupter a s seem s goo d t o hi m an d compe l m y daughte r Nic e to yield m e m y
rights . . . Fo r by thi s mean s I shall n o longe r b e wronged , bu t havin g sough t
your protection , O king , I shall obtai n justice . (Docketed ) W e hav e delegate d
. . . (Endorsed ) Yea r 1 , Gorpiaeus 30 Tubi 13 . Ctesicles agains t Dionysiu s an d
Nice his daughter concerning a written oath .
(P. Enteuxis 26; Hunt and Edga r 1968: 2:233, no. 268 , modified)

Despite suc h indication s o f femal e autonom y i n th e publi c sphere ,

society wa s still strongl y patriarchal , and femal e infants , in particular ,
continued t o be devalued. The Greeks, in Egyp t an d elsewhere, practiced
infanticide, especiall y i n orde r to reduce the numbe r of females. In contrast t o th e Greeks , the Egyptian s reared all thei r children . Diodorus Siculus draws attention to this peculiar practice and attribute s the lac k of
infanticide t o th e fertilit y of th e soi l an d th e eas e o f rearin g childre n
in Egypt:
The Egyptian s ar e require d t o rais e al l thei r childre n i n orde r t o increas e th e
population, o n th e groun d tha t larg e numbers are the greates t facto r in increas ing th e prosperit y o f bot h countr y an d cities . No r d o the y hol d an y chil d a
bastard, eve n thoug h h e wa s bor n o f a slav e mother ; fo r the y hav e take n th e
general positio n tha t th e fathe r i s the sol e autho r o f procreation an d tha t th e
mother onl y supplie s th e fetu s wit h nourishmen t an d a plac e t o live , an d the y
call th e tree s which bear fruit "male " and those whic h do not "female, " exactl y
the opposit e t o th e Gree k usage. The y fee d thei r childre n i n a sor t o f happy-golucky fashio n tha t i n it s inexpensivenes s quit e surpasse s belief ; fo r the y serv e
them wit h stew s mad e o f an y stuf f tha t i s ready t o han d an d cheap , an d giv e
them such stalks as the byblos plan t a s can be roasted i n the coals, an d the roots
and th e stem s o f marsh plants, eithe r ra w o r boile d or baked. And since mos t of
the childre n are reared without shoe s o r clothing becaus e o f the mildnes s of th e
climate o f th e country , th e entir e expens e incurre d b y th e parent s o f a chil d
until i t come s t o maturit y i s no t mor e tha n twent y drachmas . Thes e ar e th e
leading reasons wh y Egyp t has such a n extraordinaril y larg e population .
(Diodorus Siculus 1.80.3-6; Oldfather 196 8 1:275-77)

Evidence for infanticide in Egyp t appear s just afte r th e Roma n conquest. I n th e followin g letter a husban d instructs hi s wif e t o expos e a
baby if it i s female. Th e husband addresses his wife a s "sister." This term
may merel y indicat e closeness an d affection , o r it ma y b e a reflection of
reality; brother-siste r marriag e occurred amon g bot h Greek s and Egyp tians. (Se e Fig. 5.4; the Canopu s decree, above , for references to Arsinoe

162 WOME


II an d he r brothe r an d husban d Ptolem y I I as "Divine Siblings"; an d th e

"Praises o f Isis " [thi s chapter ] fo r th e marriag e o f Isi s t o he r brothe r
Osiris; an d se e further, Carney 1987) .
Letter of Hilarion to Alis :
Hilarion t o hi s sister Ali s very many greetings , likewis e t o m y lady Berou s an d
Apollonarion. Kno w tha t w e ar e stil l i n Alexandria . D o no t b e anxious ; i f
they 17 really g o home, I will remai n i n Alexandria . I beg and entrea t you, tak e
care of the littl e one, an d a s soon a s we receive our pay I will send i t u p to you .
If b y chance you bea r a child, if it i s a boy , le t i t be , i f it i s a girl, cast i t out .
(P. Oxyrhynchus 4.744.1-1 0 (1 B.C.E.) ; Hun t and Edga r 1968 : l:no. 105 )

Like papyri, New Comedy, whic h bega n in Athens in th e lat e fourt h

century, show s tha t olde r tradition s abou t wome n wer e preserve d whil e
new one s wer e introduced . I n th e thir d centur y B.C.E . a poe t o f Ne w
Comedy wrote : "Everyone , eve n a poo r man , raise s a son , everyone ,
even a wealth y man , expose s a daughter " (Poseidippus , Hermaphroditus, frag . 1 2 Kassel-Austin).
But Ne w Comedy als o include s femal e characters wh o tr y t o ac t for
themselves an d manipulat e thei r world . Thi s ne w genre , whic h origi nated i n Athens , wa s characterize d b y typica l plot s an d typica l bour geois or lowlife characters. I n a standard plot , a young ma n fall s in lov e
with a woman wh o i s unsuitable fo r him t o marr y until i t i s discovere d
that she is actually o f high birth. O r a young ma n rape s a young woma n
at a festival . Afte r th e birt h o f th e child , othe r characterstypicall y
slaves or a courtesa n wit h a hear t o f goldcontrive t o brin g th e coupl e
together i n a satisfactory marriage. The fragmentar y remain s of plays i n
the secon d group , such as Menander's Samia o r Epitrepontes, ar e notabl e
for th e alliance s buil t betwee n respectabl e wives , youn g women , an d
courtesans. I n other plays , henpecke d husband s complain abou t th e tyr anny o r treacher y o f their wives with al l th e vigo r of Euripides' misogynistic Hippolytu s (fo r example, Alexis , frag . 14 6 Kock; Menander , frag .
333 Korte). I n Ne w Comed y th e youn g her o an d heroin e ar e ofte n dis played a s passiv e victim s o f circumstances ; bu t occasionall y eve n a
young woman coul d stand u p fo r herself.
The followin g papyru s fragmen t o f th e secon d centur y B.C.E . ha s
sometimes bee n attribute d t o a tragi c imitato r o f Euripide s and some times t o a Ne w Comedy , bu t al l agre e tha t th e scenari o i s predictabl y
New Comic . Th e heroin e trie s t o persuad e he r fathe r no t t o marr y he r
off t o a man riche r tha n he r present husband :
The word s I speak, father , you shoul d b e speaking: it i s fittin g tha t yo u shoul d
be wise r tha n I , an d spea k wha t th e tim e demands . Now , i n you r default , i t
remains fo r me , I think , perforc e t o plea d mysel f th e caus e o f justice . I f m y
husband ha s done m e a great injury, i s it no t fo r me to exact a penalty therefor ?
And i f he ha s wronge d me, mus t I not perceiv e it? Perhaps I am a fool an d kno w
it not. I will not answe r no: and yet a woman, father, thoug h a fool i n judgment
of al l else , ma y perhap s have good, sense abou t he r ow n affairs . Bu t be it a s you
will. Onl y tel l m e this , wherei n he wrong s me? For wife an d husban d there i s a

The Hellenistic Period 16

law lai d down : fo r him, t o lov e hi s woman fo r ever til l th e end ; fo r her, t o d o
whatever give s he r husban d pleasure . Al l I demanded, m y husband ha s bee n t o
me; an d al l tha t please s him , father , please s me . Yo u say he i s good t o m e bu t
he i s poor! So now (yo u tel l me ) yo u giv e me i n marriag e to a ma n o f wealth,
that I may no t liv e all m y life i n distress. Wher e in th e worl d i s all tha t money ,
father, whichi f I have itwill chee r m e mor e tha n th e ma n I love? How i s i t
just o r honorable , tha t I should tak e m y share of the goo d thing s h e had, bu t i n
his poverty tak e n o share a t all ? Say, i f the ma n wh o i s now abou t t o tak e m e
(which dear God forbid, no r shall it eve r be!at leas t no t o f my will, no r while
I ca n preven t it)i f h e should los e his substance hereafter , wil l you giv e me t o
another man ? An d the n t o another , i f he to o lose s all ? Ho w lon g wil l you us e
my life , father , fo r your experiment s wit h fortune ? Whe n I wa s a child , tha t
was th e tim e fo r you t o fin d a husban d t o giv e me to, fo r then th e choic e wa s
yours. Bu t when you ha d onc e give n me , father , a t onc e i t wa s fo r me t o loo k
to m y ow n fate . An d justl y so , fo r i f I judge no t well , i t i s my ow n lif e tha t I
shall injure . There is the truth . S o by the goddes s of our home , d o not ro b me of
the ma n t o who m you wedde d me . Thi s favo r I ask of youa jus t one , father ,
and ful l o f lovin g kindness . I f you refuse , yo u shal l d o your pleasur e b y force :
and I shall tr y t o endur e my fortun e as I ought, withou t disgrace .
(Menander; Sandbach 1972: 328; Page 1970: 185-87)

Education and Profession s

Increased opportunities fo r education a s well as the focu s on the individual contribute d t o th e emergenc e of women poet s i n several parts of th e
Greek worl d (Pomero y 1977) . Som e o f th e wome n travele d t o festival s
and recite d thei r poetry . Fo r celebrating the cit y i n he r poetry , Aristo dama wa s awarde d publi c honors usuall y reserved fo r men b y Lamia. 18
Decree i n hono r o f Aristodama of Smyrna, 218-217 B.C.E .
Of th e Aitolian s th e strategu s i s Hagetas , a citize n o f Kallion . With goo d for tune. Resolve d [b y th e city ] o f th e Lamians . Sinc e Aristodama , daughte r o f
Amyntas, a citize n o f Smyrna i n Io[nia] , epi c poet , whil e she wa s i n ou r city ,
gave several [publi c recitations] of her poems i n which th e natio n o f the Aitoli ans [and ] th e People' s ancestor s wer e worthil y commemorate d an d sinc e th e
performance wa s don e wit h grea t enthusiasm , sh e shall b e a proxenos 19 of th e
city an d benefactor, an d she shall be given citizenship and the righ t to purchas e
land an d [ a house ] an d th e righ t o f pastur e an d inviolabilit y and securit y o n
land and sea in war and peac e fo r herself and her descendants an d their propert y
for al l tim e togethe r wit h al l othe r privilege s that ar e give n to othe r proxeno i
and benefactor s an d Diony[sios], he r brother, an d his descendants shal l have th e
rights of a proxenos, citizenship , inviolability .
(Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum 3 532.
Trans, adapte d fro m Burstei n 1985 : 86-87, no . 64)

At th e en d o f th e firs t centur y B.C.E . Antipate r o f Thessalonic a de scribed th e cano n o f women poets :

These ar e th e divine-voice d wome n tha t Helico n fe d wit h song , Helico n an d
Macedonian Pieria' s rock : Praxilla ; Moero ; Anyte , th e femal e Homer ; Sappho,

164 WOME


glory of the Lesbia n women with lovel y tresses ; Erinna ; renowned Telesilla ; and
you Corinna , who sang the martia l shield o f Athena; Nossis, th e tender-voiced ,
and dulcet-tone d Myrtisal l craftwome n o f eterna l pages . Grea t Heave n gav e
birth t o nin e Muse s and Earth to these nine, th e deathles s deligh t o f mortals .
(Adapted from Pato n 1968 : 3:17, Book 9:epigram 26)

Erinna of Teos, or Telos, who probably lived at th e en d of the fourth

century B.C.E. , was highly praised by Ancient critics. He r poetry contain s
echos of Sappho. In the "Distaff, " sh e takes the traditiona l female them e
of spinnin g and turn s i t int o a piercing , never-endin g lament fo r he r
friend Bauci s who ha d die d soon afte r he r marriage . Erinn a recall s their
childhood together when they played the tortois e gam e and played wit h
dolls, an d describe s Baucis' s abrup t transitio n fro m gir l t o wife . Th e
"Distaff' onc e consisted of 300 hexameters, but i s now fragmentary .
of a girl . . . maidens [or dolls?] . . . tortoise . . .
tortoise . . . wave
from whit e horse s
I shoute d loudl y . . . tortoise . . .
the yard o f the great cour t . . .
wretched Baucis , I cry out thi s lament . . .
these game s li e i n m y hear t
still warm. Bu t [those are ] already ashes .
of dolls . . . in the bed-chambers . . .
maidens [o r dolls] . . . once at daw n
Mother . .. to the wool-workers
. . . sprinkled with sal t
little . . . Mormo brought fear. 20
. . . she roamed on her four fee t
and change d he r visage from [on e thin g to another].
But whe n int o th e bed . . . , you forgot everything which stil l
in your innocenc e . . . having heard your mother ,
dear Baucis . Forgetfulness . . . Aphrodite .
Therefore you, weepin g . . . but other thing s I leave ;
for m y feet [are ] not permitted . .. for the house ,
nor [a m I able] to loo k upo n a corpse, no r t o lamen t
with uncovere d hai r . . . shame
tears m e aroun d m y cheek s . ' . .
nineteen . . . Erinna . . . distaff. . . shame . . .
maiden-songs . . . looking . . . hair . . . dear Baucis . . .
flame . . . Hymenaios . . . Hymenaios . . . alas,
wretched Bauci s . ..
(Erinna, "Distaff; Snyde r 1989 : 93)

Erinna, lik e mos t o f th e othe r poet s o f th e period , als o wrot e epi grams (shor t poem s o n a variet y of themes) . Erinn a wrot e tw o sepulchral epigrams for Baucis:
O stele an d Siren s and mournfu l ur n o f mine,
you wh o hold thi s small heap of ashes that belon g to Hades,
Give greetings t o thos e wh o pas s by this m y grave,
whether the y ar e citizens o r visitors fro m othe r towns .

The Hellenistic Period 16

Say that thi s tomb holds me, wh o was a bride; say also this,
that m y father called m e Baucis, and tha t m y famil y
Was of Tenos, s o that the y ma y know , an d tha t m y companion
Erinna inscribe d these words upon my tomb .
(Palatine Anthology 7.710 ; Snyder 1989 : 91)
I a m th e tom b of the brid e Baucis; passing by
this much lamented stele, sa y this to Hades beneath th e earth :
"Hades, yo u ar e envious." But to you wh o see them,
these beautifu l monument s wil l announc e th e crue l fat e o f
How with th e pine-torche s with whic h Hymenaio s was hymned
her father-in-law se t the gir l ablaz e upon this pyre,
And you yourself , Hymenaios , changed the tunefu l son g of marriage
into th e mournfu l sound o f lamentation .
(Palatine Anthology 7.712 ; Snyder 1989 : 90)

Other wome n poet s als o giv e intimate glimpse s of women's worlds .

Not muc h seem s t o hav e change d sinc e th e Classica l perio d i n the dail y
lives of women. Wha t is new, however , is the existenc e of women poet s
who wrot e fo r an d abou t women . Nossi s o f Locri in Ital y (ca . firs t hal f
of thir d centur y B.C.E. ) wrot e lyric s an d epigrams . Onl y th e latte r ar e
extant. Sh e define s hersel f a s a poe t i n relatio n t o Sappho . Th e for m
of th e poe m i s tha t o f a funerar y epigram , simila r t o thos e b y Erinna
quoted above :
Stranger, i f you sai l t o Mytilene of the lovel y dance s
to be inspired with th e flower of Sappho's graces,
say that th e Locria n land bore me, one dear to the Muses
and t o her . Havin g learned that m y name is Nossis, go.
(Epigram 1 1 [Go w and Page] ; Skinner 1991: 34)

As th e quotatio n fro m Heroda s (se e earlier ) suggests , Nossi s gained

a reputatio n a s a poe t o f love, perhap s of lesbian relationships . Epigra m
1 i s frankl y erotic : th e poe t reject s honey , becaus e sh e find s Ero s i s
sweeter. Th e allusion s t o Aphrodite , flowers , an d rose s evok e echoe s o f
Nothing is sweeter tha n desire . Al l other delight s are second .
From m y mouth I spit eve n honey .
Nossis says this , whom Aphrodit e does no t love ,
knows not he r flowers, what rose s they are .
(Epigram 1 [Gow and Page] ; Skinner 1991 : 33)

In Epigra m 3 Nossis dedicates a valuabl e garment tha t sh e an d he r

mother ha d wove n a s a gif t t o th e goddes s Her a a t Lacini a i n souther n
Italy. "Noble " indicate s that , lik e mos t othe r wome n wh o ha d tim e t o
devote t o poetry , Nossi s was upper-class . She proudl y refer s t o herself ,
and t o he r mother, i n turn , b y matronymics (Skinne r 1987; Skinner 1991 :
20-47). Matrilinea l namin g was the loca l custo m a t Locr i though patri lineal namin g was th e usua l practic e i n th e res t o f Greece (se e Chapte r

166 WOME


Most reveren d Hera , you wh o ofte n descendin g fro m Heave n

behold your Lacinia n shrine fragran t with incense ,
receive th e line n wrap that wit h he r noble child Nossis
Theophilis daughte r of Cleocha wov e for you.
(Epigram 3 [Gow and Page] ; Skinner 1991: 22)

Anyte o f Tegea i n Arcadi a was probabl y a contemporar y o f Nossis.

Like mal e poets , sh e celebrated wa r an d wa s one o f the firs t Hellenisti c
poets to write bucoli c poetry. Sh e also wrote epigrams , among them several for girls who die d before marriage . These poems were probably genuine grav e inscriptions. Becaus e marriage was th e mos t importan t even t
in a woman' s life , dyin g unwe d occasione d grea t lamentatio n ove r a n
unfulfilled lif e (cf . Chapter 1 on Phrasiclei a an d Chapte r 3 on loutropho roi a s funera l vase s for th e unmarried) . I n th e followin g poems th e pa thos i s increase d becaus e th e daughte r predecease d he r parents . Al though the scenari o is the same, the epigram s are not repetitive . Not e in
particular th e attentio n pai d t o Antibia' s intelligence , a qualit y prize d
in the Hellenisti c period among families where daughters were educated.
Throwing he r arm s around he r dear father,
Erato, meltin g awa y in moist tears , spok e these last words .
"Father, I am n o more ; dar k black Deat h
covers my eye s a s alread y I perish. "
(Palatine Anthology 7.486 )
Often i n lamentatio n upo n thi s girl's tomb he r mother Clein a
bewails he r belove d chil d wh o dies befor e her time.
She calls fort h the sou l o f Philanis, whobefore he r marriage
crossed th e pal e stream o f the Rive r Acheron .
(Palatine Anthology 7.649 )
No bed-chamber an d sacre d rite s o f marriage for you.
Instead, your mother pu t upo n thi s marble tom b
A likenes s which ha s your girlis h shape an d beauty ,
Thersis; you ca n b e addressed eve n thoug h you ar e dead .
(Palatine Anthology 7.490 )
I mour n fo r the maide n Antibia , t o whos e
father's hous e man y suitors came , draw n by
Report of her beaut y an d wisdom . Bu t deadly Fat e
whirled awa y th e hope s o f all o f them .
(Palatine Anthology, epigram s 1-4 [Gow and Page] ;
Snyder 1989 : 68)

Corinna o f Tanagr a wa s probabl y Anyte' s contemporar y (Wes t

1990). Sh e wrote narrativ e lyrics replet e wit h Boeotia n myth. I n a brief
fragment sh e proclaims :
But I myself [sing] the excellen t deed s
of male and femal e heroes .
(Frag. 664b Poetae Melici Graeci;
Snyder 1989 : 44)

The Hellenistic Period 16

Much o f Corinna' s poetry , lik e Anyte's , wa s probabl y directe d t o audi ences o f me n an d women . Perhap s this i s on e o f th e reason s tha t he r
work, lik e tha t o f othe r wome n poets , survived , becam e famous , an d
was incorporate d int o the cultura l mainstream . Fo r Roman poets of th e
Augustan age , he r nam e wa s synomymou s wit h talen t an d erudition .
Ovid call s hi s mistres s "Corinna," an d Propertiu s 2.3.22 claim s that hi s
mistress wrot e verse s tha t wer e a s goo d a s Corinna's . Fragmen t 2 wa s
addressed t o a group of girls who ar e probabl y members of a chorus wh o
will lear n t o perfor m Corinna' s songs (fo r similar partheneia, see Chapters 1 and 2) :
Terpsichore [summone d me] to sing
beautiful tale s of old
to th e Tanagraea n girls in their white robes.
And th e cit y rejoice d greatl y
in my clear, plaintiv e voice.
For great things . . .
. . . the broad-plained earth . . .
I, havin g done honor to th e oracles
in th e tim e of our fathers . . .
. . . to the maidens . . .
I mysel f often honore d wit h word s
the leade r Cephissus [the rive r god]
but als o often grea t Orion
and th e fifty mighty youths
whom [h e begat ] b y matin g wit h
nymphs . . .
(Frag. 664b Poetae Melici Graeci;
Snyder 1989 : 50)

Women poet s probabl y rea d th e work s o f othe r writer s an d wrot e

their ow n poetr y i n th e privac y o f thei r homes . Bu t som e respectable ,
educated wome n pursue d profession s that require d the m t o wor k i n th e
public sphere an d t o hav e dealings with me n who were no t kinsmen . I n
Classical Athens, a few women had studied at Plato' s Academy: "Among
his disciples wer e . . . two women Lastheni a of Mantineia and Axiothe a
of Phliu s wh o dresse d lik e a man " (Diogene s Laertiu s 3.46 , similarly ,
A thir d femal e studen t i s mentione d i n Papyrus Oxyrhynchus
52.3656. Startin g in th e late r fourth century B.C.E . eve n mor e wome n be came philosophers . Hipparchi a (ca . 30 0 B.C.E.) learne d abou t Cyni c philosophy an d wa s attracte d t o Crate s throug h he r brother , bu t he r deci sion involve d rebellin g agains t he r parent s an d convention . Sh e shaped
her own lif e an d create d he r ow n identity :
Hipparchia too , siste r o f Metrocles , wa s capture d b y thei r doctrines . Bot h of
them were bor n a t Maroneia . She fell i n lov e with th e discourse s an d th e lif e of
Crates, an d woul d no t pa y attentio n t o an y o f her suitors , thei r wealth , thei r
high birt h o r thei r beauty . Bu t to he r Crate s was everything . She used eve n t o

168 WOME


threaten he r parent s sh e would mak e away wit h herself , unles s sh e were give n
in marriag e t o him . Crate s therefor e wa s implore d b y her parent s t o persuad e
the girl , an d di d al l h e could , an d a t last , failin g to persuad e her , h e go t up ,
took of f his clothes before her fac e and said . 'Thi s is the bridegroom , thes e ar e
his possessions ; mak e you r choic e accordingly ; fo r you wil l b e n o helpmee t of
mine, unles s you shar e my pursuits."
(Diogenes Laertius 6.96-98; Hicks 1922)

Some Hellenisti c wome n als o becam e artists . Mos t o f th e wome n

painters we know of were the daughter s of male artists and seem to have
worked on the sam e sorts of subjects as their male contemporaries. How ever, th e mos t famou s woma n artis t o f all , Laia , o r Lala , o f Cyzicus ,
is no t know n b y a patronymic ; no r di d sh e marry . He r subject s wer e
predominantly female :
There wer e als o wome n painters : Timaret e th e daughte r o f Micon, wh o painted
the ver y ancient pictur e of Artemis at Ephesus ; Irene, daughter an d pupi l of th e
painter Cratinus , wh o di d th e gir l a t Eleusis , a Calypso , a n ol d woman , an d
Theodore th e juggle r and Alcisthene s th e dancer ; an d Aristarete , daughte r an d
pupil of Nearchus, wh o painte d a n Asclepius . Whe n Marcus Varro was a youn g
man [mid-firs t century B.C.E.] , lai a [Laia or Lala] of Cyzicus, wh o never married ,
painted picture s wit h th e brus h i n Rome , chiefly portraits o f women, a s well a s
a larg e picture o n wood o f an old woman, a t Naples , and a self-portrait don e in
a lookin g glass . N o one els e ha d a quicke r han d i n painting , whil e he r artisti c
skill wa s suc h tha t th e price s she obtained fa r outstripped th e mos t celebrate d
portraitists o f the day .
(Pliny, Natural History 35.147-48 ; Rackha m 1968)

The painter s grouped together her e range in date fro m th e fift h centur y
to th e firs t B.C.E. , an d mos t are otherwise unattested. I t is striking, however, that , a s i n th e Renaissanc e and Baroque , most wome n artist s ar e
daughters of male artists who taught them their art .
In the Hellenisti c period women also began the forma l stud y of medicine. Hagnodice , the firs t femal e obstetricia n i n Athens , studie d wit h
Herophilus, probabl y in th e las t quarte r of the fourt h centur y B.C.E . (se e
Chapter 6) . Som e details abou t wome n bein g excluded b y la w (rathe r
than b y custo m a s was probabl y th e case ) fro m practicin g medicin e i n
Athens ar e likel y t o b e fabrications. Nevertheless, Athenian women di d
begin t o practice obstetrics in th e fourt h centur y B.C.E. :
The ancients ha d n o midwives, and therefore women died [in childbirth], le d on
by thei r sens e o f shame . Fo r th e Athenian s ha d take n hee d tha t n o slav e o r
woman shoul d lear n th e scienc e o f medicine . A certai n girl , Hagnodice , a s a
young woma n desire d t o lear n th e scienc e o f medicine. Becaus e o f this desire,
she cut he r hair, pu t o n male clothing , an d entrusted hersel f t o a certain Hero philus fo r he r training . Afte r learnin g thi s science , whe n sh e hear d tha t a
woman wa s havin g labor-pains , sh e use d t o g o to her . An d when th e woma n
refused t o entrust hersel f [to Hagnodice], thinking that sh e was a man, Hagnod ice lifte d he r undergarmen t an d reveale d tha t sh e wa s a woman . I n thi s wa y
she used t o cure women .
(Hyginus, Fabula 274.10-11 ; p. 16 7 Rose; von Stade n 1989 : 53)

The Hellenistic Period 16

The Femal e Bod y

A ne w interes t i n th e femal e bod y an d th e problem s of reproductio n i s
suggested b y a group of grave stelai an d othe r funerar y monument s fro m
the mid-fourt h through th e thir d centurie s tha t sho w a woma n i n labo r
(Fig. 5.14) . The funerary context implies that she has died i n childbirth .
These ar e almos t uniqu e amon g Gree k grave monuments i n alludin g so
directly t o th e manne r an d momen t o f death. Th e transparen t garmen t
focuses our attentio n on the belly , eve n i f it i s not show n a s realisticall y
pregnant. Th e awkwar d pose an d dishevelmen t o f hair an d clothin g ar e
quite differen t fro m th e quiet , compose d grie f o f Classica l gravestone s
(cf. Introduction , Fig. 1 ; Chapter 3, Figs. 3.1 and 3.2) . The dyin g woman
is surrounded b y member s o f her family , who sometime s griev e openly .
It ha s bee n suggeste d tha t thes e scene s heroiz e th e dea d woman , i n a
manner analogou s t o th e heroizatio n o f me n wh o hav e die d i n battl e
(Vedder 1988) . Fo r most women , th e nobles t servic e t o th e communit y
continued t o b e the productio n o f male offspring .
From th e fift h centur y on , Hippocrati c an d late r doctor s use d th e
female reproductiv e syste m (se e Chapte r 6 ) t o explai n women' s appar ently erratic behavior , propensit y fo r Dionysiac ecstasy , an d susceptibil ity t o romanti c love . Stimulate d b y thes e interests , a s wel l a s b y th e
fascination wit h th e symptom s of erotic passio n in th e Archai c lyric poets (especiall y Sappho) , Hellenisti c writer s repeatedl y elaborate d upo n
the literar y portrai t o f the femal e victi m o f Aphrodite, wh o i s generally
pitifully abandone d after he r clandestine seduction o r her bol d leap int o
love regardless of family, friends , an d socia l mores . The fascinatio n with
female eroticism , seduction , an d desertio n i s perhap s understandabl y
characteristic o f a period o f shifting and sometime s unsettle d socia l live s
in th e Gree k community, an d othe r poeti c genre s generally do no t offe r
the comi c an d bourgeoi s solutio n t o th e abandone d o r rape d femal e
found i n Ne w Comedy. Apolloniu s of Rhodes's Medea (t o b e abandone d
at Corint h b y Jason) i s no t th e angr y an d articulat e wif e o f Euripides '
play, bu t a young girl overwhelmed b y her first experience o f passion:
And fas t di d he r hear t thro b within he r breast , a s a sunbea m quiver s upon th e
walls of a hous e when flung u p fro m th e water , which i s just poured fort h i n a
cauldron o r a pai l maybe ; and hithe r an d thithe r on th e swif t edd y does it dar t
and danc e along; eve n s o th e maiden' s hear t quivere d i n he r breast . And th e
tear of pity flowed fro m he r eyes, and ever within anguish tortured her, a smouldering fire through he r frame , an d abou t her fine nerves and deep down beneath
the nap e o f he r nec k wher e the pai n enter s keenest, whenever th e unwearie d
Loves direct against th e hear t their shafts o f agony.
(Argonautica 3.755-65 ; Seato n 1980)

Similarly, i n Theocritu s 2 , Simaetha, a poo r bu t respectabl e virgi n wh o

lives alon e wit h a maid , fall s i n lov e wit h an d solicit s a young athlet e
named Delphis . Her e she narrate s her ow n first reaction t o he r soon-to be faithless lover :



Figure 5.14 . Tombston e from lat e fourt h o r thir d century , B.C.E . Attica showin g a woma n wh o ma y
have died in childbirth .

Hardly halfwa y alon g the roadabou t a t Lycon's

I sa w Delphis : h e was walkin g with Eudamippus.
Their beard s were mor e golde n tha n curlin g honey-suckle,
and thei r chest s had suc h a sheenbrighter tha n you, Moon ,
for the y were fres h returne d fro m th e gentee l toi l o f the gym .

The Hellenistic Period 17

Tell, ho w Ero s fell o n me , Lad y Moon!

The moment m y eyes lit o n them , madnes s li t o n me,
and fire was laid t o m y heart, poo r wretc h tha t I am!
My looks wer e a fade d flower ; I took n o mor e not e of my possessions ,
and I know no t ho w I got home ; a burnin g fever was shakin g me ,
and I lay i n m y bed for all o f ten day s an d nights .
. . . And I, as soon a s I was aware ,
by the ligh t foo t fall , i t wa s he crossing th e threshold .
I froze , throug h an d throug h t o th e bone , colde r tha n snow ,
and th e swea t ran fro m my forehead, mor e lik e a heavy dew .
I couldn't utte r a word, no t s o much a s a broken wor d
children whimpe r in slee p t o thei r mother . M y once fres h
complexion becam e lik e a wax doll, exactly .
(Theocritus 2.76-86 , 103-110 ; Rist 1978)

Simaetha i s only on e of the young women in Hellenisti c poetry wh o apparently liv e without mal e supervisio n an d engag e i n lov e affair s wit h
men without bein g courtesans or prostitutes .
The following fragmentar y pastora l poem entitled th e "Oaristus " or
"Whispered Eroti c Dialogue " wa s attribute d t o Theocritus , bu t i n fac t
was composed b y an imitato r of a later bu t uncertai n date . Her e a cowherd graduall y seduces a young gir l wh o i s pasturing goats. Th e yout h
wears dow n th e maiden' s reluctanc e wit h theme s tha t als o appea r i n
marriage song s (epithalamia)th e woman' s fear o f losing her virginity
and o f childbirt h i s countere d wit h reminder s o f th e shor t bloo m o f
youth an d th e reward s of children . Thi s poe m leave s th e resul t o f th e
seduction unclear . Daphnis mimic s in a pastora l mode al l th e protesta tions of a responsible suitor, bu t bot h th e girl' s aged father and th e cow herd's homestead are quickly ignored in favor of the physica l consummation tha t th e "littl e satyr " ha s bee n aimin g a t fro m th e start . B y
contrast, i n Longus' s later Gree k nove l Daphnis an d Chloe, th e poe t
makes a poin t o f delayin g th e consummatio n of th e pastora l couple' s
desire until after marriage.
MAIDEN: Paris , anothe r cowherd , abducte d chast e Helen .
DAPHNIS: No , Hele n of her ow n fre e wil l capture d th e cowher d wit h a kiss .
MAIDEN: Don' t b e so sure, you littl e satyr . The y sa y a kis s is a trivia l thing .
DAPHNIS: Ye t there i s sweet pleasur e eve n i n trivia l kisses .
MAIDEN: I wipe of f my mout h an d spi t ou t you r kiss .
DAPHNIS: You'r e wiping your mouth ? Give it bac k to m e t o kiss .
MAIDEN: A kiss is a good thin g fo r your calves , no t fo r an unwe d girl .
DAPHNIS: Don' t b e so sure. Soo n lif e wil l pas s you b y like a dream .
MAIDEN: Supposin g I a m growin g a bi t older , I drink milk and hone y now .
DAPHNIS: A half-rip e grap e wil l b e a raisin . Wha t i s no w a ros e wil l dr y u p an d
MAIDEN: Don' t pu t a han d o n me . Stil l on me ? I'll tear your lip .
DAPHNIS: Com e her e unde r th e wil d olives so I can tel l you a story .
MAIDEN: I don't wan t to . Yo u tricked m e with a lovel y stor y onc e before.
DAPHNIS: Com e her e unde r th e elm s so you ca n hea r m y pipe .



MAIDEN: Please yourself. A woeful son g does no t pleas e me .

DAPHNIS: Unfortunately eve n yo u mus t respec t th e Paphian' s [Aphrodite's ]
anger, maiden.
MAIDEN: Never mind the Paphian , as long as Artemis protects me .
DAPHNIS: Don't say that, les t sh e strike you an d put you i n a net fro m whic h you
cannot escape .
MAIDEN: Let he r strike as she wished. Artemi s will protect me .
DAPHNIS: Your won't escap e love . N o virgin eve r has.
MAIDEN: By Pan, I will escape. Bu t ma y yo u bea r his yoke .
DAPHNIS: I a m afrai d h e wil l give you t o a lesse r man.
MAIDEN: Many hav e courted me, bu t no t on e was pleasing to m y mind.
DAPHNIS: And I too, on e o f many, hav e come a s your suitor .
MAIDEN: What a m I to do , m y friend ? Marriage s are ful l o f pain.
DAPHNIS: Not pain . Marriag e does no t brin g grief bu t dancing.
MAIDEN: Yes, the y sa y wives fear thei r bedfellows.
DAPHNIS: No, the y alway s contro l them . Wha t do wives fear ?
MAIDEN: I a m afrai d t o giv e birth . Th e bol t o f Eileithyi a [th e goddes s o f child birth] is harsh.
DAPHNIS: But Artemis , your queen , lighten s the pain s of childbirth .
MAIDEN: But I fear t o giv e birth les t I destroy m y lovel y flesh .
DAPHNIS: Yet i f you bea r children, you wil l see a new dawn of youth.
MAIDEN: And wha t brida l gift d o you brin g me, wort h marriage , i f I do say yes .
DAPHNIS: You wil l hav e my whole herd , an d al l m y groves and pastur e land .
MAIDEN: Swear that afte r marriag e you won' t leav e me against m y will.
DAPHNIS: No, b y Pan himself, even i f you wan t t o ge t ri d of me.
MAIDEN: And wil l yo u buil d m e a brida l chamber ? Will you buil d m e a hous e
and farm ?
DAPHNIS: I wil l buil d yo u a brida l chamber . An d I shal l ten d you r beautifu l


And m y old father, what, o h what stor y shal l w e tell him ?

He will praise your marriag e when h e hears m y name .
Say your name . Eve n a name i s often pleasing .
I a m Daphnis . M y father is Lycidas, my mothe r Nomaea .
You ar e fro m a good family . Mine' s no worse tha n yours.
I know . Yo u are Acrotim e an d you r fathe r is Menalcas.
Show m e your grove , where your cowherd' s hu t stands .
Come an d se e how m y slender cypresse s bloom .
Keep feeding, my goats. I am goin g to loo k over th e cowherd' s farm .
Feel well, bulls , so I can sho w m y groves to th e maiden .
What ar e you doing , you littl e satyr? Why are you touchin g m y breast s
inside m y clothes?
First o f all , I will give those velvet y apples a lesson .
I fee l faint , by Pan . Take your han d out .
Take courage , dea r girl . Wh y ar e yo u afrai d o f me ? How ver y fearfu l
you are .
You ar e throwin g m e into a ditch an d dirtyin g my lovely clothes .
But don't you se e that I am puttin g a sof t fleec e under your clothes ?
Oh dear, you hav e taken of f my girdle. Why have you loose d it ?
I a m makin g this m y ver y first offering t o th e Paphian .
Wait, you fool . Mayb e someone i s coming. I hear a sound .
The cypresses ar e prattling about your marriag e to each other .

The Hellenistic Period 17

MAIDEN: Yo u hav e made a ra g o f m y clothes . And I am naked .

DAPHNIS: I'l l get you anothe r robe larger than your own.
MAIDEN: Yo u say you'll give me everything. But perhaps later on you won' t give
me salt.
DAPHNIS: I f only I could add m y ver y lif e t o th e gifts .
MAIDEN: Artemis , do no t b e angry that I no longe r rely on your precepts.
DAPHNIS: I will give a heife r t o Lov e and a co w t o Aphrodit e herself.
MAIDEN: I came here a virgin, and I go home a wif e [o r woman].
DAPHNIS: Wife , mothe r and nurs e of children. A girl n o more.
And s o delightin g in thei r fres h youn g bodie s the y whispere d to eac h other .
Their furtiv e matin g was accomplished . She got u p an d wen t bac k t o pastur e
her flocks with downcast eyes, but th e heart within was glad. And he, delighted
with hi s marriage bed, went to hi s herds of bulls.
([Theocritus] 27; trans. Helene P. Foley)

In a n epigram , Asclepiades , a contemporar y o f Nossi s an d Anyte ,

also playe d wit h th e them e o f virginity an d seduction :
Pretty maiden, what's the good
of hoarding up your maidenhood?
Once in Achero n we must,
maiden, com e to bones and dust.
(Epigram 2 ; trans. J. S . Phillimore, i n Wallac e and Wallac e

The portraya l o f th e femal e bod y i n Gree k ar t underwen t radica l

changes starting abou t th e middl e of the fourt h century (Bonfant e 1989).
In th e ar t o f the Ancien t Nea r East, nudit y fo r goddesses wa s no t tabo o
or unusual , s o that occasionally , unde r Easter n influence , ther e ar e examples i n earl y Gree k ar t o f th e eight h an d sevent h centuries . Bu t i n
Archaic an d Classica l Gree k art , ther e ar e onl y a fe w specifi c context s
in whic h femal e nudit y ma y occur : hetaira i an d othe r prostitute s o n
Attic potter y mad e fo r men' s us e a t symposi a (cf . Chapte r 3 , Figs .
3.25-3.27); and narrativ e context s that requir e nudity , suc h a s the Rape
of Cassandra a t Tro y (Fig . 5.15). Here , on a vas e of about 50 0 B.C.E., th e
frontal nudit y of the Trojan princes s abou t t o be violated durin g the sac k
of Troy i s intended t o b e shocking rather tha n erotic . Th e beaut y o f th e
female bod y wa s no t explore d fo r its ow n sake , an d onl y th e youthful ,
athletic mal e bod y wa s considere d a n objec t o f admiratio n i n publicl y
displayed monuments . Statue s of women tha t wer e set up in public, suc h
as th e kora i o n th e Athenia n Acropolis , ar e alway s modestl y dressed ,
and the draper y itself becomes th e principal vehicle for conveying female
grace an d beaut y (cf . Chapter 1) .
The first experiments wit h th e nud e femal e in monumenta l ar t ar e
to be found in statues o f Aphrodite b y the sculpto r Praxitele s i n th e midfourth century , suc h a s th e famou s Cnidia (Fig . 5.16). Th e proportion s
of th e bod y ar e stil l close r t o th e athleticis m o f male statuar y tha n th e
soft feature s of the face , fo r which Praxitele s was renowned . A s the firs t



Figure 5.15 . Athenia n vas e (ca . 500 B.CE. ) showin g th e sac k o f Troy/ th e nud e figur e o f Cassandra,
the doom-predictin g priestess whose punishmen t fo r her transgressio n was tha t n o on e woul d believe
her, clings , a t th e lowe r lef t o f th e figure , t o th e city' s cul t statu e o f Athena, bu t i t canno t save he r
from he r Qree k attacker, th e Lesse r Ajax. He r nudit y stands as the sig n o f her imminen t rape.

entirely nud e female in Classical sculpture, the Cnidia gave rise in antiquity t o man y romanti c anecdotes : Praxiteles 1 mistress, Phryne , was sai d
to b e th e statue' s model ; a ma n supposedl y becam e enamore d o f th e
statue, Pygmalion-like , an d mad e lov e t o it ; an d th e goddes s Aphrodit e
herself, o n seein g th e statue , allegedl y aske d indignantly , "Wher e di d
Praxiteles se e me naked?" (Pato n 1968 : Boo k 16.160).
Praxiteles di d not continu e t o work int o th e Hellenisti c period , bu t
through th e influenc e of his son , als o a sculptor, an d hi s workshop, th e
type of the nud e Aphrodite became one of the centra l image s of Hellenistic an d Roma n art. Th e choic e o f Aphrodite, goddes s of love an d sexua l
desire, i s of course no t accidental , an d n o othe r femal e divinities wer e
shown nude . Eve n Aphrodite's nudity i s always motivated b y a narrative
element (fo r example, sh e was bor n fro m th e se a an d i s portrayed bath ing o r preparin g t o bathe) , t o mitigat e th e exhibitionisti c qualit y an d
overt eroticis m o f what mus t at first have seemed a shocking exposure .
The body type that evolve d for the nud e Aphrodite by the thir d cen -

Figure 5,16. Statu e of Aphrodite from Cnidos (Asia Minor ) by Praxiteles (ca. 350 B.C.E.) , The type of
nude Aphrodite spawned a series of similar statues in the Hellenisti c period and o f copies made in th e
Roman period .


176 WOME


tury i s assume d t o expres s contemporar y standard s o f femal e beauty ,

which loo k ver y differen t fro m th e standard s for Classical wome n who ,
when nude , ar e usuall y lea n an d athletic , th e physiqu e differin g littl e
from tha t o f young men . Th e Hig h Hellenistic Aphrodit e (lat e thir d t o
second centur y B.C.E. ) i s fleshy and emphasize s certai n feminin e feature s
such a s wide hips , larg e buttocks, and , i n th e crouchin g pose , crease s i n
the Rubensesque torso (Fig . 5.17). I t is not certain whethe r thi s awkwar d
pose wa s intende d t o b e erotic o r unflattering , or simply t o explor e th e
reaction o f th e bod y t o certai n movement s tha t ha d bee n neglecte d i n
Classical sculpture. Th e invention o f the crouchin g Aphrodit e was traditionally ascribe d t o th e sculpto r Doidalsa s of Bithynia and date d t o th e
mid-third century , bu t i t ma y b e n o earlie r tha n th e beginnin g o f th e
second (Ridgwa y 1990: 230-32). I n Hellenisti c Egypt where, a s we hav e
seen, Aphrodit e becam e merge d wit h Isis , th e resul t ma y har k bac k t o
the earlies t Nea r Eastern nud e femal e figures, with unabashe d emphasi s
on fertilit y (Fig . 5.18).
Along wit h th e preoccupatio n wit h ideal s o f youthfu l feminin e
beauty i n Hellenisti c art cam e a fascinatio n with it s opposite : th e gro tesque caricatur e (Fig . 5.19) . Thi s i s par t o f a broade r interes t i n al l
physical type s tha t deviat e fro m th e nor m (handicappe d people, emaci ated beggars , etc.), a s i f i n deliberat e reaction t o th e tw o centurie s o f

Figure 5.17 . Statu e of the crouching

Aphrodite, sai d t o be bathing. Found
in Vienne i n Qaul, th e statu e may tes tify t o th e circulatio n of Hellenisti c
originals and Roma n copies to provincial areas.

The Hellenistic Period


Figure 5.18. Terra-cott a statuette from Naucratis (first centur y B.C.E . to first century C.E.) of Aphrodite
Isis. The broad hips an d heavy breast s assert th e connection of this composite goddes s with fertility.

Classical idealis m tha t ha d gon e before . Particularl y noticeable i s th e

exploration o f old ag e and th e tol l i t take s o n th e body , whethe r mal e
or female. Th e well-known figure of a drunken old woman convincingl y
renders suc h trait s a s th e bon y ches t an d saggin g breasts, ravage d fac e
and toothles s mouth (Fig . 5.20) . A t the sam e time,we are not mean t t o



Figure 5.19 . Hellenisti c terra-cott a statuett e fro m Tanagr a (ca . 325-300 B.C.E. ) o f a woma n wit h a
heavy an d agin g body . The contras t wit h th e idealize d attenuatio n o f the figurine s o f young wome n
(see Figure s 5.5 an d 5.6 ) is striking, and , alon g wit h othe r image s o f older wome n (se e Figure 5.20),
it seem s reminiscen t o f th e ridicul e implici t i n th e image s o f agin g prostitute s i n earlie r Qree k vas e
painting (Fig . 3.27).

The Hellenisti c Period


Figure 5,20. Statue (thir d centur y B.C.E. ) o f a drunke n ol d peasan t woman , probabl y mad e fo r th e
decoration o f a villa or for a private art collection of the sort known fro m th e Roma n empire.

pity her, fo r the splendi d wine vessel sh e caresses suggests that he r inebriation i s the gif t o f the go d Dionysus, a happ y consolation fo r the in firmity o f ag e (Zanke r 1989) . Appreciatio n of old wome n an d o f a lif e
well spent appeare d as well in poetry:

180 WOME

Stranger, kno w tha t I who res t her e
Was once a priestess of Demeter,
And Priestes s to o o f the Cabir i
And late r als o of Cybele;
That thi s old woman, no w dust i n earth,
helped man y throug h th e pain s of birth
And bor e tw o sons , i n whos e arm s I
Closed m y eyes . Farewell . Pas s by.
(Palatine Anthology 7.728 ; Lombard o an d
Rayor 1988 )
Miccos kept hi s Phrygia n nurs e Aischr a
Well care d fo r all he r life , an d whe n sh e die d
Set up her statu e i n perpetua l gratitud e
For the ol d woma n an d he r nursin g breasts.
(Palatine Anthology 7.458 ; Lombard o an d
Rayor 1988 )

1. Th e game , know n a s ephedrismos, wa s a kin d o f piggyback ride an d wa s playe d
by bot h littl e girls and young women, bu t les s often b y boys o r men .
2. A baubon i s a leathe r dildo .
3. Erinn a an d Nossi s were poet s (se e "Education an d Professions") , bu t no t related .
The us e of their name s her e ma y b e facetious.
4. Athenaeu s 15.689a . Arsino e II , Berenice' s predecesso r a s th e quee n o f Egypt , ha d
also been fon d o f horses an d o f perfume mad e of roses. Fo r the horses , se e Hesychius, s.v .
hippia an d Callimachus , "The Lock o f Berenice," lin e 54. See the excursu s o n Spart a fo r
Spartan queen s wh o owne d horse s tha t wer e victoriou s a t Panhelleni c game s and , fo r
recent epigraphi c evidence, Trace y an d Habich t (1991) .
5. Fo r the rol e o f the empres s in th e Roma n imperial cult see Chapter 13.
6. Hyginus , Astronomy 2.24 . Although Hyginus is not a trustworth y source , simila r
stories abou t Macedonia n and Ptolemai c queens ridin g i n comba t hel p t o confir m Hygi nus's report abou t Berenic e II . Se e further, Pomero y 1984 : chap. 1 .
7. Interpreter s of writings concerning gods .
8. Api s and Mnevi s were sacre d bulls .
9. Hieroglyphics .
10. Demoti c Egyptia n script.
11. Osiri s wa s Kin g of the Dead .
12. Sirius , which ros e o n July 1 9 and signale d the beginnin g of the ne w year.
13. Th e calenda r year wa s identifie d b y he r name . See, fo r example, th e datin g formula a t th e beginnin g of P. Elephantine \ , quote d o n pp . 158-159 .
14. Loca l governor .
15. Loca l magistrate.
16. Perhap s "in confinement " o r "in detention " b y the god' s order .
17. Probabl y hi s companions .
18. Chalaio n als o honore d Aristodama : Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecarum 2
(1925) 26 3 (Delphi , third centur y B.C.E.) .
19. "Frien d o f th e state, " a n hono r awarde d t o foreigner s a s acknowledgmen t o f
their benefaction s o r importance .
20. Morm o wa s a femal e boge y traditionall y use d t o frighte n childre n int o obe dience.

The Hellenistic Period 18

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reine." I n Actes d u X V e Congres international d e papyrologie. (Papyri Bruxellenses Graecae 19) , 68-77. Brussels.
Havelock, Christin e M . 1970 . Hellenistic Art. Greenwich , Conn .
Headlam, Walter , an d A . D . Knox . 1922 . Herodas: Mimes an d Fragments. Cambridge .
Hondius, J. J. E . et al , eds . 1923 - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Leiden .
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Lloyd-Jones, Hugh , and Pete r Parsons. 1983 . Supplementum Hellenisticum. Oxford .

182 WOME


Page, D . L . 1970. Greek Literary Papyri. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass . (Origi nally publishe d 1941 )
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Thompson, Doroth y J . 1988 . Memphis under th e Ptolemies. Princeton , N.J .



The medical texts of Greece and Rom e span the perio d fro m th e mid-fift h
century B.C.E . to the las t years of late antiquity, thoug h som e period s ar e
better represente d tha n others . Lik e th e res t o f Greco-Roman literature ,
these writing s wer e overwhelmingl y male-authored. 1 Unlik e the major ity of ancient literature , however , th e gynecological materia l within th e
medical corpora woul d b e derived fro m an d aime d a t a female audience .
Of course , women' s experienc e woul d b e refracted throug h author s an d
practitioners wh o wer e male , bu t i f the latte r wer e to maintai n a clien tele o f an y size , the y woul d hav e t o wor k wit h image s wit h whic h
women themselve s concurred. Thus , i f only t o a limite d extent, th e gynecological treatises of antiquity give us some access to women's perception o f themselves.
Moreover, wher e individua l wome n ar e mentione d i n th e medica l
texts, w e catch a glimpse of events and circumstance s of the dail y lif e of
women fro m al l classe s o f society. I n th e Classica l perio d a docto r wa s
called i n t o atten d th e niec e o f a certain Temenes :
The niec e o f Temenes wa s asthmatic . Th e hypochondri a seeme d straine d tigh t
after a time . An d i f she ha d a n infant , I do not know .
(Epidemics IV . 26; trans. Lesle y Dean-Jones, from Littr e 1962 : 5:170 )

Note tha t eve n whe n th e patien t die d (a s i n thi s case ) th e physicia n

avoided usin g her nam e an d referre d to he r by her relationship t o a ma n
(see also Chapte r 3 , "Silenced Women") . This comment i s interesting i n
that whil e th e autho r though t i t possibl e tha t th e woma n (probabl y a
young unmarrie d girl as she i s not referre d t o a s somebody's wife ) coul d
have given birth, he forbore to ask, though thi s information would surel y

184 WOME


have bee n relevan t t o hi s treatment o f the case . H e apparently believe d

that a family migh t want t o concea l th e fac t tha t a woman ha d born e a
child, rathe r tha n sellin g he r int o slaver y (se e Chapte r 3 ) an d trie d t o
work within a delicate situation .
Another incidental remar k made by an autho r challenges the notio n
that, excep t fo r a fe w clearl y define d occasion s (se e Chapter s 1 and 3 )
unmarried girls were kept secluded unti l marriag e at a young age .
The beautifu l maide n daughte r o f Nerios , twent y years o f age , was struc k o n
the fron t o f the hea d wit h th e fla t o f the han d b y a young female frien d whil e
they wer e playing. 2 Upo n thi s she becam e blin d an d breathless , an d whe n sh e
got hom e sh e immediatel y develope d a fever , he r hea d ache d an d sh e wa s re d
around th e face .
(Epidemics V 50; trans. Lesle y Dean-Jones , fro m Littr e 1962 : 5:236 )
Ancient medica l texts , therefore , ca n b e a ric h sourc e fo r women's
social history . Th e gynecological texts cove r pathology, therapy , embryology, an d obstetrics . Fo r the purpose s o f this excursus, however , I wil l
focus o n th e developmen t o f anatomica l an d physiologica l theory , sug gesting how, i n different periods , th e dominan t medica l imag e of women
reflected contemporar y conception s o f femal e natur e an d women' s rol e
in society. This will bind the excursu s togethe r a s a coherent unit y sinc e
most o f Herophilus' s extant fragment s concernin g wome n ar e anatomi cal in nature, an d he forms an essential bridg e between th e medical writ ings of the Gree k and th e Roma n periods.
The Hippocratic s
The Hippocrati c Corpu s i s th e nam e give n t o a collectio n o f sixt y t o
seventy medica l treatise s (man y more would hav e been availabl e in an tiquity) writte n by several anonymou s doctor s fro m differen t part s of the
Greek world i n th e fift h an d fourt h centurie s B.C.E . Becaus e of this diversity o f authorship , th e corpu s doe s no t displa y an y unanimit y o f doc trine, bu t i n theorie s concernin g wome n a dominant mode l ca n b e identified. Eleve n o f the treatise s ar e specificall y gynecological, bu t wome n
are als o mentione d i n th e genera l work s of the corpus , an d i n th e seve n
books o f th e Epidemics ( a collectio n o f cas e histories ) one-thir d o f th e
patients discusse d ar e female .
During the Classica l perio d th e artisticall y idea l proportion s fo r th e
female bod y were markedly masculine (se e Chapter 2; cf. Fig . 3.26). Th e
medical opinio n o f the time , however , suggest s tha t i t wa s just a s diffi cult fo r ordinary women of the perio d t o mee t thes e idea l proportions a s
it i s for averag e wome n toda y t o mimi c th e suppose d idea l o f feminin e
beauty. On e ancien t docto r describe s th e differenc e betwee n mal e an d
female flesh thus:
I sa y tha t a woman's flesh is more porous and softe r tha n a man's : since this is
so, the woman's body draws moisture both with more speed and in greater quan-

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 18

tity fro m th e bell y tha n does th e bod y of a man . Fo r if anyone shoul d set clea n
wool an d a piec e o f cloth whic h i s clean, thickly-woven , an d equa l i n weigh t
to th e wool , ove r wate r o r o n to p o f a dam p plac e fo r tw o day s an d nights ,
when h e take s the m of f an d weigh s them , h e wil l discove r tha t th e woo l i s
much heavie r than th e cloth . Th e reason thi s happens is that wate r i n a widemouthed jar alway s escapes i n a n upwar d direction. No w the wool , o n th e on e
hand, becaus e i t i s both porou s an d soft , receive s mor e o f the escapin g water ,
while th e cloth , becaus e i t i s soli d an d thickly-woven , wil l b e fille d up , al though it doe s not tak e on muc h of the escapin g water . It is in thi s way , then ,
that a woman , becaus e sh e i s more porous , draw s more moistur e and draw s i t
with greate r speed fro m he r bell y t o her body tha n does a man.
(Hippocrates: Diseases of Women I.I ; Hanson 197 5 572 )
Another Hippocrati c autho r describes a typ e of flesh similar t o tha t o f a
woman's body i n th e gland s of a man :
The natur e o f gland s i s spongy , an d the y ar e porou s an d fat , an d ther e i s n o
flesh like i t i n th e res t o f the body , no r anythin g els e simila r in th e body , bu t
they ar e o f loose textur e an d hav e numerous veins. I f you wer e t o cu t throug h
one, i t would blee d profusely . I n appearance the y ar e white an d like phlegm, t o
the touc h the y ar e lik e wool. An d i f you knea d a glan d with your fingers and
apply considerable force , it give s out a n oily liqui d and breaks into many piece s
and i s completely destroyed .
(Glands 1 ; trans. Lesley Dean-Jones, from Joly 1978 : 13:114 )
Whereas a ma n ha s flesh of this weak natur e only i n a fe w appropriate
parts of his body, where it serves the specifi c functio n o f absorbing excess
moisture, a woman's whole physical being is constituted fro m suc h flesh.
Those surface bod y parts thought to exhibit this glandular nature in men
(that is , the breasts) , ar e further pronounce d i n women :
The glands on the chest ar e called breasts and they fill out i n those who produce
milk, bu t no t i n thos e wh o d o not produc e milk . Wome n do produce mil k and
men d o not. I n women th e natur e of these gland s is extremely porous , just like
the res t o f the body , an d th e nourishmen t which the y draw to themselve s the y
convert t o milk . .. I n men the denseness and compactness of the bod y contribute greatl y t o thes e gland s not becomin g large. Fo r the mal e i s fir m an d lik e
close-woven clot h bot h t o th e sigh t an d t o th e touch . Bu t the femal e i s porous
and loos e an d lik e wool t o th e sigh t and touch , wit h the resul t that a s a porou s
and sof t thin g sh e doe s no t giv e u p moisture , whil e th e mal e doe s no t absor b
any, bein g compact an d hard ; moreover, labo r strengthens his bod y s o that h e
does not have anything from whic h he might take any excess fluid. This accoun t
demonstrates tha t o f necessity bot h th e ches t an d th e breast s and th e res t o f a
woman's bod y ar e loos e an d sof t bot h o n accoun t o f her inactivit y and o n ac count o f what ha s been said. With men th e opposit e i s the case .
(Glands 16 ; trans. Lesle y Dean-Jones , from Jol y 1978 : 13:121-22)
The autho r did no t believ e the excessiv e porosity of a woman's body
was due to nature alone (although , since it was a part of nature, it could
never be completely eradicated), bu t also to the supposedl y inactive life style pursued b y women. Thi s point o f view i s shared b y another Hippo cratic author :

186 WOME


The male s o f al l specie s ar e warme r an d drier , an d th e female s moiste r an d

colder, fo r th e followin g reasons : originall y eac h se x wa s bor n i n suc h thing s
and grow s thereby , whil e afte r birt h male s use a more rigorous regimen, s o that
they ar e well warme d an d dried , bu t female s use a regime n tha t i s moister an d
less strenuous, beside s purgin g the hea t ou t o f their bodie s ever y month .
(Regimen 1.34 ; Jones 1979-84 : 4:281)

Generally, then , contrar y to th e pictoria l representation s o f women

in th e Classica l period, the medica l texts o f the perio d describe a femal e
body tha t i s rounder, plumper, and softe r tha n a male's . A n exception ally activ e woma n (an d man y wome n woul d hav e ha d a mor e activ e
life-style tha n tha t assume d by th e medica l texts ; se e Chapter 2 , "Th e
Education o f Spartan Women;" Chapte r 3, "Women's Work Outside th e
Home" an d Figur e 3.23 ) migh t minimiz e th e amoun t o f moistur e he r
body soaked up, bu t i t woul d still soak up some because of the natur e of
her flesh . Th e moistur e tha t resulte d fro m nourishmen t an d tha t wa s
used t o buil d an d maintai n the bod y wa s blood . Consequently , wome n
were thought t o be constantly absorbin g blood into their flesh. The blood
was store d i n th e numerou s passage s o f a woman' s fles h unti l i t wa s
evacuated onc e a mont h a s menstrual fluid . I f a women conceived , th e
menstrual fluid was no t evacuate d bu t wa s draw n on steadil y fo r nourishment b y th e developin g fetus. Th e fetu s itsel f wa s constitute d whe n
male an d femal e see d intermingle d i n th e woman' s womb . A woma n
was though t t o ejaculat e seme n directl y int o he r wom b whe n sh e
reached orgas m durin g sexua l intercourse , bu t despit e th e numerou s
therapies in th e Hippocrati c gynecology for causing women t o conceive ,
there i s n o indicatio n o f how t o brin g abou t femal e orgas m othe r tha n
the simpl e act o f intercourse. One autho r advised:
The bes t tim e [fo r conception ] i s whe n th e menstrua l flo w ha s stopped . I t i s
especially durin g thes e day s tha t on e shoul d se e i f [ a woman ] i s abl e t o con ceive, for they ar e most successfu l [for fertility]. I f she does not conceiv e straigh t
away, an d everythin g els e i s well wit h her , nothin g stop s her fro m goin g t o he r
husband o n othe r days , fo r the habi t wil l excit e he r desir e an d caus e he r pas sages t o open . I f the ejaculat e fro m th e ma n run s togethe r directl y wit h tha t
from th e woman , sh e will conceive .
(On Diseases of Women 1.17 ; trans . Lesle y Dean-Jones from Littr e 1962 : 8:56)

Thus, eve n i n a contex t tha t demande d femal e seed , th e Hippocratic s

realized tha t th e tim e of the mont h wa s more significant fo r conception .
As the mont h progressed , the woman' s passages would become congeste d
with menstrua l blood , makin g it difficul t fo r th e see d t o b e draw n to gether an d ejaculated into th e womb.
Greek me n generall y considere d themselve s mor e rationa l tha n
women an d thi s theor y supplie d them wit h anatomica l "proof " tha t by
their natur e wome n wer e predispose d t o irrationality . Withi n th e bod y
the passage s to th e breast s were particularl y important i n explanation s
of madness.

Medicine: Th e ''Proof" o f Anatomy 18

There is a thick vein in each breast. These contain the greatest portion of intelligence. . .. In one who is about to go mad the following is a warning indication:
blood collects i n the breasts .
(Epidemics II . vi . 1 9 and 32 ; trans. Lesle y Dean-Jones , Littre 1962:
5:136 and 138 )

Since wome n woul d alway s b e susceptibl e t o a n accumulatio n o f

blood i n thei r breasts , thi s coul d b e taken t o accoun t fo r the supposedl y
erratic behavio r o f women , muc h a s culturall y stereotype d femal e be havior toda y is attributed b y some t o female hormones .
In a health y woman , th e bloo d wa s evacuate d fro m th e bod y onc e
a mont h throug h th e womb , whic h activel y dre w th e bloo d t o itsel f
through th e passage s that led to it an d discharged i t throug h th e vagina .
This proces s cause d mos t wome n considerabl e discomfort , i f not actua l
pain, especiall y i f the passage s of the bod y wer e stil l narro w du e t o th e
fact tha t the y ha d no t bee n broke n dow n b y th e copiou s lochia l flo w
that take s plac e afte r givin g birth . However , i t wa s eve n wors e fo r a
woman i f menstruatio n di d no t tak e place , fo r the n th e mense s coul d
flow out o f her womb back through her bod y via th e passage s and accu mulate in variou s sites, causin g a variety of illnesses. Ofte n the accumulation o f menstrual bloo d manifeste d itself no t i n a physica l illnes s bu t
in aberran t behavior . Virgin s whos e cervi x ha d no t ye t bee n opene d b y
the warmth , friction , an d moistur e o f sexual intercours e were ap t t o try
to hang themselves and jump down wells because of the bloo d that accumulated aroun d thei r hearts . Thi s reflect s th e cultura l associatio n o f female pubert y wit h bot h marriag e an d death . Furthe r evidenc e o f th e
power of menstrual bloo d t o affec t th e min d is shown i n th e cas e histories of two wome n sufferin g simila r symptoms. Bot h suffered som e menta l
derangement, a s evidenced by rambling and th e utterin g of obscenities
a featur e o f some femal e ritual s (se e Chapte r 3 , "Civi c Religion") . On e
woman i s cured whe n menstruatio n take s place ; th e othe r neve r men struates an d dies .
In Thaso s a woman of gloomy temperament, after a grief with reason fo r it ,
without takin g t o bed , los t slee p an d appetit e an d suffere d thirs t an d nausea .
She lived near the plac e o f Pylades on th e plain .
First day . A s night bega n ther e wer e fears , muc h rambling, depression an d
slight feverishness . Earl y in th e mornin g frequen t convulsions; wheneve r thes e
frequent convulsion s intermitted , sh e wandere d an d uttere d obscenities ; man y
pains, sever e and continuous .
Second day . Sam e symptoms; no sleep; feve r mor e acute.
Third day. The convulsions ceased, bu t were succeeded b y coma and oppression, followe d i n tur n b y wakefulness . She would jump up; coul d no t restrai n
herself; wandered a great deal; fever acute ; on this night a copious, hot sweatin g
all over ; n o fever ; slept , wa s perfectl y rational , an d ha d a crisis. 3 Abou t th e
third day urine black and thin, with particles mostly round floating in it, whic h
did not settle. Nea r the crisi s copious menstruation.

188 WOME


In Thaso s th e wif e o f Delearces, wh o la y sick on th e plain , wa s seize d afte r

a grie f with a n acut e feve r wit h shivering . From the beginnin g she would wra p
herself up , an d throughout , withou t speakin g a word, sh e would fumble , pluck ,
scratch, pic k hairs , wee p an d the n laugh , bu t sh e did no t sleep ; thoug h stimu lated th e bowel s passe d nothing . Sh e dran k a littl e whe n th e attendant s sug gested it . Urin e thi n an d scanty ; feve r sligh t t o th e touch ; coldnes s o f th e ex tremities. .
Ninth day. Muc h wandering followed b y return t o reason ; silent .
Fourteenth day . Respiratio n rar e an d larg e wit h lon g intervals , becomin g
afterwards short .
Seventeenth day . Bowel s under a stimulu s passe d disordere d matters , the n
her very drink passed unchanged ; nothing coagulated. Th e patient notice d noth ing; th e ski n tens e and dry.
Twentieth day . Muc h rambling followed b y recover y o f reason; speechless ;
respiration short .
Twenty-first day . Death .
The respiratio n o f this patien t throughou t wa s rar e an d large ; too k n o notice o f anything ; sh e constantl y wrappe d hersel f up ; eithe r muc h ramblin g o r
silence throughout .
(Epidemics III . 17, cases 1 1 an d 15 ; Jones 1979-84 : 1:277 , 283-85 )

In Hippocrati c theor y th e physica l difference s betwee n me n an d

women accounte d fo r women's physica l an d menta l inferiorit y t o men .
However, tha t wome n menstruate d mean t tha t the y ha d a self regulating purging mechanism which prevented them falling a s seriously
ill o r being afflicte d wit h life-threatenin g diseases as readily a s men. T o
this extent th e Hippocratic s viewed menstruation a s a good thing fo r all
women, an d i n fac t ma y hav e trie d t o emulat e i t b y venesectio n an d
other forms o f purging in men .
Though man y wome n fel l ill , they wer e fewe r than th e me n an d les s frequentl y
died. Bu t the grea t majorit y ha d difficul t childbirt h an d afte r givin g birth the y
would fal l il l an d thes e especiall y died , a s did the daughte r o f Telebulus o n th e
sixth da y afte r delivery . No w menstruation appeare d durin g th e fever s in mos t
cases, an d wit h man y maiden s i t occurre d the n fo r th e firs t time . Som e ble d
from th e nose. 4 Sometime s bot h epistaxi s an d menstruatio n appeare d together ;
for example , th e maide n daughte r o f Daitharses had he r first menstruation dur ing feve r an d als o a violen t discharg e fro m th e nose . I know o f no woma n wh o
died if any o f these symptoms showed themselve s properly , bu t al l t o my knowledge had abortion s if they chanced t o fal l il l when wit h child .
(Epidemics 1.16 ; Jones 1979-84 : 1:171 )

Another aspec t o f female anatom y tha t wa s see n a s a threa t t o female healt h an d a caus e of erratic behavior was he r womb . Th e Hippocratics believe d tha t i f a woman' s wom b becam e too dr y an d ligh t be cause sh e wa s no t havin g enoug h intercourse , th e wom b coul d b e
attracted t o th e moiste r organ s of her bodyher liver , heart, brain , diaphragm, or bladder. If it settle d o n an y o f the first four o f these a woman
could become voiceless, los e consciousness, or exhibit any o f those symptoms we designate by the wor d "hysteria." 5

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 18

If suffocatio n occurs suddenly , it wil l happe n especiall y t o wome n wh o d o

not hav e intercours e an d t o olde r wome n rathe r tha n t o young ones , fo r their
wombs are lighter. I t usually occur s becaus e o f the following : when a woman i s
empty an d work s harder tha n i n he r previous experience, he r womb , becomin g
heated fro m th e har d work , turn s becaus e i t i s empt y an d light . Ther e is , i n
fact, empt y spac e fo r i t t o tur n i n becaus e th e bell y i s empty. No w when th e
womb turns , i t hit s the live r an d the y g o together an d strik e agains t th e abdo menfor th e wom b rushe s an d goe s upwar d toward s th e moisture , becaus e i t
has bee n drie d ou t b y har d work , an d th e live r is , afte r all , moist . Whe n th e
womb hit s th e liver , it produce s sudde n suffocation as it occupie s th e breathin g
passages aroun d th e belly .
Sometimes, a t th e sam e tim e th e wom b begin s t o g o towar d th e liver ,
phlegm flow s dow n fro m th e hea d t o the abdome n (tha t is , when th e woma n i s
experiencing th e suffocation ) an d sometimes , simultaneousl y wit h th e flow of
phlegm, th e wom b goes away fro m th e live r to its normal place an d the suffoca tion ceases . The womb goes back , then , whe n i t ha s taken o n moisture an d ha s
become heavy . . . . Sometimes , i f a woma n i s empt y an d sh e overworks , he r
womb turn s an d fall s towar d th e nec k o f her bladde r an d produce s strangury
but n o othe r malad y seize s her . Whe n suc h a woma n i s treate d sh e speedil y
becomes healthy ; sometime s recover y i s even spontaneous .
In som e women th e wom b falls toward s th e lowe r bac k or towards the hip s
because o f hard work or lac k of food, an d produce s pain .
(Hippocrates: Diseases of Women 1.7 ; Hanson 1975 : 576)

If th e wom b did no t retur n t o it s prope r place spontaneously ther e

were various measures a doctor could follow t o draw it back . One of the
most commo n wa s t o us e swee t an d foul-smellin g substance s a t eithe r
end o f a womanswee t t o entic e th e wom b in th e directio n it shoul d
go, foul t o drive it fro m th e plac e where it ha d lodged.
Whenever the womb falls agains t the hypochondria, i t causes suffocation. When
in thi s cas e th e crisi s o f the diseas e occurs , ho t an d bitte r vomitin g seize s th e
patient, an d thoug h sh e get s bette r fo r a shor t time , the n piercin g pain seize s
her hea d an d throat . Appl y fomentations, i f the suffocatio n i s in th e uppe r part
of the body . Unde r the nos e burn foul-smelling substances gradually , for if they
are burne d e n mass e th e wom b i s displaced t o th e lowe r part s o f the bod y an d
trouble follows. Burn sweet-smelling substances below th e woman . An d give her
castor an d fleabane t o drink. When the womb i$ drawn down the body , fumigate
the woma n fro m beneat h wit h putri d substance s an d bur n sweet-smellin g substances unde r he r nose.
(On Diseases of Women 11.125 ; trans. Lesle y Dean-Jones
from Littr e 1962 : 8:268)

There wer e othe r mor e mechanica l means of treating a wom b tha t

had becom e displaced (suc h as bandaging a woman tightly beneath he r
breasts an d applyin g pressure to th e offendin g orga n if it move d up th e
body, o r hanging a woman upside-down on a ladde r if it prolapsed ) but
the apparen t favo r i n whic h odor-therapie s were hel d suggests that th e
womb itsel f wa s though t t o b e endowe d wit h som e sense o f smell. Accordingly, the Hippocratic s conceive d of the femal e reproductiv e organ

190 WOME


as an entity withi n a woman that had a consciousness of its own beyon d

her control .


The philosophe r Aristotl e (384-32 2 B.C.E. ) wa s a contemporar y o f som e

of the late r Hippocratics and dispute d their understanding of the female
body. H e was not a doctor, bu t too k a particular interest i n natura l history. A s a result , h e wa s les s concerne d wit h patholog y tha n wer e th e
Hippocratics and used his researches (includin g dissections) o n other an imals for comparative purposes and t o supplemen t his knowledge of th e
human body . Hi s theorie s an d observation s pertainin g t o th e femal e
body are recorde d primaril y in hi s major biological treatises .
Aristotle differe d fro m th e Hippocratic s in seein g a close r resem blance betwee n th e bodie s o f me n an d women . H e believed th e differ ence betwee n th e tw o sexe s la y simpl y in th e amoun t o f hea t i n thei r
bodies. Th e hotte r a bod y wa s th e mor e i t coul d "concoct " th e foo d i t
ate into blood, an d the easier it could convert this blood into flesh, hair,
nails, etc. , an d perfec t it s form . Aristotl e believe d tha t th e mal e wa s
demonstrably mor e perfect tha n th e femal e i n almost all species .
As a general rule , i n red-bloode d animal s furnishe d wit h feet an d no t oviparous ,
the mal e i s large r an d longer-live d tha n th e female . . . . Furthermore , i n al l
animals th e uppe r an d fron t part s ar e better , stronge r an d mor e thoroughl y
equipped i n th e mal e tha n i n th e female , wherea s i n th e femal e thos e parts are
the bette r tha t ma y b e termed hinder-part s or underparts. An d this statement is
applicable t o ma n an d t o al l vivipar a tha t hav e feet . Again , th e femal e i s less
muscular an d les s compactl y jointed , an d mor e thi n an d delicat e i n th e hair
that is , where hai r i s found; an d wher e ther e i s no hair , les s strongly furnishe d
in som e analogou s substance . An d th e femal e is more mois t o f flesh, an d mor e
knock-kneed, an d th e shin-bone s ar e thinner ; an d th e fee t ar e more arche d an d
hollow i n suc h animal s a s ar e furnishe d wit h feet . An d wit h regar d t o voice ,
the femal e i n al l animal s tha t ar e voca l ha s a thinne r an d sharpe r voic e tha n
the male ; except , b y th e way , wit h kine , fo r th e lowin g an d bellowin g o f th e
cow ha s a deepe r not e tha n tha t o f the bull . Wit h regar d t o organ s o f defenc e
and offence , suc h a s teeth, tusks , horns , spurs , an d th e like , thes e i n som e spe cies th e mal e possesse s an d th e femal e does not ; as , fo r instance, th e hin d ha s
no horns and wher e the cock-bir d ha s a spur th e he n i s entirely destitute of th e
organ; an d i n lik e manne r th e so w i s devoi d o f tusks . I n othe r specie s suc h
organs ar e foun d i n bot h sexes , bu t ar e mor e perfectl y develope d i n th e male ;
as, for instance, th e hor n o f the bul l is more powerfu l tha n th e hor n o f the cow .
(History o f Animals 538a22-24 an d 538bl-25 ; Thompson 1984 : 1:851 )

Aristotle believe d male upper-bod y strength i s relevant because i t mirrors th e dispositio n o f the natura l orde r o f the univers e i n whic h mor e
honorable object s ar e place d above and befor e thos e thing s less worth y
of honor . O f the tw o sexes , then , th e mal e was th e mor e perfec t representative of any species and a s such was als o the hotter .

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 19

As a mor e perfec t anima l woul d us e u p mos t o f its nourishmen t i n

building a bigger , stronger, bette r equippe d body , i t woul d hav e les s lef t
over t o b e further concocte d int o seminal residue . It s greater amoun t o f
heat workin g o n thi s smalle r amoun t o f material coul d produc e a ver y
potent ho t fluid , s o hot tha t i t wa s capable of passing on th e for m o f th e
animal into a new individual . This abilit y t o pass on it s form t o anothe r
is wha t mad e a n anima l "complete. " I n human s a ma n wa s complet e
when h e coul d concoc t whit e ho t semen . A woman's cooler bod y coul d
only concoc t bloo d int o menstrua l fluid , whic h remaine d blood y i n ap pearance, thoug h i t wa s capabl e o f carryin g mor e o f th e huma n sou l
than ordinar y blood. 6 Becaus e o f he r incapacit y t o full y concoc t bloo d
to the poin t i t coul d carr y the sou l of a new individual, Aristotle terme d
woman a "deformed man. "
Just a s it sometime s happen s that deforme d offspring ar e produce d b y deformed
parents, an d sometimes not , s o the offsprin g produce d by a female ar e sometime s
female, sometime s not , bu t male . Th e reaso n i s that th e femal e i s as it wer e a
deformed male .
(Generation o f Animals 737a25-28; Pec k 1979 : 175)

Aristotle di d not mea n tha t women wer e deformed because of their physical appearance . Th e aspect i n which the y wer e "deformed " (vita l heat)
had far-reachin g effects becaus e i t wa s th e ver y principl e o f generation .
It was because of this "deformity" tha t women wer e weaker; their weakness was not , i n itself , thei r deformity.
The most importan t physica l result of a woman's lesser hea t an d he r
inability t o concoc t he r seminal residu e was the menstrua l flow. Unlike
the Hippocratics , Aristotl e di d not thin k menstruation wa s beneficial for
all women . Fo r some wome n i t coul d seriousl y weake n th e body .
After pubert y some lad s who wer e thi n befor e gro w stout an d healthy , an d th e
converse als o happens ; an d th e sam e is equally tru e of girls. For when i n bo y or
girl th e bod y i s loade d wit h superfluou s matter , then , whe n suc h superfluitie s
are go t ri d o f in th e spermati c o r menstrua l discharge, their bodie s improv e i n
health and condition owing to the remova l of what had acted a s an impedimen t
to health and prope r nutrition; but i n suc h a s are of opposite habi t their bodie s
become emaciate d an d ou t o f health , fo r the n th e spermati c discharg e in th e
one cas e an d th e menstrua l flow in th e othe r tak e plac e a t th e cos t o f natural
healthy conditions .
(History of Animals 581b26-582a5; Thompson 1984: 911)

In fact , Aristotl e viewe d menstruatio n a s a distressin g tim e fo r al l

With thos e i n whom th e ailmen t [tha t is , menstruation] lasts but a little while ,
two day s o r three , recover y i s easy; bu t wher e th e duratio n i s longer , th e ail ment i s more troublesome . Fo r women ar e ailin g during these days ; an d some times the discharg e is sudden and sometimes gradual, but i n all cases alike ther e
is bodily distress until the attac k b e over.
(History o f Animals 582b5-9; Thompson 1984 : 912 )

192 WOME


Moreover, Aristotl e though t tha t th e huma n femal e wa s smalle r an d

weaker tha n th e huma n mal e t o a degre e no t observabl e i n othe r ani mals because in wome n a comparatively large r amoun t o f their nourish ment wa s directe d t o thei r semina l residu e tha n t o buildin g thei r ow n
bodies. Here Aristotle is confusing menstruatio n an d the estru s discharge
of other mammals, whic h i s much smalle r i n volume .
The discharg e i s wont t o b e mor e abundan t i n wome n tha n i n th e female s of
any othe r animal s . .. i n such animat e th e female s ar e sometimes large r tha n
the males.
(History o f Animals 582b29-33; Thompso n 1984 : 913)
The lac k o f vita l hea t mean t tha t a woma n coul d no t exhibi t th e
perfect huma n for m i n th e intellectua l aren a either . Sh e could no t per fect th e supremel y huma n facult y o f deliberation, an d s o she remaine d
naturally subject t o men a s ruled t o ruler (se e Chapte r 3, "Ancient Critical Reaction s t o Women' s Role s i n Classica l Athens") . Elsewher e Aris totle lists traits that ar e typical of male an d female .
In al l cases , exceptin g thos e o f the bea r an d leopard , the femal e is less spirite d
than the male; in regard to the tw o exceptional cases, the superiority i n courage
rests with th e female . With all other animal s the femal e i s softer in disposition ,
is mor e mischievous , les s simple , mor e impulsive , an d mor e attentiv e t o th e
nurture o f the young ; th e male , o n th e othe r hand , is more spirited , mor e savage, mor e simpl e an d les s cunning . Th e trace s o f these character s ar e mor e o r
less visible everywhere, bu t the y ar e especiall y visibl e where characte r i s mor e
developed, an d mos t o f all i n man.
The fac t is , th e natur e o f ma n i s th e mos t rounde d of f and complet e an d
consequently i n ma n th e qualitie s abov e referre d t o ar e foun d mos t clearly .
Hence woman i s more compassionate than man , more easily move d t o tears , a t
the sam e time i s more jealous, mor e querulous, more apt t o scold an d t o strike .
She is, furthermore, more prone to despondency an d les s hopeful than th e man ,
more void of shame, more false of speech, mor e deceptive, and of more retentiv e
memory. Sh e i s als o mor e wakeful , mor e shrinking , mor e difficul t t o rous e t o
action an d require s a smaller quantity of nutriment.
As was previously stated, th e mal e is more courageous than th e female , an d
more sympathetic i n th e wa y o f standing by to help . Eve n i n th e cas e o f cephalopods, whe n th e cuttlefis h is struck with th e triden t th e mal e stands b y to hel p
the female ; bu t whe n th e mal e is struck the femal e run s away.
(History o f Animals 608a32-bl9; Thompson 1984 : 773-75)
Thus, no t onl y di d th e lac k o f heat caus e wome n t o b e weaker an d les s
intelligent tha n men , bu t i t als o resulte d i n thos e negativ e personalit y
traits associated wit h wome n sinc e th e Archai c period .
A bod y tha t wa s goin g t o b e able t o concoc t seme n develope d testi cles, spermati c passages, an d a penis. A body tha t would onl y b e able t o
concoct bloo d int o menstrual fluid developed a womb and a vagina.
Now mal e an d femal e differ i n respec t o f their logos, i n tha t th e powe r o r faculty possessed b y the on e differs fro m tha t possesse d b y the other ; bu t the y diffe r
also t o bodil y sense , i n respec t o f certai n physica l parts . The y diffe r i n thei r

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 19

logos, becaus e th e mal e i s that whic h ha s the powe r to generate in anothe r (a s

was stated above) , while th e femal e i s that whic h ca n generat e i n itself , i.e., it
is that ou t o f which th e generate d offspring , whic h i s present i n th e generator ,
comes int o being . Ver y well , then : the y ar e distinguishe d i n respec t o f thei r
faculty, an d thi s entails a certai n function . No w fo r the exercis e o f every func tion instrument s ar e needed , an d th e instrument s for physical facultie s are th e
parts of the body . Henc e i t i s necessary that , fo r the purpos e o f copulation an d
procreation, certai n part s should exist , part s that ar e different fro m eac h other ,
in respec t o f which th e mal e will differ fro m th e female ; fo r although male an d
female ar e indee d use d a s epithets o f the whol e animal , it i s not mal e or femal e
in respec t o f the whol e o f itself, bu t onl y i n respec t o f a particula r faculty an d
a particula r partjus t a s i t i s "seeing " an d "walking " i n respec t o f certai n
partsand thi s par t i s one whic h i s evident t o th e senses . No w i n th e femal e
this special par t i s what i s called th e uterus , an d i n th e mal e th e region s abou t
the testes and the penis .
(Generation o f Animals 716al8-34; Pec k 1979 : 11-13)
Although uteru s an d peni s wer e differen t organ s fulfillin g differen t
functions, th e complementar y natur e of their role s led to a certain similarity o f formation .
The uteru s i s alway s doubl e withou t exception , just a s i n male s ther e ar e al ways tw o teste s withou t exception . . . . No w in male s th e semina l passage s
must hav e a fixe d positio n an d no t stra y about , an d th e sam e i s tru e o f th e
uterus i n females.
(Generation o f Animals 716b32-33 and 720al2-14 ; Pec k 1979 : 17 and 41 )
Obviously, her e Aristotl e i s challenging the Hippocrati c conception o f a
mobile womb . Th e belie f tha t th e wom b wa s "double " (tha t is , con tained tw o compartments ) wa s generally accepte d throughou t antiquit y
and wa s often cite d t o explai n th e occurrenc e o f twins. Thi s image may
have developed fro m som e rudimentary knowledge of the Fallopia n tube s
(particularly a s the compartment s ar e often referre d t o a s "horns"), bu t
neither Aristotl e no r an y autho r befor e Herophilu s describes th e Fallo pian tube s per se. I t i s possible, however , tha t Aristotl e observed ovarie s
in pigs .
The ovarie s o f sow s ar e excise d wit h th e vie w o f quenchin g i n the m sexua l
appetites an d o f stimulating fatness . Th e sow has first to be kept tw o day s without food , and , after bein g hun g u p b y the hin d legs , i t i s operated on ; the y cu t
the lowe r belly , abou t th e plac e wher e th e boar s hav e thei r testicles , fo r i t i s
there tha t th e ovary grows, adherin g to the two divisions of the womb; the y cu t
off a littl e piec e an d stitc h u p th e incision . Femal e camels ar e mutilate d whe n
they ar e wanted fo r war purposes , an d ar e mutilate d t o preven t thei r bein g got
with young .
(History of Animals 632a21-28; Thompson 1984: 982)
The resul t o f removing th e ovarie s migh t lea d on e t o expec t tha t Aris totle woul d develo p a theor y o f some parallelis m betwee n th e functio n
of thes e femal e organ s an d th e mal e testicles , bu t i n Aristotle' s philoso phy thi s wa s impossible . Th e testicle s wer e involve d i n th e productio n

194 WOME


of semen , whic h b y definition women wer e incapabl e of producing. Th e

fact tha t th e Gree k word translate d a s "ovaries" i s a singula r ter m (ka pria) indicate s that, i f it indee d designates the ovaries, thei r dualit y wa s
not considere d significant ; that is , they wer e no t generall y looke d upo n
as analogou s t o testicles , whic h wer e ofte n designate d b y th e ter m
"twins" (didymi).
So, whil e Aristotl e acknowledge d tha t femal e bodie s wer e muc h
more simila r t o men' s tha n th e Hippocratic s had allowed , th e poin t a t
which mal e an d femal e divergedvita l heatha d far-reachin g conse quences i n th e femal e tha t justifie d women' s physica l an d intellectua l
subordination t o men.

