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Office Administrator

Training Manual

Transaction Manager v5.1

Last updated February 2008

Table of Contents
Logging On ................................................................................ 4
Logging Off ................................................................................ 4
Office Administration ................................................................... 5
Office File Manager ...................................................................... 6
Office Maintenance ...................................................................... 8
Adding an Office ......................................................................... 8
Updating Office Information.......................................................... 9
Managing Office Service Counties ................................................ 10
Managing Service Order Forms ................................................... 11
Managing Office Roles................................................................ 14
Maintaining the Office Profile Page ............................................... 15
Using HTML Tags to Add Text to a Web Page................................. 16
Editing Office Information .......................................................... 17
Office Notification Settings ......................................................... 18
User Maintenance ..................................................................... 18
To Do Templates ....................................................................... 22
Conclusion ............................................................................... 26

Welcome to the Transaction Manager Office Admin training. In this session, you will
gain a high-level knowledge of the Transaction Manager system by learning specific
tasks involved with administering your office(s).

Office Administration Overview

As an Office Administrator, you will work mainly in the Office Administration Settings
page, which contains the Office Administration area. Note that many of these
features have the same names as the features listed in the My Settings area of the
User Settings page. While the functionality is similar, the features listed in the Office
areas are used to manage office-wide settings, whereas those functions listed in the
My Settings areas are used to manage personal settings.
The tasks you perform as an Office Administrator are located on the left side of the
Settings and Reports page under Office Administration and Office Reports.

The following table describes each of these functions**

Office File Manager

Manage all files in your office, including active,
canceled and closed files
Office Maintenance
Search for and add offices, as well as assign roles
and add users
User Maintenance
Manage user accounts and information, such as
adding or deleting users
Profile Page Contents
Customize your office Profile display
**Please note that not all features may be available to you.

Getting Help
If you need help using this system, the Support page contains the resources to
answer your questions and provide you with additional assistance. The Support page
offers a variety of useful information such as links to training and documentation
materials, product and technical bulletins, additional technical support and contact
information, and software downloads. To access the support page, from the menu
bar, click Help. The Help page appears.

Logging On
Complete the following steps to log on to the Transaction Manager system.
To log on:
1. Open your browser and enter the Universal Resource Locator (URL) given to
2. Enter your assigned user name and password.
3. Click the Log On button.

If this is the first time you are logging on to the system, you will see
the Transaction Manager User Agreement. Read the agreement, and
then click the I Accept button. Next, the Transaction Manager
Welcome page appears and provides an overview of the transaction
system. After you read the page, click the Continue link.

Logging Off
Logging of from the Transaction Manager prevents others from accessing your
files. If the system remains inactive for longer than 20 minutes, you will be
automatically logged off. Complete the following steps to log off from the
Transaction Manager system.

To log off:
1. Click Log Off on the menu bar.
2. When the Log Off confirmation page appears, click the Log Off button.
If you decide not to log off, click Cancel to return to the system.

Office Administration
The Settings page enables you to manage Office Administration tasks.
Each office has an Office Administrator who can perform these tasks. Office
Administrators have access to the following functions:
Office File Manager
Office Maintenance
User Maintenance
Profile Page Contents
If you do not see some of these functions in your Office Administration link, your
System Administrator may have disabled them.
To access the Office Administration
1. On the menu bar, click Settings. The settings area will appear, giving you access
to personal information under My Settings and Office Administration under
Additional Functions.
2. Click Office Administration.

3. The Office Administration area will display all the tools available to the Office

Office File Manager

As an Office Administrator, you can manage all of the files in your office including
ordering services, uploading documents, completing To Do items, and closing a File.
To access this function, click on the Office File Manager link.

