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Lou Corina Lacambra

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UQ 3:25 pm PDT
English to Filipino
9:27 PM
Lou Corina Lacambra sent a proposal
Hi! I'm Lou, a native Tagalog speaker/writer who has a good command of the English language.
I'm a certified Tagalog translator of One Hour Translation and Translators USA, LLC. Also, I'm a
regular contributor of the Google Translate Community where I do English-Tagalog translation and
On Upwork, Onehourtranslation & Translators USA, I translated a 1000-word legal document, a
marketing brochure, 2000+ texts of a book, websites and apps.
Given my experience, I believe I am the suitable candidate for this project.

Once hired, I can immediately start. Likewise, I'm available for long term translation. Thank you.
View details
9:27 PM
Umair Ikram Qureshi
removed this message
Thanks for the proposal. Here are the details. let me know if you are interested:
First login
Username test Password test
Then open the following link
Please enter the translations. Deadline 5 days.
5:22 AM
Umair Ikram Qureshi
Please confirm?
5:45 AM
Lou Corina Lacambra
Are those the things to be translated or just a sample test?
5:52 AM
Umair Ikram Qureshi
Those are the things to be translated. About 5K strings
sorry gave you the wrong link
one second...
Here is the correct link:
5:58 AM
Lou Corina Lacambra
I've seen the link. However, I need to see the funded contract before I start working.
6:01 AM
Umair Ikram Qureshi
I understand that but I need to know if you feel comfortable working on such a platform and most
importantly that you will be able to deliver a quality product as the work will be proofread and checked
by our native distributor
6:05 AM

Lou Corina Lacambra

Is it okay with you if I take screenshots of every page translated or copy them in a word file so that by
the time I ask approval of my word, I have something to submit here on Upwork?
New Messages
6:15 AM
Umair Ikram Qureshi
please check my profile and the amount of work I have awarded you wouldnt need to worry about that.
All you need to do is finish the work and at the end submit complete work request and you will be paid
after the review.
I dont mind you taking screenshots but that would be a lot of screenshots which are pretty much not
required. \
At the end in the submit work for completion just type that the work is done online.
6:23 AM
Lou Corina Lacambra
You're right. I'll just indicate that translation was done online.

[8/22/2016 6:28:41 AM] Umair Ikram Qureshi: okay great. In terms of quality I require 100%human
translation. I am making the offer. Please accept
[8/22/2016 6:29:04 AM] Umair Ikram Qureshi: Offer: English to Filipino
Words around 10K budget $100
Deadline 5 days.

Client: Umair Ikram Qureshi (UQ)
Freelancer: Lou Corina Lacambra
Job Posting: English to Filipino
Contract Title: English to Filipino
Estimated Budget: $100.00

Milestone 1: "English to Filipino" - $100.00 (funded) - Due Aug 25, 2016

This offer will expire on Sunday, August 28, 2016.

Review and accept this offer to start working now!
[8/22/2016 6:30:38 AM] Lou Corina Lacambra: Sure. It would be a 100% human translation. I went
over the words. Some words don't have a Filipino counterpart. I have to retain the English term. I hope
that's alright with you.
[8/22/2016 6:31:59 AM] Umair Ikram Qureshi: okay that is fine. Thanks/
[8/22/2016 6:32:15 AM] Lou Corina Lacambra: I am accepting the offer.
Lou Corina Lacambra accepted this offer. View contract.

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