Herophilus lived an d worked a t Alexandri a at th e en d of the fourt h an d
the beginnin g of th e thir d centur y B.C.E . Unlik e any o f hi s predecessors ,
or successor s unti l th e lat e thirteent h centur y C.E. , Herophilus was abl e
to dissec t th e huma n body . W e kno w fro m variou s testimon y tha t h e
was particularly interested i n gynecological matters, bu t we do not hav e
the sam e extensive work s for him a s we do for the Hippocratic s and Aristotle. Wha t ha s survive d i s chiefl y fragmente d quotation s o n specifi c
contentious issue s i n antiquity , an d mos t o f those dealin g wit h wome n
are anatomical in nature.
Although, a s a physician , h e considere d himsel f to b e followin g i n
the traditio n o f Hippocrates, where th e differenc e betwee n mal e an d female wa s concerne d h e accepte d Aristotle' s theor y tha t th e significan t
fact wa s tha t male s possesse d greate r heat . Eve n th e womb , th e defini tively femal e organ , wa s forme d fro m th e sam e material s a s th e res t o f
the huma n bod y an d wa s subjec t t o th e sam e principle s of healt h an d
And i n hi s Midwifery Herophilu s says that th e uteru s is woven from th e same
thing a s the othe r parts, i s regulated b y the sam e faculties, ha s th e sam e material substance s at hand , an d i s caused t o b e diseased b y the sam e things, such
as excessive quantity, thickness , an d disharmon y i n similars. Accordingly , says
Herophilus, there is no affection peculia r to women, except conceiving, nourishing what has bee n conceived, giving birth , "ripening " the milk , an d th e opposites of these.
(Soranus, Gynecology III.3 ; von Stade n 1989 : 365 )

Moreover, lik e Aristotle , h e observe d a certai n parallelis m between th e

male and femal e reproductiv e tract. Th e parallelism he noted, however ,
far exceed s anything describe d b y Aristotle .
In female s th e tw o "testicles " [tha t is, ovaries] are attached to eac h of the tw o
shoulders o f the uterus , one o n th e right , th e othe r o n th e left , no t bot h i n a
single scrotu m but eac h o f th e tw o separate , enclosed in a thi n membranous
skin. The y ar e smal l an d rathe r flat , lik e glands , sinew y a t thei r surrounding

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 19

covering, bu t easil y damageabl e in their flesh, just like the testicle s of males. I n
mares they ar e also quite sizeable. An d they ar e attached t o the uteru s with n o
small numbe r of membranes and wit h a vein an d a n arter y implante d fro m th e
uterus into these "testicles. " Yo u see, th e attachmen t i s from th e vei n an d th e
artery that go to each of the tw o "testicles, " a vein from th e vei n an d a n arter y
from th e artery .
The spermatic duct [tha t is, Fallopian tube] from eac h "testicle" is not ver y
apparent, bu t i t i s attached t o th e uteru s fro m th e outside , on e duc t fro m th e
right, th e othe r fro m th e left . Lik e th e semina l duc t o f th e male , it s anterio r
part i s also convoluted, an d almos t al l the res t u p to its end looks varicose. An d
the spermatic duc t fro m eac h "testicle " grows into the fleshy part o f the nec k of
the bladder , just lik e the mal e duct, bein g thin an d winding in it s anterior par t
where i t touche s th e hipbones . Her e [at th e nec k o f the bladder ] it als o termi nates, lik e the pudendu m penetrating t o th e interio r fro m eithe r side .
(Galen, O n th e Seed II . 1; von Stade n 1989 : 185-86 )

Herophilus thu s recognize d organ s i n th e femal e analogou s t o testi cles i n th e male , an d tha t ther e wer e duct s leadin g fro m thes e organs .
But althoug h h e describes the ducts a s being attached to the uterus, they
empty ou t (a s d o th e mal e ducts , whic h discharg e thei r see d int o th e
penis fo r ejaculation) int o th e nec k o f th e bladder , whenc e th e femal e
seed wil l b e voide d fro m th e body . Followin g a theor y articulate d b y
Apollo i n Aeschylus ' Eumenides (se e Chapte r 4 ) an d establishe d a s th e
medical nor m b y Aristotle , Herophilu s believe d tha t a woman' s onl y
contribution t o reproduction wa s the menstrua l fluid, so female seed wa s
unnecessary fo r conception ; i t therefor e ha d t o b e diverte d pas t th e
uterus. Unfortunately , w e d o no t kno w wha t function , i f any, Herophi lus believe d femal e see d fulfilled .
Herophilus's vie w o n menstruatio n wa s als o muc h close r t o Aris totle's tha n t o th e Hippocratics' . I n fact , wherea s th e Hippocratic s believed th e onse t o f menstruation wa s invariabl y a cur e for any diseas e a
woman wa s suffering , Herophilu s believed i t coul d mak e a woma n sus ceptible t o fallin g ill .
Herophilus, however , say s tha t a t certai n time s an d fo r certain women , men struation is harmful. Som e women, h e says, ar e actually in a state of unimpeded
health whe n the y ar e no t menstruating , wherea s th e opposit e ofte n happen s
while the y ar e menstruating : the y becom e pale r an d thinne r an d contrac t th e
beginnings of diseases. A t other times , however , and i n certain cases, menstruation i s beneficial , s o tha t wome n wh o previousl y wer e wa n an d emaciated ,
later, afte r menstruation , have good colour an d ar e well nourished.
(Soranus, Gynecology 1.29 ; von Stade n 1989 : 374)

By th e Hellenisti c period , then , th e bodie s o f wome n wer e consid ered fa r mor e analogou s t o th e bodie s of men tha n the y ha d bee n i n th e
Classical period , whic h ma y hav e bolstere d th e increase d autonom y
many wome n enjoye d i n affair s tha t ha d traditionall y bee n reserve d for
men (se e Chapte r 5 , "Wome n i n Public") . Bu t thi s assimilatio n o f th e
interior spac e o f the tw o sexe s contrast s sharpl y with th e developmen t
in th e artisti c representatio n o f the female , whic h i n th e Hellenisti c pe-

196 WOME


riod bega n t o diverge from th e masculinize d proportions o f the Classica l

era (se e Chapter 5 , Figs . 5.1 6 an d 5.17) .
Herophilus was extremely influentia l o n succeeding generations o f physicians, particularl y i n description s an d understanding s o f the femal e reproductive system. H e had writte n a practica l manua l fo r midwives (in cidentally indicatin g tha t h e expecte d a t leas t som e o f them t o b e abl e
to rea d an d tha t h e viewe d the m a s colleague s rathe r tha n a s rivals 7)
and i n thi s h e wa s followe d b y th e Gree k doctor Soranus , wh o live d a t
Rome at th e beginnin g of the secon d centur y C.E . The confidence Soranus
placed i n midwive s i s show n i n hi s discussio n o f wha t make s th e bes t
It i s necessary t o tel l wha t make s th e bes t midwives , so that o n th e on e han d
the bes t ma y recogniz e themselves , an d o n th e othe r han d beginner s ma y loo k
upon the m a s models, an d th e publi c in tim e o f need ma y kno w who m t o summon. No w generall y speakin g we cal l a midwif e faultles s if she merel y carrie s
out he r medica l task ; wherea s w e cal l he r th e bes t midwif e i f she goe s furthe r
and i n additio n t o he r managemen t o f cases i s well verse d i n theory . An d mor e
particularly, w e cal l a perso n th e bes t midwif e i f she is trained i n al l branche s
of therapy (fo r some case s must b e treated b y diet, other s b y surgery, while stil l
others mus t b e cure d b y drugs) ; i f sh e i s moreove r abl e t o prescrib e hygieni c
regulations fo r her patients , t o observ e th e genera l an d th e individua l feature s
of the case , an d fro m thi s t o find out wha t i s expedient, no t fro m th e cause s o r
from th e repeate d observation s of what usuall y occurs or something o f the kind .
. . . An d it i s not absolutel y essentia l fo r her t o hav e born e children , a s som e
people contend , i n orde r tha t sh e ma y sympathiz e with th e mothe r becaus e of
her experienc e o f pain; for (to hav e sympathy) is (not) mor e characteristi c o f a
person wh o ha s given birth to a child.
(Gynecology 1.4 ; Temkin 1956 : 6)
Soranus, therefore , seem s t o imagin e midwive s performin g muc h th e
same service a s a doctor would , wit h som e education i n theory an d with
the sam e capacity fo r intelligent observatio n an d decisio n making .
Soranus himsel f ha d neve r dissecte d a huma n bod y (an d is , indeed ,
rather dismissiv e o f th e benefit s t o b e gaine d fro m it) , bu t h e follow s
Herophilus's descriptio n o f th e dispositio n o f th e ovaries , uteru s an d
"spermatic ducts." However, h e goe s a littl e furthe r i n likenin g th e cer vix an d vagin a t o th e peni s an d th e prepuce , again , basin g hi s description on analog y wit h th e male .
Furthermore, th e "testicles' * ar e attache d t o th e outsid e o f the uterus , nea r it s
isthmus, on e on each side. They ar e of loose texture , an d like glands are covere d
by a particula r membrane . Thei r shap e i s no t longis h a s i n th e males ; rathe r
they ar e slightl y flattened , rounde d an d a littl e broadene d a t th e base . Th e
spermatic duc t run s fro m th e uteru s throug h eac h "testicle " an d extendin g
along th e side s o f th e uteru s a s fa r a s th e bladder , i s implante d i n it s neck .

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 19

Therefore, th e femal e see d seem s no t t o b e drawn upon i n generation sinc e i t is

excreted externally . . . . [Th e vagina ] is a sinew y membrane , almos t a s roun d
as the intestine , comparativel y wide inside , comparativel y narro w a t th e exter nal end ; an d i t i s in th e vagin a tha t intercours e take s place . Th e inne r par t of
the vagina grows around the nec k of the uteru s like the prepuce in males around
the glans .
(Gynecology 1.1 2 and 16 ; Temkin 1956 : 11-12 , 14 )

Although, lik e Herophilus , Soranus does no t believ e the femal e semen eve r enters th e wom b an d contribute s t o conception , h e doe s give
us an explanation of the significanc e o f women becoming excited during
intercourse and releasin g their fluid.
Just a s withou t appetit e i t i s impossibl e fo r th e see d t o b e discharge d b y th e
male, i n th e sam e manner , withou t appetit e i t canno t b e conceived b y th e female. An d a s foo d swallowe d withou t appetit e an d som e aversio n i s no t wel l
received an d fail s i n it s subsequent digestion , neithe r ca n th e see d b e taken u p
or, i f grasped, b e carried throug h pregnancy , unles s urge and appetit e fo r intercourse hav e bee n present . Fo r eve n i f som e wome n wh o wer e force d t o hav e
intercourse hav e conceived , on e ma y sa y wit h referenc e t o the m tha t i n an y
event th e emotio n o f sexual appetit e existe d i n the m too , bu t wa s obscure d b y
mental resolve . . . .
As movement o f the whol e bod y i s wont t o provoke sweating, whereas lac k
of motio n hold s i t bac k an d prevent s it , an d a s th e performanc e o f th e voca l
function stimulate s to an increased excretion th e saliva which by nature accompanies the passag e of the breathi n th e sam e way, durin g intercourse th e asso ciated movemen t aroun d th e femal e genitals relaxe s th e whol e body . An d for
this reason i t als o relaxes th e uterus .
(Gynecology 1.3 7 and 31 ; Temkin 1956 : 36, 28)

As far as a material contribution to conception was concerned, however, Soranu s concurred in th e theor y o f Aristotle and Herophilu s that
the only thin g a woman contributed wa s her menstrual fluid. Indeed, he
advises prospectiv e bridegroom s to inquir e int o a woman' s menstrual
flow, among other things, before marryin g her.
Since wome n usuall y ar e marrie d fo r th e sak e o f childre n an d succession , an d
not fo r mere enjoyment , an d sinc e i t i s utterly absur d t o mak e inquirie s abou t
the excellenc e o f their lineag e an d th e abundanc e o f their mean s bu t t o leav e
unexamined whethe r the y ca n conceiv e o r not , an d whethe r the y ar e fi t fo r
childbearing o r not , i t i s only righ t fo r u s t o giv e a n accoun t o f th e matte r i n
question. On e mus t judg e th e majorit y fro m th e age s o f 1 5 to 4 0 t o b e fi t fo r
conception, i f they ar e no t mannish , compact an d oversturdy, o r too flabby and
very moist . . . . Furthermor e the y see m fi t i f their uter i ar e neithe r ver y mois t
or dry, no t to o lax o r constricted, an d i f they hav e their catharsis regularly, no t
through some moistur e or ichor s o f various kinds, but throug h bloo d an d o f this
neither to o much, nor , o n the other hand, extremel y little. Also those in who m
the orific e o f the uteru s i s comparatively fa r forward an d lie s in a straight line .
(Gynecology 1.34 ; Temkin 1956 : 32)

It i s difficul t t o imagin e man y bridegroom s seeking suc h informatio n

from th e famil y o f a young girl. Presumably , i n case s wher e h e did , a n

198 WOME


independent expert , probabl y a midwife , woul d hav e t o b e engage d t o

examine th e woman .
Soranus did no t believ e menstruatio n serve d an y usefu l purpos e be yond procreation . I n thi s h e wen t beyon d Herophilu s who ha d though t
it beneficia l for some women .
In regar d t o healt h menstruatio n i s harmfu l t o all , althoug h i t affect s delicate
persons more, wherea s it s harmfulnes s i s entirely hidde n i n thos e who posses s a
resistant body . Now , w e observ e tha t th e majorit y o f thos e no t menstruatin g
are rathe r robust , lik e mannis h an d steril e women . An d th e fac t tha t the y d o
not menstruat e an y mor e doe s no t affec t th e healt h o f women pas t thei r prime ,
nay on th e contrary , th e drawin g off of blood make s the majorit y mor e delicate .
Besides, virgin s no t ye t menstruatin g woul d necessaril y b e les s healthy ; if , o n
the other hand , the y enjo y perfec t health , menstruation , consequently , doe s not
contribute t o thei r health , bu t i s usefu l fo r childbearin g only; fo r conceptio n
does no t tak e plac e withou t menstruation .
(Gynecology 1.29 ; Temkin 1956 : 26-27 )

It i s interesting t o not e tha t i n som e sens e Soranu s considers steril e

women to be healthier than those wh o can bear children. He admits that
if menses ar e impede d they caus e disease, bu t h e claims it i s the impediment tha t ha s to be treated. Simpl y bringing on the menses will no t cur e
a woman , no r kee p her healthy. H e does not, however , g o so far a s some
other "person s o f distinction " wh o contende d tha t menstruatio n i s
purely pathological , resultin g from a n ulcerate d uterus.
Menstruation doe s no t occu r becaus e th e uteru s i s ulcerated , rathe r i t occur s
through diapedesi s an d profus e perspiration, i n th e sam e manne r i n whic h th e
gums too, whe n rubbed , emit bloo d without ulceratio n an d a s in fractures without wound s we find the bandage s bathed i n blood whe n th e dressin g is changed.
(Gynecology 1.28 ; Temkin 1956 : 25)

The lessenin g of the importanc e of menstruation i n definin g wha t i t

was t o b e a woman , t o th e poin t wher e som e though t i t wa s the patho logical produc t o f a n ulcerate d womb , ma y g o some wa y t o explainin g
the increase d aw e an d disgus t i n whic h menstruatio n seem s t o b e hel d
in th e Roma n period. A person coul d no w b e a health y woma n withou t
menstruating (thoug h sh e migh t b e sterile) . I n som e way s thi s coul d
make th e regula r monthl y appearanc e o f bloo d see m inexplicabl e an d
frightening. Pliny , a nonmedica l encyclopedis t o f th e firs t centur y C.E. ,
says ther e i s nothin g mor e remarkabl e tha n th e periodi c bleedin g o f
women, an d h e list s amon g it s attribute s th e capabilit y o f witherin g
plants, stoppin g hail , killin g caterpillars , removin g bitumen , dimmin g
mirrors, blunting knives , souring wine, dryin g up seeds, an d driving dogs
mad. Hi s descriptio n o f th e effect s o f menstrua l bloo d wa s use d b y th e
Inquisition durin g the Renaissanc e to identify witches .
Like Herophilus , Soranus does no t indicat e tha t h e believe d woma n
shared an y particula r behaviora l characteristic s becaus e the y share d
anatomy, an d althoug h h e believe s they shar e "conditions" that ca n be
termed gynecological , thes e ar e restricte d t o thei r reproductiv e tract . I n
other aspect s thei r bodies are just lik e men's.

Medicine: Th e "Proof' o f Anatomy 19

Now we say that ther e exis t natura l conditions i n women peculiarl y thei r ow n
(as conception , parturition , an d lactatio n i f one wishe s t o cal l thes e functions
conditions), wherea s conditions contrar y t o nature ar e not genericall y differen t
but onl y i n a specifi c an d particula r way . Fo r in regar d t o generi c differences ,
the femal e has he r illnes s i n commo n wit h th e male , sh e suffers fro m constric tion o r fro m flux , eithe r acutel y o r chronically, an d sh e i s subject t o th e sam e
seasonal differences , t o gradation s o f disease , t o lac k o f strength , an d t o th e
different foreig n bodies , sores , an d injuries . Only a s fa r a s particular s an d spe cific variation s ar e concerne d doe s th e femal e show condition s peculiarl y he r
own, i.e . a differen t characte r o f symptoms . Therefor e sh e i s subjec t t o treat ment generically th e same .
(Gynecology III.5 ; Temkin 1956 : 132)

Soranus believed all the illnesses in the body resulted from som e part
of the bod y being in eithe r a constricted o r a la x state . I n therapy what
was constricte d ha d t o b e relaxed , wha t wa s la x ha d t o b e tightened .
Relocation o f the wom b was no t a possibl e source of disease. However,
Soranus di d believe that th e wom b was particularl y susceptible to con striction, an d h e recognized the femal e diseas e "hysterical suffocation/ '
connecting i t wit h wha t wer e perceived as abnormalities in a woman' s
Hysterical suffocatio n ha s bee n name d afte r bot h th e affecte d orga n an d on e
symptom, viz . suffocation . Bu t it s connotatio n is : obstructe d respiratio n to gether with aphoni a an d a seizure of the sense s caused b y some condition o f th e
uterus. I n mos t case s th e diseas e i s preceded b y recurrent miscarriages , prema ture birth , lon g widowhood , retentio n o f mense s an d th e en d o f ordinar y
childbearing or inflation o f the uterus. . . . The hysterical disease, on account of
the aphoni a an d seizure of the senses, i s related to epilepsy, apoplexy , catalepsy ,
lethargy an d th e aphoni a cause d b y worms. . . . Th e majorit y o f the ancient s
and almos t al l follower s of other sect s have made use of ill-smelling odors (suc h
as burnt hair , extinguishe d lam p wicks, charre d deer's horn , burn t wool, burn t
flock, skin s an d rags , castoreu m wit h whic h the y anoin t th e nos e an d ears ,
pitch, ceda r resin , bitumen , squashe d be d bugs , an d al l substance s whic h ar e
supposed t o hav e an oppressiv e smell ) i n th e opinio n tha t th e uteru s flees from
evil smells . Wherefor e they hav e als o fumigate d with fragran t substance s fro m
below, an d hav e approved of suppositories of spikenard (and) storax, s o that th e
uterus fleeing the first mentioned odors , bu t pursuin g the last-mentione d migh t
move fro m th e uppe r t o th e lowe r parts . . . . We , however , censur e al l thes e
men wh o star t b y hurting the inflame d part s and caus e torpor b y the effluvi a o f
ill-smelling substances . Fo r the uteru s doe s no t issu e fort h lik e a wil d anima l
from th e lair , delighte d b y fragran t odor s an d fleein g ba d odors ; rathe r i t i s
drawn togethe r becaus e o f the strictur e caused b y the inflammation.
(Gynecology III.2 6 and 29 ; Temkin 1956 : 149 , 152 , 153)

Like Soranu s and Galen , Aretaeu s the Cappadocian , as hi s epithe t suggests, wa s bor n i n th e easter n Empire , an d lik e th e tw o mor e famou s
physicians, Aretaeu s probably made his name at Rome . W e are no t sur e

200 WOME


when he lived, but neithe r does he mention Galen (which due to Galen's
enormous authorit y an y medica l write r comin g afte r hi m wa s almos t
obligated t o do ) no r doe s Gale n mentio n him , thoug h h e mention s b y
name virtuall y every earlie r medical writer wit h whos e theorie s h e disagrees. I t i s generally assumed , therefore , tha t th e tw o wer e clos e con temporaries and a s such did not refe r t o each other's work in what seem s
to have been a convention o f the time . This would place Aretaeus in th e
second centur y C.E . Aretaeus' s extant work s focus o n specifi c acut e an d
chronic diseases an d th e correspondin g therapies. I n discussing "hysteri cal suffocation/' Aretaeu s goes further tha n an y previous medical writer
in animatin g the womb.
In th e middl e o f th e flank s o f wome n lie s th e womb , a femal e viscus , closel y
resembling a n animal ; for it i s moved o f itself hithe r an d thithe r i n th e flanks ,
also upward s i n a direc t lin e t o belo w th e cartilag e o f th e thorax , an d als o
obliquely t o the righ t or to the left , eithe r t o the live r or spleen; an d it likewis e
is subjec t t o prolapsu s downwards, and , i n a word , i t i s altogethe r erratic . I t
delights, also , i n fragran t smells , an d advance s toward s them ; an d i t ha s a n
aversion t o feti d smells , an d flees fro m them ; and , o n th e whole , th e wom b i s
like a n anima l withi n a n animal . . . . Th e affectio n occur s i n young women ,
but no t i n old . Fo r in thos e i n who m th e age , mod e o f life, an d understandin g
is mor e mobile , th e uteru s als o i s o f a wanderin g nature ; bu t i n thos e mor e
advanced i n life , th e age , mod e o f living , understanding , an d th e uteru s ar e
of a stead y character . Wherefor e thi s suffocatio n fro m th e wom b accompanie s
females alone .
The uterus i n women ha s membranes extended o n both side s a t th e flanks,
and als o is subject t o th e affection s o f an anima l in smelling; for it follow s afte r
fragrant thing s a s if for pleasure, an d flee s fro m feti d an d disagreeabl e thing s a s
if fo r dislike. If , therefore , anythin g anno y i t fro m above , i t protrude s eve n be yond th e genita l organs . Bu t i f an y o f thes e thing s b e applie d t o th e os , i t re treats backward s an d upwards . Sometimes it wil l go to this sid e or thatto th e
spleen an d liver , whil e th e membrane s yield t o th e distentio n an d contractio n
like the sail s of a ship.
(On th e Causes and Symptoms o f Acute Diseases 11.1 1 an d Therapeutics o f
Acute Diseases 11.10; Adams 1972: 285-87 and 449)

Here w e ca n se e ho w ingraine d wa s th e belie f tha t femal e anatom y

caused stereotypica l irrationa l female behavio r in tha t a physicia n wh o
accepted th e anatomica l discover y of the membrane s holding the wom b
in plac e stil l blame d th e willfu l movement s of that orga n fo r producing
erratic behavio r in women .

The most authoritativ e individua l medical author i n antiquity, an d into
the Renaissance , wa s Galen , a nativ e o f Pergamu m wh o wa s activ e i n
Rome from th e mid - to th e lat e second centur y C.E . H e was an extremel y
prolific writer , bu t h e did not concer n himsel f particularly with gyneco -

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 20

logical matters, perhaps because he believed that male and female bodie s
could b e viewed a s the sam e for all bu t reproductiv e purposes. H e went
even furthe r tha n Soranus in assimilatin g male and female genitalia .
The female is less perfec t tha n th e mal e fo r one, principa l reasonbecaus e she
is colder; for if among animals the war m one i s the mor e active, a colder animal
would b e les s perfec t tha n a warmer . A secon d reaso n i s on e tha t appear s i n
dissecting . . .
All the parts, then , tha t men have, women hav e too, th e difference betwee n
them lyin g in only on e thing , namely , tha t i n women th e part s are within [th e
body] whereas in men the y ar e outside, i n the regio n called the perineum . Consider first whichever one s you please , tur n outwar d th e woman's , tur n inward ,
so to speak, an d fold doubl e the man's , an d you wil l find them th e sam e in bot h
in ever y respect . The n thin k first, please, o f the man' s turne d i n an d extendin g
inward betwee n th e rectu m an d the bladder . If this should happen , the scrotu m
would necessaril y tak e the plac e o f the uteri, wit h th e testes lying outside, next
to i t o n eithe r side ; th e peni s of the mal e would becom e th e nec k of the cavit y
that ha d bee n formed ; an d th e ski n a t th e en d o f th e penis , no w calle d th e
prepuce, woul d become th e femal e pudendum [vagina] itself. Think, too, please ,
of the converse, th e uterus turned outward and projecting. Woul d not the "testicles" the n necessaril y b e insid e it ? Would it no t contai n the m lik e a scrotum?
Would no t th e nec k [th e cervix] , hithert o conceale d insid e th e perineu m bu t
now pendent, b e made into the mal e member? And would not the femal e pudendum, bein g a skinlik e growth upo n thi s neck , b e change d int o th e par t calle d
the prepuce ? I t i s als o clea r tha t i n consequenc e th e positio n o f th e arteries ,
veins, an d spermati c vessel s woul d b e changed too . I n fact, you coul d no t find
a singl e mal e par t lef t ove r tha t ha d no t simpl y change d it s position ; fo r th e
parts that ar e insid e in woma n ar e outside i n man . Yo u can se e something lik e
this i n th e eye s o f the mole , whic h hav e vitreou s an d crystallin e humor s an d
the tunic s tha t surroun d these an d gro w out fro m th e meninges , a s I have said,
and the y hav e thes e just a s muc h a s animal s d o tha t mak e us e of their eyes .
The mole' s eyes , however , d o no t open , no r d o the y projec t bu t ar e lef t ther e
imperfect an d remai n lik e th e eye s o f other animal s when thes e ar e still i n th e
(On th e Usefulness o f th e Parts o f th e Body XIV.6 ; Ma y 1968 : 628-29)

It i s clear from th e analog y to th e mole' s eye s tha t Gale n did not mea n
that the female genitalia wer e th e male's "inside out." Th e scrotum an d
the peni s ha d bee n translate d upwardshenc e th e nee d t o ad d th e in junction t o "fol d double " th e male' s t o produc e th e femal e organs. Th e
reason women's genitalia remained inside their bodie s was that the y did
not have sufficient hea t t o "perfect" them , tha t is , cause the m to projec t
from he r body . I n a sense , however , thi s lac k of perfection wa s a piec e
of perfect planning on th e par t o f nature, fo r it wa s only th e positio n o f
the uterus that permitte d huma n reproduction.
In th e femal e [Nature ] has locate d th e uteru s belo w th e stomach , becaus e sh e
found tha t thi s place is best fo r sexual intercourse , fo r receiving the semen , an d
also for the growt h o f the fetu s an d it s birth when i t has been perfected . Fo r you
would no t find any plac e in the whol e bod y of the anima l more suitable fo r any
of thes e use s I hav e mentioned ; i t i s bes t fo r coitu s becaus e i t i s fa r remove d

202 WOME


from th e instrument s o f th e face , mos t opportun e fo r th e growt h o f th e fetu s

because it ca n b e very greatly distended without pain , and mos t usefu l fo r birth
because the fetu s will emerge more easily i f its exit i s directed downward an d i s
near the legs .
(On the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body XIV.3; May 1968: 622)

Near th e beginnin g an d th e en d o f his caree r Gale n wrot e treatise s

on th e anatom y o f the uterus . H e tell s u s that hi s earlie r effor t (whic h
we no longer have , thoug h th e late r treatise may be a reworked version )
was written for midwives, showin g tha t he, lik e Herophilu s an d Soranus ,
expected midwive s t o b e educated , literate , an d concerne d wit h mor e
than simpl y pragmati c knowledg e abou t th e femal e body . I n describin g
the positionin g o f th e wom b withi n th e bod y o f th e woman , Gale n
makes clea r tha t h e believe s th e relocatio n o f th e wom b t o an y othe r
part o f the bod y i s impossible. I n fact , hi s description read s almos t a s if
he i s trying t o hol d a ver y slipper y custome r prisoner .
The uteru s i s fused wit h som e [structures] , attache d t o others , suspende d fro m
others; some entwine it, som e support it; i t i s fused wit h the nec k of the bladder
and rectu m a t th e vagina , a s wel l a s wit h th e "testicles " an d th e spermati c
ducts, bu t i t ma y b e said t o b e attache d t o th e othe r part s o f the bladde r an d
the rectum , t o b e attache d t o an d suspende d fro m th e sacre d bone , bu t sus pended only fro m th e spina l marrow and lumba r muscles; both suspende d from ,
fused with , an d entwine d with nerves ; suspended from, fuse d with , interwoven ,
and entwine d wit h arterie s and veins.
(On th e Anatomy o f th e Uterus 4 ; Goss 1962: 79)

This description may have bee n a direct challeng e t o the mobilit y attrib uted t o th e wom b b y Aretaeus . However , althoug h Gale n ha d impris oned th e wom b s o tightly , h e stil l believe d wome n wer e susceptibl e t o
exhibiting "hysterical " symptoms an d stil l blame d i t o n a deprivation of
intercourse, whic h lac k adversel y affecte d a woman' s reproductiv e
It i s generally agree d upo n tha t thi s diseas e [tha t is , "hysterica l suffocation" ]
mostly affect s widows , an d particularl y those who hav e previously menstruate d
regularly, ha d bee n pregnant and were eager to have intercourse, bu t wer e no w
deprived of all this . I s there a mor e likely conclusion fro m thes e fact s than tha t
in thes e patient s th e retentio n o f menstrua l flo w o r o f seme n cause s th e so called uterin e condition , b y which som e wome n becom e apnoic , suffocate d o r
spastic? And possibly, this affliction i s made worse by the retentio n o f semen. . .
It becam e evident to m e that a badl y composed seme n ha s a greater powe r
to inflic t damag e t o th e whol e bod y tha n doe s menstrua l discharge . Conse quently, a wido w coul d hav e he r monthl y flo w bu t retentio n o f troublesom e
and damaging semen ca n stil l occur.
(On th e Affected Parts V.5; Seigel 1976 : 184-85 )

Galen compare d th e retaine d seme n i n a woman' s bod y t o spide r veno m

and th e saliv a o f a rabi d dog .
Apart fro m th e fac t tha t h e considere d wome n imperfec t becaus e of
their lesse r heat , evidence d b y their interna l reproductiv e organs , Gale n

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 20

says littl e abou t th e differenc e betwee n mal e an d femal e natures. Tha t

he did conside r suc h a natura l differenc e existed, however , is shown by
a passag e explainin g th e teleolog y o f body hair .
The hai r o f the bear d no t onl y protects the cheek s but als o serves to ornament
them; fo r a ma n seem s mor e stately , especiall y a s h e grow s older, i f h e ha s
everywhere a good covering of hair. . .. On the other hand, for woman, the rest
of whose body is always soft an d hairles s like a child's, th e barenes s of the fac e
would no t b e inappropriate, and besides , this anima l doe s not hav e an august
character a s th e mal e ha s an d s o doe s no t nee d a n augus t form . Fo r I have
already shown many times, indeed throughout the work , tha t Nature makes for
the bod y a for m appropriat e to th e characte r of the soul . An d th e femal e se x
does no t nee d any specia l covering as protection against th e cold , since for th e
most par t women stay withi n doors, yet the y do need lon g hair on thei r heads
both fo r protection and ornament, and thi s need they share with men.
(On th e Usefulness o f th e Parts of th e Body XI . 14; May 1968 : 530-31)

Thus, whil e Gale n did no t blam e th e femal e reproductiv e part s fo r

causing women t o behave erratically, he believed women wer e naturall y
inferior, les s "august" than men, citin g as evidence interna l reproductiv e
organs and lac k of facial hair . Her e biology, whil e not explainin g particular characte r traits , wa s use d t o validat e th e sociall y superio r rol e o f
men. I n a sense , thi s woul d mak e i t mor e difficul t fo r women t o chal lenge thei r socia l positio n vis-a-vi s men , fo r whil e man y wome n coul d
point ou t tha t the y wer e n o more cowardly, erratic , deceitful, etc., tha n
the averag e man , the y coul d no t produc e a bear d o r penissign s tha t
were neede d t o prove the y ha d achieve d th e "perfect " huma n nature .

The femal e bod y wa s understoo d increasingl y i n th e sam e term s a s th e
male bod y i n th e medica l writing s of antiquity, whic h ma y hav e correlated wit h women' s playin g a n increasingl y mor e divers e socia l role ;
however, i t als o mean t tha t th e archetypica l femal e functio n o f men struation los t it s positive connotation s of a natural purg e and develope d
aspects o f th e Judeo-Christia n "curse. " Moreover , whil e fewe r specifi c
aspects o f "female " behavio r wer e attribute d t o biology , th e concep t
that wome n wer e generall y les s perfect than me n becaus e o f their lesse r
heat becam e axiomati c an d wa s supporte d b y citin g anatomica l fact s
that indisputabl y separated mos t me n an d women .
1. Fro m late r antiquit y we hav e treatises by Cleopatr a and Metrodora , an d Aetiu s
of Amid a quote s chapter s o n gynecologica l matters fro m a wor k b y a certai n Aspasia .
Other femal e medica l authorities are referre d t o b y Galen an d Pliny .
2. Se e Figure 5.6 for young girls at vigorou s play.

204 WOME


3. "Crisis " was the ter m give n by the Hippocratic s t o the poin t i n th e diseas e whe n
the disease d materia l i n th e bod y ha d separate d of f and wa s read y t o b e evacuated . I f
this was achieve d th e crisi s was complet e an d th e patien t recovered . Otherwis e th e dis eased materia l wa s reabsorbe d an d th e patien t relapse d til l th e nex t crisis . I f no crisi s
occurred o r none wa s ever successful, the patien t died .
4. Epistaxi s (bleedin g fro m th e nose ) wa s considered almos t a s good a sign o f recov ery a s menstruation becaus e th e menstrua l bloo d coul d trave l throug h th e passage s o f a
woman's body eithe r downwar d or upward to b e evacuated.
5. Thi s word derive s fro m th e Gree k word fo r womb, bu t i t wa s no t a wor d use d b y
the Hippocratics . Wher e the wom b moved t o was significant in treating th e disease , an d
when a generalizing term was use d i t wa s usuall y pnix o r "suffocation" .
6. Aristotl e argued against th e Hippocratic s that n o animal could produc e tw o seminal residues .
7. Thi s ma y hav e contribute d t o th e associatio n o f the apocrypha l stor y o f Hagnodice studying with Herophilu s (see Chapter 5 , "Education an d Professions") .

Adams, Francis . 1972 . Th e Extant Works o f Aretaeus th e Cappadocian. Boston . (Origi nally publishe d 1856)
Barker, Ernest . 1973 . Th e Politics o f Aristotle. Oxford. (Originall y published 1946 )
Goss, Charle s M. 1962 . "On th e Anatom y o f the Uterus. " Anatomical Record 144 : 77-83.
Hanson, An n Ellis . 1975 . "Hippocrates: Diseases of Women /. " Signs 1 : 567-84.
. 1992 . "Conception an d Gestation i n the Hippocrati c Corpus. " Helios 19 : 31-71.
Jones, W . H. S. 1979-84. Hippocrates. Vols . 1-4 . Loe b Classical Library. Cambridge, Mass.
(Originally publishe d 1923-31) .
Lonie, lai n M . 1981 . Th e Hippocratic Treatises "O n Generation" ; O n th e Nature o f th e
Child; "Diseases 4." Berlin .
May, Margare t T. 1968 . Galen on the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body. Ithaca , N.Y.
Peck, A . L . 1979 . Aristotle XIII: Generation o f Animals . Loe b Classica l Library . Cam bridge, Mass . (Originall y published 1942)
Seigel, Rudolp h E. 1976 . Galen o n th e Affected Parts. Basel.
Staden, Heinric h von . 1989 . Herophilus: Th e Ar t o f Medicine i n Early Alexandria. Cam bridge.
Temkin, Oswei . 1956 . Soranus: Gynecology. Baltimore , Md.
Thompson, D'Arc y W . 1984 . History o f Animals. Book s 1- 9 i n Th e Complete Work s of
Aristotle, edited b y Jonathan Barnes , 1 : 774-984. Princeton , N.J.

Campese, Silvia , Paul a Manuli, and Giuli a Sissa. 1983 . Madre Materia. Turin .
Dean-Jones, Lesley . 1991 . "The Cultura l Construc t o f the Femal e Body in Classica l Gree k
Science." I n Women' s History an d Ancient History, edite d b y Sara h B . Pomeroy ,
111-37. Chape l Hill , N.C.
. 1992 . Women's Bodies in Classical Greek Science. Oxford .
Gourevitch, Danielle . 1984 . Le Mai d'etre femme: L a femme e t l a medecine dans la Rome
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Joly, Robert . 1978 . Hippocrate. Vol . 13 . Paris.
Hanson, An n Ellis . 1987 . "Disease s o f Wome n i n th e Epidemics. " I n Actes d e colloque
hippocratique 1984 , edite d b y Gerhard Baader and Fran z Steiner, 29-41 . Stuttgart .
. 1990 . "The Medica l Writer's Woman." I n Before Sexuality, edite d b y David Halperin, John Winkler , and From a Zeitlin , 309-38. Princeton , N.J.

Medicine: Th e "Proof" o f Anatomy 20

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Therapy an d Theory. " I n Women's History an d Ancient History, edite d b y Sara h
B. Pomeroy , 73-110 . Chape l Hill , N.C.
King, Helen . 1983 . "Boun d t o Bleed : Artemi s an d Gree k Women." I n Images o f Women
in Antiquity, edite d b y Averil Cameron an d Ameli e Kuhrt, 109-27 . Beckenham .
. 1986 . "Agnodik e an d th e Professio n o f Medicine." Proceedings o f th e Cambridge
Philological Society, n.s . 32 : 53-75.
. 1989 . "Th e Daughte r of Leonides: Reading the Hippocrati c Corpus. " In History a s
Text, edite d b y Averil Cameron, 13-32 . London.
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Littre, Emile . 1962 . Oeuvres completes d'Hippocrate. 1 0 vols. Amsterdam . (Originall y
published Paris , 1839-61 )
Lloyd, G . E. R. 1983a . "The critiqu e o f traditional idea s in Soranus ' gynaecology. " I n hi s
Science, Folklore and Ideology, 168-82 . Cambridge.
. 1983b . "Th e femal e sex : Medica l treatmen t an d biologica l theorie s i n th e fift h
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Said, Suzanne. 1983 . "Feminin, femme et femelle dans les grands traites biologiques d'Aristote." I n La Femme dans les societes antiques. Actes des colloques d e Strasbourg
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Padel, Ruth . 1983 . "Women : Mode l fo r Possessio n b y Gree k Daemons. " I n Images o f
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Staden, Heinric h von. 1992 . "Women, Dir t an d Exotic a i n th e Hippocrati c Corpus." He lios 19 : 7-30 .

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We have followed the live s of Greek women from th e Archaic

age t o th e sophisticatio n o f Hellenisti c Alexandria . Now, a s w e
turn to the wester n Mediterranean , we must go back again to th e
eighth centur y B.C.E. , t o th e foundin g o f Rome, an d th e civiliza tions o f he r neighbors , th e Etruscan s o f norther n Italy , an d th e
Greek colonia l citie s o f Sicily an d sout h Italy . Rom e would ris e
at th e cos t o f th e Etruscan s an d sout h Italia n Greeks, bu t bot h
cultures have left visua l traces o f their elegant materia l cultures.
These mus t a t firs t compensat e fo r the visua l poverty o f the surviving ar t an d monument s o f early an d Republica n Rome.
The excursu s on th e wome n o f Etruria illustrate s fro m tom b
paintings, sarcophag i an d cinerar y urns , th e participatio n o f
women i n society, thei r feastin g and sharin g in publi c entertain ments. Th e durabilit y o f gold an d bronz e ha s preserve d women' s
ornamentsmirrors, makeu p chests an d exquisit e filigree jewelerythat display th e intricac y o f Etruscan artisanry and their enjoyment o f sensuous forms i n th e representatio n o f myths.
Despite th e absenc e o f an y Etrusca n narrativ e o r poetry ,
something o f these wome n an d thei r influenc e emerge s when w e
follow wome n i n th e Roma n historical traditio n fro m th e earl y
legends of Romulus to th e mor e lavish an d urba n phase o f Etruscan dominatio n unde r th e king s of the sixt h century . Bu t unlike
Archaic Greec e an d Classica l Athens , Rom e itself ha d n o narrative recor d o f it s societ y an d n o preserve d literatur e befor e th e
mid-third century . Thu s th e chapte r o n Republica n Rom e paradoxically depend s on late r source s fo r the wome n o f the Monar chic an d earl y Republica n period (approximatel y 750-25 0 B.C.E. )
than fo r th e perio d o f th e Puni c Wars i n th e secon d hal f o f th e
third centur y B.C.E. , whe n th e firs t Lati n poet s bega n t o compos e
narrative historica l epic s o f thes e war s an d playwright s colore d
their versio n o f Greek comedy wit h contemporar y Roma n social
detail. Th e name d wome n o f th e firs t fiv e hundre d year s wer e
typesrole model s o r ba d examplesupo n who m mal e writer s
imposed thei r prejudice s or ideals. Onl y wit h th e secon d centur y
did grea t wealth , power , an d leisur e come to a section o f Roman
society, an d with the m a familiarity with Greek material culture.
It i s clear tha t th e politician s an d spokesme n o f thi s perio d
were embattle d i n th e fac e o f the temptation s o f surplus wealt h
and ne w life-styles brought bac k from Hellenisti c Greece and Asi a
Minor. Th e existenc e o f Gree k or othe r foreig n entertainer s an d
courtesans a t Rom e changed Roma n male sexua l habit s bu t als o
taught Roma n women a new leve l of self-assertion, facilitate d b y
the surplu s wealth o f conquest. A t the sam e time extende d over seas campaigns removed th e menfol k o f both th e office r clas s an d
the rank s from civilia n lif e fo r lon g periods, offerin g o r imposing
independence fo r wome n o f al l classes . Marita l fidelit y wa s
threatened b y th e availabilit y o f slave s an d prostitute s o f bot h
sexes, an d writer s claimed tha t divorc e was on the rise .

212 WOME


By about 5 0 B.C.E. Rom e had becom e a city o f about a millio n

persons, comparabl e perhaps t o Alexandri a in size , an d increas ingly lik e Alexandri a i n it s multicultura l populatio n o f nativ e
Roman citizens , newcomer s fro m Italy , Gree k an d "barbarian "
slaves, an d freedme n an d freedwome n (free d slave s who m th e
law defined as standing somewhere betwee n free an d unfree). Th e
life o f cities ha s alway s containe d wors e extreme s o f luxury an d
poverty tha n tha t o f compac t town s wit h stabl e populations .
Chapter 1 0 isolates a patter n o f femal e behavio r tha t evolve d
from affluenc e an d attracte d publi c interest i n bot h lif e an d art.
Great ladies and self-reliant noncitizen women without famil y or
status paraded their sexua l charm s an d their relationship s befor e
a publi c bot h fascinate d an d prurient . Youn g men wer e infatu ated an d ol d men voice d disapproval : the civi c order ha d broke n
down, th e writer s cried , an d a licens e learne d durin g the disrup tion o f civil war persiste d despit e th e mora l reviva l launched b y
the ne w leader , Julius Caesar's heir, Augustus.
The years in whic h Rom e and he r empire were controlled by
Augustus (2 7 B.C.E . t o 1 4 C.E. ) sa w bot h apparen t an d genuin e
changes i n th e positio n o f women i n th e family . The chapte r o n
women an d th e famil y in th e Augusta n age focuses on thi s vita l
period o f stabilization. I f legislation of financia l an d politica l re wards fo r marriag e and parenthoo d (an d penalties fo r adultery )
affected onl y th e privilege d and publicly visible classes, the ideol ogy and attendan t social pressur e certainly had a n impac t on th e
representations o f domesti c lif e i n th e non-elit e strat a a s well .
Our accoun t of the Augusta n age shows ho w th e exampl e se t by
the imperia l famil y wa s promulgate d in th e monumenta l ar t o f
the period . Othe r factors converged to turn th e energie s and car e
of Romans inward t o th e family : ethics no w focused more on th e
individual's private obligations, so that fro m th e first generations
private letter s an d publi c treatise s reflec t thi s ne w awarenes s of
the importanc e o f reciproca l fidelit y an d affectio n withi n marriage and give new attentio n t o the bearing and education of children a s well.
By the acciden t o f a natural disaster, one town, Pompeii, wa s
artificially preserve d i n it s conditio n o f 7 9 C.E. , it s house s an d
shops and publi c buildings a witness to its busy life of trading and
small-town politics . Chapte r 1 2 elicits fro m publi c inscriptions ,
graffiti, an d domesti c architectur e th e role s performe d b y th e
women o f Pompei i from th e loca l benefactres s to th e waitresse s
and prostitutes .
The civilization of the Roma n empire now embraced both th e
Greek cultures of the worl d after Alexanderno t only Greec e bu t
Asia Minor , Syria , an d th e hinterland s a s fa r a s th e Euphrate s
and Tigrisan d wester n Europ e including England and souther n
Scotland. Recen t discoveries of wooden writin g tablets fro m th e

Women i n th e Roman World 21

Roman encampment o f Vindolanda adjacent to Hadrian's Wall in

Britain (buil t around 12 5 C.E.) provid e us with th e sens e o f a Roman woma n a s vivid as the famil y portraits tha t confront u s fro m
so many ston e funerar y slab s (Fig . 1). I n thes e portraits , wome n
appear wit h thei r husband s an d children , the y hol d purses , fans ,
and pets , an d th e inscription s o n man y o f th e monument s giv e
names, ages , relationships , an d eve n affectionat e compliments t o
the deceased . The society of first- and second-centur y Roma n garrison familie s suc h a s tha t o f Volusi a Faustin a an d he r officer husband wh o live d a t Lincol n (Fig . 1 ) i s brough t bac k t o lif e a s
well throug h th e lette r sen t b y a woma n name d Claudi a Sever a
to invit e he r friend Sulpici a Lepidin a to visit he r on he r birthday .
Claudia Sever a to he r Lepidin a Greetings.
On th e 3r d day befor e th e Ide s o f September, sister , fo r th e da y o f th e
celebration o f my birthday , I give you a war m invitatio n t o mak e sur e
that yo u com e t o us , t o mak e th e da y mor e enjoyabl e fo r m e b y your
arrival, i f you come . Giv e my greetings t o your Cerialis . M y Aelius and
my little so n send you [? ] their greetings.
[hand o f a secon d person ] I shall expec t yo u sister . Farewel l sister, m y
dearest soul , a s I hope t o prosper , an d hail .
[hand o f a thir d person] To Sulpicia Lepidina (wife) o f Flavius Cerealis:
from Severa .
(middle to lat e second centur y C.E. ; Bowman and Thoma s 1987 : 38)

The moder n editor s not e tha t wherea s th e mai n lette r i s in "a n

elegant professiona l script, " the second "somewha t clumsy" han d
must b e writte n b y Sever a hersel f an d i s almos t certainl y "th e
earliest know n exampl e o f writing i n Lati n by a woman/'
Even o n th e frontier , wome n celebrate d thei r birthday s to gether a s they did a t Rome . A letter b y Pronto, th e tuto r of Marcus Aureliu s (rule r from 161-180) , tell s of his wife's visit t o Marcus's mothe r Domiti a Lucill a o n he r birthday:
I hav e sen t m y Grati a t o keep you r mother' s birthda y wit h her , an d
bidden he r sta y ther e unti l I com e . . . Meanwhil e I hav e pledge d m y
word tha t Grati a shall ru n n o ris k of starvation. Fo r your mothe r wil l
share with he r protege th e tidbit s you sen t her . Nor is my Gratia a great
eater . . . Sh e will liv e contentedl y enoug h eve n o n nothin g bu t you r
mother's kisses .
(To Marcus Caesar 2.8 , mid-second century, C.E. ; Haines 1962)

However indulgen t an d trivializin g th e mal e comment , thes e

women clearl y enjoye d domesti c leisur e an d a degree of comfort.
Even o n th e draft y norther n frontier , officers ' wive s an d wome n
of the loca l elit e might maintai n th e socia l nicetie s o f urban life .
In Nort h Africa too , Rom e had fostere d wealth an d urbanization fro m Morocc o (Mauretania ) t o Tunisi a (Roma n "Africa, "
the hom e o f Pronto, Apuleius , and Augustine ) to th e Hellenize d

Figure 1. Tombston e (possibl y second o r third century C.E.) o f Volusia Faustina , a citize n from Lincoln ,
in Roma n Britain , wh o ha d been marrie d t o th e militar y officer wh o appear s besid e her .


Women i n th e Roman World 21

cities an d nativ e village s o f Egypt , whos e dr y sand s hav e pre served s o man y fragmente d archive s with publi c an d privat e records an d letters . Thus , th e discussio n o f th e Hig h Empir e mus t
include more tha n tw o centurie s of women bot h urba n and rural,
from ever y civi l an d socia l status . Chapte r 1 3 opens wit h a por trait galler y o f elit e wives , an d a n interpretatio n o f th e publi c
images o f th e imperia l wome n fostere d b y successiv e emperor s
from Vespasia n to Septimiu s Severus. Acros s the empire , i n Italy ,
Africa, an d th e Gree k East , inscription s hono r th e daughters ,
wives, an d widow s o f leadin g publi c me n fo r thei r benefaction s
and recor d th e statue s an d title s and priesthood s the y receive d i n
return. I n the secon d par t of this far-flun g chapter , w e survey th e
scattered evidenc e fo r educated wome n an d women' s education ,
for th e role s o f wome n i n specialize d domesti c service , i n th e
working worl d o f trade , a s medica l attendants , an d eve n a s
witches. Inscription s rathe r tha n literar y text s illuminat e ho w
slave wome n migh t legall y en d thei r servitud e an d laboriousl y
construct a famil y lif e fo r themselves an d thei r partner s and chil dren. Difficul t a s it i s to recove r th e live s of unlettered hardworking women , th e clas s of ex-slaves ha d goo d reaso n t o b e proud of
its achievements . Becaus e freedme n an d freedwome n see m t o
have bee n particularl y fon d o f recordin g thei r live s o n ston e i n
word an d image , we hav e been abl e to assembl e a mosaic of their
diversity fro m th e epitaph s an d relief s o f thes e centuries . Thei r
lives hav e no t unti l recentl y bee n par t o f history, bu t i t i s hoped
that reader s wil l reac h th e en d o f our stud y wit h a ne w sens e of
interest i n an d sympath y wit h thes e uncelebrate d wome n o f th e
Graeco-Roman world.
Bowman, A . K. , and J. D . Thomas. 1987 . "New Text s from Vindolanda. " Britannia 18 : 125-42.
Haines, C . R. , trans . 1962 . Marcus Cornelius Pronto. Loe b Classica l Library .
Cambridge, Mass .


This chapter wil l cove r more than five hundred years, fro m th e foundin g
of Rom e in 75 3 B.C.E. t o 20 2 B.C.E, th e yea r o f Rome's victory i n he r life and-death wa r t o fre e Ital y fro m th e occupyin g force s o f Hanniba l o f
Carthage. Thi s perio d begin s befor e th e accepte d dat e o f th e Homeri c
poems an d end s a centur y afte r th e deat h o f Alexander, bu t i t wa s no t
until th e las t decad e o f the thir d centur y tha t Rome' s relativel y simpl e
culture of farming, war , an d religio n attempte d an y literar y record of its
history. Thu s our knowledg e of women's role s during these five hundred
years depends on a very few simple inscriptions and a much later historical tradition : even Rome' s first historians, Fabiu s Pictor (lat e thir d cen tury) an d th e elde r Cat o (234-14 9 B.C.E. ) onl y surviv e a t secon d hand ,
and the would-be historian o f these centuries must depend on the idealistic reconstruction s o f Livy an d th e Augusta n poets.
According t o th e Romans ' ow n traditio n thei r communit y bega n
without women . I n the days when prince s were little mor e than successful shepherds , Romulus , son o f an Alba n princess, Ilia , b y the go d Mars,
was exposed wit h hi s twin brothe r Remus , suckled by a wolf and brough t
up by the shepher d who rescued the babies . Once he discovered hi s royal
birth an d restore d hi s grandfather to th e kingshi p of Alba, h e lef t wit h
his shepherd band to found a new community on the Palatin e hill by th e
Tiber crossing. Thi s was the futur e cit y of Rome. To increase the numbe r
of fighting men, h e offered asylu m to fugitives fro m nearb y communities .
But only enemies ever suggested that Rom e should find its women amon g
fugitives an d criminals . Roma n legendar y traditionfirs t know n t o u s
from Enniu s (239-16 9 B.C.E.)ha d thei r founde r an d hi s me n seiz e b y

Republican Rome I


Fiure 7.1. Th e revers e of a bronze

coin (denarius ) o f L . Titurius Sabinus
(89-88 B.C.E. ) shows the abduction of
two o f the Sabin e women b y Romans.

force th e virtuou s daughters of Rome's reluctant neighbours , th e Sabine s

(Fig. 7.1) . I t wa s eve n sai d tha t th e thirt y virgin s tha t wer e carrie d off
gave their name s to Rome' s first local citize n units , th e curiae. Ideologically th e myt h o f the "Rap e o f the Sabines " combine s th e ritua l o f marriage by capture (a s practiced a t Sparta : see Chapter 2) with a guarantee
of the purit y o f Rome's first mothers. Th e Sabines quickly becam e moth ers in th e popula r versio n o f the story : whe n th e nex t campaig n seaso n
came roun d an d thei r angr y parents mobilize d th e villag e militias to at tack Rom e the Sabin e wives rushe d o n t o th e battlefiel d with thei r Roman babie s t o separat e an d reconcil e th e communities . Marriag e ha d
made the m Roman , an d i n on e o f Rome's earlies t historica l play s thes e
women sid e wit h thei r husbands , an d reproac h thei r arme d fathers ,
"when you hav e strippe d th e spoil s fro m you r sons-in-law , wha t victor y
inscription wil l yo u se t up? " (Ennius , Sabine Women; trans . Elain e
Two account s o f this "rap e o f the Sabines " b y sophisticated Augus tan writers , th e patrioti c historia n Liv y and the skeptical love-poe t Ovid ,
show th e gamu t of attitudes t o women , fro m respec t towar d th e mothe r
of one's children t o indulgen t mocker y o f the naiv e but charmin g young
creatures needin g t o b e fulfille d b y masculin e lovers . Livy' s accoun t
dates fro m jus t afte r 3 0 B.C.E.: Ovid writes a generation later , a t th e tur n
of the era .
Romulus accordingly , o n th e advic e of his senators, sen t representative s t o th e
various people s acros s hi s border s t o negotiat e alliance s and th e righ t of intermarriage fo r th e newl y establishe d state . . . . Mor e ofte n tha n no t hi s envoy s
were dismisse d wit h th e questio n whethe r Rom e had throw n ope n he r door s t o
female, a s well a s t o male , runaway s and vagabonds , as tha t woul d evidentl y

218 WOME


be a mor e suitabl e wa y fo r Romans to ge t wives . . . . Deliberatel y hidin g his

resentment, h e prepared to celebrat e th e Consualia , a solemn festiva l i n hono r
of Neptune , patro n o f th e horse , an d sen t notic e o f hi s intentio n al l ove r th e
neighbouring countryside . O n th e appointe d da y crowd s flocke d t o Rome,
partly, no doubt, out of sheer curiosity t o see the new town. . . . All the Sabines
were there too with their wives and children. . . . Then the great moment came ;
the sho w began , an d nobod y ha d eye s o r though t fo r anythin g else . Thi s wa s
the Romans ' opportunity : a t a give n signa l al l th e able-bodie d me n burs t
through the crow d an d seized th e young women .
. . . The girls' unfortunate parents made good their escape, no t without bit ter comments on the treacher y of their hosts an d heartfelt prayers to the Go d to
whose festival they ha d com e in al l good fait h i n th e solemnity o f the occasion ,
only t o b e grossly deceived . Th e young wome n wer e n o les s indignant , an d a s
full o f foreboding for th e future .
Romulus, however , reassure d them. Goin g from on e t o anothe r h e declare d
that thei r own parents were really to blame, in that the y ha d been to o proud t o
allow intermarriag e with thei r neighbours ; neverthless the y nee d no t fear ; a s
married women they would share all the fortunes of Rome, all the privileges of
the community, and they would be bound to their husbands by the dearest bond
of all: their children. H e urged them t o forge t thei r wrat h an d giv e their heart s
to those t o whom chanc e had given their bodies . . . . The men too played thei r
part: they spok e honie d word s and vowed that it was passionate lov e which ha d
prompted thei r offence. N o plea can bette r touc h a woman's heart .
(Livy 1.9 , Selincourt 1960 : 43-44, abridged)
The kin g gave the sig n for which
They'd s o eagerly watched. Projec t Rape was on. U p they spran g the n
With a lusty roar , lai d hot hand s on the girls.
As timorous dove s flee eagles, a s a lambkin
Runs wild when i t see s the hate d wolf ,
So this wil d charge of men lef t th e girl s all panic-stricken
Not on e ha d th e sam e color i n he r cheek as before
The same nightmare for all, though terror' s features varied:
Some tore thei r hair, some just froz e
Where they sat; some , dismayed , kept silence, other s vainly
Yelled for Mamma: some wailed; some gaped;
Some fled, some just stood there . S o they wer e carried off as
Marriage bed plunder: even so, many contrived
To make panic loo k fetching. Any girl who resiste d he r pursue r
Too vigorously would find herself picked u p
And borne of f regardless. "Why spoi l thos e prett y eye s with weeping? "
She'd hear , "I'l l be all to you
That your Da d ever was to your Mum"
(Ovid, Ar t o f Love 1.116-31; Green 1982 : 169-70 )

But agains t thi s vote o f confidence in Rome' s women, w e mus t bal ance th e tal e o f betrayal reporte d b y Liv y i n th e sam e narrative . Whil e
the Sabine s wer e besiegin g the Roma n citadel o n th e Capitolin e hill , a
girl called Tarpeia , wh o was either daughte r of the garriso n commander ,
or a Vesta l virgi n (se e below, unde r "Vesta l Virgins'* ) showe d th e Sa bines a secre t wa y u p t o th e citadel . Whe n sh e aske d a s he r reward ,
"what you wea r o n your lef t arms " (meanin g their gol d bracelets ) the y

Republican Rome I 21

crushed he r t o deat h wit h th e weigh t o f thei r shield s (wor n ove r thei r

left arms ) (Fig . 7.2). The stor y reflect s Woma n as Other, untrustworthy ,
so petty tha t sh e put s love of finery before love of country.
Both legend s ar e represente d o n coin s o f the lat e Republic (Figs . 7.1
and 7.2) , bu t no t fo r an y messag e the y conveye d abou t women . Th e
name o f th e moneye r wh o commissione d th e design , Tituriu s Sabinus ,
shows tha t h e wa s advertisin g hi s nam e an d Sabin e origin , an d th e
women wer e immediatel y recognizabl e signs of the storie s about Rome' s
connection with th e virtuou s past .
These reverse s (th e "backs" of the coins ) ar e virtuall y the onl y rep resentation o f huma n wome n amon g th e vas t rang e o f Roman Republican coi n types . Neithe r di d th e earl y Republi c leave behin d image s of
individual mortal women o r of their activities , althoug h this can b e said
as well of mortal me n fro m th e sam e period. Rome' s distrust of Etruscan
and Gree k luxury , includin g art , combine d wit h it s earl y emphasi s o n
the subordination o f the individua l to the need s of the fatherland . Thus,
as i n th e earl y day s o f th e Nort h America n colonies , ther e wa s littl e
support fo r th e visua l arts ; onl y th e famil y deat h mask s (imagines) o f
ancestors wh o hel d publi c office, brough t out a t publi c funerals to demonstrate th e family' s record o f service, coul d attes t t o th e existenc e o f a
portrait art . Polybiu s describes thes e earl y publi c funerals an d th e car rying o f th e mask s a s lon g sinc e outmode d i n hi s ow n era , th e secon d
century B.C.E . However , w e woul d no t expec t hi m t o mentio n mask s for
women, a s they coul d no t hol d an y publi c office. B y Polybius's day ther e
were wal l painting s showing scene s fro m Roma n history, perhap s reliefs
with scenes of public ceremonies, an d a few portraits o f important states men an d generals , bu t amon g these n o mortal wome n appear.
In th e earl y Republi c it seem s likel y tha t al l ar t wa s religiou s or
funerary; th e preserve d monument s of Rome's neighbours in central Ital y

Figure 7.2 . Revers e of a denarius o f L .

Titurius Sabinu s (89-88 B.C.E. ) show ing th e deat h o f Tarpeia. The woma n
who showe d th e secre t pat h t o the Roman citade l t o the Sabine s as they
came to avenge the rap e of their daughters and sisters , Tarpeia, i s shown her e
crushed b y th e shield s of the Sabines.

220 WOME


include funerar y an d votiv e images of men an d wome n suc h a s the fin e

terra-cotta votiv e statu e fro m Latiu m (Fig . 7.3 ) a monumen t probabl y
commemorating a third-centur y young woman offeran t o r petitioner t o
the go d or goddess. Despite the lac k of objects from earl y Rome , a written recor d does suggest the existenc e o f statues of some women a s well
as death masks , statues, an d battle painting s with image s of men; none
of thes e remain s t o u s today. Severa l lost statue s o f named wome n ar e
reported b y th e encyclopedis t Plin y th e Elde r (d . 7 9 C.E.) i n hi s histor y
of art, and b y other source s of the firs t an d secon d centuries C.E :
1. Th e equestrian statu e of Cloelia (fift h centur y B.C.E.? ) : "This distinction wa s actuall y extende d t o wome n wit h th e equestria n
statue o f Cloelia, a s if it wer e not enoug h fo r her to be clad i n a
toga, althoug h statue s were no t voted t o Lucretia an d to Brutu s
who had driven out th e kings , owing to whom Cloeli a ha d bee n
handed ove r wit h th e other s a s a hostage. " (Plin y th e Elde r
34.29; Rackham 1968 : 149 )
2. " A decree was passed t o erec t a statue t o a Vestal Virgin named
Taracia, Gaia , o r Fufeti a 't o b e place d wher e sh e wished * a n
addition tha t was as great a compliment as the fact that a statue
was decree d i n hono r o f a woman " (undatable) . (Plin y th e Elder 34.25 ; Rackham 1968: 147).
3. Th e bronz e statue of "Gaia Caecilia , consort o f one o f Tarquin's
sons" (lat e sixt h centur y B.C.E. ) recorde d b y Plutarc h a s foun d
in th e templ e o f Sancus together wit h he r dedication o f sandal s
and he r spindl e "a s token s o f he r lov e o f hom e an d he r indus try." (Plutarch , Roman Questions 30 ; Babbitt 1972 : 53).
4. Th e Vesta l Quint a Claudia , whos e statu e (secon d centur y
B.C.E.) i n th e vestibul e o f th e templ e o f th e Grea t Mothe r re mained miraculousl y unburnt in th e fir e o f 22 C.E. (Tacitu s Annals 4.64, Valerius Maximus 1.8.11 )
5. A seate d likenes s (en d of secon d centur y B.C.E. ) o f Cornelia ,
mother o f th e Gracch i an d daughte r o f Scipi o Africanu s "once
stood i n th e colonnad e o f Metellus , bu t i s no w i n Octavia' s
Buildings" (see Chapter 9, p. 265). (Pliny 34.31; Rackham 1968:

These statues, al l honorific , includ e at leas t one made during the recipient's lifetime (no. 2). She was to have decided where it should be displayed. Th e statu e o f Cloeli a show n o n horsebac k in a typ e tha t ha d
always bee n associate d wit h militar y valor, i s important i n markin g a
new trend, a s is the statu e o f the Vesta l "Taracia." Pliny comments ex plicitly bot h o n th e hono r an d o n th e publi c nature of these image s of
women of the highes t rank i n Republica n society.
Some Earl y Heroine s

Perhaps the mos t significan t o f these examples , a t leas t fo r early Rome,

is the gir l Cloelia; Plin y registers predictable masculine indignation be -

Figure 7,3. A terra-colf a statu e of a young woma n (third-centur y B.CE. ) from Latium. Distantly relate d
to the korai of late Archaic Qreece, the serene facial expressio n an d elaborate hai r and ornaments of the
figure demonstrat e the impac t o f outside cultura l influences o n art i n Ital y during the Roman Republic ,

222 WOME


cause Cloelia wears the honorifi c garmen t of the mal e citizen (th e toga,
which we kno w was als o onc e wor n by women ) and is depicte d on
horseback, lik e a militar y commander . I t ma y see m strang e tha t sh e
should b e show n mounted , bu t th e pos e ma y hav e bee n adapte d fro m
the Hellenisti c Gree k tradition of depicting queens on horseback, o r perhaps i t implie d hono r fo r he r dee d o f masculin e heroism . Cloeli a ha d
been carrie d acros s th e Tibe r amon g a grou p of nobl e Roma n maiden s
taken hostag e by the Etruscans:
One day, with a numbe r o f othe r girl s wh o ha d consente d t o follo w her , she
eluded th e guards , swa m acros s th e rive r under a hail of of missiles, an d brough t
her compan y saf e t o Rome , where the y wer e al l restore d t o their families .
(Livy. 2.13 ; Selincourt 1960 : 43-44).

Twice in his early histor y Liv y shows the wome n actin g collectivel y
for th e publi c good : th e firs t instanc e wa s th e crisi s o f th e earl y fift h
century whe n th e exile d leade r Marciu s Coriolanu s marche d agains t
Rome a t th e hea d o f a Volscia n army . When a delegation o f the Senat e
and eve n priests could not mak e him relent ,
the wome n o f Rome flocked to th e hous e o f Coriolanus' mother Veturi a an d hi s
wife Volumnia . . . . They succeede d i n persuading the age d Veturi a an d Volumnia, accompanie d b y Marcius' tw o littl e sons, t o go into the enemy' s lines and
make their plea fo r peace.
(Livy 2.40; Selincourt 1960 : 150 )

[The Roma n mothe r commande d respect . A t th e sigh t o f hi s ap proaching mother Coriolanus flinched but wen t t o kis s her an d receive d
this rebuke.]
1 would kno w befor e I accept your kis s whether I have come t o a n enem y o r t o
a son, whether I am her e a s your mother o r a s a prisoner o f war. Hav e my lon g
life an d unhappy ol d age brought m e to this , tha t I should se e you firs t a n exile,
then th e enem y o f your country ? Had you th e hear t t o ravag e the eart h whic h
bore an d bre d you? When Rome was before your eyes , di d not th e though t com e
to you "withi n thos e walls i s my home, wit h th e god s that watc h ove r itan d
my mother an d m y wife an d m y children" ?
(Livy 2.40 ; Selincourt 1960 : 150 )

Veturia's authorit y an d he r invocatio n o f th e metapho r o f lan d a s

mother decided th e cours e of history. Whe n Coriolanus was shamed an d
withdrew t o ignominiou s exile , th e Senat e consecrate d a templ e t o
Women's Fortun e (Fortuna muliebris) t o hono r th e women' s
The secon d interventio n of the wome n i s more conventional. I n 390
when Rom e wa s occupie d b y a forc e o f maraudin g Gauls , th e invader s
demanded a ransom to leav e the city . Liv y mention s th e women' s offer ing only afte r th e event :
When i t wa s foun d tha t ther e wa s no t enoug h gol d i n th e treasur y t o pa y th e
Gauls th e agree d sum , contributions fro m th e wome n ha d bee n accepted , t o

Republican Rome I 22

avoid touchin g wha t wa s consecrated . Th e wome n wh o ha d contribute d wer e

formally thanked , an d wer e furthe r grante d th e privilege , hitherto confine d t o
men, o f having laudatory orations pronounced at thei r funerals .
(Livy 5.50; Selincourt 1960 : 396-97)

They ma y hav e bee n honore d i n othe r ways . Certainl y Virgi l show s

among th e rejoicin g afte r Rome' s liberation "th e chast e mother s takin g
the sacre d object s throug h th e cit y i n sof t carriages " (Aeneid 8.665-66 ;
Mandelbaum 1961) .
The evidence of a few exceptional artifact s shows that Rome's material cultur e wa s surprisingl y ric h eve n i n th e fourt h century , an d tha t
women wer e bot h patron s an d user s of precious objects. Th e inscriptio n
on the famou s bronze container, calle d th e Ficoron i cista, (Fig . 7.4):

bears witness tha t Roma n women no t only possesse d bu t ha d the wealt h

to commissio n preciou s works of considerable sophistication . Wa s this a
wedding gift ? Certainl y th e exquisit e bronz e chest , mad e i n Rom e for a
Praenestine family , use s Hellenisti c technique s fo r it s comple x zoomor phic feet , it s handl e of Dionysu s flanke d b y two satyrs , an d it s athleti c
scenes take n fro m th e epi c Argonautica o f Apollonius of Rhodes.
Another of the heroines , Quint a Claudia , won he r statue fo r service
to a religiou s cult . I n 20 4 B.C.E., whe n th e barg e carrying the statu e o f
the Grea t Mothe r u p th e Tibe r t o Rom e ra n aground , Quinta , afte r a
pious prayer, use d he r ow n hai r a s a barg e rope to to w i t t o it s destina tion nea r th e sit e o f Romulus' s original settlemen t o n th e Palatine ,
where Cybele's templ e was erected .
Conflicting version s o f the myt h o f Claudia make her eithe r a married woma n o r a Vesta l virgin (se e belo w unde r 'The Vesta l Virgins: A
Special Civi c Cult"). I n either cas e she was suspected o f unchastity an d
vindicated he r hono r b y prayin g tha t th e goddes s woul d onl y le t he r
move th e barg e if sh e wer e chaste . Romanticizin g legends lik e thi s became par t o f Roman patriotic traditio n just becaus e Roma n society wa s
so late in producing its own literature; the first known dramatic and epic
poets com e fiv e hundre d years afte r th e legendar y founding o f the city ,
almost tw o hundre d years afte r th e grea t ag e of Athenian drama. So the
legendary tradition s abou t queen s and othe r wome n o f early Rom e were
shaped b y writer s o f a late r age , motivate d b y th e nee d t o represen t a
Roman pas t a s heroi c an d virtuou s as Athenian legend ha d mad e Theseus or the earl y kings of Attica. In the edifyin g exemplar y tales of Cicero
and th e idealizin g narrative o f Virgil , Livy , o r Ovid , th e earl y Romans
succeeded throug h moral excellence, an d their wives and mother s raised
their voice s onl y lik e Veturia , to remin d thei r menfol k o f their dut y t o
the country .
The legend s o f th e monarch y an d earl y Republi c introduce wome n
into th e publi c narrativ e a s instrument s either o f politica l bondin g o r
political change. Occasionally, women ca n als o be glimpsed in their pri-

Figure 7.4 . A larg e engraved bronz e container, th e Ficoron i cista, dates t o fourth-century B.C.E. Rom e
but wa s foun d i n a tom b i n Palestrina , a nearb y town . I t i s one o f th e earlies t signe d object s fro m
Italy, an d bear s th e nam e of Novios Plautios . The style , a blen d o f late Classical Qree k an d Etruscan
elements, demonstrates the degre e t o which earl y Roman art was shape d by these two cultura l forces.


Republican Rome I 22

vate role s a s wives concerned wit h fertilit y an d motherhood , an d wit h

worship and sacrifice t o women's cults . Onl y the Vesta l virgins, the orde r
of priestesse s supposedl y introduce d t o Rom e b y Romulus' s successo r
Numa, (traditionall y dated 715-67 3 B.C.E. ) bridg e these categories , serv ing a publi c cul t o n behal f o f th e state , ye t on e tha t i s i n som e sens e
private, becaus e secluded fro m men .
Roman nobl e familie s i n th e lat e Republi c an d Empir e use d thei r
daughters' marriage s to mak e alliance s wit h promisin g young officer s o r
politicians, o r to bind competing clans and power groups. So it was natural tha t i n thei r legend s o f the pas t the y shoul d inven t marriage s to explain transfer s of power t o ne w dynasties . Just a s Virgil give s the Troja n
prince Aenea s a legitimat e clai m t o th e Lati n kingdo m o f the shadow y
King Latinus through marriage to hi s even more shadowy daughte r Lavi nia, s o Numa and othe r successor s t o th e monarch y o f Rome are given a
link t o th e previou s kin g throug h marriage . Bu t the wome n ar e cipher s
until Rom e enter s th e phas e o f Etrusca n domination . Roman s saw th e
relative prominence o f women i n Etrusca n society a s a factor i n it s supposed degenerac y (Se e Chapter 8). Henc e the y constructe d thei r legends
of th e dynast y fro m Tarquini a t o reflec t women' s powe r bot h use d an d
misused. S o the beneficen t powe r o f Tanaquil , gifte d i n th e interpreta tion o f omens, an d king-make r both fo r he r husban d Tarquiniu s Priscus
and th e Italia n "slave" chil d Serviu s Tullius, turn s i n th e nex t genera tion t o the viciou s intrigues of Tullia and he r husband Tarquin the Proud
(Superbus). Th e militar y absences of husbands and fathers , increasing as
Rome gre w powerfu l an d he r enemie s mor e distant , i s a facto r i n earl y
legends an d wil l becom e a majo r facto r i n bot h th e suffering s an d th e
evolving autonom y o f Roman women (cf . Evans 1991).
The tw o mos t famou s wome n i n Roma n legend , Lucreti a an d Verginia, ar e sacrificial figures, like Alcestis and Iphigeni a in Greek mythology. Bu t in contrast the y earn thei r fame as much by their rol e i n stimulating mal e politica l actio n a s for their undoubte d virtue . Ideologicall y
the Roman woman's primar y virtue was pudicitia (no t so much chastity ,
as sexual fidelity enhance d b y fertility). Thi s was the femal e equivalent
to fides, a man' s loyalt y t o hi s friend s an d hi s country. S o Romans cherished th e legend s of Lucretia the wif e an d Vergini a the virgi n daughter.
Lucretia's domestic traged y becam e a public revolution (se e Chapter
8). Rape d i n he r husband' s absenc e b y Kin g Tarquin' s so n (himsel f a
kinsman o f her husband) , Lucreti a summoned he r father , husband , an d
maternal uncle , declare d hersel f dishonore d an d kille d hersel f "rathe r
than b e an example o f unchastity t o other wives. " Romans believed tha t
popular outrag e a t he r deat h provoke d th e expulsio n o f the Tarqui n dynasty an d th e creatio n o f th e fre e people' s governmen t (res publica).
Lucretia's husband , Collatinus , an d he r uncle , Luciu s Junius Brutus , led
the revolutio n an d were among th e first annual elected magistrates . Bu t
gender ideolog y pointe d th e mora l o f th e stor y wit h contrastin g depic tions o f the ba d wives and th e good :

226 WOME


Now Ardea was beset by Roman forces

and suffere d th e slo w stalemate of a siege.
While there was time and enemies shunned battle ,
the cam p relaxed an d lef t it s soldiers idle:
Young Tarquin entertained hi s friends wit h feasting
and win e i n plenty. The n th e princ e spoke out:
"while Ardea's defiance keep s us fighting
and wil l not le t us take our weapons hom e
how well do you thin k our marriage s are cherished ,
and d o our wive s have any though t of us?"
Each ma n proclaim s his wife i n competitio n
as tongue an d hear t gro w hot wit h draught s of wine,
till Collatinus rises an d gives answer .
"Words are worth nothing , le t u s trust i n deeds :
The nigh t is young: t o horse ! Let's ride for Rome."
The plan's approved, the horse s ar e made ready
and bea r their masters home; the roya l palace
is their first call: they find the door unguarded.
The royal brides with garland s at thei r throat s
carouse al l nigh t with win e jugs by their side .
From ther e the y seek Lucretia . She was spinning
baskets of soft woo l se t befor e her couch .
The slave girls spun their portio n i n the lamplight ,
their mistres s spoke to the m in gentle tones.
"Hasten dear girls, for we must send your maste r
the cloa k that w e have woven ver y shortly .
But what new s hav e you heard ? For you hea r gossip.
How long now do they sa y the wa r wil l last?
You soon wil l fall , Ardea , to bette r men .
0 wicked town, t o keep our husbands from us .
Only le t the m b e safe! But mine is daring
and rushe s into danger wit h draw n sword .
My heart fail s whe n I think of him i n battle ,
1 faint an d ic y cold seizes m y breast."
She broke off, weeping, droppe d th e tautene d thread s
and le t he r gaze fall sadl y in he r lap.
This too became her; chast e tear s mad e her lovely ,
her beauty matche d th e goodnes s of her heart .
(Ovid, Fasti 2.720-58 ; trans. Elain e Fantham)

Lucretia's wor k o n he r husband' s cloa k evoke s th e mai n domesti c

duty o f th e Roma n wifewool-working , includin g carding, spinning ,
and weavin g th e heav y clot h o f th e tog a an d othe r garments ; a late r
Roman epitaph claims
"Stranger, I have but a littl e t o say. Stand an d read . This is the ugl y tomb o f a
fair woman . He r parent s gav e he r th e nam e Claudia . Sh e love d he r husban d
with he r hear t an d bor e tw o sons . One she has lef t o n earth, th e othe r she has

Republican Rome I 22

placed beneat h it . He r talk wa s charmin g an d he r wal k wa s graceful . She kept

her house, an d worked th e wool . That i s all "
(Warmington 1940 : 1.18 )

The tal e o f the gir l Verginia , more complex , allow s th e maide n n o

initiative, bu t brings home to modern readers the importance of women's
free statu s t o protec t the m fro m sexua l abuse . Sixt y year s afte r th e ex pulsion of the Tarquins , te n commissioner s wer e appointe d t o codif y th e
laws of Rome; one o f them , Appiu s Claudius, lusted afte r Verginia , th e
well-bred daughter of one gallan t soldier absen t o n militar y service, an d
betrothed t o another , th e tribun e Icilius . I n orde r t o ge t possessio n o f
her, Appiu s suborned a ma n t o clai m tha t sh e wa s no t a freebor n girl
but hi s ow n slave . I n Rome , a s i n Greece , th e master s o f slave wome n
had th e unrestricte d us e of their bodies . S o when Verginia' s father could
not prevent th e monstrou s verdict ,
he took Vergini a and her nurse ove r t o the shops b y the shrin e o f Cloacina. . . .
Then h e snatche d a knif e fro m a butcher , an d cryin g "ther e i s only on e way ,
my child, t o mak e you free, " h e stabbed he r to the heart .
(Livy 3.48.5; Selincour t 1960 : 236)

Again th e demonstratio n o f injustic e provoke s a popula r uprisin g an d

the reassertio n o f liberty . I t i s significan t tha t eac h majo r ste p i n th e
development o f Roman political progres s was associate d b y legend wit h
the defens e or vindication o f women agains t abus e b y those outside th e
family. W e might se e a paralle l wit h th e wa y i n whic h th e expansio n
of Roma n Imperia l power woul d b e justifie d b y th e defens e o f client communities against the aggressio n of foreign states .
Fathers and Husbands : Roman Marriages
While we may contrast th e mora l initiative of the married Lucretia with
the passiv e innocenc e o f the virgin , both legend s reflect the continuin g
role o f th e father . I n Roma n family law th e fathe r (paterfamilias) wa s
also lor d o f the descendan t family . His control (patria potestas) carrie d
the righ t of life an d death ove r th e entir e household , whic h include d his
children an d othe r slav e an d free d dependants . I n principl e h e deter mined th e surviva l or exposure t o die of any chil d born t o hi s wife o r in
his household, an d hi s wife wa s powerles s t o protes t th e infanticid e of a
legitimate an d health y child . Bu t given the hig h child mortality , famil y
pressure might shame a reluctan t fathe r into bearin g the cos t o f rearing
a thir d son or second daughte r (Rawso n 1986).
In th e mos t commo n for m o f earl y Roma n marriag e a daughte r
would pas s fro m he r father' s contro l int o th e manus (hand ) of her hus band, losing membership in her own gens (family ) t o enter his . Her position i n domesti c la w woul d diffe r littl e from tha t o f her own daughters .
But althoug h sh e n o longe r too k par t i n th e domesti c cult s o f he r ow n

228 WOME


family, i t i s not clea r how much she could share in he r husband' s family
cults. Description s o f household ceremonie s t o Vesta and th e Lare s (goddess of the hearth , an d god s of the househol d supplies) , sho w daughter s
rather tha n wive s supportin g th e paterfamilia s in the daily rites .
For a comple x serie s o f financia l an d politica l reasons , th e nata l
family o f a woma n migh t no t wis h t o giv e he r awa y i n a manus marriage. Ther e wa s another , looser , for m o f marriag e without manus , al ready attested t o in the Twelve Tables, Rome's earliest la w code, writte n
around 450.
Any woma n wh o doe s no t wis h t o b e subjected i n thi s manne r t o th e han d of
her husband should b e absent three night s in succession ever y year, an d so interrupt th e usucapio (prescriptiv e right) of each year .
(Table V I of th e XI I Tables, Lewis/Reinhol d I . 10 5 1990: 111 )

While traditio n explicitl y denie s th e existenc e o f divorc e i n earl y

Rome, ther e ar e man y sign s of mistrust betwee n husban d an d wife . In consistent tradition s repor t tha t th e law s o f Romulus authorized a hus band, i n consultatio n wit h hi s wife' s relatives , t o pu t he r t o deat h fo r
adultery o r fo r drinkin g wine (Dionysiu s of Halicarnassu s 2.25) , o r t o
repudiate he r fo r poisoning hi s childre n or counterfeiting hi s key s o r for
adultery. (Plutarc h Romulus 25) . Wome n wer e ofte n suspecte d o f poi soning, since they lacke d weapons for killing but ha d access to the preparation o f food. On on e occasio n i n th e fourt h century a great numbe r of
Roman wive s wer e give n a collectiv e publi c tria l an d foun d guilt y o f
poisoning thei r husband s (Liv y 8.22). Even in the more sophisticated sec ond centur y th e elde r Cat o (235-149 ) declare d tha t an y woma n wh o
committed adulter y would als o resor t t o poisonpresumabl y of her husband. Wha t i s behind thi s paranoia ? Food poisoning from hea t an d con tamination? Or th e ill-effect s o f love potion s (amatoria)? Whe n a wife' s
standing depende d o n he r reproductiv e capabilit y an d he r husban d wa s
impotent or indifferent sh e might well turn to untested aphrodisiacs . Th e
"poisoning o f children/ ' too , may refe r t o abortio n (o r miscarriage )
rather tha n th e crime s of a wicked stepmothe r agains t children b y a previous wife. Bu t Rome was a prudis h society; i t i s often difficul t t o gues s
the realit y behin d veile d euphemisms .
Fertility in Marriag e and i n Cul t
As a community o f peasant soldiers , Rom e needed sons , an d stresse d th e
need b y callin g th e lowes t unpropertie d clas s proletarii, "producer s o f
manpower." Fertilit y wa s precious , an d explain s th e traditio n tha t th e
first Roma n t o divorc e wa s Spuriu s Carviliu s Ruga , i n o r aroun d 23 1
B.C.E. I t i s clear fro m Gellius' s text, cite d below, tha t thi s wa s no t th e
first divorce i n Rome, but a new kin d of "no-fault" divorce . Earlie r wives
may have been divorced for adultery or other seriou s breaches of conduc t
without th e retur n o f their dowries, bu t Rug a wa s divorcing his wife for

Republican Rome I 22

barrenness, thu s setting a lega l preceden t fo r returning th e dowr y whe n

the wif e wa s guilt y o f no offens e (Watso n 1967) .
Servius Sulpicius in hi s treatise O n Dowries declare s tha t lega l measure s t o define wives' property first became necessary whe n Spurius Carvilius . .. a noble man, divorce d hi s wife , becaus e ther e wer e n o childre n fro m he r body , i n th e
five hundred an d twenty-thir d year o f the city . Indeed , Carvilius is said t o hav e
greatly loved the wif e tha t h e repudiated, and to have held he r very dear for her
sweet character . Bu t he put th e sanctit y o f his oath befor e his love and inclination, becaus e he had been require d by the censors to declare that h e would hav e
his wife "fo r th e sak e of begetting citizen children. "
(Aulus Gellius 43; trans. Elain e Fantham)
The oat h Carviliu s ha d t o swea r befor e th e quinquennia l revie w of
the censor s wa s simpl y a reiteratio n o f the Roma n formul a o f marriage.
It i s clea r tha t thes e magistrate s aime d t o foste r th e birthrat e b y veri fying whethe r citizen s wer e marrie d an d pressurin g bachelor s t o marry ;
but me n ha d man y motive s fo r wanting children , especiall y sons . A father neede d a n hei r not onl y to inherit th e famil y propert y an d continue
its name, bu t t o maintai n th e cul t o f ancestors, an d t o ten d th e father' s
tomb afte r death . Henc e h e ha d th e righ t t o retai n hi s childre n afte r a
divorce. I t wa s surely a powerfu l deterren t t o a wif e anxiou s to escape a
wretched marriag e tha t sh e coul d no t d o so without losin g he r childre n
(on divorce , se e Treggiari i n Rawso n 1991) .
At Rome' s beginning s infertilit y wa s no t onl y a famil y bu t a na tional hazard ; Ovi d describe s such a crisi s i n Romulus' s time t o explai n
the cul t o f Lucina , goddes s o f childbirth , an d th e ancien t fertilit y rite s
of th e Lupercalia .
For once whe n crue l misfortun e kept wive s barren
and wome n bor e few pledges of their lov e
Romulus (wh o was ruling when thi s happened)
cried out , "W e raped th e Sabine s to n o purpose .
If our offense s brough t us war, no t manpower ,
we would hav e profited to have no brides. "
Beneath th e Esquilin e a grove untended
for man y years grew i n great Juno's honor;
in supplication there bot h wive s and husbands
bowed dow n an d praye d fo r help on bende d knees .
Then suddenl y the tre e tops stirre d and murmured
mysterious words , a s if the goddes s spoke.
"The sacre d goa t mus t impregnat e your women, "
she said. The crowd wa s dumb with puzzle d fear .
There wa s a n augu r (tim e has lost hi s name)
who cam e a n exil e fro m Etrusca n soil;
he slew th e goa t an d mad e the wome n offe r
their back s for beating with th e strip s of hide.
So when th e moo n bega n its tenth ne w crescen t
the wive s were mothers an d thei r husband s sires.
Lucina, thank s to you! The grove has named you [

a pun on lucus],

230 WOME


or else your role a s goddess of the ligh t [anothe

r pun , on lux].
Gentle Lucina , pity pregnan t women ,
and brin g to birt h th e burde n of their wombs .
(Ovid Fast i 2.423-55; trans . Elain e Fantham)

Wives who wishe d t o conceiv e offere d themselve s a t th e Lupercalia

to b e whippe d b y th e Luperci , youn g me n dresse d i n goatskins , wh o
raced roun d th e foo t o f th e Palatine , strikin g wit h thong s o f goathid e
any woman i n their path. Juno, th e protectres s of marriage, also presided
over childbirth, under the name Lucina, with other vague r spirits to help
the woma n i n labor , whethe r th e bab y cam e hea d firs t (helpe d b y For rima, "the forwarder") o r feet first in a breec h birthwhic h neede d th e
aid of Postverta "th e turner" (Aulu s Gellius 16.16.4).
Roman Religion : Goddesse s and Women's Cult s

It migh t be said tha t Rom e had subordinate d its goddesses a s it subordi nated its women. Neighborin g cities honored patron goddesses like Diana
of Aricia (th e goddess whose priest-consort had to fight a challenger eac h
year fo r hi s continue d privilege) , o r Juno, represente d o n coin s arme d
and i n goatski n headdress , a s warrior patroness of Lanuvium. Unlike the
Greek goddes s Hera , whos e imager y a s wif e an d mothe r obscure s an y
reference t o a military identity, th e Juno of Lanuvium seems t o draw on
the mode l o f Athena, warrior-goddess , as well a s on loca l Italia n tradi tions. Th e denariu s o f the mid-firs t centur y tha t show s a gir l makin g a
cult offerin g o f food t o Juno's sacred serpen t (Fig . 7.5) confirm s an inci dental allusio n mad e by Propertius, writing in the lat e first century B.C.E .
According t o Propertius , if the serpen t refuse d food , thi s prove d th e gir l
was no t a virgin . Thi s coi n i s on e o f ver y fe w image s o f women' s cul t
activities from th e Republica n centuries.
At Rome , Juno ha d bee n merel y Jupiter's consort , groupe d wit h hi s
child Minerv a in the Etrusca n Trinity tha t occupied th e thre e chamber s
of th e Capitolin e Temple . He r public worship was subordinate d t o tha t
of Jupite r an d cul t act s i n he r hono r see m t o hav e bee n confine d t o
women. Bu t i t woul d b e oversimplifyin g t o spea k genericall y o f
"women's cults. " Noncitizen s wer e exclude d an d eve n citizen-wome n
observed separat e cult s base d o n thei r cast e o r socia l standing . Thu s a
woman bor n t o patrician parent s was herself a patrician unles s sh e married a plebeian ; the n he r caste , lik e he r clan , becam e tha t o f he r
This cast e divisio n i s reflected in tw o anecdotes , on e reflectin g th e
political implication s o f intermarriage , th e othe r it s religiou s conse quences. Onc e agai n a mal e historia n present s wome n a s motivators o f
political change . Liv y attribute s th e fina l successfu l agitatio n o f th e
leading plebeians fo r access t o th e highes t magistracyth e consulship
to th e jealous y fel t b y one sister , wit h a plebeia n husband , fo r her sib ling, whos e patricia n husban d was consul , an d escorte d b y lictors (Liv y

Republican Rome I


Figure 7.5 . Revers e o f a denariu s of L . Roscius Fabatus (64 B.c.E. ) showin g th e feedin g o f the goddes s
Juno's serpent .