To Search for a File

1. From the Office Admin File Manager page click on the Display drop-down list,
click the File type to search.
Search options are:
Active Files
Closed Files
Canceled Files
All Files
2. In the where the drop-down list, click a search modifier.
Modifiers are:
File Name
Participants File ID
3. In the contains field, type the beginning characters of the item for which you are

searching. For example, if you selected File Name in the where the drop-down
list, you could type Ed to search for all Files with a file name starting with Ed.
4. Click Search.
The search results appear. If the search returns more than 10 Files, click Back or
Next to browse through the Files. You can also browse by page number by clicking
the link to the page number.

To Access the File Summary Page

1. Follow the steps above to find your file.
2. On the Office Admin File Manager page, click the link to the files name or click
Manage this file. The File Summary page appears.

Office Maintenance
Use the Office Maintenance page to add other offices related to yours (satellite
offices, etc), set up office profile(s) and add users to your office(s).
Access the Office Maintenance page
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance
page appears.
4. On the Office Maintenance page, you can perform the following administrative
View offices that you can administer
To edit user information, click User Maint
Add New Offices
To delete an office, click Delete

Adding an Office
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance
page appears.
4. Click Add New Office. The Add Office Information page appears.

5. In the Parent Office drop-down list, click a Parent Office. Since you are creating
an office, your office is automatically a parent to this new office. If you have
administrative rights to more than one office, select the office that will become the
parent of this new office.
Note: A Parent Office retains administrative rights for the offices in its system. For
example, a corporate or headquarter office would be a Parent Office to its associated

6. Complete the remaining sections of the Add Office Information form. Fields
marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
7. To save the new information, click Submit.
8. To complete the office setup, complete the following tasks, as necessary:
To edit service counties for this office, click Edit service counties.
To edit service order information for this office, click Edit service order
information. This is only necessary for Service Provider offices.
To edit available roles for this office, click Edit available roles.
To change the parent office for this office, click Change the parent office.
Note: This function is only available to Administrators of the system.
To edit this office, click Edit office information. Enter the required changes.
To save your changes, click Submit.

Updating Office Information

You may update any of the following areas for all offices which you are designated as
an Administrator. Click the link to the office name to perform the following tasks:
Edit service counties
Edit service order forms
Edit available roles
Edit Profile Page contents

Change the parent office (Only available to System Admin)

Edit office information
Edit office notification settings

Managing Office Service Counties

The Office County Services page enables you to indicate the counties your office
services. This information is used by others when they search for service providers or
offices that service a particular county.
To Add a County
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Settings. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to change.
5. Click the link to the name of the office.
6. Click Edit service counties. The Office County Services page appears.
7. In the Select State area, select the check box to indicate the state(s) you
service. To select all the states, click Select All. To clear all the check boxes,
click Clear All.
Note: Any states that your office currently services will already be selected. In addition,
the counties you service are listed in the Counties Serviced area.

8. Click Next to continue to the next page.

9. In the Select County area, select the check boxes to indicate the counties you

service. To select all the counties listed on this page, click Select All. To clear all
the check boxes, click Clear All. To select all the counties for a particular state,
check the Select All check box in the area corresponding to the state.
10. Click Save to add the counties and save your work. The changes you made
appear in the Counties Serviced area.
Deleting a County
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to change, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit service counties.
The Office County Services page appears.

6. Click Delete next to the county you no longer service. The county is removed
from the Office County Services page and permanently deleted from your office.
This transaction system provides your office with a Web, or Profile page. As Office
Administrator, you can post information about your office for other users to view.
Depending on the information provided by your office, your Web page displays your
name, the name of your office, address, phone number, and your office's e-mail
address. You can change this information in the Office Maintenance page. You can
also add additional text and an image, such as a company logo or photo.
Note: The office and personal Web pages in the transaction management system are
intended as marketing tools for users participating in the transaction management system.
These Web pages can only be accessed by users who are logged in to the system.

Managing Service Order Forms

If you are a service provider office, as the Office Administrator, you can decide which
forms you want customers to complete when ordering services from your office. If
you need additional questions answered that are not on a form, you can add
questions to the Service Order form. In addition, using the Order Text feature, you
can include other information with the form, such as marketing, sales, and pricing
information and you can select which roles will receive this information on the form.

