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1. Define and describe the term 'coaching philosophy' and outline why it is important to
reflect on your personal philosophy when working as a coach.
Coaching philosophy
It can be evaluated that an individual who is a coach is required to presumably carry out
their role based on their experience, knowledge, values, opinions and beliefs. Therefore, it is
essential for coaches to develop a personal philosophy in order to train the youth and help them
in developing their strength. However, it is crucial for individual to understand its core
competencies and values so that best coaching experience can be delivered to learners (Cavanagh
and Spence, 2013). A coaching philosophy can be stated as a well thought that clarifies many
aspects of the coach's delivery and also presents a consistent and positive message to the athletes
being coached. Further, one of the main benefit arising from a consistent and sincere approach to
coaching is trust. However, there should be a strong relationship between coach and athlete in
order to attain desired results. Thus, a strong bond between coach and athlete helps in leading to
attain higher levels of commitment and athletic performance. Furthermore, a wise coach
undertakes time in order to think through and also formalize his training sessions in order to
provide personal coaching philosophy to athletes (Carless and Douglas, 2011).
Personal philosophy
However, it can be assessed that it is crucial for a coach to reflect on their personal
philosophy at the time of working as a coach and providing mental and physical training to
athletes. Personal philosophy states how much an individual is encouraged in order to carry out
the best actions and decisions. Coaching philosophy can be referred as the statement that adds
value within your approach as a coaching role. However, it covers your purpose as a coach and
also the approach that a player develops in order to win the tournament (Van Mullem and
Brunner, 2013). For instance, the coaching philosophy consists of the main objectives and the
beliefs and principles that helps individual to attain their objectives. The main importance of a
coaching philosophy is that it helps coach to develop a guides approach, informs decision
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making ability and also increases consistency. However, being a coach it is essential for them to
be clear with their beliefs and values so that best training can be rendered to athletes. Further,
also the coaching philosophy helps in developing a guiding principles that assists in identifying
the methods and attain desired goals (Camir and et. al., 2011).

Importance of coaching philosophy

Further, it is also crucial for the coach to design their training sessions in order to develop
the athletes and emphasize on their winning versus player development. Also, it can be assessed
that coaching is a challenging task as it will often require to make ethical decisions. However, it
is essential for coach to work on their personal philosophy in order to attain the best goals.
Further, developing a clear philosophy helps athletes, their parents and other individual to
effectively understand the decisions so that best coaching environment can be developed
(LeUnes, 2012). For instance, a coach named Jan has been writing a coaching philosophy for the
first time when she provided coaching session of netball at a new school. Thus, she realizes that
she has never tried to clarify her values and beliefs so before identifying her objectives it is
essential for her to assess the values. Further, with the help of this Jan decides to build a strong
belief that all the athletes possess a strong experience and also they are prepared to put their best
efforts into gaining training. Therefore, Jan aims to see her team winning and also ensure that
each and every player gets the opportunity to play. Hence, with the help of this process Jan
decides to identify the values and thus attain results in the future (Jenkins, 2011).
Coaching principles
However, it is essential for a coach to develop personal philosophy in order to provide
best coaching to athletes. These are as follows-

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Defining coaching objectives- It is crucial for a coach to develop its coaching objectives
so that they can assess their values, beliefs and attitude in order to provide best working
experience (Banack Bloom and Falco, 2012).

Develop coach and athlete relationship- However, it is essential for a coach to develop
a strong bond between them and athletes so that they can determine their needs in order
to attain proficiency.

Helps in managing stress of athletes- Further, it is essential for a coach to manage the
stress of their athletes in order to provide them best training and making them
comfortable at the time of event or game (Balyi, Way and Higgs, 2013).

Motivating and inspiring- It is essential for coaches to encourage and inspire the people
in order to develop their ability so that best relationship can be developed.

2. Provide an account of how the principles of LTAD help to establish a foundation for
movement proficiency and describe why it is important to establish these competencies in a
Meaning of LTAD
LTAD can be stated as a long term athlete development principles as its framework in
order to train and develop the athletes. There are different principles which can be used as a basis
to make the existing systems and structure more consistent. However, it is essential for the
trainers to adapt to such principles in order to build successful programs throughout the world.
Further, LTAD can be stated as the tool for guiding and planning for developing optimal
performance for all the stages of athlete development (Lachance, 2014). Thus, it can be assessed
that LTAD program is very crucial for individual as it helps in building the foundation for
movement proficiency so that improvement in the mental and physical ability of child can be
attained. For instance, the sports scientists have examined that there are varied crucial periods in
the life of a young sportsperson in which the effects of training can be maximized. However, it
can take around 8-12 years of training for a talented athlete to attain the status. It has led to