6.34). Condescendingly , (" a woman' s feeling s ar e affecte d b y littl e

things" (t r Radice) ) th e historia n blame s th e pett y jealous y o f th e
weaker sex , whe n i t i s quit e clea r (bu t no t s o goo d a story ) tha t th e
women's father an d th e plebeia n husban d ha d agree d t o agitat e fo r this
political "reform " an d had the powe r t o make it happen .
Once th e plebeian s acquir e th e righ t t o th e consulship , a paralle l
instance o f th e "cast e problem " generate s a religiou s innovatio n fo r
womenthe new cult o f plebeian chastity :
A quarre l . . . brok e ou t amon g th e marrie d wome n a t th e shrin e o f Patrician
Chastity . . . Verginia, daughter o f Aulus, a patrician marrie d to a plebeian, th e
consul Luciu s Volumnius, had bee n prevente d b y the matron s fro m takin g par t
in th e ceremonie s o n th e ground s tha t sh e ha d marrie d outsid e he r patricia n
rank. A shor t altercatio n followed , whic h whe n feminin e temper s ra n high ,
blazed out int o a battle of wills. Vergini a proudl y insiste d an d with reason , tha t
she ha d entere d th e templ e o f Patricia n Chastit y a s a patricia n an d a chaste
woman, who was the wife of one man, to whom she had been given as an
unmarried girl an d wa s ashame d neithe r o f her husban d nor o f his honours an d

232 WOME


achievements. The n sh e confirme d he r nobl e word s b y a remarkabl e deed. I n

the Vicu s Longus, where sh e lived , sh e shu t of f part o f he r grea t house , larg e
enough t o mak e a shrin e of moderate size , se t up a n alta r i n it , an d the n sum moned th e marrie d plebeian women. Afte r complainin g about th e insultin g behaviour o f th e patricia n ladies , " I dedicat e thi s altar " sh e sai d "t o Plebeia n
Chastity, an d urg e yo u t o ensur e tha t i t wil l b e sai d tha t i t i s tende d mor e
reverently tha n th e othe r one , i f tha t i s possible, an d b y wome n o f pure r life .
Thus just a s the me n in our state ar e rivals in valor, our matrons may compet e
with one another i n chastity. "
(Livy 10.23 ; Radice 1982: 319-20)

One phras e her e deserve s separat e comment : "th e wife o f one man " i s
not a fancy phrase fo r monogamy. I n Roman thinking the Univira, wh o
had slep t onl y wit h on e man , an d neve r remarrie d afte r th e los s o f he r
husband, wa s mos t honore d a s th e sexua l ideal ; bu t th e idea l wa s i n
conflict wit h bot h th e widow' s nee d fo r a socia l protecto r an d society' s
need fo r children; ther e woul d com e a tim e whe n i t wa s overridde n b y
legislation (se e Chapter 11) .
But althoug h th e mas s o f Romans , ric h an d poor , wer e plebeians ,
there was a further divisio n of status marked by both dress and cult . Th e
respectable marrie d matron a wa s t o b e identifie d b y he r lon g stola , a n
overgarment wor n ove r he r dress and covering he r ankles, an d the vitta e
or headband s covering her hair ; this wa s said by later author s t o distin guish he r fro m respectabl e noncitizen s an d fro m th e half-worl d of un married women living by their sex. On a statue of a matron (Fig. 7.6)
from th e tim e o f Augustus (2 7 B.C.E.-14 C.E. ) w e ca n se e th e stol a wit h
its shoulde r straps , rarel y depicte d excep t apparentl y t o hono r ladie s of
a late r er a fo r thei r old-fashione d virtues. Th e stol a an d certainl y th e
vittae see m t o hav e gon e ou t o f fashio n b y th e tim e thi s statu e wa s
In general, noncitize n wome n wer e excluded fro m cul t a s they wer e
from citize n marriage . Bu t i n hi s poe m celebratin g the rite s o f th e Ro man calendar , Ovi d seem s t o invit e marrie d wome n an d freedwome n
alike"Latin mother s an d daughters-in-law, and you wh o lac k th e lon g
overdress an d fillets"t o shar e i n th e ritua l washin g of Venus on Apri l
1. I n hono r o f Fortun a Virili s (Fortun e of men ) al l th e wome n als o of fered incens e an d a drin k o f honeye d mil k an d poppysee d an d bathe d
together i n the men's bath. Ovid explains the ritua l a s guaranteeing tha t
men would be blinded by the goddes s to the bodil y defects of their wom enfolk (Fast i 4.133-60) . Althoug h moder n scholar s hav e sough t t o kee p
respectable an d free-livin g wome n apar t b y distinguishing the tw o ritu als, th e poe t carefull y include s al l wome n i n eac h o f the differen t cul t
Normally, however , onl y th e religiou s observance s o f the matrona e
are reported . I n th e crisi s of the Hannibali c invasion afte r 21 8 B.C.E. reli gious rite s proliferate d t o reassur e th e civilia n population , an d a serie s
of collectiv e women' s offering s i s recorded ; i n th e firs t yea r o f th e wa r
the matron s gav e a bronz e statu e t o Juno th e Quee n (Liv y 21.62) . Nex t

Republican Rome I


Figure 7.6 . Statu e of a matro n fro m Rom e (ca . 2 7 B.C.E . t o 1 4 C.E. ) wearin g a stol a ove r he r tunic, long an d withou t sleeves, th e garmen t may hav e bee n decorate d with stripe s t o indicat e th e ran k of
the woman .

year the y offere d a forma l banquet , with a couc h sprea d t o receiv e he r

image (Lectisternium). Wome n of slave origin contributed separatel y t o
the cul t o f Feronia (Liv y 22.7) . Th e mos t interestin g sequence of femal e
cult an d cooperativ e action occurre d in 207:
[To expiate a prodigy ] th e priest s decree d tha t thre e time s nin e virgin s shoul d
go through th e cit y i n processio n singin g a hymn . Bu t when the y wer e rehears -

234 WOME


ing th e hym n compose d b y Liviu s Andronicu s i n th e templ e o f Jupite r th e

Stayer, lightnin g struck th e templ e o f Juno th e Quee n o n the Aventine .
The soothsayer s declare d tha t thi s porten t concerne d th e marrie d wome n
who must placat e th e goddess with a n offering . Al l the marrie d women residen t
in Rom e or insid e th e tent h mileston e wer e summone d b y edict o f the aediles ,
and themselve s electe d twenty-fiv e women t o receiv e contribution s fro m thei r
dowries. Fro m these the y mad e a golde n bow l a s a gif t an d carrie d i t u p t o th e
Aventine, wher e a sacrifice was made with du e holiness an d decency .
(Livy 27.37.7-10 ; trans. Elain e Fantham)

(The women's contributions wer e almos t certainly gold ornaments fro m

their persona l effect s melte d dow n t o compos e th e bowl , rathe r tha n
money realize d b y sal e o f property. ) A s fo r th e virgins ' processiona l
hymn, Liv y reports in detail the specia l ritual devised for the occasion .
From th e templ e o f Apollo two whit e cow s wer e le d through th e Port a Carmentalis int o th e city . Behin d them wer e carrie d tw o statues o f Juno th e Quee n i n
cypress wood ; the n seve n an d twent y maiden s i n lon g robe s marched , singin g
their hym n i n hono r o f Juno th e Queen . . . . Behin d th e compan y o f girls followed th e Decemvirs , wearin g laure l garlands and purple-bordere d togas . Fro m
the gat e the y proceede d alon g the Vicu s lugarius into the Forum .
In th e Foru m th e processio n halted , an d passin g a rop e fro m han d t o han d
the maiden s advanced , accompanyin g th e soun d o f their voic e b y beating tim e
with thei r fee t (timin g their son g by the rhyth m o f their steps) . The n . . . the y
made their way to the Clivus Publicius and the temple of Juno the Queen. Ther e
the tw o victim s wer e sacrifice d b y the Decemvir s and th e cypres s statue s born e
into th e temple .
(Livy 27.37.11-15 ; trans. Elain e Fantham)

It wa s essentiall y onl y i n religiou s acts tha t youn g maiden s woul d

be see n i n public ; so Virgil describe s the onl y publi c appearance of th e
princess Lavinia, accompanyin g her mother to the temple .
And Quee n Amata , too,
with man y women , bearin g gifts, i s carried
into th e citadel , Minerva' s templ e
upon th e heights : a t he r side walks the girl
Lavinia, th e caus e o f all tha t trouble ,
her lovel y eye s hel d low.
(Aeneid 11.477-80 ; Mandelbau m
1971: 290)

The Vestal Virgins: A Specia l Civic Cult

One grou p of women wa s mor e publi c than private ; the si x Vesta l virgins, who were chosen befor e the onset o f puberty to live for thirty year s
in celibac y tendin g the sacre d fir e o f th e roun d templ e o f Vesta i n th e
heart o f th e Forum . A coi n (Fig . 7.7) o f Clodiu s Vestalis minted i n 4 1
B.C.E. ha s a n imag e of hi s ancestor , th e Vesta l Quint a Claudia , o n th e
reverse. Thi s imag e ma y cop y th e statu e erecte d i n he r hono r b y th e

Republican Rome I


Figure 7.7. Denarius of Clodius Vestalis (41 B.C.E.) , th e revers e of which

shows the seated figure of Quinta Claudia, the Vestal who ha d a statue
erected i n her hono r by the Senate in

Senate (se e above); in any case, i t is the only known likeness of a named
woman foun d o n publi c coinag e o f the Republi c and date s fro m th e pe riod o f the civi l wars that ende d th e Republic.
Roman traditio n hel d tha t th e goddes s Vest a ha d n o imag e i n he r
oldest shrin e in th e forum , althoug h a coin o f Cassius Longinu s seems t o
show th e goddes s with he r ritua l ladl e (simpuvium) i n a for m tha t suggests the existenc e o f statuary models . Accordin g to Plin y the Elder , th e
shrine als o containe d a s talismans for the generativ e surviva l of the na tion a sacre d phallu s (fascinum), th e D i Magn i (househol d gods ) o f
Troy, an d a sacred Troja n imag e of Athena know n a s the Palladium . It
would hav e been har d for a man t o verif y thes e details , sinc e th e shrin e
was closed t o al l men. Certainly the Vestal s sacrificed thei r own years of
fertility t o transfe r their power s t o Rom e and th e renewa l o f the genera tions.
Although the Vestals ' relief (Fig . 7.8) fro m a public monument, per haps fro m th e tim e o f Tiberius (14-3 7 C.E.) , i s far late r tha n th e perio d
covered b y this chapter , i t show s a scen e tha t ma y hav e bee n commo n
in th e Republi c also. Th e six Vestals were frequently seen a t publi c banquets an d game s wher e the y receive d specia l seat s o f honor ; the y ha d
the righ t t o mak e their ow n wills , unlik e other wome n o f the time , an d
were treated in some ways like men. On the other han d they were bound
by ritua l an d taboo . I f the sacre d flam e wen t out , i t coul d no t b e reli t
from a n ordinar y firebrand , bu t ha d t o b e rekindled b y rubbing a borin g
stick int o a hole . O n June 5 each yea r th e Vestal s sacrificed a pregnant
heifer, an d rituall y burned both mothe r an d fetus , cleansin g th e templ e
with thes e ashe s an d othe r specia l materials ; during the day s of cleansing fro m thi s sacrific e t o th e Vestali a o n June 1 5 it wa s ill-omene d fo r
any youn g woma n t o marry . Th e Vestals ' uniqu e servic e t o th e stat e



Figure 7.8 . Fragmen t of a marbl e relief fro m Rom e showing Vestals banquetin g (ca. 14-37 C.E.). Th e
relief probabl y cam e fro m a publi c monumen t commissioned by the state , althoug h it is no longe r
possible to know it s original location or purpose.

earned special privilege s and penalties , describe d here by Plutarch, writing a t th e beginnin g of the secon d centur y C.E .
They ha d powe r t o mak e a wil l i n th e lifetim e of their father ; they ha d a fre e
administration o f their ow n affair s withou t guardia n or tutor, . . . whe n the y
go abroad they hav e the fasces [ a ceremonial bundle of rods and ax that symbolized power over corporal and capital punishment] carried before them ; an d i f in
their walk s they chanc e t o mee t a crimina l on hi s way t o execution , i t save s
his life, upo n oath mad e that th e meetin g was an accidenta l one , an d no t con certed o r o f set purpose . An y on e wh o presse s on th e chai r on whic h the y ar e
carried is put t o death .
If thes e Vestal s commi t an y mino r faul t the y ar e punishabl e b y th e hig h
priest only, wh o scourges the offender , sometime s with her clothes off, in a dark
place with a curtain drawn between; but sh e that has broken her vow is buried

Republican Rome I 23

alive. . . . A narro w roo m i s constructe d undergroun d t o whic h a descen t i s

made b y stairs ; her e the y prepar e a be d an d ligh t a lam p an d leav e a smal l
quantity o f food, suc h a s bread , water , a pai l o f milk, an d som e oil ; s o that a
body whic h ha s bee n consecrate d an d devote d t o th e mos t sacre d servic e o f
religion migh t no t b e sai d t o peris h b y suc h a deat h a s famine . Th e culpri t
herself i s put i n a litte r whic h the y cove r ove r an d ti e he r down wit h cord s on
it, s o that nothin g sh e utter s ma y b e heard. The y the n tak e he r t o th e Forum .
All peopl e silentl y g o out o f the wa y as she passes. . . . When they come t o th e
place o f execution, th e office r loose s th e cord s an d the n th e hig h pries t liftin g
his hand s t o heaven , pronounce s certai n prayer s t o himsel f befor e th e ac t an d
then h e bring s out th e prisoner , bein g stil l covered , an d placin g he r upo n th e
steps that lea d dow n t o the cel l turns away hi s face with th e res t o f the priests.
The stair s ar e draw n u p afte r sh e ha s gon e down , an d a quantit y o f eart h i s
heaped u p ove r th e entranc e t o th e cell , s o as to preven t i t bein g distinguishe d
from th e res t o f th e mound . Tha t i s th e punishmen t o f those wh o brea k thei r
vow o f virginity.
(Plutarch, Num a 10; trans. R . Warner in Fulle r 1959: 49-50)

In view of the genuin e reverence fel t for this cult, i t is not surprising
that Augustus , when finall y electe d chie f pries t i n 1 2 B.C.E., copie d th e
device of the plebeia n Vergini a and create d hi s own domesti c versio n of
the publi c worship. Augustu s took contro l o f the cul t o f Vesta by incorporating a new shrine of the goddes s into his own residence on the Palatine. Th e empero r thu s identifie d his domesti c heart h wit h th e sexua l
renewal of Rome and he r empire; even as chief priest he might not ente r
the shrine , bu t h e could surely control it s attendants (Bear d 1980) .
Contacts wit h Othe r Culture s

How did it affec t Roma n women when the earl y phases of Roman society
encountered th e influenc e of the Gree k cultures of Sicily and south Italy ?
It used to be thought that acces s to Greek works of art an d mythology a t
Rome in th e years o f Etruscan domination wa s followe d by intellectual
isolation an d cultura l impoverishmen t i n th e earl y Republic , unti l fi nally i n th e thir d centur y Roma n forces in sout h Ital y renewe d contac t
with th e riche r culture s o f Greate r Greec e (Magna Graecia). Mor e recently excavation s i n th e Foru m Boarium , on e o f th e oldes t part s o f
Rome, hav e reveale d fifth-centur y relief s with Gree k mythological sub jects an d encourage d th e belie f that Gree k influence returned quickl y to
Rome, o r was neve r absent.
Although th e lif e o f respectable Greek women in southern Ital y ma y
have been a s circumscribed as in mainland Greece, it i s fully represente d
in art , bot h sacre d an d secular , reveren t an d luxurious . I n souther n It aly, especiall y i n th e cit y o f Locri , th e cul t o f Kor e (th e Maiden ) wa s
associated wit h tha t o f Aphrodite and honore d wit h votiv e terra-cottas
in variou s shapes. Beside s th e figurine s o f the goddes s herself, model s of
naked kneelin g wome n hav e bee n foun d singl y a t th e fee t o f femal e
burials, an d i n mas s deposits alongsid e shrines o f Kor e (Fig . 7.9), whil e



Figure 7.9 . Mold-mad e terra-cott a figure s o f kneelin g wome n fro m Loo t fift h centur y B.C.E . Suc h
statuettes came from th e deposit s associated with shrine s o f Kore, as well as fro m women' s burials .

the cla y tablet s o f Locri (see Chapter 1 ) illustrat e every phase of preparation fo r a marriag e either o f the Maide n to Hade s or of a mortal woma n
like those who serve d th e goddess . (Fig . 7.10).
Although Cere s an d Liber a (Proserpina ) wer e identifie d wit h De meter an d Persephone , thei r cult , share d wit h th e Itali c god Liber (Bacchus), an d establishe d a t Rom e a t th e beginnin g o f th e fift h century ,
presents a striking contras t wit h th e Gree k cult. The cult of Ceres seem s
to have bee n a political measur e t o appeas e socia l discontent . Certainl y
Libera/Proserpina di d not hav e an y separate cult , an d the worshi p a t th e
new templ e i n th e Foru m Boariu m wa s primaril y a cul t o f Cere s a s patroness o f Rome's commercial trader s i n wheat an d other imports.
Women's ritual s in Sicily and southern Ital y are also reflected b y th e
many vase s tha t appea r t o celebrat e marriage , an d ma y hav e bee n created a s wedding gift s o r furnishings . Thes e ofte n depic t wome n holdin g
mirrors or puttin g o n thei r jewelry , whil e winge d figures of Eros or Nike
hover benevolentl y aroun d them . On e elaborately ornat e vase-type , th e
lebes gamikos (Fig . 7.11), combine d suc h scene s wit h elaborat e lid s an d
free-standing figurine s o f doves o r cupids (Trendal l 1988) . I t i s clear tha t
women's religiou s an d secula r interest s wer e importan t i n th e Gree k
communities o f souther n Italy . Thei r chie f cult , tha t o f Demete r an d
Persephone, wa s wealth y an d honore d wit h votiv e gifts : thei r weddings ,

Republican Rome I


Figure 7.10 . Terra-cott a plaqu e fro m

fifth-century B.C.E. Locri . A woma n
picks frui t here , while on othe r
plaques fro m th e serie s a t th e templ e of
Kore women perform ritua l acts , al l ap parently i n preparatio n fo r the marriag e
either o f Kore t o Hade s o r o f the dedi cant o f th e plaque .

their self-adornment , an d thei r beaut y wer e depicte d o n vase s commis sioned o r produce d fo r mas s retai l sale . Th e sensualit y an d luxur y o f
such artifacts , produce d an d use d i n Gree k communities i n souther n It aly during the thir d centur y B.C.E. , ma y lea d u s to questio n whethe r Roman lif e i n this period was dominated b y the mora l puritanism that late r
writers lik e Cicero , Sallust , an d Liv y clai m fo r th e pas t tha t the y ide alized.
In Rom e and centra l Ital y almos t n o representation s o f women sur vive befor e th e firs t centur y B.C.E. ; eve n i n a funerar y contex t the y ar e
symbolized onl y b y th e plaines t femal e ornament. A pai r o f sandals , a
makeup bo x o r bow l ar e sometime s show n i n relie f o n simpl e ston e funerary cippi , a s markers for the gende r of the dead , paralle l to th e tool s



Figure 7.11. Weddin g vas e (lebe s gamikos) fro m Campania , sout h of Rome ,
by the Danaid Painter , showin g a
scene o f women wit h pet s in an inte rior/ date d to th e fourt h centur y B.C.E .
The femal e nudit y depicted here is in
contrast t o Athenian vases , wher e onl y
prostitutes are shown nude .

of variou s trade s foun d o n th e cipp i o f their mal e counterparts . Bu t th e

more affluen t women' s live s ma y hav e bee n mor e luxuriou s tha n th e
archaeological remain s indicate . Th e cosmetic s an d trapping s no t at tested t o b y materia l remain s ca n b e recovere d fro m comi c script s fro m
the en d o f the thir d century . Th e play s wer e adapte d fro m Gree k come dies, bu t thei r succes s implie s Roma n interes t i n th e frivolou s Gree k
world t o th e south . A surviving fragment by Naevius (ca.270-204 B.C.E.) ,
Rome's firs t comi c playwright , delight s i n portrayin g a flirtatiou s gir l
dancer fro m Tarentum , th e chie f cit y o f Apulia:
She gives herself t o eac h i n turn , an d passe s fro m han d t o han d lik e a membe r
of a danc e troupe ; sh e nod s t o on e man , wink s a t another , caresse s thi s ma n
and embrace s th e other ; he r han d i s busy ove r here , sh e stamp s he r foo t ove r
there, sh e give s her rin g fo r one t o admire , an d entice s anothe r wit h a pou t of
her lips . Whil e sh e sing s wit h on e man , sh e write s message s wit h he r finge r
to another .
(Naevius, Tarentilla, frag . 2 ; trans. Elain e Fantham)

The inexpensiv e colorfu l statuette s o f dancers , acrobats , chattin g

women an d flutterin g cupid s produce d fro m mold s ar e o f a type wide spread i n Hellenisti c Gree k culture an d brin g before us this worl d o f flirtation an d pla y (Fig . 7.12). Th e terra-cott a figurin e (o f a dancer) foun d

Republican Rome I 24

Figure 7.12. Terra-cotta figurin e fro m

south Ital y (third-centur y B.C.E.) repre senting a dancing woman i n a flowin g
garment and wreath, her elongate d
body and smal l head typical of the Hellenistic terra-cottas foun d a t Tanagr a
and Myrina / thi s one come s fro m Ta ranto where th e typ e was als o extremely popular . See also Chapte r 5 ,
Figures 5.5 and 5.6.

in Apuli a is a typical produc t o f south Italia n Greek culture. Th e image s

of a pleasure-lovin g life an d th e interes t i n femal e beauty offere d b y so
many form s o f sout h Italia n ar t fin d a matc h i n th e representatio n o f
women i n th e ar t an d cultur e of Rome's other neighbours , the Etruscan s
to the north . Etrusca n culture was older tha n tha t of Rome, and contin ued t o flouris h lon g afte r it s brie f century o f domination i n earl y Rom e
(617-510 B.C.E. ) an d th e shrinkin g o f Etrusca n powe r withi n th e are a
enclosed b y th e Arn o an d th e Tiber . Bu t whereas th e lif e o f women i n
Greek Sicily an d southern Ital y remaine d privat e an d separate from tha t
of men , w e hav e seen tha t Roma n women, perhap s a s a legac y o f Etruscan influenc e i n earl y Roma n society , ha d a recognize d rol e i n public .
Even so, both Gree k and Roma n women migh t well hav e envied th e lux ury an d socia l importanc e o f women i n th e cultur e of the grea t Etruscan
cities tha t wil l b e described i n Chapte r 8.

242 WOME



Babbitt, F . C . 1936/1972 . Plutarch: Moralia. Vol . 4 . Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge ,

Green, P . 1982 . Ovid: The Erotic Poems. Harmondsworth, Middlesex .
Fuller, E . (ed. ) 1959. Plutarch: Lives of th e Noble Romans. R . Warner trans. New York.
Lewis, N . an d Reinhold , M . 1990 . Roman Civilization: Selected Readings, vol . 1. Ne w
Mandelbaum, A . 1961 . Th e Aeneid o f Virgil. Ne w York.
Martin, C . 1979 . Th e Poems of Catullus. Baltimore, Md .
Rackham, W. 1952/1968 . Pliny: Natural History. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass .
Radice, B . 1982. Livy: Rome an d Italy. Book s 6-10. Harmondsworth , Middlesex .
Scott-Kilvert, I . 1979 . Polybius: th e Rise o f th e Roman Empire. Harmondsworth , Middlesex.
Selincourt, A . de . 1960 . Livy: Th e Early History o f Rome. Book s 1-5 . Harmondsworth ,
Warmington, E . H . 1940 . Remains o f Ol d Latin. Vol . 4. Loe b Classica l Library . Cambridge, Mass .

Beard, M . 1980 . "The Sexual Statu s o f Vesta l Virgins. " Journal o f Roman Studies 70 :
, 1989 . wit h J. Nort h and S . F Price, Pagan Priests. Cambridge.
Crook, J. A . 1967 . La w and Life o f Rome. Ithaca.
Degrassi A . 1963-65 . Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae. Florence.
Evans, J. K . 1991 . War Women and Children i n Ancient Rome. Ne w York.
Gardner, J. F . 1986. Wome n in Roma n Law and Society. Bloomington , Ind .
Pomeroy, S . B. 1976. "The Relationship of the Marrie d Woman to He r Blood Relative s a t
Rome," Ancien t Society 7 : 215-27.
Rawson, B. , ed . 1986 . The Family i n Ancient Rome: New Perspectives. Ithaca, N.Y.
Sailer, R . 1984. "Fami/ia, Domus and th e Roma n Conception o f the Family, " Phoeni x 38:
1986. "Patria Potesta s an d the stereotyp e of the Roma n family," Continuit y
and Change 1 : 7-22 .
Trendall, A . D . 1989 . Re d Figure Vases o f South Italy an d Sicily: A Handbook. London .
Watson, A . 1967 . "The Divorce o f Carviliu s Ruga " Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeshiedenis.
33: 38-50.

Gardner, J. F. , an d T . Wiedemann . 1991 . The Roman Household. Oxford .
Hallett, J . P . 1982. Fathers and Daughters i n Roman Society: Wome n and th e Elite Family. Princeton , N.J.
Lewis, N. , an d M . Reinhol d 198 0 Roma n Civilization Volume I Selected Readings: Th e
Roman Republic an d the Augustan Age. New York.
Scafuro, A . 1989 . "Livy's Comi c Narrativ e o f th e Bacchanalia " i n Studies o n Roman
Women ed. , A . Scafuro, Part 2, Helios Vol. 16.2, 119-42 .
Stehle, E . 1989 . "Venus, Cybel e an d th e Sabin e Women : Th e Roma n Constructio n o f
Female Sexuality" in Studie s on Roma n Women ed., A . Scafuro Part 2: 143-64.
Treggiari, S . 1991. Roma n Marriage: lusti Coniuges. Oxford .
Watson, A . 1971 . Roman Private Law around 200 B.C. Edinburgh.


Around 63 0 B.C.E . a n ambitiou s Etrusca n coupl e arrive d i n Rom e i n a

covered wagon . A s the ma n an d hi s highbor n wif e looked dow n o n th e
city tha t wa s t o b e their ne w home , a n eagl e cam e dow n an d plucke d
off th e husband' s ha t an d fle w bac k int o th e sk y abov e th e covere d
wagon; the n swoopin g bac k dow n t o pu t th e ha t bac k o n th e man' s
head, th e eagl e disappeare d int o th e heavens . Th e wife , who , lik e most
Etruscans, wa s skilled at readin g omens, joyfully embraced her husband,
explaining thi s event a s a sign from th e god s that thei r highes t ambition s
would b e fulfilled. Th e prophecy cam e true. Lucius Tarquin becam e king
of Rome and founde r of the Tarqui n dynasty. Hi s wife wa s th e powerful
Etruscan queen , Tanaquil.
Half a centur y later , anothe r Tarqui n becam e kin g after killin g his
royal father-in-law , urged o n b y hi s wife , wh o drov e he r carriag e over
her ow n father' s corpse . A s th e Roma n historia n Liv y tell s th e stor y
All agre e that sh e drove into th e foru m i n a n ope n carriag e in th e mos t braze n
manner, an d callin g her husban d fro m th e Senat e House , wa s th e firs t t o hai l
him a s king . Tarqui n tol d he r t o g o home , a s th e crow d migh t b e dangerous .
[On th e wa y th e driver ] pulle d u p shor t i n sudde n terro r an d pointe d t o [he r
father's corpse ] lyin g mutilate d o n th e road . Ther e followe d a n ac t o f bestia l
inhumanityhistory preserve s th e memor y of it i n th e nam e o f the street , th e
Street o f Crime. Th e story goe s tha t th e craze d woma n . . . drove th e carriage
over he r father' s body . Bloo d from th e corps e stained he r clothe s an d spattere d
the carriage , s o tha t a gri m reli c o f th e murdere d man wa s brough t by thos e
gory wheel s t o th e hous e wher e she an d he r husban d lived. The guardia n god s
of tha t hous e di d no t forget ; the y wer e t o se e t o it , i n thei r ange r a t th e ba d
beginning of the reign , that a s bad a n en d should follow.
(Selincourt 1960)



This las t kin g of Rome, Tarqui n th e Proud , rule d b y fear . Hi s son's

rape o f th e Roma n matro n Lucreti a pu t a n en d t o th e monarch y a t
Rome. It all started whe n a drinking party among inactive officers culminated i n a contes t o f wives , fo r whic h th e me n al l rod e ou t int o th e
night. They foun d Lucreti a busily directing the wome n o f her househol d
in wool-working . The Etrusca n princesses, in contrast , wer e attendin g a
luxurious dinne r party , togethe r wit h othe r "beautifu l people'' o f thei r
rank. A t th e hous e o f Lucretia , Sextus Tarquinius , intrigue d an d the n
obsessed by Lucretia's beauty and chastity, returne d later to threaten he r
life an d t o violate th e law s of hospitality a s her guest by raping her. Th e
Etruscan tyrant s were , a s a consequence , drive n fro m Rome , an d th e
Roman Republic was established .
The traditional tale s of the Etrusca n dynasty a t Rome and the event s
leading up to th e rap e of Lucretia emphasize th e importanc e o f the Tar quins' wive s i n acquirin g th e kingshi p fo r thei r husbands , and , along
with th e state d contras t wit h th e Roma n matron Lucretiawh o kille d
herself t o preserv e he r honor an d that of her familydramatically illus trate th e differen t socia l role s o f Etrusca n an d Roma n women. Hande d
down b y traditio n an d vividl y relate d b y Livy , thes e Roma n storie s o f
Etruscan queen s see m t o reflec t element s o f loca l Etrusca n customs ,
many o f which agre e with wha t w e lear n abou t th e Etruscan s fro m th e
considerable evidenc e o f archaeology . Wal l painting s fro m Tarquini a
show luxuriou s banquet s attende d b y beautifull y dresse d nobles , me n
and wome n together . O n a wall painting (Fig. 8.1) from th e Tom b of th e
Figure 8.1 . Drawin g o f a wal l paintin g showing a coupl e banqueting on th e sam e couch , fro m th e
Tomb o f th e Painte d Vase s i n Tarquini a (ca . 50 0 B.C.E.) . He r ligh t ski n an d hi s dar k color , a s i n
Qreece, depict gender difference, bu t here, unlike Qreece, wher e women show n i n symposia are prostitutes, th e woman i s a properly dressed wife: a married couple are shown attendin g a banquet together.

Etruscan Women 24

Painted Vase s i n Tarquinia , for example , w e se e a coupl e serve d b y a

small slave , whil e th e husban d fondl y touche s hi s wife' s chin . O n th e
wall han g th e lady' s necklace s an d toile t bo x (cista) alon g wit h th e
usual flowe r wreaths . Her e an d elsewhere , wome n tak e thei r place s by
the men , equal in family lineage . The importance of the marrie d couple,
rather tha n th e adul t mal e citize n a s in Athen s or th e paterfamilia s in
Rome, is clearly shown in the monument s (se e Fig. 8.7). This reflects the
aristocratic societ y o f th e Etruscans , a societ y i n whic h publi c an d private lif e wer e muc h les s differentiate d tha n i n contemporar y classica l
societies. Al l the evidenc e points to th e fac t tha t th e live s of upper class
Etruscan women , i n th e Archai c periodespecially seventh t o fifth centurieshad a n element o f autonomy an d privilege surprising in comparison to tha t o f other wome n i n the ancien t Mediterranea n world.
Perhaps no featur e o f Etruscan society differe d s o much from tha t of
Greece an d Rom e a s th e positio n o f women . Recently , muc h seriou s
study of Etruscan women ha s been done, stimulate d in part by the atten tion paid to Greek and Roma n women. Scholar s no longer focus on Bach ofen's nineteent h centur y thesi s o f an Etrusca n matriarchy, nor even o n
the figur e o f Tanaquil, recentl y explaine d i n a historica l an d religiou s
context. Ne w fields of study includ e an examinatio n o f the religiou s titles of women, o f the type s of objects typically found i n women's tombs,
of women's chariots , o f women's jobs. Women' s graves of the nint h an d
eighth centurie s B.C.E. , fo r example , containe d spinnin g an d weavin g
equipment, special shapes of tableware, jewelry, belts, an d other object s
of personal adornment , mayb e eve n includin g perfume. There were large
quantities of amber, prized fo r it s beaut y an d magi c properties: wome n
apparently bes t kne w how t o handl e the magi c powers of amber, just a s
Tanaquil could read the meanin g of bird signs and, in th e North , women
could rea d th e magi c signs of the rune s (s o the nam e Gudrun , "good a t
reading runes"). (Rall o 1989 ; Bonfante 1985 : 287).
In judgin g this aspec t o f Etruscan life, a s i n others , w e ar e limite d
by th e lac k of any Etrusca n literature. Wha t we hav e are th e account s of
Greek an d Roma n historians, al l o f them extremel y biased agains t wha t
they perceive d t o b e Etrusca n immorality an d self-indulgence . The evidence of inscriptionssome 13,00 0 inscriptions hav e come down t o us
must b e interpreted, an d s o must th e monuments . Moder n scholars ten d
to b e mor e comfortabl e wit h literar y evidenc e tha n wit h th e monu ments, bu t th e monument s i n fac t spea k t o u s more directl y tha n doe s
the literature .
For example, th e bronz e women' s mirror s decorated wit h engrave d
designs demonstrat e tha t literacy , considerably mor e widesprea d i n
Etruria tha n elsewhere , an d importan t fo r religious reasons in al l of central Italy, wa s not confine d to men; out o f some 300 0 mirrors, mor e tha n
300 (o r 1 0 percent) ar e provide d wit h inscriptions , mostl y identifyin g
mythological scenes . Th e exampl e illustrate d (Fig . 8.2) show s a lovin g
couple, Tura n (Aphrodite ) an d Atuni s (Adonis) , a typicall y Etrusca n
scene involvin g an olde r woma n an d a younger man . The fringe s o n th e



Figure 8.2 . Bronz e mirro r engrave d wit h a scene of Turan (Aphrodite ) and Atunis (Adonis) as lovers.
The classica l solemn styl e i s typical of Etrusca n ar t i n th e second half of th e fourth century B.C.E .

shoulders of Turan and he r attendan t ar e a sign of divine status or of th e

high ran k of a mortal . Th e inscriptio n on Athena' s shield says tha t Tit e
Cale gav e th e mirro r t o hi s mothe r a s a gift . Thes e mirrors , lik e th e
richly decorate d tomb s o f wome n an d men , wer e fo r th e elite ; onl y 2
percent of the tomb s at Tarquini a had painted decoration.

Etruscan Women


Women's tombs were a s richly furnishe d a s those o f the men ; in th e

early perio d a fe w even ha d chariot s buried with them . I n th e Tom b of
the Fiv e Chairs, enthroned male and female ancestor s protected th e family wit h thei r divin e status . A tom b paintin g fro m Chius i (Fig . 8.3)
shows funera l game s and entertainment s bein g performed i n hono r o f a
deceased woman , seated , wit h footstoo l an d parasol a clos e paralle l to
a scen e o f honor s pai d t o a dea d ma n i n th e Tom b o f th e Juggle r a t
Tarquinia. I n the tomb s th e house s o f the livin g were reproduced for the
dead, wit h al l th e equipmen t fo r eating, drinking , an d dancing , as well
as wal l painting s depictin g thes e feasts . Etrusca n marrie d couple s too k
part in banquets, i n contrast with the men's symposia o r drinking parties
so popula r i n Gree k lif e an d vas e painting ; a t thos e Athenia n partie s
only femal e entertainers an d prostitute s wer e welcom e (Fig . 10.1) . Th e
rock-cut tomb s a t Cerveter i reproduc e th e room s o f an Etrusca n house ,
with doors , windows , chairs , an d beds . I n th e bedroom s th e men' s an d
women's beds have different shapes . Jacques Heurgon (1961 ) pointe d ou t
that bot h type s o f beds are i n fac t shape d lik e normal banquet couches ,
but tha t thos e o f th e wome n ar e encase d i n house-shape d containers ,
with pointe d "pediments " a t th e hea d an d foo t o f th e beds . Outside ,
stone marker s showed wh o wa s burie d i n th e chambe r tombs : phallusshaped fo r men , house-shape d fo r women . Gift s lef t wit h dea d wome n
consisted o f spindl e whorls , spool s an d othe r wool-workin g equipment,
mirrors and toilet boxe s and jewelry, including amber and other "magic"
items t o war d of f th e evi l eye , an d specia l shape s o f jugs and banque t
equipment. Th e splendid dresses in which th e wome n were buried have,
of course, bee n los t t o us , bu t th e symboli c an d preciou s nature of their
possessions showe d thei r status . Me n too k wit h the m thei r armo r an d
their bronz e bowls , importe d Gree k vases an d blac k cups they ha d use d
to entertain thei r numerou s guests and show off their status i n their life time. Later , Hellenistic funerar y relief s sho w th e coupl e renewin g thei r

Figure 8.3 . Paintin g fro m th e tom b o f th e Monke y a t Chiusi , lat e sixt h centur y B.C.E. , wit h th e
deceased woma n watchin g funeral game s in her honor .

248 WOME


vows, eac h spouse followe d b y attendants. Throughout , th e archaeologi cal recor d seem s t o expres s women' s hig h socia l statu s alon g wit h th e
distinction i n functio n betwee n the m an d thei r men .
Etruscan monument s an d th e evidenc e of language and inscription s
thus confir m man y o f th e claim s of Gree k and Roma n authors, thoug h
obviously thei r account s als o contai n contemporar y cliche s concernin g
barbarians and thei r luxuriou s lusty lives, a s well a s hostility towar d a n
Etruscan wa y o f life tha t differe d s o much from thei r own. Experiencin g
their differenc e a s a conflic t i n civilization , Greek and Roma n author s
expressed i t i n term s o f attitude s t o se x an d relation s betwee n wome n

and men.

The longes t ancien t literar y passag e w e hav e abou t Etrusca n cus toms come s fro m Theopompus , a Gree k historia n o f th e fourt h centur y
B.C.E. H e wa s startle d b y the m an d dre w th e wors t possibl e conclusio n
from wha t h e sa w an d hear d abou t Etrusca n wome n (th e passag e i s
quoted i n a work by Athenaeus, a late r Gree k author) .
Among th e Etruscans , who wer e extraordinaril y pleasure-loving, Timaeus say s
. . . that th e slave girls wait o n the me n naked. Theopompos, i n the forty-third
book of his Histories, als o says tha t i t i s normal for the Etruscan s to shar e thei r
women i n common . Thes e wome n tak e grea t car e o f their bodie s an d exercis e
bare, exposin g thei r bodie s even befor e me n an d amon g themselves: fo r it i s not
shameful fo r them to appear almost naked. He also says they dine not with thei r
husbands, bu t wit h an y man who happen s to be present; and they toas t anyon e
they wan t to .
And th e Etruscan s raise al l th e childre n that ar e born , no t knowin g wh o
the fathe r i s o f eac h one . Th e childre n als o eventuall y liv e lik e thos e wh o
brought them up , and have many drinking parties, and they to o make love wit h
all th e women .
It i s no shame for the Etruscan s to b e seen havin g sexual experience s . . .
for thi s to o i s normal : i t i s th e loca l custo m there . An d s o fa r ar e the y fro m
considering i t shamefu l tha t the y eve n say , when th e maste r o f th e hous e i s
making love, an d someone ask s for him, that h e is "involved i n such an d such/'
shamelessly callin g out th e thin g by name.
When the y com e togethe r i n partie s wit h thei r relations, thi s i s what the y
do: first, when the y sto p drinking and ar e ready to go to bed, the servant s bring
in t o themwit h th e light s left on!eithe r hetairai, party girls, or very beautiful boys , o r even thei r wives.
When the y hav e enjoye d these , the y the n brin g i n youn g boy s i n bloom ,
who i n tur n consor t wit h themselves . An d the y mak e lov e sometime s withi n
sight o f eac h other , bu t mostl y wit h screen s se t u p aroun d th e beds ; thes e
screens ar e mad e o f woven reeds , an d the y thro w blanket s over them . An d indeed the y lik e t o kee p company wit h women : bu t the y enjo y th e compan y of
boys and young men eve n more .
And their own appearanc e is also very good-looking, because they liv e luxuriously an d smoot h thei r bodies ; fo r all th e barbarian s living in th e Wes t shave
their bodies smooth. . . . They have many barber shops.
(Gulick 1927-41 : 12.517-18 )

Etruscan Women 24

Athenaeus als o quotes th e remar k of Aristotle (Gulic k 1927-41: vo l 1 , p.

103) tha t Etruscan s ea t wit h thei r wives , reclinin g a t tabl e wit h the m
under the sam e blanket; an d tha t Etrusca n slaves are very beautiful and
dress better tha n i s the custo m o f slaves.
Theopompus's pictur e i s put togethe r i n par t fro m a literar y clich e
about th e luxuriou s life of the barbarians , in this case the Etruscans ; but
it i s perhaps als o base d o n report s o f Greek travelers in Etruria . All th e
standard charge s o f luxuriou s livin g (Greek , truphe) ar e present : th e
lust, th e nudity , th e homosexuality , th e parties , the fanc y barbers. How
much o f hi s accoun t wa s true ? Certainl y th e extraordinar y freedo m of
the women , emphasize d b y th e implie d contras t wit h Gree k women o f
the time , wa s more tha n simpl y th e expressio n o f the author' s hostilit y
to a way o f life vastly different fro m hi s own. So , for example, i n a Greek
trial i n Athens , ca . 40 0 B.C.E., th e orato r Isaeu s coul d prov e i n defens e
of his client tha t a woman wa s a courtesan wh o gave herself t o anyone ,
rather tha n th e man' s wife, b y citing th e evidenc e o f neighbors wh o tes tified t o the quarrels , serenades , an d frequent scenes of disorder that took
place whe n th e woma n wa s at th e man' s house. Thes e wer e proof s that
she wa s a mistres s an d no t a wife . For , h e says , "n o one , I presume ,
would dar e to serenad e a marrie d woman , nor do marrie d wome n accompany their husband s to banquets or think of feasting in the company
of strangers, especiall y mer e chance comers," (Isaeu s 3.14; Forster 1983)
A Gree k of Theopompus ' tim e fel t a dee p distast e fo r th e Etrusca n
custom o f the minglin g of the sexe s a t dinne r i n a respectabl e context .
Seeing husband s and wive s so unexpectedly togethe r wa s suc h a serious
breach o f Greek culture an d goo d manner s that i t mus t hav e led Theopompus t o imagin e tha t wome n joine d me n i n anothe r traditionall y
male place , th e gymnasium , where Gree k men exercise d naked . I n fact ,
Etruscan wome n di d atten d games , a s w e se e i n painting s an d relief s
from Tarquini a fro m th e fift h century , B.C.E . (Fig . 8.4), showin g bleachers with spectators , mal e an d female, watching games and contests. But
there i s no evidenc e tha t the y wer e particularl y fon d o f such strenuou s
physical exercis e a s Sparta n wome n ar e sai d t o hav e practicedlik e
their husbands , the y see m t o hav e preferred spectator sports , thoug h images of women athlete s d o occur i n thei r art .
Etruscan wome n ma y well hav e raised thei r own children ; her e w e
can onl y gues s a t th e realit y behin d Theopompus' s statement . Perhap s
the ancien t custo m o f infanticide , prevalen t i n bot h Gree k and Roma n
societies (bu t no t amon g th e Hebrew s and late r forbidde n by the Chris tians), wa s no t presen t amon g th e Etruscans . Thei r wealt h ma y hav e
made it less necessary, o f course, thoug h economi c reason s ar e not necessarily i n th e foregroun d in suc h decisions . Anothe r possibl e interpretation i s tha t th e wome n wer e sai d b y Theopompu s t o rais e thei r ow n
children becaus e legall y the y coul d decid e wha t babie s wer e t o b e
brought u p an d whic h exposedunlik e Greec e and Rom e where legall y
it was the fathe r wh o "raised up " th e baby , acknowledging it a s his own



and therefor e legitimate and a citizen. Etrusca n art, i n fact , muc h more
than Greek art, an d even before the Hellenisti c period, focused on scene s
of children, often with thei r mothers or their families.
Much more easily confirme d is Aristotle's remark that the Etruscan s
eat wit h thei r wives, reclinin g at tabl e with the m unde r the sam e blanket, an d that their hous e servants, who were very beautiful, dressed bet ter tha n wa s th e custo m o f slaves elsewhere i n th e Classica l world . Sarcophagi an d tom b painting s ofte n represen t decease d couple s joine d
together o n thei r funera l bed s a s on thei r banque t couche s durin g their
lives. Best known, perhaps , are the terra-cott a sarcophagi from Cerveter i
(in Rom e an d Paris ) wit h figure s o f husban d an d wife , wit h archai c
smiles, tenderl y embracin g (Fig . 8.5) : th e sarcophag i o f "Brid e an d
Groom/' a s they ar e usually called in Englis h (they actuall y represen t a
married couple , sposi i n Italian) , an d th e man y couple s a t th e happ y
feasts painte d o n th e wall s o f tomb s a t Tarquinia . Th e blanke t men tioned b y Aristotl e was , lik e a brida l veil today , lon g a symbo l o f th e
bride as well as of marriage. On the well-know n sarcophagus of the Brid e
and Groo m fro m Cerveteri , no w i n Rome , th e mantl e o f th e husban d
that covers the leg s of the wif e i s not visibl e in our illustration . A depiction of a wedding on a relief from Chius i (Fig. 8.6) show s the brida l pair
under a fringe d canopy , togethe r wit h th e priest , i n a ritua l remarkably
like a traditiona l Jewish ceremony i n moder n America. And the typica l
gesture o f th e wif e i n Etruscan , as i n Gree k art , show s he r holdin g th e
veil o r mantl e awa y fro m he r face . Tw o othe r Etrusca n couple s ar e
shown in bed together under the same blanket on sarcophagi from a later
period. One show s husband and wife , idealize d a s classically youn g an d
beautiful an d nake d (Fig . 8.7). T o hav e the m bot h nake d woul d hav e
been a mos t unusua l situatio n i n Greece , wher e nudit y wa s customar y
for men , bu t identifie d wome n a s prostitutes; i t i s understandable i n a n
Etruscan context , wher e th e wome n enjoye d grea t privilege , perhap s
even comparable to that of men.

Figure 8.4 . Cop y of a wall paintin g fro m th e Tomb of the Chariot s (Tomb a dell e Bighe ) a t Tarquinia,
fifth centur y B.C.E. , with me n an d wome n seated togethe r on bleachers , watching game s and contests.

Etruscan Women


Figure 8.5 . Terra-cott a sarcophagu s o f a husban d an d wif e fro m Cerveter i o f th e sixt h centur y B.C.E.,
showing th e coupl e on thei r couch. Th e Archaic Ioni c style of the figures shows the Etruscans ' skillfu l
use o f thi s internationa l styl e i n thi s influentia l perio d o f thei r history, whe n the y provide d importan t
models fo r Roman art, religion , an d culture.

Similarly, th e Etruscan s had commissione d a nake d cul t statu e o f a

goddess i n th e sixt h centur y B.C.E . fo r a sanctuary a t Orviet o (Fig . 8.8);
the naked statu e o f the so-called Cannicell a Venu s was found in a sacre d
area withi n th e necropoli s o f Cannicella a t Orvieto , th e ancien t sanctu ary o f Volsinii . Thi s highl y unusua l commissio n ha d gon e t o a Gree k

252 WOME


Figure 8.6. Limestone relief fro m Chiusi , ca. 500 B.C.E. , showin g a wedding, the coupl e with a priest
under a canop y and musician s playin g in celebration . Again, the them e of the marrie d coupl e shows
how importan t this subject wa s i n aristocratic Etrusca n society.

sculptor use d t o makin g naked statue s o f kouroi, mal e youths, aroun d

530 B.C.E.the statu e wa s mad e of island marble and carefull y repaired
in antiquity. Severa l centuries earlier than Greek representations o f nude
goddesses i n monumenta l form , th e Etrusca n goddes s suggest s agai n a
different attitud e t o gender and the body .
Etruscans, eve n slaves according to Aristotle , dressed luxuriously b y
Greek an d Roma n standards. Athenian s called certai n luxuriou s ladies '
sandals with gold laces "Etruscan." (Ehrenber g 1943: 278, citing Kratinus
131.) Th e Roman s adopted Etrusca n rounded mantle s a s thei r citizen' s
normal toga, a s well as their purple and bordered garments for triumphal
garb, an d fo r children , priest s an d magistrates . Etrusca n women wer e
usually represente d wit h mantle s an d shoes , indicatin g tha t the y wen t
outdoors a s much as the meni n contrast t o the women of Athens, usually shown on vases of the Archai c and Classical periods a t home , wearing the chiton (or , if courtesans "o n the job" a t drinking parties, naked) .
The wome n w e hav e bee n discussin g were, o f course , al l o f the m
members of the elite , th e aristocracy . Bu t the wealt h o f archaeologica l
evidence from pre-Roma n Ital y allows us to see something of the religio n
and belief s of the mor e humble . Votiv e figures from Italia n sanctuarie s
reflect th e private cults of the modest and poor. Healing sanctuaries wit h
thousands o f votiv e terra-cott a an d bronz e figurine s hav e bee n found ,
testifying t o th e devotio n o f those wh o cam e there. I n th e sevent h an d
sixth centuries , votiv e offering s consistin g o f a grou p o f thes e bronz e
statuettesa mal e figure, often a warrior , a femal e figure, and a n ani mal statuettear e probabl y no t divinitie s bu t a famil y unit , a house hold: th e marrie d couple accompanie d b y a n anima l representin g thei r
property. Thi s typ e of votive offerin g was popula r in nort h Etruri a and
was widely exported aroun d Europe. Some sanctuaries, evidently the an cient equivalent of fertility clinics, specializing in women and children ,

Figure 8.7 . Li d o f a limeston e sarcophagu s o f th e mid-fourt h centur y B.C.E. , fro m Vulci , a coupl e
recline togethe r a s i f on thei r marriag e bed. Thei r nudit y and th e idealizatio n of th e bodie s suggest s
their closeness in the marriag e bond.



Figure 8.8 . Th e "Cannicell a Venus/'

(ca. 53 0 B.C.E. ) cul t statu e of a nud e
goddess, th e Etrusca n Venus, fro m th e
Cannicella necropoli s Orvieto (ancient

received thousand s o f votiv e statuette s fro m worshiper s askin g fo r th e

procreation o r protection o f children or thankin g the divinit y fo r favors
received. Man y of the faithfu l gav e so-called anatomical ex-votos , tin y
models of uteri or breasts. But the majorit y of ex-votos consisted o f swaddled babies or mothers an d children, includin g mothers nursin g their babies. This theme o f the nursin g mother (o r kourotrophos) i s all but com pletely absen t fro m Classica l ar t o f mainlan d Greec e an d th e worl d of
the Gree k islands and Asi a Minor . This remarkable contrast reflect s profound difference s betwee n Gree k art an d though t an d tha t o f the Etruscans an d othe r people s o f ancient Italy , since figures of nursing mother s
were popula r al l ove r Ital y in Etruscan , south Italian , and Sicilia n art ,

Etruscan Wome n


in region s wher e th e concep t o f mothe r goddesse s rulin g ove r fertilit y

and th e birt h of children ha d neve r ceased t o be important.
Images o f nursin g mothers wer e particularl y frequen t i n th e ar t o f
the fourt h to the first centuries B.C.E. ; they wer e votive gift s i n sanctuar ies where differen t language s wer e spoken , bu t geographica l proximity ,
religious customs, an d cultural influence s formed a common bon d among
different people s i n centra l an d souther n Italy . Whil e the imag e of th e
mother (ofte n seated ) wa s adopte d fro m Gree k art , th e bab y wa s a
purely Etrusca n addition (Fig . 8.9).
Figure 8.9 . Votiv e terra-cott a figurine s o f mother s wit h infant s an d youn g childre n o n thei r laps , a
subject almos t nonexisten t i n Qree k ar t bu t commo n i n th e ar t o f Ital y fro m earl y times . Ther e ar e
numerous examples of these mold-made figures/ the one s illustrate d here come from th e fourt h century
B.C.E., Satricum .



Was a religious reason enough to accoun t fo r the importanc e o f th e

motif o f mother an d chil d in th e ar t o f ancient Italy , o r did th e cultur e
include a specia l affectio n fo r children , as wa s apparentl y th e cas e i n
ancient Egyptian society? Historical changes in attitudes an d family feelings, a s well a s family structure , are currentl y debated b y scholars. Cer tainly affectio n betwee n husban d and wif e wa s shown openl y i n Etruscan ar t (w e ar e reminde d o f Theopompus' s shocke d descriptio n o f th e
servant reportin g that th e maste r i s in bed , presumabl y with hi s wife) ,
much mor e openl y tha n i n Greec e o r othe r Mediterranea n societie s
where i t i s still considere d imprope r to exhibi t conjuga l love i n public ,
or even to speak of it. Severa l loving couples ar e shown i n whic h one of
the partner s i s affectionatel y chuckin g th e othe r unde r th e chi n (Fig .
8.1), an d w e coul d sugges t tha t th e nursing-mothe r images also signif y
special familial bonds as well a s religious symbolism.
At th e beginnin g of this chapter, w e sa w some formidable Etruscan
women at home and abroad, together with their husbands and with thei r
families. There is also tantalizing evidence about Etruscan women's relations with on e another . W e see women workin g together a t textil e production o n a seventh-centur y objec t decorate d i n Etrusca n style , a
bronze axe-shape d pendan t fro m a ric h woman' s tomb i n Bologn a (Fig.
8.10); it s relief decoration show s women a t wor k carding, spinning, an d
weaving. Sixth-centur y wine-jug s of blac k bucchero , a typicall y Etrus can potter y fabric , sho w groups of running naked girls, perhaps reflecting
Figure 8.1 0 Drawin g o f th e fron t an d bac k o f a seventh-centur y B.C.E . bronz e pendan t foun d i n th e
tomb of a woman i n Bologna . The relief s includ e important women seated o n thronelik e chair s working woo l i n th e sam e demonstration of feminine domesticity seen i n Qreek and Roma n art .

Etruscan Women


some ritua l initiation s o f youn g girl s int o adulthood . Elsewhere , tw o

women ar e shown travelin g together i n a carriage on sarcophagus reliefs
as well as , apparently , o n a sixth-centur y terra-cott a relie f plaqu e fro m
a building at Murlo , nea r Siena. Two women are represented enthusiastically (romantically? ) embracing in a scene on a n engrave d mirror.
Like art, languag e preserves traces of women's lives and thei r importance i n Etrusca n society . Funerar y inscription s giv e evidenc e o f
women's names . Roma n women ha d n o name s of their own ; the y wer e
known first as their fathers' daughters and later a s their husbands' wives,
when the y cam e int o th e husband' s manus , o r lega l power , a s i n th e
legal formul a o f marriage , ubi tu Gaius, eg o Gaia (a s yo u ar e Gaius , I
am Gaia) . Etrusca n wome n ha d thei r ow n namesTanaquil , Seianti .
They apparentl y passe d thei r ran k to thei r children ; th e frequen t use of
both th e father' s nam e an d th e mother' s nam e i n Etrusca n inscription s
attests t o th e mother' s importance . Th e nam e of Seianti Hanuni a Tlesnasa i s inscribe d o n a brightl y painte d sarcophagu s i n th e Britis h Museum (Fig . 8.11). Th e dowage r hersel f appear s o n th e cover , mirro r i n
hand, holdin g ou t he r vei l an d wearin g al l he r preciou s jewelry. Tha t
she live d t o b e mor e tha n eight y years ol d i s show n b y a n analysi s of

Figure 8.11 . Painte d terra-cott a sarcophagu s (ca . 150 B.C.E. ) o f a woma n name d Seiant i Hanuni a
Tlesnasa, showing th e richly bejeweled figure of the deceased reclinin g on the lid as on her banqueting
couch. Her gesture , pulling the vei l fro m he r face , i s common fo r brides and wives .

258 WOME


her bones , stil l insid e th e caske t afte r al l thes e years . Scientist s hav e
reconstructed he r face , s o we ca n se e what on e o f the las t o f the grea t
Etruscan ladie s looke d like . Soo n afte r her death, th e sophisticated , lux urious, aristocrati c Etrusca n culture, i n which wome n enjoye d th e kin d
of statu s associate d elsewher e onl y wit h men , disappeare d int o tha t of
the victorious Romans.
Gary, E . 1937 . Dionysiu s o f Ha/icarnassus : Roma n Antiquities . Loeb Classica l Library .
Cambridge, Mass.
Forster, E . S. 1983 . Isaeus. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass.
Gulick, C . B . 1927-41 . Athenaeus: Deipnosophistae. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge ,
Mass, vol 6 (rev . 1955)
Selincourt, A . de . 1960 . Livy: Th e Early History o f Rome. Book s 1-5 . Harmondsworth ,

Bachofen, J . J. 1967 . Myth , Religion an d Mother Right. Princeton, N.J . (Originall y pub lished 186 1 and 1870 )
Bartoloni, G . 1989 . "Marriage , Sal e an d Gift . A proposit o d i alcun i corred i femminil i
dalle necropoli populoniesi della prima eta del ferro," 35-54 in Le Donne in Etruria
ed. A . Rallo, Rome.
Bianchi Bandinelli , R. 1982 . L'arte etrusca. Rome.
Bonfante, L . "Etruscan Couple s an d thei r Aristocratic Society." i n Reflections o f Women
in Antiquity, edite d b y Helene P. Foley, 323-43 . New York.
Bonfante, L . 1984. "Dedicate d Mothers. " I n Visible Religion, 3: 1-17 . Leiden .
. 1985a . "Amber, Women and Situla Art." Special issue of Journal o f Baltic Studies,
edited b y Joan Todd , 16 : 276-91.
. 1985b . "Votive Terracotta Figure s of Mothers an d Children. " I n Italian Iron Ag e
Artefacts i n th e British Museum, edite d b y J. Swaddling , 195-201 . Paper s of th e
Sixth Britis h Museum Classical Colloquium. London.
Briguet, M-F . 198 8 L e sarcophage de s epoux d e Cerveteri d u Musee d u Louvre. Paris .
(Enlarged version, Florence , 1969 )
Ehrenberg, V . 1943 . Th e People o f Aristophanes: A Sociology o f Ol d Attic Comedy.
Grottanelli, C . 1987 . "Servi o Tullio , Fortun a e 1'Oriente. " Dialoghi d i Archeologia, 3 d
ser., 5 : 71-110.
Haynes, S. 1989. "Mu/iebris certaminis laus." I n Atti II Congresso Internazionale d i Studi
Etruschi 1985 , 1385-1405 . Rome .
Heurgon, J . 1961 . "Valeurs feminine s e t masculine s dans l a civilisatio n etrusque. " Melanges de rEcole fran^aise a Rome: Antiquite 73: 142-43.
. 1964 . The Daily Life o f th e Etruscans. New York .
Kaimio, J. 1975 . "The Oustin g of Etruscan by Latin in Etruria." In Studies in th e Romanization o f Etruria. Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 5 : 85-245. Rome .
Kajanto, I . 1972 . "Women's Praenomin a Reconsidered. " Arctos 7: 13-30.
Nielsen, M . 1989 . "Wome n an d Famil y in a Changing Society: A Quantitative Approac h
to Late Etruscan Burials." Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 17-18 : 53-98.
. 1990 . "Sacerdotess e e associazion i cultual i femminil i i n Etruria : testimonianz e
epigrafiche e d iconografiche." Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 19-20 : 45-67.

Etruscan Women 25

Peruzzi, E . 1970. "II nome femminile," Tabu onomastici," an d "L a donna nella societa."
In Origini di Roma, 1 : 49-86. Florence .
Pfiffig, A . J. 1975 . Religio Etrusca. Graz.
Rallo, A. , ed . 1989 . Le donne i n Etruria. Studia Archeologica 52 . Rome.
Torelli, M . 1975 . Elogia Tarquiniensia. Florence .
Webster, T. B . L. 1972. Potter and Patron i n Classical Athens. London.

Bonfante, L . 1986. Etruscan Life an d Afterlife. 232-78 . Detroit .
, an d G . Bonfante. 1983. Th e Etruscan Language: An Introduction. Ne w York.
Brendel, O . J. 1978 . Etruscan Art. Harmondsworth , Middlesex .
Haynes, S., Th e Augur's Daughter (Londo n 1987).
Macnamara, E . 1973 . Everyday Life o f th e Etruscans. London.
. 1990 . Etruscans. British Museum Blue Books. London.
Pallottino, M . 1975 . The Etruscans. Harmondsworth, Middlesex .
Sprenger, M. , an d G . Bartoloni. 1986. Th e Etruscans. New York .
Steingraber, S . 1986 . Etruscan Painting. New York .


Rome's war i n Ital y against the invadin g Carthaginian general Hanniba l

(218-202 B.C.E. ) brough t more than religiou s innovations; i t forced major
transformations o f Roman society. Ital y was occupie d fo r more tha n fifteen years, an d the city ha d to mobilize new armies each year t o replac e
her losses, changin g radically th e econom y o f the peninsula an d the gender balanc e of power i n th e city . Women , eithe r widowe d b y the heav y
casualties o r i n thei r husbands ' absence , ha d t o tak e contro l a t leas t
within th e home . However , the austeritie s of the wa r wer e followe d by
a flush of prosperity an d mone y beyon d Rome' s power o f absorption fro m
the easie r victorie s ove r Macedo n an d Syria . I n 215, taxes had bee n im posed o n th e wealt h o f independent wome n t o rais e money fo r military
pay, an d a ne w austerit y law , the Le x Oppia, restricte d women' s finer y
and withdre w thei r privileg e of riding in carriages ; the law , unreported
in th e urgencie s o f th e militar y narrative , onl y arouse s th e historians '
interest i n peacetim e whe n a mov e wa s mad e t o repea l i t (19 5 B.C.E).
The repea l wa s supporte d b y vigorou s women' s demonstration s an d a
surge of masculine anxiety, provoke d les s by the risk s inherent i n repea l
than b y the ne w moo d o f the women . Th e speeche s o n bot h side s freel y
composed by Livy still convey vividly the anxiet y o f male conservatives ,
and the argument s that a Roman would us e to justify rewardin g wome n
with greate r luxur y (34.3-4) .
From Cato , th e conservativ e consul, come s th e fantas y o f wome n
beyond control :
Just revie w al l th e rule s fo r wome n b y whic h you r ancestor s controlle d thei r
license an d through whic h the y subjecte d wome n t o the husbands ; yet you ca n
scarcely contro l them , eve n whe n boun d b y al l thes e restraints . S o if you wil l
let the m undermin e each elemen t an d finall y b e raised level with men , do you

Republican Rome I I 26

think tha t the y wil l b e tolerable ? As soon a s the y begi n t o b e our equal s the y
will be our masters . . . you giv e way to them agains t the interes t o f yourselves,
your estate s and your children . A s soon a s the la w n o longer imposes a limi t on
your wife' s extravagance you certainl y wil l no t b e able to impos e it .
(Livy 34.3.1-3; trans . Elain e Fantham)

More interesting is Valerius's counterclaim, which reviews for us the oc casions from th e earl y Republic when women appeared in public to serve
the state :
In th e beginnin g under Romulus , when th e Capito l wa s take n an d ther e wa s a
pitched battl e i n the forum , di d not th e wome n cal m the fighting by their inter vention between the armies ? After th e expulsion of the king s when th e Volscia n
legions unde r Coriolanu s ha d pitche d cam p a t th e fift h milestone , di d not th e
wives tur n bac k th e enem y forc e tha t woul d otherwis e hav e crushe d th e city ?
To leave ou t pas t history , whe n w e neede d mone y i n th e las t war , di d not th e
widows' fun d hel p out th e treasury , an d whe n th e god s were summone d t o ou r
aid in desperate times , di d not th e wive s set out i n a body t o welcome th e Great
Mother fro m Ida ?
(Livy 34.5.8-10; trans. Elain e Fantham)

For Valerius, displa y is the woman' s glory:

Women canno t clai m magistracie s o r priesthood s o r triumph s or militar y deco rations o r award s o r th e spoil s o f war. Cosmetic s an d adornmen t ar e women' s
decorations. The y deligh t an d boas t o f the m an d thi s i s wha t ou r ancestor s
called women' s estat e
(Livy 34.7.8)

Of cours e Cato was no t alone . W e can illustrat e popular prejudices

about women' s "extravagance " fro m th e contemporar y diatrib e o f a
bachelor in Plautus' s comedy, Th e Pot of Gold. This misogynist imagines
rich wives demanding luxuries an d boastin g of their dowries :
"Well sir , you neve r ha d anythin g lik e the mone y I brought you an d you kno w
it. Fin e clothe s an d jewelr y indeed ! An d maid s an d mule s an d coachme n an d
footmen an d page s an d privat e carriages . A s i f I hadn' t a righ t t o them. " [H e
continues in his own words] wherever yo u g o nowadays you find more wagon s
in fron t o f a cit y mansio n tha n yo u ca n fin d aroun d a farmyard . That' s a per fectly gloriou s sight, though, compare d with th e tim e when the tradesme n com e
round fo r their money . Th e fuller , th e ladies ' tailor , th e jeweller , th e woolle n
worker, they'r e all hangin g round. An d there ar e dealers i n flounces and under clothes an d brida l veils , i n viole t dye s an d yello w dyes , o r muffs , o r balsa m
scented footgear ; and the n th e lingeri e people dro p i n on you, alon g with shoe makers an d squattin g cobbler s an d slippe r and sanda l merchant s an d dealer s i n
mallow dyes; an d the bel t maker s flock around an d the girdle makers along with
them, An d no w yo u ma y thin k you'v e go t the m al l pai d off . The n u p com e
weavers an d lac e maker s an d cabine t makershundred s o f themwh o plan t
themselves lik e jailers i n your hall s an d wan t you t o settle up. Yo u bring the m
in an d squar e accounts . " 'All pai d of f now anyway, ' yo u ma y b e thinking "
when i n marc h th e fellow s wh o d o th e saffro n dyeingsom e damne d pes t o r
other, anyhow , eternall y afte r something .
(Plautus, Po t of Gold, 498-550; trans. Elain e Fantham)

262 WOME


The comic catalo g ma y no t b e greatly exaggerated . Roma n victorie s

brought immense wealt h int o the hand s of the militar y commanders an d
their families . A n exampl e i s the accoun t give n b y th e Gree k historia n
Polybius (writin g afte r 16 0 B.C.E ) abou t th e famil y settlement s o f hi s
young patron , Scipi o Aemilianus . Scipi o passe d o n hi s decease d grand mother's possessions t o hi s divorced an d impoverishe d mother. Th e same
passage gives an ide a o f the hug e dowries owe d b y Scipio's famil y t o hi s
sisters' husbands , dowrie s require d fo r the m t o kee p hi s sister s i n th e
style t o whic h the y wer e accustome d (se e also Dixo n 1985b) .
(Aemilia) th e siste r o f Scipio's fathe r . . . lef t he r nephe w a larg e fortune an d
his handlin g of this legac y gav e the firs t proo f o f the nobilit y o f his principles .
Whenever Aemili a ha d lef t he r hous e t o tak e par t i n women' s processions , i t
had bee n he r habit to appear in great state, a s befitted a women who had share d
the lif e o f the grea t Africanu s whe n h e wa s a t th e heigh t o f his success . Apar t
from th e magnificenc e of her persona l attir e an d th e decoratio n o f her carriage ,
all th e baskets , cups , an d sacrificia l vessel s o r utensil s wer e mad e o f gol d o r
silver, an d wer e carrie d i n he r trai n o n suc h ceremonia l occasions , whil e th e
retinue o f maids and menservant s who accompanie d he r was proportionatel y
(26) Immediatel y afte r Aemilia' s funera l Scipi o hande d ove r al l he r splendi d
accoutrements t o hi s mother . Sh e ha d bee n separate d fro m he r husban d fo r
many years, an d he r means were far from sufficien t t o keep her in a state whic h
was suitabl e t o he r rank . I n previou s year s sh e ha d staye d a t hom e o n suc h
ceremonial occasions . Bu t now whe n a solem n sacrific e ha d t o tak e place , sh e
drove i n al l th e stat e an d splendou r which ha d onc e belonge d t o Aemilia . All
the wome n wh o witnesse d th e sigh t wer e move d wit h admiratio n fo r Scipio' s
goodness an d generosity .
(27) Afte r thi s ther e aros e th e matte r o f Scipio's obligation t o th e daughter s of
the grea t Africanus . Whe n Scipio came int o hi s inheritance i t wa s hi s duty t o
pay eac h o f th e daughter s half thei r portion . Thei r fathe r ha d arrange d t o pa y
each o f the m fift y talents . Hal f o f thi s su m ha d bee n pai d t o th e husband s of
each b y their mothe r a t th e tim e of their marriage , but th e othe r hal f was stil l
owing. . . . Roman law lai d i t dow n tha t thi s part of their dowr y tha t wa s still
due shoul d normall y b e paid to the m ove r a perio d of three years; th e first payment, consistin g o f th e persona l property , bein g mad e withi n te n months , ac cording t o th e usua l custom. Scipi o however instructe d hi s banker to pa y eac h
of the daughters within te n month s the entir e twenty-fiv e talent s
(Polybius 31.26-27; Scott-Kilvert 1979)
Polybius's motive i s praise of his young patron, bu t th e value s of wealthy
women appea r clearl y fro m th e context . Whil e men feare d an y attemp t
by youn g wive s t o b e notice d i n publi c (differen t nobleme n allegedl y
divorced their wive s for being seen wit h a freedwoman, for attending th e
games, an d eve n fo r appearin g i n publi c uncovere d [Valeriu s Maximus
6.3.10-12]), wealth y husband s used thei r olde r wive s as indexes o f their
affluencea for m o f conspicuou s consumptio n note d b y Thorstei n Ve blen i n hi s Theory o f th e Leisure Class (1899) .
Religious ceremonie s wer e th e women' s equivalen t o f militar y pa -

Republican Rome I I 26

rades; thei r luxury , howeve r muc h a matte r o f competitio n betwee n

women, als o reflecte d glory o n thei r husbands . Eve n Virgil, i n th e pag eant o f Roma n history depicte d o n Aeneas' s grea t shield , mention s th e
women o f Rome only a s the y ar e see n ridin g t o a religiou s occasio n i n
carriages, (se e Chapte r 7) . Whethe r th e funerar y carriage s show n o n
Etruscan funerary urns were th e sam e a s those of living women i n Rome
is unclear (se e Chapte r 8) . Tha t th e carriag e was a sig n o f hig h statu s
and wealt h i s beyond doubt .
Dowries were known well before the second century , bu t it is at thi s
time tha t the y develope d fro m a practical transfer of household good s or
a plo t o f lan d t o majo r economi c tools . The y featur e a s a grievanc e i n
Cato the elder' s invective against the increasin g power of women:
To begi n with , th e woma n brough t yo u a bi g dowry: nex t sh e retain s a larg e
sum of money whic h she does not entrus t t o her husband's control , but she gives
it t o hi m a s a loan : lastl y whe n sh e is annoyed wit h hi m sh e orders a "reclaim able slave" to chas e hi m abou t an d peste r hi m fo r it.
(Cato, quote d b y Gellius 17.6.8 ; Gardne r 1986 : 72)

It wa s to o eas y fo r the husban d t o rel y o n th e us e or interes t fro m

his wife's dowr y money, an d find himself in difficultie s whe n require d t o
return i t o n divorce . Lawyer s refined th e classificatio n of dowry, distinguishing th e woman' s origina l paternal gif t fro m an y additiona l wealt h
that accrue d to her. They eve n devised rules to cover the proportion tha t
the husband could retai n i n the even t o f divorce. One-sixt h wa s retaine d
for th e suppor t o f eac h survivin g child, whil e deduction s fo r marita l
faults range d fro m one-eight h fo r minor offense s t o one-sixt h i f the wif e
were divorced fo r adulter y (Gardne r 198 6 ch. 6 Dowry, a t p 112) . These
are modest enoug h deductions whe n we bear in mind that a n adulterou s
wife coul d b e lawfull y kille d when caugh t i n th e ac t b y he r father ; if
we ar e t o believ e Cato' s speec h O n th e Dowry, he r husban d ha d th e
same right.
When a ma n ha s launche d a divorce , th e arbitrato r i s lik e a Censo r t o th e
woman. He has the authorit y t o impos e wha t seems good t o him , i f the woma n
has acte d i n an y wron g o r disgustin g fashion . Sh e is fined if she drink s wine; i f
she has ha d a dishonorable relationshi p wit h anothe r man , sh e is condemned .
If you wer e t o tak e your wif e i n th e ac t o f adultery , yo u coul d freel y kil l he r
without a trial; wherea s i f you were t o commit adulter y . . . she would no t dar e
to lif t a finger against you , no r would i t b e right
(Gellius 10.23 ; trans. Fantham )

It wa s see n a s a n imbalanc e i n societ y i f an y wome n controlle d

larger estate s tha n me n o f the sam e class . On e sign of public anxiet y i s
the Voconia n La w o f 16 9 B.C.E. tha t forbad e a ma n i n th e to p propert y
class fro m makin g hi s daughte r hei r t o mor e tha n hal f o f hi s fortune ;
behind suc h legislatio n i s th e knowledg e tha t mone y onc e lef t t o a
daughter passed out o f the family.
Despite suc h indication s o f women' s growin g economi c power , i t

264 WOME


seems that the disciplinin g of women, eve n for public offenses , wa s still
a famil y rathe r tha n a publi c concern . Thu s i n th e widesprea d scanda l
of th e Bacchanalia n conspiracy (18 6 B.C.E.) wome n foun d guilt y o f participating i n th e allege d orgie s wer e hande d ove r b y the magistrate s t o
their kinsme n fo r punishment . Thi s coul d mea n execution , o r simpl y
confinement o n a countr y estate , wher e the y coul d b e kep t ou t o f th e
public eye . But i f anecdota l evidenc e fo r th e father' s protectio n o f hi s
daughter's chastit y ma y well belon g t o thi s period , ther e ar e signs tha t
married wome n wer e passin g ou t o f their husbands ' control . Whil e th e
military commander was away campaigning for years at a time in Macedonia o r Spain his wife would have a household staf f t o help her manag e
his affairs; admittedl y the la w still require d women to conduct an y legal
business through the intermediary of a male tutor, bu t it became increas ingly commo n fo r wome n t o appoin t thei r ow n puppets , freedman , o r
family client s wh o would do what the y wer e told (cf . Evan s 1991).
The most memorable woman of the Republic stands at the beginnin g
of acceleratin g politica l an d intellectua l change . Corneli a (1807-105 ?
B.C.E.), daughte r o f Scipi o Africanu s an d wif e o f Tiberiu s Semproniu s
Gracchus, wa s widowed afte r sh e had born e twelv e children , onl y thre e
of who m survived . He r daughter Semproni a marrie d th e nationa l her o
Scipio Aemilianus, and he r sons Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus attempte d
social reform s tha t brough t immediat e violence an d prolonge d politica l
change. Rom e had n o royalt y yet , but th e widowe d Corneli a ha d th e
status o f a princess; sh e had eve n refused a n offe r o f marriage from Kin g
Ptolemy o f Egypt . Instead , sh e devote d hersel f t o th e educatio n o f he r
two sons. Sh e brought Greek philosophers, Blossiu s from Cuma e and Diophanes fro m Mytilene , t o educat e th e young men , an d surel y als o con versed with th e scholar s herself.
But there is a conflict in the account s o f Cornelia; w e find it natura l
to assum e tha t sh e encouraged he r son s i n thei r politica l idealis m an d
attempts t o transfe r to Rom e the practice s o f Greek democracy. Ye t by
the en d of the Republic , historians could cite verbatim letters writte n b y
Cornelia t o he r younger so n Gaius denouncing hi s revolutionar y activ ities.
I would venture to take a solemn oath tha t excep t for the me n who killed Tiberius Gracchu s n o enem y ha s give n m e s o much troubl e an d toi l a s you hav e
done becaus e o f thes e matters . Yo u should rathe r hav e born e th e car e tha t 1
should hav e th e leas t possibl e anxiet y i n ol d age , tha t whateve r you di d you
thought i t sinfu l t o d o anythin g o f major importanc e agains t m y views , espe cially sinc e so little of my lif e remains . . . . Wil l our famil y eve r desist fro m
madness? . . . Wil l we ever fee l sham e a t throwin g th e stat e int o turmoi l an d
confusion? Bu t if that reall y canno t be , seek the tribunat e afte r I am dead .
(Excerpt preserved by Cornelius Nepos "On th e Lati n Historians;"
Horsfall 1989 : 43 )

It is a pity t o challenge th e authenticit y o f the earlies t lette r surviving from a Roman lady, an d i n th e pas t thes e letter s have bee n doubte d

Republican Rome I I 26

simply becaus e me n questione d he r abilit y t o writ e them . Tha t i s no t

the issue . Thes e letter s serve d to o wel l th e propagand a of conservativ e
reaction agains t th e continue d attempt s a t radica l refor m i n th e nex t
generation. A s a child of Scipio, Cornelia was hersel f exempt fro m criti cism; s o once sh e was dead i t wa s opportune t o "find " letter s i n whic h
she turned o n he r sons a s Veturia had onc e denounce d Coriolanus .
The marbl e base survives of the now-los t statu e o f Cornelia (seate d
like Whistler's Mother), th e first likeness of a secular Roman woman set
up b y he r contemporarie s i n a publi c place . Ar t historian s hav e bee n
able to show tha t he r statu e wa s copied b y a Greek sculptor of classicizing tast e fro m th e imag e o f th e seate d Aphrodit e by Pheidias . I n tur n
the "Cornelia " becam e th e mode l fo r a serie s o f seate d Roma n ladies ,
culminating four hundre d years later in the portrait said to be of Helena,
mother of the empero r Constantin e (Fig . 9.1).
This calm Hellenizin g likeness of the Roma n mother wa s t o b e manipulated fo r political ends . Erecte d afte r he r death b y the nex t wave of
reformers t o hono r he r a s mother of the Gracchi , and se t i n th e portic o
of defeated political enemies , he r statue woul d survive the counterrevolution o f Sulla, to b e displayed i n th e rename d portico, no w in hono r of
Octavia, sister of Augustus. But apparently during the conservativ e reaction agains t the attempt s of later reformers to extend powe r to the popular assembly , th e referenc e to he r famous sons on its bas e was discreetl y
filed away and replaced, to put he r status as daughter of Africanus before
her rol e a s mothe r (Coarell i 1978) . Corneli a ma y hav e turne d i n he r
grave, bu t sh e will no t b e the onl y decease d woma n commemorated for
virtues she neither possessed no r esteemed .

Working Women: Frccborn , Slave, and Freedwomen

Life wa s ver y differen t fo r th e wive s o f ordinar y peasan t soldiers . Th e
prolonged absenc e of husbands must hav e forced hardship and initiativ e
onto bot h peasan t wome n an d cit y wives . Thi s descriptio n o f th e up bringing of the bes t Roma n soldiers fro m a n od e o f Horace (65- 8 B.C.E. )
shows how the mother's authority had t o replace th e absen t father:
They were a hardy generation, good
farmers an d warriors , brough t up to turn
the Sabine furrows wit h thei r hoes, chop wood
and lu g the faggot s hom e to please a stern
mother at evenin g when the sun relieves
the tire d ox of the yoke . . .
(Horace, Odes 3.6 ; Michie 1963: 138)

An extrem e cas e o f these peasan t household s occur s i n Livy , whe n

the chie f centurio n Spuriu s Ligustinu s is displayed volunteerin g for service i n Macedoni a in 17 3 B.C.E. N o wonder he volunteers , sinc e h e i s a t



Figure 9.1. Statu e (earl y fourth centur y C.E.) of a woma n o f the Constantinia n cour t (Helena , mothe r
of Constantine! ) tha t may replicat e the seate d statu e of Cornelia, mother o f the Qracchi, the firs t publi c
statue of a Roma n woma n wh o wa s no t a priestess .

the to p of his profession, an d ha s won man y prizes and decorations. I t is

worthwhile to use his biography to reconstruct tha t o f his wife :
"My fathe r lef t m e a n acr e o f lan d an d a littl e hu t i n whic h I wa s bor n an d
brought up , an d t o thi s da y I liv e there . Whe n I firs t cam e o f age , m y fathe r
gave m e a s wife hi s brother's daughter , who brough t with he r nothin g bu t he r
free birt h an d he r chastity , an d wit h thes e a fertilit y which woul d b e enoug h
even fo r a wealth y home . W e have six son s an d tw o daughters , bot h o f who m
are no w married . Fou r o f ou r son s hav e assume d th e tog a o f manhood . Tw o
wear the boy' s bordere d toga. "
(Livy 42.34; trans. Elain e Fantham)

Republican Rome I I 26

Quite so , an d ou r hero , no w fifty , ha s serve d twenty-tw o year s awa y

from th e littl e hu t an d th e eigh t children , wit h onl y brie f period s a t
home betwee n campaigns . H e ma y hav e brough t hom e goo d priz e
money, bu t h e has no t ha d t o brin g the childre n up , o r find food t o pu t
in their mouth s each day . T o appreciate this woman's burden of motherhood w e should als o ad d to the eigh t survivin g children the miscarriage s
and stillbirth s so frequent i n ancien t society . O f course th e famil y (es sentially onl y on e se t o f in-laws! ) ma y hav e helpe d he r out . Bu t wh o
would plan t an d harves t thei r piec e o f land unti l th e childre n wer e old
enough t o help? Such a woman learne d independenc e wit h a vengeance .
Our sources ar e indifferen t t o th e lif e o f the poo r i n tow n an d coun try. A t the botto m o f the hea p mus t be the slav e women o f the country ,
though Cat o seem s to hav e pai d th e slav e women o n hi s model far m for
breeding (an d his instructions t o hi s overseer sugges t tha t th e overseer' s
wife ha s a t leas t a chanc e o f idle gossip) ; bu t whe n Varro' s manual o n
farming recommend s providin g sturd y wome n fo r th e shepherd s i t i s
clear just ho w harsh were th e condition s unde r which the y woul d live .
See that th e housekeepe r perfor m al l he r duties . I f the maste r ha s give n her t o
you a s wife, kee p yourself onl y t o her . Mak e her stan d i n aw e o f you. Restrai n
her fro m extravagance . She must visi t th e neighbourin g and othe r wome n very
seldom, an d not hav e them either in the hous e or in her part of it. Sh e must no t
go ou t t o meal s o r b e a gadabout . Sh e mus t no t engag e i n religiou s worshi p
herself o r get others t o engag e in i t fo r her without th e order s of the maste r an d
mistress . . . she must b e neat hersel f an d kee p the farmstea d nea t an d clean .
She mus t clea n an d tid y th e heart h ever y nigh t befor e sh e goe s t o be d (othe r
duties omitted).
(Cato, O n Agriculture 143 ; Hooper and As h 1936 : 125)
In th e cas e o f those wh o ten d th e herd s in mountai n valleys and woode d land s
and keep of f th e rain s no t b y th e roo f o f th e steadin g bu t b y makeshif t huts ,
many hav e though t i t advisabl e t o send alon g women t o follo w th e herds , pre pare food fo r the herdsmen , an d mak e them mor e diligent. Such women should,
however, b e strong an d no t ill-looking . In many places they ar e no t inferio r t o
the me n a t wor k . . . being abl e eithe r t o ten d th e her d o r carry firewoo d an d
cook the food , o r to keep things in order in their huts. As to feeding thei r young,
I merel y remark that i n most case s they suckl e them a s well a s bear them. . . .
when you wer e i n Liburni a yo u sa w mother s carryin g logs and childre n a t th e
breast a t th e sam e time, sometime s one, sometime s tw o [no t necessaril y twins ]
showing that our newly delivered women who lie for days under their mosquito
nets, are worthless an d contemptible. . . . I n Illyricu m it ofte n happen s that a
pregnant woman , whe n he r tim e ha s come , step s asid e a littl e wa y ou t o f her
work, bear s her chil d there , an d bring s it bac k so soon tha t you woul d sa y she
had no t born e i t bu t foun d it .
(Varro, O n Agriculture 2.10.6-8; Hooper and As h 1936 : 409-411)

The cit y slav e woul d liv e i n a house , bu t i n crampe d quarters , feedin g

on leftovers , dependin g fo r hi s prospect s o f freedom an d a famil y upo n
the master' s whim. A n educate d mal e slave , o r a persona l lady' s maid ,
might hop e fo r earl y freedom , bu t i f th e mai d ha d born e childre n t o a
slave partner , eithe r h e o r sh e woul d hav e t o pa y fo r thei r liberty . Sh e

268 WOME


might b e punished o r sold i f she offended he r mistressperhap s by pleas ing he r maste r to o wella s suggeste d b y the lea d curs e table t fro m th e
Republican perio d aime d a t th e destructio n o f a female slave:
Danae, th e ne w maidservant
of Capito. Accep t this offerin g
and destroy Danae . Yo u have curse d
Eutychia, th e wif e o f Soterichus.
(Degrassi Inscriptiones Latinae
Liberae Rei Publicae II . 1145;
trans. Elaine Fantham)

Or agai n sh e migh t b e sol d fo r failin g t o gratif y he r master ! Th e slav e

woman wh o wa s no t sol d awa y fro m he r partne r o r child coul d b e sent
away fro m the m t o har d labo r o n th e countr y estate . Th e deat h o f a
master o r mistres s coul d fre e larg e number s of slaves b y their will , o r i t
could uproo t the m t o b e sold awa y fro m th e onl y hom e the y knew . I n
Rome a s i n Greec e slav e wome n wh o di d no t ear n thei r freedo m befor e
they gre w ol d woul d becom e th e cheapes t an d mos t abuse d o f slaves .
The ultimat e povert y fo r th e fre e ma n wa s t o b e reduce d t o "on e ol d
slave woman." The worst fat e was to be that unwante d creature .
The skille d slav e wh o earne d freedo m was i n th e positio n o f man y
immigrants i n America n society ; b y har d wor k i n a smal l shop , o r
Thermipolium (win e bar) o r a workshop weavin g and dying textiles, th e
freedman o r woma n migh t affor d th e ren t o f a n apartmen t an d eve n
make savings, to buy and train their own skilled slaves. Bu t either migh t
have t o us e th e firs t saving s to bu y a partner' s freedom (contubernalis)
and tha t o f any childre n the y migh t hav e had.
The funerary reliefs of the lat e Republi c in Rome , set into the wall s
of tomb s alon g th e road s leadin g int o th e cit y an d thu s visibl e t o th e
passing world , occasionall y documen t th e kin d o f free d slav e familie s
who had saved a bit of money an d no w wished to take their plac e amon g
the fre e citizen s o f Rome. The survivin g examples of freed persons ' tom b
reliefs from th e first century B.C.E . ar e fe w in numbe r (Fig . 9.2), bu t the y
offer inscription s tha t giv e name s a s wel l a s image s o f couple s an d ki n
such a s Blaesus , freedma n of Caiu s an d Blaesia , freedwoman o f Aulus ,
slaves o f th e sam e family . Th e strangel y hauntin g relie f o f a mother ,
father, an d chil d (Fig . 9.3) belongs to th e sam e typ e s o favored b y free d
slaves from thi s perio d int o th e first century C.E . Th e woman extend s a n
admonitory han d t o touc h he r husband, a s the littl e bo y peeps ou t fro m
behind them . Th e inscriptio n wit h it s man y name s canno t b e use d t o
identify th e self-absorbe d famil y grou p se t befor e us , bu t th e woman' s
gesture i s base d o n a scen e fro m hig h art , showing th e divin e coupl e
Venus an d Mars ; ye t th e simpl e an d veristi c styl e o f th e relie f seem s
worlds awa y fro m suc h classica l sources . Fo r the free d slave s wh o commissioned thi s grou p o f reliefs , upwar d mobilit y cam e fro m th e publi c
self-representation o f family , somethin g t o which onl y a free perso n wa s
entitled, sinc e a slave had no right to her or his own children, o r to make

Figure 9.2 . Tombston e o f a coupl e who wer e free d slaves , fro m a tom b i n Rome , firs t centur y B.CE .
Their name s appea r in inscription s on the ston e tha t would hav e bee n inserte d int o the fron t of a tom b
enclosure/ th e ston e was t o be seen b y passersby .

Figure 9.3 . Tombston e of a famil y group , mother , father , and child , fro m the lat e first century B.C.E .
in Rome .


270 WOME


a lega l contract suc h a s marriage. And despite th e frequentl y roug h styl e

of man y o f thes e images , statu s wa s als o sough t b y th e us e o f model s
based on the taste s of the uppe r classes; me n with gri m death-mask faces ,
women wit h eve r youthful an d relativel y idealize d features , pose s base d
on classica l prototype s al l contribute d t o th e free d slave' s sens e o f belonging t o th e legitimat e worl d o f free Romans .
Little i s known o f women's trainin g i n crafts , thoug h wool-workin g
was th e basi c chor e o f the househol d slave , t o whic h sh e woul d retur n
in an y unoccupie d hours . Ther e i s more evidenc e fo r women traine d a s
entertainers. I n the funera l epitap h fo r the chil d actres s Euchari s quote d
here, Licini a her patrones s i s more likel y t o hav e been a n ex-actres s an d
freedwoman o f the Licini i than a membe r o f that noble family .

Stop, you whos e wanderin g glance lights on this house ,

of death: linge r and rea d ou r epitaph .
Words that a parent's love gave to this child
When he r remains had reache d thei r restin g place .
Just a s my youth wa s green wit h buddin g talent
and growin g years promise d a hop e of fame ,
The gri m hou r of my death cam e on to o soo n
Forbidding lif e an d breat h beyon d thi s time ,
Skilled a s a pupi l of the Muses ' teaching
I wh o s o recently dance d t o grac e the sho w
Of nobl e patrons, I who firs t appeare d
before th e peopl e i n a Greek performance,
See! in thi s grave the crue l fate s have placed
My ashes , unresponsiv e to m y song.
My patroness's lov e and car e an d praise
Are silenced b y the pyre , an d stil l in death .
The daughter left he r father to lament,
The late r born preceded hi m i n doom .
Twice seven birthday s lie with m e engulfed
In death' s abode , an d everlastin g gloom.
Please as you g o pray earth li e sof t upo n me .
(Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae II . 803 ;
trans. Elain e Fantham)

Women wh o live d b y se x migh t bu y gir l slave s o r rais e foundling s t o

work for them whe n the y ha d aged , but we should not exclude th e train ing of women i n craft s and catering . The y ha d n o monopoly o n th e luxury craft s an d trades , bu t th e deman d fo r bot h me n an d wome n in creased wit h Roma n prosperity , an d i s atteste d t o b y th e name d
specializations o f the slav e women whos e ashe s fill the columbari a (underground grou p burial chambers) o f the earl y empire .