Adding a Service Order Form

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance
page appears.
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit service order forms. The Service Order Information page appears.
6. Click Add Form. The Service Question Forms page appears.
7. Locate the form you want to use.
8. Click Add to add the form and its related forms.

Deleting a Service Order Form

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit service order forms. The Service Order Information page appears.
6. Click Delete next to the form you want to remove from the Service Order
Information page. A dialog box displays a message to confirm that you want to
delete the form.
7. Click OK to delete the form. If you do not want to delete the form, click Cancel.
Adding a Service Question to a Form
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3 In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the name of the office.
5. Click Edit service order forms. The Service Order Information page appears.

7. To add a new question, click Add New. The Add a Question page appears.
8. Type the question you want users to answer in the Question field.

9. Click Save. The question appears on the Service Order Information page.

Editing a Service Order Form Question

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Settings. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit service order forms. The Service Order Information page appears.
6. On the Service Order Information page, complete any of the following tasks:
To edit an existing question, edit the question directly in the field. Click Save.
To change the sort order, click Up and Down
until the questions are
listed in the correct order.
To delete a question, click Delete next to the question you want to delete.
Adding or Changing Service Order Form Text
You can add additional information to a service order form, and then assign this form
to a particular participant role. For example, an office might want to include pricing
information about the different home warranty packages it offers.
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit service order forms. The Service Order Information page appears.
6. In the Order Text table, select a role in the drop-down list. When a user selects
this role to order from, they will see the text you added.

8. Type the information you want to appear on the order form in the field. You will
need to use HTML tags for any special text formatting, such as line breaks and
bulleted lists. For more information on HTML tags, see Using HTML Tags to Add
Text to a Web Page
9. Click Add Order Text.

Managing Office Roles

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit available roles. The Role Administration page appears.

6. In the Available Roles list, click the role you want to add to this office. To select
multiple roles, press CTRL while clicking.
7. Click Add Roles. The new roles are listed in the Active Roles list.
Deleting a Role from an Office
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance page
4. Locate the office you want to manage, and click the link to the office name.
5. Click Edit available roles. The Role Administration page appears.
6. In the Active Roles list, click Delete next to the role you want to delete.
A dialog box displays a message to confirm that you want to delete this role.
7. Click OK to delete the role. Click Cancel if you do not want to delete the role.

Maintaining the Office Profile Page

Editing A Profile Page

From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance.
Click the link to the name of the office.
Click Edit Profile Page contents. The Edit Profile Page Office page appears.
Update the text, as necessary.
Click Save Text.

Adding a Photograph or Image to a Web Page

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance.
4. Click the link to the name of the office.
5. Click Edit Profile Page contents. The Edit Profile Page Office page appears.
6. Click the here link to place a photo or logo on the Profile Page. The Upload File
dialog box appears.
7. Click Browse to search for the image file. The Choose File page appears.
Locate and click the name of the image. Images must have either a .gif or .jpg
file name extension.
8. Click Open.
9. Click Submit. Your photo or logo has been uploaded.
Viewing a Profile Page

From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance.
Click the link to the name of the office.
Click Edit Profile Page contents. The Edit Profile Page Office page appears.
Click the here link to pre-view the Profile Page. The office Web page appears.

Using HTML Tags to Add Text to a Web Page

Although you dont need to know Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to set up a
Web page, you can use HTML tags in the text to further format a paragraph.
The following examples describe various simple HTML tags you can use in a profile
page. There are generally opening tags and closing tags before and after the text to
indicate where the formatting should begin and end.
1. <ul> . . . </ul> Unnumbered List (bullet list)
<LI> Realtor 1
<LI> Realtor 2
Results for Unnumbered List
Realtor 1
Realtor 2
2. <ol> . . .</ol> Ordered List (numbered list)
<LI> Granite Bay
<LI> Mission Viejo
<LI> Long Beach
Results for Ordered List
1 Granite Bay
2 Mission Viejo
3 Long Beach
3. <b> . . . </b> Bold
I can help you discover the American Dream if you <b>contact me today</b>.
Results for Bold
I can help you discover the American Dream if you contact me today.
4. <i> . . . </i> Italics
<i>American Dream</i>
Results for Italics
American Dream
5. <p> . . . </p> Paragraph
<p>I have specialized in helping first time home buyers for over 20 years. </p>