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development of athletic models and builds physical development to achieve goals (Ford and et.
al., 2011).
For instance, the USA Hockey team carried out the principles of LTAD in order to closely
look at the statistics related to player development. It involves skill development and practice so
that individual skills of individual can be attained. However, it helps child to develop proficiency
from the ground level and develop best results. The principles of LTAD help in establishing a
foundation for movement proficiency so that current competencies of a child can be developed.
Here, the coach is required to view the skills of the child from a very young age in order to
develop its skills and proficiency (Deo and et. al., 201). However, a model has been created in
order to analyze the different factors of LTAD. These are as followsKey factors
Furthermore, the LTAD framework helps in recognizing the distinct phases of physical,
mental and emotional development of individuals. Thus, it is essential for trainer to provide
effective training to athlete so that they can enhance their proficiency and thus develop the skills
of child from very young age. It is essential to develop such competencies in a child so that they
can enhance their skills and abilities in order to become a successful sports' person in the future.
Moreover, children, youth and adults are required to do the right things at the right time in order
to develop in their sport activity so that they can become professionals in their particular fields
such as Hockey players, skaters or gymnasts (Malina and et. al., 2015).
LTAD principles
LTAD principles are crucial for athlete in order to develop and enhance their skills and
proficiency. However, it is essential for coaches to provide training to individual regarding LTAD
from their young age so that children are able to develop their competency at a very young age
and thus attain targets. It also helps in establishing foundation for movement proficiency and thus
develops better athletes (Carter, 2011). Following are the principles of LTAD are as follows

It states that it takes approximately 10 years to 10,000 hours for talented athletes to attain
sporting excellence.

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However, there are no short cuts for success therefore, it is essential for athlete to learn
specific skills in order to enhance their knowledge and capability.

Further, it helps in developing a clear swimmer pathway (McCormack, 2007).

Moreover, not following LTAD by athletes results in plateau or worsening the

performance and thus ultimately drops out from sports. Hence, it can be stated that it is
crucial for athlete to develop its strength and achieve success.

Model for LTAD

Following is the model for LTAD which is as follows

Fundamentals- In such phase it is appropriate for boys aged 6 to 9 and girls age 5 to 8.
However, the main objective for coach is to focus on the development of children athlete
capabilities and skills. Further, providing training at such age helps individual to gain
competencies and attain targets (Deans, 2006).

Learning to train- In this particular phase the young boys and girls are provided
coaching in order to enhance their skills and capabilities. However, their main objective
needs to learn all the fundamental sports skills in order to become an athlete.

Training to train- Here, the main aim is to focus on athlete overall development and
physical capacities so that skills can be developed (Cavanagh and Spence, 2013).

Training to compete- Further, the main aim is to optimize fitness preparation,

sport/event specific skills and performance so that enhancement in fitness of young
athlete can be attained.

Training to win- At this level the athlete is required to enhance its performance so that
competition can be attained.

Retirement and retain- At the end, the main objective should be to retain athletes for
coaching and sport administration (Van Mullem and Brunner, 2013).

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Books and Journals
Balyi, I., Way, R. and Higgs, C., 2013. Long-term athlete development. Human Kinetics.
Banack, H., Bloom, G. and Falco, W., 2012. Promoting long term athlete development in cross
country skiing through competency-based coach education: A qualitative study.
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 7(2). pp. 301-316.
Camir, M. and et. al., 2011. Strategies for helping coaches facilitate positive youth development
through sport. Journal of sport psychology in action. 2(2). pp. 92-99.
Carless, D. and Douglas, K., 2011. Stories as personal coaching philosophy. International
journal of sports science and coaching. 6(1). pp. 1-12.
Carter, N., 2011. Craft Coaching and the" Discerning Eye" of the Coach: A Commentary.
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 6(1). pp. 197-200.
Cavanagh, M. J. and Spence, G. B., 2013. Mindfulness in coaching: philosophy, psychology, or
just a useful skill?. The Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring. pp. 112-134.
Deo, S. V. and et. al., 2012. Left Atrial Dissection after Mitral Valve Replacement can Mimic
Periprosthetic Regurgitation. Journal of Heart Valve Disease. 21(4). pp. 502.
Ford, P. and et. al., 2011. The long-term athlete development model: Physiological evidence and
application. Journal of sports sciences. 29(4). pp. 389-402.
Jenkins, S., 2011. Coaching Philosophy, Eclecticism and Positivism. International Journal of
Sports Science and Coaching. 6(2). pp. i-153.
Lachance, A., 2014. The implementation of LTAD as a template to improve youth participation
in physical activity and sport. Introducing change in a sport organization. Science &
Sports. 29. pp. S37-S38.
LeUnes, A., 2012. An Investigation into the Coaching Approach of a Successful World Class
Soccer Coach: Anson Dorrance: A Commentary. International Journal of Sports Science
and Coaching. 7(3). pp. 449-452.
Malina, R. M. and et. al., 2015. Biological maturation of youth athletes: assessment and
implications. British journal of sports medicine. 49(13). pp. 852-859.
Van Mullem, P. and Brunner, D., 2013. Developing a Successful Coaching Philosophy: A Stepby-Step Approach. Strategies. 26(3). pp. 29-34.
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Deans, F., 2006. Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership Development in Civil Society. [Online].
Available through: <>.
November 2015].
McCormack, P., 2007. A Study of the Leadership and Coaching Behaviours of High Level
_High_Level_Hurling_Coaches.pdf>. [Accessed on 30th November 2015].

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