Republican Rome I I 27

The Las t Phase of th e Republi c and th e Impac t of Civi l War

The ag e tha t celebrate d th e dea d Corneli a sa w increase d emphasi s o n
individuality, a s nobleme n compose d thei r autobiographie s i n Gree k or
Latin an d noblewome n earne d th e privileg e of a publi c eulog y a t thei r
funeral. Th e practic e begu n b y th e conservativ e Catulus' s eulog y o f hi s
mother (Cicero , D e Oratore 2.44) , wa s exploite d fo r self-advertisement
by Caesar himself:
My aun t Julia's family was descende d fro m King s on he r mother' s side , an d he r
father's i s relate d t o th e gods . Fo r the Marci i Reges , whos e nam e he r mothe r
bore, descen d fro m Ancu s Marcius . The Julii , th e cla n fro m whic h m y family
comes, descen d fro m Venu s herself.
(Suetonius, Caesar 6.2; trans. Elain e Fantham)

Cicero himsel f accepte d fro m Caesar' s murderer , M . Junius Brutus , th e

commission t o writ e a laudator y biograph y o f Brutus' s cousin Porcia ,
modeled o n th e traditiona l spoke n eulog y (Plutarch , On th e Virtues o f
Women 242e) . Clearl y th e politician s sa w praise of their womenfolk as a
means t o thei r ow n o r their family' s distinction , bu t thei r own politica l
conflicts soo n le d to a situation wher e the wome n ha d t o share in political a s well a s public burdens.
Two generation s o f civi l wa r fro m 9 0 t o 3 0 B.C.E . kille d an d exile d
the head s of many nobl e families and lef t th e initiativ e t o th e surviving
women; a Valeri a Messalin a showed he r initiative in accostin g and winning i n marriag e th e autocra t Sulla ; mor e conventiona l wome n use d
their position fo r political influence . Caecilia Metell a extended he r protection to sav e Cicero' s clien t Rosciu s fro m his personal and politica l
enemies, whil e Sallus t could nam e th e now-unidentifiabl e Praecia, mistress o f a disreputabl e consu l Cethegus , a s th e bestowe r o f offic e t o
whom al l aspirant s should apply . Som e women wer e mor e intereste d i n
money tha n politics . Cicero' s wif e Terentia , fo r example, ra n he r financial affair s throug h he r steward Philotimus , and seem s to have exploited
Cicero's enforce d absenc e fro m 5 1 to 4 7 t o profi t a t he r husband' s ex pense.
You writ e t o u s tha t m y resource s an d your s an d Terentia' s wil l b e available.
Yours n o doubt , bu t wha t resource s o f min e ca n ther e be ? As for Terentia, t o
say nothin g of innumerable other incidents , doesn' t thi s ca p all ? You asked he r
to chang e 12,00 0 Sesterces , tha t bein g th e balanc e o f th e money . Sh e sent m e
10,000 wit h a not e tha t thi s wa s th e amoun t outstanding . Whe n sh e nibble s
such a trifl e fro m a trifle , yo u ca n se e wha t sh e wil l hav e bee n doin g whe n a
really larg e amoun t i s involved .
(Cicero, Letters t o Atticus 11.24.3 ; Shackleton Baile y 1965-66: 61-63)

When thi s actio n o n he r par t le d t o divorce , Cicer o ha d t o rais e th e

funds t o retur n he r dowry, whil e negotiatin g t o retai n a fraction for th e
expensive Athenia n educatio n o f their twenty-year-ol d son . Thi s seem s
to have been i n th e for m o f property, bu t ther e was difficulty i n securing
the rental s fro m anothe r freedma n o f Terentia . Furthe r trouble s aros e

272 WOME


when Cicer o trie d t o protec t th e children' s right s i n hi s own ne w will ,

and ensur e that the y receive d the prope r share of their mother' s fortune.
Whatever th e ultimat e settlement , Terentia' s continued wealt h enable d
her to remarry more than once an d she lived to be more than a hundred.
In contrast , Cato' s half-siste r Servili a ha d mor e influenc e tha n
money. Independenc e was forced upon her. Servilia' s father, mother, an d
uncle Liviu s Drusu s were kille d o r die d whe n sh e wa s a chil d an d he r
first husband was murdered by Pompey a decade later. She used her skills
to make alliances through the marriag e of her daughters with risin g politicians fro m differen t groups , an d eve n afte r th e deat h o f Caesar , wh o
had onc e bee n he r lover , on e o f he r sons-in-law , Lepidus , was a privi leged Caesarian who could help her secure changes in a senatorial decre e
on behal f o f th e "tyrannicides, " he r so n Brutu s an d he r son-in-la w
Women's Education : Women as Public Speakers
Power lik e Servilia' s surel y cam e fro m famil y connections, bu t sh e ca n
hardly hav e achieve d s o muc h withou t a n education . I t i s a pit y tha t
there i s s o littl e evidenc e fo r th e educatio n o f th e daughter s o f Rome ,
and certainl y no t enoug h t o measur e improvement . Cornelia , wif e o f
Pompey an d daughte r of Metellus Scipio, must have been exceptional :
The youn g woma n ha d man y charmin g qualities apar t fro m he r yout h an d
beauty. Sh e ha d a good knowledg e of literature, o f playing the lyre , an d o f geometry, an d sh e was a regular and intelligen t listener to lecture s on philosoph y
(Plutarch, Pompe y 55; from Fall o f th e Republic; Warner 1972: 216 )

This is more like a Greek education tha n a Roman ; music an d geometr y

were no t par t o f th e Roma n curriculu m eve n fo r men . Usually girl s
would receiv e thei r earl y educatio n fro m attendin g th e instructio n o f
their brothers , an d thu s migh t acquir e Greek , rea d Home r an d som e
Latin poetry , an d d o som e elementar y exercise s i n Lati n composition ;
but the y woul d b e married by the ag e that thei r brothe r move d o n t o a
tutor i n rhetoric . Cicer o offer s furthe r evidenc e fo r women's interes t i n
philosophy, whe n h e report s t o Atticu s that hi s friend Caerelli a ha s pirated fro m Atticus' s copyists a prepublication copy of his work On Ends.
Caerellia, i n he r amazin g ardor for philosophy no doubt , i s copying fro m you r
people. Sh e ha s thi s ver y wor k O n Ends. No w I assur e you (bein g human , I
may b e wrong) tha t sh e di d no t ge t i t fro m m y men . I t ha s neve r bee n ou t o f
my sight.
(Cicero, Letters to Atticus 13.21a , (327) ; Shackleton Baile y 1965-66 : 215)

Caerellia als o corresponded wit h Cicero , who in his turn wrote routinel y
to provincial governors on behalf of her business interests. H e had reaso n
to oblige her, sinc e he was literall y in her debt (Letters to Atticus 12.51 ;
Shackleton Baile y 1965-66).

Republican Rome I I 27

Surely som e o f thes e educate d an d leisure d wome n wrot e poetry ?

Certainly Cicer o in his defenc e of Caelius (64 ) makes fun of his enem y
Clodia (o n who m see Chapter 10 ) as a composer o f dramatic Mimes, bu t
his mockin g use o f th e Gree k word fo r "poetess " i s mor e likel y t o b e a
witty metapho r fo r her intrigue s an d perjury . Clodi a hersel f did no t ap pear i n court , bu t i n thi s perio d o f anomalie s wome n ar e reporte d a s
speaking in cour t fo r the first time. Valeriu s Maximus reports tha t Mae sia o f Sentinu m earne d th e nam e Androgyn e fo r pleadin g i n he r ow n
defense befor e th e praetor . He r cas e probabl y belong s t o th e perio d o f
Sulla's return , whe n Italia n communitie s wer e strippe d o f civi l rights ;
this wa s a perio d o f lawlessness , i n whic h me n wer e o n th e ru n an d
women migh t hav e t o defen d themselve s an d thei r propert y fro m physi cal o r legal attack (Marshal l 1990). Les s charitably, Valeriu s reports:
Afrania, wif e o f th e Senato r Liciniu s Bucco, was addicte d t o lawsuit s an d al ways pleade d he r ow n cas e befor e the praetor , no t fo r lack o f friends t o spea k
for he r bu t becaus e she was quite shameless. S o from he r constant harassmen t of
the magistrate' s tribunal s with thi s unnatura l yapping she became a notoriou s
example o f female abuse o f court, s o much s o that th e ver y nam e of Afrania i s
used a s a charg e against women's wicke d ways . He r breath laste d ou t unti l th e
second consulshi p o f Caesar wit h Serviliu s [46 B.C.E.].
(Valerius Maximus 8.3.2; trans. Elain e Fantham)

It wa s amon g th e earl y achievement s o f th e heroin e w e kno w a s

Turia (o f whom mor e wil l b e said i n Chapte r 11 ) tha t sh e drove band s
of brigand s awa y fro m th e famil y estat e an d late r vindicate d he r lega l
claim to it, bu t i t is likely that Turia mobilized the household for defense
without actuall y fighting , an d finance d an d secure d lega l advocac y
without appearin g in court .
Women an d Civi l War: The Las t Years of th e Republi c
The mos t honore d exampl e o f a woma n speake r als o emerge s fro m th e
upheaval o f civil war; Hortensia , daughte r of a great orato r an d wido w
of th e Republica n Servilius Caepio, pleade d befor e th e triumvir s i n 4 2
B.C.E. t o remov e the specia l taxe s imposed on th e womenfol k of the pro scribed. Th e historia n Appia n (secon d centur y C.E. ) i s probably drawing
on his invention when h e makes Hortensia argue the injustic e of this ta x
on th e basi s of gender:
Why should w e pay taxes when w e have no part in the honours, th e commands ,
the statecraf t fo r which you conten d agains t eac h othe r wit h suc h harmfu l re sults? "Because thi s is a time of war," you say . Whe n have there not bee n wars ,
and whe n hav e taxes ever bee n impose d on women, wh o ar e exempted b y their
sex among al l mankind ?
(Appian, Civil Wa r 4.32; White 1979 : 197)

Her eloquenc e an d th e unprecedente d sigh t o f noblewome n brutall y

driven awa y fro m th e triumvira l tribuna l provoked such public indigna-

274 WOME


tion tha t th e wome n wo n thei r concessions . Hortensi a i s admired ,

whereas Afrani a i s abused , becaus e Hortensi a wa s appealin g i n defens e
of a whole social group, before an irregula r magistracy imposing an irregular ta x (Snyde r 1989 , p 126).
But Appian' s civi l wa r narrative , despit e it s gratifyin g tribut e t o
wifely fidelity , cove r a perio d o f unprecedente d disturbance , whe n a n
outlawed senato r migh t hav e t o hid e i n a sewe r o r a roofspace , o r disguise himsel f a s a charcoa l burne r t o escap e hi s assassin s (cf . Civil Wa r
In thi s disturbanc e on e woma n hersel f becam e a militar y leader .
Fulvia ha d bee n wif e t o th e radica l tribun e Clodiu s an d th e Caesaria n
Curio befor e sh e marrie d he r las t husban d Mar k Antony . (Cicero , wh o
hated Antony , tol d hi m in public that h e was doomed becaus e h e had a t
home th e fata l monste r tha t ha d kille d Clodiu s an d Curi o befor e him).
When Anton y wa s commande r i n chie f i n th e East , perhap s befor e hi s
relationship wit h Cleopatr a began , Fulvi a combine d wit h Antony' s
brother Luciu s to lea d a rebellion of Italian cities against Octavius's lan d
confiscations (Babcoc k 1969) . Th e stor y o f thei r propagand a wa r ha s
been reveale d b y th e insult s scratche d o n th e slingshot s o f eithe r side :
"Octavius, you suck! " "Octavius the wide-arsed! " "L. Antonius an d Fulvia, ope n wid e you r asses! " (Hallet t 197 7 pp 157-8) . I n Rom e th e ulti mate insul t t o a ma n wa s "t o suffe r th e woman' s lot" ; that is , t o b e
penetrated, an d mos t vulga r abuse exploits this .
Yet it was Fulvia who summoned Antony' s friend s wit h their armie s
and rallie d th e defender s of Perusia. When L . Antonius wa s defeated an d
forced t o surrender , Fulvi a finall y slippe d awa y t o joi n Anton y i n
Greece. Sh e fell sic k an d die d a t Sicyon . Wit h typical incomprehensio n
Appian offer s a hostil e an d trivializin g obituary: "th e death o f this turbulent woman , wh o ha d stirre d u p so disastrous a war o n account of her
jealousy o f Cleopatra, seeme d extremel y fortunat e to bot h o f the partie s
who wer e ri d of her" (Civil Wa r 4.55; White 1972) .
Fulvia's death free d Anton y fo r a new marriag e alliance, an d Octav ian use d Octavia , th e younge r o f hi s tw o sisters , i n a vai n attemp t t o
make a lasting tie wit h hi s rival. As Plutarch describes her, Octavi a wa s
a mode l wife , reenactin g th e peacemakin g rol e o f th e origina l Sabin e
brides, bearin g he r husban d children , an d even , i n th e styl e o f the lat e
Republic, securin g hi m militar y forces.
Octavia ha d saile d with hi m fro m Greece , bu t a t he r reques t h e sen t he r awa y
to her brother whe n sh e was pregnant, having already borne hi m one daughter .
She wen t t o mee t Caesa r o n th e journe y an d takin g his friend s Maecena s an d
Agrippa wit h her , she me t . . . an d begge d hi m no t t o neglec t her , since fro m
being a ver y happ y woma n sh e ha d becom e mos t wretched . Fo r now al l me n
looked to her as the siste r of one commander and wife of the other . "If the worst
should happen, " sh e said, "an d war brea k out, it i s uncertain whic h o f you i s
fated t o win an d whic h to lose , bu t m y role will be wretched i n eithe r case. "
When th e agreemen t wa s mad e tha t Octavia n shoul d giv e Antony tw o legion s
for th e Parthia n war, an d Anton y shoul d giv e Caesar a hundre d warships, Oc -

Republican Rome II 27

tavia obtaine d ove r an d beyon d th e agreemen t twent y swift ships fro m he r hus band fo r he r brothe r an d a thousan d soldier s fro m he r brothe r fo r her husband .
. . . Antony too k wit h hi m Octavia an d his children b y her and Fulvia , and set
off fo r Asia .
(Plutarch, Anton y 35 ; trans. Elain e Fantham)

In Plutarch's last chapter, afte r Anton y an d Cleopatra ar e dead, Octavi a

is see n supervisin g th e upbringin g and marriage s of al l Antony' s chil dren: hi s so n b y Fulvia , lullu s Antonius , sh e marrie d t o Marcella , he r
younger daughte r b y he r firs t husband . Anton y an d Cleopatra' s daughter, Cleopatr a Selene , sh e marrie d t o Jub a o f Mauretania . I n tur n sh e
secured th e marriag e of her own daughters by Antony to Domitius Ahenobarbus, th e grandfathe r of Nero, and t o Octavian's stepso n Drusus, destined t o b e ancesto r o f tw o emperors , Caligul a an d agai n Nero . I n hi s
sister, Octavia n ha d th e bes t o f models for the idea l of domestic loyalt y
that h e woul d set befor e the wome n o f Rome.
Patterns of Domesti c Lif e an d Deat h
It would b e fairer to the societ y of the lat e Republic to for m a picture of
the live s o f aristocrati c wome n fro m thos e livin g befor e th e civi l war .
Here w e mus t recogniz e tw o pattern s o f family structur e unfamilia r t o
recent society : firs t th e likelihoo d o f marriage s endin g i n th e deat h o f
the husban d (usuall y ten year s olde r tha n hi s wife) o r th e youn g wife,
as a consequenc e o f childbirth ; secon d a n accepte d patter n o f divorc e
and remarriage , leading to a wide ag e spread betwee n sibling s and half siblings growin g u p i n th e sam e household . Thus , fo r example , Octav ian's half-siste r by hi s father' s firs t wif e wa s te n year s olde r tha n th e
younger Octavia , hi s full sister , whil e his mother's remarriag e to Marcius
Philippus seem s t o hav e brough t hi m furthe r half-sister s (se e Bradle y
1991, chapter s 6 and 7 ; analysis o f key social factors , p . 171) .
Even befor e th e outbrea k o f civil wa r i n 50 , any well-bor n woma n
of th e perio d migh t liv e throug h thi s sequenc e o f remarriages; conside r
the best-know n biograph y o f a privat e womanth e lif e o f Cicero' s
daughter Tullia. Born in 7 6 B.C.E., sh e was marrie d in he r teen s to a ma n
in hi s lat e thirties , an d los t hi m t o a natura l deat h whe n h e wa s jus t
over forty . Afte r a brie f union wit h th e patricia n Furius Crassipes, ending i n divorce , sh e an d he r mothe r decide d o n he r las t disastrou s marriage t o Corneliu s Dolabell a durin g her father' s absenc e a s governo r o f
Cilicia, while he was still tryin g to find for her a husband not submerge d
in debt . Dolabella' s rol e a s a supporte r o f Caesar ma y hav e helpe d th e
women afte r Pompey' s defeat bu t th e ma n himsel f was useless. Afte r th e
loss o f Tullia's first pregnancy the y live d apart , an d a year late r Cicer o
seriously debate d whethe r t o pres s for divorce s o that th e bab y she wa s
carrying might be brought up b y her family. But his own financia l need ,
which prevente d hi m completin g th e paymen t o f th e dowry , als o ob structed th e divorce . I n 4 5 B.C.E . Tulli a die d o f postpuerpera l complica tions afte r bearin g a so n wh o probabl y die d withi n weeks . Sh e was jus t

276 WOME


over thirty. Bu t although Cicero never recovered from he r los s an d trie d

to erec t a shrine i n he r memory , hi s many letter s convey n o ide a o f her
personality. Wa s sh e gentle ? Was sh e witty ? Was sh e cultured ? The fa mous lette r o f condolenc e fro m Serviu s Sulpicius , the n governin g a
Greece ruined by Roman warfare, balance s the littl e tha t th e futur e ha d
to offe r a woman o f her clas s against th e conventiona l recor d o f Tullia's
past satisfactions:
But I suppose you griev e for her. How ofte n mus t you hav e thought , an d ho w
often i t ha s occurre d t o me , tha t i n thi s da y an d ag e they ar e no t mos t t o b e
pitied wh o hav e been grante d a painles s exchange of lif e fo r death! What wa s
there afte r al l t o mak e life s o sweet a prospec t fo r he r a t thi s time ? What di d
she have or hope? What comfort for her spirit? The though t perhap s of spending
her lif e wedde d to som e young man o f distinction? Do you suppos e it wa s possible for you t o choos e fro m thi s modern generation a son-in-law suitable to your
child? Or the though t o f bearing children herself , whose bloo m woul d chee r he r
eyes, sons who coul d maintain their patrimony, would seek public office i n du e
course, an d ac t i n publi c affair s an d thei r friends ' concern s lik e free men ? Was
not al l this taken away before i t was granted? The loss of children is a calamity,
sure enoughexcep t tha t i t i s a wors e calamit y t o bea r ou r presen t lo t an d
Tell yourself tha t sh e live d a s long 'as i t wa s wel l fo r her t o live , an d tha t sh e
and freedo m existe d together . Sh e sa w you , her father , Praetor , Consu l an d
Augur. Sh e was marrie d to young me n o f distinction. Almos t al l tha t lif e ca n
give, sh e enjoyed : an d sh e lef t lif e whe n freedo m died . Ho w ca n yo u o r sh e
quarrel with fortun e on that account? .
(Cicero, Letters to hi s Friends. 4. 5 (248) ; Shackleton Bailey 1978 : 248)

The vicarious achievement s o f Tullia's past ar e not peculia r t o thi s

generation. Man y recur i n th e movin g elegy composed b y Propertiu s for
another Cornelia , th e stepdaughte r of Octavius who woul d becom e Au gustus Caesar, but Corneli a coul d ad d pride in her three childre n t o Tullia's recor d o f virtu e an d famil y glory . Thi s i s a man' s perceptio n o f a
good woman , an d i t i s men wh o gav e this poe m it s titl e a s "the queen
of elegies," but Cornelia' s account of her lif e i s still worthy t o be the las t
quotation, becaus e i t bes t represent s th e ideal s an d realitie s o f lif e fo r
the only women we come t o know fro m th e tim e of the Roma n Republic,
the wome n o f the privilege d an d endangere d rulin g class. Lik e Hortensi a
she is depicted a s speaking in he r own defencebu t befor e the las t judgment o f Hades:

I wa s bor n to this , an d whe n the wreat h o f marriage

Caught u p my hair, an d I was a woman grown,
it wa s your bed , m y Paullus, that I came t o
and no w have left. Th e carving on the ston e
says SHE WED BUT ONCE. O father s long respecte d
victors in Africa , b e my defense . . .

Republican Rome I I 27

I aske d no favours when Paullu s was mad e censor :

no evil found it s way within ou r walls .
I d o no t thin k I have disgraced my fathers:
I se t a decent patter n i n thes e halls .
Days had a quiet rhythm : n o scandal touche d u s
from th e weddin g torch t o th e torc h besid e my bier.
A certain integrit y i s proof of breeding :
the lov e of virtue should no t b e born of fear .
Whatever th e judge, whatever the lo t fat e give s me,
no woman need s t o blus h who sits a t m y side
not Cybele' s priestess , Claudia , pulling to safety
the boa t wit h th e hol y image , caught in the tide :
not th e Vesta l who swor e b y her robe she would rekindl e
the fire they sai d sh e had left , an d th e as h blazed flame:
and mos t of all no t you m y mother, Scribonia
all bu t th e way of my death you woul d hav e the same . . .
For my children I wore th e mother' s robe of honor ;
It wa s n o empt y hous e I left behind .
Lepidus, Paullus , still you brin g me comfort
you close d m y eyes when deat h ha d mad e me blind.
Twice in th e curul e chair I have seen m y brother;
they cheere d hi m a s a consul the da y befor e I died.
And you, m y daughter, thin k of your censor-father,
choose on e husband and live content a t hi s side.
Our clan will rest o n th e childre n that you giv e it,
Secure in thei r promis e I board th e boa t an d rejoice .
Mine is the fina l triump h of any woman,
that he r spirit earns the prais e of a livin g voice.
(Propertius Elegies 4.11; Carrier 1963 : 191-92 excerpted )
If w e ar e to o consciou s o f a publi c voice , o f a censor' s wif e upholdin g
official virtue ; i f thes e claim s rin g hollo w becaus e historian s remin d u s
that Cornelia's mother Scribonia wa s deserted b y Augustus the da y afte r
she bore him a daughter, wh o woul d hersel f submi t t o enforce d dynasti c
marriages followed b y exile and disgrace ; if we follow th e career s of Cor nelia's sons Lepidus and Paullus , t o thei r consulships in 1 and 6 C.E.the
elder condemned t o death fo r conspiracy, th e younger "spare d th e peril s
of marryin g a princess " (Sym e 1939 : 422)thi s i s t o le t th e hazard s of
closeness t o a risin g dynasty blin d u s to th e other , personal , value s tha t
Cornelia implies . W e have deliberatel y broke n of f before th e mos t mov ing an d timeles s part o f her poem , wher e she turns to bi d farewell t o he r
husband an d children . Th e reade r ma y see k thi s ou t an d rea d i t pri vately.
Carrier, C . 1963 . The Poems of Propertius. Bloomingto n Ind .
Hooper, W . D . an d H . B . Ash . 1936 . Cato an d Varro: o n Agriculture. Loe b Classica l
Library. Cambridge , Mass .

278 WOME


Horsfall, N . 1989 . Cornelius Nepos: A Selection. Oxford.

Mandelbaum, A . 1961 . Th e Aeneid o f Virgil. Ne w York .
Martin, C . 1979 . Th e Poems of Catullus. Baltimore Md .
Michie, J. 1963 . Th e Odes of Horace. New York .
Perrin, B . 1917. Plutarch: Lives. Loe b Clasical Library . Cambridge, Mass .
Scott-Kilvert, I . 1979 . Polybius: th e Rise o f th e Roman Empire. Harmondsworth , Mid dlesex.
Shackleton Bailey , D . R. 1965-66. Cicero's Letters t o Atticus. Vols. 1-6 , Cambridge .
1978. Cicero' s Letters t o hi s Friends. Vols. 1 and 2 . Harmondsworth, Middlesex .
Warner, R . 1958 . Plutarch: th e Fall o f th e Roman Republic Harmondsworth , Middlesex .
White, H. 197 2 Appian's Roman History Vol . 3, Loeb Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass .

Babcock C. L . 1969. "The Earl y Career of Fulvia" American Journal of Philology 86 : 1-32 .
Beard, M . an d M . Crawford , 1985 . Rome i n th e Late Republic; Problems and Interpretations. London.
, 198 9 with J. Nort h an d S . F. Price, Pagan Priests. Cambridge .
Bradley, K . 199 1 Discovering th e Roman Family. Oxford .
Carp, T . 198 3 "Tw o Matron s o f th e Lat e Republic. " Women' s Studie s VII I 189-200 , re printed fro m H . P . Foley , ed. , (1981 ) Reflections o f Women i n Antiquity. Ne w
York, 343-54.
Coarelli F . 1978 . "L a Statue d e Cornelie, Mer e des Gracches et l a cris e politiqu e a Rome
au temp s d e Saturninus " i n L e Dernier Siecle d e l a Republique Romaine e t L'Epoque Augusteenne. Strasburg 1978 : 13-28 .
Corbier, M . 1991 . "Famil y Behavio r o f th e Roma n Aristocracy : Secon d Centur y B.C. Third Centur y A.D. " Women' s History an d Ancient History, ed . S . B . Pomeroy .
Chapel Hill , N.C . 173-95 .
Crawford, M . 1976 . Roma n Republican Coinage. Cambridge .
Crook, J . A . 1967 . La w and Life o f Rome. Ithaca, N.Y.
Delia, D . 1991 . "Fulvi a Reconsidered, " Women's History an d Ancient History, (se e Cor bier) 197-217 .
Degrassi A . 1963-65 . Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae. Florence.
Dixon, S . 1984. "Famil y Finances : Tulli a an d Terentia," Antichthon 18 , 78-101.
, 1985 a "Th e Marriag e Allianc e i n th e Roma n Elite, " Journal o f Family History
, 1985 b "Polybius o n Roma n women an d Property, " American Journal o f Philology
106: 147-70 .
, 1989 . Th e Roman Mother. Norman , Okla.
Evans, J. K . 1991 . Wa r Women and Children i n Ancien t Rome New York.
Gardner, J. F . 1986 . Wome n in Roma n La w and Society Bloomington , Ind .
Hallett, J. 1977 . "Perusinae Glandes and th e changin g Image of Augustus, American Journal of Ancient History 2 : 151-71.
Kleiner, D . E . E. 1977 . Roman Group Portraiture: The Funerary Reliefs o f th e Late Republic and Early Empire. Ne w York.
Marshall, A . J. 1990 . "Roma n Ladie s on Trial: th e Cas e o f Maesia o f Sentinum" Phoenix
44: 46-59.
Phillips, J. E . 1978 . "Roma n Mother s an d th e Live s of Their Adul t Daughters, " Helios 6:
Pomeroy, S . B. 1976 . "The relationshi p o f th e marrie d woma n t o he r bloo d relative s a t
Rome," Ancient Society 7: 215-27.
Rawson, B. , ed . 1986 . Th e Family i n Ancient Rome: New Perspectives. Ithaca, N.Y.
, ed . 199 1 Marriage, Divorce an d Children i n Ancient Rome. Oxford .

Republican Rome I I 27

Sailer, R . 1984 . "Familia, domus an d th e Roma n conceptio n o f th e Family. " Phoeni x

38: 336-55.
1986 "Tatria potestas an d th e Stereotyp e o f th e Roma n Family " Continuity an d
Change 1 : 7-22 .
Scafuro, A. , ed . 198 9 Th e Women o f Rome. Helios I and I I
Snyder, J . M. , 1989 . Th e Woman an d th e Lyre: Women Writers i n Classical Greece and
Rome. Carbondale, 111 .
Treggiari, S. , 1984 . "Digna condicio; Betrothal s i n th e Roma n Uppe r Class. " i n Studies
in Roman Society, Classical Views/Echos d u Monde Classique 3 : 419-51.
1991 "Divorc e Roma n Style : Ho w eas y an d ho w frequen t wa s it? " i n Marriage,
Divorce an d Children, ed., B . Rawson, 47-68 .

Corbier, M . 1991 . "Divorc e an d Adoptio n a s Roman Familia l Strategies , i n Marriage Di vorce and Children i n Ancient Rome ed. , B . Rawson. Oxfor d 47-78 .
Dixon, S . 1991. "Th e Sentimenta l Idea l o f the Roma n Family." In Marriage Divorce an d
Children ed. , B . Rawson 99-113 .
Fantham, E . 1991 . lt Stuprum: Publi c Attitude s an d Penaltie s fo r Sexua l Offence s i n Re publican Rome, " Classical Views/Echos d u Monde Classique 10 : 267-91.
Gardner, J. F . and T . Wiedeman n 1991 . Th e Roman Household. Oxford .
Hallett, J. P . 1982. Fathers and Daughters i n Roman Society: Women an d th e elite family
Princeton, N.J .
Treggiari, S . 1981 . "Concubinae," Papers o f th e British School a t Rome 49 : 59-81.
1991. Roman Marriage: lusti Coniuges. Oxford .
Watson, A . 1967 . Th e La w o f Persons in th e Later Roman Republic. Oxford .
1971. Roman Private La w around 20 0 B.C. Edinburgh.


Chapter 9 has shown how Rom e came under the influenc e of both Etrus can cultur e i n it s first three hundre d years an d wa s introduce d i n th e
second centur y B.C.E . t o th e socia l customs of Greece and th e Hellenize d
lands of Asia minor. Yet, although Rome became increasingly Hellenized
during the las t century of the Republic , it was still predominantly a society suspiciou s of sexual pleasure, and remot e from an y concep t o f lov e
as a passion bringing joy an d sorrow .
The symposium is the onl y contex t i n Gree k society o r literature i n
which me n associate d with women who live d by their charms and thei r
sexuality, bu t thes e women were not equa l partners; instead, the y were
usually hired , eithe r a s musician s fo r collectiv e entertainmen t o r a s
short-term sexua l companion s fo r individua l guests (Fig . 10.1) . Thes e
marginalized wome n had n o other rol e i n society; t o b e an unprotecte d
foreigner wa s at times little better than the position of a slave (see Chapter 3).
As i n Greece , so in Rom e well-born wives were differentiate d fro m
the shadow y foreig n o r freedwome n who live d b y thei r sexua l charm .
But respectable Roman women had alway s been accepted at socia l occasions among their own class; hence there was not the clea r dividing line
between the "respected " domestic wife an d the exploite d outside r famil iar fro m Gree k society. T o judge from ou r sources in the las t years of th e
republic, th e mor e independent women o f good family wer e no w beginning to decide for themselves what kind of social occasion they enjoyed .
Both i n ostensibl y factua l texts an d i n imaginativ e writing a ne w kin d
of women appear s precisely a t th e tim e o f Cicero an d Caesar : a woma n
in hig h position , wh o nevertheles s claim s fo r herself th e indulgenc e i n
sexuality of a woman of pleasure. The them e o f this chapter i s this new
pattern o f femal e behavio r and it s influenc e o n th e celebratio n o f love
and submission to women in Roman poetry between the tim e of Catullus

The "New Woman"


Figure 10.1 . Qree k red-figur e vas e mad e in Athens , lat e sixt h centur y B.C.E. , signe d by Smikros / o n
the bod y are depicte d a flut e playe r and a hetair a amusin g th e mal e guests at a symposium .

(85?-54 B.C.E. ) an d Ovi d (4 3 B.C.E.-17c.E). This period coincide s wit h th e

rise of Caesar an d th e firs t thirt y years o f Augustus's long principate .
To visualize the worl d of these "modern " women w e must forget th e
respectable dinne r partie s describe d b y Corneliu s Nepo s (writin g afte r
50 B.C.E.) :
There are numerous actions decent by our standards which are thought base [by
the Greeks] . Fo r what Roma n i s ashame d to tak e hi s wif e t o a dinner-party ?
Where doe s th e lad y of th e hous e not occup y the plac e of honor , an d receiv e
guests? This is all ver y differen t i n Greece : she i s only invited to dinner s of th e
family an d sits only in th e inne r part of the house , which is called the women's
quarters: no one enters unless bound b y ties of kinship.
(Lives o f th e Foreign Generals, preface 6-7; Horsfal l 1989 : 29-30 )

Instead, realisti c pros e reportag e an d th e emergin g genre of personal lov e

elegy offe r glimpse s o f glamorou s an d assertiv e women , livin g a lif e o f
parties an d self-gratificatio n and choosin g thei r ow n lovers . The y ar e
portrayed bot h insid e elit e societ y an d i n a mor e shadow y undefine d
half-world. Tw o of these women , a t least , name d b y Cicero an d Sallust,
were historica l figures , thoug h mal e prejudic e ha s surel y distorte d th e
record o f their lives . O f the wome n celebrate d b y love poetr y Catullus' s
beloved ha s bee n identifie d with th e historica l Clodia , wif e o f Metellus.

282 WOME


Although she is the onl y poetic mistres s that ca n b e identified with an y

confidence, Apuleius , writin g tw o centurie s afte r Catullus , provide s
names "fro m rea l life" o f the wome n beloved b y each o f the poets . Thi s
is little mor e than th e predictabl e search for biography. Women like Tibullus's Deli a o r Ovid' s Corinn a ar e mor e imaginativ e creation s tha n
real flesh-and-blood lovers; the poet s themselve s are skillfu l i n omittin g
any detai l tha t migh t even defin e th e socia l statu s o f the wome n the y
celebrate. Bu t whateve r th e basi s i n societ y fo r thi s ne w mode l o f
woman, th e literar y figure sets a fashion. Corresponding with thi s "new
woman" is what one might call a "new man," the poet-lover characterized by a voluntary and quite un-Roman subordination to her dominan t
First an d mos t famou s o f these femme s fatale s i s "Lesbia," the bril liant an d faithless lover represented in the poetr y of the young Veronese
aristocrat Valeriu s Catullus. Althoug h his poem s ar e no t arrange d sequentially, t o narrat e the ris e and fal l o f their relationship, the y enabl e
the reader to evoke its nature, and the discrepancy between hi s idealism
and he r experience. Fo r Lesbia i s a married woman and th e relationshi p
begins as a secret .
Lesbia hurl s abus e a t m e in front of her husband .
That fatuou s person finds it highl y amusing !
Nothing gets throug h to you, jackass , for silenc e woul d signa l
that she'd bee n cure d o f me, but he r barking and bitchin g
show tha t not onl y haven' t I been forgotte n
but tha t thi s burn s her, and so she rants and rages
(Poem 83; Martin 1979: 120 )

Their first meeting is arranged through an accommodatin g friend .

He gave me access t o a field once forbidden
he gave me a house an d gav e me its mistress also ,
and in that place we explored ou r mutual passion .
there m y radiant goddes s appeare d to me, steppin g
lightly, an d paused onceto stand wit h th e sol e o f her sanda l
on the wellwor n threshol d an d her bright foo t crosse d i t
as in that time when passionat e lov e for her husband
brought Laodami a to the hous e which Protesilau s
had built i n vain . . .
(68.67-75; Martin 1979 : 102 )

Catullus, wh o als o wrot e beautifu l poems i n celebratio n o f marriage,

gives to this clandestine union th e symbolis m (for example, crossing th e
threshold) an d sanctit y of a marriage.
Darling, we'll both hav e equa l share s i n the swee t lov e you offe r
and i t wil l endure fo r everyou assur e me .
O heaven, se e to it tha t she truly kee p this promise ,
that it cam e fro m he r heart an d was sincerely given ,
so that we may spend th e res t o f our days in this lifelong
union, thi s undyin g compact o f holy friendship.
(109; Martin 1979: 146 )

The "Ne w Woman" 28

For her h e invoke s every value of Roman life: th e compac t betwee n me n

and nations , friendshi p itself , an d famil y love . " I didn' t regar d you jus t
as m y mistres s then : I cherishe d yo u / a s a fathe r doe s hi s son s o r hi s
daughters' husbands " (72.3-4) . "A n ol d ma n cherishe s hi s grandson n o
more deeply , / watchin g hi m nurs e i n th e arm s o f hi s onl y daughter "
(68.119-20). As long as his love is reciprocated, Catullu s pours out direc t
addresses t o hi s Lesbia such a s were neve r writte n b y any Greek:
Lesbia, le t u s only liv e for loving
and le t u s value at a single penn y
all th e loos e fla p o f senile busybodies !
Suns when the y se t ar e capable of rising
but a t th e settin g o f our own brief ligh t
night i s one sleep fro m whic h we never waken .
Give me a thousand kisses , the n a hundred . . .
(5.1-7; Martin 1979:7)
When she grows tired o f him, h e knows that h e must lear n t o endure it :
Yes there wer e days which shone fo r you wit h rar e brightness,
now she no longer want s it . Yo u mustn't wan t it ,
you've got to stop chasin g her nowcut your losses ,
harden your hear t an d hold out firmly against her.
Goodbye now, lady: Catullus ' heart i s hardened,
he will not loo k t o you no r call against your wishes .
(8.8-12; Martin 1979 : 10 )
But h e canno t hol d out , an d th e poem s of rejection outnumbe r thos e of
reciprocated love . Thei r intens e pai n turn s i n th e en d fro m internalize d
anguish t o graphi c abus e o f "Lesbia" a s one wh o ha s becom e shameles s
and promiscuous . Witnes s hi s message , sen t throug h th e intermediarie s
Furius an d Aurelius:
Back to m y girl then, carr y her this bitte r
message, thes e spar e words.
May she hav e joy an d profi t fro m he r cocksmen,
go down embracin g hundreds all together ,
never with love , bu t withou t interruption ,
wringing their ball s dry . . .
(11.15-22; Martin 1979: 14 )
A last poemor so it seemsdoes not eve n have an indirec t message
for her , bu t fantasize s his despair a t he r degradation i n terms of the pros titute's trick s and hand-jobs:
Lesbia, Caeliusyes , ou r darling,
yes, Lesbia , the Lesbi a Catullus
once love d uniquely , more tha n an y other !
now on stree t corner s an d i n wretched alley s
she shucks the offsprin g o f greathearted Remus.
(58; Martin 1979 : 59 )
It is predictable for the discarde d lover to abuse the woman who rejecte d
him, bu t student s o f Catullus's an d "Lesbia's " society hav e see n confir -

284 WOME


mation o f hi s abusiv e accusations i n th e accoun t o f he r wa y o f lif e of fered b y anothe r mal e source , Cicero , wh o ha s caus e t o reinterpre t he r
relationship with Catullus' s successor. Fo r "Lesbia," the nam e chosen for
his Roma n mistress b y Catullus , a s a n admire r o f Sappho , i s generall y
believed t o hav e bee n th e noblewoma n Clodia , perhap s ten years Catul lus's elder. Clodi a wa s first wife, the n widow , o f the stuffed-shir t Metel lus Celer. Afte r sh e lef t Catullus , sh e wen t o n t o a n equall y intens e affair wit h anothe r brillian t youn g ma n fro m ou t o f town , M . Caeliu s
Rufusperhaps th e ver y Caelius addressed in poem 58. Caelius was prosecuted fo r politica l violenc e i n 5 4 B.C.E., an d Cicero , a s defending coun sel, diverte d th e jur y awa y fro m Caelius' s probabl e guil t b y attributin g
the prosecutio n t o Clodia . H e portrayed th e charge s a s th e malic e o f a
jilted lover , an d depicted he r as little mor e than a high-class harlot. Cic ero's versio n show s u s th e daughte r o f on e o f Rome' s nobles t familie s
claiming the sexua l freedo m of a woman wit h n o social standing t o lose,
and makin g no effort t o conceal he r behavior"a woma n no t just nobl e
but notorious " (Fo r Caelius 32) ; Caelius' s accuser s hav e supposedl y re proached hi m wit h th e "passions , lov e making , adulteries , visit s t o
Baiae, beac h picnics , partie s an d revelling , songs , choruse s an d boat trips" of la dolce vita (35) , an d Cicer o i n tur n shame s Clodi a wit h th e
life-style h e claims she has taught Caelius.
Clodia wa s fro m a famil y s o nobl e i t coul d b e indifferen t t o bour geois publi c opinion , an d he r brother , Publius , a maveric k demagogue ,
was Cicero' s mos t dangerou s politica l enemy . I t i s into hi s mout h tha t
the advocat e put s hi s most damnin g insults .
Imagine that your young brother i s talking to you. "Wh y ar e you stormin g an d
raging, sister , wh y ar e you crazy ? [H e breaks into a well-know n comi c verse. ]
Why mak e a small affair see m great by kickin g up a fuss ?
You se t your eye s on the young next-door neighbour ; his health an d heigh t
and goo d look s excite d you ; yo u wante d t o se e mor e o f him ; yo u ofte n go t
togther in your gardens . You want t o kee p this dependent son of a stingy father
tied t o you b y your purs e strings. You can't manag e it; h e kick s and spit s an d
drives you off . He doesn't thin k your present s ar e worth it . S o take yourself of f
some place else! You have your gardens by the Tiber carefully locate d jus t wher e
all th e youn g blade s come t o skinn y dip . Yo u can pic k up a partne r ther e an y
day. Wh y bother thi s fellow wh o reject s you?"
(36; trans . Elain e Fantham)

To win th e case , Cicer o divert s th e jur y awa y fro m Caelius' s politica l

thuggery an d feed s thei r prejudice s with th e ide a o f a woma n read y t o
finance he r lovers ; " a wido w livin g loosely, a wanto n livin g promiscu ously, a rich woman livin g extravagantly an d a randy woman livin g like
a harlot " (38 ; trans. Elain e Fantham).
The historia n Sallus t (86?-35 ? B.C.E. ) woul d hav e u s believ e tha t
many marrie d noblewome n o f thi s perio d foun d thei r pleasure s outsid e
marriage. Afte r describin g the dissolute young men who joined th e failed
coup d'eta t o f Catiline, Sallus t construct s a kin d o f female counterpar t
to thi s revolutionar y mob , i n thi s portrai t o f th e wanto n wif e o f a ris ing politician ,

The "Ne w Woman " 28

[Sempronia] ha d ofte n committe d man y crime s o f masculin e daring . I n birt h

and beauty , i n he r husband also and he r children, she was abundantly favoured
by fortune: well read in th e literatur e of Greece and Rome , able to pla y the lyr e
and dance more skilfully tha n a n honest woma n should, and having many othe r
accomplishments whic h ministe r t o voluptuousness . Bu t ther e wa s nothin g
which sh e hel d s o chea p a s modest y an d chastity ; yo u coul d no t easil y sa y
whether sh e wa s les s sparin g of he r mone y o r he r honor . He r desire s wer e s o
ardent tha t sh e sough t me n mor e ofte n tha n sh e wa s sough t b y them . Eve n
before th e tim e of the conspirac y she had ofte n broken her word, repudiate d he r
debts, bee n privy to murder. Poverty and extravagance combined had driven her
headlong. Nevertheles s she wa s a woma n o f n o mea n endowment ; sh e coul d
write verses , band y jests an d us e language which was modest o r tender or wanton. I n fin e sh e possesse d a hig h degree of wit an d charm
(Sallust, Catiline 25 ; Rolfe 1971 : 43)

A passag e lik e this , especiall y i n a n old-fashione d translation, tell s

us a s much abou t mal e imaginatio n (ancien t an d modern ) a s abou t female license , bu t i t shoul d impe l u s t o as k questions abou t bot h sexes .
Why ha d thes e noblewome n suddenl y kicke d over th e traces ? And wh y
does a well-brought-up son like Catullus disdain the usua l casual fooling
around an d becom e infatuate d wit h a bore d noblewoma n an d endo w
their relationshi p wit h al l th e highes t value s o f Roma n public an d pri vate life ? I n Catullus the trigge r may hav e been a unique conjunction o f
provincial innocenc e an d metropolita n decadence , bu t th e exaltatio n o f
extramarital lov e that i s first found i n this poetry become s th e dominan t
principle of a generation o f love-poetspoets who foun d nothin g similar
in th e Gree k models of their forma l genre .
Propertius an d Tibullus , bot h childre n o f th e civi l wars , wh o
reached manhoo d abou t th e tim e o f Octavian' s grea t victor y ove r An tony an d Cleopatr a (3 1 B.C.E: thei r actua l date s o f birth ar e unknown) ,
turn th e wome n glorifie d b y thei r poetr y int o Lesbiaso r Cleopatras .
The young love r is a slave, o r a squire, subjected b y his ruling passion t o
a brillian t and tyrannica l mistress a Cynthi a o r Delia , variousl y repre sented a s livin g independently , kep t by , o r marrie d to , anothe r man , o r
mercenary an d victimizin g th e poe t b y he r pursui t o f wealthie r men .
"Cynthia i s not seduce d b y high office / the onl y thin g that weighs wit h
her / i s th e weigh t o f a man' s purse/ ' crie s Propertiu s (2.16 ; Warde n
1972); Tibullu s to o laments : " O Delia , rejec t forthwit h tha t graspin g
witch's guidance. Mus t ever y lov e give in t o bribery ? . . . alas ! my son g
is vain. He r door unmove d b y words / waits t o b e knocked b y a money laden hand " (Tibullu s 1.5.59-60, 67-68; trans . Elain e Fantham).
Propertius's poetr y give s perhap s th e fulles t pictur e o f th e worl d i n
which thes e wome n lived , thoug h a s a poe t h e freel y shape s hi s inven tion. I n on e poe m Cynthi a speak s a s thoug h sh e wer e anothe r man' s
property, locke d i n an d force d to climb out t o join him :
Had you forgotte n
our nigh t game s on the Subur a
(nobody slept there) , thos e subterfuge s
that wor e a trac k across my window ledge ?

286 WOME


There I was danglin g on a rop e

lowering myself, han d over hand
into your arms . W e used t o make love the n
on street corners , twining
our bodies together , whil e our cloaks
took th e chil l off the sidewalk .
(4.7.15-22; Warden 1972:85 )

In anothe r poe m sh e ha s he r ow n establishmen t i n whic h Propertiu s i s

one client amon g many :
No ancient beaut y ha d a house a s full o f men a s yours.
Not Thais , thoug h th e whol e o f Greece was beating a t he r doors .
Or Lais , wh o fro m Menande r won th e titl e o f a play ,
and fo r the son s of Erichthon becam e th e people' s toy.
What Alexande r has destroyed shal l b e restored b y Phryne.
So many lover s she enjoyedbut yo u hav e twice a s many.
(2.6.1-8; Warde n 1972:85 )

The poet-love r protest s hi s enslavement : "h e wh o no w lie s a s dus t an d

ashes / onc e wa s th e slav e o f a singl e love " (2.13.34-35) ; "N o wif e no r
mistress shal l eve r seduce m e awa y fro m you , yo u shal l alway s b e m y
wife an d mistress , both " (2.6.41-42) ; "Yo u alon e ar e m y house , /you ,
Cynthia, ar e m y parents , yo u ar e al l th e occasion s o f m y joy"
(1.11.23-24; trans . Elain e Fantham) . Here, i n th e ech o o f the orphane d
Andromache's word s t o he r husban d Hector , i s the measur e o f the seri ousness thi s Roma n poe t coul d attribut e t o hi s love . Mor e often , how ever, th e portrai t o f hi s subjectio n i s mixe d wit h a n almos t comicall y
vivid presentatio n o f th e angr y virag o whose ugl y word s contras t wit h
her beauty on his late night visi t t o he r bedside ;
So you've come a t last , an d onl y becaus e tha t othe r woma n
has thrown you ou t an d closed th e doors agains t you .
Where have you spen t th e nighttha t nigh t tha t belonge d t o me?
Look a t you creepin g back with th e dawn , a wreck.
It'd d o you goo d t o hav e to spen d th e sor t o f night
you mak e me spend! You'd learn what cruelt y is.
I sa t u p ove r m y loom, tryin g to stav e of f sleep
then tire d of that an d playe d the lyr e a little .
(1.3.35-44; Warde n 1972 : 9)

But th e loom , symbo l o f th e hones t wife , an d th e lyre , symbo l o f th e

entertainer, ar e a s incongruou s a combinatio n a s Propertius' s protesta tions o f loyalty an d hi s bouts o f wild infidelity.
The mos t likel y plac e fo r young me n t o encounte r th e wome n o f
these affairs , whethe r hire d cal l girls, professional entertainers lik e Cyth eris, o r faithles s wives , wa s agai n th e dinne r party . Th e sixty-year-ol d
Cicero i s embarrassedbu t perhap s als o thrilledt o mee t th e versatil e
(and muc h bedded ) actres s Cytheri s a t a part y give n b y he r forme r
owner Volumnius :

The "New Woman" 28

"I ha d n o ide a sh e woul d b e there . Bu t afte r all , even Aristippu s the Socrati c
did no t blus h when someon e twitte d hi m wit h keepin g Lais as his mistress: Lai s
is m y mistress , h e sai d bu t I' m m y ow n master . A s for me , eve n whe n I wa s
young I was never attracte d b y anything of that sort . . . "
(Letters t o hi s friends 9.26 (197) ; Shackleton Baile y 1978 )
Horace, wh o enjoy s imaginin g a pleasan t privat e dinne r wit h a gir l lik e
Cytheris, feed s hi s mora l indignatio n wit h th e imag e o f a youn g wif e
who slip s fro m th e dinin g tabl e t o oblig e a wealth y guest , apparentl y
condoned b y her husband:
Soon she's pursuin g young philanderers
among her husband' s guests. Careles s of whom
she chooses, hugger-mugge r she confers
the illici t pleasur e in a half-lit room ,
only th e husban d seeming not t o note ,
at an y man' s command sh e leaves her place,
pedlar or captain of some Spanis h boat
whoever pay s th e pric e of her disgrace .
(Horace, Odes 3.6; Michie 1963: 149 )
In Lati n lov e poetr y th e part y i s a share d pleasur e of men an d girls ; Catullus invite s Fabullu s t o brin g hi s lovel y ladyan d al l th e foo d an d
wine becaus e th e poe t i s penniless (13) . Propertiu s boasts o f his success ,
"lording i t a s a gues t amon g th e girls " (2.30.16) , bu t mark s the en d of
his affai r b y imaginin g th e mocker y behin d hi s bac k a t al l th e dinne r
parties: " I wa s th e lates t afte r dinne r joke : everybod y ha d thei r Prop ertius story" (3.25.1-2 ; Warde n 1972: 9). Ovid imagines a new seductio n
at suc h a party .
"So your man' s going to b e present a t th e dinne r party?
I hop e h e drops down dea d befor e the dessert .
Does this mea n n o hands , just eye s (an y chance guest' s privilege)
just t o loo k a t m y darling while he
lies there wit h you besid e hi m in license d embracemen t
and paw s your boso m o r neck as he feels inclined? " . . .
When h e pats the couch , pu t o n your respectable-wif e expression
and tak e your place besid e himbu t nudg e my foot
as you're passin g by. Watch out fo r my nods and eye-talk
pick u p my stealthy messages , sen d replie s . . .
(Amores 1.4.1-4 , 15-18 ; Green 1982 : 89-90 )
One poemthe last i n which Propertius recalls Cynthiaconveys to
the ful l th e rang e o f lif e i n thi s half-worl d o f Rome's Bohemians . It be gins wit h Cynthia' s departur e wit h a n effet e admire r o n a n excursio n
to Lanuvium:
It's ther e tha t Cynthi a went , drivin g a
team o f ponies, elegantl y clipped , on a visit
(so she said) t o Juno, thoug h th e goddes s she was serving
sounded mor e lik e Venus. Yo u saw it , Appia n Way, how wa s it?

288 WOME


That magnificen t procession, th e pom p

of chariot wheel s hurtlin g across your pavin g
and sh e (wha t a sight) crouche d ove r th e pole , swervin g
like a demon int o every pothol e an d sump .
As for that smooth-skinned fop , I' d rathe r no t spea k
about him , wit h hi s fashionable carriage
all drape d i n silk, th e bracelet s roun d th e neck s
of his Molossian dogs . . .
(Propertius 4.8.15-24; Warden 1972 : 217-18)

and continues wit h Propertius' s retaliation: a private party.

There's a girl I know calle d Phyllis , she's a neighbou r
of the goddes s Dian a on th e Aventin e
not muc h t o recommend he r when she' s sobe r
but she' s quit e charmin g with a little wine .
Then there' s Teia , wh o live s close t o the Tarpeia n
gorgea prett y girl , but whe n she' s i n liquo r
she isn't satisfied with jus t on e man .
So I asked the m ove r t o mak e the nigh t pass quicker . . .
. . on a patch o f green
stood a couch wel l conceale d jus t fo r the thre e o f us
to li e on . I f you wondered , I was i n between ,
Lygdamus served th e wine . . .
(4.8.29-36; Warden 1972 : 218)

But th e part y i s interrupted by Cynthia's unexpecte d retur n "flattenin g

the door s agains t th e wall , wit h he r hai r unkemp t but beautifu l in th e
wildness of her fury : . . . her eyes flashed like thunderbolts; she was savage as a woman could be: the scen e as dramatic as the sackin g of a city"
(4.8.51-56; Warde n 1972: 217-19).
The purpos e o f th e poe m i s th e exaltatio n o f th e mistress , repre sented i n heroi c terms borrowed from th e triumphan t return o f Odysseus
to reclaim hi s wife fro m th e suitors : bu t unlik e anything in th e Odyssey
is the lover' s delight in hi s own abjec t submission:
so I sued fo r terms ,
desperately throwin g m y suppliant arm s
around th e fee t she'd hardl y le t m e touch.
(4.8.71-72; Warde n 1972 : 220 )

The poe t ha d begu n hi s firs t boo k wit h th e imag e of Lov e pressin g hi s

victorious foot upo n th e poet' s captive neck. He all but end s with a reiteration o f thi s image . Th e intensit y o f Propertius' s realizatio n o f thi s
woman an d o f thei r emotiona l relationshi p surel y reflect s bot h a ne w
attitude t o wome n an d a new kin d of woman.
What social force s le d freeborn wome n of good family t o reject thei r
protected respectabilit y an d clai m th e sexua l licens e o f th e outsider ?
What change d th e value s o f well-brought-u p young men , that the y
should openl y exal t th e kin d o f affai r tha t ha d onc e bee n transitiona l

The "Ne w Woman " 289

and surreptitiousacceptabl e onl y i n th e interstice s betwee n reachin g

manhood an d contractin g marriage ? For while the poet-lover s still represent themselve s a s unmarrie d men , i t i s also par t o f thei r person a tha t
they postpon e indefinitely the dut y o f marriage and reproduction .
It i s easie r t o se e wh y wome n n o longe r accepte d th e demand s of
respectability. Thes e generation s ha d see n th e socia l orde r itsel f repeat edly disrupted . Wome n wer e release d fro m surveillanc e b y th e absenc e
of thei r menfol k o n campaign , i n oversea s administration , o r during the
civil wa r i n fligh t o r exile . Whil e olde r o r mor e sobe r wome n showe d
their emancipation b y taking on responsibility fo r family finances , political negotiations , o r petition s fo r their husbands ' survival , others i n les s
stable marriages might se e no reaso n fo r fidelity , an d daughter s married
off a s a political bon d between thei r father and hi s allies (o r even forme r
enemies) migh t asser t themselves . Th e ag e patterns o f Roman marriage
were designed t o avoi d an y tim e fo r the girl' s seduction o r experimentation befor e marriage . Bu t i f th e youn g wif e gre w restless , th e limite d
economic contro l possesse d b y th e husban d withou t lega l manu s als o
reduced hi s power t o protes t he r behavio r i f it conflicte d wit h th e inter ests o f th e wife' s nata l family . I n extrem e cases , i n orde r t o obtai n a
divorce h e stil l ha d t o pa y bac k five-sixths of her dowry . Unles s women
had learne d chastit y a s a mora l imperativ e they migh t claim fo r themselves the self-indulgenc e practiced b y their husbands.
But wh y shoul d th e me n hav e assigne d suc h lif e an d deat h impor tance t o thes e affairswhethe r adulterou s o r merel y unsanctione d b y
society? On e reaso n ma y hav e bee n thei r ow n los s o f socia l standing .
Propertius an d Tibullu s bot h clai m t o hav e los t famil y estate s (a s did
Virgil an d Horace ) an d ma y no t hav e bee n sough t afte r a s sons-in-law.
Another was the mor e general loss of respect for social structures brought
on b y the divisio n o f the natio n int o warrin g camps an d th e ris e of upstarts wh o no w enjoye d th e confiscate d property o f the ol d uppe r class .
"How coul d I suppl y son s t o swel l m y country' s triumphs? " says Prop ertius (2.7.13 ) i n resistanc e t o th e ide a o f marriage. One o f his kinsme n
had bee n kille d i n th e civi l war , an d onc e Roman s were fightin g eac h
other, warfar e becam e a nightmar e instea d o f a n adventure . Ironicall y
too, Propertiu s in rejectin g a military life invoke s as a cautionary exam ple the behavio r o f Antony, wh o ha d brough t hi s own rui n upo n hi m by
his obsession wit h th e fata l Cleopatra . Octavia n exploite d thi s accoun t
of Antony' s downfall , adapting the myt h o f Hercules' submissio n t o th e
oriental quee n Omphal e a s a reminde r of Antony's un-Roma n pleasures
(Fig. 10.2) .
Yet bot h Hercule s an d Anton y wer e paradoxicall y model s fo r th e
love-poets' ow n life-styl e and indifferenc e t o "success." Success in publi c
life wa s no w ou t o f men' s ow n control , dependen t upo n powerfu l me n
like Pompey , Caesar , or Octavian. Subordination to a capricious woman
was at leas t a n individua l choice, an d thes e women ma y have been easier t o satisf y tha n th e militar y leaders with thei r incessan t politica l re-



Figure 10.2 . Mol d for a clay vase (ca . 30 B.C.E. ) showin g Hercule s and Omphale, the Lydia n queen
with whom Hercule s wa s forced to trade clothing a s part of his expiation fo r murder. The vase , called
Arretine becaus e th e origina l cente r o f productio n fo r thes e lat e Republica n an d earl y Imperia l relie f
wares wa s Arezzo , come s fro m th e worksho p o f Perennius / thi s sho p seem s t o hav e specialize d i n
highly Classicizing image s of lovers, mythological an d idealized.

alignments and thei r campaignin g on th e oute r fring e o f empire. Societ y

had show n itsel f unstabl e an d untrustworthy : bette r t o see k a strictl y
private satisfaction.
We shal l neve r kno w t o wha t exten t wome n o f establishe d famil y
endorsed th e lif e o f pleasur e describe d b y th e elegists , o r th e degre e t o
which th e poets ' ow n action s matche d thei r profession s of enslavemen t
to love . A s we shal l se e i n Chapte r 11 , Octavia n seem s t o hav e bee n
sufficiently alarme d b y th e declin e o f marriag e an d reproductivit y
among th e privilege d classes t o us e legislation to reinforc e its appeal ; a t
the sam e time h e mad e both adulter y and th e condonin g of adultery by
an "injured " husban d offenses ope n t o crimina l prosecution an d punish able by expulsion fro m society . Ordinar y anonymous citizens migh t continue to be chaste or promiscuous unnoticed, bu t respectabilit y was now
enforced o n thos e i n th e publi c eye.
This ha d it s impac t o n bot h ar t an d life . Ovid , bor n som e fiftee n
years afte r Propertiu s an d Tibullus , could buil d o n a n elegia c cod e o f
love an d permut e th e complexitie s o f a literar y lov e affai r a s a gam e
with know n rules . Bu t he ha d t o b e careful i n bot h hi s "autobiographi-

The "Ne w Woman" 29

cal" and hi s prescriptive love poetry . H e took car e that hi s tales o f Corinna, includin g he r infidelitie s to himsel f an d t o hi s rivals, coul d no t b e
reconstructed t o sugges t a livin g woman i n a define d socia l milieu ; an d
he took painsbu t no t quit e enought o direct hi s teaching of seductio n
in th e Ar t o f Love ( 2 B.C.E. ) awa y fro m respectabl e women , ostensibl y
encouraging youn g me n onl y i n th e permitte d pursui t o f noncitize n
"easy" women .
Aid m y enterprise, Venus ! Respectable ladies, th e kin d wh o
wear hairband s and ankle-lengt h skirts,
are hereb y warne d off. Safe love , legitimat e liaisons
will b e my theme. Thi s poem break s no taboos .
(Art o f Love 1.31-34 ; Gree n 1982: 89-90)

But a t length , whe n h e ha d exhauste d th e possibilitie s o f manual s fo r

the men , h e turne d t o instruc t th e wome n directly , stil l claimin g to be
concerned onl y wit h wome n outsid e respectability :
Take lessons fro m m e girls (those o f you who m th e law ,
And modesty , an d your code , wil l permit) : be mindful of
Old age , don't waste preciou s time
Have fun while you can , i n your sala d days
(Art of Love 3.57-61; Gree n 1982 : 89-90)

Had Ovi d gon e to o far ? Hi s scandalous advic e migh t stil l hav e brough t
no troubl e upo n him , i f ther e ha d bee n n o scanda l i n hig h places . Bu t
the real-lif e Clodi a an d Sempronia found their successors, an d it was part
of society' s vengeanc e upo n Augustu s that hi s onl y child , Julia, shoul d
shame him . A s Octavian, h e had divorced he r mother Scriboni a the ver y
day that he r female child Julia was born. Ye t according to the early fifthcentury antiquaria n Macrobius, Julia survived neglect an d grew up wit h
"a lov e of literature an d muc h learning, easily accessibl e i n tha t home, "
and charme d by her mild courtesy an d lac k of cruelty (Saturnalia 2.5.2) .
She woul d dutifull y accep t a n earl y betrotha l b y he r fathe r t o hi s
nephew (wh o then died) , the n marriag e to his closest friend , th e middleaged Agrippa , by who m sh e bor e fiv e livin g children, an d o n Agrippa' s
death, a fina l enforce d marriag e to he r father' s stepson an d Livia' s son ,
Tiberius, wh o lef t he r an d Rom e to liv e at Rhodes . As mother o f the tw o
adopted Caesars , Gaiu s and Lucius , Juli a ha d bee n publicl y honore d b y
her fathe r for her wifely fertility, bu t even durin g her "happy " marriage
to Agrippa , she boasted o f ensuring that sh e conceived onl y hi s children
by limiting he r lover s t o th e month s whe n sh e was alread y pregnant : " I
never tak e o n a passenge r unles s the shi p is full" (Macrobiu s 2.5.9 Richlin 1992 : 72). This an d othe r witty retorts quoted b y Macrobius, and derived fro m th e Augusta n epigrammatis t Domitiu s Marsus , reflec t th e
more sophisticate d attitud e t o women' s sexualit y o f poets lik e Ovid an d
of Julia's ow n circl e i n Rome . They sho w Julia hersel f opposing he r con ception o f wha t wa s righ t fo r "Caesar' s daughter"luxury , elegance ,

292 WOME


and sexua l autonomyt o th e chastit y an d frugalit y he r father expecte d

of "th e daughte r o f Augustus " (Richli n 1992) . Bu t whil e Juli a onl y
claimed th e sam e sexua l libert y tha t he r fathe r ha d himsel f enjoye d i n
his youth, (Se e Suetonius, Augustu s 63 and 6 9 and Hallet t 1977 : 158-60)
her behavio r violated th e mode l of propriety fo r royal wome n cherishe d
by Augustu s and presente d t o th e publi c eye b y he r stepmothe r Livia .
Once th e emperor' s wilfu l ignoranc e of her sexua l adventure s wa s shat tered, h e denounced an d disgrace d his daughter with publi c an d uncon trollable rage. I t is ultimately fro m hi m that w e derive the hostil e tradition tha t make s Julia th e firs t meretrix Augusta (Imperia l whore), a
counterpart t o th e loathe d Cleopatra , an d on e imitate d b y he r ow n
daughter Julia, wh o woul d shar e he r mother' s fat e o f exil e nin e year s
after her .
The absolutenes s o f Julia's destruction a t Augustus' s hands, an d th e
cruel isolatio n h e impose d i n exilin g he r t o a barre n island , coul d no t
put a n en d t o elit e adultery , no r coul d Augustus' s sentence o f exile o n
her daughter in 8 C.E., and his equally sadistic relegatio n o f Ovid, Rome' s
greatest livin g poet, t o a Blac k Se a garriso n outpos t i n th e sam e year .
These imperia l act s coul d an d di d signa l th e en d o f ope n acknowledg ment of adultery, ensurin g that me n an d women i n the nex t generatio n
would no t agai n proclaim their real or imaginary loves in prose or verse.
Perhaps cautio n rathe r tha n virtu e wa s al l tha t Augustu s restored , bu t
when th e circumstance s that ha d undermine d family and clas s stabilit y
receded, i t i s likel y tha t th e impetu s t o glamoriz e a differen t kin d o f
partnership receded also . The new woman an d the ne w love poetry wer e
banished, unti l the y returned , firs t i n th e heav y disguis e o f medieva l
troubadour song s o f courtly love , the n i n th e ful l flus h o f Romantic an d
"decadent" nineteenth-century poetry an d fiction.
Green, P . 1982 . Ovid: The Erotic Poems. Harmondsworth, Middlesex .
Horsfall, N . 1989 . Cornelius Nepos: A Selection. Oxford .
Martin, C . 1979 . The Poems of Catullus. Baltimore , Md .
Michie, J. 1965 . The Odes o f Horace. New York .
Rolfe, J . C . 1931 . Sallust: Loeb Classical Library , Cambridge , Mass.
Shackleton Bailey , D . R . 1978 . Cicero's Letters to His Friends. Vols . 1 and 2 . Harmondsworth, Middlesex .
Warden, J. 197 2 The Poems ofPropertius, Indianapolis , Ind .
Balsdon, J. P . V. D. 1962 . Roman Women. London.
Griffin, J . 1985 . Latin Poets and Roman Life. Oxford .
Hallett, J. 1984a . Fathers an d Daughters in Roman Society. Princeton , N.J.
. 1984b . 'The Role of Women in Roma n Elegy : The Counter-Cultural Sensibility."
In Women i n th e Ancient World: Th e Arethusa Papers, edite d b y John Peradotto
andj. P . Sullivan, 242-62 . Albany, N.Y.

The "Ne w Woman " 29

Hinds, S . 1988 . "Generalizin g about Ovid. " I n Th e Imperial Muse, edite d b y A. J. Boyle,
4-31. Victoria, Australia.
Mack, S . 1988 . Ovid . New Haven , Conn.
Richlin, A . 1992 . "Julia's Jokes. Gall a Placidi a and th e Roma n Use of Women as Political
Icons. I n Stereotypes o f Wome n in Power: Historical Perspectives an d Revisionist
Views, edite d b y B . Garlick, S. Dixon, an d P . Allen, 65-91. New York.
Snyder, J. 1989 . Th e Woma n and th e Lyre: Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome.
Carbondale, 111 .
Veyne, P . 1988 . Roman Erotic Elegy. Translate d b y J. Pellauer . Chicago.
Wyke, M . 1987 . "Written Women : Propertius ' Scripta Puella." Journal o f Roman Studies
77: 47-61.
. 1989 . "I n Pursui t of Love : The Poeti c Sel f an d th e Proces s o f Readin g Augustan
Elegy i n th e 80's. " Journal o f Roman Studies 79 : 165-73.
Zanker, P . 1988 . "Riva l Images : Octavian, Anton y an d th e Struggl e for Sole Power. " I n
his Th e Power of Images i n th e Ag e o f Augustus, translated b y A. Shapiro, 33-78.
Ann Arbor , Mich.

Chisholm, K. , an d J . Ferguson . 1981 . Rome i n th e Augustan Age. Oxford , [sourceboo k
for texts ]
Ferrill, A. 1980 . "Augustu s an d Hi s Daughter: A Modern Myth." In Studies i n Latin Literature an d Roman History , edite d b y C. Deroux, 2 : 332-46. Brussels.
Kleiner, D . E . E . 1992 . "Politics an d Gende r i n th e Pictoria l Propagand a o f Antony an d
Octavian," Echos du Monde Classique 36, n.s. 11 : 357-67.
Luck, G . 1969 . Latin Love Elegy. Edinburgh.
Lyne, R . O. A . M . 1980 . Th e Latin Love Poets. Oxford.
Thibault, J. C . 1964 . Th e Mystery o f Ovid's Exile. Berkele y and Lo s Angeles.
Wilkinson, L . P. 1962 . Ovid Surveyed. Cambridge .
Wiseman, T . P . 1985 . Catullus an d Hi s World. Cambridge.
Woodman, T., and West , D. 1984 . Poetry an d Politics in th e Age o f Augustus. Cambridge.
Wyke, M . 1992 . "Augustan Cleopatras : Femal e Power an d Poeti c Authority. " I n Roma n
Poetry an d Propaganda i n th e Ag e o f Augustus, 98-14 0 edite d b y A . Powell ,


In thi s chapter , w e concentrat e o n th e wa y ou r source s represen t mar riage, family , an d sexualit y i n th e firs t eight y year s o f th e Imperia l
period. The Principate , the perio d fro m th e accessio n o f Augustus as emperor i n 2 7 B.C.E. t o 6 8 C.E. an d th e deat h o f Nero, th e las t o f th e Julio Claudian lin e descende d fro m Augustu s and hi s wife Livia, is extraordi narily ric h i n wonderfu l ar t an d literature . Ou r source s i n thi s chapte r
include Virgil's Aeneid, th e elegan t an d classicizin g sculpture of the Ar a
Pacis Augusta e (Alta r o f Augusta n Peace), an d th e poem s o f Ovid . I n
addition, historian s suc h a s Suetoniu s hav e muc h t o sa y abou t th e pe riod, lega l text s remai n wit h plentifu l information about th e law s con cerning marriag e an d adulter y (although , o f course , the y leav e ou t
much, includin g informatio n about faile d attempt s a t legislatio n an d a
sense o f the rang e of responses t o individua l laws), an d inscription s provide u s wit h a notio n o f th e idea l standard s o f conduc t fo r upper-clas s
women. A t the sam e time tha t thi s material offers u s a sense of the com plexities o f personal conduc t an d publi c ideology in th e period , w e fac e
the usua l problem s of tryin g t o writ e abou t wome n fro m source s mad e
almost exclusivel y b y men ; onl y Sulpicia' s poems preserv e a woman' s
voice. And , a s ever, th e wome n o f the lowe r classes , slav e women, an d
noncitizen women ten d to receive little attention fro m me n whose word s
and patronag e tende d t o focu s primaril y on th e representatio n o f thei r
own kind . Muc h was invisibl e to the m sinc e i t fel l outsid e th e rang e of
their glances .

Moral Revival in the Time of Augustus
Captured i n stone , th e famil y o f th e empero r Augustu s moves i n quie t
procession towar d th e alta r a t whic h the y wil l offe r a sacrifice in hono r

The Age of Augustus


of th e peac e Augustu s brings to th e Empir e (Fig . 11.1) . Alon g with th e

images of priests an d priestesse s of the stat e religion an d th e member s of
the Senate , thei r idealize d portraits cover the monumenta l relief s on th e
long sides of the Ar a Paci s Augustae, th e Alta r of Augustan Peace. Made
in Rom e betwee n 1 3 and 9 B.C.E. , th e alta r inaugurate s a ne w er a bot h
in stat e relief-sculptur e an d i n Roma n politica l life . Here , apparentl y
for th e firs t tim e i n Roma n publi c art , morta l wome n an d childre n ar e
represented alon g wit h men ; member s o f Augustus' s family , hi s wif e
Livia, hi s daughter Julia, he r children an d th e foreig n royal childre n being raised a t court , an d th e Vesta l virgins join mal e officials an d priest s
in a clearly expresse d displa y o f the piet y o f emperor an d family .
The presenc e o f the wome n an d childre n o n th e alta r ha s multipl e
meanings, fo r they spea k vividl y no t onl y t o th e totalit y of Imperial piety bu t als o t o th e emperor' s nee d t o appea r a s guaranto r o f peace .
Through war an d diplomacy h e brings peace t o the Empire , but, i n addition, h e offer s hi s famil y a s a n assuranc e tha t th e just-ende d civi l wa r
can b e forgotten an d tha t successio n b y inheritance ca n preven t i t fro m
ever happenin g again . Th e Vesta l virgins , keeper s o f th e sacre d fir e o f
Rome, guarante e th e securit y o f th e stat e a s well , an d thei r chastit y
plays agains t an d cast s int o sharpe r relie f th e allege d fecundit y o f th e
Imperial family (Kleine r 1978).

Figure 11.1 . Th e Imperia l famil y i n a processio n on th e Ar a Paci s Augustae i n Rom e (13-9 B.C.E.) .
The messag e o f dynasti c continuit y emerges clearl y through the presenc e o f women an d childre n i n
the unusua l contex t of a state monument.



The Augustan emphasis on reproduction tha t underlie s th e represen tation o f family on th e Ar a Pacis , seem s t o b e present i n othe r part s of
the altar , too . A panel , it s imager y redolen t o f lus h materna l nurtur ance, show s a woma n wit h tw o infant s surrounde d b y plants , wate r
birds, an d animals . I n the pane l showing Aeneas about t o sacrifice a sow
and he r sucklin g youn g (Fig . 11.2) , th e imager y o f fertilit y combine s
with th e fulfillmen t o f a n oracle' s prediction ; i n Virgil' s Aeneid
(3.390-98 and 8.81-84 ) thi s sig n tells Aenea s that h e ha s foun d hi s ne w
homeland i n Italy , where , a s i n th e ric h plan t lif e tha t decorate s th e
lower panel s o f th e altar , ric h growt h an d ne w lif e flourish . Th e alta r
comes a t a tim e whe n Augustu s was apparentl y engage d i n a multifac eted progra m of political an d mora l revitalizatio n o f the Roma n people ;
a ke y part o f this campaig n was hi s attemp t t o polic e sexua l behavior ,
presumably t o rais e th e rat e o f legitimat e (tha t is , citizen ) births . Hi s
new legislation o n marriage and adulter y (se e below) testifie s to the emperor's desire t o control privat e behavior, especially wha t wa s perceive d
by some a s the sexua l irresponsibilit y o f the Roma n upper classes .

Figure 11.2 . Ar a Paci s Augustae pane l showin g Aenea s an d th e so w h e discover s a t th e mout h of

the Tibe r as a sign tha t his journey from Tro y i n searc h of a new homelan d has ende d i n success . Th e
fertility imager y that pervade s th e alta r recur s her e t o remin d Roma n viewers tha t Augustan peac e i s
the guarante e of fertilit y an d a happ y future .

The Ag e o f Augustus 29

The Aeneid and the Image of Marriage

Given Augustus' s concern t o foste r marriag e an d restor e bot h th e stability o f family lif e an d th e reproductivit y of the governin g class a t Rome ,
it i s useful t o look to Augusta n literature for a representation o f the high
official valuatio n o f marriage and women's role a s mother. Th e excerpt s
from Liv y an d Ovi d cited i n chapte r 7 show tha t a woman's honor could
be a political issue , an d eve n start a revolution. Augustu s himself would
quote speeche s o f old Roma n censors tha t urge d reluctant me n t o marry
and reproduce . Bu t if we loo k t o literatur e fo r a warmer appreciation of
marriage, th e pictur e i s strangely disappointing.
The Odyssey i s buil t aroun d th e sanctit y o f a goo d marriage ; in a
famous passag e Odysseus tell s th e young princes s Nausicaa:
And ma y th e god s accomplish your desire
a home , a husband, an d harmoniou s
converse with himth e best thin g in th e world
being a strong house held in serenity
where man an d wif e agree . Woe to thei r enemies
joy t o thei r friends! Bu t all thi s they kno w best
(Odyssey 6.180-86 ; Fitzgerald 1961 )

In contrast, Virgil' s Aeneas is a man alone , an d th e wome n who ar e

or might hav e bee n hi s wives ar e remove d a s obstacles t o th e destin y of
Rome, whil e th e princess-brid e Lavinia i s a simpering cypher who m Aeneas neve r meet s withi n th e compas s o f th e poem . Virgi l doe s sho w a
loving relationship betwee n Aenea s and hi s Trojan wif e Creusa , mothe r
of his heir Ascanius , but whe n the y mus t escape fro m Troy , sh e is left t o
follow behin d th e thre e generation s o f me n an d i s los t i n thei r panic .
Rome's destin y require s he r ancesto r t o b e a widower . Th e ghos t o f
Creusa absolve s Aeneas :
O my sweet husband , is there an y us e
in givin g way t o such fanatic sorrow?
For this could never come t o pass without
the gods' decre e . . . you will reach
Hesperia, wher e Lydia n Tibe r flows
. . . there day s of gladness lie in wait fo r you:
a kingdo m and a royal bride. Enough
of tears fo r loved Creusa. I am no t
to see the haught y homes of Myrmidons
or of Dolopians or t o b e a slave
to Grecian matrons, I , a Darda n woman
and wif e t o Venus ' son. I t i s the gods '
great Mothe r who keeps me upon thes e shores .
And no w farewell , and lov e the so n we share.
(Aeneid 2.780-89 ; Mandelbaum 1961)

Three time s h e tries to embrace Creusa's ghost, an d three time s hi s arms

clasp empty airjus t a s they wil l when h e sees his beloved father's shade
in Elysium.