<p>I can help you discover the <i>American Dream</i> if you <b>contact me
Results for Paragraph
I have specialized in helping first time home buyers for over 20 years.
I can help you discover the American Dream if you contact me today.
6. <a href="..."> ... </a> Link to a website
Visit my home page: <a href=""></a>
Results for Link to a website
Visit my home page:
For more information about HTML, go to For a tutorial
on HTML basics, go to

Editing Office Information

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance
page appears.
4. Click the link to the office name to update information about the office.
5. Click Edit office information.
6. Edit the form, as necessary.
7. To save your changes, click Submit.

Office Notification Settings

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click Office Maintenance. The Office Maintenance
page appears.
4. Click the link to the office name to update information about the office.
5. Click Edit Notification Settings.
6. Choose how to receive office notifications via email, fax or pager and enter the
email address or phone number.
7. To save your changes, click Save.

User Maintenance
Office Administrators can edit user information, change a users password, move a
user to another office, and change user roles for all users within their office(s).
Adding a User
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click User Maintenance. The User Administration page
4. If you manage the accounts for more than one office, select the office in the
drop-down list to display the users for that office.
5. Click Add User. The Add User page appears.
6. Complete the form. Any fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
7. Click Save to add the user. To reset the form, click Reset. To ignore all changes,
click Cancel.

Editing a Users Information

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click User Maintenance. The Office Administration
page appears.
4. If you manage the accounts for more than one office, select the office in the
drop-down list to display the users for that office.
5. Click the link to the users name. The Personal Information page appears.
6. Make changes, as necessary.
7. Click Save to save your changes. To ignore all changes, click Cancel.

Changing a Users Password

As an Office Administrator, you can assign a new password to users in your office.
When changing a users password, it must be at least eight characters or the new
password will not be accepted. Passwords are not case-sensitive.
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Admin area, click User Maintenance. The Office Administration
page appears.
4. If you manage the accounts for more than one office, select the office in the
drop-down list to display the users in that office.
5. Click Change Pwd next to the user whose password you want to change.
The Change Password user prompt appears.
6. Type the users new password. Confirm the new password.
7. Click Save. The page displays a message to confirm the password change.
If you do not want to change the users password, click Cancel.
Deleting a User
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. In the Office Admin area, click User Maintenance. The Office Administration
page appears.
3. If you manage the accounts for more than one office, select the office in the
drop-down list to display the users in that office.
4. Click Delete User next to the user you want to remove. A dialog box displays a
message to confirm that you want to delete the user.
5. Click OK to delete the user. The user is now permanently deleted from the office.
If you do not want to delete the user, click Cancel.
Moving a User to Another Office
1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. In the Office Admin area, click User Maintenance. The Office Administration
page appears.
3. If you manage the accounts for more than one office, select the office in the
drop-down list to display the users for that office.
4. Click Move User for the person you want to move. If the user is a File Admin on
any files, the system will prompt you to give Admin rights to another participant in
the transaction before moving them user. Select the new File Admin.
5. Click OK. The Change Office page appears.
6. Select the new office in the drop-down list.
7. Click Save.