298 WOME


To ensur e Aeneas' s saf e welcom e i n Carthage , th e goddesse s o f sex

and marriag e conspire t o delude the honorabl e an d generous queen Did o
into love for the stranger , whom she takes as consort an d sharer of power
in he r city . Virgil' s sympatheti c an d tragi c Did o i s perhap s th e singl e
best-known woma n i n al l Roma n literature : a wido w wh o break s he r
oath o f celibacy i n memory of her murdered husband and devote s hersel f
to Aeneas . Bu t despit e th e supernatura l weddin g ritual , Aenea s mus t
obey divin e command t o leav e her, and h e answer s her reproaches wit h
a ster n rebuke :
I a m no t furtive . I have never held
the weddin g torches a s a husband ; I
have never entered int o such agreements.
If fat e ha d grante d me t o guid e my lif e
by my own auspice s and t o unravel
my troubles with unhampere d will, the n I
should cherish first the tow n o f Troy, th e swee t
remains of my own people .
. . . And now the gods '
own messenger , sen t dow n b y Jove himself
I cal l a s witness both ou r livesha s brought
his orders through the swif t air . M y own eye s
have seen th e go d as he was entering
our wallsi n broad daylight. My ears have drunk
his words. N o longer set yourself an d m e
afire. Sto p your quarrel. It is no t
my own fre e wil l that lead s to Italy .
(Aeneid 4.340-53 , abridged ; Mandelbaum 1961 )

Virgil's ow n text , fo r al l it s sympath y wit h Dido' s suicide , speak s

more tha n onc e o f her guil t (culpa) an d Roma n readers were no t likel y
to se e thi s unofficia l an d unsanctione d lov e a s havin g an y clai m ove r
their hero . Indeed , som e reader s wil l hav e associate d Dido , fo r al l he r
goodness, wit h tha t famou s contemporar y queen , Cleopatra , sh e wh o
conspired wit h hi s weakness t o rui n Anton y an d threate n Rome' s integrity. Instea d of succumbing to Did o as Antony had t o Cleopatra , Aenea s
when freshly arrived in Latiu m will b e offered Kin g Latinus's only child ,
Lavinia, a s bride through the prox y o f his envoys, an d with he r the kingdom she symbolizes .
This betrotha l provoke s th e fierc e wa r betwee n Lavinia' s forme r
suitor Turnu s an d Aeneas . The future bride and groom do not meet , bu t
Lavinia appear s twice ; first we se e her amon g the Lati n matrons supplicating Minerva for their city .
And Queen Amat a too
with man y women, bearin g gifts, i s carried
into the citadel, Minerva' s temple
upon th e heights : at he r side walks the gir l Lavinia,
the caus e of all tha t trouble ,
her lovel y eyes held low. Th e wome n follo w

The Age o f Augustus 29

and the y perfum e th e altar s with th e smoke

of incense an d thei r voice s of lament
pour fro m th e shrine' s high threshold .
(Aeneid 11.478-83 ; Mandelbau m 1961 )

In th e las t boo k she appears again, when he r mother speak s of Aeneas as

her unwante d son-in-law . "Lavinia' s / ho t cheek s wer e bathe d i n tears ;
she hear d he r mother' s / words ; an d he r blush , a kindle d fire , crosse d /
her burnin g face" (Aeneid 12.70-72) .
Nor do women a s mothers receiv e sympathy agains t th e backgroun d
of masculin e urgenc y an d th e nation' s fate. Tw o scenes ar e particularl y
revealing. Th e first occur s i n Sicil y whe n Juno , disguised , deceive s th e
tired Troja n wome n int o burning the fleet so that they ma y settle there,
and the y ar e scolded b y the chil d Ascanius: "What is this ne w madness?
Where ar e you aimin g now, alas , poo r wretche d citizens? 1 Yo u are no t
burning th e Argiv e fo e an d enem y camp . Thes e ship s ar e you r futur e
hope. Se e here a m I , your Ascanius! " His future an d Rom e are their reason for existing. On e mothe r alone , fo r love o f her so n Euryalus , follows
the me n t o Latium , an d sh e is treated i n such way a s to provid e a bitte r
contrast betwee n Ascanius' s promises an d he r own reality . T o Euryalus,
volunteering fo r a dangerou s mission , Ascaniu s swears tha t i f Euryalus
she shall be a mother to me , lacking
only th e nam e Creusa. N o small hono r
awaits her no w fo r bearing such a son .
Whatever be the outcom e o f your deed,
I swear b y this my head, a s once m y fathe r
was use d t o swear , tha t al l I promised you
in saf e an d prosperou s return belongs
forever t o your mothe r an d your house .
(Aeneid 9.297-302; Mandelbau m 1961)

When Euryalus's mother hear s of his death an d wails in mourning, Virgil

reports he r lament , bu t th e sam e Ascaniu s orders he r t o b e take n int o
custody an d confine d indoor s t o sto p he r upsettin g th e Troja n fightin g
men (Aeneid 9.500-502) . For all Virgil's poetic compassion, h e represent s
the stat e as a structure i n whic h wome n mus t eve r serv e men' s needs o r
be suppressed .
Adultery and Resistance to Marriage and Reproduction
The disruptions o f the civi l war years an d th e changin g mores of Roman
upper-class life ha d a profound impact on th e behavio r of Roman women
and men , a s the previous chapters have shown. Claim s that adulter y was
rife in Rom e weave through the writing s of Ovid, as when he has the old
"hag" Dipsa s say,
Maybe i n th e day s whe n Tatiu s ruled , th e grubb y Sabin e women refuse d t o b e
taken b y mor e tha n on e man ; no w Mar s trie s men' s soul s i n fa r of f wars, an d

300 WOME


Venus rule s i n he r Aeneas ' city . Th e lovel y ladie s ar e a t play ; th e onl y chast e
ones are those no one has courted.
(Ovid, Amores 1.8.35-44 ; trans. Natalie Kampen )

He als o laughingl y claims , a t Amore s 3.4, " A ma n i s really a bumpki n

who take s hi s wife' s unfaithfulnes s seriously ; h e doesn' t kno w enoug h
about th e moral s of Rome" (trans . Natali e Kampen). Horace , i n Satire
1.2, advise s me n t o avoi d adulter y an d matron s a s mor e troubl e tha n
they ar e worth ; "It' s safe r t o g o secon d class , I mea n g o wit h
freedwomen" (trans . Natali e Kampen) . With a freedwoman , h e neve r
About he r husban d jus t droppin g i n fro m th e country , th e doo r
Splitting open, the dog yapping, hous e in an uproa r of crashing
And poundin g o n al l sides , m y girl tumblin g hea d ove r heel s
Out o f bed, a s white a s a sheet, whil e her mai d (an d accomplice )
Shrieks it' s no t he r faultdeathly afrai d of her leg s
Being broke n a s punishmentthe wife, thinkin g no w t o hersel f
"There goes m y dowry," while I eye mysel f sprintin g of f
In a panic , m y tunic undone , an d tryin g t o salvag e
My money, t o safeguar d m y future an d sav e m y behin d
(trans. S . Palmer Bovie )

Clearly, sex with a free marrie d woman could cause a man som e terribl e
problems. However, adultery was defined b y law an d custom a s sex with
a marrie d woman othe r tha n one' s wife ; a fre e ma n still ha d sexua l ac cess legall y t o hi s slaves , t o wome n whos e wor k a s prostitute s o r bar maids pu t the m outsid e th e law' s concern , an d t o concubines . Non e of
these cases counted a s adultery for him, althoug h a married woman wa s
an adulteres s i f sh e ha d se x wit h anyon e bu t he r husban d (Digest
An odd footnote t o the principl e that adulter y was extramarital sex
by a married woman appear s in Seneca' s discussio n o f adultery an d lus t
in a tex t o n lega l controversies; th e autho r present s model s o f disputation tha t ma y or may not b e based on reality. I n one he mentions a cas e
of "th e ma n wh o caugh t his wife an d anothe r woma n i n be d and kille d
them both " (Senec a th e Elder , Controversie s 1.2.23 ; Winterbotto m
1974). Tha t wome n ha d sexua l relationship s with on e anothe r i s rarely
alluded t o b y mal e authors , an d the n usuall y i n s o veiled o r unclea r a
way a s to mak e the whol e question especiall y difficult . Whe n Ovid tells
the tal e o f Iphis , a gir l brough t u p a s a bo y who fall s i n lov e wit h his /
her betrothed, h e has the hero(ine ) complai n bitterly t o th e god s abou t
the cruelt y o f he r fate ; sh e call s he r feeling s an d he r identit y "mon strous" an d rejects the pleasur e of the homoerotic . Th e gods give her one
of the rar e happy endings for a woman in the Metamorphose s when the y
turn he r int o a ma n o n he r weddin g da y (Ovid , Metamorphoses 9 .
666-791). Martial , writing at th e star t o f the secon d century , make s explicit referenc e to th e wome n wh o behav e like men an d hav e sex wit h
girls a s well a s boys (Martial , Epigrams 1.9 0 and 7.67) , an d s o does th e

The Ag e o f Augustus 30

Greek poet Lucian , whose courtesa n won't tel l he r curious friend exactl y
what tw o wome n d o in be d (Dialogues o f th e Courtesans 5) . The veile d
references an d insinuation s ma y ad d u p t o just on e mor e for m o f libertine behavio r a s th e writer s procee d wit h thei r usua l castigatio n o f female frivolity .
In a voic e of deepest seriousness , th e philosophe r Seneca , writin g t o
his mothe r fro m hi s exile i n Corsica , wher e h e seems t o hav e bee n sen t
because o f accusation s o f adulter y wit h Caligula' s siste r Juli a Lucilla ,
lays out a striking yet typica l landscap e of sexual irresponsibility :
Unchastity, th e greates t evi l of our time , ha s neve r classed you wit h th e grea t
majority o f women ; jewel s hav e no t move d you , no r pearls ; t o your eye s th e
glitter o f riches ha s no t seeme d th e greates t boo n o f the huma n race; you, wh o
were soundl y traine d i n a n old-fashione d an d stric t household , hav e no t bee n
perverted b y th e imitatio n o f wors e wome n tha t lead s eve n th e virtuou s int o
pitfalls; you hav e never blushed for the numbe r of your children, as if it taunte d
you wit h you r years , neve r hav e you, i n th e manne r o f other wome n whos e
only recommendatio n lie s in thei r beauty, trie d t o conceal your pregnanc y as if
an unseeml y burden , no r hav e you eve r crushed the hop e of children tha t wer e
being nurture d i n you r body ; yo u hav e no t defile d you r fac e wit h paint s an d
cosmetics; neve r hav e yo u fancie d th e kin d o f dres s tha t expose d n o greate r
nakedness by being removed.
(Seneca, Consolation t o his Mother 16.3-5 ; Basor e 1964/1979 )

Not onl y adulter y an d makeup , shameles s dres s an d conduc t wer e

deemed scandalous ; th e ope n refusa l t o bea r childre n brough t wome n
much criticism . A poem b y Propertiu s to hi s Cynthia , writte n befor e 23
B.C.E. (se e Chapte r 10 ) suggest s som e resistanc e b y me n a s wel l a s
women; "Wh y shoul d I beget childre n for national victories? / There will
be no soldie r of my blood ! / . . . You alon e giv e me joy , Cynthia ; let
me alon e pleas e you. / Ou r lov e wil l mea n fa r mor e tha n fatherhood "
(Propertius, Elegy 2.7 ; trans. Natali e Kampen). His concern ma y be with
an earl y versio n o f th e Augusta n marriage laws tha t migh t hav e sepa rated hi s belove d fro m him , perhap s forcin g hi m t o marr y a "respect able" bride, bu t th e poe m suggest s tha t th e la w was withdrawn or abrogated an d th e lover s thu s wer e saved .
The possibl e los s o f hi s mistres s t o a n abortio n prompte d Ovi d t o
She who firs t bega n th e practic e o f tearing ou t he r tende r progen y deserved t o
die i n he r ow n warfare . Ca n i t b e that, t o b e free o f the fla w o f stretchmarks,
you hav e t o scatte r th e tragi c sand s o f carnage ? Wh y wil l yo u subjec t you r
womb t o th e weapon s o f abortio n an d giv e dread poison s t o th e unborn ? The
tigress lurking in Armeni a doe s n o such thing, nor does th e liones s dare destro y
her young . Ye t tende r girl s do sothoug h no t wit h impunity ; often sh e wh o
kills what i s in he r womb dies herself .
(Ovid Amores 2.14.5-9, 27-28 , 35-38 ; trans. Natali e Kampen)

A mor e eve n ton e o n th e subjec t o f abortion , les s concerne d wit h

castigating wome n fo r immoralit y o r vanit y o r wit h fea r fo r th e lif e o f

302 WOME


the beloved , comes through the writing s of the doctor Soranu s who practiced medicin e in Rom e in th e late r first century, C.E . H e discusses contraception an d abortion , giving preferre d method s for both; h e indicate s
that opinio n wa s divided in the medica l community abou t th e permissibility of abortion :
For one party banishes abortives , citin g the testimon y o f Hippocrates who says:
"1 will give to n o one a n abortive" ; moreover, because it i s the specifi c tas k of
medicine to guard and preserve what ha s been engendered by nature. The other
party prescribes abortives, but with discrimination, that is, they do not prescribe
them when a person wishes to destroy the embry o because of adultery or out of
consideration fo r youthful beauty ; bu t onl y t o preven t subsequen t dange r i n
parturition i f th e uteru s i s small an d no t capabl e of accommodating th e com plete development, or i f the uteru s a t it s orific e ha s knobbl y swellings an d fissures, o r i f som e simila r difficult y i s involved . An d the y sa y th e sam e abou t
contraceptives a s well, an d we too agre e with them .
(Soranus, Gynecology 1.19.60 ; Temkin 1956)

Soranus's position a s a professiona l doctor mean t that h e sa w a s his patients wealth y wome n an d thei r value d slaves rather tha n thos e whos e
poverty migh t hav e motivate d thei r desir e t o limi t th e numbe r o f children the y had ; similarly, h e considere d legitimat e th e medica l rathe r
than socia l o r emotiona l reason s for a woman t o requir e an abortio n o r
to use contraception. I t does not follo w that contraception an d abortio n
were inaccessibl e to poo r wome n throug h midwives , o r that upper-clas s
women avoide d suc h practice s excep t fo r medica l reasons . Essentially ,
both i n th e medica l world an d in th e worl d of the poet , sexuality , mal e
and female , was unde r scrutin y an d th e subjec t o f some disagreement ,
predictable i n a time o f social an d political transformation .
Legal Definitions and Prescriptions on Marriage and Adultery
It i s i n thi s contex t o f changing sexual standard s that Augustus' s ne w
legislation o n marriag e an d adulter y wa s writte n an d th e Ar a Paci s
carved. They came on the heel s of changes in custom tha t had gradually
removed th e vaunte d absolut e power o f th e fathe r o f a famil y ove r al l
his male and femal e dependents ; by the lat e Republic , for example, fe w
marriages followed the ol d pattern i n which a father passed his daughter
and her property into the absolut e control o f her husband and his family.
Paternal powe r over lif e an d death , powe r to forc e a son or daughte r t o
divorce, an d famil y judgmen t and punishmen t of the civi l crime s of it s
dependent member s all became less common tha n th e text s suggest the y
were in th e earl y Republi c (Rawson 1986 : 1-57 and 121-44) .
The Augusta n laws , designe d t o penaliz e thos e citizen s wh o re mained unmarrie d o r childles s (wome n betwee n twent y an d fift y an d
men afte r th e ag e of twenty-five (se e below) an d thos e who committe d
adultery o r married women o r men o f the "wrong " social ran k or statu s
(see below), ha d a s their ostensible goals the mora l revitalization o f th e
upper classes, th e raisin g of the birt h rate amon g citizens, an d the polic -

The Ag e o f Augustus 30

ing of sexual behavio r i n th e attemp t t o reintroduc e conservativ e socia l

values an d contro l th e socia l conduc t o f a n uppe r clas s see n a s mor e
interested i n pleasur e an d autonom y tha n i n dut y an d community . Th e
laws may, however , reall y hav e bee n attempt s t o reconfigur e social an d
property relatibnships ; the year s o f changing customs, o f loosened pater nal powe r an d o f social chao s i n th e tim e o f the civi l war s o f the firs t
century, B.C.E. , ma y hav e se t law s out o f tune wit h contemporar y practices to such an extent that they were seen a s ineffectual i n representing
reality. Augustus , addressin g change d circumstance s i n a languag e of
conservative value s an d mora l revival , propose d legislatio n tha t woul d
make th e stat e an d it s court s th e arbiter s of private conduct. Th e laws,
first issue d probabl y i n 1 8 B.C.E. an d amende d b y supplementar y legislation more than twenty-five years later in 9 C.E. as the Le x Papia Poppaea,
are toda y know n mainl y i n fragmentar y and sometime s distorte d for m
in the writing s o f later jurists an d historians wh o cite them .
Issues of marriage and reproductio n tha t once had bee n mainl y un der the contro l o f families now became, a t leas t on paper, publi c and th e
purview o f th e communit y a s a whole . Th e law s penalize d peopl e wh o
did no t marr y o r hav e childre n b y attackin g thei r eligibilit y t o inheri t
Unmarried persons , wh o ar e disable d b y the Le x Julia from takin g inheritance s
and legacies , wer e formerly deemed capabl e of taking the benefi t o f a trust. An d
childless persons , wh o forfei t b y the Le x Papia, on accoun t o f not havin g children, hal f their inheritance s an d legacies , wer e formerly deemed capabl e of taking i n ful l a s beneficiaries of a trust .
(Gaius, Institutiones 2.286 ; Poste 1890)

And bot h th e Le x Julia o n marriag e an d it s revisio n i n th e Le x Papia

Poppaea rewarde d women fo r having larger families. Normally, as Ulpianus (thir d century , C.E. ) says , "Guardian s ar e appointe d fo r male s a s
well as for females, bu t onl y fo r males under puberty, on accoun t of their
infirmity o f age; for females, however, bot h unde r an d ove r puberty , o n
account o f the weaknes s o f their se x a s well a s their ignoranc e of business matters" (Ulpianus , Rules, 11.1 ; trans. S. P. Scott i n Leftkowit z an d
Fant #195) .
Guardianship terminate s fo r a freebor n woma n b y titl e o f maternit y o f thre e
children, fo r a freedwoma n under statutory guardianshi p by maternit y o f fou r
children: thos e wh o have other kind s of guardians . . . , are released from wardship by title of three children .
(Gaius, Institutiones 1.194 , Post e 1890)
Accordingly, whe n a brothe r an d siste r hav e a testamentar y guardian, on at taining the ag e of puberty the brothe r ceases to be a ward, but th e sister continues, fo r it i s only unde r the Le x Julia and Papi a Poppae a an d b y title o f maternity tha t wome n ar e emancipate d fro m tutelage ; excep t i n th e cas e o f Vestal
Virgins, for these, eve n in our ancestors' opinion, are entitled by their sacerdotal
function t o b e free fro m control .
(Gaius, Institutiones 1.145 ; Post e 1890)

304 WOME


Thus, wome n benefite d b y th e ne w legislatio n throug h havin g large r

numbers of children. Upper-clas s women an d me n also sometimes gaine d
by thes e law s sinc e th e empero r coul d confe r th e exemptio n o f thre e
children on thos e who , lik e the empres s Livia an d Pliny the Younger , did
not i n fac t have thre e living children o f their own .
Augustus ma y hav e hope d b y legislatin g privilege s fo r th e father s
and mother s o f three o r more children t o ensure an increase d birt h rate ,
but w e hav e fa r mor e evidenc e fo r lo w reproductivit y tha n fo r happ y
fertility amon g th e member s of the uppe r class. Augustus' s daughter Julia migh t giv e he r husban d fiv e health y children , an d i n tur n Julia' s
daughter Agrippina gave birth to nine, bu t h e himself only produce d on e
child b y an y o f hi s wives , an d sinc e thi s chil d wa s a daughte r w e ma y
be sur e tha t h e an d Livi a di d wha t the y coul d t o produc e a sonan d
failed. Ou r evidenc e fo r infertility, miscarriage, an d deat h i n childbirt h
is s o rando m tha t w e nee d t o includ e sample s fro m bot h th e previou s
generation (Cicero' s daughte r died i n childbirt h afte r he r secon d child ;
neither chil d survived ) an d th e nex t century . W e know , fo r example ,
that Ovid , Seneca, an d Plin y the Younge r each marrie d three times, an d
that onl y Ovi d sa w a child , on e daughter , gro w up . Pliny' s young wif e
miscarried an d he r early deat h ma y hav e been connecte d wit h th e com plications o f pregnancy . Anothe r exampl e o f combine d infertilit y an d
death i n childbirt h leadin g t o th e extinctio n o f a bloo d lin e i s tha t of
Augustus's ow n adoptiv e fathe r Juliu s Caesar , whos e daughte r Julia ,
married t o Pompey , miscarrie d an d die d soo n afte r i n childbirth . Th e
implications fo r women's expectatio n o f lif e ar e clea r here : t o conceiv e
was not guaranteed, t o miscarry was all too frequent, to die in childbirt h
was a high probability, an d th e surviva l of infants with o r without thei r
mothers wa s a caus e fo r rea l rejoicing . I t i s no t surprisin g tha t i n th e
generation befor e Augustus , Catullus ha d use d a s a simil e fo r th e preciousness of his love for Lesbia the preciousnes s of the singl e small grandson born t o a n agin g grandfather by his daughter and only chil d (Catul lus 68.119-24).
Freedwomen als o benefitte d fro m th e ne w laws as Dio Cassius, writ ing in th e thir d centur y C.E. , explains : "since , amon g the freebor n ther e
were fa r mor e male s than female s [of reproductive age?] , h e (Augustus )
allowed al l who wished, excep t the senators , t o marry freedwomen, an d
ordered tha t thei r offsprin g shoul d b e hel d legitimate. " (Di o Cassius
54.16.1-2; Gar y 1980) . Further , freedwome n coul d als o benefi t fro m th e
law b y attaining a degree of autonomy i n th e makin g of their wills ; nor mally, a freedwoma n o r freedma n owe d a certai n amoun t o f wor k o r
share of profits to he r or hi s former owner an d remaine d i n a position o f
legal dependenc y o n th e owne r whos e permissio n wa s neede d fo r financial an d lega l transaction s an d wh o inherite d th e majorit y o f the freed woman/man's property (Gardne r 1986: 194-96) .
The Le x Papia Poppae a afterwards exempted freedwome n fro m th e tutelag e o f
patrons, b y prerogativ e of fou r children , an d havin g established th e rul e tha t

The Ag e o f Augustus 30

they coul d hencefort h mak e testament s withou t th e patron' s authorization , i t

provided tha t a proportionate shar e o f the freedwoman' s propert y shoul d b e due
to the patron , dependent o n the numbe r o f her surviving children .
(Ulpianus, Epitome 29.3-6 ; Abdy and Walke r 1876)

Underlying much of this legislation , an d embedde d in th e notio n of

moral restructurin g o f socia l life , wa s a concer n wit h revitalizin g an d
purifying th e famil y life o f the citizen s o f Rome. It ma y wel l hav e been
intended i n part to use that purifie d famil y life t o remind Romans of the
moral an d social structure s tha t ha d once, a t leas t theoretically , unite d
a homogeneou s community . Thus , par t o f the la w trie d t o preven t marriage with peopl e o f immoral character.
By th e Le x Juli a senator s an d thei r descendant s ar e forbidde n t o marr y
freedwomen, o r wome n wh o hav e themselve s followe d th e professio n o f th e
stage, o r whose father o r mother ha s done so; other freeborn person s are forbid den t o marr y a common prostitute , o r a procuress, o r a woman manumitte d b y
a procure r o r procuress, o r a woman caugh t i n adultery , o r one condemned i n a
public action , o r one who ha s followed th e professio n o f the stage .
(Ulpianus, Epitome 13-14 ; Abd y and Walke r 1876)

What may be indicated in these laws is a relaxation of paternal control ove r marriages among the citizen s of Rome. Such contro l wa s exercised by the empero r in his arrangements for his daughter Julia, although
she clearly managed to circumven t other form s o f control fo r a while .
Julia wa s betrothe d firs t t o Mar k Antony's son an d the n t o Cotiso , Kin g of th e
Getans, whos e daughte r Augustu s himself proposed t o marr y in exchange ; o r so
Antony writes . Bu t Julia's first husband was Marcellus , his sister Octavia' s son ,
then hardl y mor e than a child; and , when h e died, Augustu s persuaded Octavi a
to le t he r becom e Marcu s Agrippa's wifethough Agripp a was no w marrie d t o
one o f Marcellus's tw o sisters , an d ha d fathere d childre n o n her. 2 A t Agrippa's
death, Augustu s cast abou t fo r a ne w son-in-law , even i f he were only a knight,
eventually choosin g Tiberius , hi s step-son; thi s meant , however , tha t Tiberiu s
must divorce hi s wife, who ha d alread y given him a n heir .
(Suetonius, Augustus 63-65; Graves 1957)

Being a politica l paw n wa s certainl y th e fat e o f men an d wome n o f th e

Imperial house , bu t arrange d marriage s wer e usual , a s well , fo r th e
young sons and daughters of the propertie d classes, a s Ovid tells us in hi s
autobiographical poe m (Tristia 4.10) , "Whe n I wa s bu t a boy , I wa s
made t o marr y an unworth y wife / no t fo r long!" (trans . J. Ferguso n
in Chishol m an d Ferguso n 1981: 272). Roma n law i n thi s period permitted eithe r part y t o su e fo r divorc e wit h relativel y littl e fuss , an d th e
sources suggest that arrange d marriages might b e susceptible to that end
for al l sort s of reasons, not onl y political ones.
Conduct withi n marriage was als o to b e controlled b y the state , a s
was sexua l behavio r outside o f wedlock . Th e Le x Julia d e adulteriis o f
18 B.C.E. , a par t o f th e large r Le x Julia, include s sections o n adultery ,
homosexuality, an d seduction.

306 WOME


. . . the Le x lulia fo r the suppressio n o f adultery punishe s wit h deat h no t onl y

those wh o dishonou r th e marriage-be d of anothe r [man ] bu t als o thos e [men ]
who indulg e thei r ineffabl e lus t wit h males . Th e sam e Le x lulia als o punishes
the offenc e o f seductio n whe n a [male ] person , withou t th e us e o f force , de flowers a virgi n o r seduce s a respectabl e widow . Th e penalt y invoke d b y th e
statute agains t offender s i s confiscation of half thei r estat e if they b e of respect able standing, corporal punishmen t and relegatio n in th e cas e of baser persons .
(Justinian, Institutes 4.18.2-3; Thomas 1975 )

The law permitted wome n t o bring third-party accusations agains t adulterous husbands but grante d only t o me n th e righ t to accus e a spouse of
adultery an d t o divorce or to kil l a n adulterou s wife (o r to kil l an adulterous daughter ) foun d i n flagrante (unde r certai n circumstances) .
Thus, th e ne w law s wer e no t intende d t o brin g equalit y t o me n an d
women but rather (ostensibly ) to regulate sexuality, to bring it into lin e
with th e standard s of an idealize d righteou s past . Thes e law s als o mus t
have made clear to th e senatoria l aristocracy that a new ag e was beginning, on e i n whic h th e stat e woul d increasingl y intervene i n famil y af fairs i n a n attemp t t o enforc e what i t characterize d a s a retur n t o ol d
social values.
It i s unclear how the Augusta n laws actually affected women' s lives
since th e lov e poetr y an d satir e o f the perio d d o not explicitl y mentio n
these law s an d th e firs t reference s to the m b y historian s com e onl y i n
the lat e first century C.E. Suetonius, writing in his life of Augustus at th e
end o f th e firs t centur y C.E. , tell s u s tha t th e empero r "wa s unabl e t o
carry i t (th e Lex Julia) ou t becaus e of an ope n revol t agains t its provisions, unti l h e ha d abolishe d or mitigated a part of the penalties , beside s
increasing th e reward s [fo r mor e children ] an d allowin g a thre e years *
exemption fro m th e obligatio n to marr y afte r th e deat h o f a husband or
wife" (Suetonius , Augustus 34.1; Rolfe 1970) .
Other source s indicat e tha t th e Le x Papia Poppaea, t o whic h thi s
passage of Suetonius refers, stipulate d tha t tw o years was the maximu m
allowable delay for remarriage:
The Le x Julia allow s wome n a respit e fro m it s requirement s for one yea r afte r
the deat h o f a husband , an d fo r six month s afte r a divorce: bu t th e Le x Papia
allows a respit e fo r tw o year s afte r th e deat h o f a husban d an d fo r a year an d
six months afte r a divorce."
(Ulpianus, Epitome 14 ; Abdy and Walke r 1876)

Although it seem s impossible to asses s the actua l impac t of the law s

on individuals , their broade r messag e to me n an d wome n o f th e uppe r
classes wa s tha t th e stat e woul d no w pla y a n ever-increasin g rol e i n
their private lives and that role would symbolize the growin g control b y
the empero r over their public lives as well.

The Ag e o f Augustus 30

Women o f the Cour t

Imperial Women and Dynastic Ideology

That sexualit y functione d symbolically i n thi s perio d seem s clea r fro m
such stories as that o f Suetonius o n Augustus's response t o th e demand s
of the member s of the equestria n class 3 for repeal o f the marriag e laws.
When th e knight s . . . persistentl y calle d fo r it s repea l a t a publi c show , h e
[Augustus] sent fo r the childre n of Germanicus and exhibite d them, some in hi s
own la p an d som e i n thei r father's , intimatin g b y his gesture s an d expressio n
that the y shoul d not refus e t o follow tha t young man's example.
(Suetonius, Augustus 34.2; Rolfe 1970)

Using his family a s an ideologicall y motivate d tableau vivant, Augustus

provided a livin g exampl e o f th e sam e message s containe d i n th e Ar a
Pacis sculpture (Zanke r 1988: 157-58) . Ceremonie s would have used th e
Imperial wome n i n a comparabl e way , a s when Horac e describe s Livi a
and Octavi a welcomin g Augustu s bac k fro m Spain : "Rejoicin g i n he r
peerless husband, let hi s consort, afte r offerin g sacrifice s t o the righteou s
gods, no w advance , an d th e siste r o f ou r famou s chief , and , wit h th e
suppliant fille t decked , mother s o f maid s an d son s jus t saved " (Ode
3.14.5-10; Bennett 1978).
The public display of sculptured portraits of the wome n and childre n
of the court made similar statements, sinc e many were apparently set up
as famil y groups. Th e example s o f th e elegan t an d classicizin g marbl e
busts (Fig . 11.3 ) o f th e Imperia l famil y fro m th e amphitheate r o f
Arsinoe-Crocodilopolis (Medine t el Fayyu m in Egypt ) (4-1 4 C.E.) , o r of
the larg e bronze statue s o f the famil y fro m Velei a in Ital y bot h includ e
Livia. Her portraits, many showing her simply dressed in th e long , heavy
garments o f th e matron , he r hai r ofte n covere d b y a mantle , buil d o n
Hellenistic traditions ; virtuall y n o Roma n female portrait s remain fro m
the Republica n period a s models for the imager y of Imperial women, bu t
Hellenistic queen s such a s Berenice or Cleopatr a di d offe r a n importan t
prototype tha t blende d idea l beauty , recognizabl e facia l features , an d
royal identity .
Even whe n statue s of the Imperia l women o f the perio d com e t o u s
without the archaeologica l evidence of placement in family groups, the y
often contai n thei r own stylistic and iconographic codes to communicat e
the value s being promulgated b y Augustus. These dra w on th e Hellenis tic model s just mentioned , a s well a s on th e imager y of divinities. Th e
portrait o f Livi a (Fig . 11.4 ) wearin g th e diade m o f th e fertilit y goddes s
Ceres (Gree k Demeter), date d t o th e tim e of Tiberius, conflates empress
and goddes s t o emphasiz e Livia' s maternal role . Similarly , th e statu e
probably of Livia (Fig . 11.5) wit h a cornucopia, sign of plenty associate d
with goddesses an d personification s such a s Fortuna or Salus, Well-being
(dated afte r 4 1 C.E.), merge s fertility, the maternal , an d th e Imperia l i n
such wa y a s to reinforc e the idea s most importan t to th e dynasty : a re-

308 WOME


Figure 11.3. Portrai t bust o f the em press Livi a from Egypt , ca . 4-14 C.E.
The simpl e hairstyle and crispl y ideal ized feature s are typica l of the portrait s
made while Augustus wa s stil l alive .

vived worl d bor n o f th e peac e an d securit y brough t b y Augustus . Wit h

the portraitur e of Livia, th e Roma n artists of the cour t create d a n appro priate imager y o f the empress-matron , a n imager y that coul d represen t
an importan t individual , perhaps the mos t importan t woman i n th e Roman world , whil e a t th e sam e time communicatin g concept s o f royalty ,
family, an d gende r ideology .
Dynastic Concerns and the Autonomy of Women of the Court
Here i t i s importan t t o sto p an d not e tha t th e imag e o f Imperia l harmony, o f the submissio n o f the Imperia l family t o dynasti c needs , i s by
no mean s th e whol e picture . Th e Imperia l women , a s w e kno w fro m
literary an d archaeologica l remains , use d thei r position s t o construc t
roles tha t permitte d som e o f them a degre e of autonomy, influenc e an d
even opposition to the dominan t Imperia l ideologie s of the period .
Livia an d Agrippin a th e Younge r ca n provid e u s wit h examples .
Livia's relativ e autonom y emerge s i n storie s abou t he r meeting s wit h
ambassadors an d envoy s whil e Augustu s was otherwis e occupied ; he r
importance t o Augustu s can b e see n i n th e episod e i n whic h w e lear n
that th e empero r too k note s o n Livia' s advic e an d studie d the m later ;
and he r influence , expresse d b y writer s wh o clearl y worrie d abou t it ,

Figure 11.4. Portrai t bus t of Livia fro m Rome , after 1 4 C.E. , the year Augustus died . The mor e elabo rate hairstyl e and th e diade m signa l her statu s as luli a Augusta , adopte d int o Augustus's ow n hous e
and sharin g i n hi s status, - th e diade m ma y als o connec t Livi a wit h Ceres , th e fertilit y goddess , a
connection mad e usefu l politicall y by th e fac t tha t in th e year 14 he r so n Tiberius inherited the throne .




Figure 11.5. Portrai t statue probably of

Livia as a goddess / fro m Rom e bu t
found i n Pozzuol i on th e Ba y of Na ples. I n th e year 41 , with th e ascen t t o
the thron e of her grandso n Claudius ,
who mad e Livi a a goddess , suc h images becom e appropriate.

comes throug h i n th e storie s abou t he r rol e i n advancin g favore d mem bers of the cour t (Suetonius , Augustus 84.2 and Claudius 4.1) .
With Agrippina the Younger , we have an imperial woman wh o use d
her mother' s imagery t o foste r he r ow n politica l interests (Woo d 1988) .
Before sh e fel l fro m favo r wit h he r so n Ner o who sen t he r int o exile ,
Agrippina th e Younge r is said t o hav e wante d th e powe r t o rul e a s his
regent; sh e used th e imager y of her mothe r t o support he r claims . Agrippina th e Elder , wife o f Germanicus and mothe r o f Caligula an d hi s siste r
Agrippina, wa s a centra l figur e i n th e dynasti c sequence , a s w e hav e
already seen , bot h becaus e o f he r connectio n wit h Augustu s an d be -

The Age o f Augustus 31

cause, persecute d b y Tiberius , sh e distance d Caligul a fro m hi s much loathed predecesso r an d functione d a s an imag e of the nobl e martyr .
The Gemm a Claudi a (Fig . 11.6) , wit h it s paire d bust s o f Claudiu s
with hi s bride Agrippin a th e Younge r facing her deceased parent s Agrippina th e Elde r and Germanicus , wa s probabl y mad e a t th e expens e o f a
rich citize n a s a gif t fo r th e marriag e that too k plac e i n 4 9 C.E . (Woo d
1988, 422) . Th e paralle l image s o f mothe r an d daughte r clearl y serve d
the me n of the dynasty i n connecting the m t o Augustus and legitimating
their ow n claim s t o power ; jus t beneat h tha t surface , however , res t th e
claims o f Agrippin a th e Younge r hersel f (Wood , 1988) . Tha t sh e wa s
conscious o f these claim s seems possibl e fro m th e report s b y Tacitus tha t
he consulted "memoir s of the younger Agrippina , the mothe r o f the em peror Nero , wh o commemorate d fo r posterit y th e stor y o f he r lif e an d
of th e misfortune s of he r family " (Tacitus , Annals 4.53 ; trans . Natali e
Kampen). There , h e tell s us , h e rea d th e stor y o f Tiberius' s refusa l t o
allow Agrippin a the Elde r to remarr y after Germanicus' s death, a s a sign
of his fear of her potential strength ; ther e too was the stor y o f her protes t
to Tiberiu s for intimidating her allies , including her cousi n Pulchra . She

Figure 11.6 . Th e Qemm a Claudia , a carve d gemston e fro m Rome , mad e abou t 48-4 9 C.E. , and
probably representing Claudius, with hi s wife (als o hi s niece) Agrippina the Younger , facin g Qerman icus an d th e elde r Agrippina, hi s wife, - Qermanicu s and Agrippin a are th e parent s of Agrippina th e
Younger, an d Qermanicu s is the brothe r o f Claudius.

312 WOME


is quote d a s saying, "Pulchr a i s a mer e pretext ; th e onl y reaso n fo r he r

destruction i s that, utterl y foolishly , she chose Agrippin a for her admiration." The emperor responded by reminding Agrippina that "jus t becaus e
she was no t a ruler , i t di d no t mea n sh e had bee n wronged " (Tacitus ,
Annals 4.52; trans. Natali e Kampen). The storie s of the lif e o f Agrippina
the Younge r preserved i n Tacitus' s Annals spea k of a woma n whos e de sire fo r power wa s characterize d a s "masculin e despotism " (12.7) , wh o
set up a colony o f veterans in Germany (12.26) , an d who sa t besid e Claudius an d receive d wit h hi m th e homag e o f the famil y of th e conquere d
ruler o f Britain . "It wa s reall y a novelty , utterl y beyon d ancien t ways ,
for a woma n t o si t befor e th e Roma n standards . I n fact , Agrippin a
bragged tha t sh e was actuall y a partne r i n th e empir e which he r ances tors had won." (Annals 12.37 )
Less dramatic tha n th e storie s of empresses as power-hungry and ad ept a t manipulation , bu t equall y significant in markin g the dynami c relationship between individua l authority an d dynastic teamwork , th e in scriptions tha t appeare d o n th e statu e base s o f Imperia l wome n ar e
explicit i n namin g th e tie s of kinship. In these example s from Thaso s i n
the Greek-speakin g East, the relatio n of individual and dynast y i s clear:
"The peopl e [o f Thaso s se t u p a statu e of ] Livi a Drusilla , wif e o f Au gustus Caesar, divin e benefactress," an d "The people [o f Thasos se t u p a
statue] of Julia, daughte r o f Augustus Caesar, ou r benefactress, followin g
the traditio n o f her family " (Inscriptionae Latinae Selectae 8784 ; trans .
K. Chishol m i n Chishol m an d Ferguso n 1981: 168). Similarly, "Livia dedicated a magnificen t temple t o Concord , / an d gav e it t o he r husband. "
(Ovid, Fast i 6.637-38; trans. J. Ferguso n in Chishol m an d Ferguso n 1981 :
Elg(b) p . 204) . Th e empress' s patronag e o f a templ e dedicate d t o th e
spirit o f harmony , bot h civi l an d marita l harmony, reinforce s th e mes sages abou t th e imperia l dynasti c an d mora l program s (Flor y 1984) ;
these practice s o f patronage an d representatio n als o se t th e patter n fo r
the relationshi p o f wome n t o stat e ar t throughou t th e nex t tw o centuries.
Even i n th e domesti c environment , representation s o f th e Imperia l
programs o f dynasti c harmon y an d well-bein g coul d b e seen , a s Ovi d
tells i n a poem writte n fro m exil e i n Asia . Clearly meant t o demonstrat e
to al l readers (includin g those connecte d t o the empero r whom th e poe t
hoped t o convince ) tha t h e continue d utterl y loya l t o Augustu s despit e
his sufferings, Ovi d writes :
nor i s my piet y unknown : a strang e lan d see s a shrin e t o Caesa r i n m y house .
Beside hi m [Augustus ] stand th e piou s son [Tiberius ] and priestes s wif e [Livia] ,
deities no t les s important tha n himsel f now that h e has become a god. T o make
the househol d grou p complete, bot h o f the grandson s [Germanicus and Drusus ]
are there , on e b y the sid e of his grandmother, th e othe r b y that of his father
(Ex Ponto 4.9.105-10; Wheeler 1975)

The reig n o f Augustu s establishe d severa l crucia l pattern s tha t

would remai n i n effec t t o varyin g degree s fo r severa l hundre d years .

The Ag e o f Augustus 31

First, th e Imperia l famil y wa s a family and it s continuity unde r a dignified and protectiv e father an d a nobl e and fertil e mothe r guaranteed th e
health an d happines s of the Roma n people, it s children. Second, thi s notion o f th e mode l famil y wa s disseminate d throughou t th e empir e o n
works o f art , coins , an d domesti c shrines , i n th e patronag e o f buildings
and th e inscription s tha t marke d them , an d i n th e ceremonie s an d cho reographed publi c appearance s o f members o f the court . Representatio n
and politica l progra m wer e consciousl y an d effectivel y joined , an d
women playe d a major role in both .
Although mora l reviva l seem s les s a n issu e tha n dynasti c propa ganda t o th e emperor s of the Julio-Claudia n line , al l continu e t o represent th e Imperia l women an d childre n as symbols of legitimacy an d th e
security o f a peacefu l future . Th e grea t cour t cameo s o f the period , th e
Grand Came e d e Franc e (Fig . 11.7) , o n whic h Livi a sit s besid e Tiberiu s
and th e divin e Augustu s floats overhead, lik e the Gemm a Claudia (Fig .
11.6), al l us e family relations symbolize d throug h women a s well a s sons
to documen t th e ruler' s righ t t o rul e an d hi s provision o f a saf e future .
As w e hav e just seen , thes e image s can als o functio n t o documen t th e
power o f women , whethe r a s conduit s fo r dynasti c claim s o r fo r thei r
own ends . Coins do so as well, althoug h the min t in Rome was for a long
time mor e reticen t abou t showin g the wome n an d childre n of the cour t
than wer e th e mint s o f th e easter n provinces . I n th e east , wher e th e
Imperial cult include d worshi p of Livia durin g her lifetime , even thoug h
such woul d hav e bee n unacceptabl e i n Rome , coin s fro m Asi a Mino r
show he r a s Demete r th e mother-goddes s wit h Gaiu s an d Lucius , Au gustus's heir s a t th e time , o r wit h Augustu s an d Tiberiu s (Fig . 11.8) .
(See Chapte r 6 , "Hellenisti c Rule r Cult." ) Later , however , th e wome n
and childre n of the cour t begi n to appea r on th e coin s of Rome and th e
west a s when Caligul a represented Agrippin a th e Elde r i n orde r to demonstrate hi s relationship to Augustu s and th e Julian house (Fig . 11.9). A
coin o f th e tim e o f Claudius from Caesare a show s hi s thir d wif e Messa lina (Agrippin a the Younge r was his fourth wife) o n th e obvers e an d hi s
mother Antoni a an d son Britannicus on the revers e (Fig . 11.10); the coi n
stresses th e emperor' s legitimac y throug h hi s mother' s relationshi p t o
Augustus (sh e was hi s niece) , an d use s Messalin a as mother o f the ne w
era t o underlin e th e securit y o f succession . Wome n thu s reinforc e th e
emperor's claims to rule.
What w e hav e bee n considerin g i s no t th e sexualit y o f real Roman
women, i f suc h coul d eve r b e recuperated , nor th e "real " personalitie s
of Livi a an d he r kinswomen , bu t rathe r th e ideologica l construction o f
that sexualit y b y elit e me n i n thei r capacitie s a s ruler s an d a s writers .
They pain t a pictur e o f a society debatin g the politica l an d mora l character o f sexuality, a sexualit y tha t threaten s th e ne w socia l orde r an d
must b e contained withi n th e framewor k o f marriage and reproduction ,
a sexualit y particula r to th e elit e of Rome.



Figure 11.7, Th e Qran d Camee de France , a larg e carved gemston e mad e i n Rome, perhap s abou t 2 0
C.E. A t th e cente r Livi a sit s besid e he r so n Tiberiu s a s othe r famil y member s loo k o n unde r th e
benevolent gaz e of the no w divin e Augustus, th e barbaria n familie s i n the lowes t registe r pla y agains t
the Imperia l famil y t o expres s th e triumphan t nature of Roman peace .

Social Ideolog y an d Sexualit y

The Virtues o f Women
All women's lives were affecte d profoundl y in various ways b y the socia l
ideology bein g articulated i n law s and dynasti c imager y by the emperor .

The Ag e o f Augustus 31

Figure 11.8. Bronz e coin fro m Asi a

Minor showing Luciu s and Qaius , th e
sons of Augustus's daughter Julia an d
the intende d heir s of Augustus/ the y
both died befor e the y could take th e

From th e "best " o f wome n t o th e "worst, " th e term s wer e se t an d debated withi n th e fram e o f family an d reproductio n eve n whe n women' s
lives a t ever y socia l leve l frequentl y move d ou t o f th e frame . Wha t
shduld a woman be , then, an d i n whose opinion ?
At on e pole stand s Julia, th e daughte r of the emperor . T o the publi c
she mus t hav e seeme d L i via's opposite , th e "Other " t o Augusta n ma tronly morality . Sinc e w e ca n kno w Juli a onl y throug h th e scabrou s
jokes Roman s tol d abou t he r an d throug h th e cour t gossi p tha t con structed he r as the farthes t pol e of promiscuity, wha t w e see is a dreadfu l
warning t o al l thos e fast-livin g wome n whos e conduc t Augusta n polic y
aimed t o transform . I t shoul d b e noted tha t n o such warnin g applied t o
the empero r himself ; Suetoniu s recount s Augustus' s taste for extramari tal affair s an d tell s ho w i n hi s ol d ag e Livi a eve n procure d wome n fo r
him (Augustus 71.1) . An d Seneca writes :
The deified Augustu s banished his daughter, who wa s shameless beyond th e in dictment o f shamelessness , an d mad e publi c th e scandal s o f th e imperia l
housethat sh e ha d bee n accessibl e t o score s o f paramours, that i n nocturna l
revels she had roamed about the city, that th e very forum an d the rostrum, fro m
which he r father had propose d a la w agains t adultery , ha d bee n chose n by th e
daughter for her debaucheries, that sh e had dail y resorted t o th e statu e o f Marsyas [a famous spot fo r prostitutes], and , laying aside the rol e of adultress, ther e
sold he r favors , an d sough t th e righ t o f ever y indulgenc e wit h eve n a n un known paramour.
(De Beneficiis 6.32.1 ; Basore 1964/1979)
At th e opposit e pol e ar e suc h matron s a s Scribonia , th e mothe r o f
Julia wh o joine d he r daughte r i n exil e eve n thoug h Augustu s had lef t
her t o marr y Livi a and , a s a Roma n father , ha d exercise d th e righ t t o

Figure 11.9 . (A ) Qol d coi n (aureus ) of Caligula (37-3 8 C.E. ) from Lyo n o n th e revers e o f which (B )
is a portrai t o f Agrippina th e Elder , hi s mother , daughte r of Julia and granddaughte r o f Augustus/ th e
purpose o f the portrai t honorin g empero r an d mothe r i s as much t o connect Caligul a wit h Augustu s
as i t i s to hono r Agrippina .


Figure 11.10. Coi n o f Claudius, date d abou t 4 6 c.E . and minte d i n Caesarea . O n th e obvers e (A ) is
Messalina, hi s wif e at th e time / o n th e revers e (B ) are hi s mothe r Antonia an d hi s so n Britannicus ,
along with Octavia . The Imperia l family romanc e thus continues to frame th e dual messages of connection t o Augustus an d t o a secur e futur e fo r the dynast y an d s o for Rome.


318 WOME


control hi s daughter's marriage s and he r fate . Scribonia , lik e th e coura geous, self-sacrificin g matron s wh o se t example s t o th e communit y
through thei r willingnes s t o urg e thei r husband s an d son s t o dignifie d
suicide, demonstrate s bot h th e idea l of family loyalt y an d th e spiritua l
authority o f mature wives and mothers .
The funeral eulogie s for two upper-clas s matrons, Murdi a and Turia,
who live d i n th e tim e o f Augustu s indicate th e virtue s thei r mal e ki n
found worth y o f commemoration . Murdi a (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.10230 ) ha d bee n marrie d twice an d ha d childre n b y both mar riages; n o blam e attache s t o th e tw o marriage s even thoug h man y fu neral inscription s praise men an d wome n alik e for being married t o on e
partner for a lifetime. The rarit y of a single marriage received not e in a n
age when elit e wome n marrie d ver y young (probabl y i n thei r midteen s
rather tha n thei r lat e teen s a s seems to hav e been th e cas e with wome n
outside th e aristocracy ) t o me n who were ofte n considerabl y olde r tha n
they; henc e these women sometime s outlived thei r husband s rather tha n
divorcing them . Ho w common divorc e actuall y was , as oppose d t o th e
frequency wit h whic h i t wa s mentione d a s a castigatio n o f th e mora l
standards o f the age , we d o no t know , bu t remarriag e appears t o hav e
been no rarity. Murdia' s son by her first marriage, having commented o n
the fairnes s of her will, goe s on to say that she was motivated to dispos e
of he r good s a s she did becaus e
Consistent in her nature, she preserved by her obedience and good sense th e tw o
marriages t o worth y me n tha t he r parent s ha d mad e fo r her ; as a marrie d
woman sh e becam e yet mor e agreeabl e because o f her merits , an d he r loyalt y
made he r deare r just a s her judgement [concerning her will] left he r mor e hon ored. Afte r he r death , th e citizen s agree d in praisin g her. The wa y sh e divided
her estat e i n he r wil l display s a gratefu l an d loya l spiri t towar d he r husbands ,
fairness t o her children, an d justice i n her rectitude .
The funeral tribut e of all good women should be simple and similar becaus e
their natura l goodness , ove r which they kee p guard, does not requir e variation s
in language . Further, it i s enough tha t al l o f them hav e done th e sam e thing s
that gai n them a good reputation; i n live s tossed b y smaller storms ther e i s less
room fo r original ways t o prais e a woman . Fo r all thes e reasons , i t seem s right
to focu s o n conventiona l virtue s i n orde r no t t o los e anythin g o f the bes t an d
thereby debase what remains.
In thi s sense , then , m y deares t mothe r wo n th e greates t prais e o f all, because sh e was like other good women i n her modesty, decency , chastity , obedi ence, wool-work , zeal an d loyalty; a t th e sam e time, sh e was at leas t th e equa l
to any in her virtue, labor , wisdom and the danger s she faced.
(trans. Natalie Kampen, adapte d from Horsfal l 29-31
and Lefkowit z an d Fan t 1982 : 139)

For Turia (thi s conventional nam e masks the fact tha t her real identity is still uncertain), he r husban d delivere d a eulogy abou t 10-9 B.C.E.,
which, althoug h namin g th e sam e virtue s celebrate d i n th e Eulogy fo r
Murdia, add s public dimension s tha t resulted fro m th e chao s o f the civi l
war years . Turi a an d he r siste r avenge d th e murder s o f thei r parents ;

The Ag e o f Augustus 31

Turia hersel f raise d an d foun d dowrie s fo r female kin , protecte d he r husband's interests whe n h e was in exile an d helpe d to bring him back , and
secured th e punishmen t o f thos e responsibl e fo r hi s misfortunes . Thes e
splendid an d courageou s action s ar e recalled , alon g with he r virtues , b y
the prou d an d affectionat e husband .
"Why . . . recall your inestimabl e qualities, your modesty , deference , affability ,
your amiabl e disposition, your faithfu l attendanc e to the household duties , your
enlightened religion , you r unassumin g elegance, th e modes t simplicit y an d refinement o f your manners ? Need I spea k o f your attachmen t t o you r kindred ,
your affectio n fo r your familywhe n you respecte d m y mother a s you di d your
own parent s an d care d fo r her tom b as you di d for that o f your ow n mothe r an d
fatheryou wh o shar e countles s othe r virtue s with Roma n ladie s most jealou s
of their fai r name ? These qualities which I claim for you ar e your own, equalle d
or excelled b y but few ; for the experienc e o f men teache s u s how rar e they are .
. . . I n ou r day , marriage s of such lon g duration, no t dissolve d b y divorce
but terminate d b y death alone , ar e indeed rare. For our unio n was prolonged i n
unclouded happines s for forty-one years."
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.1527; trans. Lefkowit z an d Fan t #207 )

The onl y shado w acros s th e fac e o f th e marriag e was th e couple' s

inability t o hav e children , a n inabilit y fo r whic h Turi a too k responsi bility.
"Disconsolate t o see me without childre n . . . you wishe d t o put a n en d to my
chagrin b y proposin g t o m e a divorce , offerin g t o yiel d th e plac e t o anothe r
spouse mor e fertile , wit h th e onl y intentio n o f searching for an d providin g for
me a spous e worth y o f ou r mutua l affection , whos e childre n yo u assure d m e
you woul d hav e treated a s your own. "

He, horrified , refuse d an d says , "I coul d no t comprehen d ho w you coul d

conceive o f any reaso n wh y you, stil l living , should no t b e my wife, yo u
who durin g m y exil e ha d alway s remaine d mos t faithfu l an d loyal "
In thes e tw o eulogies , women' s virtue s includ e modesty , propriety ,
fidelity, industry , an d honor . Car e i n th e managemen t o f property join s
the lis t a s evidence o f the prosperit y o f the tw o women . However , w e do
not se e her e th e kin d o f romanti c lov e an d physica l passio n tha t Prop ertius, Ovid , o r Sulpici a (se e below ) describ e i n thei r poems ; th e evi dence seem s t o sugges t tha t Roman s associated thes e intens e emotion s
with affair s rathe r tha n wit h upper-clas s marriage.
The languag e o f prais e fo r women o f th e lowe r strat a keep s t o th e
same set of attributes (withou t th e discussio n o f property, however ) an d
focuses o n th e sam e lis t o f virtues. Thus , fro m first-centur y Rom e comes
the tombston e of the freedma n butche r Luciu s Aureliu s Hermia an d hi s
wife, "chast e in body , m y one an d only , a lovin g woman wh o possesse d
my heart, sh e lived as a faithful wif e to a faithful husban d with affectio n
equal t o m y own , sinc e sh e neve r le t avaric e kee p he r fro m he r duty. "
She, Aureli a Philematium, tells us, " 1 was chast e an d modest ; I did no t



know th e crowd ; I was faithfu l t o m y husband/ ' Th e inscriptio n show s

that h e was her fellow freedman, an d she lived with hi m fro m th e tim e
she wa s seve n (althoug h no t explicitl y a s his wife ) unti l he r deat h a t
forty. (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.9499 ; trans . Lefkowit z an d
Fant #137) . I n a relief , th e coupl e stan d betwee n th e tw o inscriptions ,
he togat e an d sh e veile d an d drawin g his righ t han d t o he r lip s (Fig.
11.11). Suc h affectionate images are rar e for any leve l of Roman societ y
in thi s period, bu t th e traditiona l gestur e associate d wit h marriage , th e
clasping o f righ t hands , appear s i n severa l relief s o f free d slav e couple s
throughout th e period ; a funerar y alta r fro m th e Vatica n dated t o th e
time o f Claudius commemorates T. Claudiu s Dionysius and wa s se t u p
by hi s wif e an d freedwoma n Claudia Preponti s who join s hand s wit h
him o n th e relie f (Fig . 11.12).
Marital fidelit y an d harmony , then , ar e th e expresse d virtue s o f
women bot h a t th e to p an d i n th e lowe r reache s o f Roma n societ y i n
this period ; fro m Livi a t o Turi a t o Claudi a Prepontis , th e publi c imag e
of the Roma n woman is dominated by private imagery. Among the elite ,
marriages were arrange d in th e earl y Empir e for economic an d politica l
alliances, bu t th e ideolog y o f marriag e as w e se e it her e presume s th e
growth o f mutua l respect , affection , an d loyalty ; mos t desirabl e fo r
women ar e a single husband and children and lives that bring honor no t

Figure 11.11 . Tombston e fro m earl y first-centur y C.E . Rome, mad e fo r Luciu s Aureliu s Hermi a an d
his wif e Aureli a Philematium . He wear s th e citizen' s tog a an d she , he r hea d modestl y covered , lovingly an d humbl y kisses his hand.

The Age of Augustus


Figure 11.12. Th e funerar y alta r of T.

Claudius Dionysius and Claudi a Prepontis, made in Rome about 40-5 0
c.E. and depictin g th e coupl e claspin g
right hand s in th e marita l gestur e (dextrarum iunctio ) tha t signaled th e legiti macy o f marriage.

only o n themselve s an d thei r offsprin g bu t o n thei r ancestor s a s well .

Similar value s appear i n th e epitaph s of the lowe r classe s i n spit e o f th e
lack o f ancestor s o r wealt h t o b e honorabl y use d an d passe d on . Th e
representations o f marita l affectio n i n wor d an d imag e have , fo r free d
slaves, th e additiona l functio n o f underlining thei r freedo m itself . Mar riage was, afte r all , the prerogativ e o f the free , an d n o slave could claim
possession o f her o r hi s offspring ; a n iconograph y of marriage and famil y
asserted social statu s for this part of the Roma n populace (Zanke r 1979) .



Sex Outside th e Ideal

One pol e o f femal e sexualit y i s thus define d b y marriage and reproduc tion, but , a s w e hav e alread y see n fro m Ovi d an d Horace , ther e wer e
other kind s of behavior, other discourses of sexuality, presen t i n th e pe riod. Th e mass-produce d lamps, bowl s (Fig . 11.13) , an d othe r cla y ob jects stamped with images of heterosexual intercourse , image s that catalogue more positions tha n Ovid himself could recommend, ar e paralleled
in th e eroti c painting s o f the brothel s an d house s of Pompeii (se e Chapter 12) ; they sugges t a significant clientele fo r low-cost a s well a s expensive images of sex and a distinct tast e fo r an eroti c "art " i n which idealFigure 11.13. Arretin e bow l fro m Rome , mad e in the lat e first century B.C.E . or early first century C.E.
Like the Pompeia n painting s of lovers fro m th e brothe l (Fig . 12.7), th e coupl e appear alone, attentive,
and gentl e with on e another.

The Ag e o f Augustus 32

ized young couple s cavor t i n cozil y domesticate d interiors . Despit e th e

frequent us e of garlands as interior decoration , th e viewe r would hardl y
associate thes e couple s with newlyweds , especiall y since the y see m to be
drawn fro m a Hellenisti c traditio n o f book s (sai d t o b e b y prostitutes ;
hence, pornography : th e writing s of prostitutes) tha t catalogue d sexua l
positions (Brende l 1970 : 63-68 an d Richli n 1992 : passim). Rather , th e
uniformly bronze d young me n an d thei r "milk y white " partner s belon g
to th e worl d o f love poetry, a world outside o f marriage.
An affai r o f sexual passio n wit h a mistres s of one' s ow n clas s o r a
lower clas s wa s th e focu s of muc h lov e poetr y b y th e me n o f th e late r
Republic an d th e Imperia l period ; th e poem s tel l o f men' s desir e an d
their attitude s to lov e an d sex , an d the y sometime s construct personalities (thoug h seldo m voices ) fo r th e mistresses . N o woman's perspectiv e
is available to counte r wha t Ovi d tells us in th e Ar t o f Love:
It's al l righ t to us e forceforce o f that sor t goes down wel l wit h
The girls: what i n fac t the y lov e to yield
They'd ofte n rathe r hav e stolen. Roug h seduction
delights them, th e audacit y of near-rape
Is a complimentso the gir l who could hav e been forced , yet someho w
Got away unscathed , may feig n delight , but i n fac t
Feels sadly le t down . Hilair a and Phoebe , bot h ravished
Both fel l fo r their ravishers. 4
(Art o f Love 1.673-80; Green 1982)

Similarly, n o woma n answer s Soranus' s notio n abou t th e pleasur e fel t

even b y a woma n wh o ha s bee n raped . Th e physicia n argue s that "th e
emotion o f sexua l appetit e existe d i n [her ] too , bu t wa s obscure d b y
mental resolve" (Soranu s Gynaecology 1.37 ; Temkin 1956).
No woman defends Corinn a against Ovid's charges of unfaithfulness ,
or even accuse s hi m of being, perhaps, such an egotist tha t h e has driven
his mistres s away ! Onl y Propertiu s allow s hi s Cynthi a t o spea k i n he r
own defense , as when, havin g told th e reade r often o f his mistress's infi delities, h e goes to he r hous e early to se e if she is alone. Sh e scolds him :
"What ar e you doing at thi s hour, spying on your mistress!? Do you thin k
my way s resembl e th e like s o f you? I' m no t s o easy : t o kno w a singl e
lover lik e you i s enough fo r me, o r mayb e a true r one" (Propertiu s Elegies 2.29a.31-35 ; trans . Natali e Kampen). But here, a s in th e lon g poem
(IV.7) whe n Cynthi a speak s to hi m fro m th e grav e of the wrong s he did
her an d o f the da y whe n the y wil l b e reunite d i n th e underworld , th e
poet remain s always i n contro l o f his Cynthia's words; the y ar e alway s
his, a s ar e th e word s o f Tarpeia abou t he r treacher y durin g the Sabin e
war (Elegies 4.4 ) and thos e of Cornelia (4.11 ) wh o speaks , like Cynthia,
from beyon d th e grav e (se e Chapter 1 0 for the Corneli a Elegy) .
Only one female poet speak s in her own voice, an d of her we know little .
Preserved amon g th e work s o f Ovid' s contemporary , Tibullus , a fe w

324 WOME


poems by Sulpicia remain . Althoug h there ar e modern critic s who argu e

that Sulpici a is a fictio n invente d by a male poet (se e Chapter 13 : Pliny
the Younge r on the ma n whose wife i s said to have written well) , man y
accept th e poem s a s th e wor k o f a woman . I n th e piece s quote d here ,
the poe t speak s in th e voic e o f a young an d unmarrie d woman fro m a n
upper-class backgroun d o f th e Augusta n period ; he r guardia n stil l ha s
some control ove r her, but sh e is able, nonetheless, t o conduct a passionate lov e affai r wit h a man who m she calls Cerinthus.
This first excerpt i s addressed t o M . Valerius Messala Corvinus , he r
guardian, a n aristocrati c writer , scholar , an d politician an d a patron o f
Tibullus. I n i t th e poe t argue s against havin g to spen d he r birthda y i n
the country . I n th e secon d piece sh e tell s Cerinthu s that th e pla n ha s
changed an d she will be allowed t o stay i n town .
My hateful birthday i s at hand , whic h I must celebrat e
without Cerinthu s i n the irksom e countryside.
What ca n b e sweeter tha n th e City ? Or is a country vill a
fit for a girl, or the chill y rive r i n the fields at Arezzo ?
Take a rest, Messalla , don't pa y so much attentio n to me ;
journeys, m y dear relative , ar e often untimely .
When I' m take n away , I leave my min d an d feeling s here,
since forc e keep s me fro m actin g a s my own master .
([Tibullus] 3.14; Snyder 198 9 131-32)
Do yo u kno w o f th e drear y journe y jus t lifte d of f you r
girl's mind ?
Now she gets t o b e in Rom e on he r birthday !
Let's all celebrate that day of birth,
which ha s come t o you b y chance whe n yo u leas t expected it .
([Tibullus] 3.15; Snyder 198 9 132 )

In th e followin g thre e fragments , al l addresse d t o Cerinthus , th e

poet speak s o f lov e an d desire ; th e languag e she uses , lik e th e pseud onym, reflect s th e sam e poetic practice s used by her mal e contemporaries. Just ho w autobiographica l the poem s are remain s as unclear a s th e
degree t o whic h th e write r speak s i n a particularl y "feminine " styl e
(Santirocco 1979) .
Finally a love ha s come whic h woul d caus e m e more sham e
were Rumo r to conceal i t rathe r tha n la y it bar e fo r all.
Won over by my Muses, the Cytherea n goddes s brough t m e
him, an d place d hi m i n m y bosom .
Venus has discharge d he r promise ; i f anyone i s said
to hav e ha d n o joys of his own, let hi m tel l o f mine.
I woul d no t wis h t o entrust anythin g t o sealed tablets ,
lest anyon e rea d m y words befor e m y lover does .
But I delight i n my wayward way s an d loath e to dissembl e
for fea r o f Rumor. Le t me b e told of :
I a m a worthy woma n wh o ha s bee n togethe r
with a worthy man.
([Tibullus] 3.13; Snyder 1989: 130 )

The Ag e o f Augustus 32

It i s pleasingthe fact tha t i n your carefre e way you allo w

yourself s o much on m y behalf, lest I suddenly tak e a bad fall .
So you car e more for a skirta wenc h loade d dow n with
her wool-baskettha n fo r Sulpicia, daughter of Servius.
There ar e people concerned abou t me , and the y especiall y worr y
that I might give way t o that lowly mistres s of yours.
([Tibullus] 3.16; Snyder 1989 : 133)
Light of my life, le t m e not b e so burning a concern t o you
as I seemed t o hav e been a few days ago,
If in m y whole youth I in m y folly have eve r done anythin g
which I admit t o hav e bee n mor e sorry for
Than las t night , whe n I left you alone ,
wanting t o hid e my passion .
([Tibullus] 3.18; Snyder 1989 : 134)

The pictur e o f a prou d youn g woma n i n lov e an d vacillatin g between arroganc e an d vulnerability , self-protectio n an d desire , ma y b e
unrepresentative of anything but Sulpici a herself; no other poem s of th e
period b y women remai n t o be compared with hers . He r poems convey a
definite personalit y eve n a s they follo w some of the convention s o f love
poetry. Th e wish to shout one's love from th e heights , th e ange r at bein g
taken fo r granted, th e adorin g apologie s an d th e admission s o f passio n
are al l standar d a s i s th e silenc e o f th e voic e o f th e beloved . Wha t i s
missing i s th e characterizatio n o f th e belove d a s venal , duplicitou s o r
trivial; neithe r i s the poe t a suppliant figure starving for a kind word o r
gesture. Sulpicia' s gende r an d he r clas s see m t o pla y a rol e i n shapin g
these few fragments an d thei r projection of her personality; further , the y
give u s ou r onl y hint s abou t ho w a woma n migh t articulat e he r ow n
desire an d poin t o f view about love .
No informatio n remains either abou t th e likelihoo d o f a young gir l
from th e uppe r classes carrying on a love affai r i n whic h los s of virginity
was involved ; suc h girl s seem t o hav e married so early tha t ther e ma y
not hav e bee n muc h tim e o r opportunit y fo r premarita l experiments .
Further, w e kno w nothin g abou t th e languag e o f affectio n use d b y
women no r about whether same-sex eroticism ever occurred amon g girls
(as opposed t o adul t lesbia n sexua l activit y hinte d a t i n som e texts either a s castigation of wealthy women or as entertainment fo r male voyeurs b y prostitute s o r femal e slaves) . Eve n suc h informatio n a s whe n
women had thei r first children or when the y went throug h menopause is
minimal an d alway s contested b y scholars; the y us e data compile d fro m
the thousand s o f inscriptions o n funerar y monument s fro m al l ove r th e
Roman empir e t o asses s number s of children , mortalit y rates , an d dif fering valuation s of family member s according to geographical location,
social class , an d tim e perio d (Sha w 1987). Despit e th e difficultie s o f using such material , scattered, inconsistent , an d never scientifically quantifiable, an d i n spit e o f th e problem s of interpretatio n tha t com e fro m
inscriptions' formulai c an d selective quality , i t i s possibl e t o sugges t a
few thing s abou t women' s reproductiv e an d famil y lives . Lower-clas s
people marrie d later tha n thos e fro m th e uppe r classes, deat h i n child-

326 WOME


birth an d infan t mortalit y rate s ros e a s economic an d socia l leve l fell ,

and th e expresse d valuatio n o f daughters rose ove r time unti l th e num ber o f mention s o f daughters on lat e antiqu e tombstone s matche d son s
(Sailer an d Sha w 1984) . Bu t what sexua l an d emotiona l lif e fel t lik e t o
women remain s obscur e becaus e o f th e wa y th e source s silenc e thei r
Chastity and Community
Let your wome n kee p silenc e i n th e churches : fo r it i s not permitte d unt o them
to speak; but the y ar e commanded t o be under obedience , a s also saith the law .
And i f they wil l lear n an y thing , le t the m as k their husband s at home : for it i s
a sham e fo r women t o spea k i n th e church .
(1 Cor : 14.34-35 )

Writing towar d th e en d o f th e Julio-Claudia n perio d (die d ca . 6 7 C.E.),

St. Pau l admonishe s men to asser t thei r authority over their wome n an d
to silenc e thei r publi c voices . Wha t hi s motivation wa s for this famou s
statement remain s open t o debate , bu t i n i t on e ca n rea d th e tension s
that wer e palpabl e i n s o many communitie s in th e firs t centurie s B.C.E .
and C.E. , ove r th e prope r roles of women an d ove r what man y me n per ceived a s th e dangerou s incursions of women int o publi c spheres . Bot h
sexuality an d voic e ar e thu s manifestation s of personal autonomy , an d
both becom e th e textua l sign s that revea l the underlying social tension s
felt i n thi s perio d abou t women' s proper roles.
St. Paul' s attitudes towar d sexualit y ar e often see n a s characteristi c
of an earl y Christia n combinatio n o f asceticism an d misogyny , but how ever they migh t be interpreted, some of his opinions ar e shared by other s
in thi s perio d i n th e Roma n world. When he recommends celibacy , i t i s
to me n an d wome n alik e an d i n th e interest s o f focusing the mind s of
the faithfu l exclusivel y o n th e thing s o f th e spiri t (7.34) ; i n th e sam e
passage, however , h e advise s those wh o woul d marr y rather tha n bur n
(7.8-9) t o treat on e another wit h equa l care.
It i s good fo r a ma n no t t o touc h a woman . Nevertheless , t o avoi d fornication ,
let ever y ma n hav e hi s own wife , an d le t ever y woma n hav e her ow n husband .
Let th e husban d rende r unt o th e wif e du e benevolence : an d likewis e als o th e
wife unt o th e husband . Th e wif e hat h no t powe r o f he r ow n body , bu t th e
husband: an d likewis e als o th e husban d hat h no t powe r o f his ow n body , bu t
the wife. "
(1 Cor : 7.1-4) .

Seneca's comments on equality of chastity i n marriage sound rathe r

You kno w tha t a ma n doe s wron g i n requirin g chastit y o f hi s wif e whil e h e
himself i s intriguing wit h th e wive s o f other men ; you kno w that , a s your wif e
should hav e n o dealing s wit h a lover , neithe r shoul d you yoursel f wit h a mis tress.
(Epistle 94.26; Gummer e 1971 )

The Ag e o f Augustus 32

And Musoniu s Rufus call s on young couples (frag . 14 ) to mak e love "to
build a wall for the city," through their marital harmony and their progeny. Sexualit y thu s become s a discourse on socia l value s and functions .
To Paul , celibac y an d concentratio n o n th e en d o f the ol d orde r ("Bu t
this I say, brethren , th e tim e is short: i t remaineth , tha t bot h the y tha t
have wive s b e a s thoug h the y ha d none " [7.29] ) ar e supremel y im portant. Marita l harmony as a positive value expressed through women' s
submission an d throug h equa l affectio n i s both secondary an d a kin d of
stopgap necessary t o maintain socia l order within the communit y befor e
the en d of time. T o Seneca, equa l chastity i n marriage signals an invest ment i n th e Stoi c orde r an d concer n fo r self-control, an d fo r Musonius
Rufus, mos t explicitly , marita l sexuality i s a part of the maintenanc e of
the communit y bot h i n harmon y an d i n posterity . A t no level ar e thes e
points o f vie w abou t equalit y fo r wome n an d me n o n a broade r socia l
level (Pau l 11. 3 and 8-9 ) o r abou t a n autonomou s an d asocia l real m of
sexual desire ; sexualit y fo r me n an d wome n i s part o f th e socia l fabri c
here just a s in th e Augusta n law s and work s of art.
What w e have seen i n thi s chapter is the exten t t o whic h women' s
roles especially i n relatio n t o voice, desire, an d sexuality were conteste d
and unde r debat e i n th e Augusta n an d Julio-Claudia n period . Th e debates wer e no t alway s i n fac t about wome n o r sexuality , bu t the y frequently focuse d o n wome n a s th e locu s fo r th e expressio n o f concern s
about a broa d rang e o f socia l tension s fro m clas s relationship s t o th e
political structure and so on. W e began with the constructio n o f socially
responsible sexualit y i n th e Augusta n law s an d publi c ar t an d move d
from ther e t o notion s o f marita l affectio n expresse d i n privat e ar t an d
epitaphs. Philosophica l text s a s well a s th e literatur e o f resistance, th e
satires of Horace and elegia c poems of Ovid and Propertius , and eve n th e
exhortations o f St . Pau l fram e th e socia l an d psychi c struggle s o f th e
period i n term s o f sex , marriage , an d reproduction ; wome n wer e th e
signsalthough no t th e voicestha t remai n t o tel l u s abou t thos e
1. Thi s i s the onl y tim e the women' s citizenshi p is acknowledged .
2. Plutarc h suggest s tha t thi s wa s al l Octavia' s idea (Life o f Antony 87.2)
3. Thi s was the class whose wealth an d status were slightly below tha t o f the senato rial families.
4. Typicall y thes e rapist s wer e heroe s an d futur e divinities , Casto r an d Pollu x th e
sons o f Zeus . Ovid' s nex t rol e mode l fo r rap e i s th e her o Achilles , whos e mothe r wa s

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In a grand house on th e Ba y of Naples, with servants tumbling over one

another, luxur y drippin g from ever y wall, table , an d couch , a banque t
is bein g conducte d amon g the extremel y nouveaux riches. The lad y of
the house , Fortunata , th e wif e o f th e free d slav e Trimalchio , i s no t
eating: "no t eve n a dro p of wate r doe s she put int o her mout h unti l
she's arrange d th e silve r an d divide d th e left-over s among th e slaves "
(Petronius, Satiricon 67.2 ; Arrowsmit h 1959 ) Despit e he r domesticity ,
she draws less tha n universa l admiratio n t o herself ; as someone a t th e
banquet tell s his neighbor:
. . . that's Fortunata , Trimalchio's wife . An d the nam e couldn't sui t he r better.
She counts he r cash b y the cartload . An d you kno w wha t sh e used t o be? Well,
begging your honor' s pardon , but you wouldn't hav e taken brea d from he r hand.
Now go d knows ho w or why , she' s sittin g pretty : ha s Trimalchio eatin g out o f
her hand . I f she told hi m a t noo n i t wa s night, he' d craw l int o bed. A s for him,
he's s o loaded h e doesn't kno w ho w much h e has. Bu t that bitc h ha s he r finger
in everythingwher e you' d leas t expec t i t too . A regula r tightwad , neve r
drinks, an d shar p a s they come . Bu t she's go t a nast y tongue ; ge t he r gossipin g
on a couch an d she'll chatter lik e a parrot."
(Satiricon 37.2-7; Arrowsmith 1959 )

Rich, vulgar , yet practical , Fortunata comes into focus both throug h
Petronius's words , writte n abou t th e tim e o f Ner o (ca . 6 5 C.E. ) and
through th e preserve d marvels of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and th e othe r
towns o f the Ba y of Naples that wer e suffocated b y as h an d lav a i n th e
great eruption o f Mount Vesuvius in 7 9 C.E. (Fig . 12.1).
The excavation of these towns since the eighteent h century has permitted a clearer view of the live s of Roman wome n of every social stra tum. Rathe r tha n dealin g primaril y with th e text s o f great authors , a
discussion o f wome n a t Pompei i draw s o n inscriptions , architecture ,
painting, an d th e bit s an d piece s of daily life . A t Pompei i and Herculaneum, no t onl y can one see the foo d i n bowls still on the table , fin d th e

The Women of Pompeii


Figure 12.1 . Qenera l vie w o f the cit y o f Pompeii.

jewelry wome n wore , stud y th e decoration s fo r thei r houses ; on e ca n

even hea r some of their stories .
Women o f Propert y
At th e opposit e en d o f th e socia l ladde r fro m Fortunat a wer e suc h
wealthy an d aristocrati c wome n a s Nero' s wife , Poppae a Sabina , wh o
had inherite d propert y a t Pompeii ; lik e othe r aristocrati c wome n wit h
great villa s aroun d th e Ba y of Naples , sh e owne d thi s propert y i n he r
own right . Inscription s on lea d plumbin g pipes lik e thos e foun d i n th e
sea of f nearby Puteoli testify t o th e ownershi p o f villas by ric h women ;
the sister s Marci a and Rufin a Metili a (Corpus Inscriptio n urn Latinarum
X.1905) ar e a case in point . Thei r villas, like the well-preserve d one tha t
may hav e belonge d t o th e empres s Poppaea a t Oplontis , jus t outsid e of
Pompeii, ha d grea t gardens, extensiv e an d richl y decorate d room s o f al l
sizes, eve n pool s (Fig . 12.2) . Althoug h no evidenc e remain s t o indicat e
the empress' s personal involvement in th e arrangement s and furnishing s
of th e villa , Oplonti s give s a splendi d indicatio n o f th e styl e t o whic h
people suc h a s sh e wer e accustome d (D e Francisci s 1975) . Thei r villas



Figure 12.2 . Vie w o f the vill a (possibl y belonging t o Poppaea , wif e o f Nero ) a t Oplontis , outsid e of
Pompeii. Datin g t o th e middl e of th e firs t centur y C.E. , th e luxuriou s vill a ha d lon g colonnade s tha t
gave onto gardens , as well a s larg e numbers of richly painted interior spaces.

and houses , wit h wal l paintings , mosai c floors , statuar y an d bibelots ,

resemble thos e o f th e ric h hellenisti c merchant s o f Delo s (se e earlier )
more than th e modest houses of Classical Athens; the parallel to the way
the femal e owner s themselve s differe d fro m Athenia n women , perhap s
now comparable t o Hellenistic queens , i s striking.
In the uppe r stratum of local Pompeian society, perhap s a step belo w
that o f the grea t ladies of the aristocracy , wer e other wome n wh o chos e
to use their wealt h fo r the publi c good a s well a s for their ow n purposes .
One o f the mos t famou s of these i s Eumachia who , i n th e year s befor e
the earthquak e o f 6 4 C.E. , pai d fo r th e constructio n o f a hug e publi c
building i n th e mos t importan t spo t i n Pompeii , the Foru m (Fig . 12.3).
Around i t wer e th e markets , la w courts , an d temple s o f the town , an d
there th e gathere d populac e migh t rea d on the buildin g the inscription :
"Eumachia, th e publi c priestess (o f Venus), daughte r o f Lucius, had th e
vestibule, th e covere d galler y an d th e porticoe s mad e wit h he r ow n
money an d dedicated i n he r own nam e and i n the nam e of her son Marcus Numistrius Pronto, i n hono r o f the goddesse s Concord an d Augusta n

Figure 12.3 . Vie w throug h th e mai n entranc e int o the building underwritten b y the Pompeia n priest ess, Eumachia , i n th e middl e of the first century C.E., in the Foru m of the city . The entranc e i s marked
by a delicately carve d acanthu s scrol l i n marbl e against the bric k of the facade.


334 WOME


Piety" (Corpu s Inscriptionu m Latinaru m X.810 , mi d firs t centur y C.E. ;

trans. Natali e Kampen) . A statu e showin g he r i n th e usua l pos e an d
costume o f a respectabl e matro n (Fig . 12.4) stood i n th e buildin g a s a
result o f th e generou s gratitud e of th e cloth-cleaners ; thei r inscriptio n
reads, 'T o Eumachia, the daughte r of Lucius, th e publi c priestess, fro m
the fullers " (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum X.811 ; trans . Natali e
Kampen). Argument continues abou t the uses to which the building was
put, textil e warehouse , auctio n house , cloth-merchants ' guildhouse , o r
even public meetinghouse; only Eumachia's role as sole patron is beyond
dispute, a s the inscriptio n indicate s (Moelle r 1972: 323-27).
Eumachia wa s no t onl y a ric h woman , a holde r o f a n extremel y
important publi c priesthood , sh e wa s als o politicall y involved . Th e
building's commission seems to have come at just the moment whe n he r
son wa s runnin g fo r publi c office , an d hi s mother' s generosit y woul d
have serve d hi m well . Sh e commande d fa r greate r powe r an d wealt h
than man y othe r wome n i n Pompeii , but tha t di d not preven t som e of
the other s fro m involvin g themselves in financia l an d political affairs . A
large propert y wit h a colonnade d garde n belonge d t o Juli a Felix , wh o
rented i t out . A graffit o date d betwee n 6 4 and 7 9 C.E . (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum IV . 1136; trans. Natali e Kampen), tell s u s that
On the estat e of Julia Felix , th e daughte r o f
Spurius Felix , th e followin g ar e for rent: an
elegant bath suitable for the bes t people, shops ,
rooms above them, an d second story apartments ,
from th e Ide s of August unti l th e Ide s of Augus t
five years hence, afte r which the leas e ma y
be renewed by simple agreement.

Women and Wor k

Julia Feli x wa s hardl y alon e i n involvin g hersel f i n financia l affairs ,

since at every social level below the aristocracy , women in Pompeii seem
to hav e handle d money . Wome n are know n fro m the woo d and wax
tablets tha t recor d mone y paid t o seller s of goods by buyers through th e
agency o f th e banke r Jucundu s (Andrea u 1974) . Fourtee n wome n ar e
scattered throug h the more than 15 0 documents; they normally represen t
themselves i n these transaction s althoug h they seem never to have acte d
as witnesses fo r th e transaction s o f other people . I n Novembe r and De cember o f the yea r 5 6 C.E., Umbrici a Januaria and Umbrici a Antiochis,
who ma y hav e bee n free d slave s of th e fish-sauc e merchan t Umbriciu s
Scaurus, receive d mone y fo r sale s the y ha d made . Umbrici a Januaria's
document tell s us that:
Umbricia Januari a hereb y attest s that sh e received fro m L . Caecilius Jucundus
11,039 sestertii , les s a percentag e [1- 2 percent ] as his commission , fo r th e auc -

Figure 12.4 . The statu e of Eumachia ,

patron of the building in Figur e 12.3 .
The statue was found i n th e building,
having been give n i n hono r o f Eumachia b y the corporation of fullers.




tion o f goods o n he r behalf . Thi s actio n too k place a t Pompei i o n Decembe r 1 2

[56 C.E.], L . Duvius Clodius bein g the consu l a t th e time .
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV , supplement 1 , pp. 308-10;
trans. Natali e Kampen )

A few years later , i n a tavern in Pompeii, one perhaps similar to th e

setting fo r the fou r smal l painting s of gamblers and drinker s wit h thei r
waitress a t a n in n (Fig . 12.5), a graffit o o n th e wal l says , "O n th e fift h
of February , Vetti a accepte d fro m Faustill a fiftee n denari i wit h eigh t
asses (th e a s wa s a smal l denomination ) i n interest " (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum IV.8203 , probabl y afte r 6 4 C.E. ; trans . Natali e Kampen), an d Faustill a reappears , again lendin g money a t interest , o n th e
wall of the hous e of Granius Romanus (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
IV.8204). That wome n len t a s well a s borrowed an d engage d in busines s
as wel l a s philanthropy suggest s their relativ e autonom y a t certai n so cial levels.
The worl d o f tavern s an d chea p foo d shop s sa w othe r wome n a t
work a s well . Asellin a may hav e owned thi s taver n afte r 6 4 C.E . whe n

Figure 12.5 . A waitres s serve s customer s i n a taver n at Pompei i i n th e mid-firs t centur y C.E. This i s
part o f a set of wall painting s that include men playin g dice and, perhaps as a consequence of the wine
and th e dice , gettin g int o a fight.

The Women o f Pompeii 33

earthquake damage necessitated s o many repairs to building s (Fig . 12.6),

and it s wall s repea t he r nam e a s wel l a s thos e o f Zmyrina, Maria, an d
Aegle, wh o may have bee n waitresses ; thei r singl e and somewhat exoti c
names a s well a s the conten t o f the graffit i sugges t that the y were slaves,
but the y nonetheles s engage d in th e publi c world of politics as well a s of
work (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV.7862-64, 7866, and 7873) . The
graffiti al l us e th e wor d rogat an d tel l u s tha t a candidat e fo r offic e i s
being proposed fo r the consideratio n o f the passerby . Me n an d wome n of
the lowe r classe s see m t o hav e favore d thes e publi c declaration s a s did
respectable matron s suc h a s Taedia Secunda , th e grandmothe r o f a can didate o f th e mid-firs t centur y C.E . (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
IV.7469), eve n thoug h it i s clear that neithe r women no r slaves of eithe r
sex could vot e (Frankli n 1980; Bernstein 1988) . At Asellina's tavern, on e
of th e waitresse s speak s t o he r customer s i n he r ow n voic e i n a highl y
idiomatic Latin : "The lovel y Idon e greets those who will read this. Idon e
says tha t her e you ma y drin k for nine dupondii," an d sh e tell s u s price s
for bette r wine s a s well (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV . 1679; trans.
Natalie Kampen) .

Figure 12.6 . Vie w o f th e interio r o f th e taver n o f Asellina , a Pompeia n woma n know n t o hav e
employed severa l othe r women a s waitresses.

338 WOME


Love and Money

The graffit i o n Pompeia n walls (the y date mostl y fro m th e mid-firs t cen tury C.E. ) spea k o f waitresses an d othe r workin g people a s well. I n on e
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV.8259 ; trans. Natalie Kampen), Severus th e weave r write s tha t hi s coworke r Successu s "love s th e taver n
maid whose nam e is Iris, bu t sh e really doesn't care abou t him ; even so,
he begs and trie s t o get her to pity him . Hi s rival writes this . Farewell/ '
The badl y damage d frescoes fro m th e worksho p of the dye r Verecundu s
showing a woman sellin g articles a t a table an d the dyer s at wor k le t us
know tha t me n an d wome n slave s and perhap s free worker s might ofte n
have labored togethe r an d developed thei r friendship s a t work .
Words of love and admiratio n slid easily int o obscenity wit h th e ai d
of wine a s some o f the taver n walls tell us : "I fucke d th e ba r girl " (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV.8442 ; trans . Natali e Kampen) or "Her e
Euplia lai d stron g me n an d lai d 'e m out " (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV.2310b ; trans. Natalie Kampen). A similar story appear s on th e
walls o f brothels i n Pompeii , althoug h th e picture s us e a romanticize d
language unlik e thes e ra w words . Abov e th e cubicle s (Fig . 12.7) i n
which undernourishe d an d unglamorou s slav e prostitute s worke d fo r
equally unglamorou s men , beautiful boy s an d girl s frolicke d i n wal l
paintings. Th e pictures sho w clea n an d lovel y young peopl e i n comfort able settings wit h be d linen an d pictures on the walls; their varie d pose s
as wel l a s th e idealizatio n o f th e imager y tell s th e customer s th e lie s
they wan t t o hea r a s the y contemplat e a fe w minute s escap e (Brende l
Occupying Publi c Space : Aliv e or Dead

Whether prostitutes or saleswomen, shoppers in the marketplac e or highranking priestesses, Pompeia n women moved freely throug h th e town . I n
its publi c space s the y sa w building s constructed wit h women' s money ,
statues t o women, wome n a t work , an d women commemorate d eve n i n
death. Th e publicl y displaye d tomb s an d tombstone s s o typica l o f th e
outskirts o f Roma n town s an d citie s al l ove r th e empir e brin g u s stil l
more evidenc e o f women . Her e wer e funerar y monument s se t u p b y
women fo r their husband s (Fig . 12.8): on the grav e monument (firs t cen tury C.E.) , o f C . Munatiu s Faustu s erecte d i n hi s memor y b y hi s wif e
Naevoleia Tyche, wer e a portrait o f Tyche an d a relief of a funeral cere mony (Corpu s Inscriptionu m Latinarum X.1030 ; trans . Natali e Kam pen) . On the facade th e inscriptio n reads ,
Naevoleia Tyche , freedwoma n o f Lucius , fo r hersel f an d Caiu s Munatiu s Faustus, membe r o f the Augusta l priesthood an d country-man to whom th e decuri ons, wit h th e consen t o f the people , grante d a bisellium (a n honorifi c seat ) fo r
his merits. Whe n she was alive, Naevoleia Tyche ha d this monument buil t als o
for he r freedme n an d thos e of Caius Munatius Faustus.

The Women of Pompeii


Figure 12.7. Interio r of one o f the severa l brothel s i n Pompeii / date d t o the las t years o f the city , th e
brothel ha d smal l frescoe s o f heterosexua l love-makin g painte d abov e th e entrance s t o th e cubicle s
where the prostitute s worked . Whethe r these picture s tell u s anything abou t actua l sexual practices or
are instead a s "optimistic" as any advertisin g i s unclear.

A travertin e altar-shape d tom b (ca . 2 0 C.E.) erecte d b y th e Cere s

priestess Allei a Decimill a commemorate d he r husban d an d son , bot h
community officeholders (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum X.1036), an d
a larg e tom b for Agrestinus Equitiu s Pulcher in the Port a Nocer a ceme tery wa s pai d fo r b y hi s wif e Vei a Barchill a (D'Avin o 1967 : 108) . Eu machia's tom b stand s nearb y a s does th e tom b o f M. Octavius an d hi s
freedwoman wif e Verti a Philumen e (Etienn e 1977 : 333) . Upper - an d
middle-class tomb s thu s testif y bot h t o Pompeian women's use and eve n
control o f money an d t o th e famil y relationship s thei r socia l standin g
permitted them . Bein g honored b y a funeral pai d for with publi c money ,
as were the priestess Mamia and others, wa s the final testimony t o thei r
importance i n the community .
Upper-class wome n live d wit h husbands , children , slaves , free d
slaves, an d assorte d kin , i n grand houses. Ho w they use d th e spac e i s by
no means clear, however ; nothin g in the spatial arrangement s or decorations reveal s especiall y gendere d place s i n th e house . A few thing s ar e
clear though : becaus e ladie s ha d slave s t o d o th e domesti c work , th e



Figure 12.8. Th e first-century C.E., tom b monument of C. Munatiu s Faustus and Naevolei a Tych e i n
the cemeter y o f Port o Ercolan o a t Pompeii . Th e for m recall s a n altar , an d man y o f th e tomb s a t
Pompeii incorporat e reliefs with portrait s or scenes of the occupation s of the deceased .

kitchen wa s not th e feminin e preserv e it becam e in moder n times . Neither is there evidence for women's use of separate sitting room s or dining
rooms. Onl y whe n a n are a wa s give n ove r t o productio n wor k i s
women's presenc e atteste d to ; thu s th e hous e o f M. Terentius Eudoxu s
had a peristyl e tha t wa s use d a s a weavin g workshop. Graffit i i n th e
porticus nam e men and women a s textores (weavers ) and netrices (net makers) (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum IV . 1507). Suc h us e o f spac e
in a privat e hous e fo r productio n probabl y involve d househol d slaves ,
and th e finds of loom-weights in garden s and peristyle s i n othe r house s
in Pompei i sugges t tha t me n an d wome n slave s worked generatin g in come for families all over town.
Houses fo r familie s o f modes t mean s wer e mor e th e rul e i n som e
districts i n Pompei i than th e grea t mansions ; wit h thei r smalle r room s

The Women o f Pompeii 34

and mor e limite d spaces , thes e two-stor y house s dominate d residentia l

areas such a s the Vi a deirAbbondanza. The main streets o f these neigh borhoods ha d shop s t o whic h wome n an d thei r slave s could walk , an d
they coul d easil y hav e walked to publi c baths like the Stabia n and Forum Bath s tha t ha d section s for women fro m th e secon d century , B.C.E .
on. Th e women' s bath s ar e discreetl y tucke d awa y i n corner s o f th e
much larger men's bathing and exercise areas , a n arrangement comparable to wha t on e can stil l se e today i n ol d towns i n th e Middl e East . I n
some middle - an d lower-clas s district s o f th e firs t centur y C.E. , house s
contained smal l workshops for production b y families, and one can eve n
find one-room shop s with wha t seem t o b e living quarters in small mezzanines tha t spea k of meager earnings. Relativel y few domestic article s
remained for archaeologists i n these modest houses , bu t beds , marble tables, an d bronz e lamps can b e seen alon g with potter y fo r daily us e and
storage. A s is th e cas e i n th e house s o f th e rich , spac e us e an d us e of
many object s ar e no t clearl y gendered , no r ca n on e tel l fro m th e wa y
things look whether wome n or men had a greater role in decorating and
furnishing th e house .
Women did decorate themselve s a t Pompei i as elsewhere i n th e Roman world ; bot h sculptur e an d painting s reveal norm s for women's ap pearance, an d cosmetic jars and jewelry, earrings, pins, and golden hairnets, provid e specific evidence . A painting of a young couple , sh e wit h
gold jewelr y an d holdin g a stylu s an d tablet , present s thre e importan t
ideas: th e representatio n o f th e couple , a woman' s attractiveness , an d
female literac y (Fig . 12.9) . Suc h a n imag e locates a woma n i n a world
that combine s th e ver y ol d traditionsmarriag e an d femal e beaut y a s
natural an d necessarywit h th e notio n o f female competence ; thi s las t
is hardly surprising as a motif in th e Pompei i we have been exploring, a
place wher e wome n ow n property , d o business , pa y fo r construction ,
hold honorifi c an d culti c office, an d go about in public.
The Limit s of Archaeology
Images unfortunatel y cannot answe r al l th e importan t question s abou t
women i n Pompeii ; archaeologica l evidenc e fail s t o tel l u s jus t ho w
much wome n coul d an d di d ente r int o publi c lif e an d t o wha t exten t
their physical mobilit y was limite d by their sense o f propriety an d dut y
or by the interventio n o f fathers an d husbands . Surely many of the aris tocratic wome n o f Rom e felt littl e nee d t o as k permissio n t o mov e a s
they please d o r to ente r int o politica l negotiatio n an d intrigue, bu t th e
same situatio n i s harde r t o imagin e fo r th e wealth y an d middle-clas s
local familie s o f Pompeii . Littl e informatio n remain s eve n t o tel l u s
about th e involvemen t o f suc h wome n i n religiou s cult , althoug h
Mamia, a public priestess wh o erected a temple (earl y first century C.E. )
"to the spiri t o f Augustus by herself an d wit h he r own money " (Corpus
Inscriptionum Latinarum X.816; trans. Natalie Kampen), and Eumachia,



Figure 12.9. Wal l paintin g o f a couple from a hous e i n first-century c.E. Pompeii / sh e holds a writing
implement an d tablet s an d h e a scroll to testify t o their learning an d thu s their status .

priestess of Ceres, indicate th e importanc e of wealthy wome n a s benefactors. Painting s in temples an d houses documen t th e presenc e o f religiou s
groups, suc h a s that o f Isis, tha t wer e especiall y popula r amon g wome n
(Fig. 12.10) . A number of images of the Egyptia n goddess and he r ritual s
appear (se e ch . 6 above), fo r example, a t th e estat e o f Julia Felix , bu t

The Women of Pompeii


Figure 12.10. Wal l paintin g from first-century c.E. Pompeii, - i t depicts a ritua l at th e templ e of Isis an d
includes th e white-cla d priests , priestesses , an d follower s o f thi s Egyptia n goddes s whos e cul t ha d
attracted wome n sinc e the Hellenisti c period .

there i s no wa y t o kno w i f the owne r ha d a special interes t i n Isis . And

finally, th e evidenc e fail s t o tel l u s enoug h abou t relationship s amon g
women, betwee n worker s lik e th e waitresse s wh o cal l o n u s to vot e for
their favorit e candidate, betwee n fre e wome n an d thei r slaves , betwee n
businesswomen lik e th e moneylende r Faustill a an d th e wome n i n deb t
to her .
The eruptio n of Mount Vesuvius in 7 9 C.E. covered th e town s of Pompeii an d Herculaneu m an d th e villa s an d farm s aroun d them . I n on e
sense th e eruptio n wa s on e o f th e greates t tragedie s of al l time ; i n an other sense , i t did a great favor t o archaeolog y in preserving, as nowher e
else, trace s o f dail y lif e fo r wome n an d me n i n ever y socia l stratum .

344 WOME


Although the difficultie s o f interpreting this material are enormous, th e

reader of Chapter 1 3 will be keenly aware of the exten t to whic h othe r
periods i n Roma n history lac k comparable minutiae abou t ho w peopl e
lived, ate, dressed, worked, and played.
Arrowsmith, W. 1959 . Petronius: The Satyricon. Ne w York.

Andreau, Jean. 1974 . Les Affaires d e Monsieur Jucundus. Rome .
Bernstein, Frances . 1988 . "Pompeian Wome n an d th e Programmata.'' I n Studia Pompei ana e t Classica in honor ofWilhelmina F.Jashemski, edite d b y R. I. Curtis, 1 : 1 18. New Rochelle , N.Y.
Brendel, Ott o J . 1970 . "Scope an d Temperamen t o f Eroti c Ar t i n th e Greco-Roma n
World." I n Studies in Erotic Art, edited b y Theodore Bowi e and C . V. Christenson ,
3-69. Ne w York.
Castren, Paavo . 1975 . Ordo Populusque Pompeianus: Polity an d Society i n Roman Pompeii. Rome.
D'Avino, Michele . 1967 . Wome n of Pompeii. N aples.
De Franciscis , A . 1975 . The Pompeian Wall Paintings i n th e Roman Villa o f Oplontis.
Digest of Justinian 1985. Translated by Alan Watson. Philadelphia.
Etienne, Robert . 1977 . La Vie Quotidienne a Pompei. 2d ed. Paris .
Franklin, James, Jr . 1980 . Pompeii: The Electoral Programmata Campaigns an d Pol itics,
A.D. 71-79. Paper s and Monograph s of the America n Academy in Rom e 28. Rome.
La Rocca, E., M. de Vos, and E. de Vos. 1976. Guida Archeologica di Pompei. Milan.
Moeller, Walter . 1972 . "The Building of Eumachia: A Reconsideration." American Journal o f Archaeology 76 , no. 3 : 323-27 .

D'Arms, John. 1970 . Roman s on th e Ba y of Naples. Cambridge, Mass.
Grant, Michael , e t al . 1975. Eroti c Art i n Pompeii. Lon don.
Heyob, Sharo n K . 1975 . The Cult o f Isis among Wome n i n th e Graeco-Roman World.
Jashemsky, Wilhelmina . 1979 . Th e Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum an d the Vi llas destroyed b y Vesuvius. Ne w York.
Packer, James . 1975 . "Middl e an d Lowe r Clas s Housin g i n Pompei i an d Herculan eum."
In Neue Forschungen i n Pompeii, edite d b y Bernar d Andrea e an d Helmu t Ky rieleis, 133-47 . Recklinghausen .
Richardson, Lawrence , Jr. 1988 . Pompeii: An Architectural History. Baltimore , Md .
Ward Perkins , John B. , and Amand a Claridge. 1978 . Pompeii A.D. 79. New York.
Will, Elizabeth Lyding. 1979. "Women in Pompeii." Archaeology 32, no. 5: 34-43.


The worl d o f th e hig h an d lat e Empir e kept th e conservativ e idea l o f

Roman womanhoo d i t ha d inherite d fro m th e Republic . A t th e sam e
time, th e discrepanc y betwee n th e gende r values of the perio d an d lived
reality wa s as great a s it ha d alway s been ; women' s lives were fa r mor e
variable tha n th e idea l indicated , an d ther e wer e ofte n mor e extrem e
differences i n th e circumstance s o f women o f different socia l strat a tha n
there wer e i n th e live s o f men an d wome n o f the sam e socia l stratum .
This patter n w e hav e see n a s pervasive in al l ou r discussion s o f Roman
In thi s chapter, w e confront a new issue : geography . Ho w are we t o
assess th e live s o f wome n acros s a giganti c an d comple x empire , on e
whose greates t expans e i n th e secon d centur y C.E. , include d souther n
Scotland an d th e Sahara , th e Atlanti c coas t an d inlan d Turkey ? Here
were wome n o f the frontier s t o who m th e Roman s referred a s "barbar ians" an d wome n o f Athen s whos e cultivatio n an d nobilit y wer e irre proachable. Not only wa s the Empir e larger and more diverse than ever ,
it als o played a n ever-larger part in the consciousnes s o f the city of Rome
and th e emperor . Ruler s and thei r wive s no w cam e fro m th e province s
or fro m provincia l ancestry . Soldier s an d merchant s cam e fro m every where an d carrie d th e idea s an d custom s o f thei r ow n land s t o ever y
corner o f the Empir e at th e sam e momen t tha t the y contribute d t o th e
dissemination o f Roman ideas. An d finally , i n 21 2 C.E. , th e empero r Caracalla issue d a n edic t makin g every freema n an d woma n wh o live d i n
the Roma n province s a ful l Roma n citizen. Ultimately , th e perio d w e
are examining , fro m th e middl e of th e firs t centur y t o th e en d o f th e
third, sa w th e creatio n o f a ne w culture , on e i n whic h loca l way s re mained visibl e while Romanizatio n was takin g place an d i n whic h Romanization itsel f graduall y changed fro m bein g clearly Italia n as i t ab -

346 WOME


sorbed element s o f th e loca l culture s o f provinc e an d peripher y an d

became increasingl y hybrid .
To understan d thi s complicate d worl d i s no eas y task . No t onl y d o
we deal with a n expanded geographic field, but the temporal field in thi s
chapter encompasses tw o an d a hal f centuries, fro m th e deat h o f Nero in
68 to th e legalizatio n o f Christianity under Constantine i n 311-12 . Thi s
period wa s ful l o f change s i n politic s an d culture , ye t it s histor y ha s
always bee n difficul t t o writ e becaus e th e evidenc e i s so scattered an d
ambiguous. Unlik e the Augusta n period, th e late r Empir e is represente d
by fe w surviving literary texts , especiall y afte r th e mid-secon d century ,
when th e interpretiv e work o f a n analyti c historia n lik e Tacitu s i s replaced by the anonymou s and often self-contradictory biographie s of the
compendium calle d th e Historic Augusta, th e histor y o f th e rulers .
Large-scale publi c monument s ar e still constructe d unti l th e earl y thir d
century, the n becom e rar e unti l th e en d o f the century . Privat e monu ments ar e commo n everywher e but , lik e many of the inscription s o f th e
period, the y ar e often difficul t t o date; an d the abundan t archaeological
material i s unevenly distributed both temporally and geographically. For
all thes e reasons , t o writ e a chronologica l histor y o f women, neve r a n
easy tas k i n an y period , become s almos t impossible .
What guide s ou r arrangemen t an d discussio n o f materia l i n thi s
chapter, then , i s a gri d wit h multipl e and variabl e lines o n it . Tim e ap pears mos t regularl y wher e plac e i s les s visiblei n ou r sectio n o n th e
women o f th e court . Here , becaus e o f th e chronolog y impose d b y th e
rulers themselves , th e wome n o f their familie s ca n b e seen i n time , al though pattern s o f historical chang e i n thei r live s ar e almos t a s hard t o
make out a s they ar e i n th e live s of "ordinary" women . Fo r them, who ever thes e "ordinary " wome n migh t be , plac e an d socia l statu s mak e
more o f a differenc e t o th e wa y the y liv e than tim e seem s to , althoug h
this i s probabl y a s muc h a resul t o f missin g evidence a s o f endurin g o r
conservative gende r roles . Ou r scattere d an d varie d evidenc e o f wome n
in th e hig h an d late r Empire , presente d accordin g t o thei r socia l loca tions, suggest s that the conservativ e Republican gender ideals of the elit e
men i n th e cit y o f Rome remained normative and defined "tradition " for
many within th e Empire . Those i n other part s of the Empir e who share d
the socia l standin g o r th e socia l aspiration s of tha t conservativ e elit e
drew on this tradition , an d they use d th e gende r ideal a s a way t o spea k
of belonging, whether t o a social stratum , a place, o r a moral vision . I t
helped t o defin e the m a s ROMAN . Fo r th e rest , th e idea l wa s unknown ,
out o f reach, o r perhap s we simpl y hav e n o evidenc e o f them an d thei r
motives a t all . The y are , nonetheless , a crucia l par t o f the richnes s o f
this cosmopolitan imperia l environment, called by the Roman s orbis terra rum, th e entir e world .
Figure 13.1. Qol d coi n o f Plotina from Rome , ca . 112-115 C.E., with he r portrait on th e obvers e (A),
and Vest a seate d o n th e revers e (B).


348 WOME


Empresses and Women of the Upper Classes

The wif e o f Agricola, Domitia Decidiana, was a woman of Roman traditional virtue : th e marriage , says her son-in-law Tacitus, writin g towar d
the en d of the first century C.E., was characterized by concord an d praiseworthy kindnes s between th e partners : "they lived in rare accord, main tained b y mutual affectio n an d unselfishness ; but i n suc h a partnershi p
the goo d wif e deserve s more than hal f the praise , just a s a ba d on e de serves mor e tha n hal f th e blame " (Agricola 6.1 ; Mattingl y 1948) . Th e
Panegyric, whic h Plin y the Younger , governor of Bithynia under Trajan,
wrote i n 10 0 C.E. to prais e th e emperor , compliment s Traja n o n hi s
choice o f partne r an d let s th e worl d kno w tha t th e empres s Plotina' s
traditional goodnes s (Fig . 13.1: Coin o f Plotina associated wit h goddes s
Vesta), lik e Domitia's , reflecte d credit o n he r husban d an d hi s publi c
your ow n wif e contributes t o your honou r an d glory, as a supreme mode l o f th e
ancient virtues ; th e chie f pontif f himself , ha s h e t o tak e a wife , woul d choos e
her o r on e lik e heri f on e exists . Fro m your positio n sh e claim s nothin g fo r
herself bu t th e pleasur e i t give s her , unswervin g i n he r devotio n no t t o you r
power bu t t o yourself. . . . How modest sh e is in he r attire , ho w moderate th e
number of her attendants , ho w unassuming when sh e walks abroad ! Thi s i s th e
work o f a husban d wh o ha s fashione d an d forme d he r habits : ther e i s glor y
enough fo r a wif e i n obedience . Whe n she sees he r husban d unaccompanie d b y
pomp an d intimidation , sh e goe s abou t i n silenc e herself , an d s o far a s her se x
permits, sh e follows his example of walking on foot .
(Panegyric 83; Radice 1975)

Compare this wit h a n inscriptio n o f late fourt h centur y C.E. , Rome,

set u p b y a membe r of the non-Christia n elite i n hono r o f his wif e Paulina, who m h e call s "chaste, faithful , pur e in min d and body." Paulina
speaks in her own voice on the bac k of the statu e base :
The glor y o f my ow n parent s gav e m e n o greate r gif t tha n tha t I have seeme d
worthy o f my husband; bu t al l fam e an d hono r i s in m y husband's nam e . . .
Because of you (husban d Agorius) , al l hai l m e as blessed an d holy, becaus e you
yourself proclai m m e throughou t th e worl d a s a goo d woman ; I a m know n t o
all, eve n thos e wh o d o no t kno w me . Wh y shoul d I no t b e pleasing , wit h a
husband suc h a s you?
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.1779 / Inscriptions Latinae Liberae Rei
Publicae 1259 ; Gardner and Wiedeman n 1991 : 66-67)

Traditional Ideals of Womanhood

Through muc h o f the Imperia l period, th e ideal o f Roman womanhoo d
remained remarkabl y consistent . Th e ideal , roote d i n th e socia l condi tions o f th e cit y o f Rome, th e capita l o f the grea t Empire , was articu lated by Roman writers, largel y men of the elit e (upper-clas s or intellec -

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wor ld 34

tual), an d i t dre w heavil y o n th e languag e of the conservativ e gender

ideology of the Republican and Augustan periods, not least because these
men, lik e Agorius , neve r stoppe d readin g "whatever wa s compose d i n
Latin o r Greek, whether th e though t o f wise me n fo r whom th e gat e of
heaven stand s open, o r the verse s which skilled powers hav e composed,
or prose writings" (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.1779; Gardner and
Wiedemann 1991 : 67). Embedde d in law , literature , an d art , an d sup ported i n th e Eas t by comparable Greek traditions o f literature (se e below, Plutarch' s "Advice t o Brid e an d Groom" ) an d socia l life , th e idea l
spread t o th e mos t Romanize d and Hellenize d parts of the Empire , often
appropriated firs t b y th e loca l uppe r classe s a s a par t o f th e proces s of
assimilation an d political mobility .
The Roman idea l appear s most clearly i n thos e passage s in speeche s
to emperors, letter s t o mothers, an d epitaphs that inten d t o compliment
women. Ther e th e idea l wa s constantl y reiterate d i n languag e tha t
changed surprisingl y littl e ove r th e cours e o f six hundre d years. How ever, i n othe r genres , i t seldo m finds pure an d disintereste d expression .
We locate it i n poems, histories , letters t o friends, entangle d i n a web of
political gossip , spoke n i n th e sam e breath a s castigation, enmeshe d i n
and complicate d b y practices tha t see m t o moder n eye s t o b e in direc t
conflict wit h it . Tw o example s o f upper-clas s Roma n wome n o f Ital y
mentioned in th e letter s of Pliny the Younge r (compile d between 97 and
112 C.E.) ma y mak e the proble m visible, if not clear .
[Pompeius Saturninus ] ha s recentl y rea d m e som e letter s whic h h e sai d wer e
written b y hi s wife , bu t sounde d t o m e lik e Plautu s or Terenc e bein g rea d i n
prose. Whethe r the y ar e reall y hi s wife's , a s h e says , o r hi s ow n (whic h h e
denies) on e ca n onl y admir e hi m eithe r fo r what h e writes, o r the wa y h e ha s
cultivated an d refine d th e tast e of the girl he married.
(Letters 1.16.6 ; Radice 1975)
The letters cannot be by the wife , accordin g to Pliny, bu t i f they are, th e
credit must go to he r husband fo r the educatio n he has given her . Agai n
we hear the languag e of Agorius's wife Paulina , wh o credits all her fam e
and hono r t o he r husband , an d o f Pliny' s discussio n o f Plotina , whos e
wonderful behavio r he says is the wor k of the husban d who forme d her .
When credit does go to a woman, Ummidia , i t i s hardly unproblematically rendered.
Ummidia Quadratill a i s dead, havin g almost attaine d th e ag e of seventy-nin e
and kep t he r powers unimpaire d up to he r las t illness , alon g with a sound con stitution an d sturd y physiqu e whic h ar e rar e i n a woman . Sh e died leavin g a n
excellent will : th e grandso n inherit s two-third s o f th e estate , an d he r grand daughter the remaining third. . .. He lived in his grandmother's house but managed t o combin e persona l austerit y wit h deferenc e t o he r sybariti c tastes . She
kept a troupe of pantomime actors whom she treated wit h a n indulgence unsuitable i n a lad y o f her hig h position , bu t Quadratu s never watche d thei r perfor mances either in the theatre or at home, no r did she insist o n it. Onc e when she
was askin g m e t o supervis e he r grandson' s educatio n sh e tol d m e tha t a s a

350 WOME


woman, wit h al l a woman's idl e hour s t o fill, she was in th e habi t o f amusing
herself playin g draught s or watching he r mimes , bu t befor e she did she alway s
told Quadratu s t o g o away an d work : whic h I thought showe d respec t fo r hi s
youth a s much a s her affection .
(Pliny the Younger , Letters 7.24.1-5, abridged ; Radice 1975)

Ummidia's wealt h allow s he r trivia l an d morall y ambiguou s pastimes ,

but sh e raises her grandson responsibly, keep s him out o f the wa y o f her
games and her mime troupe, an d then leave s all her wealth t o her proper
heir. Plin y does no t mentio n anothe r prope r us e of her money , bu t w e
can lear n i t fro m inscriptions ; Ummidi a was as generous a patron t o her
community a s Plin y was t o his , and sh e i s o n recor d a s givin g t o he r
hometown, Casinum , a temple, a n amphitheate r and a stage (RaepsaetCharlier 1986 : 649, no . 829 ; Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum VI.28526 ;
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum X.518 3 = Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae
Rei Publicae 5628).
What emerges from thes e tw o letters i s a sense that female virtue i n
the ol d Republica n version is no longe r th e onl y for m (wa s it ever? ) fo r
upper-class womanhood. Educatio n and wealth ma y be both problemati c
and respectabl e a t th e sam e time. Th e writin g wife, frame d a s her hus band's creature, i s nevertheless part of the game , part of a literate, writ ing world; th e ric h ol d lady, free d fro m mal e control an d abl e t o d o a s
she likes, nevertheless , lik e the me n of her class , act s responsibl y t o he r
grandson an d generousl y t o he r community . I n neithe r cas e i s virtu e
clearly expresse d sinc e th e wome n involve d ar e crossin g som e essentia l
boundaries: both letter s reflec t th e response s of a judgmental and conservative, though no t unsophisticated, man , t o these complex gende r practices. Throughout thi s chapter w e will continue t o see representations o f
women behavin g around , against , an d nea r th e ideal ; however , onl y
when compliment s ar e pai d t o a mother , wife , o r empres s ar e wome n
pictured a s fully exemplifyin g this ideal .

Pliny th e Younger' s Panegyric, delivered i n 10 0 C.E. emphasize d virtue s

of modest y an d restrain t i n speakin g o f Trajan' s wif e Plotin a an d th e
emperor's siste r Marciana ; the tw o wome n live d harmoniousl y i n hi s
household, unite d withou t env y or quarrels in their loyalt y t o th e rule r
(Panegyric, 83; see above, under "Traditional Ideals of Womanhood").
The idea l take s th e usua l form : self-effacin g wive s and mothers , dutifu l
and modest , placin g famil y before everythin g excep t perhap s Rom e it self. When Hadrian gave his funera l oration s fo r Plotina (i n 12 1 or 123?)
and fo r hi s mother-in-la w Matidia , th e niec e o f Traja n (i n 119) , h e
stressed thes e sam e virtue s onc e more . Afte r speakin g o f hi s persona l
grief a t th e death of Matidia, Hadrian went o n to describe her fidelity to
her husband's memory.

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Worl d 35

[She mourne d him] during a long widowhood i n th e flowe r o f her life , a woman
of th e greates t beaut y an d chastity , [ver y obedjien t t o he r mother , hersel f a
mother mos t indulgen t an d a mos t devote d kinswoman , helping all . A burden
to no man no r disagreeable to any man, and in her relations with me of extraordinary [goodness] , wit h suc h modest y tha t sh e neve r aske d anythin g fro m m e
[for hersel f an d often ] did no t as k what I would rathe r hav e been aske d b y th e
women of my family. She in her good will prayed with many extended vow s for
such [goo d fortune ] t o befal l me , an d preferre d t o rejoic e i n m y goo d fortun e
rather tha n benefi t fro m it .
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 14.3579 ; Smallwood 1966 : 56 n. 114 )

Despite th e laudabl e harmony of Trajan's household , fourtee n years

elapsed afte r h e becam e empero r i n 9 8 before an y o f th e wome n o f hi s
family wer e depicted o n coins , includin g his wife Plotina , his sister Marciana (whos e death i n 11 2 may hav e provided th e impetu s for the coin age) an d he r daughte r Matidia . Restrain t i n providin g public honors t o
the wome n o f the cour t characterize d th e reig n of Trajan, a s it ha d als o
the tim e o f Augustu s (a t leas t i n Rom e and th e West) . Th e type s th e
Trajanic coin s us e fo r thes e wome n includ e associatio n wit h Vesta , Fides, an d Pietas , al l abou t traditiona l virtue s o f home , hearth , religion ,
and childre n (wit h Matidia ) (Fig . 13.1). A s far a s we know , non e of th e
Imperial women i s represented o n the historica l relief s of the period , bu t
Plotina an d Marcian a did receive the honorifi c Imperial title of Augusta
soon afte r 100 , when Plin y commended the m for their modesty i n declining the Senate's first offer of the title (Panegyric 84). Marciana and her
daughter Matidi a wer e th e firs t Imperia l wome n t o receiv e th e titl e
without bein g eithe r wif e or mothe r o f an emperor ; othe r honors , how ever, cam e to the m an d Plotin a only afte r Trajan' s death . Hi s successor
Hadrian, wh o wa s marrie d t o Sabina , daughte r o f Matidi a an d thu s
grandniece of Trajan, saw hi s association wit h thes e Imperia l women a s
a guarante e o f hi s ow n authority ; fo r thi s reason , h e declare d Plotin a
Augusta i n 128 , and ha d bot h wome n deifie d o n thei r deaths , startin g
with Matidi a in 11 9 C.E. : "h e bestowe d specia l honor s upo n hi s mother in-law wit h gladiatoria l game s an d othe r ceremonies " (Historia Au gusta, Hadria n 9, Magi e 1967-68) . Alon g with th e funera l oration , h e
honored he r wit h coin s wit h th e labe l DIV A AUGUST A MATIDI A (Britis h Museum Collectio n III : p. 281 , nos . 328-32) , an d erecte d t o he r a templ e
whose remain s hav e bee n identifie d i n th e Campu s Martiu s i n Rome .
And, makin g his motives eve r clearer, h e issued a significant coin o n th e
obverse o f whic h Trajan' s portrai t appear s wit h th e labe l Divu s Traianus, whil e th e revers e show s Div a Plotin a (Fig . 13.2) ; hi s claims t o th e
throne ar e thu s doubl y secure d b y hi s wife' s lineag e an d b y hi s ow n
adoption, an d h e merits th e thron e a s well b y the piou s honor s h e offer s
to his adoptive ancestor s (Boatwrigh t 1991a , and Temporini 1978) .
In hi s lifetime , Hadrian' s adopted so n an d successo r Antoninu s Pius
had honore d hi s decease d wif e Faustin a (d . 141 ) with a templ e i n th e
Roman Forum , ha d institute d charitabl e donations t o worth y gir l chil -



Figure 13.2. Qol d coi n o f Hadrian, minte d afte r 12 2 i n Rome . On th e obvers e (A ) i s the divinize d
Trajan/ o n the reverse (B) Diva Plotina. Hadrian used these images to construct his new divin e family .

dren fro m th e Italia n countrysid e (puellae Faustinianae [Historia Augusta, Antoninus 8]), an d ha d name d he r diva o n coins . Th e emperor s
who follo w become eve r more encrusted wit h honors , eve r more clearl y
godlike, and * their wive s participate in th e process . A s these honor s escalate in number an d hyperbole, th e tensio n increase s betwee n traditiona l
womanly reticenc e an d self-effacemen t on th e on e hand , an d honors ,
funeral orations , coins , portraits , benefactions , an d title s o n th e othe r
(Faustina th e Younger' s honors : Di o 72.5 , Histori a Augusta, Marcus
26.8, Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum 14.40 , and BMC IV, nos. 700-705).
By th e tim e o f Septimiu s Severus' s reig n (197-211) , th e empres s Juli a
Domna wil l b e addresse d as Mater Senatus (mothe r of the Senate : BMC
V, clxxv i an d cxc v ff. ) an d Mate r Castroru m (mothe r o f th e militar y
camps: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 8.26598 , a title first used apparently for Faustina the Younge r when she accompanied her husband Marcus Aureliu s to hi s campaigns in th e easter n par t o f the Empir e in 175,
as i n Di o 72.5 , Historia Augusta, Marcus 26.8) . Automaticall y grante d
the title of Augusta, she represents th e trend awa y from th e earlier tradi tion o f emperor and empress as first among equals; yet a t th e sam e time ,
her man y title s an d honor s retai n thei r connectio n t o motherhoo d an d
the primac y of family.
Only rarel y doe s ou r evidenc e provid e informatio n abou t th e occu pations an d interest s o f individual empresses, abou t thei r socia l an d political influence , o r abou t thei r dail y lives . Whethe r the y ha d publi c
prominence o r wer e see n a s essentiall y modes t an d retiring , th e em presses d o see m t o hav e exercise d privat e influence ; th e evidenc e is ,
however, ver y spotty. Julia Titi, the daughter of the emperor Titus, nom inated th e consu l fo r 8 4 C.E. , according t o th e late r historia n Di o
(67.4.2), an d Vitellius' s wife , Galeria , abou t who m w e als o kno w rela tively little , save d th e consu l Galeriu s Trachalus fro m executio n i n 6 8
(Tacitus, Histories 2.60.2).
Plotina, self-effacin g a s sh e ma y hav e been , i s sai d t o hav e give n
advice i n domesti c matter s just a s Livi a an d th e othe r empresse s had .

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wor ld35

Thus we hea r tha t Traja n betrothed hi s grandniece Vibia Sabin a to Hadrian, "Plotin a bein g i n favo r o f th e match , whil e (h e himself) , ac cording to Marius Maximus, was not greatly enthusiastic." (Historia Augusta Hadrian 2.10) . Anothe r abridge d collectio n o f Imperia l live s
(Epitome d e Caesaribus 42.21; trans. Elaine Fantham) reports that whe n
Trajan le t hi s official s extor t fro m th e provincials , Plotin a "reproache d
him fo r neglecting his own good name . . . and as a result she made him
detest unjus t exactions." This commen t i s interesting bot h fo r Plotina's
role a s moral arbite r an d fo r her concer n wit h th e worl d outsid e o f th e
city o f Rome.
The empress' clear awarenes s of public matters in th e province s can
be seen i n a lette r sh e wrot e t o Hadria n afte r Trajan' s deat h (11 7 C.E).
Inscriptions in colloquial Greek record he r formal reques t to the empero r
on behal f of Popillius (hea d of the Epicurea n school a t Athens ) a s wel l
as he r lette r t o Popillius . I n th e damage d Greek inscription w e ca n se e
her adherenc e t o Epicurea n doctrine a s sh e speak s of th e principle s of
"our school." The letter to the emperor reads,
How much I am intereste d i n th e sec t of Epicurus you kno w ver y well, Master .
Your help i s needed i n th e matte r o f its succession; fo r in vie w of the ineligibil ity o f all bu t Roma n citizens a s successors, th e rang e of choice is very narrow . I
ask therefore i n th e nam e o f Popillius Theotimus , th e presen t successo r a t Ath ens, t o allow hi m to write in Greek that par t of his disposition whic h deal s with
regulating th e successio n an d gran t hi m th e powe r o f filling his place b y a suc cessor o f peregrin e status, 1 shoul d persona l consideration s mak e i t advisable ;
and le t th e futur e successor s o f the sec t o f Epicurus henceforth enjo y th e sam e
right a s you gran t t o Theotimus ; al l th e mor e sinc e th e practic e i s that eac h
time th e testato r has mad e a mistak e i n th e choic e of successor the disciple s of
the abov e sect after a general deliberatio n pu t in his place th e best man , a resul t
that wil l b e more easil y attaine d i f he is selected fro m a large r group .
(Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Pablicae II. 7784.4-17 ; Alexande r 1938 : 161)

The interest o f empresses i n philosophica l matter s reappears in informa tion abou t Julia Domna' s patronag e o f Philostratu s an d th e suggestio n
that sh e wa s eve n calle d Juli a th e philosophe r (Bowersoc k 1969 : 103) .
Julia Domna , Di o says, als o too k car e o f petitions an d letters fo r Caracalla whe n h e wa s emperor , fro m 21 1 t o 217 , (Di o 78.18.2- 3 an d
79.4.2-3) an d held public receptions for the mos t prominent men, just as
did th e empero r (Di o 79.4.2-3).
The empresse s travele d extensivel y wit h thei r husbands , a s w e
gather fro m report s (som e much later an d o f questionable reliability) o f
Plotina's being with Trajan at hi s death o n campaign (Historia Augusta,
Hadrian 5.9-10 ) an d o f Faustina's having accompanied Marcu s Aurelius
(Dio 72.5) . Sabin a traveled wit h Hadria n to Egyp t (ca . 13 0 C.E.) wher e
her friend Julia Balbill a commemorated the visit and her own poetic skill
in Gree k epigrams on th e thig h of the Colossu s o f Memnon. Despite he r
Roman name, Balbill a wa s a Greek noblewoman an d he r epigrams adopt
the dialec t an d languag e of Sappho (wh o lived almos t a thousan d year s

354 WOME


before her! ) I n par t o f a poe m t o hono r Sabin a an d th e tri p t o Egypt ,

Balbilla als o proudly identifie s herself:
Memnon, so n of Dawn an d revere d Tithonus , sittin g before th e Theba n cit y of
Zeus o r Amenoth , Egyptia n king , a s th e priest s wh o kno w th e ancien t tale s
relate, Hail ! an d ma y you b e keen t o welcom e by your cr y the augus t wif e to o
of the Lor d Hadrian . . .
I d o no t judg e tha t thi s statu e o f yours ca n perish , an d I perceiv e withi n m e
that your soul shal l b e immortal. Fo r pious were m y parents and grandparents .
Balbillus th e wis e an d Antiochu s the king , fathe r o f my father. Fro m thei r lin e
do I draw m y noble blood an d thes e are th e writing s of Balbilla th e pious .
(Bowie 1990 : 63 )

Like man y wive s of Imperia l governors, an d lik e som e o f the Julio Claudian wome n a s well, 2 th e wome n o f the late r court s travele d int o
worlds fa r beyon d th e imagining s o f th e writer s o f th e Twelv e Table s
whose laws placed suc h clear constraints o n the mobility an d autonom y
of Roman women.
Pliny's evocation o f Plotina a s a retiring and rathe r dul l matro n be comes mor e colorfu l whe n w e se e the evidenc e of the travel , th e culti vated interests , an d th e intervention s behind the thron e o f the empress ;
if she, th e leas t flamboyan t o f her century, had such a cosmopolitan life ,
we mus t se e Sabina , Faustina , an d th e other s a s a t leas t comparable .
This hardly means, however , tha t thes e wer e women who exercised th e
influence o f Augustus's empress Livia. Their live s were apparentl y mor e
private, mor e involve d wit h othe r Imperia l women , wit h famil y an d
property, an d wit h literar y interest s (Boatwrigh t 1991a) . Th e orato r
Pronto, teache r o f the Imperia l heir Marcu s Aurelius, thought i t appro priate to write th e following cloyingly conventiona l birthda y greetin g t o
Marcus's mother Domiti a Lucilla using the Greek language. However, he
was sufficientl y i n aw e o f her standard s (o r he r standing ) tha t h e first
asked his pupil Marcus to check the correctness of the letter (mid-secon d
century, an d se e the earlie r lette r abou t women' s birthday celebration s
in the introduction).
To the Mothe r of Marcus
Willingly b y heaven , yes , wit h th e greates t pleasur e possibl e hav e I sen t m y
Gratia (hi s wife) t o kee p your birthday with you, an d would have come mysel f
had i t bee n lawful . Bu t fo r mysel f . . . thi s consulshi p i s a clo g aroun d m y
feet . . .
The right thing, it seems, would have bee n that all women from al l quarters
should have gathered for this day an d celebrated your birth-feast , firs t o f all th e
women tha t lov e thei r husband s an d lov e thei r childre n an d ar e virtuous, an d
secondly al l tha t ar e genuine an d truthful , an d the thir d compan y t o kee p th e
feast shoul d hav e bee n th e kind-hearte d an d the affabl e an d th e accessibl e an d
the humble-minded ; an d man y othe r rank s o f women woul d b e ther e t o shar e
in som e part o f your prais e an d virtue , seein g tha t you posses s an d ar e mothe r
of al l virtue s and accomplishment s befitting a woman , jus t a s Athena possesse s
and i s mistress of every art .
(Pronto, Correspondence 2.7; Haines 1962)

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wo rld 35

Although th e empresse s see m t o hav e ha d a voic e i n discussion s

about th e successio n i n th e secon d century , tha t voic e wa s fa r quiete r
than thos e o f th e Severa n Julias. Ki n of Julia Domna , th e thre e Julia s
(Julia Maesa , Domna's sister, an d Maesa's two daughters, Julia Soaemias
and Julia Mamaea ) determined th e successio n an d remova l of emperors.
Soaemias's so n Elagabalu s became emperor throug h th e interventio n of
mother an d grandmother, and was replaced by his cousin Alexande r Severus, so n o f Mamaea , b y th e manipulation s o f hi s mothe r an d grand mother; Julia Maes a remained a t th e cente r o f the politic s o f the perio d
from 21 1 until her death i n 226: "When he [Elagabalus] went to the camp
or th e Senate-house , h e too k wit h hi m hi s grandmothe r [Julia Maesa ]
. . . i n orde r tha t throug h he r prestige h e might get greater respectfo r
by himsel f h e go t none. " (Historic Augusta Elagabalus 12.2-3 ; Magi e
The interventio n o r "interference " o f the Imperia l women i n stat e
affairs wa s alway s see n a s problemati c b y Roma n writers . Thes e me n
always se e suc h involvement s a s inappropriat e an d dangerous , fo r th e
women ar e crossing gender boundaries that ar e meant t o kee p social order. Perhap s this is why the y constantl y elid e political an d sexual trans gressions, fo r bot h creat e disorder. N o matte r ho w self-effacin g th e
women o f the cour t ma y hav e been , n o matte r wha t th e officia l claim s
of thei r virtue , ther e see m alway s to hav e been rumor s of incompatibility o r scurrilou s tale s i n circulatio n abou t Imperia l sexual adventures .
Hadrian's wif e Sabin a ma y hav e bee n chaste , bu t lik e Plotin a sh e wa s
childless an d "h e woul d hav e dismisse d hi s wif e . . . fo r being mood y
and difficult , i f he had bee n a private citizen, a s he himsel f used to say "
(Historia Augusta Hadrian. 11 ; trans. Elain e Fantham) . Marcus Aurelius's empres s Faustina , daughte r o f his predecesso r Antoninu s Piu s and
mother o f his many children "allegedl y ha d onc e seen gladiator s pass by
and was inflame d wit h passio n fo r one of them. While troubled by a long
illness she confessed to her husband about her passion." The same author
goes on to intimate that Faustina' s son Commodus was actually fathered
by a gladiator:
[H]er so n Commodu s was actuall y begotte n i n adultery , since i t i s reasonably
well-known tha t Faustin a chos e bot h sailor s an d gladiator s a s paramour s for
herself a t Caieta . Whe n [the emperor ] was tol d abou t he r s o that h e migh t divorce heri f no t execut e herh e i s reported to hav e said, "if w e send our wife
away, w e mus t giv e bac k he r dowr y too"an d wha t dowr y di d sh e hav e bu t
the empire , which he ha d receive d from hi s father-in-law whe n adopted by him
at Hadrian' s wish
(Antoninus. 19 ; Birley 1976)

The politica l goa l o f this kin d o f gossip i s obvious: th e write r damages the reputation o f the emperor in an environment where hi s inability
to contro l hi s wif e speak s world s o f hi s othe r inadequacies . A passage
about Marcu s Aurelius giving Imperia l posts t o hi s wife' s lovers i s just
such a piece of scandal (Historia Augusta. Antoninus 29) exploiting th e



spicy combinatio n o f sexual transgressio n an d political interference. Un questionably late , unreliable , an d ofte n profoundl y silly , Historia Au gusta (lat e third an d fourth century ) reveal s the persistence o f this stan dardized gossip abou t femal e transgression .
In contras t with suc h scandalou s rumors , th e representation s of th e
wives of Hadrian, Antoninu s Pius , an d Marcu s Aurelius in state ar t an d
inscriptions provid e u s wit h a vie w o f court wome n tha t mor e closel y
resembles th e prais e literatur e o f speeches . Stressin g marita l loyalt y
(even a kin d o f affection ) an d dynasti c duty , thes e monument s eras e
both th e scandalou s an d th e cosmopolita n element s o f th e live s o f th e
empresses. Th e Colum n Bas e of Antoninu s Pius , date d t o 16 1 in Rome ,
shows th e empero r an d Faustin a I ascending togethe r t o th e heaven s o n
the bac k of a strang e youthful figure , a psychopom p o r being wh o bear s
the sou l awa y (Fig . 13.3) . Just a s the decease d Sabin a i s borne alof t o n
the bac k o f a n eagl e o n a relie f (afte r 136-37 ) i n whic h Hadria n sit s
watching, th e apotheosi s o f Antoninus and Faustina suggests the marita l
harmony s o importan t t o th e publi c self-representatio n o f th e Imperia l
Figure 13.3 . Bas e of the Colum n o f Antoninus Piu s from Rome , erected around th e tim e of his death ,
ca. 16 1 C.E . On th e fron t i s th e apotheosi s o f Antoninu s an d Faustina , hi s wife , watche d b y th e
goddess Rom a an d th e personificatio n of th e Campu s Martius , th e plac e wher e th e funera l pyre s o f
the emperor s and thei r families burned .

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wo rld35

family a s family. Similarly, in th e coin s of Imperial couples that presen t

husband an d wif e claspin g right hands in a gesture (th e dextrarum iunctio) associate d wit h th e concor d o f treaties an d o f marriage, the visua l
imagery of the stat e puts on parad e a dutifu l an d harmoniou s couple. I n
fact, th e publi c ideolog y o f concor d reache d int o th e privat e real m (i f
we can eve n separat e the m b y this moder n polarization ) whe n th e sen ate decreed , o n th e deat h o f Faustin a I I (175?) , tha t "silve r image s of
Marcus and Faustin a should b e set up i n th e templ e of Venus and Roma
and tha t a n alta r shoul d b e erected whereo n al l th e maiden s married i n
the cit y an d their bridegrooms should offer sacrifice/ ' (Di o 72.31.1); the y
may b e shown , o n a coin , a t th e alta r belo w th e large r figures of th e
emperor an d empres s who join hand s as Concordia brings them togethe r
(Reekmans 1957 ; Davies 1985).
The imager y o f th e goo d wif e persisted , despit e th e scandal mongering, i n th e state-sponsore d publi c images for Faustina's daughter,
wife o f their adopte d so n Marcus Aurelius. The coins associate Faustina
the Younge r wit h Marcu s an d thei r so n Commodu s (161-7 5 C.E. ) an d
put he r fac e o n th e obvers e of coins whose reverse s often sho w Felicita s
(fruitfulness / good fortune) , Feli x Temporu m (th e prosperit y o f th e
era), Fecundita s (fertility) o r Juno Lucina (protecto r of women in childbirth) wit h larg e numbers of children; the number s and age s of the children seem t o change with th e birth s and deaths of the Imperia l offsprin g
(Fig. 13.4) . Th e emperor an d hi s wife thu s emerg e as the mode l no t jus t
of a dutifu l bu t o f a harmoniou s an d fertil e marriage: thei r domestica tion becomes th e pattern o f Roman marital harmony, a s the state's ideology penetrated th e privat e once mor e (Fittsche n 1982) . This aristocrati c
image o f marita l concor d ha s earlie r model s (se e Chapte r 12) , bu t th e
Antonine dynast y appear s to mak e the firs t broa d public use of it. Thi s
may sprin g from th e urg e t o wi n a mor e intimat e loyalt y fro m th e em pire's people t o thei r ruler s as quasi-kinfolk; i t ma y als o indicat e a state
policy o f reinforcing traditional (i f reformulated) Roman concerns wit h
domestic moralit y an d reproductiv e responsibility . An d a s always, suc h
visual ideolog y serve s mor e powerfull y tha n an y speec h o r decree t o remind people o f the peac e attendin g civi l and dynastic stability .
The mos t interestin g an d lates t cas e o f the constructio n o f the har monious Imperia l family with it s virtuou s wife i s also the mos t obviou s
in it s politica l motives . Septimiu s Severus , th e Roma n genera l fro m
North Afric a wh o overcam e othe r contender s fo r th e Imperia l thron e
after th e civi l war s a t th e en d o f th e secon d century , marrie d Julia
Domna, a Syria n aristocrat who m th e thir d centur y text s describe variously a s dramatically beautiful , intellectual, long-suffering , adulterous ,
powerful, an d dangerou s (fo r example, Di o 78.18 , Herodia n 4.3.8-9 , o r
Historia Augusta, Severus 21.6-8) . The y ar e frequentl y represente d to gether wit h thei r tw o son s Get a an d Caracall a (o r in variou s combinations) fro m th e earl y childhoo d o f Geta unti l Septimiu s Severus's death
in 211 . Gol d coins show Julia, her heav y looped an d braide d hair identifying he r immediately , wit h he r two boys . Th e nearl y adult sons appear



Figure 13.4. Coi n o f Faustina the Younger fro m Rome , ca . 161-176 C.E. The revers e (shown ) carrie s
the label Feli x temporum, the happy futur e guarantee d by the woman an d he r six children, presumably
the same numbe r the empres s had a t th e tim e the coin was minted.

with thei r parent s (ridin g i n thei r father' s carriage , watchin g thei r

mother mak e a sacrifice, Caracalla shaking hands with hi s father as Geta
stands between the m an d Julia Domna looks on approvingly ) (Fig . 13.5)
on the family arc h set up in 206-9 to commemorate thei r visit t o Septimius's birthplace, Lepti s Magna (i n Libya). And finally, as adults, th e son s
joined thei r parent s an d Caracalla' s wife an d father-in-la w on th e Arc h
set u p b y th e moneychanger s i n Rome . Th e vas t publi c imager y o f th e
family wa s reinforce d b y th e man y statue-group s tha t grace d tow n
squares an d templ e precinct s i n al l part s o f the empire ; a grea t serie s is
preserved a t Perge , the tow n fro m whic h a t leas t on e other majo r Imperial famil y group , Hadriani c i n date , remain s t o indicat e th e wa y th e
Imperial family imag e structured th e cit y scape.
Only when we notice the frequent erasure or destruction o f the hea d
of Get a i s th e fictio n o f th e happ y famil y exposed : Get a wa s murdere d
by hi s brothe r Caracall a whe n thei r fathe r die d i n 211 , an d Caracall a
then decree d tha t Geta's image be removed from al l monuments ( a practice calle d damnatio memoriae, erasur e o f memory. ) Th e blan k spac e
where Geta' s hea d ha d bee n (no w replace d b y a moder n one ) o n th e

Women of the Cosmopolitan World


Figure 13.5 . Relie f wit h Septimiu s Severu s claspin g th e han d o f his so n Caracall a a s hi s secon d so n
Qeta an d hi s wife Julia Domn a (secon d fro m th e left ) loo k on . Th e relie f date s t o about 20 6 c.E . and
comes fro m th e Severa n famil y arch at Lepti s Magna i n modem Libya .

handshake scene o f the Lepti s Arch, like the empt y place on the arc h in
Rome, reveal s th e importanc e of the famil y mythan d it s fragility Of ficial representation use d Julia Domn a a s a linchpi n t o creat e a famil y

and thu s gav e a n empres s a centra l plac e i n dynasti c iconograph y in

order t o insis t o n a legitimat e pas t an d secur e futur e fo r th e peopl e of

the Roma n empire (Kampe n 1991) .
What w e hav e bee n seein g is , first , th e discrepanc y betwee n text s
and visua l image s tha t result s fro m thei r differin g tradition s an d func tions an d s o projects conflictin g impressions of the empress . Secon d de spite changes over time in the way the empresses wer e depicted an d honored, ther e remaine d a cor e of imagery tie d t o th e traditiona l gendere d
virtues of the Roma n elite; thi s the y preserve d an d disseminate d t o th e
world a t large . Th e women o f the court , regardles s of how sophisticated
and comple x the y migh t hav e been, alway s are praise d i n term s o f conservative domestic behavior. Finally, all our evidence points to the exis tence of a long-standing public discourse, goin g back to the tim e of Livia
and Augustus , about th e empress' s sexuality. Whe n she is represented for
state purposes , i t i s often becaus e he r imag e acts as an indicatio n o f th e
stable an d happ y futur e assure d by her reproductiv e contribution t o th e

360 WOME


dynasty. Whe n sh e i s reproache d o r slandered , i t i s throug h th e us e of

her political interferenc e as it is associated with murderous or adulterou s
desires an d acts : sexualit y an d powe r g o wrong together, an d eac h i s a
sign for the other, for each is about th e transgressio n o f social boundarie s
essential t o preservin g the Roma n order. Thi s orde r i n tur n depend s o n
an idea l womanhood , define d bot h b y th e prais e o f th e empres s a s a
norm an d th e condemnatio n o f transgressions attributed t o her . As th e
Roman world expanded, the empress' s image remained of value for social
reproduction o n a vast scale .
Women o f Wealth
Like the wome n o f the court , ric h women throughou t th e Roma n Empire
appear t o u s through th e veil s of ideology, genre , an d chance . No t onl y
do w e kno w the m onl y a s far a s we hav e survivin g evidence, evidenc e
shaped b y the convention s o f each genre from prais e literature an d public art t o gossip, bu t w e also read them a s texts written b y a small number of people wh o construc t the m accordin g t o thei r ow n interests , an d
these ar e no t alway s th e interest s o f the wome n themselves . Addin g to
these complexitie s th e expans e o f the Empir e compounds th e problem s
we me t i n th e discussio n o f th e empresses , sinc e no w loca l tradition s
may intervene . Thus , regiona l ideal s ma y modif y th e idea l o f womanhood diffuse d throughou t the Empir e in part by the imag e of the empress ;
how muc h diversit y ther e wa s remain s difficult t o asses s because o f th e
uneven an d scattere d evidence.
The sam e problem s are generate d b y the rando m an d probabl y un representative evidenc e o f the conduc t o f wealthy women . Thus , fo r example, Plin y the Younger' s letters (lat e first to early second century ) tel l
us a goo d dea l abou t th e voca l an d influentia l upper-clas s wome n o f
Italy who brough t lawsuits to preserve their own interests (a s when th e
embarrassed writer had t o ac t o n behal f of his mother's old friend Corel lia Hispull a i n he r sui t agains t a ver y importan t ma n [Letter 4.17] , o r
when h e represented a mother wh o brough t a criminal cas e agains t tw o
freedmen sh e accuse d o f poisonin g he r so n an d forgin g a wil l t o mak e
themselves his heirs [Letter 7.6]) . I n addition to being implicated in thei r
fathers' an d husbands ' lega l affair s (fo r example, Letter 3.9) , Plin y tell s
us tha t wome n wer e calle d a s witnesse s i n politica l case s an d exerte d
pressure themselve s (Letters 3.1 1 an d 9.13) .
By compariso n with thes e an d othe r case s Plin y recount s abou t hi s
years i n Rome , th e mentio n o f case s i n whic h wome n wer e involve d
under th e writer' s governorshi p in Bithyni a (110-1 2 C.E. ) ar e few ; two
concern men' s petitions tha t involv e women an d one is a request fo r th e
emperor's permission t o le t th e governor' s wife trave l fo r family reason s
(10.59, 10.10 6 an d 10.120) . Clearl y th e dispute s tha t neede d th e em peror's opinio n were rarel y initiate d b y women durin g Pliny's governor ship; thes e letter s t o Traja n ove r th e cours e o f approximatel y twelv e

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan World36

months ar e al l tha t Plin y ha s to tell u s about th e wome n i n hi s Eastern

More useful than the novel of Apuleius, Metamorphoses, for information abou t th e live s of women i n hi s own homelan d of North Africa ,
is the second-century author's account i n the autobiographica l Apologia
of th e circumstance s o f hi s marriag e to th e matur e wido w Pudentilla .
This stylize d defens e speech throw s ligh t o n th e differin g attitude s an d
motives o f a moneye d woman' s mal e relative s t o th e questio n o f he r
remarriage. Prevented from marryin g again by the gree d of her father-in law, who feared tha t he r money would pass away from hi s grandchildren
(her sons), th e wido w finally fel l sic k "injured b y the prolonge d inactiv ity o f he r sexua l organs , an d becaus e th e linin g o f he r wom b wa s in flamed she ofte n cam e nea r t o deat h wit h he r pains . Doctor s an d midwives agree d tha t th e illnes s ha d bee n brough t o n b y deprivatio n o f
married life . . . . whil e sh e wa s stil l i n he r prim e sh e shoul d hea l he r
condition b y marriage" (Apologia 69 ; trans. Elaine Fantham). So Pontianus, her elder son, encouraged his friend Apuleiu s to marry her, but onc e
Pontianus himsel f married , hi s ne w father-in-la w pushed hi m t o prose cute Apuleiu s as a fortune hunter who had seduced Pudentill a by witchcraft. Pudentill a hersel f doe s no t appea r i n court . Instead , th e prosecu tion argue s fro m on e o f he r letter s (writte n i n Greek ) "Apuleiu s i s a
wizard: I have been bewitched b y him into infatuation: come and rescu e
me, while I am still able to control myself" (Apologia 82; trans. Elaine
Fantham). Apuleiu s in tur n show s tha t th e lette r ha s bee n distorte d b y
selective quotation , an d restore s th e contex t t o reinterpre t th e widow' s
purpose: "now , a s our viciou s accuser s woul d persuade you, Apuleiu s is
a wizar d an d I have bee n bewitched. " Quoting he r explici t affirmatio n
of sanit y an d acceptanc e o f marriage , Apuleiu s constructs hi s defens e
(83, 84) . We see a shrew d and matur e wido w whos e persona l lif e has
been firs t sacrifice d t o th e gree d o f her ow n father-in-law , then threat ened b y th e gree d o f a ne w mal e interloperhe r son' s father-in-law .
Such famil y dispute s i n whic h th e woma n i s merely a n acompanimen t
of the covete d mone y an d property , an d he r marriag e a matter o f men's
self-interested manipulation , canno t alway s hav e bee n s o luri d a s th e
case Apuleius sets befor e us , bu t the y persiste d a s a social injustic e into
the nineteenth century . Her e in second-century Afric a th e educate d an d
articulate Pudentill a does no t appea r a s a witness t o confir m he r inten tions, bu t mus t depen d o n he r ne w husban d t o represen t he r i n th e
Far mor e widel y distribute d evidenc e abou t wome n o f wealth an d
influence comes fro m th e inscription s o f the Roma n Empire. All over th e
Empire an d i n divers e communitie s wome n functione d a s benefactor s
and participant s i n th e publi c worl d an d use d thei r mone y t o enhanc e
their ow n an d thei r families ' prestig e an d t o fulfil l socia l an d religiou s
responsibilities (Nicol s 1989) . Amon g the mos t interestin g sample s ar e
inscriptions on public buildings and statue bases that tel l of the patron -

362 WOME


age given an d honor s receive d by women i n man y part s of the Empire .

For example, fro m a synagogue in Asi a Mino r comes a third-centur y in scription i n Gree k for Tation wh o helpe d financ e th e constructio n an d
decoration of the building:
Tation, daughte r of Straton, son of Empedon, having built with he r own mone y
this hal l an d th e cour t enclosure , mad e a gif t o f i t t o th e Jews . Th e Jewis h
community honore d Tatio n . . . with a wreath an d the righ t of precedence .
(Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum 2.738 ; trans. Natali e Kampen)

These inscriptions, namin g women of prominent families, includin g

women o f th e court , als o provid e a n importan t sourc e o f informatio n
about gende r ideal s an d practice s amon g the elit e o f the municipalitie s
and province s fo r whic h n o literar y evidenc e survives . Sinc e the y ar e
meant to honor th e benefactor as much as the recipients, thei r emphasi s
is on the socia l aspect s of good character and family an d on public material contributions rather than on domestic virtues.
Women o f important familie s gave donations an d patronag e t o th e
districts wher e thei r estate s wer e located , t o thei r birthplaces , an d t o
regions wher e thei r ow n religiou s responsibilities or thei r husbands ' political duties took them , a s indicated by the following inscription (abbre viations expande d fro m th e inscriptio n ar e indicate d b y lower-cas e

PRISCA Daughter of Caius , Mos t distinguished Lady




This lat e second-centur y inscriptio n o n a statu e bas e fro m Formia e o n

the coas t south of Rome honors a lady of the senatoria l clas s in terms of
her own gift , bu t i t defines her identity b y her husband's Imperial magistracy an d loca l patronag e befor e mentionin g he r ow n religiou s office .
Other evidenc e show s tha t sh e was in fac t th e granddaughte r o f Cornelius Pronto , tuto r of Marcus Aurelius (se e above). He r priesthood serve s
Augusta, the empress Julia Domna, and Patria "the native land/' not a n
Italian titl e or local t o Formiae but almos t certainl y conferre d on her by
a Gree k civic communit y i n Asi a while he r husban d wa s governor , th e
most prestigiou s senatorial offic e h e could hold . Italia n an d Greek , public and private, personal and marital honors are combined i n this inscription (Annee Epigraphique 1971 : 34; trans. Elaine Fantham), one of many
that could b e cited.
Inscriptions permit reconstruction o f the long-standin g traditions o f
public benefaction s an d patronag e o f wealth y women ; bot h civi c an d

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Worl d36

religious honors were granted them in the easter n an d western province s

(Nicols 1989, and Forbi s 1990) . From Utica in North Africa a n inscriptio n
of th e lat e secon d o r earl y thir d centur y associate s th e wif e an d youn g
daughters o f th e Proconsu l Acciu s Julianus wit h hi m a s patron s o f th e
community, n o doub t i n orde r t o guarante e continuit y o f patronag e
when the women outlive d th e middle-aged consul. Th e women shar e th e
senatorial honorifi c of their husban d an d father:

(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 8.1811;

trans. Elain e Fantham)

In Afric a an d centra l Ital y wome n receive d th e extraordinar y statu s o f

civic patrons , an d i n Egyp t a woma n was name d "father o f the city " in
a move that demonstrate s th e extent to which th e occupation o f a public
role coul d confus e gender titulatur e (Sijpestei n 1987 : 141-42) . Th e ex tent t o whic h thes e honor s carrie d an y right s t o membershi p i n tow n
councils o r t o th e holdin g of othe r publi c office s remain s unclear; th e
third-century jurist Paulu s says tha t wome n ma y no t hol d civi l office s
(Digest, but contemporary inscriptions from Roman Greece and
Asia Mino r mention wome n officeholders , including magistrates (Picke t
1969). Thi s i s th e well-documente d cas e wit h Planci a Magn a of Perge,
on th e coas t o f Asi a Minor , aroun d 12 0 C.E. (Boatwright 1991b) . Th e
daughter o f a senato r wh o ha d give n th e Cit y Game s and ha d bee n re warded wit h th e titl e o f cit y founder , Planci a hel d severa l importan t
public position s suc h a s demiourgos, th e magistrat e whos e nam e wa s
used t o identif y th e year; sh e also held a major religious position, a s th e
inscription on th e bas e of a statue erected b y the communit y tells us:

(Annee Epigraphique 1965 , no. 209 ; trans. Elaine Fantham)

Plancia Magn a gave to th e cit y a monumenta l entrance-gate , part s

of which stil l surviv e as do a number of its inscriptions an d th e gracefu l
draped statu e o f Planci a (Fig . 13.6 ) tha t wa s on e o f man y t o decorat e
the gate . Include d among th e statue s an d Gree k and Lati n inscription s
were th e deifie d Nerva , the deifie d Traja n and Marciana , the still-living



Figure 13.6 . Portrai t o f the municipal

priestess and patro n Planci a Magna of
Perge, Asia Minor , date d t o about 12 0

Plotina an d Hadrian , and als o Plancia's father and other member s of her
family an d th e communit y of Perge. Paying homage to the Imperia l family a s well a s to he r ow n bloo d an d communit y family , Planci a use d a
traditional iconograph y o f cult an d kinshi p to foster th e continuin g success of her famil y (Boatwrigh t 1991b) .
Women lik e Planci a Magn a or Cassi a Corneli a Prisc a (bot h secon d
century C.E. ) clearl y controlle d a substantial privat e fortune an d share d
in the ideolog y o f public service for public glory that seems to have moti vated generation s o f Roman men. Eve n in th e Republica n period befor e
women ha d lega l powe r t o giv e awa y money , th e provincial s o f Greece
and Asi a ha d honore d governors ' wive s wit h statue s mos t probabl y i n
thanks fo r intercession wit h th e governo r i n loca l issues . No w the prac -

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan World 36

tice wa s extende d t o th e wive s o f local magnate s a s a routin e respons e

to benefactions and incentive to thei r continuation. There is no reliable
way of estimating ho w many women of the Empir e received honor s fro m
communities i n th e for m o f statues an d inscribe d bases , no r ho w man y
gave an d o n wha t scale , bu t th e evidenc e point s t o a clea r connectio n
between honor s an d th e importanc e o f a woman' s famil y (Va n Bremen
1983). Wome n wh o wer e chose n a s priestesse s ma y no t hav e exercise d
power in an y political sense , bu t the y resemble d benefactors in the sens e
that thei r publi c functions did bring them a certain prestig e an d authority. I t wa s usua l i n th e uppe r classe s fo r women t o b e chosen a s priestesses; thei r office s migh t b e littl e mor e tha n a politica l compliment , a s
was the cas e for Cassia Corneli a Prisca , or they coul d mea n a long-ter m
renunciation o f domestic life . Th e Vestals continued throughou t th e Imperial perio d t o hav e social an d religiou s importance, an d thei r portrai t
statues, rangin g in dat e fro m th e secon d t o th e fourt h century , ca n stil l
be seen no t onl y i n th e museum s of Rome but als o near th e hous e of th e
Vestals in th e ruin s of the Roma n Forum.
In th e Gree k part o f th e Roma n Empire, women o f "good " family
might combin e thei r secula r live s with honorifi c services a s priestesses ,
like Plutarch' s frien d Clea , priestes s o f Delphi c Apollo. Fro m Plutarch's
dedications t o Cle a o f hi s essays , "O n th e Braver y o f Women" (se e below) an d "O n Isi s an d Osiris " (lat e first or earl y secon d century) , i t i s
clear that she was a learned an d revered lady, more like a city councillo r
or committeewoman tha n th e inspire d prophetesses who m w e associat e
with Delphi. 5 Oracle s o f Apollo , especiall y i n Roma n Asi a Minor , di d
have power i n tha t the y ofte n determine d whic h women becam e priest esses. Eve n priestesses of Athena might be appointed by an oracular decision o f Apollo . Thes e priestesse s wer e celibate , bu t a n inscribe d oracl e
from Miletu s (lat e second t o early thir d century C.E. ) appoint s a widow ,
Satorneila, th e mothe r of two grow n sons:
Late, O townsmen, concernin g a priestess of Athena
have you com e t o hea r th e divin e inspired voice
for i t wa s necessar y tha t th e hono r o f the priesthoo d o f the self-appearin g
be received b y a woman wit h th e bloo d o f noble ancestor s
but afte r sh e ha d previousl y obtaine d he r share o f the gift s o f Aphrodite ,
for th e Cypria n goddes s vie s with virgi n Athena,
since the on e is uninitiated i n lov e an d th e brid e chamber ,
but th e othe r rejoices i n marriag e and melodiou s brida l songs .
Accordingly, i n obedience to th e fate s an d an d t o Pallas ,
appoint chast e Satorneil a a s holy priestess .
(Drew-Bear and Lebe k 1973)

Priestly office s may , then , hav e been a way t o honor an d rewar d a benefactress, o r the y ma y hav e provide d incom e fo r need y wome n o r pas t
priestesses i n a community (Gordo n 1990) .
The pictur e o f women's politica l participation throug h honors , pat -

366 WOME


ronage, an d officeholdin g come s t o u s from th e inscription s an d th e od d

literary passag e a s a positive , praiseworth y phenomenon. Fathers , husbands, an d son s ma y b e named (the y usuall y are ) o r unmentioned, bu t
what we see is an indicatio n of the publi c functioning o f wealthy upperclass women. Thi s is true a s well for freedwomen with mone y wh o wer e
to b e found i n Ital y as patrons for local craftsmen's guilds ; these patron s
are ofte n name d mater, a s for example Claudia, the wif e o f a freedma n
from Faler i Piceni, who i s called "mother o f the brotherhoo d o f fullers"
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 9.5450 , undated; trans. Natali e Kampen). These inscriptions suggest the blurrin g of lines between publi c an d
private; fo r example , a third-centur y freebor n woman fro m Sentinum ,
Memmia Victoria , whos e so n wa s a loca l officeholde r (decurio), wa s
named mater o f a n artisans ' grou p (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum
Women pla y publi c roles throug h privat e wealth, the y ente r publi c
consciousness althoug h the y ar e privat e citizens unabl e t o vot e o r (ap parently) hol d offic e i n government , an d the y influenc e publi c event s
through act s o f generosit y tha t kee p th e me n o f thei r familie s i n th e
public eye as potential officeholders . A t every level in th e uppe r classes,
from Julia Domna's patronage of the rebuildin g of the templ e of Vesta i n
the Roma n Foru m t o th e financin g b y Ummidi a Quadratill a o f Casi num's templ e an d amphitheatre , wome n demonstrat e th e ambiguit y of
the term s "public" and "private" for the Roma n world. An d the inscrip tions demonstrate a s well th e possibl e difference s that socia l statu s and
region ca n mak e to women' s live s even a s they clin g to th e traditiona l
list o f feminine virtues.
Autonomy an d Ambivalence
By compariso n wit h th e evidenc e fro m inscriptions , th e comment s o f
male author s o n th e (relative ) autonom y o f wome n see m strikin g i n
their ambivalence . Th e discussion s abou t th e educatio n o f wive s tha t
appear in the writings of Juvenal, Pliny , and Plutarch, all writing around
100 C.E. offe r a picture of what i n women' s live s and characte r mos t irri tated, enraged , an d provoke d laughter amon g Roman (an d Greek ) me n
of a certain clas s and what the y envisione d a s the solution .
Yet a musical wife's not s o bad a s some presumptuou s
flat-chested busybod y who rushe s around the tow n
gate-crashing all mal e greetings, talkin g back straight-faced
to a uniformed generaland i n he r husband's presence .
She knows all th e new s of the worl d
(Juvenal, Satires 6.398-403; Green 1967)
if she's s o determined t o prove herself eloquent , learned ,
she should hois t u p her skirts and gird them abov e th e kne e
scrub off in th e penn y baths. 6 So avoid a dinner partner
with a n argumentativ e style, wh o hurls well rounde d

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan World 36

syllogisms like slingshots, wh o ha s all histor y pat :

choose someone rather who doesn't understan d all she reads.
I hat e these authority citers, . . . who with antiquaria n zeal
quote poet s I'v e never heard of. Such matters are men' s
(Juvenal Satires 6.445-52; Gree n 1967)

The classica l solutio n t o suc h autonomou s behavio r is suggested by

the Roma n Pliny and hi s Greek contemporary Plutarch,sinc e bot h wrot e
of women' s educatio n i n way s designe d t o overcom e th e undesirabl e
characteristics Juvenal s o gleefull y skewers. Plin y write s (earl y secon d
century) o f his joy i n hi s sweet youn g wife' s lov e for his work;
Because o f he r lov e fo r me , sh e ha s eve n gon e s o far a s t o tak e a n interes t i n
literature; she possesse s copie s of my writings, reads them repeatedly , an d eve n
memorizes them . . . . When I recite fro m m y works, she will sit nearby , behind
a curtain, eager to share the prais e I receive. Sh e has even set some of my poems
to music , an d chant s the m t o th e accompanimen t of a lyre , untaugh t b y an y
music-teacher, bu t rathe r by the bes t of teachers, love .
(Pliny, Letters 4.19.2 and 4 ; Radice 1975)

Plutarch, eve n a s h e mention s casuall y i n hi s Advice t o Bride an d

Groom (lat e first to earl y secon d century ) tha t hi s wife Timoxena com posed a n essa y for a friend agains t th e us e of cosmetics, advise s his frien d
Pollianus, t o who m hi s ow n essa y i s addressed , t o educat e hi s wif e b y
oral instruction :
As fo r your wife , yo u mus t collec t usefu l materia l fro m ever y source, lik e th e
bees, an d carryin g it i n your ow n self share it wit h he r an d discuss i t wit h her ,
making the bes t o f these doctrines dear and familia r t o her . Fo r to he r
Thou ar t he r father and lad y mothe r
yes, an d a brother too [quotin g Iliad 6.429 ]
This kind of study . . . diverts women from absur d conduct; for a woman studying geometry will be ashamed to dance, and she will not swallo w any belief s in
magic spells while she is under the spel l of Plato's or Xenophon's arguments .
(Plutarch, Advice t o Bride an d Groom 145c-d; trans. Elain e Fantham)7

Looking back over ou r evidenc e abou t th e role s playe d b y women of

the privilege d classe s an d abou t th e reactio n o f ou r variou s source s t o
women's publi c activities , ther e i s a constan t tensio n throughou t thi s
period o f mor e tha n tw o hundre d years betwee n femal e autonomy an d
achievement an d mal e response . Ofte n th e discomfor t o f Roman writer s
in th e fac e o f publi c an d politica l role s fo r wome n i s palpable . Bot h
within th e cour t (a s i n th e storie s o f Plotina' s interventio n t o ensur e
that Hadria n wa s mad e Trajan' s successor : Historia Augusta, Hadrian
4.4 an d 4.10 ) an d outsid e (a s whe n governors ' wive s ar e portraye d a s
seeking power) , powe r i s condemned a s inappropriate precisel y becaus e
it i s political . Ye t throughou t th e Empire , inscription s congratulat e
women fo r their generous use of private and famil y money fo r the publi c
good, an d th e politica l implication s fo r gaining authority an d powe r fo r

368 WOME


women see m t o pos e n o problem. Fro m the evidenc e w e ma y dra w tw o

conclusions: (1 ) femal e politica l interference , lik e sexua l misconduct ,
transgressed sociall y acceptabl e boundarie s fo r upper-class life , n o mat ter how common i t was ; and (2 ) there were alternative, sociall y accept able frameworks for elite femal e autonomy , varyin g throughout th e Empire bu t consisten t i n valuin g publi c benefactio n an d religiou s service .
In th e en d i t i s th e contradictor y an d uneve n natur e o f th e evidenc e
itself tha t pose s the greatest problem for us in understanding the live s of
elite wome n i n th e las t centurie s of the Roma n Empire.
The Women o f the Lowe r Strata
Gender and Social Position: Problems of Definition
The lives of women outsid e th e worl d of grand families, social authority ,
or large-scal e patronage ar e know n t o u s through evidenc e tha t i s even
more scattered an d inconsistent tha n wha t remain s abou t elit e women .
Even th e wa y w e speak of this group is plagued by uncertainties. Shoul d
these wome n be called "lower class?" Is there such a thing a s a homogeneous "middle class" of freeborn an d free d slav e artisans, businesspeople ,
minor priestesses , an d professionals ? Does i t cros s geographica l bound aries and loo k the sam e in city an d country, i n east an d west?
Where, for example, should we place an exceptional figur e like Pamphila o f Epidauru s i n Greece ? Our source s tel l u s tha t sh e cam e fro m
Egypt an d wa s th e daughte r o f on e scholar , Soteridas , an d th e wif e of
another wit h who m sh e lived at Epidauru s about th e tim e of Nero (midfirst centur y C.E.) ; sh e compose d som e thirty-thre e book s o f historica l
materials (Hypomnemata Historika), whic h a certai n Dionysiu s an d
other male scholars characteristicall y ascribe d either to her father or her
husband. Sh e also compose d epitome s o f Ctesias's historie s (mor e tha n
five hundred year s ol d b y tha t time ) an d treatise s "O n Disputation, "
"On Sexua l Desire, " an d othe r topics . Luckil y the bar e notic e i n Suda ,
the tenth-centur y encyclopaedia , ca n b e amplifie d b y Pamphila' s ow n
introduction t o he r wor k a s reported b y the Byzantin e anthologist Photius (nint h century) :
She says that afte r thirtee n years of livin g wit h her husban d since she was a
child, sh e began t o pu t togethe r these historica l materials and recorde d what
she had learne d from he r husband during those thirteen years, living with hi m
constantly an d leaving him neither night nor day, and whatever she happened
to hear from anyon e else visiting him (fo r there were many visitors with a reputation fo r learning) . An d sh e adde d t o thi s wha t sh e ha d rea d i n books . She
separated al l thi s material that seemed to her worthy of report and record into
miscellaneous collections, no t distinguished according to the content of individual extracts , but a t random , a s she came to record each item, since as she says,
it is not difficul t to classif y extracts , but she though t a miscellan y would be
more enjoyable and attractive.
(Photius 17 5 S 119b; trans. Elaine Fantham)

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wor ld36

Photius add s condescendingly that he r style , show n i n th e preface s and

other comments , wa s "simple , bein g th e wor k o f a woman/ ' lik e he r
thought itself . Ye t thi s extensiv e wor k wa s stil l use d an d quote d wit h
respect b y antiquarians a centur y o r more afte r he r death. Nobl e in he r
learning, child , wife , an d frien d o f scholars, i s Pamphila noble i n socia l
standing o r would w e toda y conside r he r t o b e a membe r of the cosmo politan middle-clas s intelligentsia, thos e wh o might live in several part s
of the Empir e during the cours e o f their lives ? I s there anythin g particularly Greek (or Egyptian ) abou t he r life ? To have been part of a world of
learned visitors , wit h a librar y at hand , suggest s a degre e o f prosperit y
that ma y o r ma y no t accompan y nobl e birt h o r officia l standin g i n
Greece of the firs t centur y C.E .
Once w e leav e behin d th e societ y o f the court , an d th e grea t land owners wit h inherite d wealt h an d power, w e must imagin e the commu nities o f the Empir e as mosaics o f all kind s of people range d alon g con tinua determined b y ethnic, linguistic , financial , legal , and occupationa l
variables, no t al l o f which hav e analogies in th e moder n world. T o this
must b e adde d onc e agai n th e fac t o f geographical diversity . Althoug h
women o f the highes t socia l classe s i n al l part s of th e Empir e probabl y
shared a rather cosmopolitan life , jus t as they seem to have been equally
subject t o conservative norm s of gender, this was not necessaril y alway s
the cas e fo r othe r women . No t onl y affecte d b y regiona l differences ,
these women wil l have experienced th e worl d differentl y insid e each region accordin g t o thei r status , income , an d th e degre e o f Romanization
prevailing in their area .
Tombstones, Social Ideals, Social Realities
The idea l o f Roman womanhood, a s w e hav e see n i t i n th e contex t of
depictions o f upper-class women, certainl y playe d a role i n shaping representations o f women elsewhere , bu t ther e ar e clea r difference s i n th e
way thi s worked. Fo r example, th e sexua l division of labordomesticity
for women , outsid e occupation s fo r menseems to hav e determined th e
roles an d characte r attribute s tha t mos t lower-clas s families commemo rated in women's funerary monument s all over the Empire ; the decease d
are represente d wit h thei r familie s and describe d i n th e vocabular y of
traditional domesti c an d feminin e virtues: on e wif e i s mourned a s "the
best an d most beautiful , a wool-worker, 8 pious, modest, thrifty , pure and
home-loving" (Corpus Inscriptio n urn Latinarum 6.1160 2 [undated] ;
trans. Natali e Kampen). This kin d o f representation i s usually found o n
funerary reliefs , th e modest y of whose form an d conten t indicate s recipients outsid e th e wealth y classes . Th e majorit y of these stela i giv e onl y
names an d ages , bu t a good man y offer othe r information a s well.
To th e spirit s o f th e dead . T . Aeliu s Dionysiu s th e freedma n [auc. lib.?] mad e
this whil e h e wa s aliv e bot h fo r Aeli a Callitycena , hi s mos t blesse d wif e wit h
whom h e live d fo r thirty year s wit h neve r a quarrel , an incomparabl e woman ,

370 WOME


and als o fo r Aeliu s Perseus , hi s fello w freedman , an d fo r thei r freedme n an d

those who come afte r them.
(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.10676 [from Rom e undated, bu t possibl y
second century, C.E.] ; trans. Natalie Kampen)

Thus, mixe d i n wit h formulai c statement s o f respect an d affectio n suc h

as "she is worthy of commemoration [bene merenti]" or that she lived
with a husban d withou t quarrel s [sine ulla querella], w e lear n a bi t
about relationship s an d demographics . An interesting cas e of ric h detai l
comes from Rom e and tells about Valeri a Verecunda, the firs t importan t
doctor i n he r neighborhood , wh o live d thirty-fou r years, nin e month s
and twenty-eight days; her daughter Valeria Vitalis made the monumen t
for "he r sweetes t mother " (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.947 7 [3 4th century, C.E.] ) . The deceased may be honored not onl y b y her immediate famil y bu t als o b y fello w slaves , a n owne r o r patron , o r fello w
freedmen an d women . Al l this conforms to our understandin g of familia
in th e Roma n world a s conceptually broade r tha n th e moder n nuclea r
family. Slave s an d freedpeopl e often constructe d famil y for themselve s
both fro m th e familie s of their owner s an d fro m eac h othe r as a paralle l
to th e tie s o f dut y an d affectio n i n fre e families , an d th e us e o f suc h
terms a s collibertae, "fellow freedwomen, " o r contubernales, "compan ions in slavery" mark s these relationship s (Lattimor e 1942).
Themes of affection an d o f praise for much-loved mothers, for sweetnatured an d well-educated little girls, an d fo r chaste and unquarrelsome
wives are common al l over the Empire . The inscriptions from Rom e and
large provincia l town s paralle l i n word s th e repeate d image s o n tomb stones fro m suc h far-flun g region s as Phrygi a i n Asi a Minor. There, an d
to a lesse r exten t i n Ital y too, combs , cosmeti c jars, hairpins , an d san dals stan d nex t t o woo l baskets , spindles , distaffs , an d needles , an d t o
keys an d lockplates , t o evok e th e combinatio n o f personal beaut y an d
domestic duty , wool-wor k and protectio n o f the hous e an d it s content s
(Fig. 13.7) . Som e o f th e Phrygia n stones pai r husbands ' symbol s wit h
those o f th e wif e t o sho w th e sexua l divisio n o f labo r i n visua l form :
his object s ma y b e scroll s an d tablets , shee p an d oxen , meta l tool s o r
construction materials . I n othe r words , hi s imager y is more varie d an d
concerned eithe r wit h literac y a s a mar k of status o r officeholding , or ,
through th e us e of attributes, wit h a money-earnin g occupation (Wael kens 1977) . Beaut y and domesti c labo r fo r women; cultur e an d occupa tional identit y fo r men.
The iconography o f virtue amon g those prosperous enough fo r tombportraits indicate s a similar tradition of gender differentiation. Women's
funerary portrai t statues , an d this is true in reliefs and sometimes to o in
the choic e o f myth s fo r sarcophagi , sho w a clea r preferenc e fo r Venus
(love and beauty) (Fig . 13.8), Ceres or Salus (fertility) , Dian a (Virginit y
and Courage ) an d Hygei a (Health) , wherea s me n prefe r Mar s (war) ,
Hercules (strength) , and Mercur y (money-making) . The message is conveyed throug h th e us e of the odd , ver y Roman combination o f identifi -

Women o f the Cosmopolitan World


Figure 13.7 . Tombston e fro m Dorylaio n i n Phrygia , a n inlan d sectio n o f Asia Minor . Date d t o th e
late secon d o r earl y thir d centur y C.E. , i t place s th e object s associate d wit h men' s and women' s live s
into twi n doors , perhap s doors t o th e nex t world o r to the hous e o f the deceased .

able portrait head s with contemporar y hairstyles and bodie s copied fro m
famous Gree k statues o f th e gods . Thes e funerar y portraits , mimickin g
the us e b y th e Imperia l family of portraits i n th e guis e of deities, wer e
popular i n th e tomb s of the late r first, second, an d earl y thir d centurie s
of our era; th e evidenc e suggests that thei r patrons were mostl y wealth y
freed slave s an d tha t th e practic e tende d t o b e localize d i n Rome . T o
have a large-scal e portrait statu e tha t use s th e forma l typolog y o f th e
grand Gree k tradition wa s certainl y t o hav e pretensions t o wealt h an d
culture! (Wred e 1981).
Pretensions t o cultur e ca n als o b e see n i n th e sarcophag i tha t be come popula r i n Ital y an d th e Eas t afte r abou t 13 0 C.E. Sometime s th e
deceased o r he r famil y chos e a desig n an d ha d i t mad e t o order , o r
bought a partiall y complete d piec e an d ha d inscription s an d portrait s
added; in either case women's an d men's virtues are represented (thoug h
differently) throug h the us e of divine and mythologica l imagery . A good
example is the sarcophagu s of Metilia Acte from th e lat e second centur y
C.E. i n Osti a (Fig . 13.9) . Sh e wa s a priestes s o f Magn a Mater, he r hus band a priest; the sarcophagu s shows them as Alcestis and Admetus , sh e
who volunteere d t o di e instea d o f he r husban d an d whos e virtu e wa s
rewarded b y he r retur n t o th e living . Her e bot h lovin g devotio n an d
hopes fo r victor y ove r deat h appear , an d Metili a receive s a heroizin g

Figure 13.8 . Tom b statu e o f a woma n followin g th e mode l o f an earlie r Qree k statu e o f Aphrodite,
perhaps on e suc h a s th e "Venu s d e Milo. " This portrai t fro m Rom e o f the late r first or earl y secon d
century C.E . uses th e artisti c connection s t o asser t nobl e virtue s o f th e deceased , wh o i s presente d
as Venus.


Women o f th e Cosmopolitan World


Figure 13.9 . Sarcophagu s of Metili a Act e an d he r husban d Junius Euhodus, from Rom e i n th e thir d
quarter o f th e secon d centur y C.E. The centralize d composition focuse s the viewer' s ey e o n th e dea d
woman, reclinin g on he r couch / th e narrativ e elements on eithe r side explai n the deat h o f Alcestis i n
her husband' s plac e (on the left ) an d he r virtu e rewarded b y he r retur n from th e dea d (o n the right) .

commemoration throug h th e appropriatio n o f myth (Woo d 1978) . Similarly ostentatiou s monument s t o th e dead , lik e th e sarcophag i o f Asia
Minor, i n th e thir d centur y C.E. , sho w me n a s philosophers , wome n a s
muses, an d bot h a s readersculture d people . W e thu s se e th e virtue s
that wer e considered mos t appropriat e for women an d me n an d th e wa y
these reinforce d and expresse d socia l expectation s tha t wer e roote d i n a
gendered divisio n o f labor.
Most funerary images for nonaristocratic wome n wer e muc h simple r
and les s expensive , resemblin g the majorit y o f commemorative inscrip tions i n that the y choos e t o display family rather than god s or myths. I n
almost ever y par t o f the norther n an d wester n province s an d Italy , an d
some part s o f the eas t a s well, w e find reliefs, as h urns, an d altar s wit h
husbands and wives , children and parents , facin g th e viewe r as if caught
by a nineteenth-centur y photographe r in al l thei r stif f dignity . A family
group o n a stel e mad e fo r resident s o f Daci a (moder n Romania ) (Fig .
13.10) resemble s thos e of soldiers fro m Britain , although style an d fram e
differ; i n Aquilei a in norther n Ital y anothe r famil y looks ou t a s silentl y
as one fro m a painte d stel e i n Thessalonik i in norther n Greece . Th e traditions for such famil y images go back to th e funerar y stela i o f Classical
Athens a s wel l a s t o Republica n Rome, an d remai n aliv e a s a favored
setting fo r women o f the "lowe r classes" in th e Imperia l period.
Some tombstone s i n th e province s tha t sho w wome n wit h familie s



Figure 13.10 . Stel e o f a famil y fro m Roma n Sarmizegetus a i n Dacia , a provinc e alon g th e Danube ,
dated t o th e secon d o r thir d centur y C.E.

provide a sens e o f regional differences a s well a s similarities. Althoug h

few offe r vision s o f world s outsid e th e contex t o f famil y an d domesti c
labor, ther e ar e bit s o f evidenc e fo r variatio n i n th e degre e t o whic h
women assimilate d into Roma n ways . The tombstone s sho w interestin g
distinctions betwee n th e easter n an d wester n province s throug h artisti c
traditions an d th e us e o f Gree k name s an d languag e rathe r tha n th e
Latin of the West . But in addition , the tombstone s o f some more remote
areas, awa y fro m coasts , cities , o r trad e routes , indicat e tha t a number
of women may have kept indigenous names, costumes, and customs even
after me n o f thei r socia l stratu m ha d take n o n Roma n ways. Th e evidence doe s no t permi t an y statistica l conclusion s here sinc e th e tomb -

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wor ld37

stones tha t remai n wit h bot h inscription s an d image s ar e fe w an d limited t o thos e peopl e wh o wer e prosperou s enoug h t o hav e tombstone s
and Romanize d enoug h t o wan t the m wit h Roma n word s an d decora tion. Umma , a first-centur y woma n fro m Noricu m (moder n Austria),
wears a splendi d local-style fel t ha t (Fig . 13.11) tha t goe s with he r nonRoman name , an d othe r wome n i n th e norther n an d wester n province s
sometimes wea r loca l brooche s o r carr y loca l basket s o r purses . Loca l
taste i s als o eviden t i n th e larg e funerar y monument s o f wealthy mer chants nea r Trie r i n Germany ; man y sho w famil y portrait s an d me n
hunting, bu t the y includ e panel s with th e decease d i n hi s place o f business while hi s wife, seate d i n a local wicke r chair on anothe r par t of th e
monument, i s prepared fo r th e da y b y he r hairdresse r an d othe r atten dants (Fig . 13.12) . Thes e lat e second- an d third-centur y tombstones o f a
richer and more assimilated group nonetheless sho w their sexual division
of labor (her inactivity brings him status ) i n localize d forms .
The littl e w e kno w abou t wome n i n th e province s come s mainl y
from thes e many kind s of tombstones, fro m thei r rar e petitions reporte d
in th e code s o f Imperial law, fro m th e od d references to a loca l issu e i n
need o f a governor's attention, an d fro m th e broa d context of changes in
the empire . Thes e change s cam e no t onl y fro m conques t bu t fro m th e
entrance o f soldiers an d merchant s int o ne w area s (especiall y th e non Hellenized norther n provinces) . Intermarriag e i s har d t o trac k an d
harder stil l t o quantify , bu t tw o law s will certainl y hav e accounte d for
a growt h i n th e marriage s of Roma n citizens fro m al l ove r th e Empir e
with loca l women . On e wa s Septimiu s Severus's permission fo r soldier s
who serve d twenty-fiv e years t o marr y (Herodia n 3.8.4 [firs t hal f o f th e
third century]) ; thi s regularize d som e relationship s betwee n loca l
women an d th e troop s stationed o n th e frontier s of Empire. The second ,
and b y fa r th e mor e importan t law , wa s Caracalla' s edic t o f 21 2 that
made al l fre e resident s o f the Empir e full citizen s wit h th e righ t t o con tract lega l marriages. How much these ne w law s changed women's lives
in th e province s remain s uncertain becaus e th e evidenc e ha s t o b e extrapolated fro m name s and biographica l data on tombstone s suc h a s w e
have described, but th e impac t on their sons, no w eligible to serve in th e
army, an d thei r daughters , no w abl e t o marr y soldiers , woul d hav e
meant som e change s i n pattern s o f mobility an d Romanization . Nevertheless, inscriptions , reliefs , literature , an d othe r testimoni a fo r provincial women bot h befor e and afte r 21 2 remain firmly rooted i n a gendered
ideology and division of labor, and th e tombstone s continu e t o represent
women wit h familie s an d th e sign s o f traditiona l domesti c labo r an d
Only a minorit y o f nonelit e Roma n wome n wer e represente d i n
other form s b y inscriptions and visua l images, and thes e diffe r fro m on e
another accordin g to regio n a s well a s class: thoug h smal l i n numbers ,
they rais e fascinating questions about th e socia l constraints and possibilities of gender and class in this period. There are a number of inscriptions
and a far smaller number of reliefs or paintings that characteriz e wome n

Figure 13.11. Tombston e o f a woman name d Umma , who live d i n first-century C.E. Noricum (mod ern Austria) . He r magnificen t fu r hat , lik e he r name , testifie s t o th e continuin g presenc e o f loca l
customs, even afte r th e proces s of Romanization ha d begun .


Women of the Cosmopolitan World


Figure 13.12. Funerar y monument from third-century C.E. Neumagen, nea r Trier/ lik e so many of th e
tomb markers in thi s area o f Qallia Belgica , th e "Eltempaarpfeiler " made fo r a merchan t and hi s wife
took th e for m o f a tal l structure decorated wit h portrait s and scene s o f everyday life . This detai l shows
the matron attended b y her servants .

by work outside the hous e (Kampe n 1981) . Datin g most of this material
presents enormou s problems to scholars , since so few of the inscription s
vary from formul a an d so many have no archaeological provenanc e that
could ad d t o th e informatio n deducible fro m spellin g an d lette r forms ;
for thi s reason , w e giv e almos t n o date s fo r the inscription s w e discus s
Among th e inscription s w e find references to net-makers , includin g
one who made gold nets, perhap s for women's hair: "Viccentia, sweetes t
daughter, make r of gold nets, wh o lived for nine years and nin e months"
(Corpus Inscription urn Latinarum 6.921 3 [undated]; trans. Natali e K ampen) . We also see fabric an d clothin g workers (suc h as Lysis the mende r
or sarcinatrix fro m Rom e who was described a s being eighteen years old ,
thrifty an d modest : Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.9882) , dye makers an d perfumers , an d vendor s o f frui t an d vegetables . Man y o f
these inscription s nam e th e women' s kin , age , status , an d sometime s
even the location s of their shops:



To the Spirit s of the Dead . Fo r Abudia Megist e the freedwoma n who wa s mos t
pious, M . Abudiu s Luminaris he r patro n an d husban d made [thi s monument] .
She was most worthy [bene merenti]. Sh e dealt in grain and beans at th e Middle
Stairs [wherever they were] . He r husband made this monument for himself and
his freedmen an d freedwome n and heir s and fo r M. Abudius Saturninus his son
who belonge d to the senio r Esquiline tribe [a sign of social status] and who lived
eight years.
(Corpus Inscriptio n urn Latinarum 6.9683 [from Rome, undated];
trans. Natali e Kampen)

The woma n o n a smal l relief , probabl y fro m th e secon d centur y C.E.,

from Osti a (Fig . 13.13), Rome' s port city, appear s surrounded by the pro duce an d gam e she sold; eve n thoug h w e kno w nothin g abou t he r iden tity beyon d he r occupation , th e specificit y o f th e object s let s u s kno w
what th e patron s o f the relie f felt wa s mos t important . Fo r the workin g
women of our inscription s and images , as for the peopl e whose live s take
symbolic for m fro m th e tool s an d attribute s o f thei r live s o n Phrygia n
tombstones, th e namin g and the representin g of things, beans and chickens, woo l basket s and mirrors , become a way to identity.
Little informatio n remain s about th e qualification s and trainin g of
workers, althoug h tw o categorie s o f material ar e helpfu l here. Th e first
comes fro m manual s such a s thos e writte n abou t medica l practice . I n
the Gynecology o f Soranus, 9 written i n Gree k in th e secon d hal f o f th e
first century C.E. , one can find instructions for midwives and informatio n
about thei r qualifications ; Soranus says th e bes t ar e trained i n theor y as
well a s i n al l branche s o f therapy, ca n diagnos e an d prescribe , an d ar e
free o f superstitio n (Soranus , Gynecology 1.2.4 ; Temki n 1956) . Soranus
also give s informatio n abou t th e qualification s of we t nurses . Hi s de -

Figure 13.13 . Smal l marbl e sho p relie f o f a saleswoma n from Ostia , dated to th e mid-secon d century
C.E. Cage s o f chicken s an d rabbit s for m th e counte r o n whic h ar e a baske t fo r liv e snail s an d tw o
monkeys fo r the entertainmen t o f customers and passersby .