Changing a Users Role(s)

1. From the menu bar, choose Settings. The Settings and Reports page appears.
2. In the Office Admin area, click User Maintenance. The Office Administration
page appears.
3. If you manage the accounts for more than one office, select the office in the
drop-down list to display the users for that office.
4. Click User Roles for the person whose role(s) you want to edit. The Role
Administration page appears.
5. Complete any of the following tasks to add or delete a users role:
To add a role, select a role in the Available Roles list. Click Add Roles.
To select multiple roles, press the CTRL key while clicking.
To delete one of the active roles, click Delete next to the role you want to

To Do Templates
The To Do Templates function enables you to create custom To Do List templates, as
well as create To Do items for each template. Each of these To Do items can be
assigned to specific counties, File types, and roles. You can also specify which roles
have permission to complete each To Do item in the template.
Creating a To Do List Template
You can create a new To Do List template or create a template using an existing
template as a starting point.
1. Click Settings on the menu bar.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Administration area, click To Do Templates. The Office To Do
Templates Maintenance page appears.
4. Select an office from the drop-down list. This is the office that will use this
5. Click New Template. The New To Do List Template page appears.
6. Enter the name of the new template in the To Do List Template Name field.
7. Click Empty To Do List Template.
8. Click Next. The Template Editor page appears.

Assigning Counties
1. Click Assign to Counties to specify counties in which this template is valid. The
To Do List Maintenance - Assign to Counties page appears.
2. Click a state in the drop-down list.
3. Click the applicable counties in the drop-down list. To select multiple counties,
press CTRL while clicking.
4. Click Add.
5. Click Save. The To Do List Maintenance page reappears.

Assigning Roles
1. Click Assign to Roles to specify the roles that will have access to this To Do
template. The To Do List Maintenance - Assign to Roles page appears.
2. To assign viewing permissions, click the roles in the Available Roles list. To
select multiple roles, press CTRL while clicking.
3. Click Add.

4. Click Save. The To Do List Maintenance page reappears.

Assigning File Types

1. Click Assign to Deal Types to specify the file types that are valid for this
template. The To Do List Maintenance - Assign to File Types page appears.
2. Click the transaction types you want associated with this To Do List.
To select multiple file types, press CTRL while clicking.
3. Click Add.
4. Click Save. The To Do List Maintenance page reappears.

Assigning Phases
1. Click Assign to Phase to specify the phases that are valid for this template.
The To Do List Maintenance - Assign to Phases page appears.
2. Click the phases you want associated with this To Do List. To select phases, press
CTRL while clicking.
3. Click Add.
4. Click Save. The To Do List Maintenance page reappears.

Adding a New To Do Item

1. Click Add New To Do Item. The Add New To Do Item page appears.
2. Type the name of the To Do List item in the Description field.
3. Select the To do item type
4. Click a category in the drop-down list or create a new activity. This feature allows
you to organize your To Do items.
5. Choose the due date time frame.
6. Select the roles that can complete this to do item.
7. Click Save

The new To Do List item appears in the To Do Template Maintenance page.

Creating a To Do List Template from an Existing Template
1. Click Settings on the menu bar.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Cobrand Administration area, click To Do Templates. The To Do
Templates Maintenance page appears.
4. Click Add Template.
5. Enter the name of the new template in the To Do List Template Name field.
6. Click Start With This To Do List Template.
7. Select the template you want to use from the drop-down list.
8. You can now edit the to do list template following the steps in this section.

Editing a To Do List Template

1. Click Settings on the menu bar.
2. Click the Office Administration link under the Additional Functions area.
3. In the Office Administration area, click To Do Templates. The To Do Templates
Maintenance page appears.
4. On the To Do Template Maintenance page, click the link of the To Do template
you want to edit.
5. On the To Do List Maintenance page, you can do any of the following tasks:
add and remove counties, roles, transaction types, and To Do List items.
6. To edit a To Do List item, click the link to the name of the To Do List item you
want to edit. Change the information, as necessary. Click Save.
7. To delete a To Do List item, select the check box of the item you want to delete.
Click Delete Selected. A dialog box displays a message to confirm that you want to
delete the item. Click OK to delete the item. If you do not want to delete the item,
click Cancel.

Congratulations! You have completed the Transaction Manager Office Administration

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