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan World 37

scription of the idea l wet nurse , tha t she be in he r prime and hav e given
birth two or three times, insist s on the nee d for experience with children
as wel l a s specifi c physica l qualification s (Bradle y 1986) . H e lists emo tional characteristic s such a s self-control an d sympathy:
Not ill-tempered : since b y nature the nurslin g becomes similar to the nurs e and
accordingly grow s sullen i f th e nurs e i s ill-tempered , bu t o f mil d dispositio n i f
she i s even-tempered . Besides , angr y wome n ar e lik e maniac s an d sometime s
when th e newbor n crie s fro m fea r an d they ar e unable t o restrain it , the y le t i t
drop from thei r hand s or overturn it dangerously . For the sam e reaso n the wet nurse shoul d no t b e superstitious an d pron e t o ecstati c state s s o that sh e may
not expos e th e infan t t o dange r when le d astray b y fallacious reasoning, sometimes even trembling like mad. . . . And she should be a Greek so that th e infan t
nursed b y her may become accustome d t o the bes t speech .
(Soranus 2.12.19; Temkin 1956) .
The second category of material abou t the qualification s of workers,
papyrus document s fro m Roma n Egypt , provid e u s wit h apprenticeshi p
contracts, a s in thi s example from secon d centur y C.E. Oxyrrhynchus, i n
which a woma n (wit h he r brothe r a s guardian) contract s a slav e t o a
weaver to lear n th e trad e over the cours e of four years
during whic h tim e th e woma n i s to fee d an d cloth e th e slav e an d brin g her t o
her instructo r ever y day fro m sunris e t o sunse t s o that th e gir l ca n perfor m al l
the dutie s assigne d t o he r b y him tha t ar e relevan t t o th e aforesai d trade ; he r
pay fo r th e firs t yea r t o b e eigh t drachma s a month , fo r th e secon d similarl y
twelve, fo r the third sixteen, for the fourth twenty . Th e girl is to have each yea r
eighteen day s of f for festivals, bu t i f she doe s n o wor k or i s sick fo r some days ,
she is to remai n wit h he r instructo r fo r an equa l numbe r of days a t th e en d of
her tim e of service. Th e instructor i s to pa y for trade taxes an d expenses .
(Papyri Oxyrrhynchi 1647; Lefkowitz and Fant 1982: no. 222)
The occupation s of rural slav e women ma y hav e differed fro m thos e
of workin g women , fre e an d enslaved , i n urba n areas ; Columella , wh o
wrote a boo k o n agricultura l lif e aroun d th e en d o f th e Julio-Claudia n
period (ca . 60) , describe s lif e o n a prosperous estate both fo r the wif e o f
the estat e manage r (th e coupl e ar e ofte n slave s or freed ) an d fo r femal e
[A]t one moment she will have to visit the loo m and impart any superior knowledge which sh e possesses, or , failin g this , lear n fro m on e wh o understand s th e
matter bette r tha n sh e does ; a t anothe r momen t sh e wil l hav e t o loo k afte r
those who ar e preparing the foo d fo r the family . Then to o she will hav e t o see
that th e kitche n an d th e cowshed s an d als o th e manger s are cleaned , an d sh e
will hav e t o ope n th e sic k ward s [fo r the slav e population] fro m tim e t o time ,
even i f they contai n n o patients , an d kee p the m fre e fro m dirt , s o that, whe n
necessary, th e sic k may find them i n a n orderly an d healthy condition .
(Columella, De Re Rustica 12.3.8 ; Forster an d Heffne r 1968 )
The femal e slav e i s said t o "hav e recours e t o wool-wor k o n rain y day s
or when , owin g t o col d o r frost , a woma n canno t b e bus y wit h fiel d
work" (Columella , D e Re Rustica 12.1.6) . Th e extent t o which regional

380 WOME


differences an d variation s in th e scal e o f the far m o r estate woul d hav e

influenced wor k pattern s i s unclea r fro m Columella' s wor k an d ma y
emerge instead fro m th e archaeolog y of rural areas.
From lega l text s o r graffit i w e hea r o f wome n whos e reputation s
were often badl y compromised by the natur e of their work in public with
men an d alcohol . Thos e who managed stores (instances) an d worked as
tavernkeepers, cooks , barmaids , and waitresse s are referred to i n th e le gal texts about tabernariae as quasi-prostitutes. The term may characterize only tavernworker s or apply more broadly to all workers in tabernae ,
defined i n thi s case as shops:
If an y woman shoul d commi t adultery , i t mus t b e inquired whethe r she was th e
mistress of a tavern or a servant gir l . .. if she should b e mistress of the tavern ,
she shall not b e exempt from the bond s of the law . Bu t if she should give service
to thos e wh o drink , i n consideratio n o f th e mea n statu s of the woma n wh o i s
brought t o trial , th e accusatio n shal l b e excluded an d the me n who ar e accused
shall g o free , sinc e chastit y i s require d onl y o f thos e wome n wh o ar e hel d b y
the bond s of the law , bu t thos e who because of their mean status in lif e ar e no t
deemed worth y o f the consideratio n o f the law s shal l b e immune fro m judicia l
(Theodosian Code 9.7.1 [late fourth century] ; Pharr 1952) 10

Being of "mean statu s i n life " t o Roma n law mean t mor e than sim ply being poor o r close to origin s in slavery ; it als o meant tha t on e wa s
subject to different treatmen t by the law. The text here claims that thes e
lowly wome n ar e not subjec t to th e severit y o f the law , bu t th e reaso n
is that the y ar e beneath contempt , outsid e th e requirement s of consideration give n an d responsibilit y expecte d o f "decent " women . Wherea s
people o f hig h statu s coul d expec t t o b e take n seriousl y i n th e courts ,
the lowl y (i n th e late r empire they wer e even referred t o a s humi/iores,
humble people , i n contras t wit h honestiores, "gentleme n an d ladies" )
could b e subjecte d t o tortur e t o extrac t informatio n from them , coul d
expect capita l punishmen t rathe r tha n exil e fo r certain seriou s crimes ,
and coul d routinel y expec t les s protection fro m th e la w tha n others . So
being unworthy of consideration of the la w pu t wome n wh o worke d i n
certain public contexts automaticall y into the sam e legal realm as prostitutes.
Certainly there were prostitutes and madams everywhere in the Empire, althoug h se x workers seldom name their jobs on tombstones. A rare
example i s Vibi a Calyben i "th e freedwoma n madam . Sh e mad e he r
money withou t defraudin g others " (Corpu s Inscriptionum Latinarum
9.2029 [undated] ; trans . Natali e Kampen) . Mor e commo n ar e th e ob scene scribbles on barroom walls that bra g about sex with th e innkeepe r
or th e waitres s (thes e com e fro m man y period s an d place s i n th e
The othe r occupation s w e hav e been discussin g apparently grante d
women a t a certai n leve l o f society a bi t o f prestige a s well a s income ,
just a s they di d routinel y fo r lower-class working men; bot h sexe s ma y

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Worl d38

name their jobs on tombstones (i n addition t o age and kinship), but thi s
is recorded fa r mor e often fo r men tha n fo r women an d i s more common
in Ital y an d th e wester n province s tha n i n th e east . Nevertheless , bot h
slaves and free wome n wer e commemorated with occupation name s that
suggest les s distance betwee n the m tha n th e lega l texts might indicate .
This lac k of a clea r differentiatio n between slav e an d fre e workin g
women i s consistent i n man y inscriptions and als o in th e fe w visual images tha t remain . Thes e presen t vendors , servin g women , nurses , an d
midwives in suc h a way tha t on e cannot tel l whethe r th e subject s wer e
slaves, freedwomen , o r freeborn workers. Th e midwif e show n deliverin g
a bab y i n a smal l an d inexpensiv e second-centur y C.E . terra-cott a relie f
that decorate d a tomb from Ostia' s cemetery ha s no attributes that indicate he r lega l status ; th e focu s o f th e scen e i s th e activit y itself . Th e
image i s interestin g no t onl y fo r it s representatio n o f a birthin g chair
and th e informatio n i t provide s abou t contemporar y practice s bu t als o
because i t wa s accompanied b y another terra-cott a showin g a male doctor and male patient an d because an inscription on the fron t o f the tom b
specified tha t th e patro n wa s a woma n (Fig . 13.14). 11 Thes e relief s an d
paintings, lik e th e inscription s tha t mentio n th e occupation s wome n
practiced outsid e th e household , com e fro m ver y scattered site s i n Italy ,

Figure 13.14 . Terra-cott a painte d relie f o f a midwif e deliverin g a baby fro m a tom b i n th e Isol a Sacr a
Necropolis of Ostia, mid-second centur y C.E ,

382 WOME


Gaul, Nort h Africa, an d the eastern provinces . Whethe r we should inter pret th e small numbers and scattered location s a s evidence fo r the rarit y
of women's nondomesti c wor k o r a s an indicatio n tha t i t seldo m added
enough t o a woman' s statu s t o meri t inclusio n on a tombston e (o r perhaps even lowere d statu s i n compariso n with traditiona l domestic occu pations) i s unclear. Th e existenc e o f these bit s of information does suggest tha t economi c force s a s wel l a s persona l inclinatio n ma y hav e
drawn some wome n int o nondomesti c work settings. Bu t the preponderance o f occupations associate d wit h clothin g and fabrics , food, an d th e
care an d healt h o f infants an d wome n indicates that man y of these jobs
were onl y on e ste p outsid e th e hom e an d s o did little t o rearrang e th e
gendered divisio n of labor among working women, bot h fre e an d slave .
Far mor e clearl y honorifi c fo r wome n w e migh t conside r middl e
class (free d slave s as well as members of the business , tradesman, o r artisan strata) wer e th e position s the y hel d in cults all over the Roma n Empire. Th e popula r cul t o f Isis was muc h favore d by women o f all classe s
in Ital y an d th e wester n provinces , a s we lear n fro m th e descriptio n i n
Apuleius's novel, Metamorphoses, (thir d quarter of the secon d century )
of a procession:
At th e hea d [o f th e procession ] walke d wome n crowne d wit h flowers , wh o
pulled mor e flowers out o f the fold s of their beautifu l white dresses and scattered
them alon g th e road ; thei r joy in the Saviouress appeare d i n every gesture . Nex t
came wome n with polished mirror s tie d t o the back s of their heads, which gav e
all wh o followe d th e illusio n o f comin g t o mee t th e Goddess , rathe r tha n
marching befor e her . Next, a part y o f women wit h ivor y comb s i n thei r hand s
who mad e a pantomim e o f combing th e Goddess ' royal hair , an d anothe r party
with bottle s of perfume who sprinkled th e roa d wit h balsa m an d other precious
perfumes; an d behind thes e a mixed compan y o f women an d men who addresse d
the Goddes s a s "Daughte r o f th e Stars " an d propitiate d he r b y carryin g ever y
sort o f lightlamps , torches , wa x candle s an d s o forth. . . . The n followe d a
great crow d o f th e Goddess ' initiates , me n an d women o f al l classes and every
age, their pur e white line n clothe s shinin g brightly. The women wor e thei r hai r
tied u p i n gloss y coil s unde r gauz e head-dresses ; th e men' s head s wer e completely shaven , representin g th e Goddess ' brigh t earthly stars , an d the y carrie d
rattles o f brass , silve r an d eve n gold , whic h kep t u p a shril l an d ceaseles s tinkling.
(Apuleius 18 ; Graves 1951; emphasis added b y Natalie Kampen)

Some femal e devotees o f Isi s ar e proudl y depicte d wit h thei r ritua l

implements o n thei r funerar y altars ; suc h a woma n appear s wit h he r
sistrum o r ritua l rattl e o n a n alta r fro m Rom e tha t wa s dedicate d b y
Valeria, a woma n wh o hel d th e cul t ran k o f mater: "T o th e Spirit s of
the Dead . Fo r Flavia Taelet a an d Flavi a Faustilla , Valeri a Prim a Mater
(dedicated this) " (Late r firs t o r secon d centur y C.E. , Dori a Pamphili ;
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6.18442 ; trans . Elain e Fantha m an d
Natalie Kampen) . Inscription s record Jewish women suc h a s Caelia Paterna calle d "mothe r of the synagogu e of the peopl e of Brescia" (Corpus
Inscriptionum Latinarum 5.441 1 [undated]; trans. Natalie Kampen), wh o

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wor ld38

held offices , althoug h not priesthoods , in synagogues throughout th e Empire. Lik e man y o f thei r non-Jewis h sisters, the y gaine d i n prestig e an d
social standin g i n thei r communitie s throug h thi s honorifi c service an d
through thei r activ e patronage of buildings and institutions .
Christian women in Rome and the provinces were the only ones who
differed fro m th e mode l w e hav e articulate d fo r paga n an d Jewis h
women; i n th e perio d befor e Constantin e made Christianity a fully lega l
religion i n hi s Edict of Toleration (311-1 2 C.E.), thes e women sometime s
lost positio n an d even families and live s through their involvemen t with
their church . Whethe r becaus e o f over t persecutio n o r simpl y throug h
the loathin g o f Christianit y tha t cam e fro m storie s abou t cannibalis m
and incest , onl y th e lowlies t o r th e mos t privilege d i n Roma n societ y
could openl y an d wit h impunit y admit t o bein g a Christian . O f martyrdoms and persecution s we have many reports, includin g the famou s narrative supposedly b y St. Perpetua who tell s her own story o f captivity in
third-century Carthage . No t onl y doe s sh e recoun t th e attempt s o f he r
father t o persuad e her t o recant , th e vision s she has, an d th e braver y of
those around her , sh e als o gives a picture of days spent i n prison :
I wa s terrified , a s I had neve r before bee n i n suc h a dar k hole. Wha t a difficul t
time it was ! With th e crow d th e hea t was stifling; the n ther e was the extortio n
of the soldiers ; an d t o crown all , I was tortured wit h worry for my baby there.
(Acts of th e Christian Martyrs 8 ; trans. H . Musurillo in Lefkowit z an d Fan t
1982: no. 266)

No les s miserabl e wa s th e situatio n o f thos e questione d b y Plin y th e

Younger when h e was governor of the provinc e of Bithynia and tryin g to
extirpate th e growing Christian presence in his area. He writes to Trajan
(ca. 110 ) that h e sough t th e trut h "b y tortur e fro m tw o slave-women ,
whom the y cal l deaconesses . I foun d nothin g bu t a degenerat e sor t o f
cult carrie d t o extravagan t lengths " (Pliny , Letter 10.96.8 ; Radic e 1975).
These deaconesse s ma y hav e bee n th e closes t equivalen t t o th e office holders o f th e contemporar y synagogue , bu t the y wer e b y n o mean s
priestesses. Permitted , briefly , to serv e the orthodo x churc h by assistin g
the pries t i n ministerin g t o th e sic k an d needy , counselin g women , an d
even occasionally giving sermons, these women must have held position s
of significan t authority i n th e year s befor e th e Edic t of Toleration . Fo r
the deaconesses, a s for ordinary Christian women of the secon d an d third
centuries, littl e informatio n remains, bot h becaus e o f persecutio n an d
because man y o f the churc h father s who wrot e i n thos e years ha d littl e
interest i n wome n except a s martyrs or objects of theological debate (o n
deaconesses, se e Romans 16.1).
At th e othe r en d o f the mora l scale fro m religiou s service but over lapping with it were the les s reputable rituals of magic in its many guises
from fol k medicin e an d fortune-tellin g to magic and witchcraft . Many of
the wome n recorde d b y Roman writer s as engaged with magic were fro m
the lowe r classe s an d especiall y fro m certai n part s o f th e eas t suc h a s
Thessaly an d Syria , although elit e Gree k and Roma n women wer e casti-

384 WOME


gated fo r hirin g such wome n t o teac h the m th e ar t o f poisoning o r fo r

doing th e dirt y wor k themselve s (fo r example , Tacitus , Annals 3.23 ,
4.8-11, o r 13.1) . Urba n mal e fantasies ar e reflected i n the tale s of witchcraft in Ovid's Metamorphoses, in Lucan's Thessalian witch Erichtho,
who raise s corpses fro m th e dea d fo r prophecy (Civil War , book 6) , an d
in Apuleius' s witch Pamphile , wh o i s als o fro m Thessaly , whic h man y
ancient writer s conceived a s the wildes t par t o f Greece. The y transfor m
what the y d o no t understand , a t on e an d th e sam e tim e turnin g th e
peasant women working as midwives or gathering herbs and remedies for
sick villager s int o alie n an d dangerou s force s an d castigatin g lustfu l
women b y chargin g them wit h th e castin g o f spells an d th e mixin g of
potions. Priestesse s an d witche s alik e are , in a sense , publi c women ,
serving officiall y o r unofficiall y thos e outsid e thei r ow n families . Tw o
sides o f th e sam e coin , the y reflec t th e sam e permeabilit y o f th e lin e
between publi c an d private that we saw among the wome n o f the cour t
and th e wealth y benefactor s o f towns, workers ' organizations , an d reli gious cults. A t the same time, they create a picture of the live s of women
outside th e elit e an d outsid e o f Rome tha t include s both th e misunder standings an d prejudice s of elite me n an d th e variation s around an d beyond th e norm s of domestic virtu e that ca n b e seen a s well i n th e prid e
taken i n work as well a s in family .
Gender and the Bottom of the Social Hierarchy
Before w e end this discussion of women outside the aristocracy , w e nee d
to underscore the complex status distinctions withi n th e "lower classes."
We have , afte r all , been talkin g about wome n wh o wer e freeborn , wh o
were freed slave s and who were slaves, yet whos e economic leve l withi n
each group could be as different a s the conditions under which they lived
socially an d geographically . Understandin g the distinction s i s har d i n
part becaus e of the natur e of the evidenc e (fo r example, the lega l texts'
concern wit h distinction s betwee n free , free d an d slave) ; the law s hav e
little concer n wit h th e potentia l economi c similaritie s betwee n catego ries. Again , th e indifferenc e o f upper-clas s writer s t o distinction s be tween the free d an d freeborn poor ma y mask distinctions tha t once mattered t o lower-clas s people . An d the wa y tha t peopl e outsid e th e uppe r
classes though t abou t status , wha t i t mean t t o the m an d wher e gende r
and degre e o f Romanization fit into thos e conceptions , remai n cloude d
both b y th e upper-clas s literary an d lega l source s an d b y th e conven tional, eve n formulai c nature o f the thing s people sai d abou t th e dead .
Yet ou r evidenc e suggest s that ther e ma y well hav e been similaritie s i n
wealth an d cultur e betwee n som e freebor n an d freedwome n an d tha t
large number s o f freebor n an d free d slav e wome n looke d nothin g lik e
Petronius's ostentatiou s an d graspin g Fortunat a o r Apuleius' s lustfu l
Thessalian witches . Instead , the y wer e of modest mean s and too k car e
to commemorat e thei r familia l an d domesti c lives ; onl y a fe w o f th e
women wh o worke d outsid e th e hom e coul d als o affor d t o recor d suc h

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wo rld38

work o n tombstones . And , perhap s most importan t i n th e contex t o f a

discussion o f th e tensio n betwee n gende r ideal s an d practices , mos t
women o f th e prosperou s lowe r classes , thos e wh o coul d b e commemorated, clun g t o th e traditiona l ideal s o f Roma n womanhoo d a s thes e
were interpreted i n thei r own par t of the Empire .
At th e botto m o f the Roma n social hierarch y cam e slaves , nonper sons in a lega l sense , whos e bodie s an d labo r belonge d t o thei r owners .
The occupations o f enslaved wome n an d me n may often hav e resembled
those o f free d an d fre e people , bu t ther e wa s a centra l difference ; th e
slave serve d all o f he r o r hi s owner' s need s an d desires , an d thes e in cluded no t onl y th e agricultural , artisanal , an d domesti c labo r alread y
mentioned, bu t sexual services a s well. Thi s took thre e directions: repro duction of slaves, serving the sexua l desires of male family members, and
prostitution fo r the owner' s profit . I n eac h cas e a woman' s bod y serve d
another's interests 12.
Corresponding t o th e lo w statu s o f slav e wome n an d thei r lac k of
control ove r their bodie s ar e a set of representations of them a s immoral
and venal . Ignoran t o r drunke n slav e nurses , maid s wh o ac t a s go betweens fo r adulterous lover s an d deman d bribe s for illicit service s ar e
cliches i n Roma n comed y (Plautus , Menaechmi an d Truculentus) an d
elegy (Ovid , Amores 2.7 amd 8) lon g befor e the conservativ e Messala' s
complaint i n Tacitus (late r first to early secon d century ) :
Now th e newbor n chil d is handed ove r t o som e little Greek skivvy, along wit h
one or other o f the mal e slaves, usuall y the mos t worthles s . . . an d th e boy' s
green and fres h years ar e steeped i n their ignorant stories and ideas .
(Tacitus, Dialogue on Orators 29; trans. Elaine Fantham)

How much the lo w an d sexualize d statu s o f slaves was a result no t

just o f upper-class Roma n attitude s t o slavery , bu t als o o f Roman idea s
on ethni c hierarchie s i s unclear , bu t i t appear s tha t som e foreig n
women, especiall y thos e from Syri a and the Eas t in general becam e asso ciated wit h hypersexualit y a s wel l a s wit h witchcraft . Althoug h Apuleius's Pamphil e (thir d quarte r o f th e secon d century) , th e wif e o f a
wealthy mise r i n Thessaly , i s bot h Gree k and free , sh e i s characterize d
as a lust-maddened witch :
She is believed t o b e the foremos t mistres s o f magic and o f all th e spell s o f th e
grave. B y breathing certain word s and charm s over sticks an d stone s and othe r
trivial objects, sh e can cas t al l the light of the starry firmament into the depth s
of hel l an d reduc e the m agai n t o origina l chaos. Fo r as soon a s she has caugh t
a glimps e of any good-lookin g young man, she is overwhelmed wit h desire an d
sets bot h her eye and her soul on him. She makes wheedling endearments, take s
possession o f his spirit, entangle s hi m with endles s snares of immeasurable love.
Then i f any resist he r filthy passion, sh e despises the m . . . and turns them instantly int o stones an d shee p an d an y othe r anima l she wants, an d other s sh e
kills outright .
(2.5; trans. Elain e Fantham and Natali e Kampen)

386 WOME


The issu e her e i s not Roma n racial prejudice but rathe r th e wa y status ,
gender, an d ethnicit y coincide . Th e woma n o f lo w status , lik e th e
woman o f Thessal y o r Syria , i s ope n t o charge s o f hypersexuality , o f
witchcraft, o f criminality; sh e becomes Other .
The ultimate Othe r i s the "barbarian, " th e man or woman fro m out side th e frontier , subjec t t o conques t an d enslavemen t a s well a s to Romanization. Thes e ar e th e figuration s o f the separatio n betwee n insid e
and outside , betwee n civilizatio n and it s opposite ; the y wer e use d no t
for ethnograph y o r th e folklorist' s interests bu t a s a way t o describ e Roman victor y and , b y opposition, Roma n civilization. Wherea s the funer ary portrait s o f prosperou s wome n fro m Palmyr a or Roma n Egyp t ( Fig.
13.15) preserv e local material s and styl e element s suc h a s the figure s i n
traditional Pharaoni c style, an d ma y wel l hav e looke d fairl y exoti c t o
Italian o r Gree k viewers, the y d o speak for the loca l populatio n an d it s
values an d concerns . B y comparison, th e representatio n o f "barbarian "
women i n Roma n historical text s and image s tells us less abou t "barbar ians" than abou t th e Roman s themselves. Th e most familia r visual typ e
is the mournin g "barbarian" woma n on coins an d reliefs . She may stan d
with a chained "barbarian " ma n besid e a military trophy, o r sit hea d i n
hands, desolat e a t it s foot , o r dra g alon g i n a triumpha l proces s a s she
does i n th e Severa n arc h a t Lepti s Magna (ca . 206). Sh e recurs a s th e
emblem o f defea t i n narrativ e setting s a s well , take n prisoner , o r i n
flight, o r eve n bein g killed , a s o n th e Colum n o f Marcu s Aureliu s i n
Rome (ca . 180) (Fig. 13.16).
Until the empero r reaches out t o raise her up and transform her into
the personificatio n of a happ y provinc e (Fig . 13.17 ) as is the cas e wit h
Hadrian an d Africa , th e '"barbarian " woman remain s the Roma n sign of
conquest an d th e marke r of that whic h i s not Roman , outside o f civilization.
Stories of "barbarian" wome n diffe r fro m visua l images in tellin g u s
different thing s an d wit h differen t motivation . Tale s o f "barbarian "
queens leadin g troops agains t Rome , from Boudicc a in Britai n (firs t cen tury C.E. ) (Tacitus , Agricola 16.1 ; Mattingly 1948 ) to Zenobia i n the Eas t
(third centur y C.E.) , gran t a certai n misguide d heroism t o th e Amazon like wome n eve n a s the y g o down i n defeat . Writin g abou t th e quee n
of Palmyr a wh o invade d Rome' s easter n territorie s an d perhap s Egypt ,
Trebellius Pollio constructs fo r Zenobia a personality vivi d in it s gende r
[A]rrayed i n th e robe s o f Did o an d eve n assumin g the diadem , sh e hel d th e
imperial powe r i n th e nam e o f he r son s Herennianu s and Timolaus , rulin g
longer than coul d b e endured from on e of the femal e sex. . . . She lived i n regal
pomp. I t was rather in the manner of the Persian s that sh e received worshi p an d
in the manner of the Persian kings that sh e banqueted; but it was in the manne r
of a Roman emperor that sh e came forth t o public assemblies, wearin g a helme t
and gir t wit h a purpl e fillet , whic h ha d gem s hangin g fro m th e lowe r edge ,
while it s center wa s fastened with th e jewe l calle d cochlis , use d instea d of th e
brooch wor n b y women, an d he r arm s were frequently bare . He r face was dar k

Figure 13.15 . Painte d linen mummy

covering wit h th e portrai t o f a woma n
named Ta-sheret-wedja-hor , wh o wa s
married t o a pries t o f Serapis/ th e por trait come s fro m Roma n Egyp t an d
dates t o around 22 5 C.E. The combina tion o f Pharaoni c imager y and Severa n
hairstyle and portrai t elements suggest s
the complexit y of social and cultura l re lations i n Egyp t fro m th e Ptolemai c period on .


Figure 13.16 . Detai l fro m th e Colum n o f Marcu s Aureliu s i n Rome , late r secon d centur y C.E . The
Romans hav e take n a sectio n o f Qerma n enem y territor y an d ar e threatenin g an d killin g som e o f
the women.

Figure 13.17. Qol d coi n o f Hadrian

helping t o raise u p a kneelin g woma n
identified b y th e labe l a s Africa/ Rome ,
after 13 0 C.E. Hadrian an d Antoninu s
Pius both use d femal e figures on coin s
and relie f sculpture to personify the var ious province s o f Rome's Empire .


Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wor ld38

and o f a swarthy hue , he r eyes wer e blac k and powerful beyond th e usua l wont ,
her spirit divinel y great , an d her beauty incredibl e . . . her voice wa s clear an d
like tha t o f a man . He r sternness, whe n necessit y demanded , wa s tha t o f a ty.rant, he r clemency, whe n he r sense o f right called fo r it, tha t of a good emperor .
(Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Thirty Pretenders 30.2-3, 13-18 ;
Magie 1967-68 )

The fac t tha t Zenobi a ha d manage d t o figh t an d defea t Roma n force s

until sh e was taken b y Aurelian and brough t to Rom e a prisoner mean t
that th e autho r ha d t o establis h he r credential s a s a worth y opponen t
with characteristic s a Roma n coul d respect . I n fact , h e eve n quote s a
letter supposedl y fro m Aurelia n to the Senat e in which th e empero r justifies takin g a woman in triump h against accusations tha t i t wa s an un manly deed (non virile munus) sayin g "those very persons who find fault
with m e now would accor d m e praise in abundance , did they bu t kno w
what manne r of woman sh e is , ho w wis e i n counsels , ho w steadfas t i n
plans, ho w firm toward th e soldiers , ho w generous when necessit y calls ,
and ho w ster n whe n disciplin e demands" (30.5) . Manl y i n certai n re spects, feminize d throug h th e sam e term s tha t ar e use d fo r descriptions
of easter n despot s (th e emphasi s o n luxur y an d jewels , fo r example) ,
dazzlingly beautiful , nonetheles s Zenobi a i s include d i n thi s text , say s
Trebellius Pollio , "tha t I migh t mak e a moc k o f Gallienus , a greate r
monster tha n who m th e Roma n state ha s neve r endured " (31.7) . Composed betwee n 29 8 and 303 , Zenobia' s ennobling portrait i s a mean s t o
political ends, designed to condemn the ruler who could not stop her and
praise the successo r wh o did.
Tacitus's Germania, writte n som e tw o hundre d years earlier , als o
presents non-Roma n women, o n on e leve l a t least , a s stron g an d righ teous:
The me n tak e thei r wound s t o thei r mother s an d wives , an d th e latte r ar e no t
afraid o f counting an d examinin g th e blows , an d brin g food an d encouragemen t
to the fighting men.
It stand s o n recor d tha t armie s waverin g o n th e poin t o f collaps e hav e bee n
restored b y the women . The y plea d heroicall y wit h thei r men , barin g thei r bosoms befor e the m an d forcin g the m t o realiz e th e imminen t prospec t o f thei r
enslavementa fat e which the y fea r mor e desperatel y fo r their wome n tha n fo r
themselves.13 I t i s even foun d tha t yo u ca n secur e a surer hol d o n a state if you
demand amon g th e hostage s girl s of noble family . Mor e tha n thi s the y believ e
that there resides i n wome n a n elemen t o f holiness or prophecy, an d s o they do
not scor n t o as k their advic e or lightly disregard thei r replies .
(Germania 7-8 ; Mattingl y 1948 )

The underlyin g program of the Germania help s to explai n th e posi tive element s here , sinc e the y clearl y impl y bot h contras t wit h th e
vaunted decadenc e an d self-indulgenc e of women an d me n i n Rom e and
a desir e t o unif y th e latte r aroun d thei r differenc e fro m th e barbarou s
Germans. Nonetheless , towar d th e en d o f th e Germania, Tacitu s note s
with contemp t a grou p s o degenerat e tha t the y ar e rule d b y women :

390 WOME


"woman i s th e rulin g sex. Tha t i s th e measur e o f thei r decline , I wil l

not sa y below freedo m bu t eve n belo w decent slavery " (Germania, 45) .
Clearly th e messag e in bot h text s an d visua l image s focuses o n Roma n
moral an d politica l concern s an d function s a s much fo r exhortation a s
for descriptiv e purposes . Neithe r slave s no r barbarian s no r eve n con quered queens were in a position t o leave much behind that woul d speak
to thei r ow n perception s of their status and wa y of life an d o f the man y
differences withi n eac h category that revea l the categories themselve s a s
products o f Roman imagination an d power .


Plutarch's dedicatio n o f hi s "Brav e Deed s o f Women " (th e tex t date s

probably betwee n 9 0 and 120 ) to hi s goo d frien d Clea , a Gree k woma n
of th e uppe r classes , give s us a sens e o f the wa y time , place , class , an d
gender interweave i n th e though t an d lif e o f the late r Roma n Empire:
Regarding th e virtue s of women, Clea , I do no t hol d th e sam e opinion a s Thucydides. Fo r he declare s tha t th e bes t woma n i s she abou t who m ther e i s th e
least tal k amon g person s outsid e regardin g eithe r censur e o r commendation ,
feeling tha t th e nam e of the goo d woman, lik e her person, ough t t o b e shut u p
indoors and never go out. Bu t to my mind Gorgia s appear s t o display better taste
in advisin g tha t no t th e for m bu t th e fam e o f a woma n shoul d b e know n t o
many. Bes t fo r all seem s the Roma n custom , whic h publicl y render s to women,
as to men , a fittin g commemoratio n afte r th e en d of life.
(Plutarch, "O n the Braver y of Women," 242e-243e; Babbit t 1968 )

Referring t o the Greek authors of the past and to the normative Athenian
tradition o f keepin g women seclude d an d thei r name s unmentione d i n
public a s a sig n o f thei r respectability , Plutarc h place s himsel f i n th e
camp o f moder n Roma n life ; stil l Greek , h e claim s tha t respectabl e
women shoul d remai n unseen , bu t thei r fam e an d goo d deed s shoul d b e
commemorated publicly. In this passage, the relation between Greek and
Roman, betwee n elit e an d workin g women , betwee n pas t an d Roma n
present crystallize s as the autho r prepares to recount the brave and wondrous deeds of the wome n of the past .
Some o f th e wome n Plutarc h discussesSemiramis, Tanaquil , Por ciahave featured i n earlier chapters in our book , bu t thei r worl d i s far
from eithe r th e pom p of the Imperia l court o r the dail y occupations an d
domestic concern s of the freebor n and freedwomen of Italy and the prov inces. W e have chose n an d considere d her e materia l fro m a n enormou s
and disparat e numbe r o f possibilitie s i n orde r t o sho w th e tensio n be tween Roma n upper-class gender traditions and ideals, the dominant ideologies, an d th e socia l an d economi c force s tha t permitte d wome n som e
degree of autonomy o r even authority . Jus t a s these elements ar e alway s
in comple x an d unstabl e relation s wit h on e anothe r bot h historicall y
and geographically , s o als o i s ther e a tensio n betwee n apparentl y op -

Women o f th e Cosmopolitan Wo rld39

posed notion s o f public and private , Roman and outsiders , "upper " an d
"lower" class, that demonstrate s how these categorie s blur and shift , often merging into continua throug h thei r ow n complexity o r through th e
social an d politica l needs of empire or period.
By th e en d o f this period , ne w force s are shapin g gender relations. Th e
discussion o f famil y an d sexualit y i n Chapte r 1 1 alread y articulate d
some o f th e position s tha t appea r in th e argument s over th e natur e of
sexuality an d o f gende r i n lat e antiquity . Th e changin g shap e o f th e
Empire and it s shifts i n populatio n a s new group s entered o r took powe r
had a n impac t o n wome n an d o n gende r ideolog y jus t a s did ne w reli gious doctrines and ne w socia l attitudes . Th e writing and ar t o f late an tiquity, beginnin g with th e ag e of Constantine, ar e beyon d th e scop e of
this book , bu t i t i s important t o stres s tha t muc h ne w researc h o n th e
family, o n idea s abou t th e bod y an d sexualit y an d o n attitude s towar d
masculinity and femininity within a spiritualized religious framework is
adding to our fund o f knowledge about the positions of women and ideologies of gender in th e beginnin g of the Middl e Ages (see Further Reading
for mor e information) . Theologica l shift s o f emphasi s t o th e celibat e
body an d t o chastit y equall y fo r wome n an d me n o r t o th e famil y i n
Christ rather tha n th e secula r famil y may have had only a minimal impact on the dail y lives of the larg e number of women in th e lat e Empire;
nevertheless, suc h evidenc e a s tha t fro m tombstone s showin g a n in creased valuatio n o n burial s of children an d wome n i n Christia n communities (Sha w 1984 ) sugges t tha t ther e ma y hav e bee n change s no t
only in social ideolog y but i n social practice a s wellenough eventually
to chang e som e part s o f women's live s an d expectation s a s th e ma p of
the great Empir e itself changed its shape.

1. "Peregrin e status " is used t o indicat e tha t th e candidat e migh t lac k Roma n citizenship.
2. Fo r example, Tacitus , Annals 3.34, where Drusus defends husbands who take their
wives with the m t o Imperia l posts [21 C.E.].
3. Th e autho r tell s u s a t 4. 2 and a t 12.3- 4 wit h equa l convictio n tha t Elagabalus' s
mother an d his grandmother wer e eac h first to atten d th e Senat e "lik e a man" an d wit ness th e draftin g of legislation. Confirmatio n from othe r source s i s lacking.
4. Th e us e o f "mos t distinguished " o r clarissimus fo r a ma n an d clarissima fo r a
woman i s typica l o f late r Roma n inscriptions , especiall y fro m th e mid-thir d centur y
5. Thes e di d no t i n fac t functio n a s priestesse s bu t wer e loca l wome n chose n a s
mouthpieces fo r divine inspiration .
6. Lik e a tunic-wearin g Diogenescareless male intellectual?
7. Fo r this text th e ol d Loe b edition wit h translatio n b y Babbitt is quite misleading ,
because i t mention s readin g i n books , wher e Plutarc h speak s onl y o f his wif e "hearin g
about" geometry, ethics , and astronomy from he r husbandand tha t i n a carefully predi gested form .

392 WOME


8. Lanifica her e i s a standar d Roma n compliment tha t probabl y indicate s tha t sh e

was attentive t o her domestic dutie s rathe r than tha t sh e was a wage- or pieceworker .
9. Se e p. 196 , an d not e tha t h e wa s bor n i n Asi a Minor , traine d i n Alexandr ia an d
practiced i n Rome .
10. Thi s i s a ver y lat e sourc e bu t ther e ar e comparabl e ruling s fro m th e firs t an d
second centurie s a s well: Paul , Sententiae 26.1 1 an d Digest 23.2.44 .
11. Th e patro n wa s burie d i n th e tom b wit h he r mothe r an d he r husband , bu t i t i s
not clea r whether th e midwif e represents th e mothe r o r the daughter .
12. Thi s i s tru e a s wel l o f young mal e slaves , a s Martial' s epigram 12.4 6 indicates :
"it's the y [th e slave boys ] wh o giv e [you r husband ] what yo u a s a wif e don' t wan t t o
give" (Ke r 1968) .
13. Beside s this centurion' s assaul t o n a foreig n quee n i n Liv y 38.2 4 and th e rap e of
Boudicca's daughters (Tacitus , Annals 14.31) , ther e i s little written evidenc e fo r Roman
soldiers rapin g their femal e captives, bu t neithe r i s there an y parallel i n th e text s to th e
slaying of the femal e " barbarian" on th e Colum n of Marcus Aurelius.

Alexander, Paul . 1938 . "Speeche s an d Letter s of the Empero r Hadrian." Harvard Stu dies
in Classical Philology 49 : 141-78 .
Babbitt, F . C. 1968 . Plutarch. Loe b Classical Library . Cambridge , Mass.
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Major event s from th e Gree k an d Roma n world 776 B.C.E.-313 C.E., wit h
events an d person s fro m thi s text.
Greece and the Greek world

First Olympiad

Italy and the Roman world

Etruscans i n norther n Ital y
Romulus founds Rom e
(traditional date )


Homeric poems : Hesio d


Syracuse founde d a s first Greek colon y i n Sicily. Gree k colonie s founde d

in southern Ital y an d Campania .
Numa kin g at Rom e


Lycurgan refor m a t Spart a

Tullus Hostiliu s kin g


ca. 660-57 0 Ag

e of tyrant s
Ancus Martius king


Poetry o f Sappho an d Alcaeu s

Tarquinius Priscu s founds
Etruscan dynast y


Solon archo n a t Athen s


Pythian, Nemean , Isthmia n Games

Servius Tullius king


Reorganization o f Panathenai c


Pisistratus tyran t a t Athen s


Tarquinius Superbus kin g


Expulsion o f Tarquins ;
establishment o f Roma n



Greece and the Greek world


Cleisthenes set s u p democracy a t



Defeat o f Persians at Marathon .


First victory o f Aeschylus (dram a

competitionfirst recorde d
tragedy b y Aeschylus)

Italy and the Roman world

Coriolanus turne d bac k fro m



Defeat o f Persians a t Salami s


Pindar's first Olympian


First victor y o f Sophocle s


First productio n o f Euripides


Periclean citizenshi p la w


Parthenon begu n

Decemvirate a t Rom e
Lex Canuleia permit s

ca. 440

Hippocratic schoo l of medicin e

found o n Co s


Euripides' Alcestis


Peloponnesian Wa r breaks out .

Euripides' Medea


Aristophanes' Acharnians


Peace of Nicias between Athen s

and Sparta


Euripides' Trojan Women


Aristophanes' Lysistrata


Deaths o f Euripides an d Sophocle s


Defeat o f Athen s


Trial o f Socrate s


Aristophanes' Ecclesiazusae


Xenophon writin g


Plato founds Academ y


Spartan hegemon y i n Greec e

Gauls capture Rom e

Piebians admitted t o


Sparta defeate d b y Thebe s


Philip becomes king of Macedoni a


Philip defeats Athen s a t

Chaeronea; dominate s mainlan d
Greek city-states

Rome controls Latium an d



Greece and the Greek world

Alexander becomes kin g and
builds empire i n Asia


Aristotle found s Lyceum at Athen s


Founding of Alexandria


Death o f Alexande r


Ptolemy I founds Museum of

Nossis of Locr i writes poetr y


Italy and the Roman world

Wealth o f Greeks in souther n

War betwee n Rom e and
Pyrrhus of Epirus in
southern Ital y


Ptolemy I I marries Arsino e II


Birth of Berenic e I I


Rome captures Tarentu m


Rome fights Carthage i n Sicil y


Ptolemy II I marries Berenic e II .

Callimachus's "Lock. "


Rome defeats Carthage .

First play s a t Rome .


Birth o f Ennius


Birth o f Cat o


Rome declares wa r o n
Carthage. Hanniba l crosses
Alps and occupie s souther n


Defeat o f Rome at Canna e


Lex Oppi a
First war betwee n Phili p of
Macedonia an d Rom e


Rome establishes game s of



Victory at Metaurus . Hym n

to Juno.


Great Mothe r brough t fro m

Pergamum. Enniu s and
Plautus writing. Scipi o
invades Africa .


Rome defeats Carthag e


Philip of Macedonia fight s secon d wa r wit h Rom e


Rome defeats Macedoni a a t Cynoscephala e


Flamininus proclaime d th e freedo m o f Greece a t th e Isthmia n Game s


Cato th e Elde r consul. Repea l

of Le x Oppia .


Greece and th e Greek world Italy

192-188 Wa

an d th e Roman world

r betwee n Antiochu s of Syria and Rome . Antiochus occupies Greece .

188 Rom

e defeats Antiochus; annexes Sicil y with Treat y o f Apamea

186 Bacchanalia

n conspirac y
suppressed b y Senat e

167 Rom

d o f Macedonian

e defeats Perseus of En
Macedonia a t Pydn a monarch
Polybius brought to Rome

166-160 Play

s of Terence

149 Thir

d war betwee n Rom e and Deat


148 Rom

e fights agains t Macedonia

and defeat s Achaean league

146 Rom

e destroys Corint h an d

h of Cato the Elde r

All mainland Greece

incorporated in Roman
133 Tiberiu

s Gracchus's popular
reforms. Rom e inherits

123-121 Tribunate

s of Gaius Gracchus;
attempt t o enfranchise Italians

112-106 Rom

e fights Jugartha of Numidia.

107 Marius consul.

104-101 Mariu

s repeatedly consul . 10 4 Defeats Teutones. 10 2 Defeats Cimbri.

100 Mariu

s consul sixt h time . Birt h o f Caesar.

91 Italia

n allies demand citizenship. Socia l war .

88 Sull

a consul; marche s on Rome , then campaign s against Mithridate s i n


86 Sull

a captures Athens

82 Sull

a returns, wit h civi l war; made dictator .

70 Cicer

o become s famou s with speeche s agains t Verres

63 Cicer

o consul . Pompe y conquers Mithridates and east .

59 Juliu
49 Civi

s Caesar consul; allianc e with Pompe y and Crassus . Poetr y of

Catullus and Lucretius.
l war betwee n Caesa r an d Pompey . Caesa r meets Cleopatr a VII.

48 Caesa

r dictato r i n absolut e powe r a t Rom e

44 Caesa

r assassinated . Renewe d civil war.

43 Octavia

n consul . Anton y share s powe r i n east.

42 Octavia

n an d Anton y defea t republican s Brutu s and Cassiu s a t Philipp i

41 Anton
40 Anton

y goe s t o Egypt . Fulvia leads resistance i n Italy .

y marrie s Octavia . Pac t with Octavia n a t Brundisium . Virgil
writing Eclogues. Horace writing Satires and Epodes.



Roman Empire
including Greek world
39 Octavia
31 Anton
30 Octavia
29 Liv
27 Octavia
25 Ovi
23 Horace'
19 Death
18 Augusta
17 Secula
9 Dedicatio
2 Augustu

n ha s daughte r Julia b y Scribonia. Divorce s her . Marrie s Livia,

mother o f Tiberius an d Drusus .
y an d Cleopatr a defeate d a t Actiu m b y Octavia n
n annexe s Egypt . Cornelius Callu s firs t governor .
y begin s history o f Rome
n "restores " Republic; named Augustus . Propertius and Tibullu s
writing love elegies .
d begin s his Amores
s Odes 1- 3 publishe d
s o f Virgil and Tibullu s
n laws on marriag e between classes , agains t adulter y
r games. Horac e composes secula r hymn .
n o f Alta r of Peace
s saluted a s father o f his country (pater patriae). Julia
banished. Ovid' s Art o f Love.


8 Younge
9 Le

r Julia banished . Ovi d exiled .

x Papia Poppae a

14 Deat

h o f Augustus . Tiberius emperor . Livi a become s Augusta .

37 Deat

h o f Tiberius. Caligul a emperor.

41 Assassinatio
49 Agrippin
54 Deat

n o f Caligula. Claudiu s emperor ; exile s Seneca .

a empress; recall s Seneca a s Nero's tuto r
h o f Claudius. Nero emperor. Seneca' s mora l essays , poetr y o f
Lucan and Persius, Petronius's Satyricon.

65 Ner

o orders deat h o f Seneca, Lucan , Petroniu s

68 Yea

r of four emperors . Civi l wa r end s wit h accessio n o f Vespasian.

79 Titu

s becomes emperor . Vesuviu s destroys Pompei i and Herculaneum .

81 Domitia
90-95 Quintilian'
96 Domitia

n become s empero r
s Education o f th e Orator
n assassinated . Plin y the Younge r begins t o publis h Letters.
Plutarch writin g Moral Essays and Lives.

98 Traja

n declare d empero r

100 Traja

n comes t o Rom e

101-6 Traja

n conquer s Daci a

110-11 Plin
114-17 Trajan'

y governs Bithynia . Tacitus writin g Histories.

s Parthia n Campaign . Jewish revolt .


Roman Empire
including Greek world
117 Hadria

n succeeds Trajan . The ag e of great Imperia l ladies: th e dowage r

empress Plotina , Marciana , Gratidias, the empres s Sabina . Tacitu s
writing Annals. Juvenal writing Satires.

ca. 12 5 Deat

h of Plutarch

130 Hadria

n in Egypt . Julia Balbill a inscribe s Memno n colossus. Soranu s

writing on gynecology.

138 Deat

h o f Hadrian. Antoninus Pius emperor.

s Apology; self-defens e o n charg e of witchcraft

155 Apuleius'

h o f Antoninus. Marcu s Aurelius emperor. Apuleiu s writing Golden

Ass (a s lat e a s 180?)

161 Deat

Galen writin g on medicin e

180 Deat

h o f Marcus Aurelius. Commodus emperor .

193 Deat

h of Commodus. Septimiu s Severus founds new dynasty . Influenc e

of Empress Julia Domna .

212 Caracall

a emperor . Declare s universal citizenship for free inhabitant s o f

Empire, thu s enablin g them t o be taxed .

218-22 Elagabalu
222-35 Deat

s emperor
h of Elagabalus. Rule of Alexander Severus.

235-84 Successio

n o f short-lived military rulers. Economi c an d cultura l decline .

(Because of the deart h o f contemporary writing , source s ar e publi c
and privat e inscriptions. )

284 Diocletia

n reestablishe s contro l o f Empire through tetrarchy : separat e

government o f eastern an d wester n halve s of Empire. Restores
economic stability .

306 Diocletia

312 Constantin
313 Edic

n dies. Succeede d b y Constantine.

e defeat s Heraclius at battl e o f Mulvian Bridge

t of Milan legitimates Christianity


Page 2-3 : Th e Gree k Worl d Aroun d 30 0 B.C.E . Afte r Ma p 9 i n
J. Boardman , e t al. , Oxfor d History o f th e Classical World, 1986 . Oxford Universit y Pres s 1986 . Reprinte d b y permission o f Oxford Universit y
Page 208-209 : Th e Roma n Empir e Around 20 0 C.E. Afte r Ma p 1 0 in
J. Boardma n e t al. , Oxford History o f th e Classical World, 1986 . Oxford Universit y Pres s 1986 . Reprinte d by permission o f Oxford University

Part I
1 Marbl

e stele o f Mnesaret e (earl y 4t h centur y B.C.E.) . Munich ,

Glyptothek G1.491 . Photo : C . Kopperman.

1.1 Archai
c vas e (ca . 550-54 0 B.C.E. ) fro m Clazomenai . London ,
British Museu m B121 . Photo: Museum , courtes y of Trustees.
1.2 Red-figur
e Athenia n vas e (ca . 46 0 B.C.E.). Rome , Muse o Nazio nale Etrusc o d i Vill a Giulia . Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeolo gica d i Etruria Meridionale .
1.3 Kor

e fro m th e Acropoli s (dedicate d i n th e 480s) . Athens ,

Acropolis Museu m 686. Photo : TAP Service .

1.4 Kor

e of Phrasiclei a (ca . 53 0 B.C.E.). Athens , Nationa l Archaeo logical Museum . Fro m Athens Annals o f Archaeology, V , 1972,
p. 312 , fig. 14.

1.5 Funerar
y relie f (540-53 0 B.C.E. ) fro m Attica . Ne w York , Metropolitan Museu m o f Ar t 11.185 . Hewit t Fund , 1911 ; Munse y
Fund, 1936 , 1938 , an d Anonymou s Gift , 1951 . Photo : Museum .
1.6 Pla

n of the sanctuar y a t Eleusis . Fro m G. Mylonas, Th e Hymn

to Demeter an d He r Sanctuary a t Eleusis, Washington University Studies, 1942 , fig. 2.

402 WOME


1.7 Black-figur
e Atti c vase (ca . 520 B.C.E.). Wuerzburg , Martin vo n
Wagner Museu m L308. Photo : Museum.
1.8 Fragmen
t of a fifth-centur y B.C.E . relief . Naples , Muse o Nazionale Archeologico . Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a dell e
Province di Napoli e Caserta Napoli.
1.9 Seventh-centur
y B.C.E . ivor y statuette . Izmir , Archaeologica l
Museum. Fro m E. Akurgal, Griechische und Romische Kunst i n
der Turkei, pi . 69a.

l Gree k ston e statu e (ca . 650 B.C.E.) . Athens , Na tional Archaeologica l Museum 1 . Photo: TA P Service.

1.11 Mirro
r (ca . 48 0 B.C.E.) . Brauron , Archaeologica l Museum .
Photo: Secon d Ephori a of Classical Antiquities .
1.12 Earl

y Atti c funerar y vas e (76 0 B.C.E.). Athens , Nationa l Ar chaeological Museu m 804. Photo: TA P Service.

1.13 Funera
l plaqu e (ca . 50 0 B.C.E.) . Paris , Muse e d u Louvre .
Photo: Museum .
1.14 Funera
l plaque (ca . 540-530 B.C.E.) . Berlin , Antikensammlung,
Staatliche Musee n F1813 . Photo : Museum .
1.15 Vas

e from th e en d o f th e sixt h centur y B.C.E . Athens , Ceram icus Museu m 691 . Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l Institute ,

s (ca . 490-480 B.C.E.) . Paris , Muse e d u Louvre .
Photo: Museum.
2.1 Statuett
e o f femal e athlet e (sixt h century , B.C.E.) . London ,
British Museu m 208. Photo: Museum , courtesy o f Trustees.
3.1 Tombston
e o f Aristyll a (ca . 430-425 B.C.E.) . Athens , Nationa l
Archaeological Museu m 766. Photo: TA P Service.
3.2 Tombston
e o f Pausimach e (ca . 390-380 B.C.E.) . Athens , Na tional Archaeologica l Museum 3964. Photo : TAP Service.
3.3 Detai
l o f th e eas t friez e o f th e Partheno n (ca . 440-432 B.C.E.) .
London, Britis h Museum. Photo : Museum, courtesy o f Trustees.
3.4 Vas

e fragment (ca . 430 B.C.E.). Basel , Private Collection o f Dr .

Herbert A . Cahn. Photo : D . Widmer.

3.5 Eas

t friez e of th e Partheno n (ca . 440-432 B.C.E.) . Paris , Muse e

du Louvre . Photo: Museum .

3.6 Dionysia
c vas e (ca . 450 B.C.E.) . Sa n Antoni o Museu m o f Ar t
86.134.64. Gif t o f Gilbert M . Denman , Jr. Photo : Museum .
3.7 Vas

e (ca . 440 B.C.E.) . Tarquinia , Muse o Nazional e Archeolo gico. Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a d i Etruri a Meridi onale.

Art Credits 40

3.8 Interio
r o f an Atti c white-groun d cu p (ca . 480 B.C.E.). Munich,
Staatliche Antikensammlunge n un d Glyptothe k 2645 . Photo :
3.9 Perfum
e vas e (ca . 38 0 B.C.E.). Karlsruhe , Badisches Landesmu seum B39 . Photo: Museum .
e vas e (ca . 550-54 0 B.C.E.) . Berlin , Antikensamm 3.10Black-figur
lung, Staatlich e Musee n F1686 . Photo : Bildarchi v Preussische r
3.11 White-groun
d lekytho s (ca . 44 0 B.C.E.) . Athens , Nationa l Ar chaeological Museu m 1935 . Photo: TA P Service.
d lekytho s (ca . 43 0 B.C.E.) . Munich , Staatlich e
Antikensammlungen un d Glyptothe k 6254 . Photo: Museum .

s fo r cosmetic s (ca . 440-43 0 B.C.E.) . London , Britis h Mu m 1920.12-21.1 . Photo : Museum, courtes y o f Trustees.

n (ca . 42 0 B.C.E.) . Athens , Nationa l Archaeologica l
Museum 1629 . Photo: TA P Service.
3.16 Loutrophoro
s (ca . 43 0 B.C.E.) . Boston , Museu m o f Fin e Art s
03.802. Franci s Bartlett Collection. Photo : Museum .

n of a hous e (fift h centur y B.C.E.) . Afte r S . Walker, "Women

and Housin g in Classical Greece : Th e Archaeological Evidence "
in A : Cameron an d A . Kuhrt , editors, Images o f Women i n An tiquity, Routledg e & Kegan Paul, 1983 , p . 87 , figs. 6.2a-6.2b.

3.18 Interio
r o f a cu p (ca . 47 0 B.C.E.) . Berlin , Antikensammlung ,
Staatliche Musee n F2289 . Photo : Museum .

e (ca . 450 B.C.E.). London , British Museum E219. Photo: Mu seum, courtes y of Trustees.

e stel e o f Plango n (325-32 0 B.C.E.) . Munich , Staatlich e
Antikensammlungen un d Glyptothe k G1.199 . Photo : Museum .

e (ca . 45 0 B.C.E.). London , Britis h Museum E190. Photo: Mu seum, courtes y o f Trustees .

r (ca . 52 0 B.C.E.) fro m Athens . Toled o Museu m o f Ar t
1961.23. Gif t of Edward Drummon d Libbey . Photo: Museum .

e (ca . 46 0 B.C.E.) . Ne w York , Metropolita n Museu m o f Ar t

07.286.74. Roger s Fund, 1907 . Photo: Museum .


e (ca . 46 0 B.C.E.) . Bernische s Historische s Museu m 12227 .

Photo: Museum .

m vase (490-48 0 B.C.E.) . Ne w York , Metropolitan Mu seum o f Art 20.246 . Rogers Fund, 1920 . Photo: Museum .
g cu p (520-51 0 B.C.E.) . Madrid , Muse o Arqueologic o
Nacional 11.267 . Photo : Museum .

404 AR


l of a symposium vas e (ca . 500 B.C.E.). Malibu, California,
J. Pau l Gett y Museu m 80.AE.31 . (Artist : Phintias ; Title : Atti c
Red-figure Kylix ; Medium: Terracotta; Size : H . 12.6cm, W. 39.1
cm, Diamete r 30. 8 cm). Photo : Museum .
4.1 Black-figur
e vas e (ca . 520-50 0 B.C.E.) . Munich , Staatlich e
Antikensammlungen un d Glyptothe k 1711 . Photo: Museum .
4.2 Outsid
e o f a cu p (ca . 51 0 B.C.E.). Oxford , Ashmolea n Museu m
1927.4065. Photo : Museum .
4.3 Atti

c vas e (ca . 440-43 0 B.C.E.) . Jerusalem , Israe l Museu m

75.15.18. Photo : Museum .

4.4 Shiel

d o f Athen a Partheno s (mid-fift h centur y B.C.E.) . Fro m

E. Harrison , American Journal o f Archaeology, 8 5 (1981) , p .
297, fig . 4 .
5.1 Marbl
e bust of Cleopatra. Berlin , Antikensammlung, Staatlich e
Museen 1976.10 . Photo: Museum .
5.2 Silve
r tetradrach m o f Cleopatr a (39-3 7 B.C.E.) . Ne w York ,
American Numismati c Society. Photo : ANS.
5.3 Silve

r tetradrach m o f Cleopatr a (3 7 B.C.E.). Ne w York , Ameri can Numismati c Society. Photo : ANS.
5.4 Th
e Ptolemies . Fro m R . Bianch i e t al. , Cleopatra's Egypt: Ag e
of th e Ptolemies, p. 10 . Brookly n Museum 1988 . Courtes y o f
the Brookly n Museum.
5.5 Terra-cott
a figurin e fro m Benghaz i (330-30 0 B.C.E.) . London ,
British Museum C718. Photo: Museum , courtesy o f Trustees.
5.6 Terra-cott
a figurin e fro m Tanagr a (ca . firs t hal f o f thir d cen tury B.C.E.) . Paris , Musee du Louvre . Photo: Museum .
5.7 Silve
r tetradrach m (246-22 1 B.C.E. ) o f Queen Berenic e II . Ne w
York, America n Numismatic Society. Photo : ANS.
5.8 Portrai
t bus t (secon d hal f of the thir d centur y B.C.E. ) o f Quee n
Berenice II . Munich, Staatliche Antikensammlungen un d Glyptothek 543. Photo: Museum .
5.9 Faienc
e jug fro m Alexandri a (ca . 24 0 B.C.E.). Antalya , Archae ological Distric t Museum . Photo: Museum.
t (ca . 270-24 6 B.C.E. ) o f Ptolemai c quee n Arsino e II .
New York , Metropolita n Museu m o f Ar t 20.2.21 . Roger s Fund,
1920. Photo : Museum .
e votiv e relie f (lat e secon d centur y B.C.E.) . Munich ,
Staatliche Antikensammlunge n un d Glyptothe k 206 . Photo :
5.12 Statu

e i n blac k granit e (Ptolemai c period) . Munich , Staat -

Art Credits 40

liche Sammlun g Agyptische r Kuns t GL.WA F 26b . Photo :


Tombstone (secon d centur y B.C.E. ) fro m Izmir . London, British

Museum 1947.7-14.2 . Photo : Museum , courtesy o f Trustees .


Tombstone fro m lat e fourt h o r thir d centur y B.C.E . Cambridge,

Arthur M. Sackler Museum 1905.8, Harvar d University Art Museums. Gif t o f Edwar d W . Forbe s i n Trus t t o th e University .
Photo: Museum.


Athenian vas e (ca . 500 B.C.E.) . Fro m A . Furtwangle r an d K .

Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, Vol. I, Bruckmann, 1900,
pi. 34.


Statue o f Aphrodit e (ca . 35 0 B.C.E.) . Vatica n Museu m 812.

Photo: Museum.

5.17 Statu
e o f th e crouchin g Aphrodite . Rome , Muse o Nazional e
delle Terme. Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a di Roma.
5.18 Terra-cott
a statuett e from Naucrati s (firs t centur y B.C.E . t o first
century C.E.) . London , Britis h Museum C574. Photo: Museum,
courtesy o f Trustees .

Terra-cotta statuett e fro m Tanagr a (ca . 350-325 B.C.E.) . London, Britis h Museu m C243 . Photo : Museum , courtes y o f


Statue (thir d centur y B.C.E.) . Munich , Staatlich e Antiken sammlungen un d Glyptothe k 437. Photo: Museum.

Part II
1 Tombston
e (possibl y secon d o r thir d centur y C.E.) . London ,
British Museum . Photo: Museum , courtesy o f Trustees .
7.1 Revers
e of a denarius of L. Titurius Sabinus (89-88 B.C.E. ) . Lon
don, Britis h Museu m BM C 2322. Photo : Museum , courtes y o f
7.2 Revers
e of a denarius of L. Titurius Sabinus (89-88 B.C.E.). Lon
don, Britis h Museu m BM C 2328 . Photo : Museum , courtesy o f
7.3 Terra-cott
a statu e o f a youn g woma n (thir d centur y B.C.E.) .
New York , Metropolita n Museu m o f Ar t 16.141 . Roger s Fund,
1916. Photo : Museum.
7.4 Ficoron
i cist a (fourt h centur y B.C.E.) . Rome , Museo Nazionale
Etrusco d i Vill a Giulia . Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l Institute, Rome .

406 AR


7.5 Revers
e of a denariu s o f L . Roscius Fabatu s (6 4 B.C.E.) . Photo :
Hirmer Verlag.
7.6 Statu
e o f a matro n fro m Rom e (ca . 2 7 B.C.E. t o 1 4 C.E.). Parma,
Museo Nazionale . Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l Institute ,
7.7 Revers
e of denarius of Clodius Vestalis (4 1 B.C.E.). London, Brit ish Museu m BMC 4196. Photo: Museum , courtesy o f Trustees.
7.8 Fragmen
t of a marble relief (ca . 14-3 7 C.E.) . Rome, Museo Conservatori. Photo : Germa n Archaeological Institute , Rome .
7.9 Mold-mad
e terra-cott a figurin e (fift h centur y B.C.E.) . Reggi o
Calabria, Muse o Nazionale. Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeolog ica dell a Calabria.
a plaqu e fro m fift h centur y B.C.E . Reggi o Calabria ,
Museo Nazionale . Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a dell a
7.11 Lebe
s gamikos from Campani a (fourt h centur y B.C.E.) . London ,
British Museu m F207. Photo : Museum , courtesy o f Trustees.
a figurin e fro m sout h Ital y (thir d centur y B.C.E.) .
New York , Metropolita n Museu m o f Ar t 11.212.20 . Photo :
8.1 Drawin
g of a wall paintin g from th e Tom b of the Painte d Vases
in Tarquinia (ca . 500 B.C.E.). Photo: German Archaeological In stitute, Rome .
8.2 Engrave
d bronz e mirro r (secon d hal f o f th e fourt h centur y
B.C.E.). From Gerhard, Etruskische Spiegel, p . 112 .
8.3 Paintin
g fro m th e tom b o f th e Monke y a t Chius i (lat e sixt h
century B.C.E.) . Photo : German Archaeological Institute , Rome .
8.4 Cop

y o f a wal l paintin g fro m th e Tom b o f th e Chariot s (fift h

century B.C.E.) . Tarquinia , Muse o Nazional e Archeologico .
Photo: Germa n Archaeological Institute, Rome .

8.5 Terra-cott
a sarcophagu s (sixt h century B.C.E.) . Paris , Musee d u
Louvre. Photo : Museum.
8.6 Limeston
e relie f fro m Chius i (ca . 50 0 B.C.E.) . Chiusi , Muse o
Civico. Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a di Firenze .
8.7 Li

d of a limestone sarcophagus (mid-fourt h century B.C.E.) . Boston, Museu m of Fin e Arts 86.145. Gif t o f Mrs . Gardner Brewer.
Photo: Museum .

8.8 Cannicell
a Venu s (ca . 53 0 B.C.E.) . Orvieto , Muse o Civico .
Photo: German Archaeological Institute, Rome.

Art Credits 40

8.9 Votiv
e terra-cott a figurine s (fourt h centur y B.C.E.) . Florence ,
Museo Archeologico . Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a d i
Etruria Meridionale .
8.10 Seventh-centur
y B.C.E . bronz e pendant . Bologna , Muse o Civic o
Archeologica. Photo : Museum.
8.11 Painte
d terra-cott a sarcophagu s (ca . 15 0 B.C.E.). London , Brit ish Museu m D786. Photo : Museum , courtesy o f Trustees .
9.1 Statu
e of a woman (earl y fourth century C.E.) . Volterra, Museo
Guarnacci. Photo : Germa n Archaeological Institute , Rome .
9.2 Tombston
e of a couple (firs t centur y B.C.E.) . Rome , Muse o Nu ovo. Photo : Germa n Archaeological Institute , Rome .
9.3 Tombston
e o f a family group (lat e first century B.C.E.) . Vatican
Museum 10490 . Photo: Museum .
10.1 Gree

k red-figur e vas e (lat e sixt h centur y B.C.E.) . Brussels , Mu sees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoir e A717 . Photo : ACL.


d fo r a cla y vas e (ca . 3 0 B.C.E.) . Ne w York , Metropolita n

Museum o f Art 19.192.21 . Roger s Fund, 1919 . Photo: Museum .

11.1 Th

e Imperia l family in a processio n o n th e Ar a Paci s Augustae

in Rom e (13- 9 B.C.E.) . Photo : Fototec a Union e Press o Accademia Americana .

11.2 Ar

a Pacis Augustae panel. Photo : Germa n Archaeological Insti tute, Rome .

t bus t o f th e Empres s Livi a fro m Egyp t (ca . 4-1 4 C.E.) .
Copenhagen, N y Carlsberg Glyptotek 615 . Photo : Museum .
11.4 Portrai
t bus t o f Livia fro m Rom e (afte r 1 4 C.E.). Bochum , RuhrUniversitat. Photo : I . Berndt.
11.5 Portrai
t statu e o f Livia . Copenhagen , N y Carlsber g Glyptote k
531. Photo : Museum .

e Gemm a Claudi a (ca . 48-4 9 C.E.) . Vienna , Kunsthistor isches Museum . Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l Institute ,

11.7 Th

e Gran d Came e d e France . Paris , Bibliothequ e Nationale .

Photo: Library .

11.8 Bronz
e coi n fro m Asi a Minor . London , Britis h Museu m BMC
44. Photo : Museum , courtesy of Trustees.
11.9 Aureu
s fro m Lyo n (37-3 8 C.E.) . London , Britis h Museu m BMC
7. Photo : Museum , courtesy o f Trustees .
11.10 Coi

n o f Claudius , date d abou t 4 6 C.E. London , Britis h Museum

BMC 242. Photo: Museum , courtesy o f Trustees .

408 AR


11.11 Tombston
e fro m earl y first-centur y C.E . Rome . London , Britis
Museum 2274 . Photo : Museum , courtesy o f Trustees .
y alta r (40-5 0 C.E.) . Vatica n Museu m XXXI.14.70 .
Photo: Museum .
11.13 Arretin
e bowl , mad e in th e lat e first century B.C.E . or early firs t
century C.E . Boston , Museu m o f Fin e Art s 13.109 . Gif t o f E . P .
Warren. Photo : Museum .
12.1 Genera

l vie w o f Pompeii. Photo : Alinari/Ar t Resource .

12.2 Vie

w o f th e vill a (ca . middl e o f th e firs t centur y C.E. ) at

Oplontis. Photo : Germa n Archaeological Institute , Rome .


w throug h th e mai n entranc e int o th e buildin g underwrit ten b y th e Pompeia n priestess , Eumachia . Photo : Germa n Ar chaeological Institute , Rome .

12.4 Statu

e o f Eumachia . Naples , Muse o Nazional e Archeologico .

Photo: Alinari/Art Resource .


l paintin g fro m Pompei i (mid-firs t centur y C.E.) . Naples ,

Museo Nazionale Archeologico. Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l
Institute, Rome .


w o f th e interio r o f th e taver n o f Asellina . Photo : Alinari /

Art Resource .

12.7 Interio
r o f brothe l i n Pompeii , date d t o th e las t year s o f th e
city. Photo : Alinari/Ar t Resource.

b monumen t (firs t centur y C.E.) , Pompeii . Photo : Germa n

Archaeological Institute , Rome .

12.9 Wal

l paintin g fro m a hous e i n first-centur y C.E . Pompeii. Na ples, Muse o Nazional e Archeologico . Photo : Alinari/Ar t Re source.


l paintin g fro m first-centur y C.E . Pompeii. Naples , Muse o

Nazionale Archeologico . Photo : Soprintendenz a Archeologic a
delle Province d i Napoli e Caserta Napoli .

13.1 Gol

d coi n o f Plotin a (ca . 112-11 5 C.E.) . London , Britis h Mu seum BM C 525. Photo: Museum , courtes y o f Trustees.

13.2 Gol

d coi n o f Hadrian , minte d afte r 12 2 C.E . Vienna , Kunsthis torisches Museum. Photo : H. Tscherni .

13.3 Bas

e o f th e Colum n o f Antoninu s Piu s fro m Rom e (ca . 16 1

C.E.). Photo : Alinari/Ar t Resource .


n o f Faustin a th e Younge r (ca . 161-17 6 C.E.) . London , Brit ish Museu m BM C 953. Photo : Museum, courtes y o f Trustees.


f (ca . 20 6 C.E. ) fro m th e Severa n famil y arc h a t Lepti s

Art Credits 40

Magna i n moder n Libya . Photo : Germa n Archaeological Institute, Rome .

t o f Planci a Magna . Antalya , Archaeologica l Distric t
Museum. Photo : Germa n Archaeological Institute, Rome.
e fro m Dorylaion , date d t o th e lat e secon d o r earl y
third centur y C.E . Photo: Germa n Archaeologica l Institute ,

b statue fro m th e lat e first or early second centur y C.E . Vatican Museum . Photo: Germa n Archaeological Institute , Rome .

s of Metili a Act e (thir d quarte r o f th e secon d cen 13.9Sarcophagu

tury C.E.) . Vatican , Muse o Chiaramonti . Photo : Germa n Ar chaeological Institute , Rome.

e of a famil y (secon d or thir d centur y C.E.) . Dev a Museum.

Photo: Germa n Archaeological Institute , Rome .

13.11 Tombston
e o f Umm a (firs t centur y C.E.) . Altenburg , Archaologischer Par k Carnuntu m 10809 . Photo : Archaologische r Park .
y monument fro m th e thir d centur y C.E . Trier , Rhein isches Landesmuseum . Photo : Museum.
l marbl e relie f (mid-secon d centur y C.E.) . Ostia , Muse o
Ostiense. Photo : German Archaeological Institute, Rome .
a painte d relie f (mid-secon d centur y C.E.) . Ostia ,
Museo Ostiense . Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l Institute ,
d linen mumm y covering (ca . 22 5 C.E.). Boston , Museum
of Fin e Art s 54.993 . Gif t o f Mrs . Arthu r Deven' s Class . Photo :
13.16 Detai
l fro m th e Colum n of Marcus Aurelius in Rom e (lat e second centur y C.E.) . Photo : Germa n Archaeologica l Institute ,

d coi n o f Hadrian . London , Britis h Museu m BM C 870 .

Photo: Museum, courtesy o f Trustees.

This page intentionally left blank


Names that appear in full capitals are names of Greek

and Roman women. Page numbers followed by the letters
"f" and "n" denote illustrations and notes, respectively.
Abortion: Ovi d on , 301 ; i n Roma n Republic,
228; Soranus on, 30 2
Achilles: i n Homer' s Iliad, 44 , 50, 12 9
Acropolis a t Athens : cul t o f Athena Polia s on,
84-85; inscription s givin g women's
occupations on , 52 ; korai dedicated t o
Athena on , 19 , 20f; lost informatio n from, 12 ;
religious dedications b y aristocratic wome n
on, 38-39 ; Templ e o f Athena Nik e on, 93;
vase paintin g wit h statu e o f Athena on , 93,
Actresses. Se e Entertainers
Adonis (god) : Athenian women mournin g for,
77-78; cul t of , 91 , 92f ; festiva l of, 14 2
Adultery: in Archai c period poems , 27 ; and
Athenian women , 95 , 113-115 ; i n Homeri c
poems, 39 ; during pregnancy, 291 ;
recommended a t Halo a festival , 92; religion
leading to , 95 ; and Sparta n women, 56
Adultery, i n Rome : an d Augusta n laws, 290292, 299-302 , 305-306, 323 , 355-356; Faustin a
accused of , 355 ; Horace on , 300 ; an d "Ne w
Women," 282-285 ; Ovid on , 299-301 ; i n
Roman Republic , 228 , 263; Seneca on , 300 301; tavernworker s an d servant s accuse d of ,
Adulthood, initiatio n into . Se e Initiation
AEMILIA (aun t of Scipio Aemilianus), 262
Aemilianus, Scipio , 262 , 264
Aeneas (Troja n prince) , 225 , 263, 297-299
Aeschines, 111-112 , 11 4
Aeschylus: Eumenides, 131 ; Seven Against
Thebes, 77
Affection: betwee n marrie d couples i n
Augustan Rome , 320 , 321; an d tombstone s o f
Roman Empire , 370; between wome n i n
Augustan Rome , 325
AFRANIA (wif e o f Liciniu s Bucco), 273
Africa. Se e North Africa , Roma n
Africanus, Scipio , 220 , 264, 265
Agamemnon: i n Aeschylus ' Eumenides, 131 ; in
Homer's Odyssey, 3 9

AGIDO (i n Archai c poem), 13-15 , 5 8

Agricola, 348
Agriculture: Amazon s and , 134 ; Athenia n
women and , 109 ; and femal e slaves durin g
Roman Empire , 379-38 0
AGRIPPINA (th e Elder) , 304 ; portrai t o n coin ,
316f; portrai t o n Gemm a Claudia , 31 If;
symbolism of , 310-31 2
AGRIPPINA (th e Younger ) (wif e o f Claudius ;
mother o f Nero): autonomy of , 308 , 310-312;
memoirs of , 31 1
ALCESTIS, 7 , 72 , 98 , 225 , 371, 373f
Alcman: songs of, a s source o n Sparta n women,
57-59, 60 ; Partheneia, as source on Archaic
period women , 12-15 , 17 , 57-59, 60
Alexander th e Great , 136 , 140 , 154
Alexandria. See Hellenistic period ; Hellenisti c
period wome n
ALIS, 16 2
Altar of Augustan Peace. Se e Ara Pacis
AMATA (queen) , 234 , 298-299
Amazons, 128-134 ; Aeschylu s on , 131 ; analogie s
in Athenia n art betwee n defeate d Persian s
and, 129 , 131, 132f; analogy wit h centaurs ,
131; armo r an d weaponr y of , i n vas e
paintings, 129 , 130f; centrality of defeat i n
Athenian propaganda , 128-132 , 133f , 134;
depicted a s hostile t o me n an d marriage , 131 134; depiction i n easter n dress , 134n ;
descriptions b y historians, 131 ; ethnograph y
for, 133-134 ; Herodotus' s accoun t o f
encounter betwee n Scythian s and, 133 ; in
Homer's Iliad, 129 ; location o f communities
of, 134 ; origins of myths about , 134 ; religion
of, 134 ; Spartan women and , 59 ; Strabo on ,
134; us e i n ideolog y o f Athens , 9 , 129 , 131 133; weapon s of , 13 4
Amber, us e b y Etrusca n women, 245 , 247
Amphoras, funerar y iconograph y on, 46 , 47f
ANDROMACHE, 33 , 34 , 44 , 50 , 71 , 72-73 , 112 113, 28 6



Andronicus, Livius , 234

Animal imagery : in Alcman' s poetry o n
Spartan women , 57 ; in Semonides ' poetry , 4243
Animal sacrifices: i n Hesiod' s creatio n myth,
40; in Panathenai c procession i n hono r of
Athena, 86 ; and Vesta l Virgins, 235
Anthesteria (festiva l o f Dionysus), 88-90
ANTIOPE, abductio n b y Theseus, 129 , 130f
Antipater of Thessalonica, o n cano n o f women
poets, 163-16 4
ANTONIA (mothe r o f Claudius), 313, 317f
Antoninus Pius (adopte d so n of Hadrian), 351 352, 355 , 356; base o f Column of, 356 f
Antony, Mark , 136, 138 , 298; children of, 275;
and Cleopatra , 289 ; and Fulvia , 274
ANYTE OF TEGEA (Hellenisti c poetess), 163 ,
166, 167 , 173
APAME (mothe r of Berenic e 11) , 14 5
Aphrodisiacs. See Love potion s
APHRODITE (goddess) , 16 , 36, 148 , 151, 174;
depicted o n perfum e vase of rit e fo r Adonis,
92f ; and Gree k influence on Rome , 237; nude
statues i n Hellenisti c an d Roma n art, 173174, 175f , 176f; in "Oaristus, " 171 ; syncretism
with Isis , 155 , 176
Apollodorus (prosecuto r i n Athens) , 114-11 5
Apollo (god) , 32 , 36, 85, 131 ; Oracles of, 36 5
Apollonius (fathe r o f Phile) , 15 6
Appian: Civil War, 273 , 274; on Fulvia , 274
Apprentices, Roma n women as , 379
Apuleius, 213 , 384, 385; Apologia, 361 ; love
poetry of , 282 ; Metamorphoses, 361 , 382
Ara Paci s Augustae: idealized portrait s of
Augustus's family in, 294 , 295f, 296 ; as sourc e
on wome n i n Augusta n Rome, 294, 302, 307
Archaeological findings : destructio n of, 12 ;
from earl y Roma n Republic, 223, 224f ; in
Forum Boarium , and Gree k influence on
Rome, 237 ; on mournin g behavior, 76 ; and
site of Eleusis, 30, 3 If ; as source o n Archaic
period women , 10 ; as source on Etruscan
women, 245 ; as source o n wome n o f Pompeii,
limitations of, 341-344 ; an d women' s
quarters, 103
Archaic period maidens , 12-33 ; expecte d
behavior of , 22 ; korai, 19 , 20f, 21f, 22;
transition t o marriage , 22 , 23-33
Archaic period women : aristocratic , religious
dedications by, 34-39 ; in colonie s o f South
Italy an d Sicily , an d cult s o f Demeter an d
Persephone, 32 ; as dancing maiden s in vas e
paintings, 17 , 18f; and epi c tradition, 11 ;
exchanged amon g aristocrats of Greek citystates, 11 ; i n funerar y art , se e Funerary art;
and idea l marriage , 26-27 , 33-34 ; informal
power of , 75 ; limitations o f sources on , 8-12;
military rol e of , 34 ; and misogyny , see
Misogyny, i n Archai c period; nonaristocratic,
50, 52-53; an d prais e or blam e themes, 10-11 ;

priestesses, 34 , 35f ; public appearance s of , 22;

role of Amazon myths i n ar t an d ideolog y of ,
128-129; rol e a s mourners, 44-50 ; social lif e of ,
11-12; Spartan, see Spartan wome n
"Archaic smile" o f korai, 1 9
Archilochus (Archai c poet), 25-2 6
Archon, King . See Basileus, Archon
Archons: a t Halo a festival , 93; importance o f
wives of, 95
Areopagus in Athens , pla n of house excavated
at, 103 , 104f
Ares, worshi p by Amazon s of, 134
Aretaeus: background, 199-200 ; gynecologica l
writings of, 200 ; On th e Causes and
Symptoms o f Acute Diseases, 200;
Therapeutics o f Acute Diseases, 200
ARETE (Queen) , 27
ARISTARETE (Hellenisti c woma n artist) , 168
Aristocratic women: Alexandria n priestesses ,
151; i n Archai c Greece, 11 ; movemen t agains t
Roman austerit y la w during Hannibalic
invasion, 260 ; Scythians, a s warriors, 134 . See
also Wealthy wome n
ARISTODAMA (Hellenisti c poetess) , 163
Ariston (fathe r of Aristylla), 81
Aristophanes, 60 , 93; on activitie s o f girls
during religious rituals, 83-84 ; Lysistrata, 60,
84, 95 , 109 , 111 , 121; Wasps, 109 ; Women at
the Assembly, 96 , 109 ; Women a t th e
Thesmophoria, 87 , 96, 109 ; on women' s roles ,
Aristotle: biologica l treatises , 190-194 ; critique
of democratic women, 111 ; on effort s t o
confine poo r women , 109 ; on Etrusca n
women, 249 ; on menstruation , 195 ; Politics,
64-66, 72 , 122-124 ; on Sparta , 62 , 64-66; o n
virtuous wives, 72; on women' s roles , 122-12 4
ARISTYLLA, tombston e of , 81f , 82
Arkteia ritual , i n classical Athens , 85
Arretine bowl fro m Augusta n Rome , 322 f
Arrephoroi, selectio n b y cult o f Athena Polia s
on th e Acropolis , 84-85
Arsinoe-Crocodilopolis, bust s o f imperial family
of Augusta n Rome from, 307 , 308f
Arsinoe II I (so n of Berenice II an d Ptolem y
III), 15 0
ARSINOE I I (quee n of Egypt): 142 , 148, 151,
152f, 154 ; deification a s Aphrodite-Zephyritis ,
151. Se e also Aphrodite
Art, o f Archaic Greek period, a s source o n
women, 10 , 12. See also Art, Etruscan; Art,
Hellenistic; Art , Roman; Korai
Art, Etruscan : and image s of nursing mothers ,
254, 255f ; mothe r an d chil d moti f in , 256 ;
and scene s of children, 250 ; as source o n
women, 21 1
Art, Hellenistic : caricature s of women in , 176 177, 178f ; and image s of Cleopatra VII , 136,
137f, 138f ; and image s of Isis , 155 , 156f, 157f;
influence o n earl y Roma n Republic, 240 , 24 If
Art, Roman : of Augustan Rome, 307-308, 312-

313, 314f , 322-323; a s source on women , 294;
and depictio n o f "barbarian women," 386,
388f; i n earl y Roman Republic, 219-220 ;
influence o f South Italian , 240 , 241f; and
portrayal o f femal e body , 173-174 , I75f , 176177, 178f ; and reig n of Trajan, 351 ; as sourc e
on women , 141 , 142f, 336f, 338 , 339f ; an d
tombstones o f women o f Roman Empire, 370,
372f ; and wome n artists , 168 . See also Ara
Pacis Augustae
ARTEMIS (goddess) , 19 , 32, 36 , 37f , 85;
dedications b y aristocratic wome n to , 36 , 37f ;
worship by Amazon s of, 13 4
Artifacts, i n tomb s of Etruscan women, 245-246 .
See also Archaeological finding s
Ascanius (so n o f Aeneas an d Creusa) , 297 , 299
ASELLINA (Pompeia n tavern keeper) , 336 , 337 f
Asia Mino r (Roma n province) : evidence fro m
islands near coas t of , see Archaic period
women; impac t of life-styles on Rome , 211 ;
imperial famil y o n coin s of , 313 , 315f;
inscription i n synagogue in, 362 ; Miletus,
365, 373 ; Perge, 365
ASPASIA, Pericle s and , 73
ASTAPHIS (i n Alcman' s Partheneia), 58 , 59
ASTYMELOISA (i n Archai c poem), 14-15
ATHENA PARTHENOS , reconstructio n o f
shield hel d by , 131 , 133f
Athena Polias , cult of , 84 , 93
ATHENA (goddess ) : cult statu e o n Acropolis ,
94f ; dedication o f gifts b y Trojan wome n to ,
34-36; korai dedicate d to , 19 ; Panathenaic
procession i n hono r of , 84f , 85, 86f ; religious
dedications b y aristocratic women to , 38;
Trojan imag e of, i n shrin e of Vesta, 235
Athenian women , 68-124 ; an d adultery , 113 115; ancien t critica l reaction s t o role s of , 118 124; compared wit h Etrusca n women, socia l
lives of, 247 ; compared wit h Hellenisti c
women, 140 ; compared wit h Spartan women,
63; confinement in women' s quarters , 79-80;
difficulty o f studying history of , 80 ; an d
divorce, 70 ; drama as source fo r live s of, 6974; economic role of, 65; fetching water a t
public fountain house, 106-107 , 108f, 109;
foreigners, an d Pericles ' citizenship law, 73;
gravestones of, compared with Hellenistic
funerary monuments , 169; influence o n
Roman wome n o f early Republic , 237-241;
informal influenc e of, 78-79 , 102 , 112-113;
inscriptional evidenc e on , 81-83 ; and law , 70,
111-113; legislatio n controlling family life of ,
9; an d lon g absences o f husbands, 71; an d
marriage, 70-73 ; Mnesarete, 5, 6f, 7-8; nature
and limitatio n of sources on , 68-74 ; and out of-wedlock births , 183-184 ; prostitutes, se e
Hetairai, Prostitutes ; an d regulatio n of
mourning, 76-79 ; relationships wit h othe r
women, 109-111 ; relation t o polis , 74-83;
religious activities of, compared wit h
Hellenistic perio d women , 151 ; rol e of


Amazon myt h i n ar t an d ideolog y and , 9,

128-129; an d rol e of wife, 34; seclusion of ,
and attractio n of Dionysiac rites , 90-91;
silencing of, 79-80 ; an d Solon' s laws , 74-76;
sources on, 74 , 140; students a t Plato' s
Academy, 167 ; vase painting of dancing
maidens, 17 , 18f ; and wor k outside th e home ,
106-109, HOf . Se e also Athenian women, an d
civic religio n
Athenian women , an d civi c religion , 83-115 ;
and car e o f the dead , 96-98 ; an d Dionysia c
worship, 87-91 ; and domesti c cults , 96;
dramatic sources on , 95-96 ; and Halo a
festival, 92-93 ; importance o f role of, 95-96;
and participatio n i n religiou s rituals, 83-93 ;
priestesses of cults of female divinities, 93 ,
95-96; an d rite s for Adonis, 91, 92f; role a t
weddings, 98-101; seclusion i n household ,
Athletics: and Etrusca n women, 249 ; and
Spartan women , 59 , 60f, 62 , 249 . See also
Games; Horseback riding
Attica: funerar y relief from , 23f ; site of Eleusis
at, 30 , 31f
Atticus, O n Ends, 272
Atunis (Adonis) , 245, 246f
Augustan laws : o n adultery , 302-306 ; and
arranged marriages , 305; benefits t o
freedwomen, 304-305 ; demands for repea l of
marriage laws, 307 ; on divorce , 305 ; an d
ideology o n virtuou s women, 314-325 , impact
of, 306 ; Le x Julia, 303 , 305-306 ; Le x Oppia,
260; Le x Papi a Poppaea , 303 , 304-305, 306;
Lex Voconi a on femal e inheritance , 263 ; on
marriage, 302-306
Augustan Rome . See Augustan laws; Women i n
Augustan Rome
Augustus (Gaiu s Octavius = Octavianus Caesar ,
emperor, husban d of Scribonia, Livia , fathe r
of Julia), 138 , 274, 275, 276, 277, 285, 291,
339, 359 ; banishment of Julia, 292, 315 and
cult o f Vesta, 237; extramarital affairs of ,
315; on Gran d Camee de France , 314f ;
influence o f Livia on , 308 , 310 ; and Julia' s
marriages, 305 ; legislatio n o n adultery , 290 ;
as model of propriety fo r roya l women , 292,
314-321; an d ris e of "Ne w Woman," 281
Aulus (fathe r o f Verginia) , 231-23 2
Aurelius, Marcus , 213 , 352, 353, 354 , 355-356,
357, 36 2 Autobiographies, writte n b y
noblemen i n las t phas e of Roman Republic,
AXIOTHEA O F PHLIUS (studen t at Plato' s
Academy), 167
Bacchanalian conspiracy , 26 4
Bailers, Thesmophori a festival , 87
BALBILLA, JULIA, 353-354 ; epigrams of, 35 4
"Barbarians," female: captives as symbol o f
conquest, 386 , 388 f ; literary sources on , 386 ,
389; portraye d on Gran d Came e de France,



BALBILLA, JULIA (continued)

314f; an d rape , 392-nl3 ; in Roma n historical
texts, 386-38 7
Basileus, Archo n (chie f magistrate of Athenian
state religion) , 84f
BASILINNA (wif e o f Archo n Basileus), 88-89 ,
90f ; wedding to Dionysus , 89 , 90f
Baths: i n cul t rituals , 232; public, in Pompeii,
BAUCIS (i n Erinna' s poetry), 164-16 5
Bay o f Naples. See Pompeii ; Women of Pompeii
Beauty, idea l of, i n fifth-centur y Gree k art, 117 ,
Beds, o f Etruscan men an d women , 24 7
Bee woman, in Semonides ' poem , 43
Behavior, femal e anatomy and , 187 , 198-199 ,
Bellerophon (i n Homer' s Iliad), 12 9
BERENICE (daughte r of Berenic e I I ), 15 0
BERENICE I I (Quee n o f Egypt), 144-151 ;
children of, 150 ; and cult s of the queens , 151 ;
family background , 145 ; and horserace s a t
Nemean Games , 146 ; marriage to Ptolem y III ,
145; murde r by Ptolem y IV , 150-151 ; portrait s
of, 145 , 146f, 147f, 148f ; praise for , 146 , 148150; priestesshood i n he r honor , 151 ; templ e
for, 151 ; wealth of , 144-14 5
Birds, a s children's pets , 82, 98
Birthdays, wome n celebratin g together, 21 3
Bithynia (Roma n province), Plin y the
Younger's governorship of , 360-361
Blame theme. Se e Praise and blam e theme s
Blankets/mantles, associatio n wit h sexuality ,
250, 252 , 286
Blossius (Gree k philosopher), 264
Blue faience, Egyptia n technique of, 146
Boeotian myth , i n poetr y o f Corinna, 166-16 7
Bohemians. Se e "New Women "
BOUDICCA, 386 , 392-nl3
Brauron, rite s of Artemis at, 8 5
Breasts: and Amazo n myths , 131 ; a s Etruscan
anatomical ex-votos , 254 ; in Hippocratic
Corpus, 185 ; and madness , 186-18 8
BRISE1S (i n Homer' s Iliad) , 44 , 50
Britain (Roman) : military wives in, 213 , 214f ;
tombstone from , 213 , 214 f
Britannicus (so n o f Claudius), portrai t on coin ,
Brothels, i n Pompeii , 338 , 339 f
Brother-sister marriage, 150 , 154, 161-162
Brutus, M . Junius, 271 , 27 2
Business transactions. Se e Financial affair s

CALYBENI, VIBI A (madam) , 380

Cameos (imperia l family): Gemm a Claudia,
31 If, 313 ; Grand Camee de France , 313 , 314f
Cannicella, nud e statue at , 251-252 , 254 f
Canopus Decree , 151-15 4
Capital punishment . See Death sentenc e
Caracalla: 357-358 , 359f ; edict on Roma n
citizenship, 345 , 375
Carding contests, i n classica l Athens , 81. See
also Woo l working
Carriages, ridin g in: Etrusca n wome n and , 257 ;
as sign of high status o f Roman women, 26 3
Carthage, invasio n o f Rome. Se e Hannibalic
CASSANDRA, rap e of, 173 , 174f
CASSIA CORNELIA , 362 , 364, 36 5
Cassius, 272 , 304
Caste, i n earl y Roma n Republic, patricia n an d
plebeian, women' s cult s base d on , 230-23 4
Cato, M Porcius (th e censor), 216 , 272;
On Agriculture, 267; On th e Dowry, 263 ; on
increasing power o f women, 263 ; on
uncontrolled extravagan t women , 260-261 ; o n
women a s poisoners, 22 8
Catullus, Valerius , 149-150, 271 , 280-281, 304,
313; lov e poetry of , 282-284 , 285 , 287
Celer, Metellus , 281, 284
Celeus (i n Hym n t o Demeter), 28-29 , 52
Celibacy: o f priestesses in Roma n Asi a Minor ,
365; St . Paul' s recommendation of , 326 , 327
Centaurs, analog y with Amazons , 131
CERES, cul t of, 238 , 307. See also Demete r
Cerveteri, rock-cu t tombs at , 247
Chariots: i n Athenia n weddin g procession , 98,
99f, lOO f ; buried with Etrusca n women, 247 ;
and horseracin g in Hellenisti c period, 64
Chastity: an d confinemen t o f women i n
classical Athens , 103 ; cults of , i n earl y
Roman Republic , 231-232; i n Homeri c poems ,
39; and ideolog y o f Augusta n Rome, 318 , 326327; rol e o f father in protectio n of , 264 . See
also Reputation ; Virginit y
Childbirth: an d Amazons , 133-134 ; an d Archai c
period women , 49 ; in Augusta n Roman
society, 230 , 267 , 296, 299-304 ; i n classica l
Athenian society , 7 , 183-184 ; in Roma n
Empire, 381 f ; goddesses of , 230 ; and Gree k
medical an d biologica l theories , 9; in
Hellenistic literature , 171-173 ; an d Hesiod' s
misogyny, 39 , 40; Soranus on , 198 . Se e
also Childbirth , death in ; Infertility ;
Childbirth, deat h in : i n Augusta n Rome , 304 ,
325-326; an d Gree k grave monuments, 169 ,
170f ; Hippocratic Corpu s on , 18 8
CAERELLIA (corresponden t o f Cicero) , 272
Child care . Se e Childrearing
Caesar, Julius, 136, 138 , 275, 280; on hi s family ,
Childlessness: an d Augusta n law , 303 ; an d idea l
271; ris e of, "Ne w Woman" and , 281 ; an d
of virtuou s women i n Augusta n Rome , 31 9
Servilia, 27 2
Child mortality : i n Augusta n Rome , 325-326;
Caligula, 275 , 310, 311 ; portrait o n coin , 316f
and infanticid e i n Roma n Republic , 227 . See
Callimachus of Cyrene: "Th e Loc k of Berenice, "
also Infanticide
146, 148-150 ; "Victor y of Berenice, " 146

Childrearing: b y Amazo n men , 134 ; and
Etruscan women , 249-250 , 256; in Sparta , 56;
in women' s quarter s i n classica l Athens , 104,
105f. Se e also Motherhoo d
Children: o f absent fathers , mother' s authority
and, 365 ; attitude s o f Etruscan s toward, 255256; attitude s o f Greeks an d Egyptian s
toward, 161-162 ; i n classica l Athens , an d
dolls an d pets , 104 , 106 ; of concubines an d
slaves, i n Homer' s epi c poems, 50 , 52; and
divorce an d remarriag e of parents i n lat e
Roman Republic , 275; in earl y Roma n
Republic, powe r of father over , 227-228 ; of
freed slaves , i n lat e Roma n Republic , 268; on
grave monument s o f women, 8 ; hairstyles i n
classical Athens , 82 ; inheritance right s i n
late Roma n Republic , 271-272 ; legitimac y of ,
in classica l Athens , 113-115 ; marriage s of,
arranged b y women i n lat e Roma n Republic,
272; o f non-citizen s i n classica l Athens , 73;
poisoning of , 228 ; and reinforcemen t of
dynastic ideolog y i n Augusta n Rome , 307-308 ;
Roman, custod y afte r divorce , 229 ; in Sparta,
56; valuation o f sons an d daughter s i n Rome,
326. Se e also Childrearing
Chiton (garment) : 104 , 106f ; worn b y Spartan
women i n footraces , 59 , 60f
Chitoniskos (garment) , 85
Chiusi, limeston e relie f of wedding scene from ,
Christianity: legalizatio n of, 346 ; an d
persecution o f Christian women i n Roman
Empire, 383 ; an d statu s o f women, 391
Cicero, 280 , 281 , 304; as attorne y fo r Caelius,
273, 284 ; on Caerellia' s interes t i n
philosophy, 272 ; daughter of , se e TULLIA ,
CLODIA; D e Oratore, 271 ; Fo r Caelius, 284;
on Fulvia , 274; Letters t o Atticus, 271, 272;
Letters t o hi s Friends, 276 , 287; on meetin g
Cytheris a t dinne r party , 286-287 ; and mora l
puritanism o f early Rome , 239 ; relationshi p
with wif e Terentia , 271-27 2
Citizenship: an d Athenia n women, 73-76 ; and
patrician an d plebeia n wome n o f earl y
Roman Republic , 230-231; universa l for
freeborn b y edic t o f Caracalla, 345 , 375 . Se e
also Freedwomen ; Fre e women; "Ne w
Woman"; Slave s
Civil Wa r (Roman) : and Augusta n mora l
revival, 295-296 ; and changin g mores o f
Roman upper-clas s life , 299 ; and emergenc e
of "Ne w Woman " i n las t centur y o f Roman
Republic, 289-290 ; impac t o n women , 271272, 273-275 , 28 5
Classical Athenia n women. Se e Athenian
CLAUDIA (patro n o f guild), 366
CLAUDIA QUINTA , 220, 223; coin portrai t of ,
234, 235 f
Claudius (husban d o f Agrippina th e Younger) :
31 If; coi n of , 317f


Clazomenai, Archai c period vas e painter s at ,

17, 18 f
CLEA (Delphi c priestess) , 365 , 390
CLEITAGORA (Sparta n poet), 60
CLEOPATRA (quee n o f Egypt) , H5 , 274 , 292;
and Antony , 289 ; defeat b y Roma n forces, 9;
descriptions of , 136 , 138 ; and genealog y o f th e
Ptolemies, 138 , 139f ; identification with Did o
in Virgil' s Aeneid, 298 ; images of, 136 , 137f,
138f; source s on, 140 ; suicide of , 13 6
CLODIA, 273 , 291. See also Catullus ; LESBIA
CLOELIA, 220 , 222
Clothing: o f Athenian women , 96-97 ; an d
criticisms o f women's extravaganc e i n secon d
century Roma n Republic , 261 ; dedicated b y
aristocratic women t o goddesses, 36 ; of
Etruscan women , 244 ; as reflectio n of
affluence o f husband , 262-263 ; women' s
delight in , Valeria n on, 261 . See also
Costumes; Dres s
CLYTEMNESTRA (mothe r o f Orestes), 71 , 131;
adultery of , 39 ; marriage of , 27
Coin portraits , o f Hellenisti c period : o f Berenic e
II, 145 , 146f; of Cleopatra , 137f , 138f. See also
Coin portraits , Roma n Coin portraits ,
Roman: of abductio n o f Sabine women, 217f,
219f; o f captive "Barbarians, " 386 , 388f ; o f
imperial family , 313, 315f, 316f, 317f, 347f,
351, 352f , 357 , 358f; of Juno, 230 , 231f ; of
Plotina, 347f , 348 ; of Vesta l Quinta Claudia ,
234, 235 f
Columella, 379-38 0
Columns: Bas e of Antoninus Pius , 356 f ; of
Marcus Aurelius, 386, 388 f
Comedies, Roman : i n earl y Republic , 240;
portrayal o f slave wome n in , 385
Commodus (so n o f Faustina and Marcu s
Aurelius), 355
Communal lands , i n Sparta , 60-61, 66
Conception: i n Hippocrati c Corpus, 186 ;
Soranus on , 19 7
Concubines: i n classica l Athens , 73; in
Euripides' Andromache, 72 ; female captive s
of war as , 50 ; treatment i n Homer' s epi c
poems, 50 , 52
Conspicuous consumption , i n Roma n Republic,
Constantine, 265 ; and legalizatio n of
Christianity, 346 , 383
Consualia (festiva l i n hono r o f Neptune), 218
Contraception, 301-30 2
CORINNA O F TANAGRA (Hellenisti c poetess) ,
164, 166-16 7
"CORINNA," Ovid's elegia c lover , 282 , 291 ,
Corinthian women . Se e Athenian wome n
Coriolanus (so n o f Veturia) , 222, 261, 265
CORNELIA (daughte r o f Africanus, mother of
Gracchi), 220 , 264-265, 266 f
CORNELIA (daughte r of Metellu s Scipio, wif e
of Pompey) , Plutarc h on , 27 2



CORNELIA (daughte r o f Scribonia ,

stepdaughter o f Augustus ) , 276-27 7
Cornucopia, i n coi n portrait s o f Berenice II ,
145, H8 f
Corpus Inscriptionumjudaicarum, 36 2
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 318, 319, 320,
331, 333-334 , 336 , 337 , 338 , 339 , 340 , 341 , 348,
349, 350 , 351 , 363, 366 , 369-370 , 377-378 , 380,
Corvinus, M . Valeriu s Messala (guardia n of
Sulpicia), 324
Cosmetics: Valeriu s on, 261 ; an d wome n o f
Pompeii, 34 1
Costumes: depicte d o n Kora i o f Archaic perio d
women, 19 , 22; of Isis , 155 , 157f ; of statuett e
of priestes s fro m Ephesus , 34 , 35 f ; worn b y
Spartan wome n participatin g i n footraces , 59,
60f. Se e also Clothing ; Dres s
Court cases . Se e Law-court case s
Courtesans: fro m Greec e an d Asi a Minor,
influence o n Roma n women, 211 ; publi c
behavior i n classica l Athens , 80 ; women
accused o f being, 249 . see Hetairai
Craftsmen's guilds , freedwomen a s patrons of,
Craftswomen, slave s i n lat e Roma n Republic
as, 27 0
Creation myth , i n Hesiod' s poems , 39-4 2
CREUSA (wife of Aeneas in Virgil's Aeneid),
297, 29 9
Cults. Se e Religious cults
Cupids. Se e Erote s
CYBELE (goddess ) : as Roman Magn a Mater ,
223, 371 ; worship b y Amazons , 13 4
"CYNTHIA," Propertius's elegiac lover , 285-286 ,
287-288, 301 , 323
Cyrene, Berenic e I I a s sole hei r to , 144
CYTHERIS, 286-28 7

DEJANEIRA (i n Sophocles ' Women ofTrachis),
DELIA (i n lov e poetr y of Tibullus), 282
Delos, islan d of, kor e t o Artemi s on, 36 , 37f
Delphis (Simaetha' s lover i n poe m o f
Theocritus), 169-17 1
DEMARETA (i n Alcman' s Partheneia), 58 , 59
DEMETER, 50 , 52, 146 ; dedications by
aristocratic women to, 36 , 38; Haloa festiva l
at Eleusi s for, 92-93; linked t o Berenic e II ,
151; mysterie s of , 3 If, 95 ; an d Persephone ,
cults of , 32 , 238-239; Priestes s at Eleusi s of ,
93; Thesmophoria festiva l for , 86-87 . Se e also
Demeter and Kor e or Persephone, cults of;
Hymn to Demeter
DEMETRIA, marriag e contract with Heraclides ,
Demosthenes (orator) , 70 , 74 , 109-110 , 111 , 112;
on wome n working , 109
DIANA (goddess) , 370 ; cult of , 230
DIDO (quee n o f Carthage i n Virgil' s Aeneid),
Di Magn i of Troy, statue s of in shrin e o f Vesta ,
Dinner parties , feasting : Etrusca n wome n at ,
248-249; Roma n women and , 281 , 286-28 8
Diodorus Siculus : on Amazons , 134 ; on
childrearing by Egyptians , 16 1
Diogenes Laertius, 167-16 8
Dionysius, T . Claudius , funerar y alta r of, 320 ,
Dionysus (god) , 32 ; festivals o f in classica l
Athens, 87 , 88f, 89f , 90 , 91; Haloa festiva l a t
Eleusis for, 92-93; mask of, 87 , 88; worship b y
Amazons of , 13 4
Divorce: i n classica l Athens , 68 , 70 , 73, 114 ;
Roman, 211 , 228-229 , 262 , 263, 271-272 , 275,
300-306, 318 , 31 9
Dolls, a s playthings in classica l Athens , 104
Domestic chores , hetaira i performing , 11 7
Dacia (Roman ; modern Romania) , 373-374
Dancers (female ) : in Athenian religiou s rituals , Domestic education , Xenopho n on , 102-10 3
DOMITIA LUCILL A (mothe r o f Marcu s
83; in Italia n Greek culture , 240 , 241 f ; an d
Aurelius), 213 , 354
nudity i n Archai c period , 23f
Donkey women , i n Semonides ' poem, 43
Daphnis i n "Oaristus, " 171
Dowry: an d Amazons , 133 ; and Archai c perio d
Deaconesses, i n earl y Christia n church, 383
women, 11 ; i n classica l Athens , 69 , 70, 73; in
Death: an d disease , wome n a s source o f in
Hellenistic period , 140 ; in Rome , 228-229 , 262Hesiod's creatio n myth , 40 ; symbolic ,
264, 271-272 , 27 5
marriage of daughter as , 2 8
Drama: on Amazons , 131 ; a s source on lif e i n
Deathmasks, male , i n earl y Roma n Republic,
classical Athens , 69-77 , 95-96 ; o n women' s
219, 22 0
extravagance i n second centur y Roma n
Death sentence : for adultery o r drinking by
Republic, 261 . See also Theatrical festival s
women i n earl y Roma n Republic , 228; and
Dress: o f Etruscans, 252 ; Roman, Augusta n la w
disciplining of women i n secon d centur y
and, 301 ; Roman , caste system and , 232 , 233f;
Roman Republic , 264; as punishment for
Roman, an d matron' s stola, 232, 233f, 261 ,
adultery i n Le x Julia, 306 ; fo r Vestal Virgins,
291. Se e also Clothing ; Costume s
236-237; fo r workin g women convicte d o f
Drinking: b y women, 263 ; in earl y Roma n
crimes, 380
Republic, 228 ; in Hellenisti c art , 178 , 179f
de Beauvoir , Simone, idealizatio n o f Spartan
Drinking cups, wit h painting s o f Athenia n
women by , 56 , 66
hetairai, 116 , 117, 118 f
DECIDIANA, DOMITI A (wif e o f Agricola) , 34 8

Earthquakes i n Pompeii , 332 , 336-337, 343
Edict o f Toleration, 346 , 383
Education o f women: i n classica l Athens , an d
Lycurgus' laws , 74 ; and th e Gracchi , 264 ; in
Plato's Republic, 120-121 ; i n Republican
Rome, 215 , 272-273; i n Roma n Empire, 350,
Egypt: preservation o f papyri in , 215 , 353;
Roman, apprenticeshi p contract s fo r wome n
in, 379 ; Roma n conquest of , 136 . See also
Hellenistic Egypt
EILEITHYIA (goddess) , 3 6
ELECTRA (i n Euripides ' Electra), 10 9
Eleusinian Mysteries , 8 ; and Hymn t o Demeter,
30, 31f ; proceeding s of , 3 1
Eleusis, 28-29 , 30 ; discoveries a t sit e of , 30 , 31f ;
Haloa festiva l at, 92-93 ; plan o f sanctuary at ,
ELPINICE (Cimon' s sister), 78
Emotion, publi c expressio n of , an d Athenian
women, 76-7 8
Empresses an d wome n of the imperia l family ,
307-313; autonomy of, 308 , 310-313 ;
discrepancy between texts and visua l image s
of, 215 , 275, 291-292 , 304 , 307-313 , 350-357 ;
honors bestowed upon , 351-352 ; interest in
philosophy, 353 ; politica l influenc e of , 355 356; portrait s o n coins , 313 , 315f , 316f, 317f ,
351; public displa y of portraits and statue s of,
307, 309 , 309f , 310f , 313; and reinforcemen t o f
dynastic ideology, 307-308 , 312-313 , 365-370 ;
sources on persona l lives of, 352-353 ; an d
traditional ideal s o f womanhood, 350-360 ;
travels wit h husbands , 353-354 . See also
AGRIPPINA (elder , younger), FAUSTIN A I
Ennius, Sabine Women, 216-21 7
Entertainers, female : in Greece , 280 , 281f;
prohibitions agains t marryin g in Augustan
law, 305 ; i n Republica n Rome, 240-241 , 270;
in Roma n Empire, 349-350
Ephesus, statuett e of priestess from , 34 , 35f
Epigrams, tombstone : for Aristylla , 81 f ; for
Balbilla, 353-354 ; for child actres s Euchari s in
late Roma n Republic, 270; in classica l
Athens, 82-83 ; fo r Pausimache , 82-83 ; fo r
Phrasicleia, 21 ; Roman , 226-227; on stel e of
Mnesarete, 5 . See also Inscription s
Eratosthenes, 113-11 4
ERICHTHO (witc h i n Lucan' s Civil War), 38 4
ERINNA O F TEOS, poetry of , 164-16 5
Erinyes. Se e Furies
Eros, 92f
Erotes: i n ar t o f early Roma n Republic, 240; on
vase painting s of Athenian weddings, 101
Eroticism, female : in Alcman' s Partheneia, 58,
59; and literatur e of Hellenistic period, 169171; i n Sappho' s poems , 16-17
Eteocles: i n Aeschylus ' Seven Against Thebes,
77; i n Sophocles ' Antigone, 76


Etruria. Se e Etruscans; Etrusca n wome n

Etruscans: captur e o f Roman maidens , 222;
clothing, 252 ; and ris e o f Rome , 211 , 241 , 280.
See also Etrusca n wome n
Etruscan women , 243-258 ; attendance a t games ,
249, 250 f ; childrearing practices, 249-250;
clothing i n representation s of , 252 ; dining
with thei r husbands , 249 ; and foundin g of
Tarquin dynasty, 243 ; funerary monuments
as source on , 245-248 ; Greek and Roma n
historians a s source on , 245 , 248-249; homes
and furnishing s of, 247 ; and image s of nursing
mothers, 254 , 255f ; and importanc e o f
married couples , 245 ; new field s o f study on ,
245; nonaristocratic , 252 , 254-255; publi c lives
of, 211 ; relationship s between , 256f , 257;
Roman reactio n to , 225 ; sexual behavior of,
248; socia l roles of, 244-252 ; Theopompus on ,
EUMACHIA (Pompeia n benefactress), 332 , 334,
341-342; buildin g endowed by , 333f ; statue of,
335f ; tomb of, 339
Euripides, 71-73 , 95 , 109 , 162 ; Andromache, 7273; Bacchae, 90-91; Captive Melanippe, 95-96 ;
Electra, 109; Hippolytus, 71-72; Iphigeneia in
Aulis, 122 ; Iphigeneia Among th e Taurians,
69; Medea, 68-70 , 169 ; Suppliants, 77 ; Trojan
Women, 112-113 ; on women' s roles , 121-12 2
Euryalus (i n Virgil' s Aeneid), 29 9
EURYCLEIA (in Homer's Odyssey), 50
Execution. Se e Death sentenc e
Extravagance of women: Cat o and Valeriu s on,
260-261; prejudice s abou t i n Roma n Republic,
Fabric an d clothin g workers , Roma n women as ,
Family, Roman : concept of , 370 ; cult, 228-229 ;
and image s on tombstone s o f lower strat a
women, 373 , 374f , 375 , 377f ; natal , 227 ; an d
Solon's laws , 74-75 . See also Empresse s and
women o f imperial family
Farms. Se e Agriculture
Fathers, Roman : absent i n battle , 265-272;
daughters and wive s sharing honors with ,
363; and executio n of daughters, 264; powe r
over children , 227-22 8
FAUSTILLA, 336 , 34 3
FAUSTINA I (wif e o f Hadrian) , 351 , 354; image
on Colum n Bas e of Antoniu s Pius, 356 f ;
images in templ e o f Venus and Roma , 357;
political goal s o f gossip about , 355-35 6
FAUSTINA I I (wif e o f M . Aurelius) : coin s
honoring, 357 , 358 f ; honors give n to , 352 ;
travels with husband , 353
FAUSTINA, VOLUSI A (wif e o f Roma n officer) ,
tombstone of, 213 , 214f
Faustus, Caiu s Munatius , 338 , 340 f
Feasting. Se e Dinner partie s
FELIX, JULIA, 334 , 342-343



Felix, Spurius , 334

Female body , anatomy : Aristotl e on , 190-194 ;
attitudes towar d i n Hellenisti c period , 9 , 169 180; behavio r and , 203 ; changing views in
male-authored gynecologica l treatises , vii ; in
classical an d Hellenisti c periods compared ,
195-196, 174 , 176f; genitals, image s of a t
Haloa festival , 92, 93; in Hellenisti c art,
caricatures of, 176-177 , 178 f ; Herophilus on ,
194-196; i n Hippocrati c Corpus , 184-186 ; idea l
proportions durin g classical period , 184 ; and
ritual washin g o f Venus, 232
FERONIA, cul t of , 233-23 4
Fertility: Augusta n emphasis on , 296 ; depicte d
on Ar a Paci s Augustae, 304 , 313 ; an d earlies t
Near Easter n nude femal e figures , 176 , 177f;
importance o f i n earl y Roma n Republic, 228230; an d religiou s cults, 229-230 . Se e also
Fertility rituals ; Infertilit y
Fertility rituals , and myt h o f Demeter an d
Persephone, 32-33 . See also Thesmophori a
Festivals: o f Adonis , 91 , 92f, 142; Anthesteria ,
88-90; i n classica l Athens , girls' activitie s at,
83-84; Consualia , 218 ; Great Panathenaia
festival, 83 , 86; Haloa festival , 92-93; Lenaia
festival o f Dionysus , 87 , 88f , 89 f ; Panathenaic
festival, 86f , 93 , 94f ; of poetry, Hellenisti c
period wome n poetesse s at , 163 ; theatrical, in
classical Athens , 87; Thesmophoria festival ,
32, 86-8 7
Ficoroni cist a (bronz e containe r fro m 4t h
century Rome) , 223 , 224f
Fiction, a s source o n women , 10-1 1
FIDES, 35 1
Financial affairs : an d Roma n women.
voluntary an d enforce d contributions , 223 ,
261, 271-272 , 273 , 274; and wome n o f
Pompeii, 334 , 336
Finley, Si r Moses, "Silen t Wome n o f Rome,
The," 13 6
Footraces: participatio n o f Athenian girl s in,
85f; participatio n of Spartan women in , 59 ,
Foreigners, i n classica l Athens , 69; and
introduction o f cults from abroad , 91-92 ; and
Pericles' citizenshi p law , 74
FORTUNA, cult s of, 222 , 232
FORTUNATA (wif e o f Trimalchio), 330 , 331,
Forum Boarium , excavations at , 237 , 238
Forum o f Pompeii , publi c buildin g finance d b y
Eumachia in , 332 , 333f , 334
Freed women, freedmen , Roma n (former
slaves): and Augusta n law , 304-305 ; i n earl y
Roman Republic , life condition s of , 268 , 269f ,
270; an d women' s cults , 232 ; in Roman
Empire, 215 ; families of, 268 , 269 f ; relation s
with aristocrats , 262 ; status of , 212 ; wealthy,

Free women: in classica l Athens , poor , 103 ,

109; an d protectio n fro m sexua l abuse , 22 7
Friendship between women: in classical
Athens, 69 , 103 , 109-112 ; i n Hellenisti c
period, 141 , 142f
Pronto, Cornelius , 213 , 362; Correspondence,
FULVIA (wif e o f Clodius, Mar k Antony), a s
military leader , 274-27 5
Funerals: i n classica l Athens , 76 , 78, 96; in
early Roma n Republic, 219; and Etrusca n
women, 245 ; eulogies for Roman wome n at ,
223, 271 , 318-320, 350-351. Se e also Mourner s
and entries beginning with "Funerary"
Funerary art : i n Archai c period, wome n
mourners in , 46 , 47f, 48f, 49f , 50 f ; in earl y
Roman Republic , 219-220 , 239-240; of free d
slave families in Rome , 268 , 269f . See also
Funerary monument s
Funerary inscriptions . Se e Inscription s
Funerary monuments: Athenian wome n an d
care of, 96 , 97f, 98f ; of cosmopolitan Roma n
Empire, 346 ; korai as , 19 , 21f; from Latium ,
220, 2 2 If ; for nonroya l wome n i n Hellenisti c
period, 156-157 , 158f , 169 , 170f ; se t u p b y
women o f Pompei i fo r husbands , 338 , 340 f ; as
source o n Etrusca n women , 245-248 , 250,
251 f; a s source on wome n of Roman Empire ,
369-378; of T. Claudiu s Dionysius , 320 , 321f;
from third-centur y C.E . Neumagen , 377 f ; of
wealthy wome n fro m Palmyr a o r Egypt , 386 ,
387f. Se e also Tombstone s
Furies (i n Aeschylus ' Eumenides), 131
Furniture: i n classica l Athens , 105 f ; Etruscan ,
GAIA CAECILIA , los t Roma n statu e of, 220
Gaius: 315f ; Institutiones, 303
Galen: gynecologica l writings of, 200-203 ; O n
the Affected Tarts, 202 ; On th e Anatomy o f
the Uterus, 202 ; On th e Seed, 194-195 ; On th e
Usefulness o f th e Parts of th e Body, 201 , 202,
Games: ephedrismos , i n Hellenisti c period , 180 In; Nemean , 146 ; Olympian, 146 ; woman
banned fro m attendin g in lat e Roman
Republic, 26 2
"Gardens fo r Adonis, " 91, 92f
Gauls, invasio n of Rome , 222-22 3
Gemma Claudia , 3 1 If, 31 3
Genitals. Se e Female body, genitals ;
Gynecological writings ; Mal e genitals ;
Reproductive organ s
Germanicus, 307 , 310 ; on Gemm a Claudia , 3 1 If
Germany, Roman , 375 , 377 , 389
Geta, 357-358 , 359f
Gifts: give n b y idea l Archai c perio d wives , 34;
in tomb s o f Etruscan women , 247 . See also
Wedding gift s
Girls. Se e Maidens

Goddesses: o n funerar y monuments , of
cosmopolitan Roma n Empire, 370-371, 372f ,
373f ; korai a s dedications to , 22 ; religious
dedications b y aristocratic wome n i n Archaic
period to , 34-39 ; subordinate role i n religion
of early Roma n Republic , 230-234. See also
under specific names of
GORGO (i n Theocritus' s Odes), 14 4
Gossip: abou t imperia l women, 315 , 355-356;
about wome n o f Pompeii , 330
Gracchi, the , 220 ; Cornelia honore d a s mothe r
of, 165 . See also CORNELI A
Graffiti: a s source o n wome n o f Pompeii , 334,
336, 337 , 338 , 340 ; a s source on workin g
women o f Roma n Empire, 380
Grand Came e de France , 313 , 3 Hf
GRATIA, 21 3
Gravestones. Se e Funerary monuments;
Inscriptions; Stele s
Great Panathenai a festival , 83 , 86
Greece: Archai c perio d in , se e Archaic perio d
women; ma p o f Greek world aroun d 300
B.C.E., 2-3 ; in Roma n Empire, Delphi, 365,
368-369; i n Roma n Empire , Thessaly, 383-385 .
See also Athenia n women; Hellenisti c period;
Hellenistic perio d wome n
Guardianship of women i n Rom e (tutor ,
tutela), 236, 264, 303; in Plato's Republic,
Gynecological writings , Greco-Roman , 183-204 ;
of Aretaeus , 199-200 ; of Aristotle , 190-194 ; by
women, 203-nl ; changing views of female
anatomy in , vii ; of Galen, 200-203; of
Herophilus, 9 , 194-196 ; in Hippocrati c
Corpus, 184 ; on "hysterica l suffocation, " 199,
202; of Soranus, 196-199 , 323; and women' s
self-perceptions, 183 . See also Femal e body
Hades, 32 ; marriage t o Persephon e i n Hymn t o
Demeter, 27-33 ; pinake s showing abduction
of Persephon e by , 32 , 33 f
Hadrian, 351-352 , 353 , 355 , 356 , 364 , 367; coins
of, 351 , 352f, 388 ; funera l oration s fo r Plotina
and Matidia , 350-35 1
HAGESICHORA (i n Alcman' s Partheneia), 13 15, 58 , 5 9
HAGNODICE (Hellenisti c woman physician) ,


Hairstyles: o f Berenic e II , 145 ; of Cleopatra, 136 ,

138; o f Livia , 308 , 309 f ; on vas e painting s of
children i n classica l Athens , 104 , 106 f ; of
women i n classica l Athens , 82, 109
Haloa festival , 92-93
Handwriting, o f Roma n women, 21 3
Hannibal o f Carthage , 21 6
Hannibalic invasion : impac t o n Roma n
women, 260-261 ; religiou s rites during, 232234. Se e also Roma n women o f late Republi c
HATSHEPSUT (quee n of Egypt) , 138
Healing sanctuaries, Etruscan , 252, 254


Hector: i n Euripides ' Andromache, 72 ; in

Homer's Iliad, 34 , 44 , 50 , 72 , 286
HECUBA (i n Homer' s Iliad), 34 , 44
Heirs. Se e Inheritanc e
HELEN: i n Euripides ' Andromache, 72 ; in
Homer's Iliad, 34 , 44, 57 ; in Homer' s Odyssey,
50; i n "Oaristus, " 171
HELENA (mothe r o f Constantine), statu e of ,
Hellenistic Egypt , 140 ; role o f women in , 9 . Se e
also Hellenisti c period ; Hellenisti c perio d
Hellenistic period , 136-180 ; art of , an d portraya l
of femal e body, 173-174 , 175f , 176-177, 178f ;
and evidenc e fro m Greco-Roma n Egypt, 141;
and suicid e o f Cleopatra VII , 136. See also
Hellenistic Egypt ; Hellenistic period wome n
Hellenistic perio d women : alliance s between,
162; artists , 168 ; ar t source s on, 141;
autonomy an d assertivenes s of , 159 ;
caricatures of , 176-177 , 178f , 179f ; compare d
with Etrusca n women, 245 ; complaint by
father o n abandonmen t b y his daughter, 160161; daily live s of, compared wit h Athenia n
women, 165 ; education an d profession s of,
163-168; gravestones of , 156-157 , 158f ;
historical source s on , 140-141 ; an d
infanticide, 161-162 ; letter s an d petition s t o
king, 159-161 ; literar y sources on, 141 ; and
medical practice , 168 ; and migratio n to ne w
cosmopolitan cities , 140 ; naming of, 151-154 ;
and Ne w Comedy , 162-163 ; philosophers , 167168; poetesses , 163-167 ; poetr y a s source on ,
141-144; publi c lives of, 155-163 ; religiou s
activities of, 151-154 ; reques t fro m a wido w
for appointmen t o f male guardian, 159 ;
Roman writer s on, 281 ; sources on , 140-144 ;
Spartan, se e Spartan women; spiri t of
intimacy between , 141 , 142 f
Heracles, 129 , 131
HERA (goddess) , 36 , 59; compared wit h Roma n
goddesses, 230 ; in epigra m b y Nossis , 166
Hercules, 289 , 290f , 37 0
Hermia, Luciu s Aurelius, 319, 320f
HERMIONE (i n Euripides ' Andromache), 7 2
Herodas, 141 , 16 5
Herodian, 357 , 375
Herodotus, 71 , 74; on Athena , 93 ; on encounte r
between Scythian s and Amazons , 133 ; on
spontaneous actio n o f women , 1 1 1
Herophilus, 168 , 184 , 198 ; medica l writing s of ,
9, 194-196 ; Midwifery, 194 ; Soranus compared
with, 196 , 197
Hesiod, 12 ; misogyny i n poem s of , 39-42 , 44 ;
and nonaristocrati c Archai c period women ,
11; Theogony, 39-41 ; Works an d Days, 11 , 40 ,
41-42, 5 2
Hetairai, i n classica l Athens , 115-118 ;
caricatures of , 118 , 119f ; vas e painting s of ,
116, 117f , 118f , 173, 280. 281f



HIPPARCHIA, 167-16 8
Hippocrates, Diseases of Women, 185 , 189 . Se e
also Hippocrati c Corpus; Hippocrati c
Hippocratic Corpus , 184-190 ; authorship of, 184 ;
on menstruation , 186-188 , 195 ; on rol e of
womb in hysteria , 188-190 ; on women' s
mental inferiorit y to men , 188 ; on women' s
predisposition t o irrationality , 186-18 7
Hippocratic physicians : Aristotl e compare d
with, 190-194 ; and femal e reproductive
system an d women' s behavior , 169
HIPPYLLA, mirro r dedicated t o Artemis , 36, 38f
Historical texts : on Athenia n women, 74 ; on
"barbarian" women, 386-387 ; on Etruscan
women, 248 ; on Hellenisti c perio d women ,
140-141, 144 ; Historia Augusta, 346, 351-352,
353, 355 , 356, 357 ; on Roma n women, 29 4
Homer, 11 , 272 ; attitudes towar d wome n i n
poems of , compare d wit h Hesiod' s poems , 44 ;
on effect s o f war o n wome n an d children , 50 ;
reconstruction o f social lif e o f Archaic period
women fro m epic s of , 11 , 12 ; on transitio n
from maidenhoo d t o marriage , 22, 24-25, 2627. Se e also Homeri c poems ; Iliad] Odyssey
Homeric poems: an d informa l power o f women ,
75; an d woman' s rol e a s wife an d mother , 3 9
Homosexuality: i n Augusta n law, 300-301 , 305306; i n Sparta , 58 . See also Love, female
Horace: Odes, 265, 287, 307; Satire, 30 0
Horseback ridin g by women, i n early Roman
Republic, 220 , 222
HORTENSIA, 176 ; oratory of , 273-27 4
Household economy . Se e Oikoi
Household functions : o f Archaic period women ,
11, 34 ; of Athenia n women, 101-106 , 123-12 4
Household goods: in grave s of Etruscan women ,
245; an d rol e o f Archaic period wives , 33 . See
also Furniture
Housekeepers, i n Archai c period, 29 , 52
Houses: Etruscan , 247 ; in Pompeii , 339-341. See
also Women' s quarter s
Hydria, 106-107 ; inspired b y Hymn t o Demeter,
31, 32 f
HYGEIA (goddess) , 37 0
Hyginus, Fabula, 168
Hymn t o Demeter, 22, 50; and cults , 32 ; as
source of information o n nonaristocrati c
women o f Archaic period, 52 ; on transitio n
from maidenhoo d t o marriage , 27-33 ; vas e
paintings inspire d by , 31 , 32f
IAMBE (in Hymn to Demeter), 30
IDONE, 337
Iliad (Homer) , 44, 50 , 95; on Amazons , 129;
mourning in, 44-46 ; women in , 33-34;
working women in , 52
ILIA (mothe r o f Romulus), 216

Imperial Rome . See Empresses an d wome n o f

imperial family ; Women i n Augusta n Rome
Infanticide: b y Amazons , 131 , 134 ; i n earl y
Roman Republic , 227; and Etrusca n women ,
249; i n Hellenisti c period b y Greeks in Egypt,
Infertility: a s cause fo r divorce i n earl y Roma n
Republic, 228-229 ; Soranus on, 198 . See also
Childlessness; Fertilit y
Inheritance laws: an d Archai c period women ,
11; an d Athenia n women, 80 , 111-112 ;
Augustan, 304 ; and legitimac y o f heirs ,
Solon's law s restricting wome n and , 75 ; in
Plato's Republic, 119; in Roman Republic,
262, 271-272 ; an d Sparta n women, 61 ; an d
Vestal Virgins , 235
Initiation: of Archaic period me n an d women ,
12-18; of Athenian women , 70 , 85; of
Etruscan women , 256-257 . See also Maidens
Inscriptions: fo r Athenian women, 81-83 ; for
Etruscan women, 245-246 , 257f , 258 ; on
Eucharis, 270 ; to Eumachia , 332 , 334; givin g
women's occupation s a t Athenia n Acropolis ,
52; for Hellenisti c period women , 151-154 ;
naming priestesses i n classica l Athens , 93 , 95.
See also Epigrams, tombstone ; Graffiti ;
Inscriptions, Roman ; Religious dedication s
Inscriptions, Roman , 213, 215, 223, 246, 312,
318, 320 ; from earl y Roma n Republic, 223 ; to
imperial wome n o f Augustan Rome, 312-313 ;
to Paulina , 348; Pompeian, 334 , 336-340; a s
source o f information on women i n Augusta n
Rome, 294 , 319-320; on tombston e of freed
slave couple i n late Roma n Republic, 269 f ; to
women o f Roman Empire, 346, 350-351, 352,
361-366, 369-379 , 382-38 3

Ionia, evidenc e from . See Archaic perio d

IPHIGENIA, 36 , 225; in Euripides ' works , 69 ,
IPHIS (in Ovid's Metamorphoses), 300
IRENE (Hellenisti c woman artist) , 168
Isaeus, 73 , 74, 78-79, 80, 112 ; on cour t case ove r
inheritance, 80 ; and proo f o f women bein g
courtesans, 24 9
ISIS (goddess) : cul t of , 141 , 342-343, 382-383; i n
Egyptian an d Hellenisti c thought , 154-155 ;
images i n Hellenisti c art , 155 , 156f , 157f ; an d
Pompeian women, 342 , 343f ; syncretism wit h
Aphrodite, 155 , 176 ; temple of , an d
Alexander's plan fo r Alexandria , 154
Jason: i n Euripides' Medea, 69 , 73; in
Apollonius' Medea, 16 9
Jewelry: amber , 246-247 ; Etruscan, 211 , 245
Jewish women , i n Roma n Empire, 372, 382-38 3
Jucundus, L . Caecilius, 334 , 336
JULIA (daughte r of Julius Caesar), 304
JULIA (daughte r o f Augustus), 291-292 ; and

imperial ideolog y o n virtuou s women, 315 ;
marriages of , 30 5
JULIA DOMN A (wif e of Septimus Severus) ,
352-353, 362 , 366; image s of, 357-358 , 359 f ;
myth o f happy famil y lif e of , 358-359 ;
patronage of , 366
JULIA MAES A (siste r o f Julia Domna) , 355
JULIA TIT I (daughte r of Titus), 352
Julio-Claudian Rome , 294 ; influence of
Augustus' reig n on , 313 , 314f; and tension s
over prope r rol e o f women, 326-32 7
JUNO (goddess) , 230 , 231f, 299; cult of , 230 ,
232-234; statue of, an d women' s offerings
during Hannibali c invasion , 232-23 3
Justin, 144 , 145
Justinian, Institutes, 306
Juvenal, Satires, 366-36 7
Kalathos, 10 9
Kanephoroi, a t Panathenai c procession i n
honor o f Athena, 86
Korai: of Archai c period , 19 , 20f , 21f , 22, 173 ;
clothing of , compared wit h costume s of
Spartan women , 59 , 60f ; functions of, 22;
funerary relie f from Attica , 23f ; original
contexts of, 1 2
KORE (PERSEPHONE , LIBERA ) cul t of , 36 , 37f,
237, 238 f
Kottabos (Athenia n party game) , 11 6
LAI A OF CYZICUS (Hellenistic artist) , 168
Land ownership , b y Spartan women , Aristotle' s
criticisms of , 65-6 6
Lares, 228
Plato's Academy) , 167
Latium, statu e of young woma n from , 220 , 2 2 If
LAVINIA, 234 ; in Virgil' s Aeneid, 297 , 298-299
Law-court cases : and Athenia n women , 75-76 ,
80, 111-115 ; o f Caelius , 284 ; initiated b y
Roman women , 272 , 360; an d marriag e
contracts i n Hellenisti c period , 159 ; as sourc e
of information o n women , 74 , 360-361; of
women accuse d o f poisoning husband s in
early Roma n Republic , 228; women o f lat e
Roman Republi c speaking during , 273 . See
also Lega l petitions
Laws: an d Athenia n women , 70 , 74-76, 111-113 ,
114; funerary , 76; i n Plato' s Republic, 118 119; regulatin g women mourner s i n Archaic
period, 46-48 ; Theodosian Code, o n
tavern workers o r servants accuse d of
adultery, 380 . Se e also Augusta n laws; Lawcourt case s
Lebes gamikos (vase s from Greek Italy) , 258,
Legal petitions , a s source o n lowe r strat a
women i n Roma n provinces, 375-37 6
Legal texts : on distinction s betwee n free , freed ,
and slave , 384 ; a s source o f information on


women i n Augusta n Rome, 294 ; on taver n

workers a s quasi-prostitutes, 38 0
Legitimacy of children: an d confinemen t o f
women i n Classica l Athens , 103 ; court cases
on, 80
Lenaia festiva l o f Dionysus , 87 , 88f, 89f
Lepidus (so n o f Cornelia), 272 , 277
"LESBIA," in Catullus' s poetry , 282-284 , 304
Lesbianism. Se e Love, femal e homoeroti c
Letters: abou t women , 212-213 , 271 , 272 , 276,
287, 349-350 , 360-361 , 367; written b y women ,
213, 264 , 349, 353 , 35 4
LIBERA, cul t of , 23 8
Libya, Amazo n me n in , 13 4
Ligustinus, Spurius , 265-26 7
Literacy: of Hellenisti c perio d women , 141 ,
142f; o f Roma n women, 212 , 342, 368, 370 ,
373; of Spartan women , 60 ; of women i n
Classical Athens , 106 , 107f ; of wome n o f
Pompeii, 341 , 342f
Literary sources : o n Amazons , 129 ; on Archai c
period women , 10 , 12; on "barbarian " wome n
of Roma n Empire , 386 , 389 ; o n Dionysia c
rites, 90-91 ; on earl y Roma n Republic , 211,
216, 240 ; Etruscan, absenc e of , 211 ; on
funerary behavior , 76-77 ; on Hellenisti c
period women, 141 , 169-171 , 179-180 ; on late r
Roman Empire , 346 ; on marriag e i n Augustan
Rome, 297-299 , on nonaristocrati c wome n o f
Archaic period, 50 , 53, see also Homer ; an d
praise fo r Berenic e II , 146 ; on rap e o f th e
Sabines, 217-219 ; on wome n i n Augusta n
Rome, 294
LIVIA (AUGUSTA ) (wif e o f Augustus) , 291,
295, 304 , 354 , 359 ; o n Gran d Camee d e
France, 314f ; an d idea l o f virtuous wome n i n
Imperial Rome , 292 , 315, 320; inscriptions to ,
312; portraiture , 308f-310f , 313 ; relative
autonomy of , 308 , 31 0
Livy, 222-223 , 228 , 297; on Cato' s attitude
toward uncontrolle d women , 260-261 ; on cul t
of plebeian chastity , 231-232 ; on Etruscans ,
222, 244 ; on heroine s of early Roma n
Republic, 222-223 ; on intermarriag e betwee n
plebeians an d patricians , 230-231 ; on absen t
fathers, 266 ; and mora l puritanis m o f earl y
Rome, 239 ; on rap e o f the Sabines , 217-219 ;
on Tanaquil , 243 ; on Verginia , 227 ; on
women's cult s i n earl y Roma n Republic , 231 234
Locri Epizephyri i (Gree k city i n Souther n
Italy), 32 ; clay tablet s of , 238 , 239f;
sanctuary o f Persephone at, 36-3 7
Loutrophoroi: 5 1 f; an d wome n mourners , 4 9
Love, femal e homoerotic, 165 , 325; an d
Augustan adulter y laws , 300-301 ; i n Sparta,
Love, heterosexual : female susceptibilit y to ,
and Hellenisti c writers, 169-171 ; i n
Hellenistic period , 169-173 ; an d idea l of
virtuousness of women o f Augustan Rome,



Love, heterosexua l (continued)

319; an d "Ne w Woman " i n las t centur y of
Roman Republic , 280-281 : romantic an d
idealized notio n of in Classica l Athens , 101
Love poetry : o f Augusta n Rome, 323; of
Catullus, 281-284 ; on dinne r parties, 287 ; of
last centur y o f Roman Republic , see "New
Woman"; o f Ovid, 290-291 ; o f Propertius , 285286;ofSulpicia, 324-32 5
Love potions, an d poisonings , 228
Lower strat a wome n o f Roman Empire, 368-390;
and "barbarians, " 386 , 388f ; Christia n
women, 383 ; an d concep t of familia, 370 ; an d
concepts o f virtue , 370-371, 373; in cults , 382383; definitiona l problems, 368-369 ; an d idea l
of Roma n womanhood, 369-370 ; inscriptiona l
evidence o n tombstone s a s source on , 369 378; intermarriag e with Roma n citizens, 375376; non-Roman , see "Barbarian" women; i n
provinces; lega l petitions a s source on , 375376; qualification s for working, 378-379 ; an d
rituals of magic, 383-384 ; an d Roma n socia l
hierarchy, 390-394 ; rural-urba n differences,
379-380; status distinctions between , 384 390. See also Freedwomen ; Slav e women
Lucan, Civil War, 384
Lucian, Dialogues of th e Courtesans, 30 1
LUCINA (goddes s o f childbirth), 229-230
Lucius (Mar k Antony's brother) , 274 , 315f
LUCRETIA, 225-227 , 24 4
Lupercalia (Roma n fertility ritual), 229-230
Luxury: Etruscan, 247-249 , 252 ; Roman, 261 262. Se e also Wealthy wome n
Lycurgan constitution : legend s associate d with ,
66; Plutarch on, 64 ; and Spart a a s Utopia, 63
Lycurgus, 61 ; constitution o f Sparta and,
Plutarch on , 57 ; laws at Spart a attribute d to ,
74. See also Lycurga n constitution
Lycurgus, Against Leocrates, 79-8 0
Lysias, 74 , 79 , 95 , 111-112 , 113-114 ; Funeral

Oration, 12 8
LYS1MACHE (priestes s o f Athena) , 93
LYSISTRATA. Se e Lysimache
LYSISTRATE (priestes s o f Demeter an d
Persephone in Archai c period), 38-3 9

Macedonian kings , and impositio n o f Greek

culture o n Egypt , 9
Macrobius, Saturnalia, 291
Maenads (follower s of Dionysus) , 87, 91f
Magic. Se e Witchcraft; Witches
Magistracies, awarde d t o Hellenisti c period
women, 155-15 6
Maidens: of Archaic period, initiatio n into
adulthood, 12-18 ; o f Classical Athens,
initiation int o adulthood , 70 , 80-81; i n earl y
Roman Republic , public appearances of, 234;

participation i n religiou s ritual s i n Classical

Athens, 83 , 84f , 85f, 86f
Maids, i n Roma n Republic, 267-268 ; in Roma n
Empire, 385
Makeup, i n Augusta n Rome, 301
Male genitals, image s of: a t Halo a festival , 92,
93; at Thesmophori a festival , 87
MAMIA (priestess) , 339 , 341
Mantles. Se e Blankets
Manus, marriag e wit h an d without, 227-22 8
Maps: of Gree k world aroun d 30 0 B.C.E, 2-3 ; of
Roman Empir e around 20 0 C.E., 206-207
MARCIANA (siste r o f Trajan), 350-351 , 36 3
Mare women, i n Semonides ' poem , 42-4 3
Marital fault , i n Roma n law: an d abortion ,
228; an d adultery , 228 ; and appearanc e i n
public, 262 ; and poisoning , 22 8
Marriage: an d absenc e o f military fathers , 265266; arrange d by mothers , 275 ; in Augusta n
Rome, 294-306 , 320f ; and availabilit y o f
slaves an d prostitute s i n Roma n Empire , 211 ;
by capture, an d rap e o f the Sabines , 217;
caste intermarriage, 230-231 ; an d chastit y i n
Augustan an d Julio-Claudian Rome , 327;
citizen-noncitizen intermarriage , 375 ; an d
Civil War , 289; in Classica l Athens , 68-73 , 75,
83, 101 ; depiction o f Amazons a s hostil e to ,
131-134; earlies t extan t Gree k contract , 158 159; i n earl y Roma n Republic, 227-228 , 230232, 233f ; an d educatio n o f girls i n lat e
Roman Republic , 272; Etruscan, 245 , 248-250,
25 If, 253f ; i n Hellenisti c period , 166 , 171-173 ;
Hesiod's recommendation s on , 39-40 ; i n
Homeric epics, 1 1 ; ideal i n Archai c period ,
26-27; an d idea l o f virtuous woma n i n
Augustan Rome , 320-321 ; i n lat e Roma n
Republic, 225 , 272, 289-290; and law s o n
dowry an d i n Roma n Republic, 263 ; in Ne w
Comedy, 162 ; to one man onl y (univira) ,
232, 276 ; and politica l alliances , 225;
prohibited fo r slaves i n lat e Roma n Republic,
268, 270 ; Roman idea l o f harmony in , 327 ,
357, 369-370 ; and Roma n soldiers , 213 , 265266, 375 ; in Sappho' s poems , 15-16 ; an d
Spartan women , 61 , 62-63; transition fro m
maidenhood to , 22 , 24-25 , 26-27 , 70 ; of
widows i n Roma n Empire, 361
Married Women . Se e Wives
Martial, Epigrams, 30 0
MAT1D1A (niec e o f Trajan), 350-351
"Matriarchy, myt h of, " an d Amazo n myth , 132 133
Matrilineal naming , i n Hellenisti c period , 16 5
Matrona (marrie d wome n i n Rome) , statu s of ,
218, 232 . See also Wives
Mature women. Se e Older wome n
MEDEA, 68-70 , 73; Hellenistic version s of , 16 9
Medical writings : on Amazons , 134 ; Aristotle's ,
190-194; o f Herophilus , 194-196 ; Hippocrati c
Corpus, 184-190 ; on women , 183-204 . See also
Gynecological writings , Greco-Roma n

Medicine: Hellenisti c period wome n and , 168 ;
Roman wome n practitioners , 215 , 370, 378379
MEGALOSTRATA (Sparta n poet), 60
MEGISTE, ABUDI A (vendor) , 378
MELANIPPE (i n Euripides ' The Captive
Melanippe) , 95-96
MELANTHO (in Homer's Odyssey), 52
MEMMIA VICTORI A (mater o f artisans '
group), 366
Men: militar y absence s of, an d legend s o f earl y
Roman Republic , 225 ; as mourners i n Archai c
period, 46-48 ; rol e i n Homer' s Iliad, 34 . See
also Father s
Menelaus: i n Euripides ' Andromache, 72 ; in
Homer's Odyssey, 5 0
Menstruation: Aristotl e on , 191-192 ; Gale n on ,
202; Herophilu s on , 195 ; in Hippocrati c
Corpus, 186-188 ; Pliny on, 198 ; Soranus on,
Mentors, fo r maidens i n Archai c societies, 12-13
MESSALINA, VALERIA , 271 , 313; portrait o n
coin, 317 f
METILIA ACT E (priestes s o f Magna MaterCybele), 351 , 353 ; tombston e of, 371 , 373f
Midwives: Athenia n wome n i n rol e of, 109 ; in
Roman Empire , 378, 381 f ; Soranus on , 19 6
Mirrors: Etruscan , 245-247 , 246f , 257 ; as
religious dedication s b y aristocratic wome n
during Archai c perio d in , 36 ; on tombstone s
of unmarrie d women i n classica l Athens , 83;
in vas e painting s i n classica l Athens , 98 , 109
Miscarriages, i n Roma n Republic, 229
Misogyny: i n Archai c period, 39-44 ; an d Ne w
Comedy, 16 2
MNESARETE, 97 ; stel e of , 5 , 6f, 7- 8
Modesty: o f Archaic period women , 22 ; and
confinement t o women' s quarters , 79-80 ; an d
virtuous wome n of Augustan Rome , 318 , 319;
and wome n o f Roman Empire, 351 , 369
MOERO, 16 3
Money lending , b y women o f Pompeii , 336
Monuments. Se e Funerary monuments ; Stele s
Morality: and Augusta n marriage laws, 302-306 ;
in Augusta n Rome, 294-296 ; an d Hellenisti c
writers, 169-173 ; i n imperia l Rome, an d idea l
of virtuou s women, 314-315 , 318-32 1
Motherhood: authorit y of , an d absenc e of
fathers, 265 ; and daughters ' transition fro m
maidenhood t o marriage , 27-33 ; i n Etruscan
art, 255-256 ; in Virgil' s Aeneid, 299 ; an d
women o f Roma n Republic, 220, 223, 225,
261, 264-265 , 291-292, 299 , 313. See also
Mourners. Se e Men, a s mourners in Archaic
period; Wome n mourner s
MURDIA, eulog y of , 31 8


Musicians. Se e Entertainers
MYRRHINA (Amazo n queen): tom b of , 129
MYRRHINE, o n vas e paintin g of funerary scene
in Archai c period, 49 , 50f
Mysteries of Thesmophoria, 87 . See also
Demeter, mysterie s of ; Eleusinia n mysterie s
Mythological imagery , on tombstone s o f
women o f Roma n Empire , 371 , 373 f
Naevius, Tarentilla, 240
Naming of women, 151-154 ; avoidanc e of , 79,
183, 184 ; in classica l Athens , 81-83 ; an d
Etruscans, 257f , 258 ; an d mythologica l name s
for wome n a t Athenia n weddings , 98 ; in
Partheneia o f Alcman, 60
NAUSICAA (i n Homer' s Odyssey), 22 , 24-25,
NEAERA, 112 , 114-115
NEMESIS (goddess) , 36
NEOBOULE (i n Archai c period poem) , 25-2 6
Nepos, Cornelius , Lives o f th e Foreign Generals,
Nero, 275 , 294, 330, 34 6
Nerva, 363
New Comedy : o n females , 169 ; as source o n
Hellenistic perio d women , 162-163 ; standard
plot of, 162-163
"New Woman " o f late Roman Republic , vii ;
Augustus's daughter Juli a as , 291-292 ;
compared wit h Hellenisti c perio d women ,
140; at dinne r parties , 286-287 ; lov e poetr y as
source on, 281-284 , 285-286; number of , 290 ;
and Octavian' s legislation, 290 ; and Ovid' s
writings, 290-291 ; sexual behavio r of , 284-285;
and sexualit y an d love , 280-281 ; social force s
influencing, 288-292 ; sources on , 281-28 2
Nicaea, 15 9
NICANDRE: kor e dedicate d t o Artemis , 19 , 36,
Nonaristocratic women : o f Archaic period, 50,
52-53; of Augustan Rome, an d idea l o f virtue ,
319-320; Etruscan, 252 , 254-255; in Pompeii ,
homes of , 340-341 ; Spartan, 61 . See also
Concubines; Freedwomen ; Lower strata
women o f Roman Empire ; Slave s
North Africa , Roman , 215 ; women of, 361 , 363
NOSSIS OF LOCR I (Hellenisti c poetess) , 165 166, 17 3
Nudity: an d Archai c perio d korai , 23 f ; in
Athenian vas e paintings , 106 , 116 , 117f, 118f;
in Etrusca n art , 250 , 251-252 , 253f , 254f ; i n
Greek art , change s i n Hellenisti c period, 173 174, 175f , 176-177, 178f ; and Italia n Greek
votive statues, 237 ; of racing girls at rite s of
Artemis at Brauron , 85 f ; and representation s
of Etrusca n married couples , 253 f ; of Spartan
women participatin g in athletics , 59 , 60f, 62
Numa, 22 5
Nurses: in Archai c period , 29 , 52; in Classica l
Athens, 109



Nursing mothers : i n Etrusca n art, 254 , 255f,

256; Varro on, 26 7
"Oaristus," 171-17 3
Obstetricians, Gree k women as , 168 ; Roman
women as , 215 , 378-37 9
Occupations o f women, o f Roman Empire, 380382. Se e also Working women
Octavian. Se e Augustus
OCTAVIA (siste r of Augustus) , 274-275
Octavius. Se e Augustus
Odysseus (i n Homer' s Odyssey) , 50 , 297;
marriage t o Penelope , 27 , 33; role i n
Nausicaa's transition fro m maidenhoo d t o
marriage, 24-25 , 26-27 ; treatmen t o f female
slaves by, 5 2
Odyssey (Homer) , 297; on marriage , 297;
portrait o f women in , 44 ; praise and blam e
in, 39 ; on transitio n fro m maidenhoo d t o
marriage, 22 , 24-25 , 26-27 ; treatmen t o f slaves
and concubine s in , 50 , 52
Oikos, women' s contributio n t o continuity of,
96, 102-10 6
Older women : i n Alcman' s Partheneion, 58;
caricatures i n Hellenisti c art, 176-177 , 178f,
179f; i n Classica l Athens , 78 , 79; hetairai,
caricatures of, 118 , 119f ; hire d as mourners ,
52; poeti c appreciatio n o f in Hellenistic
period, 179-180 ; relationships with younge r
women, Sappho' s poem s and , 16-17 ; rol e i n
Archaic period , 12-13 , 29-30 ; slaves, 268 ; and
Solon's law s regulatin g women mourner s i n
Archaic period , 47 ; and wor k outside th e
house, 52 , 10 9
Olympian games , an d Berenic e II , 146
OMPHALE (quee n of Lydia) , 289
Oplontis, vill a at, 331 , 332f
Orators. See Rhetoricians and orator s
Orestes: i n Aeschylus ' Eumenides, 131 ; i n
Euripides' Iphigeneia Among th e Taurians,
Orgasm, female , in Hippocrati c Corpus, 186
Orgies. Se e Bacchanalian conspiracy
Orvieto, sanctuar y at , nud e statue of
Cannicella Venu s at, 251-252 , 254 f
Ostia (Roma n port), 378 , 381
Ovid, 223 , 281, 290-292, 297 , 304-305, 319, 322;
Amores, 287, 299-300, 301, 385; Art o f Love,
218, 291 , 323; Ex Ponto, 312; Fasti, 226, 229 230, 232 ; love poetry of , 282 , 287, 294;
Metamorphoses, 300 , 384 ; offense an d exil e
by Augustus , 290-292; Tristia, 305 ;
unanswered charge s of unfaithfulness agains t
Corinna, 323 ; on women's cults i n earl y
Roman Republic , 232; writings on sex , 290291, 32 2
Palmyra, 386-38 7
PAMPHILA (autho r o f encyclopedia), 368-36 9
PAMPHILE (witch) , 384, 385

Panathenaic festival , 86f, 93 , 94f

PANDORA (firs t woma n i n Hesiod' s creatio n
myth), 40 , 42
Papyrus documents, 162-163 ; Papyrus
Oxyrhynchus, 167 ; as sources on Hellenisti c
period women , 140-14 1
Parthenon: frieze o f Panathenaic processio n i n
honor o f Athena , 84f , 86f ; metopes of , 13 1
Parties. Se e Dinner partie s
PATERNA, CEL1A , 382-38 3
Patricians, an d plebeians , i n earl y Roma n
Republic, 230-23 2
Patroclus (i n Homer' s I l i a d ) , 44 , 50
Patrons, municipal , wome n as , 361-362 , 363
PAULINA, 348 , 349
Paullus (so n of Cornelia), 277
Paul, St. , o n rol e o f women, 326 , 327
Pausanias: 59 , 84; father of Pausimache , 8 3
PAUSIMACHE, tombston e of , 82f , 83
Peasant women , lif e of , 265-267 . See also
Agriculture; Working wome n
Peloponnesian Wars : restrictions o n wome n
mourners i n classica l Athen s during , 77-78
PENELOPE (i n Homer' s Odyssey), 27 , 33, 39,
52, 10 4
PENTHESILEA (Amazo n Queen), 129
Peplos, weavin g of, an d cul t o f Athena Polias ,
Perge, Asi a Minor, entrance gat e donate d b y
Plancia Magna , 363-364
Pericles: citizenshi p la w of , 73 , 74; and divorce ,
73; funeral oration, 78 , 79, 109 ; relationshi p
with Elpinice , 78
PERSEPHONE, 5 , 7-8 , 19 , 27-33, 87 ; dedication s
by aristocrati c wome n to , 36 , 38-39; pinake s
showing abductio n b y Hades , 32 , 33f ;
sanctuary a t Locri , 32, 33f, 36. See also
Demeter, Kor e
Persian Wars : action b y Athenian wome n
during, 111 ; analogies in Athenia n ar t
between Amazon s and defeate d Persians , 129,
131, 132f , 134 f
Petronius, 384 ; Satiricon, 330
Pets, o f Athenia n children, 104 , 106
Phaeacia, islan d of, marriag e customs, 2 7
PHAEDRA: i n Euripides ' Hippolytus, 71-72 ; i n
Plutarch's Theseus, 12 9
PHAINIPPE (mothe r o f Pausimache) , 8 3
Phallus, sacred , i n shrin e o f Vesta, 235
PHILE 156 , 157 . See Stephanephoros
Philostratus, 353 ; Heroikos, 13 1
PHILYLLA (i n Alcman' s Partheneia), 58 , 59
Phormiskos, funerar y art on , 49 , 50f
Photius, o n Pamphila' s encyclopedia, 368-36 9
PHRASICLEIA, funerar y kore, 19 , 21f
Phrygia, 52
Phrygia (Roma n province), 370-371

PHRYNE (Praxiteles ' mistress), 174
Pietas, 351
Pig women, i n Semonides ' poem , 42
Pinakes: depicting Persephon e and Demeter , 32,
33f ; funerary iconography and , 4 8
PLANCIA MAGN A (priestess , benefactress) ,
363, 364f
PLANGON, 104 , 106f
Plato: on intellectua l cultur e of Spartan
women, 60 ; Laws, on Scythian wome n
warriors, 134 ; Republic, 59 , 63, 66 , 118-121 ;
women student s a t Academ y of, 167
Plautus: Menaechmi, 385 ; Pot of Gold, The,
261; Truculentus, 385
Plays. Se e Comedies; Dram a
Plebeians, an d patricians , i n early Roman
Republic, 230-23 2
Pliny the Elder , 93; Natural History, 168 ; on
power of menstrual blood, 198 ; on Roman
statues of women, 220 ; on shrin e of Vesta,
235; on statu e of Cloelia, 220 , 222
Pliny th e Younger , 304, 354; Letters, 349-350,
360-361, 367 , 383 ; Panegyric, 348 , 350; on
Plotina, 354 ; quoted, 348 , 349 , 360, 367 , 383 ;
on wome n writers , 324 , 349
PLOTINA (wif e of Trajan), 349 , 350 , 352-353,
354, 364 , 367; letters t o Hadrian , 353 ; portrai t
on coins , 346 , 347f , 348 , 351 , 352f ; an d titl e of
Augusta, 351 ; travels with Trajan , 353
Plutarch: Advice t o Bride an d Groom, 367;
Antony, 136 , 274-275; on Clea , 365 ;
Cleomenes, 150 ; description o f Cleopatra,
136; on educatio n of women, 367 ; interest i n
status of women, 74 ; Lycurgus, 58 , 62-63; on
Lycurgan constitution, 64 ; Numa, 236-237 ; on
Octavia, 274-275 ; On th e Bravery of Women,
365, 390-391 ; On Isis an d Osiris, 365; On th e
Virtues o f Women, 271 ; Pericles, 78; Pompey,
272; quotations purporte d t o b e words of
Spartan women , 63-64 ; on religiou s role of
women, 95; Roman Questions, 220; Romulus,
28; Sayings o f Spartan Women, 63-64 ; as
source on Hellenisti c period women , 144 ; as
source on Spartan women, 57 ; on Sparta' s
decline i n fourt h century, 64-65 ; Theseus,
129; on Vesta l Virgins, 236-237; on wome n
mourning for Adonis, 77-78
Poetry: a s source on Archai c period women , 10,
11, 12 ; as source o n Classica l period women ,
69-74; as source o n Sparta n women, 56-57 ; as
source o n Hellenisti c period women , 140 ; as
source o n "Ne w Woman, " 280-281. See also
Love poetry; Poet s
Poets: Hellenistic, a s source o f information on
Hellenistic women , 141-144 ; Hellenisti c
women, 163-167 ; Spartan women , 6 0
Poisoning: Roma n women accuse d of , 228;
teachers o f ar t of , 384
Political role: of empresses, 352-353 ; of Roman
women, 230-232 , 272-273 ; of wealthy women,
363, 368 ; o f women o f Pompeii , 337


Polybius, 150 , 219; on wealt h of Roman

women, 262
Pompeii: (ch . 12) , 330-344 ; erotic painting s in
brothels an d house s of , 322; general vie w of,
33 If ; preservation of , a s source of
information o n Roma n women, 212-213 , 330331. See also Women o f Pompeii
Pompey, 272 , 275
POPPAEA SABIN A (wif e o f Nero), 331
PORCIA, 271 , 390
PORRIMA (goddess) , 23 0
Poseidippus, Hermaphroditus, 16 2
"Pouting girl, the" (Kore) , 19 , 20f
Praise and blam e themes: in Archaic period ar t
and literature , 10-11 , 26-27 ; in Homeri c
poems, 39 ; and idea l o f virtuous women i n
Augustan Rome , 315-321; an d Lucreti a myth,
225-227; an d name d wome n o f Roman
Empire, 211 ; an d nonaristocrati c women , 50,
52-53; an d Sparta n women, 56 , 63
PRAXINOA (inTheocritus'sOdes) , 142-14 4
Praxiteles, statu e o f Aphrodite a t Cnidos , 173 174, 175f , 176
Pregnancy, i n Hippocrati c Corpus , 186 . See also
Priestesses, 215 , 334, 341, 371, 382 , 384; of
Classical Athenia n cults, 93-96; in Roma n
Empire, 362-363 , 365; in Hellenisti c period ,
151; namin g of, i n Classica l Athens , 81;
statuette fro m Ephesus , 34, 35f ; taking of
"professional" name s by , 95. See also Vestal
PROCNE (i n Sophocles ' Tereus), 7 0
Professional women , i n Hellenisti c period , 140
Prometheus (god) , 39 , 40
Promiscuity: of Amazons, 133-134 ; of Julia, 315.
See also "New Woman"
Propertius, 230 , 285; on childbearing , 301;
Elegies, 276-277, 301 , 323; love poetry of , 285286, 287-288 , 323; rejection o f military life ,
289; resistance t o marriage , 289
Prophets, wome n as , 95
Prostitutes: in Classica l Athens, type s of , 116 ,
280, 281 f ; in Classica l Athens, vase paintings
of, 116 , 117f , 118f, 173 ; and nudity , 23f ; in
Pompeii, 338 , 339 f ; prohibitions against
marrying in Augusta n laws, 305 ; quasi-, i n
Roman law , 380 ; i n Roma n Empire, impact
on marriag e and divorce , 211 , 259 , 280, 300 ,
305, 380 ; i n Roma n Republic, 232, 270
Provinces, Roman . See Africa, Asi a Minor,
Bithynia, Britain , Dacia, Egypt , Germany,
Greece, Phrygia , Syri a
Prudery: in earl y Roma n Republic, 228, 239; of
Greek an d Roma n historians , an d attitude s
toward Etrusca n women, 245



Ptolemies: abbreviate d genealog y of , 138 , 139f ;

claim t o divinity , an d Canopu s Decree , 151 154
Ptolemy H I (husban d o f Berenic e I I ) , 145, 150
Ptolemy I V (so n o f Berenic e I I an d Ptolem y
I I I ) , 150-15 1
Public honors , o f Hellenistic perio d women ,
Public land . Se e Communal land s
Public life : o f Athenia n women , 70 , 79-80, se e
also Athenia n women , an d civi c religion ; of
Athenian women , an d Solon' s laws , 75-79;
and dange r o f adultery , 95 ; of Hellenistic
period women , 141-144 , 155-163 ; an d law s
regulating wome n mourner s in Archai c
period, 46-48 ; of maidens i n earl y Roma n
Republic, 234 ; of poets, 163 ; of Sparta n
women, a s cause o f Sparta's decline, 64-66 ; of
Vestal Virgins , 235; of wealthy women of
Roman Empire , 361-366. See also Political
role; Social lif e
Public offices . Se e Politica l rol e
Public speaking, b y women of late Roma n
Republic, 273-27 4
Public works : financed b y wealthy women of
Pompeii, 332 , 333f, 334; financed b y wome n
of Roma n Empire , 35 0
PUDENTILLA (wif e o f Apuleius) , 361
PULCHRA (cousi n o f Agrippina th e Elder) , 311 312
Punic Wars , historica l epic s on , a s source o n
Roman women , 21 1
Punishment: o f adulterous wif e in classica l
Athens, 1 14; o f slaves i n classica l Athens ,
113-114. Se e also Deat h sentenc e
Pyxis, 99f , lOO f
QUINTA CLAUDIA , 220 , 223
Racehorses: owne d b y Berenic e II , 144 , 146, 151;
owned b y Spartan women , 6 4
Races. Se e Footraces; Racehorse s
Rape: b y Roma n soldier s o f female captives,
392, 13n ; of Cassandra , 174 , 174f; in Euripides
Hippolytus, 72 ; of Lucretia , 225, 244; of
Persephone, i n Hymn t o Demeter, 28 ; of th e
Sabines, myt h of , 216 , 217f, 218, 219, 323;
Soranus o n pleasur e o f women during , 323
Reading. Se e Literac y
Religion: of Amazons, 134 ; during Hellenistic
period, 151-155 ; of women of Pompeii , 341 342, 343 . Se e also Ceres , Christianity , Cybele ;
Deification, Diana , Isis , Jews, Juno ,
Priestesses, Religiou s cults; Vesta l Virgins
Religious cults: in Classica l Athens , se e
Athenian women , an d civi c religion ; of
Demeter an d Persephone , 32 ; domestic, of
Athenian women , 96 ; and wome n o f Roman
Empire, 382 ; of Etrusca n women , 252 , 254255; o f plebeian chastit y i n Roma n Republic,

231-232; i n Roma n Republic , women's, 229 236, se e also Vesta l Virgins

Religious dedications. Se e Inscription s
Remarriage: of Agrippina the Elder , Tiberius's
opposition to , 311-312 ; and idea l o f virtuou s
women i n Augusta n Rome, 318 ; in lat e
Roman Republic , 275-276
Reproductive organs: Aristotl e on , 192-194 ;
Galen on , 201-203 ; Herophilus on , 194-195 ;
Soranus on, 196-197 . Se e also Femal e body ,
genitals; Gynecologica l writings ; Mal e
genitals; Pregnancy ; Wom b
Republican Rome . Se e Roman Republi c
Reputation: an d Athenia n women , 71-72 , 95-96 ;
of maidens i n Archai c period , 24-25
Respectability: an d cour t case s against wome n
in Classica l Athens , 114-115 ; an d hetairai ,
117. Se e also Reputatio n
Reverses. Se e Coins
Rhetoricians and orators : avoidance o f namin g
living respectable women i n Classical
Athens, 79 ; as sources o n Athenia n women ,
RHODILLA (mothe r o f Aristylla) , 81f, 82
Roman Empire : aroun d 20 0 C.E., ma p of , 206 207; cosmopolitan, see Women of Roman
Empire; diversity o f peoples in, 369 ; frontie r
social lif e in , 213 , 215; geographical sprea d
of, 212 , 345-346; impact o f Hellenistic worl d
on, 211 , 280; an d Nort h Africa , 213 , 215
Romanization: an d distinction s betwee n lowe r
status women, 384 ; an d distinctions between
tombstones o f eastern an d wester n provinces ,
375; an d regiona l difference s within Roma n
Empire, 369
Roman Republic , early, 216-241 ; caste division s
in, 230-231 ; celebratio n o f women's birthday s
in, 213 ; fertility cult s in , 228-230 ; heroines,
220, 222-223 , 225-227 ; influenc e of Gree k
world o n wome n of , 211 , 240, 241f; lack of
art in , 219-220 ; legendar y tradition s of , 223,
225; noncitizen s of , 230-234 ; political progres s
of, an d legends , 227 ; roles of fathers an d
husbands in , 227-228 ; sources on, 211 ; an d
subordination o f individual to need s of
fatherland, 219 . See also Roma n wome n of
early Republic
Roman Republic , late. Se e Roman wome n o f
late Republic
Roman wome n o f early Republic , 216-241 ; an d
civic cult o f the Vesta l Virgins, 234, 235f ,
236f, 237 ; compared wit h Etrusca n women ,
245; contact s wit h othe r cultures, 237-241 ;
and deat h sentence for adultery o r drinkin g
wine, 228 ; heroines, 220 , 222-223, 225-227 ;
and importanc e of fertility, 228-230 ; lack of
artistic representation s of , 239-240 ; and
marriage, 227-228 ; portraits on coins, 219 ;
public image s of , 220 ; public an d privat e
roles of, 223 , 225; purposes of legends about,
223, 225-227 ; Sabine s as , 216-218 ; sources on ,

212-215, 216 ; suspected o f poisoning , 228 ;
Valerius on, 261 ; wealth of , 223
Roman wome n o f lat e Republic , 260-277; an d
absent husbands , 264 ; and Bacchanalian
conspiracy, 264 ; critiques of extravagance of,
260-262; an d disciplinin g o f women a s family
concern, 264 ; and dowry , 263-264 ; educatio n
of, 272-273 ; an d Fulvi a a s militar y leader ,
274; growin g economic powe r of , 262-263 ;
impact o f Civil War on , 271-275 ; an d impac t
of Hannibal' s invasion , 260-261 ; a s indexe s of
affluence o f husbands, 262-263 ; and
inheritances, 262 ; and movemen t t o repea l
wartime taxes , 260-261 ; pattern s o f domesti c
life an d death , 275-277 ; publi c speaking by,
273-274; an d Rome' s victorie s i n Macedo n
and Syria , 260 , 262-264 ; working women , 265 272
Rome: Etrusca n dynasty at , se e Etruscan
women; foundin g of, 216-218 ; populatio n by
50 B.C . E., 21 2
Romulus, 261 ; an d foundin g of Rome , 216 , 217;
laws of, 228
Roscius Fabatus , 271 ; coin of , 2 3 If
Rural women , i n Classica l Athens , 109-110 . See
also Agriculture
SABINA, 351 , 354 ; Hadrian on, 355 ; travel s
with Hadria n to Egypt , 353-354
Sabine women, rap e an d mediatio n of , 216,
217f, 218 , 323
Sailust, 239 , 271, 281, 284-285; Catiline, 285
SALUS, 37 0
SAPPHO, poetr y of , 15-16 , 163-164 , 284 ;
aristocratic environmen t writte n in , 11 ;
audiences for , 15-17 ; influenc e of he r rol e on ,
11-12; exile , 10 ; as source o n Archai c
initiation rites , 12-13 , 15-1 7
Sarcophagi, Etruscan , 251f , 253f, 257f , 25 8
Scaurus, Umbricius , 334 , 336
SCRIBONIA (wif e o f Augustus, mother o f
Julia), 277 , 291, 315, 318
Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Thirty
Pretenders, 386 , 389
Scythians, Herodotus' s accoun t o f encounte r
between Amazon s and, 133 , 134
Seduction: i n Augusta n law , 305-306 ; i n
Hellenistic literature , 169-171 ; o f maidens in
Archaic perio d poetry , 25-2 6
Semonides, 12 , 42-43
SEMPRONIA (daughte r o f Cornelia), 26 4
Seneca, 304 ; Consolation t o his Mother, 301 ;
Controversies, 300-301 ; De Beneficiis, 315 ;
Epistle, 326 ; on equalit y of chastity i n
marriage, 326 ; on sexua l behavior , 301
Serpent, sacred , i n women' s cult s of early
Roman Republic , 230, 2 3 If
SERVILIA (mothe r o f Brutus) , 272


Severus, Septimius , 352 , 357-358, 375
Sex roles: i n classica l Athens , 7-8 , 72 ; and
influence o f mythical Amazon s on define d
role o f Athenian women , 9 ; in Sparta , 61. See
also Sexual divisio n o f labo r
Sexual behavior : i n Augusta n law , 296 , 305-306 ;
Seneca on , 301 ; sex strik e fo r peace i n
Aristophanes' Lysistrata, 121 ; of women i n
Augustan Rome , 284 , 291-292, 322-327 , 355 356; o f women i n lat e Roma n Republic , 284285. Se e also Sexualit y
Sexual divisio n o f labor : i n Archai c period, 3334, 49 ; and occupation s o f workin g women o f
Roman Empire , 369, 382
Sexual intercourse . Se e Sexual relation s
Sexuality: attitude s toward , i n las t centur y o f
Roman Republic , 280; blanket s associate d
with, 250 , 252 , 286; commercialized, 322 ; and
Hellenistic writers , 169-173 ; an d "Ne w
Woman" of Rome , 280-281 , (Ch . 1 0 passim);
and Ovid' s writings , 290-291 ; and portraya l o f
slave wome n i n Roma n Empire, 385-386; St .
Paul's attitud e toward , 326 ; and socia l
ideology o f Augusta n Rome, 294-296 , 314-315 ;
symbolic functio n i n Augusta n Rome, 307-313
Sexual morality . Se e Morality
Sexual relations : depicte d o n cla y object s fro m
Rome, 322f , 323 ; and Etrusca n women , 248 ,
256; an d idea l wome n i n earl y Roma n Republic, 232; lack of, as cause of medical problems
of widows, 361 ; in Sparta , 62-63
Shopkeepers, wome n as : in classical Athens ,
109, 1 1 If; i n Roma n Empire , 377, 378f; i n
Pompeii, 336-337 . See also Vendors , women a s
Sicily an d souther n Italia n Greeks : and cult s of
Demeter an d Persephone , 32 ; influence on
Roman cultur e of early Republic , 237-241;
and ris e o f Rome , 2 1 1
SIMAETHA, i n Theocritus' s poetry , 169-17 1
Single women. Se e Unmarried women
Sixteen Women , a t Sparta , 59, 60
Slave women: i n Archai c Greece, 11 , 33 , 50, 52;
captives o f war as , 50 ; in classica l Athens ,
103, 104 , 109 , 113-114 ; i n lat e Roman
Republic, 267-270 ; an d Pericles ' citizenship
law, 74 ; in Pompeii , 339-340. See also Slave
women i n Roma n Empire
Slave women i n Roma n Empire : an d Augusta n
laws, 300 , 321 ; an d concep t of family, 370 ;
denied marriag e and children , 321 ; freed,
compared wit h freebor n women , 384-385 ;
gender issue s and , 385-386 ; i n household , 339 ;
impact o n marriag e an d divorce , 211 ; rural
and urba n occupations of , 379-380 ; a s sex
objects, 211 , 227 , 300
Snakes, replica s of at Thesmophori a festival ,
87. See also Serpent, sacre d
Social life : o f Archai c period women , 11-12 , 34;
of Athenia n women, 70 , 107-11 1



Socrates: advic e on supportin g female relatives ,

104; Aristotle' s criticisms o f his idea s o n
gender, 122-124; in Plato's Republic, 118-121;
in Xenophon' s Oeconomicus, 102-10 3
Socrates: fathe r of Mnesarete , 5-7
Solon's laws, 95 , 114 ; an d inheritance , 80 ; on
mourners, 46-48 , 52 , 76; purposes of , 75-76
Soothsayers, i n earl y Roma n Republic, 234
Sophocles: Antigone, 76-77; Tereus, 70 ; Women
ofTrachis, 7 1
Soranus: on abortion , 302 ; Gynecology, 194 ,
195, 196-197 , 198 , 199 , 302, 323, 378-379; o n
male-female difference s an d behavior , 198 199; on qualification s for midwives and we t
nurses, 378-379 ; on rape , 323 ; on sourc e o f
disease, 19 9
Spartan women , 56-66 , 64-66; Aristotle' s
criticisms of, 65-66; attitude s towar d deat h o f
warriors, 63-64 ; beauty of , 57 ; comparison
with Athenia n women , 63 ; and declin e of
Sparta's power , 64-66 ; educatio n of , 57-64 ;
exclusion fro m money-makin g occupations,
60-61; i n fourt h century an d Hellenistic
period, 64-66 ; idealized b y Simone d e
Beauvoir, 56 ; lack of artistic depiction s of ,
12; an d marriage , 62-63; participation i n
athletics, 59 , 60f, 249 ; Plutarch on, 63-64 ;
poets, 60 ; public activitie s of , 60-61 , 65-66 ;
Pythagoreans, 60 ; racehorse owners , 64 ;
religious activities of young girl s compared
with Athenia n girls, 83; sources on , 56-57 , 66;
wealthy, i n Hellenisti c period , 64-6 5
Sphinx, o n Archai c steles, 22 , 23f
Spinning. Se e Weaving; Wool working
Stele(s): of Archai c period, 21-22 ; of Mnesarete ,
7-8; of Plangon , 106 f ; as sources of knowledg e
about ancien t women , 7-8 ; of women i n
labor durin g Hellenistic period, 169 , 170f . See
also Funerar y monument s
Stephanephoros, offic e of , Phil e a s firs t wome n
appointed to , 15 6
Sterility. See Infertility
Stola, o f matrons in earl y Roma n Republic, 232,
Story telling , b y Archai c period wives , 34
Strabo, Geography, o n Amazons , 134
Suetonius, 294 ; Augustus, 305 , 306 , 307 , 310,
315; Caesar, 27 1
Suicide: of Did o in Virgil' s Aeneid, 298 ; of
Hippolytus, 72 ; of Lucretia , 225; urged o n
men b y Roman women, 318
SULPICIA (poetess) , 16 , 294, 319, 323-326
Sulpicius, Servius , 276; On Dowries , 22 9
Symposia: compare d wit h socia l activitie s o f
Etruscan couples , 247 ; prostitutes
entertaining me n at , 116 , 117f , 118f , 280-81 f
Synagogues, 382-38 3
Syria (Roma n Province), 357 , 383 , 385
Tacitus: Agricola, 348, 386 ; Annals, 311-312 ,
384, 391-n2 ; on "barbarian " women , 389-390 ;

Dialogue o n Orators, 385 ; Germania, 389-390 ;

Panegyric, 34 8
TANAQUIL (wifeofTarquinius) , 225 , 243, 245,
TARAC1A, los t Roma n statue of, 220
TARPEIA, 218-219f , 32 3
Tarquin dynasty : expulsio n of , an d rap e of
Lucretia, 225-227 ; founding of, 24 3
Tarquinia, tomb s at , 244f , 24 5
TA-SHERET-WEDJA-HOR, portrai t of, 387 f
Taverns, Roman , serving women, 336-337 , 338 ,
Taxation o f women, movemen t fo r repeal of, i n
late Roma n Republic, 260-261, 273-274
Telamon, 129 , 130f
Telesterion, a t sit e of Eleusis, 30 , 31f
TELESTODICE, dedicatio n t o Artemis , 36,
TERENTIA (wif e o f Cicero), 271-27 2
THALESTRIS (Amazo n queen), 134
THEANO (priestess) , 95
THEANO (Troja n priestess), 34
Theatrical festivals , wome n at , 87
Theocritus, 140 , 169-171 ; "Oaristus, " 171-173 ;
Odes, 141-14 4
Theomnestus (prosecuto r in Athens) , 114-11 5
Theophrastus, 80 , 109
Theopompus, o n Etrusca n women , 248 , 249
Theseus: in Euripides ' Hippolytus, 72 ; in
Euripides' Suppliants, 77 , 78; in Plutarch' s
Theseus, o n th e Amazons , 129 , 130f
Thesmophoria festival , 32 , 86-8 7
Thessalian witches , 384
Thucydides, 144 ; history o f Peloponnesia n
Wars, 74 , 7 9
Tiberius (husban d o f Julia), 291 , 311-312, 314f
Tibullus: lov e poetry of , 282 , 285
Timaeus, o n Etrusca n women, 24 8
TIMARETE (Hellenisti c woma n artist) , 168
Titurius Sabinus, coins of: depicting abductio n
of Sabine women, 217 f ; depicting death o f
Tarpeia, 219 f
Toilet boxes , 223-224 , 245 , 247
Toiletry, vase s depicting, 239-24 0
Tombstones: fro m Chiusi , 247 f ; from Dorylaio n
in Phyrygia , 370, 371 ; of family fro m Roma n
Sarmizegetusa i n Dacia , 374 f ; of freed slav e
families i n lat e Roma n Republic , 268 , 269 f ; of
freedman butche r an d hi s wife, i n Augusta n
Rome, 319 , 320f; of madam o f brothel, 380 ; a s
source o f information o n Roma n women an d
their families , 213, 214f ; and valuatio n o f
daughters i n Rome , 326 ; of women o f
Pompeii, 338-339 , 340f . See also Funerar y
monuments; Inscriptions ; Stel e (s)
Trades an d crafts , Roma n women in , 340 , 377382

Trajan, 348 , 350 , 363 ; influenc e o f Plotin a on,
352-353, 36 7
Trials. Se e Law-cour t cases
Trojan women , 34 ; dedication o f gifts t o
Athena, 34-36 ; Euripides on, 112-11 3
TULLIA (daughte r o f Cicero), 275-276
TULLIA (daughte r of kin g Servius Tullius), 225,
Tullius, Servius , 225 , 243
TURAN (Aphrodite) , 245 , 246f
"TURIA," i n eulogy , 273 , 318-319, 320
TYCHE, NAEVOLEIA , 338 ; tom b of , 340 f
Tyndareus (in Odyssey), 39
Ulpianus: Epitome, 305 , 306 ; Rules, 303
UMMA, tombston e of, 375 , 376f
benefactress) , 349-350, 366
Univira, 276 , as sexual idea l i n earl y Roma n
Republic, 23 2
Unmarried women : i n Hellenisti c period , 140 ;
penalties agains t i n Augusta n Rome, 302-305;
seclusion i n Classica l Athens , 184
Uterus. Se e Reproductive organs; Wom b
Varro, O n Agriculture, 267
Vase paintings: o f Amazons , 129 , 130f , 134n ; of
children, 104 , 105f , 106f; of cult o f Athena,
93, 94f; of dancing maidens , 17 , 18f ; of
festivals o f Dionysus , 89f , 90 f ; of funerary
scenes, 49 , 50f; an d Hymn t o Demeter, 31,
32f ; of olde r hetaira , 1 19f ; of racin g girls, 85;
of prostitutes, 115 , 116, 117f, 118f; o f rap e o f
Cassandra, 173 , 174 f ; of ritual s in hono r o f
Dionysus, 88f ; o f weddings , 99f , lOOf , lOlf ,
102f, 238-239 , 240f; o f women , 103 , 106 , 107f;
of women carin g fo r family tomb , 96 , 97f,
98f; o f wome n dancing , 17 , 18f; of wome n
out-of-doors, 79 ; of wome n pickin g fruit , 109 ,
11 Of; o f wome n shopkeepers , 109 , 1 1 If; o f
women i n women' s quarters , 105f ; of wome n
working outside th e home , 106-107 , 108f , 109
Vendors, wome n as : in Classica l Athens , 109 ;
in Roma n Empir e as, 377 , 378f
VENUS (goddess) : ritual washing of , 232 ; as
model fo r tomb statues in Rome , 370 , 372 f
VERECUNDA, VALERI A (physician) , 370
VERGINIA (daughte r o f Aulus) , 225 , 227, 231
232, 23 7
VESTA (goddess) , 228 , 235, 348, 351 ; cult of ,
and Augustus , 237; portrait o n coi n of
Plotina, 347f
Vestalis, Clodius , coin of , 234 , 235f
Vestal Virgins , 218 , 223, 225, 234, 235f, 236f ,
237, 365 ; los t statu e of , 220 ; Plutarch on
privileges an d penaltie s for , 236-237 ; i n relief
from publi c monument, 235 , 236f; sculptures
on Ar a Paci s Augustae of, 295
VETTIA, 33 6
VETURIA (Coriolanus' s mother) , 222 , 223, 265


VIANTHEMIS (i n Alcman' s Partheneia), 58 , 59

Vindolanda, Roma n encampmen t of , writin g
tablets from, 212-21 3
Virgil, 223 , 225; Aeneid, 223 , 234, 294, 296-299;
on wome n o f Rome, 263
Virginity: of Amazons, 134 ; attitudes toward i n
Hellenistic literature , 171-173 ; i n Augustan
Rome, an d Sulpicia' s poetry , 325 ; at death , i n
Classical Athens , 7 ; in earl y Roman
Republic, 230 ; Hesiod on , 39-40 ; i n
Hippocratic Corpus , 187 ; and reputatio n o f
Archaic period maidens , 25 ; in Solon's laws ,
75; and Vergini a legend, 225 , 227; See also
Rape, o f the Sabines ; Vesta l Virgins
Virtues of women: i n Classica l Athens , 7-8 , 7980, 82; and confinemen t o f Athenian women ,
101-106; expected of female slaves i n Homer' s
epic poems , 52 ; and ideal s o f womanhood i n
Roman Empire , 348-360, 368 , 370-371 , 373;
and ideolog y o f Augustan Rome , 314-315 , 318321
Vixen women , i n Semonides ' poem , 4 3
VOLUMNIA (wif e o f Coriolanus), 222
Voting, i n Pompeii , 337
Votive offerings , 237; of Etruscans , 252 , 254-255
Waitresses: i n Pompeii , 336f , 337 , 338 ; a s quasiprostitutes i n Roma n law , 380
Warriors: attitude s of Spartan wome n toward ,
63-64; Roma n goddesses portrayed as , 230,
23 If. Se e also Amazon s
Water jars. Se e Hydria
Wealthy women : in Classica l Athens , 73 , 80,
93; of early Roma n Republic , 223; korai a s
grave marker s o n tomb s of, 22 ; Polybius on ,
262; of Pompeii , 331-332 , 334 , 338-341. Se e
also Wealth y wome n o f Roman Empir e
Wealthy wome n o f Roma n Empire , 331 , 360 366; Apuleiu s a s source on, 361 ; freedwomen ,
366; honor s receive d by , 361-366 ; inscriptional
evidence on , 361-366 ; an d mal e reactio n t o
education o f women, 366-368 ; an d patronage ,
361-364; Pliny' s letter s as source on, 349-350 ,
360-361; politica l participatio n throug h
honors, patronage , an d officeholding , 363-36 6
Weaving: b y female slaves i n Roma n Empire,
379; b y girls in Classica l Athens , 83 ; by
Hellenistic period women , 156-157 ; b y ideal
Archaic period wives , 33 , 34; by Spartan
women, 60 . See also Woo l workin g
Wedding gifts, i n Classica l Athens , 98 , 101
Weddings: a t festival s of Dionysus , 89 , 90f ; role
of Athenian women at , 98-101 ; on vas e
paintings from Gree k Italy , 238-239 , 240f
Wet nurses , i n Roma n Empire, 378-379
Widows: appointmen t o f male guardians for,
159; Augusta n law o n remarriag e of, 306 ; i n
Classical Athens , 71; Did o in Virgil' s Aeneid,
298; gynecologica l writings on, 202 , 361; an d



Widows (continued)
Hannibal's invasion o f Rome, 260 , 261 ; and
ideal o f Univira i n earl y Roma n Republic,
232; an d remarriag e in lat e Roma n Republic,
275. Se e also Corneli a
Wine drinking: at Halo a festival , 92; on
obscene graffiti , 33 8
Witchcraft: an d lowe r strat a wome n o f Roman
Empire, 383-384 ; an d slav e wome n o f Roman
Empire, 385 . Se e also Witche s
Witches: identificatio n of, an d effect s o f
menstrual blood , 198 ; Thessalian, 384 . See
also Witchcraft
Wives: adulter y law s and , 300 ; of Archaic
period, se e Archaic period women ; Athenian ,
household dutie s of , 101-106 ; Athenian,
separate religiou s cults for , 83; in Hellenisti c
period, 158-159 ; as "New Women " i n las t
century o f Roma n Republic , 282-284. Se e also
Marriage; Matrona
Womb: Aretaeu s on, 200 ; Aristotle on, 192-193 ;
Galen on , 202 ; in Hippocrati c Corpus , 188 190; Soranu s on, 198 , 199
Women i n Archai c Greece. Se e Archaic period
Women i n Augusta n Rome: attitudes towar d
abortion, 301-302 ; and castes , 232 ; and
community tension s ove r rol e o f women, 326327; impac t o f Augustan laws on, 306 ; lac k of
women's voice s on , 294 , 323-326; an d
marriage, se e Marriage, in Augusta n Rome;
and mora l revival , 294-296 ; and se x outsid e
the ideal , 322-323 ; an d socia l ideolog y an d
sexuality, 314-315 , 318-327 . See also
Empresses an d wome n o f the imperia l family
Women o f Roman Empire, 345-391 ; an d
geographical expans e of Roman Empire, 345346, 360 ; mal e author s o n autonom y of , 366 368; Plutarc h on , 390-391 ; sources on , 346 ,
349, 360 ; uppe r class , se e Wealthy wome n
of Roma n Empire; and wome n o f lowe r
strata, se e Lower strata wome n o f Roman
Women o f early Roma n Republic. See Roman
Republic, earl y
Women i n Gree k world. Se e Amazons; Archaic

Greece; Classica l Athens ; Hellenisti c perio d

women; Sparta n wome n
Women mourners : i n Archai c period , 8 , 44-48,
49f, 50; in Homer' s Iliad, 44-46 ; lack of non Athenian artisti c depiction s of , 12 ; paid, 47 ;
Solon's law s regulating, 46-47, 76-79; Spartan,
Women of Pompeii, 330-344 ; and cosmetic s and
jewelry, 341 , 342f; dail y live s of , 339-341;
graffiti a s source on, 338 ; house s of, 339-341 ;
involvement i n politica l an d financia l affairs ,
332, 334 , 336; limitations o f archaeologica l
findings on , 341-344 ; ownership o f villas, 331 ,
332f ; and productio n wor k b y slaves i n
homes, 340 ; property owners , 331-332 , 334;
and prostitution , 338 , 339 f ; public lif e of , 338 341; an d publi c works, 332 , 333f, 334;
shopowners, 336-337 ; sources on , 330-331 ;
tombstones as source on, 338-341 ; wall
painting of couple, 342 f
Women's quarters : confinement o f Athenia n
women in , 79-80 , 103 , 104f , 281; vase
paintings of scenes in , 105 f
Wool working : an d Athenia n women , 104 , 105f,
109; an d Etrusca n women , 245 , 256; an d
Roman women , 226-227 , 268 , 270 , 286 , 318 ,
340, 369 , 379 , 392-n8 . Se e also Cardin g
Working women: o f Roman Empire , 376-379,
380, 381f , 382 ; Etruscan, 256 ; of late Roma n
Republic, 265-272 ; o f Pompeii , 334 , 336f, 337338; an d Roma n law, 380 . Se e also
Freed women; Nonaristocratic women; Slav e
Writing tablets , a s source o n Roma n women ,
XENODOKA, dedicatio n o f mirror t o
Persephone, 3 6
Xenophon, 119 ; o n dowr y a s joint property , 73 ;
Memorabilia, 104 ; Oeconomicus, 72, 102-103 ;
as source fo r Plutarch's writings o n Sparta n
society, 57 , 61, 62-63
ZENOBIA (quee n of Palmyra) , 386-38 9
Zeus (God) , 27 , 36 , 40 , 146 , 155

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